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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 6 KB, 231x133, annoyed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2216932 No.2216932 [Reply] [Original]

Motivate me. I need a reason to draw.

>> No.2216933

draw to find a reason

>> No.2216937

What are your interests? Girls? Mechs? Monsters? It depends as long as it's not 'muh OC' or some weird fetish shit then you're good to go.

>> No.2216940

I bet if you draw something it will make me smile ^-^
What was the last show you watched? Draw someone from it! What was the last game you played? Draw something from that! Why not look out your window and draw what you see? It's really fun to do that. Maybe try drawing directly in pen for a change. Or maybe try a different kind of pen! A fountain pen? A brush pen? Why not? There are beautiful chinese paintings I see that I have tried to do with a brush pen. It is fun!. Or maybe you would like to paint today. Block out some shapes and see what happens. Maybe start your day with gestures. That usually helps me. I saw a cool watercolor technique online where you sketch a figure lightly and then paint it with blueish gray for the shadow, darker for the core shadow, yellowish for the skin (leaving white for the highlights) and red for areas with more blood or that just look kinda red. They did this all while it was wet and it looked really cool. What's something you don't draw very often? Try that! I had never drawn an old car before but I did it yesterday! It wasn't so good but I found out that they are fun and I will draw more. I even also had something "click" for me yesterday, that being the construction of the head. I haven't had that "click" in a long time for drawings. I have for certain techniques with paints and pens and stuff though. Why not try out the medium you haven't used in a while? Or maybe think of a country and draw things that remind you of it. Look at the last thing you drew. Try drawing something related to that!
I really hope you find something to draw, but make sure to have fun while drawing. That is important unless you do it for a living. Then your motivation shall always be: $$$$$$$
You could draw someone or for someone you like/care about. Draw /ic/ tan! Draw yourself! Anything at allll.
I hope this helps. Please do not be sad :3
Also, if you have trouble still, look at your progress over the years and think of how good youll be next year

>> No.2216943

because its something you want to git gud at

now go and draw

>> No.2216945
File: 68 KB, 431x450, 1427079162238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2216950

Op do everything this person said. Literally everything written.

>> No.2216951
File: 681 KB, 1024x1024, God-Emperor of Brutal Motivation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw something for the Imperium.


>> No.2216958

do it for fun.

>> No.2216966

You could be the next Sakimichan :^)

>> No.2216967
File: 174 KB, 415x624, Waterhouse_Knight_BMJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch this "Why beauty matters":

Beauty will save the world, now go on and save it.

>> No.2216976
File: 13 KB, 224x216, Mc fucking end it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why should you draw? because there's a shit ton of people who wont and will leave you behind.

>> No.2217041

this is so cute <3

>> No.2217046

just draw men, you don't need a reason.

>> No.2217055


>> No.2217082

see: >>2183350

if you feel like drawing while reading it, start drawing.

>> No.2217095

Pretend there is a giant monster that violently mauls lazy artists. All the creative energy that you DON'T use is given to him (Solomon) to fuel violence against you.

Now that you have that silly thought, try to see if you can think of any sickening realistic analogies to the monster.

have any student loans?

>> No.2217110

Actually whenever I needed motivation when I was too tired I forced myself to imagine being molested by someone I really hate (a guy btw) it's so angering that I start doing what I need to be doing. But I want to use less psychotic means. That monster things seems funny though I might try it.

>> No.2217114

I'm a guy*

>> No.2217115

>having to actually work a dayjob for money
>being shit


>> No.2217161

Thank you, I hope that everyone who reads it finds it very helpful.

>> No.2217175
File: 166 KB, 1143x1467, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I cannot motivate you with words.

But I'll try with a picture.

It's my belief that we have a merc in progress in all of us, begging us to let it out and to finish it.

Here's the last one I did. I really hope that one day I'll be able to paint a real one instead of copypasting things together.

>> No.2217246
File: 170 KB, 919x459, 1441715248402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will al make it

>> No.2217249


>> No.2217255


>> No.2217304

Haha, got a laugh when I clicked on that.

Is this real? What is her feature thing?

>> No.2217419

Thanks anon, that's really helpful. I'll work on my drawing first thing in the morning.

>> No.2217427


>> No.2217433

Why would You even need a motivation to draw awesome kickass mechs?

>> No.2217488

OP, you're useless. The day you were born you probably slipped from your mother's warm arms to the cold, hard ground and something changed in your brain. Something that made you unable to do anything except one thing: Drawing. Yes, you tried many things: Sports, music, maths...But you sucked at everything. Everything except picking up a pencil and creating new things from your mind, things that first looked hideous as shit but slowly started to become better, because you had a motivation. The first time you noticed your improvement a feeling of hope appeared inside you and you thought: This is it. And that pushed you to improve again. That feeling that gave sense to your useless, void existence. Why? Why draw? Well, let me answer you with another question: Why not? Nothing actually makes sense, so better spend your short mortality doing something you enjoy. And if that something is the only thing that you can do, then keep doing it, because no one is going to pat your shoulder and tell you it's okay to slack off because you need "motivation". You will keep drawing because you NEED that feeling, you need to know that you're good at something. So pick up a fucking pencil and start improving.

TL;DR git gud son.

>> No.2217499

You're welcome!

Don't be unkind

>> No.2217612

>first thing in the morning
No faggot, do it now. If you wait until tomorrow then tomorrow will never come!

>> No.2217642

nice meme

>> No.2217667

Just draw

>> No.2217674


no you don't faggot.

you need discipline to draw

fuck off if you haven't already.

>> No.2217720
File: 1.51 MB, 850x2180, 1441782452240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't want to be this guy.
Go draw.

>> No.2217725

Wow. They sprite he made at 15 was better than everything else. Should have stuck with that. I detect signs of depression starting at 2009. This dude still alive?

>> No.2217748

Nothing anyone here says can help you beat that monster.

Not all the infomercials and self help books in the world will give you the right answer.

I'm not saying you have to just do it either, or that its a choice. It's only kind of a choice. If you're too weak, well, them's the breaks. Say goodbye to art, see you at your midlife crisis.

>> No.2217751

The sprite was based off an existing sprite from Pokemon. He just changed shit on it

>> No.2217839

These two things really got to me. Everytime I'm about to draw I remind myself that it's the only thing that makes being alive worth it. It's the only thing I'm good at I'm not even good at being normal and being healthy. And I'm not going to be fucking wondering where it all went wrong stroking my 40 year old mantits crying and blaming the world. Fuck this shit I'm gonna pull myself together I'm gonna higher the ammount of drawings I force myself to make.

>> No.2217840

>Is this real?

>> No.2217844


might be worth mentioning that the person is autismal

>> No.2217853

Imma save this on a notepad file and read this when I need it. Thanks anon!

>> No.2217855

Draw some strange fetishes you thought you'd never be in to.

You'd be surprised.

>> No.2217857
File: 365 KB, 1024x742, alife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes he is
>2015 pic related

>> No.2217862
File: 33 KB, 246x246, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I forced myself to imagine being molested by someone I really hate

If only I can imagine that.

Not remember.

>> No.2217867
File: 2.87 MB, 480x270, 1336937685749.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2217869

So bad. Is he fucking 10?

>> No.2217873
File: 213 KB, 640x360, Skips_Strikes_Screen_016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else here likes painting but not drawing? When I paint I more or less get any result I want from my mind but drawing is so fucked up, I never know what to do and how to make it look good. Or at least good for me.

>drawing today
>spend one hour sketching something
>realize I don't like it
>erase it
>end up with nothing drawn

>> No.2217880

Drawing is more fun imo

>> No.2217882

I'm the opposite. I love drawing, but painting is slow and boring to me.

Then again, I am new to painting, so I suppose it might click when I'm a bit better at it.

>> No.2217886

Sounds hot.

>> No.2217888

These guys train physically and mentally for hours on end and all your faggot little ass has to do is move a pencil in your hand to gain mastery. You don't know how easy you have it. You hear this?
>the reward of becoming a master is only reserved for the elite of the elite
What do you think that means by 'elite'? People like sakimichan and kr0npr1nz are the elite because they didn't give up their training. Your training is as simple as moving your pencil/wacom pen for a few hours to get to the elite status....how fucking easy is that?

Don't you want to be elite?

>> No.2217889
File: 343 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20150913_144920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to hear that. I know it's not much. But here, I drew you a hearth. Low quality pic I know.

>> No.2217954

Try reading this, helped me a bit

>> No.2217960

You're welcome :3 I always am motivated, even when I am sleepy.

I care about you too

>> No.2217962

I started out liking drawing less. Then I started to like it more. Now I like both!

>> No.2217981
File: 147 KB, 1080x1080, COYmbE6VAAA1CLg.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know man I often feel like it when I am trying to draw anything but some disproportional stuff is all I can draw.

For me greatest motivation is someone else good drawing, I then go "I want to draw like this one day"
>pic is the kind of stuff that pushes me further.

>> No.2217983

would it kill you to try just a little harder when shitposting?

>> No.2218004
File: 71 KB, 1024x1024, COJFP6oUkAA93c1.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think I was shitposting?

>> No.2218021

He's saying that those drawings are mediocre.

>> No.2218022
File: 23 KB, 559x509, motvation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2218027
File: 297 KB, 560x420, 1442033371436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bet if you draw something it will make me smile ^-^
And then anon happy to hear that goes to continue his toddlercon, scat, ryona doujinshi.

>> No.2218032
File: 89 KB, 663x777, motivation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motivation is great and all, but you don't need it if you have a definite goal that you want to achieve. For example getting real skilled at painting digitally. All you have to do to accomplish this is to keep going every day, one small bit at a time. If you are doing a small amount of serious studying every day, your efforts will stack up and you will see actual progress eventually. The only rule is that you are not allowed to quit, not even for one day, no matter what excuse. Don't quit unitl you have created a hard-wired positive habit that consists of drawing every single day, and after that, keep going.

>> No.2218134

Well if you like to draw that Then sure i suppose

>> No.2218890
File: 93 KB, 800x1193, rui-li-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the thread is a little bit old now and op probably won't see this but I thought I would just share something.

I am the same kind of person you are. I have been trained to need a lot of reasons to do something. Even then I can go ahead and just quit. I can't even stick to smoking cigarettes because I have to many excuses not to.

But here's the thing. People that need huge important and various reasons to do things are likely just unknowingly trying to get themselves out of doing something out of fear of the risk it brings. There's a lot of stuff that comes with art in particular, but deciding to open a door to something, anything, feels like closing the door on a lot of other stuff. I think a lot of people are like this these days. You want to do everything at once so you end up doing nothing. So you look for the thing with the best reasons to do it but if you look close enough everything is bullshit and the only worthy pursuits are things you need to go to colleges you can't afford and who won't let you in anyway. Even then, I bet you can find reasons to decide these things are complete bullshit as well.

That kind of stuff doesn't help us get anything done. What we need is excuses. Yep. Excuses. There are a FUCK ton of those. You can use literally, any of them as well. Doesn't even have to be a good one. "EEEEEWWWE, WHY ARE YOU DRAWING THAT GIRL NAKED", "Just felt like it really". "ahahahaha, are you wasting your time trying to paint shit like old dead fucks that nobody likes anymore? Why would you waste your time on that shit? You aren't going to get a spot in a museum or a gallery." "I really fucking like beards. I mean look at those things, I had to get that specific Rembrandt beard lighting. Sew Gewd. Sew Reel."

Seriously. I want you to go around and look at people whom are hyper productive AND happy. I bet you'll find that they have a million little reasons why they do stuff. It's pretty hard to flip yourself into this habit.

>> No.2218898
File: 59 KB, 500x700, 652671178d8d6b67fba3003ed90b5eaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I personally am still trying to flip. It's actually going pretty well tbh. But I had to start with little stuff and I apply it to everything in my life. Since the bad defensive habit permeates (seemingly) my entire existence. Like, I love cooking but I never really put much effort into it because I always feel nervous about not having time to go study art, but then I just sit there nervous about art and don't end up doing much. So I changed it to, 'I'm going to cook the hell out of this dinner. Why? Because tasty food is great.' The biggest challenge is going from a passive way of thinking to a secure, confident, and adventurous one. If you are like me, you know there are risks in wasting your time in things that others simply don't approve of or even care about. There runs a risk of completely shitting your life away in the pursuit of something you will never get respect for. But millions of people die every day without getting their names in a text book and every day we forget a little more about the ancient past. There are around 7 billion people on the earth, if I remember correctly. You are nothing but a spec and no one could actually care less because that's billions of people concerned with their own lives. So you have to make it a choice to run that risk that what you do is going to be insignificant. Because chances are you have more of a chance to be forgotten forever than to become a god among humanity. Even gods are forgotten. There's nothing to worry about.

Clearly I have thought about this a lot and guess what, it was just so that I could justify drawing some fun anime stuff every once in a while without stressing out too much.

Sorry if that got a bit dramatic and over the top but it's kind of what I needed to do for myself so I figured just going ahead with it that way would work for someone in a similar situation.

You can and will argue with yourself for years over this kind of stuff, but you can choose to... just do it.

>> No.2218901

>It's the only thing I'm good at

>tfw you not even good at it
>tfw no matter how hard you try, you fucking fail
>what does that mean?
>I try with all my best, I want to learn, I want to git gud, I put all my fucking efforts...
>...and I have failed every single time.
>that means I am an absolute crap.
>yes, because when you have put enough time on something you love and you can't get any better than when you started, when you are one step out of school... when your family leaves you... when you can't still put fucking eyes onto a head... when you spend night after night doing shitty studies with no results at all...
> that means you're shit and everything you do is pointless...
>my life has no sense...

>> No.2218904
File: 99 KB, 736x989, 6c68cbc82a233492153f8318b8de7c16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just a short add on to my thoughts

I think a lot of people take things like, closing out facebook, disconnecting from wi-fi during a sketch session, closing out everything but maybe a nice playlist, as doing less things. But the way I feel about it, (its likely a bit odd) is that all of those practices enable you to be magnify your doing in another area. That has helped me a lot with the feeling of not doing much because I don't have a million things going at once and I'm not running around. Which I thought was MLG level of doing stuff. But I never got much done. The effort really went into trying to just balance everything and the running around. So much so that there really isn't much effort and attention left for the actual doing and completion of things. So just concentrating all of my efforts into things like art and really respecting my relationship to a project and/or a practice really got me to begin something which I hope is developing into an amazing work ethic with lots of fun work and less stressing about reasons I shouldn't be doing something.

I guess it's the same with the other issue. We spend so much time just trying to think up reasons as to why we shouldn't or why we should that we don't spend any time actually doing the thing. We just end up erecting barriers to bring down before we can go anywhere and all the energy has gone to building the borders so that we have none left for the project, if we even get there.

So easy excuses like, 'anime is cool' or 'I really liked Sargent's work with light' are what we really should be using.

If you're looking to sell your art, then you shouldn't be thinking about making your art anything but what you think is cool along with some pretty universal standards like good fundamentals. If you're afraid people are going to need some serious convincing to buy your art, those people aren't likely to buy anyone's art anyway. If someone is looking to really buy some art, they are looking for

>> No.2218906
File: 389 KB, 1000x707, 46736336_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the best excuses to do so. Like cool style, great technical skill, boobs, whatever. Everyone has their excuse. So I wouldn't worry as long as you get your fundamentals down. Anyway, meant for that to be short but heh...

So if you can't find your own reasons to do what you want, then you kind of have to decide what you want more. Do you want to do everything in your power to keep going in your own pursuits, or do you want to quit more? Either one is totally up to you and I don't think either one is negative. Just what you really want. No one else is going to find your reasons for you to do anything.

>> No.2219004

What do you mean 'my family left me' do you mean your wife and children? And how long have you been drawing?

>> No.2219060

I was in a similar situation some years ago. I couldn't draw. I didn't have anything to say, to express. It was frustrating. Then I started to taking drawing classes and it made a world of difference for me. Being with other people, a lot of them older, who were trying really hard was inspirational and I felt that I should work harder.

I know that may not help everyone, but I think it's better to try than wallowing in your own self-despair.

>> No.2219173

>belt with grenades
lost it.

>> No.2219174

>Draw something from that!
it's too hard!
i think that's the reason most people give up or lose motivation. it takes too much work and in the end it still looks like shit if you're not skilled enough. actually, even if you're skilled you still believe it's shit in your mind.

>> No.2219175

there is also a good ton of people who draw better than you ever will.

>> No.2219179

i can't get over how large and masculine here hand is.

>> No.2219180

used to draw in a group of older artists and those a bit younger. i stopped coming to sessions because copying models from life is not really my passion. i guess my goal is to make fun drawings (not just humorous but fun to look at).

>> No.2219188

JUST DO IT! Don't think about it, do it. Take your pen and draw. Do it now. Do it.

>> No.2219196
File: 218 KB, 1920x1080, i did it mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i followed your advice and this came out.

>> No.2219198

Great, now keep doing it for an hour. What matters is you've started.

>> No.2219200
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 2dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scribbling for an hour

>> No.2219208
File: 315 KB, 800x716, gnome-in-a-dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right. Have fun with it

>> No.2219228

he's right anon.
just fucking do it. No matter how bad it is.
You'll make bad art and you'll make good art throughout your artistic life. Embrace it, it comes with the territory.

>> No.2219242

Did you try any of the other options I gave? C'mon, people's faces are super hard for me! But I made some I thought looked really really good from the ones I made before. Just give it a shot or two or four. I told you I really am terrible at drawing cars, but it is really fun. Don't you ever make something you think is really good? I don't know about you, but I can still appreciate art if the person is not as "skilled" as me or even if I could make it myself. That person (youuuu) can still amaze someone, anyone. You can still make someone happy, and hopefully you make yourself happy. So no more of this "too hard" crap! It will never be easy or fun if you don't give it a try! Who cares how much time you spend or how many tries it took you? You can do it! Don't be sad. Smile and think of all of the great things you can make already. For all you know, it is really easy to do, but you just haven't tried yet. The simplest characters from games and shows I can think of now are fez, super meat boy, the binding of isaac, dexter, bobs burgers... Uhhhmm
... Those green things from happiness and maybe the happy from fairy tale or the doggie from akame ga feels.
I'm sure you can think of something out of all of those options. If not, try a still life! I'm getting much bettet at those! And someone I know personally os verry proud of me which makes me proud of myself too ^-^ Draw your favorite art supplies IN your favorite art supplies. Anything at all! Please don't give up on something you enjoy. Especially if you do not like giving up on it. Just do your best, and your next best will be better than before :3

>> No.2219256

> when you are one step out of school

What a fag, you're just going through an edgy teenager phase like all of us did.

> my life has no sense...

Stop being such a fucking pussy. You still don't even know what life is, kid. Only those with the mind of a winner triumph in this life. What, you want everything in a silver plate? Get the fuck down from your edgy cloud and start drawing right now. I bet you're not even putting enough effort. You're just being a little ungrateful shit who, by the way, has it better than a large percentage of the population. Stop complaining and feeling sorry for yourself and start actually doing something to improve your situation.

>> No.2219385

>choking the chicken
>flagging the mule, slapping the salami, beating the bisop, wacking off, buttering the corn

>> No.2219389
File: 2.60 MB, 350x197, 1441947384463.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I am that guy

>> No.2219397

We need proof.

>> No.2219398

lemme compile

>> No.2219402

Well, you shouldn't really just be copying from models? You are in those classes to learn how to draw?

I did end up leaving the class I initially took and moved into a structural anatomy one. Changed my life.

>> No.2219435


what's "structural anatomy"?

>> No.2219476

A-are you a newfag? W-why are you so positive?

>> No.2219481


Besides his complete and absolute lack of progress of course

>> No.2219500
File: 1.77 MB, 850x2760, thistooklongertomakethanithoughtitwould.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy a decade of no improvement (until very recently) Just like I said.

>> No.2219505

Found it:

>> No.2219512

I dk man you're doing pretty good. Don't be down on yourself.

>> No.2219514

im just down on myself for the giant gap of no improvement. you cant turn back time

>> No.2219515
File: 485 KB, 375x249, 1440962667037.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either you're compliment fishing or too fucking humble.

>> No.2219517


Stay positive brother.

>> No.2219519

you were just a kid tho, teenage years generally are directionless/exploratory. some ppl take longer to realize that energy put forward = results. stay positive man and keep going. it will be ok.

>> No.2219525
File: 251 KB, 680x385, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related will be op soon

>> No.2219542
File: 2.00 MB, 540x302, tumblr_nsnawn0Uoq1u5znhto1_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not fishing and i wouldnt call myself humble. I hate compliments.
But seriously look, from 2003-2013, no improvement, that was perfect time to get better than I am now. Wasted time. now I'm in this miserable position where i'm not as good as I could of been and all my underclassmen are way above me in skill.

>> No.2219563



>You like stickmen? FINe draw stick fucking men and make them look EPIC SHIT.


Hurry motherfucker, think about anything you like!

Now think about anything you wanna draw!


Technique/anatomy/opinions does not matter at this point. FUCKING DRAW!!

When you're finished/you think it's good enough apply any anatomy/technique you fucking want to make your draw looks less shitty.

Will post mine in few minutes.

>> No.2219583

Ugh. I hate people like you.

>> No.2219590

did you loomis?
Did you practice period?

>> No.2219596
File: 622 KB, 813x828, 8b2d248f7f9a446567d06e0087aa548c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, i dont know if you read my little comments on the side, but yeah. i was hit with severe depression at some point in my teens, being fat n shit. i gave up honestly, i didnt think i could improve so I never bothered, i didnt know what I wanted to do with my life. I just wanted to play games and die.

>pic related

>> No.2219620

You can't change your past. If you did whatever then you probably had a good enough reason at the moment.

The only thing you can do is learn how awful it is to waste time and try to progress onwards.

Also stop eating so much, fatty

>> No.2219626

Work in a multidisciplinary project with other dudes, you'll be the drawing guy

>> No.2219629

>like if anybody cares

what you do? huh? you draw because it's fun? Fun is gay. You never draw because how fucking amusing it is.

You draw because you like to.

>> No.2219636

>didnt bother to read anything

>> No.2219644

why would I? you're fat, your drawings are bad, and your shit's all retarded

>> No.2219646
File: 2.78 MB, 386x232, 1439789886984.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i was hit with severe depression at some point in my teens

>> No.2219651

uh wasnt me but thanks for being honest
ikr, so pathetic

>> No.2219653

The girl infront's hands look like pig trotters.
Now that's ruined the whole game for me.

>> No.2219654
File: 368 KB, 1280x848, 1441103884102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because it's fun? Fun is gay

>> No.2219656

oh sry fam smh

>> No.2219662

no its okay. I wrote in the thing, around 2013, I started working out. So I am still fat, but recently i started going to a gym and dieting. I'm 248 from 305. Still gross and fat but not as fat. (I'll see my asian dick one day)

I'm loomising and i'm hamptoning and just vippluing yeah. it's a slow progress, but something I should of done 10 years ago.

>> No.2219739

Nope I've been here for 3 years. I just always see people angry and sad and depressed and I do not feel like you should be that way. Lots of people who did commissions and other things for money were depressed, which made sense.... But when people who just do it as a hobby get depressed about it.... That is wrong to me.
There's no sense in spending your days upset and sad. I felt that way too very much but I want no one to feel that way

>> No.2219778

>when people who just do it as a hobby get depressed about it.... That is wrong to me
Too many people have this mindset that they should just be able to be good at something without trying and get dejected when they find out they have to actually put in effort. They'd have the same reaction to picking up a guitar and realizing there's more to it than just moving your fingers around and waving your hand. They grew up with instant gratification being the norm and get pissy when it doesn't carry over to all their interests.

>> No.2219811

Best answer in thread.

>> No.2220376

the positivism in this post melts my stone heart

>> No.2220378

Hopefully it also makes you want to do the things you enjoy :3

>> No.2220386

This anon gets it... Just draw for the sake of drawing... Getting good is just the icing on the cake. Focusing on that will just make you end up spiralling in depression why you will never be good enough to your own standards. Draw because it's... Well, maybe fun?

Why try getting good at drawing when you don't even like it? Unless you're a masochist that it...

>> No.2220405

Not OP but a related subject, has anyone with clinical depression had any success with getting motivated after antidepressants? I've got enough subjects and reasons to draw and I still feel like I want to I guess, but when I get around to it I feel tired and exhausted and don't end up doing much. I'm on Escitalopram and have been for a year but it doesn't seem to do much aside from make me less anxious.

>> No.2220427

... I don't get it. Where's the joke?

>> No.2220428

Wow you did improve. Was it because of /ic/?

>> No.2220434

I know this is just armchair psychology, but while clinical depression is a real condition I'd say that doctors are way too eager to diagnose people with it and put them on medication. I've been diagnoed with ADD and depression at one point, but really there was a reason why couldn't concentrate in gradeschool, and later there was a reason I felt bored and unmotivated, and the key to getting over my 'conditions' wasn't medical treatment, but dealing with my problems.

TL:DR: If you're actually depressed go get treatment, but if you aren't depressed numbing yourself with drugs is just going to help you ignore the things that are making you miserable.

>> No.2220435
File: 48 KB, 389x480, 69c7ba968d37a709e758f81a267e2ee472475021dc48e8cf3bfe3ea4c34f2c59[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2220439


>> No.2220441
File: 61 KB, 720x720, o2wQJKh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2220455

I can't think of anything to work through. I don't have many reasons to be depressed, I just feel "meh" all the time for no good reason.

>> No.2220483

Working out and eating healthy food is a pretty big factor in feeling motivated, and you can always try >>2220435. Imo it only makes sense to seek outside help, if you can't get yourself to change your daily routine, or don't start feeling better after you've successfully done it.

>> No.2221325


so fucking true

>> No.2221453

He is 27

>> No.2221457


>> No.2221755


Well said, you're probably not here but i wanted to say, well said.

>> No.2221803

Regression and stagnation can happen if you do nothing to improve your skills or grow out of your comfort zone.

>> No.2221848


>> No.2222825
File: 161 KB, 728x1146, q016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just draw.

>> No.2222840

yeah, that was me a few months back. So I decided to practice more anatomy drawing beautiful women that I find online, I study and I look at pretty faces, so that's a plus.

>> No.2222864


Take for instance my brother, he was an athlete at school, was a beast playing soccer, but he missed his opportunity to become huge in soccer by not showing up in a place one day.

So, he gained a looot of weight and only plays videogames for a living. I'm sure he's not motivated to do anything (32, works with my dad and only eat junk food). I'm sure that if he lost weight and ate healthy shit his brain would find focus again

>> No.2225039


>> No.2225061

There would be someone in this world who'd like to see you draw, Anon.
That person is waiting for your masterpiece c:

>> No.2225115


Can confirm, the only times I've received attention from attractive women was when they saw my work. Okay, I might be exaggerating, but they do show more interest. My goal is to be good enough to go on an expensive cruise trip and draw a rich beautiful woman.

>> No.2225153

>Motivate me

one thing that motivate me is looking up artist i like and just looking at their work.

>> No.2225186

those drawings suck.

>> No.2225318

Just draw your waifu, if you don't have one, kill yourself.

>> No.2225348


I wanna be the very best,
Like no one ever was.
To draw them is my real test,
To color them is my cause.

I will travel across the land,
Searching far and wide.
Each ART piece to understand
The power that's inside

>> No.2226105

>The only thing you can do is learn how awful it is to waste time and try to progress onwards.
I'm afraid of getting to this point. The past 5 years has been nothing but "I want to get good at x!" and flaking every single time. The sad thing is I still don't feel compelled right now.

The magnitude of my wasted years is going to hit me like a ton of bricks somewhere down the line. I am not ready.

>> No.2226111

I know. That's happens when you go down that fine art route and only draw from life and observation and then suddenly try to draw a comic / manga from imagination. It's gonna suck.

>> No.2226336

Can't learn taste, I guess.

>> No.2226343

If you don't already have a reason to draw, why are you trying to? Motivate yourself.

>> No.2226378

drawing from life isn't the problem. she just learned nothing from it.

that's like blaming linear perspective techniques when the artist can't be asses to do guidelines correctly.

>> No.2226696

>if you have one, kill yourself.

>> No.2226771
File: 42 KB, 608x628, nice_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2227091
File: 121 KB, 1024x769, fggt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about the drawings, it's about sending a message.

>> No.2228092


>> No.2228097
File: 13 KB, 413x310, mittstache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

draw to draw

>> No.2228104


You must be a highschool drawing teacher