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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2219306 No.2219306 [Reply] [Original]

I too often see this shit on here
>I don't want to use Twitter
>I don't want to use Tumblr
>I don't want a Facebook
>I don't need DeviantArt

You want to promote yourself online, get an art job, or work on your own?
You don't like a website or you only want to use one? Too bad, dipshit.
All of that is running a business and it means thinking like a businessperson, not going into "artistic integrity" or whatever the fuck you tell yourself.
If you want to work in art you also have to think in marketing and business.

People like different sites and there are different circles on different sites, you as an artist need to be available on all of them.

>> No.2219309

Fuck off with your cancerous bullshit

>> No.2219310

Prove me wrong

>> No.2219317

If people want to find good art they can look for it themselves all that social media toxicity will become nothing but a distraction and an invitation for SJW's do you really want some tumblretta spouting rape accusations at you?

>> No.2219319

Time to leave 4chan and go out into the real world, anon

>> No.2219324

People are easily offended by anything and will criminalize you if you disagree with the status quo or if they feel like they've just been harassed or fatshamed by your idealized drawing of a young beautiful woman.

>> No.2219326

You have the idea that all of tumblr is like that when it's a margin. It's like saying all of 4chan is /b/.
It's also funny how you think all feminists are irrational when you are triggered by the idea of posting your work online and so thin-skinned that you can't ignore anyone who says something about it or is outside your own bubble.

>> No.2219329

While having a presence on those sites will certainly increase your exposure (and therefore may help in getting you jobs), they are by no means necessary to having a successful career. I think you see these guys on these sites getting jobs and go "ah, it is because they are visible!" but you forget that many people are getting jobs without being on those sites and you just never see them because they don't post anywhere.

Lots of pros will just have a pdf of their portfolio they email to companies and that's enough to get them work. They don't need to have a deviantart and a tumblr with 5000 followers and post on facebook every day getting 1000 likes.

And if you are not freelance then it matters even less. I do work for a studio and stopped freelancing, and I don't bother self promoting and posting shit online all day now since I have a steady paycheck as well as experience and a portfolio which is enough to get me more jobs in the future if I need to. There are tons of insanely good artists that are sitting in large studios doing incredible work, and you've never heard of them because they don't have a site or post their work online. Doesn't mean they don't have a career.

>> No.2219332


You've obviously not spent a fucking minute on tumblr if all you know about it is "that SJW place"

I've been visiting it daily for 6 months and I see more SJW nonsense in a fucking DAY on 4chan than I have in my entire time on tumblr. It is so incredibly easy to avoid that shit.

>> No.2219334


>> No.2219336

Haha, holy shit

>> No.2219337

Go back to tumblr please.

>> No.2219339

Okay, so your argument is something completely unrelated fearmongering from fucking INFOWARS.
You're a SJW yourself, just at the other end of the spectrum. Maybe you'd believe all men are rapists if fucking Infowars said it

>> No.2219341
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You are such a fucking baby.

>> No.2219342

I know what the SJW's are capable of sooner or later you will get crucified and publicly shamed and lose your fucking job because someone got offended somehow.

>> No.2219343

You are this fag aren't you

>> No.2219344
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Are they triggering you? Show me on the doll where the bulldyke touched you anon.

>> No.2219349

>twitter harassment trial

what has happened to the world..

>> No.2219350

What you're saying is true for studio concept art positions, I guess my point is more general in art though. Employers also look at social media sites.

>> No.2219351

I fucking hate social media.

>> No.2219352

>You want to promote yourself online, get an art job, or work on your own?
You don't need a website or online presence at all.
>You don't like a website or you only want to use one? Too bad, dipshit.
I know and have worked for business owners that are successful but their websites lead to "404"

Stop being a sheep.

>> No.2219358

i actually read up on this case and what caused him to become a "target" to these ebul feminists was that he would not leave this lady alone after having disagreed with her. she had blocked him and he continued to tweet at her for months
while blocked

as long as you don't do this you'll come out golden

>> No.2219360

What kind of world are we living in where we can't harass people online in the name of free speech

>> No.2219370

>she had blocked him and he continued to tweet at her for months
>while blocked

but... if she had blocked him, how did she even see his tweets?

blocking someone is just muting them, right? there's no rule that says that someone you've blocked can't tag you in their own tweets anymore, right?

>What kind of world are we living in where we can't harass people online

What kind of a world are we living in when tagging someone on your twitter tweets is prosecuted as criminal harassment

>> No.2219372

I think what I said applies to freelance too. I've only had a handful of jobs where I've been approached because someone saw my artwork on some social media site. Most work I've gotten was through contacts or sending out cold emails or responding to job postings.

Most employers don't have time to sit and wade through tons of shit on facebook and tumblr. Maybe if someone recommends your name they will do a search online and check out your work on tumblr, but they aren't spending hours sifting through tons of artists on it. You're more likely to get noticed if you are on a gallery site like Artstation, or well, used to be CGHub was the place to be :( Apparently some publications like Spectrum are good too, but I've been published in it and didn't get a single job out of it lel.

>> No.2219373

Fuck off Darren.
Go and post 5+ year old sketches instead of new art.

>> No.2219799

I'm glad I don't live in Canada.

>> No.2219801

Ha. Ha. Ha. I guess that it IS perfectly reasonable to go to jail for disagreeing with feminists. Also, mocking gets us nowhere.

>> No.2219803

Triggered =/= annoyed. Try again.

>> No.2219805

>You've obviously not spent a fucking minute on tumblr if all you know about it is "that SJW place"
I lurked on tumblr for 2 years, and I can conclusively say that it is, in fact, "That SJW place".

>> No.2219806


Where the fuck were you lurking? Were you one of those morons who went sniffing around for dog shit and then got butthurt when he found dog shit?

If you go to tumblr for meaningful discussion on political issues you may in fact be a complete fucking moron.

>> No.2219810

>complaining about SJWs on the imageboard that Anita Sarkeesian bought when moot retired

>> No.2219817

Facebook is fucking useless. All of my "friends" are just sleazy entrepreneurs spamming my inbox with their discounts.

Twitter is fucking useless (almost). All my followers don't give a shit about what I tweet. Those that actually follow me are just porn accounts. It's useful to follow the nip artists.

Deviantart is fucking useless if you don't pander to the cute crowd.

Tumblr is fucking useless.

>> No.2219822

I recently got a job at a small animation studio and I dont use social media at all. my boss who himself is an animator on the other hand has 500+ contacts on linkedin, spends every breathing minute at events/conventions, which he drags me too, to learn the ropes AND has some a sophisticated software that keeps track of all his networks, social media, friends etc and sends him reminders on an app to contact them within x days/months.

we are 2 polar opposites when it comes to socialising. fuck me!

>> No.2219825

>you as an artist need to be available on all of them
Shows exactly what experience you do have.

I'm working my fifth year now for the third studio. Out of all of my coworkers only one has any kind of fame online. In his case it's because he's a satire comic artist and got his popularity from politics.

I know several freelancers who work with a minimum viable option for their portfolio, without any social media involved.

Beginners around /ic/ tend to obsess about a handful of artist, keeping namedropping them in every discussion.

>> No.2219826

LMFAO inverse SJW

>> No.2219837

Honestly all you have to do is not be retarded. I can understand not keeping up with the latest fad but avoiding all exposure because "muh principles" or whatever is retarded. There's plenty of people with twitter who don't post pictures of their breakfast. Just use it for what you need and its extra "exposure" and you've lost absolutely nothing but 10 minutes of your time.

There only time its a valid excuse is when you know you have no self control and having one would be detrimental, but in that case you are already aware that you are a fucking idiot.

>> No.2219885

The way I see it, having a presence online isn't a requirement for getting a job in the industry, but posting your art on tumblr and deviantart is a bit of a no-lose gamble. You draw your shit, you throw it on your site, you forget about it. Those that like it follow you, those that don't don't. It takes you like a minute per piece, when the piece itself probably took hours anyway, it's a negligible difference.

So if you get a following, and that internet presence draws the attention of an employer, you've benefited. If you didn't, you've lost maybe an aggregate of a couple of hours over the course of the months/years you upload your shit when you're done drawing it, with the dual purpose of having an online backup of your work and easy access to it if you want to show someone something on the spot.

The people who shit themselves in fury at the idea of self promoting boggle my mind.

>> No.2220322

Does anyone have any advice on selling prints, or just products in general? I've tried inprnt and the only sale I've made was from my aunt, and I can't even access the money from the transaction because it's such a small amount. I feel like having a big loyal following would be great for this.

For some context I probably have an average of ~300 loyal followers, and I've worked for FFG and PoxNora so I know it's not the quality of the work, maybe subject matter (creepy edgy shit) but how do I market myself to the right crowd? Help pls.

I've posted links to the print gallery around 4 to 5 times this past year and I feel like that's spamming. Do I just need to post it more? Host it on a different site? Use my own platform?

>> No.2220329

this da is so emberassing. fucking /pol/

>> No.2220340

You suggest going out to social meetups to shake hands and give out business cards, which is even worse, grandpa.

>> No.2220799

Bump T^T

>> No.2221984

Usually only 10% or so of your following will get any prints, either make more interesting prints (or make more art that is print-like) or get more followers, ideally both.

If you've posted links to your print gallery without getting any sales, drop the old format, make a new layout for your post/link and post that monthly/bi-monthly. Include previews or whatever with your link if you don't have any already, and add in new prints as you make more art. After you get a bit of traffic you can just move the link to a sidebar or whatever.

Not sure how popular inprnt is, this is only my second time hearing about it although I lurk quite a bit. I'd suggest checking out artists that have a big following and looking at where they sell their prints at (or if they make them themselves, how they do it exactly). If you host your prints at a place no one knows or barely does, people who could've gotten tempted by a print on their "usual" site might be put off. If you don't have an account on a website and they ask for you to make one just for you to get that one print you kiiinda like, will you do it ? I doubt it.

Last thing about prints; a neat idea I've seen is when artist have their own prints under hand and take pictures of it, so as to show the quality of the print and the colors. Obviously if you only have shitty cameras, drop it, but consider this: You can tell your followers it looks amazing, that you've gotten prints from there a lot, that your prints are the best, but... actually showing them off could be the thing that will make them go from 'eh maybe' to 'damn I want one now'.

As for marketing yourself or getting your name out there... tag your work, make friends with same tastes, get on boards/websites that are on topic with what you make, and post your stuff.

>> No.2223618

>my situation is like this therefore everyone else should have the exact outcome/opportunity.

>> No.2223654

Bitch, you're worried about other people dumbass opinions that doesn't matter rather than your own artwork? What kind of artist are you exactly?

>> No.2223901

Right and all of 4chan is /pol/ or /mlp/

>> No.2224489
File: 3.54 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20150714_152809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wondering about this myself. I tattoo as my main source of income so I have a career in art that's stable and use Instagram and Facebook as my primary methods of reaching out (though not required because I'm in a shop) but I want to start getting back into doing some personal comic related stuff digitally. The possibility of networking to others and reaching out is enticing me to start a Tumblr but I'm not sure if it even really matters or I should save myself the effort and investment of time?

I'm most definitely freelance and will probably stay that way. It's more of a personal life goal thing to make a graphic novel.

>> No.2224499

Or should I do twitter. I tried it but it wasn't moving like instagram was for me.

>> No.2224514

and that's why he's the boss nigga

>> No.2228261

in many ways that's kinda true, if your running a business requiring getting gigs you have to be able to sell your (your studios skills) and make work happen for yourself. Plant ideas for projects in other heads and follow through on locking own the contracts. Even if your big enough to work on your own projects you will generally need capital from somewhere (usually some client or some sort of investor) and a business plan on how to recoup your time and money. Most artists don't want to think about that aspect but in the end someone has to take responsibility for making sure the work makes money.

>> No.2228347

INPRNT is awful.

Society6 and Redbubble are your best chance for making on-site sales.

>> No.2228359


Any chance you might be able to find out what software that is? I've been researching software like that but I haven't found anything satisfying.

>> No.2228375

I'd say that you need it for promotion and announcements. You don't really need to be active and share funny videos and ebin memes, like some game companies do.

Just use it to prove that you and your works actually exists.

>> No.2229056


>> No.2229060

>wanting me to join all those botnets

whats your problem, friend?

>> No.2229075

Fuck that, I could be getting better.

>> No.2229096

What about dat behance tho?

>> No.2229505

kind of agree i have mine set up so all i see is tits and pinups when im on. Only time i see SJW crap is when im about to go to work and actively look up that tripe just to get my daily dose of rage. Its better than coffee

>> No.2230262

i have seen more art blogs shut down due to social justice bullshit than i have ever see posts in favor of social justice on 4chan.

>> No.2230771

It literally takes a couple hours to set up, and then all you have to do is post new shit when you make any, but y'all aren't willing to put in any effort.

Not sure how you will get your name out like that, but hey you can always be that shitty artist who became a hobbyist because they wouldn't put any effort into marketing themselves, they'd only ever work on getting good.

If you think that you'll get anyone's attention just because you're good (or barely so) without posting anything, you need to get your head out of your ass.