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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 66 KB, 640x640, 11351037_686845178087461_892060334_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2234316 No.2234316 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on her design

>> No.2234507

Pretty generic.
What is the character being used for?

>> No.2234518

An anime short from like 3 years ago

Also the design is shit OP

>> No.2234521

Pretty bad
It obvious the guy who designed her wanted to design a realistic female character while not knowing what women actually like or dress like

>> No.2234535


>> No.2234563

This, the outfit is so ugly... Just so so very ugly. Study fashion, OP. Nobody but a stripper desperate for money would wear that shit.

>> No.2234569
File: 19 KB, 282x415, 1421393049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: The design is shit!
>WTF is context

That design is hardly offensive. It's just simple.

>> No.2234573
File: 144 KB, 1920x1080, death-parade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These people thinking OP designed the person

Shit, OP, I just started watching this anime last night. I'm only three episodes in, but I'm having fun.

The artstyle is a fun mix of Tokyo Ghoul/other srs animes, and Oran High School host club, with the backgrounds and atmosphere of persona. Overall, it's fun. Or maybe I'm still offguard because the description promised Grimdark, and when I tune it, I get all these characters dancing in a classy as fuck bar.


>> No.2234574

Are you an idiot? If he wanted to design a realistic female character, he'd have just gone with regular clothes. Not even trying to defend this shitty design, but it's pretty obvious that he was going for a sexy outfit that isn't realistic for any woman to wear unless she's a hooker.

>> No.2234576

Anyone who thought the OP drew that needs to off themselves. It only takes a simple google search to realize it's from a fucking anime series. Too many dumb people on /ic/.

I only saw the short from 3 years ago and thought it was neat.

>> No.2234582
File: 106 KB, 706x1166, 1b4dcb3f6c6970c7adf5172e3862b275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I guess I really do have shit taste, I love her design

not mine, just wanted to see how opinions aligned with others

>> No.2234584


Your taste is fine. There is nothing offensive about the design. /ic/ is just full of salty faggots who can't draw, let alone have any design sense.

>> No.2234585

It's a full-fledged anime now. I came across is browsing my friend's Hulu last night in the "related" column. It's an incredibly beautiful anime. Watch an episode if you have time.

>> No.2234590

I didn't know she was a hooker, I haven't watched whatever show she's from, but my point still stands, it was clearly designed by a man with no understanding of women
And it's not sexy, she's just showing a lot of skin

>> No.2234593

Nah don't, it never really tops the short.

>> No.2234596
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>> No.2234597
File: 565 KB, 1184x1606, tumblr_nubfyrAcy31rl3tlpo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved everything about the aesthetic of the show, the really low mouths on all the characters worked really well for some reason too, Im still trying to find the person who designed them and his other work

>> No.2234605
File: 126 KB, 668x600, 999_conceptart_yLxZ0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>justifying bad character design
Even anime can do better than that

>> No.2234610

It's easy to spot whose posts are what gender in this thread.

>> No.2234611

>complains about OP being hooker wear
>posts a character in hooker wear

Kinu is cool and all, but are you done?

>> No.2234614
File: 259 KB, 980x1428, f175b33b838ec887032f64d2242ca920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Need I remind you, pic related. Now fuck off back to tumblr.

>> No.2234615
File: 426 KB, 1200x930, sketches_bill2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my chinese cartoon is better than yours

>> No.2234617

I'm not complaining about her wearing slutty clothes but her "sexy" isn't done right from a realistic perspective

Bad character design like OP's picture, doesn't mean either artist can't design good-looking characters
Why so assblasted, anon?

>> No.2234622

Don't project your autism on me. You're bitching about a design that isn't even offensive. Tumblr is your home.
>realistic perspective
Good job ignoring context. Bravo. You go girl.

>> No.2234626

It's simple, I like it.

You could probably argue it's a bad design though, but it probably gets the job done in whatever context this is used.

>> No.2234633

When did I say it was offensive? It's just bad, two different words.

>muh deep animoo setting
Bad character design, regardless

>> No.2234645

Yea, figured that but since you were asking you must have some liking towards it and I'm saying, nah, those clothes ruin the design. I can't stand seeing cute anime girls in hideous clothes.

>> No.2234652

>weaboos getting mad no one with taste likes their ugly crap

every time.

>> No.2234659
File: 98 KB, 504x470, 1424117266402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and then there's this guy

>> No.2234680

anime related posts should be banned from here, weabs are invading

>> No.2234689

this design is stupid as hell but I still like it a lot more than OP's Death Parade girl

>> No.2234693

It /ic/ that hates animu. She is pretty generic, but the anime it self is not bad: not the greatest design choices, but it has a nice story, nice animation, ost is fun and I know people that got a few tears out of it. I wouldn't see some body with her past dress like that.

>> No.2234703

iirc the designer is Shinichi Kurita
twitter: https://twitter.com/Obakason
some of his animations: http://sakuga.yshi.org/post?tags=shinichi_kurita

>> No.2234727

it's simple and cute

>> No.2234758


>> No.2234767

Lotus is into belly dancing. What was the point in posting this?

>> No.2234828


>still using buzzwords

That's just a nice way to prove that you don't have any arguments, now go back to your containment board, thank you.

>> No.2234830

>containment board
>still using buzzwords
you're probably the same guy who always posts "weeb" too.

>> No.2234834

But containment boards is a thing. People like you drive off attempts of constructive criticism, like "well no point of saying anything, i will just get scream tumblr/weeb/etc at, don't wanna lose my time on this"

Just think about it.

>> No.2234853

>angry weeb detected

>> No.2234856

>constructive criticism

"It's shit" isn't constructive. The fact that you think that's constructive shows you're full of shit. There was no constructive criticism in this thread. None. Just a load of faggots saying "my taste is better than yours". Shut up and draw.

>> No.2235397


>> No.2235425

Nobody here is offended (do you even read the opinions posted). It's the simple FACT that she's dressed like a slut or hooker.
It automatically makes you respect the character less. If you don't see anything wrong with her clothes then I have no words for you.
It's a bad design choice. Nothing more, nothing less. But hey, if you want OP to keep on making bad designs in his life then by all means, continue.

>> No.2235437

>It automatically makes you respect the character less
That's just you man.

>> No.2235461

>I'll ignore all the constructive criticism because one anon called it shit
Talk about a cry baby

>> No.2235481
File: 1.33 MB, 854x480, Death Parade dance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2235486

Belly button suit jacket.
Its shit.
You big dummy.

>> No.2235602
File: 1.72 MB, 500x353, white people.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japs are just as cringy as americans when trying to come up with a non-cutesy dance

>> No.2235614

>crop jacket w/ crop top
do you even /fa/

>> No.2235635

Chiyuki cute.
overall the anime had interesting designs though, I liked how they managed to use obviusly femminine hand-styled characters with clean and well defined lines

>> No.2235637
File: 1.02 MB, 800x776, 05978938189399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the simple FACT that she's dressed like a slut or hooker. It automatically makes you respect the character less.
No, that's your autism kicking in. Even if the character was slutty, who gives a shit? That's only a negative to sexually frustrated morons who don't get play themselves.

Funny that you couldn't even point out the constructive criticism in this thread, since there aren't any. So you resort to green text. The most we got from the idiots in this thread is "she looks slutty" which isn't an issue unless you're triggered by sluts, which sounds like a personal problem.

>> No.2235641

>The most we got from the idiots in this thread is "she looks slutty" which isn't an issue unless you're triggered by sluts, which sounds like a personal problem.
Just accept it
It's bad character design, and kinda sad honestly, when the whole reason for your character to dress slutty is because you're drawing with your dick, not because the character wants to feel sexy or confident enough to pull off those clothes.

>> No.2235643

>Sluts are bad guise
> Showing skin is bad guises

Go home anita, your supposed to be ruining videogames not art

>> No.2235644

Ive had that reaction of "she looks like a fucking strip dancer" only a few times in my life so far, and this is not one of those times.

4chan has really been going down the shitter these days if an exposed belly is enough to start a shitstorm.

>> No.2235645
File: 808 KB, 977x659, bos1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm going to post even more buzzwords to prove my point

>> No.2235652

Lol no arguments left? Just gonna straight up lie?
A character can be sexy and slutty and show as much skin as they want as long as it fits their personality

A good designer is aware that their characters are not dress-up dolls.

In any case, sorry for criticizing your animoo, I should know they can do no wrong and it's the ultimate art form, etc, etc.

>> No.2235656

>when the whole reason for your character to dress slutty is because you're drawing with your dick

And this isn't a bad thing when designing a character who's slutty or sexually provocative. So you really have no point. Do everyone a favor. Shut up and draw.

>> No.2235664

>And this isn't a bad thing when designing a character who's slutty or sexually provocative.
It is because you're drawing what YOU want, not what your character would want to wear which is bad character design in general.
There are different degrees of slutty, different fashion statements that mean different things, real people pick the clothes they do for a reason, even if it's subconsciously.
If you're only designing your character with clothes and characteristics with the only purpose of them being there is because YOU like them then you're a bad character designer.

>> No.2235667

Characters aren't real people you moron. You as the creator, ultimately decide everything about them. So it's ultimately ALWAYS what YOU want. This concept isn't difficult to understand.

>> No.2235669

You've never seen a self-indulgent character design? You don't notice how contrived they look?

>> No.2235670
File: 72 KB, 250x272, 1369687108750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this >>2235667 everyone, is the mentality of a bad character designer.

>> No.2235679

What you want for your character does not always align with what you want as an individual. But you're still ultimately making the decision so it is what you want, BUT only in the context of that character. Context is fucking important.

The issue with people like you is that you project and love to ignore context all the time. The character design doesn't fit your wants so you assume it MUST be directly correlated with what the designer is personally into because you're completely ignoring the context of the character in the first place.

Is Miura Kentaro a rapist because he wrote what happened during the Eclipse in Berserk? He might as well be according to your logic. Context is important and the problem is people who think like you always ignore it yet think their opinion has any merit when it's not grounded.

>> No.2235680

the way you write makes it seem like you yourself think of characters as dress up dolls to pick and choose clothes for.

the op image is a uniform you autists. i'm also pretty sure she isn't even human.
what kind of character do you think she is? i don't know and i'm pretty sure you don't either.

no, ultimately he's right. you're just naive.
if you have to put it in one way, then yes designs need to be consistent, but it's not always about the characters feels or bullshit like that.

sometimes what you end up choosing will shape the character. it really isn't that simple.

>> No.2235683

Honestly I think it's pretty good. It's consistent to its theme which is to say a lot.

>> No.2235686
File: 1.78 MB, 333x194, 1441649119368.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weebs lecturing anyone on anything

>> No.2235689

I criticize self-indulgence precisely because it too often supercedes context and takes away from the character/story. This isn't always the case. At any rate, your response could be less hyperbolic.

>> No.2235706

I sure hope you come here to fuck around only, because if you hang around /ic/ posting art and hoping to become a professional and go making discussions like these, its pretty evident you don't really have the mindset to achieve anything with your drawings.

>> No.2235708

Literally tumblr,
I'm not even joking, throw on a Tumblr logo on that shirt and you got a tumbler-tan

>> No.2235710

you just call it self indulgence because of your own idiotic beliefs.

like i said, you don't actually know anything about this character. do you think a succubus wouldn't show her belly? or what about someone working in a night club?
or someone working in some bar in hell? thats actually the setting her iirc

100 bucks that using the word weeb makes you feel better about your own horrible art at the end of the day.

>> No.2235712
File: 18 KB, 250x237, 2058492810032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're wasting your time honestly. These people have to ignore context otherwise they wouldn't have a point to begin with specially in the case for OP. These are the type of people who can't make a competent cast of characters because context of character is a foreign concept to them. All they know how to do is make boring mary sues. They wouldn't even know how to write a good villain character. They are too caught up in what THEY want and can't think out of themselves, which is why the design triggers them in the first place even though it's fine. They aren't creators, and if they are, they are poor ones.

>> No.2235714

There are times when it's appropriate (as in, it makes sense) and when it's just mindless pandering. No need to get so rustled, pal. I never made a comment about your precious waifu.

>> No.2235719

>projecting this much
holy shit dude, I'm on your side but your post is just sad

>> No.2235721


I think it's a bad design. Everything she is wearing is essentialy the same, there is no contrast.

Top - not a modest top but not an ultra skimpy top either, blue color.
Skirt - not a modest skirt but not an ultra skimpy skirt either, blue color.
Shoes - not a modest pair of heels but not a ultra tall pair of stilletos either, blue color.

The design is just plain boring.

>> No.2235736

Hit the nail right on the head. It's like their idea of consistent character design is takin someone of the street and photocopying them. Which is BORING as hell! It's not supposed to be realistic; it can be any idea the artist wants to communicate, really, and it will have an audience as long as it's something worth looking at: because it serves a purpose! But no, if your character isn't a photorealistic boring and mundane person, anon will call it shit. Heh.

>> No.2235740

that's what makes it look extra comfy tho... Plus the use of the color blue contributes to that effect. Seems pretty smart IMO, although I have no idea if that's what the author was going for.

>> No.2235746

You seem to believe that people who dislike your preferred aesthetic can only appreciate its polar opposite, which is beyond asinine. Oh well. Weebs gotta weeb.

>> No.2235767

>It is because you're drawing what YOU want, not what your character would want to wear which is bad character design in general.
>real people pick the clothes they do for a reason, even if it's subconsciously.
> the whole reason for your character to dress slutty is because you're drawing with your dick, not because the character wants to feel sexy or confident enough to pull off those clothes.
>If you don't see anything wrong with her clothes then I have no words for you.

It's what you said tho. Nigga this ain't a psichology class. Of course an outfit shouldn't clash with a character's personality cause that's just gonna confuse the audience; OTOH the clothing can actually serves to define her personality, which you currently know nothing about, so you complaining that the outfit is inconsistent with her personality makes no sense; I could see that for a character that you know and love, but if a random animu gurl rustles your jimmies this much, that says more about you than about the design itself.

>> No.2235781

>implying that's me you're quoting
I know this is crazy, but there might be more than one person out there who disagrees with you.

>> No.2235788
File: 802 KB, 1559x900, dpac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about you but even though the anime was OK I thought the designs for Death Parade's cast of characters was not very competent at all save for maybe Decim and Ginti.

>> No.2235795

Well if you don't agree with what this person said, I clearly wasn't arguing with you.

>> No.2235836

well to be fair those pretty fucking shitty shots of them and with an ugly background

>> No.2235843

>those pretty fucking shitty shots of them
they're shot from the character design sheet

>> No.2235864

>with an ugly background
What background?

>> No.2235884

>all characters have the same head shape and planal structure
>even the old man
i hate anime.

>> No.2235890
File: 108 KB, 573x591, 1442011767941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not realizing that this is ic and art critique board
>Multiple people here have tumblrs to show off their work

>> No.2235892

>Planel structure

Believe it or not, this is my first time hearing that term referred to non-architectural subjects. Explain?

>> No.2237622

>her dressed like a slut makes it bad design
>a character design for a fucking bar assistant

Jesus Christ, autism

>> No.2238007

>anything on a woman
I fucking kek'd. Women don't know how to dress themselves, and he's clearly trying to be realistic.