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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1002 KB, 500x264, 1438829481728.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2216881 No.2216881 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>2204492

>Stuff you may find useful, books basic program tutorials etc


>Reference stuff you can find with a simple google search


>chrome plug in that lets you playback youtube animations frame by frame

Remember to do your keys and extremes first! Next, fix the timing! Then put in your BD/PP and IBTWN!

>> No.2217021

>japanese animation
>forgetting japanese animation tutorial


OP is a faggot

>> No.2217042

people still animate on paper?

>> No.2217111
File: 40 KB, 3300x2550, cell template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a cheap price for cell papers?

>> No.2217113

all anime is made on paper

>> No.2217126
File: 1.85 MB, 648x764, first animation test.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I made pic related for fun, using my white iPhone 4s and its flashlights as a makeshift lightbox.

>> No.2217130
File: 764 KB, 848x639, Sword of the Stranger Key Frame Animation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2217134
File: 1.61 MB, 440x320, 1437817369831.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2217138
File: 2.88 MB, 640x360, 1440702285286.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what pic related is from?

I think it's by Madhouse

>> No.2217139


Robot Carnival.

If anyone here hasn't seen it, watch it, its fucking amazing. Also its a compilation of many different short films in different styles.

>> No.2217335


Fun Fact: that particular short (Presence) was directed by the same guy that did Kite and Mezzo Forte.

>> No.2217430

Dope as fuck, sonny! Where'd you find this?

>> No.2217432
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x857, DSC_0273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2217436
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x857, DSC_0272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2217462

Thank you! I'm watching it now.


>> No.2217475

Did you just spoil it for me with god damn storyboard panels?

>> No.2217479

I want to make sweet love with Kawajiri

>> No.2217572

The timing sucks.
There's no weight.

Learn the basic first before doing flashy action.

>> No.2217585


Robot Carnival is fucking awesome (especially like the super girly Starlight Angel because it makes my kokoro go doki doki and 90's anime grills always make my winger-dinger tingle). Every feature is passable at the very least except for Cloud. That was shitty and boring as FUCK, son, I would fast forward that shit on my VCR every time. It really is the most boring thing I think I've ever seen in my life.

If you've never seen Cloud it's basically a half-obscured mediocre walk cycle with windows xp screen saver background art for 30 minutes and then it mercifully ends and I think "Presence" (the one from the webm) follows directly after. Holy, damn.

>> No.2217620
File: 224 KB, 640x456, MFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh wow, totally with you on that one except we had it on LASERDISK so I could chapter skip back then. I was such a lucky fuck back in the day (parents had a friend who lived in Japan and would get us imported stuff).

Also had the most 80s fucking villain of all time.

>mfw the guitar riffs start

>> No.2217750

i wonder if this was the cleaned up version or if it was animated this cleanly from the get go. it probably wasnt but i wouldnt be surprised that there are animators in japan animating these super complex designs and movements without gesturing it out

i think it's kind of ridiculous to be honest. i'd much rather see better animation with simpler designs than something that's just purely flashy/edgy. animation should be more than just about movement. there should also be acting to a certain degree which i feel like is handled entirely better in the west


those are just the keys

>> No.2217756

Why can't Japanese animator into timing and weight?

>> No.2217757


Isn't timing and weight mostly demonstrated in the key frames and how they relate with one another?

>> No.2217761
File: 198 KB, 734x734, robutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I loved that one too. Nothing pumps you up when you're a 7 year old boy like seeing a degenerate 80s fuck get his rock knocked to the screeching sound of a synthesized electric guitar.


I actually just bought a poster of the movie a couple months ago.

>> No.2218000
File: 305 KB, 718x404, tcI6rNb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2218019

What the fug...

>> No.2218037

Don't generalise.

>> No.2218056

Ahah I love this meme

>> No.2218057

The keys show the most crucial poses. The timing would also be figured out at that stage so the animator would know how many in betweens he'd need to do. However anime is animated on 3's so it's a little different

>> No.2218308

Many seasoned animators animate on paper. When working on Princess and the frog, the animators were provided with a pimped out version of Toonboom, but many animators opted to anime on pen&paper instead

>> No.2218357 [DELETED] 

The usual prices between $20-30. I hope you aren't trying to shave off the basic costs.

>> No.2218381

As in for painting on? Good luck finding anything.

Normal animation paper was $/€ 20-30 and up to 35 for the heavy one including holes IIRC.

>> No.2218507
File: 198 KB, 1920x1080, fah.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a doodle I animated to keep the thread alive

>> No.2218592
File: 140 KB, 1238x464, flcl screenshots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started rewatching some anime that I remembered having some good animation and art, but now I'm noticing all the amazing shots and shit, too. Like, how would you even begin to lay down a shot like these? Especially the first one. A low angle, fish eye lens shot of a tilted guitar strapped to someone's back. That's crazy! And it looks flawless, too, like the perspective and the technical design are both absolutely convincing for having 1 second of screentime. They make it look effortless when it's all finished, like duh, of course you would draw it this way. Of course you would draw her breasts so close to her hips, she's bent over and foreshortened. Of course you wouldn't be able to see her face, the guitar's neck is in the way. But I'd really like to know all the process that went into laying it all out.

And in the second screenshot is also amazing, especially in motion. Not only are the forms and technical design all consistently drawn in perspective, but they're all moving independently while being connected. The robot and the kid are both on top of the giant hand, and the kid's shirt is caught on part of the robot. So while the robot's fidgeting and trying to keep the hand down, the kid's shirt moves with its torso. But the kid's not just a ragdoll, he's trying to break free from the robot at the same time. AND he's placing his weight on his hand which is resting on the robot's hip, and they all move convincingly alongside one another. It's crazy, man.

Like I can hardly believe real people drew these things, and on a deadline no less. I'm limited by my drawing ability, but it feels like these guys have the skill to literally animate anything they want granted time and money weren't an issue.

>> No.2218607

the director had the ideas and made the concepts in crappy drawings. The layout artist planned the shot and angle. The animators drew the lineart but most of the planning was already done.
If you feel limited by your drawing animate what you CAN draw. And animate something better when you can draw something better.

>> No.2218624

Breh there are several people who work on that

Creatives brainstorm loads, directors pick and filter the best choices, then animators draw upon that

It's pretty obvious that people involved in those shots know loads about photography and film making

>> No.2218640

Of course!! It's still absolutely amazing, though. Like I guess I've just been taking these sort of dynamic angles and shit for granted, but that stuff is real crazy!

I hope my post didn't come off self deprecatingly, or as if I was complaining or anything like that! It's just practically awe inspiring seeing it all and thinking about all that went into it. Like, people in these threads tend to go on about the whole East vs West debate, but there really aren't that many mainstream Western productions doing stuff like this. Like, what, Motorcity? Tron: Uprising? It's just sort of interesting to think about. Japanese animation is not a lucrative industry either, so the people working on the stuff really just want to make the coolest shit they can because they love doing it. The animators get paid per frame, so maybe that's why they also go kinda crazy with their keyframes, but then why have such complicated shots? Why not try and make it easy for yourself? Because they want to make cool, dynamic work.

I'm a 3rd year at an animation school, and at the start of the semester one of the teachers asked my class what they wanted to do after college and why they wanted to be an animator in the first place (as opposed to an illustrator or comic artist or whatever). Almost half of them said that they just wanted a job, and they heard the animation industry A: had a lot of jobs right now, and B: paid decently. And that's totally fine, of course! Not everyone is going to revolutionize the industry, some people just want a job. But where's the drive to make the good shit? Everyone's work (myself included) is so safe, and everyone seems to be more interested in drawing like Glen Keane or having a unique style as opposed to telling good stories and pushing their work to its limit.

>> No.2218649

>I'm a 3rd year at an animation school

Good luck getting a job unless you're top tier. I heard animation is the most difficult to break into because most people only choose the best and nothing else.

I hope its a school you didn't pay money for either or it better be a good school.

>> No.2218675

I don't think it's too bad to break into, there are lots of jobs out there for small studios and stuff. The problem is they often pay poorly and the work you do is not the most fun (like doing flat boring animation for kids shows).

>> No.2218704


Like most jobs. Specifically animation, you need a large portfolio and wide range of skills. But there are jobs depending on where you're at. I know in California there is a high demand for 3D animators. But you're right to an extent. Nepotism helps though.

>> No.2218724

It's not that complicated. It's mostly basics and personal preferences. Look up art by Yo Yoshinari and Hiroyuki Imaishi then you'll see that's just the way they draw

>> No.2218737

>the director had the ideas and made the concepts in crappy drawings
Yoh Yoshinari storyboarded that section himself.

>It's not that complicated
I want to see you try, nigger.

>> No.2218742

Japanese animators use fancy camera angles because they can't a scene look amazing through the actual animation.

>> No.2218745
File: 1.45 MB, 480x360, 7044a6232a09fc86bd67a00e06e87439.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, that's what I'm sayin, though! "Not that complicated," but look at how complicated it is! "That's just the way they draw," and that's CRAZY, man! They make it look effortless, and to them it really might be. You seem to be downplaying it a bit, but it's really quite the artistic feat, in my opinion. It sounds fairly millenial-y, but it makes me wish they had blogs so we could see their non-professional work (if they ever have time to make non-professional work). The Japanese and American animation industry is so amazingly different, and so I find it really interesting that, while anime has a lot of stills and flapping mouths, we'll very rarely see anything like this on a TV show.

>> No.2218760
File: 251 KB, 997x1516, FLCL3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close but no. They are limited by number of frames so they have to work around that limitation. FLCL is an OVA so they had different limitations.

Baka. And I know you know what that means.

The techniques are simple, but the talent and effort are what makes it work. Yoh Yoshinari is a god even his quick drawings look good. I should have said quick instead of crappy,

Story board, layouts, animation, and Composting aka putting pieces together.

Oh and america does things the same way. Like adventure time and steven universe. Even regular show.

I can't do it cause I'm lazy, and unmotivated. Plus I'm always procrastinating and making excuses. Even if I did do the techniques they'd look bad cause I suck at drawing. Even if they looked kinda cool you wouldn't admit it cause you don't like me, And that is why I can't do it.

Do you know who was this Storyboard was by.

>> No.2218762

>that webm
This is so bad.
The perspective is fucked up.
There's no consistency.
No weight.

>> No.2218765

Yo Yoshinari has a deviantart called Neibor Studio.
Not sure if it's real or active. It's nice to hope though

There's no weight cause the camera is flying through the sky. The perspective seems fine though seeing as it's a weird angle and meant to look weird.

>> No.2218797
File: 244 KB, 1286x957, medabots screenshots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha! Are you just throwing around the general buzzwords when it comes to anime discussion on here? I think that webm's amazing! Although maybe I'm just easily impressed? The only reason I think you're probably joking is because you say there's no weight, which is the one thing I'm most impressed by in this clip. It's a low angle shot and the camera's progressively getting further and further away from the character, yet his arm swings and momentum are so gracefully captured despite the manual camera move. The conservation of momentum is a pretty basic animation skill, but drawing it from such an extreme angle is a whole nother ball game.

I get it though, it's certainly not perfect! Though you can't his feet directly, his position on the rock shifts a little awkwardly once the bulk of the animation's done. The rocks themselves seem to change a little as the camera moves back and rotates around it (but come on, am I right?). The clouds have a noticeable flicker, though that could be blamed on rookie inbetweeners.

I won't expect you to go into specific details about what you think is wrong (where is the perspective off, why do you think it's lacking weight), but I'd be interested in reading it if you decide to!

>Neibor Studio.
Neat! I haven't seen that before. It was last updated in August of last year, though.

Funny, funny

>> No.2218910

You really need to sum it up next time bro.

>> No.2218913

New to /ic/. Just to be sure, we're all familiar with The Thief & The Cobbler, right?

>> No.2218915

I recently saw it a week ago. The last scene was, in my opinion, fucking majestic.

>> No.2218927

I know its bad, but this is a more polished version

>> No.2218971

are you the same anon as this? >>2217572

Did someone say that your animation had no weight and now are buttmad about it?

>> No.2218972


Persistence of Vision was also a good watch.

>> No.2219327

Are there any sites streaming it?

>> No.2219331

Don't know, I rented it on Vimeo.

>> No.2220131
File: 688 KB, 480x360, jjb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on this one. no scanner though so yeah...

>> No.2220143

Nice so far

>> No.2220163

Is this a cleanup? Because if not it's way too clean, be rougher.

>> No.2220186
File: 515 KB, 1280x720, ayy lmao.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls be gentle

>> No.2220190

This is mesmerizing to watch, like a jellyfish. My only nitpick is the arms are kind of moving a lot for no reason in a weird way.

>> No.2220194

This anon >>2220190 is right, it looks like a jelly fish. Look at some videos that include the action you're doing in your gif. It doesnt move as if a girl is fucking herself with a dildo

>> No.2220195

Was trying to make it look like she's lifting herself up by her arms. Will take note, however.

>> No.2220244
File: 11 KB, 206x247, yuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look like a good rough

>> No.2220403
File: 39 KB, 200x400, turnaroundgirl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made this awhile ago

>> No.2220543

what kind of animations do you guys enjoy doing?


>> No.2220559

The center of gravity is pretty off on the profile drawings, but it's fine for a little study.

>> No.2220795

Good, good.

>> No.2220803

I have an assignment in art history where I have to make a project about my reason for living or any opinion that I want to express (and what deserves attention). I've been reading Schopenhauer's Wisdom of Life, so I was thinking about animating a "Guide to life" or something like that or a political cartoon about Europe's refugee problem, but that's pretty overdone. I don't know. A-any suggestions?

>> No.2220859

Get simple. Who is/was your favorite artist and why? That is your opinion.

>> No.2220918

That feel when no gf


>> No.2221215
File: 56 KB, 740x740, CHJRAVsUgAEWQpW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based grandpa Glen.

>> No.2221277


Wow I wish this was translated. I can understand the general idea from other animation references but it's so rare to get actual detailed instructions from the japanese side.

>> No.2221540

Just watch Shirobako to understand how they do it in detail.

>> No.2221587

Shit advice, brah. There's no reason not to be this clean with this amount of motion, if not cleaner.

>> No.2221616

Yeah, I'm sure Shirobako will teach you to do tap-tweening.

>> No.2221625

that anon is better off watching a behind the scenes video from an animation studio

>> No.2221685

True, nothing beats these if you want to see (just how shit it looks inside) a real studio. Also one of the videos I looked at showed some screens of some obscure 3D software IIRC.

>> No.2221688

Never heard, what is that? Google just spits out obscure javascript references.

>> No.2221731

watch Shirobako, fam

>> No.2221783

So you watched it.

>> No.2221798

Yes this is cleanup. I had anot her version of this that was rougher and this was meant to bring the proportions in line. There are still morecomplex actions that are still rough though but I'm going over them now

>> No.2222073

nice, do you go to a animation school?

>> No.2222271

think sliding forward instead of just up and down.

>> No.2222483
File: 2.74 MB, 10000x8622, 1435439734792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually asking this

Best way is to animate on paper, bruh

>> No.2222495

I used to animate on paper - until I had stacks of 100+ pieces of paper - its okay.

>best way is to animate on paper
yea, if you're beginner. Or if you dont have a computer, tablet, and a animating program

>> No.2222534

dont mind me just checking

>> No.2222650
File: 95 KB, 200x194, computer (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gobelins uploaded new shorts

>> No.2222720

Value structure is strong in this one.

>> No.2222721

Wildfire was the best one. Honestly most of these weren't too good.

>> No.2222722

I got a new idea, video pans from the bottom of the ocean filled with mystery (and mermaids? Everybody loves mermaids) to above the waterline, grass and rocks to a girl holding her hand out reaching for stars. It symbolizes how we still have so much to learn about our own planet, but we concentrate more on other planets. I know it's cheesy and cliché, but you can't stop me. I guess it's not very animated now, though.

>> No.2223069
File: 1.37 MB, 212x212, GM_20150917_162552.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update. Sorry for the shit quality but it's hard to convert a shitty recording from this phone to a gif without making it look like garbage.

>>2220143 Thanks
>>2222073 No I don't. I sneak into an art school to use their equipment though hehe. But I don't pay for classes as it would be a waste at my current level.

>> No.2223122

In between it and it def will look pretty m'kay

>> No.2223140

...Have you studied timing? The drawings are good, but it has some of the most robotic movements I've seen.

>> No.2223203
File: 376 KB, 678x527, blkbg dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's something I made two months ago.

>> No.2223205

do you know what timing is?

>> No.2223206


>> No.2223208

so much shit advice from people who dont even animate

>> No.2223209

Cute stuff fam

>> No.2223211
File: 409 KB, 960x540, no backgroun dancing pony.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops. The fps is messed up in this one.

Here it is with better fps, but a lazy attempt for a backgroundless gif

>> No.2223216



>> No.2223217

I like it. Got any more?

>> No.2223218



>> No.2223221


>> No.2223224

>charcoal hands

>> No.2223229
File: 210 KB, 524x500, office chair spin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have almost nothing in .gif form, other than a few things with this unicorn.

Almost all my stuff that even had a viewable amount done was lost in the big computer crash of 201X.


That and my work ethic is shit.

>> No.2223232

Don't stop animating young nigga you have potential, you'll have to do something about that shit work ethic though.

>> No.2223237

>you'll have to do something about that shit work ethic though.

Yeah no shit. I talk to a pro once in a blue moon, and his only advice is to "animate scribbles or something. The only way to get out of the slump is to force yourself out."

Two and a half years ago, I cracked one day from the stress of my commissions and have barely drawn since. I'm kinda freaking out because if I don't shape up, I feel as though I won't have a future at all.


>> No.2223250
File: 22 KB, 410x410, le sad seal feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm kinda freaking out because if I don't shape up, I feel as though I won't have a future at all.

I'm 29 years old and let me tell you that you're absolutely right.There's not a day that goes by that I don't regret the lethargy and cowardice that typified my decade out of highschool. When I should have been drawing and practicing animation like I'd always purportedly "wanted" I took the "safe" route and continued to work dead-end jobs without ever picking up a pencil out of fear of how ugly and naive my results were. Just do your best. You might not ever achieve massive material success doing art but hopefully you will be able to claim "spiritual success" in lieu of that. I wish you a speedy recovery, I'm looking forward to seeing what you're capable of. We're all gonna make it brah.



>> No.2223252

>There's not a day that goes by that I don't regret the lethargy and cowardice that typified my decade out of highschool

It's like looking into the future...

Fuck. How are things currently working out for you?


>> No.2223259
File: 243 KB, 573x309, 1441073138565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm 29 years old and
> When I should have been drawing and practicing animation like I'd always purportedly "wanted" I took the "safe" route and continued to work dead-end jobs without ever picking up a pencil out of fear of how ugly and naive my results were.
that's like every person's problem
99% people choose the safe way and bury their childhood dreams.
However im 30 and i left my college with retarded theme that i didnt cared to be an artist.
I literally listened to my heart and now im an artist and animator.
However first 2-3 years were hell. Parents were super embarassed of me. They didnt even wanted to talk to neighbours and other people about what their son is doing.
Saying "OH HE'S AN ARTIST" probably could sound like "he's a furry gay otherkin" to them.

Thanks god i was autistic enough to man up and be an artist. There is no way a normie would go through shit i went through.
Last year my money helped mother fight cancer. She is not embarassed of me anymore
2d animation on paper is outdated shit thought.
Everybody in this thread who doing traditional animation should quit it and move to doing shorts by using digital stuff.
It's not 70s or 90s.
You also not gonna be an anime star or whatever makes you draw on paper. Quit it.
Draw in photoshop or any other program. Do short situations with different characters instead drawing another walking cycle or cute pony/waifu blushing.

>> No.2223270
File: 25 KB, 579x329, le hospital orangutan face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not great, progress is slow as hell but...tangible. I have a lot of work to do, but a good portion of that work to me, is warning younger people about not being a big self-indulgent indolent retard like I was before I had that epiphany only a few short years ago. You only live once, you've got to "go for it", whatever "it" is to you.

>I literally listened to my heart and now im an artist and animator.

You give me hope, it'd be cool if you posted your work...but I know what to expect asking that, too.

>> No.2223272
File: 153 KB, 341x247, 1440829018123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asking to post work on 4chin
you know the answer bro.
however i didn't lied. and...well fuck.
I thought we had that "Follow Your Heart"
thing for decades.
In every cartoon.
In every movie.
In every comics.

And people still afraid to do that. I understand thought. Only few actually would do that. Otherwise the industry and society would be filled with artists and special snowflakes with childhood dreams in progress.

>> No.2223336
File: 1.87 MB, 182x186, GM_20150917_211035.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling it a day. Again shit quality is shit
You are right. I was so busy trying to keep the lines clean that it looks really stiff. I know in between will help but I think I'll rough in a bit more for that first half tomorrow so it matches the stuff I did today.
These are amazing dude.

>> No.2223408

how hard was it to set up the timing on paper?

>> No.2223414
File: 1.45 MB, 400x300, 01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better version
I'm using a program called toonboom pencil check pro to automatically create and print an xsheet after I scan in the keys. It's freaking amazing and I recommend looking into it if you can. After scanning the key in and adjusting the timing of each frame on the computer it took about 5 minutes to set it up.

>> No.2223500

good work anon!

>> No.2223516
File: 56 KB, 500x385, 1428865572029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people in my animation class are really insufferable, I'm only taking this class to use the equipment and maybe make a reel tbh, and I kinda knew the people would be cringey but
>cat ears
>wolf tails
>people making randumb noises
>big bang theory jokes
there's a girl who never hands in anything and just plays pokemon/project mirai behind me for hours on end, sometimes singing the vocaloid songs loudly and with a forced fake japanese accent.

what do

>> No.2223530

do you guys go to some sort of decent animation art school, or entirely self trained?

>> No.2223533

afro that you???
great style going on.

>> No.2223535
File: 485 KB, 193x135, 1396900748244.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

run anon. run away with the skills

>> No.2223584

I'm self-taught

The gift of observation, man.

>> No.2223590

Ugh I know what you mean. I sneak into the local art school to use their shit and I swear I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't wear head phones and not look up. ALOT of those kids are just fucking weirdos. Not all of them, but a lot of them. I mean wow. Just do Your thing anon, and done get sacked in with them.
I'm the 3rd anon you linked. I'm Mostly Self trained but I have gotten advise from some very talented animators from the golden age.
Thanks dude, and yeah it's me.

>> No.2223601

Do you guys go to crap art schools because I see a lot of hipsters

>> No.2223609

I'm the first anon. Yup it's a very shitty school. The one I'm going to is an art institute. I almost couldn't believe how much those kids spend on tuition. But then I talked to a few of them and it all made sense.

>> No.2223720
File: 167 KB, 1033x582, ball.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's something i'm trying out.

>> No.2223729

the torso seems stiff when the character kneels down to pick up the ball

>> No.2223732

im not sure I'm seeing it. maybe I've just been working on it for too long. I'll look at it again in the morning

>> No.2223739

c-could you guys give me your tumblr or whatever page you are on?
a-also what does afro stand for? whats the full nickname?

>> No.2223748

(first guy) this is actually my first, and I don't post my stuff anywhere.

>> No.2223759

that's a damn shame though. I'd love to see more of your stuff

>> No.2223872

You would have a killer following if you did. The performance in that animation you posted is top notch.
Second guy here. Afro is the nickname I had when I used to post in /b/ drawthreads. It's just the name that stuck

>> No.2223934
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, walk4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will it be better if I start with the simple exercises ( the ball, turning head ) ?
Something is obviously wrong

>> No.2223936

it would be better if you took the time learning to draw.

>> No.2223978

You have a lot of work ahead of you, and >>2223936 is right, learning to draw well is one of the things you need to practice. Though if you're really interested in animation just start with the bouncing ball exercise using a circle tool, and report back here.

>> No.2224001

don't see it either mate, looks great

>> No.2224019

Haha I'm glad people know about Gobelins. If I had money to move to france I'd teach myself french just to take their courses

>> No.2224036

personally I don't think your drawing are an issue., what's wrong is that the supporting leg is bent, despite there being no load on the character. When walking casually, you normally plant your foot on the ground and ride over it like a pole vaulter, there is no bending involved. keyframe animation doesn't lend itself to subtlety though, so either go for a casual gate, or completely exaggerate a loaded one.

>> No.2224039

go to Cal arts or Gobelins. Don't waste your money on anything else. Mc schools are the biggest fucking heist in the 21st century. Whoever started that scandal of making schools to churn out degrees should be tried and sentenced to Guantanamo bay, sodomized, tortured and ultimately killed 997 times over.

>> No.2224063

Third anon.

I just have a tumblr. Celerypony@tumblr

>> No.2224066

No scad?

>> No.2224068

>implying you'd get in

>> No.2224079

Oh believe me I know. I already decided if I can't get into calarts or Sheridan then I'd teach myself. I'm not paying for anything at AI.

>> No.2224083

I agree, but just because you go to a good school doesn't mean you'll come out a good artist. It entirely relies on the student's will to learn.

>> No.2224115

Well the point is you won't get onto a good school unless you show promise. If your portfolio is trash to start with you wouldn't be in a good school.

>> No.2224138

Some one needs to make a documentary about these kids. They are in every art school and community college. I can only assume their condition comes from years of ridicule, neglect, and their parents enabling them to do whatever the fuck they want

>> No.2224198

dude her thumb is on the wrong side

>> No.2224206

No it comes from mercury in their immunization shots

>> No.2224207

This nigga.

>> No.2224289

If the animation works who cares how accurate the anatomy is.

>> No.2224314

fair enough, I would never have noticed it if it was in motion

>> No.2224457
File: 240 KB, 1033x561, output_tboKeN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added a little more, don't really know where i'm going with this

>> No.2224712
File: 437 KB, 1033x582, output_eaqLgC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one more and ill stop spamming

>> No.2224720

very lively. post as many as you like man i'm enjoying them. I wish I could plan out performances as well as you can. These look effortless on you part haha.

>> No.2224799

This is very good.

I'm not sure if I'm reading it correctly, though, what was the first kid doing, why does he have such a flamboyant way of picking up the ball?

>> No.2225013

i just finished my first real 2D cartoon after a couple months of work, let me know if you have any comments / critique.

any tips on joke delivery are appreciated


>> No.2225017

Anyone know anything, about how the main execution/cutscene animations for dangan ronpa were made?

>> No.2225035

Multiple things. Mainly 3D, with some 2D motion graphics on the characters.

>> No.2225041

taunting the second kid, but I'm not really sure what the context is myself

>> No.2225067

When you side scroll, keep your character speed and background speed the same.

>> No.2225322
File: 2.55 MB, 400x225, wired-tv-post.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i see, they must have shit security :P

cool work though, you have a blog or something?

>> No.2225389

i'm in a pretty good animation program (one of the top 10 I think?) and I don't see a lot of these people.

There's a handful of awkward kids, but not an unusual amount. Most people are p. cool and socially well-adjusted. There's no way of saying that without sounding like a jock bro, but you know what I mean, there's none of what you've listed in your post.

Where do you go to school?

>> No.2225464
File: 425 KB, 1920x1080, Balls.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make the lines smoother? I feel like it's too wobbly. What do you guys think?

>> No.2225550
File: 1.29 MB, 720x480, hair_tuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are...are you me? I was working a dead end job until just two weeks ago and moved to LA 3 days ago. I got no electricity, just bought a bed, working on a 7 year old Mac book pro, terrified and excited of what the future holds. I'm doing it fams, realize that if you want it that bad, then you should do anything and everything in your power to get it. You can do it too, and its NEVER too late!

My epiphany was that the artist who's art I should be excited about seeing now and future, was myself. 28 years old, but luckily my baby face makes me look like a college grad.

>> No.2225553

You're not going to like the answer fam


>> No.2225598

I hate this guy holy shit, how can one man's voice be this monotone?

>> No.2225649

I bought all my cels and cel paints from these guys back in the late 80s. I'm surprised they're still around.

>> No.2225707

He's British and Indian, the two most loathsome ethnicities on the planet combined. Really though his channel is great. I paid that asshole Aaron Blaise like 75 bucks to teach me basically the same thing. smh

>> No.2225712

I do but it isn't very good atm. sorry man.

>> No.2225757
File: 434 KB, 500x400, 19s15b-s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time animating anything

>> No.2225763




>> No.2225766

Misplaced critique bro

That second strike is really delayed compared to the others. Was that intentional?

You should make sure if the weight is transfering correctly. At the upward swing, it's all in the arms. You need to imagine the force of the swing originating in the respective direction, so some leg movement would be involved.

Source: I do kendo

>> No.2225768

I'm not going to put that much time into my first animation.

>> No.2225770

I think the forward thrust needs more energy. Are the arms driving the thrust or is it the leading leg?

>> No.2225778

I didn't really plan it out before as any coherent choreography.
>force of the swing
I'll try a big sword next time and try to involve some more momentum.

I ran out of frame space for the thrust so it kinda fell apart.

Thanks for the tips I'll try to get the limbs and weight more involved on the next one.

>> No.2225781

How was it tho

Was it fun? Did you enjoy yourself?

>> No.2225782

this is a great first attempt, most people cant even grasp timing at all. keep animating :) maybe use this as a guideline for a fully finalized clip

>> No.2225785

I guess. I usually do drawings/paintings but there's only so much movement I can cram into one frame it's nice to get to do more, even if it's just a doodle.

>> No.2225786

>that face when 3 out of the 4 beginners crutches he mentioned in his video are all techniques I thought up of literally this week.
>that face when i'm a statistic

Good videos though as usual. After months of his tuts being posted in these threads I finally subscribed.

>> No.2225830

So I guess it just comes down to painstakingly going over every line to make sure it's perfect, thought as much.


Anything else you guys think I should improve. (expressions/timing/etc)

>> No.2225834

>I hate this guy holy shit, how can one man's voice be this monotone?
i dont know his voice makes me want to suck his dick because its a voice of an experienced male

>> No.2225836 [DELETED] 
File: 875 KB, 178x195, 1425968815151.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn how to draw. this and any other animation you make looks and will continue to look like shit until you do. And when you learn how to animate (which isn't hard) you will still only be capable of the most cringeworthy newgrounds esque tripe riddled with hyper exaggerated expressions and squishes used as a crutch to mask the fact that you are indeed still untalented after years of practice.

Just do some damn gestures and anatomy or bowls of fucking fruit every once in a while anon. rust me...you will thank me later.

As for this animation it is bad in just about every way imaginable. I honestly don't know where to start so just do 50 bouncing balls to at least get you stared getting used to proportional consistency for starters I guess.

>> No.2225838
File: 875 KB, 178x195, 1425968815151.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn how to draw. this and any other animation you make looks and will continue to look like shit until you do. And when you learn how to animate (which isn't hard) you will still only be capable of the most cringeworthy newgrounds esque tripe riddled with hyper exaggerated expressions and squishes used as a crutch to mask the fact that you are indeed still untalented after years of practice.

Just do some damn gestures and anatomy or bowls of fucking fruit every once in a while anon. trust me...you will thank me later.

As for this animation it is bad in just about every way imaginable. I honestly don't know where to start so just do 50 bouncing balls to get you used to proportional consistency for starters

>> No.2225940

Get the movement right, first. After that, you are free to make it look pretty.

Don't give advice if it's the wrong advice, you piece of shit. Don't look at a sketch animation that has only extremes and go THE ARTWORK IS SHIT! It's clearly nothing but gestures.

>> No.2225986
File: 250 KB, 1000x766, swing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better weight on this one?

Fear not I've spent here so many years I can filter the useless stuff. I might not be the best one at gestures but that's not stopping me from having fun with this.

>> No.2225991

No weight.
Shit timing.

And I'm not even meme-ing this time.

>> No.2225997

nice, the sword definitely looks like it has real weight. Unfortunately, it might not be enough. currently, when the guy steps forward, the sword moves with him as if it were a rigidly attached to his body, when in reality, the heavier the object, the more the arms act like springs, and the hands like loose hinges. try to think of the sword and the character as two objects attached by springs, with the sword being significantly more heavy. When the character moves forward he should do so independently from the sword and get ahead of it a bit before it starts to move. .

>> No.2226030

Spaghetti the arms a bit on the wind-up frames, noted.

>> No.2226033

is timing a meme on here, whats wrong with the timing?

It's too short to judge the movement, animate a bit more of the follow through. Though Id fix that awkward sword movement at the beginning

>> No.2226122

I'm just gonna go ahead and say if you're drawing a bowl a fruit, then either try to render it or make some 3d contour lines or fucking something, just sketching a bowl of fruit really isnt enough unless your drawing really are so shit teir you cant even maintain proportions or shapes.

>bowel of fruit is more like it

>> No.2226124


find some short gifs or clips of sports action, MMA, olympic shot put, pole vault, basically you'll want to analyze every single frame and look at how the body and muscles move, and where they are shifting all of their weight and power to. Look at how long it takes to move around.

Basically the other anon doesnt like how "cartoony" the action looks because the heavy ass sword moves up in like what, 2 frames?

>"But I'm making it move unrealistically fast to make it look like he's super strong"

Nope, don't. That's an excuse and a crutch. With proper anticipation, follow through and timing/spacing the action the right way you can easily fill out that action and still make it look AND feel fast.

>> No.2226128


whoopsies, thought I replied to the right person

>> No.2226156

He doesn't need contour lines at this stage. Do you really think the anon that posted that will honestly sit there and do contour lines every afternoon at that drawing level? He'll just get frustrated and post another abysmal animation on here.

Having him just getting used to seeing is enough for me. That way i know he will actually do it.

>> No.2226254

>All these posters in this thread who try to give advice, but know nothing about animation themselves

>> No.2226282

The blind leading the blind, like these threads have always been.

>> No.2226284

hey i don't mind. share.
here's mine.

>> No.2226320

Does anyone have a copy/scan of the Japanese animation with after effects book.

>> No.2226323

huh, and where's your part in this?

>> No.2226370

Don't reply.

>> No.2226414

All the more reason people should just shut up and share their work. Not like that's going to happen though.

>> No.2226506

The fags in question.

>> No.2226514

So learning to draw well isn't a prerequisite for creating decent animations?

>> No.2226524
File: 1.87 MB, 236x224, 1435709078838.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol what >>2226514 said

Don't be offended because someone called your drawings garbage. Especially when the only critique given was to actually learn how to draw. He said nothing about the animation aside from the industry standard to improve consistency using bouncing balls.

But no you are right. why should a valid critique be given to you and the other clueless chumps in this thread on the
>artwork/critique board

How high do you have to be to think that we are honestly going to just sit here and watch you hacks deviantart this bitch up?

>> No.2226544
File: 71 KB, 578x428, output_qtkjgi_by_worgensunny14-d9ab81b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my gosh these are so great. I wish I were as talented as you three. please post more of this
Here's what I made. isn't it great?

>this is what the faggots in this thread want
>celebrating mediocrity

>> No.2226547

Maybe you should go back to whatever hugbox you came from.

>> No.2226550

You should definitely learn how to draw, I'm just saying that git gud doesn't contribute jack shit.
>le hugbox meme
You can offer harsh critique without being a dick. None of those animations were good but the only advice they got was git gud.

>> No.2226560

yes it does when the posters in question are abysmal to that extent. They honestly needn't have even gotten passed the sticky with drawing like those. And enabling them to just post with no repercussions is beyond retarded. If you want that then go to deviantart

>> No.2226585

this thread is about animation. I'm not going to make any comments on anyones drawing skill because that's not what I'm here for. I don't see any reason to insult other people and tell them to just start over when their animations are very clearly salvageable. I come to this board to get specific critique like >>2225997. I want something to work with.

>> No.2226608

really good. the hand gestures remind me of joel jurion

>first time
bullshit but good job anyways
i like the way you simplified the the body and shifted focus for the movement which is key when animating
also very good. just missing a few frames after the slash to hammer in the action

>> No.2226610

Exactly this

>> No.2226615
File: 16 KB, 290x290, 6fca9c14b37fb10ddd144d0a595ed3a67c1e135d090490525d3355cc04e6b6ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Telling someone they need to learn to draw when they clearly need to learn to draw is just as valid as that critique. It doesn't matter what thread this is becuase it is still posted on the artwork and critique board underneath the sticky. I don't mean to insult anyone's work outright but if you think that I will just sit back and let you delude yourselves into thinking that you can prevent other anons for giving others a blunt reality check then you are out of your mind.

>> No.2226616

good job, I like how you can actually get nice looking shapes in flash, if you build on this by adding more frames you could get it looking pretty smooth too.

>> No.2226631
File: 8 KB, 270x187, 1438860834474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol that isn't his drawing you ditz. That is clearly parody of what the tumblr in this thread see as an ideal post lol.

Seriously it offers literally no feedback and reinforces the absolute worst in the both his own and the other anons work. A 5hread like that would lead to stagnation of anyone that participated. A literal /b/ drawthread in animation form.
I almost don't believe these are the people I'm debating with right now lol.

>> No.2226664
File: 85 KB, 960x729, 1369205627471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2226683

I'm sorry you expect every post to break down your animations in-depth, because the truth is when you're at such a beginner level people won't want to waste more than a minute replying when you have so much to improve on.

>> No.2226688

sorry, Im not >>2225986. I was just using the breakdown given for it as an example of helpful critique.

>> No.2226694


>not understanding different levels of skill require different critique needs

>> No.2226709

I'm almost entirely removed from animation but I wanted to ask you guys a question which you may know the answer to.
I just wanna know what software/technique is used in this kind of animation >>2219646

Thanks a lot in advance.

>> No.2226747

If you don't understand space and form then there's really no critique besides "loomis", "read the sticky", or "vilppu". And a lot of the work here warrants that response.

>> No.2226779

Literally this

>> No.2226787
File: 56 KB, 499x523, 1440768879738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And fucking this too. Sure you can animate when you are drawing impaired but it is still necessary to be reminded that you need to actually improve as an artist as well on this board. If literally everything about your art is cringworthy to look at for a great many reasons then you need to read the fucking sticky.

I would say the same in any thread including the alt art and drawthreads. It's not our job to sit here and hold your hands through something that is provided to you at the get go.

>> No.2226792

And the "read the sticky" "needs loomis" level of criticism is reserved for those anons that clearly aren't putting effort into getting good. They want to have their backs patted for mediocre trash then I also have the right to give trashy feedback.

>> No.2226805

I get that, and I'm not against being brutal when it's necessary, I just think that if your going to criticize someone for something on an animation thread, it should be their animation. There are plenty of drawings on the draw thread that can be dismissed with "needs loomis", but that's not what people are here for right now.

>> No.2226807

there is no higher compliment

>> No.2226953
File: 576 KB, 1024x1456, 1419316295759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bother learning to draw.
Start animating right away!

Don't believe Richard Williams' meme.

>> No.2227092
File: 551 KB, 1033x582, output_vhceLE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worked on it a little more

>> No.2227135

The gestures don't really work together imo
Like this kid is so damn excited to throw this ball, he's all loose and nimble at first, but suddenly as the ball leaves his hand the responsibilities of the world hit him like a ton of bricks and he's hunched over and exhausted. He then has to force himself to stand up. Makes no sense.

Re-watching it, it looks like he exits the screen with the ball in his left hand, and entering it on the right he throws it with his right hand. Not a huge problem but that is a small continuity issue.

>> No.2227136
File: 11 KB, 301x219, onyon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This whole fucking thread

Is drawing important? It is for 2d. You'd be surprised how many 3d animators can't draw and can't model. Luckily, that's not their fucking job. But it is more desirable for you to learn to draw.

Now, for the PROCESS of animation, it's the absolute most important thing to get the movement down first. When I start off, I have the ugliest stick figures and circles on my screen.
>One tip for smooth movement is to make sure your movement follows a smooth curve

Once you have your movement and easing in and out figured out, you can start making the character look pretty. Very few people are actually capible of making outstanding work without having to go through the sketch phase.

Those of you who are looking at sketch animations and saying "LEARN TO DRAW!" needs to calm your shit. You may be talking to fucking Michelangelo. Give it time to let it become pretty.

Now, for someone to finally answer this poor soul. Your program most likely has something called an "onion" layer in it. This lets you see the frame before and after your current frame. Make sure your current frame's lines are between the lines for your past and future frame... unless it's the end of a movement. This should help you avoid shaky lines, dude.

>> No.2227140

There's two characters in this shot. One character stealing a ball, and another character who was chasing him, most likely trying to get the ball. He then watches the other kid run away with the ball. Both characters have different body types.

The second boy doesn't have a ball.

>> No.2227144

>It is for 2d. You'd be surprised how many 3d animators can't draw and can't model.

I believe it's a requirement if you want to work in a top tier studio.


>> No.2227147

Oh I thought he was throwing it to his friend who was running to catch it. I didn't notice the body types, all I saw was bald sketch boy in t-shirt and shorts so I assumed it was the same character.

In that case it's kind of strange that the first boy walks around the ball before taking it, you would think he would just grab it as fast as possible if he wanted to steal it. Fat boy looks like he's being violently pushed on-screen rather than reacting to the boy taking his ball.
All-in-all looks like you need to work on your body language.

>> No.2227148
File: 882 KB, 500x358, 0a3312e0cefffab147e5f90644401eac.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it certainly shows.

>That first CG shot
The posters in this thread be all like LEARN TO USE YOUR PROGRAM!

>> No.2227149

I wasn't the anon who made it.

I do agree that it looks like the second boy was pushed on screen, but he was running beforehand toward the ball. I think what is most distracting is the sudden stop instead of him slowing down.

>> No.2227151

so many unfitting gestures. why is the guy running while flailing his arms around like a retard immediately after starting to run?
why is the second guy standing straight with both feet together and yet slouching his head at the end?
it's no good

>> No.2227238
File: 123 KB, 631x531, bub.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2227242
File: 330 KB, 800x600, chug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread's inspired me to do this little thing.

I had semi-forgotten how many frames it takes even for the smallest thing.

>> No.2227247

>When I should have been drawing and practicing animation like I'd always purportedly "wanted" I took the "safe" route and continued to work dead-end jobs without ever picking up a pencil out of fear of how ugly and naive my results were.
Jesus christ are you me?

>> No.2227298

I like it

>> No.2227300

its everyone,

>> No.2227301

We /philosophy/ now.

>> No.2227433

You sound like a straight shitter m8. Post work.

>> No.2227480

thanks for the input, looks like I may need to change a fair amount of the fat kids stuff. I might try and have him reeaally slowly jog or drag himself into the shot for more contrast with the other kid, i'll probably extend the wait too. in the scene where the kid picks up the ball, he runs off with it above his head, so I should probably have him keep doing that in the second shot of him running. It'll be easier to tell them apart once color is added, but maybe I can add a hat and make the fat kid fatter so that his silhouette is more recognizable. anything else before I start deleting stuff?

>> No.2227482
File: 2.08 MB, 270x5000, grille.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point it won't really qualify as animation, although I was thinking of adding some spoopy fast black shadows in the bottom. Also, not sure if I should paint over the spoopy fishes or leave them like they are, and if I should leave them still or make them move.

>> No.2227522

don't use photos

>> No.2227530

what is supposed to be happening here?

>> No.2227537

its very obvious that the character is in a scene as an amateur actor who is satirizing the one inch punch scene from kill bill, but the character, being an amature, is staring at the camera for validation, even though it's not really natural.

>also I'm not the poster

>> No.2227624

Maybe the fat kid could have a baseball mitt. Or the compliment of whatever the ball is, a tennis racket or something.

>> No.2227675


>> No.2227696

hah, I actually gave him one on his right hand, but it's only visible for 2 frames. I'll switch sides

>> No.2227840
File: 93 KB, 250x282, 9990888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you know where I can find someone to make an original soundtrack for my short student animation?

>> No.2228522
File: 2 KB, 100x100, anim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bullshit but good job anyways
Okay i tested how to do animated .gif in GIMP like 5 years ago with pic related, haven't tried animating since. I've looked at plenty of other animations and tips here on /ic/ though so I didn't go in completely cold. Thanks a lot nonetheless!

>> No.2228587
File: 148 KB, 300x204, 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my animation I'm working on.

It needs to be more fluid so i have to add more inbetween frames, but idea is rock solid just and my dick and blue balls when i try to draw this shit.

>> No.2228595

Its extremely stiff, if thats what you were going for

>> No.2228596

No, i try to make it less stiff.

>> No.2228613
File: 47 KB, 519x429, 1439399887508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think a better solution for this would be to get some non copyrighted music or buy the license for it (it can be anything from 5 to 200 dolars)
This is a really good site for that shit
free shit: http://www.freestockmusic.com/
to pay shit: http://audiojungle.net/

But i was in the same situation as you and i had also get someone to make like one those orchestrated songs that would fit into my animation, so i started looking at people who commented on tutorials for music and i send a messege to anyone who looked like they had some experience in making anything good.
thoug be carefull with this since if theyre doing this for free they have no obligation to finish anything so theres alot of a chance they would bailout on the project. So find someone who you can rely on.

>> No.2228624

>not making your own jams
I think you can get away with it

>> No.2228651
File: 613 KB, 362x228, GM_20150922_154029.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely fucked up the mouth animation. Does anyone know how to do these becuase it's really hard for me.

>> No.2228684

look up phonemes. And if you have audio, make the mouth lag 1-2 frames behind.

>> No.2228686

Look at your face in the mirror and do that motion

If needed find a video and check frame by frame

>> No.2229486



>> No.2230401

Frame by frame addon broke, can we add rowvid to the op?

>> No.2230567


This isn't animation. This is a camera pan to sad music. You must be french.

>> No.2230590

I know, sorry. I thought since I started posting here about the project I might as well end it here.
Not really, but I'm Eurobean so I guess it's close enough.

>> No.2231245

You literally have no clue you retard.

Every animator worth your time prefers animating on paper but will use other means if they're on a deadline or have no choice.

>> No.2231264

>Every animator worth your time prefers animating on paper
Could you name a few? If you have examples of paper animation on 1's and arent sluggish, please show them. Also how is paper better than digital?

>but will use other means if they're on a deadline or have no choice
So there is no reason to use paper unless you do it for fun, or you deadline is eons away.

I can appreciate paper animation, but I believe it will be useless 10-20 years from now. I know Japanese animators use paper, but due to their scheduling and budget, they usually stick with 2's and 3's.

>> No.2231267

>Every animator worth your time prefers animating on paper
[citation needed]

Not the person you're replying to. I don't work in animation, and have no idea what the consensus is, but what you're saying doesn't make any intuitive sense to me. Got any sources for the claim?

>> No.2231278

General example:
>The reinstated traditional unit's first production, a 2007 Goofy cartoon short entitled How to Hook Up Your Home Theater, was partly animated without paper by using Harmony and Wacom Cintiq pressure-sensitive tablets. The character animators found some difficulty with this approach, and decided to use traditional paper and pencil drawings, which were then scanned into the computer systems, for The Princess and the Frog.[15]

If you want specific examples, just look up any good animators and you will find that a large majority of them work with pen and paper.

>> No.2231288

I know for a fact, from interviews, Bahijd doesn't use paper. He actually uses Flash.

>> No.2231302

I believe your sincerity, but it seems equally likely that the character animators, who hadn't been working in 2d since the 80's (as implied by the article), simply weren't accustomed to working with tablets and the new toon boom software, and chose to work with what they were already experienced with. Why younger artists would prefer pen paper still doesn't make any intuitive sense.

First two google results on the subject:
>Shinkai belongs to a new generation of animators who have never worked in the traditional pen-and-paper format

>2D animation has gone fully digital,

I'm sure some of the most famous animators still use paper, because they were famous before digital was really a thing and haven't felt a need to switch over. But what benefit could someone get from switching to paper if they're already accustomed to tablets and software?

>> No.2231322

Learning to animate traditionally is good, but when you start to work professionally (at least in the US) you will most likely have to use whatever process is quicker while still maintaining quality, which is most likely digital. If this weren't the case, there would be many more traditional studios in the US.

>> No.2231325

Animation production has gone digital, yes, but a significant amount of character animators work with pen and paper.

of course there are people who work digitally, but especially animators who are used to working on feature length productions usually work with pen and paper, not because there's any benefit to it, but just because that's what they've been taught and that's what they're used to

>But what benefit could someone get from switching to paper if they're already accustomed to tablets and software?
none, other than if head animator/animator director works with pen and paper I suppose.

oh yeah and I'm a different anon from the one you replied here >>2231267

>> No.2231468

To me, animating digitally is really fucking lame.
I don't know what it is, but even when you use an intuos pen on a screen there's still something holding you back from really feeling out a drawing or movement. I'm gonna stick to traditional and just use digital for cleanup.

>> No.2231596

i lip readed "just fuck me" work work work with the lipzzzz

>> No.2231630


This will probably benefit you in the end, though I'd still adapt to using digital later on. Versatility and all that.

A big problem with starting with something like flash or TVPaint is that it's so easy to change your timing that you'll tend to not think as hard about planning. This is what lead to a lot of the look of web-gen animation, where it's freeform and dynamic but at the same time wonky and weightless.

>> No.2231634


Forgot to add: once you've become adept at thinking through your animation thoroughly, you'll find that pure digital opens a LOT of doors in the way you work. This is especially so with the solid foundation you'd get with paper and pencil. You can always do what feels best in the end, but I'd definitely do some experimenting down the line. TVPaint's a great way to go so long as you're patient with its garbage UI and can stand some of its dumb design choices.

>> No.2231639

this picture makes me so hard

the look in her eye, you just KNOW they banged

>> No.2231645


Go to bed haba

>> No.2231835
File: 619 KB, 938x682, 8-31-15 Two Step.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's my walking?
Yes? No? Maybe so?

>> No.2231853

Too much bob. Looks like he's doing a tard version of the Egyptian walk.

>> No.2231961


>> No.2232586

Im also just about 3 years into a well known animation school. I pretty much hate my classmates because they all played it super safe with their style and networked their asses of to be working at cartoon studios/ and other industry things.

The teachers don't even teach us how to properly animate.

It fucking sucks when you go to school wanting to make the next groundbreaking equivalent of Akira or Ghost In the Shell... only to learn that traditional animation died hard.

I'm going the experimental and traditional route.... but it will cost me any chance to get hired. I know I'm ranting, but I feel like the only person at my school who wants to shoot on film and make lush hand made animation.

I cant believe the hypocrisy that the greatest animation school in the US completely sold out on its promise to be nurture the great film makers of tomorrow.

>> No.2232599

Depends on how interesting your work is. I would score your film if you there was pay. I'm an animation student and been making music for a long time.

Look around at your classmates to score your film if you can.... or make it yoursef

>> No.2232607

Do you attend calarts?

>> No.2232609

Its absolutely ruthless in LA. At calarts it seems that you will get some job openings for shitty cartoon shows if you are one of the 10 most hardworking/top tier artists in your class from year 1.

You need to have consistent Vimeo staff picks and be acquiring a Tumblr following/ networking throughout your 4 years. You need to network and stick to one art style if you want to slime your way into the scene and churn out a film every year

This is from my jaded viewpoint

>> No.2232611

Yeah I do. I'm taking a semester off at the moment...

Sorry, as I just posted... I'm just a jaded and venting

>> No.2232644

I felt bad about shit talking and being sad about stuff... so here is some animations I like

[Angel's Egg]
[The Running Man]

>> No.2232649

{The Running Man}

>> No.2232731
File: 17 KB, 500x364, porcocolored.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to get faster with coloring in Paintman. Still prefer TVPaint for everything else, but their fill tool sucks way too much ass. I want to try to figure out a comfortable workaround, though.

Sorry for half-assing the actual animation, wanted to move on.


No big deal, man. It's understandable, and some people could lose the gloss over their eyes about CalArts.

Definitely look to Europe if you want to work on more artistically driven 2D films, though it's not perfect there either. That's the route I want to go unless I become a weebslave, at any rate. I know there's some Gobelins exchange thing at your school, but I don't know much about it.

Thanks for the reminder to finish Angel's egg.

>> No.2232970

Damn man.. Can you go into more detail about it

>> No.2232976

My dream is to git gud at drawing and animating. If mediocre animation is at its low, this should drive you to become a great animator.

>> No.2232988

I just watched the King and the Mockingbird

Fucking hell, why am I even here

>> No.2233315

I kind of want to go to Calarts, but I live in a country where I could learn animation in art uni/college for free. Such cases.

>> No.2233392

Hmm never heard of Paintman. Your coloring of Porco Rosso is on point!

Goeblins definitely seems like a great school, and I agree.... Europe is where I am leaning as well. At least there is a little better government support and avenues for independent animation over there. No where is perfect, I believe the whole state of animation is in a transitionary period.

Also, Mamaru Oshii is the man....

Yeah I can. if you have any questions I'll do my best to answer them.

That's probably for the best. Both situations would have a different benefit. It's what you learn from your education that is important...

>> No.2233422

>tfw youll never be able to do something like this

>> No.2233446

the gif recording thing i have fucked up the frames, its just supposed to be backing up or smth

>> No.2233490
File: 48 KB, 620x592, 1441141923621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol dude that's fucking rotoscope are you serious? Literally trace over footage of people dancing and you can create the exact same thing. The are some effects in there too buy that is literally the easiest thing to learn in animation. Hahaha you really think you can't make something like this in a few years if you worked for it?

>> No.2233495

My family watched this damn thing every fucking day in a novela

And I'm not even brazilian

>> No.2233506

I didn't know using reference is the same as tracing.

>> No.2233507

except its not

>> No.2233575

reference? lol those were traced. he took liberties sure, but those drawings were traced. And when they weren't traced it's blatantly obvious he used rudimentary effects animation and smears/wipes that don't have nearly as many frames as the other bits (tell tale sign that those frames at a higher framerate were traced)

That's not to say the film isn't stunning to anyone that doesn't know any better, because it still is. Anyone that thinks this requires decades of technical genius when it can really be accomplished in a few short years is kidding themselves.

But I don't know why you'd want to. Rotoscope animation like this just looks dead and lifeless as far as performance is concerned. I honestly might as well watch a live action film.

>> No.2233581

It's not rotoscoped

Why do you think it's rotoscoped? The figures are so simple.

>> No.2233632

This is just embarrassing

>> No.2233661

Great video but that doesn't change the fact that it was rotoscoped. Yes he took creative liberties with the effects including the wipes but the actual gestures are frame to frame trace overs. It's brutally obvious that they are becuase the the frames mirror the dancers movements frame to frame. Had it been used solely as a reference throughout the film then all the footage would look like the effects animation in terms of timing and spacing. But instead you have shots like the guy first getting up or when he rolls on the floor that just really stick to source material like glue.

When we were introduced to this film in class the instructors made it abundantly clear that this was a good use of rotoscope animation and it is. But that's only becuase unlike most rotoscope animation the animator was a talented effects animator and was able to incorporate traditional hand drawn effects and morphs in there too. It's good but still rotoscoped

>> No.2233735

You wouldn't call a portrait/figure drawing, that accurately depicts the shape and form of the subject, rotoscoped.
Why can't the same apply to timing? He has the footage with him, he can go through the timing over and over again, which would then make the timing seem different from the way he animates when he is working purely from imagination.

>the frames mirror the dancers movements frame to frame
Frame to frame? What frames are you comparing here, because from what I know, the reference footage that he used has not been released.

I see absolutely no basis for why this would be rotoscoped, and all evidence that we have point towards it not being rotoscoped.

>When we were introduced to this film in class the instructors made it abundantly clear that this was a good use of rotoscope animation and it is
and how do you not know that your instructor wasn't just talking out of his ass? Sure, an animation instructor is a far credible source than some random anon at /ic/, but keep in mind that many animator instructors also tell their students shit like "all japanese animation is outsourced to korea and shit".

>> No.2233737

>that accurately depicts the shape and form of the subject, rotoscoped.

Traced, rather.

>> No.2234102

Make him lean forward

>> No.2234451

Where's the new thread?

>> No.2234623

Last page. This is a slow board.

>> No.2235898

the way he starts running right after picking up the ball looks odd. the poses switch too quickly and he jumps out of screen too fast.

personally i like the gestures. they may seem exaggerated but it adds a lot of character. maybe try to space them up or justify them with some contexts but i wouldnt remove them

>> No.2235948
File: 38 KB, 640x360, Untitled-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this in like 15 minutes and lost all interest.. what do?