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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 252 KB, 848x1219, 1440818306295-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2236252 No.2236252[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to learn how to properly draw people without practicing figure drawing by drawing nudes? All figure drawing seems to be nude.

After /pol/ and half-chan's /christian/ board converted me, I've tried to avoid looking at nude images to resist temptation and creating nude images seems like it would be taking it even a step further.

I want to learn how to draw though.

>> No.2236254

in all honesty, there is no hope for you.

time to take a step back and scrutinize yourself.

>> No.2236255

Are you from r/NoFap?

>> No.2236256
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this is now a reference thread

>> No.2236257
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>> No.2236259
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>> No.2236260

I don't go to reddit. It's too leftist. Talking with all of the Orthodox Christians on /pol/ and later on /christian/ just converted me.

>> No.2236261
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learn how to draw anon

contemporary humanity has little to no need for religion. don't let it hold u back little man

>> No.2236262
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>> No.2236263
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>> No.2236265
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>> No.2236266
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>> No.2236268
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>> No.2236269
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you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded tbh

>> No.2236270
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>> No.2236271
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>> No.2236272
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>> No.2236273
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>> No.2236274
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why are you sexualizing nudity in the first place? what are you, some kind of pervert?

>> No.2236277
File: 1.22 MB, 3320x4992, 1434397089478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy gets it.

the nude human figure is not sinful.

>> No.2236278
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>> No.2236280
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please draw your figures. improving a skill and being productive would be rewarding, and studying something that you enjoy is the best pastime.

>> No.2236281
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life is so short, and there isn't going to be some mystical skydaddy to praise you afterwards for "resisting temptation"

>> No.2236285
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>> No.2236287
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>> No.2236289
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>> No.2236290
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>> No.2236291
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>> No.2236292

I started drawing because of Christ-chan. Nudity need not be sexual, and nowhere in Christianity does it say so. You just need to 'rewire' yourself

>> No.2236295
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fuck off

>> No.2236297
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>> No.2236298
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>> No.2236299
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>> No.2236300
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>> No.2236301
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>> No.2236302
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>> No.2236303
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>> No.2236304
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>> No.2236305
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>> No.2236306
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>> No.2236307
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>> No.2236309
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>> No.2236310
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>> No.2236312
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>> No.2236314
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>> No.2236315
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>> No.2236319
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>> No.2236320
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>> No.2236321
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>> No.2236323
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>> No.2236324
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i hope that everyone has a good night

remember that time is all you have, so please do something with it ; - ;

>> No.2236327

adam and eve had no problem with nudity before eating from the forbidden fruit

>> No.2236329

yes, and stories are just that. stories.

we are living in 2015 anon

>> No.2236330


>> No.2236332

>"The nude human figure must serve as the basis for all figure study. It is impossible to draw the clothed or draped figure without a knowledge of the structure and form of the figure underneath. The artist who cannot put the figure together properly does not have one chance in a thousand of success-either as a figure draftsman or as a painter. It would be as reasonable to expect to become a surgeon without studying anatomy. If you are offended by the sight of the body the Almighty gave us to lvie in, then put this book aside at once and likewise give up all thought of a career in art."

Based Loomis

>> No.2236334

That is a flaccid penis.

How large is your genitalia when it isn't erect?

>> No.2236336

It looks like a mushroom head in a forest of hair, but I'm Asian.

>> No.2236338
File: 16 KB, 600x600, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2236375
File: 301 KB, 1600x1000, All we are is what we have thought.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've tried to avoid looking at nude images to resist temptation
You're missing the point. You don't beat gluttony by refusing to ever eat again, you don't conquer pride with self-loathing, you don't beat sloth by rushing around incessantly and never sleeping. It's about BALANCE.

Sexual temptation is overcome by ACCEPTING your desires for what they are, and by refraining from EXCESS. If you completely avoid all contact with the opposite sex you never give yourself a chance to overcome temptation, and you end up in a situation like the Islamic world, where women are simply blamed for making men aroused and treated as nothing but 'evil sexual temptresses necessary for baby-making' instead of as people.

You need to confront your demons, look straight at something you'd consider "sexy", accept that the feelings you have are natural, break down the situation into all of it's most basic parts and understand it, it's part of growing up. You're a mammal, you have an instinct to seek a mate and reproduce, affected by visual queues, but you're also a self-aware highly intelligent creature capable of restraint, capable of the self-awareness, capable of understanding this process as it occurs.

If you want to overcome temptation BE AWARE OF YOUR THOUGHTS. That is the key. The brain is very malleable and trainable: the more you think a certain way the more your brain will continue to think that way automatically. You are telling yourself that nudity represents temptation, and so that's what it will represent to you. So when you look at something you'd consider "tempting" understand that it is YOU who are deciding it is so, that it is only your thoughts, that you no longer need to be burdened by such juvenile misgivings.

If you want to get better at figure drawing, do life drawings of nude figures, and don't belittle the model by considering her (or him) nothing more than a temptation.

>> No.2236377

A much shorter way of putting this >>2236375 :
If you have to actively avoid temptation, then you are a slave to your temptation.

>> No.2236386

>half-chan's /christian/ board
This site doesn't have a /christian/ board though.

>> No.2236389
File: 92 KB, 1000x665, 739_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I've been doing nofap for 3 weeks. I still look at lewd pics and porn but have decided to no longer fap to it. Just learn some self-control.

>> No.2236431

ironically there's a non-trivial amount of nudity in thematically christian art during the renaissance.

suck it up retard, if you can't stand to look at naked people that's on you, don't pin whatever friend you have in the sky as the reason for your aversion to nudity.

>> No.2236433

>Is it possible to learn how to properly draw people without practicing figure drawing by drawing nudes?

Yes, and don't let the crap some people will give you for it bother you. You do you, anon.

>> No.2236998

Some photosets involve tan underwear and similar garments over their bits, I'm pretty uncomfortable looking at flaccid wangs so anything with shorts or underwear is always a plus. In addition to the stuff other anons are saying other than "lol nudity umad???" you can probably pull off learning the figure so long as they aren't fully clothed.

>> No.2237026

fucking love this guy. When i started drawing gesture i thought he was nothing but an ugly old man but as i got better i kept drawing him over and over I have grown found of him. Hes in every website I use. I wonder how he would feel to know that I like him on a deeper level.

Anybody else feel similar?

>> No.2237124

>Is it possible to learn how to properly draw people without practicing figure drawing by drawing nudes


/thread. Go life drawing now.

>> No.2237152

ahahah what a fag. Nude is normal, if anything it's clothing that is degenerate.

>> No.2237162


Anon, anyone who studies anatomy will increase his faith in the omnipotence of Allah the almighty.

>> No.2237165

What websites do you use?

>> No.2237351


>> No.2237493

I'm pretty uncomfortable looking at flaccid wangs

so full erect ones are ok?

>> No.2237498

>God doesn't exist because I say so
>being so ignorant you think god is a 'mystic skydaddy'


>> No.2237532

*tips fedora*

>> No.2237545

Nice hat faggot.

>> No.2237556

How about actually attending figure drawing classes, rather than just looking at images on the internet. Classes, despite featuring nude models, are usually the most sexless, sterile environments you can find. I'd recommend it.

>> No.2238719

You have your own elitist drawthread on /pol/ Stay there if you can't handle nudity like some kind of first grader, faggot.

>> No.2238727

>God exists because I say so
>being so ignorant that you think there is a god

faulty logic

>> No.2238732

>string theory and multiverse theory are the best current explainers of our universe
>they posit dimensions we cannot examine and an infinite number of possible universes
>the posit that universe creation can result from interactions between already existing universes in the multiverse
>given an infinite time, even events with probability 0 will occur
>an infinite number of universes, each with their own laws of physics, mean that even impossible events could occur in a different universe
>logically, there must be a universe with a god
>logically there must be a universe with an infinitely powerful creator god who can affect all other universes
>including our own universe
>logically there must exist a universe in which an infinitely powerful creator god who can affect all other universes creates other universes, and in fact created ours.

god exists and science & logic prove it. perhaps it's not the christian god.
I think it is you who has the faulty logic.

of course, you can use the same logic to prove that a ham sandwich is the creator god, so who knows really. probably it doesn't matter and when we die we die and there's no point in worshiping the supernatural. but it'd be a hell of a trip if it were true, eh?

>> No.2238741

fanatics in /ic/ this is not the future i wanted

>> No.2238743
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Matter is comprised of mostly empty space, formed and shaped by sound as there are no such things as "solids" and your perception of reality is an illusion; a dream and the dreamer is the demiurge.

>> No.2238751

is there a universe where you're not fucking retarded

>> No.2238769

Thank our friends at /pol/ who shit on progressive political correctness while pushing their own outdated version of political correctness. On 4chan, of all places.

>> No.2238849

Variloh ?

>> No.2238916

the answer would be no

>> No.2238974

and yes

>> No.2242186

This site allows you to practice with only "decent" models: http://artists.pixelovely.com/practice-tools/figure-drawing/

>> No.2244894

That's like say the earth is at the center of the universe because the sun "moves" and the earth doesn't. It's actually worse because you're taking good science and stretching their meaning far beyond what it's meant to.

Science is how, not why.

>> No.2244902

You mean like drawing superheroes with skintight outfits? Yeah.