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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 472 KB, 706x1210, country_crocs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2197012 No.2197012 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is meant for artists who might want to try to make stylized work in-between their studies. It is strongly recommended that you use this thread in conjunction with learning the elements and fundamentals of art. You can also discuss the visual elements of various professional artists as well if you keep it relatively articulate and civil.

Previous Thread: >>2186863

Submit your drawings, receive feedback or critique others! Share your knowledge and remember to thank those who've critiqued or red-lined your drawings. Most importantly, have fun.

>Fresh off the boat? Read the fucking sticky!

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Remember the words of our good friend Glen Vilppu: “No rules, just tools.”

/ic/: "Daily reminder that Artists can now make up to 20k biweekly"

>> No.2197022
File: 34 KB, 425x1000, 2015-08-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do i always end up painting stilyzed naked chicks when bored?

>> No.2197024

shrink that head jesus christ

Otherwise you're fine.

>> No.2197042

Jeez, what's with the ridiculous pigeon toed poses?

>> No.2197068
File: 860 KB, 750x1159, postonline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2197118 [DELETED] 

weebs and their gay ass fantasies with 2D rivaled art. sorry its not art.

>> No.2197125

Do you even draw?

>> No.2197156
File: 503 KB, 850x1083, 52157294_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasn't really progressing any further, so i decided to stop before i put too much polish into it...

>> No.2197159

That must taste gross

>> No.2197302

It's an exaggerated sign of immaturity, most commonly found in little girls and used by celebrities that want to seem quirky. The more you know.

>> No.2197307
File: 396 KB, 1500x1552, telly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2197309

I regret asking. You should become a professional shitposter instead.

>> No.2197310
File: 364 KB, 701x782, bdg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your work fegt

>> No.2197313


>> No.2197314

you did anime looking eyes and you hating on anime calling it not art?
then explain what is art and whats not or provide something that explains its not art.

>> No.2197315
File: 889 KB, 1456x2592, dicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2197318

>Trying to reason with people who gets triggered by anything that's not western inspired

Waste of time

>> No.2197319

should i take the bait twice now. i mean are you even trying now?

>> No.2197321

a piece of my hair fell into my cereal and i almost ate it.

>> No.2197323

This is awesome!

>> No.2197325


>> No.2197328
File: 939 KB, 2592x1456, 1439229686242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta polish my style first and build up a backlog. Also lrn2watercolor for that trad art money.

>> No.2197336


smh tbh

>> No.2197389

Go fucking away. /ic/ should ban furry shit again

>> No.2197390


>> No.2197392
File: 98 KB, 587x561, aversion_fads[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meme hate
please xplain how furry is worse than any other weird shit posted

>> No.2197398

nice photobashed lips faggit

>> No.2197405

post werk fgt ;)

>> No.2197410

As the one that posted it, I'll be the first to tell you that it invites bullshit where it doesn't belong. I'm always wary and rarely do it because I don't even want that shit here. That and most of the art is trash with shiny neon rubber textures and a purely sexual focus that kills any life to the drawing.

What I would be okay with is illustration with a less sexual bent. I feel like it's a valuable part of character design that has been tainted and kept off limits for the past decade or so. You can't even draw werewolves or legitimate monsters without some faggot getting his panties in a twist. Hell, you have to remove the inherent sexuality to literal beasts around here these days.

>> No.2197434
File: 837 KB, 1722x1576, pooppi2_edited-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops- posted in the wrong thread.

how should i make the colors less boring?

>> No.2197443

I don't think the colors are boring, it's coming along nicely. I think the palette is very warm though so maybe you can incorporate the blue of her eyes more around the whole picture, starting with the shadows (they are a muddy shade right now). I think you did something right with the cheeks, the color is nice.

>> No.2197456

Nice, is she done?

>> No.2197478

face is too realistically rendered for the cartoony proportions. looks fine from tits up, but when you see she's got next to no torso it gets weird.

add some warmth into the light and shadows - mess around with orange/yellow and warm purple and see where that gets you.

>> No.2197486

She's got a torso, it's just the girl I'm drawing it for is very short. The skirt is covering her torso.

>> No.2197488
File: 787 KB, 2000x2000, D2assassin alt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2197512

maybe i should refrain from eating while browsing /ic/ threads. I almost barfed because of this, anon. sorry to tell you.

>> No.2197524

sorry man. hope you feel better.

>> No.2197622

its ok to push the shadows and make them darker, its pretty warms so a little dark grey in some shadows could give them some nice depth and contrast. and by grey i mean blue greys (super desaturated)

>> No.2197681
File: 303 KB, 567x700, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2197683
File: 316 KB, 2000x3000, icic2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignoring the shading/hands(didnt try hard enough for someone to spend time explaining) how fucked is it?

>> No.2197684

FUCK way to big im sorry lol

>> No.2197830

How can you draw a body that extremely short and not realize that it's very very messed up?

>> No.2197837

This is terrifying.

>the face is very ugly
>hair doesn't look like hair at all
>her right arm is too long

Please study how clothing wrinkles work, because it looks like you're just drawing them wherever and it doesn't look good at all.

>> No.2197862
File: 822 KB, 1722x1576, girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because,again, the girl is super short. the dress stops at the end of her butt in order to make her legs look longer.

>> No.2197872

You can't make someone that short without shrinking everything else proportionately. I just looks like you cut out her middle portion and put her pelvis right under her trunk.
Short people have normal proportions too, unless this was intentional.

>> No.2197873

it was intentional, the chick has G boobs and a rear end to match. remove those and shes proportional.

>> No.2197879

you don't understand proportions at all.
she has the proportions of a midget. it's all about head sizes anon.

>> No.2197888

No it's not, if you truly understand proportions you should be able to figure everything out by starting with the size of one tip of a finger bone and follow the rule of thirds while referencing the Fibonacci sequence.

>> No.2197892

better lay off the alcohol for a while anon

>> No.2197895
File: 777 KB, 632x640, shes VERY short.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not me

y-you dont understand...

>> No.2197899

no anon, like i said, head sizes.
anatomy is also an issue. can you even see where all her bones are supposed to fit?

it's ridiculous that you can't see it even after people point it out. you really need to do some drawing from life/reference. your eye skills are beyond shit.

unless it IS supposed to be a midget like peter dinklage. but honestly, not even peter dinklage has those kind of proportions.

>> No.2197900

can you redline it for me? sorry if thats a bit much to ask.

>> No.2197902

sorry but no. if you can't even see that much then you are a lost cause.
she has the head to body ratio of a baby. you can't be serious anon

>> No.2197911
File: 194 KB, 540x611, imm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just not seeing it. im just seeing a short torso. she has a big head because its not realism, anon.

>> No.2197913

not even them but that post is infuriating. post work faggot.

>> No.2197926
File: 567 KB, 1200x1806, PeterDinklageEmmys2014PT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she has a big head because of proportions, that's the point.

her elbow can reach as far as beyond her ass. don't you think that there is something wrong with that?
i didn't call it a midget to insult you. it literally looks like a midget.
look at pic related. look at the head to body ratio.

anon no. git gud, and have some standards for gods sake.

>> No.2197952
File: 218 KB, 1215x717, Poppy_BattleRegaliaSkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's supposed to be this character, and yordles have some weird as fuck anatomy going on.

I think that the head might be too big for the body, and the neck and chest too thick. If anything I think the head size is what's throwing everything off the most.

>> No.2198029


Personally I think the issue is the thickness of the neck/shoulders - they look normal-sized whereas the rest of her is shrunken down. If the neck weren't so thick or visible then I think it'd make the big head less of an issue.

>> No.2198068
File: 1.05 MB, 1722x1576, redline for anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got here anon
this redline is based on the size of the face/head and the neck and shoulders, that gives a certain proportion and if the rest of the body doesnt follow it it looks really weird and squashed. she can be short but with the limbs and features you gave her, the torso was entirely too short. plus the style of the dress also is something that will make a person look more squashed so be mindful on that to define the waist and hip area otherwise they just get lost.
make sure to frequently flip and zoom out from your image so you can make sure it reads correctly

if you'd like i can also give you some tips for your color

>> No.2198070
File: 860 KB, 1722x1576, redline for anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crap, sorry

>> No.2198134

Thanks, those are all fixable things.

And I was just chucking the wrinkles on anywhere, it's only a primary sketch.

>> No.2198168

Any more by the same guy as the op? Really digging the style.

>> No.2198175

You fetishize species that aren't your own. Simple.

>> No.2198227

why the fuck do you help people negotiating?

>> No.2198255
File: 125 KB, 662x772, Another Arbitrary Anime Character.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any tips on being aware bodily proportions.
I know I need alot of help with that type of stuff.
You can clearly see I went for a modern Manga style so what can I do to
approach it's aesthetics more closely?

>> No.2198258

just measure by heads

>> No.2198260

Im sorry what?

>> No.2198336

study it. study real life too, because your proportions are shit. shoulders should be wider, arms are too thin, clavicle is too low.
it's pretty bad, study up on that shit.

also you really shouldn't be going for 5 heads tall unless it's a child.

>> No.2198352
File: 709 KB, 1447x2047, mikubikini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty awesome C :

hi! still drawing gigantic girls, i see? (what are they called?) anyway, looking good, girl is cute C :

i finished this btw >:3

>> No.2198536

giantesses. thanks too, giant lolis are my lifeblood. although i'm not really too happy with how this piece turned out...

>> No.2198559

he made excuses for previous feedback about how short she was, and now you take time to lesson him, he's pointing you've probably wasted your time kek

>> No.2198575

Then he asked for a redline and people said no you should be able to see it why dont you see it?
Thats the point of a redline, to show you things you dont notice because you've been staring at a picture for too long. You guys need to lighten up, we're all here to improve

>> No.2198598
File: 394 KB, 500x915, oceann.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a sea witch

>> No.2198624

>omg i just pooped a little

>> No.2198691
File: 204 KB, 687x652, mikusword.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started a Miku this morning. If anyone can help me see what I'm doing wrong, that'd be cool.

>> No.2198697
File: 332 KB, 777x1036, spidergwen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, a Spider-Gwen.

>> No.2198841


>> No.2198849

cool shit man. just keep in mind how the light from the background would transfer to the foreground. changing your linework color improves a lot as well. if you still have the non-condensed .psd file go in and change the linework to a darker blue/purple, see how it looks

>> No.2198865

arms are way too small in this one, I think the head feels flat too.

otherwise nice thighs, man.

>> No.2199022

> the only decent feedback/redline in thread
> bitching ensues

>> No.2199047

Really cool, I like it!

>> No.2199056

Haha yeah, I guess the expression is kinda weird.


>> No.2199159
File: 147 KB, 800x557, starrrcond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2199170
File: 437 KB, 823x965, 59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do i belong here?

>> No.2199172
File: 226 KB, 636x1200, TTG wip2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continuing this one, ended reworking on way more stuff than I expected.

>> No.2199177

I feel like the pose isn't really conveying what you had in mind, but I might be wrong.

Either way, your drawing seems pretty flat because it looks as if her torso, legs and feet are all on the same plane. The fact that her chest and hips are perfectly in line also contributes to the flatness. If you brought one leg back and one leg forwards and added a twist to her hips to face sideways a bit, it would give this pose a lot more weight. Finally, make sure to fix the foreshortening on the leek accordingly; you certainly know how, judging by how you drew her thighs.

Just a suggestion.

>> No.2199178

you should rework the way she holds the wand in her hand.

>> No.2199180 [DELETED] 
File: 270 KB, 914x1309, adc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2199195

That is a fucking sick shirt

>> No.2199315
File: 122 KB, 800x589, sippy_cup_sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making OC - it is going in the sketchbook now so speak up for adjustments

Fix list
>even out robot shoulders
>point robots left shoulder at camera
>even out teeth
>hope the ellipses fix themselves


>> No.2199316

fuck i meant
>robots right

>> No.2199318

honest opinion

>> No.2199319

That means nothing. Explain further.

>> No.2199321

it means work on something where u can get some valuable information and not just making OC crap material

>> No.2199326

not that anon but people aren't even allowed to make ocs now? yikes.

>> No.2199330

Welcome to /ic/, where random people claim to know what they're talking about but might secretly be idiots.

>> No.2199331

Just don't take them seriously. Come on now. You know a shitposter when you see one.

>> No.2199335

>be me - copying pictures for years
>ic says make something original >>/ic/thread/2181145#p2183248
>draw something without refs
>get this response >>2199321

soooooo I am going to keep going with this since I am pretty sure this is a valuable exercise to draw without a ref

also is OC original content or original character? - I guess meant the former earlier

>> No.2199346

I think it's quite cool! Reminds me a bit of Cerebella & Vice Versa in Skullgirls.

>> No.2199354

sorry kid apparently you learned nothing, you aren't skilled enough to do OC. back to the fundamentals to you bitch boy.

>> No.2199357

oc generally means original character. and i really like yours!! i think it has a lot of potential. keep on keepin on, anon

>> No.2199360
File: 925 KB, 2333x5000, LoGn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying really hard to be productive

>> No.2199363

What use is learning to draw if you never do anything creative due to the arbitrary standards of random people on the internet?

>> No.2199366


>> No.2199368

I really like this design so far. I'm not too fond of the size of her torso in comparison to the head but it does work. Keep it going anon.

>> No.2199375
File: 135 KB, 800x636, power_sippy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redrew it into sketchbook for inking. There are some perspective issues, but I'll need to revisit it tomorrow with fresh eyes

Also, fuck this scanner and blue pencil - so annoying

thanks - can't decide if I want to digi, markers, or both... to be continued...

you seem to be enjoying yourself so I won't try to stop you

>> No.2199403
File: 60 KB, 391x651, A15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-is my colors looks oversaturated?

>> No.2199408

Nice. Deus Vult/10

>> No.2199443

cool but why the wires in the mouth and arm ?

>> No.2199458
File: 197 KB, 990x989, reimutired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been a bit annoyed with lineart lately.
I've done a bunch of sketches like this one using a pencil tool in SAI with a high min. size and 100% density, because everytime I try to use something else, like a dot brush, the lines always come out way too thin and wispy, or the consistency is all wrong.

It feels kind of weird to try to explain it actually.

>> No.2199482

a bit. her skin literally glows on my screen
pretty cool though

>> No.2199505
File: 437 KB, 1920x1080, i260^cimgpsh_orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to design a female character but she always comes out more masculin. My friends said it was the jaw but i can't figure it how how to fix it.

>> No.2199506
File: 364 KB, 1920x1080, i261^cimgpsh_orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2199507

My friends said it was the jaw but i can't figure out how to fix it.

>> No.2199546
File: 564 KB, 1920x1080, bbbbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this maybe? I'd do more but my tablet is being laggy as fuck and I don't want to restart my computer just yet. Is there a more convenient way to fix that?

>> No.2199547

I really like the way you draw females, to be honest.

>> No.2199551

Your ears is a bit misplaced in the perspective and should be a bit lower and the mouth is placed under nose instead of the real center line, this results in the jaw looking a bit bigger and swollen than it should be.

Side tip if you want to try more stuff out which usually helps. Try placing eyes a tiny bit lower than the brow line and experiment with the eye crease to give the eyes more depth.

>> No.2199558
File: 100 KB, 702x453, uhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lowered the features and made the mouth smaller

>> No.2199574

She is sipping power from the battery like from a beer hat. The arm thing is just an even lazier way to position the battery.

>> No.2199609
File: 192 KB, 643x600, TTG wip-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, there are plenty of ways to make pretty/beautiful stylized women faces, so first it would depends on what you intend to do.

From my experience, eyelashes adds a lot. Generally Thinner lines for the parts of the faces also helps too. Thick eyebrows like you draw her with have their own charm, but usually you would made me thinner. Mouth looks fine. As for the nose, I'm not really sure what you're aiming for, I myself prefer Anime stylized noses that are barely existant, but again, tastes are tastes.

Also, maybe you could try out making detailed pupils instead of totally black ones.
Look at how some artists you like draw faces and experiment.

>> No.2199617

I'm not the original artist I just edited his to try and make the character more feminine

And I agree that thinner eyebrows and eyelashes would make them look more feminine yes, but then it really wouldn't look like the artists character? Don't know if I'm making sense but yeah I just tried to edit the structure and not really change the character

>> No.2199628 [DELETED] 

Hairline is to high up, it's usually a nose length up. Mouth is not in center, giving her a protruding jaw.

And yes >>2199617 I saw your post before posting this, but I this was already done thinking it was the OP.

>> No.2199629
File: 75 KB, 702x453, 1440601483700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hairline is to high up, it's usually a nose length up. Mouth is not in center, giving her a protruding jaw.

And yes >>2199617 I saw your post before posting this, but I this was already done thinking it was the OP.

*forgot image

>> No.2199632
File: 560 KB, 626x690, Old -Girl portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, though that was the same guy so was directly talking to him. As I said, thick eyebrows can have their charms, but besides these ones being really damn thick, I wanted to not that just because he drew it like that means it's a good way.

For a long time I drew girls in ways that I thought looked good, even if now I look it back it's pretty much terrible. Not saying that's necessarily the case for him, but that he should experiment some more styles to see which suits him the most.

>> No.2199639

Thanks a lot, I actually didn't know about that nose length trick

Though I'm a bit confused at the mouth not being in the center and the protruding jaw, I can't really point what's off, hope you don't mind pointing it out for me?

I agree, my trouble was just thinking that he would stray away from giving characters certain features because it's not considered right, something like that

>> No.2199656
File: 58 KB, 352x453, 1440606352841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried giving it a shot.

>> No.2199660

the eye line is not the reference point, the brow line is.

>> No.2199674

you could improve that pretty easy, she's so yellow, not to saturated, just too yellow that it seems to shine, while rest of the pictures is not saturated at all.

Your color choices are at the level of symbol drawing, even if you pick something to be white or black, dont leave it without any saturation
think that color changes hue from light to darkness (hot and cold), and max saturation on mid tones

your painting as grayscale is good

>> No.2199681
File: 90 KB, 702x453, nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a common mistake really, it happens when the artist forget that a nose is actually protruding from the face and does not change the center line. So when you hypothetically turn the head the lower jaw will stick out like a neanderthal.

Also, personal gripe, but eye is borderline symbol zone. Eye lids doesn't translate the shape of the eye well.
Measured lower part of head, then dived it in the middle. You can download the image and see that for yourself.

>> No.2199699
File: 74 KB, 736x800, xl_head3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Measured lower part of head, then dived it in the middle. You can download the image and see that for yourself.
what? i'm talking about pic related.
the nose is not measured from the eye line. it's measured starting from the brow line.
literally, do you even LOOMIS?

>> No.2199701

You see point 2 and 3?
I took those and made 1 and 2.

>> No.2199710

what do you mean you made 1 and 2? you do know that those are real life proportions, right?

>> No.2199720

Remember to eat your vegetables.

>> No.2199732
File: 36 KB, 749x522, muh loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, i don't know what you're talking about, but i'm talking about pic related.
left is the correct loomis and reality approved proportion.
right is what you and the others suggested, which leaves us with long noses and low foreheads.

>> No.2199744
File: 459 KB, 4000x3201, hug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty new to this style, I tried exaggerating proportions like many of you say. Can anybody redline this? I'm a little unsure about the legs, especially the floating person.

>> No.2199749
File: 51 KB, 374x402, stayinschool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to reverse engineer stuff.

>> No.2199751

thanks, saving this post

>> No.2199769

i don't think you understand how this works. also do you realize how low the hairline is with your suggestion?

>> No.2199778

Not the same anon, but the red lined hairline looks about right tbh.

The current drawing is eggman tier hairline.

>> No.2199779 [DELETED] 


>> No.2199783
File: 61 KB, 319x401, 076fa9db11819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this about a month ago, I'm thinking on the colors- I like saturated but I'm wondering if this is just obnoxious, specifically with things by the jaw line and under the character's left eye

>> No.2199784

I am not suggesting anything, I am pointing out flaws by measuring what I see by reverse engineering what I got using ideas lifted from Loomis (which he himself encourages).

Learn to pick and choose and adapt, and eat your vegetables.

>> No.2199807

it's fine to not follow the proportions exactly, but if you are going to say something like "hairline is a nose length up", then you better also give the correct reference/starting points.
you say you "lifted it from loomis", but you probably just remembered it wrong, didn't you?

yeah but his is too low. and it will always be too low if we follow those proportions he suggested.

>> No.2199816

A nose length up is the nose length from brow ridge yes. But you are not taking in what we are presented with here and blindly suggest that we use his standard which is for adult male. You are sour because of me not bothering to go into detail into a problem which is not mine in the first place.

>> No.2199826
File: 157 KB, 646x726, i262^cimgpsh_orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really appreciate all the help. Still trying to apply everything everyone said and feel like i got at least i little better then before.

>> No.2199839
File: 421 KB, 732x788, Also hands are gently caressing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get pelvises, especially not how the midsection fits into it.

>> No.2199853
File: 63 KB, 1143x386, proportions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what i was talking about. you made a short forehead and long nose. the face itself seems bigger now.

>But you are not taking in what we are presented with here and blindly suggest that we use his standard which is for adult male.
proportions are guidelines, guidelines that were derived from reality. you can change the sizes for stylization, but you can't just say
>nose to eyeline equals eyeline to hairline
that's just made up. it doesn't even make any sense.

pic related. also notice how these specific proportions can work even once stylized.

>> No.2199856
File: 167 KB, 700x700, Steph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2199857
File: 133 KB, 646x726, Head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made the face too big and the back of the head too small

>> No.2199880
File: 432 KB, 823x965, 1440556068795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Head creeps me out.

>> No.2199888

if you're gonna do mspainty esque lines, atleast keep them smooth and dont chicken scratch

>> No.2199895

are none of yall gonna mention that her eyes are way too close together and that she's crosseyed

>> No.2199898

>cant do realism well
>cant stylize well
>fail every single basic loomis exercise

What the fuck do I do now?

>> No.2199899

> better
Not really actually, besides the problems that got said she isn't feminine enough to me, the previous mouth was also better, compare with >>2199656
And she looks like she laddling, which obviously give her a retarded look.

>> No.2199902

Learn perspective.

>> No.2199905

>Iearn something fundamentally harder than what you havent even mastered yet

>> No.2199908

>that's just made up. it doesn't even make any sense.
Because you made it up and projected it on me, I never said any of that. I posted the measurements I got from the OP picture which I reversed engineered to get his measurement that he used (seen here >>2199629 also note that I wrote usually, look that word up, also here >>2199699 ) and you are sour that I never bother to go the extra mile and finish his picture.
And to top it all off we are both agreeing (and still are) that you need to know how a real head looks and functions in real ife to be able to stylize it.

You had your chance to show of your dick but you never took it, be angry at yourself for acting like one.

Also, >>2199826 made a short forehead because he never thought about the part of the head that comes after the hairline. That's is an issue of not knowing how heads really look. Again, not mine problem but his.

Remember to eat your vegetables and start controlling that ego of yours.

>> No.2199914

>harder than what you havent even mastered yet

Loomis' books won't help you jack shit if you don't have a basic grasp of perspective first.

>> No.2199922
File: 67 KB, 452x452, 1436931872114[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In his book Loomis teaches anatomy before perspective.

>> No.2199940

Nope, he shows 4 pages of proportions, then shows several pages of how to place said proportion in perspective, then shows how to think of the figure as simple forms in perspective before delving into anatomy.

Anatomy won't do any good, before you can create a simplified perspective construction of the figure.

>> No.2199941

You keep practicing anon. You aren't going to master this shit in a day of studying.

>> No.2199948

FWAP teaches basic construction followed by perspective tho

>> No.2199951


It goes

>construct silly faces with shapes
>construct actual faces with shapes
>construct bodies
>construct environments

>> No.2199961
File: 791 KB, 1600x2400, vince and tempo carryings2 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything look wrong?

>> No.2199962


Yeah it's anime.

>> No.2199965

i'm not the one talking going on about vegetables and telling others to learn how to "reverse engineer stuff". look in the mirror anon.

>Because you made it up and projected it on me
made what up? these red lines? >>2199749 >>2199629

and no need to make up all this crap about why i'm doing this. it's not that complicated anon. i said it all in my first post, and that's still all i'm saying even right now.
see >>2199660
>the eye line is not the reference point, the brow line is.

it doesn't matter to me where you "derived" your insight from, it was wrong/faulty, and that's all i'm saying.
saying "usually" doesn't help because all it will do is "usually" lead to long noses and low foreheads.

> Again, not mine problem but his.
i don't think you're faultless but that's beside the point.
even without this, i still just wanted to correct your proportions, because this is something that will become a bad habit down the line if people actually believe in these kind of proportions, even if only subconciously.

>> No.2199966
File: 114 KB, 681x969, i264^cimgpsh_orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that's to bad
I decided to try another with following more reference so i can compare. Personally i found this pretty good but not the style i want to go with.


>> No.2199968

It's not animated?

>> No.2199969
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, pingpong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that drawing looks nothing like this anime

>> No.2199974
File: 257 KB, 500x709, rei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crits so far?

>> No.2199975

Yeah it's anime.

>> No.2199978

Not this guy but pretty much everything in it makes me think it's taken straight from CLAMP.
And no, that's not a compliment.

>> No.2199981
File: 1.96 MB, 1280x720, 1433529773257.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that this does not look tight as fuck

>> No.2199982

hide your hands more/10
nice nose/eyes though

>> No.2199984

Should I change the pose then? Like take one of the hands out of the pockets?

>> No.2199986

Pose isn't right, she looks like she's falling, take in account how she would be standing.
Putting the hands in the pockets doesn't means not drawing. Nothing about this part fits, take in account how the jacket would render with the hands put inside.

>> No.2199988

Honestly the animation in ping pong is so fucking weird (in a cool way). It's one of my fav animus.
Saying something looks like pingpong would be a compliment imo

>> No.2199989

I'm talking about the drawing, not PingPong you dumbass.

>> No.2199990

wow rude

>> No.2199991

I think it looks better than clamp. faces are weird and the feet dont feel grounded, but that's my major gripes.

>> No.2199995

Yes, ego.
I keep telling you over and over again, I made the measurements out of what he did by reverse engineering what he did to figure out what he did, then I posted it to show him what I found. How hard is that to understand.

Yes, you are making stuff up. Because >>2199816 I admitted about the brow line being the reference point for the nose length.

Eat your vegetables work on your ego. You can start that by not pretending you are someone else.

>> No.2199996
File: 36 KB, 345x538, ss+(2015-08-26+at+04.23.55).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK what Clamp is?

I used silhouette 'sketching style' to pose; should I try something else?

>> No.2199999
File: 243 KB, 500x403, Screen Shot 2015-08-26 at 1.51.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So more like this, maybe?
Thanks for the help, by the way

>> No.2200000

kinda gay imo tbh smh

>> No.2200002

Anatomy is fucked up, try looking at your drawing without the clothes.
The one you just posted is fine on the other hand.

>> No.2200004

CLAMP is a group of artists that draws manga (chobits, cardcaptor sakura). their characters tend to have tiny head and really really long limbs, which is something that's definitely happening in the first picture you posted.

>> No.2200012
File: 41 KB, 680x959, CLMP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2200027
File: 852 KB, 1600x2400, sill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legs are too long on the taller one?

>> No.2200041
File: 2.67 MB, 4160x2340, 20150826_161849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you d/ic/ks think of my "bored at work" sketch?

Plz be honest. Its shit, but what level of shit?

>> No.2200045


its garbage

>> No.2200051
File: 59 KB, 315x500, IMG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Club Security

>> No.2200054
File: 2.92 MB, 4160x2340, 20150826_163536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.

It's fucking horrible isn't it? What about this one?

>> No.2200081


>> No.2200083

Why do they all look like Claude from GTA 3

>> No.2200084

That bad? The second one I think is much better than the first. I'm very aware they both need work though. Something about how shitty the first one is appeals to me for some reason. But I thought the second one was at least almost decent. Thanks anon. I've read Loomis but I will do some more exercises.

>> No.2200087

Yes, anon. It's that bad. Even the stuff I drew in middle school could compare to your drawings.

Humble up and learn to actually draw.

>> No.2200094

I recognized it's shit. I am humble about it. That's why I came here for critique. And I appreciate your honesty. Admittingly, I don't put on the time for fundementals or really even think about what I draw. I just put down lines and hope for the best. It's a horrible practice. Again, thanks anon.

>> No.2200096

Why does she only have one boob
Also reimu doesn't have that big of a chest

>> No.2200099

Her thighs don't look very feminine. Maybe there are too many lines? The lower one looks almost.. Hairy?

>> No.2200100

> Jeans
> leg looks hairy

I mean, what ?

>> No.2200103

Shading seems too cold (blue)

>> No.2200104

yes magik you do~

>> No.2200105

Those are meanto to be jeans? Add some wrinkles/folds in the knees at least, and after the butt. They look like tights.

>> No.2200111

it's funny because you're the guy who keeps making shit up. like i said, >>2199660 is my one and only point. you desperately want me to have some personal agenda but i don't have one.

what you wrote in >>2199816 was followed with a big "but", showing that you didn't get it.
>But you are not taking in what we are presented with here and blindly suggest that we use his standard which is for adult male.
no matter what we are faced with, proportions won't just change arbitrarily, just how the head to body ratio or the length of the arms won't change (unless you deliberately change or style it that way). the same also goes for the face.

you didn't seem to understand that my point is about proportions. what you proposed in your two redlines was a proportional relation, and it was wrong.
as for the "male" point: >>2199699 is already a female.

and with this we're hopefully done.

>> No.2200132

i know, we should separate from /b/ and alike, but i must say, nice quints

>> No.2200140
File: 116 KB, 484x623, Screen Shot 2015-08-26 at 3.51.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on the lineart now. Hopefully I fixed the issue with the pockets.

Also, I have a question about coloring. In an outside scene with a lot of clouds, the lighting is going to be diffused, right? How would I go about portraying that?

Daaaaamn, didn't even notice that. Noice.

>> No.2200153

>(unless you deliberately change or style it that way).

See this you wrote right there, I hope you understand now why I tried to reverse engineer the OP picture in a thread named "Alternative Art/Stylization General".

Yes we are done and we achieved nothing, great job.

Eat your vegetables.

>> No.2200168
File: 781 KB, 720x1280, 93229c02-d058-45f2-b37e-eba10b12f260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2200180 [DELETED] 

That's an erect shaft and balls under a body suit, right?

Legs should probably be shorter, yeah. Closer to head+torso in terms of length.

Hands also feel a little large, which might be adding to the shoujo/CLAMP comparisons. Maybe that's just me, though.

>> No.2200182

Bottom one looks more like David Duchovny to me.

>> No.2200185

That's an erect shaft and balls under a body suit, right?

Legs should probably be shorter, yeah. Closer to head+torso in terms of length.

Hands also feel a little large in the first picture you posted (not this one -- they're fine here), which might be adding to the shoujo/CLAMP comparisons. Maybe that's just me, though.

>> No.2200187
File: 471 KB, 2550x3300, wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get some critique on this? Getting that creeping feeling of having screwed up somewhere.

Very smooth linework.

Don't use those "painterly" brushes that you've been using. Take a look at a real eye + surrounding skin and try to copy the values.

>> No.2200208

>(unless you deliberately change or style it that way).
By this, the other anon probably meant extreme exaggeration or deformed proportions. And the original drawing of the girl was not aiming for that.

The problem here is that in your reverse engineering attempt you used the distance from the bottom of the nose to the chin as a unit of measure (#3 in this pic >>2199732). That is fine if you intend to follow through accurately, assuming you want the loomis proportions.

Where you went wrong is as you drew the next guide point to define zone #2 in pic II, you did not realize that it should have lined up at the brow. You saw that it lined up at the eyes instead, but kept going and drew another guide point to create zone #1. Before you got to this point, you should have backtracked and questioned what was going on. The issue was that zone #3 was wrong in the first place and you worked off that, assuming it was right. Your whole redline was wrong because your unit of measure was wrong in the first place. A more accurate unit of measure would have been the distance from the brow to the bottom of the nose.

All of the above is assuming you were going off the loomis proportions in >>2199699. That is ALL the other anon was arguing.
If you are going by loomis (which you claimed), you did it wrong, If you were not going by loomis (which is OK, go crazy), then nobody is wrong.

You are focused too much on who is right and who is wrong. The other guy is trying to get through to you but you are painfully dense. You probably need the vegetables more than he does. Read. We have nothing against you, we are all anons here. It's ok to admit you were wrong.

>> No.2200233

Do I have to make an animated gif to explain this?

I saw that it didn't line up with the brow line when I did the redline but I choose to ignore it, because if you look closely at his image which you all should have done, he had also drawn a line there and that line put me off thinking he had done it deliberately.

I only went from what he did, and I did it by using Loomis method in reverse. I am not out to correct or fix his image from ground up in my style.

I have done nothing else but trying to explain this over and over again. I choose to ignore it because I did not want to meddle with what I perceived was OP's style and I have never been focused on being right, only in explaining what I did.

Seriously you should eat your vegetables. Again drop this, we are getting nowhere because you are trying to correct something I deliberately choose to ignore in the first place and I am tired of explaining this over and over again.

>> No.2200265
File: 406 KB, 883x1500, comfortzone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2200271

Her left foot looks deformed.

>> No.2200281
File: 486 KB, 818x748, e26cb0cbb216227a87de804bbe33168f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try not using a brush looking like hair strands, because it doesn't look like skin and "never" shade light skin with black, but the eyeball was pretty good.

This is my attempt doing an eye.

>> No.2200283

not only did you hide your hands, they didnt exist in the previous iteration

>> No.2200285

This anon remembers

>> No.2200297

Referring to the original series of threads? Sadly, I wasn't there when Nurse-kun was around, but I caught the full story in the archive. Good read.

>> No.2200304

nudge the tip of her foot forward a bit.

>> No.2200314

>reverse engineer
keep thinking that.

>I have done nothing else but trying to explain this over and over again.
well obviously. since you're not reading. i told you, this is about proportion, and nothing else.
what you intended to do, or where the OP placed whichever line, none of that is relevant.

the redline you made TWICE, it teaches bad proportional rules. you can justify it as much as you want but in the end it's still wrong you know?
it wouldn't have mattered if you just said something like move the hairline higher/lower, but that's not what you did.

>> No.2200319

Ok, yeah, I admit, I was lazy about the hands.
Do you think I fixed it in the lineart >>2200140
, or is there something else that I need to do?

>> No.2200425
File: 50 KB, 347x578, A15-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ah OK, thanks for the input

btw pardon me if i get your words wrong (english is not my first language), but when you said

>color changes hue from light to darkness (hot and cold), and max saturation on mid tones

does that mean i have to add a shade of cold color (e.g - dark blue) on the dark areas?

pic related

>> No.2200460
File: 1.12 MB, 2550x3300, 1440631963873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eyes weren't aligned and the mouth was pushed out.

Can't quite tell how high the air the guy's arm is, but it looks to be about her shoulder, which would make the DS stupidly large.

>> No.2200495

Thanks for the feedback, anon. The perspective was definitely a bit off.

>> No.2200591
File: 150 KB, 800x622, power_sippy_ink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inked it - I'd give it a solid B (normalized to myself). Color tomorrow.

Any suggestions on color scheme? I'm drawing a blank here..

>> No.2200608
File: 205 KB, 694x578, chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you added a bit of blue to that grays, but it's still too close to grayscale, our eyes read contrast between value, saturation and color, don't stick with value only

you don't always need to color everything, grays against cold colors seem calid to our eyes and vice versa

>> No.2200660

Left one looks better imo

>> No.2200662

Left is too bright, right has more clear shadows

>> No.2200714

after color adjustments I did not played with opacity to make it obvious, he can pick the lights he want, I'm not even pointing that he needs to color darks, i'm just pointing that he should try to play with color contrasts to support reading form, he can even do that coloring brighter zones of the armour and leaving darks as gray, thats up to him

>> No.2200719
File: 157 KB, 335x728, ryukosakaforic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for dat anime.

Knife is temporary until I think of a better prop.

>> No.2200781


the booted feet don't look planted on a ground plane

>> No.2201021
File: 290 KB, 800x529, starrrcond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feeling pretty done with this unless there's anything glaringly wrong

>> No.2201032

Lookin good man, cute design.
Whenever I'm stuck on palettes I always just choose a random palette from one of those color tumblrs (like http://www.colourpod.com/)) and just mess with the hue/saturation until I get something I'm happy with.

>> No.2201039

its cute

>> No.2201136
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, richpiana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its cute

>> No.2201147

Remove that fucking red nose.

>> No.2201176 [DELETED] 
File: 537 KB, 2893x4092, linfa2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique please.

>> No.2201295

great fucking colors here

>> No.2201415

please dont do noses like that. it looks like a big pimple

>> No.2201445

So much tumblr nose here, I'm going to puke

>> No.2201458
File: 87 KB, 956x547, new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone please help me with this? i don't know what's wrong with it. just the painting aspect.

>> No.2201572
File: 301 KB, 804x1300, TTG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally done with this one, time to work on something else.

>> No.2201613

what the FUCK did you do holy shit you made it so scary

>> No.2201614

fuck off. Some of us come here to get something out of a thread. Maybe he didn't learn something from that but I did you fucking cunt.

>> No.2201620

The anatomy of her shoulders, pecs, and tits are pretty janked. Might want to use pose ref next time to fact check your anatomy if you're drawing from imagination. Just keep doing anatomy studies.

>> No.2201661

The ツ in "タンクトップガール" should be half the height of the other characters

>> No.2201678


>> No.2201680
File: 552 KB, 2893x4092, linfa2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique please.

>> No.2201750
File: 363 KB, 1200x942, power_sippy_colors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the link - i started there, then I ended up looking up some favorite chars and trying to color match

who knew picking colors was going to be so fucking hard
>mfw I miss copying refs where the artist has already picked the colors for you...

Probably going to just steal the windblade color scheme in C1, but I feel like that is cheating

you guys are welcome to color B2. I'm still pretty stumped...

>> No.2201757

quit making a big fucking deal about it and finish it so you can work on something better.

>> No.2201778
File: 1.20 MB, 1456x2592, IMG_20150828_111925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, reposting from last thread. Resized.

WIP all.

>> No.2201779
File: 1.18 MB, 2592x1456, IMG_20150828_111943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to work on composition. This one I'll probably paint digitally as I want a Kaleidescope effect on the goop. This ine here was inspired by the lyrics to the song Electric Feel, by MGMT.

>> No.2201781
File: 1.17 MB, 1456x2592, IMG_20150828_112116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the last one. Idk why my phone rotated the image. Sorry.

Critiques are much appreciated. Here I was going for a very DBZ villain vibe with the design.

>> No.2201817
File: 128 KB, 800x622, power_sippy_digi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok ok calm down

>getting faster at digi
>loving the ctrl+u for huehuehue

maybe i'll marker it tomorrow

>> No.2201819

kinda dissapointed with how it came out to be honest.

>> No.2201820

i'm ok with it. I got a solid learning experience from the whole thing. I learned how to hue in PS, and I suffered through several steps of working without a ref. Which (while it sucked) was worth it.

>> No.2201840
File: 409 KB, 976x903, New Canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help. I suck.

>> No.2201876

Fix the shading on the cheeks man, the face looks flat.
>dark from ear to ear, while upper side ets all the light

>> No.2201887
File: 3.66 MB, 340x191, 222.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2201918
File: 380 KB, 1244x700, sword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where da porn thread at?

>> No.2201922

If the sword is place like that, it will seriously mess up her vag. Also how did you color like that, it looks cool.

>> No.2201925

what. the. hell.
why would anyone think someone would like to have their vagina anywhere near a sword blade.

>> No.2201928

>>2201925 it's a commission

>> No.2201929

Not him but, rule of cool.

Your autism is showing anon, stop overthinking things.

>> No.2201931
File: 539 KB, 1117x1600, 013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe she is into guro.

>> No.2201932

>it makes sense
>lol I'll call him autistic

>> No.2201936

>wants to be artist
>always bounded by reality

>> No.2201939

>missing the point

>> No.2201943

>the irony

>> No.2201946

the meta is real

>> No.2201947

so is the autism

>> No.2201951

Why not make a new thread then?

>> No.2201952


>> No.2201957

It's very neat looking. I think it needs more line weight. Seems too flat

>> No.2201963

Thanks a lot. I'm on it.

>> No.2201964

it's not overthinking if it's that obvious.

>> No.2201970
File: 68 KB, 540x540, mondayz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aiight. Playing around with an illustrative style here.

>> No.2202016
File: 189 KB, 976x903, Head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entire head is skewed
Receding eye was bigger than the eye close to us
You made the nose go straight down
Mouth is tiny
Lack of value contrast in the fase made it flat
The scarf went straight under her chin, as it was cutting through her throat.

>> No.2202023

>Sure whatever you want
Fucking lol

>> No.2202040

plz notice me.

>> No.2202051

>KLK ripoff
>can't come up with a better prop

>> No.2202053

lel, someone asked for sword in vagina?
also tell us your coloring method

>> No.2202057

It looks like a reference to KLK and Azumanga Daioh to me.

>> No.2202065
File: 243 KB, 876x1000, hestia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique? Trying to change the way I do lines. They were too thick before

>> No.2202067



Or is the resolution too big? This is as low as it'll go on my phone, all I can do till I get a new comp.

Don't ask what happened to my old one.

>> No.2202069

Boobs look like hard material instead of those sweet soft puppies that I assume you're going for.

>> No.2202070

Where did you learn to render color like that?

>> No.2202073

Too many hard edges. Oops. Thx

>> No.2202092

you should come to /kemono/ on 8ch

>> No.2202097

Thank you anon! This is my first time using a tablet and dabbing with color.

I kinda knew what was wrong with it already, but I wanted a second opinion.

Also, I always feel like my values are lacking, but I can't seem to push it far enough and still make it "feel" right, unless I cheat it with photoshop.

>> No.2202102

If you normally work in color an not grayscale, your problem might actually the hue, since your form changes keep the same hue, while it should change as it moves away or towards the light source.

Try looking up "Color temperature".

>> No.2202113

Holy fug I think that helped a lot. Thank you. I'll post an updated work later.

>> No.2202132 [DELETED] 
File: 607 KB, 1722x1576, pooppi6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh goodness gracious now i see it. thank you. cant believe how blind i was, now im embarrassed.

>> No.2202139
File: 607 KB, 1722x1576, pooppi6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah, deleted it by accident

thank you, i cant believe how blind i was. hows this?

>> No.2202189
File: 201 KB, 876x1000, Hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to roughly fix the hands.

>> No.2202221

you failed.

>> No.2202224

dude it's exactly the same

>> No.2202234

Hands are fine. The position is a bit strange, but anatomically they're fine. They'd probably look better opened rather than clawing.

The boobs need a lot of work though. Round those puppies out.

>> No.2202250

You didn't change anything the anon told you to change.

>> No.2202265
File: 192 KB, 861x788, pooppi6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i changed a little, maybe not as much as i should have.

>> No.2202274

>/ic/ constantly complains about how generic and bad furry art is
>whenever an opportunity comes up to help a furry artist be not-generic and actually draw decently people scare them off and go "EUGH GET OUT" like crazy christian moms

This is an art critique board, you dumb shits. Anyone should be allowed to get critiques, if you care more about the subject matter than the actual art on a board that is focused on ART, there's a fucking problem.

>> No.2202276

Thanks for the draw over, anon.
I agree. I think I fixed it. Will upload again once I get a little into rendering.

>> No.2202310

Colouring tutorial where?

>> No.2202314

From life, you stupid weeb.

>> No.2202316

Mind critiquing mine? I'm>>2202067

I always seem to go ignored around here... :/

>> No.2202321

Somehow I get the feeling this isn't the anon who posted that.

Why so mad anon-kun? Do you need a hug?

>> No.2202337

Not really sure, anon. Work on line economy, I guess. It's looking a bit like chicken scratch.

>> No.2202342

Well, they're the sketches. I'm gonna trace that over to ink if there aren't any major mistakes. Or rather, now's the time to fix things before I ink them.

>> No.2202345

You got the basics of perspective but it looks like you are winging it mostly. You need to work on your hands, while it looks like you used your own for reference, not understanding it means not being able to simplify it. Same hands on same person are often disproportionate and relies on too much detail to carry it. If the silhouette of a form can't carry it, the same applies for hands.

Weaknesses in certain parts of anatomy, foreshortening, drapery, too much detail reveal a lack of life drawing and a heavy influence from other art and to a lesser degree photographs.

No one comments on your work, because it's a complete mix of good and bad. How can you overall be competent yet produce the atrocious male on the bird with his ear flying off his head and his neck and chin trying to chase after it. How is the females right hand so much larger than her left considering perspective, muscles comparable to leifield and the main reason, GOD DAMN ROTATE YOUR IMAGES!!!

>> No.2202352

What >>2202345
Said. :/
Time for a new thread?

>> No.2202392

Use thicker lines so we can see what you've drawn.

Aside from that it's pretty good, the only three problems I see with this drawing are her hands, the pose and the design.

Hands are a little bit too small.
The pose is not that interesting to look at.
The design is boring but I guess that's just my opinion.

You should try coloring it, maybe the design can shine with colors.

Still a very clean drawing, gj anon!

>> No.2202437

yes what this anon said, also crop out the unnecessary parts and increase the contrast. (just auto contrast or auto level should be good) I admit I wass discouraged from looking at your pics too closely because it was too inconvenient.

>> No.2202438

How the hell do you shade/color like that?

>> No.2202498
File: 168 KB, 750x1000, New canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

legs look long in comparison to the rest of the body
scale up/down rest of body accordingly

>> No.2202540

New Thread

>> No.2202548

Weird request Kyle, but can we get a tutorial on necks from you? I'm having problems placing the sternocleidomastoid....

>> No.2202626

its a bit better, but you're still vastly off proportion. when you zoom out and look at the drawing, look at the sizes of body parts in comparison to others, thats what will tell you how big to make things. for instance, look at her head compared to her pelvis, her head is bigger. her neck takes up almost the entire width of her shoulders. her thighs, starting from her crotch down to her knee are shorter than her upper arm. these are the issues you're having, but you did fix a bit of her construction but you're afraid to go all the way. (really though the back of her head is just so big, tone that down its making the rest of her look too small.)

>> No.2202649

Damn, you nailed it. These are my "getting back into things drawing" but you're right in that I've been slacking off in my life drawings and have just been drawing from imagination.

Would you suggest I take a break from that and just grind out some studies for a while?

And for the moment I can't work on digital or do anything with a computer since I don't have one of those for the time being. I'll try to mess around with contrast on my phone for future images.

Overall, great advice, and just what I was looking for, thanks anon.

>> No.2204548

Face looks straight fucked