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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 154 KB, 1600x960, HNI_0079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2189413 No.2189413 [Reply] [Original]

This is part of a little project i've been working on since february, i would love to make this into a webcomic someday, the protagonists are a 20 years old cat girl nicknamed "gata" and her 35 years old brother, an obese and lazy but yet strong nicknamed "fatso", the story takes place in russia 200 years in the future, cold places like Russia and Alaska are the only places where humanity ( Or in this case "catanity", sorry...) can live, due to global warming.
Most of the world is extremely hot and animal species are going extinct at a fast rate, gata and fatso lives on a mountainous place which used to be one of the coldest places in the world, but now the place is getting warmer and the snow pretty much dissapeared, there is a huge cloud which has been covering the sky for decades, it also rains very constantly, most of the time, it is believed that everyone will die due to the global warming in less than 20 years if no one finds a quick and effective solution.

>> No.2189415
File: 172 KB, 1600x960, HNI_0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gata and fatso are know as scavengers, people who wears mask and steals items from buildings and corpses, and in extreme cases murder people, scavengers usually wears white masks with custom patterns and rain coats.

What do you think of the ideas?, i would like some honest opinions, what do you like, what do you think that's wrong, i want this to be a good story.

Also sorry for my bad english, it could be better, i know.

>> No.2189417

I'll be sharing more info and pics if people is interested.

>> No.2189473

Get thee back to you-know-what-chan you...

>> No.2189489


moar please

>> No.2189927
File: 107 KB, 640x480, HNI_0088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't quite get that...

Well, here's a pic to give you an idea of how she looks like without those clothes on, she has a tendency of getting herself in troubles, she as been beaten up, stabbed and shooted, but never dies.

I didn't think anyone would reply to this thread.

fatso is still a work in progress character and his appearance may change later, i have a sketch of him, but i've havent digitalized it yet, once i do i'll post it here to show you.

>> No.2189941

I'm kinda interested. Do you have a site or something?

>> No.2189954

I have one, but im not sharing it for now.

>> No.2190002

Hey, I recognize your stuff from elsewhere.

I enjoy this kind of styling so I would at least give it a shot

>> No.2190034

I like

>> No.2190269

why is the ass so fat

>> No.2190516

it's a thing like tumblr nose but butts, and more tolerable

>> No.2190656

>Hey, I recognize your stuff from elsewhere.
I know you know, cause I know too, so he diffidently knows.
I do enjoy both though.

>> No.2190667

>that political agenda

Go fap to Al Gore and an hero.

>> No.2190842

I just can't avoid it, is it really that big?

>> No.2190932
File: 127 KB, 800x480, hni_0089_by_rattiesteps-d95le9h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the last digitalized pic i have, it's just a bunch of sketches, i have plentu of more sketches, i'll finish more if you like this, im currently working in my fatso sketch.

>> No.2190933

I think i used too many commas on that post...

>> No.2190937

the sexualization kind of creeps me out because the rest of the design is really not appropriate for it.

pretty gross/10 op

>> No.2191010

The sexualization?... is it because of the hips?

>> No.2191019

it's because of the design and the poses? is it not obvious to you what you're doing?
take >>2190932 look at the pose on the right and how she's sticking her ass out

and >>2189927 i mean come on, don't be so dense.

>>2189415 ass sticking out again

it's really uncomfortable. it looks like you're trying to draw a sexy cat girl but not only are you not strong enough as a draftsman the design is also just creepy

>> No.2191036

I see then, i guess i'll scrap the whole idea then, sorry for being such a freak to you.

>> No.2191061


not him, but if it was THAT easy to convince you to not do the project then it wasn't worth doing in the first place; get a thicker skin.


>no, don't.

>oh, ok.

>> No.2191104

Man, cut the guy some slack. He can sexualize his little catgirl character as much as he wants. She already has a fat ass and some boobs drawn on her so the poses do fit. Plus the subject matter is pretty dreary; a story about the end of the world and humanity.

I think she looks cute OP. I would love to read this comic.

>> No.2191109

Have you tried playing with the line thickness a bit ? Like here, they're all the same, maybe you can use them to emphasis some details and lighten some others. It's just a suggestion though.

>> No.2191130
File: 608 KB, 2706x2091, v8avbQn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its okay,
Just revise the proportions, use the golden ratio etc etc...
And draw her with better poses, your's are just bland. Look at the silhouette, its boring too.
Just revise revise and fucking revise before you scrap. Turn it into something you like before you scrap it to actually learn from it.

>> No.2191172

:- <

>> No.2191176

How would you apply the golden ratio to character design?

>> No.2191182

>don't hate anon op can be a degenerate if he wants!!

sure, but i still reserve the right to judge him. i probably wouldn't even have a problem with it if the design wasn't so terrible.

>> No.2191276

at least you know how to make a good shortstack butt

>> No.2191570
File: 109 KB, 480x640, HNI_0095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey... thanks for the feedback.
The main reason of why i came here was because i wanted to see what people tought about my art style and the idea i have, i wanted to read it from people who have no idea of who i am.

and yes... i guess that gata's butt is quite big, i like it that way, i worked pretty hard on a final design for her and i tought that a pear shaped body would be fitting for her and my art style ( Pretty wide hips and a ridiculously thin torso and breasts), believe it or not i usually draw butts much bigger than her's but i wanted to give her a smaller and more slender shape.

>>2191130 Wish i could make ref sheets as detailed as that one, but the drawing app im using is pretty limited and small, im currently saving money for a drawing tablet that way i can make much better pics with more details like shading for instance.
Im also awful when it comes at proportions, lately i've been trying my best to do proportions right but i keep making mistakes from time to time.

Thanks a lot... the main purpose of her is to look adorable and some people from the internet agrees with that when they see the characters i draw.
I also thank you for that, i asked for criticism and that's what i got, i always ask people to be honest about what they think about what i draw, i don't reply to negative feedback with angry answers, i don't delete them nor i try to report them, just as you said you still reserve the right to judge me.
hey... hehe... thanks as well, short sized girls are always pretty.

>> No.2191572

Sorry if my replies are pretty slow, im not at home during half of the day, sometimes most of it.

Also sorry for my english, that's another issue i have, if i ever make this webcomic im going to search for someone who can help me translate them, i mainly speak spanish.

>> No.2191582

Now that i think about it... her butt is way too big there...

>> No.2191649

I like it the design of your character, its cute but her hips might be to close to just being, to big because of how small her waist/chest is.
Another problem I see are her legs/calf being more round than they should.
But hey I could be wrong, maybe shes stylized that way on purpose.

Try anon's pic as a example for character design, different poses and face expressions so you have a better understanding of your characters, also it doesn't hurt to jot down notes about anything related to the characters personality/traits.

>> No.2191705

are you complaining??
everyone get a load a this guy
they don't like giant asses

>> No.2191871

Her body shape is intentional, but i did draw her butt too big there unintentionally.

>> No.2192221

she's very cute, op, jus need to be more consistent in her forms from what i see in the other pieces

also work on backgrounds. don't gotta go crazy, just somethin that fits in the style while still properly framing shots.

>> No.2192668
File: 126 KB, 480x640, HNI_0096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try my best to make her as consistent as possible, also i'll work on some scenarios as well, they are intended to be lineless with a noticeable lack of shadows due to the sun always being covered with clouds, with a lot of gray tones.

Sorry if my posts are slow, im back at the university and now i have less time to draw, but at least i managed to finish my pic of fatso, gata's brother, he's much more taller than her, he usually carries her on his back when they travel around.

>> No.2192671

Also... i wanted to make a serious question, it's her butt really that big?, i tried to make it look average at first, but it seems like i failed on that, i don't mind big butts myself, i draw them all the time.

>> No.2192675

people are gonna question how big her butt is in the comic and ask questions about it.
I think its "that big"

>> No.2193510

Hey OP. I also recognize you from "somewhere". Your English has improved. Good for you.

Keep going with your idea, and practice practice practice. I like what I see so far.

>> No.2193641
File: 69 KB, 800x480, HNI_0099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey thanks!... i knew some people would recognize me, which im not sure if it's something i should worry about.

I made a little background practice of an average site, in these mountains there's a huge lack of plants and most of them are dead, that is a big concern as well in this world, most plants are dying.
It's pretty simplistic but i've always been bad at doing backgrounds, hopefully i can do better soon, what do you all think so far?.

>> No.2193720

What is the green band going around the back of her head? Like what's that connected to? I assumed they were goggles at first but it's obvious she isn't wearing any

>> No.2193754

It's brown actually, it's the band which holds her mask.

>> No.2193776

So much bad advice ITT

Why the hell would you use oh8's art as a high standard of quality? And the "proportions" on that character isn't that far off from the OP besides those awful legs.

>> No.2193797

Yes, it's not even good advice since both styles aren't even close
i'm still saving this as a ref for other purposes, but it's not really helpful for this russian

I really like it, especially the big russian boi! Are you going to publish it in english or russian, OP?

>> No.2194006

I'll try to make it in english since i don't speak russian, im mexican actually.

>> No.2194011

What city you from?

>> No.2194083

Why do you ask?

>> No.2194119

She's wearing a mask? Why? I thought that was just fur discoloration to distinguish the face

>> No.2194128

Also I'm mexican and speak Spanish and English , your English seems super fluent I would've never guessed you had any problems with it.

I like your stuff rattus where can I find more?

>> No.2194130

I'ts for hiding her identity
This is her actual face

>> No.2194388

I was thinking less about "styles" and all of flaws in those Skullgirls drawings

>> No.2196101

Sorry for the lack of content, l'll submit a pic tomorrow, im going to have dome free time sunday in the morning, i can reply some questions if you are interested.

>> No.2196316
File: 148 KB, 480x640, HNI_0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a rough sketch of gata on top of fatso, when it comes to personality gata is kind of a childish, inmature and stuborn girl, she's pretty kind and sweet most of the time but sometimes her personality can change abruptly, acting more serious or bad tempered, mainly when she gets frustrated or hurt both fisically and mentally.

I have some free time right now so if you want to make me some question feel free to ask, it can be about anything of this whole project, im going to open a tumblr page soon to storage all of the sketches plus new ones.

>> No.2196699

This definitely has alot of charm, think of cloths being made of cashmere, theres more detail and colour that can be used

>> No.2196807 [DELETED] 
File: 528 KB, 1500x1500, fatso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2196828

Hot. tumblr?

>> No.2196843 [DELETED] 

I don't have one for lewd yet

>> No.2196928

Ohh i love this so much!, i guess this is pretty much how would gata look like if she had a more realistic shape, i really like it!, specially the mask shape, Thanks! please let me know when you have a tumblr, i'll follow you when i have one myself.

Actually i want to keep the colors off and gloomy, with a lot of gray scales, i feel like it fits the rainy enviroment.

>> No.2196937 [DELETED] 

My current blog is pa1nsaw.tumblr.com, I'll be happy to follow if you ever make one

>> No.2196980

Pretty damn cute, and has a lot of potential.

Id say to keep an eye on background/character greys and change the values a bit so you have a good separation between foreground and background. for example here they look a bit too close:

Perhaps try some tests like keep the character the same but, lighten everything in the background & don't use blacks for the background (for those trees just use a lighter grey)

>> No.2197014
File: 15 KB, 300x225, tess1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So where did the idea for masks come from, OP?

>> No.2197091

I love how Gata looks. Only thing that bugs me is that it really looks like Fatso has two right hands.

>> No.2197391

Well, i've always liked masks and the sudden popularity of Shygals kind of helped.

>> No.2199225
File: 146 KB, 960x1280, HNI_0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if im taking so long to post pics, i've been drawing a lot of stuff lately that doesn't involve this project but i'll try my best to keep bringing more info about this.

If my thread lasts enough im going to show some secondary characters, the place where both gata and fatso lives, how do they teamwork and such, who are the biggest menace to them, and how do scavengers interact with each other.

I will answer any question happily.

I don't mind that, the pic is epic anyways!

>> No.2199236


It's got a nice vibe to it, and I'll look forward to seeing it if you ever get to making it!

Do you think the comic will end up getting very feels-y? It seems like it could end up making me cry.

>> No.2199245

Ohh, i really have emotional parts in mind, having to do with gata's forgoten past, that's a problem i forgot to mention about her, she can't remember most of her childhood.

>> No.2199267

Why does she wear the robe?

>> No.2199276

Tell me about Gata
Why does she wear the mask?

>> No.2199307


Interesting. Brings me to another questions then!;

Are Gata and Fatso super close together? Since Fatso is about 15 years older, won't he remember the things Gata forgot about? Does he try to stay away from the topic?

>> No.2200381

It's a rain coat, it's an iconic thing from scavengers, and also the place where gata and fatso lives rains all the time
She and any other scavenger, her brother uses one all the time as well, it's to hide their identity from certain people.
Thats pretty interesting, gata and fatso are very close to each other and they are pretty much like best friends, fatso reminds gata about her childhood all the time, sometimes he manages to make her remember some stuff, but he doesnt usually go so deep, and there are some things that he keeps as secrets.

>> No.2201902

Still working on sketches, hang on.

>> No.2201903

4U!!1 rofl

>> No.2201909

I dont really like the mask design

>> No.2201921 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 692x787, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2203540
File: 90 KB, 480x640, HNI_0015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a work in progress character, she doesn't have a name/nickname yet.

She's going to be the daughter of a surgeon who sort of works as his secretary, she's going to be a secondary character with a very small role.

>> No.2203552

cute, and definitely recognisable as a different character

>> No.2203565
File: 159 KB, 364x857, Screenshot_21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been on a ball lately, have you?

>> No.2203595

fugoff already thanks

>> No.2203604
File: 9 KB, 251x227, v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Firez. You faggots managed to subdue another Artist.

>> No.2203605 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 692x787, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2203606 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 692x787, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2203844


Yeah... i don't know what the hell is going on.

>> No.2203881

Quite frankly he was shit.

>> No.2204053

No he was good

>> No.2206051

Sorry for the slow posting.

>> No.2206078

this is pure bait how can you claim he is good when all he managed to do was copy the same face and most of his paintings turned out to muddy?

>> No.2206621
File: 153 KB, 1214x620, ss+(2015-08-31+at+11.29.48).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't want to draw porn of this but now i want to and that makes me mad >:(

>> No.2206632

you dumb kid

>> No.2206636
File: 139 KB, 692x787, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2207519
File: 114 KB, 640x480, HNI_0018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im glad those umad pics are gone, they did nothing but waste space...
I don't see any problem with that, feel free to do so!.

Sorry for taking so long to post content, i've been getting a lot busy and distracted with university stuff.

This is a little glimpse of where gata sleeps, gata and fatso both lives in an abandoned building which was crushed by a rock after a flooding decades ago., while most of the place was destroyed, there is still plenty of room left, enough for the fatass that fatso is.

>> No.2207533 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 961x815, youmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was banned for 24 hours for those umad pics. Let it be known that I have no regrets, and that mods are gay lol

>> No.2208058

I still can't get over the size difference here. Looks like the ass of an obese obeast and the torso of a holocaust survivor. Or a toothpaste tube that some dickhead started at the top of the tube with.

>> No.2208323

boobs should be lower on her chest, friend

>> No.2208343

I think that might be down to personal taste. I think it looks pretty good and makes for a decent silhouette, but I like big butts on female characters. For instance, I really liked Tiff's design in MLAATR.

>> No.2208352


I like her backside
I cannot lie

>> No.2208578

Im not trying to make a realistic body shape really, i know it's very far from that, i just love these sort of shapes, wide hips and small torsos, women with pear shapes are my favorites.

Im also a bit concerned about the whole butt size thing, my intention was to make her a bit more appealing looking, a pretty slender girl with pretty wide hips and a bigger than average butt, this webcomic is aimed to be something like 16+ , it won't contain sexual content, but it will contain mature themes, a bit of gore and some swearing.

I've drawn butts much bigger than her's.

>> No.2208709

the only problem "I see in my eyes" are how big her calf's/legs are there just really big and I find that strange imagining poses she'd have trouble with...
Maybe thats just me and my tastes,
just my opinion man.

>> No.2208746
File: 331 KB, 1015x930, 2015-09-04_05-47-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2208753

I really like the potential here anon. Draw her a lot more and in tons of weird poses. Her design will benefit from that a lot.

I really like her shape, but it's also a bit on the 'weirdly large' side. esp if you want to do a post-apocalyptic-esque story like this, you can't let the design get too sexual, otherwise it'll set up certain expectations for the story that'll both turn off potential readers, and mislead others.

Do you have a tumblr or something where I can find you later? My interest has been piqued.

that's the best out of the lot you've shared imo.

>> No.2208756

honestly, you can get a loooooot outta baiting sexual things depending on your fans and how you treat it (see kaz's prequel (tho that's more queer bait (also i don't really have room to talk since i just drew porn of two of the characters (but it wasn't before first bein driven by someone else drawing porn (i tell myself (i've nested waaaay too many asides in this chain))))))

>> No.2208794

It's not really a pear shape. More like an apple with a pencil stabbed at the top. I can't imagine her doing anything but waddling.

>> No.2208842


>> No.2208870
File: 684 KB, 546x948, Time to fap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your character is obviously fetish bait.

That's why I came to this thread.

>> No.2208878

She's got a good mix of qt and lewd imo.

>> No.2208888

I agree. I actually couldn't fap to her. But the temptation was there.... >>2196807

OP, she's cute and I like Gata's design. The mask could be very easily confused as her actual face. You might want to make something that makes it more clearly distinctive.

Consider widening up the torso and lowering the breasts so that she's more proportional. Good proportioning makes almost anything look good and demonstrates skill.

Don't give up!

>> No.2208896

Hard to argue with those quads, but I should point out that a trait of good design is to unevenly divide the proportions to create interest. A proportional cartoon character will generally look boring to one that has them unevenly divided. I do agree about the mask thing though. I thought it was her face until OP said otherwise.

>> No.2208952
File: 64 KB, 459x718, 1426309136415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, is this Gata's distant ancestor?

Cute design, btw.

>> No.2208963
File: 25 KB, 640x634, 1435696848224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mind showing some ideas as to what some bandit masks might look like? She looks cute and the brother too.

>> No.2209007

who dat?

>> No.2209012
File: 33 KB, 372x372, cxub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in a fast food restaurant restroom
>orifices touching that wall, or at least very close to it
>on the job

Absolutely filthy gross.

>> No.2209041

Shut up keppok you wish your butt was that big nigga smh tbh fam

>> No.2209056
File: 336 KB, 3072x3424, delicious thighs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I wish I had cellulite you fucking retard

>> No.2209060

I like your artstyle, i ean it could use a little more thought anatomically but it's cute,
Your story is kinda garbage tho dude. Why not just have them on their own world. U can still have relics if the past and shit but it doesn't have to be alaska. It kinda kills any sense of wonder.

>> No.2209061

Just kiddin' man, you alright?

>> No.2209483
File: 96 KB, 640x480, HNI_0019 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow i really love it, specially that huge bulge on Fatso's pants!
It's not really going to be that sexual, that won't be the main focus of the webcomic.
lol i kind of agree with that...
Im actually happy with her torso shape, but i think im going to lower her breast a bit from now on.
I was planning to make some pics of how do scavengers look like based on country of origin, american scavengers, chinese, mexican, french and so on, but that would take a lot of time.
I agree with you, i would be upset too.
I was going to make a fantasy story, but i... it actually sounds nice, but it's not time anymore, i like this world concept as much as a fantasy one.

>> No.2209511
File: 25 KB, 1250x1400, Gata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried my hand at doing something. I might colour it latter too.

>> No.2209521
File: 33 KB, 1250x1400, Gata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And coloured.

>> No.2209794

>no mask

>> No.2209825

>wanting to hide that face
for what purpose?

>> No.2210216
File: 309 KB, 995x1090, gats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2210260

ok the more i see of this the more i want to see it come to life. How much of the story do you have worked out? What's the plot? You mention you'll want help translating, and although I can't speak spanish, I'm happy to help.

>> No.2210263

dude do you have a tumblr or something to follow you.

>> No.2210345

Nice picture. saved

>> No.2210437

I hope not

>> No.2210530

Her ass is too fat. It's not like I don't want you to draw fat asses but it really breaks the design

>> No.2211059

Oh nice! Tumblr?

>> No.2211318
File: 89 KB, 480x640, HNI_0022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot, her face looks pretty adorable on this!
Oh my, this looks so great!, i really really appreciate this as well!, and no, it's not dead, at least not yet.
I have plenty of ideas for the webcomic, right now i only need 2 things, a drawing tablet which im currently saving money for and someone who can help me correct my grammar mistakes,if someone asked me i think i could say that i know about... 85% of english, i can read in english with no issues but it gets difficult when it comes to writing in english so if someone helped me that would be great!, are you really interested on helping me with this?
I want to know too!, the same goes towards the folks who drew these 2 as well >>2209521 >>2208746

>> No.2211321

Also, i finally made a Tumblr! http://gatathefuturerussiankitty.tumblr.com/
It's pretty much empty right now, and im going to change the URL once i think of a proper name for this webcomic, im going to start to submit content tomorrow.

>> No.2211326

Hey, I would love to help you edit the webcomic to make sure the grammar and such is correct. Everything about this looks amazing, and there's nothing that annoys me more than an otherwise excellent webcomic with very poor grammar. You can reach me at this email for now: ea10651b@opayq.com . Call me crazy, but I don't like putting out my actual e-mail on 4chan all that much; I'll give you my proper e-mail when you contact me.

>> No.2211407

be careful about how your drawing "reads", for the first few seconds i couldn't tell which thigh connect to which calf (the booty nice tho)

>> No.2211417

I agree with this.

>> No.2211427


>> No.2211438

fatso neads a big stalin mustache or something to make his face more masculine, in my opinion

>> No.2211444

I agree

>> No.2211446
File: 156 KB, 809x766, 2015-09-07_03-36-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2211448


>> No.2211449


>> No.2211841

Thanks again!
lol... are you being serious?

I added a little description about the story in case you want to read it on my new Tumblr. http://gatathefuturerussiankitty.tumblr.com/

>> No.2211849

One quick suggestion about the tumblr:

Maybe you should keep a secondary tumblr for worldbuilding and fan questions/art, and make a main one for the actual webcomic (when you release it).

>> No.2211887

>handle me the meds

>> No.2211959

Partly serious. Fatso needs something to make his face look more masculine. He's got literally the same face as Gata

>> No.2211986

>He's got literally the same face as Gata
Just a quick reminder that both of them actually wear masks. But yeah, he could use something to make his mask more unique.

>> No.2212185
File: 9 KB, 259x288, ewwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

masculine and unique, possibly with a mustach, eh?
i got just the thing

>> No.2212380

/ic/, what are you doing? You're killing me.

>> No.2213662
File: 226 KB, 1440x1572, gata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey... sorry for taking so long to bring new content, i've been pretty busy these last days, i'll try to finish a pic for tomorrow meanwhile take a look at this.

This is how gata looked like back in april, she was much taller, with a pretty long neck and pointy breasts, im so happy with how she looks like right now.

>> No.2214316

This is good. When can we expect the full story?

>> No.2214375
File: 115 KB, 231x225, gooteckswhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ seriously?

>> No.2214376

Is this a new forced meme?

>> No.2214386


>> No.2214388


You guys unironically like a furry fetishist?

>> No.2214400

No, but this is the most original post i have seen in years so i don't care

>> No.2214402

And now the shitposting begins.

>> No.2214439


>> No.2215727
File: 126 KB, 960x1280, HNI_0024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have it done for this year.

Sorry for the lack of content... again, i've been a little depressed lately and haven't had that much of motivation...

Just another pic of gata and fatso with gata on top of fatso's backpack, this is how they usually travel.

Im open for request that have to do with these characters if you're interested... i need some motivation

>> No.2215761

fun fact
only women can get cellulite!

>> No.2215766

I think it looks really cool OP, keep up the work! You've got a cool and strong vision, so stick with it!

>> No.2215803

This thread baffles me. What happened to you /ic/?

>> No.2215806

>stop liking what I don't like

Anon, style isn't always bad, it's just style is often used as an excuse for being bad.

>> No.2215808
File: 650 KB, 1680x1050, campfire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Im open for request that have to do with these characters if you're interested... i need some motivation

-Fatso punching some wild bears. Also what if he used wrestling moves

-Also a campfire type scene like you see in stalker complete with Guitars and all, that would be cool.

>> No.2215809
File: 152 KB, 500x516, 1432585823289.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that tiny indication of camel toe

I like these guy's design, I'm going to make less cat versions of them baddies in my dnd world.

>> No.2215814

Rule 34. When!?

>> No.2215816

Literally look through the thread you mongaloid

>> No.2215891


I love good, creative stylization as much as the next guy, but this isn't it.

>> No.2216153

I like this design better to be honest. It's not as blobby and undefined.

>> No.2217724

I don't know how to draw bears, but i really like the campfire idea!, im going to try that for sure!.

Im going to finish a sketch tonight before bed to have it done for tomorrow in the morning, i also want to talk about something i've been really concerned about for the past days. I'll tell you tomorrow.

>> No.2219348
File: 88 KB, 480x640, HNI_0029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong morning, but it is still a morning...

I just wanted to mention that the main focus of the webcomic is not about how big gata's butt is but about a brother and sister at their daily life on a condemned planet.

Im drawing pics like this one since you guys seems to enjoy them and because i love drawing them... don't expect things like this in the webcomic, i might even reduce her hips size, or draw her butt more like in here
I might make a second tumblr account with more mature artwork like the ones i've been sharing, and some of the fanart you've been drawing for me, i greatly appreciate them!, and i love every one of them!

That's all i wanted to say, ill see what i draw next, maybe a campfire.

>> No.2219413

I support you making a second one.

>> No.2221149

I gueess i'll make one eventually.

>> No.2221187

I can get down with this op. I'll be honest, it's in part the butt, but I also wanna see where this goes.

>> No.2221196

When she gonna get fucked doe?

>> No.2221197


Kek. Underrated post

>> No.2221262

Your style looks familiar. Horrid with names and tags. You do art for Trials in Tainted Space, don't you?

>> No.2222111

Bumping this

>> No.2223505

It's understandable, i'll try to reduce her hips a bit, i swear... the more i draw her the bigger her butt and hips gets, and that's not a good thing.
Im not ready for that yet... i can't draw dicks... not yet.
I have no idea of what Tainted Space is, but you are right at the Tags part.
Thank you so much!, there was a huge power outage which lasted more than 24 hours.

Im working on 3 pics right now and hopefully i'll have one ready for tomorrow, im working on the campsite idea, how gata looked like when she was 5 years old and a pic of gata from the front and from behind with a nude alternative, which one would you like to see finished first?

>> No.2223508

Forgot my name...

>> No.2224287

Another bump for the cute fat-assed kitty thread.

>> No.2224461


The ass game is too strong.

>> No.2224574
File: 92 KB, 480x640, HNI_0030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The front and behind pic isn't turning out as good as i wanted, here's the front, i'll also make a nude version of this.

>> No.2225848


>> No.2226842
File: 82 KB, 960x640, gata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2226843
File: 77 KB, 960x640, gatanude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And nude version included.

>> No.2226847
File: 22 KB, 640x480, le master shredder hottenings face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2226870

Deviantart changed name?

>> No.2226923

I blame the parents for OP, but I'm at a loss for words when it comes to the people that would actually like this shit.

>> No.2226936


Stop being a prude and enjoy your ass.

This is why you stuck in 4chan.

>> No.2226946

>millenials riding a moral high horse
i cringe every time tbh

>> No.2227089

the paw feet are cute. I think the navel is a little too low.

>> No.2227395

Really cute. So what's her personality like? Hopefully it's not the generic "strong female" character that we see so often now that boils down to little more than a bitchy dyke Mary Sue.

>> No.2227427

You've got the attention you wanted. Go away.

>> No.2227431

why the fuck is people still making replys? gosh, that attention whore can just go and post in alternative thread

>> No.2227441


Fucking ew

>> No.2227905

My parents have nothing to do with this, i swear!
Thanks, i tought it was at the right position.
Im not sure if i can describe this correctly but she has a pretty joyful and somewhat innocent personality, pretty inmature sometimes, but not at the point of becoming annoying.
Her personality can vary, she can be happy and cheerful, and she can be depressed and bad tempered, based on the situation she is on.
She gets distracted pretty easily and if she says she's going to do something, half of the time she does something completely different.

I've been getting a bunch of hate comments lately, and i do agree with what they say, not everyone or most people like furry stuff and thats understandable, i might stop replying to this thread soon and just focus on my tumblr account, but not just yet.

>> No.2227918

The body shape is what will keep most readers. Ignore the comments about your art skills. It's a web comic.

>> No.2228007


What's the obsession with OC artists writing huge wall of text that no-one is gonna read about their donut steal?

>> No.2228126
File: 220 KB, 334x685, diaperman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this stuff a lot! And don't change the character's shape AT ALL. Why make her look like everyone elses' idea of proportion,when you can make it your own,distinctive and unique?

(Her ass suggests more Russian peasant to me than anything else,which makes sense in the context of story)

The background is good,and I would make it moe elaborate with the blocks of color suggesting more detail when silhouetted against other blocks of color:a tan hill with the outline of a broken picket fence against a dark grey mountain,its jagged peaks in turn contrasting against the whispy blue sky.

And for future postings,I'd like to see facial expressions! Joyful,despondant,mischievious,enraged. All part of storytelling. You have a good concept and are establishing a distinctive style. Do more,explore.

>> No.2228166


>> No.2228223

It might just be me, but she sounds relatively average. I'd personally crank that add way up to define her character a bit, though be careful not to get into "lolsorandumb" territory.

Also, it might be best seeing as this COULD have been posted in the alternative art thread, but I think you have the feedback you need so there isn't to much of a reason to bother at this point. At this point focus on your comic and maybe doing some fanart to garner attention and followers for it.

>> No.2228225
File: 541 KB, 1280x1024, bad example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See what you did? You inspired me.

(For 10 minutes,but its enough to convey the idea)

>> No.2228248
File: 29 KB, 1200x750, Another world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a better example of minimalist backgrounds from an old game called Another World. They "modernized it",but you can see what I mean in this screenshot


>> No.2228902
File: 115 KB, 728x1068, gatatattat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumpin' with some catbutt

>> No.2229066

Adorable, thanks!
making a pic which consists of just facial expressions would be complex with the hardware i have.
Alternative?, you mean the hentai/alternative one?
I really, really like the background, i should learn from you.
Interesting, but im not searching for something that detailed, it's going to be as simplistic as the characters, the ambiance consists of huge mountains that consists of nothing but dirt, rocks, dead plants, tons of water and deteriorated buildings.

>> No.2230008

Once again, i forgot to add my name, i am that stupid...

Hey just wanted to know your advice about something, as i have mentioned before, i currently don't have a drawing tablet, i use my old Nintendo 3ds instead, using an app called Colors3D, it's an ok program but it has it's limitations.

I found out about a 3ds app called "Comic workshop 2" which is made for creating comics using your 3ds, it seems to be pretty good, not perfect, but i think it contains just what i need, so i have 2 options:

1- Buy a drawing tablet, learn how to use it, and learn how to use sai and learn how to make comics on sai.

2- Or i could download Comic Workshop 2 and learn how to use it right away, using an hardware im already used to.

So what do you think?, what would you prefer me to do?

>> No.2230039

pls stop

>> No.2230097

I'd really like to see gastronemius area slimmed down a bit. It actually looks fine in the nude drawing, but I find it extremely off putting when she's wearing boots over them, almost looks like that elephantiasis disease or something.

>> No.2230575
File: 24 KB, 274x237, 1418082628591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say in the long run, a tablet and using Sai would be more beneficial.

>> No.2230882


Hi, not that anon, but I'd give my 2 cents.

I'm roughly in the same boat as I use an old galaxy note tab to do my sketches. Personally, I use my galaxy tab to do the character and linework but leave major colouring to my pc using an old drawing tablet.

I'd say if funds allow it to get a decent priced tablet for sai if you're planning to take your art further since the extra tools will always come in handy; you never realised that you missed out on things until you use them and all that.

But if the colouring app does all you need it for and you're happy with it then stick with it. I still say the extras you get from pc programs can still be helpful though

>> No.2231822
File: 78 KB, 480x640, HNI_0037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree on that, i wanted to give the idea that her bootts are bigger than her legs, but it only makes her legs look even fatter.
I think it will be sai then!
I think i'll give the drawing tablet a try, i just need to get used to drawing on it, Sai looks a lot more easier to use than Photoshop.

This is how gata looked like back when she was 5 years old, 15 years ago.
The begining of the comic will start with gata's somewhat happy and innocent childhood, the beggining will explain how fatso teached her to climb stuff, get inside buildings and steal without being seen, and hurt people, something that will come in handy once she gets older.

There is an explanation of why she has bandages on her head, but it is a secret which will be unveiled later in the comic.

>> No.2231951


Seeing as Gata seems to be the main character, I'll be interested to see how the character evolves over time.

I do think a mellow character can work, provided that we can see what drives/motivates the character. For a character driven story, I feel that's the most important. Even if she develops little habits like clutching an old wound if she feels uncomfortable, it speaks alot about the character and helps round her out.

When your comic goes underway, I'll be interested in seeing her character develop

>> No.2232929

I guess her personality will change as time passes, i've been getting a lot of ideas for the storyline these past days, im pretty sure people will love it!

>> No.2234160
File: 108 KB, 480x640, HNI_0039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it would be great if i added expresions in her eyes just like here >>2207519 , it could express sadness, happiness, anger, things like that to give her a bit more of life, instead of always having the same death stare in the webcomic.

>> No.2234164


Looks good, but slight changes in the mouth would help go a long way in making her expressive

>> No.2235206

I don't think i could do that, but she will appear maskless in the comic quite often, i got a new idea for the comic.

>> No.2235216

your design is shit, grow a pair of eyes

>> No.2235253

I can't wait for this thread to autosage into oblivion.

>> No.2236159

It will end soon...

Im probably the most hated person on this board right now, i'll just do a couple more post before this thread eventually dies...

>> No.2236749
File: 429 KB, 720x1280, Sketch303134127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then we'll just make another.

Here are a few attempts at expression,done on my dying phone. No technology other that what you have required! What can YOU do? Show us. Show Me.

And ignore the refugees from /b/. They cannot matter. They must not.

>> No.2236764

By the way,here is some inspiration for you :the Order of the Stick

A master of the simplistic.

>> No.2236789

> the more i draw her the bigger her butt and hips gets, and that's not a good thing.

The slaaneshi corruption spreds, citizen. Report to the nearest commissar at once.

>> No.2237310
File: 115 KB, 480x640, HNI_0041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going to try that later, it might require a lot of effort due to my hardware limitations ( I can't copy-paste the same pic) but i'll try to make at least 4 just like you did, thanks by the way!
Well, that really is simplistic.

I tried some cartoony shadow effects, im kind of happy with the results, what do you think?.

>> No.2237527

Just start with a head with a blank face,and save it as a different file name for each expression you make,and reopen the blank to start afresh. Post each individually.

>> No.2237687

Here are a few strips from the comic that illustrates what I mean by simple backgrounds...


Here is a mountain range,made from blocks of color defining the shapes and shadows.


See how he defines the clouds,and the ship's deck as well.


This strip has a variety of backgrounds,all simple,yet defining the places sufficiently.

Poke through the collection. You'll find more to instruct you...its a captivating read,and shows what you can do with a powerful narrative,even with stick figures!

>> No.2237723

>not saying "right meow"
you fucked up

>> No.2237730

good luck making a comic with nonemotive, nonexpressive main character

>> No.2237745

Sounds very interesting OP. I'm eager to know more about these characters and story and I would love to see their adventures.

>> No.2238446

Shygirl ripoff much?

>> No.2238552

this is pretty great OP, don't stop drawing.

>> No.2239234

I will try that.
Those are some really neat backgrounds, detailed but simplistic at the same time, i should take a little inspiration from that!
Why didn't i think of that...
It might eventually work, plus, she will be maskless from time to time.
I'll try to make it work out, each one of the characters im working on have a backstory which will be revealed as time progresses.
Sort of... i really do like shygirls, but i love masks overall as well.
I won't, but i might slowdown, i've been pretty busy lately.

>> No.2240252
File: 96 KB, 480x640, HNI_0047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He might look like a butcher, but Mr. Bonnet is the only surgeon around the black market, a man who loves to cut skin and transplant organs, other than being a surgeon he also sells organs and is the father of this character >>2203540 .
Many scavengers considers him as a insane man, he lost his left arm after cutting it off just to see if he could reattach it again, but failed, and rumors says that he was left handed.

Even with a lot of flaws, Mr. Bonnet is considered to be a pretty skilled surgeon and most of the pacients he works with survives, for instance, he's the one who removed one of gata's kidneys after she got shoot once.

This character is still a work in progress, and i may change his appearance later.

>> No.2241004

What tablets and programs do you guys use?

>> No.2241016

Probably the most common combo is Wacom + Photoshop.

>> No.2241035

Thanks. I'm a novice animator but I want to get better at drawing. Recommend anything?

>> No.2241243

Well, im planning to buy an huion, they are cheap and as far as i know, good.
Also, im going to be using SAI since it's free.

>> No.2242320
File: 100 KB, 640x480, HNI_0050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gata, resting next to a lake.

>> No.2242330
File: 35 KB, 252x260, larry bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2242552

This shit's amazing OP. I fucking love everything about it. The depressing colors, the clothing, the world and the characters.

I feel like there's so much you can do with this plot. Like explore the relationship of two otherwise normal people in a post apocalyptic world where hurting people to get by is a daily thing. It's not even that they're opposed to it or have any moral quarrels. It's literally that that's all they know because that's what they were born into.

The depressing coloring really fits well with the soviet era, so Siberian Russia or wherever they're at is a perfect location. There's nothing more post apocalyptic than a half abandoned commieblock town with the occasional dirty snow stripes here and there. Throw in some rusty soviet cars lying here and there, half scuttled by scavengers, and you got a perfect setting.

>> No.2242553

Though I do feel it's something you can easily fuck up if you're not careful enough. By fucking up I mean ruining what impression I got from the material so far, which might not even be your real intention. But I'd really like it if the comic didn't turn into a generic webcomic where the environment just becomes a background that could as well be swapped for anything else and nothing would change. For example, I really think you should NOT make their masks show their emotions. It adds to the story SO MUCH in the form of a plot device if you keep their masks permanently unfazed by whatever horrible shit they witness and do on a daily basis. It also leaves the reader guessing what their faces and thoughts are, as they're maybe torturing someone for information about where he gets his resources to sell. Or when they find someone who's dying and desperately needs help, yet leave them die because they see it as a hopeless and pointless endeavor to help him. It also helps to explore the conflict between how the world has shaped them in order to accommodate them, and what they really are when they can finally unmask themselves and feel safe to open up in the woods, far from any potential danger. Afterall, whenever they're not being fugitives from whatever authority that governs that world, or stripping people naked of their valuables, they're just children caring for each other. You could also explore how they maybe lose part of their identity once they put on their masks, similarly to how a soldiers uniform has been discovered to elicit certain behavior from its wearer. The mask is basically what the world demands of them, and what's underneath it is what they really are or want to be. It becomes a symbol of their criminal side which they have to hide whenever dealing with others by maybe burying the masks before entering a city or something.

>> No.2242554

If you made the masks show any emotion then you would just kill that concept, making the masks what I mentioned earlier, a pointless object that serves no other purpose than to look cool.

There's also the question of what kind of comic would it be? Would it have a continuous story line, where each new stripe closely follows the last? Or maybe the one where every stripe just shows a glimpse of their daily life? You could still include some continuity with larger events. I feel like this would be better than a continuous story because it would give you more freedom about what to focus on in each strip. You wouldn't have the story detract from whatever it is you want to communicate to the reader by having to deal with the technicalities of making the story and characters follow whatever happened earlier.

I kind of get a feel of the world from seeing some of the pictures, but again, it might not be what your intention is.

For example >>2213662 gave me the idea that she's near some water source in the nature, and suddenly sees another person unexpectedly, puts on her mask that she carries with her all the time, and then keeps observing the person. Maybe the other guy also happens to be wearing a mask. Maybe their sights meet. This would be a cool scene imo, having two masked, anonymous, impersonal persons quietly stare each other down from a distance, unaware of what the other might do next.

>> No.2242555

They quickly have to understand whether the other guy is a danger to them or not, and this evolves into a kind of introspective inquiry where all they have to go by is the fact that they're both wearing a mask, leaving them extrapolate their own motivations for wearing one (why are they fugitives in the first place? did they kill someone important? rape the wrong woman? constantly terrorize and rob people?) into the unknown stranger and ask themselves whether they can trust the other to just leave them be, or will they have to kill them right then and there or else they risk being stalked and ambushed when they let their guard down? Have the pressure build up. Have them observe each in complete silence, waiting for something to happen. Maybe the stranger gives a sign of peace? Pulls out a flower or someshit and puts it on the ground? A toy, maybe? And then have fatso suddenly shoot him from afar? Have her feel shocked and sad, after having perceived the stranger as a possible friend. Maybe have them then discover something interesting from his backpack? Maybe a bloody artifact? A necklace. Have her wanting to know why it was there. Was it a reminder of someone close to the stranger that died? Maybe they tried defending someone from a group or gang and then became a fugitive as a result? Maybe they just bashed in a strangers head and stole the artifact, and would've done the same to her and fatso after the stunt with the flower? Maybe that's how they killed people? Have these questions remain unanswered because the answers don't matter. It's the fact that she instinctively wanted to trust someone and has these doubts that really add to the story by shining a light to her inner thoughts and somewhat childishly trusting personality.

I feel like this plot has a huge potential. Needless to say but I'm thrilled.

Fuck post limit.

>> No.2242562

Did DeviantArt have its domain changed?

>> No.2242563

Is DA the leddit of /ic/?

>> No.2242757


It's just like if you where reading my mind, this is right what i wanted to do with this webcomic.

The story is meant to be depressing, they are living on a dying planet where everyone will eventually die in less than a century.

And a bout the masks, thank you!, i think i;ll keep them expressionless, you just described perfectly what i actually wanted to do with the masks and their purposes.

Overall you just decribed everything perfectly, fatso is the one who murders and tortures hostages, while gata is the more merciful one, but will torture as well if necesarily.

Scavengers can either team up, or kill each other, fight for drugs, money and overall dominance.

>> No.2242854

I think the fat ass and calves is just bad design. You should take a looong look at that ass before you go and make a webcomic about it. The proportions are just too weird and unnatural to look at. She wouldn't be able to bend those legs at all. Also she looks too much like the fat guy shape-wise, you might not want two fatties as protagonists.

For the surgeon character, I think you should consider reducing the cut-off ear to just being chipped a bit or something. It diverts the attention from the missing arm as it is now.

>> No.2244270
File: 36 KB, 299x171, business_card_by_jeremeyprickles-d7ty1by.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Anons has it right about the mask and the symbolism involved in a rigid outlook necessary to deal with a dying world. But occasionally the mask comes off,and the guard is let down. Then you can explore expression!

By the way,I do my own webcomic :


Come and See,and criticize !

>> No.2244418

You know what?, you're completely right, i said that i was going to change her shape once i started with the webcomic, but i think im going to do it right away, i'll try to reshape them, give her legs a more realistic shape.

I don't have the time to read it right now, but i really like your artstyle!, it really reminds me to drawings you could expect from the 80's or 90's , something you don't get to see nowadays so often.

>> No.2244594
File: 343 KB, 1090x787, IMAG010 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a recent one to start.

And one that sides sideswiped me,it's Creator,with addressing a Big Question . I read your recent posts about the despair you're feeling, and that strip is a prime example of why I do them. Walking in these character's shoes teaches you about life,and the thoughts in their heads will surprise you. So it's been with Jeremey :what started out as a fight scene suddenly became philosophy.

So carry on,and know the Ultimate Reason to do the story is to find out What Happens Next.

>> No.2246397
File: 105 KB, 480x640, HNI_0054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little attempt at drawing gata with slightly differently shaped legs, hopefully she looks better like this.

>> No.2246436

Sorry for shitposting, but why exactly does your project deserve it's own thread again?

If you want feedback on your stylized illustrations >>2240272

If you want feedback on your comic idea >>>/co/76497390

>> No.2246550

I like the other way better. This changes the whole gestural quality/proportion of the body shape, and it's simply not as memorable. Quit doubting yourself. It's a cool character design for a comic.

And you, sir... I'm glad you realize this is a shitpost. The number of posts and interest this project has generated proves it warrants its own thread.

>> No.2246560

I'm pretty sure the OP has brought his tumblr/da circlejerk over to shill and support. Note all those early posts showing extreme interest... in the idea of a horrible MS paint drawn figure and rough generic setting.

The defence force is still going strong now. The guy has been solely posting irrelevant updates on the one retarded character, there is no reason for anyone genuine to keep browsing and defending it, months later. It's all shills.

>> No.2246562

I'm not trying to defend OP, but shit like this would get deleted from /co/ instantly, plus you'll get a 3 day ban as a bonus.

>> No.2246587

Because of casual nudity? Well, when in doubt, there's also >>>/aco/62247

>> No.2246597

Not really, as long as you don't request that in a drawthread.

>> No.2246605

I think you're on something man.

She is not any more sexualized than any other cartoon woman in any show for kids.

>> No.2246610

Save this post of yours. There will come the day where you will come across a thread somewhere where people will discuss dem hips of the Mom from Dexter's Laboratory and compare this character to the libidinal fancy of Nani Pelekai's feet (I mean, seriously, have you SEEN the other things on that guy's dA?!?! damn son) and you will remember what exactly went through your head while you typed this post.

You have come to accept the fact that what children see in adults and adult characters plays a role in their sexual development, and that you have defended the degeneracy of a society because everyone does it.
Ah, relativism, how I loathe you.

>> No.2246621
File: 149 KB, 543x800, SpanishButtCat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dem hips
>post apo to boot

Dammit rattus, you're pushing all the right buttons.
Get this webcomic idea of your off the ground so we can properly discus her in /co/ and have her dethrone Miranda from Wakfu as the cat queen of ass.

Non-expressive mask is not an issue, although there is a reason you more often see them on villains than good guys (eg. Deathstroke, Nox, Jack of Blades). It adds some mystery to her though. You could go a bit crazier with it though, because at first glance it really looks more like a different fur colour than mask. Maybe have the eyes slits or round like in my pic, maybe have the whiskers look more painted on.

Anyway, I'm eager to see if you do an actual webcomic. Stop drawing for now and start writing.

>> No.2246636
File: 13 KB, 145x392, Cheshire-teen-titans-vs-young-justice-31080480-145-392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More on the mask: if her face looks exactly the same as her mask, what's the point? Like I've said in my post above, give it some interesting features to drive home that this is a mask and not her actual face. Add a constant expression or lack of one, some markings, etc.

Pic is Cheshire as she appeared in Teen Titans. You can quickly tell that she's wearing a weird mask.

>> No.2246637

how is this thread still alive?

>> No.2246640

I kinda like the blank mask. It gives just enough to show a normal, blank facial expression. But its stationary enough that when you look at it you can tell its a mask. Its minimal and with the style he is going for, it works. For me at least.
because its a cute idea with potential and good character design for what he wants to accomplish. And people like it, Bugger off Jelly bean.

>> No.2246642

if people liked it that much it wouldnt need over two months to reach bump limit - thus my confusion

>> No.2246645
File: 2.34 MB, 1440x1810, custodier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blank masks are also cool, but my problem is that maybe it's not blank enough, at least compared to her face. The fact that she's wearing a mask is not clear enough IMO.

Pic is art of Custodier from Infinity miniatures game. This unit all wears masks like these and it really enhances their look as devout covert ops, alongside the hoods.

>> No.2246648

So you have a mask fetish or something?

>> No.2246650
File: 31 KB, 700x390, blue nox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2246652

Whats your favore mask then?

>> No.2246657
File: 517 KB, 2560x1440, Jack of blades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're probably taking the piss out on me, but whatever.

Either Jack of Blades or Death in Darksiders 2. I like that Jack's mask is ornamental, like a Carnevale mask, but the mouth seems to have been rubbed off, giving him an eerie blank look.

Death's mask is just a cool skull, though these are always cheesy.

Notable mention goes to Star-Lord, but it only works as port of his sexy helmet for me; I dislike that comics have adopted the helmetless version from the movie recently.

>> No.2246660

Not really, I was just curious because Im not a maskfag and the only masked character that comes to mind when you say mask is Jim Carrey.

>> No.2246725
File: 307 KB, 1619x860, gata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ratuss draw more she is so cute,
I really hope you'll get to start a comic

>> No.2246738
File: 18 KB, 211x323, l2jisllrzotncchtyrku[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cat butt is strong.

>> No.2246767

Peripheral Artery Disease up in this bitch.

>> No.2246775

How many replies til this shit autosages?

>> No.2246784

but shes not supposed to be emotive

>> No.2246787

Cmon, make her popular already, I want to see Sunibees take on that ass!

>> No.2246794
File: 345 KB, 800x728, GataFindAStash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2246798

40 but you can just hide the thread till then

>> No.2246825

>round eyes

That's stupid.

The eyes must stay like they are.

>> No.2246827

but OP will never deliver, so its better if somebody takes over the project

>> No.2246910
File: 145 KB, 590x741, Gata in peril.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a personal preference for me.

>> No.2246968
File: 143 KB, 538x756, GrassGrowsBirdsFlySunShinesAndBrutha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last bump from me.

OP, you better come back with some site or something where you can be followed. Or else.

>> No.2247024

I think im going to work on her legs a little more, i don't know why but it kind of makes me feel awkward, they kind of look boring to me.
It will be partial at most.
Dexter's mom... i can only think of butlova... eww.
You're right, i could have tried that, but i feel more comfortable drawing them this way, i find it more adorable this way.
That was kind of a joke actually, characters in this story wears masks with different styles and custom features, meanwhile gata wears a mask which pretty much looks like her very own face, even with painted whiskers.
I have no idea to be honest, I didn't think it would last that long, but it's about to reach it's limit finally.
>>2246640 >>2246645 >>2246648 >>2246650 >>2246657
The main reason of why her mask and pretty much any character lacks expressions is because im trying to represent a cat's actual a face, real life cats usually lacks face expressions.
>>2246725, oh my, i love these thank you so much!, im going to try to make the first page next month.
That would be the biggest honour! , he's just the best!
>>2246794 >>2246910 >>2246968
Thanks a lot for these as well, and don't worry, i do have a tumblr.

>> No.2247029

>im trying to represent a cat's actual a face

or is it that you are avoiding it because you suck at drawing expressions?

>> No.2247046

eh, I really like the mask

will be drawing a lot of her alongside my friends

>> No.2247047
File: 98 KB, 480x640, HNI_0055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, as you might know already, the thread is about to reach it's end and i don't think it's going to last for longer than 2 days, so this will be the last pic im going to share on this thread.

Thanks a lot for all the feedback i received, i didn't believe i would get so much attention for this little comic i've been working on, i can hardly believe it, im going to try to start the comic next november, i already have a lot of ideas and hiden secrets from gata, fatso, bonnet, and other characters im currently working on
If i could i would make a second thread just to be able to keep replying to your posts but im pretty sure that i would receive a lot of hate from other anons if i did that.

Remember that i have a Tumblr which is http://gatathefuturerussiankitty.tumblr.com/ All the news and info about the comic will be there, so if you are interested you can always take a look overthere and see what am i working on, there might be a lot of butts over there, but i promise that i will post more stuff like characters concepts, backgrounds and backstory from the characters, later im going to make a website exclusively for the comic if possible. Thanks again for the honest feedback!

>>2208746 >>2209521 >>2210216 >>2211446 >>2228902 >>2236749 >>2246621 >>2246725 >>2246794 >>2246910 >>2246968

I would also like to know the people who made all these fan arts for me, i want to share them on my tumblr and give credit to all these wonderful people who took their time to draw my characters.

There was also a pic which was the very first fanart i received but for some reason it dissapeared, i have the image saved, but i would like to know who made it, it was the one where fatso had 2 right hands by mistake.

>> No.2247083

Well these >>2246621 >>2246794 >>2246910 >>2246968 are mine. I am going to post them on my tumblr myself and link you them when they're up there (I never post stuff straight away, I prefer using the queue system).

>> No.2247114

>I am going to post them on my tumblr myself and link you
so much for /ic/ not being yet another circlejerk

>> No.2247117
File: 154 KB, 961x815, youmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2247133


>> No.2247139

this thread is such an eyesore

op please learn to draw. learn design. learn how to make appealing characters without relying on sexualizing cats

it's downright creepy

>> No.2247220


this one is mine I was gona post it on my tumbles after I drew a few more concrete draw of her, but you can freely post it on your blog if ya want

oh and my tumbler is http://zokva.tumblr.com/

I'm glad Smagg showed me this thread she's so cute

>> No.2247230

Aw, c'mon now.

>> No.2247560

didnt even know /aco/ was a thing

>> No.2248279
File: 558 KB, 1500x1500, 1440375853375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2246621 >>2246725 >>2246794 >>2246910 >>2246968
So i've got 2 artists, i just need the name of the ones left, i would also like to know who made this one. the original post and the post of the name of the artist dissapeared for some odd reason.

>> No.2248303

You can find me here:http://billyroflcopter.tumblr.com/

>> No.2248310
File: 781 KB, 1092x1690, 2365473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, hi!

here is some more art, as I said >>2247046, we like the character.

this collab is a result of me coloring a sketch of one of my friends >>2246725

hope the best for your webcomic, and don´t hesitate to post on /co/ so the community can help you.

>> No.2249429

Im saving this one right away!, thanks a lot!
Do you have a tumblr by any chance?, i want to credit you as well.

>> No.2249756

ok right, here it is http://damnlassotool.tumblr.com/

I worked with Zokva http://zokva.tumblr.com/ for this picture, his drawing, my coloring.

>> No.2249813

You know the creatir is shit when he can not keep up with the demand.

>> No.2249864

>two right hands
he dun goof'd

>> No.2249949

>creatir a shit

but i agree, get proactive op! dont be a foggot

>> No.2251132

Thanks a lot!

>> No.2251363
File: 899 KB, 1677x1494, kitkat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is amazing.

>> No.2251432

Such a badass!, can you tell me your tumblr or any website i can find you?, i'll be more than happy to add you to the list!

>> No.2251897


>> No.2252178

some threads should just be left to die

>> No.2252239

I agree, thankfully we have you here to bump threads that don't deserve to die, like this one.

>> No.2252300

You guys somehow topped the mikejinx thread, congrats.

>> No.2252442

I'm getting a 2004 NG flash vibe out of this
Furry fapb8/10 but the concept and the artwork get me a bit nostalgic about those times

>> No.2252507

underrated post

>> No.2252516

Thankfuly, even posts like these take up the bump limit :^)

>> No.2252528

What's the bump limit on /ic/? 300?

>> No.2252795

Does it matter when we can continue the discussion in another thread?

>> No.2252859

I guess this is it then, as much as i would like to make a second thread i don't want to bother other people.

>> No.2252922

Don't listen to the haters. They shouldn't care tbh fam

>> No.2253069

Why do you need to make a second thread, though? You already set up a Tumblr and got critique, what else do you want from /ic/?

>> No.2253213

why arent you drawing it already?

>> No.2253338

You are right on that.
I need a drawing tablet, once i get it, i'll start it right away. someone owes me plenty of money.

>> No.2253414

let this stupid fucking thread die, its literal autism

>> No.2253416

Yeah, but you gotta admit the ass was fat.

>> No.2253537

Before I go to bed and this thread dies;

Why did so many /ic/ anons love this so much? I've got nothing against it, but you guys were so unusually open and warm to OP's idea.

>> No.2253738

Ass brings the world together.

>> No.2254407

And im really grateful for that.

I guess this is it. back to Tumblr.

>> No.2254439

fuck youuu

>> No.2255193

This thread must have beaten a record.