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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.16 MB, 850x2180, improvement_meme_by_xamag-d5s3ldm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2188257 No.2188257 [Reply] [Original]

I found this artist on DA named Xamag. She is very talented. Her art is very dynamic and interesting (it not realistic concept art but cartoony) and even at a young age she was a very good artist. I am not saying she was actually good at age 11 but if you look at those drawings from that age (look at the links in the description box the artist provided of the full drawings not just the improvement chart) you can see the drawings have 'good' anatomy except for the way too big heads. At age 13-14 she already draws better manga than lots of people and at age 14-15 there is a huge improvement and she only becomes better after that. How is it possible to draw like her at that young age? Doesn't it take years of practise? What the fuck happened between the age of 13-14 and 14-15? When she stops drawing manga her drawings become more cartoony and it looks great. Sometimes I think some people pick up things very easily, like this girl. While most people at age 11 wouldn not even come close to good anatomy, even if the girl was shitty at age 11 it still had good anatomy (minus the heads) which makes me think she was 'talented' from the beginning. I don't like to think in terms of talent, but how else is it possible to improve so much at such a young age? I think Janaschi was the same at a young age, except Janaschi draws more realistic.

/art/Improvement-meme-349527802 The artist I am talking about and pic is related it is her improvement chart. But you should go look at the full drawings in the description box.

>> No.2188261

Woops the link: http://xamag.deviantart.com/art/Improvement-meme-349527802

>> No.2188263

>She is very talented

Stopped reading there, there is no such thing as talent. Stop shilling your name you stupid cunt.

>> No.2188265

>talent doesn't exist
>we are all born equal
>we're all gonna make it
>this is what your mom actually tells you


>> No.2188271

Did I struck a nerve? There is no talent, face it get over that special snowflake mentality of yours and dedicate time and hard work into the craft there's no such thing as talent.

>> No.2188278

First, that's great for her.

Second, if you're older and you see stuff like this and feel disencouraged, remember that it's all about who you know. Her parents are probably artists, and she's also probably from a wealthy family. It shouldn't make you jealous, it should make you inspired if anything. Go draw.

>> No.2188296

Artist like her are hardly unique nowadays. It seems like every other 14 year old tumblrette has artistic chops. It must be a generational thing.

>> No.2188305

She's a tumblrfag that used to be heavily involved in the Homestuck fandom. She's also Russian, which explains her talent. Probably got classical art training in her mid-teens, which justifies the huge leap in skill around that time.

>> No.2188306

>but how else is it possible to improve so much
>which makes me think she was 'talented' from the beginning

person a takes life drawing classes, has a mentor, analyses classical techniques and works on perspective, light/color etc.
person b only draws doodles and stylized drawings everyday.
who do you think progresses faster? there is such a thing as talent as in some people pick up a skill faster than others but for the most part it's how you practice.

>> No.2188311
File: 39 KB, 350x350, 1395171297486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking hate this shit to no end; Absolute hate oozes from every orifice on my body when anyone says someone is talented. Yeah I know they don't mean anything and its usually meant as a compliment, but seriously, you're undermining the hard work and dedication people put into these things saying its was just given to them. As if a magic fairy farted in their face and suddenly they're an all star baseball player or and amazing mathematician, chemist, biologist, etc. I'm surprised my teeth haven't be pulverized to dust the amount of times I hear this garbage.

>> No.2188313

genetics would like to speak to you, no seriously listen to the latest science related podcasts or ones that feature gusts that are well versed in this subject on JRE or radiolab then do some research and you'll see. sad but true, now imagine when "crisper" is fully implemented on humans, it'll be a world changer.

>> No.2188316

Some people learn faster than others, that doesn't mean they're talented.

>> No.2188317

Pretty decent by 15. that must be talent, or at least some particular predisposition to practice adequately.

Most probably she'll stagnate in the next 5 years. that's bound to happen to those precocious whiz kids

>> No.2188318

Did he struck a nerve? Face it anon, some people are just going to be born better than you.

>> No.2188319

That still doesn't prove talent exists.

>> No.2188322

Anon, she has probably has drawn hunreds, even thousands of drawings before she even reached the age of ten and only continued from there. She was fortunate enough to grow up in an environment that nurtured that and she knew that she wanted to be an artist from a very young age. The only difference between you and her is that you haven't made literal mountains worth of drawings. In order to get good you have to put in the hard, long work just like she did. The good news is that if you want to follow suit then you can start up right now.

>> No.2188324
File: 80 KB, 170x207, 1368323033309.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yup, while your here arguing talent, those very same, predisposed people are totally not hard a work at their craft.

If you really need this out to make yourself feel better, then whenever, man.

>> No.2188328

I made one post on it. It does exist, it's reality. Some people are just born naturally predisposed to be better at certain tasks, that is what talent is. If you don't want to acknowledge that, then whatever.

>> No.2188331

not that anon but isn't that what talent is?

>> No.2188337

Talent is non existent it is merely a term used by someone to find an excuse to not put in time and effort on something it is the same as a landwhale blaming her blubber on genetics instead of changing her lifestyle and break bad eating habits.

The only thing that comes close to talent is the amount of dedication and how stubborn you are in achieving something no matter the obstacles or hardships that come.

>> No.2188341

i like to think of "talent" as the ability to integrate information faster than the average person.

>> No.2188355

"Talent" has everything to do with basically being a fast learner. If you're implying everyone learns at the same speed, you're a moron.

>> No.2188359

That's not a bad way to think about it. Consider a small child who's good at watercoloring. He has trouble with every other kind of paint, but he was able to pick up how to handle watercolors really quickly. You'd expect he'd be good at most forms of art, but not necessarily. He simply has a talent for watercolor.
What >>2188355 said.
Similar things have actually happened, and you'd be a moron to suggest everyone picks things up at the same rate.

>> No.2188360

I said there are people that learns faster than others but that is not talent in itself just because the next guy can run faster than I doesn't mean he is talented or gifted it just means I need to train myself more to be able to run faster.

Sure there are people with abnormally bigger hearts that may pump more blood than the average person but that does not mean I can't achieve a supreme level of fitness at a peak performance.

>> No.2188362

>Someone is better than me even though he did the same amount of work.
>That's not talent!

>> No.2188365

same amount of training*
inb4 that gets misconstrued.

>> No.2188367

No one said anything about you NOT being able to achieve anything. That's you projecting. We're talking about the amount of time needed to achieve that thing. It varies person to person. That doesn't mean it CAN'T be achieved. Some have an easier time with it than others when put in equal circumstances and that's what people refer to when they say "talent". You sound butthurt.

>> No.2188375

To be fair, it's really easy to draw tube arms.

Anyways, when you start young, you have tons of motivation to keep going. Pretty much everyone else you know is worse than you and you feel really good about your drawing skills, so you keep drawing.

Still, don't forget that it took 9 years to get where she is now. (And her knowledge of anatomy is still pleb tier)

>> No.2188385

Have you read too much shonen manga, anon?

>> No.2188434

so anyone know how she actually seemed to make major improvements year after year until she stagnates? I'd love to know.

>> No.2188450

Sometimes people don't wan't to go rapoza tier once they've got where they want, anon.

>> No.2188465

i mean, how did she improve? i wanna know, i want to be able to improve too.

>> No.2188466

>implying any amount of training you do will get you faster than Bolt.

For real. Stop saying people arent naturally good at shit you mongoloid

>> No.2188468

Probably a lot of books, loomis vilppu what have you, maybe she took lessons or had art instruction also.

>> No.2188528

If you really want to know, just ask her. But going by the big jumps in style in individual drawings, she likely spent these years studying artists she liked and taking their techniques apart while doing so. Which is a great way to improve if you're able to differentiate between the aimless grinding you see a lot on /ic/ and actually picking up on what you're doing.

And this is why the whole 'learn Loomis and Vilppu inside-out before drawing any form of stylization' idea doesn't work well for a lot of people. Your information retainment will be a lot better if you set small attainable goals and apply your new knowledge directly after gaining it in a way that you actually genuinely enjoy,

>> No.2188531

Why can't people just accept that the word Talent is just synonymous to the word good? Genetics or otherwise, no need to bash on that anon for his opinions.

Stop projecting. Most people (family/friends especially) only think of the word as another way of saying "good".

>> No.2188686


Because it puts a barrier between an experienced artist and a beginner artist. Because it undermines the achievements of the artist, and devalues their dedication.

I have not once ever heard any non artist refer to a very good artist as skilled. It's always talented. As if it were easy for them.

People say someone is very skilled at something when they respect and understand the difficulty in achieving what the person has achieved. People say someone is talented when they have no idea that there is any work involved, that the person 'just gets it' or 'was born with the gift'.

And that's shit straight from the horse's ass.

>> No.2188690

I agree with this. People that get angry about being called "talented" are autistic as fuck.

>> No.2188784

Talent is what separates Bolt from other world-class runners. It is not what's separating Bolt from the average person.

>> No.2188798
File: 107 KB, 704x384, 070216124620_g1jrvxor6i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason why ic hates the word talent is because they don't have any

>> No.2188805

Speaking as someone familiar with biology, skill is in high regard an inheritable ability..

One skill can come easier to one individual compared to the next, this is talent, an expression on genes.

I'm not saying that all "talents" have the right genes, but some may be born with better abilities to recognize shapes, values or harmony.

This study shows how some rats through their genes have bigger talent for finding their way through a maze.


>> No.2188806

This guy knows what's up.

You two are autistic faggots and have no respect for hard work.

>> No.2188808


It's because everyone dismisses the effort we put into acquiring skills as 'talent' when we don't have any. Just like nobody else has any.

>> No.2188810

I had a similar jump in ability somewhere between 12-14. My train of thought changed from doodling is fun to finding art that really inspired me and made me really go "Wow! Now that's what want to be like!" So I looked up drawing tutorials on the internet. That's pretty much it. Possibly something similar happened to her, see the very Loish-like piece at the far right of the 2010 row and then the jump back to cartoony style in 2011 which she said herself in the description is the year she got into homestuck.

>> No.2188895

there is talent in art. and the only place it helps you is to pick up stuff more quickly and understand the logic and workflow more easily.
But to say it's not there is just ridiculous. Every time my teacher upped me at my class to a more serious level i eventually always surpassed everybody else in the group. I got most things right away when the others slaved on stupid and simple shit for weeks. They just couldn't get it as it isn't as logical to them.
To me it just came naturally. I was learning much faster than anybody else.
I always attributed that to talent. If it's not talent then what is it? I doubt I'm smarter than them. Nobody I've met there is stupid, as far as I could tell.

>> No.2188900

and if someone put in far less work and effort than you and achieved the same results?

>> No.2188901


>> No.2188903

>If it's not talent then what is it?


>> No.2188908

is there a way to test that? I've only been able to get ahead of the curve 95% of the time with art. For instance I suck balls in math and geography, I'm great in history, geology and biology, decent in chemistry and microbiology.

>> No.2188938


Then explain why so many internet artists are dumb as bricks outside of art?

>> No.2188940

good post, but people are more busy talking about how they feel about the word "talent" for the thousandth time

>> No.2188941

ur jelly

>> No.2188942

Intelligence meaning that the person in question has an easier time learning and apllying things rather than people that are not intelligent.
They can still reach the same level of expertice, only that the intelligent person will do so faster and with more efficiency

>> No.2188943

of what? That's an honest question.

>> No.2188944

This differs depending on person and subject matter.

>> No.2191446


>Everyone who draws better than me equals Tumblr user