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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.04 MB, 1014x1008, hana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2241495 No.2241495 [Reply] [Original]

Some professionals I know tell me fanart is a great way to get hired, and also get exposure in general. I personally hate doing fanart but lately I've been trying to motivate myself to do it. Just thinking about Sakimi's insane amount of income through fanart and porn is sickeningly attractive.

What are your thoughts on milking fandoms?

Pic related: it's Hana from Prison School that I just painted. She's one of the few characters I feel strongly enough to paint.

>> No.2241498

Very kr0npr1nz. You've chosen a good role model for selling your soul.

>> No.2241527

u're not bad, but if you want to make it better, don't do it the same way than everyone else, use your head before starting, soul less 2/3 same faces dont add so much value at all

>> No.2241528

just draw what you want idiot

>> No.2241532
File: 485 KB, 1014x1008, its-me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are pretty bad

>> No.2241534


Just fucking draw.

>> No.2241536

Heh, wanted to study his style a bit. I actually enjoy his art despite the sameface. It's his distinct style though so I wouldn't dream of selling a piece where I merely studied his method.

>> No.2241538
File: 324 KB, 980x1273, talkin shit huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2241542

The only post that matters on this board.

>> No.2241557
File: 121 KB, 500x373, 1444019802902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's his distinct style

>> No.2241578

Milking a fandom doing fanart you don't enjoy is the most soul crushing thing you could ever do and you're better off finding a real job even if it pays less.
It's almost prostitution through art.
The art you shitheads make is always extremely generic because you don't care for the content you're making. Anybody with any sense can see what you're doing and it devalues fanart as a whole

>> No.2241588

This, entirely. Draw what you're actually passionate about, what you will strive to execute better and better without even thinking about it. If you don't care about it and are just in it for money it'll show immediately, it always does, and you'll never reach the kind of demand for your work you covet. Depending on what type of job or what company you want to work at, you may need to demonstrate you can draw their IP's but if you hate copying other people's inventions, you need to push yourself to be the one copied rather than try for low hanging fruit. You might get a check out of that but nobody will remember your name, but fame should be last on your mind, well after honing your craftsmanship. That's the problem with this board, too many lost priorities.

>> No.2241613
File: 71 KB, 691x901, 1322868346780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this really a thing now? That hipsters on /ic/ have decided that 2/3 head angles are "overdone"? We are supposed to just ignore the centuries of portrait art that established the reasons why this angle is by far the most popular?

>> No.2241620

This, just this. Take Sakimichan for example, regardless of whether you like her art of not you can see that she doesn't give a shit about most of the characters she draws, I've never seen something that is not a portrait of a famous character with a flashy background from her. And because of this and others like her, lots of artists consider fanart some instant button for success.

>> No.2241621
File: 3.66 MB, 2500x3341, Caller Knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2241623

It's a good way of getting online popularity not for work.
You should not have fanart in your portfolio since it will make employers think everything else they don't recognise could be someone else's design.

>> No.2241625

>I personally hate doing fanart
As someone who got inspired to learn to draw from works of others, can someone explain this? Half of my inspiration directly goes into fanart, so it is a bit baffling to think that someone would hate drawing a piece in dedication to something else.

>> No.2241633

i prefer the word promoart
im not really a fan of any fandom but i can show with my work what im able to do

>> No.2241644


I feel like the idea of 'fanart' here is more about pandering to a fandom than actually drawing characters you're a fan of.

imo if you're going to pander to some fandom for cash like our buddies sakimichan and kronpronz you should at least find a fandom that you're interested in at least on some level so you're not drawing soulless shit.

>> No.2241683

I do video game concept art as my main thing and true passion. Game studios are actually notorious for hiring people that did fanart fitting the company's style. My teachers in the industry agree.

You are partially correct though. A couple fanart in your portfolio is not bad at all, but having too much of it is definitely detrimental.

>> No.2241738

>Milking a fandom doing fanart you don't enjoy is the most soul crushing thing you could ever do and you're better off finding a real job even if it pays less.

Yeah, not really. You sound like an unemployed manchild who has never worked a day in his life. Pretty much any "real" job I can think of is more soul crushing than drawing fucking fanart for a living.

>> No.2241790

really, basically anything can be soul-crushing or nice depending on your attitude towards it.

but yeah, I'm having a hard time believing many people actually find doing fanart soul-crushing. It's not any worse than any other illustration job, and since its fanart it's going to be of something popular, so chances are 1) its cool, 2) you can do something cool with it, or at least 3) you're going to get a lot of positivity for it (and whether you like the fandom or not, that is always a nice thing)

I can see why hipsters (who've probably never done it) would like to claim that it is, though. If you actually do find making fanart soul-crushing, I'd say chances are you're not gonna enjoy any art-related work. Or you're some sort of autist who can't do any work for anyone because that isn't "muh vision"

>> No.2241791

Agree. My buddy always says when people complain about having to draw "You could be cleaning toilets."

>> No.2241799

I work in a real estate office half destroying peoples lives and even that's less soul crushing than doing fanart

>> No.2241801


You again?

You don't quit do you?

>> No.2241805

I agree with this guy, you are really bad. You're not going to make any money or gain many fans if you don't have the technical skill to back it up.

>> No.2241811


>> No.2241824

I draw fanart for things I'm a fan of. I guess I'm reasonably lucky that stuff like Dark Souls and Warhammer 40k have a reasonably healthy community.

I think drawing fanart for things you hate is a really cynical and probably really unenjoyable method of doing it. Think about whether you WANT a following of people expecting you to draw ponies or whatever the fuck you choose.

Pick a subject, even if it's fanart, related to your interests.

>> No.2241827


That's a little scummy of him to sign it, if he was just studying Kr0n I'd get it but seems like he's passing it off as his... though I still think OP's version is a little better.

>> No.2241830

OP here. I was studying Ilya Kuvshinov's style indeed! Style itself aside, the drawing is an original. Sorry, should have clarified that at the beginning, thought it'd be evident.

>> No.2241833

No way is op's version better. The structure and forced perspective is completely messed up. The original has some wonky looking stuff too with him trying to make a tiny nose but the op has the lower half of her face caved in.

>> No.2241836

The original is OP's. The second person did an edgy meme edit.

>> No.2241841

Either way the second one posted is the better of the two.

>> No.2241842

>I wouldn't dream of selling a piece where I merely studied his method
I don't think he'd care because that's exactly what he's been doing the last two years

>> No.2241854
File: 63 KB, 550x830, 201940_s4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm familiar with that controversy... He's a really skilled artist but he dun goofed at that tbh.


OP here.
Yeah, fair. I do think the edit improves the facial structure in terms of shape design and form sculpting at parts, but I think it doesn't quite capture Hana's facial structure.

>> No.2241864

Yours doesn't look any more like her than the edit while still having glaring structural flaws. I have nothing against drawing fanart or anime, I almost exclusively draw both, but don't let yourself get complacent. The best fanart is when it looks like the character as well as being technically sound.

>> No.2241877
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>> No.2241884

Don't be sad anon, just keep going. I would advise you practice your structure with lines more though, as it seems like you're in danger of going down that "polishing turds" type of path, where all the rendering is very nice but the figure looks horrible. Get your ability to structure down well and not only will your pieces look better overall, it'll actually help you knowing how to render effectively to compliment the forms.

>> No.2241888
File: 502 KB, 1014x1008, kron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this >>2241884

>> No.2241889

Anyone have that graph that's like ego relative to skill? i think it'd fit this thread well.

>> No.2241897
File: 103 KB, 1400x779, comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like stylistic difference tbh

>> No.2241912
File: 14 KB, 640x360, 111625043_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better but everything still just looks....mushy. It's going to take you time to be able to do it. If you have to, do drills of cubes, cones, and cylinders, and try to make them look like technical drawings. Check out car and building schematics if you need a better idea of what I'm saying, in terms of the structure. It doesn't need to be as precise as something like those, but it needs to look like you could rotate it in 3D and it would be consistent.

>> No.2241940


No matter how many times this is fixed it bothers me to my core. I don't know what's wrong with this picture.

>> No.2241980

eyes too far from the nose, considering the angle and type of the nose.
also neck, shoulders etc.

>> No.2241986

it's stylized, you can't really say that it's wrong if it's stylized. if you feel that way it just means you're close-minded or just never watched anime as a kid.

>> No.2241991

How would you know? It's not like you have actually ever made a decent living doing fanart. You're like the fox talking about how soul crushing it must be to eat those grapes.

>> No.2241998

>muh style
this is why you'll never get anywhere near hiramoto or even that faggot kron's level.

>> No.2241999
File: 586 KB, 930x1507, mannerist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those were actually conscious decisions when I constructed the face. I like to give my characters (obscenely) long necks, kinda like virgin Mary's "pillar-like" neck in the olden times I guess. Think Mannerist. Same goes for the eyes, and the size of the nose. I don't always exaggerate this much but I wanted to follow anime-esque proportions with this painting.


Aesthetics tbh.

>> No.2242005

what fandoms are you guys talking about?
All the popular stuff I know of seems oversaturated as shit.
I'm thinking WoW, LoL, MLP, sakimistyle, furry...

>> No.2242010
File: 8 KB, 131x200, hanatrial_by_chiroks-d7fvwpe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We aren't talking about fandoms, or the topic proposed unfortunately because the thread derailed into ripping on the Hana picture.

>> No.2242011

oh, guess I should have read the whole thing.
my bad

>> No.2242015

It helps to jump on new stuff. Like new video games, new popular anime and cartoons etc. MGS V fanart is the hotness right now. And of course every time a new Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks movie releases, it's like christmas for fanartists.

>> No.2242017

Please, nobody's ripping on op's picture but he was talking about doing fan art for money and getting hired. Everyone said all that can be said about doing it for cash when you don't actually care. It is useful as portfolio shit for some places but op needs to know he's lacking if that's his goal.

>> No.2242018

I've been working on a Quiet illustration since the game came out. I say "have been" but really I painted it for a couple hours and then realized I don't even like her.

>> No.2242025

i like how Kron said fuck the rules that say you can't make money with copying and actually made it.
you guys should try to break conventional rules more often.

>> No.2242028
File: 648 KB, 1500x1500, mathilda2-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His drawings were always 10 times better than the source material which made it pretty lulzy

>> No.2242043
File: 916 KB, 1014x1008, lw7xqthj1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon pls. you shouldn't do that if you don't even know the basic structure and proportions of the face and body.

look at pic related. a quick fix. even though i fixed the most striking mistakes (to me), it is still unacceptably bad.
compare it directly to the op and you'll see how wrong your head to body proportions were.

>> No.2242052

Not op but I don't think this fix is unacceptable. It might not be the door opener but something at this level might at least be taken seriously by a potential employer looking at a portfolio.

>> No.2242071
File: 74 KB, 1000x707, winnie-the-poo-for-on-my-shop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that anatomy

>> No.2242074
File: 241 KB, 1014x1008, hana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here.
Thanks for the edit, that helps! I'm not an illustrator so sometimes I get lost in rendering and lose track of my facial planes. Due to my specialization, I'm not used to rendering so much. Pic related is my starting point.

In video game concept art, employers all seek process images, and design-heavy character sheets. What we do is rougher and silhouette driven, so when I have to tighten stuff I fuck my shit up heh.
Thankfully in character design for vidya, polished illustrations don't mean much. Whenever there is a portfolio review the "pretty" illustrations get more or less ignored. Those polished ass pictures you see that are passed off as concept art are actually marketing/promotional art. Concept art pieces are several-hour drawings that are rough by necessity because you are the very start of the pipeline and you don't got no tiem.
I say all this because I've spoken to the art directors at Telltale and Blizzard and several other professionals from the industry (including some ex-classmates that work at Riot). Of course being able to polish is important but as far as concept art for vidya goes, it's more about utility.
When it's your portfolio though, employers wanna see both polished stuff to see your skill cap and also the actual concept art development process. I'm lacking in the former so I've been trying to improve my render skills. Still got one more year of school before I am out in the industry with the big fish.

I'm doing speedpaints of photographs this month so that should help. You'd cry if you saw my attempt at rendering Ruka in a painterly style last month kek.

>> No.2242076

Mannerists purposely pushed the boundaries of proportion as a fuck-you to traditional values of IT MUST LOOK REEL. Look up "Venus, Cupid, Folly and Time" and have yourself a kek.

>> No.2242153

I want to get better at conceptual stuff too. I'm told cobbling together reference before sketching helps with adding interesting detail that helps sell it.

>> No.2242158

Absolutely! It's tricky to actually utilize the ref you gathered though. You need to know how to use it. A lot of people just borrow elements from images and plug them into theirs. Looking at elements you like in the reference and using the concept as opposed to the literal thing itself helps with ideas. I usually squint when i look at a well designed composition. Try to idnetify what makes you LIKE the picture, and try to deconstruct it. Use the data in your drawing! I also recommend references that aren't necessarily pictures of what you're drawing. For example, a contorted bonsai can be a reference for a snake character in motion!

>> No.2242163
File: 829 KB, 1014x1008, anniemay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this seimens demands anyway?

>> No.2242170

Hana from Prison School

>> No.2242211

this thread is beautiful

>> No.2242220

shoulders too wide and pretty bad face aesthetics

>> No.2242247

That's because he has practice drawing the same face over and over and over again.

>> No.2242311

why did he delete his tumblr?

>> No.2242321

it's kuvshinov-ilya now

>> No.2242325

is that what we're supposed to do? change our alias to real name when we're no longer ashamed to let our friends and family know what we make money off of?

>> No.2242328

Why would he have been ashamed of anyone knowing he makes money off drawing anime girls....?
Also people already knew his real name before he changed his tumblr url so.........???