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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2184591 No.2184591 [Reply] [Original]

Why did you start drawing?

>> No.2184596

when I was a kid I was taught it so I can't really remember.. I was like 3 or 4 years old when my mom and aunt taught me to draw things like a simple human and house that had 2 sides visible ( not in good perspective but still visible as 3d object ) Later I got impressed by old masters and always loved their works ( I didn't even know digital art existed back then ) I kind of always enjoyed art a lot.. I ended up wanting to do it for ever and make a living when I grow up.. A year ago I decided to go full serious and understood how to learn and what to learn and got inspired by amazing concept art works and illustrations by artists like Ruan Jia, Yang Qi, Craig Mullins. Also by improvements of other artists. So it all gave me courage to continue.
I guess in this case drawing and painting turned out like a life-passion for me. I tried other things, but nothing else keeps me going.

>> No.2184598

Because it's fun.

>> No.2184600

I have really bad gas and no one ever wants to be around me so I began learning how to draw as an alternative to killing myself because everyone I know hates me because of the constant stench.

>> No.2184602

At first I wanted to draw my OC characters I wrote in my stories (I was 14 gimme a break), once I settled with something I could be contented with (weabooshit) I didn't try harder.
But I met an art teacher in highschool, a bald woman. She was doing chemio, his husband killed himself a year prior and her daughter was deaf, but she was always so pretty and full of life, even if she suffered a lot daily. Eventually one day she collapsed and was hospitalized and some months later she died.
She always told me that I could do something, I had the skills but I needed to actually wear the man's pants and get better, working hard so I could become something.
Art prior meeting her was just an hobby, but after her death I understood how important it was to her and to me. So here I am now, still struggling with basics, a year later. But I love every second of it.

>> No.2184607

I create stuff. Don't know why but I'm addicted to it.

>> No.2184611

make sure to tell that story when you get famous fam!

>> No.2184614


to make a living. hopefully in 10 years i can live the life of a successful freelancer, travelling the world and working from wherever. digital nomad is the dream.

>> No.2184617

>hopefully in 10 years
You can do it in less than that

>> No.2184623


>> No.2184624

to draw my own digimons

>> No.2184635

basically started shittin big in uhhh... 3 yearz ago I belieb?? Yeah basically I signed a Mommy's flan double check babu and that was the beginning of a big deal for me. Grabbed a Ticonderoga (black) and started scribbling away on a piece of binder paper and my mommy said "Jesus Mary and Joseph look at my baby go! The lord has answered our prayers! Draw baby draw!" I was mostly just drawing circles and little dicks popping up out of em but that's when I decided I was going to be the worlds greatest Concept Artist because I see these....worlds...in my mind....there's elves and fairies and flying assholes its a real privilege to have this gift. Thank you god.

>> No.2184657

to get girls.

ask me if it worked.

>> No.2184660

Of fucking course it didn't work. You pick up guitar to get girls.

>> No.2184661


everyone knows that women ages 20 upwards are put off by a guy being an artist.

>i'll be a low status beta male who works 16 hours a day to make 25k a year

>> No.2184663

That's weak.

>> No.2184665
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to make my friends laugh i imagine i was not the only one. it was noble but now i draw for the moneyz!

>> No.2184674
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>beta male who works 16 hours a day to make 25k a year
not if you have a patreon ayy!

>> No.2184675

Stan Lee got quite the chicks if I remember correctly.

>> No.2184685


yeah when he was at his prime it was a good time to be an artist. now everyones an artist. everyone and noone. it's the equivalent of saying 'i'm too dumb to do anything remotely respectable with my life'.

>> No.2184687

If you're an artist you work your own hours unless you work in house

>> No.2184707

5 (now 12) years of furry art/porn got me interested.
I've also got a semi fleshed-out world/story idea I've had stuck in my head for years I want to get out.

>> No.2184717

did it work

>> No.2184739

I wanted to draw shitty fun comics and stuff for /tg/.

As I got more into it I became more interested in actually gitting gud.

>> No.2184741

>to make a living.

This always boggled my mind.

I can understand getting into art and THEN wanting to make a living from it, but getting into art TO make a living sounds like a terrible idea.

>> No.2184745

>sounds like a terrible idea.
That's because it is a terrible idea. It's a poorly paid profession with only a small percentage of people able to successfully make it, and the ones that do often have to put in ridiculous work for years on end. It also is becoming an oversaturated market and competition gets fiercer each year, especially with global markets opening up.

That being said, I think it appeals to people because it's a career that anyone can get into with enough work ethic, regardless of background, location, or education (no degree is needed).

>> No.2184752

i like to create things. when i draw i feel like i'm creating my own world. it's fun.

>> No.2184773

Because it was fun.

Nowadays I only draw to feel that I'm not completely worthless. And to jack off.

>> No.2184787

it was cathartic and helped me forget about being sad

plus i figured she would want me back if she found out i had become a tortured artist

>> No.2184791

I didn't feel useful in any other creative pursuit.

>> No.2184793

Cause I wanted to be the very best, like no one ever was.

>> No.2184794

I was 11 and thought Tetsuya Nomura was cool

>> No.2184814

never stop dreaming the dream

>> No.2184816

because i had that itch to draw since I can remember. could never shake it, i just had to do it.
don't know why it's like that

>> No.2184834

I was really tired of being an idea guy

>> No.2184838
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>10 year
thats a big time frame

>> No.2184840

i've always had a lot of fun with manga so i wanted to make my own for others to feel the same.
that being said it's pretty hard.

>> No.2184843

you only find it super competitive because you all aim for the same market, you can walk away from the hip cool concept art route and do more personal stuff like portraits , traditional works comics and all that crap.

>> No.2184864

do you think our natural urge to create things is like a paternal/maternal instinct or something

>> No.2184898

drew "funny" "caricatures" and edgy shit until i got jelly because of a photocopier in my class.

>> No.2184932

I had to write a lot to learn kanji and I noticed I enjoyed it so I figured I might as well try to draw as well.

>> No.2184947

I just wanted to draw pokemon.

>> No.2184951

At first I got into it because it was a real life i was fantasizing about living a "better" life. "Yo wouldn't it be cool if I had cool artist friends and was respected in my field and had a cute artistic girlfriend?" 9 months later, a couple mental breakdowns later, a visit to a homeless shelter later, a couple friends gained and lost later, a couple phases and fads I went through later, one girlfriend gained and lost cause she and i were both crazy, all this gay shit later... I realize it was all bullshit.

/ic/ is raising a generation of artists who aren't creative. If a genie got you gud perfectly by magic, what if marvel called you up and told you you're coming up with an entirely new interpretation of batman for a new series? Or if you got a storyboard test from adventure time? You'd sketch it like rembrandt but whatever you come up with will be boring and cliché donkeyballs. You'll have space marines and elves with perfect anatomy, but who cares?

Getting good for the sake of getting good is dumb. Start also writing stories, drawing shitty shit comics, reading more books, watching more movies, living more weird life experiences, so on and so forth.

Im getting gud to tell my stories better, and that's that. Getting gud for the sake of getting gud is masturbation but harder.

>> No.2184970

I cringed, you don't really think the posts on /int/ are representative of the majorities stylization and stories do you? A lot of the people here are in training, not here to show-off their top tier talents. Assuming that people don't have other hobbies is fucking asinine.

I believe this is one of the few times where accusing someone of 'projecting' is actually fitting.

>> No.2185001

why cant you have both?
sounds like your life is fucked and you're trying to justify it

>> No.2185023

So I can draw porn, why else?

>> No.2185024


>> No.2185025

he didn't do any of the drawing, you dumb fuck

>> No.2185030

My life consisted of nothing but anime and video games. I felt like the most worthless piece of trash in the world, and wanted a hobby where I could develop myself and produce things I'm proud of. That was about a year ago. I've drawn just about every day since.

>> No.2185032

kids said I was gud so I kept drawing stuff for my friends

>> No.2185044

My parent had a restaurant, so arround 10 i started to come everyday after school. I've always doodle shit anime stuff till i was younger, but by having nothing to do at the restaurant it pushed me to go further. Lots of clients where really kind with me, so now after discovering the level up thing about 1year ago i'm getting more serious about it. But ironically my parents who where so proud of me when clients enjoyed my stuff don t want me to go to the art field.

>> No.2185057
File: 47 KB, 421x640, 44575-7257-51621-1-ultimate-spider-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parents got me a subscription to Ultimate Spider-Man when I was a kid. Been drawing ever since.

>> No.2185058

>I've always doodle shit anime stuff till i was younger
Benjamin Button?

>> No.2185068

I like working towards a finished image. It's weird because I don't finish most of my stuff. Something is always wrong.

I don't share any of my drawings online. I'm way too symbol. People who see me drawing on the street think my art is good, but those people are normies.

>> No.2185070

share pls

>> No.2185102

I want to illustrate my own erotic novellette collections because I'm too autistic to organize an actual artist.

Been doing it since I was a small child and having a hobby gives me hope that I won't spend my entire life slaving away in a retail job.

>> No.2185106

I started drawing because I don't like playing with other kids, and had no game console to play with at home.

>> No.2185172


Because I was 10 and I wanted to draw like my animes.

Then in middle school I found Bridgman.

>> No.2185188

I wish I would've started classical training at that age.

>> No.2185193

To draw degenerate porn for myself

>> No.2185202

Because no one else would

>> No.2185209

To impress girls.

>> No.2185210

This too. That why I also started bb.

>> No.2185213


>i'll be a low status beta male who works 16 hours a day to make 25k a year

can any girl confirm this, or is this overdramatic pessimism?

>> No.2185215

My best friend in elementary school was really into anime and stuff, and would always get praised for her drawing ability. I was a dumb normalfag with no skills so naturally I became a bit jealous of her.
Around 4th/5th grade, I made a secret vow to show her up and be a better artist than her, and I basically became obsessed with drawing after that. We stayed friends up until highschool, but she pretty much stopped drawing on a regular basis after middle school and became more interested in getting a boyfriend and the local music scene. We both still make art, but I surpassed her in terms of skill a loooong time ago. I'm eternally grateful to her for introducing me to drawing tho. It is my one true love.

>> No.2185218

The only girls who like artists are the "artsy" types. Except french chicks. They consider it an honor to have someone draw their titties.

>> No.2185221

I'm an "artsy" grill in my 20s, but I would never choose an artist or musician for a serious relationship. No way in hell.

Thats just me tho.

>> No.2185227


i understand completely. why though?

>> No.2185228

Because only chicks that smoke weed and reek of patchouli find a dude who "may" at best, teach at a community college.

>> No.2185231


if he was making 5k a month working at a game studio would that change things?

>> No.2185233

no, who wants to be with manchildren drawing dragons and spacemarines?

>> No.2185235

So a dude you will never see because he sleeps at his desk when he isn't being laid off the moment pre-production is over? I think a popufur with a patreon who is only in it for the money is more appealing.

>> No.2185236


Are you said girl, or just a guy being smug? I want that girls opinion.

>> No.2185239


Christ. Well, alright. I guess I'll have to find one of the few girls that aren't totally put off by that then.

Thanks for the encouragement.

>> No.2185246

It doesn't what "most women" think about artists because you're trying to date one person, not "most women".

>> No.2185253


This. It depends on SO much more than only what you do for a living. I think some level of success will always be attractive, regardless of what you do. Just be good at it.

>> No.2185267

im a lesbian or i would

>> No.2185339

for you

>> No.2185365

I watched naruto and thought it was cool so I started drawing naruto

>> No.2185367
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>drawing for girls

>> No.2185380
File: 48 KB, 469x463, tumblr_n5jd0lMjtl1rfwfq9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw for ladies

>> No.2185381

my mom was really into disney when she was in her teens and learned to draw in a cartoony style from that. as i grew up she kind of taught me very basics of drawing when i was little. i enjoyed it and continued into adulthood. don't do it professionally or anything, just a hobby, it's fun though.

>> No.2185396

on the same level as lifting for girls

>> No.2185426

one summer an older girl cousin of mine come to our house for a few weeks, that was after the my 4th grade

after we wasted all the games we could think off, we started drawing everyday some ornamental ~ one-palm tall statues my grandmother had all around the house, ended up with like 50ish A3 lined paper of such drawings

starting the next year I was the best at drawing from my class, but stopped evolving because we didn't had any artist teacher, just teachers from other courses which would watch over us to stay quiet

in 8th grade having to chose an high school I realize I want to make a leaving out of drawing, but because I didn't had much experience I couldn't enter in any art high school. that, together with the fact that I didn't know much better, and my father saying you can't make a leaving out of drawing, I quit it

in the first 2 years of high school I was one of the best in grades, but didn't draw anything in that time. meanwhile, because of my later access to the internet, I learned you can actually make a leaving out of it, and because economics didn't do it for me, I started getting back into drawing, that was in the 11th grade

my grades started to drop but I could finish the high school. then I've been neet-ing for one year and tried to enter in an architecture university, got in none, now I have a job as economic officer (by google translate) thanks to my father

I am still trying to git gud by half assing my job, bought an tablet, but my pc broke, so it's collecting dust. I am drawing on paper in the mean time, making progress, but too slow

hope someday I will make it

>> No.2185438
File: 53 KB, 324x400, How-to-Draw-More-Manga-Coope-Katy-9780756948566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the schoolbooks don't vandalize themselves with stick figure wards, damn it.

Then I saw a "How to Draw Manga" book and was like "Hang on, you can actually draw cool stuff without entering some kind of specialist program or something"?

In retrospect the book was awful. But when you're a dumb kid who didn't even know that there was more to drawing than scribbling (and how paintings came into existence never really registered) it provided a nice launching point.

How this women's shite got published though, I'll never know.

>> No.2185448

Because I am ugly and short, so a normal life is impossible for me.

>> No.2185455
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I've always wondered though, the only "How to Draw Manga" books I've read are like pic related. How do they compare?

>> No.2185457

I started at 7yrs old when I saw anatomy section of my science book it looked pretty cool to me so I tried copying it needless to say I failed so I started trying to copy anime till I met my friend who was a son of a local national artist who got me back into drawing again and told me to start with anatormy and construction.

I mostly draw because I want to be able to make my drawings feel alive.

pretty cringey now that I think about it.

>> No.2185465
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Couldn't tell you man, this is the only book on illustrating honorabu デス mangaka that I've read.

It did have a half-hearted attempt to explain construction, I'll give it that much, but otherwise it was in the famous tutorial strain of "Draw this series of ovals to come out with dog" type deal. Don't remember much more than that.

>> No.2185471

The ones with that font are actually not terrible. Besides the basics there's a few books that go over half tones, inking techniques as well as other stuff that's fairly specific to manga.

>> No.2185489

>have stories
>can't tell them in art form because your art is shit

Both are important, faggot

>> No.2185872

I had trouble speaking and communicating, I've been drawing probably since 3-4 years old. I found it fascinating and my only escape, since I was alone mostly and no "modern" kids stuff at the time. I loved Picasso, Dali, and few others, found myself responding really easily as a kid to the art.

>> No.2185876

I'm trying to find ways to express myself. Music was probably the best way, but right now it's the worst because it causes more money and time to be spent and the end result is not that good in terms of career. I'm too old to start on music.

I just want to see what I can create through drawing.

>> No.2185968

too many ideas but poor as fuck to comission them + porn.

>> No.2185976

Was interested in animation since I was like 3 years old. Started out with drawing comics that were basically like storyboards.

>> No.2185979
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Honestly it started when I was a kid. I just watched an assload of cartoons, played a bunch of video games, and wanted to see the adventures and stories in my mind given visual form based off all the silly crap I was into. I just wanted to draw a bunch of crazy stories involving robots and that's still been my goal to improve even as an adult.

>> No.2185994
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I wanted to be a manga drawer when i was younger. Now i want to just be a cool amateur painter like Winston Churchill. Everybody plays the guitar, but you rarely see painters.

>> No.2186095

Every kid in the industrialized world draws, some people just don't stop.

>> No.2186108


>> No.2186117
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Started at around 4-5, I would lock myself in my room and draw for hours because fundamentalist parents don't want you to have fun.

Now I lock myself in my apartment and draw/goof for hours on end, I'd like to do freelance work but don't think I have the technical skills for it yet.

>> No.2186248

no. Only got virtual pussy.

>> No.2186556

>brother always drew hilarious shitty drawings
>imitated his way of drawing and started to enjoy it.
>started drawing shitty drawings on my own
>got praised by teachers and family
>drew more shitty drawings
>realised they actually looked like shit
> didnt want them to look shitty so i started to take it more serious with some loomis

Art is my pretty much my life now and always on my mind.

>> No.2186790


What this guy said

>> No.2186806


Don't be dissuaded, I'm studying art and my girlfriend's a 36H. I think we'll be fine without that one judgemental chick.

>> No.2186826

Started off at around 7 drawing Pokemons and what I now know as "fakemons". Around 9 years later, I started getting serious and here I am now, at 18, getting better so I can draw all the muscly gay dragon porn I want.
Strange how drastically goals can change.

>> No.2186849


I'm terrible at it but maybe one day I'll create my own worlds. Give life to the things constantly rattling around my head. Problem is I've been raised in an environment where you'd get hammered down for expressing your individuality as a kid so I kinda have to work through that.

>> No.2186850

Because I'm bored all the time

>> No.2187360

That is terrible
Anyone using that to learn will end up in disgrace

>> No.2187374

because I'm good at it, I love it and I never wanted a normal "successful" life anyways.

>> No.2187399

Way better they are the most legit books. I remember when they first came out i was like 11/12 and i got my older bro to order the ninja and samurai one that was really good.
Just download some of the pdfs on the net and see it for yourself.They have a good mecha one too and one on how to draw girls fighting in so many different sexy ways.

>> No.2187429

Something I enjoyed as a kid and was good at. I would do it in my free time. As an adult I have a degree in graphic design but I mainly drink in my free time. Haha

>> No.2187528

I'm autistic and grew up in an abusive household so I picked it up for some extreme escapism. Lucid dreaming, too. There was also a girl who was pretty nice to me who drew a lot, and I hung out with her and had doodle sessions.

She ended up going pro, got into a lot of art galleries, a few submissions she did on an oekaki website got into showcase, stuff like that. I wish I wasn't too stupid to learn.

>> No.2187543

I just wanted to draw like my chinese cartoons.

>> No.2187565

As a kid I use to draw and write stories with my drawings
In school, I doodled because I didn't like being in school and drawing was more fun
Then my first manga was rave master and that got me into anime since then till freshman year of high school I was an anime geek and always drew anime then I started taking ap art classes in junior year of high school since graduating I like to keep a sketch book, it's been apart of me, I can't not draw when I've got a pen or pencil and paper in my hand

>> No.2187568


Because Imperfect Form Cell from DBZ was the tightest shit my 3rd grade eyes ever did see and i wanted a picture of that shit, been slowly off and on getting better since then. Of course I drew stuff before then like any other kid, but it was all without any goal. So I guess my first drawing goal was kickass lizard alien man thing.

>> No.2187569

loved seeing 2d animators draw and also fell in love with the technical aspect of drawing

>> No.2187574
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As a kid, I started to draw because it was fun. both my sister and cousin often drew together and I really looked up to them.
Go to school. keep on drawing
a few grades pass and I get told I have 'learning disabilities'.
basically they shove me into a class with mentally disable kids, because they don't want to take the time to figure out how to teach me.
My earliest memory of this class, horrid, as I watched a kid answer cat to the question 'which of these animals lays eggs'

life carries on, I suck at school, but I keep drawing.
fifth grade comes, again I still suck at school but I win the only art award for my grade, it feels good.
more times passes to 8th grade, I fail the grade.
Mom is done with this bullshit. i'm not learning anything, so she takes me out of school and tries to home school me. I actually start to learn, but I'm so far behind.
after a year of home school, I start taking a few classes at the high school. ones that I can't get at home, like business and most importantly art.
I was taking four art classes a year. when my senior year rolled around,my art teacher invited me take an advance placement, a class you had to be approved for to join. only six students out of the senior and juniors got into the class.

by the end of it, I was chosen by the district for a small scholarship.

to this day I still really suck at math and writing. in a way.. I keep doing art because it is the only way I can feel good about myself.

>> No.2187577

I wanted the good feeling that comes from drawing something that looks good.
But the feeling never comes.

>> No.2187675

I got mad that people were better than me. At first, It was all about jealousy. Now, it's almost all about the compassion to make art

>> No.2187677

I always drew as a child, but I would say it was no different from any other activity to me. I only got invested into it when I was 13 or so once my older brother started making these amazing drawings. He really just drew some Naruto characters and landscapes pretty well, but at the time they seemed like masterpieces.

I think what spurred me on there was a mix of jealousy coupled with a sort of awe. Sure, I wanted to be better than my sibling, but drawing well was a sort of pipe dream to me. Seeing my brother excel meant that I could too, if I tried hard enough. Anyway, he taught me construction as well as a negligent 15 year-old could. I just kind of messed around with that and deviantart tutorials until I turned 18 and graduated high school.

I'm still trying to get a solid footing on fundamentals, but I hope that I can be a great pen artist someday. It's hard to balance with my studies and work, but it's satisfying stuff.

>> No.2188845

Because it was the best way to deal with my super-edgy background story and my urge to kill people and fuck the police

>> No.2188851

I started to draw as a kid because I alays been a fan of comicbooks. At maybe 7-8 years old would even make my own Spider-man"comics" (just some shitty stories on paper and staples to fold it).

I stopped during during my 10-14 years and started again in high school.

I decided to go at university to make design because I realize that's the only thing where I'm not a total mess. I succeeded to pass the first year.

I may not get a job or even finish my studies but at least I would have tried.

>> No.2188983

If you've got a likable personality and stay fit and clean, it's a nice garnish that might tip a dithering girl over.

If you're a gross sperglord? Won't even register as she's getting the hell out of Dodge.

If you're a gross sperglord who somehow breaks into the fine art circuit and gets fame and cash, that'll attract a certain breed of girl, but they don't give a fuck how exactly you got that fame and cash, let's be real.

>> No.2188988

Because i have a story, and i want to draw it.
It will be the greatest story ever told, too bad my drawing isnt good yet.
But i will wait, i will keep improving until i am good enough.
Then the whole world will bow down to my story.

>> No.2189004


I remember being obssessed by Cruella's car and my local church so I drew them.

>> No.2189373
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good job stinky

>> No.2189375

I barely care about anything anymore and it's the only thing that keep me up.

>> No.2189804


I doubt any of that can make you a living anywhere near reliably enough to hedge your bets on it, all those fields are still competitive if you want a job in them.

Again, the way I see it if you were ALREADY doing comics/portraits/etc and had an opportunity to monetize and make a living, good on you, I'm not saying it's not a 'real' job. I'm saying picking it up with the intention to make money on it is silly.

>> No.2189838

Started as a dumb kid. Lucked into understanding some stuff about planes and anatomy even though I was still basically just drawing made up pokemans and shit. Got formal training starting in high school, continuing through college. Specifically I love lithography. Also minored in film because I lived in a spot where storyboard work was available and thought that might be more marketable than litho.

Got myself an overachieving high school kid. She went STEM overachiever and now we got that dual-income-no-kids thing going.

>TFW she moves to east jabib for grad school and you propose and move with her
>TFW for the last year the only art show I've seen was in a fucking mattress store
>TFW you still work 35 hours a week selling fast food not because she wants or needs you to, but because you'd feel bad if you didn't.
>TFW her stipend is still double your income.

We'll see if I still have the skills/connections to make it work when we go back to our home town in a year. Otherwise I'll probably get my teaching certification and make shit money at a less physically demanding job.

>> No.2189842

Had an internship with an award winning children's book author. Ended up having to constantly fix his shitty graphic designs for hair salon flyers (he kept getting everything out of line and then rasterizing the text, also typesetting in photoshop). The traditional routes often end up with a lot of the same bullshit you imagine you're avoiding by having an art job to begin with.

>> No.2189867

Damn egos.

>> No.2189882

>get to a point where lewd art and commissions interest me
>its expensive as fk
>realise I could just get a drawing tablet instead of 3 commissions

And that's how it started - from 0 drawing skills to 8 months later I got to a point where improving is much harder, I'm lazy and I don't even have ideas as to what I want to draw for my self. I rather look at the aspect of how hard would it be to draw to have it look decent.

Overall I just wish I had a burning desire to draw, rather than being a lazy piece of shit who wants lewds.

I probably could've gotten way better in this time, but I took the hard route of full 3D ( and no refs studying ) rather than just pinups.

I'm uncertain as to how to go from here.

>> No.2189948

I always wanted to draw since I was a kid but drew like Chris chan. I stopped drawing until I got into college. It was then I discovered /v/ draw threads. Problem was a lot of my requests weren't taken, so I figured "fuck it I'll learn it myself." Also worth noting I didn't want to pay people to draw my shit. Started with loomis and took off from there. Only done it for about a year so I'm still pretty shit.

>> No.2190070

for the same reason most of you really did:
because there was not nearly enough of the obscure fetish art on the early internet.

You'd think that with the recent abundance of rule34, our motivation to draw would wane: but no, as our perversion branches out into more and more bizarre manifestations of a loneliness-fuelled neurosis, we strive even more to create our own rule34.

>> No.2191141
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When I was young I enjoyed drawing so much in first school.
I also enjoy watching cartoons most of the time when I was at home.

when growing up I used to try and create my own characters for stories that never happened. I only made a few dozen shitty flip book animations that were really bad due to impatience and just genuinely lack of knowledge on how to draw characters in different poses and proportions and stuff.

i gave up on drawing for a while for some reason I don't know when I was 11 but then got back into it when 17. At this point I was in college and just finished a poorly made animation on Flash. This inspired me to get a tablet and try drawing on the computer.

One year later going into my third and final year in college and I'm still drawing on both paper and tablet, but the tablet is still hard to use, the software especially, but I haven't made a lot of animations so I might try my hand at it again.
I'm just put off because everything I do ends up looking like total shit, but that doesn't matter. I'll just have to keep trying. since this is the career I'm confident that I want.

In short, drawing's fun and I want to be an animator.

>> No.2191160

At first I wanted to be like my older brother who went to an art school and painted cool shit, and then I kind of just stuck with it, it was fun.
Now it's not very fun, and I realize that I will never be really good, but I can't drop it for some reason.

>> No.2191628
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>those banana quads going into his ass

>> No.2191635


You're trying to date one person your whole life, anon? Because you can't change careers like you change your attire, just so you know. Meaning your argument's bunk.

>> No.2191679

I posted this a couple times before
>be 8 I draw, my sister (12) codes. Think I'm badass tell sister she'll never be able to draw better than me
>be 12 get gundams be obsessed with robots start coding. Sister (16) gets animu/manga becomes obsessed with drawing.
>I go to MIT, sister goes to RISD. Sister clearly better than me at drawing. I can code better, but it doesn't matter. I eat my own words - defeat.
>be 26 bored with engineering need a new challenge, start drawing again. Sister (30) has family - now is my chance, the competition is back on, but she doesn't know it.

Trying to beat 4yrs of RISD education from my desk at home.
>mfw it's been 2yrs and she can still draw better than me
>hfw one day I will say for a second time that she'll never be able to draw better than me

>> No.2191680

I wanted to draw porn.

>> No.2191682

Because I was in middle school and wanted to draw DBZ, Gundam, Robotech, Akira, Tenchi Muyo, Iria, Sol Bianca, and bad ass space ships with thousands of spherical space explosions.

And comics based on playing Rainbow Six on PC and Resident Evil on PSX.

Then I discovered Bridgman, Hogarth, Loomis, Leyendecker, and 19th Century painting and early 20th Century illustration.

>> No.2191683

I wanted porn but >>2191680 draws badly I was better of drawing it myself

>> No.2191687

>subscription to Ultimate Spider-Man when I was a kid.
>Ultimate Spider-Memes
>when I was a kid

>Be me buying Ultimate Spider-Man in the shoppette before I go back to the barracks with my snacks and work on comics with two of my buddies.

Holy shit anon you just made me feel old.

>> No.2191688

>I wish I would've started classical training at that age.

Me here>>2191682

Forgot I already posted in this thread.

But while I found Bridgman et al in middle school, I was a pre teen with no clue what I was doing and I was terrible for a very long time (I'm not pro level now I don't think), but I was absolutely terrible with no guidance but the early internet (anime tutorials, one was by a female artist that was actually really good and I printed the entire thing ~75 pages out at the library at school and put it in a floppy three ring binder which I may still have if I didn't give it to my girlfriend a few years ago) and no art classes of any significance at the time.

When I was in middle school my English teacher in 8th grade actually taught the art classes.

She wanted me to take her class after seeing me doodle but I was a shitstain of a little Bebe's kid and did terrible in school and had a shit attitude so I couldn't take it because I had to retake some classes I failed.

>> No.2191689
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Most of those are translated Japanese guides put together by actual mangakas. They're the only worthwhile 'how to draw manga' books in existence, which naturally means almost all of them are out of print at this point while Katy Coope and Peter Gray's shit (pic related) is still in regular circulation...

>> No.2191692

>They're the only worthwhile 'how to draw manga' books in existence,


>which naturally means almost all of them are out of print at this point

Are they?

While I don't draw animus anymore I still wanted to pick up a few of those books (I have anatomy and fighting scenes from when I was a kid) because while I was growing up those were really more accessible to me than classical drawing manuals.

The anatomy book I actually bought from BAM or B&N with pocket money in middle school and used to copy out of it.

>> No.2191745

Shit. So many people wanted a girl from this. For me I just wanted to fill time.

>Year 9 english not giving a fuck about that greaser gang war book.
>Not gonna fall asleep and decide I need to fill my time some how.
>Finds a spare sheet of printer paper in pencil case and starts drawing shitty cartoons from memory. Thinks this is fun and decides t do it more often.
>Become known as the art kid in my year level and get mad respect for the shitty stuff I make.
>got bored of shitty and decide to do something.
>Find a crit on one of my drawings.
>>Too flat

Rabbit hole from there into picture making

I enjoy making things anyway. Programming, EE, mechanics and all that. I use art as a relief from the technical problem solving and as an aide for my varied projects I do so often.
Making cool things is fun.

Art is more of a sub-hobby under design to me.

>> No.2191749

i was depressed an i was lonely an i wanted to draw furries

>> No.2191761

Instinctive attraction.

It's not much of an explanation but that's all there was to it then.

>> No.2191841

Because videogames, anime and music can no longer fill the void inside my soul

>> No.2192552

i needed a purpose and i enjoy it

>> No.2192575

i drew because i had ideas of what i wanted to draw. i got better because i used it as self-stimulation to counteract my ADD and pay attention in school, so i drew a lot, even after i got diagnosed and started taking the meds.

i'd sometimes clash with teachers a bit at the beginning of the year before word got around and my grades started coming in, because they would take my margin doodling as evidence i wasn't paying attention in class rather than the opposite.

if it wasn't for medication and drawing i for sure wouldn't have finished secondary school. everything was so fucking boring.

>> No.2192593

No one asked me to.
School was all about being told how to think and not asked to think, I wanted to try out drawing.

Also being slightly depressed and having no life helped

>> No.2192613

Because I had no friends.

>> No.2192744

watching porn makes me want to draw porn or anything

>> No.2192747

i thought his left shoulder has giving me a thumbs up

>> No.2192851

I wanted to make cool shit.

Now it's because I'm too stupid to do math.

>> No.2193429
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mind to share? I've been looking for half tones and inking and other stuff that is fairly specific to manga

>> No.2195503

I liked drawing as child immensely.

My ex showed me a painting his mom made.
One day I got bored and he bought me some canvas and paint.

Now I occasionally paint scenery.

I want to repaint another artists painting. My aunt has a alot in storage so I'm going to repaint one this week.

Why did you start drawing?

Yeah, books they make you read in school as way more boring than doing it on your own.

Math is hard for some people. You aren't stupid.

>> No.2195910

i know that feel, i was going to do a CS degree but found out math really isn't my thing, and now i feel like a failure for going into art instead of something math-y since thats where the money is

>> No.2195930 [DELETED] 

When I was younger my Dad used to draw all the time. He was really into Marvel comics and had been drawing them for a long time, he even had the "How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way" book by Stan Lee and Buscema. I really looked up to him and thought that it was the coolest shit ever.

In elementary school me and my friends would make stick figure comics about Star Wars and shit like that. We got made fun of, but it was still fun. About middle school is when I really tried to improve my drawing ability when everyone else stopped drawing. I never really got far but I studied books from cover to cover.

Art really changed in high school for me because all of the sudden instead of some random ass person with an art degree from the local college I had an actual art teacher who actually had sold shit and made profit. There were also three upperclassmen whose paintings were fucking amazing and were getting scholarships and stuff. Now I'm 16 and in my junior year, still loving art and trying to git good.

tl;dr My dad did art, I like art, im working on art now

>> No.2198415

My nigga

>> No.2198422

>books they make you read in school as way more boring than doing it on your own.

That's because you had this immature notion of needing to dislike what your teachers assigned to you. If you had simply rid yourself of this egotistical mindset typical of teenagers, you would have noticed that you might have actually enjoyed your readings.

>> No.2198424

In 4th grade after a test, I made some comic about food characters making yo mama jokes. I passed it to my friend and he laughed really hard, it made me keep drawin

>> No.2198699

I've always had to try so hard at everything, no subject comes easy for me. Art is the exception I was a natural at drawing and painting it's the only thing I got positive feedback on ever and I always feel comfortable making it.

>> No.2198708

I need an outlet to express myself. Music was optimal, but it would ultimately end badly plus it was expensive as fuck.

>> No.2198808
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Fuck you.

>> No.2199127
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I wanted to be like those kids from the Captain Underpants books when I was younger. Drew my own comics and everything. After that, it just became a habit that I decided to keep trying to improve upon

>> No.2199186


My art teacher in HS had a pretty cute wife who worked at the state capital. 3 kids, nice house, awesome neighborhood, the whole deal. He also dressed sharp, obviously had some money. He was also a fairly shy dude. Artists can be hot. Decaprio did nude figure drawing in Titanic, it's romantic. A self pitying beta fag like you (assuming from your post) isn't going to be desirable no matter what career they're in, don't blame art.

>> No.2199302

To draw hentai.

>> No.2199347
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OP, I'm this guy >>2184602
I can also add that in 13 days I've been studying like hell yet I'm not improving and it feels bad.

>> No.2199560

'cause I liked the weird looking chinese cartoons and video game characters so I would try to draw them, probably after I saw my dad and uncle drawing- I would scribble on old bills lol

>> No.2199578

I saw that I had some natural talent at it and enjoyed impressing people

When that wore off I found that I still wanted to draw, because I saw that the art I created was a good indicator of how much in control of my own life I am at the moment.

Might not continue drawing because of -insert typical pressures put on a 22 year old-

>> No.2199581

That fool is overdramatic and weak-willed, not a good makings for an artist or boyfriend. I'll take one or the other, shit.

>> No.2199845

I met an English dude in our French school who I became friends with. Shortly afterwards I learned that he draws, and I was shown a drawing of his. He was pretty good. Drew since he was about 10. I thought "Huh, why not start now, this looks amazing". I usually thought and still think about war and the military, and I was pretty impressed by how a lot of artists draw female characters and wanted to learn how to do that. So I made a compromise. I started drawing women in military gear. It's been one year now, and that's pretty much 75% of all I ever drew.

>> No.2200739

holy shit i laughed so hard at this

>> No.2200882

I think drawing is the only thing in life that gives me true happiness. I would love to make a living out of it, but realistically speaking it's very hard. Still i'm going to keep on drawing because there is nothing that makes me feel the way creating something out of nothing on a canvas does. I wish I was better at it, but hopefully it'll come

>> No.2201180

Because that's what pa did, but he never got to live it up drawing for money. I wanted to do comic books like Dragon Ball Z and the Marvel comics he had from his childhood.

Now I do pixel art freelance and for a personal project I'm really happy to be a part of. I finally understand life's greatest gift is that of putting a smile on someone else's face. While my fundamentals are bare minimal I want to keep doing this even if I never get any better.

>> No.2201199

One day I thought about all the time I've spent playing games, and that in that time I could get good at drawing.

At first I wanted to just commission some stuff, but I ran the math and buying a tablet was cheaper in terms of how much I'd get out of it.

But I took the hard route rather than drawing pinups 24/7, so now I'm stuck with meh tier art and I still wish I could get some commissions done, but I've alrdy made the decision so have to stick with this...

To think that all I ever wanted was some moba lewds, instead I bought myself pain and suffering of the art learning progress.

I'm really messed up in the head thinking that I can actually get better by drawing ( for example ) tilted down faces at 3/4 angle without refs and expect them to look good after trying long enough.

>> No.2201227

The first time I drew something was to draw sonic fancharacters
So I started drawing stupid deviantart-tier bullshit, copying it off images I found on google

got a tablet

continued drawing cringy shit before I "quit deviantart forever" twice

high school art teacher told me to "stop drawing those dolls" which made me think I should really start drawing more than just characters and figures

In the end I just wanted to create that story that's in your head, and either make it an animation, animated movie or game, be remembered for it, maybe end up inspiring another generation into doing the same

pretty childish and naive motivations looking at it like that

>> No.2201426
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Started drawing to prove my HS weeaboo friends their drawings were shit. Excuses were "it's mah style" and that I don't even draw so what would I know.

Took that as a challenge. Borrowed every available anatomy book from local library and grind out figure drawings.

2 months later in sewing class, sized up my own drawings with weeaboo friends. Their dreams of becoming a professional artists dead and instead became productive STEM members of society. I win.

>> No.2201442

I want to be good at something, I want that thing to be creative in nature, and drawing was the most appealing of those options.

>> No.2201447

Or maybe because being forced to do something totally sucks ass and takes away all of the enjoyment out of learning?