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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2240001 No.2240001 [Reply] [Original]

faq paste

old thread

>> No.2240012

dont do rendering of any form, just draw and map shadows, as in find the darkest area of the shadow and make it the line, the harder the shadow the easier it is to map.

if you are real fucking new, the best thing you can do to start is learn proportions.

find people with hard shadows, make a figure based on that, and check if you have everything in the right area, scrap it, and go again.

once you no longer improve and cant see errors in your own shit, than start in with rendering till you see errors in the drawing again.

the purpose it to start out looser, and give you a guide for the future of the piece, if its proportionally wrong, or stiff as fuck, you see it in the first 30 seconds rather than several hours in.

gesture when talking to its absolute peak should be able to give you a base figure that you can come back to no matter how much time passed and are able to finish the drawing in under 2 minutes.

probably, and this is important, getting passed that initial everything i make sucks every dick it comes across indiscriminately and i dont want to see it anymore... which is a motherfucker to get passed.

some people are able to plow through it because they know they will get good and this is something they need to work through, some people meander through it slowly, others give up because god dammit is it a hard thing to get through.

once you like what you do, it gets easier to sit down for hours on end, i use to be in that place but years of not actively drawing shit my skill away so i'm back in everything i do sucks all the dick. still retained most of my knowledge though, so there's at least a small sliver lining... but going through the everything sucks barrier for a second time... yea... thats at least one reason i dont draw as much as i would like.

>> No.2240021
File: 273 KB, 500x394, BIG LINCOLN SENDS YOU TO HELL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any books/videos/sites full of refs for beginners where I can learn proportions and shadow mapping? Right now I'm googling random stuff I feel like drawing and search for drawable images, but it's hella inconvenient digging through all the unusable pictures.

>> No.2240026

What's a good monitor for digital painting? Not extremely expensive pls

>> No.2240056


Anyone that is MATTE AS FUCKING HELL. I should fucking sue dell for destroying my eyesight. their shittyass motherfucking monitor had such horrible glare that i was forced to work in a completely darkened room. as a result, over the last ~2 years my eyesight is in the fucking shitter, and i'm almost completely blind in the dark (not full dark but dark where normal people can see edges and shit)

should fucking sue those motherfuckers.

>> No.2240135
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i believe the bourge course is one where being able to be proportionally correct was a major thing you learned, as for shadow mapping, its a term that i heard and because of what the result was it made sense.

here i cant save it now (fucking 4chan spam filter) but this is close to what im talking about,
just without shading in the area, just having that one darker line to show where the shadow would go.

look up an ips screen and just make sure its 70% adobe rgb, thats the best you will get for sub 400$ new, and if we go used than you are searching for a needle in a hay stack.

matte if i remember right is bad because it blurs everything just a bit, glossy is better... next time dont put the computer opposite a light outside, and dont turn the brightness up to maximum.

7 years of playing games in the dark, and than another 6~ years of a light on over head and in pitch black i'm still able to walk around like a light is on.

>> No.2240140

i have a question regarding learning, how do you know you're learning the right way ? i know the basics ,perspective/shading/anatomy etc but how do you know you learned them correctly, is there a way to assess your skill ?

>> No.2240149

>7 years of playing games in the dark, and than another 6~ years of a light on over head and in pitch black i'm still able to walk around like a light is on.

there's no way. you are probably a filthy casual who spends 4-6 hours a day infront of the pc. i wake up at 18:00, make some scrambled eggs, hop on the pc, and grind until 12:00 next day. rinse repeat. all day every day.

please respond. because if you live as hardcore as me then i better go see the eye doctor because i might have something serious...

>> No.2240160

Is it just me, or is profile view the hardest way to draw the head? I can literally do every angle but profile.

>> No.2240176

when i was playing lights off windows shut i was playing everquest when it first game out four 63+ hour marathons. and because at that point in time i had no friends who lived within biking distance, i put a solid 8-12 hours a day into using the computer or playing games. at that point i was on adderall so only sleeping for 1-3 hours a day and going to school was possible.

if anything, anymore my eyes are way to sensitive to light and even with sunglasses i cant walk outside without squinting so hard i make asians look like their eyes are wide open.

but than again, due to various reason i dont really go outside much, i barely see natural light through windows at all after i tinfoiled them.

here, try doing this, everyone probably has a shitty led flashlight that are given away for free, tonight sit in a pitch black room with some music playing for maybe 10 minutes to a half hour, than use the light to look around with. for me even the light from the little leds on the front of a computer can illuminate my entire room for me.

i should note that from the time i was 5, i had a 27 inch crt for playing games on, when i was 12 i got a 15 inch crt for a computer, upgraded to a 17 inch a bout 4 years later than a lcd about 6 years ago, while i had the crts i was lights off and watch the screen, but once i got the lcd, or a year or so after i got it, i learned to like having light on around the screen as it makes everything on screen like there is more contrast.

anymore i may game for 10-15 hours a week, but that's a limit on my computer and me having add pretty bad where unless the game can suck me in and suck me in hard, i need to multitask, but my phenom 955 wont let me do that on newer games.

hope that answered some things, and if you lost your ability to see in the dark, you may want to see an eye doctor regardless.

>> No.2240180

medical books for anatomy, perspective is more math like so the answer is easily checkable, shading however... if you are going for a 100% exact reproduction of what you see, you can check it with a camera and overlap what you made and the photo, other wise how you shade something can fall into style.

no, the hardest one is 3/4 because you are not doing something symmetrical, but you are doing something that can easily look wrong if you fuck it up,

side profile is fairly easy... im guessing where you have issue is all the shapes of the face and how far they come away from the body... look up mug shots and trace over their profile image. this will probably get you what you want and make the profile a bit easier for you.

>> No.2240450

I want to get into 2d animation online, and I was wondering if I should make 2 separate personalities/accounts; for different content. One for "edgy" themed almost realistic art style and the other personality/account for a western cartoon style. Or should I just have one personality/account?

>> No.2240499
File: 100 KB, 327x240, dammit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to change the way I do my work schedule. Heres my idea, 4-5 hours doing studies, then 30 mins to an 1 hour doing fun to post on the /ic/ draw threads for a normal day. Does /ic/ have a concrete drawing schedule or a pic of one that they find useful? Im sure gud people can focus a lot more on having fun than doing studies, but thats opposite for me.

/ic/. lets just say, I had just learned the hard way, of why saving everything till the last minute and compressing something that obviously needed more time and care into a one day marathon ends up being tragic.

>> No.2240502
File: 92 KB, 640x401, pizza-pouch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i learn to get over the flaws in my artwork and just post it? i want to build an online presence and i know i'm at least ok-good at drawing but my perfectionism is getting in the way

>> No.2240510

Post it on /ic/ first to get an idea of what to expect reaction wise

>> No.2240537

Nah, do them both on one account. I want to get into animation also, and that's what I'm gonna do.

>> No.2240540

By having fun. I feel like your art can be bad if you try too hard to make it good. You just gotta relax yo.

>> No.2240565

guys, where can I get Mucha's and Layendecker's illustration packs?

>> No.2240574

Should I learn to draw before I learn to paint? And also, for learning to paint, what do I do? Just try to find some books on the subject matter or do I go take one of the classes at my community college?

>> No.2240585

How much minimum brush size % do you guys use for sketching?

Sorta technical question. Trying to emulate the feel of a pencil.

>> No.2240586

ctrlpaint.com videos are good, and even if its irl painting a lot of the theory transfers over

>> No.2240755

What is the best repository of facial expressions? I need hundreds of them condenset into a site/book to study hard.

>> No.2240762

I never considered looking at digital painting to learn stuff for irl painting. I'll give it a try, anon

>> No.2240907

How do I pick a name?

>> No.2240908

what do i do, if art won't get me anywhere?

>> No.2240921


i mean, i know i can improve my art and everything but let's be realistic. I want a career that I can be at least slightly proud of

>> No.2240929

Any advice on understanding color when it comes to painting

>> No.2240931

have you tried yourface.org, you might need the "mirror" plugin for it to work though

>> No.2240960
File: 78 KB, 653x600, _DSC0197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless subject matter is extremely different, one account, and if people say they prefer one style to the other in an abundance, make that the main spin off the other style to another account and than link to the second from the first.

all i can really say is never devote large chunks of time to perspective due to burnout, and if you are starting to burn out on getting better, do more fun things/give your ass free time...

you want to avoid burn out as much as you goddamn can until you get a work ethic that allows you to work through periods of extreme burnout.

post something you did for practice here, not a for fun piece. we can tell you if you should just go for it, or if you need to fix some shit first.

personally i'm planning on saving everything i do, and posting every god damn bit of it online the moment i get remotely competent, partially as a way to inspire others so they can see a from shit to ok progression because everyone can draw, and everyone can make it to a masters level of competency, the only thing that would separate someone with hard work and a master is ideas and composition, not sure if you can learn ideas, but i know composition can be and just being good skill wise is enough to get you jobs.


yes, learning to draw is god damn important because its the backbone of what you paint on, if the drawing sucks, what hope does the painting have of being good?

that said, learn color and shit digitally,
as for painting, look up watts and how they draw, its a way thats suppose to emulate painting to the point drawing gives you a transferable skill and it costs less to practice than painting.

without a micrometer i cant give you exacts, but lets assume you are working at 600dpi
this will also give me an excuse to test a new dslr i got.

ill give you 5 different pencils
1 .5mm
1 sharp
1 dull
1 dull sharp
1 side sharp

all in about 1 inch square, and ill edit it to 600x600

>> No.2240973

forgot to change the f stop back to 8 from yesterday's fucking around.

well it came to about 600x600, good enough to use as a metric i would say. forgot to reset some of the modes on the camera,

anyway, load this shit into photoshop, and hard round on it, make the hard round the size of each pencil and save it as (*type* pencil *dpi*)

resize the image to 300x300 and make a 300dpi pencil brush from that, saved the same way, than if you really want, a 72 dpi version (photoshop's default dpi for some retarded reason)

this will give you various brushes to emulate pencil, just remember the dpi you are using

an 8.5x11 paper would be
72 - 612x792
300 - 2550x3300
600 - 5100x6600
1200 - 10200x13200

no need to be a dick, not everyone is able to exaggerate or even make the expressions they need to draw on command.
peers has reference guides, dont have them, cant speak to how good they are, but its the best bet for what you need on the free side, on physical and pay, there are compilation books but i cant give exact names.

worksafe or not, make it worksafe because who if you want to be mentiond everywhere you cant have a name like fuckmyasssideways or cuntdevistation

also, try to stay away from numbers unless there is a good reason, no need to go sephiroth_347825

lets put it this way, if you have a backup, you will be doing the backup. everyone who does art will hit a patch and hit it hard where they cant improve and hate what they do, if you give yourself a safety net, you will be doing that safety net instead of powering through the art because its all you go.

needs more explanation, do you mean how to mix, do you mean how to pain the colors right, there are so many ways to interpret this.

>> No.2241053

writing, drawing or something else? i'm aware we're anonymous but if I had to delve into any of those areas what would it be?

drawing is fun but I have no skills yet and I feel like writing would allow me to be at least average one day.

>> No.2241251

thank you anonymous, I appreciate your answers.

>> No.2241276
File: 32 KB, 640x480, 53456348573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/, I think this might be one of my biggest, if not biggest art problem ever. How can I start liking my western roots more? its like, im such a fucking weeb, that even though i can appreciate amazing works done by the west (comic books, disney, etc) as well as amazing artwork in european comics today. It seems like deep down inside, I have an aching feeling of "oh god, why couldn't I be japanese, youd definitely prefer making a manga and drawing animu girls over any this western bullshit" I dont to feel this feel anymore, its like an ocd. Its like, anime and manga is more comforting to me than western stuff.

I know I can never make a manga, and that any attempt is futile weeb shit (mark crilley), but how can I make myself prefer the idea of drawing western art? Ive been a weeb all my life, watched a lot more anime and manga than western content. And still do, fuck, それに日本語を勉強している。I dont know what to do. I want cleanse my self of weebness, for my art, but i dont know how.

Maybe, /ic/ could give me some recommendations that'll blow me away and make me love western shit. Please dont redirect me to another board, I want answers from /ic/! Please save me /ic/!

>> No.2241277

what are some good books on the old masters?

>> No.2241278

a bullet to the forhead is the only way.

>> No.2241286

>drawing is fun but I have no skills yet and I feel like writing would allow me to be at least average one day.

I feel similar. I'm 25 and recently decided to learn how to draw so I can eventually become an animator. It was driving me crazy to know that it's what I want to do, but instead I was choosing to be stuck jumping around as a CNA.

In Elementary school, my parents mocked me for wanting to draw. Mom said it was wasted effort to try to make a living from it, and dad said drawing is for girls (they were very poor immigrants). That got me heartbroken and depressed, which made me terrible in school. In counseling with my teacher, she laughed at me for saying I wanted to make "cartoon movies" for a living. That combined with no one giving a shit about any of my drawings made me give up, which was a horrible decision. Even if my shit sucked and showed no potential; why would you rail a child like that? I started writing because it was something new that I could keep secret from everyone's criticism. It wasn't bad and writing stories was incredibly fun. The stories themselves weren't terrible fan-fiction tier, but I kept trying to draw an image with my words. Not being able to fully convey the image because of an absent drawing skill was irritating.

So now I've been trying to get my life together and learning how to draw basic shapes. Random sketching too but I'm never happy with those. 2D Animation is my goal because I like the mechanisms behind movement and physics... or at least how it looks. Plus, animation is fucking cool (even if it's a lot of work). Even if it doesn't work out, at least I can die knowing I fucking tried.

Choose what you really want to do. If writing will get you to where you want to be, then do it. However, if you feel passionate about drawing then chase it. If you can't choose at all, then flip a coin and stick with it; or do both. Just do something.

Sorry for the blog post, it's just been on my mind for years.

>> No.2241288


Do you want to do this shit as a job? If so a manga is out of reach.

As a hobby though I don't see why you cant try to learn it. If you like it you like it, don't fight it and study hard to be the artist you want to be.

Everyone on this board recommends studying how to draw realistic before/intandemwith learning to draw whatever style you want anyway.

>> No.2241300

what are the basics ? im just asking a question i do not wish to be directed to the sticky

>> No.2241316

Why don't you want to be directed to the sticky?

>> No.2241321

So I have a question for everyone. When do you find the time to draw? I was getting along great with my progress when I was a NEET but now I have a job and have lost all motivation.

When do you draw, is it part of your career or do you do it during your free time? How much free time do you have and how much do you devote to drawing?

I feel like with the amount of time I have to spend drawing I would never progress anyway and it would be pointless.

>> No.2241357

well... look into what the average person makes writeing... last i remember if you had a publisher backing you you could expect 40-50,000$ a book. i dont know how that has changed in the last 15 years.

as for drawing, again look up what average people make.

just so you are aware, everyone is able to get to the point where their technical skill can rival a master, and that skill is something you can sell in and of itself even if you are creatively bankrupt.

also, this ties into what i said before, anyone can get good.

as for your parents, they want the best for you and lets be honest, you going through school interested in art and not interested in something like lets say stem jobs would be bad in their eyes... teachers... that i have no idea, if they stomped it out of you when you were in grade school than that's fucking wrong, but if it was highschool, i can't blame them for giving you reality checks.

also keep in mind that most people when they think of art, think of the 1 in a million gamble to be the top of the top and dont know/aren't aware of low to mid range jobs, they just think you are either broke and homeless or fucking multi millionaires and its almost worse odds than winning the lottery you will get the good end of that stick.

also be aware that animation, at least independant animation in america died a year or two ago when youtube changed how they paid out... there are animators, but they are largely supported by patreon... animation use to be a very nice income through youtube, but it fell to why spend the months and effort making this if you go youtube alone. also, keep in mind you will largely be working digitally, and if the job is in america, just be doing keyframes with the rest of the work shipped out to borderline third world for inbetweens, if you are working in 2d at all, as its cheaper to do 3d than 2d... faster too, with everything doable in house.

>> No.2241362

ok, first off, where have you been learning japanese from, would love to try to pick that up myself.

now onto the lesser of the two things, do you like drawing realism at all? for instance
would you like to be able to draw that or does this look like shit to you?

personally, i cant stand most comicbook art styles, i hate the way most disney looks (though that may be more i hate the singing than the art itself, its hard to separate the two.)

if you are talking about mark crilley, he fucking sucks at drawing, but is great at copying.
he is the fucking poster child for why you do not mindlessly copy
and als a runner up for poster child of why you dont render when you start out.

ho got good at rendering, but holy shit, if you just take base drawings of his, and remove the rendering, you see how horrible he is in reality.

got a question, do you like things like avatar? that was inspired by anime/manga but with western influences too and i think it is the best example of a animation artstyle yet, at least a made for tv we are doing 13 hours of content a season animation.

if you can stomach doing realism, go for that, and get better with that first, if you try to learn from anime, you will turn into a mark crilley, if you learn realism and than make your own abstractions, you could easily make a manga artstyle, and if you get good at a story or find a partner who can, you could make a western comic in an eastern style, and probably sell more books than most manga push.

be more specific, you want writings describing them or do you want books showing their art.

>> No.2241365

unless your job is a 12+ hour i need to do this to fucking live job, draw. just DO IT to quote a youtube video. you have to fucking want it and make it what you do in your free time, kick a hole in your tv and burn your books/games if thats what it takes to get you motivated to draw and you want to draw.

but seriously, rent out a storage unit and put fucking everything you use to pass time in it. get a shitty trackphone (one with buttons, not one you can browse the internet on), and a radio than fucking draw. get all distractions out of your god damn way and motivate yourself.

you need a book? dont get it on a computer, get it at a library and if you absolutely need it printed, take it to a kinkos or whatever they call themselves now and print the bitch out.

in 3-6 months, you may be able to have a tv and computer again, as you now have skill to not hate what you do, and hopefully a drive to improve more.

please note, this is a drastic step to take but if you cant find free time, cant find motivation, you have to fucking get rid of distractions.

>> No.2241373

Well I'm not that motivated to draw. I was just wondering if anyone finds time to draw for fun while working. I still enjoy drawing on the days I have off but miss drawing every day.

>> No.2241383

yea, most people keep around a sketch book, a small thing, just so when they have 2+ minutes they can practice a bit, maybe a gesture, maybe a quick figure... look up the jeff watts 8gb video to see what someone of is fucking good at what they do can do in 2-5 minutes.

>> No.2241543

1) Is it just me or digital drawing when you're left-handed is hell when it comes to shortcuts? I find myself resorting to the numpad area, but in some programs, some buttons do not work. Do you just move the keyboard to the right and use the left-side commands with your hand, or do you use custom keys?

2) isn't a scrolling wheel on a digital pen a good idea? I'd think it'd be great for changing brush size with the thumb. I find that, regardless of my previous problem, controlling zoom/pan/brushsize (basically anything where you push a lot of buttons in a short time) is very frustrating, so I switch to the mouse for those activities, despite all tutorials out there saying it's a bad idea to ever use the mouse and just drop it entirely.

3) I have now had 2 months of ~3 hours practice a day on digital, and while I made my lines much cleaner, doing SUBTLE curves requires me to re-do the line like 10 times. Is this partly a limitation of the tracking technology? Do costier tablets actually improve at all on that particular front? (I have the small intuos, the $70 one, should be the cheapest from wacom). It feels that similarly to a mouse, it does not register curvatures as well as traditional drawing.

4) What do I do with my outline layer during the coloring process? Do I remove it when I put down the base color? Should I do a very, very thin and opaque outline so that it's not intrusive to the coloring process in the first place (with the outline on top of the colors)? I want my drawings to have a "painting" feel yet I still need to have some contours on the shapes. Do I apply those at a later stage, or do I paint color bases on top of the line layer? I really can't understand how to treat my outline. They are either super thick and highlighted when I keep them on top (say, like cel shading/cartoon), or they are completely absent when I put color on top of it (like the shapes do not have contour at all, like an industrial poster stylization).

>> No.2241545

If you have a job plus a family, consesus is you'll never accomplish anything because the time is too little and responsibilities too high.

Myself I lost some motivation to draw when I got back to work, some days I just can't bother to draw at all. I think that's normal.

A solution could be to get a part-time job instead of full time. Depending on your current expenses, and if training in art can potentially get you some commissions in a few months/years, it could be a good profit/fun compromise.

I also thought about looking into a nightguard position. One of those jobs where you sit for 8 hours at night looking at a monitor. Great job to sketch or do exercises at. Or something similar that requires a lot of sitting waiting. Like a clerk of a small store nobody visits.

>> No.2241551

are we tumblr now? theres been a lot of optimism in some threads

>> No.2241561

Any opinion on Bammes?
I want to teach myself how to draw using one of his books.

>> No.2241562

It would make the most sense to purchase a left-handed keyboard and use a mirrored setup where it is on the right.

>> No.2241563

define optimism? the closest i come to optimism that it doesn't matter where you start, you can get to a masters level of technical skill, however ideas are something i have no idea if you can teach or learn... regardless just purely technical skill is a marketable asset in and of itself., you may not have the ideas but you make someone else's ideas a reality.

>> No.2241565

i have a macro pad, highly recommend getting one if you use programs and need the shortcuts buy dont have keyboard access, though i cant recomend logitech, and razor was absolute shit software wise... yea... if you absolutely have to the g13 is ok, but fuk logitech and their software and customer service... just fuck them all.

the air brush on the wacom side has a scroll wheel if i remember right... not sure how it works but i always thought it was a flow adjustment and the moment you lifted the pen it reset to 0, i mean it is meant for airbrusking.

the smaller the tablet the worse the tracking is because there is less area to equalize everything, i tel people to always have a stabilizer on hand just so they dont have to redo lines when there is a tool that makes damn sure they always pull the right line... just use it on the lowest setting you need to, that way it doesn't kill the line.

well, do you wan the outline visible? is it just a guide?
if its a guide put it on the lowest layer and paint over it, if you are useing hard colors, maybe above and a low opacity till you get the shapes where you want them...

thats the consensus of quitters, people who want it get it, if you dont plan to make a liveing off it, family comes first, but if you do, you will go through periods of burn out that you have to work through, you can never not draw, the best thing you can do is leanr to draw even when you dont feel like it.

googled name, if that work is his, at least the good shit, can not say he is bad, but no experiance with his books to tell you if they ware worth reading... at the very least they may be good ro study the images none the less.


took some pills, way to fuckng out of it to type... and my left hand is fucked for a few days, so yea, sleep and may answer more later, may abandon thread this time... not sure yet.

>> No.2241567

Yeah, they took out interest in art early. Could be terrible, decent, or good for all I know.

Thanks for the heads up. The reality with 2D animation is a real downer, but I want to give it a shot anyway. The possibility will keep me interested and I'll keep it a hobby if all is lost, so to speak. A least at a mid-range job networking is still possible.

>> No.2241580

ok dude, fucking go for it, like i said though, you are looking at patreon if you ever want to make a living off it.

here, i have no experiance in animation so take this or leave it...

get an idea, and make an animatic of it, one frame every 2-5 seconds at most 10.


watch that, this shows you that a solid story and decent voice acting will drive a story, animation just adds a bit more spice to it.

try doing those, and at the end patreon link and say if i can make this a full time job, i can make the animation better. something like that.

heres hoping you get to live the dream.

>> No.2241600

I just bought a 24 hd cintiq so I could start learning how to draw, is it ok to start digitally?

>> No.2241649

Is it acceptable to make a very rough (blocks) 3d human model as a guideline for a high perspective view?

Or is it a bad habit and I should learn to draw it myself? I find most human poses to be incredibly difficult in super sharp perspective; not talking about buildings.

>> No.2241657

It's a little harder, but do make sure you get comfortable with shortcuts, menus tools as early as possible. You need a good tablet discipline as in do not use mouse and pen both. It'll save you massive amounts of time in the long run.

Give it as wide a pressure sensitivity range as you can, too, from the get-go.

>> No.2241672

No rules, just tools. It's okay to be using it in my opinion. I think it's actually pretty great way to for getting reference, if you can easily make a 3D model of it.

>bought a 24 hd cintiq
>start learning how to draw
How to waste money 101.

>> No.2241722
File: 13 KB, 500x259, 2714007-bawww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you rich anon?

>> No.2241772

>well, do you wan the outline visible? is it just a guide?
>if its a guide put it on the lowest layer and paint over it, if you are useing hard colors, maybe above and a low opacity till you get the shapes where you want them...
I know where to put it in the layer order - my issue is how to go about outlines when doing a digital paiting.

I will post a random example, but really most digital landscapes work.

I can see that there is a darker border to many things in this one. However I don't think that's an "outline". At least not now I make them. Doesn't look like contour lines on top of it.

It's similar to the borders of a sphere, when it is a little darkened because there is shadows in the curved surface which you can see very narrowly. Doesn't look like you do that by drawing a line, doesn't look realistic.

>> No.2241774
File: 157 KB, 1600x1280, ColorStudy_Stage1_2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I forgot the goddamn image. Sorry.

>> No.2241782

Yes. There's absolutely no benefit from working with traditional mediums.

>> No.2241807

how does tumblr work? how to get reposts there?

>> No.2241808
File: 29 KB, 268x243, pens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it comes to diluting inks and stuff is it possible with these sorts of pens?

If not what materials would i need.

>> No.2241919


really i think this is more a 'hill is always greener' sense, mixed with nostalgia.

youve either never been to japan or you've only been on holiday for a short time, im guessing. maybe youve watched anime for a long time as a comfort thing.

you need to get rid of the idea of this fabled nippon land of honey and anime babes.
read up on the japanese manga work scedules. they literally work their staff 24/7 for shit pay, is insanely competitive. their country is racist as hell anyway, wouldn't let a whitey in, even if you did want to be overworked.

co can help you with recommending animated western stuff. can i suggest french animation? it might be out there enough to appeal to you.

>> No.2241932
File: 613 KB, 1522x1362, 1414038179237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again, you seem to be pinning all your hopes on this country, but not really what the country is. some japanese do the same thing with america. i dont know why youre doing that, that is for you to figure out.

anyway i get the feeling you prefer modern japanese shit. why not look at ancient japanese woodcarvings and japonisme paintings and posters? and if you prefer the bug eye stuff, remind yourself that it was inspired by western shit. because east will always inspire west and vice versa, you're dumb if you don't think western stuff has heavy influence on lots of anime, and if they like it, why cant YOU like it?

its fun as fuck and probably better on your eyes

james gurney's color and light book and his blog might be helpful

>> No.2242118
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, 46234629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(see pic)
Not a mangaka. I just want to make some small comic strip I can post online one day, but I think the weeb influence would ruin it. And I want to make digital paintings too.
そうだ。Visit /a/'s /djt/! Theres many ways to study. I recommended signing up for lang 8 to get writing practice.

Ah, Ive been drawing under /ic/'s influence for a year now, so... Unfortunately, I never cared for avatar, ,even when I was younger, and dont have interest to watch it now. Part of the reason I dont want my art to be weebish. Maybe my attitude will change one day.
>'hill is always greener' sense, mixed with nostalgia
This is pretty spot on. Except its excerbated by the fact that I have ocd. Yes, I have ocd,or some type of mental illness, Ive had it since 2nd grade. When I say anime and manga is comforting, its a little bit more fucking bonkers then you think. Ive been to japan for a month, want to live there one day nd marry a japanese girl.Yes, I know im a weeb. I dont what I want to do for job though.

Actually, when I first became a weeb, i researched anime, and know that osama tezuka (or was it miyazaki) was inspired by disney's bambi, and thats where the whole giant doll eye art style come from.

Again, i think its a bit of my ocd, and 'hill is always greener' sense, mixed with nostalgia. An example of my ocd would be that I get an uncomfortable feeling after fapping to western porn instead jav or hentai >___>

>> No.2242120
File: 116 KB, 826x1105, 599936-snow_white1_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anyway, thanks /ic/, im gonna try to get more in touch with my western roots (pic related). Idk, what to with my life, I know I want a jap wife, but I dont know what job to get, or if Im ever gonnamake money with comissions. I think Ill try to balance my art by drawing western stylized for comics and shit, and then occasionally, draw animu for shits and giggles once in while. Again, thanks /ic/

>> No.2242190

how do i make people know its an egg and not a sphere on a perfect side view?

>> No.2242298
File: 29 KB, 250x203, tumblr_n05avbwvw21qdrjbdo8_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to practice measuring by getting the size of the skull right. However, I'm afraid the skull is too complicated for me to measure at this stage. Should I start measuring and drawing still life correctly before I get into humans?

>> No.2242315


>I'm afraid the skull is too complicated for me to measure at this stage.

Just find landmarks and measure distances relative to other things with your pencil. The skull isn't too bad as far as complexity goes, it's pretty easy to divide up. Like roughly bottom of jaw to bottom of nose, bottom of nose to top of brow line, and top of brow line to top of forehead are usually about the same from a front angle. Use measurements like that.

>> No.2242332

I'm Struggling to gain followers and would love some tips. I don't think my art is awful, I'm getting better. I try to be social, draw fanart and some original things and I post on lots of places. I've been active for almost a year and just can't seem to get things going. Words of advice, please.

>> No.2242333

with a cintiq its kind of hard to say traditional is better... so long as you aren't getting lag, there is no reason to not do it on the screen.

5 years down the line, if he puts in solid practice, he could be fucking great, and the cintiq would have lost very little if any value.

on a side note, so people need to have a monetary investment to make doing something more appealing... im VERY fucking cheap, so the way to get my ass to drink water more instead of saying fuck it and going for soda was buying a 10$ glass, now i barely drink soda, some people may need to invest more to get that effect.

the first thin in the pastebin should go over this, yes there is a benefit to traditional over digital.

from the way that is painted, i think he went from very large strokes and slowly went into more and more detail. there is no real outline, what he did was lets say he took 4 different colors, and drew the way back the back, the close and the in your face area, figured out it looked good, than went ahead and put detail on top.

yed and no... anyone who had a crayola dry up on them as a kid likely tried putting a drop of water in it to get the thing to work again, only to have it be a runny mess... its doable, but you are more likely to ruin the pen than get the effect you want.

lol, i think a good deal of people who like anime know japan is a shit place, but came to terms with it and just like the shit they make.

>> No.2242343

honestly, i would say a reason i dont like western stuff is they ground themselves to much in reality even in the animated stuff for kids. i mean i struggle to think of anything western were magic was a base truth of the world, and than had the world built around the concept that magic exists. i mean look at the bleach, naruto, or one piece, regardless of what you think of them, when they say pirates, ninjas, or souls exist, its a pervasive element thought the entire story where as you have something western lets say magic, its now only something in the background that's rarely ever explored but turns into the mcguffin, ninjas would be mentioned in the first 10 minutes as a chekhov's gun type thing. i mean the most recent thing i can remember where they went immersed in the world was harry potter, what could have been a fun, nothing is what it seems story had magic racist Hitler as a bad guy throughout. oh and that's another fun one, when the west goes into a fantasy world more often than not its always going to have heavy handed and hardheadedly racist. hell look at scifi and how often racism happens there too. its just not something you find in anime and manga often, and if it is there, its one guy or a bad faction, not an entire race.

aesthetically i prefer anime to western media, even when its horribly generic.

OH, i forgot another one, kamichu

god, i also hate how when we get a fantacy story set pre gun, its always just a medieval story with one fireball at most.

but this is a fair bit off topic i think.

weeb influence wont ruin it, but your power level could, also you ability to be aware of how bad you are could also do that.

also, just as a note, i dont want to say that's why the eyes are giant, its more he saw that you get more emotion out of the faces easier if you exaggerate the face apposed to make it realistic. bambi could have been the trigger for that realization, but its not just because bambi had big eyes.

>> No.2242346

the only way a sphere would be egg shaped is if its way outside the center focus, and at that point its not a main thing in the scene and does not matter. could also not draw that far our of perspective so the issue never comes up.

dude, go realism, than abstract from that once you get reasonably good.

not sure i understand what you are having problems with, if you what to measure the body with the head, but you cant draw a head right correct?

cranium measurements, you abstract it to a sphere, and that's almost spot on, and it lines up with many landmarks already.

>> No.2242354

Thanks for the advice, will keep that in mind.

Responding to>>2242346 : What I was trying to say is that I find the skull to be a kind of complicated object for me to begin practicing my measuring skills, so I wondered if I should start by measuring still life (Simple stuff like jars, bottles, books, furniture, etc) and then move on to the skull. However I don't know if its the most effective way to do things or if it makes any difference at all.

Should I study still life before studying the human body? Does it even matter which one I study first?

Sorry if I couldn't express myself properly, english isn't my first language.

>> No.2242363

>be more specific, you want writings describing them or do you want books showing their art.
I want it showing their best works but also some criticism and interpretation/context for each.

>> No.2242438

I don't have much of an online following and I post at least once a week on Instagram. Do I give it time or should I use other sites like Tumblr/DevArt/??

>> No.2242440

What are some active forums where I can get critique from people?

>> No.2242472

/ic/, what's the least shit manga drawing book I can buy for my little cousin?

>> No.2242474

You have the power to shape your cousin into an artist and you decided to show him the path of shitty weeb symboldrawing.

>> No.2242476

we're not close so I thought the least I could do was buy him a book that wouldn't actively fuck him over, because I know that if I give him anything else he won't even fucking read it

>> No.2242484

How old is your little cousin?

>> No.2242504

Very simple landscapes/scenes to start with some painting studies? All I can find is overcomplicated gigahuge ebin landscapes.

>> No.2242662

Is it common to map your tablet to a smaller area of your screen to have a "easier" time with drawing?

>> No.2242973

Is freehand drawing, and learning to draw quickly, a better way to learn than drawing slowly and doing measurements and construction?

this question is about traditional observational drawing and not about drawing from photographs or digital drawing.

>> No.2242987

What are the benefits of learning animal anatomy, and getting gud at drawing other things besides humans in general?

By benefits, I mean does it help you draw the figure better?

>> No.2242990

can you draw architecture without symbol-drawing?

>> No.2243049

>googled name, if that work is his, at least the good shit, can not say he is bad, but no experiance with his books to tell you if they ware worth reading... at the very least they may be good ro study the images none the less.

You don't seem to be all there. I'll just study using my Bammes book, then.

>> No.2243143
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Charlotte - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.28_[2015.08.18_16.03.34].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2243177
File: 219 KB, 640x360, felidaesolitare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man how come Felidae never gets mentioned in these types of things?

>> No.2243198
File: 332 KB, 1050x1329, hrailey-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it weird that I can draw people from my imagination fairly well and quickly, but I take FOREVER to draw people from life?

I guess I have trouble applying what I know anatomy/structure wise onto a real human bean...if you know what I mean.
Anyone else having problems?
Any suggestions?

>Pic not mine

>> No.2243202

ok... i think i get it a bit better now.

i think you should stay with the head, if you work digitally even better because it makes checking easier.

open up photoshop, look at an image of a face, and put down a point for the pupil, than measure the the space between the two eyes and lay down another pupil mark, than make one for the tip of the nose, and than 2 for the corners of the mouth

than import the image, and check if you did it right,

scale the image however you need to get the measurements between the two eyes to fit right, and see how far off you were with the nose and mouth.

add more points the better you get to see if you are fucking up or not.

here, but i have been checking other threads and god damn... are the cirts on this board almost all retarded or is it just me?

you got people who say anatomy
you got people who say perspective
and than you have "i just dont like it because i dont like it"

these are the most retarded ctits you can get on this board because everyone can stand to be better at all of them... im starting to understand why people get pissed all the time and yell show your work.

the fucking image i was looking at, there wasn't much wrong with it, its not the top .1% of everything ever made, but its not bad either... but there wasn't a single positive thing said about it. there should probably be a crit thread dedicated for only people who can give constructive or red lining.

>> No.2243217

what you want to look for here is one that will least fuck him over and has the most transferable skills

as a point of practice, avoid anything made for a specifically japanese audience, a few that i went through look like they were just straight translations of a japanese book, and because of that they talk about a bunch of shit you can only get in japan or techniques that are useless to someone in the west.

also, just a point of personal preference, dont get something that harps on perspective for most of the book. i'm assuming he is a sub 13 year old kid, no need to kill all his drive to draw art. the best way to handle perspective is if they give excersizes in the book that use it, and teach it but its not explicitly telling you to draw cubes.

i would also say its for the best if it doesn't have a large section devoted to paneling

with that said,
Hikaru Hayashi - Techniques For Drawing Female Manga Characters
How To Draw Manga - Battles
How To Draw Manga - Bishoujo Around the World
How To Draw Manga - Anime and Game Characters

those are the best ones i have on had,the bishoujo one looks like it teaches without telling you to spike the hair
the female manga characters, i think is a hentai book or was called hentai style, but i think it teaches fairly good principals but has nips
battles, at least when i was younger, the thing i was shit at the most was getting a sense of motion in my drawings, this would probably help him get that without teaching him any of the fundamentals so they cant screw him over in that sense.
anime and game characters appears to have a fairly decent way to draw even the symbols without making them look like symbol shit

i honestly recommend if you get him any of these, also get him a good beginner how to draw book too, again, not prospective shit, and tell him all the great manga/anime drawers can do realism too, its why they are so good and anime/manga and he should do both if he also wants to be good.

>> No.2243220

on smaller talets its not uncommon, but most people want to have the whole workspace so they dont need the mouse at all.

yes and no.
do the measurements do the construction, but do it all free hand, and check, than scrap it and do it again.

the way you learn is by iteration, and trying to finish shit when you suck impedes progress, better to make quick iterations than finished polished shit.

dont learn animal anatomy till you have human fairly down pat... the thing is, once you truely understand anatomy and why things are the way they are, you can make mechanical shit look more believable from imagination, or even animals just because you would know why shit is the way it is.

how do you draw architecture with symbol drawing?

oh, god i took some pills to help me sleep and wanted to get caught up quick... i googled his name and seen some nice work, i dont know how good his books are but even if they are crap (written parts) you can still study from his drawings.

show us an imagination practice piece, and a practice from life if you can.

>> No.2243235
File: 48 KB, 915x674, 4865976843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to my first figure drawing class tomorrow.
what are some videos I can watch tonight and tomorrow morning to get some extra insight on how to properly do it, so I dont look like a fool infront of everyone?

>> No.2243278
File: 232 KB, 681x905, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is "surface anatomy" a fundamental of figure drawing, or is it just stylization?

>> No.2243302
File: 81 KB, 533x389, 1303334318446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to into digital painting.
Where do I start?
Is Ctrl+paint good with all of their five minute free videos or should I shell out the sheckles for a digital tutors subscription?
Is there another route that I don't know about?
I already have a year of drawing with pencils and basics under my belt.

>> No.2243309

seconding this, got an intuos a few months back, didn't really think it through, digital art is actually pretty fucking complex

>> No.2243312

that feel
I saved up all year for a cintiq 22hd and now it's just sitting there being large and intimidating and I don't know what the fuck to do with it. I'm temped to just going back to pencils/killing myself

>> No.2243313

Hey guys next year I'm going to college and had pretty straight what I wanted to study (compsci) but now I don't really know what the fuck to do since I've always drawn since I had memory, not really good but want into animation and concept art etc. One of the main reasons is that in my city there are 0 art schools/universities and moving out + getting into one is quite expensive, but I want to dive into the "go hard or go home" life, also I'm not 100% aware of artists job sector, 'cause they say they starve, they don't get paid what they deserve, and that ultimately it's pretty flooded and dying out. Don't really know what do. halp.

>> No.2243316

Another problem I have is that I wanna git gud at EVERYTHING: background art, concept art, illustration, etc. and don't feel like all my life is good enough to master them, even worse if I take it as a hobby.

>> No.2243322

you mean what you can see on the surface of the skin?
god i know we have gotten fat as a people over all, but this is shit you should have drilled into your mind, along with the major forms and minor forms of anatomy, unless all you ever are going to draw are fat cellulite blobs.


first and foremost, learn traditionally for a while,
use digital to learn color as its FAR cheaper than traditional.

from there, do what you want.
not really sure were any of you are stuck... is it that the programs offer you every fucking thing under the sun and you got no idea how to handle the choice? if thats it than do this.

hard round, only use that... fuck every digital effect, fuck every program that doesn't have hard round, just use hard round.

now pick colors and draw shit, only use the eyedropper if you are going to blend colors.

fact of the matter is, as an artist, you likely won't be making 6 figures, and if you suck, you will be struggling to make rent, but there are hundreds of thousands who do art and can make ends meet.

the starving artist shit is largely the retards who went abstract and conceptual with no fundamental skill set at all.

if you went with the "i dont need traditional art to make money" route than yes, you largely will not make money but you will see the top frauds who can con millionairs into buying their shit for retarded prices.

on a personal level, if you are good with math and the computer shit doesn't make your head spin, its hard to not recommend that over art, and keep art as a hobby.

as for schools, there is NMA, schoolism and watts online, some gnomen (i think there is more digital and 3d stuff here but there is some traditional thats fantastic)

if you can afford collage, an extra 500-2000$ a year for an art side schooling isn't much extra. you could even take a year off school and dive into art if your parents are up for that idea and see if you really want it.

>> No.2243326

oh god no you wont be able to be a master if its a hobby, at least till you retire and devote time to it, but that's not to say you wouldn't be competent.

i would focus on one aspect and get that down to a reasonable level than worry about other aspects, instead of spreading yourself out thin and making little progress with everything.

>> No.2243336

Really appreciate it thanks, the thing is I don't wanna have neither as a hobby, and that irritates me the fuck out, I wish I could live an extra 500 years or suddenly got skill/moneys

>> No.2243346

Most tutorials say using a mouse is bad because of the assumption of right-handed-ness (meaning to use a mouse you need to put down the pen).

If you are left-handed you can actually leverage the mouse and get something like a G600 to cover all your shortcuts/panning/zooming/brush size. Just be disciplined enough to not accidentally move the mouse unintentionally (or just put some tape on the sensor hole during your drawing session).

>> No.2243421
File: 67 KB, 500x260, stabilizer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I buy the Photoshop stabilizer called Lazy Nezumi for $35 or Manga Studio 5 for $50?

I usually work in Photoshop and I have never used Manga Studio before but MS seems to be specifically tailored for making comic book pages.

Since I'll end up with a stabilizer no matter what, I'm just curious to know if the additional tools in Manga Studio are worth the extra $15 compared to working in PS.

>> No.2243447

I bought Lazy Nezumi for Photoshop and it's a great little tool. Unless you plan on making heaps of comic pages, or are comfortable enough with doing that in Photoshop, I'd say go with Lazy Nezumi. Apart from being a stabilizer it also comes with tools to draw parallel lines, circles and in 3D perspective, among others..

>> No.2243456

You can get Manga Studio 5 for $15 during the flash sales which you just missed so rather than pay full price I would go with the lazy nezumi and Manga Studio later if you are still wanting.

>> No.2243486

Thanks, fellas!

>> No.2243512
File: 63 KB, 550x730, eggs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything that helps specifically with creating characters?
I know I should focus on basic practises for now but this got me realy interested.

>> No.2243536
File: 23 KB, 230x276, domo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but this is shit you should have drilled into your mind
I need to rethink my priorities in then.

Also, question. You have a bit of an identity in these question threads, and you seem to know a shit ton a lot, who are you? And how long have you been drawing?

>> No.2243540
File: 33 KB, 736x414, big_thumb_deef8bac8f3e29c04e8da264f11f8ca6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One idea I came up with would be to look at highschool year books, or just search online school photos and based it off of them. The only problem is, it feels kind of morally wrong to me, like I need their permission, so try to make sure it does not look identical, but only inspired.

Mike Judge created beavis and butthead just by trying to copy two boys from his highschool year book.

And another tip I heard would be trying to have a "concept" like when designing 5 characters, whats something they must have in common? Also, theres cartoon network character designer interviews out there.

But as for having fun with proportion, or making surreal animu design, I got nothing. And also would like to hear something from /ic/.

>> No.2243608

>i struggle to think of anything western were magic was a base truth of the world
gravity falls, star vs the forces of evil, over the garden wall, those are just recent ones? i think you are looking for something different than that, not to mention you're comparing book series to anime miniseries? watch more stuff, please.

most artists have more than one, you might as well

>what are the benefits getting gud at drawing things beside humans
lmao, nobody will hire someone who can only draw contextless figures floating in white space. character design is usually visual design and therefore parcelled with set and creature design. stop being an unadventurous fuck.

hard to say, we dont know what level you're at.
matt mattessi's 'force life drawing for animators' book is worth a look


>> No.2243768
File: 79 KB, 521x348, 888977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok can anyone explain why I am stupid and what I am doing wrong? How do I get texture to show up in my brushes?

I downloaded zedig's brush set, heres an example of what it should look like and what I get. Pls help

>> No.2243814 [DELETED] 


>> No.2243835
File: 38 KB, 539x960, meAndMyNewFrienGlen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I doing this right? I'm trying to show the forms of the anatomy from memory and references to get them ingrained. I feel like it's getting smoother but I want to make sure that I'm getting thing in the right places

>> No.2244009


You're on the right tracks. I can't give any advice other than keep going.

>> No.2244017

ok cool. Thanks! ONWARDS!

>> No.2244019

Anyone know some good videos on drapery and their various folds?

>> No.2244021

Is the box next to "Transfer" checked on your brushes window? Is PS sensing pressure from your tablet correctly?

>> No.2244039

Yeah transfer is checked and pressure is working normally. I've tried checking everything I can see and played around with flow/opacity but nothing can give me a textured result like in the example.

>> No.2244060

So I started drawing a few weeks ago. I'm getting better, slowly. But the sessions themselves are not rewarding at all. I do it, but it's frustrating. Draw 6+ hours and everything you did looked like shit. I want to get good at all costs, but is there a way to put a bit more fun in it?

>> No.2244188
File: 45 KB, 615x412, doushio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When drawing something your gonna put online, are you allowed to look at reference for help. Im currently working on something, and there are times when I need to look up anatomy. I dont draw it, just take a 1min glance to study it then move on. Just to understand it, not copy it. Is this cheating?

If not, whats the point in doing anatomy or life studies, if you could just look up reference while working?

>> No.2244284
File: 90 KB, 617x720, 47344_149490198406452_100000364187639_300936_7755746_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what kinda pen would be used to draw something like this? Like kind of blotchy and fluid.

>> No.2244288
File: 39 KB, 460x567, 45771_145529535469185_100000364187639_280928_3676445_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another example

>> No.2244302

Looks like a brush pen.

>> No.2244308

A dip pen with a nib and for parts maybe even a small brush.

>> No.2244309

probably a brush pen or fountain pen or both

>> No.2244322
File: 36 KB, 236x368, awdawdawdawdawd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always been a physical media kind of guy. Pencils, dip pens, and ink mostly, with recently some copic markers for different degrees of shading. I mostly do manga style, reminiscent of Katsuhiro Otomo and Takeshi Obata (realistic leaning manga with heavy shadows/crosshatched shadows). With my webdev and programming becoming more a part of my life I was wanting to bring my drawings to the digital realm and possibly use them as an added aesthetic to a website to show off my work. Preferably I would like to do this without needing to essentially reteach myself drawing through a digital pad. Some people say it's not any different but to me it's night and day. On digital my lines are shaky, I can't balance the tension/pressure like I do with physical, and the distance discrepancy between a 6 x 8 square touch pad and my monitor always throws me off. With scanners, I've always run into the problem of it always looking as though it is on a piece of paper. Does that make sense? Either detail is missing or worse, it looks almost like a picture being taken from a camera.

tl;dr What is the best way of transferring physical media to digital?

>> No.2244342

im getting help from a local artist helping me with the basics. He runs a class at a local art studio and it seems like Im his only student so far. And he asked me what I wanted to learn or focus on. I stupidly just said the basics, but I wish I could of been more specific with him. Im seeing him again and I was hopeing you guys could help me figure out what I should tell him. I wanna learn the basics. Like shapes and getting volume down, but what else is there?

>> No.2244363
File: 28 KB, 289x500, 41msYoxcPHL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good investment marker-wise, or is there a better option? I've been using inks more with brush pens/liners lately and wouldn't mind an alternative/compliment to cross-hatching.

>> No.2244395

I've found that a decent camera works well, with some post processing to make the image look most like the real thing and maybe better

>> No.2244412

definitely! i have them in a warm grey tone, but it was a good investment

>> No.2244413


Thanks, I'll pick some up when I can afford them then! What's a warm grey as opposed to the greys in the picture?

>> No.2244508

How do I choose what shape to simplify each part of the human body with? like when to use a circle for the waist/crotch area and when to use a cube like shape?

>> No.2244512

I'm going to start a graphic novel series for a setting I've been working on since February.

What's the best website I can post artwork and stories and whatnot without all the copyright thievery like Deviantart and Facebook has?

Thinking either Tumblr or Conceptart

>> No.2244556

Okay, so I'm a complete beginner, and I am currently working on a small plan about what books I'm going through this and next year.

My first question is: Should I do Bert Dodson's Keys To Drawing AND Betty Edward's Drawing On The Right Side of The Brain?
Or is it a waste of time to do both?

Also, should I go through Hampton's figure drawing course of Vilppu's? Or both?

Is Ernest Norlington's Perspective Made Easy enough for me? Or should I do another book in regards to perspective?

Should I also start with traditional media (basic pen) first, or start with digital painting right away? Should I do them both at the same time? At what level should I switch to digital painting?

And is the order for all of this correct?
1. Basic drawing books (Dodson or Edwards)
2. Perspective (Norlington)
3. Figure Drawing (Vilppu or Hampton)
4. Digital Painting (Ctrlaltpaint)

Or should there be a few more aspects?

>> No.2244568

pirate them both and see if one is better than the other.
and i mean it in the sense of you are using it as a demo, as you are clearly willing to pay.
i would lean more tward manga studio as from my understanding its a better art program than photoshop whereas photoshop is the hands down better photo manipulation program.

you will have to settle for being competent at one because at least as far as i'm aware no one has had 2 full time jobs where they were the best at both of them.

>i mean i struggle to think of anything western were magic was a base truth of the world, and than had the world built around the concept that magic exists
the thing is i can think of a ton of western stuff that has just the first part of it too, but that second part is the one that's hard to find.
i mean i can go on about anime that rub me the wrong way because they bring a base truth of the world and than try to ground it in reality, like ikkitousen, Tenjou Tenge but this is far more rare than the ones that build the entire world around the insanity.

unless im mistaken, he is either talking about landmarks or the muscles that you are able to see... good chance im mistaken on what they meant

as for the second part i answered that in prior threads. i drew for the better part of my memorable life till about 10 years ago when i stopped, personal shit happened that made me prioritize other shit over drawing. and now, my hands went to shit so 10 years out of practice with pain means i shit my skill away, though that doesn't mean my mind went with it.

as for why i know so much, my school had a fairly decent highschool art program, along with everything before that was me hopelessly looking for things that would make me better and i started to understand what was good books for learning and what were bad... i also remember points that i wish i knew when i was starting out for the first time...

>> No.2244570

>any "should I do this or that?" question
Do all of them, as many of them as possible. Nothing is ever wasted.

>> No.2244578

You seem to think like this is a competition with rules. It's not.

You SHOULDN'T glance at a reference, you should infact carefully measure and copy it in every possible way, as you are drawing.

Your first step should infact be trying to 1:1 copy things (without tracing, that one is cheating).

Also, at any skill level, reference is used. Professional painters painting real landscapes do so in front of them and constantly look at them.

This "you don't have to look things up" meme started from shitters who didn't want to do studies and want to push you into that same habit. Break away from that mentality as far as possible, you'll never, ever be good without drawing from reference, ever.

>> No.2244585

basicly, if it came to put up or shut up, i couldn't win so anything i say/recomend should be taken with the normal scepticism.

i believe it has to do with spacing... computers a bit fucked right now so i cant check to make sure, but if i remember right there is a setting in photoshop to put down 1 brush every X and in the top it also looks like it has a bit of rotational jitter too.

when i think of studying anatomy, largely what comes to mind is drawing the pose, than lining the underlying muscle structure and checking with a muscle chart, at least that's how i would go about it... unless you are studying a different part and im just not seeing it... it is getting a bit late here.

take a bedsheet and throw it at shit in your apartment/home and watch how it falls. this is one of those things you dont need video for.

if you find a way tell me, i suggest never drawing something for to long and completely fuck the rendering process till you are better, no use wasting time polishing shit. but yea... it is a grind till you start not hating what you make completely.

the only way i can think to make drawing fun when you suck is a heavy stylized drawing but that doesn't help you get better.

if you are in it for the long haul, get a picture and copy it, and this will be one of the rare times ill tell someone to just copy the shit. and put it away for a week or so, than try to draw it again, and note the improvement, than wait a week or so again and do it. there is satisfaction to be had in a marked improvement, and its not something you will normally see on a day by day basis unless you do just draw the exact same thing multiple times.

>> No.2244591

first, if its something you are calling your own, you should be using the reference as that, just reference, there should be videos on doing this in ways that won't fuck you over

now secondly, knowing everything already in your head, let's say knowing human anatomy is what everyone should aspire too, and the reference charts are only use to confirm what you already know. yes reference is used everywhere, but the extent the reference is used is different. some may use it just for the pose because they already know everything else, some may use it for the lighting because they cant get it just right and some may need it like a crutch where they cant function without it. the shitters on this board as you call them at least started out not wanting the reference to be their crutch i know their are idiots who say that image library shit for every god damn thing they say and they are largely to be ignored, but they also aren't totally wrong.

without a FAR higher resolution image, we can't be certain one way or the other, the guy falling back looks like it was all done with one pen type, and if i had to guess it was a felt tip that was made to mimic a brush, this is going off of how erratic some of the lines are and how they would be an absolute mother fucker to make with a real brush, but also based on how the lineweight changes so drastically.

the woman, that one i can tell by the sharp turn line in the leg that its a felt brush.

that may be a fun video to watch for you, skip around and watch some of what he does with a brush,

see if you can a few raw manga pages, ones where no one has done any editing, this should be a good way to practice removing the paper.

as for takeing traditional digital, once you get the background white, the palette knife filter in photoshop can work wonders with the right tweaking, this may go beyond lineart too.

>> No.2244598

i would tell him to ask me to draw various things, and assess my skill for there and where he thinks i should focus on for the time being.

try to get them import from japan, even with shipping you could get them almost half price.
as for if they are good... i would personally rather get a brush and some water colors, or in the case of what shown, dilute ink and brush with that, but these are FAR easier to control and largely replaced watercolor in a professional setting.

largely its all up to you and what works, what shapes you see in the form. sycra, as much as i would recommend against you learning from him in any way other than negative example, he did have one good point in a video where he talks about how some shapes are more feminine and some are more masculine. be aware of the shapes you put down and the subtle but there connotations they will give you, such as a circle being more feminine and round where as a square would be more hard and chiseled.

you post it online and the shit will get stolen... its just a fact of life. best to get over it or potentially water mark it in a way that cant easily be removed.

as far as traditional or digital go, stay traditional till you want to learn color, as color in traditional is fucking expensive.

also, as far as perspective goes, just get a basic understanding of 1 2 and 3 point and know 4 5 and 6 point exist, and when something you dont know comes up, reference it if you cant figure it out on your own, i dont think you need yo go on a hunt so long as you got one competent source.

>> No.2244782

Does anyone know good full time atelier courses in europe?

>> No.2244800

If its easier for me to understand the waist area as a square for females can I keep using it then? I can't seem to wrap my head around it as a sphere.

>> No.2245078

If you're doing freelance work, do you answer the phone with just "Hello?"
Or do you say "Bob Smith" or "Bob Illustration"?

>> No.2245107
File: 872 KB, 465x750, tumblr_mrdeugdBMC1r95576o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What medium got this kind of look? I see it a lot in old illustration. Watercolor?

>> No.2245117

I think it's watercolor and etching

>> No.2245133

>I see it a lot in old illustration.
could you please post more? id love to see it. its a nice style

>> No.2245135

Look up golden age illustrators like Arthur Rackham, Jessie Wilcox Smith etc.

>> No.2245139

nice thanks!
guess that this list is... golden

>> No.2245234

Interested in going digital, borrowed a tablet, downloaded necessary programs. But I'm struggling to grasp the routine.

Do I just start a new canvas in PS/MS and go to work? Is that the digital equivalent of a sketchbook? I just sketch/study, save the project, open a new one and repeat? Is saving all your digital practice even feasible given project sizes?

The digital workflow just sounds so bizarre.

>> No.2245245

go for it, like i said it's all about what works for you, just also be aware of how it could affect how you draw subliminally.

i would say have a work phone, you can get a pay as you go track phone fairly cheap with a pay as you go and answer that as "bob's illustrations, bob smith speaking, how may i help you" or something like that.

photoshop and go to work if that's your program of choice
there is a program that has an infinite canvas you could use as a sketchbook but i cant remember its name.

>> No.2245249


>> No.2245258
File: 54 KB, 1388x416, 1436950244300-2 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering if it's a good idea to follow the order this post suggests or not.

>> No.2245280
File: 3.23 MB, 5312x2988, 20151008_210106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difference between gesture drawing and drawing contours I can't seem to wrap my head around it. I'm trying to do figure drawing but I always seem to end up drawing the contours. Pic related. I just did this last night

>> No.2245292

Sorry. I uploaded the image on its side. I'm on my phone. My bad guys.

>> No.2245342

Hmmm, I'd say it depends on the person. I'd personally switch out rendering and drawing people, as rendering without proper understanding of form that figure drawing will give you is just turd-polishing.

People put such an emphasis on life drawing of figures because it serves as an excellent method to teach drawing as a whole. I didn't bother really considering rendering beyond values until I could reliably draw the figure I saw in a way that was proportionate and fairly accurate to the model, and it's never been something I regretted.

>> No.2245399

I started with an Intuos tablet years ago and my traditional is eons better than my digital now. Control in digital is shit. Maybe cintiq isnt so bad though.

>> No.2245402
File: 175 KB, 812x794, how.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one get hired to draw illustrations for a medical or science book? Idk why, but this interests me. Its definitely not something you could solely live off of, but still, getting paid to do it. Ben Garrison has done some work for science books i think.

How is it done /ic/?

>> No.2245489

So should I keep trying the Stravinsky exercise until I get good at it before moving onto step 2 in the sticky? Because as of right now my attempts at that exercise look like a retard drew it

>> No.2245530

I don't think there's a Stravinsky exercise that doesn't look retarded. I'd move on after a few tries, the exercise isn't going to teach you how to draw. As far as I'm concerned once you understand that you need to actively avoid uninformed symbolic drawing (i.e., forget everything you knew about drawing and vow to use proper principles going forward) you've successfully passed.

>> No.2245587

What kind of tip feel setttings is recommended for photoshop painting? I used the default settings, but seems like when I try to blend, it's either too flat or blocky. I'm thinking about making the setting harder by one. Though I'm gonna need to do some tests to see if it's better this way.

>> No.2245816

The lines on photoshop get jagged if i zoom out in the drawing. Is there a way to solve this issue?

They are fine when i set the zoom to actual size.

>> No.2245950

is using lazy nezumi bad, if you are doing art studies?

if i'm not mistaken you need a degree or some sort of qualification to draw medical anatomy books. since one misplaced line could mean malpractise suit.

>> No.2245952

photoshop just does that, it's not very good at resizing to some sizes. so long as it looks fine the actual size it is, you shouldn't worry too hard

>> No.2245992

It's pretty distracting though. You'd think it would be smooth like Paint Tool Sai.

>> No.2246130

can you even make money from art without being a slave to work, being one of the lucky few and not having to draw furry porn

>> No.2246151

How do I make sure monitor has the right settings? Just happened to see a thing I did through my office PC and it looks dark as hell, I hope it's the office PC's fault, but then again, I have no clue how to tell.

Also, on charcoal drawing: what is the difference between pencils, sticks, and bars? Is print paper good enough to get familiar with charcoal, or will it render badly/produce a different surface effect?

>> No.2246155

enable open gl

>> No.2246182

Anyone could recommend some good brushes for krita? The default ones are weird and I don't like them.

>> No.2246243
File: 95 KB, 550x366, storyboard book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I buy one of these? Every professional anime studio seems to use this same brand of storyboard book.

>> No.2246255

Those are published story books.
They create their storyboards on their own manufactured blank storyboard paper (絵コンテ用紙) then compile it all into a book for retail like the ones you are seeing.

>> No.2246259

ah i see, thanks.

>> No.2246263

open gl?

>> No.2246272

If using windows goto
Ensure "Use Graphic Processor" is checked in the in the "Graphic Processor Settings" section.

Then hit the "Advance Settings..." button and choose between Basic/Normal/Advance in the "Drawing Mode:" drop down menu based on your circumstances.

>> No.2246422


first off fuck the lines, is anyone going to train lines and nothing else for a while... at best make these exercises a warmup
perspective, no
while it is the first thing i would teach, i would have someone at most fill 4 pages with 1 2 and 3 point cubes and cylinders before i would move on, i would not go more in depth with this till get get passed the first "i cant see flaws in my drawing" phase if they even needed more than that.
fuck rendering till first eye phase is done.

i would combine line quality exercises in with gesture for warmup
and instead of reading them, i would suggest watching vilppu, not sure what video material hampton has.

i would hold off on stylization till the second time you catch up with your eye.

good gestures can also be contur or can evolve into contour, but gesture in and of itself is just getting the feel/motion down on paper... look at it like an armature in sculpting.

look at the pastebin under stabilizers.

check the pastebin, short answer is no, but dont use to much stabilization.

if i know how shit is done correctly, every human body is slightly different, so outside of the major arteries, pretty much everything is a "this is generally what it looks like here" and some organs like the liver are unique to how the blood flows through it on a person to person basis and unhealthy it can be a clusterfuck. the images in text books like this are at best just guides for a best case scenario. >>2245402 i cant speak to experiance, they may higher only people with a degree like the guy said, or you apply for an illustrator position on the publishing house that makes medical texts and tell them that's your wish.

you have to be good to not be a slave, mediocre work gets you a job, not good, but you are making a living with art job.

>> No.2246430

make sure the monitor has a static contrast of 1:1000
make sure the monitor has at least 70% adobergb,
NEVER TRUST THE BOX, every number can be faked through various means.
go to independant tech websites that do in depth analysis of monitors, and get teh info from them

more static contrast is better.

outside of that, get a calibration tool, they are 100-200$ and can get even shitty monitors performing very well, depending on how off your monitor is, its night and day differences.

by coloriages there are usually places that bind books for thesis and stuff, some want it to look really nice, some just want it to be bound

many of these places will bind whatever the fuck you give them so long as it fits into their presses/vices
there was a guy in this board who took a 500 page stack of 18X24 newsprint there and got it bound in hardcover for 7-14~$

you can take a stack of printing paper and get them to do the same for you, or if you have vices at home, you could bind it yourself, 2 pieces of thick cardboard or one bog piece folded, some glue in the spine or painted onto the edge and there you go. you want to go an extra step you could take it to a hardware store and see if they will drill into it with a 1/8 or 1/16 inch bit and thread some strong string through it too,

if you want shit with graphics on it, you would need to get it custom made, i dont know the costs in real life, but we did this in a graphics class in school with an old newspaper like printing press, kind of like how manga is printed now, where it was either black or it was white, not sure the costs in america, in japan its something like 1-5$ a book, but those are also 18-40~ pages all with different shit on each page.

>> No.2246451
File: 2 KB, 317x204, tattoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i realize this is probably the wrong place for this, but say i wanted to get owl talonprints as a tattoo. what can i do to this design to make it nicer?

or, where on 4chan/the internet can i go to ask about this sort of thing?

>> No.2246518

how much do you know about photoshop?

scale the image up 400-800% and then make a vector on top of it, tracing the talons.
ilistrator can do this
various art programs can
its ALL about how much you know about the programs...

will you find someone who will do it for free... probably not.

>> No.2246520


I can definitely do that, but I guess I meant more from a creative perspective. I'm not really looking for free design work but more someone to bounce ideas off of.

>> No.2246530

Should I watch the perspective series by Eric Olson or read Scott Robertsons book instead? I'm planning on doing both but would it be redundant to do so?

>> No.2246545

when painting, should i use 8,16 or 32 bits colour mode? Is there a reason why one is better then the other?

>> No.2246556

why can't i do lines right on digital
every fucking time i open up sai i just get horrible lines
but on traditional, i'm fine and smooth

>> No.2246578

figure out how bit it would be life sized, and than have it on you shoulder like it was perched there.

>> No.2246581

do you need 100% perfect perspective in everything?
i would personally only learn how to place shit in 1 2 and 3 and get comfortable doing it freehand then just useing either as a reference guide if i ever need it 100% perfect.

if i had to pick, which ever is free, and if both are available, scotts book because i cant stand erics videos.

really depends on what the bits mean.
is it like 10bit where 8bit if i remember right is 0-255 and 10 bit is 0-1027 or something like that, and when it means 8bit it means per channel, or is it 8 bit as in nes graphics, 16bit as in super nintendo, and 32bit as in i beleive 16 million colors?

i would say regardless higher is better unless you personally see no difference and the file size is hard to handle, because there is such a thing as overkill when not doing something professionally.

read the first entry in the paste bin, i got into detail on why digital works the way it works.

>> No.2246606

IIRC higher bits translates into more accurate colors if you're doing a lot of adjustments akin to photo editing. It shouldn't really make a difference if you're just painting.


If you have the hard disk space and your computer can handle it, and you foresee yourself doing a lot of image transformations seen in photo editing, then go for higher bit rates.

>> No.2246674

Can I post anatomy studies in the draw thread? I know fundamentals go in the beginner thread, but ive notice that when people post fundamentals like maybe a muscle movement study that seem advance in the beginner thread, they are more in awe than willing to critique.

>> No.2246679 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 1074x2400, stick-walking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen up beginner faggots. Let me just tell you this. Learn to draw stick figure at every angle, and doing every single movement possible. No, not a gesture, no, not the loomis mannequin. A stick figure. Learn to foreshorten his stick limbs, and sphere head. And keep it in 7 head proportion rule too.

Then after you can do that. Draw the stick figure, and start placing cylinders, boxes and spheres ontop of it. This is construction. After you get good at that. Erase the inital stick lines, and carve the anatomy on the cylinders, boxes, and spheres, and make it look presentable. Then render.

I dare any d/ic/k to explain why this is bad way to go about it.

>> No.2246682

>drawings stick figures that dont have shoulders or hips and preteding they're people
don't be retarded anon

>> No.2246690

what happens when marker opens in your bag?

>> No.2246694

get a pencil case. if you're that worried about it they make waterproof transparent ones

try it and see what happens

>> No.2246924

I have less than 2 months of experience drawing and I got a liking to inking. I tried to do something with much black and spent 2 fine liners in the process. Which method is for filling big areas with ink? also, what are the main tools that I need for inking? and for highlights should I accurately leave the point white without ink or exists something with white ink (maybe gouache, but I don't know)?

>> No.2247036

What are some nice pens that aren't overly expensive?
While budget isn't a huge issue I don't want to buy fancy name brand pens for no reason if I don't have to.

>> No.2247213

because its a stick figure?

the only way you will foreshorten it is if you were already adding cylinders as the arms, the only way to add perspective is if you are drawing it 3d.

about the only thing this would teach you is measurements and keeping shit the same length regardless of how drawn, and even than there are better ways to go about it.


depends on the marker, maybe it makes a big fuck off mess and you can never clean it up, maybe it just makes a small mess and dries its ass out.

really, you should have something like this

or this


for your on the go pencil needs, there are better ones that can also hold a small sketch pad, but yea... if you are on the go get something like that.

a brush is fucking amazeing.
if you want to ink, i honestly suggest learning to do it with a brush, the pentel pocket brush is a very nice brush, fine tip, and if you dont want to replace ink cartridges, you can just use it as a dip brush or possibly refill them yourself when you run out.
there is very little need for nibs when you learn to use a brush, and the brushes last longer than nibs, also because you are using ink from bottles, tend to last longer than fine liners.

if you must stick with fine liners, get a brush tip marker,

also if you dont want to use a brush and only nibs, they make flat head nibs for calligraphy and covering a wide area, those work too.

pentel pocket brush
micron fineliners
sharpie makes some brush nibs that may be good

if you are talking about things like the copics, there are a few us manufactured alternatives that are 3/4 to 1/2 the price, but still cost a fuck of a lot more than just learning watercolor

>> No.2247217

ok, look at this >>2244591 the youtube is a 3 hour long drawing by a dude who knows his shit showing off inking with a brush.

there is also a gnomen comic book inking that uses nibs and brushes and he goes into why in the video.

>> No.2247254

I suppose I should mention this is just for lining.
I like to do my sketching and line work on paper before scanning it and painting it there.

>> No.2247288

again, watch that youtube video, brushes are fantastic for lining.

>> No.2247299

is stylization a crutch?

>> No.2247362


>> No.2247369
File: 2.00 MB, 311x211, 1443501229740.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully a simple question:
How large is the gap *usually* between the rib cage and the pelvis?

>> No.2247417

Thanks you. Searching around I found about using the brush yesterday and it looks amazing.

>> No.2247547

yes and no.

are you able to draw a realism piece?
if you cant do you try to get better?

if either of these are yes, than no its not, if both are no than yes, the style is a crutch.

i want to say its big enough that if you gutted the insides out, you could fit a human head.

the brush the guy in the video uses is something like 30-100$, you dont need that expensive of a brush... like i said, pentel pocket brush is one of the best in its price range, and some say its the best synthetic brush for ink work, but i have absolutely no clue how founded those claims are as paying over 20$ for less than 50 hairs is retarded to me.

>> No.2247576

I only doodle in my free time but I'd like to get better at drawing. The problem is, the only thing I ever draw is heads. I'm quite good at faces and heads but I'm awful at drawing anything apart from people. I don't know where to start.

>> No.2247577
File: 107 KB, 1000x300, Things-I-learned-illustration_by-David-Revoy_04_net.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows what kind of brush could have been used for the painting on the right?

>> No.2247726

is proko or similar online courses worth it? i have enough in savings to afford one or two if they would really help, but i'm not paying for info i can just get from pdfs and youtube

>> No.2247732

I'm making a hentai doujin, should I go with left to right or right to left?

>> No.2247852

right to left would probably have better appeal to readers of doujins, since that's what's normal for doujins. If you decide for left to right, I'd just call it a comic so as not to confuse people.

>> No.2247857

Doodle more in your free time and specially when you're outside or commuting, draw some of the buildings or people around you. Post results later. Read the sticky.

>> No.2247870
File: 8 KB, 240x184, ucandraw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips names my art blog.

>> No.2247914

How do you make landscape/architecture pieces more interesting and appealing to look at? Is it all in the composition?

>> No.2247960

is doing a self portrait with irl paints and a mirror worth it or more bother than its worth? ive done charcoal selfies.

so you think you can draw

find artists website, see if he has a faq. if not email him politely

>> No.2247990

It's all in the planes/perspective and lighting. Composition becomes a factor once you've mastered those.

You need to make it look three dimensional and with depth, because landscapes are huge in size, depth is massive, and it reflects on both the small and long distances.

All beginners issues with those, is that they look flat. Bad geometry resulting to bad lighting and bad values.

You cannot actually make up for those very essential factors with good composition or originality/style.

>> No.2247998

i'll just repost my question about charcoal drawing.. what's the difference between pencils, sticks, and bars? and what kind of paper is acceptable to train using it, that has a good ratio of texture/cost? finally, any specific brands/products you'd personally recommend?

>> No.2248164

Does anyone have that image on how to shade in an apple? I always see it pop up around here, but I guess I never saved it.

>> No.2248166

post something you did for practice and ill see if i can tell you where you best go form there.

without that though, im guessing that perspective is your hangup because lets say you do a full body human, unless its drawn... is it orthographic?... without adding perspective and is flat even if you draw it in 3d (this is a common view mode in 3d programs so you create something correctly without perspective fucking you over) then you are going to have a hard time liking what you draw when you dont think thats what you are doing.

it could also be you are so familiar with the human head you can draw it a step above anything else just because you know how to do it well.

take a look at the stains in the piece... im guessing most of it was done digitally, but the stains were likely a photograph that they used as a multiply later, its most visible in the cloud to the left where you can see the watermark from the cloud follow into another color, if this was watercolor that would have ran, and if this was done in a water color emulation program that wouldn't happen.

my guess is the color in this piece is flat, or flat to a large degree with another later giving it the stained look.

ist also possible that they used multiple images for the stained look, but only used them when if they didn't do that it would have been glaringly obvious and ruined the water color look.

fuck no proko isnt worth it, his shit, at least non anatomy that you pay for was all an extended drawing that he fucked up on and barely spoke through...

largely every online thing is shit you could find online, with the exception of watts, though i dont know what's behind the pay wall... but an 8gb video from awhile back is online and its clear he is a good teacher, bonus points for this because he's doing the beginner coarse.

generally, everything but watts is piratable, watts is the exception because no one outside a group buy has done it yet.

>> No.2248186

for landscapes its all about composition, for architecture there are several ways you can make it interesting. good composition is the most tried and true way, but you can also go an on orthodox viewing angle but you MUST be good at perspective and go for 100% precision if you do this as anything that's off will be noticeable off.

ok, here is my experience.

vine charcoal - very soft even if its called hard, will erase fairly easy, good for soft shadows or under sketching as it can be easily removed.

compressed (sticks) - very hard, hard to erase if its eraceable, but you are also able to get deeper blacks with it, in my case with what i bought, its jetblack and i doubt there is a charcoal that will be blacker than this.

pencil - this varies wildly, some of them are relatively soft, some are hard as diamond, with an added possible issue of what is used to bind the charcoal to the stick, making it potentially more untraceable than the compressed is.

now we go onto paper, news print... i personally am unable to make something worth archiving so i dont know what you draw on for long term, but news print is fucking amazing and takes charcoal and pencil like a dream, its just highly un achievable.

now the list of shit to get.

drawing board
vine - medium or soft

you may also want to pick up some shitty paintbrushes at a local craft store because just rubbing the top of the compressed sticks will load the brush and you can paint with it... its kind of fun do do it like that instead of directly working with the sticks if its avoidavle due to hoe little you can erase with them.

>> No.2248188

right to left if it looks like it could have come out of japan, left to right if it doesn't, as a reader of hentai, i find it obnoxious when people who are western, dont have an asian enough style, decided to emulate right to left.

there are several, here is one, the other one i know if is more a how to go about rendering an apple.


>> No.2248191


ALSO keep in mine there are likely cheaper ways to go about this, and better ways, this is just the one i know and use.

for charcoal, look into making some yourself, it's fairly easy and FAR cheaper than buying it, but you are guaranteed some modicum of quality from buying it.

the only one i would recommend as a definate is the compressed sticks, as making your own and getting that good a jet black is not likely going to happen.

when it comes to pencils, its largely a "i dont want to get my hands dirty" kind of deal and good ones can cost you up to 11$ a pencil... i just dont see it as worth it when vine is so cheap.

>> No.2248204

Anything important I should know when doing assets for game design?
ie. Should I separate things like weapons from my characters and animate them separately? Or should I just treat everything like.. a non-flexible asset?

>> No.2248243
File: 8 KB, 353x587, jagged circle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to make it so curves don't come out jagged when drawing fast in flashplayer? And is there any way to get pressure sensitivity?

>> No.2248247

Can I improve by drawing solely from imagination? Drawing from life is just... so uninspiring and incredibly dull.

>> No.2248251

i think you have to either draw slow, or you have to have a REALLY fast computer, its been a long time since i dicked around with flash.

if you are doing it 2d or 3d and the weapon changes, keep them separate
if you are doing it 3d, make sure you see how much resolution is required to paint a gun, let me explain.

if you have something 6 inches from your face, to paint and sculpt it well you need a lot more detail than lets say its 2 feet from your face.

and what i mean by that is you dont need to make a 4k or higher resolution texture, if there is no reasonable way the player will ever get that close to the screen. even on a 4k screen, there is very little reason to have a 4k texture just because to have that on lets say a pistol, the entire screen would need to be covered by the gun to make that a worthwhile investment of resources.

yes and no.
yes in the sense that you will refine your style and you will get better, but no in the sense that its like those sonic fan arts where the before and after is 2 years apart but the only difference is they learned to render slightly better.

you need to draw realism from life or reference to get good, and than you should abstract from that from imagination.

>> No.2248254

I have little to no idea on how to keep myself drawing stuff from life, this is especially bad when I look at what I draw, and am always disgusted, not to mention being convinced that I can't go past the mental mindset that what I do is "poorly done shit".

>> No.2248256

Speaking from personal experience, yes. You can get an understanding of form, perspective, proportion, and you can develop good draftsmanship. But there's a lot you'll have to study too, that you can't pull from your imagination, like anatomy, shading, color theory, composition, etc.

>> No.2248276

Technically yes, if you're still building your visual library by analyzing everything you see around you. In terms of representational skills, you do need to learn your fundamentals somehow, and the fastest way to go about that is by drawing from life.

Let's say you wanted to draw a giraffe. You could either guess at what a giraffe looks like, drawing solely on your imagination and iterating until something feels right, or you could study what a giraffe actually looks like (whether that's done mentally or a drawn study) and apply what you learn. If you want to learn to draw 'X', you can't do that without studying 'X' - it just makes more sense to study 'X' with pencil in hand than relying solely on mental notes.

If you aren't analyzing everything around you, drawing from imagination will more often than not only reinforce misconceptions on how things should look. You might "improve" at drawing something you've drawn many times over, but that doesn't mean that what you draw will necessarily be good. Generally most artists you admire spent a good chunk of time studying and paying attention to the world around them - not relying solely on the vacuum of their imagination. You can't learn all the fundamentals without study.

>> No.2248282

oh, dont worry, everything you do for quite a while is poorly done shit regardless of what you draw, what you need to get past is thinking it will always be poorly done shit.

take a simple form, a bottle of tylenol, excedrin, ibuprofen, rubbing alcohol that can be simplified down to a curved cylinder or a box with curved edges and a cylinder on top and just do that.

i'm not telling you do do perspective work, but just draw the shapes ontop of eachother and start sculpting it down.

move onto more complex objects like a mug, and just keep at it, dont spend more than 5 minutes a drawing on the simple shit and absolutely fuck rendering.

here, just took some picutres of simple to more complex but still simple shit


dont render and dont fret over details like the bottles ridges, thats shit you save for when you render, right now you are just doing lines and getting the shape down.

each image has a 90~ degree angle looking down, and a straight on side view.

>> No.2248447

I've been wanting to improve my draftsmanship but I still struggle keeping my lines clean when I do gesture drawing. Should I do longer studies for now and hold off on the 30/60 second gestures? I don't wanna build a bad habit of messy lines like what Proko says on his video

I feel like I'm still lack confidence with my strokes and I often miss the mark with respect to placement/proportions

>> No.2248508
File: 1.11 MB, 768x1280, Screenshot_2015-10-12-09-57-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do white artists like Rapoza and Proko always have the same asian girlfriend?

Is it a secret tool to help you git gud? Should I start searching for one?

>> No.2248514

It means they have more refined tastes is all.
Often asian women are more aesthetically pleasing than white women.
Having a tan means being of health, and it often makes muscles more apparent, whereas too pale skin can seem unhealthy and the pale tones make fat more apparent than muscle.
White women tend to have pointier jaws which symbolize aggression. The rounder jaw means "approachable" or "friendly".

Along with that, asians just generally have more neoteny which means they look young for a longer period of time and young people are attractive.
If you're really inclined, you can read more about neoteny here.

>> No.2248523

/r9k/: the post

I think Moebius is the one who said artists are children that never grew up, so often times their lovers are of the provider type, being very motherly, taking care of the business end, and yadda yadda.

Doesn't necessarily have to be Asian. But who knows why white men go for asian women. Perhaps to avoid loving someone that resembles their mother, who might have discouraged their practice of art?

>> No.2248524

If you don't have an asian gf you're not going to make it

>> No.2248525

>Perhaps to avoid loving someone that resembles their mother, who might have discouraged their practice of art?

thats some projection right there

>> No.2248526

Two white artists with asian girlfriends does not a pattern make.

>> No.2248560

Yeah thats why I said perhaps. Im Asian and I used to avoid asian women until i got over my rebellious phase.

>> No.2248584

fuck the confidence and all that bullshit, just keep drawing but use the overhand grip, if you are willing to pull many lines or shitty likes with that than hats off to you, that grip is a pain in the ass to have bad habits with and you will kick them if you use it.

also for gesture, if you are able to pull shitty likes you are doing it wrong.

>> No.2248587

r9k the post would be "that feel no girlfriend" not discussing the positives of a female gender. but this whole dialogue tree in and of itself is retarded.

>> No.2248599

I may be too dumb to understand color.
Blending tones, picking a decent palette, considering what kind of materials there are, saturaion, lighting; you name it.
Any kind of help is welcome. At this point I'll either quit drawing or just stick to 2deep4u black and white.

>> No.2248659

take a picture of outside and then get the eyedropper and look where all the colors tend to end up.

make a swatch of it

study what colors are normally found in the world, you should probably find out that saturation is fairly low across the board.

than note what colors humans typically use in everyday life, things like buildings, signs and such. note how some of them are saturated and why they are that way.

finally for using color and making your own pallet without reference, look up color theory and what you now know from life experience of what pops up in the world.

also, i think james gunnery color and light or something like that, read that book and keep in mind everything its teaching you while making colors too.

all else fails, find an image you like and steal its pallet.

>> No.2248728
File: 442 KB, 617x802, 1426555961255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips or guides to help me with Loomis pic related in terms of painting and seeing form and painting?

>> No.2248752

How do I get more control over my lines? I've always end up making chicken scratches. Doesit just come natural?

>> No.2248753

Is fan art the best way to get popular? How do I get more likes and thumbs up on my stuff

inb4 git gud

>> No.2248763

How do I make sure if line is perpendicular or not? I really suck at drawing stuff like cylinders, which makes drawing the arms in gesture drawings a pain.

>> No.2248770

Your drawings should stand out a little bit. Even shallow fanart will go by unnoticed, as there are metric tons of it out there.

Your best bet is to do fanart of fresh content right out of announcement/trailers (games, etc), or to find super obscure series/characters with zero fanart.

When I say fresh, I mean finishing a piece within the first 10 hours of the announcement. THAT fast. A lot of people do this to get noticed.

And as per usual, remember to keep practicing fundamentals/realism on the side, your stylization will get more original/appealing.by extension.

>> No.2248811
File: 1.06 MB, 1000x1000, 2603141421091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just thinking about this last night, wondering what you guys have to say about it:

How successful would a series of books that cover the entirety of drawing and painting fundamentals?
Like there would be a drawing book that talks about line confidence/variety, perspective, rendering value, reflections, figure, environments, anatomy, composition, etc
Then the other book would be about painting techniques, color and light occurrences, digital painting techniques, simplifying complex scenes/figures, etc, etc

Essentially a whole foundation course in a matter of 2 or 3 large books.

I doubt anything to this size would come out in our lifetime, but would it be successful? Or would it be better just to get a bunch of different books that talk about each individual element?
(Hampton's figure book, loomis' illustration books, framed ink, color and light, how to draw/render, etc etc)

>> No.2248846

I'm borderline dyslexic (maybe actually dyslexic, such a thing is not diagnosed in my country), so it's really hard for me to read books.

Are there any good audio-books about drawing?

>> No.2248848

Can a piece ever take you too long, especially while you're still very much learning?
Would it be more beneficial to do a different piece every day?

>> No.2248885


Absurd, asians look like shit compared to white girls mate.

>> No.2248894

This is /ic/. Go talk about your preferences on /r9k/ or some shit.
The latter, especially if you're learning still. When you're learning (as in you can't draw well yet), you should be focusing on grinding your fundamentals and such. Polishing, rendering, details, etc can be set aside later.
Not to say you should only be drawing sketches and what not, or you shouldn't try to make full illustrations, but try to be efficient. You don't want to be a Firez or something.
A lot of art books you don't really need to read that much, just understand the diagrams. I don't know about audiobooks, but I recommend checking out some videos instead (if you can't just rely on pictures.)
Just get individual books. With specialized books, it's not going to be watered down.

>> No.2248985

Is it better to finish my sketches or just move on?
Every time I try and finish a drawing it begins to feel like I'm making no progress and that I'm just putting line art onto a turd, feels like I just want to move onto another pose, angle, whatever.

Am I slowing down myself by doing this or is it just better to move on?

>> No.2248993
File: 16 KB, 284x177, Seijuro_Shin_di_Eyeshield_21_sfonda_un_Nintendo_DS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using pen and paper for the past year and a half and have no grasp on using PS,Sai, or MS even though I've been trying for the past 2 weeks.
Nothing comes out like it's meant to on paper and the brushes are all weird. Help.

>> No.2249160

Mateys, I've done the transition from traditional to digital and the stylus is kicking my ass.

I've been looking for tips on how to get used to the new grip and practice the new hand to eye deal with this. Could anyone offer me a few tips on this? Better yet, I'd appreciate videos and links that could set me right in my quest to this new adventure.

Thanks forward.

>> No.2249207

concerning character design, how do you add nonredundant, purposefull features to a completely generic character?

>> No.2249273

anyone have a GOOD tutorial on value

>> No.2249407

where can i find the best person that shows their brush settings for paint tool sai? I wanted to try doxy but he's selling his and idk how to put brushes in sai.

>> No.2249477

overhand grip and draw with the side of your pencil, if you are able to sharpen it to a taper that is even better.

overhand grip

what does drawing cylinders have to do with gesture?
in what context do you need help with perpendicular lines?

largely, unpopular... with art you have people who will suck off the old masters and people who think pollock was the best thing to ever happen.
largely people will go for a book written by someone with proven skills over a compilation.
and to the other anon, an entire book, 90+ pages on rendering, or a need to know blurb... i personally, especially for a beginner, would go the blurbs over in depth shit they wont understand, and have them focus on that instead of getting better at drawing itself. a few book series that goes over the basics that you need to know would be a godsend, but the likely hood of it being popular without someone amazing backing it its next to none.

go videos and only read when necessary. if you NEED to read, get a good ocr screenshot or take a picture of the page and have the computer read it to you.
you are on your own with ocr though.

when you are learning, recognize you are shit, and you benefit more from mass grinding than you do from polishing. never render, and depending on what you call a day (could be 20 minutes, could be 8 hours) you should have multiple things to show for it, not a single piece.

move the fuck on
gesture and check proportions, if they are off, move the fuck on
when you are drawing, if something looks lopsided dont erase it and try to fix it, move the fuck on.
when you get to the point you no longer see mistakes in the drawings, render that's when you can start not moving on right away.

>> No.2249483

get some anime, screengrab it, and try to remove the subtitles... what you want right now is to get use to using the tablet and drawing digitally, i found this to really help when i first tried.

keep in mind, i also later found out that i can not draw with a tablet at all... i scan to take pictures of real drawings whenever i took them into digital... it may be different with a penable display, but at the very least tablet i cant make a base drawing, but what you sound like is you are just not use to tablet and digital yet.

also, there was a 3 month period in my life i had no money to replace a mouse so i also used the tablet for everything too... god were fpses hard to play.

if its wacom, you need to set a pressure curve so its not so retarded on the low end,
get some photographs or find bad ones online and touch them up, you want to get use to using the stylus and this is a fairly good way to do it, drawing can kind of discourage you because at first with most people it will look worse than you should be able to do. also see the above suggestion.

think of his/her backstory and why they have something/some feature. if you cant think of a reason why they have X than why the fuck do they have X.

i think art of wei had some decent things on his youtube but nothings labeled value,

>> No.2249485

Resrart your driver or set everything on pen pressure.

>> No.2249656

I fucked up, I meant figure drawing, I've heard that the ellipses of the cylinder needs to be perpendicular to each other or something. Am I just getting worried for no reason?

>> No.2249662

Beginner here.

I get that spending a lot of time practicing is a good idea, but before I get too far into it I want to know if I should be worried about doing the wrong things and developing habits that will screw myself later.

Is there anything in particular to avoid, or am I fine just following well recommended texts and dealing with things as they come?

>> No.2249702

just draw.

>> No.2249732

Is there such thing as a pencil lead that is slippery/smooth writing, but still crisp and not chalky? I haven't tried leads softer than HB yet.

It just seems like I draw faster and better traditionally with a pen as opposed to a pencil. Probably due to the tons of digital sketching experience I have as opposed to traditional.

>> No.2249771

ok, makes more sense that way... i think you mean parallel, as perpendicular ellipses would have no chance in hell of making a cylinder.

depending on the perspective, the few right angles in a cylinder would no longer be right angles, and as for parallel, the ellipses could look wildly different...

now, as for helping you with drawing an arm... instead of drawing a cylinder, try drawing a really light spiral. drawing a spiral gives you the illusion of 3 dimensional form VERY easily. and if dont light enough you could build on top of it without to much erasing or problems.

draw overhand, this kills most bad habits you could form by making the habits a pain in the ass to do.

do not render, as you will just be polishing shit, read through the thread, you will see this idea elaborated somewhere above.

i personally use prismacolor ebony, jet black extra smooth.
the lead is a fair bit thicker than a normal 2b pencil i'm not sure where it lands on the softness scale... i would personally put it somewhere around 4-7b and the fucker is anything but chalky... as i attribute a chalky feel to my compressed or vine charcoal... in fact, i dont think i would describe any pencil i have ever used as chalky in feel. sure some leads are significantly harder than others and can be an absolute bitch if its possible at all to get to put anything on paper other than the lightest line you ever saw... but chalky is not a term i would use.

>> No.2249828

For improvement purposes, is it better to imagine the perspective lines like kjg does or draw them out?

>> No.2249847

Draw them out.
kjg didn't start off not using any guidelines and it wasn't until he started teaching after his manhwa that he developed it.
Why do you think you'd be better off without it?

Is your perspective already that perfect and your mental prowess already that developed you can keep a mental notes of it in your head ?

You are going to fuck up while developing, there's no avoiding it and it pays to have the lines down to know where you went right, what you fucked up and what you can do in the future to avoid it and how you can fix mistakes.

Once you get used to using guidelines soon you'd just be placing a dot for your vanishing points but don't try to rush this shit.

>> No.2249867

I'm not really sure how Deviantart works... What's the best way to gain followers? Just posting works using tags will get you followers or your work won't show up for majority of ppl? Will I have to participate in the community?

>> No.2249889

Question :

My final end-product I desire is lineart, but I have a hard time sketching volumes/foreshortening ( I get what's supposed to be there, it just doesnt click ), is there a better way to go on about this? Like starting with a grayscale painting and then somehow end up with just lineart? Or should I just keep trying till I get used to it?

I really feel like drawing contours sometimes even tho I have in mind volume of parts.

>> No.2249898
File: 71 KB, 525x402, WinePencil525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use china markers at work to mark the bad pieces and wonder what could they be used for in art?

>> No.2249907

contours are the shittiest part of drawing for me. how do I make them less of a pain in the ass?

figures are just drawing sticks and placing basic shapes where they go. contours make me feel blind.

>> No.2249947

What makes art uncanny, and how do you avoid it?

>> No.2249955

Daily deviations will give you a huge boosts. Groups will give you some visibility.

>> No.2249963

Is it better to paint in greyscale and add color later, or should you paint in color with the value already added?

I normally do the second and when I peek at my stuff in greyscale my values all look pretty alright.

However, I cannot for the life of me add color to greyscale paintings and have it look right, but painting in greyscale significantly reduces the amount of time it takes for me to finish a work

Is there a trick?

>> No.2249977
File: 335 KB, 800x800, worstflag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on this stuff right now, Why are lines towards upper left so hard to draw? I'm not making any improvements towards this directions, had to rape the undo button to get them to look right.
Besides that, this exersise is mindnumbing as fuck.
I'm realy trying to learn that stuff since everyone here keeps shouting how important it is to use the whole arm to draw, but spending 200+ hours doing this instead of actualy drawing something seems like a waste of time.

>> No.2249995

dude, are you retarded or something? you are rushing too much, the lines are supposed to be over each other, making it look like one, none of this messy shit!
also, how can you fuck up both ethe beginning and the end of the line at the same time? nothing is overalping as it should

>> No.2250006

As close to retarded as it gets, this shit is harder than it looks, no way anyone can come anywhere close to clean overlaping lines withou years worth of practise.

>> No.2250012

but everyboy should be able to start the lines from one single point, no matter how much they fuck em up afterwards

>> No.2250017


Sorry if the question is retarded, I'm having a hard time figuring out how that site works. How can I get to show up on daily deviations? I have to submit direct to it? How it works? lol

>> No.2250221
File: 123 KB, 568x800, New canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does Sycra get his chins so pointy?

>> No.2250251

that's a very hairy butthole, anon.

>> No.2250283
File: 33 KB, 600x600, P0011_White_Gelly_Roll_Pen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these fucking garbage or am I just using it wrong? I've seen people do really cool stuff with white pens on toned paper but this thing hasn't been cutting it at all. I can't get a consistent white line let alone color an area.

>> No.2250297

don't press down hard. I've got them and they do fairly fine for me. Make sure yours isn't clogged or anything.

>> No.2250305


>Why are lines towards upper left so hard to draw

Are you right handed? Just rotate the paper/tablet.

>> No.2250335
File: 81 KB, 572x600, Bridgman_FIGURE_STUDIES_II0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Fun With a Pencil and i'm really eager to start figure drawing/painting and all that shit, but im not sure if that's what I do next? Should I git gud at still lives and drawing objects/plants/vehicles/etc. first and then go into figure drawing?

>> No.2250382

does this board support screenplay critiques too?

>> No.2250395 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 490x319, No-Name-DietSoda-BakingSoda-package-design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's been about a year since I started this new DA

how have I improved since, and how can I further improve?


>> No.2250399
File: 123 KB, 490x319, No-Name-DietSoda-BakingSoda-package-design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a little more than I year since I started this DA

How have I improved since, and how can I further improve?


>> No.2250457

anyone who uses medical anatomy book? can someone recommend me a good title on it?

>> No.2250462

Depends on what you wanna learn. Proko's site actually has some solid book recommendations for various things.

I might look into Delavier's Strength Training Anatomy for reference/study sometime myself...

>> No.2250481

best place to study the muscles? With poses please

>> No.2250485


dont draw the lines, eyeball it and check it later to make sure its good enough, that's what you should be aiming for in almost every drawing you do that its good enough to not get called out for and its allot easier to get that good than to try and eyeball 100% perfection and a fuck load faster than putting every single one of those lines down.

unless you bring the weird perspective into the focus, you dont need to be perfect, just good enough.

when i did bullshit and posted it there, people just kind of found it on their own... none of my shit was tagged and it was all put in un finished folders... granted i put a grand total of 6 things online before it became to much of a hassle to scan them (scanner took a good 5 minutes to scan something back than, than photoshop was new to me and making it a reasonable size when dialup was still a thing... kind of a pain in the ass.

dude look up comics that are action by someone who is known for art. you will get foreshortening there, and pay attention to the shadows, usually hatching is the way that they handle it in sketch and the inker decides what gets full black and what gets lines. you want to look up something that gives you volumes with contour drawing, look up old etchers... fucking great crosshatching mixed with shit you can learn from, add that to action comics for foreshortening lessons, and there you go.

why not? i have a few of those things that have charcoal in them, and i think a white one that is like charcoal somewhere in my closet. they were part of an art set i got when i was 10~ but i never used them as i didn't like charcoal at the time.

not quite sure what you mean with that... any examples you feel like posting?

when you get somewhat good, and you render instead of drawing, even normal people know something is off but they cant place it because the rendering is good.

at least that's more often than not the cause.

>> No.2250500
File: 109 KB, 1000x1000, mine is shit too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, i think painting over a grey scale and making it look decent is a skill unto itself. personally i would rather have do it all in color on a 50% grey background than check a desaturated version later on and touch up than paint grey, THEN color on top.

i freely admit to sucking a cock at drawing on a tablet, this is just an exercise you should do to warm up, not grind it till perfect thought that is idea.

last time i did this traditionally with a metal nib pen, i did very well till it came to away and to the left.

also, for an added challenge do squiggly lines and try to go over them 100% correctly. i do these exercises mostly when sharpening pencils, i get practice in and i get the pencil how i want it at the same time. also >>2249995 take this exercise as a religious practice and refuse to do it any other way than what the lord and savior peter han said... with that said, i always tell people if you do this, do it a hair faster than you are comfortable with, because any retard and i mean ANY RETARD can trace a god damn like if they dont have parkinson's if you allow them to go as slow as they like, however doing a bit faster than you can handle will help you speed up and speed up more accurately. as for the let and up two... lets be honest, just rotate the fucking canvas so the line you need to pull is one you can pull good, its nice being able to pull a line in any direction flawlessly but unnecessary.

by not getting better and going full style.

post an example and i may be able to tell you what to do, other than that, you just have to think in reverse of what you normally do. instead of putting down the darker tones you are putting down the highlights.

only if they are story boards, may want to go to lit if its just text.

>> No.2250501

next to nothing is finished or just showing line work. looking at the girl sitting and the guy with the flaming fists, als that one that has the magic, i will say check your fucking perspective... god dont make me tell you do grind it please dont... but you need to make sure shit is right. note the girl, there is no way the desk will be like that and give you than angle for a chair and her lap. the guy sitting suggest that im looking at him with multiple angles and if the background is what i think it is, it suggests i should be looking down on him not eye level with a strap above him, eye level with him, nipple level with him and than somehow also crotch level. the magic girl is part of my "if you make a weird perspective that's when you need to make damn sure shit is perfect" because it calls it out more than other works. for the most part your shit isn't so broke to be unfixable, but you are going to have to keep in mind perspective. it will probably help if you decide what is eye level from here on out and make a line of that.

if you also want to know how to get more people to follow you or look at your shit, post every day, doesn't matter what, just post something.

female body builders, and from that major groups first with minor groups being a distant second. major groups make up what everyone reconizes, even non artists, minor are something you can play with as most people just know they are there but cant really pin point them unless they also study them...

>> No.2250504

When people recommend that I paint with a hard-round brush.

Do they mean a circular brush with hard edges and maximum opacity? Or am I allowed to lower the opacity a bit as needed.

>> No.2250521

hard round is just how sharp the edges are and shape of the brush, alter opacity and flow as you see fit.

>> No.2250654

Are gfxpeers dead? Why?

>> No.2250698

>this is just an exercise you should do to warm up, not grind it till perfect
Warm up for what, after all this IS the basic stuff, Right?
/ic/ seems to hate it when people that can't do the basic things try to do something else than the basics.
Complaining about hairy or unsteady lines and such.

>> No.2250731

If you exclusively spend time on exercises like this, you'll go mad. Do these exercises AND draw. You'll get better by applying your lessons than by purely studying.

>> No.2250745

Not the same guy, but what do you mean by drawing overhand? Like how Proko and Bert Dodson says to do it?

>> No.2250768

How do I stop being horrendously slow?

>> No.2250771
File: 11 KB, 300x269, blind-contour-fist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with figure drawing you can make gestures or stickpersons as guide to build off of

compare that to mentally tracing the outlines of some fruit. the uncertainty always causes me neurosis.

>> No.2250828

what are some good apps for figure drawing? something that pops images from time to time, you know

>> No.2250852

Not really a question, more of an issue, but my tablet stopped working properly a while ago. It was a Huion H610 Pro, but I tried with a Wacom bamboo and it's still causing the same issues.

It's like it understands where I'm clicking and all, but it doesn't register the correct action. For example, pressing Ctrl-Z causes photoshop to close, trying to draw doesn't show anything, but when I click with my mouse on the canvas, all previous lines I drew appear like straight lines.

I tried uninstalling the drivers and reinstalling them but it's still doing it. I recently updated to Windows 10 but I don't know if that's the problem because I drew after the update and everything was working ok.

Does anyone else have this issue? Any ideas?

>> No.2250856

senshistock.com is good pixelovley, quickposes

>> No.2250900

Picked up a medium sized Intuos tablet and decided to learn how to color, so I can help out my artist partners when we make comics. Is there a program I should start with before jumping onto photoshop? Any good tutorials/tips for an absolute beginner like me?

>> No.2251295

How do I make people look Asian?

>> No.2251380

I'd ask in the animation thread but that place is unusually dead for whatever reason.

Does anyone know any decent tutorials on doing traditional frame by frame animation in Toonboom? Seems like the only ones I can find are on doing puppet rigged animation.

>> No.2251427



some of your shit is answered over there.