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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 153 KB, 1280x774, tumblr_nua5mnSwIO1ql6nllo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2211706 No.2211706 [Reply] [Original]

Tl;dr: Devin Platts (Texahol) just uploaded a Gumroad tut on his process for painting characters and you should go buy it (inb4 I'm him).

One of the biggest problems that beginning artists have with digital painting is lack of a clear process. They don't have an order of operations to follow, so they just start slapping down paint and hope for the best, which is a recipe for failure most of the time. Lack of good process = lack of good results. I notice this particularly because it's a problem I've struggled with. It's hard to build a process that consistently produces good results, but once you have one, you're golden, because now you've broken down a very complex task (painting a picture that doesn't suck) into a bunch of small, manageable tasks (line drawing, flat color lay-in, ambient occlusion pass, lighting passes, etc) that you can practice and refine without getting overwhelmed. Much more efficient and much less likely to result in frustration.

This guy who's Gumroad I'm pimping has been talking about the importance of process for years, ever since I first saw his work on CA in like 2006. He's built a very nice process since that time, and I've always wanted him to make a good tutorial on it, because it creates sweet af results without a massive time expenditure. And now he's released this tut. I've watched it and it's good. You should buy it (it's 4 bucks) and watch it.

His Tumblr:http://devinplatts.tumblr.com/
Tutorial: https://gumroad.com/l/idSfr#

p.s. No, really, I swear I'm not him

>> No.2211708
File: 298 KB, 952x1214, vicong_process.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an older .jpeg of the basic process he's teaching.

>> No.2211710

Ok devin

>> No.2211715
File: 153 KB, 1000x506, vietcong1fs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fight me irl

I'm just enthusiastic about this because I've tried a lot to paint stuff like pic related alla prima, and it's impossible to do it in a reasonable timeframe (unless maybe you're Ruan Jia or something). A good process makes very complex characters in costumes with lots of color variation much more manageable.

>> No.2211718

in my limited experience, it's impossible to adapt yourself to other artist's process, you can in the best case take a few cues, but for the most part you need to find your own way to do your shit.

and just being reasonable, if something sounds too good to be true, its bound to underdeliver

>> No.2211725



>> No.2211734
File: 32 KB, 560x375, a_560x375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought it, 3.50 aint shit

>> No.2211750


I have to wonder how Gnomon is doing now that Gumroad is a thing. $60 for a tutorial vs $2-$10. I wonder if that's hurting them.

>> No.2211759
File: 112 KB, 471x415, croc02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he expects me to pay for this
anyone upload yet?

>> No.2211767



>> No.2211770

grow up devin

>> No.2211772

>in my limited experience, it's impossible to adapt yourself to other artist's process, you can in the best case take a few cues, but for the most part you need to find your own way to do your shit.

Congratulations, you just debunked 500 years of Western art instruction, the atelier system, the master/apprentice system, and all art education.

Oh, wait. No you didn't. You just said something stupid.

Good luck figuring everything out by yourself, lol. Some of us are smart enough not to try to reinvent the wheel.

>> No.2211773

Yeah it's hilarious because most Gnomon videos are just as unfocused as Gumroad. I can't think of any Gnomon videos I would pay 60 for, Gumroad, a lot more.

>> No.2211776 [DELETED] 

I would buy it if it included the PSD, Devin, even if it was resized. Just the video is kinda ehhh unless you can convince me otherwise.

>> No.2211777


talk to me when you move out of your mom's house. in the real world, stuff costs money. if you ever want to make money at art, the first step is not to be one of the people who steals it.

>> No.2211779


The .psd is in there. I wish he included his brushes, but nope. I hate it when art tutorials don't include all the brushes used.

>> No.2211783

Ahh okay the website doesn't tell you files are included. Yeah brushes are pretty much a requirement, not really because I want to use them, but I'd like to know how they function, like soft/hard/dry/wet

>> No.2211784
File: 53 KB, 229x340, Domino_Manga_Infobox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stuff costs money. that's amazing, devin.

>> No.2211785

How do I make a torrent? I'm about to upload this to cgpeers

>> No.2211788


>> No.2211793

men put it here too

>> No.2211806

haha, of course /ic/ is all pirates. no wonder there's no good artists on this board. if you scrubs are too cheap to invest 3 dollars on your art, no wonder you're too lazy to get gud.

>> No.2211820

90% of gumroads are not tutorials. and a lot of the times its just watching a livestream of someone painting with them narrating what your seeing....thats y i pirate

>> No.2211823


>> No.2211828

>(inb4 I'm him)

you are, lol

>> No.2211872

>if you ever want to make money at art, the first step is not to be one of the people who steals it.
[citation needed]

>> No.2211878

if you just blindly follow your master's steps you're condemned to repeat his mistakes. art is a personal lifelong search, you can't simply assume someone's got the last word and invest your life in trying to be like him, retard.

>> No.2211883



>> No.2211893

i just wait for the torrent file

>> No.2211895

but that's completely unrelated. check your wikipedia links, bro

>> No.2211917
File: 145 KB, 778x1037, 1441397744826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, can someone please buy this and share?

>> No.2211925

Bought it, worth the money.

>> No.2211934


so which is it? is it impossible to learn someone else's process, or is it possible but you're condemned to repeat his mistakes? you're flip flopping. probably because you're just a dumbass.

here's a novel idea: learn what works, and then adapt it when you know what you're doing. Just like every who isn't an utter buffoon is already doing and has been for hundreds of years.

you colossal moron.

>> No.2211957

Are you willing to share it, anon?

>> No.2211963

whose drawing in your post? can i buy it?

>> No.2211969

I'm not against sharing, but I kinda want him to make more tutorials. And that's not gonna happen if nobody buys it.I mean 3 quid is fuck all if you compare with watts and gnomon.

>> No.2211972
File: 393 KB, 500x375, How to dissappear completely.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember when people shared their work because they wanted the community to improve instead of using paywalls to make some quick shekels?
it's youtube all over again

>> No.2211977

bought it

its not bad it more or less is just like OP said. giving you a checklist of things you can do to help speed along the process and get a neat result in the end. its nothing special but if that sounds like something you want then its 3 bucks dude just fuckin buy it

id totally be all for pirating shit like this if it were expensive but 3 bucks aint shit

>> No.2211978


This. I bought it, too. I've bought a shitton of Gumroad tutorials and learned a lot from them. I want good artists to see Gumroad as a great way to make some extra cash so they keep teaching all their tricks. If people just pirate them, they'll stop bothering to make them.

You guys trying to pirate these 5 dollar tutorials are short sighted. It's three dollars for christs sake.

>remember when people shared their work because they wanted the community to improve instead of using paywalls to make some quick shekels?

Yes, and I remember all those tutorials being ass. There's still tons of free shit on Youtube. It all sucks.

It's amazing how awesome pros on Gumroad are sharing their trade secrets for 5 dollars and you faggots are still complaining.

>> No.2211979

Besides, I know you faggots would just torrent that shit and never watch it. Investing your 3 quid makes absolute damn sure you absorb every molecule of info you can get from it.

>> No.2211981


ahaha, truth. I actually have a big folder of CGMA tutorials that I pirated years ago and never watched. and like 5 gigs of pirated art books I still haven't gotten around to reading.

>> No.2211982

your only argument is based on a simple straw man fallacy.

not even mad, i just pity you because your naivety and stubborness: go, run behind this magic new guru whom, undoubtely, will make you good without any effort, and let the work for the simpletons.

>> No.2211987


you are dumber than dogshit. guaranteed your work is about on that level, too.

I pity you, because you're either too dumb or too full of your own pretentious self to learn from people better than you. both in this thread and in art. But it's ok, because none of the rest of us will ever have to compete with you.

>> No.2211988

>being this desperate

>> No.2211990

not that guy but there is truth in it

i have, and i know alot of other people who pirate shit and never get around to it

yeah you could see it as a sale that never was lost cause you never really gave a shit in the first place but when i buy something i do take the time to make sure i see what all it has to offer

>> No.2212026
File: 2.00 MB, 260x260, 1441223534849.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought it.

>> No.2212038



>> No.2212040


>> No.2212042


I just got an email from Gumroad that he uploaded the brushes too. I wonder if he's reading this thread...

(I'm the OP and I'm still not him srsly guys really)

>> No.2212044
File: 611 KB, 626x978, 1441537369967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(I'm the OP and I'm still not him srsly guys really)
devin. we all know it's you. who else woud do this? seriously.

>> No.2212048

>(I'm the OP and I'm still not him srsly guys really)>>
Prove it by uploading that tut.

>> No.2212049


Calm down Devin. Sheesh.

>> No.2212056


Are you talking to yourself again, Devin?

>> No.2212059


haha, I guess that's one way to prove it...

but if I like his tutorial enough to buy it in the first place, it means I want him (and other artists) to make more. uploading them just means that they make less money from them and are less likely to make more.

>> No.2212061


Nice job trying to throw us off the trail by samefagging, Devin. But we're on to you.

>> No.2212062

Truth be told, every last one of us is Devin. Even you. Deep down you know this to be true.

>> No.2212065

How people samefag THIS obviously blows my mind lol.

>> No.2212066

The problem is You made more damage than You'd do if You'd simply upload it because everyone here thinks You are Devin. We are /ic after all, so everyone here will either get a torrent if he chooses to do so. I think You'd contain an amount of shit spread by uploading it, srsly.

>> No.2212068

Calm down Devin.

>> No.2212070

Is anyone going to upload a torrent or what? I'm kind of interested in watching this, but i've wasted too much money on gumroad for glorified speedpaints with uninformative talking over the top. If this is good i guess ill buy the rest of his tutorials.

>> No.2212071


I'm sure there will be a torrent of it eventually. But I've followed this dude's work for almost 10 years and I'd feel shitty for uploading his first Gumroad tut to a pirate site on the day he releases it.

Besides, it's only $3.50. It's basically free already.

>> No.2212072

most of them end up on cgpeers eventually anyway, might as well just upload it now and get it over with.

>> No.2212075

>Besides, it's only $3.50. It's basically free already.
that's like food for 2 years to me, man. i live on the moon. this thread is pointless without torrent so fuck off

>> No.2212083

You're not helping the case.
1 You clearly are acting like You were Davin trying to act like a random anon.
2 You made people mad at Davin cause of 1
3 People will torrent this tutorial just cause You did mistake at step 1
4 Excuses You make no 1 even more likely.

If You really are just Davin's fan, then I feel sorry for Ya, You wanted well, but ended up hurting guy.

>> No.2212085

ic has a surprising amount of shekelhogging niggerjews.

>> No.2212093


You type like a retard. Also, I don't really gaf if people pirate it. I'm just not going to help them.

>> No.2212101

You sure know much about Devins life. Besides, its only 3 and a half.

>> No.2212105

English is my second language. I don't care if my typing is off at all since I speak two others.

>> No.2212112

Is it because you Devon?

>> No.2212114



who the fuck cares if its devin or not if you want the damn video just pay 3 bucks for it

even if you are some third worlder who cant buy books online cause they dont ship to your country and 20 bucks is a years worth of rice you can afford three fuckin dollars

>> No.2212118

>who the fuck cares if its devin or not
good try.

>> No.2212122


shut up Devon. You're upsetting Devin.

>> No.2212123


>> No.2212132


Stay out of this Devon, this is between Davon and Devin.

>> No.2212159

>shilling on a snailboard

>> No.2212207

>tree fiddy
devin confirmed for lurking 4chan

>> No.2212339

It has brushes and 44 minutes or something. I would really like to upload stuff to mega but I am only a free user and the uploads take forever. I don't know if it's worth it, I've been drawing to 4 am now, will look at it tomorrow. If anything it will be a good lesson on not wasting money even if it's little.

>> No.2212365


can you just upload the .psd?

>> No.2212590

On vacation now but bought it with phone, this better be worth it OP, and it's hard to top that Zedig turotial

>> No.2212638

>and it's hard to top that Zedig turotial
zedig fanboy

>> No.2212784
File: 236 KB, 600x900, rocklookout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still no torrent? geez

>> No.2212809

Im on it

>> No.2212823

Here is the PSD file

>> No.2212825


>> No.2212831

Bought it. Partly because of hilariosity of asking for 'bout three fiddy.

>> No.2212864

Bought it too. Devin must be happy with this thread.

>> No.2212867

So he basically teaches how to polish turd? Plz, we all know how to polish turd.

>> No.2212868


>> No.2212869
File: 205 KB, 800x1154, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your work

>> No.2212878

Was that picture resized?

>> No.2212892
File: 143 KB, 1280x1054, Utrecht_Moreelse_Heraclite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still waiting

>> No.2212907

Man what shampoo is that old guy using? His hair is fab

>> No.2212918


Shampoo is called "Essence de Maîtres anciens". by studio Pierre Paul.

>> No.2212967
File: 148 KB, 750x1334, IMG-20150827-WA0015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn everyone ITT buying this tutorial, now I'm not the only one who's going to get good, fuck

>> No.2212985

>>implying that mike needs any tutorial

>> No.2213006

Someone post progress before and after they watched the tutorial.

>> No.2213014
File: 233 KB, 1153x692, before.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2213016
File: 262 KB, 1800x1200, after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2213030
File: 252 KB, 585x841, before.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2213033
File: 216 KB, 776x1119, after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2213046
File: 674 KB, 1317x1545, 00008401u (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's amazing

>> No.2213047

Before: <picture of Hirst>
After: <picture of Raffaello Sanzio>
30 years of information condensed in one digitial painting video. Worth about three fiddy.

>> No.2213063


This probably get more like in facebook than this:


>> No.2213066


Because we're going to run out of an infinitely copyable digital file, right?

>> No.2213145

Here's an explanation in case you're not pretending to be retarded:
Because of pirates you're loosing an opportunity to make and sell your own tutorials: everyone's just waiting for a torrent instead of actually buying it.

You're running out of people willing to pay to content creators.

>> No.2213153

You're just wrong about this. This is a new day and age, and your theory has already been proven wrong. Movies, videogames, and music... All of them have been illegally downloaded for a long time now. And the numbers are in... The more shared a download, the more copies actually sold, and the more money actually donated. The best thing you can do for your career is intentionally spreading your name around. What better way to do that than spreading around a torrent of your stuff? People look you up, people learn your name, you gain a reputation, people donate to you and grow to love you. You get more visits on your page, so you sell ad-space to third parties who pay you even more. Everyone who charges for tutuorials these days are shitheads and no one likes them. Get with the times.


>> No.2213254
File: 880 KB, 1700x2200, Empowered - Extra Sketchiness 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the #1 reason pirates pirate is because they wouldn't have bought the stuff they pirate in the first place.

I'm waiting for a torrent, but I'm still not buying it even if no one uploads it. I'm simply going to carry on with my life and end up forgetting who this Devin guy even is. On the other hand, if I download it and like it, I may end up taking about this Devin dude to other people who may end up actually buying his stuff.

>> No.2213259


that's the equivalent of someone offering you spec work. And if you don't support people like him, why would anyone support you when you get properly decent at drawing/painting?

>> No.2213265
File: 22 KB, 256x256, akari shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And if you don't support people like him, why would anyone support you when you get properly decent at drawing/painting?
false equivalence
me not support him != everyone not support me
I wouldn't expect everyone to support me when I get there. I'm going to expect some to, and some other not to. But the ones that don't, may attract people that do, so it's fine.

>> No.2213267

>But the ones that don't, may attract
ignore that comma.

>> No.2213271

>>2213265 Well, could you link me to your portfolio? I'd like to keep that in mind. Thanks.

>> No.2213273
File: 44 KB, 552x414, treefiddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2213310

Where's the torrent?

>> No.2213320

>>pirating is harming the industry
>your theory has already been proven wrong
No, it haven't been proven wrong - your study is misleading (let me quote your article for you):
>IFPI believes the [Joint Research Centre] study is flawed and misleading. The findings seem disconnected from commercial reality, are based on a limited view of the market and are contradicted by a large volume of alternative third party research that confirms the negative impact of piracy on the legitimate music business.

As you can see there are many studies "proving" or "disproving" harmful effects of piracy. In this case relying on those sources is pointless.

>What better way to do that than spreading around a torrent of your stuff?
Making appealing fanart. Charging for tutorials is how Sakimichan is getting 66 thousands of dollars each month.
>Everyone who charges for tutuorials these days are shitheads and no one likes them.
Vilppu and Robertson are charging for tutorials - does it mean that they're a shitheads? Get over yourself.

>the #1 reason pirates pirate is because they wouldn't have bought the stuff they pirate in the first place.
I bought "How to Render" by Robertson only because I couldn't find any torrents for a long time. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.2213325

There's no torrent and you're shitting up industry by asking.

>> No.2213351


Oh fuck off you imbecile. No, pirating doesn't help anyone get paid. That's literally the entire point of it. You fucktard.

So sick of these "piracy actually HELPS creators!" idiots. No, that's just something you tell yourself so you don't feel bad about stealing. If you're gonna steal, steal. Nobody can stop you. We've all pirated shit in the past, or maybe you're broke. Whatever, no judgement. But at least have the fucking decency not to pretend you're helping anyone but yourself.


And of course you don't understand tragedy of the commons, either. It's just all completely over your head.

>> No.2213355

Buy it, you insufferable cyst.

>> No.2213359

>I bought "How to Render" by Robertson only because I couldn't find any torrents for a long time. Your argument is invalid.

Yeah, I've bought a ton of art books and DVDs just because I couldn't find torrents for them. James Gurney's books for one, and a bunch of Gnomon ones.

That line about how 'pirates wouldn't have paid for it anyway' is very disingenuous. Nobody who pirates honestly believes that. You pirate stuff because you want it and it's nice to get it for free. That's all.

I hate all the nonsense surrounding the piracy issue. "It's not the same as stealing because it's just copies! I wouldn't have paid for it anyway! It helps content creators! Copyrights are bad! Everything should be free anyway! Content creators should make all their money from donations and t-shirts!" FFS, I don't give a shit if you pirate, but pretending all these things are true when they're obviously not is so clearly just a pathetic attempt to rationalize your feelings of guilt away. Grow some fucking balls.

>> No.2213360

you know it's a shill thread if you have people complaining about piracy in it.

/ic/ has several terabytes of pirated content, as does cgpeers, i guess you guys only get buttmad if the one being pirated is you/someone you work for.

>> No.2213362

>I bought "How to Render" by Robertson only because I couldn't find any torrents for a long time. Your argument is invalid.
Congratulations on being an exception, then.

>Oh fuck off you imbecile. No, pirating doesn't help anyone get paid. That's literally the entire point of it. You fucktard.
Whoa. Congrats, Davin. You just debunked an entire 37 page study with a crystal clear methodology with just a single paragraph.

>> No.2213369

most of the people in the world lives in the 3rd world, and most of the piracy occurs there. we don't need your lame moralism

>tragedy of the commons
are you a terrorist? because that's a critic on the capitalism that, clearly, works wonderful for your overprivileged 1st world

>> No.2213371


> i guess you guys only get buttmad if the one being pirated is you/someone you work for.

If you made a paid tutorial, I'd be against pirating it too. I'd want you to be able to support yourself with your art, because that's all of our dream, here. Artists get shit on enough. We shouldn't steal from each other.

>> No.2213372


haha, so now you're switching your rationalization to "check your white privilege?"

fuuuuck off. this is why you live in a shithole.

>> No.2213373

>Artists get shit on enough. We shouldn't steal from each other.
Yet you don't hesitate to talk shit about each other.

>> No.2213374

Everyone who is pro piracy should post their own portfolio/reveal their identity next to their request for warez. See how you like being shafted in the future when you have bills to pay.

>> No.2213375

This is true. I only have 300 dollars. If I can't pirate this I won't get it.
Sure I could stay on the legal side and pay for it but when my abuelita is dying because I couldn't buy her pills, knowing that this gringo is enjoying a warm meal with my money won't be of much comfort.

>> No.2213377


hey, guess what. /ic/ is more than one person

>> No.2213381


maybe get a real job if 3 dollars is the difference between life and death for your grandmother.

how do you afford to spend time on 4chan? How did you afford your tablet? your computer? You're wasting a lot of money on frivolities if you're in such desperate straights.

>> No.2213383
File: 812 KB, 720x1280, OGvzm2a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's my torrent

>> No.2213384

Stop judging me you privileged fuck.

>> No.2213388


That ain't gonna work on me, Jorge. I'm not some rich SJW trustfund kid who feels guilty about being White. I worked my ass off for everything I have. Save your bleating for someone who gives a fuck.

>> No.2213389

buy it

>> No.2213390
File: 150 KB, 560x466, den.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: political correct faggots

>> No.2213392

whats the point of this image? I know Corben is responsible for both the comic and the animation.

>> No.2213393

>whats the point of this image?
the pic is unrelated

>> No.2213394
File: 83 KB, 540x810, tumblr_ngzzchQf6R1r9ged7o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and support communism? fuck no

>> No.2213396

I had to work my ass off to get my internet and PC. Don't expect me to make further sacrifices to pay for a tut that any american earning 15$/h working at MC Donalds can get in minutes. Cars get different prices depending on country markets, gumroads tutorials don't. and then there is an exchange rate added on top by my bank. I am sure You don't care about the obstacles that we have to get through, it is a free market after all, but I also don't care about Devin getting my 3$ because he is not going to starve either.
I got few tutorials in my past, sure, but they were done by my most beloved concept designers, and that's the most I can do. I don't care about rest of them being payed by me.

>> No.2213398

>ITT: stop-shitting-up-my-industry-because-I-want-to-sell-tutorials-as-well faggots

>> No.2213409


Nigger, nobody cares if you pirate. Just spare us the whiny Tumblr-tier garbage about how oppressed you are. The fact that you're on 4chan arguing over whether you should have to pay for a digital painting demo proves you are extremely privileged, too.


I'd never try to sell tutorials, tbh. I'd horde my secrets and never share them, because otherwise all you get is 3rd-worlders stealing them and then trying to undercut you in the job market.

>> No.2213410

>I'd never try to sell tutorials, tbh. I'd horde my secrets and never share them, because otherwise all you get is 3rd-worlders stealing them and then trying to undercut you in the job market.

That's why you never see advanced tutorials from people, always basic ;-)

they aren't stupid

>> No.2213412


> Don't expect me to make further sacrifices to pay for a tut

so you shouldn't be expected to pay for tutorials, even though you expect artists to make them for you for free?


>> No.2213413

>The fact that you're on 4chan arguing over whether you should have to pay for a digital painting demo proves you are extremely privileged

It's OK to say I am doing wrong, but it is wrong to say why I am doin what I am doing.
Gonna torrent the shit out of Gumroad from now on.

>> No.2213418

I earn that much for a whole day in Hungry.
It sucks ass I can't afford to buy anything online.

>> No.2213423

Average hour rate is pretty similar to Your contry in mine. Torrents are actually great equilizer, I am going to pay for every single tutorial I've downloaded once I get pro and get payed in $. BTW Orbán is my hero lately!

>> No.2213430
File: 858 KB, 1680x1050, Screenshot (19).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy it, maybe someday you'll put up a tutorial, if its good Ill but that one too.

>> No.2213436

devin go to bed.

>> No.2213439

>Gonna torrent the shit out of Gumroad from now on.

oh noooess. you sure showed me!!

lol, so much butthurt when someone throws that "check your privilege" crap back at you.

truth is you're just an entitled whiner.

>> No.2213442


How does it feel knowing that you'll never able to compete with Westerners, because we have so much more free time than you to practice?

Even if you pirate all the tutorials, it won't matter.

>> No.2213443

Quality post

>> No.2213444

>Westerners, because we have so much more free time
Which y'all waste away on vidya and anime.

>> No.2213445

Yeah there is the upside, $ has more value for us.

>> No.2213449 [DELETED] 


>> No.2213453


Keep telling yourself that. :^)

>> No.2213457

>implying it's not truth
1st world people are spoiled to high heaven and has no concept of hard work

>> No.2213460

Where's the torrent?

>> No.2213464

>If you made a paid tutorial, I'd be against pirating it too.
yeah, right.

>> No.2213475


>implying you've ever been to the first world

keep underestimating your competition. that always works well.

>> No.2213481
File: 75 KB, 668x551, 11947663_1052625354761121_1627816589703943676_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what program was used to render that 3d model? i want to try and make 3d models before drawing them so the lighting is perfect. pls help

>> No.2213490

You gotta buy it.

>> No.2213506

Are you dense? You are quoting the article that had the study within it. Click the actual scientific study, moron. Your quote is the opinion of some idiots who write a magazine based on an actual scientific study that they *think* is flawed. And if they think it's so flawed, they should fund their own study rather than bitching.

>> No.2213508

I see you are hard at work, doing your art oh wait...

>> No.2213519

What's that? Can't hear you over the sound of all this FREEDOM.

>> No.2213539


I worked at my job (concept artist) for 8 hours today, and I've been drawing for fun for the last 4 hours listening to Netflix and popping in here now again to shitpost.

What have you done?

>> No.2213566

Day job and draw, like every day. I doodle now and listen to podcast.

>> No.2214169
File: 7 KB, 1273x53, ScreenShot001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a fag

>> No.2214176


Spiting an artist trying to help others out just to rub it in OP's face isn't a very good revenge.

>> No.2214180

Im helping others out too by posting it free :^)

Just call me Robin Hood.

>> No.2214184

Robin Hood stole from the rich, you're stealing from a guy who's probably not making a terribly high amount of money himself.

>> No.2214186

thank you Mr hood

>> No.2214198

I'm not stealing, I paid for it. I'm sharing. He probably makes a pretty nice comfy sum working freelance if he is good enough to make and market tutorials, unlike most of /ic/ who are probably broke ass students like myself.

>> No.2214201

"He probably makes a pretty nice comfy sum working freelance if he is good enough to make and market tutorials"

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.. fuck... you're serious? Wait, let me laugh even harder.

You can't be serious, this industry is dying you ass. ;D

>> No.2214206
File: 250 KB, 891x1086, 3923894215_20aa1d139f_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just call me Robin Hood.
you kept us waiting

>> No.2214212

I was waiting for someone else to upload it just like you guys.


>> No.2214215

if you really think that $3, 40 minute gumroad tutorials are anyones primary source of income you have a screw loose. I'm not killing anyones career by posting a megalink for like 4 dudes on /ic/ who happen to be in this thread.

>> No.2214220
File: 857 KB, 4313x2473, washington_crossing1350847549949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2214237


He's certainly not gonna be making a living off it with your "help"

>> No.2214240

>if you really think that $3, 40 minute gumroad tutorials are anyones primary source of income you have a screw loose
Such tutorials are a primary source of income for Sakimichan: without them almost nobody would support her on patreon.
>4 dudes on /ic/
On the bottom and right side of this page you can see that there are 43 anons who posted in this thread.
I'm sure there are many lurkers here as well.

Stop pretending that you did nothing wrong and just admit that you're a criminal scum. I know I am one (thanks for your upload!).

>> No.2214242

Thanks robin
any chance to share the extras?

>> No.2214246

Here's the PSD file: >>2212825

>> No.2214247

He's not Sakimichan, he probably makes a living doing commissions and working for Wizards, like all the normal freelance artists.

>> No.2214248

Thank you, Robin Hood!

>> No.2214249

someone posted the PSD earlier in the thread, I'll upload the brushes in a moment (I think that is what the third file was.)
I have no pity for anyone whose primary source of income consists of donations and crowdfunding, it's totally unsustainable

>> No.2214251

"it's totally unsustainable, that's why I'm going to actively fuck with a guy not making much money!"

>> No.2214252


reported you to 4chan and mega. hopefully they'll delete your account there. cheers, faggot!

>> No.2214253



Why do you care so much about strangers making a couple of dollars? piracy will always exist.

>> No.2214254


Bless your heart

>> No.2214255


>> No.2214256

Just cause something's common doesn't mean it's right. I care because a guy's asking for a few bucks for a product and you're actively thieving from him ostensibly to "help" others.

>> No.2214258

>Why do you care so much about strangers stealing a couple of dollars? thievery will always exist.

>> No.2214260


Fun fact:people who downloaded this would never have bought the tutorial anyway.

>> No.2214261

Read this: >>2213359

>> No.2214262

Your proof? There's a ton of stuff I've bought or paid more because there was no other ways of obtaining it

>> No.2214264

I didn't steal it I bought it with my money. Why did you put 'help' in scare quotes?

Frankly the "tutorial" was just a glorified speedpaint with about 20 seconds of sporadic commentary, I hope someone on /ic/ gets some use out of it at least so I haven't wasted my money.

>> No.2214266

Daily reminder if you upload torrents as "sharing" you're only helping out the pakis, chinese, and indians who will flood the pool. The VERY second you post it some streetshitter will grab it, and post it to their piracy blog so in return THEY profit. You're the scum.

Fun fact: the people who pirate would never go through the material and just like to stash bytes on their hard drive because it's 'free samples'.

>> No.2214268

"Help" in scarequotes cause this romanticized bullshit that there's some starving artist desperate for this tutorial is just something bootleggers love to prop up to justify stealing something. If you care about learning then you also care about paying back the person who gave you useful advice, and stealing from them and replying "but I didn't want to pay for your tutorial" is shit compensation

>> No.2214271

hey you forgot about us, spics
im offended

>> No.2214272

do you seriously think a fucking mega link on /ic/ is going to fund ISIS and pakistani pedo rings? slippy slope.

I wouldn't post a torrent on cgpeers because I do consider that unethical but I don't see a problem with sharing my purchase with some bros on a small forum.

>> No.2214273
File: 1.42 MB, 2000x1007, When_the_heart_is_young,_by_John_William_Godward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fun fact: the people who pirate would never go through the material
that doesn't make any sense.

>> No.2214274

>small forum

>> No.2214276

>Fun fact: the people who pirate would never go through the material and just like to stash bytes on their hard drive because it's 'free samples
By this logic they wouldn't have bought the thing in the first place so thanks for debunking the other anon claiming piracy leads to high loss of sales.

>> No.2214278

Ocean's made up of drops, my friend

>> No.2214280
File: 16 KB, 450x120, hahahano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you honestly think /ic/ is a small forum? Nigger please, we have 1000s of lurkers which means hundreds of 3rd worlder shitskins who will take your JOBS. Look at the file downloads on this I shared.

Well even if they bought it people still don't actually take action. Some people buy stuff because it's just 'nice to have'. If anyone here who knows what I mean (wink wink) you know what I mean.
of course, how can I forget

>> No.2214286

Can confirm: I've also got several things I've posted on /ic/ that have been downloaded 500+ times. The top download I posted has nearly 3k downloads, but I suspect someone posted it somewhere else with more traffic.

>> No.2214318

Would be funny if Devon read all of this, he should do an AMA here.

>> No.2214321

He seems like a chill guy. I remember him back from CA's glory days.

>> No.2214323

I bought stuff from Gumroad like 3 times. Let me tell you, it's not worth it, even if it's cheap (or maybe especially if it's cheap). The stuff they cover I already know how to do, they just do it better.

>> No.2214328

This pretty much which was why I was hesitant to buy it, I've wasted quite a bit of money on trash gumroad videos that I'm really careful now. It's usually just a talented artist painting while commentating inanely and unhelpfully. I only buy them now when I know the artist in question is a good teacher, that's important.

>> No.2214365

OP confirmed to be Devon already.

>> No.2214367


Well then he needs to do an AMA here.

Devon, what would you rather fight, 100 niggersized horses or one horsesized nigger?

>> No.2214408

Halfway in, confirmed for polishing turd. The line to multiply and then turning it to ambient occlusion was a good call, though.

>> No.2214414

I dunno, him talking about the time he fought the Nazi's in the second world war was pretty interesting. That and his brush use.

>> No.2214429

I wouldn't call it polishing a turd because the initial sketch is very good. But his process just strikes me as extremely tedious, I'm glad it works for him but it's easier for most people just to paint lighting by hand. At best this looks like a great method to give some life to a flat colour sketch but i wouldn't ever start a painting with this technique in mind.

And at effect he used to create the bumps on the skin is extremely ugly imo.

>> No.2214479


It kind of makes sense.

They don't value the knowledge as much as someone who would have bought it. They skim over it, then let it sit on their hard drive.

Let's be honest would those people have bought it to begin with? Not really losing anything.

>> No.2214495

is gone, can upload again?

>> No.2214499
File: 567 KB, 445x247, 1432583959477.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The file you are trying to download is no longer available.
Hello devin, i can finally report the thread for shilling.

>> No.2214508

Well looks like he has little use to me. Besides ic anon already kinda cracked into his technique(remember that thread not long ago with dragon heads lit by separate layers, very useful thank you based anon much help)

>> No.2214511

it's not worth it, shit tutorial.

>> No.2214513

well thanks for the review, anyway i settled for the .psd file to understand the process

>> No.2214515

I think this is what most of those who scream pirates are afraid of, people usually when they buy something they want
validation for what they brought so they will defend it, rarely people are capable of admitting that they made a bad decision at buying something,
while with piracy if something sucks it will spread like wildfire, same as if it's good, piracy is always a service problem, if your product is amazing and actually
helps, most people will want to give money to you for nothing in return. And if you are one of those people who said that you should not pirate because
people will pirate your content in the future, if you think that selling shit tutorials by making it harder to pirate is a good practice when you are worst.

>> No.2214543
File: 96 KB, 687x819, 230 - faggot piracy pirate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always think back to this image whenever I see people justifying why they're pirating.
I pirate, and I do it because I fucking can, I don't need to justify it for any other fucking reason other than just because its free shit, and neither do any of you faggots that are trying to right now.

>> No.2214548

That and the fact the more advanced you get, the harder it is to articulate exactly what it is you're trying to teach people. Especially since some of these concepts are so abstract.
It takes a certain type of person to be able to teach advanced stuff like this well, or even decently.
And nothing of worth you can cover in short how-to tutorial videos like these people make.

Actually, just how-to tutorials in general are fucking useless for the majority of things. I don't know why anybody bothers with them in the first place.

>> No.2214549

Gee, seems i came to late. Anybody still got a link for download? Thanks

>> No.2214550

Your art must be simply amazing with all those $1000 college level courses you steal :---^)

>> No.2214551

I feel you. And when I teach I end up coming up with more things to teach and learn something more myself. Then it feels like people aren't appreciative enough or that I haven't delivered because I drag on and on.

>> No.2214553

You sound a bit salty m8 lmao
I was talking about piracy in general, and the people that try to justify it.
You literally don't have to justify anything to strangers on the internet, why do people even bother.
Just enjoy the free shit mang.

But to answer your question; I only really pirate books, and yea my art is coming along well at the moment, thanks for your concern :---^)

>> No.2214555

>But to answer your question; I only really pirate books, and yea my art is coming along well at the moment

Mhmm sureee it is.

>> No.2214966

Simply epic my /b/ro

>> No.2215166

Just because you can do immoral shit without trying to justify it doesn't mean other people can. People need to justify the shitty things they do. Otherwise, they would need to admit that what they're doing is wrong and perhaps hypocritical. And where does that lead us? How can people continue to believe they're good people (and society continue to function)if they are ok with doing bad things? I believe you are what is termed a "psychopath."

Your pirating example is a good one. Others include,

>I'm not racist but...
>5000gb loli collection, but I'm not a pedophile
>don't impose your morality on me, you christian, but i'll impose mine on you (mainly from feminists)


>> No.2215178


anychance of reupload please.

>> No.2215187

>I believe you are what is termed a "psychopath."
I think your definition of normal is more close to a psychopath, if you spend your daily life doing very
socially controversial things only to spend more time coming up with excuses of why you are a very kind and nice person
then you are more dangerous than someone who understands what they are doing and do it in moderation. I would
for example be way more cautious about a person who masturbates to lolicon and nothing but lolicon yet insists that isn't a pedohpile,
than a person who has accepted that he is a pedohpile and decided to keep his fantasies in 2D.

>> No.2215212


>until that moment when you wonder what's going on with the tail

>> No.2215648

You're just delving into the slippery slope fallacy here.
Just because somebody doesn't give two shits about the morality of pirating an infinitely reproducible resource of some files doesn't mean they're just as apathetic to stealing real things, or are indifferent to paedophiles as you mention in that stupid example of yours.

Different situation introduce different moral views. Just as you would have a different dress code depending on the situation at hand, whether it was formal or a casual get together with your friends.

>> No.2215756

Nowhere in my post did I invoke or begin to delve into the slippery slope. My post was only about how people rationalize their bad behavior and I gave 3 discrete examples.

>I'm enjoying another persons product without their permission and without paying for it, but it's not wrong. How can it be wrong when it's so easy. I wasn't gonna buy it anyway, might as well get it for free. They should actually be thankful that anyone is interested in their product enough to pirate it. And anyway it's not like I'm stealing real things, THAT would be bad.

>> No.2216714

>I'm enjoying another persons product without their permission and without paying for it, but it's not wrong. How can it be wrong when it's so easy. I wasn't gonna buy it anyway, might as well get it for free. They should actually be thankful that anyone is interested in their product enough to pirate it. And anyway it's not like I'm stealing real things, THAT would be bad.

And this is how I know you missed the entire point of the post you originally replied to.
It wasn't rationalization for pirating or fooling themselves into thinking it's not immoral, it was the opposite of that.
They know it's not right, and they're not creating excuses for doing it.
They tell people to just fucking deal with it if they're confronted with criticism for doing it, unlike the faggots who come up with all these excuses like you just mentioned. That's the whole point.
The people who fool themselves with all their rationalizations are the ones closer to psychopathic tendencies than the people who are indifferent to it.
If anything the people who don't care are closer to sociopaths than anything else.

>> No.2216724

could someone please re-upload the gumroad tutorial? :(

>> No.2216836

reupload please?

>> No.2216838


>> No.2216841

Davin pls

>> No.2216847

Agreed. Nice finish

>> No.2217124

reupload anyone

>> No.2217150
File: 3 KB, 380x80, sdfsdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2217160


ban all art thief scum plox

>> No.2217199

Op forgot to mention devin blows. thanks but no thanks op i only like to learn from people who are actually good.

>> No.2217250

But he doesnt make tutorials. He just paints stuff. Why would he care about the tutorial market?

>> No.2217259

Did Jesus Christ stole from bakeries and fishers when he multiplied bread and fish for the poor people? I knew he was trying to be humble naming himself a modern Robin Hood. He is more like a modern Jesus Christ if you ask me.

>> No.2217261

>3rd worlder shitskins who will take your JOBS
Who cares? You should be able to pay for better education and better tools. A third world fucker will never be able to buy a big ass cintiq or a good set of oils. If your job gets stolen by someone who does the same shit you do with less tools and for less money, then too bad for you my friend. Git gud.

>> No.2217266

Jesus, can you multiply your tutorials again and re upload them? Some salty Philistine in consort with Satan reported the link.

>> No.2217291

>samefagging your own post
pathetic, devin.

>> No.2217326

He might have made their businesses less profitable for a while, but he didn't' steal from them because they didn't invent fish or bread. Are fish and bread intellectual property? Were they handed to humanity with the stipulation that they not be reproduced illegally? Who owns the fish in the ocean? And I know you're not srsly comparing the miracles of God in the flesh to the actions of some thieving scoundrel.

>> No.2217330

WTF that's rape. As a feminists it really triggers me that a man would do this to a woman, because if he can do it to that woman, what's stopping him from doing it to me. Srsly, what's stopping him??!!! I LIVE ALONE IN APPARTMENT, I LEAVE THE CURTAINS OPEN, AND MY DOOR UNLOCKED. SO WHAT'S STOPPING YOU!!!!

>> No.2217342

Leave your address please

>> No.2217408

It's a woman doing it to a woman. Judging by her reaction they're probably just goofing around/ are in a porno.

>> No.2217456

can someone reupload the gumroad please? thanks

>> No.2217496

Anyone feel like uploading it again? I'll zuk ya dig

>> No.2217525

Just upload it on persia.

>> No.2217576

you want equality or revenge, so do this to me pls. im a guy with rape fantasy.

>> No.2217921

i pirate because fuck me is all the shit i want expensive as all hell. the best jobs i qualified for were 40k a year or less and with my hands as bad as they are now, not to mention feet, i dont even qualify for work.

what i pirate on a yearly basis would cost me close to 5 million (one year i decided to have fun and add shit up), sometimes significantly more sometimes less.

content of the video in the op is nothing i'm interested in, especially a time lapse that most people would have uploaded to youtube.

and just because we are on piracy, it has also been shown to have a negative impact too, if a movie is great, they tend to buy the movie or go see it, but if its bad, they pirate and forget about it.

>> No.2218283

To be honest I'm waiting on a torrent to watch before I buy. It's cheap but like 2 out of every 5 Gumroad tutorials I've bought turned out to be total wastes of cash. Anthony Jones has taught me that lesson far too many times. It looks good, but it's still hard to tell from just one picture

>> No.2218547

reupload please

>> No.2218645

at in n out and 2 kids behind them?

>> No.2218655

The tute was ok, I got $3.50 out of it. I remember Devin being more well spoken and informative when I heard him talk before on streams before but maybe I'm not remembering him correctly.

It's pretty much what he says it is, a process giving you a way to reliably go from line drawing to finished painting. The system he uses relies heavily on blending modes/layers and selections/lasso tool, not directly painting in color. It's a different twist on the *start black and white then switch to color layers and blending modes* routine. Except he starts in flat color and uses multiply layers to shade.

I'm pretty sure Devins worked mostly as a concept guy so this system looks tailored to painting simple single character images fast to pump out lots of work quickly for a studio job. Not sure how well it'd work painting full size illos with lots of elements and layers.

Overall the tute was decent, there wasn't a whole lot of talking during the 40+ min vid and he doesn't always explain things well enough for my tastes. I rather have a vid over explaining everything, taking the time to spell stuff out rather than being quite, snappy and vague with information. Don't bother making a tute if you aren't willing to spend a decent amount of time doing what the whole point of the thing is, explaining stuff. We didn't really need to see the whole process from beginning to end in an uncut sped up vid, he could have made more cuts and gone into things in more depth, maybe had the whole thing cut down to 25min packed with more info.

I got my moneys worth but depending on the subject of future vids I might not buy another from him unless he beefs up the content.

>> No.2219607

That's actually really informative, thanks for the info. Might just pick it up then since torrents taking a while to show up.

Any other little-known Gumroad tutorials you might suggest? It's aggravating as hell that there's no browse function.

>> No.2219659

i like how there´s 2 sources of light to make it seem more 3D, it really pushes the colour

>> No.2219684

No sorry.

The only other gumroads I bought/watched were Dave Rapoza's bog witch part 1 and 2. I haven't watched them in quite some time but I do remeber the production "value" or whatever you'd want to call it, being better on Daves They are way longer, each of the two parts must have been 3 -4 hours.

He talks a lot more in them than in Devins, even if it's not all super informative he sort of talks stream of consciousness as he's working so you can kinda see what he's thinking as he's doing it. It's pretty much like his old streams when he used to live stream. The first one goes over the line drawing a flat color style had switched over to recently for his Starveil style work and the second vid he takes the simple style work and paints it up in the more painterly rendered style he used to always do. It was interesting, I liked them and I don't think they were all that expensive either, includes the Hi-res PSDs and some brushes like they all do.

He goes over some sketching technique, then line drawing technique and rendering/painting in the second part. The problem with a lot of these gumroads is the workflow is about all you can learn from these things. What layers they use and how they go about painting the image in a very basic technical way. All the subtle stuff about tone, color, lighting and rendering you'd have to do LOTS of studying on your own to understand. Your best bet is to buy tutes from artists who's style you enjoy and may even want to emulate, those might be the ones you get the most out of.

>> No.2221388

where can i git these 1000$ art courses?

>> No.2221396

>I might not buy another from him unless he beefs up the content.
Can you contact him? If so, I'd actually mention that tip to him:
>hey i bought your gumroad vid so and so, i liked it but by any chance can you go into more detail yadda yadda

>> No.2221470

>The more shared a download, the more copies actually sold, and the more money actually donated.
Correlation does not equal causation. There is a confounding variable that affects both pirated downloads and legal purchases - it's called popularity.

>> No.2221500

>>5000gb loli collection, but I'm not a pedophile
And most of them really aren't. There's pacifists who love splatterfilms and fedoras who aren't atheists. People are full of contradictions.

>> No.2224565

>his process just strikes me as extremely tedious
>this system looks tailored to painting simple single character images fast to pump out lots of work quickly
So which one is it?
Is there a faster/simpler way to make paintings of similar quality? If yes, then can you suggest some tutorials/speedpaintings showing that faster workflow?

Someone mentioned using 3d software - would it be faster to make a model and paint over it than figuring out everything yourself? (sorry if that's a stupid question, I have no experience with 3d programs)

I just want to learn.

>> No.2224570

Honestly this looks a bit... amateur.
Nothing has texture, everything's soft and simple-lighted.

>> No.2224577
File: 213 KB, 795x764, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a picture i found on google and do not really understand

>> No.2224582

Go to question or beginners thread - your picture have nothing to do with this thread.

>> No.2225985

bump, I'm also interested

>> No.2226015

Use whatever method works for you. If you don't like this one then go for something else.
I don't think this is the fastest way of painting. The fastest way would be to simply paint while considering all of the elements that this method separates. But this method has an added benefit thati s pretty non destructive and you can make some big changes to the rendering that would be harder to do otherwise, so for concept work this is a pretty good method. If you're doing illustration then maybe not so much.

>> No.2226052

I don't understand why sites with easily pirateable content don't flex their business model to face reality.

Consumers generally fall on this spectrum:

destitute -> on a budget -> whale

People on the destitute end will almost always pirate if they are savvy enough, and the budget people can lean toward pirating if the content is inconvenient (excessive DRM) or lacks perceived value.

To balance out the destitute pirates with the whales that give no fucks about spending money, a site like gumroad could let people over-buy items and subsequently give away the items for free to the destitutes via queue or lottery (give the whales special brownie points/perks for doing this).

Sorry for the rant. If they steal this idea Im going to go over there and piss in their coffee.

>> No.2226344

look at the frog's mouth it has visible bumps. The leaf is evidently brushed over the surface
Arguable. but then again everything is soft anyways from the form fitting bracers, alien skin, leaf clothing.
what are you trying to say there's evidently only a high frontal keylight, rimlight to the side, and atmospheric lighting. This isn't an illustration it's a lineup for character to showcase the character design.

>> No.2228890

>being this defensive