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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 248 KB, 1500x1500, man-with-question-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2221441 No.2221441 [Reply] [Original]

old thread

>> No.2221485

Ah, sorry, I meant a viewfinder. Thanks by the way!

>> No.2221495

there are more newfags lately, where are the d/ic/ks?

>> No.2221525

've just started scott's how to draw and im confused on the view point i.e. the 90 degree and 60 degree view point,what are their application in drawing? I don't really understand the concept either ,can someone explain it to me?thanks!

>> No.2221529

Got any books/videos on hand control? My pencil work is decent but my technique is certainly lacking something.

>> No.2221563
File: 51 KB, 540x540, 1435757743117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck why are all of my heads too small?
Even when life drawing, too.

My initial gesture is pretty much fine in terms of proportion, but once I start adding features/shadow shapes the head starts to look wayy fucking small.

Yes, I know how to draw heads too.
Maybe I should just draw heads and torsos for a while.

>> No.2221591

A follow up question on the pixiv question.

>if i just had to guess based on xenophobia, not good... but your art stands above all else, and if you are good you are excepted everywhere with next to no exceptions.

From looking over and lurking it, it looks pretty clear that paintings is not that common compared to illustrations. So It would not be to intruding to post work that is in that direction I guess?

>> No.2221610

Anyone have a good video to learn to draw with perspective and volume ?

>> No.2221633

to answer the question about what i wanted to recreate in the pokemon picture. i would like to recreate the coloring he uses when making the pokemon.

>> No.2221659
File: 127 KB, 275x213, 1411232546567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I updated my Intuos 4 drivers earlier and now my pen gets ridiculously laggy after several minutes of opening SAI. It works absolutely fine in any other software, so what the fuck is after happening??

>> No.2221672

when this happens to me it is because I have usually changed the shape/angle of the head after measuring my proportions. then I try to eyeball the head in the new(corrected position). when drawing from life check and check again those proportions.

>> No.2221762
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, HorribleSubs-PSYCHO-PASS-06-720p.mkv_snapshot_20.05_2012.11.15_19.23.42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a specific name fore this kind of art other than the broad term of guro or body horror? I'd really like to find more stuff like this.

>> No.2221809
File: 2.56 MB, 2142x1867, lecc81tang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are traditional paintings so detailed and digital paintings so sketchy? I don't know if you understand what I'm trying to say but most digital paintings, even the more detailed ones feel sketchy in comparison with classical art did they just render the shit out of everything, painting every individual leaf or what?

>> No.2221818

It's time for you to switch to the superior Manga Studio instead.

>> No.2221822
File: 485 KB, 1280x1802, tumblr_n0cmszofUr1sqh0kno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there Zedig's artwork uploaded as one archive anywhere? Not feeling like downloading one by one.

>> No.2221831

There's are tools that let you bulk download images from fb and probably some for tumblr too. That would give you the bulk of his work at least.

>> No.2221920
File: 243 KB, 885x1024, giulio-viotti-idillio-a-tebe-particolare-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are several reasons for this I can think off the top of my head:

When there was no photography, people were paid to create realistic depictions of stuff. So that goes at least for the older stuff.
These days obviously photography is the go-to-medium for realistic stuff since it's quicker and cheaper.
Also there's a lot of digital art on the web that's not even meant to be an illustration. Concept art for example only has to get an idea across.

Obviously the more time you have for a piece, the tighter the rendering can get.
This is closerly related to the former point.
The old masters had a lot more time for their paintings, spending months on each.
Today, deadlines are a lot tighter.

For one this means financial availability. Digital painting, in the long run anyways, is a lot cheaper than say oils. So anyone "wanting to explore their creative side" a bit, can get themselves a cheap tablet off of ebay and pirate a painting software. And not only can basically anyone create, but also share.
So there's also availability of digital works on the web. Of any quality.
The old paintings you can see today are a filtrate of the best work from centuries.
Digital art hasn't even been around that long and the internet is filled up with work from everyone with a internet connection.


>> No.2221973
File: 812 KB, 1500x1030, Too_Much_Sand_for_Love_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of old master stuff is also huge, which enables even a looser approach to painting to look tighter and more detailed when watched scaled down on a computer screen.
Now, with the ability to zoom, this shouldn't be a problem for digital work. But with a low performance pc you can run into lag with larger sizes pretty quickly.
Ruan Jias work is actually a great example to show that with a lot of time and a big canvas size (and a lot of skill) you can get very detailed paintings with digital medium.

These days it is often valued to paint something that looks "sketchy" or painterly".
Speedpainting is also a thing.
But if you look at, for example, impressionist work, there's also a lot of traditional stuff that is very sketchy.

-medium properties
The blending and overall handling of digital "paint" can never quite emulate the properties of real paint.
Individual brushmarks may be more visible, especially with hard edges.
And even if it's not that, keep in mind that most traditional paintings you look at online are compressed and low quality while digital work you can see as clearly as the person who made it (sometimes).

Or you know, whatever.

>did they just render the shit out of everything, painting every individual leaf or what?
pretty much this

>> No.2221979
File: 528 KB, 1536x892, Brooklyn_Museum_-_Dolce_Far_Niente_-_John_Singer_Sargent_-_overall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just talking out of your ass

>> No.2222222 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 311x283, qpq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew this lel. Did you lose your sides looking at it? xD
also what is your opinion on my digits? they're for [s4s] :^)

>> No.2222227 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 300x276, 1435451766292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a waste.

>> No.2222229 [DELETED] 


>getting a post number on a dead board
>literally NOBODY cares
>no replies to it for 5+ minutes
>post threads on [s4s], /b/, /a/, and anywhere else, samefag spam for a few hours
>one hour later, maybe 30 replies to post

congrats bro :^)

>> No.2222230 [DELETED] 

Thanks [s4s], you always brighten my day.

And to answer your question, yes, I did like it ^_^ <3

>> No.2222231 [DELETED] 


>> No.2222233 [DELETED] 

Truly, those kinds of people are in the shittier states of life.

>> No.2222239 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 500x636, go eat a hamburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2222240 [DELETED] 


Truly, autistic faggots who organize on a website nobody cares about and then organize spam for a GET are the kinds of people who need to get laid.

>> No.2222242 [DELETED] 


>5 minutes
>a grand total of 4 replies

>get dubs on /b/
>30+ replies to it in that same time period

Way to go [s4s] getting a GET literally NOBODY but you and some knock-off chan was even caring about. I'll be on the faster boards getting GETs people actually care about, thanks.

>> No.2222244 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 298x240, ken-jeong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who are you combing

>> No.2222246 [DELETED] 

hey s4s is fledgling board

its misunderstood

and lanky

no bully the new kid.

>> No.2222252 [DELETED] 

>tumbleweed goes by
>literally the most uncared for septuplets in 4chan's history

>> No.2222253 [DELETED] 


>> No.2222258 [DELETED] 

why me

>> No.2222304 [DELETED] 

Uncared for? But 2/3rd of all /ic/ responded to him!

>> No.2222304,1 [INTERNAL] 

deleted like it should have been, thank you janitors/moderators

>> No.2222304,2 [INTERNAL] 

LMAO butthurt 8chan fag detected XD
Were you the one getting assmad and saying that no one cares about the get? Nice try, but you can't discourage us. Our meme spirits are too strong, and our gets are pure and without scripts, so yea lmao kiddo :)

>> No.2222428

judging on how pessimistic most of them are, they either left here for a hugbox, we all know 4chan can be to heavily negative almost all the time, they quit art for a stem job, or they offed themselves.

there is a several gb big perspective course on peeres, the 11 minutes i watched, they explained a concept in 11 minutes i could explain in 30 with an example... it is far from what i would recommend watching, but its your best bet if you want someone who knows their shit to explain it to you, as he goes over the same thing 5-10 times with different ways of explaining it each...

if you draw on a pc this will be easy ti fix,
draw the gesture than overlay it and see where you fucked up there.

i also tell people to use cranium measurements because they line up more with landmarks than full head. is it possible you are doing cranium heads and forgetting half way though?

here's the thing, you are going to a board that is used primarily by the japanese, and by a segment that can get very rabid with xenophobia, while at the same time a number of those same people wish kanji would just go away for a simplified alphabet... so they can also be very irrational. if you go to that board with just mediocre skills and are not filling a void that needs to be filled, you will likely have to deal with some shit, but like i said before, good is good no matter where you are and you will get accepted if you are good, just dont let the more retarded people get to you... but your on 4chan already... you probably already don't.

>> No.2222432

thats amazing

>> No.2222449

you learned a very valuable lesson the hard way, if its not broke dont fix it. even now i never update drivers for anything unless it's a performance boost and i keep a backup of the old drivers just in case.

updating only adds problems that you didn't know would be there before.

for me i updated mpchc 64bit because a file wasn't playing correctly, now drag and drop along with back and forward from burnt discs is broken.

use the eyedrop tool and look at the various shades that the squirtle has, almost all of them are very non saturated, thinking back on official art for pokemon, i think most of the colors are heavily unsaturated, at least in the non anime/in game versions.

now note how he shaded the pokemon, id more or less did a hard round for that one and didn't really care about blending the colors much, though that could have been because of the size of the end image more than anything else.

also, note the white on the shell, that is a very very light blue, i closed photoshop so i cant tell you if there was more like that where he used a color instead of pure white buy you can do that on your own.

i knew a more exact term a long time ago, i may look it up later, but all that comes to mind is effigy.

>> No.2222450

take a look at some old master works in relation to size, what you see online rarely gets detailed enough to see brush work, some of these pieces are absolutely fucking massive, allowing them more detail with bigger brushes... also note the time at which these were made, this was a time before the internet and most other forms of entertainment where your hobby/trade was entertainment in and of itself.

now lets go digital work... lets say a 10000x10000 if that canvas size was printed out at 300 dpi it would measure, 33 inches, and that's on the low end of dpi, a more reasonable dpi would be 600, which ends it it being about 16.5 inches but even than, that may not be ideal, 1200dpi would be 8 inches

for how small digital art would come out if printed, its very detailed, i would say higher than that of old masters, and keep in mind when i say that you rarely are able to zoom in on an old master work to the point of seeing brush strokes, unlike digital where its fairly easy. when you zoom in on old master works and see the brush strokes they cease to be anything special technically, and you start seeing them as marvels of time and perseverance, at least thats been my take on them.

and now to refresh to get rid of the retard who used this thread for a get and get an accurate post count.

>> No.2222568

I think that art school is a waste of time and money especially when you've got free essential art books at your disposal through the internet.

Am I wrong?

>> No.2222571

a good teacher is worth a hell of alot... though 30k a semester or 400k + for a full education is bullshit.

also, videos > books and in that respect, watts has the best currently offered, and because no one shared it publicly yet, the only place that you can get is under a 100$ a month plan.

to your point, traditional schools are usually bullshit aside from one or two classes with good teachers, there are some exceptions to that, but its largely the case...

that said, look for atelier's or workshops that offer live models for all lessons and you may have something worth looking into.

>> No.2222574


At home you get good more slowly because you don't have a tea her forcing you to draw and you draw less and check the internet more often

>> No.2222575

I downloaded most of what I could find of Vilppu's teaching videos, and they've been pretty helpful so far.

What if you're disciplined enough to draw 4-5 hours a day with almost no breaks? I don't think concentration is a good justification for art school.

>> No.2222594

>waste of time
That depends on whether or not you have rich parents and whether or not there are other career choices that require a degree that you're interested in.

I'd say it's more a waste of money than time.

>> No.2222603
File: 158 KB, 693x900, 1440016759119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's better, to wait until I reach James Zapata level and then create a tumblr/da/facebook page and instantly get a gorillion followers or start now that my art is average level and slowly start building a fanbase?

>> No.2222605

Start now bruh. I always love coming across an artist who's shit's been up on the web for years and being able to look through it and see how they've progressed.

>> No.2222612


I wish I was disciplined enough to draw for 5 hours without checking the internet, it's all I need in life, tips?

>> No.2222613

Do like me and move to a small town in texas where every ISP choice sucks.

Everytime I take a break from drawing to check the internet I give up before the web page loads and go back to drawing. It's really so terrible that I have to set aside time to specifically focus on using the internet otherwise I just give up on it altogether.

>> No.2222615

What is the most complete, most comprehensive and physically accurate documenation of the process of color perception (blabla photons, blabla wavelenght, blabla brain) available?

I want to understand this shit indepth.

>> No.2222632

>wait until I reach James Zapata level

James Zapta is bad as fuck. Honestly. You can reach his level in a year. He is famous only because he was active in the 'community' during the golden era.

>> No.2222633

Hi, can someone give me a nice schedule to efficiently practice each day? I've been doing gesture drawing for 2mins each figure and then into something more detailed like expressions or muscle structure. And does anyone know any books that will help me draw more like Bruce Timm and aeolus06?

>> No.2222639

any good videos about learning how to draw from the beginning? :)

>> No.2222657

The guy you replied to here. My secret is to go to a library with your laptop and sketchbook.

>> No.2222689


beginner here. this video helped me a lot, what are some essential drawing tutorial videos?

>> No.2222698

Someone should draw a nice illustration for question threads, that google search image is not too /ic/ worthy

>> No.2222699


>> No.2222724

what is this

>> No.2222744

Got a question regarding coloring in digital.

What is the best way to approach coloring when you want to take volume and light into consideration? Do I first do volumes ( sort of grayscale ) how it would look towards the viewer, and then try to overlay light and its angles depending where I play it? Currently I'm sort of half assing it because I try to do volumes, but while also taking light sort of into consideration, because obviously the combination of two looks best, but it's hard to get it all right at the same time.

Would first doing volumes, then light give a good result ( considering you'd use proper layer modes, any suggestions what those would be though? ) ?

>> No.2222757

Where do people usually stream drawing? Twitch?

>> No.2222762



>> No.2222801
File: 214 KB, 600x900, rocklookout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Watch the streams of Mike Azevedo, and his youtube videos, he uses the same technique every time, I thinkbstarting with greyscale is just too boring to color later and time consuming, instead think about light very deeply for a few minutes before you paint, a few minutes of thinking hard will save you hours of fixing a shitty painting because you didn't pay attention to how light works

>> No.2222803
File: 42 KB, 271x200, 1442498199161.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thinkbstarting with greyscale is just too boring to color later and time consuming, instead think about light very deeply for a few minutes before you paint,

>> No.2222807


I'm not really that good to compute volume and light at the same time for a good end result.

I'm trying to figure out a proper-correct way that would lead me to a good end result - hence my questions and concerns.

>> No.2222809


If you are a begginer then I suggest you do monochromatic paintings. Greyscale is good practice to learn volume but just adding the saturation extra parameter will make you learn more things. Pick ONE color you like and without changing hue, just sat and value paint the whole thing. Youtube search bobby chiu monochromatic compositions to understand it more.

>> No.2222812


that specific painting will never cease to blow my mind.

>> No.2222817

looks like a clear case of painting from photo, not from imagination,

>> No.2222898

anatomy, perspective or something else? what's more useful to master/learn first?

>> No.2222909

learn perspective, and how to place forms in perspective, then you can learn proportion/anatomy/figure drawing. you'll already be able to place the forms of the body in perspective, without struggling with it WHILE trying to learn anatomy.

>> No.2222919


Reminder that drawing for large periods of time straight through can be counterproductive if you don't know exactly what you're studying.

>> No.2222923
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x690, tumblr_nhq0733Ek01rswum5o2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mike Azevedo
holy shit thanks for introducing me to him, some of his stuff is amazing, approaching master level to me

>> No.2222926 [DELETED] 

I did it, I can upload the folder for you if you want. (I don't have everything but I got many of his artwork, even his work.)

>> No.2222930

I'm not a pro illustrator, I already have a large intuos 4, should I consider buying a cintiq or one of the cheap alternatives or is this something that I shouldn't be bothered with right now ?

>> No.2222938

I have medium Intuos Pro and Cintiq 22HD, and you don't really need a Cintiq. I've been away from my Cintiq for months, and while I miss it, I'm not like, yearning for it.

>> No.2222941
File: 109 KB, 901x883, 175868386844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>yfw he's 22 and already works for multiple video game studios

>> No.2222942

I did it, I can upload the folder for you if you want. (I don't have everything but I got many of his artwork, even his work.)

>> No.2222943

Anyone here used the Airbrush pen from Wacom?

Saw a talk that he had on Creative Jucie Expo here in Brazil last month. He is really good and fast. He has a really precise way of thinking about light and color so his work can be impressive if he puts time on it and can be pretty cool if he's just sketching

alright, good to know, thanks.

>> No.2222951

Do you have a prefered tool for studying?

I love drawing with pens but I feel like I'm missing values just using blacks and cross hatches to shade what I'm studying

>> No.2222957

Don't think like that dude, it's the best way to rage quit.

Here the first posts of Zedig on Internet : http://www.lascopainters.net/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=214&sid=8ac2445a7dc2b5c1ecb3df74c371d397
You can see how bad it was in 2010 but he worked really hard and he become so good in just one year.

>> No.2222966
File: 52 KB, 478x400, 6b6ea42cd937c94137f52de5ebcf479a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bridgman or loomis methods for drawing heads: which does /ic/ prefer? Im stuck deciding.

>> No.2222977

Loomis for sure. Bridgman is great, but his approach to the head is pretty awkward and strange. It's really the only part of his books I don't like. I'd also check out Hampton's head stuff and Kevin Chen too, they both do a similar and nice simplification of the head forms.

>> No.2222999

Proko method is better.

>> No.2223002
File: 57 KB, 640x632, glen keane1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i stopped showing up because this place repeats the same crap advice(muh impossible art schedule) and is really just another distraction from art. also tons of people here are assholes

do studies of greyscale pictures. start with a grey background instead of a white one. unless you're total shit at form, your work looks flat because it lacks in value contrast. don't be afraid of darkness.

it might be a problem if s/he has a day job and isnt getting enough sleep.

i used to do this by accident when i was just starting painting. the colour black seemed boring to me but i wasn't skilled enough to paint in colour, so i'd just do the whole painting in magenta.

>> No.2223004

will do, thanks

>> No.2223010

Any good exercise for drawing convincing forms? Draw through and break everything down into geometry is all I can think of, ya'll got any other exercises? Anything that helps with form from imagination would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.2223039
File: 207 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna git gud at cross hatching, are there any good videos or books on how it's done?

>> No.2223068

Didn't know about him, his videos are really easy to follow, thanks.

>> No.2223121

As far as actual fundamental things to practice, construction is the only way I know of. Practice the basic 3D shapes, and applying wireframe to their surfaces. Planes are extremely valuable as well. Practice construct forms low-poly, plane by plane. Really learn to see the page as a 3D space instead of a 2D plane.

>> No.2223129

The Xenophobia is not an Issue for me really. It's more of my view about respect in general which is that you need to show respect to get respect.
Me stamping in being an ignorant piece of shit demanding respect is never going to work.

>> No.2223142
File: 24 KB, 399x388, 1437576245155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never had a headache in my life until yesterday, it hasn't gone away yet, it feels like pressure inside my head hurts when I lean forward specially, please tell me it's not a brain tumor. I want to git gud before I die..

>> No.2223145

Cheers, trying to apply contourlines and "wireframing" time from time, doing Asaro heads as "we speak". Thanks!

>> No.2223146

When was the last time you visited a dentist?

>> No.2223147


A week ago why?? Also I took an x ray scan to get braces

If that is the reason holy fuck you're sherlock

>> No.2223149
File: 45 KB, 355x216, teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You most likely have a tooth growing weirdly and pushing all the teeth in your jaw.

I had to pull a wisdom tooth for the same reason and the headaches was almost crippling me. The moment they removed the part that was pressing the pressure just stopped.

>> No.2223152


Maybe, but wouldn't that have happened with or without the dentist visit? Why a week later and not the day after the dentist? Nice sketch btw

>> No.2223157
File: 146 KB, 800x1200, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have that mega link to a bunch of drawing books?

>> No.2223159

It's probably nothing that the dentist did, your body most likely became aware of it being a problem after them checking up on your teeth or the tooth that is pushing has slowly gone over the last line of tolerance. If you can, call them again and ask for a check up provided that it is free. If not, be a cheapskate and ask for it next time you are there.
Look for the book thread.

>> No.2223161

>Look for the book thread.
found it, thanks

>> No.2223284

>start with a grey background instead of a white one.
Stupid question but how much % must the grey value be?

>> No.2223287


>> No.2223294


>> No.2223326

Does anyone else feel the quality of their work goes down significantly when they go to life drawing classes?

I'm not sure why it is... I feel like the worse thing is the time pressure of these settings.

Is figure drawing from life actually as important as everyone says it is?

>> No.2223335

you should only be worried if you're studying and its not difficult

>> No.2223338

Get used to it. Theres a groove that you need to fet into. But i have a feeling youre at that stage where youre still sensitive about learning how bad you are irl. Cuz thats the hurdle i had to jump.

Drawing from life in a pressured situation does put the pressure on but why? The pressure to do a good drawing? Thats twisted. Just draw.

>> No.2223345

from photos the camera has already done 80% of the job for you
from life there's not any shortcut for you to copy the information, from life you have to understand to see, from photo references you only have to sense 2d shapes, colors, hues and values, which are fixed there, at life perspective is not simplified in 2D, more over, you're looking in estereo (which you won't notice)

>> No.2223423

My ring finger aches after a while drawing on my tablet. I can't tell whether I'm having a hard time adjusting with the pen grip or if my hand has a condition or something...

Anyone has some insight on this? I'm on a Bamboo Pen & Touch if that needs to be factored in though I make sure to draw with my arm w/ longer strokes and not with my wrist.

>> No.2223429

have you tried increasing tablet sensitivity?

>> No.2223442

... I guess that makes perfect sense thinking about it. My settings are all at default right now.

I'll raise it up 2 stops or something. I assume nib replacement is also a must but I can't at the moment since my spares are missing and I found no place to order them locally.

Thanks for the reply, breh

>> No.2223550

It's a known issue. Just rollback the driver or download an old driver from their website. I'm never updating my drivers again.

>> No.2223672

Does speed develop with time?

>> No.2223675

I drew a picture of a bunch of caricatures of musicians, along with a couple copyrighted characters (it's for a dumb mashup thing). I like the picture though; would it be ok to put in my portfolio?

>> No.2223677

Yup, but it can be useful to set a time limit on a shorter piece to practice painting/drawing efficiently. I would NOT worry about speed until you have a solid grasp over the fundamentals and a good amount of experience under your belt.

>> No.2223678

Only if you want to get work doing caricatures in thbe future.

>> No.2223681

I'm an animator, but a large part of my portfolio is character design. My main concern is that it has like, Mr. Krabs and Elsa in it.

>> No.2223693

Hello there /ic/.
I started drawing a while ago, but i've come to a bit of a problem where the feeling of a pencil against paper makes my spine crawl like nothing else.
Do any of you guys have recommended drawing tablets? Because i don't think i'll be surviving much longer with a pencil.

>> No.2223701

When doing beginner exercises, is it fine to copy the drawing subject from the book if you don't have it available on hand at the time?

>> No.2223712

best video for learning perspective in your opinion?

>> No.2223713

I personally don't think there are hard rules to that but you learn so much more from seeing the object in space than in a picture.

Could just be me but subconsciously, you tend to wrap your head around the object you're drawing from life compared to a picture which is already on a flat plane. Basically thinking 3D over 2D.

I'm not gonna say you don't learn from drawing from pictures but best to apply both whenever necessary.

>> No.2223731

(posted this earlier in the wrong thread accidentally)

What's considered good practice when sketching digitally with a tablet (in terms of resolution, zooming, and brush sizes)?

For example, if I make a really large canvas, at times Im tempted to zoom out for a broad stroke, but the line quality with a tablet seems to change the more you zoom out.

Is there a good resource for info on this?

>> No.2223808
File: 12 KB, 230x230, 1440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm looking for a clear clipboard like this but bigger. Do they exist?

>> No.2223814


Create it yourself.

>> No.2223815

I would but these people don't ship to hawaii.

>> No.2223828

I have a question as an absolute beginner, and a newfag to /ic/. I'm going through Keys to Drawing, doing all of the exercises, but while I was lurking a thread various resources in the sticky are called a meme. Do I keep going with Keys to Drawing?

>> No.2223853


As a beginner, if youre serious about this art thing, read these books in this order and do ALL the exercises, when you finish you'll have a solid as fuck foundation to do whatever you want:

Perspective made easy > How to Draw > Figure Drawing for all its Worth > Drawing the Head & Hands > Force > How to Render > Color & Light.

Literally everything a human needs to get pro level good.

>> No.2223898


You could do it yourself with a sheet of clear acrylic and binder clips.

>> No.2223920


Beginner's books provide fairly helpful wisdom and essential skills, but don't let anyone tell you that they're strictly all you will need to be able to draw or "do whatever you want".

You cannot get away with going from zero to hero in drawing/illustration just by grinding through seven books. You have to be constantly on the look out for wisdom from other sources, better explanations of concepts or more in-depth learning material. You have to always be open to creative stimulus, always open to other learning opportunities to hone your skills and techniques, and actively searching and learning from pictures and works of other illustrators that you come across outside of these books.

The vast majority of the "work" and the learning you do as a developing artist is initiated by you, by yourself, for yourself, because its your responsibility, not because some beginner's drawing book told you to do the work in an exercise or to learn this then that.

Overall however, books like Keys to Drawing are for the most part good reads and are worth continuing, but its the unironically absolutist and misleading way memetards like >>2223853 peddle these memebooks that makes them 'bad':

>Literally everything a human needs to get pro level good.

no. kys.

>> No.2223921

I was looking for those simplistic pieces with very basic two tone rendering, one of them had 3 girls. I thought I had them, apparently not. And figured might as well get his other works.
I downloaded his tumblr and didn't find what I was looking for. You probably have mostly the same, so I guess it's not worth the hassle. Actually, maybe you have those? It would be great if you posted them.

>> No.2223925

I want to get better at hatching. The only real "lesson" I ever learned was when i copied some in hs art and the girl next to me was like "yeah thats called hatching"

since then i have played w it but i am asking if there are any serious "masters" of hatching, and where should I go to understand it better at a fundamental level.

Tldr hatching tutorials?

>> No.2223929

lines follow the form, and strength is determined by the tone. What's to learn?

>> No.2223957

I understand the second part; strength is determined by tone. But "lines follow the form" seems oversimplified to me.

Are there different "techniques" ? Maybe they teach this in art schools / college art classes....

>> No.2223959

I see, it's just that I was a little stumped because one of the first exercises are about drawing your eyes and your hand, and I was under the impression that's more difficult in general. I will continue with it then.

>> No.2223964


fair enough. are you saying you'd prefer to practice more basic things first? If you feel that Keys to Drawing is not working for you or is not helpful, drop it immediately, or discard whatever it is that doesn't work for you and move on to the next exercise in the book.

>> No.2223968

Can styles be improved just like skills?

>> No.2223970

the exercises are about copying the 2d shape, he could have done the same exercise with a pineapple or a motorbike, it's just about being able to copy what is infront of you. When people say that hands and eyes are hard they are mostly talking about constructing them, building them out of cubes and spheres and stuff which you don't have to worry about yet.

>> No.2223977

Well, I thought that Keys to Drawing was about the basic things, unless Loomis touches on that?
So I could also use other things?

>> No.2223981
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reposting from last thread, need an answer

>> No.2224000

How do I approach material studies?

I started looking at metal/armor parts and it's all just... I don't get it.

>> No.2224027

How do i work on stroke economy?

>> No.2224101
File: 334 KB, 550x1001, leto_atreides_ii__god_emperor_of_dune_by_gorrem-d7bfwcm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can only understand material if you understand light, each material has different levels of the same parameters, you should read How to Render or Light for Visual Artists. After that do a few studies really thinking about what's happening.


I'm not an expert on whatever that is but it looks like you need to think for a few seconds about the EXACT COLOR OF THE STROKE before you lay the paint on the canvas, it's a different way of painting, you think more and you paint less, but also you learn more, try to be patient and do it.

>> No.2224183

whats the deal with using a 42" tv to paint digitally? im borrowing a laptop but plan on building a pc soon and im not keen on spending a lot on just a monitor

>> No.2224268
File: 17 KB, 320x240, 72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there like a general rule or even a shortcut for drawing angular reflections?

I was taught how to do it the whole math-like-in-correct-perspective way, but that takes forever and a ton of measuring and I don't even really understand it, so if there's any way to figure them out From imagination that would be awesome.

>> No.2224324

Diving into some pseido science here, but is there scientific reason for why we can't visual a full image in our head, and put it all down on paper like printer? Why is it that its not until we put down construction/mannequin that were able to visualize the body?

I know that its possible to draw from your imagination without construction lines, since kim gung gi and animators are able to do it. But why can't we all do it? Whats restricting us? And how can we become like kim jung gi and animators.

>> No.2224335

Animators construct the body MORE than painters because they need to rotate the figure in space. Kim Jung Gi is an anomaly.

>> No.2224372

I think it has something to do with the process of creation itself. yeah some pseudo scientific philosoderping here, but i believe sometimes we think we are the ones using the tools when really our actions are part of a larger functioning system.
if we were all just photocopiers, i don't think we'd have art; and our society uses art to stay healthy.

>> No.2224391
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Charlotte - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.54_[2015.08.20_15.38.02].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will attempt becoming like kim jung gi! If i become good at drawing the figure without construction, Then i would be GOD-tier a drawing the figure with construction!
neat, so the goal is not becoming copiers but being yourself.

>> No.2224465

kim jung gi likely does understand construction, it's just that he has practiced enough to not need to draw it out. In other words the construction goes on inside his head, he doesn't need to put it on paper for him to know what it looks like since he has seen it so many times.

>> No.2224568

>what is a pencil test.

>> No.2224775
File: 84 KB, 256x245, happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an aspiring architect, what fundamentals of art should I be focusing on?

>> No.2224810

work on your brushwork. you need bold and confident brush strokes

>> No.2224811

Any guides or tips on how professionals scan their inks and pencils in such a crisp and clean way?

>> No.2224828

does anyone have a torrent/mega for proko's reference models, specifically Marcia? thanks

>> No.2224909
File: 67 KB, 736x563, 4b9350bfae2207ee55f1387e320e85a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have these. they might help. this guy named craig mullins made them


>> No.2224911
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>> No.2224913
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>> No.2224915
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>> No.2225005
File: 30 KB, 340x270, il_340x270.452775739_mi0g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the downsides of drawing from a photograph?

>> No.2225009

What are good books on caricature?

>> No.2225014

Does anyone have any resources they can recommend about rendering stuff in pencil without going for full-blown smooth photorealism?

I'm talking about purely technical shit about how to put marks on paper so that they look good.

I feel like I kinda skipped that step along the way and can't get my stuff to look nice unless I overwork it to hell and back, and I would really like to get better and making presentable drawings in reasonable time.

>> No.2225036

>but is there scientific reason for why we can't visual a full image in our head, and put it all down on paper like printer?
No reason, as such.

It all comes down to memory. If you were able to perfectly visualize an image and perfectly memorize it, then you'd be able to put it down perfectly.

Want to hone that ability? Train your (visual) memory.

>> No.2225142
File: 321 KB, 1493x951, perspective-b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have trouble with perspective when multiple objects are in the scene and some seem to be rotated.

Notice on some of the cubes highlighted in red the edges of the faces seem to break the rules of perspective. These edges are not parallel to the orange and purple lines created by the vanishing points.

But the grid may be wrong as well, since I created it.

>> No.2225405

have fun with that, i have been looking for something along those lines in video form for a while. the best you get are books that all start you somewhere around mid highschool level that expect you to already know some concepts and at best will go into them a bit before moving on.

lol, i googled question mark and picked 2 so i would have a second to post when the first one died and was still on the board, could probably draw something but fuck it, it gets the job done... if anyone wants to make something though ill save it and replace the crappier one first.

god, fuck those impossible schedule guys, they are part of the reason i stick around to help when i can, you want to burn our sure go the fuck ahead and grind perspective for 8 hours a day for 6 weeks. oh what's this, the schedule leaves no time to even jerk off, wow, that's something a normal human will stick to.

as for the other, you are never to old to learn, though depending on how old you may need to give up being a master.

someone else will ask this so ill pre emptively answer, you start at 50% grey because its natural, having white next to grey makes the grey look darker than it really is, fun way our eyes fuck with us, and on the same note, grey on black is able to make it look white just by comparison. 50% makes it so you put the right values down more often than not.

i honestly say keep perspective in mind in everything you draw, its the most important aspect of most drawings, but its something that should come innately, find exercises that revolve around prospective but aren't solely about perspective.

i personally cant draw on a tablet, and would love a monitor... are you able to draw on a tablet well? if yes, than a cintiq/alt cintiq is a luxury you can put off, if not and you have tried for months, look into getting one and with a good return policy in case you hate it.

>> No.2225411

how do i get the cartoony style of coloring like in pokemon yugioh etc.

>> No.2225413
File: 237 KB, 639x475, scott pose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This may come off as a stupid question, but how does one discover their art style?

I really admire shit like Gorillaz, Tank Girl, Scott Pilgrim and stuff like that. So in my head I picture my future art resembling that.

I'm just starting off though. So I dont know how this works.

>> No.2225422

charcoal, but shits such a fucking mess i usually settle for soft graphite.

the riley method is what he uses, i find proko to be annoying and a twat but you can't deny the underlying skills.

i never found this to be the case, in fact the exact opposite, though the last time i was in an art class that had a model was highschool when i was still in practice, drawing around other people always made me do better and focus more.

yes, speed does, however, when you do simple exercises like the ones posted here by peter han, he tells you to go as slow as you need to but personally i go just a bit faster than im comfortable with.

speed can also be measured in 2 ways, you put shit down fast, or you put the right shit down the first time so there is no dicking around correcting shit later on.

i assume you get a newspaper, try drawing on that and see if it fucks with you. if it doesn't, get news print.

probably the watts videos behind the pay wall... all prospective videos suck. they either info dump and try to make sense of it to you with words instead of showing it,or gloss over it like they know it and you dont so they are better than you. i suggest just knowing 1 2 and 3 point and how to place shit in them, than when the need comes up for advanced shit look it up then.

9-16 times the end result (if the end is 1000x1000 than draw in 3000x3000 or 4000x4000)
when you zoom out, you are doing broader strokes, when you zoom in you are doing details, quality does go down when you zoom out, and that's inevitable, some programs handle it better than others.

this shit gets asked every thread, go back a few and you will get most of the answers.

look up the old masters who did etchings. i posted a youtube a thread or two ago about the guy who made me get a dip pen, he is fucing good at hatching, check out his youtube channel.

>> No.2225437

yes and no... you can refine a style, cut out the fat, make everything look better in it, but when you say style all critique gets thrown out the window and all you can say is i like it or i dont... hard to explain. take a look at manga for the best examples of this, when a guy starts the comics ar rough, than he gets use to it and the art gets better, and hopefully the manga ends before he gets sick of drawing it and the art degrades.

what the fuck are you on about?
what you want in an art monitor is ips and as close to 100% adobe rgb as you can get, generally these cost 400$ or more.

if you want to go cheap, still get an ips monitor, but fuck the adobe rgb, just make sure it has at least a 1000:1 static contrast ratio, more is better, i think the best are 2500:1 and you should be set.

a tn panel could be as good as an ips that isn't 100% adobe rgb is calibrated properly, but that's a fuck ton of dicking around i doubt you want to do, learn how to do, or buy the hardware to do it for you.

simple, you fake it, if the reflection isn't a cornerstone of the image, it doesn't need to be 100% correct, just correct enough, and i think you could do that without the 100% correct method.

the other anon gave you a pretty solid guide on how shit should look when you fake it.

no, i can remember what many things look like, but my hands are retarded after 10+ years of not drawing every day... it has more to do with your motor skills than construction, the construction just helps you keep everything where it should be. the better your motor skills get the less you need the construction.

perspective, one of the places you actually need to be perfect at it.

really high resolution than down sample, also photoshop to get rid of some of the noise. i put my linework through a palette knife filter ant that does most of the work for me.

peers has one i believe.

>> No.2225450

none, just dont mindlessly copy.

do you want shit to be shaded or do you want shit to be hatchy?

proko/watts will show you how to do it shaded while hatching... not sure.

i would seriously suggest getting the 8gb watts video on peers, 5 minute head figures, that will show you a fantastic method to do them.

draw cartoony and in yugihos case, stereotypically spikey.
you want a better explanation elaborate more on what you want.

you should get good, than abstract the form in a way you like... though in scott pilgrim's case, at least the image you posted... they may have skipped the get good step.

>> No.2225473

Is there a good/definitive guide or something out there on how to set up every kind of brush tool I could ever need to draw with?

Every time I want to continue learning/practicing drawing I probably spend upwards of an hour fucking around with brush settings, googling presets/settings, trying to emulate other people's settings. Its a fucking mess and there are just so many variables between the program's brush settings, and the tablets settings, as well as the interaction between the two. Even if I get a brush setup I'm 100% happy with, I probably won't like it again the next 1-2 weeks when I have time to draw again.

I just want to be 100% confident that the brushes I'm using are perfect so I can focus entirely on my skill and improvement and not ever wonder if the brushes are hurting the quality of the work and my perception of it.

>> No.2225474

What are some of the most useful resources for learning I can get on peers?

>> No.2225496

Whats that disorder or syndrome or mental thing called where you think you are special or way more skilled than you actually are?
Sonichu guy has it... do you know what I'm talking about?
I'm afraid I have it.
How do I know if I don't have it??

>> No.2225511


you have it

>> No.2225512

hard round, 100% opacity, flow jitter to pen pressure

>> No.2225515

post your work on /ic/; that's how you figure out how shit you are.

>> No.2225526

How do highlights work? How are they different to just plain ol' light hitting a surface?

>> No.2225551

Anyone have tips for getting over bad drawings?

I'm still a beginner and I completely understand that my stuff is going to be utter shit for months, if not years. Still knowing this though I get so easily discouraged when things look bad. What I want is to draw something like a portrait or figure and have it come out as shit and be able to say "fuck it, lets draw another one" instead of what I do now that's basically "damn that sucks, lets take a break and try again later" and then not try again for days sometimes.

So anyone have tips on how to not become so easily discouraged, even if I understand that what I'm doing shouldn't look good yet?

>> No.2225561

Thanks. I'm not sure if its that simple. Its usually 40% no one replies, 40% "anatomy's fucked, work on perspective, go study", and 20% small nice comment like "i dig it"
I'm afraid the 20% is just being nice.

>> No.2225563

Highlights are a specular reflection. What you normally think of as light hitting a surface is diffuse reflection.

Different materials give off different amounts of specular and diffuse reflections. Each of those can have differing complexities, and there exist other lighting effects that some materials exhibit (subsurface scattering for example).

Diffuse reflections are primarily what would come to mind if you think of a matte object, like a rough clay ball. Diffuse reflections on a surface look the same regardless of where the viewer stands. Specular reflections are mirror like - a chrome ball that acts like a mirror is showing mostly specular reflections. Since they behave like a mirror, the viewer moving around would change where the reflections are on that object.

A highlight is basically the specular reflection of the light source. If you imagine the object you're painting is made of chrome, the highlight corresponds to the reflection of the light source seen on that surface. Generally every other light source in the scene might be too weak to show up on some types of surfaces, but the reflection of the light source is bright enough. Those are the cases where you have an object that's painted as mostly diffuse, while the highlight is the one element of specular reflection that's visible. Going further, this is why you can have a pool ball lit, but when you the viewer moves around it the location of the highlight moves too.

More here:

>> No.2225577

Keep drawing fun. Draw what you like to draw in between those studies. It's better to be drawing a lot and not learning much, than it is to not draw at all.

Drawing what's in your comfort zone is a great way to boost your confidence, as you'll likely be able to draw whatever that is better than what you're currently struggling to learn. You want to build and maintain the habit of drawing daily - do whatever it takes to make that happen. Once you have that habit in place, you can sprinkle in studies in between the stuff that you actually want to draw.

If you want to get really clever you can tailor your studies to correspond to whatever you're struggling with the most in your personal pieces. This way you get small bite-sized chunks of learning that immediately put into use, and thus you're more likely to retain it.

>> No.2225589

So when doing line art. Are you not supposed to zoom in on the artwork? I've noticed that many artists don't do this in their drawings while It's something i do. I've had difficulties with line art and was wondering how i can fix it. I can do it easily irl.

>> No.2225597

Depends on how loose you want your lines, the size of your monitor and tablet, how large you're comfortable drawing IRL, etc. Assuming your tablet and monitor are large enough, at the very least you should zoom out on the initial drawing so that it all fits on the screen at once. If you need to do a very tight linework cleanup, and you can't get that precision zoomed out, feel free to zoom in. Just be sure to keep zooming out to check how the whole is coming along. If you have a second monitor, you can open up a second window of the same document and have that one zoomed out while you're working zoomed in.

>> No.2225603

compare your current work to your old work, don't focus on doing a good drawing, focus on doing a better drawing than your last

>> No.2225621
File: 46 KB, 640x480, nana u_u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goal is to one day make my own comic to post online. I have been learning from /ic/ for a year, and have come across this conflict: /co/cks are terrible at teh arts, but most d/ick/s dont seem to care much about making their own comic. And, this is hard to explain, but Il try:

I have the patience to do 15 mins to an hour on life and anatomy studies. I have the patience to make a bunch of 10 minute sketches with lineart and put it altogether in a story (a comic), and maybe add color. But I dont have the patience to spend 10 hours rendering and coloring some generic animu porn, someone will only look at for 5 secs.

If I want to one day get gud at drawing comics, do I have to make some fully render and colored pieces that take 5 hours to complete, and post on /ic/? Its just, im intimidated because I know the first few or 20 will be complete shit. But with comics, Ill never spend more than 30 mins one sketch, and I feel like if I dont as much effort as possible into single picture, ill always be at the skill level of /co/cks in the comic thread.

So, i hate to admit, but I think I should hold off on making comics for a years, and just focus on anatomy studies and full render and colored hentai or fanart to post on /ic/. What does /ic/ think I should do, and is there actually people on /ic/ who prefer making comics over spending 10 hours on a piece? I just, have no desire for making the stuff in drawthreads and alternative threads on /ic/ like I do with studying and and doing small sketches.

I was wanting to make a comic tonight, but I gave up, Im still too shit, and to do more studies.

>> No.2225635

How "good" is good enough for you? Maybe show us a comic artist you like.

>> No.2225662
File: 741 KB, 800x1062, amour-a-mort-page-glenat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont have that good of acquire taste. I dont have a good knowledge, I just like anything that gets the job done sufficiently for me done for manga I like Kubo, Peach-Pit, Muruta. and the artist of UzumakiI, and I cant really name american ones atop of my head (yes, im a weeb0 But I do like Burne hogarth's books, David Finch's drawing course,and stuff like Jack Kirby and Frank Frazetta, Regis Loisel. and this chinese artist huang jia wei. Heres some random french comic page I like.

To be honest, everything except kubo, peach-pit, hogarth, and finch, I just found out by searching the /ic/ archives.

But anyway, I just want to be at least half as decent as someone like kubo.

>> No.2225663

Oh and I am aware /ic/ likes Miura and Takehiko Inoue too

>> No.2225698
File: 696 KB, 900x1620, GHOST - 赤城.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just draw your comic, that is what you want to do. If you can write your comic even though you suck it will be good because you can get practice laying out your stories. Just budget your time so you spend some time studying and some writing your comic. As for rendering a good color piece doesn't need a ton of rendering if you need a color page for your comic. If it's not rendering per-say but just spending the time to finish a piece you can set it aside and come back later if you get burnt out. Instead of sitting down all day and working on one painting you could work on it 30min every day for a week.

>> No.2225713
File: 238 KB, 1456x1064, koi_koi_7_v1c2_att.koi_koi_7_042_043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats good point. thanks anon.Making a fully rendered piece doesn't sound so bad now. And I have come to realization myself, I just need to study more of the artists I want to emulate (pic) to get the minimum amount of detail to put in comic.

Honestly, the reason I gave up tonight is, I got stuck trying to draw a neck while the head is looking up, so, I think its better to go back to studying reference then proceed making the comic. But you have enlighten me, that not every piece has to be done in 1 sitting.

>> No.2225725

>Scott Pilgrim

WHy set your sights so fucking low?

>> No.2225733
File: 106 KB, 652x624, secret method for drawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you can't figure something out write a note and come back and fix it later. If it still sucks and you want to publish it then just add some narration.

>> No.2225744

those colors are so fucking appealing

>> No.2225745
File: 162 KB, 720x480, azu_osaka0284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon.

>> No.2225788

hard round for practice, texture brush for real work.

and no, there isn't, its why people get away with selling brushes.

watts video is high up on that list, so much shit crammed into one video, necessitating numerous rewatches.

ok, lets go this way, if you are self aware, no you dont have it. at best you hit a point where you dont see flaws in your work at the moment, it happens and it comes and goes in cycles when your skill surpasses the ability to see flaws, and than the ability to see surpasses skill.

the % that says anatomy is fucked, perspective or study... well till you post shit i can either assume they dont know their shit but those are common things everyone can work on, or your shit is fucked, and the 20% that like it, well they aren't being nice, they do like it regardless of whatever flaws it may or may not have.

more simply a highlight is where the light hits an object at an angle that reflects light more tward or directly into the eye. different objects materials, different levels of shine.

it all depends on what you consider good, for me, its just getting to a point where i dont hate what i put out again. for some people its nothing short of being a master

do not render, and grind quantity, not quality. there was the one perfect pot, many good pots experiment, if you focus on making just one perfect pot, the people who ground away at making good ones will kick your teeth in skill wise.

i would also suggest not drawing what you like... i can tell from personal experience you either get to drawn into drawing it when it comes out a little better than toy thought it would and you piss time away polishing shit, or the worse one, you look at how bad your drawing is and it discourages you further.

and getting enough skill to not hate what you make, so long as the bar isn't ungodly high, is about 3 months of work.

>> No.2225796

rough shit out zoomed out, zoom in for detail, dont over zoom in and do bitch work detail no one will ever notice though...

>> No.2225806

What is a good canvas setup to do some sketching (and then following up with cleaner line art over top)

Things like canvas size in pixels, dpi, and all that. I assume its better to start fairly large and then scale down afterwards, but how much should I go with and what's overkill?

>> No.2225810

2k-3k pixels is good, anything above 5k is overkill imo.

>> No.2225817


It's really weird. Specular and diffuse reflection are very intuitive to me on their own, but together they're not. I'll have to adjust my way of thinking.

Thanks anons.

>> No.2225878

I've always been told warm lights and cool shadows, or cool lights and warm shadows. This usually works, but on skin I've found warm & warm works best. Is this normal??

>> No.2225915

what would you say are the main differences between working from life and working from a photo?

>> No.2225921

How do I blend stuff like skin in photoshop while keeping brush texture?

>> No.2225924

>do you want shit to be shaded or do you want shit to be hatchy?

Either would do, I have similar problem with both, my hatching looks like shit unless I go for extremely careful measured strokes the way I'd use with ink. I'll look up the stuff you mentioned, I remember seeing some decent stuff by Proko before. Thanks.

Also, sort of a related question, any resources focused more on drawing scenery rather than figure? With my issues I'm still okayish at drawing people since that's what I focused on, but I'm shit at drawing scenery, particularly nature.

>> No.2225926

Working from life you learn to visualize form in three dimensions faster.

Working from photos you are presented with 2d shapes and it will take you longer to break habits such as symbol drawing.

Photographs also have distortions created by the lens. And the camera doesn't capture color the same way as the human eye. Bright light becomes white and darkness becomes black.

With that said studying from photos is better than not studying at all.

>> No.2225956

I fucked up my wrist and it may take a week or so until I can use it again. Should I clock in some time drawing with my non-dominant hand?

>> No.2225969

work in 600dpi if you are going to print, even if you decide to print at 300dpi just to give yourself options

if its all digital i have said above 9-16x what the the end resolution will be.

pick up the watts on peers too, he does 4 or 5 drawings with one long form one, this is probably the best way to handle shading

also look into vilppu, he like leaving his shit as a drawing even if he is capable of taking it further than that.

also here


i dont know any hatching videos that deal with pencil alone, for that you are on your own, but look up some of the old etchers, they were fucking amazing at crosshatching and shit even if their paintings aesthetically look meh.

largely elitism. people hear really good artists only work from real models and never from photos and attribute their own reasons why

the only tangible difference is with a photo you can fall into copy mode while with real life its a bit harder for most people to do that, personally i never seen muchof a difference.

fuck yea.
you never know when life will royally shit on you.
may be a car accident that takes out you arm, could be self injury that makes it impossible to use that hand.
hell, a neighbors dog gets loose and attacks you and fucks up your arms nerves.

better you get some practice in than do nothing.

on that note, i suggest trying to draw with your whole arm, and then moving onto an hour or so of just writing with it, if you happen to have a brush pen, use that. make your non dominate your bitch and show it who owns it.

>> No.2225982

Will the book Drawing On the Right Side of the Brain make me a better cartoonist?

>> No.2226017


>> No.2226022

In the end yeah it kinda will, good cartoonists generally have really good fundamentals and for a complete beginner that book is good to start thinking and seeing things like an artist

>> No.2226066

read that, then fun with a pencil by loomis, then rapid viz by Kurt Hanks

>> No.2226150
File: 347 KB, 388x567, SlackerMagician-CBLZ-EN-R-1E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to be able to color like the coloring on the cards

>> No.2226280
File: 50 KB, 736x490, 1e6549c8d930dc400af9beb61f1734f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of any resource that teaches how to Design a human?

I know how to draw a human, but how do I make human look interesting in a composition?

I know Hampton touches on it veerry briefly, and Framed Ink is quite good too....but is there anything else?

>> No.2226335
File: 57 KB, 550x550, Jetpack_with_wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping this again cause I'm a selfish prick

>> No.2226349
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, 875835934059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you could just describe what specifically you like about it the piece, then ask /ic/ for recommendations based on what you like about it.

>> No.2226374
File: 204 KB, 900x650, leyendecker_master_studies_by_grumpygoat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know the proper terminology, but I guess it's the simple shapes and forms he uses to portray complex thing (hair/beard , hands, feet) and how economic he is in general

Different sauces say this might be Leyendecker (though I'm doubting it)

>> No.2226449

To piggyback on this, is loomis okay for the basics?

>> No.2226462

pls respond

>> No.2226476

What the fuck? Briefly? His book, along with Anatomy for the Artist/Sculptor or Atlas of Human Anatomy is literally all you need. Hampton has an 8 week course of Analytic Figure Drawing, and his book on it's own is a hugely valuable resource.

It's a mix of reduction, line economy and stylization. Reducing complex forms into simpler ones, and applying your own style. It's really common in fast sketches, and it's something you get a feel for. Once you can draw it naturally, just experiment with removing/combining lines. Perception of shape is something that comes with practice, and shape language is a whole study in itself.

>> No.2226551

Nah you dont understand what i said
Lemme be clearer

Theres a chapter in Hamptons book, Anatomy as a Design Element

It talks about you can design negative and positive shapes to convey a certain feeling.
The chapter is only 2 pages long and I thought maybe there's a book that goes further into Designing humans, in comparison to just drawing them in an empty space.

>> No.2226581

How the hell do you put the center line of the face in properly in 3/4 view etc. ?

I always fuck that up and there ends up being too much/little space at the side of the head and everything just starts to look off

>> No.2226594

You know how pretty much every single goddamn way to construct a head starts with drawing a circle? That's why. You draw a circle, you draw an ellipse that bisects the circle, and use that to establish the center line in whatever view you want.

How do you not know that already? Are you even following any sort of instructional material or just going full autist and trying to draw from life/photos straight away?

>> No.2226596

I am following "instructional material" aka Hampton I just still have trouble lining that shit up properly no need to be a cunt nigga

>> No.2226597

No, it's an honest question because it's the kind of stuff that once you have the correct premise is kind of impossible to fuck up.

>> No.2226659

What, whats wrong with just drawing from life/photos, you dont need instruction

>> No.2226862

I have a porn tumblr with almost 1500 followers. I'm thinking of deleting all the stuff I posted, change it's name, etc and start using it to post my art.
What you think of that? Can I do that, I don't know how much tumblr permits to change...

>> No.2226898

Do a completely new tumblr with a very different name. Most of your old viewers probably wont care about your non-porn stuff and this way the porn can't be tracked to you if you want to use this as a professional portfolio.

>> No.2227027

How often do some of you get burned out to the point where you think "I should've just been a mechanical engineer/doctor/physicist/lawyer/businessman/something that nets me respect" and shut down creatively?

>> No.2227038

How would you feel if you were subscribed to a newsletter, a youtube channel, a tv channel, a magazine, a blog, or whatever, and out of the blue they deleted all of their old content and started putting up some completely new type of content. Does that sound like something you'd enjoy? If you were subscribed to a tech magazine one month, then suddenly the next month onwards it was a golf magazine, would you be okay with that? Probably not.

>> No.2227040

>probably the watts videos
Watts student here.
Watts does not deal with formal perspective at all. He teaches eyeballing above all.

>> No.2227044

I fucking hate these current generation of co-workers, so no. Always on their phone and smoking, no professionalism.

That's why I want a job where I work by myself.

>> No.2227050

>peers has one i believe
i dont follow

>> No.2227069


Hmmm... Makes sense, but I'll be some time to get 1500 followers with art alone unless I get hardcore with fanart. I know most of those 1500 followers won't care at all with my posts, but some of them probably will if the art is good enough because I shared hentai and probably some of them likes good art anyway...
But I won't do it for now. lol

>> No.2227087

Erik Olson NMA perspective videos

>> No.2227121

not that anon: its cg-peers, as in the CG torrent site and private tracker. They do indeed have torrents for prok's ref models including marcia, 226 pics, 3300 x 5000 px, all worth 1gb. iirc sign-ups open for a few days bimonthly (14th or 30th of every month), getting an account there goes a long way imo, quite a lot of good stuff.

im on a tight data limit so I cant download it myself to upload to mega for you, and quite frankly you probs dont deserve to be spoon fed that way anyway :^)

>> No.2227132

Am I weird for liking to look at shitty art?

I often look at beginner hobbyists, who're objectively bad, but are so passionate about their stuff, that it makes me smile. It reminds me of the days when I felt the same, back when I was a child.
Don't get me wrong, studies are fun for me as well, but I feel like I lost that "spark" that inspired me. That spark, that got me drawing in first place.
I'm not good enough to not worry about my art, and not ignorant enough to just don't care.

>> No.2227249

Are there other ways to practice other than from following Keys to drawing/Drawing on the right side of the brain? I feel as though I'm not getting much from it and want to practice other stuff on the side and then go back to the basics, Is there any thing I can study as a beginner?

>> No.2227260

If you can tell they're kids, sure.

If they're 30, in their parents basement, and have years work of child-tier art posted with no signs of improvement, it's sad.

>> No.2227355

Is there a movable muscle/skeleton figure I could use to understand muscles and such better? Or a program?

>> No.2227523

Once upon a time someone posted a link to some guy's YT channel, it was pretty decent if a bit rambly but managed to explain some stuff to me better than Hampton/V-man. I since have lost the link because I'm a tard. It was called something like "how to draw better" and the dude had a Jon Snow avatar IIRC. I can't manage to find it again, please help.

>> No.2227524

What's the proportions for the female torso/chest to the hips in length? Basically the whole mid area

>> No.2227589

so he teaches what damn near everyone should be doing. damn i was hoping one of their teachers made an in depth video on it.

zoom in on it, even as horrible as that resolution is, you can still see brush work on the character. god its hard to look at, that character is so horribly done... you can see the brush strokes on the skirt, the pillow thing just behind her head, but than you look at the background and it looks like another artist did it...

to color like this, without getting out the eyedropper tool it looks like you are going to be using more saturated colors, note the green shit and how they made the light of the green reflect in the hair, take the anime character out, and this style looks allot like the point and click games that come to steam allot now, look them up, the artstyle is very similar in the way they use color.

because you should know the basics of construction.

this is a fairly common problem, they are focusing on having everything perfect though and not just rolling with what their skill allows.

god do i fucking hate him but he may be the best video source you are going to find.

or they do art for fun on topics they like.

proko put out a chart a while ago showing various ideals and measurements

>> No.2227595
File: 52 KB, 331x331, 1408779734738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2227622

Depends what you mean by "basics".
Never drawn in your life: Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
Some experience: Fun With a Pencil

>> No.2227637

Say someone has a goal of shitting out animu tier porn. Nothing major, just fappable, simplistic cartoon stuff (like disney, but not their insanely detailed chars like Merlin). At the core of these concerns, I have two questions:

1) Should they abandon traditional for digital ASAP? I read that if one seeks to do digital art they should switch asap and sketch/linework very very very often.

2) What if all they have is an intuos small right now? Can it be used to produce any consistent work that can turn even the slightest profit?

>> No.2227639

Thanks anon

>> No.2227666

Would you guys rec doing the sketch layer in a smaller size than the lineart, since working with a smaller size is harder to make look good?

>> No.2227673

Not abandon, but learn how to draw digitally. Shouldn't take too long, if you're already decent at traditional art.

>> No.2227678


I'm a total beginner.

>>2224285 is me

>> No.2227727

So I work with a mouse on SAI, but what I wanted to know is how the fuck do I do shading for black clothes?

>> No.2227729

before you worry about that shit, stop using a mouse

>> No.2227733

I will not let go of my mouse master race. If Kantoku can do it, anon can do it!

>> No.2227741

the drummer in def leopard lost an arm in a car crash, through a special setup he is still able to play the drums, would you recommend beginning drummers to play with just one arm?

>> No.2227743

Yes, they'll get better than if they used no arms at all.

>> No.2227768

Well, I can just say this much:
- the sooner you start the sooner you get better at it
- don't abandon your traditional studies for digital art
- digital art will save a lot of time in the long run
- be open minded. don't be scared about digital art*

* tbh I kinda was like that, since I'm bad with computers

Digital feels different than traditional and it will take you some time to get used to it. I'd actually recommend to be able to do good linework outside digital first. While you have to learn the transition from hand-movement to screen, drawing digital gives you a lot of options that you don't have IRL, like vectors, stabilizers, etc.

I started with digital art shortly after starting, and while my pencil strokes are rather confident, I suck at inking.

>> No.2227903

I've heard that Steve Huston is making a figure drawing book that might replace Hampton's book...Thoughts?
I think it's gonna be fucking awesome

>> No.2227933

I once visited Watts and was told that Hampton's book was essentially all of Huston's demos redrawn and published before Huston got around to doing it himself. Huston is the more experienced and better artist, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was a stronger book, but I suspect the information will overlap almost entirely.

>> No.2227939

not too sure where else to ask this so fuck it.

just getting into digital, been drawing on paper all my life lol; I have heard Sai for lines & Photoshop for colouring or some such shit, are those 2 programs my best bets or can someone recommend anything else? I have cs6 so photoshop ain't a problem.

>> No.2227944

you don't need to use mroe than one program,if your just starting out stick with one program so there is less to learn. When you are used to it try another program out and see if you like it.

>> No.2227945

Just use Photoshop for everything. If you have trouble with drawing on tablet or simply prefer paper then do linework traditionally and scan it.

>> No.2227967

sweet, thanks for the replies. will just use photoshop, was mostly curious cause I got free shit with my tablet and also heard a lot about sai.

>> No.2227973


Not sure if you'll see this but Rendering in Pencil by Watson Guptil is great if you can find a copy. I think there is an ebook of the newer version in the art book thread.

>> No.2228070

So I found out about this contest being held for a movie I wanted to make fanart of anyway. I'm retarded at reading rules but sounds like they get rights to it even if I don't win. So now I'm debating whether I should enter my already made fanart to a movie art contest where I lose my rights and slim chance of getting a "promise" of exposure and little money if won or just say fuck them and post my fanart on my own shitty blog with my name still attached to it free to the world.


>> No.2228089

Which is better for lineart? Sai or Painter?

>> No.2228207
File: 1.33 MB, 258x157, 1395494512657.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But I just bought Hampton's book... It cost fucking $50 with shipping...

>> No.2228215


You need to do both. Whatever your specific artistic pursuit, you need to do studies. But you can't just do studies or your imagination will atrophy, so you need to pursue your actual passion in finished works.
Your comics will improve vastly if you supplement them with dedicated study.

Art is art, it doesn't matter if your finished piece is a single artwork or a comic book. There are still a shit ton of things you need to learn to get there.

>> No.2228407

When using the brush in photoshop, sometimes ( like 1-2 times each minute ) for half a second it draws as if I'm drawing at maximum pen pressure - even though i just gently draw all this time.

What is this glitch and why is it happening? Drawing on a wacom intuos pen in photoshop cs6.

>> No.2228448

Driver is probably fucked, happened to me before because Wacom makes alot of broken drivers.

CS6 might also have problems, use CC or CS5.

>> No.2228453

I don't think Huston is in the position to release the book anytime soon, so the Hampton one is just as good.

>> No.2228457
File: 951 KB, 2048x1536, 20150922_185530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, I am an absolute beginner, well... I did my scribblings that are worth nothing because they lack anything professional, but I decided to start all over, I saw a Peter Han video, where he explained that you have to do pic related everyday, but after doing alot of them I think I should be tackling other stuff, but I still feel like I need to perfect these first, could someone give me an advice about the effectiveness of the exercise (Straight,curved and ellipses superimposed 8 times) ? how do you organize this into your daily drawing routine?

>> No.2228504

They're a great warming up. Use them before you start drawing, especially on any angle of line that you find tricky. Top left to bottom right is hard for me, so I spam that for a bit before I start. Helps a bunch.

>> No.2228696
File: 222 KB, 256x1640, rendering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there some guide book for rendering for rendering and comics? I know its supposed to be stylized, and simplified form of real life, but I want some set guide lines. All the how to draw comics and manga books ive seen talk about drawing the figure, but rendering it and especially not cover line weight.

So /ic/, I need some book that teaches rendering and line weight for comics and manga.

Pic is some examples for what im talking about.

>> No.2228697

Relative beginner here.

I'm trying to divide up my time into most and least important activities to pursue to improve. My eventual goal (like most people on this board) is imaginative illustration. I've realised my accuracy in observational drawing is not great. But my construction is ok. My understanding of form is reasonable as well, but suffers when I don't draw from life. I'm thinking of dividing up my time:

70% isolation training for accuracy mix or drawing from reference and life.
20% perspective exercises, construction
10% anatomy

I'll probably introduce value exercises etc. in later.

Is this a reasonable idea? Is observational accuracy the most important skill on the road to strong imaginative drawing?

>> No.2228701
File: 342 KB, 664x1560, lineweight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic are the only things I have to explain some logic behind stylized rendering.

>> No.2228706

it's not the be all end all but this might help http://brandondayton.com/2013/08/how-to-ink/ also I think if you look for inking rather than rendering, you might find what you are looking for

>> No.2228710
File: 92 KB, 1262x706, NOPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're doing exactly what Han advises -not- to do, thus defeating the purpose of the exercise. You're supposed to firmly control each and every of your lines (don't tighten your hand in the process), you are doing it to gain control of your arm and practice 'arm'-eye coordination.
With the dynamic sketching course you're supposed to practice that shit the first day religiously, then later you do it as a shorter practice/warmup following up with the other exercises (textures, figures, contours)

>> No.2228733

I know the trick is to draw as much as possible, but how much time should you spend on other activities for inspiration? I want to know what a typical artist schedule is.

>> No.2228739

umm, thanks for the link, but I can't access the fucking tutorial.

>> No.2228743

I'll upload it to mediafire, 1min

>> No.2228758
File: 391 KB, 612x453, 1409107799634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it everything alright?

>> No.2228761


>> No.2228772
File: 45 KB, 420x236, darker than black yin purple eyes gray hair 1920x1080 wallpaper_www.animemay.com_61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks dude, I hope its better than the weeb tutorials on youtube.

>> No.2228806

You are drawing, you will draw lines often enough.

Can't help with the exercise.

>> No.2228818
File: 32 KB, 480x360, cint13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't unplug my tablet from my PC.
I just hit the power button and lay it aside. Is that wise? Could anything fuck it up like that?

>> No.2228822

Can you guys link the video or tell me where to find it? Those excercises that he advises

>> No.2228874

This is the demo for the program
I was searching for the set of videos I downloaded but couldn't find it so I'm uploading the first two videos to a torrent tracker

>> No.2228916

cool, thanks mate

>> No.2228925

I'm 29, have full-time job, engaged, and play music on the side. I have maybe half an hour free a day at best (when I usually browse 4chan).

Is it possible to get good enough to just draw my favorite comic and manga characters doing crazy stuff? I've been reading and collecting since middle school and now have this intense desire to be able to draw. I keep staying up all night pulling out old stuff and just looking through at the art. My fiancé is worried. I recently woke her up (didn't know she was sleeping) to show her how awesome god-terrible old Image comic was at 2 AM.

Anyway could I ever just get alright enough to make good fan art without sacrificing too much?

>> No.2228933
File: 709 KB, 1777x1165, 1442968486219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the purpose of these dots in the shadows?

I mean I believe I understand it's purpose in traditionally drawn manga where they're basically stickers (right?), but when it's all done digitally, what's the point?

>> No.2228937

where/how can I learn fundamentals?

>> No.2228939

Depends on what your definition of good is, but just keep practicing

>> No.2228940


>> No.2228941

What aesthetic? It looks like shit.

>> No.2228944

some people think it just looks good I think. I too see no other point

>> No.2228948

Click on the sticky. The first thread. There you have links for everything you need

>> No.2228949

I see. I thought it had something to do with the print process, like for whatever reason printers had an easier time with those than with gradients and really detailed shadows.

>> No.2228951

All depends on ppi.
Even if it is cheaper it's not THAT much cheaper. Pretty sure they'd invest a bit for finer printing.

>> No.2228958

check out this thread >>2228600

>> No.2228963

Any tips on working with perspective when your vanishing points are somewhere way off your page? I've been practicing with my points at the edge of the page but it makes everything warped.

>> No.2228968

If you're working on paper, you might need to draw the vanishing points on separate sheets. If you're working digitally just resize the canvas.

>> No.2228970

Starting to self teach acrylic painting after years of not doing any.

Where can I get paint to apply the Magic White technique Bob Ross uses? I've got Titanium White right now and that's the only kind of white I have.

>> No.2228977

Yeah I'm just working on paper. But are you just suppose to guess the perspective? My drawing look all fucked up unless it is something small and in the middle of the page.

>> No.2228989
File: 57 KB, 600x905, 1351023811871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, when do you stop being a beginner? How do you know that you leveled up?

>> No.2228996
File: 2.15 MB, 962x1196, Screen Shot 2015-09-22 at 9.47.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to learn how to do this style of art. Is it hard? Are there any resources online that can help me get started learning how to draw stuff like this? I am a beginner, is this style difficult to learn as a beginner?

>> No.2228998

read how to draw by scott robertson, the chapter on drawing perspective grids. It gives a bunch of different ways to solve this problem

>> No.2229003
File: 76 KB, 739x551, tips_Perspective.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put a piece of paper on both sides of your drawing, and draw the vanishing points on there. You can tape them to make sure they don't move, but do it lightly. Eyeballing works too, but if you want it precise, there are plenty of techniques.

>> No.2229024
File: 83 KB, 640x480, FZCSAQ8F2ZL53DX.LARGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any good and relatively quick ways to draw chainmail that doesn't involve the tedious "draw every linking chain"? Just to give the appearance of chainmail without creating a squigly mess. It always looks retarded if you try to render each one out just like if you try to draw every hair on a head.

>> No.2229025


You don't because it's entirely a matter of opinion.

If you go by the sticky it's when you can draw well from imagination.

I'd say stop worrying about "levelling up" because it's a continuous process anyway. There aren't really well defined categories where you graduate from one to the next.

>> No.2229040
File: 30 KB, 489x757, a-knight-1883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest looking at how other people paint it

>> No.2229046

>just like if you try to draw every hair on a head.

Uh no. With shit like hair it looks more realistic the more time you put into it. You don't have to "render" each one since not every single link will be reflecting light at the viewer.

>> No.2229049

what do you do when you don't know what to draw? i could do some studies and the like but i want to practice starting and finishing things but i cant find what i want to draw

seems like im in a creative hole at the moment

>> No.2229051

Do people post vectors and digital art on this board?

>> No.2229052

No acrylic painters on /ic/?

>> No.2229053

Didn't use this as a challenge, but I found the prompts to be bretty gud.


>> No.2229094

As a new artist, is it a good idea to start with human figures? So far I have been just making figures with as little detail as possible until I get the general shape down.

>> No.2229110
File: 8 KB, 416x95, bandicam 2015-09-22 21-14-24-399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A family friend sent me this on Facebook today after I posted a WIP. Her 12-year-old daughter wants to learn to draw, what advice should I give on the topic of a beginner learning to draw?

>> No.2229111


>> No.2229137
File: 83 KB, 600x591, 1436817051221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practicing with drawing pens, no matter how swift, confident or light I am with the stroke I always end up with just a little pool/blotch where I started.

It's annoying the fuck out of me, I can't post what I'm working on (no camera), but I'm working on sketchbook paper, smallest gauge for tiny details. Micron pens (I know, I know).

Do I need to work bigger? get better pens? Barely ghost the tip on the paper? Stroke quicker? Anything is appreciated

>tl;dr linework is looking sloppy on a tiny scale, need advice or different perspective

>> No.2229141

get a cotton pad, dip the pen on it every few strokes to get rid of excess ink

>> No.2229142


holy shit never thought of this, I'll give it a shot, thanks

>> No.2229146

what kind of art did you post to prompt that response from her? animu or something that is actually tasteful?

>> No.2229159

Tell her the mindset is most important. Draw whatever you want to draw, and after every drawing look back on it and see why it didn't turn out the way she envisioned it, or what can be improved.

If she does that from age 12, she'll be a master by age 18.

>> No.2229160

Well, Rachel, tell her to just draw, keep drawing and not to stop drawing.

>> No.2229168

How so I get my paintings to look like everything is inside of a scene? So I paint a character, right? Their coloring tends to stand out against the background and it doesn't seem to really blend with the background. How do I fix that?

>> No.2229170
File: 58 KB, 554x439, 1426781654879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you had an injury which prevented you from drawing for a few weeks to a month, what would you do to try to keep progressing in art studies?

>> No.2229176

Look at countless tutorials and pretend it's as good as actually drawing.

Hey, that's what I do now!

>> No.2229195

how to draw from life in prison? the only interesting object in my day are books, a laptop with 1 hour of internet at day and the water. Actuallythe water was an interesting object but i'm getting tired and those faggots in prison cant afford art classes.

>> No.2229200

lol why are you in prison

>> No.2229212

Is there an effective way to learn without books? I know they're a good source of knowledge, but they just don't click with me. I've read the recommended beginner books in the sticky guide(drawing on right side of brain, keys to drawing, fun with a pencil, figure drawing for all its worth), but I feel like I haven't learned anything from any of the books after drawing on the right side of the brain.

>> No.2229213

start drawing from life
see a tree? observe and draw
see a fat disgusting man eating? sketch the fatty

if you don't want to go the technical route, just start drawing and improving, just make sure you look at what you draw and judge so you are able to make improvements for next time

>> No.2229239

I was wondering, is it bad to use referances when drawing?

Like I want to eventually draw my own webcomic, but I need to work on things like anatomy and other stuff.

I can draw vehicles, animals and humans from memory, but things will always look off.

I heard that if you practice enough, you'll eventually be able to draw stuff without referance. So I've been practicing various things.

But how long should one practie before not needing referance pictures?

Plus is it bad to use them? Since you can't draw everything from memory.

>> No.2229488

I don't know where you get the idea but drawing from reference isn't bad -at all-; it's supposed to help you learn the way things look. Drawing from life is something I'd recommend at any skill level

>> No.2229585

Does anyone know if i can find Mike Yamada's brushes anywhere?

>> No.2229781
File: 88 KB, 600x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're supposed to firmly control each and every of your lines (don't tighten your hand in the process), you are doing it to gain control of your arm and practice 'arm'-eye coordination.
>tfw I just sped through the lines
Goddammit I feel like a huge fucking failure. Please kill me now, I don't think I'm gonna make it.

>> No.2229787

How do I make my shit less flat?

>> No.2229839

Bruh you're just starting. At least wait until you're six months or so in before you decide whether or not you're gonna make it.