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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 38 KB, 560x560, 2dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2218176 No.2218176 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you need to work from 3pm to 6am to catch up on client work because you were in the hospital waiting room all weekend

>> No.2218182

>tfw you keep procrastinating on client work and are slowly falling more and more behind
Uh yeah, I mean I totally have a legitimate excuse like the hospital.

>> No.2219964
File: 98 KB, 498x575, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you lie awake at night and realize how much shit you barely understand
>tfw you see people improving faster than you

>> No.2219972

>because you were in the hospital waiting room all weekend
>in the hospital waiting room all weekend
>waiting room
>all weekend

It's your own damn fault for staying so long. You could have left whenever you wanted smh

>> No.2220302

>client's subject matter isn't what you're into and the pay is shit

It was my own damn fault tbh fam smh lmao let me hear you say way oh

>> No.2220312

>tfw you get your dream gig but client randomly stops responding.

>> No.2220321

(way oh)

>> No.2220339
File: 253 KB, 2048x1447, The_Struggle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spend 20 hours rendering an illustration
>Upload to Facebook
>Get 35-40 likes on average
>Girl from art school class uploads a pic of her looking pretty
>80 likes in less than a day, tons of comments telling her how beautiful she is


>> No.2220344

They want to fuckher, not you

>> No.2220347

If it's a matter of moving body parts quickly, I don't think you're in too much of a problem

>> No.2220348

Because you're not drawing fanart, you fuck

>> No.2220351

Do you want 100 guys trying to sweet talk themselves into your orifices?
Is that what you want?
Register on grindr or fuck off.

>> No.2220353

to be honest, family, shaking my head, lmao

>> No.2220440

>Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)12:18:34 No.2220353>>2220302
>to be honest, family, shaking my head, lmao
damn nigga chill you salty af tbh smh imo no chill savage af tbh fam thats some good shit ybh

>> No.2220465

>trying to get work in art
>dont know where to look

I am looking everywhere I can, sending portfolios to publishers but I have no idea where else to look.

>> No.2220478

What type of work do you want?

Don't say "I don't know."

>> No.2220484

Illustration, character design, thats why I wrote to the publishers (the ones that actually look for illustrators).
I am also fine with freelance work of drawing someones original character or whatever, but I am nit popular enough online for that kind of work, since I don't draw much fanart.

>> No.2220497

post ur work

>> No.2220499
File: 18 KB, 278x278, 1269886014417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have a few regular clients who pay very well
>mfw I haven't worked on my online presence in years
>mfw I can lead a normal life
>mfw I'm not even that good
>mfw other artists are jelly as fucc

>> No.2220504

Should have got a summer job and done art noodling on the side.

>> No.2220505

Good for you, but be careful of relying too heavily on a specific client. If for whatever reason that work dries up, you are now left with no work or money, no online presence, and you say you aren't even that good. Not a spot you want to find yourself in.

>> No.2220514

I'm not naive. I have saved up around 30k and even though I'm not that good among professionals I'm still good enough to find work outside of my regular clientele. Unlike a lot of artists I know where to look and good artists speaking my mother tongue are highly sought after in my country anyway.

If all else should fail I'll just do hentai commissions (I have an alternate persona for hentai art, which does fairly well even though I rarely update).

>> No.2220538

Wow nice man! Sounds like you got it pretty good :) What type of client gives enough repeat work at such a high pay for you to be able to save up like that? Or do you simply live in some place with practically no living costs?

>> No.2220544

got 40k in savings but I can't exactly afford to fuck around either.

>> No.2221082
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>>Anonymous 09/15/15(Tue)12:18:34 No.2220353>>2220302
>>to be honest, family, shaking my head, lmao
>damn nigga chill you salty af tbh smh imo no chill savage af tbh fam thats some good shit ybh
Dang nigger, calm yourself, you are extremely chaffed as fuck to be honest. I shake my head in disappointment. In my opinion that's not ok, ravenous as fuck to be honest. Family, that stuff is great ya boi Hurd.

>> No.2221146

you don't have a vagina

>> No.2221180

Not every man can appreciate nice art but every man can appreciate a pretty girl.

>> No.2221271
File: 24 KB, 315x400, 1439618248721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I want to draw decent pornography but my lack of talent makes my attempts generally un-arousing

>> No.2221280
File: 151 KB, 449x442, 1437291637160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend days working on a piece
>filled with a sense of fulfillment
>excitedly show my best friend
>she always responds with "nice" or "I like it"
>says nothing else
>proceeds to keep talking about her issues non-stop
Sometimes I hate needing social interaction

>> No.2221282

>tfw seeing carla ortiz's sexi bod

>> No.2221283

Post pics please I like spic girls

>> No.2221286
File: 54 KB, 355x476, adolf der schreiber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate environments
>draw them anyway
>become decent at them
>suddenly like environments

>> No.2221296

>love to look at cityscape art and hard surface stuff
>barely know any perspective outside of enough to get by when figure drawing
>get pissed off at learning from Scott Robertson because /dumb/
>default to figure drawing instead of properly learning
>end up taking 8 week intensive perspective course
>suddenly actually really like perspective and now comfortable with it

>> No.2221303

Normies will never understand.

>> No.2221361

They have courses on just perspective?

>> No.2221392

if you are gud and she knows about you ask her to pose for one of you illustration
she will probably agree because of her enormous ego and once you are done you will have your usual attention from your followers plus her followers, cause i bet my ass that if the illustration looks nice, she will also post in in her wall as another pic of her looking pretty

>> No.2221454

>le normie meme xd

>> No.2221865
File: 32 KB, 588x397, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Draw a part of the human anatomy you have trouble with. x20, with atleast 5 being skeletal/musculature studies
>can't decide which because I suck at all of them
>Draw and color a scene/object/character - no lines allowed! (aka - lineless art). Don’t forget light and shadows!
>have never colored anything
I'm fucked

>> No.2221878

It's because your art sucks. Even normies can't resist art that is actually good.

>> No.2221882
File: 65 KB, 496x750, tumblr_m65gk7IdfF1qd5e3ao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


take a breath.

draw a foot. there, look up the skeletal/muscular bits on the internet, and if you can't think up poses, wiggle your foot in front of a mirror and draw what you get.

as for the second work, attempt to render this. that's three colors - grey-purple, yellow, and a little bit of orange. the rest is all a gradient of values.

there, i picked for you. looks like you're in an art class that means business, anon. calm down and realize your anxiety is meaningless. they're out to teach you, not to laugh you out of the classroom unless you come in a pro.

>> No.2221886

my art is good mang
everyone's always really impressed (but I don't show it off because I don't wanna come off as presumptuous.) except for my best friend.

>> No.2221889

>everyone's always really impressed
>except for my best friend.

that... doesn't really look good for you, brosef. randos and casual friends are more likely to give you meaningless lip service, while your best friend is more likely to be honest if your shit is shit.

>> No.2222000

Thanks anon, w-w-wish me luck.

>> No.2222020
File: 367 KB, 500x400, 1432600533076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2222023

you don't need luck, son. you got yourself a quadruple-triple guiding your path.

>> No.2222037

>Doesn't have bad art but still under the mediocre line
>has a sudden burst of improvement
>jokingly opens commission
>suddenly lots of ppl commission me
>goes on /ic/ to get a critique in my latest piece
>they fucking destroy me (in a contrutive way)
>starts feeling like I needed that, and understands that improving doesn't mean you are good yet.

Thanks /ic/

>> No.2222041
File: 493 KB, 300x161, creepsmile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always there to be That Asshole, anon.

>> No.2222056

>while your best friend is more likely to be honest if your shit is shit.
but thats also not the case
she just says the aforementioned and never gives me crit or anything
and we are very honest with one another but nothing i show her ever catcher her interest

even when i post my shit here i get mostly praise that must mean something

>> No.2222059

Then your stuff might be skilled, but it doesn't have charm. /ic/ has a major hard-on for well-rendered pieces, regardless of their actual appeal as art.

Pretty girls are appealing. People like to look at them. They don't like to look at your art as much, because right now your art is not as appealing as looking at a pretty girl. That's a problem with you and your work, not with her camwhoring.

So work on it. If you're that desperate for public opinion, pander. If you're not, refine.

>> No.2222061

>tfw too many different beginners recommendations everywhere

should I do the 30 days improvement challange or learn perspective?

the new drawing on the right side of the brain or loomis?

i'm an absolute beginner and I have no idea where i'm going. is following the sticky a good idea?

>> No.2222062

but thats not my point
my point is that my best friend is rarely interested in anything art-related i do and it makes me sad
not because i feel like she owes me anything but at least do something more than mere acknowledging it?

she sends me her writing assignments to see what i think of it and i take the time to formulate a well thought out response and well- i wish i had someone that did that for me

yeah im selfish but i hope you now you understand my point

>> No.2222063

For absolute beginners, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. Gotta learn how to break your bad habits before you start fresh with stuff like Loomis.

>> No.2222067

thanks anon. I'm at the point where you're supposed to draw upside down figures :)

>> No.2222069

does he know you want him to judge your art?

>> No.2222074

but i dont want her to judge it
im sure im not the only one who would feel rather ignored if your best friend would respond with literally just "nice" and "i like it" every single time

and its not like i shower her with WIPs or anything
i show her something every month or so telling her how long it took me and other random details of the painting process and she will never say anything other than nice and i like it

>> No.2222086

You may have to just accept that she's not interested in illustration and will probably never be, then. My best friend is super into musicals and I'm not, so I'll nod and go through some bland platitudes when she gets on a tear and watch the occasional clip that she e-mails, but we're at the point where we both understand the what's her thing doesn't have to be my thing.

Unless your friend goes apeshit over other people's stuff. Then there might be a personal aspect.

>> No.2222088

>tfw you finally figured out the thing you like the most is drawing but you're past 30 and still a beginner
I don't which feel to chose.

>> No.2222096

So you want art feels ay?

>> No.2222098

So you want art feels ay?

>> No.2222127

I honestly have no idea why this keeps happening to me.

>> No.2222133

so you just want her to say "wow anon!! that's so amazing!!" every time? isn't that pretty much the same thing as "nice" or "i like it"?

>> No.2222142


It's literally never too late, anon. Unless parkinsons.

>> No.2222165

61 posts only 37 posters, one post per thread plz samefags.

>> No.2222225

jesus christ
never mind
i should have known it was me just being selfish from the beginning

>> No.2222237

>practice some days
>shitpost most other days
>tfw slave to compulsive behavior
IT. ENDS. HERE. *smacks my head autistically*

>> No.2222249

>tfw parents got me a ptsd dog (shes a chocolate lab) for when I go into autistic fits of rage from not practicing art
>normies say 'JUST DO IT'

>> No.2222251

Are you serious? That's hilarious

>> No.2222262

this is the whitest thing ive ever heard

>> No.2222270

Lmao what

>> No.2222284

You guys don't get really pissed at yourselves for not practicing when you should?

>> No.2222286


but not autismally pissed

>> No.2222339

I do, but I keep in my head. Which then develops into "God I'll never be good" or "I'll always be garbage" and "everyone will hate me."

>> No.2222340

Sounds like a recipe for fucking-nothing-getting-done-ever.

>> No.2222343

It's like I'm really in Portlandia

>> No.2222345

Actually its the opposite really. Despite my piss poor planning skills I manage to draw everyday. Just finished Day 3 of the 30 day art improvement thing (spoiler it came out awful) as a matter of fact. Mainly I just make sure that I get to draw at least a page a day.

>> No.2222355


Instead of shitposting, do an art-related thing. Read up on some perspective books. Watch some digital painting youtube series. Go down to the library and pick out some of those coffee table photobooks to study composition. Go to a museum to study the stroke economy. Surf through the internet for image references of the things you want to study. Go outside and practice observation as you take the dog for a walk, going over and processing the things you see and how you'd try to render them in art.

I used to have your problem, minus the rage component because I'm not autismo. Now in the free time when I can't get a feel for the hand-to-paper practicing, I'm still learning, so I feel satisfied, not upset and/or self-loathing. My art's had a nice uptick in development, too, now that I'm not wasting my free time with self-resentment over not practicing enough, and the things I've been learning have me practicing more because I'm psyched to try them out.

Also, give your dog lots of pets. I like dogs.

>> No.2222359

Good advice. I myself fill my non-studying periods with a lot of unrelated, inconsequetial shit like shitposting or just lurking /v/, watching youtube (everyone here gets the picture). I think that just indirectly takes the focus away from art and creates garbage thoughts that make it hard to focus on art. Garbage thoughts as in messying your mental workspace.

It's fun to zone out and simply follow the trail of candy that is compulsive thinking, but at some point I need to just stop and focus on 1 thing.

>> No.2222383
File: 118 KB, 406x364, 1406347008605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The day you fucking retards get over this tbh smh fam meme can't come soon enough.

>> No.2222395

this tbh

>> No.2222400


aaay lmao

>> No.2222490


yes its all just you

its that is such a big deal why dont you tell her you retard

>> No.2223542
File: 7 KB, 251x234, 1428865132359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just started college
>girl next to me took 6 years in architecture before starting the course
>i'm shit at perspective, no experience with it
>tfw looking over and comparing yourself with the people around you

>> No.2223546

>whiteknighting this hard

>> No.2223549

Goddamn this is pathetic mate. You should be happy you have peers better than you, because now you can learn from them. You never want to be the best in the class. Instead of having just one teacher you now have another sitting right next to you.

>> No.2223552

people do that? i wouldn't look scrubby for it?

>> No.2223553

>people learn from other people?
m8 you're doing it right now on 4chan, why should class be any different? if someone thinks you're a scrub for recognizing that you have a weakness that you want to fix, then why would you even care what they think?

>> No.2223573

thank you so much.

>> No.2223577

Honestly though I do think 'mate what the fuck have you been doing all your life' as a knee-jerk reaction when I see crap drawings. But soon after, I correct myself because only shitty people think like that. Nobody is judging you. Especially not that girl who took SIX FUCKING YEARS OF ARCHITECTURE jesus christ. I myself took four.

Also yeah like that other anon says, its better to be the smaller fish. Being the biggest fish sounds nice until you get there and see how empty of rewards it is. Treat them like senpais and absorb all that you can. And just be nice, humble, and hardworking, and you'll be liked by all.

>> No.2223646
File: 21 KB, 352x352, 1441412340721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Painting with intuos
>Can focus for long periods of time if I like what I'm doing, have fun overall

>Drawing practicing Scott Robertson's How to Draw
>Check my phone all the time, don't have too much fun
>Can't wait to finish all the exercises to start reading Loomis finally

How do you make drawing vehicles/buildings fun? Rendering a cool character is a fum thing but this?

>> No.2223650

The second you put feelings into this shit, you are already fucking up.

>> No.2223651

>realize I don't really want to do art if it's for fame
>don't want to be famous anymore
>still kinda want to paint pictures

>> No.2223660
File: 1.86 MB, 2816x2112, 1440202006673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you don't feel anything

>> No.2223661

Render your cool character's house and car. Try to put their design and personality into the little touches.

>> No.2223667

Can confirm. I've even straight up asked the people I sit next too 'you're doing a great job on the exercise, mind if I watch you for a bit?' if they're killing it on a shorter exercise and the reactions have only ever been yes; flattered at best, indifferent at worst. Then you can stare at their process openly as you plot their murder so that you can consume their flesh to absorb their mana, in the accordance to the ancient maori rites.
Don't mention that part, though. That part is your secret.

>> No.2223676
File: 40 KB, 388x394, 1438413256947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you used to feel it

>you cannot feel it now

>> No.2223749
File: 146 KB, 700x1025, kida.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Been doing live drawing for 3 years
>Seen all kinds of naked girls
>This week visiting my sister who lives near the beach
>Go to nudist beaches every day
>See sister naked and girls naked everywhere
>Don't get turned on anymore by women

Actually, girls with clothes on turn me on much more, when they strip the magic is broken. Anyone else feels this?

>> No.2223756

You're not alone. Sometimes I get immediately turned on by naked women, other times it's only when they're clothed (even if barely).

>> No.2223811


This. I'm looking at too much methods and need to just stick with my own is what the problem is. It's a good thing I record myself so I remember my own methods.

>> No.2223813
File: 62 KB, 216x311, interdasting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is probably way too much information but the last guy I gayhooked up with I got completely entranced in a non sexual way to how the 3D shape of his ribcage circling under the foreground of his pelvis from behind looked and I just completely lost my boner.
got it back and fucked him or whatever but afterwards I was honest about it and he let me position him and look at him from different angles which I did for like an hour flaccid as fuck.
I feel like I might be 2 steps away from being the next dahmer at this point, but damn if it wasn't really helpful for my figures.

>> No.2223817



Stopped reading, Goldstein McShill post detected.

>> No.2225317

T-thats homophibic

>> No.2227081

>have more than 80 "famous" artists on facebook
>see all of those posts on THU was awesome and how it changed lives of people who attended it
>see this every now and then when a really good event happen
>never been to any of those events
>possibly bad at networking even if attended such event

>> No.2227115

Nigga learn to appreciate the sexuality of the human condition.

Stop thinking so much.

Are you getting laid?

>> No.2227146
File: 22 KB, 580x580, FB_IMG_1442607877107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No for the past 2 years, studying at home and not meeting many new people and having specific taste for things isn't helping at all

>tfw no artist gf with more skill than you

At least I have weed

>> No.2227189


That sucks for you man.

But seeing your sister nude shouldn't do anything for you (not enough to pop a boner, unless she's hot and you force it), and nude beaches don't always have the best bodies to look at.

But a naked female form is typically pretty pleasing to look at. You've probably done fucked your ability to see things sexually by constantly considering folks as subjects for art study.

>> No.2227190
File: 432 KB, 820x607, lms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Oh, so you're an artist?"
>Unknowingly get a disgusted offended look on my face
>"Yeah, I guess"

I hate people that identify as artists so much

>> No.2227192
File: 151 KB, 961x815, youmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.2227508
File: 39 KB, 500x407, tumblr_n986lbZlJ21qb83juo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i will fucking get better
>i will fucking get better
>people will pay me for drawing!

>> No.2227628

What's the story behind this drawing?

>> No.2228995

Sux fam

>> No.2229018


To use one of tumblr's favorite buzzwords, you're objectifying. In that you're literally thinking of the women as art objects, a collection of connected shapes and tendons - as you're supposed to do when you're in a life drawing class - you're just also supposed to be able to turn it off, and you haven't. You got to think of it like a switch.

Nudity isn't inherently sexual, is the thing. The difference between an artistic nude and a lewd picture is intent - whether on the behalf of the subject or the behalf of the artist/photographer. There's a reason why the Salon was full of paintings of buck-naked women but it was the single fallen strap of Madam X's dress that got Sargent hounded out of France. A nudist beach is actually a tuuuuurrible place to be going to if you want to get your switch turned back, because with a few exceptions it is pretty much the largest bastion of intentless, nonsexual nudity you can get into. You aren't supplying the intent, and the ladies are just going to focused on beach fun while incidentally going clamando, so there's no intent from their side either.

Quit with the nudie beaches first off, because they ain't helping. Maybe try looking at pictures where the women have an intent to be sexualized and desired (sent nudes) and think about things beyond their body - what they're feeling, how you would touch them, what it would feel like, etc. Start actively attempting to get your intent started up again when it comes to the nips and vag.

Just keep it like a switch, because you do not want to go full tilt the other was and get boners during your life drawing sessions.

>> No.2229023

To add on to this, a pro-tip I learned from experience: girlfriends don't like it when you do this. Telling them the subsurface scattering in their ear cartilage is producing a nice orange glow is not a good idea.

>> No.2229037

Yeah. As a rule, girlfriends are into being the muse, not the model.

>> No.2229084
File: 33 KB, 400x400, 1384582719017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are improving faster than other people!

>> No.2230059
File: 26 KB, 480x574, 1439350872392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Build my Ref folder for 4 years (6 if you coun the couple years I just added the oldest stuff because I thought it looked cool)
>20,281 Files, 368 Folders
>8.19 GB (8,801,531,383 bytes)
>Spend more time building my folder than actually doing art.

>> No.2230075

> just started learning how to draw
> draw terrible attempts at Loomis practices
> 3 hours just disappear

>> No.2230096

share it, then it won't be wasted.

>> No.2230101

I'm not sure. Half of the images come from furry porn.

>> No.2230102

dont share half the images.

>> No.2230230

this man only wants the porn

>> No.2230303
File: 19 KB, 600x600, 1441027876638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lady friends ask me to draw them
>Can't tell them I don't want to spend 20 hours rendering their face
>Can't ask them for money and I'll do it because I'd look jewish af

>> No.2230364

Do. not. start. with. loomis.
Loomis is intermediate at best a beginner should start with keys to drawing and do all the exercises in the book

>> No.2230389

>>Can't tell them I don't want to spend 20 hours rendering their face
You can tell them it takes a ton of time for you to do it well, and you don't have the spare time.

>> No.2230471

dont spend 20 hours polishing shit

>> No.2230475

you expected a woman not to be up her own ass? are you stupid?

>> No.2230479

even than, just pick up a lineless style and learn to render with the shakes.

>> No.2230720

It's more like a strong disappointment

>> No.2230737
File: 35 KB, 442x650, 1413244481073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have nail biting habit
>nails look like shit, stop biting and let it grow
>use kneadable erasers
>it gets stuck underneath nail
>have to clip it sometimes to get it all out

>> No.2230746

>tfw lead artist has one major title in 16 years
>tfw art director has no major title in 22 years
>company starts hiring actual professionals for new well paid projects
>useless artists pissing their territory daily
All pro's left since I came. They hired a couple of new guys but I'm sure it's gonna be the same.

Leaving before christmas.

>> No.2230756

You're both autists, the average joe/jane doesn't know jack shit about art beyond whether it looks nice or not. Did you expect her to go 'Oh anon that composition is lovely and the colour palette so well thought out I want to suck your dick right now'.

Dumbass. No wonder you don't have close friends.

>> No.2230803

no you expect a good friend to not say "its pretty, but this bitch jessica, god... can you believe her, she wore the same color bracelet as me today, she knows i bought one yesterday"

i swear to god, i have never met a woman who has not be completely oblivious like that.

the worst one in my experience was the one who would not shut the fuck up during a movie we were watching, something we both liked, something we both didn't see, but for some reason she would not pay attention to the movie, and insisted on going on about her boring as fuck day that were both there for.

>> No.2230827
File: 2.03 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-09-18-10-58-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just got a couple of old vinyl posters from a mall store to rework over as my new project(i never worked on a large scale medium before).
>finally get home to a three day weekend to work on one of them(been thinking of all kinds of awesome ideas from at work).
>get in the mood and buy all kinds of paint and eager to get to work, even if I have to stay up all night on the initial sketch
>suddenly feels like I might fuck up/hit artist's block
> my ideas are coming into perspective and I clearly know what the composition will be.
>get a bunch of reference images ready, still feel I might bomb somehow

I am truly ready, but something is gnawing away in my head telling me that I will be working on this far beyond the time I planned.

>> No.2231659

>I will be working on this far beyond the time I planned.

>> No.2231686

Why didn't you have an appointment? Were you in the emergency room? If you managed to wait "all weekend" it obvs wasn't an emergency.

>> No.2231693

Just do it. If you fuck up its just more fodder that goes into the burn pile that is gittin gud.
Trust me, its gotten me through shit.

>> No.2231925


>35-40 likes

I've had entire animated films that have gotten into to actual festivals get less likes than that. There are a lot more people out there who want to fuck young girls out there who want to show their appreciation for art, if you're looking to normalfagbook for recognition you've been looking in the the wrong places.

>> No.2232117

>tfw finally more or less get rid of detrimental ideas revolving around painting and drawing
>tfw built habit to not paint, even when you feel like it
>tfw no discipline
>tfw dead inside
>tfw forums are dead
>tfw /ic/ actually has a nice format and could be a great place if it weren't for all the shitposting, parroting and artist bashing that comes with anonymity
>tfw visit /ic/ to get your social fix

feels sad man

>> No.2232338
File: 104 KB, 717x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to feel it through my dick

>> No.2232484

>no self disapline

Grow up

>> No.2235778

>tfw can't ever tell if I'm getting better or not

>> No.2235824

>Be OK artist in school
>Paint a portrait of a girl I was teamed up with, she painted me in return.
>My painting is hailed best in the class.
>Her's wasn't very good.
>Suddenly she starts following me around.
>It was cute at first.
>Everyone kept poking fun at her.
>Eventually it got sad.
>No one mentions it anymore.
>She doesn't show up in class one day.
>She breaks into my apartment.
>She is waiting for me naked on my bed.
>"Paint me again."
>She's actually kind of hot.
>Just doesn't wear make up.
>Punch her in the face out of frustration.
>Regret it instantly
>"Wow, you are so strong, anon!"
>Get the hardest erection ever.
>Fuck her.
>Gets worse and worse.
>She calls me her boyfriend months later
>Keeps saying she's in love with me.
>Her brother shows up one day.
>Begging me to take her out so she'll shut the fuck up about me.
>Give in.
>Take her to see The Dark Knight Rises.
>She won't shut up about Tom Hardy now.
>Jokingly say "You're making me jealous."
>She tears up and hugs me.
>She's adorable right now.
>Actually have fun with her.
>Family knows all about her stalking me.
>Take her back to her place because of this.
>She has her portrait of me above her bed.
>I don't let anything happen.
>She comes to my house the next morning.
>Dad sees her coming.
>She just stands there.
>I open the door.
>"Come in, don't stand there."
>Dad pushes me aside.
>I push him back, even though he is a big guy.
>X-Ray Engine has stopped working. For you.

>> No.2235826

How is this even possible, just look at other artists and compare your work.

>> No.2236500
File: 63 KB, 391x386, 1365096273747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw apply for concept art job
>wait 2 weeks, feeling excited and optimistic
>get an email basically saying "no" without any feedback

I'm confused and don't know what to think

How do you guys deal with rejection?

>> No.2236504

gib folio

>> No.2236505

I don't want to be identified.

>> No.2236524
File: 140 KB, 500x548, Hachis_marihuana_THC[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't have gf
>Rapoza, Azevedo, Zedig, Kolesov, all pros have a cute girl by their side
>I can't access that dopamine boost to work harder and get good faster
>They only way out is smoking weed but that's bad for health

The worst curse an artist can experience.

>> No.2236532

>have cute gf
>draw all the time
>gets whiney and needy
>starts resenting you for spending all your time drawing instead of with her
>stops having sex with you
>breaks up with you
been there done that anon

>> No.2236550


>gf doesn't draw too

there's your problem

>> No.2236560

Would you mind telling us where the right place to look for client is?

>> No.2236561

>I can't access that dopamine boost to work harder and get good faster

You can order everything over the internet now.

>> No.2236564
File: 684 KB, 772x487, Screen Shot 2015-04-15 at 8.59.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that constant lingering feeling that you can't git gud even if you try

>> No.2236578

tfw you want to help people get better at art, have autismal level problems communicating what you truly want to express

>> No.2236593
File: 1.45 MB, 1000x1000, CotIK_npc_Loyce_Knight[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Muad'Dib learned rapidly because his first training was in how to learn. And the first lesson of all was the basic trust that he could learn. It's shocking to find how many people do not believe they can learn, and how many more believe learning to be difficult. Muad'Dib knew that every experience carries its lesson.

>> No.2236599

An artist should avoid falling in love with another artist.
Haven't you learned anything from Marina Abramovic.

>> No.2236604

>fresher at uni for bullshit science course
>full days every day, events every night
>haven't drawn in 2 weeks
>"anon are you still alive? are you open for commissions?"
I don't even have the time to do art anymore this is miserable

>> No.2236689
File: 46 KB, 500x500, 1440530666529[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What happened? I mean a normal gf who likes academic drawing/painting and will make you improve faster, not some performance shit artist.

>> No.2236694

>a normal gf who likes academic drawing/painting

>artist gf
>pick one

>> No.2236695

That's why you don't have gf

>> No.2236708
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1409467584879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw doing architecture degree
>hard work and lots of it, but i enjoy it
>have to do a "sketchbook" for my project.
>hand in book of sketches of my designs
>fail that part of the module
>have to resubmit, ask tutor what was wrong
>"oh anon, a sketchbook is supposed to be pictures and text recording how you got to your final design"
>But that's an art journal
>"It's called a sketchbook around here"

Fucking art school, should have done architecture at an engineering focused school ;_;

>> No.2236747
File: 32 KB, 480x454, That+s+spooky+man+i+m+not+gonna+pretend+like+i+m+_b6ea277a6613c779e2d946032df74715[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've met more than one girl who met those requirements.

My life drawing teacher from last year was a 27 yo girl with mad skills, she was cute but acted like she was a man, not very feminine.

>that feel when she gets behind you to measure the model from your perspective and check for the mistakes you've made and unintentionally rubs her tits against your back a few times

>> No.2236910

You're making /r9k/ GFD faggots jelly, anon.

>> No.2238229


>tfw am Medical Marijuana patient and have a fucked spine that aches to shit if I don't get high

>tfw can't draw when high

>tfw I can only draw when I'm in pain

>> No.2238266

>practiced inconsistently but still improved thanks to knowing lots of theory
>progress is slowing down considerably as inconsistent practice is catching up to me
>regret over not practicing harder, as I would have been much further along at this point
>already trained myself to be a lazy shit after winging it my whole life
>Teaching self to work hard is going to be painful
>Already procrastinating

>> No.2238303

"unintentionally" try and score nigga
What does she do thats acting like a man anyway?
Also I know the feeling, I have a hot teacher too and I can't even look them in the face to ask them questions.

>> No.2238369
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, victorica-victorique-de-blois-32905507-1280-720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're at the level of trying to move away from the beginner stage, but still far from being considered intermediate
>Have no artwork what so ever online
>But you're drawing something, planning to show all your internet friends.
>Feel proud, looking back on how much you improved since your beginner days. Maybe Ill one day have a fanbase, and be able to live off of doing commissions.
>But then, half way in the drawing, you lurk /ic/
>Realize how infinitely better half the random shit on /ic/ is than your piece crap
>Followed by thinking you're a worthless, and the only thing that defines you is art, and you're not even gud at it
>Maybe a boring lifestyle isn't so bad. Its impossible to get gud at drawing unless you're asian, or have been at it since elementary school anyway.
How did you d/ic/ks whove frequent draw threads for years overcome this feel? It endless, instead of wanting to finish something, I just want to do more and more studies.

>> No.2238412

tbh, I felt like shit about my art because I, like you, felt like the only thing that defined me was my art. Shit art=I'm shit=feel like shit. Can't really explain what helped me, since it was a lot of growing up and changing as a person. I still struggle with it from time to time, but I'm making progress, and that's what matters. I don't really know what to say, but I will say this.

Art is a process, not an end. What you experience while drawing is a direct reflection of how you perceive the world and the troubles you struggle with. When you come across a drawing-problem (procrastination, self-loathing, hating a piece, etc), ask yourself 'why', and be as honest as you can. Continue asking until you find the heart of the real problem. Just asking why will help, because it gets you thinking about it in a bigger sense. Treat the answers, process, and yourself with the same patience as you would a very dear friend. Use art to understand yourself through expression/progression, not to make statements of yourself. Art is not a statement, as much as people like to think. It's a cry in the dark. There is beauty in it merely because it's something you made. It can be absolute shit, but it's a thing that exists because you exist. That, in itself, is amazing.

I can't tell you how great it was to realize that my perfectionism was paralyzing me. 'I can't do it right, so why try' is a terrible attitude, and I was able to see it through my art once I studied myself like this. I can work on it, now that I see it, and I've drawn more in the last two years then I have the previous 20 thanks to it. It takes time, but so does personal growth. Every step forward is golden.

>> No.2238421
File: 45 KB, 736x616, Dunning-Kruger Effect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a scientific phenomena called the Dunning-Kruger effect how you lose confidence as you start being more experienced and the only way out of it is to gain more experience.

You are not crap, your drawings may be but if you put in more practice, more effort they will be better.

You intrinsically know this, hence the compulsion that you want to do more studies.To gain more experience, and with that experience you'll gain more confidence.

>> No.2238427

How do you know whether you're at the first or second valley within the chart? How can one be sure they're not sitting atop mount stupid when they're somewhat confident?

>> No.2238432

If your work needs to be explained to be understood, you're in the first valley. This includes all of modern art and excuses like, "my anatomy only looks off because it's my 'style'."

>> No.2238434

I understand that everyone else who's currently great had to go through a learning period too, so I'm not comparing myself to the current work of a master, but to the work the master was doing when he was still a student. I also understand WHY my work isn't as good as it can be, what I actually need to practice in order to improve - it's easier to accept that my work isn't the best it can be when I know why, and when I know that I can get better.

The thing that makes me feel like shit sometimes is looking back at all the time I've wasted not working, understanding that I could be a whole lot better by now if I had been more consistently putting in the time. But life is good so whatever, I'll just keep working hard as I go forward.

>> No.2238440

If you can't acknowledge your own mistakes and shortcomings, you are in the first trough/peak.

Trying to justify it with "I have no time" or "I'm lazy" but "I can do better if I had more motivation".

And people who justify themselves such as "I have an excellent work ethic" or "I respect all crits" and to simply put it, 'Any man who must say, "I am the king" is no true king'.

Ask yourself, is it your art or action speaking or are you speaking for your art?

>> No.2238445

you're possibly on the first, or just have higher then average confidence in general. Not to be 'that guy' but you could post your work. some d/ic/ks will talk shit for no reason other then to knock you down a peg, but others will be honest. That'll help you figure out if you're delusional or not.

>> No.2238648

>tfw you own only single gray copic for quick shading your sketches

>> No.2238672
File: 133 KB, 500x374, RgYSjmD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be senior painting major in college
>Take adv drawing class with fav professor
>Bro out after every class period
>"you should go to art center, I went there for my master's and ill be happy to write you a recommendation"

>Have to work on homework
>Go into drawing room to get my project
>Figure drawing course in room
>"Hey, grab an easel and draw with us"
>Drawing most attractive model I've ever seen
>Chat with her during break
>Class is complaining about how hard figure is
>Professor and I rattle off memes at the struggle bus of art students
>"openings as correctives" "verticals/horizontals"
"truth stick"

>Drawing friends whenever I hang out
>Drawing in my own class
>Standing in on other figure class
>So much drawing
>Decide to pace myself and take the weekend off so I don't burn out

>Back in intro figure class
>Prof: "You guys need to remember this advice, how can I drill this into your heads"
>check room for minorities
>all clear.jpg
>Me: "Whip them"

MFW senior feels

>> No.2238702

your feels are furries with narcissistic complexes?? You have complicated feels.

>> No.2238724

obnoxious semi-autistic TA who tries to act like your friend so you're nice and bullshit with him during lunch so he doesnt harass the models when theyre trying to pose

MFW teacher feels

>> No.2238917
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, 356786695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ay, thanks for answers. I didn't think it would be personality or mentality that was hindering me, i thought it would just be that I need to get gud. This helped me guise, I thought you guys would just say something like "just trudge on", which is kind of what you were hinting at, but you guys offer me interesting foods for thought again.

And hey, I could always get drunk before posting something online, so Im more confident.

>> No.2238934

>Want to learn to draw
>Gather(download) resources like books, pictures and what not
>Read a bit of theory or see a tutorial on youtube
>Start a drawing
>Half-way through start to get pessimist and never finish it
>Repeat the next year

Every fucking time, i guess i just can't forget my parents telling me i'd never amount to anything and that drawing is a useless skill

>> No.2239154

i know a lot of anons like to give you some book list like:

Start with Perter han, then Scott Robertson, then vilppu, then loomis, then mattesi, then how to render. or whatever, but im gonna tell you something I wish i knew since I was a beginner.

Most of my drawing practice, comes from just doodling in your school notebook during class, and books are just resources to help you improve. I think drawing from reference and reading drawing books is for learning how to draw, but for actually exercising your abilities, drawing from imagination is the best thing. And the good thing about school is, you're forced not to have any books or reference to resort to.

But anyway, the point im trying to make is, dont gather a list of drawing books and treat it like its some 2 year drawing course. If you wanted to join a drawing course, check out some small non-college school or ateliers in your area, or join watts atelier. Try to draw from a imagination for at least an hour a day, identify what you think you're doing wrong, and then try to find the answer by browsing books. Aldo, you can't really measure someones skill by thereference they use. Dont get me wrong, its obvious when they're copying the figure or using construction, but if you want to see some solid concrete improvement fast, just try drawing from imagination for a month.

But i will tell you that Keys to drawing, perspective made easy, and vilppu would probably be some of the first to check out.

>> No.2239164
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And here are some examples to prove my point. Drawing only from reference or only from reading drawing books with no drawing from imagination at all would be like:

Having a math class where all you do is just take notes, and no class work or homework

Trying to learn a foreign language, by only reading a and listening to words, but no writing nor speaking at all.

And thats all I got for now.

>> No.2239182
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, 8543095637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to gain muscle by lurking /fit/ and drinking a gallon of milk a day with no squats

Learning to bake, by marathoning the cooking channel, but then realizing you're too poor to afford ingredients.

Getting good at video games by watching a bunch of Lp's but not actually playing the video games, because you're a loser who needs someone on Internet to fake hanging out.

Becoming funny by lurking the laugh you lose threads everyday, without coming up with your own damn jokes.

>> No.2239184

Trying to be good at art by browsing /ic/ all day long coming up with metaphors, without practicing at all.

>> No.2239215
File: 12 KB, 335x305, 1443762348016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to take break since back pain from sitting in chair for so long
>get anxious that I'm not getting better when taking a break and go back to drawing

>> No.2239612

That's actually genius.

>tfw you've got so many great ideas, but you don't know the software well enough to execute them to your satisfaction.

Why, Harmony? WRYYYYYYY!?!?

>> No.2241638
File: 589 KB, 1024x768, 1274450628511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Currently have massive art block
>Usually I just say "art block is something made up by lazy people! I just need to DRAW!"
>Try to power through it
>Everything I sketch is looking like something a child would do
>Spend all day yesterday doing creative writing for the setting I'm doing instead
>Though I was productive, could even stand to practice or finish up some old sketches

You are fucking me harder than life, left hand!

>As a kid, used to draw dinosaurs, jungles, guns, dragons, warriors, architecture, etc
>Now can only get inspired to draw naked furries and orcs, along with other dirty things...


>> No.2241643

I know the pay is shit feel. I accepted my first commission, a comic one, in June. It's nine pages and I just finished the fifth one. I asked 20 dollaridoos a page, should have asked at least three times more, but I'm also insecure in my art, so I don't want to ask for much more.

>> No.2241651

>tfw you lie awake at night and realize how much shit you barely understand

is this about art or just a general fear because both are applicable

>> No.2241655

Hey anon, why don't you draw dinosaurs, jungles, guns, dragons, warriors, architecture, etc?

>> No.2241686

do a master study real slow like and get it perfect as you can. that is something that will train you and you don't have the added pressure of coming up with something on your own and it might give you some new ideas?

>> No.2241719

I'll try these, thanks.

>> No.2241731

Woah woah woah, anon! did you say you wanted to learn to draw or that you wanted to have learned to draw. beating yourself up for not already being Gud while trying to get gud is like walking out of french class because you don't already speak french. For right now just focus on tiny baby step goals like.. do 100 boxes in perspective and take joy in them. make the fundies your friends or they will become your enemies.

>> No.2241737

explain with your pencil give em some step by steps to copy and then try on their own

>> No.2241742

could be your time to shine anon.

>> No.2241747

this! Grind time in full effect

>> No.2241751


>> No.2241759

seems like good porn is like advance figure drawing.. crazy angles, curled up poses and multiple figures... maybe grind on the figure drawing stuff and use porn images as your practice ref (tfw) you are probably doing this already.

>> No.2242064
File: 799 KB, 768x1280, Screenshot_2015-10-05-23-24-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Dave Rapoza is a turbomanlet

Hahaha holy shit

>> No.2242073
File: 706 KB, 500x279, DON'T LOOK AT ME.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you just want to go back to having fun drawing
>it doesn't pay the bills
>it doesn't help with anything else
>you have stacks of stuff sitting in the basement you wish you could sell just so you could eat a nice meal for once

Art & Fear is a nice book to keep the Art feels at bay. Although we will always be in our own way.

>> No.2242082

>thinking normies are a meme

good luck in life

>> No.2242085

you answered a post made more than half a month ago

>> No.2242097

holy fuckaroni shes hot, no wonder he sucks ass lately.

>> No.2242098

its a slow board fuck you

>> No.2242100

>tfw you manage to get only good enough to qualify for /ic/ asspats, because being asspatted by inteligent people feels better than being asspatted by autistic kids on deviantart

>> No.2242102

>intelligent people
>not the exact same autistic kids from DA

i feel bad for you anon

>> No.2242104
File: 34 KB, 720x702, FB_IMG_1444058071130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>He fucks that every night

With that much motivation I could become pro too

>> No.2242221

im pulling my pud to this pic, in my fantasy ive tied dave up while his chick is willingly taking my dick snot in her cooze.

>> No.2242314

>tfw went to first con and did bretty gud
>tfw people there really enjoyed my work
>online i am invisible

help me brehs, i want to earn to help out my mom

>> No.2242360

My mom tried to kill me.

>> No.2242545

Then get a fucking real job.

>> No.2242567

I already do, just need to figure out how to turn passion into $$$

>> No.2242627
File: 44 KB, 680x418, 1395786389440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw i have tried countless of times to start drawing every day, but i always end up procrastinating.

How do you guys avoid this? I have this problem with everything i do. I just can't keep myself from doing something else. It's like every time when i try to get my motivation going everything just resets the next day.

>> No.2242631

I go onto flockdraw and ask for requests. Or I just draw from other art. Illustrations, statues, and such is a good way to get some warm ups going.

>> No.2242651

that's pretty much me in everything I do, at first I get motivated but I get distracted fast

what I notice it helped me a little with this was playing osu!

>find a melody you like
>play it on insane level with "no-fail"
>repeat several times until you can do it without the "no-fail" option
>congratulation, perseverance level +1

as a bonus, playing it with your tablet (assuming you have one), will be a good warm up and help with not clenching your stylus. a level of osu! (but just one) before each drawing session will make your brain alert, but concentrated at the same time

>> No.2242685

Find a way to block out/get rid of the distractions temporarily each day.

Start small. Get yourself to draw an hour or 2 a day, even if it's just shitty stuff from imagination at first.

Maybe sign up for a class somewhere if that will motivate you.

Remember, discipline is a muscle that must be trained.

>> No.2242689

>tfw draw every day, but never enough
How do I increase my output? Should I set a time block for myself to do the do in, as opposed to stopping when I'm slightly satisfied and then hating myself for not doing more?

>> No.2242720
File: 858 KB, 1280x857, FearCharlesLeBrun1760_wiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw get burning desire to draw, when you can't
>when you can, mostly procrastinate
>tfw blank page, not because no ideas but way too many, can't decide
>tfw typing this up makes you realize how retarded this is

brb, drawing, I'm actually really motivated right now

>tfw reaction image is not even fitting really, but art related so there's that

>> No.2242728

>fear of gay ppl

Nah, we're not afraid of you sissy twinks, we just hate ya.

>> No.2242742

get a set of watercolors and for 1/10 the price you have a full spectrum of colors.

>> No.2242761

>autist homophobes can't even speak american properly

>> No.2242855
File: 10 KB, 225x225, damnitman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2242860
File: 664 KB, 2448x3264, why mane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw trying to do piece.
>Realize you aint shit.
>Can't figure out how to continue with it

>> No.2243031
File: 35 KB, 640x712, FB_IMG_1442665169420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Start new sketchbook
>Draw something very cool on the first page
>Afraid to fuck it up on the second one
>End up not drawing shit

Wat do

>> No.2243034

see >>2241873

>> No.2243039

It's better than not touching the sketchbook at all, for fear of somehow sullying it's pristine pages.

>> No.2243043

> tfw your classmates from art school have become full time comic artists working for Marvel/DC/Image/etc.

> tfw you see them at and only at New York Comic Con every year and debate whether to say hi to them

It's the dilemma of wanting to say hi to catch up and hope they don't forget me, but I'm worried they're judging me for not making it like they did. And the fact I only talk and see them during this time of year. I don't want to burn my bridges with these guys in case I do finally make it and need their good word.

>> No.2243045


Fuck up the second page.

No really, fuck it up. Then you'll stop worrying so much.

That or get another new sketchbook for fucking around in and keep that sketchbook for when you're feeling up to a serious piece.

>> No.2243052


Make yourself a schedule. What I did was got an excel spreadsheet, with a line for every half hour in my day.
Blocked in all my unavoidable obligations, then blocked in my art schedule, then blocked in my leisure time.
You're much less likely to procrastinate if you have a schedule written down to hold yourself to. If you keep it to half hour/hour long blocks (you can still do several in a day) I find it's easier to get started.
You don't need to strictly adhere to it, you can always adjust as the situation demands, but try to stick to it or at least do the things you scheduled for that day on that day.

>> No.2243055


/ic/ certainly isn't intelligent, but it's a very different breed of stupid from the DA kids.
/ic/ asspats have a very different criteria, given how much cynicism there is here. It requires stronger fundamentals just by virtue of how much people bitch about fundamentals here, so it's definitely harder to get /ic/'s praise than deviantart's.

That said, I'm not trying to suggest much of /ic/ knows what the fuck they're talking about or that their admiration isn't often completely arbitrary. It's just harder to get.

>> No.2243056

Different kind of useless, I suppose.

>> No.2243063
File: 979 KB, 500x280, Spirited Away.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Switching seats in art class
>Teacher seats me next to a qt guy
>Assigned to do white pencil on black paper drawing
>He chose just a shape as his subject, I went for a women's face to see how well I could do
>I try to make guidelines and start to draw
>Guy looks over at my drawing and sneers
>I'm just imagining it right?
>Pretend I can't hear him with earphones
>He's already done with his
>He starts talking to a nice girl I know
>He points to my drawing and says the woman looks like an ape
>Proceeds to make monkey noises to try and make her laugh
>She laughs and says, "You're right, the drawing is shit and it looks like the drawer"
>She used to compliment my art last year
>Still pretend I can't hear them with earphones
>Don't know whether to be pissed or sad, but his whole group of friends is now chatting together already, and they've pointed at me several times
>Half ass rest of drawing, teacher says he's disappointed in me
>Still pretending not to hear with headphones

>> No.2243064



It was like three fucking lines, fuck off to /b/ if you don't know how to read.

>> No.2243068


Reading this triggered my anxiety

>> No.2243091


Is this a high school art class or are people in art school actually this childish?

Please don't answer that. I don't want to know.

>> No.2243096

for once just pretend you're not stupid

>> No.2243137

Well, *do* you look like a lower primate?


>Looks like an ape
>monkey noises

He should get his shit together.

>> No.2243142

It's hard being 13.

>> No.2243144

>be me in high school art junior year with a bunch of talentless niggers and dipshits
>ace first few projects, get mad compliments all around
>super creative shit, don't even have to think twice about what I want to draw/ paint
>art teacher gives me "art design" award at end of year during some schoolwide recognition ceremony, out of all his classes
>senior year
>confidence is sky high, take AP (advanced placement) art
>first couple days, teacher explains how to do our "focus" pieces to send in to some grading thing
>12 or so pieces, all about an easily identifiable subject matter, such as cars, or mechs, or trees, buildings and shit
>third day, we do some "free drawing" exercises
>I start doodling some weird looking tapestry thing that turns into a face
>girl to my left is doing a self portrait
>Oh, God, it looks rilly gud
>to my right, Asian kid is doing some gundam type mech
>it's ridiculously good
>look around room, nobody is on a lower level than me
>everyone is better
>they've all been taking art every single semester since freshman year, I just doodled in my free time, and took a single class
>my only edge is that I'm creative. As in I think of weird stuff nobody else really does
>I freeze up
>Are you sure you want to delete file "allmyideas.zip"?
>week 2, pick a focus
>try to pick focus
>end up picking playing cards, as there's a deck in Asian kid's mesh bag
>do this God awful Jester holding a playing card
>so normal and boring, but have to keep it
>11 more to go

None of my pieces were what of I'd call "good", and both the people next to me scored 5/5 on the focus grade. I was one of 2 who scored 3/5, and only one other person scored a 2.

...because she didn't have enough pieces.

>> No.2243150
File: 10 KB, 429x410, 1nsq489f1qhb7sv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that green text
stopped at "niggers and dipshits"

back to /pol/ buddy.

>> No.2243155

>back to /pol/ buddy

Go back to Tumblr, you drooling nigger.

>> No.2243162

>oh no, he said nigger, someone call the police, I think I'm going to faint

>> No.2243165

Why are people acting like spouting nigger isn't the norm recently? Is this just an overreaction to /pol/ seeping into other boards?

>> No.2243172

i mean your story is nice but you told it pretty poorly

there's no arc, it's just too much and the audience will lose interest

too busy for a red line but I'm sure others would agree

>> No.2243173

Same shit happened to me. I was focused on science+math in highschool, so I only ever took a few art classes, and basically only drew fantasy characters and stoner art, but I was still miles better than everyone else. That boosted my ego, and for some reason I decided to go to art school for illustration. That's where I discovered I was terrible. Took 3 years to catch up. Now I'm one of only 3 or 4 students from the program who is actually getting work in their field... of course, I still lurk ic so I'm not all that big of a success or anything ;)

>> No.2243192

Gimme a break, I'm on my phone. Got tired halfway through.

Well, that story pretty much sums up how I got into animation.

Those who can't draw, make cartoons.

>> No.2243196
File: 86 KB, 600x800, 1439908233678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>married an art school dropout
>he wants to live vicariously through me
>just bought a house with my own studio space
>entering intense study mode
>husband barges into studio trying to get me to cook/fuck/converse
>try to convince him to wait a while, he gets pissy
>now distracted, plus have to take more time out of drawing to make it up to him later
>lose the will to work because I know at such and such time I'm going to be interrupted.

I should have listened to /ic/
If you really want to make it, you should avoid relationships.

>> No.2243199

Do you even work? Either way you have no excuse wasting that much free time.

>> No.2243201

That really sucks bro
I know it sounds awful but maybe you should actually try to set up a "schedule" for time that you can set aside to spend with your husband and try to explain to him how important it is that you get time alone when you work

>> No.2243213

I work around 35hrs a week in retail. I spend as much time as I can studying, but usually I can only work in 2 hour chunks. Getting distracted in the middle throws a wrench in my workflow.

I think it just might come to that.

>> No.2243219

lol, If he's really husband material, he'll understand if you just explain it to him.

The problem is that if you aren't making money at it, it's hard to convince people to take you seriously. My plan is thus: 1. Find way to work full time as artist. 2. Serious relationship

>> No.2243221

Also, are you pursuing art seriously as a career goal? Cuz if not you probably shouldn't complain about your husband interrupting your hobbies.

>> No.2243223

Lol if he was good husband material he'd tell her to get over her pipe dreams.

>> No.2243224

I can draw *now*, and I disagree with your statement. If you can't draw, your cartoons probably look like shit. Okay, I don't completely disagree, you can make a good cartoon without good art as long as writing makes up for it.. but since you're on ic, I assume you're more interested in the art, in which case, you should probably learn how to draw first.

>> No.2243228

Considering he's an art school drop out, that would just sound like it's coming from a place of bitterness/jealousy. As I said, we're unsure how serious she's pursuing it. It's not impossible to succeed at this art stuff.

>> No.2243237
File: 37 KB, 1280x720, 82397429384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you sink into a depression, and dont draw for a couple days
>Then your stupid ass is hit by some sort of an epiphany, and you look back at those two days you could of drawm
>Worried that you're back to square one, even though it was just a couple days
>"Most important thing is to practice everyday, even if its just a little."
I hate being human, why couldn't I be part automaton?

>> No.2243243

Everyone has off days
Accept that you wasted those days anduse that as fuel to be productive

>> No.2243247

Nah, There are people in this world who are incapable of having off days. When they sit in a hot tub, they're not thinking about how relaxing it is, they're thinking "why am I sitting in a tub of hot water instead of being productive" I wish I had that passion for drawing.

>> No.2243252

Breed with an asian, so maybe your offspring can be part automaton.

>> No.2243266

>When you sink into a depression, and dont draw for a couple days

I've never had depression so I can't relate but, does it really knock down your drawing ability?Whats it like trying to draw while depressed? Why does it stop you?

>> No.2243273

Don't know about husband, but I had an ex who I would see only on the weekends due to commuting almost 3 hours to see him. I was building a portfolio for a visual development job posting. The deadline was coming up and I still wanted to do a few tweaks on some paintings/character sheets. With only a few days left til the submission deadline and it being Friday, I'm freaking out because if I spend time with the ex over the weekend, I won't getmy submission done. So it's midnight, I'm tired and stressed, and I call up my ex to tell him I need the weekend to myself that I can't see him this weekend. He's all "okay...fine".

Finally the submission deadline arrives and I just made it. Proud of how hard I worked putting everything together, I call my ex to tell him. He says he's proud of me BUT he was upset that I didn't show him any consideration. That at least if I wasn't going to see him that weekend, I should have made plans to try and see him during the week to make up because this is a thing couples are supposed to do. God forbid I didn't see him for one week to take time to finish a portfolio.

Also, the fact I called to tell him that I couldn't see him that weekend was while he was at his friend's bachelor party so it ruined his good mood.

He was also super analytical and was also explaining that this and that is how a relationship is supposed to be. That we should be seeing each other at least once a week. Which of course, I tried, but sometimes shit happens and sometimes I just wanted more than a week for myself. Maybe I'm wrong, but my current boyfriend is the opposite and supportive all the way. He said if I had to fly across the country for a job he'd come with me, while my ex panicked at the very idea of it because of his rule of LDR NEVER WORK, THEY JUST DON'T.

>> No.2243274 [DELETED] 

I dont have clinical depression. Im talking about the "watching rick and morty with a big bag of spicy doritos on the side and staying up past your bed time" depression.

>> No.2243284

Huh? So your ex's rule was that ldrs never work (it's true), but he was in an ldr with you anyways?

>> No.2243340

>one sketchbook for showing off
>one sketchbook to actually practice
Isn't this the only way to live?

>> No.2243348

Stephen Merchant is absolutely disgusting
How he landed that titcow is beyond me

>> No.2243349

Yes, I want to do this seriously. I'd be some kind of cunt if I didn't.
>Honey, I got caught up with yard work and I'm running a little late for work. Can you throw a cup o' noodles in my--
>FUCK OFF I have to finish this fanart in time to post it on deviantart during their peak traffic hours

Before we were married, I was working on an animation thesis. Near the end, I was only getting 2-4 hours of sleep per night so I asked him to give me some space until my film was done. He blew up at me and I didn't hear from him for weeks. He later admitted he was planning on just leaving me then. That was the only serious fight we've ever had, over me choosing to finish school instead of hanging out with him. He's supportive, but god forbid I take a job where I'd have to be away from him.

>> No.2243351

>FUCK OFF I have to finish this fanart in time to post it on deviantart during their peak traffic hours


>> No.2243355
File: 30 KB, 374x373, ZHMyBzc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW there's a semi-autistic kid in my class that was caught with his phone out around the really attractive model several times and was asked to leave the room.
>Leaves phone on stool
>Phone alarm goes off
>He set the alarm for the model
>Girl from class throws his phone out of room
>He rage quits and slams the door on the way out

Earlier in the class he was asking the professor to have some super fast gesture poses as a roundabout way of bragging about his abilities. Nigga cant even get his verticals down before time is up, and I'm sitting over here giggling like a schoolgirl with my drawniggas.

>> No.2243357

Both of you are pathetic.

>> No.2243359
File: 411 KB, 500x307, enhanced-25312-1422981967-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you drawing because you want people to look at your sketchbook and affirm that you have talent and some inherent value in the amount of time you spend drawing.

Or are you drawing to improve.

pick one.

>> No.2243372

yer sketchbook is not meant to be impressive

i have a collection of about 20 from the past 7 years, and if someone saw them they might not even know i was an artist, and just assume i was a crazy person. most of the pages have writing, incomprehensible scribbles, grocery lists, and other bullshit. all the drawings and paintings are 95% terrible. it's basically just a scratchpad used to work stuff out for real projects done elsewhere.

>> No.2243378

i'm currently on my 4th hour of drawing tonight and nothing is clicking. can't make a half-decent sketch.

>> No.2243381

my storie's the same

>minus the successful part

>> No.2243400

maybe just get a bunch of printer paper for studies and stuff and then draw more refined things in your sketchbook.

Even if you produce something bad just keep in mind that you're going to be progressing and it will be nice to look back and see the improvement as things go along.

>> No.2243573
File: 39 KB, 184x184, dank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Be in school.
>Be shit in almost every subject.
>Only class i really liked was art & drawing.
>I usually just drew my own shit.
>Teacher really liked my drawings and i usually got perfect grades. (It didn't really matter for me tho, i just enjoyed drawing shit.)
>Graduation time.
>Oh shit there's a 200€ art scholarship!
>Oh damn, oh damn there's a high chance that i will get it!
>*doot doot*
>And the winner is my brown nose classmate who drew a stick figures for his final work.
>my fucking face when.

>> No.2244269

>teaching through the life of Muad'Dib
I like your style, anon
"Fear is the mind-killer"

>> No.2244613

What are you using?

>> No.2245143

ha, gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

>> No.2245146


>> No.2245256

>in a wheelchair since birth
>love art and want to try abstract expressionism
>utter novice to painting
>afraid muscle spasms will fuck it up

What do?

>> No.2245257

Im just realizing drawing is a very lonely hobby. I can't find anyone who does irl thats not animu tier bullshit. Im not even looking for a girlfriend, just a friend i can draw with. I can't even find friend online who draws whoes not anonymous. I just want someone that I could talk to every other day about art.

>> No.2245273
File: 681 KB, 576x697, big-emma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if chuck close can do it, so can you. Don't let your spasms hold you back.

>> No.2245698

>go jogging
>come back, want to draw
>arms are too sore, can't control movement very well


>> No.2245706

welcome to the first circle of hell, If you take a step left the staircase down to Ceaseless Self Criticism and Loathing should be at the end of the hall

>> No.2245708

>go jogging
>arms are sore

>> No.2245717

I don't imagine you do much...uh..moving, do you?

>> No.2245726

y-you didn't answer my question!

>> No.2245737


Not him but when running you obviously need to swing them back and forth as well to maintain balance.

If you do it enough its draining.

>> No.2245739

well when you run your body must move all muscle groups in order to maintain an even stride and proper balance. If you are swimming, you arent just working out your arms and legs, youre working out your entire torso and neck are as well since if you were to attempt to swim with only your arms and legs while keeping your body rigid you would surely drown. Im not going to explain much more because i feel like i shouldnt have to tell you that excercise makes your muscles sore and if i do that then im admitting i just spent all this time typing out a paragraph to a retard which in all likelyhood is what im doing anyway

>> No.2245757

I appreciate you wasting your time on me.
I just wondered, if you jog so hard that you can't even move a pencil anymore, wouldn't your legs be even worse, how can you still walk?

>> No.2245770

It's not that I can't lift a pencil, it's more like my arms feel so heavy that it's uncomfortable and difficult to draw lines correctly. My legs are only slightly sore, but I mostly sit in front of my computer anyway, so it's whatever. Honestly, I might consider selling my legs if things get financially tough.

>> No.2246712

>working on a day off
procrastinating, sluggish, constantly taking breaks.
>working on 30 mins before class starts

Maybe the key to success is to just time yourself constantly

>> No.2247767

I don't even know what to do any more.
I got offered a scholarship on a 3D CG course, it's impressive on paper and I wanted to feel like I could achieve something because I've been in a stagnant slump, but I can't. I've been sat at my desk for 4 hours crying solidly trying to work on a project but I can't even figure out the first stages. Tutorials online don't even make any sense they just refer to other things I don't understand. I've looked at the 3d cg board and it's horrible, there's nothing there for a newbie beginner.
I don't have any friends because I'm either at uni or working to pay my bills and I'm unable to follow the lectures and classes because they're too hard, but by the time the day is done I'm so tired I fall asleep and don't get to try to look up whatever the hell the class was about. I'm worried I have ADHD at this rate because I can't even follow what they are talking about, but I don't have time to even look into that. My weekends are taken up entirely by trying to catch up, I have no time, and the one person I occasionally see just says 'You'll be fine! Work hard'.
I'm so lonely and depressed, I even miss my family it's so bad, I just sit and cry, and my job is ending soon so I don't even know what will happen if I can't find a new one. What if I make it until then and have to drop out from no money anyway? This is horrible and I hate being the most stupid person in the class.

>> No.2248450

That's not really an art thing, it's just a selfish best friend thing I guess. If you were doing anything else your friend wouldn't give a fuck anyway. I'm consoling a depressed friend all the time, never get much personal attention, it's always her issues. Don't even bother sharing your art dude you're just gonna get disappointed

>> No.2248454

lazy loser get some discipline dont you ever want to make it?

>> No.2248457

I can draw after lifting till fail, everyone else can after whatever, it's only unconfortable

>> No.2249180

>flip the canvas
>die inside

>> No.2249195

>start applying
>get five interviews
>three art test
>work ass off, cutting into current work hours
>fail two, no response from third
>not shaved, cleaned, cooked or exercised for a month
>tfw repeat
current job is shit. country and people here make me depressed.
projects are probably hurting my career more than helping it.
never had a proper anxiety attack until I got here

>> No.2249198
File: 23 KB, 540x540, FB_IMG_1439380012956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Visit museum
>Checking out the art
>See cute girl walking around
>Well there goes the art
>Spend the rest of the time chasing the girl through halls and exchanging glances


>> No.2249217

>three art test
how do art tests work?

>> No.2249221
File: 132 KB, 338x576, 1419194999965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2249223

No. You check out the museum, see the chick, talk her up, ask her out, see if she accepts/rejects, then continue the rest of your visit.

How much did you spend on that ticket only to stalk some random girl?

>> No.2249243


>> No.2249283

>stalking 3D

>> No.2249659
File: 34 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1444401865359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ask her out

That requires a shitton of courage, I almost feel a physical barrier that doesn't allow me to do this.

>> No.2249680

>in school for plan B
>part time job on weekends
>play a little in spare time, study the rest of it
>no time to draw

But then again, i didnt draw as much when i was neet.

>> No.2249757


mfw i read to ch24 in one sitting.
Fem cancer but some honest feels in there.

>> No.2251048

did somebody just slapped a filter over a photo and then just painted the result on a canvas?