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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 70 KB, 500x375, tumblr_inline_njqqmbkJ601r3v812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2217090 No.2217090 [Reply] [Original]

What are your goals?

>inb4 to git gud

>> No.2217092

To git dud and be able to live comfortably off art.

>> No.2217093
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>live off muh style
Don't quite that day job, m8.

>> No.2217094

Off the top of my head:

-have creative freedom in my artistic career
-create artwork that will stand the test of time and prove to be inspirational to others
-continue to grow and improve and explore until the day I die
-create works that are true to myself and are full of expression and life
-be able to not worry about food and rent
-get a cute artist girlfriend

>> No.2217096

>don't quite that day job, m8.
>don't quite that day job
>don't quite
it's time to stop posting

>> No.2217097

Pretty much this, although I could easily do without point #2.

>> No.2217102

>get a cute artist girlfriend

are you gay or something?

>> No.2217103

Finish my bachelors in fine arts

>> No.2217116

>have creative freedom in my artistic career
>be able to not worry about food and rent

Sorry anon.

>> No.2217119

I need to land some kind of art job before this year is over or at least before next summer. I'm gonna try and see if I can get one in comics because that's the career I most want to work in, but I'm gonna apply at assets places and other studios, see if I can get work doing that or maybe making splash art or doing storyboards. My main goal is to get into the comics industry though, I'd consider it a personal achievement to get a job at Marvel, but ultimately I want to make my own comics.

>> No.2217123

-To be one of the most influencial and important artists of my era
-To actually help other people with my art
-And to express my philosophy through my art

>> No.2217131

to have people speak about me on /ic/ about how damn good and how I'm their role model, and ultimately other people explaining why i'm not in a thread for days instead of improving their own skills.

>> No.2217136
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>for you to delete this thread.
nah, i just want to be good enough to pay the rent.
on a serious note i would like to:
make my own comic.

start my own studio.

land a job at marvel.

land a job at some fantasy art company.

make a book cover.

TL;DR i want to have a taste of all the sides of this business.

>> No.2217137

I want people on /ic/ to be calling me shit after I git gud to make themselves feel better.

>> No.2217143

make my waifu

>> No.2217151

My goal is the be a storyboard or comic artist.

I'm failing miserably.

>> No.2217158

Work for based Pixar or Naughty Dawg.

>> No.2217163

I wanna be like sycra (NOT skill wise) and have lots of adoring fans. It feels like people like him are way up in the sky and I'm way below with a bindle in my hand, a staircase between us, as I try to catch up to him. I wanna archive my name and see people hating on me too. I want to feel those feelings.

>> No.2217164
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I want to become a surreal fine artist.
Selling paintings in galleries and shit.

>things that will never happen

>> No.2217168




>> No.2217188
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When I started I wanted to draw porn.

I've been drawing for about 8 months, and I drew porn like twice during the second month, now I don't even want to.

I'm not even sure what my goal is anymore, I'm just sort of doing it.

>> No.2217191
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to be ruan jia. i am literally just a couple steps from doing his level of work.

>> No.2217192
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Don't stop going to middle school

>> No.2217195

>i am literally just a couple steps from doing his level of work.

post your work.

>> No.2217200

its a work in progress. its all for a portfolio, so i dont feel like sharing it until its done, especially dont feel like sharing it here.

>> No.2217201

unless your a cat wearing a bib i don't believe you.

>> No.2217203

Then don't tell us you're a couple of steps from ruan jia's level of work.

>> No.2217205

youre implying like its impossible. ive been working hard for the past 3 years studying his work and other artists work. i made a goal and im going to reach it, no matter how long it takes.

>> No.2217206

Sorry anon. I'm already god tier past Ruan Jia's work. I took all the industry jobs. Can't post anything though cus I might get doxxed.

>> No.2217208

but i am. i am stingy about my work and im not going to jeopardize it by sharing it with fags.

>> No.2217209

fuck off.

>> No.2217213

jealousy is an ugly thing.

>> No.2217215

and I am a North Korean who shitposts on /pol/ every now and then to cause the great spook. Don't tell us shit like that unless you have proofs what kind of an Artist would not be eager to show their achievements and success?

>> No.2217217

why care this much? ignore me and lurk other threads. the purpose of this thread was clear. i have a goal and i posted it. i still have a while to reach it, but it will be inevitable. fucking butt hurt fags.

>> No.2217218

I'm far from jealous I am eager I want to see someone from /ic/ reach that level but this faggot is teasing me and it's annoying as hell.

>> No.2217220

Same here.

>> No.2217224

why should i post? ive already seen the collateral damage you people do to other artists on here. i wont suffer the same fate by sacrificing my work.

>> No.2217225
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>> No.2217228

im glad we settled the fight here. now go back to work, thats if you have ambitions and goals anyways.

>> No.2217230

>caring what some random anons think about you
>setting a goal to impress them
Idea that people like you exist, who do things only to impress strangers, makes me feel sad and disgusted at the same time.

>> No.2217231

I care about you too, Anon.

>> No.2217234

My goal is to combine the beauty of form of Bernini with the social and cultural impact of Picasso and Pollack combined with a little of the technical superiority of Vermeer. This thing I'm working on right now will probably establish a new canon like the Greek sculptors. I've been studying for three years now and am moments away from achieving this goal so be looking out for that.

>> No.2217235

1. Improve

>> No.2217238

I wanna get a side money from porn and do graphic design for main money

>> No.2217245

I dunno man. I have no long term goals because of my confidence in an art career being squished long time ago. Its hard to even think about. I feel like a caveman trying to think of calculus when i do.

Im just gonna keep drawing and getting better. Yolo.

>> No.2217253
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Video games and animation.

>mfw telling people irl my dream job is becoming a lawyer or some other stupid normie shit like football star

>> No.2217254

to get toriyama in his prime good or kjg good

>> No.2217270

I want to get my visual library to a point beyond even Kim Jung Gi tier where almost everything is stored in my brain. This will give me total creative freedom and It will be so goddamn fun!

>> No.2217277

You already can have fun and freedom with your current skillsets. Be a master of what you have.

>> No.2217296
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>what are your goals
to make money so i can keep drawing and painting and live on my own

also to paint and draw my pretty friends and prove to them I want to paint them naked because 20-something white girls sell paintings and old guys with their balls out or old women with saggy tits don't. Not ONLY because I want to see them naked.

>> No.2217323

>You already can have fun and freedom with your current skillsets
If he considers his visual library to be small, no he can't.

>> No.2217329

git gud enough to draw adorable animu girls making out then sell it once I retire.
alternatively create a program that will do it all for me and kill the art industry, but the first one is more reasonable.

>> No.2217346

I can have a little fun now but when I'm on a roll and want to draw something random that I've never drawn before eg. a Bison that has been cut in half. I have to stop, because I physically can't draw that, I've never even seen that and I'd have to go away and study the internal organs of Bisons before even trying. It disrupts my flow, It would be so cool to be able to just create anything you want without having to look up references. That is the power of a true drawing god.

>> No.2217442


>> No.2217457

> To be able to pay my rent, food, clothes, etc.
> To be outstanding; people don't forget my work.
> To have an interesting and attractive style.
> To make as much as moneyz as Sakimikron.
> To tell a story with my art that gets succesful and popular (regardless if it's a comic or manga).
And last:

> People making shitty fanart and fanfic of my works fuckyeh

>> No.2217469

I have actually been offered by people to draw them like my french girls on more than one occasion. turned them down because there is no way I could have pulled something off that looked even a little bit flattering. beyond that, for whatever reason girls really seem to want their portraits done. just look at how many self portraits/inserts female artists have in their galleries.

>> No.2217470

wow what a vapid piece of shit lol

>> No.2217473

Make enough to survive doing what I love. And that isn't even very much.

>> No.2217494

Well please tell me about your deep, edgy thoughts and noble, meaningful goals anon.

>> No.2217504

my goal is to trigger fags on /ic/

>> No.2217510
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the Idea that people like you exist, who do not understand sarcasm and humor makes me feel sad and disgusted at the same time.

>> No.2217511

Haha that's why it's my goal anon. I can pay my food and rent at the moment with art, but I'm forced to work in styles that aren't to my liking.

>> No.2217512
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>Long Term
-Address an important, controversial problem and say something fucking radical about it. Rile shit up for a bit.
-Penetrate the Entertainment industry be it Concept, Storyboard, Costume, etc etc
-Create my own graphic novel at some point
-Write a biography but never get it published and shove it into my attic for my great great grandchildren to find
-Have a comfortable life, enough so I don't have to worry too much about eating this month.

>Short Term
-Finish Art School, no matter how long it takes
-Travel after/during school to other countries (by myself or with a friend)
-Finish my website
-Start building my portfolio
-Start actually fucking painting instead of dicking around with a pencil/pen
-Attend more conventions to meet artists/art directors
-Ask that girl in your class out on a date
-Get rid of this goddamn carpal tunnel

I dunno, ultimately I want to create cool shit that inspires young kids and even other people to follow their dreams.
I swear, if I actually make it in this industry, I will be living proof that literally anyone can make it.

Oh, and if any of you actually get carpal tunnel, immediately go to a Physical Therapist and a Chiropractor. It's only been 3 weeks of therapy, but my symptoms are already getting better.

>> No.2217515

To become a dentist! And to make drawings good enough to be considered "art" instead of "shitty doodles with color"

>> No.2217516

3 years isn't enough anon. Ruanjia took over a decade to get to his level.

>> No.2217526

drawing black supremacist interracial porn to trigger the /pol/tards in this board

>> No.2217529

top cuck

>> No.2217569

find qt art gf.

>> No.2217582


>> No.2217595

That's pretty pathetic lmao

>> No.2217629
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>Git fucking gud
>Master digital as well as traditional
>Minimum Brom-level with oils
>Make money drawing sweet concepts for companies
>Do a couple of cards for wizards of the coast
>Draw boss-level mechas all day everyday
>Have a decent tumblr following, because why not
>Publish graphic novel
>Raise son in my motherfucking footsteps
>Draw Frazetta-tier booty
>Make music and illustrate the album cover with body-horror

That's about all she wrote.

>> No.2217634

the most pleb-tier vidya games 420 steel beams xxSephirotHxx smoke hole vape 4 lyfe goals i have ever seen. /ic/ you are truly, truly ridiculous.

>> No.2217643

Rate my life plan /ic/

next two years:

Now that I have realized I can't really draw at all, learn to draw form, proportion, basic perspective, and light by grinding still lifes, and occasionally figure drawing. Move into anatomy and the human body at some point when I'm more comfortable with the basics. Draw from imagination when this is not possible.

After this, start to transition into digital tools, become proficient in Photoshop or equivalent to the degree I am able to draw in it with comparable results to my traditional drawing.

Begin to learn to paint in Photoshop, become mildly proficient, and produce a decent portfolio.

Next four years

Get into a decent art school, maybe SCAD or something. Hopefully the ridiculously high SAT score and meh GPA I have will get me into a school with my hopefully pretty okay by then portfolio.

Spend the 4 years refining my skill, "gitting gud", and building an internet presence and personal connections

After that

Get a job in concept art, work hard for 50ish years, retire, die.

>> No.2217648

Get as good as I can and through that redeem this sorry excuse of a life.

>> No.2217651 [DELETED] 


PLEASE let me stab you up.

>> No.2217652


Sorry, wrong tripfag.

>> No.2217654

>Get a job in concept art, work hard for 50ish years, retire, die.
Replace get a job in concept art with get a job wherever I can as an illustrator and you're good to go.

If you expect to be working on the next Bioshock or Legend of Zelda you are out of your mind. It's a very small segment of a very small market that expects a lot out of the people that do get hired. If you are planning on getting a job that has healthcare benefits and vacations and all the stuff of a normal job that has never and does not seem like it ever will be the reality for video game development.

it's crunch time, closing studios, layoffs, failed games and a million other terrible things. It's best you don't romanticize it, which you didn't in your post, but you did single out "concept art" as the job you wanted.

In-house illustration and graphic design is a much more stable, realistic job for you.

Sorry if you wanted to draw your sick fantasy landscapes, it's probably not going to happen.

>> No.2217656

Get good enough to draw porn that will appeal to furries

Start selling porn to furries

Improve art skills further until capable of creating decent art for independent videogames

Create good looking independent videogames

>> No.2217659
File: 24 KB, 336x340, my-dreams-booklet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all tripfags are subhuman trash anon

Films too anon. Also considering the growth in the video game industry, I think it isn't wholly unreasonable to hope that the demand for concept artists will increase markedly over the next 6 years, with the general expansion of the industry and plethora of independent studios coming into being with the increasing ease in the actual production of games.

That said I'd be willing to take jobs in illustration, but the design part is really what's appealing to me.

>> No.2217665

To be able to make my own comics or something to that effect.

>> No.2217668

first, very few films need concept art. And small budget films need no concept art.

The video game industry is growing but it's doing so on very big extremes, and for how risk averse the end products usually are it is still very risky to make a video game. This seems like honestly the worst time to try to get a job at a video game studio.

People are given the option of small independent team that has to release products into the cesspool that is steam, which is so flooded with shit games your shit game isn't likely to stand out unless it gets picked up as a flavor of the week game for streamers.

Big studios aren't expanding, they are either merging with other companies because they have gone bankrupt, or they are selling off their IPs and firing all their employees ( Konami most recently). More risk averse games because budgets are running so high and staff are so low that if they hire any more people they won't make a return on the game when it ships cause they will have spent it all on staff and production costs.

It's just a bad time to try to get in. And things aren't going to get better for a while. Cause honestly the best possible scenario is that middle tier games become popular with the mainstream ( $30 or $40 retail instead of $60 assuming game prices don't go up because of development costs) so that some mid-sized studios open and there are more job openings.

But like I said, that's not for a long time. It's still just AAA games that are a nightmare, and independent games which are a nightmare.

That's assuming your portfolio stands out amongst everyone else on /ic/ trying to do the same thing.

Illustration. Do illustration. And maybe sometime in your life you'll get to work on a video game, but don't expect that to be your livelihood ( or honestly even want it to be)

>> No.2217671


>> No.2217672

it's all armchair analysis from observation. hell it could be great. but damn it doesn't seem like it from the outside looking in.

>> No.2217673

Just being able to draw somewhat decent.

>> No.2217675

>Have creative freedom in my artistic career
>Create artwork that will stand the test of time and prove to be inspirational to others
>Continue to grow and improve and explore until the day I die
>Create works that are true to myself and are full of expression and life
>Be able to not worry about food and rent
>Buy drugs


>> No.2217683

Basically this.

>Get into computer science.
>Start off with a decent income with a nice job.
>Full time doesn't allow much for personal things (like if I had any hobbies)
>Few years later, found life very boring.
>Became depress
>Started drawing as a joke
>Found it actually fun
>Quit job, take into part time jobs related to labor work
>Started learning how to draw seriously

Something about drawing, I just enjoy it.
Funny how most people quit their majors they are under going cause it's their dream, only to find out it makes shit money and enter the CS field. Where as I did the opposite, and it just feels better.

>> No.2217687

To be looked up to by people on the internet.

>> No.2217697

Well I suppose the fundamentals of art are the same either way, and It will be a long time before my choices are seriously influenced by which one I actually intend to get into, so we'll see.

>> No.2217698
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hopefully be able to make some money off art or find a job stacking shelves before my grandma dies because i live on her couch
would be cool to make a comic or something

>> No.2217705

how can you not make money with rendering like that? even if your fundamentals are completely, you can use refs for whatever you are trying to do

>> No.2217708
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honestly, I dont know. I need to get gud before I can progress any further but there is so much I need to learn, and everything is important, but I can't seem to find which one I should start on..

anatomy? proportions? perspective? all important things to learn, but i cant seem to figure out which one I should start. im just a mess

>> No.2217717
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I'm an architecture student so I'll do design for a living in my parents construction company. I also want to draw animu porn for change in my spare time because I love drawing and architecture isn't all about drawing like I was led to believe.

>> No.2217718


Look at the thousands of indie games on Steam right now. Sure a lot of them suck but the market is growing more than ever for entry level concept art. A small studio isn't going to fish for some top concept artists who charge min $800 a piece. They'll settle for those who can do them for way cheaper. If anything the market is growing.

>> No.2217721

Because there is a lot more to being a professional artist than just a bit of shiny rendering and rimlights with colour dodge.

>> No.2217727

he said he wants to make money of art, not to be professional artist

>> No.2217729

You need to try and learn them similarly. Focusing on one will mess it up. Or atleast that was the way I learned and the only way I can recommend just practice practice practice.

>> No.2217730

Being a professional means making money off art. And to do that you need a variety of skills and factors, and not just in art.

>> No.2217735

now you are just being retarded, do you concider the lowest most cringeworthy furshit artists proffesionals? because they get paid on a semi regular basis few dollares a piece

>> No.2217738

Get comics published that are shit on by 4chan.

>> No.2217740

yea I even got rejected from even doing rev share (codename free) work before. I still try though because I don't have anything else to do. I've been trying to learn real skills like programming but I'm not smart enough

>> No.2217742

To draw porn and for people to enjoy my porn.

>> No.2217753

Honestly, I'm going about this without any intention of making money.

I want to make a comic, my favorite comic. I want to write a compelling story as good or better than my favorites.

I want these compelling stories to be a contextual back drop to my music with "multi-media" albums.

Then with the comics, in the future make visual albums ala daft punk discovery
Rinse wash repeat until I die.

Eidolons, eidolons. We build something to have our thoughts drift in eternity, giving immortality to "once being"

>> No.2217755

Oh yes, let's have a lovely and fun conversation about how 'professional' can mean different things in different contexts. I'm excited.

Everyone, let's share with the group what being professional means to each of us personally.

>> No.2217782


That's true. I've had a lot of request by girls I dated to do portraits of them, but I always say I'll do it and then I ditch the bitch.

>> No.2217797

wait, kim jung gi doesn't need refs?

>> No.2217802

As far as my own art skills go,
>Learn the fine arts of coloring
>and shading
>begin learning to animate
>learn to render at all

As far as life goals relative to art,
>earn enough to only work part-time, or possibly quit my day job entirely
>be recognized for my art

>> No.2217838

You're still working on a portfolio and you are a few steps away from ruan jia's work level? Nigga, shouldn't you have a job if you were that good?

I'm skeptical. Maybe just show a small section from a completed piece so we can see?

Either way, that is a solid goal. I have a similar goal. Some faggot said it was impossible to be able to paint like ruan jia in 3 years. I'm pretty sure it's possible. I won't be able to do it in the same time as him, or his number count, but I think you could spend a week or two on a piece and get it to the same level of awesomeness.

Keep it up man!

>> No.2217861

>art lead in AAA studio
currently senior in shitty studio.

>> No.2217930

Nope all from imagination mate.

>> No.2217941

Some of his sketchbook stuff uses refs. Basically life drawings in fish eye

>> No.2217972

to draw my waifu doing cute things

>> No.2217984

>explore and experiment with different mediums
>create art that is personal to my feelings and experiences not just mundane shit
>eventually be talented enough to sell art and make a livable profit (food, rent, utilities, clothes, etc.)
>maybe inspire other scrubs to make art

>> No.2218026


Just draw it anyway even if it sucks and fix it later.

>> No.2218036

i want to live off it. i want to just draw. no real goal in my mind.

>> No.2218038

A house, dog and infinite time to draw + leisure

>> No.2218046

oh god i want my own d-puppy.

>> No.2218074
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To get a feel of the drawing style of gangsta

>> No.2218085


>> No.2218104

Are you that eager to flip burgers?

>> No.2218232

>fuck somebody flawed my logic, better play it off cool

>> No.2218256

Yeah if you make money you are working professionally. Being professional doesn't mean your skills are amazing, it just means you have it as a source of income. You have professionals of different tiers, but the thing in common is that they can make money off their skills.

>> No.2218412

Only one thing.
Start making at least $2 per day soon or else i will starve to death.
Working my ass in cryengine making maps,modeling and creating textures all day long while going to med uni and not having money for a bus ticket.
I seriously hope somebody will notice the project and at least hire me or I'm done for.

>> No.2218415

>(of a person) engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather than as a pastime.

>> No.2218418


That's pretty tough anon, hope you keep at it and make it through alright

>> No.2218429

To get good enough to make my own comics.

>> No.2218442
File: 81 KB, 600x849, img000013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to be good to make your own comics.
Pic related: world famous OnePunch-Man.

Just do it! Don't let your dreams be dreams!

>> No.2218452

2 get any part time job
fix 5 hours of art study/portfolio making daily, buy some courses with mentoor
grow savings
git pro, not gud
next year keep going on my own or pay myself a master (skeptic of masters inside my country)

>> No.2218458
File: 124 KB, 960x1920, fran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a programmer by trade, so I will be spending more time improving my coding skills before anything

but, I would like to get to a professional level visually but not necessarily with my work ethic - my time is devoted to my career

>> No.2218482

>Being a professional means making money off art.

>> No.2218491

to be clear, ONE's art sure is shit but his writing is good and his visual storytelling is really top notch, which is why it translates so well to murata's god tier - essentially, he's just polishing.

so you still gotta be good to make a successful comic. you just don't have to be good at art.

>> No.2218496

I'm happy for you anon. I feel sorry for people who put aside their interests and go into a field they're not passionate about.

>> No.2218525

Drawing lewd dogman comics.

>> No.2218529

For now I want the rain to stop so I can make a huge mural painting at home. Also waiting for my tablet to arrive so I can get fully into animation and re-make an ending of a series I love, both to study and to have a finished work.

Meanwhile I'm drawing models like mad and trying to git gud at drawing persons from life. I travel lots and would love to draw the girls I meet all around the world.

>> No.2218530

If in a few months, I dedicate myself to learn drawing and actually get somewhere, that's what I'm going to do. I don't enjoy my field at all.

>> No.2218679

>what are your goals anun
every time I've been asked this, I just don't know how to answer it. I don't know my goals. I don't know what I plan to do.
I. Just. Don't. Know.

>> No.2218788 [DELETED] 

My goal is to not kill myself.
>work in a shit job I hate
>cant get any other education except my current job because of money
>all seems pointless
I hate wasting more than 8 hours of my life very fucking day, I just want to draw all day and be left alone.

>> No.2218799
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Whelp, It's better than having goals and having no skill at all. That's the boat I'm in.

>> No.2218808

The whole point of a goal is that it is a place beyond where you are now and you must strive towards it. If you have no skills that's great--it means you have a lot to learn and can set up pretty much anything as a goal.

>> No.2219022
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To make germany great again

>> No.2219156

ever heard of Maslow's pyramid? you can't strive for aesthetics without being loved first.

>> No.2219165

it means you are good enough businessman. if people buy your art, it means you've got skills.
being a master is another level.

>> No.2219172

It's not impossible. As that anon mentioned, Catbib could maybe reach Ruanjia's level in a few years. However if you were close to it, people would know of you by now. If you have not posted any of your work anywhere yet, you are almost certainly suffering from Dunning Kruger. Almost at Ruanjia's level would mean you are one of the top 10% of digital artists in the world, you'd already be finding professional work easily.

>> No.2219202


Even Maslow concluded that one could achieve higher levels in his hierarchy without 100% fulfilling the lower levels.

>> No.2219205
File: 229 KB, 504x424, awww-yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is only one letter of difference between artist and autist
how have i never noticed this.
everything makes sense now

>> No.2220268

To develop the technical skills required to draw what I desire to draw, and eventually make the skill a source of income (however minor that income may be, so long as I have another marketable skill to live off of.)

>> No.2220274

I don't want to git gud, I just want to git not shit

But more seriously, I'd like to make a successful cartoon series.

>> No.2221359

To make a comic book series just for the sake of entertaining myself and others.

>> No.2221566
File: 6 KB, 300x100, 1440865030568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently had a revelation about life and its meaning. We are only here for ~80 years. Less for some people, more for others.

That's a fucking blink of an eye if you think about it. And at the end, what's there? Nothing.
Not the nothingness of empty space, but Real Nothingness which has no size and no time. That is death (imo). A nothingness so complete, you wouldn't even miss it...for that, you'd have to be there.

If you can picture this Nothingness that awaits you, then What is there to be afraid of?
Errors and embarrassments will be forgotten, but great achievements may not.

We may not have a specific meaning in the cosmic context of the universe. We make our own meaning with each other.
We each have a finite number of days to live and we don't know what that number is.

The reason I make art is not only to put ideas onto paper, or paint an illustration because I thought it was cool. It is to let people see that there is more to life than Essays, Work, Money. I want my art to help open the eyes of some people to realize that we are not eternal, but our legacy is and will be.

My goal is not important. Making art lets me enjoy this brief moment of life just a little more. And if someone else finds solace in my artwork, all the better.

>> No.2221579
File: 305 KB, 683x1024, Cute-baby-owl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for sharing this.

>> No.2221600

To have my own studio and make visual novels.

>> No.2221632

>create artwork that will stand the test of time and prove to be inspirational to others
This isn't the 1400s

>> No.2221713

It doesn't feel that way now because it's still happening, but one day people will look back at this weird period of history and find inspiration in it.

>> No.2222269

Words so thoughtful I somehow got high just reading them.

Also the concept of dying is fucking terrifying fuck you I'm gonna live into the future and get my brain put in a robot.

>> No.2222323
File: 68 KB, 255x205, OhTheHumanity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it terrifying?
Let's say you make 300 embarrassments, mistakes, fuckups
And lets say that you make 50 great achievements, like getting into a gallery, or helping out society, or even getting 20 likes on facebook.

When you die, those 300 problems?
They vanish. You don't have to deal with them anymore.
Those achievements? Those 50 don't seem to measly anymore. That is your legacy. That is how you will be remembered.

You won't be remembered for the thousands upon thousands of terrible drawings you've done. You'll be remembered for your hard work, your dedication, and most importantly: your creations.

Don't be afraid to die, yet don't go out and do every stupid thing that could get you killed.
Just remember that there will be one point in your life where you'll just go -zip- black; dead.
You have no idea when this point will be, so you might as well just accept that.

Live without regrets, accept your mortality, and start living the life you deserve, not the life that you wish you could have.

>> No.2222329

tell that to hitler

>> No.2222349
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He thought what he was doing was right.
Unfortunately the rest of the society didn't think so and decided to put an end to it. Ending his own life way early than he probably wanted.

If you feel that the life you truly deserve is a life full of raping, killing, and stealing, then be prepared to accept the consequences of your actions: You go to prison for the rest of your life and then die. You chose the life you deserve, and you made it real. You can't run away anymore.

Obviously, what I meant was to explore, make friends, have wonderful experiences, get a girlfriend, make awesome pieces of art.

A life you deserve is a life full of happiness, love, and trust. And if you choose to not comply, then own up to your shit and deal with it.

>> No.2222350

At first, OP, it was to git gud

But hten I asked myself 'Why do i want git gud?'

And the best answer I could come up with, honestly, is to impress other people. I wanted to be 'that guy who can really draw' and generally just be thought of as a massively talented individual in the minds of others, Just like how I think of other artist who are better than me or simply produce more work than me (aka more dedicated).

Realizing this made me feel rather empty. This wasn't a goal at all, more like me just using art to satisfy my small-man needs. So for a while, I settled that business while not really drawing. Took me a couple years but I managed to be more naturally selfish and not care about the opinions of others. I might sound like I'm full of shit and I probably am, still work in progress.

But I kind of lost my reason to do art other than this intrinsic motivation that I can't really put to logic and thus doesn't really affect me in any way, other than occasional compulsion. At the moment, I have no clue about why I should do it. I only feel like I should. And then of course I feel bad because I might be being stubborn in the face of huge odds (no job no stability etc).

I feel really chocked up with mental clutter that's making it hard to really see.

>> No.2222352

>They vanish. You don't have to deal with them anymore.
A wise man once said "if you haven't got problems I feel bad for you son I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one"

Seriously though, I don't care about my legacy or my failures. I want to keep failing and I want to keep accomplishing. Every failure and every victory will be some form of improvement, some new growth on who I am. I want to improve and be better for my own sake, and I want to appreciate life and all of its infinite wonders for as long as possible. Being remembered when I'll never know of it doesn't mean shit to me.

>> No.2222353

In spite of all this philosophical shit, I do have one concrete goal:

score a rich wife. So I can do nothing but paint. I know it will lift a hell of a burden off my parents' hearts.

>> No.2222362

Best advice I can give as a woman about women is to test the waters with some career-oriented near-eastern girls. I have a few friends (mostly indian/middle eastern and a few chinese) who have the fuck-bitches-get-money mentality but are facing huge family pressure to get hitched now that they're over 25. A husband to shove at their parents who will look after the house, stay out of the way and quietly paint would be something they'd consider.

That or go gay. Much higher chance of finding yourself a sugardaddy, that's for sure.

>> No.2222363


>> No.2222369

Actually, a couple years ago when I was a college sophomore, I met a chinese girl who was very into me (because I was korean and she was into kpop culutre). She hinted at me not a month after meeting that she liked the kind of relationships she's seen where the wife is a doctor or lawyer and makes money but also creates room for her artistic husband to do as he pleases until he becomes a big-name. She mentioned some movie director as an example. It didn't hit me until I realized she was a pre-med student. I couldn't have taken that chance, though. I didn't want to use her.

>> No.2222376

i want as many people as possible fapping to my porn because people wasting/sacrificing life to you makes you a god

>> No.2222382

10/10 best response in the thread

>> No.2222384

If you're >>2222353, there's no harm checking her facebook to see if she's married or not and giving her a call if she isn't.

I wouldn't consider it using so much, seeing as it's symbiotic in nature - two people giving up on the idea of a whirling romance and forever love and settling for a comfortable, low-maintenance companionship that satisfies both their needs. But at the end of the day, anon, you do you.

>> No.2222389

I am that guy. I guess I feel irrationally careful around women. I've gotten your kind of 'eh what youre doing isnt THAT bad' advice before. Thanks anon you deflated my male guilt. I'll keep this in mind for the future.

also she has a bf. a rich chinese one. meh ;-;

>> No.2222391

you wont make it

>> No.2222396

You're one to talk shit when you can't even quote the right person on 4chan bruh.

>> No.2222398

>implying i cant quote

>> No.2222399

ey bacc off fo i jacc u off

>> No.2222836

I've always wanted to be a musician but drawing pays my bills, I still make music and I'm studying to git more gud but I still have no clue of what my goal is

>> No.2222848

Id like to make enough money to help my family out

that and get better than moolleens, for scienc ofc

>> No.2222852

You already got it pretty good if drawing pays the bills.

>> No.2222860

yes and I'm pretty happy with this (I'm just a basic illustrator so I do a lot of commercial work), but I feel bad for doing this without a goal, like, obviously I can continue to work and expand my clients, but that was never something that I wanted for myself. I feel like I need focus, I've been reading a lot of stuff about time management and stuff like that, but I don't know exactly what is the place that I want to be

>> No.2222963

my nigga

>> No.2223018

>drawing pays my bills
post your art or didn't happen

>> No.2223027

nah man, it's to simple compared to what I've seen and what people here aspire to become, that's why I'm studying more

>> No.2223041

I just wanna get my projects done and dusted. Fuck.

>> No.2223045

What jobs do you do that pay the bills with such simple art?

>> No.2223048

Not him, but there is a lot of money in editorial illustration, and they tend to prefer rather simplistic styles these days.

>> No.2223052

this, I also live in a third world country so getting paid in U$ also helps a lot, I also do graphic design every now and then so that's a plus

>> No.2223071

I wanna be able to draw almost exactly like Aosora.

>> No.2223086
File: 1.21 MB, 943x709, gi2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to draw anything, anytime, anywhere, and do a good job of it. I guess I don't really care what I make, just so long as I can be absolutely confident in my ability to create it. Kim Jung Gi seems to be the master of this. I just can't comprehend the confidence in your own abilities that it takes to draw anything on request with a pen (on a fucking expensive book no less).

>> No.2223307

Which country? Just curious

>> No.2223319

I wanna talk about kim jung gi because i have a feeling I know how he thinks at a very basic level, and because a lot of people on /ic/ simply say "how?!"

Its clear he has read a lot of manga and comics, and has watched plenty of movies. He has taken as much as he can from these media sources and it just shows in the various scenes he creates. Note that he creates scenes, and not stories. Correct me if im wrong but writing is far from his strong point.

And for the elements he can simply freehand, like vehicles and animals and basically anything, shows how much he has not only studied but also retained. To me, kim jung gi is like a big ass encyclopedia. He knows how a wide variety of stuff should be drawn and uses this at his disposal to create his scenes.

I like to think about how he thinks when he draws. I just wish he made more manga. Or it'd be manhwa, technically.

>> No.2223401


>> No.2223404

to make a patreon and get rich like sempai sakichan

>> No.2223406


this pretty much my goal as well. I love KJG a bit too much I think.

Tbh the finished art he produces is nice but nothing really exceptional, but the idea of having that level of visual fluidity in your ability to represent really excites me.

I think there was always going to be a trade up between breadth and depth. But given his visual library you can do pretty much anything. Animals, Vehicles/Machines, Humans. The ability to interchange those parts (like make your human figure's head a snake, or trade the engine in your car for a giant cockroach with the head of a baby girl) at will gives you a near limitless well of creative and strange worlds to represent.

>> No.2223643

I totally agree that most of my mistakes and fuck-ups are completely, utterly inconsequential, taken in the context of my entire life. But I don't see how my achievements are somehow different. The odds of me making something that can change someone are veeeeery slim.

>> No.2223647

Quit my night job.
The one I just got today.

>> No.2223953
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I know this feel.

>> No.2224290

When you hear about Michelangelo, the first thing that comes to mind is Sistine Chapel ceiling.

People don't really remember that he actually refused to do it, had arguments with Pope Julius II, and took him four fucking years to finish it.

Caravaggio comes to mind as well.

>> No.2224298

My nearest goal is to git gud enough to be confident in selling my art for actual money. If only for cheap commissions here and there for like 5 dollars or something. I'm getting there but geeze is it had to keep my head up and keep moving forward.

After that I want to make a free webcomic so I can finally draw out this story swirling around in my head for like 7 years.

>> No.2224387

doing what anon?

>> No.2224406
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>wanting to be able to draw is my dream
>have a high goal of how good I want to be
>instantly see flaws in bad drawings
>to get decent takes over a year of daily practice
>day for day producing work you know is terrible
>while living with the frustration of not being able to bring your ideas to paper

Has anyone without a natural enjoyment of drawing ever managed to get good? When I read about skilled people they started early and always enjoyed drawing. I don't though but I still want to be able to draw. Can I even force myself to learn if I will be frustrated all the time?

This too. For now my goal is to start and get good enough to be able to find what to work on. But I am a complete beginner. I feel so lost. I have no idea where to start. If I tried to learn programming I would start with a tutorial that would teach me the syntax step by step. With drawing I can't find a step by step tutorial. I tried doing the exercises out of a book where I had to do drawings from life. The proportions ended up wrong and I had no idea how to add detail to the drawing. I could only draw the rough outlines. I have no idea how to learn how to move my hand to accurately copy what I see. People that can draw are like supermen to me. I am so afraid that I will never manage to get decent at drawing that I am too afraid to start.

>> No.2224427

You are a director/producer type. You won't be happy creating personally. Your ideal is to hire people and commission people to work for you.

>> No.2224428

as for the getting good. You can read all the books you want about swimming. You need to actually swim to get any better.

>> No.2224444

I thought about this but I want to be able to draw what I think of instead of having to describe it which will pass through the subjective filter of the person drawing. Without being able to draw I feel mute in a way.

But if I swim without proper instruction I might develop a bad technique.

It's just that learning takes so long that I am afraid of simply going through a drawing book for like several months to find out I made almost no progress. Because I started so late I feel the need to rush and not waste any time for stupid mistakes. Ironically I end up not drawing at all.

>> No.2224460


Don't be dumb, what sort of incurable and crippling bad habit are you going to develop? Please, I want to laugh. Short of, "Snort a line of cocaine before picking up the pencil" the only habit without a trivial cure is, "being in the habit of not drawing".

>> No.2224467
File: 338 KB, 433x440, 21321321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cизиф stop humblebragging

>> No.2225793

don't forget picasso only died 42 years ago

>> No.2225797

I would like to get to the point where I have some pride in my finished products. I just started so it will be a long while.

>> No.2225798

>Oh, and if any of you actually get carpal tunnel, immediately go to a Physical Therapist and a Chiropractor. It's only been 3 weeks of therapy, but my symptoms are already getting better.

Well said anon, glad the symptoms are receding.

>> No.2225803
File: 1.72 MB, 372x262, 8ByaI.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To quit my job and make my living as a sculpture in various galleries around the world.

>tfw don't even have one finished piece yet

>> No.2225804

>It is to let people see that there is more to life than Essays

Wot? Certain kinds of essays are exactly the kind of legacy you are speaking of. The transcendent philosophical works that are discussed for generations, or even millennia.

If we really get honest, essays have had a much stronger impact on society than art ever has. Consider Plato's influence in the West or lets say Nagarjuna's in the East.

>> No.2225860

Fix my chicken scratch issues.
Draw a set of one shot stories
And make a dedicated website for my artwork

>> No.2226044

how are you going to turn yourself into a sculpture?

>> No.2226826
File: 818 KB, 1050x600, Business Card final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To tell his stories,as many as I can.

To teach the World through him,as he teaches me.

To earn a living with him,hopefully through merchendising and a movie deal. So I can devote even more time to telling his stories.

To find out What Happens Next.

The Answer is found at the tip of my Pen.

>> No.2226903

To write and illustrate the alternate-history fantasy adventure series I've been working on since February. It would be nice to become the next JK Rowling off of my story, but in the meantime, I'm just having fun.

I need to work hard, first.

>> No.2227103

Who are you talking about?

>> No.2227294

To enjoy every drawing I do !

>> No.2227341

>tfw working on the level for 2 days straight
>life is falling apart
>my wrist hurts like a motherfucker because i dont have a desk and office chair for proper siting
>will begin terrain painting later this evening and go to uni in the morning

>> No.2228365
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To make art that others will visually enjoy. I don't really want to make art that brings in provocative points. Nothing too deep. Just something visually stimulating. Maybe inspirational to some, but mainly something you could look at for a long time and still find it great to look at. I'd like to do comic book work eventually as well, but I'm garbage at writing a story.

>> No.2229162

you keep saying that word, but i don't think you know what it means.
other than that i agree with your positivity. though i think the part about a legacy is pointless. there are men that have accomplished more than you and i put together whose names are completely forgotten in time.
there's nothing to be said of a legacy, only the way you live your life now. take all the goodness you can in life.

Anyway, my dream is to make unique, quality sci-fi art.

>> No.2229202

I just want to be famous. I could say I wan't my work to inspire others or to get published or whatever but honestly I just want as many people as possible to see my work. I don't even care to be rich because of it, I just want my work to be known

>> No.2229208
File: 650 KB, 1740x1280, tvagabond_ch317_026-027_copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To figure out once and for all if this 'art world' has any space for me

Sometimes I feel like I'm just forcing myself to create art for insignificant reasons. I feel like other artists are actually artist souls who need to create something.

I can't exactly say the same about myself and it terrifies me, because I'll be left at square one again, with nothing to define me.

>> No.2229211

Just starting college tomorrow.

My goals? I want to be a landscape artist that focuses on the less usual sides of things - harbours in the nighttime with how the lights and still waters look almost mirror like or when its crazy windy and all the local forest looks more like a hazy blur.

>> No.2229282

i have to agree about the legacy thing. i wanted one but then realized that leaving big enough ripples to be a recognizable name requires a huge amount of both skill and luck. you can't simply work and virtue your way into one. there's no guarantee of it and so staking your self-worth on making one is kind of pointless. same with reputation, but you can at least have one and be there to change it at the same time, yknow?

anyway my goals are to continue improving forever, to get to a point where i can see my art and be really genuinely impressed at myself again (and this time justifiably), and to gain a small enough following on the internet for drug money/personal satisfaction.

>> No.2229284
File: 48 KB, 539x960, 10421274_1469313313377630_2126722177506035814_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To make a comfortable living by drawing/teaching/buying/curating. any thing art related such that I can work on longer fine art efforts (where I can express myself truly)

>> No.2229286

you are leaving ripples just because im reading this shit.

butterfly effect bby

>> No.2229358


Same here. I want to make something (let it be a comic, game whatever) to be known for and that people enjoy.

That's why i'm being very cautious about developing an art style. I'm obsessed with the idea that my work won't be noticed because of the art.

>> No.2229378
File: 447 KB, 736x1020, f6836817852b69e7331400dbedca088c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing really exceptional. Okay.exe
Shut the fuck up and post your work faggot

>> No.2229556

My goals are...

>rediscover my art skill that has been lost because during my depression I gave up everything I loved
>be able to make a supplemental income doing art for myself
>have a gallery showing of my work
>be able to re-learn the basics of art and the theory
>find my own style and go with it

>> No.2230257

not hate what i draw... the impossible goal...

>> No.2230258

God he sucks so much at paneling its depressing

>> No.2230260
File: 6 KB, 129x167, 1325102561500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to paint some cool images and make a living on this cruel earth.

>> No.2230278

To be as good as Velazquez/Da Vinci in oil painting and bring decent education back to the world.
Earn enough so I can keep doing what I want, but this world really hates that idea. Have to be downright psychotic these days to achieve it.

>> No.2230429

Git gud enough to draw the stuff in my head.

>> No.2230431

Also unlike the others, I don't care about being an inspiration, or being like my fav artista, or making a living off of art. I just want to be good enough to draw the shit in my head.

>> No.2230447

Starting to study computer sciences on Monday in Germany. Drawing is just supposed to be a hobby.

>> No.2230486

Ditto, I make good enough money on my day job. But I love porn, it's all there really is in my life.

>> No.2232671

I want to create my own cahtoons and maybe comics.

>> No.2232767


To work in the animation industry in some capacity. Could always state the lofty goals (like storyboarding/key animation), but even becoming an inbetweener for $1 a drawing would be a dream come true.

That or crawl back to a STEM major and do webcomics & paintings in my free time.

>> No.2232771

Are there no actuall artists that want to make art? Everybody itt is just aiming to be a craftsman producing consumer tier crap.

>but muh comics

>> No.2232792

Me but I'm not good enough to be considered an artist yet. I just want to be able to effectively create pretty things for myself whether others enjoy the subject(s) or not.

>> No.2232814

If I want to make money through art as it is, I'd have to be involved in money laundry or get to know very rich people willing to be scammed

>> No.2232815

How do you intend to make money through your work if no one 'consumes' (aka, buys) it?

>> No.2232818

I bet you're the type of person who absolutely has to mention that you're an artist whenever you get the chance.

I bet you got a huge framed picture that says "ARTIST LIVES HERE" framed above your computer.

>> No.2232893

To get good enough so that I can make a revolutionary webcomic that changes the way people look at webcomics.

Also do concept art and art direction idk

>> No.2233086

Me too, anon, me too. Although Bierstadt would be okay too.

>> No.2233400

Everyone is an artist because they want to be loved.

They want recognition and affirmation from the outside world that they as a human being has value and a personality worth sharing.

We create art for others... to change the world, to make money, to get recognized, to master the craft.

>> No.2233402

Maybe he meant to capture the nuances that escape words. He understands his life is meaningless, but he can still capture and transcribe a feeling through his art.

I think he means essays in the context of school homework.

>> No.2234370
File: 243 KB, 1280x720, illustration-linework.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Short term (10 days):
Learn how to render (in a greyscale) truck from pic related in various lighting situations (artificial light, sunny day, cloudy day, light from a big window) from my imagination.
>Mid term (2 months):
Go through all tutorials and premium content from ctrl+paint.
>Long term (1 year):
Start earning 100$ from my art (commissions, t-shirts, patreon, prints, art contests etc) per month.

Does it sound like a realistic/good plan to you?

>> No.2234373

Do you work/go to uni?
If yes that pushing it depending on your schedule.

>> No.2234375

>Do you work/go to uni?
I'm a NEET with tolerant parents, so I won't have any problems with putting in at least 4 hours a day.

>> No.2234376

Then go for it.
Dont forget to have fun and dont mid the people here they are just retarded.

>> No.2234377

hah, thanks!

>> No.2234385


This is such bullshit.

As soon as you realise the nothingness of the universe is so vast that all your mistakes will be forgotten you have to immediately realise that everything you accomplish is also completely inconsequential.

The time the human race has been around is proportional to a grain of rice compared to the entire mass of the planet earth. Our whole universe is probably just a quantum fluctuation in another universe that is collapsing as I type this.

Nothing you do matters. How do you reconcile that knowledge...? Why aren't you working in medicine? Or doing something that will actually impact people's lives positively and maybe have some chance at alleviating the pain and insanity of our species?

>> No.2234543

My goal is to be able to make my escapist dreams a reality through my work and to have it inspire all of the lonely little shits in their dark rooms behind their glowing monitors across the world.

Fuck money.

>> No.2234548


The fucker you replied to is still in denial by thinking anything great will last.

Nothing matters. Only nihilism makes sense.

>> No.2235608

- a couple (gud) animated series
- writing a bunch of graphic novels

Been drawing alllll my life but been working on the fundamentals off on on for only a couple of years. But I'm done flip flopping and ready to commit to it finally

>> No.2235636
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Middle to Upper-middle class life as a creative professional in a low-crime area city apartment. Maybe with a wife and kids. Definitely a dog.

Also to overthrow the jews and create the mainstay art for the new century of global brotherhood, inclusive of cinema and fashion.

>> No.2235833
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>Or doing something that will actually impact people's lives positively and maybe have some chance at alleviating the pain and insanity of our species?

That is exactly what I'm doing, anon.

I agree that truly, nothing matters in the end.
Nothing that I do matters. There really, truly, is no meaning to anything really.

But, because of that realization, we begin to create our own meaning through each other. We begin to laugh with each other. Explore and adventure with each other. Tell great stories from our imagination and write them down into books for others to read.

If you cannot or wish not to have your own meaning to this life, then so be it.
No one cares, it's meaningless anyway to have a meaning. Throw that meaning away and live as an empty shell, slowly gliding through this life from creation to death.

>> No.2235848
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>Nothing you do matters. How do you reconcile that knowledge...?

Hedonism, anon. The answer is hedonism.

>> No.2235863
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>> No.2235881

>What are your goals?

To be consider a Master before I die...

>> No.2235888

draw my own porn

>> No.2235893


Don't quit your education in primary school m8

>> No.2236179
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>> No.2236185

To be able to draw, and not worry about bills, just to do purely what i love.

>> No.2236365

To have someone say they look up to me as an artist.

>> No.2236385

My goal right now is to be able to move over to canada and attend sheridans animation program.
As for my life goal, character artist over att either blue sky studios or pixar

>> No.2236412


It's possible. In fact it's not even hard, why are people on here so cynical?

>> No.2236415


The animation program in Sheridan isn't even all that great. You could do it at home with four years of dedicated practice and a manual.

>> No.2236421
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how old is Ruan? I don't get why this guy doesn't even has his own wikipedia-article

>> No.2236424

¨To be able to draw people, cartoons aren't that easy to present.

>> No.2236426


>> No.2236459
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Become as good if not better than my artistic idols/rolemodels
Become good enough to draw most things without feeling like im struggling.
Make a small or moderate amount of money with my hobby through commissions. Using the money to fund my other hobbies or save it.
Hopefully create something, such as a comic, webcomic etc
Maybe learn to oil paint in the future.

>> No.2236482


>> No.2236580

>Or doing something that will actually impact people's lives positively
What so art can't inspire people now or something?

>> No.2236650
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Right now I want a better art job.

>I work as an art instructor for a company that teaches groups to paint in bars
>Paintings are /ic/ poster-tier garbage
>Pic related
>Don't get paid enough for the painting
>Don't get paid enough for all the driving
>Completely meh tips
>Boss is making me do more of them, so I'm running low on free time
>Needy younger girlfriend won't stop coming over and spending the night so I have less time to work on them
>Boss is kind of a micromanaging fag when he shows up
>Car got scratched by another car that drove off when I pulled over as I was going to pick up my check because my boss can't be arsed to show up at my job on fucking payday
>Being signed up for more events doesn't automatically mean I'm getting payed more
>I just want some boring clerk job that gives me time to practice fundamentals at work
>A fucking band set up in front of my painting during the last session and I almost had a meltdown telling them to get out of the way
>Manager at the bar says they'll never be playing there because of what they did
>I didn't complain to the manager to get them sacked but I still feel bad
>Car always full of art supplies, dreading a serious accident

I'm beginning to miss being unemployed.

>> No.2236676

Most digital artists don't have their own page. Even Mullins only has a rather short page and it's been flagged for not citing enough sources.

And I think Ruan is in his early 30's. Iirc he was born in '83 or so.

>> No.2236684
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I am unemployed for that very reason you are missing being unemployed.

>> No.2236783

it isnt? ive heard its one of the better ones

>> No.2236792

In Canada it's still probably the best but that's not saying a lot. It has a fairly heavy workload and there certainly are some people who come out the other side as pretty solid artists, but they usually came in pretty skilled to begin with and are very self-motivated as well.

I went to Sheridan for Illustration and dropped out because it was a waste of time and money. The animation program looked better and seemed to have stronger teachers and more attention in general (the better models, better equipment etc). Dunno about the actual program though.

>> No.2236825

whats happening?

>> No.2236923

I mostly want to attend to get my foot into the animation industry, preferably id go to calarts but i dont want to be living on top ramen for the next 30 years.
And being from europe doesnt really help either, if i were from either murica or moose land id probably go neet though and then go from there

>> No.2236926

I know i probably wont be able to live off drawing, but i dont care, because its my hobby and i love it.
If I do make some money from commissions or whatever then great. I really doubt anyone here can seriously expect to live off their earnings from art, not unless you're really popular or happened to catch a design job or something.
either way money shouldnt be the reason you draw.

>> No.2236949

ruan jia wasn't ready for that

>> No.2236962
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I just want to make a nice blog that people lurk every now and then. And i just want my parents to be proud of me, and make tonnes of friends at my uni. Im studying animation
I want to make thousands of online friends too. And draw with them over skype like sycra used to do in his streams

>> No.2236965

Wow thats a nice drawing