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2215967 No.2215967 [Reply] [Original]

>inb4 furry artists and failed Tumblr artists will never go into game/film industry
I've noticed successful concept artists/Illustrators that rarely or do not create OCs. Then there are artists who create OCs/Self Personas while doing good-tier concept art/illustration. Is it possible for these artists to be accepted into professional game and film industries or will their 'personal creations' become detrimental if they want to become professional?
Not my art but slightly pic related

>> No.2216129

I'd just like to say I loathe "OCs"

It's good to make original characters. It's good to understand what made them the way they are. But people who refer to their characters as "OCs" pretty much always create something like that picture: an attractive semi-fantasy dude with a Tragic Backstory. They write and write and write about how this character got the way he is and they fill out those tumblr quiz things about what he would do in all these situations and they draw a million pictures refining his design, and then... they never fucking make anything. The rare ones who actually do are generic as balls.

The mere term "OC" implies a very specific, negative thing. I don't think Matt Groening ever said "this is my OC, Homer Simpson."

>> No.2216135

Yeah, I hate these guys who are into OC's...did I tell you about this cool new original IP I'm developing?

>> No.2216172

What about artists who move on from creating OCs and start becoming serious about their art, example artists such as Artgerm, Ninjatic, Fealasy, and khanshin, yet do not present them when they're organizing their portfolios despite having them in their galleries?

>> No.2216209

I kind of agree with you. A character should always be created to serve a story (even a single artwork's story). Creating a character just for the sake of it is worthless and pointless, it always gives that bad aftertaste of wankery

>> No.2216728

like those ~30 sec songs which you hear somewhere, enjoy them, search for the full version, and just to find out that was the full version

>> No.2216759

OC? You mean, people developing character design ideas then being an actually talented "creator" by making a next step in developing their idea into a story. Generic as fuck ideas, well, that's like your opinion man. At this point, nothing is new, just the way it is presented could be further developed.

Shakespeare himself is so highly regarded because literally every one of his plays lays a basis for most "generic" story telling. But I'm well, talking about people who aren't all deviant arting it up with their x the hedgehog and 99% of people who lurk here.


OC is so important for your OC story and OC world.

>> No.2216810

You talk like you're from tumblr.

>> No.2216885
File: 229 KB, 500x615, witchsona week.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rebecca sugar used to make invader zim ocs.

>> No.2216895

OC's are pretty much a deviantart concept invented by 14 year old girls.

Somebody like Marko Djurdjevic probably draws a dozen 'OC's' a day but he doesn't think of them in that way because he's not a 12 year old tumblr shitter.
It's just character design.

>> No.2217033

I had the same thought too. But I'm more concerned about some artists, let's say furry artists for example, who decided to abandon their furry art and move onto serious concept art and illustration. I mean, if they tried to hide their gallery of their work and replace them with their serious work I assume they're screwed over because of the Internet Archive and shit. I'm guess there only choice is to become an heroes.

>> No.2217058

>delete fucking everything in your galleries
>abandon your old name
>start with a new one and no longer do whatever you used to do before
Oh no furry artists have it so hard~

>> No.2219708

You get jobs if you do good work, your employers won't give a shit about what you draw in your free time unless it interferes with what you produce for them

There are furries in film/gaming, they just keep that shit out of their professional portfolio. Some people are really paranoid about it though and do a lot of account clearing/name changing but its not really necessary unless you're drawing some seriously weird shit but even then there are more liberal places that probably will employee you anyway

>> No.2219710

Also no one in charge of hiring you for professional work is going to go through the trouble of hunting down your old DA gallery on the Internet Archive, no one was time for that shit.

>> No.2219747

An IP is a complete, developed project. An OC is a character from a story its own creator was too lazy to write. If you can't tell the difference between 'a character from an original work' and 'dis muh OC he likes oranges and punk rock pls dun forget his scarf when u draw him thx', you're a dense piece of shit.

>> No.2219757

its perfectly fine to create a random character, I typically go through periods where I like a design and draw them in everything I do.
as long as you don't go full autistic on it its fine.

>> No.2219980

There is absolutely nothing wrong with practicing character design.

>> No.2222993

"this is my character jimmy, i will use him in a personal project" or "here is a drawing of my dungeons and dragons character i rolled up with my art gang" or 'wanted to practise drawning sharks so here lol' is something artists say and do all the time. pros do have lives, you know.

>> No.2223005

And is she someone anyone should look up to?
I'll give you a hint: no