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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 146 KB, 1000x600, white-rhino_42993643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2213431 No.2213431 [Reply] [Original]

Because we should not have to make new threads or post in draw threads with our fundamental exercises. Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up.

Do not forget to resize and crop your images before uploading them. 1kpx is fine.

Before asking "what should I read/view/study/learn," consult the sticky: >>1579290

Questions go in the QUESTION THREAD: >>2203667
This is for posting studys & getting critique.

Thread study: Rhinos. Why? Because rhinos are bomb and birds are not.

Threadly reminder to avoid carpal tunnel:

Old bread: >>2209769

>> No.2213441
File: 643 KB, 1610x1151, b23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

banter aside, reposting >>2212172

>> No.2213447

Second for Betty Edwards shouldn't be allowed to "explain" her shit with "science".

>> No.2213450
File: 1.47 MB, 800x3152, doxytoot-penisbasic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is that strap-on? It really needs some redesigning. Also that right leg looks a little short/stumpy.

>> No.2213471
File: 152 KB, 900x831, Foreshortening_Tips_by_scruffyronin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In order to foreshorten, you have to know your proportion.

>> No.2213492
File: 20 KB, 493x466, 1372036880644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw looking through attempts from january

I'm not sure if I should be happy I can draw things now that don't make me almost vomit in revulsion or I should vomit in revulsion looking at the old drawings?

>> No.2213713
File: 133 KB, 1000x1000, 09_08_GESTURE_02_30s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot into gesture. Please help. Does it even matter how well your gesture reads to other people so long as it helps you get to the construction stage and you get the chance to iron out the kinks?

>> No.2213723

the basic form of your gestures should be obvious. theres a really good tutorial on youtube on it.

you dont have to rush through them, which it looks like you are doing. take as much time as you need to get your lines right on the first try, because you will get faster at it.

>> No.2213733


You identified the issue correctly, and I immediately saw my problem during the first gesture he did. The entire video was immensely informative, thanks again.

>> No.2213735

How good is ctrl paint?

>> No.2213736


>> No.2213774

watch some vids, if you jive with his teaching style, watch more. Even if you don't like how he teaches, it's worth your time imo. The guy knows his shit, and he's bound to share something that helps you expand your understanding.

>> No.2213798
File: 448 KB, 950x1400, Bad pearl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My shit is flat, whack and all kinds of mess.

>> No.2213803

Nice tutorial. Thanks! :3

>> No.2213806

You got the vagina one?

>> No.2213832

This is why you should practice perspective and value.

>> No.2213838
File: 1.64 MB, 1936x1288, IMG_5840-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the model has lost her husband 2 months ago. hie died...

>> No.2213840

That's what I was trying?

>> No.2213846

Practice more. Check against a similar real picture for errors. Play spot the differences and grind.
Or go back to perspective 101 with realistic shit, that way you'll be able to draw any style later (read: Do studies)

>> No.2213893
File: 184 KB, 800x507, rheno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking suck, but where do I suck most so I can grind until I git gud at it?

>> No.2213920
File: 786 KB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just did the first Vilppu drawing excercise. Am I getting the right idea with these 30 second gesture things? Am I supposed to show proper anatomy on it?

>> No.2213924

That's not too bad. It's a Rhino alright, it's just not entirely "this" Rhino. I think you'd benefit from cleaner lines and constructing before you draw. In some places it looks like you veered off from the original because one of the two lines you wanted to connect was too long or something... For instance the rear part or the left front leg.
Also, more than one tone of shading would help along with cleaner execution in general. But i assume that's because this is a sketch. And as always moar practice

>> No.2213939


Keep practicing.

Study loomis figure drawing and try to combine keeping the figure in proportion.

Hampton's book has more in detail instruction on how to build up a figure from the gesture.

Remember if you're struggling in an area, go back to the basics.

>> No.2213941


It's on prismblush.com. Go to the tutorial section. I'd post a picture, but I'm on a college campus currently.

>> No.2213943
File: 90 KB, 567x325, ayy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2213944

Try longer and use more volume

>> No.2213950

Construction and more accuracy in drawing the reference, got it.

My lines in digital always look fucked up because I can't draw smoothly on a small-ass tablet. Can I practice until I get smoother lines or is it time to buy a bigger one?

>> No.2213951

I canÄt into digital drawing myself so I couldn't really tell you, but from what I've heard a medium-sized Tablet will get you results way more easily.

>> No.2213970

Alright, Will do! >>2213944 Sorry? What do you mean by volume? More drawings?

>> No.2214094

I'm complete ass at drawing anything that isn't a frontal portrait. Wat do? I'm already on Loomis, but I just don't get it. Do I just grind moar?

>> No.2214146
File: 1.18 MB, 2560x1440, 2015-09-09 14-08-27.701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been working on proportions recently. Yes I know my shit looks like a 5 year old scribbled in it, don't judge me.

My problems mostly are with the female body and legs in general. Do legs have to be longer than the torso?

>> No.2214174

You'll learn nothing from drawing stick figures. Not even proportions

>> No.2214191

That kind of attitude shows you're the type to dismiss critique right off the bat.

I'll give my input in case you're sincere in wanting to improve.
You ought to put more time into laying the figures down. Those stick figures don't teach you anything and it doesn't even read well to show what you supposedly know about the figure. Block out shapes for the major parts of the body like the ribcage, hands, feet.

Pick up a figure drawing book like Loomis' Successful Drawing.
>Read /ic/ sticky
>Learn to draw form
>Try harder

>> No.2214222
File: 114 KB, 403x563, wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time posting, Do I suck? help me /ic/

>> No.2214250

it's face is impossible

>> No.2214257

no u dont. nose is pretty.

also trips

>> No.2214305

cleavage is weird, but really cute

>> No.2214337

You're gestures need more balance and structure. First of all, try controlling the flow of the gesture better, usually the curves follow a paperclip patter of interlocking C's and bend/curve around the primary gesture line.

Secondly get a grasp of the form. Do you know what a silhouette is? Find some curvy and bulky people and just focus on drawing exclusively their silhouette for a bit. Pay attention to the negative spaces and how their shapes are formed. This may help you understand the outline of gestures a little better.

>> No.2214340

>You'll learn nothing from drawing stick figures
>Literally right off the bat the first thing Loomis tells you to draw is stick figures

>> No.2214345

Different anon, but to be fair he also says to never draw a straight line for limbs and tells you to draw more of an advanced sorta stick figure skeleton thing you can later build a person out of.
Unless you're talking about fun with a pencil I haven't read that

>> No.2214346

First off, when drawing the torso line that connects from the neck to the hips, don't draw a damn straight line. The spine is curved man. Same with the lines for the curves and lower legs, they should curve out against each other and form the natural flow of the lower half while obtaining balance. Drawing straight vertical lines is making your work way too stiff.

Secondly you say you're working on proportions, but I don't really see any there? Remember the body is roughly 7 1/2 heads tall, 3 heads wide (Counting the width of the arms and shoulders), hips are the midway point, chest+ Abdomen are two heads total, each of the leg segments is 2 heads themselves. Plenty more proportions but those are the ones off the top of my head. Yes, the legs should be generally speaking longer than the torso, they form 4/7'ths of the body and the torso is much less.

>> No.2214378

>dem hands

>> No.2214380

when you make a new thread, post in the old one to let people know theres a new one you fucking idiot.

>> No.2214385

its a shit op image, that's all the effort that's worth putting in tbh.

>> No.2214387

thanks yeah I will fix that
you got me I leave them until the very end fuck hands

>> No.2214419

i can barely make it past one fucking hour

how do you people sit here and do it for hours on end

>> No.2214420

how do i know my proportion

>> No.2214423

Usually takes me 1 hour for one nice colored piece. Why can't you do it for longer? Do your legs hurt or something?

>> No.2214425

because i can't have fun until i practice gitting gud first, and practicing consists of doing boring-ass exercises and granding poses and reading perspective books

>> No.2214428

just draw whatever you want imo

>> No.2214432

dobson followed the same advice tho anon

>> No.2214437

follow your dreams

>> No.2214453

Just finished Drawing On The Right Side Of The Brain

i've been drawing human faces and bodies upside down for so long now

when do i get to a point where i can draw them decently right side up, from memory? every time I try, it never looks right

>> No.2214458

Draw fun: Try to draw some hentai in your notebooks. Realize its shit, get inspired to study more. Study more, then attempt to draw hentai again. Seriously, beginners get so caught in drawing from reference that they forgot the whole point of it drawing from reference is so you could get better from drawing from imagination.

but of course, im a beginner too, but Ill probs have the same opinion years from now.

>> No.2214460

>when do i get to a point where i can draw them decently right side up
It's probably gonna be awhile anon. I recommend working through Fun With a Pencil, then after that The Vilppu Drawing Manual. If you're patient and keep pushing eventually you'll get there.

>> No.2214493
File: 147 KB, 848x1567, sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are loli proportions so difficult.

>> No.2214498

1. anime
2. loomis doesn't cover cp.

>> No.2214504

Its still a figure and it can still conform to loomis.

>> No.2214536
File: 313 KB, 950x1400, grayscalepearl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I approve of the concept, mmhm.

Your stuff is flat because it lacks a sense of form. There is minimal shading, hardly even noticeable. There's a lot of things you could do to improve on it, but I'll give you a couple ideas. First, check out the grayscale version of your pic. See how it all kinda blends into each other, with very little variation? Deeper/more shadows will help that immensely. Do some value studies (still life is king, but honestly anything works). No color, just value. If you're having a hard time with it, don't be shy to color pick to help you figure out what you're seeing. Experiment with cell shading, could help you see contrast. Another suggestion, draw something up and really push your darks to stupid-high-contrast-levels to help you get comfortable with it. It's ok if it looks like shit, the point is to get out of the comfort zone.

Also, part of what makes this particular pic look flat is that it's not very harmonized. Bucket-fill bg with a loud blue suggests a lot of contrast, but the shading has very little, so it flattens things even more. That kind of high contrast style works so long as you have good contrast with shadows. Doesn't usually work as well with soft/low contrast.

Also more biker pearl plz gl anon

>> No.2214559
File: 461 KB, 1000x911, ink foods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried drawing various foods from my imagination. I don't feel comfortable with cross-hatching at all. Thoughts?

>> No.2214597
File: 275 KB, 388x497, 1425614724202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How exactly do I start figure drawing? Do I start with sticks first then the meaty bits or what?

>> No.2214600

2.basic forms/construction
3.details shading

aka how you do all drawings.

>> No.2214611

There's lot's of books that walk you through this, anon. The Vilppu Drawing Manual is a good one, try that for starters.

>> No.2214625
File: 144 KB, 822x518, steel-beems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suck at drawing without reference so I'm starting Fun With A Pencil to try and save myself. Do I have potential, /ic/?

>> No.2214627

everyone has potential ya cunt.

>> No.2214630

You just keep telling that to yourself.

>> No.2214641

But everyone does.

>> No.2214644

proportional to their IQ multiplied by free time.

>> No.2214649

>mfw pirate 80 dolleridoos of ctrl paint videos
Am I bad person or no?

>> No.2214654
File: 189 KB, 540x403, wick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you capture likeness and caricature ?
I was doodling a picture for a few minutes, nothing long. but as I was working on it, I was trying to figure out how to get it down.

I'm not saying in this picture in particular I was trying to capture the likeness, but just a quick sketch after a watched a movie.

>> No.2214661
File: 851 KB, 940x627, orc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

likeness is just down to getting the subtlties of proportion correct.

Basically the gudder you get at drawing what you see correctly, the gudder you'll be at likeness

>> No.2214665

ah okay, i understand that on a basic level. Its the subtlties that get me. I guess I'll continue on my journey of improvement

>> No.2214698

proportions are the one thing you can go wild on. The heroic proportions and average are the ones commonly taught. Those are just two out of many.

>> No.2214700

literally everything you say is wrong.

>> No.2214704

So you don't think there is more than one body type?

>> No.2214710
File: 191 KB, 1280x1022, 1352961787901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like holy shit your reading comprehension, everything, you're just a total retard.

The original person was asking how to capture likeness.

So person two says "yea proportion is really all there is too getting likeness"

you say, at the mention of proportion, something totally irrelevant, and like everything else you say it's retarded, they are talking about proportions of the facial features of specific people,and you go "UH MY KAWAII ANIMES CAN HAVE WHATEVER BODY PROPORTION I WANT, I DON'T NEED TO LEARN FUNDAMENTALS."

>> No.2214724

Cross hatching is a tricky subject.

>> No.2214726

but everyone is a bad person and you're probably not the worst

>> No.2214727


>> No.2214731

The features make up likeness. Pick what makes this person look different from others. Like Jack Black's goofy smile and chubby face, if you got those it'll look like him no matter what

>> No.2214793

Am I supposed to just keep on drawing photographs/what's in front of me if I want to improve?

>> No.2214804

>draw from your imagination
>see what you did wrong
>draw from life to fix it

>> No.2214824
File: 27 KB, 1000x800, tabletu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can get pic related for about $20
>doesnt include a stylus
good for a beginner?

Can I just use any cheap stylus or do I have to buy a specific one for this?

also, its a Wacom Bamboo Fun Pen And Touch- CTH661

>> No.2214838

Please don't listen to Manic or reply to anything he says.

If you see his "art" you'll see that he's no better than 90% of the people in this thread.

>> No.2214863

I haven't even posted any finished art.

Work ethic is my problem not lack of manners, or lack of knowledge.

>> No.2214864

Who gives a shit?

You're still a beginner

>> No.2214867

A am a terrible artist but I am a professional. Just utterly lazy and don't really care.

I can't stand people giving bad strict advice though. I can share my wisdom from years of learning art.

>> No.2214871

>A am a terrible artist but I am a professional. Just utterly lazy and don't really care.

Got news for you, buddy. You're no professional.

>> No.2214872

Got any business advice, then? Being entrepreneurial or competent at getting work is as important as being able to draw in my opinion.

>> No.2214873

Do you make a living off your art? Maybe you don't even make art. You should make art for profit like I do.

Oh by the way commissions are open if you want one. Double price for you, but I'll give you half off of that because you didn't know.

>> No.2214875
File: 148 KB, 720x1113, horse and knight v2 ink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I`m drawing with manga studio. I`m so lost. I have no idea how to weight lines, or make them end in a specific way (ie pointed end, curved end, etc). Everything I draw looks wrong and I don't know why.

>> No.2214876

I don't even know why people pay me.

I guess just draw and tell people you draw. Like everyone you see, even the creepy stranger in the coffee shop. And online just constantly remind people you exist and make art. Also make lots of art.

>> No.2214880

what does the sketch look like?

>> No.2214883
File: 128 KB, 720x1113, horse and knight v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2214884


I'm in a state where I know the picture is wrong, but not what. Can you help me out?

>> No.2214885

Please don't listen to Manic, he has no "art" worth displaying. Also >>2214838

>> No.2214886
File: 755 KB, 585x867, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I was copying.

>> No.2214891

You have no art at all. While I actively PRACTICE. You are allowed to apologize now.

Okay I see two problems, just two. Your ink looks like your sketch and your sketch doesn't have the same level of detail as the drawing.

You have the forms down pat. Try making a second sketch on top of the first. This time draw the details, focus on every line and shape in the photo.

>> No.2214896


Thanks a bunch for the reply, it helps a lot.

Yeah I left out the shading and such because I felt I should figure out what my problems are before adding more shit I'm gonna get wrong and confused about.

Is the shading what you meant in terms of the detail? Should inking always have more detail than the sketch? How should my inking differ from the sketch?

I'm sorry to bombard you with questions but I'm desperate for answers. Again, thanks a lot.

>> No.2214900

That's a joke right. Only artists would give advice here, right? It's against the rules to pose as an artist here, right? Right?

>> No.2214908

What? d00d, this board/this whole website is full of angsty teens and trolls. What did you expect?

>> No.2214910

it's the interenet being the interent.

And we all know the inetrnet is not to be trusted.

>> No.2214944

Its alright but fix the left boob. It's too broad.

>> No.2214967

Is this manic guy a troll?

>> No.2215002

Like you should take anyone who says "You are allowed to apologize now." seriously anyway

>> No.2215026
File: 421 KB, 632x900, drawn kids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to learn kids.
Struggling with heads being too long and eyes too big.

>> No.2215051

squid wheres the drawthread?

>> No.2215070
File: 64 KB, 100x100, 1441584304362.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2215081
File: 341 KB, 634x800, paintkid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kids kids kids

>> No.2215112
File: 124 KB, 640x360, IMG_20150910_183323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My attempt. Sorry for shit cam.

>> No.2215124
File: 792 KB, 1802x2408, WP_20150910_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me

>> No.2215133

k squid
*grabs ur ass
*pokes your abdomen with my rock hard dick

>> No.2215139
File: 426 KB, 1273x800, 343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Careful of your values. You are getting a pasty white all over the face. Be a little more restrained with painting on the face. Children are like when painting a woman's face--be subtle! Keep values flat where you can, avoid too many highlights and plane changes, and if you can put a soft edge in there then do it!

I kept the values better controlled on the face, and punched in some cleaner values elsewhere like a nicer white collar and a darker background.

I also removed the purplish cool colour in the shadows like under the mouth, which was making it look bruised. For the eyes I softened some edges and made the whites less bright and the highlight smaller. Careful with the bridge of the nose, you can make it a softer edge, and especially in the area between the eyes it tends to be flatter on children and not protrude as much. I also made the cheeks and nose slightly rosy.

>> No.2215141


Quit petting in your lines. Think about where it needs to go, go through the motion of the line without touching the paper, and draw one clean line when you've got it locked in.

Take a look at the section on gesture in Hampton's figure book because these are stiff and bad. Just go through the whole book a few times.

I really hope you don't think 3 gestures is a lot, because you should be cranking out dozens of these things. I hope you're drawing these from references too, because if you're not then you fucked up.

>> No.2215154

basically, i use that lovely tripfag blocker

>> No.2215155

Hmm. These are very good fixes all around. Thank you for taking the time to paint and comment on this.
I'll be trying again with a new kid a little later with this in mind. Cheers!

>> No.2215179

I can draw normal boxes, but how the fuck do I draw those rounded boxes in the Vilppu book?

>> No.2215183
File: 49 KB, 849x743, box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my drawing is shit but you can try to insert sphere at each corner

>> No.2215272
File: 85 KB, 640x340, Feels boyond the pines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if It's appropriate drawing style for this thread, but - hey - I'm beginner and that's me trying.

I am a big fun of Place Beyond The Pines and I love Wojak (He feels me, lol). I tool Luk's family photo and added memes.

I'm interested in opinion and how can I improve
. Thank you!

>> No.2215274
File: 51 KB, 634x378, Place-Beyond-the-Pines-Family-Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Luke's family photo" aka Original Source

>> No.2215283

ignore the one on the left it's too shit.

what about the one in the center?

is the form ok? i didn't finished the fingers but is the palm/ thumb/pinkie ok?

from imagination/memory

>> No.2215285
File: 697 KB, 1920x1275, _DSC4954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.2215294
File: 24 KB, 673x700, SKalCcrivQ4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good try! As I can judge, you draw from your own hand, don't you? If you send me your mail (Fake mail will do) I'll send you pack of very good hand poses.

You can judge quality by the pic

>> No.2215314


When drawing digitally how do you get such smooth lines like that? They are so nice looking and the weights are distributed well. I use manga studio, but havent found an inking pen or setting that gives lines like that.

>> No.2215315

Can you just upload your pack to mega?

>> No.2215321

oh don't worry i already did some reference studies of hand but it's too easy if you don't set very short time limits.

however if you are talking about positions to put your hand in then absolutly yes i would love you if you did

drawing from reference don't really help me progress as much but it's still nice of you to propose


>> No.2215326

I'm learning to draw with a tablet. I switched over from pencil because I want to draw exclusively digital. I finished bettys book with a pencil, but now I'm on berts book. I have no problem with drawing from life but I'm having a hard time now because I can't just move my monitor and tablet wherever I want to have a good view point. Before, I could just take a clipboard and a pencil and do it. It's awkward have to move my head/body constantly because its difficult to get the same view of what im drawing after moving over and over.

Anyone have any tips? Would taking a photo of what I want to draw, and drawing that suffice?

>> No.2215330

Is there any way to get better at drawing other than Loomis? I went through Fun With a Pencil but what ever I draw still looks bad, even simple drawings people who take little to no effort in doing are better than what I can do at my best.

>> No.2215356

it depend how fast you want to get good and what level you want to reach.

technically if you had unlimited time you could just look at yourself in a mirror and draw yourself 10 times a day for 10 year and you would actually make progress as long you put the tinniest bit of effort each time.

i(another beginner) think that hampton then vilpu is the way to go but if it doesn't work EVEN though you are putting all your efforts during several weeks then off course try other books

>> No.2215359

Draw something with a crayon?

Draw a straight line. Do it over and over again until the line looks good. Then try drawing whatever you were drawing again.

>> No.2215364

Try different teachers and go through them all. Make sure it's still fun, though.

>> No.2215365

Why are you, not an artist, telling people to block Manic, who is an artist.

>> No.2215366

Don't worry I don't delude myself into actually thinking I have come even close to drawing a ton of gestures. And I've drawn a lot more than just these three. I just feel lost because I can't really identify my errors. I guess I have to draw about 500 more of these and these come back.
Thanks for the advice though. I tend to be unsure of where my lines should be going so I resort to redrawing them over and over, but because this is a stupid little scribble I don't erase old ones.

>> No.2215370

Different guy. You don't need to be an artist to recognize an idiot who deluded himself into thinking he has any authority when literally everyone says he's trash tier.
Besides how do you know he isn't

>> No.2215373

ah you cant think like that, there isnt little to no effort, years of experience is the effort they put. And yes Im not going through loomis at all, though it does teach some good habits and concepts. Just draw what you want to learn to draw, generally from life.

>> No.2215374

Because he's bitter and wishes he could draw half as good as me. But seriously the advice I give is stuff I learned from books and tutorials so just go find those if you don't trust me.

Draw a line. If it looks bad draw, think why and fix it.

Jagged- too slow fix- draw it faster
curved- most lines curve fix- practice long strokes
overlapping lines- overshooting fix- just erase the parts that overlap

those are just a few things you might run into

Try making hands out of boxes. Blocking it out helped me a ton but I still have to practice.

>> No.2215387

There are different ways to draw. This is beginner so most of you suck anyway. So why not try helping each other.

>> No.2215418
File: 140 KB, 271x347, 52362167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I followed Drawing On The Right Side of the Brain, went to Quickposees, set "upside down mode"
and this came out

holy shit am i doing it wrong, or is this just one of those things that gets better with practice
i'm drawing upside-down and everything

>> No.2215420
File: 66 KB, 532x800, 63125315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photo for reference

>> No.2215426

How long did you actually spend to draw this? I feel you're rushing too much for something as complex as a portrait.

Start off by thinking in shapes and by measuring parts in relation to each other. The head itself is already way off in regards to ratio, let alone the features, etc.

>> No.2215427


Thanks for the advice, I've been doing peter han exercises to improve control, but I don't really get what that has to do with my problem.

I can control the lines, its just hard for me to keep moving my head back and forth to look at my monitor rather than just glancing down like I would with paper. The constant change in movement makes it nearly impossible to get the same view of the object I'm drawing each time, and that throws me off. I just want to know if using a photo of the thing I need to draw is acceptable because it would allow me to glance like I used to with pencil and paper.

>> No.2215428
File: 181 KB, 1465x800, 1441915307015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone like me who absolutely has no drawing talent eventually be able to draw like pic related?

I know it'll take time. Lots of it.

>> No.2215437

yeah, start now and continue training

>> No.2215440

Trust me you don't want to polish turds like that, on a fundamental level the drawing is no good sure it looks all flashy and colorful to plebs but take a closer look at the ear and how she is missing half of her cranium not to mention she is not focused on anything she has a thousand yard stare and completely ignoring the screen or whatever it is.

>> No.2215441

Ive already been drawing daily for about a month now

Ive seen slight improvement. I remain optimistic

>> No.2215442

I like how you posted that picture while responding to a tripfag.

>> No.2215448

Sure. Once you get good enough you'll realize that piece is garbage; that's the real sign you've improved.

>> No.2215460

you can do a lot better than that lol, the drawing itself is extremely mediocre, it just has tons of effects

>> No.2215463

fuck, the book literally mentioned NOTHING about that

i have to actually measure this shit?

>> No.2215478


Of course you have to measure.
You don't need to whip out a ruler every time, but you need to consider the distances between things.
For example, you could say "the distance from the brow to the bottom of the nose is the same as the bottom of the nose to the chin." or "there's the width of one eye between the eyes."
That's still measuring. Just consider things relative to each other. Use what's available to you to measure and make sure things stack up correctly.

>> No.2215482

>The same book that haves you prepare a viewfinder

You're suppose to be paying attention to what you're drawing from looks like. Things like angles, distance, space (positive and negative).

If you just draw all willy-nilly without considering that stuff, it'll never look like what you're suppose to be drawing.

>> No.2215486

>who absolutely has no drawing talent

Every artist you admire has started where you are. While I don't subscribe to the "no such thing as talent" thing (I think some people take to it more easily than others) drawing is still, at its core, a skill. And mostly anyone can learn it, unless you're a complete retard.

>> No.2215501

Try to see the image as a series of abstract positive and negative shapes, and recreate them to the best of your ability. It's like pieces of a puzzle.

>> No.2215509

I think it's IQ/artistic predisposition multiplied by time spent on art.

>> No.2215639

a month isnt gonna cut it, continue drawing daily every day for a year then come back for a progress report.

>> No.2215659

How do you start drawing when you don't really feel like it?

>> No.2215711

Think of yourself. The tripfag you are.
Stagnating in your art progress 2, 3 years down the line.

If you don't have motivation then either:
Acquire passion
Just fucking do it

>> No.2215723
File: 46 KB, 310x465, 220px_ATributeToJudasPriest_HellBentFo_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manic you should never feel like drawing

>> No.2215726
File: 50 KB, 705x384, 0110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Failed horribly on the rhino, but I'm not sure how to fix it. I did measure the proportion, and I'm sure I can fix that with a re-draw. But when it comes to texturing, I'm at a lost. My only knowledge on pen work is from peter han's lectures posted here.

>> No.2215729

Honestly I can live off my art indefinitely at the moment, so as I job I don't have to get better. If I want a better job I would get a degree in architecture.

If anything I want to have as much fun as possible with art. Drawing stupid stuff is fun to do but the results floor me. So I want to get good enough to make cool stuff without even trying and create master pieces when I do.

Related to that I want to make animated series. Basically tell awesome stories through the medium I was raised on.

>> No.2215731

are you autistic or just a troll?

>> No.2215733

have fun https://www.youtube.com/user/LighterNoteProd/videos

>> No.2215740

Technically you are a troll. You antagonise me and you don't talk much about art. It's like your whole goal is to troll me until I leave.

Is it because I don't like being anonymous? Are you just a mean person? Because you hate me for being me? Are you jealous, I'm not even that good.

You have the outline, the outside of everything. There are more forms there. Like the shoulders, a bunch on the neck, and all the things that poke out and suck in. Think of it as a game try to find as many as you can and it should get you closer even without textures.

>> No.2215744

Whoa, thanks a lot. This should be very helpful.

>You have the outline, the outside of everything. There are more forms there. Like the shoulders, a bunch on the neck, and all the things that poke out and suck in. Think of it as a game try to find as many as you can and it should get you closer even without textures.

I see. I guess I was so concerned about jumping into the textures, I lost sight as to how to break down the structure. As soon as I saw my texture looking very poor, I just gave up. But if I jumped in ahead, that explains a lot. Thanks.

>> No.2215757

Please explain to me who the hell is paying you and for what because your art is legitimately horrible, or are you living off welfare/parents and riot point porn commissions for retards.

>> No.2215763 [DELETED] 

facebook = tsuku.bane
blog.tsukuart com
youtube com/channel/UCDNnFHlT-QplVUMRbpH4z3Q

he really thinks like that.

>> No.2215767

if you go deep into niche fetishes like scat and babyfurfaggotry you'll find 99.99% of the art is awful but the fucks who pay for it are so desperate they don't give a shit about quality
Generally the people commissioning pay for their shit with autismbux

>> No.2215769

>I'm a driven guy. I'm headed towards a goal and taking lots of detours. Did i metion I'm lazy. Other then that I'm a pretty normal wierdo.
>been doing this shit for 3 years and hasn't impoved one iota


>> No.2215771
File: 34 KB, 389x646, Golem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game time. I made 5 mistakes in this picture. If you get all of them you earn respect. If you fail maybe you don't know as much as you think you do.

That facebook is actually a skype.
I only post things for other people, tests, and things I had fun with. Only a few of them are super cereal.

I legit get paid for making terrible art. It's mostly fetish art and bad anime pics. Like this stuff is even worse than my DA page but somebody likes it. Doesn't make me happy in the least but meh.

>> No.2215772

honestly one of the best things I've seen from you.

>> No.2215773

Damn man you're a prophet.

>> No.2215774

Have you guys gotten naked, or partially naked in front of a mirror, and used it as a reference?

>> No.2215776

how much do you get paid tho?

>> No.2215777

How did you find my SFW stuff? Are you a cyber-stalker? You're treating me like some kinda internet famous person, and we all know I'm the furthest from that.

>> No.2215780

reminder that archives are a thing >>/ic/thread/2213431

>> No.2215781

Depends on the person and my mood. I do random skecthes, like the one above for $5 - $15 I kinda do what I want and sometimes get it wrong on purpose. For lineart or color I charge $30 - $50 mainly cause I just don't feel like doing it as much but some people pay me anyway.

I don't post it cause some of this stuff I've done makes me feel lower than a cheap prostitute, which is an illegal alternative to freelance art that will leave you with more self-respect.

>> No.2215783

and how do you get paid with all that paypal bs?

>> No.2215784

>prostitution is an illegal alternative to freelance art that will leave you with more self-respect

>> No.2215788

Doing shitty niche porn to make barely a living wage is just going to end up making you feel hollow. And if you ever DO improve and create something of any quality, you wont be able to show it off to others without feeling bad about yourself.
You should really just focus more time learning to get good. Make the money that you can while you can, but don't stagnate and don't get used to doing something you hate.

>> No.2215790

best laugh I've had in weeks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBSnL3yMps8

>> No.2215791

Holy shit he actually sounds like he older than 14 this makes it so much more sad.

>> No.2215799

assuming youll git gud doing disgusting porn - do you still need a completely separate sfw gallery without any connections to land nonlewd job?

>> No.2215820

I already feel hollow

I haven't had a problem with it. They pay for the commission, I email it to them when I'm done. Refunds are only for when I'm too lazy to draw. Maybe they don't know I'm doing porn, shh don't be a snitch.

It's a comedy glad you liked it. But if you were joking, glad I made you happy.

Do it. Just do it. Don't let your dreams be dreams. Just do it.

>> No.2215827

>Do it. Just do it. Don't let your dreams be dreams. Just do it.

Everyday since I got a mirror

>> No.2215828

Gimme the deets on this freelance stuff. I understand that starting out you don't make huge commish, but that's okay. I'm interested.

Where can I find people that will pay me commission? Do they pay you through paypal?

>> No.2215835

Yes they pay me through paypal. The w/ic/i has a bunch of links. I mainly do deviantart myself but I also do some stuff IRL.

The w/ic/i:

>> No.2215836


>> No.2215840

On the w/ic/i it only has "Clint Cearley's becoming a pro"

And people buy artwork on DeviantArt? I'm not very familiar with that site. I visited a couple times long long ago and was not really impressed by
anything. Based on what I see on 4chins, it seems like DeviantArt is a website for poorly-drawn anime and a handful of serious artists. I guess I'll look at the site again now.

What do you mean you do some stuff irl? Like people you know irl ask you to draw them stuff and they pay you?

>> No.2215843
File: 594 KB, 500x378, anigif_enhanced-29568-1390940269-22.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art communities is where you should go.
Sign up for all of them and post commision info, lurk around the forums, meet people make connections, and most importantly make lots of art.

Also sign up for paylpal so they can send you money. I think you need a bank account to withdraw the money though.

There are catogories. "Recent" avoid at all costs. "Popular" is where all the good shit is.


>> No.2215850

Hooray this fucking tripfag has derailed another thread. Good job asshole

>> No.2215853

Shut the fuck up drama queen

>> No.2215854
File: 66 KB, 960x717, drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking Christ, am I making a huge mistake by posting this shit in this thread but whatever gives, taking the bash anyway. Genuinely interested in opinions.

>> No.2215856

>make accounts on various art websites.
>post lots of work
>Put on account somewhere that you take requests for commission


>> No.2215858

its okay anon
you gotta be bad before you be good
your bad is not as bad as others bad anyway

>> No.2215861


/fit/ please go

>> No.2215865

You have an idea of "where the lines go" as youve studied refs but you need to up the ante and learn the form of the muscles youre outlining, then lighting, tone, etc. No more amateur hour

>> No.2215870
File: 412 KB, 476x360, giphy (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make accounts on various art websites.
>post lots of work
>Put on account somewhere that you take requests for commission
>??? = Make/ Force people to realize they need your art. Like a drug, something they can't get anywhere else. Use the same tricks salesmen use in commercial. Art is a business and every business man knows less work and more money makes you rich.

>> No.2215878

There's SO many people on DeviantArt though. I hear about all these people getting small commissions for really mediocre, even shit tier work (usually fetish porn, but whatever). How can someone be mediocre, but still set themselves apart enough to make money off of it?

My artwork is still somewhat mediocre, but I have been spending a fuck ton of time drawing/studying and have improved over the past month, because I managed to land a tattoo apprenticeship under a super talented artist.

However, we all know apprenticeships don't pay well, so if I could make some extra side money, that would be tits mcgee.

>> No.2215908

where can i get some thick A4 paper in bulk and isn't overpriced as shit?

>> No.2215919

Can you actually just go and kill yourself? Like you'd actually be better off in the ground

>> No.2215932

So guys, at 24 is it too late? How much would 30 minutes to an hour a day actually help? I mean shit when I learned how to play the guitar I'd play for hours on end and it still took years to get any decent at it

>> No.2215934


getting 'some' comissions to draw animu tittey is not heard. the hard part is building an audience large enough to get a steady stream of comissions which you can rely on for a monthly income.

>> No.2215948
File: 262 KB, 500x364, cartoon-network-gif-haters-powerpuff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been waiting for you
Draw something that's better than my stuff. If you can't never insult me again.

>> No.2215952

Hour a day will get you nowhere even if you're economic with your exercises and studies. You have to want to draw.

>> No.2215969
File: 7 KB, 224x224, Download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cant even tell someone to go to the beginner thread because youre already here
Its shit

>> No.2215971


kill yourself you no effort plague

>> No.2215972

Everyone hates you, its not one person that replies to your stupid bullshit. Please, in all honesty, think about killing yourself

>> No.2215973

with 30 minutes a day youd be good in about 30 years, 3 hours a day is bare minimum, and even then it will take 7-10 years even if you gain skills fast, judging by your already retarded question you will never make it, dont even try, if you have to ask people if 30 minutes a day will suffice to get good in art, its already bound to fail

>> No.2215978

This concept needs to fucking die. Yes, it's too late for you to have started drawing at age 4 to have become good at age 10. Like most of everything else drawing is a progressive skill that will take a lot of time and effort to improve. And guess what? At age 24 you've probably got another solid 60 years to do anything you want before you eat dirt. Learning martial arts at 26 isn't too late. Studying piano at 28 isn't too late. Going to university at 30 isn't too late. It's too late when you're at your death bed regretting every single thing you never tried.

You're young. But you've already sabotaged yourself by questioning whether or not drawing is worth it.

>> No.2215986
File: 324 KB, 672x900, paint2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here we go.

>> No.2215988

>90% of that picture is photobashing
>9% after effects,
>1% actual drawing/painting

>> No.2215989
File: 1004 KB, 1366x768, fddfgdfs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well i have no one else to ask but 4chan!
Is 50 mb to much for a flash aimation? Yesterday i completed a 106 frames little scene of my cat character at 1280x720 and i ended with 2.75 mb, is just one scene, at this rate my little project will end with around 50 mb... Am i doing something wrong? Well obviously i am, what is it? At last the cat is well drawn... Or is it?

>> No.2215995

The "is it too late" question never made sense to me. Too late for what, exactly? How and why is it considered too late? If it is too late, then what was stopping them from ever getting started?

Very strange.

>> No.2215998

How am I a fucking drama queen for pointing out that Manic ALWAYS makes everything be purely about him? This is the beginner thread. Not the "how do I get fetish porn commissions thread cause I don't want to put effort into getting better", and certainly not the "lets jack off Manics Ego thread".

>> No.2216000


I don't follow the tripfag drama so maybe he's done more stupid shit in he past, but besides being a bit up his own ass almost every time he's posted the people being big fucking babies about it are the ones replying to him. Even when he says something completely benign some autist throws a fit.
Just ignore him if you hate him so much you fucking child. The anon is right, you're being a bunch of dramaqueens. HE didn't derail the threads, the autists taking every chance to whine at him did.

>> No.2216006

Are you retarded? It's just a badly painted picture, it's very clearly visible that it's painted

>> No.2216017

So I made a deviant art account.

As I mentioned, my shit is still somewhat mediocre. But I see people talking about making small commish for mediocre/shit tier work.

Now that I've made the account, I have no fucking idea how to make this happen. plz halp.

>> No.2216019

Nigger, you are being dramatic. At no point did I imply I have no intention of improving. I am trying to make money and get some experience where I'm currently at, while still improving.

Asking how to go about that is a beginner question, and this is a beginner thread.

>> No.2216061

KEK you're really getting ahead of yourself aren't you?

>> No.2216064
File: 190 KB, 600x600, WP_20150910_010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2216066

...this is why you don't namefag...manic kill the trip get some loomis or you will become a meme here.

>> No.2216073

The authors of several art books and the sticky keep suggesting to copy "real life" objects.

But why can't I just copy objects from pictures I found in the internet?

>> No.2216075

>Drawing for money

>> No.2216087
File: 62 KB, 500x475, god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fish eye, unreliable light, no 3d space.
technically when you draw from a picture you're copying the contour and not the shape. mind you it will still get you good results with practice and you will learn those objects but its always useful to draw things that are real since it also helps your visual library
to much noise your lines are super messy because you're trying to hard to make it look good, the hair is balls, 5\10 keep pushing make god proud.

>> No.2216092

The ears seem way too small and sorta tacked-on to the side

>> No.2216098
File: 26 KB, 482x277, whyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking its that easy, it takes YEARS of networking something that can be made less painful if you posses skills and the fact you're here tells me other wise..

>> No.2216099

i was trying to make it seem with more "perspective"

>> No.2216101
File: 116 KB, 1280x768, wp_ss_20150904_0002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna assume you're the person in question here
In the past you often dismissed legit advice to improve your fundamentals, then complained about not getting critique. You also told new people flat out incorrect things. And after being called out on that you kept being an arrogant bitch.
See the main problem here is the name. Posting as a Tripfag just screams "hey guys I'm special pls notice me". And your name was the only thing that connected all the retarded posts everywhere so people obviously came to resent you because a ton of your posts were full of shit.
What I'm saying is lose the name bro
Thread's back on track tho so I'm content

>> No.2216103

Is this drawn from life, pic or imagination?

>> No.2216104
File: 285 KB, 700x700, WP_20150908_014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one more now to draw harms...and the evil that is hands..

>> No.2216106

it looks like chewed bubblegum stuck to the side of his face.

work on understanding form in space, and try and keep the lighting consistent instead of just adding 'shading'

>> No.2216109

just realized i dint add shadow to the lower bone cheek... damn it.
DUDE i'm trying.. i just found out the value scale trick and i'm trying the exercises.
pic but the reff dint show the ears.

>> No.2216127

>DUDE I'm trying
Calm down breh. Nobody's attacking you. But you gotta live with harsh critique
Post the ref pic so we can tell you what went wrong?

>> No.2216131
File: 255 KB, 892x1200, 968full-clint-eastwood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not being defensive its just autism on the keyboard, i forgot capital letters can be consider rage. here yah goo

>> No.2216138

Nevermind that then.
Well I don't know what your problem with the ears was. They're right there.
I actually really like the pic. It's a great ref for learning values. The shadows are very dark and the wrinkles all over his face make him very interesting to shade.
My suggestions are:
1. Use a softer pencil for better value
2. Redraw the pic. Pay special attention to the wrinkles. Try not to draw outlines but instead draw the shapes that make up his face. So don't draw an eye as an eye but rather put his eyebrows in place first before detailing the pupils etc.
3. Take your time. Don't be afraid to erase and redraw
4. Practice makes perfect

>> No.2216140
File: 459 KB, 892x1199, Ears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wooperidoo here's the ears

>> No.2216143

yeah, ill be stacking pictures like these to use for studies later. thanks.

>> No.2216151
File: 108 KB, 547x800, construction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or is do alot of people not bother with construction? Crits pls

>> No.2216157

Learn to draw smooth lines
Also that level of construction, though good for studies, is not necessary for a full picture imo

>> No.2216161

Can I ask why its not necessary for a full picture? As a beginner I assume the more information I have to work from the better

>> No.2216162
File: 1022 KB, 2592x1952, SejuaniConceptCopy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First serious drawing I've done in months. Copied the lineart. What do you guys think from a total beginner? Will post original for comparison.

>> No.2216163
File: 117 KB, 456x577, Sejuani_ConceptArt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original for comparison.

>> No.2216171


You can see yourself, even without overlaying the two you have moved the features around, its also obvious that your not doing any analysis, as the way the clothing is on your drawing doesnt not obey physics, for example her (her perspective) right breast is being squeezed like a water balloon by the harness, rather than the harness grasping around her form.

>> No.2216173

Yeah, wrong person.

Your assumption is incorrect.

>> No.2216176
File: 44 KB, 602x481, Witness Him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>copy from concept puts signature.

>> No.2216187
File: 1.19 MB, 2560x1440, 2015-09-11 14-40-42.620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I legs, or just figure drawing in general.

>> No.2216192
File: 110 KB, 1600x685, straightleg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tubes + anatomy molds and practice. draw comics too. your figures are good just need polish, its figure drawing you only need the motion.

>> No.2216195

even I know its the name of the character m8

>> No.2216202


Apparently I am being misunderstood.

What I'm saying is that there are people on this board who have sold absolute shit tier work. They spend a few minutes drawing ponies fucking each other with minimal effort and some fur fag gives em five bucks.

No, I'm not talking about making a liveable wage/boat loads off of my artwork. I already have a source of income.

No, I am not saying I won't work on improving further.

How many of you are professional artists on here? Only a handful. The rest of you are a bunch of untalented neckbeards trying desperately to git gud, and yet you are laughing at the fact that there are people for worse than you that are actually making money off it. Well I'm not laughing - even if it's just some extra pocket change, I want in on this. Wouldn't it make sense to get paid for something you're already doing for free? I mean shit, I bet half of you lurk /ic/ in between breaks from drawing furries. Seems pretty stupid to dismiss the idea so quickly.

I am not saying it's easy to sell art, I am saying there are people lurking here that have figured something out, and I'd like to hear it.

>inb4 Jew, we all like money

>> No.2216205
File: 1.79 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loomis doesn't seem to be clicking for me. How dense am I?

>> No.2216208

Theres no secret you dumb, its the same in any market, brand recognition. Quality doesnt matter, You buy Robinsons Squash, you buy Cadburys chocolate, you fuel your car with Super Diesel. Those who think they don't follow brand recognition do the exact same, just with a niche name or a unbranded version. Tesco's Own, Target's Own. etc

>> No.2216211

If he doesn't click then switch to someone else. Personally I started with Loomis, didn't like it after giving it an honest shot, then switched the Bridgman and a lot of stuff clicked into place for me. Try a few different people out and see what resonates with you. No need to force Loomis just because he's recommended a lot here. Different strokes different folks and all that jazz.

>> No.2216213
File: 23 KB, 500x407, loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not so much, he is a better teacher for people who are ready have basic drawing experience. skip the exercises beyond the mannequins and draw/study anatomy and then come back to the book again suddenly you will start getting it.

TD;DR; you will suck unless you know what your drawing, study anatomy and motion with a little bit of faces for a while then come back.

>> No.2216220

arms yo~ any tips when its an arm looking at you?

>> No.2216221
File: 197 KB, 600x600, WP_20150911_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuuugg no pic.

>> No.2216226

Usually construction should help you get a figure's proportions, pose and perspective right. What you're doing is adding in lines for where the shadows will be (unless those are supposed to be muscles...?) That's not really construction anymore and you shouldn't worry about that too much at an early stage. You want construction for a basic outline of the position of the body parts. Everything else has nothing to do with it. Why do you need detailed hips and thighs when you'll cover them up with a skirt later?
Now you *could* make an incredibly detailed construction sketch if you're drawing digitally. On paper this is a terrible idea for obvious reasons, and I don't think it's going to help you in any case.
But maybe that's just my opinion

>> No.2216229

Thanks for your perspective, I understand where your coming from now

>> No.2216233

just draw a child

>> No.2216240

>just draw an anorexic child with a-cups

>> No.2216247
File: 1.01 MB, 1802x2582, WP_20150909_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all explain this one.
This is what a portrait i draw looks like. I'd like to think it's not complete shit.
Now why the fuck can I not even basic figure drawing and gestures right.
Also how do you draw those from life? Real people rarely do interesting poses.

>> No.2216260
File: 3.86 MB, 5312x2988, BTisShit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuff I did a few days ago.

Still playing around at the beginning of Loomis "Fun with a Pencil" Faces on the far right is done on my own.

I know I'm terrible. Lines are not clean at all. I'm not trying to go for the cleanest lines, just generally playing with the exercises as I get my bearings and prepare to move into facial planes/structure.

>> No.2216262

the fact that you drew it from the front and drew the neck as a perfect cylinder seems to indicate that you lack a sense of the 3-dimensional form. IMO you should gradually push out of your comfort zone by rotating these heads in all possible directions. That way you'll realize that your knowledge is limited to a 2d projection of the head. The fact is that you can get away with this for heads, but it doesn't work for the whole figure; in that case it's necessary to perceive and understand the threedimentionality.

>> No.2216263

>I'd like to think it's not complete shit.
The eyes are completely unaligned

>Now why the fuck can I not even basic figure drawing and gestures right.
Because you've drawn faces some you expect to be able to draw figures too? Where the fuck is this logic coming from. You probably haven't gone over fundamentals and construction enough - if you have, you should be able to draw just about anything you want to on a basic / fundamental level

>Real people rarely do interesting poses.
Learn to exaggerate, photocopying 1:1 is boring as shit, figure or not - take your portrait for example.

>> No.2216267
File: 41 KB, 658x734, 1438206283435_Bbnk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Break it down into simpler shapes first. By arm looking at you I assume you mean foreshortening

>> No.2216288

This post actually motivated me somehow.

Cheers, Anon

>> No.2216294

K moar fundamentals. Will do
The portrait isn't copied from any photos though I just did it to see how well I could draw from memory

>> No.2216300

What book is this from?

>> No.2216333



>> No.2216368

What is generally the best canvas size to draw on digitally? When I draw on a big one and try to resize it after finishing, the quality really suffers, but when drawing on a small one I can never fit everyting on it.

>> No.2216397

Dancers. Look up videos of people dancing. They make weird poses.

>> No.2216403

Well hopefully you put the eyes on the face, not the arm.

>> No.2216447


Is there a tool for smooth lines? I ask because I use a prosthesis so I don't have certain motor skills

>> No.2216448

It's time to work on assets fr my vidya and it looks like I'll have to do it myself. Topdown isometric 2.5d with pixelart graphics. I'm aiming for a something simillar to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4EWdcoSpAo

I've never done pixelart tho so I need some tips. What software is best? Do I need a tablet or is mouse better? Any recommended tutorials/guides? Any advice is greatly appreciated.

>> No.2216449


>> No.2216452

Thank you so much, this is really motivating :)

>> No.2216482
File: 2.60 MB, 2014x2483, 20150911_155000-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never tried figure drawing before. Why are faces and hands so hard?

>> No.2216514

>I know I'm terrible
No worries, anon, artistic talent is an exceptionally rare thing so try not to be too hard on yourself. As long as you keep plugging away and continue trying to grow eventually you'll get there. Also if you have somewhere to put these I'd recommend holding onto them, it can be nice to look back on your old work and see how far you've come.

>> No.2216525



Don't you even think about giving up ever man.

>> No.2216591

That sounds like a plan. I've been losing motivation because I just couldn't see what was going wrong, maybe I was just skipping some steps. Thanks mang

>> No.2216598

I don't know if this is the right thread for this, but I just bought a monoprice tablet since it was cheap, and I've seen a few anons recommending it for beginners.

Except I can't get the thing to work. I can use it as a mouse, and draw on it fine except there is no pressure sensitivity, and the drivers don't seem to be working at all. When I go into my device manager, it's nowhere to be found, and in devices and printers windows seems to think it's a keyboard or something.

I'm running windows 8.1. If anyone has used a monoprice with 8.1 and got it to work properly, I'd love to hear how you did it.

>> No.2216606
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, 7875658787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel knowing Manic will be more well known and liked on /ic/ because of his master shitposting rather than his art?

>> No.2216615
File: 45 KB, 658x734, 1440256057472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chinese Figure Drawing book, under human under anatomy.

>> No.2216617
File: 44 KB, 456x505, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2216618

Bridgman--Chinaman Edition

>> No.2216622
File: 119 KB, 549x768, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1441601070296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his art

>> No.2216652
File: 80 KB, 1113x720, rhino construction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any specific techniques for construction? I've been drawing what I see for a while, and now I want to create some base lines and construction to improve my speed and accuracy.

Am I on the right track? What book is good for learning construction? I'm currently going through berts book but want to try drawing some stuff like this now and then to keep myself interested.

>> No.2216654
File: 282 KB, 720x1113, horse and knight v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've also drawn this. I posted earlier versions of this in the thread, if it helps anyone who wants to help me know what level I'm at.

>> No.2216655

Construction is just simplifying things into basic forms and drawing through the forms. You can come up with different ways of breaking things down, like Vilppu uses a lot of eggs and spheres and Bridgman uses more boxes. Many people use a combination or some modified shapes that are sort of in between things. There's not one way.

Your rhino is very basic, it's not a bad start but it kind of misses out on the mass of the torso a bit and a lot of things like the legs and head are left a bit ambiguous. Your horse and knight show no real understanding of forms.

For animals I like Ken Hultgren's book, it has some nice simple breakdowns.

>> No.2216656

Thanks for the advice.

Can you tell me what elements of my horse/knight picture show that I do not understand forms?

Should I make learning forms my priority, or should I continue with something else first?

>> No.2216673

The hatching just flattens it actually, it doesn't help show the forms at all. You have them all in the same direction and of the same value. Try having them wrap the form.

The linework isn't using overlap to show foreshortening or forms sitting in front of others.

Priorities imo should be 2d observation--be able to copy 2d shapes, proportions and angles accurately. Then 2d observation--be able to copy tones and edges. Then you go to 3d thinking/understanding the forms and being able to construct things. That's listed in order of complexity but in reality you don't go A>B>C, but rather there is overlap and you sort of do all at the same time to a greater or lesser degree.

>> No.2216680
File: 59 KB, 1020x660, rhino sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks again. I will make sure to hatch in the direction of the form they cover and practice making different values.


Is what I was copying. I don't see much overlapping or foreshortening in this picture, but I guess i just have rookie eyes.

Been working on the rhino base sketch for a bit. You already posted to help me twice so I'm just posting this for other people if they want to critique it. I plan to ink over it when im finished.

>> No.2216683

Any tutorials on backview and butts

>> No.2216685
File: 40 KB, 1600x997, Random stuff1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this earlier today but never got around to finishing it. I know my line work sucks, still working on it.

>> No.2216700
File: 121 KB, 600x388, Eva Moutains and Lake FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go about making the spirals more defined?
Also general crit is welcomed

>> No.2216760

Thats about all I can find wrong with this image. The screen creates a focus point, It drags to much attention away from the subject. Maybe blur it down or unfocused it.

>> No.2216870

Is it fine if I learn figure drawing before finishing books like keys to drawing and the drawing on the right side of the brain?

>> No.2216906
File: 171 KB, 819x1000, constuction2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did another prior to lazynezumi

>> No.2216907

hell, i'd be glad if i can get anything close to that picture in a decade. The coloring is mindblowing.

>> No.2216912

It has a cool style to it. Don't give up drawing man. I'll never know how hard it is to have a prosthesis to draw with but I have hand tremors and lazynezumi has helped me a bit.

>> No.2216929
File: 671 KB, 986x1500, ab studies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The focus of these was obviously abs, but I think I probably did a lot wrong (I got especially lazy with the top left)
If anyone can offer any tips for this kind of stuff I'd appreciate it. I know "study anatomy" but this was an attempt that that in the first place.
It was also a bit of a values exercise so if people have suggestions there I'd love to hear it too.

>> No.2216983
File: 23 KB, 444x724, 2863_92_484-right-latissimus-dorsi-injury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Understanding the muscles underneath and how they twist and contort will help define them.

>> No.2217109

what >>2216983 said. lady abs are a great thing, but you must understand how they work before you can draw them. try to understand how the skin stretches over the muscle beneath and how different muscle groups interact with one another.

>> No.2217155
File: 237 KB, 693x1270, minerva_nude_by_benzagri-d997n0o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique plz. I know I need to fix the hands and feet.

>> No.2217167

Theres alot wrong, the head shape, the profile outline. Look up people in similar side-on poses and you'l see exactly where each problem is. If you search nude models you'l see how the muscles are inaccurate too

>> No.2217172

Thanks. I couldn't find a model doing this exact pose so I had to approximate. Next time I'll just change the pose to match exactly what I see the model doing.

>> No.2217177

I literally googled 'side on nude model' and the third image was approximately the pose you tried to convey. Don't be lazy, the more references you can use to understand the figure the better, as it looks like your just slapping parts together rather than constructing a whole body

>> No.2217181

Your hatching is also not following the contours of the body, infact you've done the very opposite direction of hatching, making it seem completely flat and nothing more than symbol drawing. Research Contour hatching and you'l see the difference, and that is what you need to learn.

>> No.2217182
File: 51 KB, 440x382, example_hatching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2217194
File: 50 KB, 693x960, pin_up_by_benzagri-d98z0ij.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same artist
A study of an Alberto Vargas's pin up. I do much better directly observing something, I think.

>> No.2217197
File: 1.23 MB, 1600x1600, juliefowlis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learnt a bit about painting borders and light. Gonna work on it later. For now, gotta do colour studies and muscle studies. YESIKNOWITSUCKSFUCKYOU

>> No.2217202

You might think you do better but its suffering the same problems. You're rushing too far ahead, you need to simplify and practice the fundamentals of 3-D forms

>> No.2217229

Don't be so hard on yourself. A pessimistic attitude WILL prevent you from getting better. Your work is decent. You've got a good likeness and you are clearly paying attention to how light works. You just need a better grip on how your tools work. Keep practicing.

>> No.2217236

You misidentified the wrinkles next to the mouth

>> No.2217251

You also messed up the mouth position. Eyes are too big and shadows around eyes are all wrong. Where the heck is your light source bro

>> No.2217316


You could do with expanding your value range a little more as well, but yeah it's pretty good anon.

>> No.2217337

How should I handle gestures from a overhead view

>> No.2217352
File: 35 KB, 679x960, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time posting. This isn't a very recent one, it's about 3 months old, but I'm trying to get serious about my art again so I was wondering if this is a good pic to get critique of first or should I do something more fresh?

>> No.2217384

Look at real people more often. Let go of anime styles and focus on drawing what you see in real life.

>> No.2217387
File: 185 KB, 864x1296, 457c044498565e4deaeb139684b9e036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime confirmed to exist irl. Continue drawing kawaii girls

>> No.2217398

I'm getting mixed messages here, but I'm gonna try to focus on more real life stuff and save the anime for when I want to be more stylized (I think theres a thread for that too)

>> No.2217416

Ignore >>2217387, that was a joke.

>> No.2217423
File: 58 KB, 600x800, practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright then. Anyway here's something I just did with SketchDaily.

>> No.2217431


>> No.2217444
File: 54 KB, 1020x660, rhino inking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im trying to texture and shade this rhino but i dont know what im doing? Any general advice before proceeding? I did a bit of the head, is that totally wrong or can I do it like that?

>> No.2217452
File: 574 KB, 1920x1080, (12)trying_to_get_used_to_the_tablet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to get used to drawing with the tablet I picked up

It's incredibly frustrating so far

>> No.2217460

Just think, in order to git gud, you have to lineart hentai without the pen tool.

>> No.2217464

pls no

>> No.2217577
File: 31 KB, 233x750, 20150909_090625-1(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the good and bad points of this sketch? I'm trying to work on proportions more... The struggle is real.

>> No.2217607
File: 192 KB, 1224x792, rhino inking 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shading technique im using is taking way too long. I think I'll call it quits here. Can anybody give critique?

>> No.2217618


Im a beginner myself but are you constructing before you draw? I think you would benefit from that, and from reading anatomy. I can't really give any valid critique though because I am inept.

>> No.2217662

I do try to construct (probably fairly poorly since I'm being asked if I do lol), but it's really hard to tell in this image since it isn't scanned.

Thank you for your feedback! I'll work more on anatomy.

>> No.2217694
File: 748 KB, 848x1168, Scan_20150912 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started learning the divided ball and plane method from 'Fun with a Pencil', though I'm using some of Proko's videos to guide me.

Am I doing it right, guys? I think so, but I'd like to make sure before I continue.

>> No.2217818

Any crit for >>2216755 ?

>> No.2217827

1. What's the best way to store sketches? In a plastic sleeve folder? It seems like no matter what they'll smudge

2. I'm getting really frustrated with Loomis' teaching style. He seems to just say "hey, draw a ball and some lines and cirlces and now you've got a great face while mine look like shit. I also feel like I'm not learning to have fun with a pencil as much as I am learning to 'draw cartoons like Loomis'. Most of the time I can't even think of what features to add to the little figures. Is this normal?

3. I'm really considering whether it's worth it to continue with art compared to other hobbies. I pretty much gave up the other week but I saw some of the shit I drew and now I'm rethinking it. It feels less like I want to be a good artist and more like I'll feel unfulfilled if I'm not. Any advice?

>> No.2217845

new thread when?

>> No.2218066

>trying to work on proportions
>draws anime
Shiggy diggy

>> No.2218069
File: 1.09 MB, 2000x2900, WP_20150913_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing with Loomis: Gesture Boogaloo
Do these "read"? I know I need to work on chicken scratch, trying. What else?

>> No.2218075

Animu shouldn't have proportions...?

>> No.2218087

New thread: >>2218086

>> No.2218669

I started reading the vilppu drawing manual and since it hasn't told me to do any exercises yet I'm just doing the gesture drawings over and over. I don't feel like I'm learning anything or gaining from it though. These gesture drawings look and feel the same as they did three hours ago. How do I practice this shit?

>> No.2218755
File: 178 KB, 1366x768, sdasda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progress folks! I discovered what i was doing wrong... First let me explain my "creative process": i draw stuff with a blue pen in small sheets of paper, then scan then in 200 DPI, in black and white, throw then on GIMP, give it color, and RESIZE then to 1\4 of their size so that i can put it on flash... This was my mistake, i am not supossed to do that, the resizing process turns what was once a clear and slightly pixelated black line into a blured line with 5-6 shades of gray, all of wich make the image heavier... I tried scaning one in 100 DPI, the image turned out to be the perfect size compared to its resized counterpart AND, most importantly, had -45 KB.
Problem is that i kinda like the blured results i was getting with the resized images, you know what i don't like? Pixels, the 100 DPI images are sligthly pixelated, here is what i am going to do: For the most important and still frames i am going to use my resized 200 DPI blured images, BUT for the less important/faster frames i am going to use the 100 DPI images! Smart? What are your thoughts? I just want an opinion on my plan just in case im doing something really stupid and not realizing it...
One more question! Is there a way to use GIMP to resize the 200 DPI images without the blur? I don't want to do all the scaning and coloring again.
This is a image of a test i did with the 200 DPI images in flash, the background looks horrible... I figured you guys probably don't like cartoonish stuff, but can anyone give any
thoughts in my main character? Thank you all in advance 4chan people.

>> No.2218920

Faststone Image viewer has different filter option in its batch converter utility. It will give you the ability to batch resize your image and if I remember well, there is a no filter option that will do absolutely no anti aliasing (blur).

>> No.2218952
File: 167 KB, 1532x2167, desenho3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong?

I'd appreciate some help with volume and shading, too.

>> No.2219047

What am I supposed to do for the tonal bar exercise from keys to drawing?