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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 729 KB, 1000x750, clownfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2218086 No.2218086 [Reply] [Original]

Because we should not have to make new threads or post in draw threads with our fundamental exercises. Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up.

Do not forget to resize and crop your images before uploading them. 1kpx is fine.

Before asking "what should I read/view/study/learn," consult the sticky: >>1579290

Questions go in the QUESTION THREAD: >>2211554

This is for posting studys & getting critique.

Thread study: Clownfish.

Threadly reminder to avoid carpal tunnel:

Old thread: >>2213431

>> No.2218140
File: 3.54 MB, 1630x1343, soldiers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crit my concept art

>> No.2218147

The soldier on the right, is his head/helmet thing a... shaver ?

>> No.2218149

Everything in this picture looks copywritten.

Digital painting or Photo-manipulation?
Which one do you want to do?

>> No.2218152


You gonna be rich son

Shaddy look out

>> No.2218161
File: 209 KB, 600x600, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with skills like these why should i even try..should i just start photobashing?

man i totally messed the proportions on this picture.

>> No.2218164
File: 381 KB, 600x400, Shaddy Safadi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHOA! this much skill at such a young age, i guess we cant let our guard down with this new generation of "artist"

>> No.2218263
File: 613 KB, 990x741, bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy who can't blend/pick values/render well for his life, back again

It's not even possible to tell what's supposed to going on here anymore. I feel like I'm entirely missing what makes depth in value? Also I don't know when transitions between values need to be sharp or soft. If anyone can point me in the right direction in fixing things here, it would really be appreciated.

Side note, sorry for the anime, but I'm not trying to use that style as a crutch, so hopefully that's alright

>> No.2218269
File: 201 KB, 1087x1257, dulla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Composition critique

I'm guessing there are two creatures in the fore ground shooting at a ship or creature in the background,
The composition looks fine. Think about how the object feels. Hard things like guns and armor would have hard shading and abrupt changes, soft things like fur and skin would have softer shading. I think those are fingers, they aren't holding the gun right, look up some people holding guns properly.
This picture is dynamic and cool but it's not completely clear what's going on.

>> No.2218275

Thanks, man. Noted

If anyone actually wanted to know what this was going for, it's one in the foreground, and another in the (back? middle?) with the front one reaching over its own left shoulder pulling out a knife upside down, which is the thing in the hand that probably looks like a gun. Puff of smoke on the left because why it was open and looked boring

Maybe I should just go back to drawing apples or something

>> No.2218279

In the middle of an action is dynamic but not always clear. It's better to do it if you have multiple characters doing things.

It's better to draw things you like while practicing. So like scifi but practicing apples. Draw an alien at an apple stand. Or a battle near a bowl of fruit. Make it fun.

>> No.2218335
File: 781 KB, 819x697, 991ae094610291fd865cdbee327aa68c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i give up

>> No.2218342
File: 79 KB, 638x826, dulla2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dulla got a downgrade

>> No.2218358 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 800x1200, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just ordered my first drawing tablet
I currently have manga studio installed

Is this a good starting point or are there better programs that I can torrent?

>> No.2218364


Lots of people seem to suggest that you just start with photoshop since it's industry standard.

Personally, I have photoshop and manga studio installed, and I prefer manga studio considerably. It's also much easier to learn than PS in my opinion. At least Manga Studio is expressly drawing software, while photoshop is photo editing software that's incidentally also used as drawing software. It doesn't have any stabilizers, which is really fucking annoying in my opinion, and makes drawing and inking arbitrarily hard.

>> No.2218365

awesome thanks

moved my post over to the questions thread, but thanks!

>> No.2218376
File: 200 KB, 311x464, distrubed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2218390


Because they're complicated objects with lots of little details that people are used to seeing, and have been used for communication for thousands of years.

>> No.2218397
File: 76 KB, 638x826, dulla3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dulla is is doing well I guess

Hands are blocks with cylinders connected. Draw a hands with that in mind and see if you do better.

>> No.2218451
File: 105 KB, 900x675, Jay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to learn how to draw faces, I'm not sure how to capture likeness very well. How do people capture likeness in a line drawing?

Sorry for the image quality.

>> No.2218453
File: 629 KB, 900x439, Clerks 2 Jay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2218465
File: 2.01 MB, 5030x4030, Painting 11.9.15 (Finalist Final).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a painting.


>> No.2218486

good for a start, but rework the composition. it's a mess and no focus. I see you tried to point the ships toward the tower, but you put in way too much stuff. try working with negatives. also pay attention to the ships perspectives.
I would suggest to grab the lasso tool and experiment. do it quickly and try out different things. replace elements and fill them with solids or cut out things. work zoomed out so you won't get caught in details.
don't be precious with your drawings or you'll hesitate to rework them when necessary.
keep on and you'll reach your goals.

>> No.2218493


I'm not good at composition and have been focusing on value the most recently.

Yeah I went I little overkill with details which is stupid of me since if the overall painting isn't good its rather unessacary.

Appreciate the honesty anon, thanks for the advice :)

>> No.2218539
File: 974 KB, 5030x1998, Painting11.9.15(CompositionEdit).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a quick edit and removed some of the bullshit, do you think it looks better compostionally now?

>> No.2218542
File: 2.62 MB, 5030x4030, 1442186355707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In photoshop try playing with gradient maps. I assure you you will get some pretty cool effects

>> No.2218543

That's cool but mainly I was just looking for some criticism on the piece itself.

Thanks anyway anon :)

>> No.2218557

Right now I feel like its too busy on the left side of the page. You can fix this by moving the foreground ship to around the sun area- ish to make use of the canvas' 1/3rd focal points. You should move the sun more toward the center. Youre use of values are fine but I think what makes this piece a little weak is the lack of design. Too many spikey mountains and generic ship and structure design make it a bit dull.

It will impress random people on the internet, no questions, but you are really offering nothing as a concept piece. If you were to build any of this in 3D, where would you start? All your solutions are made up and wont work in the real world so it gives off an amateur feel. I suggest incorporating some real life architecture into your crazy bird tower to maybe give it a sense of believability. Also, you need to study up on some perspective. All is just pretty much a side view drawing that uses parallaxing and atmosphere to create space. That's all fine and dandy, but it would be ideal to show form depth as well.

I hope this helps. I could be wrong on some things so don't retaliate with how shitty I am or something. I tried to nit pick a bit because you show potential. I hope to see this all blocked out and painted in color soon. Keep studying and good luck!

>> No.2218562

Nah anon, I won't be shitty with you. Criticism is always good and I appreciate it whole heartedly.

I will give it a shot, but I feel burnt out today given that its 1am here and I've been drawing most of the day. Or maybe I will keep going and fall asleep trying, who knows.

Thanks anyway anon. Really appreciate the critique.

>> No.2218566


>> No.2218582

Not to come off as egotistical as well, but how much potential exactly? Like shit tier or decent or what?

I am just curious what level I am at really.

Sorry for asking more questions.

>> No.2218599
File: 51 KB, 638x826, Sect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now Presenting Insect Princess. Art is so relaxing

There are too many bright spots. There should only be one. The tower. Dial back the brightness of everything but the tower and that should add focus

>> No.2218661
File: 383 KB, 1400x1050, Letslearn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just starting over my art from the beginning to improve it.
Reading Vilppu. Why is combining both sphere's and boxes suddenly hard for perspective reasons?

>> No.2218668

Try not to chicken scratch your lines.

Do multiple attempts and trying to make forms without using going over multiple times with your line work.

>> No.2218670

Reposting cuz I didn't realise the other thread was dead before I posted the first time

I started reading the vilppu drawing manual and since it hasn't told me to do any exercises yet I'm just doing the gesture drawings over and over. I don't feel like I'm learning anything or gaining from it though. These gesture drawings look and feel the same as they did three hours ago. How do I practice this shit?

>> No.2218677 [DELETED] 

>Do multiple attempts and trying to make forms without using going over multiple times with your line work.

What do you mean by that anon?
You mean so the lines won't look sloppy and in multiple directions when they darken to give the shape form?

I pretty much do that on purpose because I know it won't probably live to see the day, I can make it cleaner if you mean by that.

>> No.2218680

Wait what do you mean anon?
I'm just being sloppy and fast on purpose.

However can you show me and example on what you mean? It might look like chicken scratch due to the fact I'm using my lap instead of a desk.

>> No.2218682

It doesn't matter if it ain't for other people to see, you need to practice making good lines.

>> No.2218720
File: 262 KB, 1119x1016, 90fee267f1ee1725562b55ac75e29084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just started practicing drawing from quickposes, and I'm not quite sure if I'm thinking about this right when I draw them.

What should I be focusing most on when drawing figures like this?

>> No.2218733

draw forms not just circles, think about how the parts look in 3D, draw at least the guides of the face if your going slow, and draw the action line

>> No.2218746

>Wait what do you mean anon?
>I'm just being sloppy and fast on purpose.

i was merely pretending

you only need one stroke fastor slow

>> No.2218747
File: 165 KB, 700x875, katia2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone give me a second opinion on the form of this before I go all-out? Specifically on the head and the neck. They seem slightly off to me.

>> No.2218759

I see. Maybe quickposes isn't the place to start, then. I thought the purpose of gesture drawing from poses was to just get the skeletal structure or something. I'll read more of Loomis' book on it when I go into work tomorrow.

Thanks for the advice.

>> No.2218769

You took the wrong lesson from that. I'm giving tips on how you can improve you quick poses. They are call gestures by the way

>> No.2218775

arms are boring, try doing the pose yourself and do diferrent things with your arms.

The mid section also looks weird. That's a backbreaking slouch and too many belly wrinkles.

>> No.2218777

Sorry, I'm pretty much self taught outside of some broad highschool classes. I mess up the proper names for everything. Thanks again.

>> No.2218802
File: 178 KB, 1366x768, sdasda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... I just posted this in the previous thread because i am dumb like that and didn't realize it was dead... Here is the message:
"Progress folks! I discovered what i was doing wrong... First let me explain my "creative process": i draw stuff with a blue pen in small sheets of paper, then scan then in 200 DPI, in black and white, throw then on GIMP, give it color, and RESIZE then to 1\4 of their size so that i can put it on flash... This was my mistake, i am not supossed to do that, the resizing process turns what was once a clear and slightly pixelated black line into a blured line with 5-6 shades of gray, all of wich make the image heavier... I tried scaning one in 100 DPI, the image turned out to be the perfect size compared to its resized counterpart AND, most importantly, had -45 KB.
Problem is that i kinda like the blured results i was getting with the resized images, you know what i don't like? Pixels, the 100 DPI images are sligthly pixelated, here is what i am going to do: For the most important and still frames i am going to use my resized 200 DPI blured images, BUT for the less important/faster frames i am going to use the 100 DPI images! Smart? What are your thoughts? I just want an opinion on my plan just in case im doing something really stupid and not realizing it...
One more question! Is there a way to use GIMP to resize the 200 DPI images without the blur? I don't want to do all the scaning and coloring again.
This is a image of a test i did with the 200 DPI images in flash, the background looks horrible... I figured you guys probably don't like cartoonish stuff, but can anyone give any
thoughts in my main character? Thank you all in advance 4chan people."

>> No.2218851

There's a way to turn any scanned picture to just black and white using filters. Or you could use paths and vectorize the lineart. These can be done in photoshop so I'm not entirely sure about gimp though.

It looks like a blue bat but it might be a blue cat. Which reminds me of gumball.

>> No.2219076

Guess I have to do more warmups often.

>> No.2219119

Create a layer when you turn the saturation all the way down to see the image in black and white.

From what I see there is nothing to distinguish the foreground mecha from the midground and backgrounds elements. You need some value distinquishment between these to make it read and showcase distance.

>> No.2219186
File: 160 KB, 1000x1000, 09_14_GESTURE_2m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are these for gestures? I feel like I'm starting to understand capturing motion rather than contour, but I dunno. #6 and #13 feel like the best out of the bunch. I set the timer to 2 minutes because I want to force myself to slow down and analyze the pose.

>> No.2219199

Is it normal to have so much trouble with hand control? I cannot make lines go where I want them to go. Should I just be doing drills all day instead of actual drawing?

>> No.2219212

Practice controlling your lines. Draw with your arm as much as you can and try to keep consistent throughout the stroke.

>> No.2219220

Just potential to take it to the next level. You seem to have a decent grasp of some fundamentals that make your landscape readable. Still a long way from marketable but you're on the right track, which is the hardest part of the whole process. In my experience, the issue is what you are focussing your energy on when you practice, not how much you draw (although drawing a lot is very important too). This is what I was doing when first learning and I can tell you that it is (one of the) right ways of going about it.

Once you start focusing a bit more on design, I'm sure you will see yourself jump up another level.

Keep at it, man!

>> No.2219224

Thanks based anon.

>> No.2219245

I like these anon, they really capture the feel and weight of the gesture.

Can't give you much critique since I'm not an expert on gestures but keep up the good work :)

>> No.2219258
File: 62 KB, 500x528, 150914poop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried doing a head without reference just to see how bad it would be and good god I need help. It's still nice to see improvement here and there though, just tough to get over the whole "these other artists are so good I'll never accomplish that" mental block.

>> No.2219265
File: 57 KB, 800x500, WEREWOLF CHARACTER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is my werewolf girl okay?

>> No.2219270

If you like flat generic anime style furry drawings then yes.

>> No.2219275

how do i make it better then? doesn't necessarily need to be fully realistic.

>> No.2219279

>doesn't necessarily need to be fully realistic.

This mentality is why you won't get anywhere with it.

Actually render the image and take into account lighting, maybe do some studies of wolves to add some realism.

>> No.2219280


>> No.2219288


"some studies"

means 100-200 drawings where you are really trying btw.

>> No.2219293

Yeah when I meant some studies I mean you will need to work your ass off drawing wolves all the time.

>> No.2219299

What am i supposed to do for the tonal bar excercise in keys to drawing? Also do I need to go through the book before learning stuff like gesture? I feel as though im not really understanding the book.

>> No.2219302
File: 2.36 MB, 3552x2000, WP_20150914_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I level up enough for these gestures to be recognizable yet? I really want to draw something else but what's the point if I can't even get the fucking basics right

>> No.2219305

Judging from this, you seem to be thinking of the head right now as a block that has eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. The ears shouldn't look like that from the front as well.

It looks weird because some parts seem to be missing definition like the cheekbone, jaw, etc.

Also, try to stick with line drawing more if you're still feeling out from imagination, you spend quite a lot of time rendering when it's time you could spend into learning how to draw the head, for example.

>> No.2219311


>I really want to draw something else but what's the point if I can't even get the fucking basics right

Honestly I don't think it's fair to consider being able to quickly capture a gesture "the basics"
It can be the first step OF a drawing but people saying it should be the first step to learn IN drawing are a little misguided. All the best gesture artists have done it for years. Don't be afraid to do more deliberate studies of the body, no need to cut out doing gestures entirely but it'll help for when you do do gestures.

/ic/ just idolizes Vilppu who does a lot of figure and gesture drawing, but remember he's been drawing for fucking decades.

>> No.2219313

Maybe I've been adhering a little too strictly to advice I got from here. I guess I kinda forgot this is still 4chin

>> No.2219314


Have you tried drawing a skull from imagination? Try that (maybe after some studies if you haven't drawn many skulls), and it'll get all the basic stuff like eyesockets, nose, cheekbones and jaw into place. Then you can draw over it.
Dunno if such a method works for everyone, but for me I think it's easier to remember a skull in proportion than a face.

>> No.2219315

I can confirm this helped me immensely

>> No.2219318


Basically whenever /ic/ tells you "don't do ___ until you've gotten good at ____" take it with a grain of salt. Gesture is a good exercise but it's not the end all be all, and it does take a lot of practice, technique and knowledge of anatomy and proportion to do well. So allow yourself to practice other things, any sort of figure drawing - gesture or not - will contribute eventually to your ability to do gesture well.

>> No.2219320

Understood. I'd like to know how shit my gestures are exactly though

>> No.2219321


You capture likeness by mimicking the proportions of the subjects face. For example, the face of the ref has a much more prominent jaw. Your proportions and planes should reflect that, which they do to a degree. However, the nose isn't perpendicular to the centerline of the face.

>> No.2219432

Ah, thank you. I suppose that means I'm not really drawing what I see. Are there any other ways to determine the specific proportions of a person other than comparative measurement?

>> No.2219439


You've gotta be able to build the planes of the face. After establishing the "average," start experimenting by changing the size of certain planes. What happens when you get someone with an elongated chin? Other planes start changing to compensate for those shifts in structure. Test how far you can stretch or compress planes and have it still look human.

Here's a good place to start:

>> No.2219489

Thanks. This will help allot.

>> No.2219640
File: 391 KB, 1148x500, conceptkid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this even look like a child. No? Shit fuck please help me with these proportions, foreheads and jawlines. The kids I try to draw either turn into dough-like blobs or this every time- too much soft or not enough soft and never a good in-between.

>> No.2219715

I think it's the jawline. And maybe move the eyes down slightly

>> No.2219720

Round off the grown ass man jaw.
Thats not a childs exageratedly thin neck.
Research where the neck connects to the head it looks wonky in the side view.
You overemphasized shading around the eyes which makes him look like hes been miserable at work for 20 years.
Make his expression and eyes innocent and young not frustrated and lifeless.

Remember: childlike wonder

>> No.2219746
File: 495 KB, 1000x1375, Loomis Proportions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2219775

I agree- just couldn't figure out how to round it out without it looking even worse.
I'll take a new look at it tomorrow with all these in mind. Thank you for confirming that it looks like wonky bullshit. It's motivating.
I feel that that particular loomis draw helps more with general body proportion ideals/ideas than the problems centered to the face & bust, tho, and you could've chosen some drawings he's done focusing on children's faces instead to link.

>> No.2219782

Admittedly he doesn't have too much on children per se but you can probably apply more of the stuff he writes about baby faces to your drawings. It doesn't look bad but if you told me it was a kid I might not have noticed that at first.

>> No.2219909
File: 115 KB, 453x353, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the middle of berts book. I struggle extremely hard with anything that is value heavy. When the "lines" of an object are clear I can draw them easily.

You know how you learn to "see" as an artist, being able to see proportions, negative, and positive space? I feel like all of that ability I gained through reading bettys and the beginning of this book is lost when drawing something like this. I usually get a rough sketch and I cant even do that right, everything is misshapen, and misplaced.


to get gud at values do I just keep grinding practice or is there a book for this that can help?

>> No.2219917

I attempted to get better at values by doing greyscale paintings for a while.

You be the judge of if it worked for not >>2218539

>> No.2219929
File: 192 KB, 1224x792, rhino inking 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are better than me, that's for sure, but I want to draw comics and stuff, I'm just learning the basics now. I'm not interested in painting. You think doing gray scale sketches of things from real life would help?

Also I did this near the end of last thread. I liked the way it was coming out but the shading was just taking too long so I never finished it.


>> No.2219934

Real life studies are always good because they build visual library.

Your drawings are only as good as the foundation built on them.

The problem with that drawing is the chicken scratch lines. If you're doing a sketch you don't need to fill in value using linework, use paint instead.

Also even though I might be okay at drawing I want to be a concept artist, which will probably never happen because I am nowhere near good enough and am already 19.

>> No.2219940


I see. I wanted to kind of hatch it to see if it gave it more texture and more form but I guess that failed, didn't it. I thought it would look really flat if I just used a single gray color, but I guess using various shades would fix that.

Thanks for the advice, I'll go practice and learn how to use the painting tools in manga studio.

>> No.2219956
File: 530 KB, 1000x1074, armor study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this the other night, I wouldn't mind some opinions.
The idea was an armour (and specifically, reflective surface) study, rather than going for a finished piece, so it's a little rough around the edges, but my main focus was on the helmet and chestpiece.

>> No.2219961


I can try and give some tips, bearing in mind I'm >>2219956 and far from an expert, but I use manga studio too.
That method strikes me as really time consuming. Personally I think it's an interesting looking approach, but I'd imagine you'd quickly get tired of trying to finish anything that way.

Manga Studio is actually pretty convenient for digital painting and blending, I find. What I do, and you might want to experiment with, is fiddling with the watercolor brush. It has some automatic blending, but with more pen pressure the less it blends, though I have a macro key to add a layer for when I don't want it to blend at all.
You can block in the forms and tones, merge it down, and blend a little that way. It's much quicker than trying to hatch it all with a single sized brush, but the appearance is very different, so if the crosshatching appearance is something you find appealing it might not look how you want it.

>> No.2219985


Thanks for the reply.

Are you using dense water color? I've never painted before so this will take me a while to learn. Since I want to ultimately do manga, I don't know if learning painting will help since that's not really used in manga. I'm pretty lost to be honest and don't know what method to use for shading that would transfer the best into manga drawing.

I suppose painting could hurt, and having it in my repertoire would probably come in handy at some point. I assume you have various shades of gray ready to use when making a picture like that?

I really like your picture by the way, but I dont think I can critique it since its beyond my skill level.

>> No.2220010


It might not be as useful to you if you want to get the hang of the sort of tighter lineart style (personally I can't do clean lineart to save my life, at most I do it super rough and paint over it).
The brush I use is the one actually called "Watercolor brush" and it has a bit of a texture to it. I usually don't use the other brushes, but the smooth watercolor can give you some smoother transitions (though I wouldn't suggest working with it exclusively, better to use it more as a blender after you've blocked stuff in).
As for having various shades of gray ready, normally I just start by using either fully black or fully white with a mid tone canvas, and using lighter pen pressure so it doesn't come out completely black/white (though I might have a bit of pure black and pure white somewhere on it for color picking). Then I color pick and blend as I go, and occasionally add pure black or pure white where needed and blend it in. There might be better methods since again I'm no expert, but yeah. It's a convenient and pretty therapeutic way to go about it, because it doesn't require a lot of adjusting, so you can just kind of have at it.
I will say that getting the hang of liberally using the color picker is a great way to speed things up with painting. If you have a light light and a dark dark somewhere in your picture, you can pick from it at your leisure. Adding a new layer ensures it doesn't blend, then you can merge down when you want to blend it.

>> No.2220023


Also, I don't know if this might be of use to you (I only fiddled briefly with his method since I found my footing more with the painting stuff) but this guy has a different approach in Manga Studio that could be useful for your goals.


>> No.2220173


Thanks for all your help.I had to step out for a while, so sorry to reply late. Don't wanna get all gay on you but you've taken time to write meaningful advice for me, so again, thanks a lot.

>> No.2220221

Are there any guides on transferring a vehicle (or anything complex and mechanical) in perspective to an orthographic? I find that I rarely get the placement of wheels or windows correct and Drawabox isn't too clear on how to do it correctly.

>> No.2220230
File: 406 KB, 1500x1500, 140915(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time drawing a fatty

>> No.2220368

Do you think there's an age limit when you can't improve your skills that much?

I have always been decent at drawing and I improving very slowly much since I've haven't been drawing anything serious and often.

Just wondering if I have wasted my potential by not studying drawing while I was a horny 14 year old wanting to draw asses and boobs.

>> No.2220529

No. You may be slower as you get older, but there's never a point were you won't learn anymore unless you have some crippling mental disability.

>> No.2220550
File: 1.40 MB, 4000x3000, Practice-Recovered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been trying to figure out gestures for weeks now. I get it but I just cant DO it. I understand that you are suppose to get the essence of the pose, but I just can't. Sometimes I'll get close after trying for hours, but then when I come back the next day I cant do shit anymore.

>> No.2220586


It'll always be a matter of input and output. Kids tend to have the time and enthusiasm to draw a lot - and even then you'll notice many of them practice pretty ineffectively by drawing the same shit the same way over and over. I'd say an adult has an advantage because they're more able to be self critical and practice effectively, the problem is many adults are less used to failure than kids.
When you were 14 you probably felt less badly about every fuckup you made than you do as a 20-30something year old, because since you were 14 you've probably found a comfort zone and a specialization, something you know you're good at, and you haven't been doing the usual jack of all trades education a kid gets where you tend to be bad at at least 50% of what you do because it's all new to you. I notice time is a lot more precious to many adults and they get impatient with failure a lot quicker, and always want results faster.

>> No.2220597

Your gestures are way too constructive, also when you start to draw gestures don't look at what the person just think what the person is doing and draw that.

>> No.2220621

All of them? I have been trying different techniques.
What about the middle ones that are closer to the top? The one that I tried to make vomit.

>> No.2220722
File: 338 KB, 1577x1100, WP_20150915_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2220726

How do I draw clothes? Can't really imagine all the creases when drawing without a reference.

>> No.2220727
File: 836 KB, 1224x1632, man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.2220730

draw from reference until it sticks

>> No.2220731

Do fold study. It's somewhat of a fundamental. Cloth tends to behave a certain way, whether by gravity or by creasing along the limbs. When you look and observe and draw out how clothing behaves you'll burn them into your mind.

>> No.2220742
File: 560 KB, 1920x998, doges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it okay if it takes me two or three tries to get the proportions right? how can I measure more accurately?

>> No.2220745
File: 32 KB, 400x400, h3BM6GQ6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you can measure more accurately by pasting pancakes on your canvas.

>> No.2220761
File: 162 KB, 884x1144, wty3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2220794

How to draw men? I'm look for references. No loomis though.

>> No.2220807

Why not

>> No.2220811

Because I already have them as references

>> No.2220813
File: 16 KB, 300x308, Mirror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm look for references.
look right there

>> No.2220814
File: 16 KB, 474x429, angry nah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mikufag she looks maimed damn it, add some damn shadows.

>> No.2220816

He teaches you how to draw men.. If you don't like his method try Vilppu or any of the other myriad of figure drawing books

>> No.2220817
File: 529 KB, 2592x800, Anatomy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3d molds

>> No.2220818

sorry squid
mods nuked the thread

want to reach me for questions or just plain hanging out go to the thread at /i/

daily reminder that i still <3 u
also learn to make your line more natural

>> No.2220823
File: 546 KB, 2500x1406, Bzbad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2220825
File: 54 KB, 388x380, 1382390806561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is the controller in the pic? you think you're special? I CAN HAVE FREE TIME TOO! I CAN DO IT ANYTIME I WANT!!

>> No.2220826


Shit. Meant to comment that I am working on my heads. I know I'm terrible. I've been bouncing between tracing and then attempting to recreate what I just traced, altering what muscles I use, studying how my shoulder shifts as I trace lines of skilled work vs my own habits.

The fat face man is me trying to merge Loomis 3/4 view method and trying to place some some rounder shapes into the structure of the face. I think it went pretty okay. First time ever trying something like that. Did it in about 40m. I know I work kinda slow.

>> No.2220827


I sanitize my space but then I throw shit around and everything ends up disorganized 99% of the time...

>> No.2220828

>Thread study: Clownfish.

could the op pic be any worse?

>> No.2220838

Turn the resizing mode to nearest neighbor and scale it down by even amounts, like 1/2 or 1/4th

>> No.2220905

Heads are okay but you need to work on faces a whole lot

>> No.2220939


They aren't suposed to be realistic. I rushed them. This is more about grasping the form of the head than anything more.

>> No.2220950



>> No.2220954
File: 155 KB, 1024x1024, Head_Wksht_SNAP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, this shit makes me want to shoot myself. For some reason, I have the hardest time putting basic planes into perspective. Does #11 look relatively correct?

>> No.2220959

You're still thinking in symbols, that means you're not ready for Loomis yet.
Who said anything about being realistic. Stop making excuses and prepare to accept any kind of criticism.

>> No.2220968


Where do you start if the sticky says start with Loomis

>> No.2220970
File: 335 KB, 1271x663, aisheeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats a good program setup for a noob like me? I use paint tool sai for linework, but there are more coloring tutorials and options for photoshop. Is there a way to export linework to photoshop, or if I should still try coloring in sai? I want to make hentai one day.

Heres terrible coloring, from reference, for /ic/ to critique and help me.

>> No.2220972
File: 171 KB, 1024x1024, Head_Wksht_SNAP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm actually slowly becoming more comfortable with it. I just need to not freak out. Placing the head in a box helped me immensely. Gonna grind out some more for the night before bed.

>> No.2220988
File: 455 KB, 900x675, bitekid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More kid.
Now with more stylization and some Leyendecker color mimicry.

>> No.2221006

shit and gay.

>> No.2221013

do your lineart on a separate layer over the sketch, then delete the sketch layer and save as PNG, then import it into photoshop.

If you want to make "hentai" one day, painting is not what you want to be doing.

>> No.2221014

The size and/or perspective of that hand is fucked up.

>> No.2221019
File: 295 KB, 531x750, 7cd7202d6f85c6f70dd06c1a6c43658f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks /ic/, I have no idea where to go with painting tbh. It feels so new, like a different entity from drawing. I feel like im going to fit a whole days into painting just to get started.
>painting is not what you want to be doing.
I want to make something like pic though

>> No.2221021

>I want to make something like pic though

Quit now.

>> No.2221023
File: 22 KB, 200x250, 581449_1290066696745_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? Why /ic/ being so mean not gimme advice.

>> No.2221024
File: 344 KB, 1080x478, 1421136747638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2221026


>> No.2221027

This. Sure there's people who draw animu stuff, but it's because they saw a style and learned to perfectly copy it. Anyone who makes their own "anime style" has learned the fundamentals of anatomy and proportion as well as perspective.

>> No.2221029

That wasn't painted, that was drawn and then rendered.

>> No.2221033
File: 685 KB, 1908x1071, Chidori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>want to >>2220970 know how to paint properly, or realistically
>Alright, how do I make >>2221019
Will you faggots just give me so tutorial, critique, or guidence to how I can paint or render >>2221029 me some kawaii anime girls the fuck already.

>> No.2221037

But it doesn't. Look more closely.

>> No.2221038

There are no shortcuts or tutorials that will magically enable you to draw and color. Draw from life, if your soul purpose is to draw moe shit without emphasis on fundamentals first just quit now.

>> No.2221039

Are you retarded? I already told you painting is not what you want, and neither of the posts you linked have ANYTHING to do with painting.

You can't just skip from being spaghetti hair to being Homunculus.

>> No.2221043


I don't know about those fags but to do anime stuff well it's all about the motor skill and repetition built up from years of doing the same thing over and over then patching it up with core fundamental skills when you get older (or serious). This is what what most of DA kids did and still do then when they reach 18 they have killer rendering skills but a 'straight out of high school' drawing ability.


This video is similar to what I mean. This girl doesn't take drawing seriously and draws cuter moe than anyone* in the style thread.

TL note: anyone* secludes me and about 3 people.

also ignore the tards telling you not to do painting. You might think better painting than you do with line. Painting is drawing and drawing isn't painting. But a good painting needs a good drawing.

>> No.2221047


You have an impatient mindset. You need to understand that there are motions you have to go through. Some steps may take less time, some steps may take more. Stop trying to rush to the finish line and enjoy the journey. Start with basic shapes. If you can draw a cube, a sphere, and a cylinder, you're golden. Next do perspective. Be able to rotate those shapes in space. For drawing figures, jump to gesture. You will not be good at it and probably won't be for a long time. ALWAYS work on gesture as a warm-up, and try to learn something every time. Look up books/videos on how to take gesture to a construction stage to develop the figure. Learn forms. This is where that basic shape and perspective knowledge becomes handy. Learn to add and subtract from these forms to create anatomy. All this alone will keep you occupied for a long time, and none of these skills will be irrelevant in your drawing career.

Listen. Everything I've said in this post will take you time. It will eat up hours out of your day, days out of your weeks, weeks out of your months, months out of your years, and years out of your lifetime. If you don't have the resolve to try to be a master of your chosen area of art, then don't even begin to try. I say try to be a master, not the best, because best is subjective. There is no middle-ground in art. It is a commitment, and you get out what you put in.

>> No.2221052
File: 22 KB, 463x526, aisheeeeeee!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fucking shit for brains! Im not talking about drawing! >>2221024 Here lemme, spell it out, after you do the lineart for the kawaii girl on the left, How (this is what im asking!) do you add the color? Im not talking about the how to draw the anatomical structure, loomis, all that glorious fundamentals, im asking, how do give color to her skin and purple to her hair.

Will faggots stop acting like im new to /ic/, ive been here and practicing for a year. So no need to be like, "you first start with the majestic circle drawing from peter han, then move onto scott robertson, or KTD" I alrady practice 2-4 hours day.

I already practice my loomis on my own time, I still got years of fundies to work on, but i want to be able to make hentai one day. Here, some artwork done in 2 mins, its shit, i know, but its the best i can drawing wise for now.

thank you based anon.

This, is the best I can do at painting, coloring. rendering, whatever. Some anon tell me how its shit, and what I need to do differently to go about making it better, so i can keep that in mind for next time.

>> No.2221054

What kind of exercise are those bodies?

>> No.2221056

Here's your reply.

>> No.2221058

>How (this is what im asking!) do you add the color?
Rendering. Not fucking painting that's for god damn sure.

>> No.2221060

ecorche drawing

>> No.2221078
File: 497 KB, 411x634, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have been practicing with loomis and have been having fun but is there anything that is holding me back?

game time
which one is the odd one in the group

>> No.2221079

>ecorche drawing

>> No.2221084
File: 17 KB, 320x320, 800728-konachan.com___24108_elfen_lied_nana__elfen_lied_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon.

>> No.2221085

>is there anything that is holding me back
Time, patience and sleep. Just keep at it bro, and don't be afraid to press in the book and try to challenge yourself, you can always fall back if it's too tough.

>> No.2221096
File: 282 KB, 1000x827, scribble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is /ic/'s opinion on using tracing to generate a baseline image? I'm still crap at construction and don't have a tablet yet, so I'm rubbish with lines. Pic very much related.

Also, crit me, obviously.

>> No.2221108

No tracing ever unless it's your own work and you just want to make a copy on some nicer paper/as a backup.

>> No.2221115
File: 83 KB, 713x781, e2ca0ce57a69388f7cdac6124e2bd5af.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First anatomy without references

>> No.2221117

nb fam nb tbh

>> No.2221118

right off the bat, look at the shoulder/neck area, the breasts, and the feet.

>> No.2221131

pretty good, except if it wasn't for the tit's I'd assume this was a man

you need to work on female fundamentals

you seem to have male bodies down though

>> No.2221181

this is becoming a problem.

>> No.2221199
File: 810 KB, 692x787, umad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2221245

kill yourself chink

>> No.2221276

Shaddy some kind of maymay? Someone explain.

>> No.2221284

I'm white though and I could probably beat you up tbh fam just fyi <( ^_____~)>

>> No.2221315
File: 317 KB, 5322x1161, clownfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what I'm doing, send help.

>> No.2221321

Use a bigger brush. Bigger than you think you need.

>> No.2221328

How long did it take all of you to cure your symbol drawing?

>> No.2221341


What cure? What if you want to draw symbols for patterns or design aesthetic?

>> No.2221372

is that an alienware computer on the far left?

>> No.2221452


Then you draw a symbol?

I think it's clear that the post refers to 'symbol drawing' in the context of overall composition, i.e a lack of consideration/understanding of three dimensional shape. Like flat eyes/lips/nose drawn onto a face

>> No.2221474
File: 612 KB, 512x868, 2pelvis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I fucking draw the pelvis properly? I've watched the Proko videos on it and even looked in anatomy books and tried to analyze them and draw them. But I still don't get it. I just fucking hate the pelvis and this assignment of drawing it so much.

If I try to measure and get it accurate, I spend too much time trying to get the lay in accurate and I usually get one side good, the other horrible and I can't satisfy.

>> No.2221490

Moreso to boost my morale (to make drawing become a habit) , is it valid practice to attempt reproducing an outfit or character design from a different angle than the reference? Or even mashing up references, taking a piece of clothing and slapping it onto a different pose.
I know there's a lot of reasons against simply "copying" but I'm not sure if it still counts as copying when there's rotations and shit going on.

>> No.2221543
File: 32 KB, 768x473, 8252d30f-6927-4a13-9bda-bb18d73eb74e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any sense of drawing. Is "The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" a good place to start? What do You recommend? I'm trying to get the basics before moving to more advanced steps like digital drawing and high level stuff

Here's my first attempt at memory drawing

>> No.2221549
File: 9 KB, 150x246, askdsakdhakjhd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use the hip box

>> No.2221564

>tfw you're probably a natural right side of the brain drawer

is this a good thing?

>> No.2221580

put a layer below the lineart layer and apply color. easy as shit

>> No.2221652

its a jab at photobahsing.

>> No.2221677


>> No.2221703
File: 12 KB, 291x449, Aug4 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can i improve this

>> No.2221707

Stop trying to anime until you can draw normal well.

Head's too wide, eyes are too big and far apart, the hair lacks volume because it just continues the shape of the skull at the top, looking round instead of standing up from it. The ears look like they're profile pictures of ears just slapped on, no angle discernable. Pointy chin and nose.

>> No.2221737

That's not even anime, you blind fuck

>> No.2221741

Yes it is.

>> No.2221742

It's an anime take on a high fantasy elf. Argue all you want about "muh elves" but it's blatantly styled after anime. You don't do that chin shit on accident.

>> No.2221743
File: 504 KB, 900x697, bitekid2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit and gay is fine and good as long as it looks like a child.
Thank you for catching that. I feel sort of dumb now.

>> No.2221744

Shiny pupils with big eyes = anime

Pupils as black dots with big eyes = not anime

Shut up nerds

>> No.2221745

Doesn't really look like a kid to me, but I can't pinpoint why not. Maybe makeup.

>> No.2221752
File: 88 KB, 579x333, Pose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently experimenting with different poses, was wondering if I'm on the right track with this one, Either proportion-wise or anatomy-wise.

>> No.2221753

head's a sphere bro

>> No.2221772


>> No.2221775

Yeah, it's somewhat of a placeholder while I focus on refining poses.

>> No.2221795
File: 448 KB, 800x550, rockybitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fuck my imagination cant even get simple perspective right

>> No.2221821
File: 59 KB, 800x1146, 1438976442249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can draw normal well, i just tried to draw an elf. but i guess i should draw them as normal creatures too?

>> No.2221824

>draw normal well


>> No.2221827

Oh shit nigga a dude who's ACTUALLY ready to stylize

>> No.2221837
File: 535 KB, 1304x600, conceptkid2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to fix this, finally.

If you figure out anything else beside the over-focused lashes, do tell.

>> No.2221839

I know the reference you used and that's a really poor drawing

>> No.2221841

at least i try. i just wanted to try drawing something else.

>> No.2221851
File: 1.33 MB, 1500x1500, grind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just grinding. Other than symmetry, and consistence on what else should I improve?

>> No.2221855

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain is a good book for the complete beginner. I'd recommend not getting into Loomis until you have a basic understanding of how perspective works.

>> No.2221856

Detail the iris

>> No.2221859

Fuck off.

Drawing on the right side of the brain is perfect for beginners. Just remember to not read any of the pseudo science bullshit and just do the exercises.

>> No.2221871

It looks a bit better to me, somewhat more distinguishable as a child but still not entirely there.

>> No.2221872

Why is loomis bad? I'm looking at books myself and I didn't really have a good time with drawing on the right side of the brain. Is keys to drawing worth trying instead?

>> No.2221892

Because it's not a good start for beginners

>> No.2221894

Then why is it so commonly suggested here to beginners?

>> No.2221898
File: 35 KB, 941x514, pelvis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beginner here, but Ive attempted drawing the pelvis, by grinding it for a whole night, I say, its just good to know for muscles insertions and stuff; helps you understand the butt a lot more.

But, the pelvis, its really, fucking complicated, theres no flatness to it at all; the parts curve and look very different at various views. Youre better off moving on; using a box or what not.

But if you're determine, try this approach:

Instead of viewing the pelvis as one whole bone, try seeing it as made up of parts: the illium, pubis and ischium, and the sacrum. Also (0bviously) the pelvis is symmetrical. All these parts should curve together and be able to fit into a bucket shape like proko says.

try bammes too

>> No.2221907


Don't listen to him. He is legit retarded and a troll.

>> No.2221917
File: 276 KB, 779x425, 645454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing tablet came today
>installed drivers
>plugged it in
>works perfectly with paint
>doesnt draw in manga studio
>draws on krita but ONLY if I move my cursor to the side first EVERY time I lift the pen

>> No.2221924

close all programs running, manually close drivers, unplug and replug your tablet in.

>> No.2221927

alright, about to try this. I'll report back in a sec

>> No.2221930

Why would you assume that? I'm also a beginner and was wondering. People suggest loomis all the time...

>> No.2222015
File: 647 KB, 1802x2110, WP_20150917_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I burnt out on practicing so i drew something I like. In tgis case The King Of Disrespect himself. Ganondorf.
Any big mistakes before I move on?

>> No.2222028

What do you want critique on? Ganondorf has been stylized differently in every single appearance he's made, so we can't comment on anatomy.

>> No.2222042

Just asking wether there's a huge mistake my beginner eyes don't see

>> No.2222043

It's too light and you should use more line weight.

>> No.2222087

Does anyone else have trouble with hands? Not actually drawing them, but what to do with them in a picture? Unless I'm drawing them specifically holding/doing something with their hands I have no idea what to do with them.

>> No.2222089
File: 116 KB, 345x385, uehehehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make the pose you're drawing. What are your hands doing naturally at that moment? Draw that.

The useful thing about hand references is that they are always on... hhhhhand.

>> No.2222090
File: 3.75 MB, 450x182, 7kF5Y1F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2222091
File: 523 KB, 450x253, yurislap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but seriously most the time my hands are just hanging there and it leads to an awkward picture because I'm an awkward person who hangs out with awkward people resulting in a very awkward visual library.

>> No.2222103

today i realized i'm the worst procrastinator in all of existence

1 whole year of "i promise i'll start practicing tomorrow"

one whole fucking year of "i'll improve, i just need to keep at it" "i just need some sketch pencils or some shit"

i can't do this

>> No.2222117

just do some doodles while watching netflix or something until you start to enjoy it.
you won't git gud fast, but it'll help to start building motivation and will help your skills somewhat.

>> No.2222119
File: 945 KB, 3545x3264, A1A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They were cartoon faces and obviously lazily done. Given there wasn't a lot of context given beyond "work on your faces" which clearly hadn't been given effort. I won't go on though. Care more about my current focus which is Keys to Drawing. Finally seeing this symbol drawing thing happening before my own eyes.

Just did these two back to back, growing intensely frustrated between and focusing extremely hard on the second.

>> No.2222120

Yeah the second is much more refined
good improvements

>> No.2222122


Will warn you now that you're symbol drawing. You have to cure yourself of it first before you go onto Loomis.

Try Keys to Drawing in combination with Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.

>> No.2222124

>symbol drawing
stop this meme.

>> No.2222131

it's not a meme, bro.

>> No.2222132


I'm this guy

The difference between those two attempts is that the first is clear symbol drawing, the second lacks it (as far as I know). Unless you're really disciplined, causing the shift between the two takes immense focus, and you need to forget all about criticizing yourself, no more 'that definitely doesn't look right'. Just focus on what you see. Seriously.

>> No.2222134
File: 31 KB, 615x456, 1441053166113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2222135

I'm a victim of symbol drawing

no memes, jack.

>> No.2222136

>anything thats bad is symbol drawing.
no, symbol drawing is not a real thing, the only thing that differentiates "symbol drawing" and whateverthefuckyouwanttocallit drawing is how much observation you put into it.

>> No.2222137

The second does show signs, they're just not as apparent. Look at the area under the thumb, and right of the pinky, and the height of the pinky.

>> No.2222139


You're right. That's why I said as far as I know. Those are areas where I became fatigued.

>> No.2222145

grim reaper looking urban as fuck

>> No.2222170

Drawing with little to no thought to form is very much a thing and has been dubbed "symbol drawing". Beginners often have difficulty interpreting forms to a 2-d plane and end up oversimplifying their subjects. It's just a name for this behavior, I don't understand why you're getting huffy about it.

>> No.2222173

because "symbol drawing" is not a real thing, its something someone made up to describe people being bad. it makes me huffy because its horrible advice that's on the same lines of "just git gud".
of course not paying attention to form is going to look like shit, its cause only shit people draw without caring about form. stop calling it "symbol drawing" like it actually means something and just call it being shit.

>> No.2222187

Learning to properly visualize a 3-D form and interpret it to paper to create the illusion of depth isn't horrible advice and "you're symbol drawing" is just shorthand for "you're not (doing what I just described)". It's also more specific and less offensive than "just git gud" or "stop being shit".
>cause only shit people draw without caring about form
That's fucking ignorant. It's not that beginners don't care, it's that they don't understand how to do it.

>> No.2222190

it makes sense tbh. Symbol drawing as mentioned in "the new drawing on the right side of the brain" is pretty much defined as drawing something shitty because you're used to draw it that way

>> No.2222194

then explain why only 1 book ever uses it as a thing.
>they just don't understand!
you don't call it symbol mathematics because people can't understand calculus. its called being a fucking idiot who hasn't learned yet.
>learning to visualize 3-d form and interpret to paper
is more than what people refer to as "symbol drawing" that's called perspective.

>mentioned in X
pretty sure that's like the only place its ever mentioned because normal people who don't suck loomis's dick all day realize its just a matter of being bad and not used to drawing.

>> No.2222195
File: 369 KB, 1952x2610, ayy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it to me straight /ic/, am I symbol drawing?

>> No.2222200

It's just a term created to describe a common problem among beginners. If you don't like it, don't use it, but it has become common due to the book >>2222190 being quite popular. Get used to it or stay salty, frankly I don't really care which you decide to go with.

>> No.2222208
File: 78 KB, 476x297, Screen-Shot-2013-05-28-at-5.10.42-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get why everyone is so opposed to the idea of symbol drawing being a thing. Also, it is a thing.

Symbol drawing is simply drawing something based on an incorrect [or incomplete] assumption you have about that thing. Most people haven't sat and stared at an eye for hours, internalizing it's entire form, and so when most people draw the eye they don't actually have a fleshed out foundation to draw that eye from. What they have, instead, are abstract symbols based on assumptions we have about eyes. There is an upper lid, a lower lid, the iris and pupil, and tear gland.

That's all symbol drawing is. It's drawing from an incorrect or incomplete understanding of your subject. Simple. Can this stop being a fucking argument now? It comes up every other fucking day.

>> No.2222210

Too stylized to tell.

>> No.2222214

i'm just saying it's a thing and that book named that thing as "symbol drawing"

idk, maybe in the eyes?

>> No.2222215

this >>2222210

>> No.2222217

Its still a piss poor term and its not "popular" except on /ic/ where everyone things loomis is some second coming of jesus even though he's a subpar artist.
>its a thing because I read it in a book somewhere!
well holy shit, I had no idea missing any details means you're symbol drawing. them old masters are terrible with all that symbol drawing.

stop sucking dick and realize your terms are exclusive to a group of immature beginner artists who will never make it.

>> No.2222234

>i'm just saying it's a thing and that book named that thing as "symbol drawing"
>>2222200 here, I'm with you on that.

>loomis is some second coming of jesus even though he's a subpar artist
Jesus, no one here thinks that, his name comes up a lot because Fun With a Pencil is a solid starting point for beginners and it and the rest of his books are so easy to find. That and the name has become synonymous with "work on your fundamentals. He's not even all that well received here, most people here seem to prefer Vilppu's books. Is this your first week here or something?

>> No.2222250

When I was in college my art teacher taught us about symbol drawing.

You'll make it one day, anon.

>> No.2222255
File: 50 KB, 384x384, bakabiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying art college is decent
>going to college for art
>talking down to someone because they didn't go to college for art
holy shit anon.

>> No.2222259

>>implying art college is decent
I didn't say I went to an art school.
>>going to college for art
I didn't say that either. I took several art classes, but I majored in software engineering.
>>talking down to someone because they didn't go to college for art
>putting yourself on a pedestal because you're not aware of an industry-standard term

>> No.2222289
File: 305 KB, 2854x1560, IMAG0121-1 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this one?

>> No.2222291

Yes. Your eye lacks the tear duct, upper and lower eyelids, and creases.

>> No.2222293
File: 151 KB, 200x185, l4LlWQo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is symbol drawing?

>> No.2222294

When you draw what you think things look like instead of what they actually look like, like a kid drawing the sun as a circle with lines coming off it.

>> No.2222295

Symbols without form or perspective.

>> No.2222298

when people draw a clipart-esque representation of something rather than what they see in reality. for example, drawing the eye a symmetrical football-like shape, because that's what their brain pulls up when they think 'eye'. whereas if you actually look at an eye, you'll notice how the eyelid layers on top and the tear ducts exist etc.

>> No.2222299
File: 452 KB, 974x833, nosauce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. Help me out?

>> No.2222320


>> No.2222321

Thanks anon.

>> No.2222322
File: 92 KB, 500x500, paizuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can I cure my drawtism?

>> No.2222327

start looking. draw what you see, not what your brain is telling you to see. sometimes foreshortened arms really are that short, even if your brain is going '??? arms are long ???? arm must be long????.

a popular exercise is to practice a bit with drawing an image that's been turned upside down, because it disrupts the brain's 'draw eye -> what is eye -> clipart eye' process.

>> No.2222328

>a popular exercise is to practice a bit with drawing an image that's been turned upside down, because it disrupts the brain's 'draw eye -> what is eye -> clipart eye' process.
Cool, I'll try this. thanks for the tips

>> No.2222356

Gestures over anatomy right?

>> No.2222357

Yeah, but to get good gesture you need to know good anatomy.

>> No.2222358

I end up focusing on anatomy so much that my drawings always end up stiff

>> No.2222386


I'd say better to learn anatomy before you fret over much about gestures.

Gestures are meant to be the first step in a drawing, not the first step in learning how to draw. You might not need to be super accurate with anatomy and proportions in a quick gesture but you will need the knowledge when you refine the gesture.

>> No.2222405

when you sraw the special S symbol (the one that starts with six vertical lines)

>> No.2222411
File: 73 KB, 445x773, 0728870971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't drawn in a really long time and trying to get back into it. Here are some gestures I did. On the right track?

>> No.2222474

Disregard that betty cultist above. Learn formal and informal perspective, this is the only way to stop drawing symbols. By learning form, how it works in 3d space and how to project that 3d space into 2d picture plane correctly.
No amount of drawing upside down shit will teach you to stop drawing symbols. The only thing it will teach you is how to copy something without understanding WHY it looks like that.

>> No.2222616
File: 187 KB, 1422x800, 2015j-09-17 Cylinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to better my cylinders.

>> No.2222662

If the figure at the left has orthopedic legs and the guy at the right is "Spider Leprechaun" then it's very good. Remember, with gesture you want to be able to communicate the action. If you can communicate what you did intended, then it's ok.

>> No.2222704

Is the hoodie alright? The front looks off.

>> No.2222705
File: 579 KB, 1224x1632, HeyThere2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck forgot pic again

>> No.2222723

You never get rid of symbols. When you learn to draw from life you need to get rid of crappy symbols from your childhood in order to draw what you see, in order to memorize, in order to replace crappy childhood symbols with better symbols you can use later when drawing from imagination. Or why do you think people buy book about hands and face?

>> No.2222735
File: 635 KB, 1559x1566, sdhgs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2222779

Just looks a little too flat to be cloth. The creases are good but maybe give it more 3D form?

>> No.2222819

Your main shadows have lights coming from the top for the hat, heads and shoulder while coming from the side for the hairs and from the ground for the clothes. It flattens a lot your picture. Also you may want to add some values to the clothes.

>> No.2222847
File: 179 KB, 1299x656, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are my gestures coming along?

>> No.2222859

A bit stiff and unbalanced

>> No.2222918

How do I proportion the object on my paper properly when drawing from life?

>> No.2222922

Hold your arm out and lock your elbow when it's fully extended, whole holding your pencil vertically in that hand. Pick two marks on your pencil and use them to measure the proportions of the object, e.g. the box is 2 and a half pencil marks long and 1 pencil mark high, so in your drawing try to make sure the box is 2 and a half times longer than it is high.

>> No.2222925

while holding*

Also, I forgot to mention, but you can of course rotate the pencil if you're trying to measure the length of something horizontal. The thing that must be stressed with this method is that you do not get up and move around while you're still measuring, otherwise you'll throw everything off.

>> No.2222931

How do I permanently move the canvas in Photoshop? Google didn't help and Youtube only has stuff on rotation of the canvas.

>> No.2222932

Move where? I don't understand your question.

>> No.2222939

The big white canvas that I'm supposed to draw on is placed in the middle. I'd like to move it a bit to the right if that's possible.

>> No.2222980

I think the canvas can only be panned when it doesn't fit the screen. Try zooming in first. You can also rotate the canvas with some keys I forgot.

>> No.2222986

How the fuck do you get out of symbol drawing?

I try my best to draw what I see, and my eyes are on the object but it still comes out looking like I'm symbol drawing.

I've tried exercises like the ones in Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain and same results even for upside down shit.

Unless symbol drawing isn't my issue and it just looks that way because I'm still new and shit.

>> No.2222990

>Unless symbol drawing isn't my issue and it just looks that way because I'm still new and shit.
post your work

>> No.2222996

I like it.

>> No.2223024
File: 358 KB, 345x620, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i been having fun with andrews book but have just got out of drawing toons to the part with girls which i suck at. i would like you to tell me how bad it is and it needs some fixes.

also is there any hair that goes with this type of art i am stuck

{plz use picture as example by drawing on it with red lines}

>> No.2223044

Are Wacom tablets known for shitty drivers or am I just unlucky? Just got my first Intuos Pro and it's totally retarded. Example:

>disable all 4 steps of the touch wheel
>put my finger on the touch wheel
>rotates my canvas
>click the middle button of the touch wheel to see what settings it's using
>tells me I'm currently using the zoom
I'm so tired. Isn't Wacom the industry leader?

>> No.2223050

Have you tried using Viziblr's FixMyPen utility?

>> No.2223054

dude is that the Haircut from Street Fighter

>> No.2223055

Thanks for the tip but it's probably I who was the retard. I got strange behavior because I didn't discern behind general application settings and Photoshop settings in the Wacom GUI. Seems to work since I redid it properly.

>> No.2223056

sharpen your pencil bro

>> No.2223058

don't use lined paper

>> No.2223061
File: 106 KB, 960x720, symbol drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

symbol drawing is real bro

>> No.2223062

How do you cure symbol drawing

>> No.2223065

Grab the tab of your picture (where the filename is) and click/drag it out of docking (undock the window of the current picture) then you can place the window where you want in photoshop, have multiple windows opened next to each other and so on ...

>> No.2223066

>symbol drawing
what is that and is what i am doing not going to help me progress?

>> No.2223070
File: 181 KB, 2800x2100, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys. I've decided to start learning how to draw. I started out just working on technical skills, lines and curves and ellipses, but was told recently that all that stuff is useless if you don't have observational skills. So I tried to draw my hand resting on my tablet. Am I doing okay?

>> No.2223074
File: 134 KB, 345x233, pqvinkaz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please try to get photos from top-down, if you can't scan them directly.

>> No.2223075

Yes, but drawing on an ipad is pants on head retarded.

>> No.2223078 [DELETED] 

next time i will thanks

>> No.2223083

Thanks and okay.

>> No.2223097
File: 422 KB, 692x900, paintAdult.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look like an adult?

>> No.2223104


Have you experimented with different head sizes?

>> No.2223115

Different head shapes, yes, but sizes- a larger head in proportion tells of a younger body, no? I'm not sure what shrinking the head would accomplish in this case, given I'm actually trying to learn to draw instantly recognizable kids. Please elaborate.

>> No.2223118
File: 264 KB, 347x462, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you will do next time

also bonus pic i fix some stuff how do you like it

no hair yet

>> No.2223119


Without wanting to sound like a meme; read the relevant head sections in Loomis' 'fun with a pencil'

Your eyes and eyebrows are top high up... Eyes generally sit in the centre of the facr

>> No.2223123

stop drawing on lined paper you pleb

>> No.2223124

You're guessing. Don't guess. Your proportions are waaay off. Learn the proportions of the face [fundamentally they're very simple] and apply them. There's no excuse to have such incorrect proportions. Don't go into drawing blind. Consult the wealth of resources out there, and use references if you have to.

>> No.2223128

Ears stretch from the bottom of the eyebrow ridge to the bottom of the nose.

Eyebrows still stupid mugi eyebrows.

Eyes a little bit better, but they're gonna need some work.

Eyes go halfway from the top of the skull to the chin, bottom of the nose goes halfway between the eyes and the chin, and the mouth goes just a little bit above halfway from the bottom of the nose to the chin.

>> No.2223133
File: 152 KB, 790x968, ff1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a quick sketch with no reference
I can't draw the body without a ref though lol

>> No.2223136

That is the way i want to draw but instead i got this>>2223118 any tip

any tips helps thanks

i do guess when i draw i will take you advice and use references if i need to thanks.

>> No.2223141
File: 325 KB, 1296x1168, Scan0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stuck. I'm trying to figure out how to most effectively shade or outline the taint on this to express the difference between the cheeks since the taint is normally darker without having to go back over the whole drawing so there's not one weird, excessively shaded area compared to the rest. Pencils were just my vague original guidelines for the cheeks.

I'm aware of the anatomical errors (and animu), that's less of a concern for this piece. I just want to draw an okay taint.

>> No.2223170

His taint is fine, let it be. If you're not going to shade any other normally darker part either, you don't have to shade the taint.
Also, porn thread. This isn't the place for assholes.

>> No.2223173


>> No.2223220

no one wants to see shit like this here, man

>> No.2223223

i do

>> No.2223225

By the time I got a response it was too old to delete. Not much I can do about it now.

>> No.2223226


>> No.2223227

I don't have one or any other online art accounts, if that's what you're asking.

>> No.2223251

Easy ways to draw easily recognizable kids:
Lower the ears & raise the eyebrows (unless that kid is meant to be angry)

>> No.2223277
File: 117 KB, 608x456, head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime is a simplification of real life, and only the masters can come close as to be are able to pull it successfully
>Get the basic idea down in less than 10 mins
fuck u /ic/

>> No.2223286

Poor quality bait.

>> No.2223426

How much easier does digital art make to drawing? Is it just an illusion where I'm buying something which won't aide my drawing?

>> No.2223439

It allows you to use layers, make backup copies, and instantly and perfectly undo any mistakes you make. It won't make you good if you're shit, but it will make it less tedious.

>> No.2223640

The simpler the tools, the less questions you will have while learning ==> start with pen and paper. If you want to start digitally, take a very simple software like sketchbook, mischief,...

>> No.2223686

That's a good tip. I'll try that.
This particular kid is meant to be scrunching up his face though, aye.

>> No.2223831
File: 877 KB, 2560x1440, 1442585775472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going through Loomis, not sure these are even worth mentioning

>> No.2224004
File: 51 KB, 350x499, 51u6bhAf2kL._SX348_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any experience with this book? I picked it up at a book sale last month and began reading it. I'm about 80 pages in but it touches on some great stuff from the looks of it. It has tons of illustrations.

>> No.2224832

Do not start with loomis, start with keys to drawing or drawing for the right side of brain before you even touch loomis.