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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 115 KB, 1290x860, 52204_egoraptor_katie-lee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2199673 No.2199673 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you have an artist you feel embarrassed for liking? Whether for personality or bad habits they may have or the material, whatever

pic related

>> No.2199682


>> No.2199683

I admit I like Kr0npr1nz's faces but at the same time I hate him since that's all he does.

>> No.2199685
File: 142 KB, 441x670, beware_the_orange_shirt_by_bleedman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brb, suicide

>> No.2199687
File: 316 KB, 528x501, 1426818670831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic


>> No.2199692
File: 32 KB, 480x360, zow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2199694

Stop confusing my dick.

>> No.2199728
File: 512 KB, 900x900, 13112127002866560430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I was actually gonna post him, I like it but a lot of it is just too anime

>> No.2199817
File: 40 KB, 894x894, 4L_2iFdEPQa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to post about him, I don't HOW he does it but I'm entrapped by his work on multiple levels

>inb4 chromatic aberration

>> No.2199819
File: 61 KB, 894x894, 4L_PvCjY7Xm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea something about his caricatures are impressive

>> No.2199824
File: 50 KB, 408x439, 1404412386757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We should make a study like the one in the loli thread maybe we ought to take the Loomis buttplug off and actually go out and find out what's appealing and steal it.

On second thought I spill lots of spaghetti and hate people ya'll do whatever you want.

>> No.2199836
File: 701 KB, 816x978, tumblr_nrzic6vvav1r5wduoo2_1280_by_slugbox-d94arha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a thing for tentacles and monster girls

>> No.2199846

Milo manara. Master of the sameface but hnnnggg

>> No.2199847

No, I can't think of any. If I like something I'm not ashamed to like it. Doesn't matter if it's cheesy like Elvgren or Bisley or shocking like Samura.

>> No.2199854

quentin tarantino

>> No.2199872

they are always partial overpaints/traces, so he always has a base to work with.

>> No.2200007


sameface, samehair

>> No.2200035
File: 129 KB, 807x861, eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you feel bad for liking something?
do you let other people's opinions influence you that easily?
you gotta learn to be more confident in yourself

>> No.2200039


Because you can like an artist yet still understand why their work is technically shit.

>> No.2200043

So what - if it is endearing, charming, etc. it still makes it a good piece even if it is technicaly lacking.

People on this board obsess WAY too much on anatomy and perfection of figure.

>> No.2200098

I agree

>> No.2200112

Faced with the manifold of what constitutes good taste in art and the insecurity of what Steven Pressfield described as the fear of an arist, the people on this board aren't fine with their own tastes for the sake of consuming their own tastes, but want to finally belong to a tribe which will not cast them out "into the cold" for what they are.
After a perceived lifetime of not being "okay" in the eyes of others, of not meeting the standards of a world seemingly in power of destiny, they have a desire to be at least accepted by the world they wish to belong to.

tl;dc Full Shinji.

>> No.2200119

Who fucking cares? I'd be inclined to slightly trace a good photo if I thought it was beautiful enough to draw over with my own artistic style.

>> No.2200120
File: 461 KB, 726x1062, vampirella_commish_by_reiq-d8x638p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2200122


>> No.2200128

As an English graduate this doesn't make any grammatical sense

>> No.2200130

I like Linkin Park. I'm embarrassed that I like them. It doesn't have to do with confidence. Have you listened to the lyrics? God they're embarrassing. Also embarrassing because they remind me of when I was a teenager, which is just an embarrassing time. It's not embarrassing because I'm unconfident, or care what people thought of me back then. It's embarrassing because I was an idiot.

Feeling shame doesn't only come from caring about other people's opinions or lacking of confidence. It can also come from self-awareness, regret, self-hate, bad experiences, etcetc. Which aren't necessarily tied to what you're claiming. Confidence doesn't negate shame. Learning to love yourself (for your strengths and your weaknesses) is prob the best way to get over that.

>> No.2200163

I bet you like Disney, you stupid asshole

>> No.2200167
File: 525 KB, 729x413, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it pisses me off that people like you will even pick up a pen, go into MY favorite art program and try to produce something. Something you THINK is a finished piece. Even if, OBJECTIVELY, it's garbage. And you'll continue creating shit so you can get praise.

>> No.2200173

Remember phobs, the chick on deviantart that only drew nazi porn and invented tumblr noses? I like her more recent coloring and design work, and they also uploaded an influence chart that had a lot of really good classic art on it.

>that's all he does
He uploaded a short comic on his Pixiv but it's kind of unimpressive, it seems like he sameface painting really is the only digital thing he can do well.

>> No.2200198

>It can also come from self-awareness, regret, self-hate, bad experiences, etc

Good to see someone else say this. Most people are insane, and will make any kind of excuse to make themselves feel better. The world would be a lot better if people could simply accept their own flaws, admit that some of the things they like are bad and stop claiming everything is relative because of taste.

Modern social politics are entirely based around this, making up excuses for their shitty life choices.

>> No.2200206

That's hilarious, considering you're doing exactly what you blame others of doing. You're even quoting people, as if that gives your argument more credence.
The difference is that you're doing it in the name of relativity. In order to avoid your own insecuirty, you claim everything is great, so no one gets their feelings hurt.

>> No.2200231

You sound like an idiot. Read that post out loud to yourself.

>> No.2200246

why would you ever let yourself of all people make yourself feel shame for liking something just because you yourself think it's "bad". the only reason i would fathom why you would feel bad for liking something is if you feel like you're failing to live up to some expectation you either had forced upon yourself or are trying to force upon others.

why should you feel embarrassed for liking linkin park? sure they're shit lyrically but who cares, you can like them for reasons other than that, just because someone/thing is bad in one area doesn't mean the entire work is unlovable and worthy of shame. i feel this black and white world view of things only capable of being one of two extremes is the real problem.

>> No.2200249


>> No.2200254

It's not about feeling guilty, it's about having the ability to distinguish between personal taste and objectivity. I like some things that I know are shit, and the fact that so many people are incapable of accepting this about themselves is absolutely insane.

>> No.2200318

Reiq is a weird case for me. I would say back when all he would draw was tits and ass he would be a guilty pleasure. The last few years he's branched out a bit and is not really all THAT bad.

>> No.2200327

>I like some things that I know are shit, and the fact that so many people are incapable of accepting this about themselves is absolutely insane.

This x 100. Those same people then act like the person who doesn't like that particular thing is crazy for NOT liking it. People are retarded.

>> No.2200349

He draws cat-like features in human girl's faces.
This >>2199728 is literally a catgirl.

It gives us the appealing neoteny without the creeper stigma that comes from accepting we like looking at youthful features more than we like looking at mature features.

>> No.2200408
File: 54 KB, 250x250, 53822178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shame is a natural human emotion. Everyone feels shame. You might as well say "Why would you ever let yourself feel sad?'. The healthiest way to handle it is through patience, understanding, and acceptance. If you try to ignore or repress it, you'll just cause yourself more harm by ignoring the heart of the problem. So I really hope you misspoke :(

We all have a particular perception of ourselves and of reality, and we all have expectations of ourselves. Our level of self-awareness does that, and it takes a lot of purposeful, thoughtful practice to improve upon it. That's part of the life journey. Even Zen masters feel shame, they just understand themselves well enough that they accept and release it quickly.

Also, 'who cares?' I do lol My own wants are a valid enough reason for feeling any particular way. Emotions don't make sense, and you can't just turn them off. Since I like Linkin Park, in part, for the shitty lyrics, I feel shame because god have you really listened to any of them? lard have mercy it's embarrassing.


Please just keep in mind that emotions aren't so easily wished away. I understand the core of what you're saying though, and I agree. People shouldn't beat themselves up for liking or disliking something. But you're talking as if it's a bad thing to feel shame (and talking in a way that shames people for feeling shame 'why would you care what others think?' lol).

>> No.2200588

that one guy who's really good but mostly paints furry stuff. i forgot his name.

>> No.2200594

nah, i never meant to say that it's bad to feel shame, i feel shame a lot, a lot of times i do misspeak and say something legitimately stupid or make a friend feel bad or just fuck up and i feel bad and that makes me want to get better as a person. but i also honestly feel that when it comes to tastes in music or the visual arts or movies, anime, cartoons, whatever, that if something makes you feel good and it's not hurting anyone (or if the hurting is consensual) that you shouldn't feel bad for liking it and that you should maybe avoid those who try to do so.

and i didn't intend to try to shame people, tho i might have because i'm not perfect, haha, but i meant to pose that question as a kinna coping mechanism for when you feel bad/shame/guilt, like the first thing you should ask yourself is "why do i feel this way" and then work your way through and find out if it's a thing you should legit feel bad for and try to improve upon or something that was just a kneejerk reaction that you can let go.

i unno, i hope this doesn't come off as confrontational and also that when you read this you're listening to some linkin park and mike shinoda's voice is sayin somethin silly into your ear and it makes you happy and feel good

>> No.2200596

veramundis? even i know him lol

>> No.2200605


>> No.2200628

no worries, just continue to be mindful. I feel strongly about it (esp for artists, it's practically the hobby for the self-defeatist), so I couldn't help myself lol. Can't tell you how many friends I've watched go through the 'I don't care what anyone thinks!' to 'I'm shit I'm a failure' cycle. Unfortunately, part of that cycle is a defense mechanism rather then a healthy pov (we're human, ofc we care! we're social creatures! you can't just proclaim those anxieties away joe!), and the other part lets negativity tear them apart, and they can't (or more like won't) let go of those horrible thoughts/feelings.

I've been there, don't get me wrong, and I still go there sometimes (slowly improving on that!). But I figured it was worth my time to reinforce healthier perspectives about handling that ol' self-hate cycle. No harm no foul in my book, keep trying to be a better person (too rare a goal), and good luck out there.

>> No.2200630


This, it's insane how the chuckle fucks try this hard to wish quality away.

Why the fuck are they on /ic/ to begin with? They can go pat eachother on the back on their microblogs or some shit, what's the point of fagging this place up? To make sure others don't improve as well? lol Pathetic.

>> No.2200648

But you are doing the exact same thing. You look at for the most part objectively good or at least competent artists and just wish the quality away, acting as if they were as bad as you are.

The fact of the matter is that people like algen, Reiq, Kron, Sakimi, Loish and all these other "bad" artists /ic/ obsesses over are vastly more skilled than any of you will probably ever be. You are just afraid to admit it. You don't want to admit that there are hundreds of thousands of pretty decent artists who are far more skilled than you, so you pretend that they are just as bad as you are except for the handful of truly great standout artist who you worship like mindless fanboys.

Good artists, or at least people with trained eyes that have the ability to judge art based on both weaknesses AND strengths have a much more varied taste and are able to overlook some flaws as long as the strengths make up for it, which lesser artists tend to confuse with bad taste. The less skill and knowledge someone has, the more they judge in extremes. It's either shit or it's great, there is no inbetween for the average angry rookie on /ic/.

>> No.2200650
File: 273 KB, 778x1100, 1427119982.wolfy-nail_2015-03-19_-_roguekitty__painting_1ch_-1100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wolfy-nail and some other furfag artists

>> No.2200656

>All of this projection

>> No.2200665
File: 132 KB, 555x777, 7383229_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>great standout artist who you worship like mindless fanboys.
you're thinking about that mullins fanboy, aren't you?
>Reiq, Kron, Sakimi, Loish and all these other bad artists
I agree

>> No.2200681

You almost wonder what his animation would be like now if his ayy never convinced him it was a pipe dream.


>> No.2200683

ive never seen that picture before. i love it, if that is egoraptor, he has gotten really fucking good with color.

>> No.2200689

Yeah that's him but, the picture's pretty old

>> No.2200696

They're not traces or over-paints, but they're very often referenced heavily from photo's or other artists work. I'm not saying that's a good thing (particularly the latter), but still, there's a difference.

>> No.2200697

Ach, same... I've even started drawing furry. I wouldn't be caught dead doing it by friends or family, it's my dirty little secret.

>> No.2200765

RIP in pieces, egoraptor.

>> No.2200785
File: 982 KB, 842x1200, tumblr_np2xkchLwQ1r5wduoo4_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here anon, same here...

>> No.2200793

>you're failing to live up to some expectation you either had forced upon yourself
How about expectations you have for yourself? Is it okay to have those?

>> No.2200829

I'm not saying he's bad. I love what he does with traditional media. I just wish he'd draw more hands and actual feet.

>> No.2200837


I think he's a decent artist when he's not drawing porn. The kind of stuff he puts in his porn site isn't very good and you go out thinking he's just shit, but then he goes and shows off some sketches that are better than his hentai stuff. WHERE IS THAT SKILL WHEN YOU'RE DRAWING MY PORN, REIQ?????

>> No.2200844

>The fact of the matter is that people like algen, Reiq, Kron, Sakimi, Loish and all these other "bad" artists /ic/ obsesses over are vastly more skilled than any of you will probably ever be
this is what projection looks like. i'm not the anon you replied to by the way. (i also don't think those artist are horrible or anything)

i don't know what most anons here are thinking, but they are probably aiming very high, higher than those artists you mentioned. you could say that they are overambitious. you on the other hand don't even plan to ever get better than this >>2200120?
it's not bad or anything, but this is certainly not the end of the line.

they are not at the point where they are free from criticism, most artist aren't there. but apparently you think they are too special to be disliked by ic.
even though you yourself mentioned that there are tons and tons of other good artists out there.

>> No.2200871

>but they are probably aiming very high, higher than those artists you mentioned
>not draw porn
>can draw two faces
>can draw hands and feet

>> No.2200876
File: 452 KB, 637x900, 388161341263ea8f911eeca53e570e98-d975zep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys. cool tip if you totally fail a drawing, just call it an experiment and call it a a day. and remember, you'll never do better than this.

>> No.2201468

I wonder if so many threads and arguments would've been made if kr0n and sakimi wouldn't make any money doing what they do.

It's kind of funny actually it ALWAYS goes like this

>one anon brings up sakimi kr0n
>another anon points out flaws in their art
>another anon says none of us will ever be as good as they are and won't make as much money as they do
>yet another anon points out that nobody is free from critisism

It bascially ends in an endless loop of arguments being brought up by each site until a new thread is being made.

YES sakimi makes over 30k/month drawing characters that aren't hers and that she probably doesn't even know.

YES kr0n copies most of his work and made the excuse that it is just "refenrece" and "it's all for practice", but sells his pics anyway.

Are we jealous? Of course we are, if you're saying you aren't you're just lying to yourself.
Anyone of us would like to be in their position, but here is a little tip for you guys that might enlighten you.

>Don't hate the player, hate the game.

You should, if all, hate on the people who're stupid enough to donate to them instead of going to art school.
It's these peoples fault that they're making more money than most doctors, engineers and lawyers.

>> No.2202820

Egoraptor was genuinely good, check out some of his livestream sketches.

What a waste...

>> No.2202931


>> No.2203336

>He uploaded a short comic
He actually dose comics? I was starting to think he was all talk.

>> No.2203358
File: 3.28 MB, 4027x3056, Island-001-(2015)-(Digital)-(Mephisto-Empire)-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fan of plenty of artists that /ic/ would absolutely shit on for not being flawless in technical skill. I don't feel a scintilla of guilt about it tho.

>> No.2203361


Brandon Graham is kind of cool actually

>> No.2203366

I don't think he dose. I've watched a few livestream drawings he's done and he wasn't tracing then.

>> No.2203391

Do people get salty about this guy because he's boring and draws nothing but hot girls? I just had a quick brows through his gallery and I wouldn't call his art bad at all. Not much variation, but well done nonetheless.

>> No.2203416

but anon, thats not moebius

>> No.2203488
File: 43 KB, 560x277, jamie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy, I've heard a lot of people who don't like or directly hate jamie hewlett's art, maybe his simplism? or the fact that he draws characters with basically the "same face"? I don't know, but still like his art (his ilustrations and the gorillaz work)

>> No.2203500
File: 995 KB, 900x1169, 1309140354.veramundis_theroguewolf-com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guilty as in I can't show it to my peers? Then yeah, pic related.

>> No.2203609

>tfw I will never be able to>>2199682
put my dick onto her soft wet tongue and cum in her mouth.

>> No.2203611

Fucking Windows phone.

>> No.2203614
File: 76 KB, 658x968, tumblr_mxgkl3J03j1rkcu9zo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel guilty because it's manga but I really like Sogabe's stuff

>> No.2203884

Nar, but i like his stuff anyway.
The Hew actually has a lot of technical skill and I've seen him vary his faces plenty of times in tank girl and his art books.
The only problem I have with his stuff is that it can look too stiff and rigid at times and his comics are too wordy and have no flow layouts wise.

>> No.2203900

I forgot this pedo exists

>> No.2203921
File: 622 KB, 979x551, OKUU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This french guy jfclg

>> No.2204012

>here is your hate reply

>> No.2204019
File: 238 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Azul de cobalt
>that fucking watercolor

>> No.2204023
File: 567 KB, 1129x1708, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Fdeddc6127d894482be2eeb9e1d9f5717%2Ftumblr_n9zinekjxM1rss26zo3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonicboom53 tbh.

>> No.2204097

What is with all the chromatic aberration? Is that supposed to be his signature or something

>> No.2204100

Because it looks cool?????? r u stupid?

>> No.2204377


>here is your reply defending furry art

>> No.2204413

are you serious? why?

>> No.2204414

Was gonna post veramundis
Like those soft sculptural forms, hate the furry shit.