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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.01 MB, 1200x1003, sailor-moon-por-joel-jurion-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2198587 No.2198587 [Reply] [Original]

Why was Joel Jurion´s deviantart account deactivated? He also deleted all of his pixiv pictures. Any one has background info?

>> No.2198591

He moved on to greener pastures.

>> No.2198596

literarrrrlll whoooo

>> No.2198597


oooh that guys work is stupidly sexy.

>> No.2198601
File: 1.35 MB, 200x179, 1432837458592.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Mercury looks like she has a glass eye.

>> No.2198602

Maybe it has something to do with him drawing shota.

Fucking normies gotta ruin everything.

>> No.2198610

He found real job.

>> No.2198770

At least partially it probably has to do with france making lolis and shota actually illegal to draw, but he had already removed
those from his pixiv, now he removed literally everything from everywhere, who knows, it must suck living in france, he should just move
somewhere else in europe where he can draw whatever he wants.

>> No.2198777

Could someone please give link to archive or torrent of his work.

>> No.2198780


>> No.2198797

I get sad panda.

>> No.2198799

I googled solution. Thank you.

>> No.2198864
File: 481 KB, 1336x1600, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tumblr too

I guess he got found out like subway Jared or something

his blog has a lot of his art, i'm glad I backed most of his stuff but I feel bad for people just now getting into him if they didn't save they've missed a lot, his no loli/shota/futa stuff is REALLY good he's even in that "Art Masters" collection thing

>> No.2198873

>Implying his loli and shota art is not good.
Go away normalfag, you are the reason for things like this.

>> No.2198874

Come on. Artists always disappear. Civ4 artist for example.
>mfw today one of pixiv japanese artist (no loli/porn) that I follow delete all his art and twitter account

>> No.2198947

I feel your pain. One of my favorite pixiv artist of all time up and deleted fucking everything a couple of weeks ago. No warning or anything. Just gone. Luckily, I'd saved almost all of his published work.

>> No.2198953

I sort of did this a couple of years ago. Stored all of my artwork, left deviantart and maintained a pseudo presence on tumblr.

I know some people were upset by my actions, sorry about that but at the time I really felt like I needed a break or a change of pace or something.

so uh, i guess give him a break, he'll probably come back.

>> No.2198955



>> No.2198959

TBH I'm not upset. Pedoshit is a blight.

>> No.2198995
File: 1.65 MB, 1400x1155, lion_by_joel27-d4ye7im.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have his snow white animation gif where she does a sexy dance in front of the dwarfs? I could have sworn I had it saved but apparently I didn't.

>> No.2199001

99% of his work isn't pedoshit though. To be honest, I didn't even know he drew that sort of stuff before I read it in this thread. He's mostly known for his pinup girls and Disney princess drawings.

>> No.2199009

was he by any chance a student of Gobelins?

>> No.2199016

No one cares normalfag.

>> No.2199031

>One of my favorite pixiv artist of all time up and deleted fucking everything

There is no reason to ever do this except as a giant "Fuck you" to your fans. A lot of artists cry about being embarrassed of their old work, but it just translates to "I don't care about you guys, I'll start over and get better fans!"

I hate this. I hate it so much. Especially those artists from 4chan who act like they're allergic to holding down a pixiv for more than a month. That embarrassment isn't cute or cool, it's just a punishment for the people who actually like your work.

If you want a new id, go ahead and start over. But don't destroy what your fans already love. Who gains from that?

>> No.2199036

>artists are tv

>> No.2199043

>punishment for people who like your work

I could understand if you were giving the artist business via pateron or commissons, but if you're nothing but a window shopper and not actually helping support the artist, who gives a shit? You aren't entitled to anything. If you weren't saving the work the released for free, that's honestly on you and no one else.

>> No.2199048

oh shit, it's that guy?

damn, I had it saved somewhere but I can't find it

>> No.2199050

>You aren't entitled to anything.

I knew this argument would come up. Entitled to what? What does it cost artist xyz to not delete all his art? Pretty sure pixiv, DA, tumblr, sandpanda, imagur, twitter are all free to use.

I don't feel entitled because I do save everything, but it's still dumb to treat a tumblr like it's a brick and mortar store where you have to close down shop when you quit. There is no reason to blow up your online presence like so many artists do.

>But it's their right to do what they want!
And it's my right to say that's stupid.

>> No.2199067

>muh favorite pixiv artist
>not having a collection/selection of his work on your machine for reference/inspiration

it's all your fault fam, be mad at yourself not the artist.

>> No.2199070

>What does it cost artist xyz to not delete all his art?

It's there art and they can do whatever the fuck they want with it. The argument was going to come up because it's a valid one. Only entitled little shits would actually complain about an artist closing up and deleting their gallery. Specially when that entitled little shit wasn't even supporting their work with actual business. It's their fucking gallery to do as they please. You can call it stupid, but whether or not you think it's stupid is irrelevant because nothing needs to be explained to window shoppers who aren't fronting money to said artist.

>> No.2199081

>Joel deleted everything but we'll shitpost about unrelated shit instead of posting what we have of his art because /ic/ is the worst borad.

>> No.2199083

I've already said that it's their art to do as they please from the very first post, so your entitlement argument should have ended there.

I will continue to say that it's retarded, because it is. It's an absolute waste.

>> No.2199085

could be any number of reasons; shit sucks though. you can find some of his work w/ archives


/r/ing his pixiv url

who else is good at drawing traps?

>> No.2199111

Most of his lewds are in the boorus but it'd be nice if people posted his non-porn stuff here.

>> No.2199133
File: 1.08 MB, 1400x1138, t_rex_by_joel27-d4z4rhp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2199402

>There is no reason to ever do this except as a giant "Fuck you" to your fans

fuck my fans, they're assholes, that's why i deleted my shit years ago. it wasn't an attempt to be cute or cool, i wanted to be left alone

>> No.2199476

>I wont read the thread but i will complain about it.
The link with all of his art is already in this thread, at least take the time to read it.

>> No.2199490


The wrong people found out about his porn art, or he 'suddenly' got embarrassed about it.

People delete their art profiles for the dumbest, most mundane shit. If you're not used to it by now, I don't know what to say.

>> No.2199497

i love you man

>> No.2199536

example of that old work?

>> No.2199566
File: 304 KB, 1280x1011, tumblr_nrevux4izq1u4uke0o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who is joel why does he wear the france?
>you're an art guy
>well you got your self caught what the next part of your master plan?

deleting these galleries with no pictures

>> No.2199569
File: 1.17 MB, 600x849, trap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His hentai foundry account is gone too...

>> No.2199571

what a fagoot.

>> No.2199575
File: 1.30 MB, 1400x1159, harley_queen_by_joel27-d89kpku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's better than you

>> No.2199623 [DELETED] 

Yep, that's what I expected.

Maybe it just has to do with his career though. Last time I heard he was working on a French-Japanese animated movie

>> No.2199624
File: 10 KB, 240x240, 10355379_10207614863919729_8981010796512493082_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot his picture

>> No.2199641

Probably because of a woman tbh

>> No.2199670


That's a futanari, you fucking retard.

>> No.2199698
File: 1000 KB, 1061x1200, 42771671_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not.

>> No.2199985
File: 173 KB, 554x765, klaw5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, he studied briefly at Angouleme (a school famous for teaching comics, whereas les Gobelins is teaching animation) but dropped out. His current level is the result of years of unemployement, dedication to his craft, and not wasting time on a gf (just like Wizards on /r9k/, he received mystical powers for this).

>could be any number of reasons

He was still making comics in 2015, pic related, Klaw episode 5.
He may have felt the need to bury his jjfrenchies activities because of this (or was advised to do so by his Editor), especially as he received a prize from High Schoolers in 2014 for this serie.

If you were in his shoes, would you jeopardize your chances?

> This is just a guess though, maybe he recently got a very jealous gf and she now forces him to draw her like one of his french girls

>> No.2200070

>bury his jjfrenchies activities
His case is especially weird because he already purged his loli and shota content a while ago, and now he
felt like he had to purge everything? and if it was to hide his porn then it's a pretty useless thing to do, his art is literally everywhere,
on every booru and every hentai gallerie, it will never be gone, and here we are talking about it, if it did something it made his ero presence even more loud.

>> No.2200133

This is sad. I enjoyed his art.

>> No.2200149

>HOHOHO~ I AM JOEL JURION! *gorges himself on a cartoonishly large baguette and wine*

> Let us see what our ADORING fans are saying about us today! *grabs wine, puts on beret, lights a cig*

You're pretty fucking weird.


And that is why.

>> No.2200244

Was that Joel Jurion, or Yvonne of the Yukon?

>> No.2200313
File: 46 KB, 500x391, yvonoftheyukon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know man, they look pretty similar according to >>2199624.

Distant cousins, maybe?

>> No.2200316

Fucking hell, I thought that anon was just joking

>> No.2200693

I stand corrected, sorry.

>> No.2200713


Heyyy, someone wanna play armchair psychologist about a hairy ol' fat dude drawing "twinky twinky boiz xD" putting on robo tits and going out to be molested by burly men?

No? Me neither. lel

But yeah, good artist, not gonna lie. Shame he didn't make something more substantial with those skills, like a real comic with a real plot to it or an animation.

Coping out of online presence these days is a really dumb decision. He better come back with some kind of patreon scheme.

>> No.2200738

rip joel.
One last victory fap for the fallen

>> No.2200811

He did work professionally as an animator for tv series, just not his own personal projects.

>> No.2200897
File: 404 KB, 1175x1600, Top_057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He will probably come back after a while this isn't the first time he has closed down things. His old blogspot and one pixiv account are still up at least.

>> No.2200904

Dat red nose

>> No.2200918

Dafuk' are you talkin' about m8?

>> No.2201184
File: 3.54 MB, 754x436, snowhitestriptease.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there you go anons

>> No.2201317
File: 15 KB, 480x480, 1349535901735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got a very jealous gf and she now forces him to draw her like one of his french girls
>draw her like one of his french girls
Nice one

I myself only draw persons I dont care about much. Because when im get emotionally invested in the outcome it takes 10x time and effort. And result is only slightly better than when I draw unatached.

>> No.2201342
File: 67 KB, 548x960, 11377136_781893101928074_6396406469367788188_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's working on a comic featuring this chick, but I don't know anything about it since I don't speak french.

>> No.2201344

Probably got a job for a big time kid orientated animation.
Contract stipulated he remove dodgy work?

>> No.2201352

I just wanted to point out that this is a very odd picture
their poses are super weird and i've been staring at venus's eyes for like two minutes

love it.

>> No.2201409
File: 466 KB, 400x1066, 1422417926647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jj frenchie actually has a gf. I've seen her tumblr and she posts pictures with him sometimes.

She looks a lot like the girls he draws (notably uglier though)
Her uses her as a model, I'm guessing.

>> No.2201446

you got a link to her blog?

>> No.2201486

Most Pixiv artists that I know of that up and deleted everything were just tired of people always stealing and reposting their art.

>> No.2201490
File: 119 KB, 384x313, I dont know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, i'm not that mad a closeted faggot got outed. Just too many of 'em today.

>> No.2201529

oh hell yeah thanks man

>> No.2201546


It wasn't exactly a mystery to anyone that he was drawing this stuff on the side.

>> No.2201548

He's a pedophile tho

>> No.2201553

stop trying

>> No.2201554

only way I knew of it was his tumblr, since he deleted it... I can't find it.

nah, there's a difference between 2d lolis/shotas and 3d ones.

>> No.2201596


>there's a difference between 2d lolis/shotas and 3d ones.
no. kiddie porn is still kiddie porn. he obviously has pedo fantasies if he draws that shit.

>> No.2201601

Normie pls go

>> No.2201621

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.2201627

>I cannot distinguish reality from fiction
I'm so sorry anon.

>> No.2201635

>child porn that is drawn is suddenly not child porn anymore

Stop being a dumbass, anon. It's still child porn. The difference is no real children are harmed since it's fiction. The porn still deals with characters that are depicted as children. That makes it child porn. Is drawn interracial porn suddenly not interracial porn anymore? Why are some of you in such deep denial about this shit?

>> No.2201638

So if I draw stick figures in suggestive poses and say they are 8 years old then it's CP?

>> No.2201640

If no one's harmed where's the problem?

>> No.2201641

Answer my question first m8.

>> No.2201644

>is there a problem

Of course not. It's still child porn though. Apparently admitting that rubs people the wrong way for whatever reason. Stop being bitches and own up to your fictional fetishes.

>> No.2201648

But everyone's afraid to talk about fetishes, even fictional ones

>> No.2201708

And? Pedophilia isn't illegal. Pedophiles are universally disliked but unless they become involved in the molestation of real children, there's nothing to arrest them for.

>> No.2201709
File: 139 KB, 692x787, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2201729

You don't have to be a pedophile to also like little girls, pedophila is the exclusive or preferred attraction to people younger than 12, a lot of child molester are actually never classified as pedophiles by law, look it up, a lolicon or pedophile is mostly the ones that are obsessed with little girls/boys and can't find anything else attractive, casually drawing lolicon defedently doesn't make you a pedophile by definition.

>> No.2201732

>Is drawn interracial porn suddenly not interracial porn anymore?

Hey, this is a good analogy!

>> No.2201733

It's often used to describe something being illegal, like you read in articles, UK now considers drawing of underage characters as child pornography etc, same reason why books or movies genres are not called fictional inset crime here move/book.

>> No.2201734


Most corporate shit is so watered down when it comes to art direction I don't really look at it the same away unless the product proves me wrong.

>> No.2201735
File: 818 KB, 255x231, the fuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a wannabe boy-molesting fruit. He draws lots of cute girls but his true passion is drawing little boys getting their shit pushed in by fat hairy men like himself. Just look at the guy and tell me he's not a pedophile, lmao.

>> No.2201736

I don't know why I can't stand this guy's art. This actually goes for most French artists I've come across.

I can tell it's well drawn in many aspects, but it's just incredibly unappealing to me.

>> No.2201737

He isn't thought, you can't just misuse definitions because you don't approve of him, he obviously also like adults since half and more of his art are that, same as when you like both man and woman you are not gay but bisexual, gay is meant to describe someone obsessed with the same gender, pedophilia is meant to describe people obsessed e with children, casually finding lolicon content hot defedently doesn't make him a pedophile, even if you don't like him

>> No.2201741

You're wrong. A homosexual is a person attracted to the same sex, i.e. a bisexual is still a homosexual. Just like a grown man that spends hours "fleshing out" sequential art of little boys' buttholes being violated by adult men whom bare a striking resemblance to the artist is a pedophile, regardless of any of his other paraphilias.

For the record I adore his style but I just think he's fucked in the head. Most pedophiles were themselves molested as children, it's certainly better that he draws these things instead of acting them out though.

>> No.2201743

firez (rip) drew his share of little girls, too

>> No.2201745

It's not https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedophilia

As i said look it up, a lot of convicted child molesters are not considered pedophiles

>> No.2201754

>> This is just a guess though, maybe he recently got a very jealous gf and she now forces him to draw her like one of his french girls
Ugh, this happened to me. For 2 years I couldn't draw any woman at all without fucking drama.

>> No.2201764
File: 85 KB, 427x640, Chris_hansen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2201765
File: 472 KB, 1200x857, 29413_touhou_fujiwara_no_mokou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2201766


It also has to do with copyright. The laws are weird af in Japan, but apparently if the mangaka or whoever has official authority with said mangaka could sue the artists for copyright infringement, especially if they sell their fanart.

Or something to that effect. Feel free to correct if I missed anything, its like fuckin 4 AM here.

>> No.2201767

He deleted his work because of hate-mongering fucks like you, /ic/.

>> No.2201780

so? what's wrong with it? it doesn't hurt anyone.

>> No.2201834

I spank the old monkey constantly to lolis yet I find all real children repulsive and daydream about 3D MILFs, what now faggot?

Loli is just a body type anyway and doesn't necessarily have to fit into an age group, it's just more convenient to make it that way, and thinking that lolis in manga are anywhere close to looking like real human children is pants-on-the-head retarded.

>> No.2201836

Chris Hansen? More like Chris HANDSOME!

>> No.2202052

>trollchan ruined thread again

>> No.2202066

>I spank the old monkey constantly to lolis

So you like fiction child porn and not the real stuff. Good for you. Honestly, I don't give a shit, I'm just saying child porn is child porn. You feeling uncomfortable with admitting that is a demon you have to face alone. I'm not saying you can't like fiction kids, I'm just saying that they are fictional kids.

>> No.2202117

>So you like fiction child porn
It's not child porn. The drawings aren't even supposed to necessarily represent children, it's just a body type. I'm guessing you've never heard of oppai loli before?

Lurk porn threads on /b/ for a little while until you learn the difference between loli and actual drawn CP. You'll know it when you see it.

>> No.2202140


not him (I'm not even into loli), but they're really not "fictional kids." They're not kids at all. They're drawings, and they really don't look like drawings of kids very much if you compare them to a realistic drawing of a child.

Neoteny and youth are things we innately find attractive. Loli porn just emphasizes those attributes, but I've never looked at a loli drawing and thought "that looks like an 8 year old." I can easily see how a person could be into loli porn but not even slighty pedophiliac irl.

>> No.2202160

There is a fine example ene on this board right now,

>>2199879 trying to represent reality.

>>2199405 not trying to represent reality.
lolis are not necessarily anything like real children.

Even spain's high court said with his own words that they are not illegal because they are not trying to represent reality when interviewed.

>> No.2202163

I got them backwards, but it should be obvious.

>> No.2202170

>I'm not even into loli
>Neoteny and youth are things we innately find attractive

Found the shotafag.

>> No.2202185

No images. no links besides webarchive. Wow. Great board

>> No.2202275

i'm in the very opposite side.

i found lolis to be tacky, unnecesarily lewd, and generally reaching the limits of vulgarity; at the same time, i usually found 9-14 3dpd to be not disgusting at all: that's the peak of cuteness and femineity in girls.

also, it is clearly just an aesthetic choice. it goes without saying that i'm not an psychopath, and wouldn't think of hurting nobody.

>> No.2202288

"How can we expect others to understand our fetishes when we don't understand them ourselves?" - Ghandi

>> No.2202305
File: 399 KB, 763x1207, loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Loli is just a body type
I hate this meme
let me copy-pasta here:

>Definition of LOLITA
>a precociously seductive girl

>Definition of PRECOCIOUS
>1: exceptionally early in development or occurrence <precocious puberty>
>2: exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age <a precocious child>

>Definition of SEDUCTIVE
>sexually attractive

>> No.2202405

Can't even see anime characters as humans but a creature of it's own. It has been way too stylized and archetyped beyond recognition that they clearly do not behave nor feel like a human.

>> No.2202422

the word 'lolicon' has evolved past just the word 'lolita.'

>> No.2202427
File: 31 KB, 339x208, ss (2014-07-19 at 10.25.02).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2202430

>it's just more convenient to make it that way

So delusional. Kill yourself pedophile.

>> No.2202434

Holy shit /ic/ is the normalest fucking board. Even if you don't like jerking off to 2d children just ignore the faggots who do and stay off your moral high horse. You aren't changing anything by lecturing anonymous neckbeards.

>> No.2202448

I believe it's just one or two autists who do this. It started a few months back, and it's always the same aggressive, awkward phrasing.
I have a strong feeling the worst one is a woman, based on her bizarre moralizing and mental gymnastics.

>> No.2202451

That's funny. I always thought precocious meant slutty.

>> No.2202454

>I have a strong feeling the worst one is a woman, based on her bizarre moralizing and mental gymnastics.

Of course, men have no problem reframing their consumption of child pornography or their lust for children.

>> No.2202457

It's the same two /pol/cucks making a fuzz about it. If you ever see another thread derailed by spergs bitching about CP, futa or porn in general just scan the threads for this >>2201709 and you'll know its them.

>> No.2202474

They sure as fuck don't phrase it like that.

>> No.2202503
File: 117 KB, 717x960, bull joel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He posted sth on his facebook site an hour ago. Maybe somebody can translate it:

Je remets cette page en ligne (alors que je voulais la supprimer) parce que avec le recule je me suis dit que la seule vrai raison à sa suppression ne tient pas. En tout cas je lui donne une nouvelle chance. (on ne peut pas supprimer une page sans un délais de 15 jours)
La raison était assez simple et personnelle. Je me faisais dévorer par le dessin et pour réagir j'ai arrêté de publier en ligne des dessins personnels. (depuis j'ai plus de temps pour un peu de sport^^)
Je vais tenter de tenir cet engagement et privilégie les informations à caractère professionnelle où des ulule.
Désolé encore pour tout mais dites-vous que tant que je poste pas de nouveaux dessins ça voudrait dire que ça va pour moi ^__^
Pour information je travail en ce moment pour ce projet que je voudrais voir aboutir. Si ce n'est pas par un éditeur, ça serait par un crowdfunding

>> No.2202505

he said /ic/ sucks and can't draw

>> No.2202510

Best i could do was google translate
I put this page online ( when I wanted to delete it ) because the back I thought that the only real reason for its removal fails. Anyway I give him another chance. ( you can not remove a page without a delay of 15 days )
The reason was quite simple and personal . I did devour drawing and I stopped to react to publish online personal drawings. (since I have more time for some sport ^^ )
I will try to fulfill this commitment and emphasizes the information to professional character where ulule .
Sorry again for everything but tell you that as I post no new designs that would mean it's going for me ^ __ ^
For information I work right now for this project I want to see succeed. If this is not an editor, it would be a crowdfunding

>> No.2202571

>the denial

The proportions are similar to that of children. That's all you need. Art mimics life. It doesn't exist in a vacuum. Of course they don't look like real kids because anime characters in general are so miminalistic is the way features are stylized they hardly ever look like real people in most anime stylizations. But they are still representations of people. Loli and shota is a representation of child like features. That's the hook in the first place. Otherwise the proportions they use wouldn't be used. This isn't complicated. You people are just beating around the bush so you don't feel guilty about liking fictional child porn. Give it a rest and accept your fetish for what it is. It's fiction, so I don't know why your guilt is so heavy that you are in THIS much denial about it.

>> No.2202579

art isn't limited to just represent the nature: is supposed to express our ideals and abstractions that doesn't necesarely have a real counterpart.

pinups, in every culture, are a representation of both the current zeitgeist and the personal ideal of beauty of the author. since human females have really notorious neotenic traits, is just logical that superlative representations of female beauty will look young.

that said, i've got nothing against softcore real cp

>> No.2202886

>female beauty will look young.

And that youth depiction never needs to look young enough to be mistake for a child, anon. Specially considering children aren't even representations of fertility, which has always been important to the representation to female beauty for most people. Loli depiction never tend to look old enough to be fertile at all.

>> No.2202893

you still suck at drawing

>> No.2202973
File: 537 KB, 1200x1752, 08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Loli depiction never tend to look old enough to be fertile at all.
Depends on the artist and the subject, those hips look pretty fucking fertile to me.
That's why you can just put all loli in one basket, because there are things like those and then there are things like Kurata Ichiro which are pretty creepy,
i don't have a problem with anyone who enjoys it don't get me wrong, but i am just making a point that for a lot of lolicon content you don't really have to be a turbo pedofile to enjoy them.

>> No.2202986


I'm not even calling the people who enjoy it pedophiles. I'm just calling it fictional child porn and since it's fictional, obviously rules can be bent because that is the advantage of fiction. Hence the example you posted. However, the proportions still have their basis on that of children, that doesn't change. A loli can have wider hips as much as a shota can be hung like a horse, that still doesn't change what they are based on and that's enough to turn some people off, which is fine.

>> No.2203022
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>Maybe somebody can translate it:

I tried my hand at it.
I must say that for a native speaker his french is not really good (lack of punctuation, grammatical mistakes and poor choice of words). That's why google translate is giving shitty results.
That being said, my english is not great either so my translation probably sucks:

I'm putting back this page online (whereas I wanted to delete it) because I told myself that the only true reason for deleting it doesn't hold.
Anyway I'm giving it another chance.
(one cannot delete a page without a 15 days delay)
The reason was pretty simple and personnal. I was being consumed by drawing and in order to react, I stopped publising online any personnal drawings.
(since then I've more time for some sport^^)
I will try to keep this commitment and gives priority to professionnal pieces of information or

> Anon's note: Ulule is a crowdfunding french website. I just checked and you can find him on a collective ero-porn comic project on fr.ulule.com/Collectif-Vanadis

Sorry again for all that but tell yourself that as long as I don't post new drawings, it means that things are going well for me.
For information, I'm currently working on a project I would like to see happening. If not (published) by an editor, then through a crowfunding.

>> No.2203026

Thanks for the information, and for what it's worth, you speak English more clearly than most people.

>> No.2203081

So in the end he was consuming his professional time at drawing traps and he wanted to get away from the habit, might be an excuse, but
doesn't sound very unreasonable either, when you start with porn you simply cannot stop, it's pretty addictive.

>> No.2203227

>no argument
>reverts to "u-u mad?"

>> No.2203253


>> No.2203513

>natural and normal for males



>> No.2203521
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>Bitter and intimidated female detected

Men age like wine and women age like sour milk so it's only natural and a no brainer to go for a pure, young and fertile woman hence why pic related is so popular and sought out by young men as it encompasses all things natural.

>> No.2203548
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>prepubescent children
>there is no 16 ~ 21 age range
>if you don't like little children you must be into cougars

>> No.2203581

>Men age like wine
Very few do. Quit this delusion.

>> No.2203585
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>Men age like wine
>like wine

>> No.2203590

bitter milkfags detected

>> No.2203598

Nice ad-hominem, buddy pal.
Enjoy that delusion when you start inevitably balding or some shit.

>> No.2203670
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>inevitably balding or some shit.
You're bald.

>> No.2203948

Good douji

>> No.2203971

>inevitably balding
My father is 62 and hasn't lost a hair, my grandparent from my mother's side had almost a full head of hair until his late 60's, i think i'll do fine.

>> No.2206103

If that is true we should expect some more "official" project from him in the future.

>> No.2206141


source? i wanna fap to this right now,

>> No.2207112

hey JJ suck a dick. Web archive foiled your plans

g.e-hentai.org/g/849162/b36220d6df/ - deviantart stuff

g.e-hentai.org/g/849118/1ac8fa52bf/ - facebook stuff

>> No.2207204


>> No.2207714

thank you based anon

here's another: joel27.blogspot.ca/

>> No.2207718

> france
> having a problem with porn comics
nigga what
I can understand the loli/shota part, but the regular porn?

>> No.2207720

that looks horrid. His normally porportioned girls look so much better.

>> No.2207721

So many pedos in denial.
You should all be placed against a wall and shot in the head.

>> No.2207810

where else than on this stupid panda can i see his porn stuff? i wasted time and my login doesn't work

>> No.2207817

no u

>> No.2207841

just because I'm a pedophile doesn't mean I can't resist my urges. similarly to how you presumably don't molest women on the street because you're attracted to them.
we're not psychopaths because we like prepubescent bodyshapes. we just have a fetish with a really bad reputation because of the implications it can have.

there are a lot of sheltered pedophiles who hide it well. if anything, making pornographic drawings of children illegal will increase the chances of them outing their urges. just like how making drugs illegal doesn't have any positive consequences, aside from the illusion of safety of course

>> No.2207842
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Careful with those murder fantasies anon, you might actually get in trouble.

>> No.2207844
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There is literally nothing wrong with being a pedohpile.

>> No.2207847


>> No.2207854

The only reason normalfags think every pedophile will act on their desires is because they themselves can't imagine not giving in to their urges,
they are the ones most likely to aggressively or passively force themselves on someone if they can't find something to fuck.

3DPD is not just a meme and a lot of people have found shelter in it.

>> No.2207856

no matter how much logic we throw at these moral fags, they never listen.

>> No.2207857

Except pedos do act on their urges, and often. #Notallpedos, though, amirite?

>> No.2207858

citations you fucking retard

>> No.2207860

The fact that tons of cp exists is proof enough. Sorry I rustled your jimmies, Jared.

>> No.2207862

There is also way more lolicon content and magazines like comic LO who is now running for almost a decade with thousands of buyers and hundreds of thousands who download it online,
I am still waiting for all those raging lolicons to show up in the news.

>> No.2207863

of course tons of cp exists, but so does a bunch of other pornographic fetishes. i dont know what point youre trying to make with the supply and deman because that doesnt fortify your silly moral notions, faggot.

>> No.2207869

as I said; placed against the wall and shot in the head.

>> No.2207876

The fact remains that cp is inherently exploitative. It's not just another fetish, and it's never innocent. Faggot isn't an insult compared to what you are. In fact, thanks for making the distinction between us, Jared.

>> No.2207877

say whatever you want, there will come the day when you think It won't hurt your little daughter as long as you make it quick. That's what all pedos do. And later they say crap like: "I didn't even hurt her! She liked it too! I didn't even touch it for long! It was only five times!"

Now you think you can contain your perversion, but as soon as you have your own children you will sooner or later give in to the urge little by little, and in the end you'll have ruined the life and sexuality of a child. You wouldn't be the first one.

Fuck you. I am glad there is still no mercy for your kind in the real world.

>> No.2207882

you keep making statements that have holes in them. Youre letting your morals speak for themselves and presume to win an argument like that. Unless you have concrete citations of your accusations. I suggest you leave, you have already made a fool out of yourself.

>> No.2207883

real cp always means there was a child who was abused, and by looking at it you're encuraging the rapists to do more damage.
As long as you look at cp you're indirecly abusng children.

>> No.2207885

>this is actually what every moral fag believes

>> No.2207886

> is a pedophile
> claims other people have embarassed themselves

>> No.2207888

so by your logic pedos = rapists

>> No.2207891

looks like i won the argument

>> No.2207892

>between us
It's funny how people get when the danger goes away, if you move to pretty much half the world you will get publicly stoned to death for no reason the same way you are now throwing
hate to random lolicons on the internet for no reason.

>but as soon as you have your own children
What part of 3DPD you don't understand? this is what you people can't get out of your head, you think normalfag is a joke and everyone will want 3D people, you need a trip on /a/ and wizardchan.

So we got from 2D to 3D now, how convenient.

>> No.2207895

Well that's kind of a sick thing to say. Because the world is so closed off about it a lot of pedos can't get help/don't know where to go to get help and because it's such a taboo it's hard to research a way to help these people. You also have the lgbt community often attacking people who try seeing as they don't want to accept that they themselves may have a mental illness. Pedos really do get the shit end of the stick, especially in this so called "progressive" and "accepting" society.

>> No.2207898

What holes? And why should I accommodate someone like you? You're mentally ill, utterly selfish, and devoid of empathy.

>> No.2207900

>wanting to fuck a child is "no reason"
No wonder people look the other way when sickos like you get chopped into itty bitty pieces.

>> No.2207901
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>You're mentally ill, utterly selfish, and devoid of empathy.

>> No.2207902

Subconsciously desiring something and actively wanting to commit an action are two different things.

>> No.2207905

They are the same people who chased off Simon... who was arguably the best red liner /ic/ has ever had.

>> No.2207907

>human trash
At least Jamal and Enrique will be there if you don't kill yourself first.

>> No.2207908

you are claiming the awareness of CP which has nothing to do with the personality of an individual. The content is there, everyone knows that. You are jumping to conclusions because of how society reads pedophiles(like the anon whos post clearly stated pedos = rapists in which they are not) having a sexual attraction to childs in reality can be a serious threat if the person has no limitations or a sense of responsibility. That is not the case with the hot topic of 2D however, so there are different implications to observe.

>> No.2207910

I really wonder how those people prefer to create mentally unstable from depression members of their society
unable to offer anything instead of the opposite, if you treat pedohpiles as monsters there's a way bigger chance
that they might say fuck it and be the monster since even if they hold back their entire life literally nothing on how you view them changes.

>> No.2207912

If you were remorseful and didn't embrace it that would be a different story.

>> No.2207913

I don't care about 2d, depending on the context.

>> No.2207915

You're making a fool of yourself.

>> No.2207916

Said the pedophile. Only the darkest corners of tumblr has any sympathy for your kind.

>> No.2207919

There is nothing to feel remorseful about, fantasy is fantasy, you might get upset because someone in his house
is doing something that affects no one but that has nothing to do with me, thankfully i live in a still sane countrie
and can enjoy my 2D fantasies. That gets to my first point, people don't actually want things like lolicon banned because its
rationally dangerous, but because they genuinely feel like if a pedohpile is enjoying himself in any kind of way it's should be wrong.

At this point in the conversation just shouting pedohpile doesn't really have any effect.

>> No.2207920

Well, that's how it always goes with faggots like this. I remember one guy was banned from twitch because he was constantly making suicide jokes and it was triggering the trannys. The amazing thing that these people failed to realize is that when you joke that much about killing yourself it's 9/10 times a cry for help. But of course, rather than talk to him they'd rather shut him out and get rid of him. It's what disgusts me about today's society and young people in general. There are a set few things that they pretend to be a taboo, yet when somebody is dealing with a real issue that they find offensive they will be completely shut out.
And now your lashing out calling everyone a pedophile.

I just try to understand people in general and remain sensitive to them.

>> No.2207925

If you're going to degrade transgendered people and defend pedos in the same post, citing sensitivity, nothing else needs to be said.

>> No.2207927
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I feel awful for them too but for much different reasons than the "persecution" they think they face.

>> No.2207930

>nothing else needs to be said.
You people don't seem to want to discuss anything other than throwing some edgy lines anyway, why do you even bother?

>> No.2207932

I'm not implying anything; your hypocrisy is obvious. Let's coddle the pedos and call gays "faggots" and transpeople "trannies," though. It's progressive!

>> No.2207939

It's not edgy if 90% of the population agrees.

>> No.2207942

Those people are more interested in belittling others in order to feel better about themselves. They never grew out of the bully mentality after leaving school. The perception of their own self-worth is one that is relative so they'll take any chance there is to keep other members of society beneath them because after all "at least I'm not an XYZ like you." Fixing the problem would be taking away this modicrum of self-worth that have.

>> No.2207947

>abloo abloo, muh cyberbullies!
Project harder, guy. They (you?) are almost universally reviled for a reason.

>> No.2207953

You both are missing the point those posts are trying to make. I shouldn't have to say this but you are on 4chan, the meaning of the posts is more important than the surface of the words (albeit polarizing) or the poster himself.

>> No.2207962

>you have to be progressive to feel for others
>putting that much weight on words
What a faggot. Go back to tumblr.

>> No.2207979

The same thing that happened to black people that then happened to gay people, which is now happening to trans people will soon be happening to pedophilic people.

You're all unable to foresee change, you're just going with whatever mentality the hivemind is offering you.

Stop listening to the morality other people are offering you and think for yourself. Why would the precursive act of fantasy have any amoral implications?
Does a person at a shooting gallery need to be jailed because the things he's shooting represent people?
Does writing a novel about a homicide make the novelist a murderer?
Now, does the fetishism of a fictional child make the artist a child molester?
it doesn't.

>> No.2207992

Faggot, trannie, weeb, jew, sperg, autist etc. these terms have long since lost their meaning as a derogatory term towards a specific group of people on this website (in most cases) and are just a derogatory term in general while maybe bearing the minimum passing reference to said group of people. I would argue that even the word "pedo" is starting to follow the same trend seeing as how it's now being thrown out at every accusation. I suggest you "lurk moar" because there sure are a hell of a lot less people doing that.

Revile as much as you want but people will eventually lash out when backed into a corner. It's not about coddling and bending over for the people you dislike, it's defusing the hostility so situations don't escalate.

>> No.2208193 [DELETED] 

CP discussion threads are so far the most easy to bait, thanks for the entertainment guys :^)

btw lolicon = real CP

>> No.2208209

The funny thing is that this board is so small it's probably the same posters doing the same conversation circles again and again.

>> No.2210910

Why state the obvious?

>> No.2211228

Not a pedo myself, but I could use the same argument for all fetishes. Like guys who draw rape porn and claiming that one day they'll give in to their urges and go rape a girl, but I could never prove that. Or hell, this is the same track of thought with people claiming that one day those who play violent games will repeat the actions they see in games. My point being fetish/ fantasy and action are different things. Having one does not inherently mean you will always act on it.

>> No.2211429


They are way too radical moralists to be reasonable, for them, there's only black and white.

>> No.2211432

What happened to this thread.

>> No.2211601
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>> No.2211701

Incompetent mods not doing their job.

>> No.2211720
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>you can't just misuse definitions because you don't approve of him

what are these sjw-esqe words you speak?

>> No.2211774

After reading all this crap, I'm pretty sure that guy (or girl?) is a pedo himself. He only wants to hear that it's ok to be one until you touch a kid, so he can stop judging himself. And you all are helping him to realize that he isn't mentally ill for being a pedo and wanting a reason to not feel ashamed while hiding his fetishes.

>> No.2211838

You'd be surprised how many people are pedos, If it's a mental illness, then a huge percentage of men suffer from it. But a huge majority of them know its wrong to actually abuse a kid, and would discourage anyone from doing so.

>> No.2212225

In the future, proud and out pedophiles will sue to be able to teach preschool and they will win. Anyone who says that is bad idea, will be called a bigot. I for one can't wait.

>> No.2213072

yeah homosexuals and transsexuals are mentally ill too, right?

>> No.2213080

>transsexuals are mentally ill too, right?


Homosexuals, if not mentally ill, can at least be considered defective.

>> No.2213083

Let's be real, it's a guy. Girls can't be pedophiles.

>> No.2213087

Sure is /pol/ in here

>> No.2213088

pedo pls

>> No.2213089

I fantasize of a cute tall fujoshit girl making me her cum cow.

>> No.2213091

I knew some pedogirls when I was 12. Those were happy times.

>> No.2213092

if you obsesses over the appearance of your genitalia and ignore biology because "muh beliefs" then ya you're mentally ill.

>> No.2213156

>You'd be surprised how many people are pedos

No, actually no one should be surprised. Considering the majority of men have many undesirable beta traits, and only a few legitimately have many desirable alpha traits it's not surprising for the the ones with mainly beta traits to be sexually attracted to the easily manipulated, considering the women they are suppose to court aren't interested in them, some of those women outright hating them.

Pedophilia is the most beta fetish to have, because you're taking advantage of the complete naive to the point where rejection is borderline impossible.

>> No.2213160


Guy: I'm a girl.
Docter: no your a guy
Guy: I'm a girl
scientists: nope your a male as bla bla gene bla bla born with penis
Guy: I'm a girl
Angry guy: and I'm a Safari
Guy : i' m a-----
Girl: o I didn't no you where born with a womb was it inside your ball sack or something

Guy/girl: I am a girl/boy
Furry and pedo: and I'm a rainbow dash and my friend is a child stuck in a big body looking for love but now we can't go near schools or dog parks

>> No.2213173
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>> No.2213298

so an undesiderable beta trait is hair and dicks, while an legitimate alpha trait are warts in the left ball. It makes sense to me.

>> No.2213467

I can't promise this is true, but hey I'm anon on 4chan so whatever, but on a relevant note my mother who works in social care in the UK was telling me about a miserable thing where originally police offered support and therapy/recovery support to paedophiles if they came forward and identified themselves. However, they weren't prepared for the sheer scale of how many came forward, the original small budget would not cover it and there's no way you can get UK taxpayers to put anything toward that, and so they cracked down on the serious cases and told the others to just forget it.
People that act on their desires towards children are subhuman scum, but I personally would rather my taxes went towards working with the ones that know they need help and preventing it happening.