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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 290 KB, 851x313, THU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2220406 No.2220406 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone from /ic/ is attenting THU this year? :D

>> No.2220410

sexy carla is, ortiz , shes a babe

>> No.2220412

I really wish I still didn't know what this was. Soooo jealous of anyone who attends/watches this.

>> No.2220413


I wanted to but I'm too antisocial for that shit. I don't really care about making friends and 'valuable connections' in the industry anyway. Fuck that shit.

Yes I know I'm never going to make it because of that. I'm cool with it. Just wanna paint and get better.

>> No.2220612
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>> No.2220613

Pick one

>> No.2220626

Lol, I love how you always pop in relevant threads time after time to tell the world how sexy you find her.

>> No.2220673

Cannot afford it. Even the virtual ticket, or whatever they call it.

>> No.2220683

Went there last night to have a drink with a few pals from past years, sneaked in and watched Loic Zimmermann's documentary on Jeremy Mann but returned home today cause I didn't get a ticket on time. It fucking sucks because the last two years I was there and it was fucking great.

>> No.2220684

If I stream thu, will you guys watch?

>> No.2220691


>> No.2220693

I have my online ticket, excited for Mullins.

>> No.2220707

do it do it doooooo iiiiiit

>> No.2220712

whats the best site for streaming?

>> No.2220715


Yea can someone pls stream for the love of God

>> No.2220834



>> No.2220851

twitch tv/sarvnas

>> No.2220858


Oh my god, is this HIM ?

>> No.2220906

No audio, and left half of screen is missing for me.

>> No.2220917


Just so you guys know, This is not a THUTV stream, just a somewhat talented asshole that spammed his channel.

The real THUTV stream begins in about 10 hours or so. They already streamed the opening ceremony for free on their website.

>> No.2220953
File: 103 KB, 662x291, 87264ae90894f4de7031ddf802542beb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind streaming, but where the best place to stream without worrying about getting banned?

>> No.2220956

Maybe post a video file instead of streaming? I dunno, never streamed a thing.

>> No.2220957

That would be an hours long gigantic video file, not a nice idea imo.

Not sure how fast you'd get banned, it might not even be noticed with a small enough audience. I don't remember what site 4chinners used to stream movies etc

>> No.2221034

cant meme atm

>> No.2221041
File: 391 KB, 1032x1089, tumblr_newbz3oFpi1u1xtqio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its actually him

>> No.2221101

what about twitch?

>> No.2221147

If the blue light is shining so intensely on his hands why not on the other parts of his body?

>> No.2221150


That's enough samefagging for today.

>> No.2221156

ha some one noticed, to bad ill never get a chance.

>> No.2221168

It's a weak light source and there's a lot of falloff. Example: http://i00.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/1105384490/Large-30cm-liquid-neon-stick-neon-caps-glow-stick-ktv-concert-supplies.jpg

>> No.2221265

Will this be a thing next year as well? I hope so, I only learned about it today, otherwise I would have gone so far as to take off work for it.

>> No.2221272

I was checking the website, is there a list somewhere of the speakers that will be present? Also will the be studios looking to hire people/do portfolio reviews for in person attendees?

>> No.2221281
File: 826 KB, 4394x890, tvplan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just for you, fam

>> No.2221304

What is that? It's in Portugal and I'm very close (Spain) but I didn't even know it existed, is it in Portugal every year?

>> No.2221309

only second time this event is hosted, as far as I know. Last year was also in portugal.

>> No.2221327
File: 633 KB, 534x555, 1439144619356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>miyazaki might come next year
time to start making some shekels

>> No.2221365

Nope, 3rd time this event is hosted. Has always been in Portugal but André (the organizer) has already anounced that this is the last year he's making it in Portugal due to no support from the government and portuguese news outlets and social media (The entertainment industry is non-existent here).

Someone already posted the speaker list. As for the recruitment there were a ton of studios doing recruitment,but almost everyone was gunning for either Blizzard or Riot (I was in the recruitment area yesterday and shit was crazy, you had about a 3 hour queue to get a 20 minute interview with Blizzard). Disney was there as well, but they required you to send out an application with your portfolio first and if they liked what they saw they'd give you a callback. The rest were mostly smaller/social games studios and vfx houses.

>> No.2221476
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>> No.2221481

whats up with that other faggy guy

>> No.2221488

lol idk

>> No.2221489

aaah a recruitment meeting now this is like the only reason to go.

>> No.2221491

what the hell is artstation

>> No.2221493
File: 160 KB, 2048x1152, 106237ianan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the f-bookers are boasting

>> No.2221496

what are they saying?

>> No.2221499

nothing worth repeating just sucking major ##ck

"ow your so amazing, im so happy im here"
"ow hes such a god. . .. "


>> No.2221503

I'd like to stream....but i don't know how. So screw you guys.

>> No.2221506

just open a livestream account, comes with the program to do it

otherwise i think your just baiting, its ok i dont hate you

>> No.2221509

The best thing about THU, and the reason I didn't get a THUtv ticket was that being there for the last two years, the main thing you get out of this is the networking side of the festival. You get to ask your art idols for portfolio reviews while getting some free beer or smoking weed in the wee hours of the morning, you make connections with people from all around the world that might help you get some jobs down the line and you can always go job hunting on the big studios.
While the idea behind THUtv is great, getting all that content for dirt cheap, it's definitly not what I'm looking for. And it torns my heart when I'm like 60km away from the event and completely broke, watching this on stream would depress me even more.

>> No.2221510

>livestream account
Can I stream privately?

>> No.2221512

yes and it saves your streams, to your harddrive and online for a short time

only you have the link to your stream when you start

>> No.2221514


Yeah that does sound incredibly awesome. I think you might want to be somewhat advanced to go there though, if you are a complete nobody with zero skills it might be an incredibly inspiring and motivating experience, but not much more. Whereas if you hold back for 1 or 2 years you might kickstart your career by going there

>> No.2221516

while no one posts a stream, here's a THU preview for free, if I'm not mistaken it's yesterday's opening ceremony.


Also, I fucking loathe Louie Tucci.

>> No.2221531

that's a shame, I was considering going next year, that city looks beautiful

>> No.2221556

This is my personal opinion, but Troia itself sucks balls. It's overpriced since it's a high tourism spot for rich fuckers (think of it like a portuguese version of the Monaco or the french riviera), there's nothing around it (it was actually chosen for that reason- if you had the festival in some big city people would just scatter around after the talks, since there's nothing around Troia you're kinda stuck there and have to mingle anyway), and it's not a reflection of Portugal at all (since it was mostly a fucking wasteland until the late 90's when a bunch of entrepreneurs bought the peninsula to build a casino and high-end hotels). Not to mention there are fucking mosquitoes the size of airplanes that will give you huges tumours if they get to your skin (you can thank the rice fields and stagnant water around Troia for that).

Lisbon on the other hand is pretty sweet, old architecture and a very special vibe to it.

>> No.2221601

ok i'm streaming it. Please don't act like cunts and don't share the link.

>> No.2221618

thank You anon!

>> No.2221627
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god bless you!

>> No.2221629
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god bless you and your balls

>> No.2221715
File: 1.05 MB, 3275x2426, 金政基插画手稿全集B卷026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kim Jung Gi is next

>> No.2221723
File: 1.96 MB, 400x225, 1441604833432.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me dat roleplaying shit is so cringe бляяя нaдяя aхaхa

>> No.2221736


I love you so much right now anon.

If anyone reports this I'm gonna be so mad. Pls don't ruin something good for once /ic/

>> No.2221782


>> No.2221888

How much does it cost to attend in person? Aside from airfare and hotel rooms, couldn't find a ticket price listed anywhere since it's too late to get those now. Just trying to get an idea of what I'd have to save to maybe attend next year.

>> No.2221896

I think early access tickets were like 350€ and normal tickets 500€.
At least that's what i remember, might be wrong.

>> No.2221937


>> No.2221953

a gift from the gods truly

>> No.2222036

Frog here I'm gonna stream from the very start. So that means anyone who missed The Gnomon lecture , Robn ruppel nows the time. I probably start in a hour or so.

>> No.2222046
File: 349 KB, 512x288, kissudesu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks frog. idk you channel, though.

>> No.2222072
File: 170 KB, 619x834, 1440798655936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I am at work and missing out on all these streams.

>> No.2222095

could some one re-link me those streams please
im getting an error when trying to open the livestream link

>> No.2222101

i think its been pulled down :C

>> No.2222102

yeah i get the 503 error

>> No.2222104
File: 359 KB, 1500x610, 0q822_max.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


now what?

>> No.2222112

i've decided to stream friday at 1pm ny time.

>> No.2222121

could you upload the links to mega upload or make a torrent from the existing files please?

>> No.2222128

omg they got kim jung gi, heard about this stuff just now thou this thread, so maybe I will be able to go next year,

did I heard something about not being in portugal next year? does anybody know or is not set yet?

>> No.2222265

I just watched the kim jung gi one, ty based anon

also the third one seems interesting, but I don't have time right now to watch it, is there a way we could download them?

>> No.2222652

Kim Jung Gi is like autistic savant level of good

>> No.2222663

>Kim Jung Gi
The korean octopus

>> No.2222668

I don't get it

>> No.2222672

>its like jazz without the sound

basically all memes from Louie "Rapevoice" Tucci during the thu.tv stream

>> No.2222674

oh yeah, I muted the whole thing so I didn't catch that, thankfully

>> No.2222776

stream when!!

>> No.2222780

6pm NY time if I remember correctly.

>> No.2222787

Fuck I mistyped, was around 1-2pm ny time iirc

>> No.2222802

Will you post a new link for that?

>> No.2222815

I'm not him, but he said he will update here when he starts.

>> No.2222818

André has not announced yet where the next edition will be, Not sure if he'll make an announcement at the closing ceremony (like he usually does), but I'm not surprised at all by this move. The portuguese government didn't gave him any kind of support, most people here don't even know about this event (even people that love this kind of stuff that live in Portugal) due to a very poor coverage on the national media channels, there's no entertainment industry here save for a few broke indie games studio and small time advertisement companies that dabble in animation here and there.
He's been loosing money on this from year one (didn't even managed to break even, although money is not that big of an issue for him- his family has a huge stake on the complex where THU is being organized) so the logical thing if for him to move out of Portugal since the original goal isn't feasible here (which was to put Portugal on the map by trying to get companies to open up subsidiaries here)

>> No.2222853

it's really a shame when you have great ideas and you are basically cock blocked because people who can make it come true are not bothered to even see the potential of it, you can't build that infrastructure by yourself unless you are a millionaire willing to take a huge risk

>> No.2223473

livestream up in 1h15min!! I hope

thanks to the anon whole uploaded yesterdays talks they inspired me!!

fuck Portugal, lets do asia next year, its cheaper.

>> No.2223541

Attendee here.
I'm grabing a mentorship with Chris Robinson, art Director from Blizzard today, what you guys would like me to ask him?

I'll try to share.

>> No.2223547


> his stance on photobashing
> tips for aspiring pros who will struggle to penetrate the market in 3-5 years when it will be saturated to the point of absurdity
> single most important art advice he's ever gotten
> why did blizz turn Starcraft into such family friendly mainstream garbage (in AD terms), and sacrifice its gameplay and mechanics in favour of a low barrier of entry?
> where is the industry headed in general? vr? more player involvement in content creation (think wc3 map community, dota genesis etc)? and how do aspiring artists prepare for this development?

>> No.2223694

I do have some similar plans as well for where I live, romania, now I start to fear for my dreams

>> No.2223695

>Warcraft 4 when???

>> No.2223699
File: 36 KB, 400x300, YHwnQuD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mullins has a waifu

>> No.2223702

Guys when is the Mullins demo?

Will Mr.Keecoco stream it?

>> No.2223703

Mullins is demo-ing right now, I imagine it's almost over acording to my facebook feed and schedule.

>> No.2223705

Unless Romania has some great tax incentives (which Portugal hasn't- the minute you open a company you start paying taxes right away and when you're opening a game studio you won't have a product to generate income for quite a while and still have to pay the state and your employees- hence why there's barely any industry here) and the government is willing to help you out or you find some deep pocket sponsors to shell out the cash needed for an event like this, you're pretty much screwed. As I said, THU has been a money pit for André for the last 2 editions, I hope he at least breaks even on this one.

I'm not saying "give up", just tread carefully.

>> No.2223708
File: 47 KB, 475x487, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor André's havin money problems and y'all niggas streamin his shit for free

>> No.2223709


well fuck.

>> No.2223725

interesting stuff about the taxes, have to look into it

and who mentioned something about giving up, just that I might need to change my plans by adding a `moving in another country` point

>> No.2223738
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>> No.2223775
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>> No.2223781


>> No.2223793
File: 51 KB, 400x388, vladimir+we+into+europe+soon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck u mullins, greedy bastard i don't need your jewish shit,i'll do it myself

>> No.2223796
File: 830 KB, 1228x912, checkem2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2223797


Is he mocking my small penis? Fuck you Craig...

>> No.2223799

isn't thu selling their conference videos after all the event?

and some of you said they were losing money huh?

... derp

>> No.2223809

>Net loss after 1st THU: 10,000€
>Net loss after 2nd THU: Close to 40,000€

So far they're on the red, might change this year due to THU tv. I'm not sure if they're gonna sell the videos after the conference, nothing has been announced so far, but the investment they did for that platform alone would justify selling them kinda like GDC does with their vault.

>> No.2223823

i thing thu tv is waaay too expensive i was considering buying it but the price is so high i cant even aford it
>tfw 3rd world country

>> No.2223827

any new stream links?

>> No.2223868

>aspiring pros
simple, learn 3d so you have a differential, try having some sort of edge from the rest, anyone can be good but if you are critical enough of your work you can always feel what it is lacking

>> No.2223873

Yeah you need to stand out from the crowd. Either having a variety of skillsets (various 3d, photobashing, etc) or having a unique style or super high skills. Also, I suspect there will be a reemergence of traditional painting. I feel in a few years there will be so much digital and it will all look so similar that a lot places will seek out traditional artists.

>> No.2223882

traditional and digital artist masterrace

>> No.2223950

People complaining about prices. The prices are more than normal, and you can buy a daily ticket for 20 something euros if you want to see the Craig mullins lectures. If you can't afford 20 euros you're in the wrong industry

>> No.2223956

Stream in 10 minutes

>> No.2223961


shit just crashed for me. anyone else?

>> No.2223963

haha i thought it was me

>> No.2223973

ok back up

>> No.2224002

ah i guess i stream later.

>> No.2224053

does anyone have the full craig mullins talk?
Only saw about 20min of it on keecoco

>> No.2224103


This please. I'd give a lung and a kidney.

>> No.2224126

>If you can't afford 20 euros you're in the right industry

>> No.2224200

streams up

>> No.2224226

where dude

>> No.2224274

aww man stream has been busted by the F B I

>> No.2224275

channel got banned

>> No.2224276

So whos the butthurt one. :( Frog ya better upload this to youtube.

>> No.2224279
File: 224 KB, 830x1063, three-trees-in-summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless you, keecoco.

>> No.2224281

in the middle of mullins speech. if it was one of thu attendees, than fu (99% are working in the industry according to your answer to craigs question).

>> No.2224291

https://mega.nz PLEASE

>> No.2224295

yes please, upload the mullins segment if you can

and especially tomorrow when he actually paints

>> No.2224302

maybe once the upload the dvrs.
and i probably wont link it here; it would get taken down too quickly

>> No.2224303

so whats the plan cap', how do one stay in touch.

>> No.2224334
File: 77 KB, 655x555, whatthhhsp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like some one ratted on the stream

thats ok, lets hope our angel uploads it or just opens a new steam account .

>> No.2224364
File: 397 KB, 1691x603, poverty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP guys

>> No.2224381

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znD3cvHVqzo fuck... i'm crying

>> No.2224389

ad least i saw a lecture or two so i feel less left out.

>> No.2224641

This is going to sound stupid as fuck, but what is THUTV?

>> No.2224661

dude, this is why I said to upload them to mega or something, I knew it was going to be taken down pretty soon your channel

but it wasn't because you gave a link here, there are few ppl on /ic/ and those which come here wouldn't do such a think, they are part of the community after all, the tribe, remember?

it was taken down because if you would tip kim jung gi and thu in google that would be the second result, who knows how many knowing of him being there and googling it out found of your channel that why

you have to name it something else, not use his actually name, or the name of the event

and once posted, those which comment on there is there is the option, retain yourself from using his name too

better give it here a cod name

>> No.2224664

damn, so many mistakes

>your channel
>that why
>on there is there

>> No.2224666
File: 114 KB, 500x667, 1442609029822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who knows how many knowing of him being there and googling it out found of your channel that why

holy fuck

>> No.2224667

Did he even name them though? I thought he called the video "WOW" and then the Mullins one "crab" and that way d/ic/ks would know it but others wouldn't. And it's not like he had tons of traffic, there were like 15 people watching.

>> No.2224670
File: 17 KB, 261x247, 1234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who knows how many knowing of him being there and googling it out found of your channel that why

>Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like? You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that?

>> No.2224671

>cod name
we should name the cod gary. gary the cod.

>> No.2224682

I'll buy a fucking ticket next year.

There's no way to download the recordings from livestream, right? Would be nice to upload them on mega.

>> No.2224700

>Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like? You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that?

pretty much how my brain works

>> No.2225054

just wait until they appear on cgp.

and who would have thought, Mullins is pretty fucking funny.

>> No.2225065
File: 168 KB, 936x1200, capn_blood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and who would have thought, Mullins is pretty fucking funny.
I thought this was well known

>> No.2225108


Is it just me or does Mullins always seem to paint light ontop of dark? Is there a reason for this?

>> No.2225120

Here are the main notes from Mullins Demo:

He starts by taking an oil sketch he made, and using mixer brush + normal brushes to paint on top of it abstractly, until he sees the structure of a new image. He says that this method is NOT one he would normally use for serious client work because that stuff takes more deliberate research and planning.

Mixer Brush: 0% wet -> In the Brush Settings panel (F5), under Texture, Use “Height” setting to control opacity. This simulates using a dry brush on canvas, where it only connects with the highest grains of the canvas depending on how wet the brush is.
(he barely used the mixer brush in this demo, because he saw that people already knew how to use it)

He doesn’t use color dodge & overlay anymore. Apparently these methods are “so 2004”.

If the value and shape is correct, you can use any color you want.
(He uses the color square to change hue and sat, not sliders)

It is good to put new colors onto the canvas, rather than constantly color picking from existing stuff.

Brushes: He’s using mostly his default chalk brush, and frequent use of 5-6 Jaime Jones brushes.

Trying to paint too fast is a mistake, because you’re not letting the painting “talk” to you. You’re supposed to make a stroke and then see how the painting reacts to it - don’t mindlessly make strokes. This is why a lot of the time he doesn’t listen to music because it can hypnotize you into just painting without really thinking.

He tries to refrain from using too many darks, and when he does use them, tries to keep them luminous and saturated.

He shows a simple trick for putting a pattern on top of a surface (such as rope over a sphere)
1.Make a new layer and opaquely paint the color of the rope over the sphere, covering it completely.
2.Make a third layer and sketch with any color, the general lines of the rope - messy is fine
3.Go back to the rope color layer and create a mask, removing the spaces inbetween your sketched lines

>> No.2225121


In terms of figuring out lighting, you just have to use reason/logic to figure out how each plane is being affected by the light source(s). You can go area by area, plane by plane, and figure it out methodically.

If you’re going to put things in the image that are influenced heavily by perspective or foreshortening, either do it RIGHT, or don’t do it at all. It is very important for those things to be correct.

>> No.2225124
File: 60 KB, 1080x810, 12022473_10153590273983058_8966240436213777960_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photoshop can't even Mullins.

>> No.2225132

Cheers! Can you mock up a quick example of the rope sphere thing, I don't really get it from the description.

>> No.2225269
File: 33 KB, 445x197, quickexample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's easier to add light than to add dark.
Try to draw a circle in white and add shadow and then a black circle and add white. The last one will be much easier to keep the shape of the circle intact and to give it a more 3dimensional feel.
But in the end it is just preference, you can make both work. In times of clipping masks it doesn't matter anymore.

I attached a quick, shitty example how it makes painting without clipping mask easier. Notice how easy it is to keep the hard edge on the dark circle and just work with light inside.

>> No.2225326
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>> No.2225340
File: 985 KB, 1440x900, Screen Shot 2015-09-19 at 6.42.12 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the plate he used.
he says this isn't really how he paints anymore, but he did it for the b/c it's more entertaining to watch, this is basically how he worked in his master class. (search warosu for his schoolism demo that another anon wrote about; it better reflects his current approach, the gnomon video is out there in a really obvious place. i'm not linking it)

he spoke briefly about using texture depth to control the mixer brush's opacity. it was hard to see what he was doing though because the cameraman was being retarded.

>> No.2225347

So people actually use the mixer brush tool in photoshop? I thought no one did, it just feels like its warping the colors

>> No.2225359

It's like a brush and the smudge tool in one tool, and can be pretty powerful and flexible. It's a nice way to get a bit more variety within each stroke, whether it be the edgework or having multiple colours in it.

>> No.2225362

you doing it worse in one process doesn't make any point at all about being inferior process for human beings kek

>> No.2225379

I just want to get a video with that greedy overrated jew

>> No.2225398

I don't even use the smudge tool anymore (Except for Sparth's push and pull technique), I like the blending better on the mixer brush (that I tend to use mostly as a smudging tool anyway)

>> No.2225402 [DELETED] 

Me too, but I will experiment with a mixer brush a bit. It might be really usefull with my rendering process.

>> No.2225403

Me too, but I will experiment with a mixer brush a bit. It might be really usefull with my rendering process.

>> No.2225452

I always thought people just use the regular brush with pressure sensitive opacity to blend

>> No.2225453

There's lots of ways to blend, and each has a slightly different effect on the final product. Many artists will use just one method, and many use a combination of methods.

>> No.2226040

Will there be any official VoDs ? Anyone knows ?

>> No.2226064

This was one of the best things I've ever done.

If Andre, Scott Ross and Iain McCaig manage to make this happen again next year, I STRONGLY recommend going.
The content shared in the Talks and Workshops alone doesn't suffice how great this was. I talked with Dice Tsutumi from Pixar/Tonko House, Paul Briggs from Disney, Chris Robinson from Blizzard, Moby Francke from Riot/Valve, and so many many many others that gave me personal and professional mentorship on a eye to eye level. I made friends with people from all over the world, and every single one of them, had amazing work to showcase, and felt this urge to create stuff, to make something bigger than ourselves. It was freaking amazing.

It feels completly cheesy when I put it like this, but It is true that I shall return home another person.

>> No.2226076


Crazy. Thanks for sharing those thoughts.

>> No.2226195


The best thing about THU is the community, the "tribe".
You have no idea how heartwarming and soulrecharging it is to be close, to feel connected with these amazing artists until you go to one of these events.

I was a skeptic. You can say that I was very cynical about the creative process, about how to run a company, about how artists are and behave. I can tell you now that I'll never be like that again. This event enlightned me.

>> No.2226290


Did you get an insight regarding the recent surges of negativity about artist wages? Because I'm still absolutely horrified by reading about that shit. I don't want to be making 15k a year all my life. Sigh.

>> No.2226292

>mfw im shy and awkward

>> No.2226293

Will THU conferences be available to purchase after it? I see they're only selling for streaming each day of the past kek

>> No.2226297

Squeak off shill

>> No.2226324


thanks for the input olly.

>> No.2226329

People use it similiarly to how Sargent paints on his paintbrush before laying down perfect strokes

>> No.2226379


the consensus is that artists are retarded people and have no idea how to deal with money, and doubtfully ever will, due to their retarded nature.

The few artists that manage to manage to get astray from this ignorante towards fiinance are often viewed as black sheep by the global community, and are often looked down upon terms of artistic integrity and quality of work.

>> No.2226398


So what you are saying is:

Yes most artists live poverty lifes however not so much because of ultrasaturation of the market and underbidding, but primarily because they themselves just suck at finance and everything related to running a successful business.

Did I get that right? Because if that's what you are saying that's really good news imo.

>> No.2226404

I'd say it's a combination of things. The oversaturation of the field and the ability to hire artists globally (cheap asian artists) means that rates are going down overall and getting good jobs is becoming more difficult and competitive.

That being said, it still is possible to make a living off skills that are not at the top of the industry. Making smart financial decisions will help let you survive off less work or lower paying work. But there definitely is a threshold. You can't exactly pay rent and food and save up while doing 150$ trading cards unless you do an extraordinary amount of them in which case you will likely burn out.

>> No.2226405

sargents notes

>> No.2226415


Not only finance, but most artists are also really really bad people at doing constrctive networking. Most of them are either too shy and timid or just very very introverted. These personality traits are not helpfull in making money in the art field for many obvious reasons.

>> No.2226431

>too shy and timid or just very very introverted
Th-that's me

Also probably a lot of people are just bad at social interactions in general. No one wants to help out or recommend or work with someone who is an autistic prick or unreliable.

>> No.2227240

How I feel about it as well. It's hard to put into words what I got out of the event. Iain McCaig may be the kindest, most generous person on the planet. I didn't speak to him personally, but seeing an artist of his level taking the time to review every single picture, in every single folder on every single tablet of every single artist who asked him hour after hour was really humbling. The spirit of the event was something truly special.

>> No.2227253

>have more than 80 "famous" artists on facebook
>see all of those posts on THU was awesome and how it changed lives of people who attended it
>see this every now and then when a really good event happen
>never been to any of those events
>possibly bad at networking even if attended such event

>> No.2227263

MFW stupid weebs don't understand that the event is a giant cash grab.. I wonder how much cash they made off with 150$ for a watch online ticket? ha ha oh wow.

The only thing you can't put into words is how bad your wallet got raped, and how badly you need to rationalize it the next day.

>> No.2227266

it's cheaper than going to portugal and staying there for 6 days

and it's way more valuable than going to portugal and staying 6 days


>> No.2227267

Lazy bait anon. Anyone who has read the thread would know the event loses money each year. The online stuff is probably a way to try to break even while also giving content to people who can't attend. See >>2223809

>> No.2227285


I doubt that. Even if you assume the organizers are lying it's hard to see how they could possibly walk out of the event having made a large amount of money. You sound like you have no idea how much the organization of an event like that actually costs.

>> No.2228251

I know it's bait, but I've crunched some numbers just to see how it goes:

>1st year loss: 10,000€
>2nd year loss: Around 40,000€

This year's budget: 487,000€
Maximum number of attendees: 500 (Although source, including André said they were 700 people there)
Stuff sold:
Pionner tickets (150 tickets limited to those that attended the 1st THU edition, priced at 150€ each, sold all in 30 minutes): 22,500€
Early bird (around 350 euros, less if you got the super early bird but for accounting sake I'll calculate with the pricier one, 100 tickets, gone in 9 hours): 35,000€
Regular ticket (500€): 125,000€
Grant given by the Portuguese government for tourism: 10,000€

So not accounting for sponsors the total cash flow was 192,500€ making it a loss of 294,500€. Have no info on the number of THUtv tickets sold, but they needed to sell almost 2000 tickets to break even.

No wonder André announced that this year would be the last THU since he's suffering from a massive burnout.

>> No.2228263

>Grant given by the Portuguese government for tourism: 10,000€
Wow that doesn't even dent the costs. No wonder they're complaining of lack of government support.

>> No.2228271

>No wonder André announced that this year would be the last THU since he's suffering from a massive burnout.

Really? That is such a massive shame. Fuck.

>> No.2228275

That's not even the worst part.


The page is in portuguese but it's an interview they did to André after THU in which he explains why he's moving out. There's actually a bit where he explain he was trying to get some support from the county government and they offered a pig. When André told them there would be 900 people from all over the world showing up, they offered two instead.

Fuck this joke of a country, really.

>> No.2228279


Is that a joke? No wonder he seemed so stressed out lol.

>> No.2228286

well, govs are not there to give away the future money of their citiziens. Even if that's what they're doing and even if that's what Portugal did (just a bit).

I hope they start getting profits after selling conferences in a few weeks, I'm waiting for them. Hope they keep doing it every year.

>> No.2228308

Nope, no joke. André's words in the article. But living here for quite a while, This doesn't surprise me one bit.

The thing that bugs me is that if we were talking about a dentist or banker conference, money would be raining everywhere and you'd get the "It's good for tourism" talk (That's actually the reason they gave for not unlocking more funds: Apparently working in games and movie is not the kind of image that the Portuguese government wants to broadcast abroad) .
There's this weird dichotomy were the gov' trying to push innovation and thinking forward, and then you get a huge event like THU that isn't quite in line with what Portugal considers to be worthy investments and you get these kind of ridiculous situations.

>> No.2228329


So basically, the entertainment industries infancy comes back again to bite it in the ballsack. Shit like that won't happen when our generation is occupying crucial decision-making jobs in politics.

But it's a good reminder that the industry we are a part of still has this weird stigma. Bummer.

>> No.2228336

didn't he just say he won't do thu again in portugal? Or were did he mention that he will not do one again because of burnout?
I guess he will just do the same event under a different name anywhere, but troja.

>> No.2228343

>the entertainment industries infancy
I don't think this has anything to do with it. It's more the image that the industry has. Mullins even mentioned how Adobe isn't developing photoshop for painters very much because they think that the film and games industry is low-brow trash that they don't want associated with their brand. And to be fair, there is a lot of pretty trash fantasy boobs and sci fi lens flare shit out there.

>> No.2228378

There's conflicting info here. People that attended THU told me that on the closing ceremony André said it was the last THU he was doing because he was too tired from all the stress (they even had planned to burn a unicorn effigy symbolically, but that didn't happen).

On the other hand, the news that I posted refers that THU is just moving out of Portugal and that André is looking to take a year off to recharge his batteries. So far a few countries already offered to host the festival and he's going to scout and try to find a new place, but so far Spain and Asia are frontrunners to receive the next THU.

So yeah, guess we'll have to wait and see what's the next move.

If anything good is coming out of this is that more and more festival are starting to follow the THU model and a bunch of cities around the world organized little THU meetups, so I'm pretty sure the legacy will go on even if it means no more THU.

Well, when you tell people you draw space marines and dragons for a living, people tend to look at you weirdly. There still is this weird idea that games are not a legitimate business or career path in many cultures.

>> No.2228381

>Spain and Asia are frontrunners to receive the next THU
Man in Asia it would be a clusterfuck. There'd be so many more people interested in attending, and then there would be issues with language barriers too. Have you ever seen the Mullins demo in China? You can tell 90% of what he was saying wasn't being properly translated, and the questions he got were phrased weirdly too.

>> No.2228411

Nohing's set in stone yet. The most likely candidate to succeed Troia would be somewhere in Spain. South Africa also volunteered to host the festival.

I believe the whole thing will boil down to two things:
- A government willing to help out;

- A location that matches the specific qualities of Troia: Isolated/ away from large towns (to force everyone to stay at the same place); a bunch of hotels/ restaurants/ commodities to serve about 1000 people; good weather; A large convention center where you can actually do your talks and presentation; Some sort of late night place to unwind like a casino or a club.

Ideally all of this would be something like a private island resort, which is kinda what Troia is.

>> No.2228417

that happens cuz govs are not related with innovation, industries or job creation, just with the opposite

>> No.2228423

>Isolated/ away from large towns (to force everyone to stay at the same place); a bunch of hotels/ restaurants/ commodities to serve about 1000 people; good weather; A large convention center where you can actually do your talks and presentation; Some sort of late night place to unwind like a casino or a club.
Cool, I didn't know about all that as criteria. I would love to attend one.

>> No.2228634

>Mullins even mentioned how Adobe isn't developing photoshop for painters very much because they think that the film and games industry is low-brow trash that they don't want associated with their brand

That's hilarious, but can you blame them?? 90% of commercial art done for the entertainment industry is utter fucking garbage catered at the lowest common denominator. Hell, even I am embarassed of the industry I actually work in. I try to avoid telling people that I'm a video game artist, even though that's exactly what I am.

>> No.2228644

Really? I find people get excited when you tell them that. Video games are a huge deal and working in it impresses your average joe off the street because they can appreciate video games more than art. If you say "yeah I'm a painter" they'll lose interest or think you don't make money. If you say "I'm an illustrator" they don't know what you mean. If you say "I do concept art for video games" they get interested and respect you.

>> No.2228649

>If you say "I do concept art for video games" they get interested and respect you

I don't know about that man. What age bracket are you talking about? I think past the age of 25 most people will not really respect you if you do anything related to video games. Girls are initially put off but when I have a chick over and take some time to explain this stuff to her they leave absolutely fascinated and turn into groupies lol. Takes some time though.

>> No.2228654

Yeah I guess my experience with this is mostly 25 and under. I guess if they are older though you just need to namedrop some companies you've done work for to impress them (assuming you have done work for notable companies).