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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 263 KB, 864x870, question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2172915 No.2172915 [Reply] [Original]

Ask your Questions.

>> No.2172918
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>> No.2172924

don't be a smartass. we always have a question thread. the purpose is to prevent users to open everytime a new thread, if they have any questions that don't fit into any threads.

>> No.2172948

How do I use custom brushes fluently in photoshop like you guys?

I know about the custom brush set thing but is there a way to quickly switch from one brush to another at the stroke of a key or something?

>> No.2172955

/ic/ will I ever find true love?

>> No.2172958

Am I an idiot to only be working in traditional while perusing a career in comics?

>> No.2172966

/ic/ I woke up with a lump in my throat, should I be worried?

>> No.2173008

Sore throats are often a precursor to fever. Sorry man, you might not be able to draw for a while.

>> No.2173127

how do i draw a sphere in perspective?
Also, why does 1+2=3 but 2+3 =/= 4

>> No.2173164

If your practicing , no, good skills transition into any medium.
If you want to make comics traditionally, ain't too bad, don't know how companies would feel about it but you could always go indie

>> No.2173166
File: 114 KB, 1080x1080, https%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2F843cb5babcc1d87b7ad652ab3a7ea6cc%2Ftumblr_ns2hunShuv1qco68qo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was picture painted in?

>> No.2173175

There's gouache in the tubes, but the colors were painted digitally.

>> No.2173178
File: 487 KB, 768x431, 1437833247340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digital, really?
I hoping to get this quality traditionally

>> No.2173180
File: 69 KB, 554x921, 1419633910702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will anon, you will. You will find that artsy french gf you've always wanted.

>> No.2173181

What type of layer do I use if I want to add shadows to a figure in Photoshop CS6?

Is it the Darken layer? Or Overlay?

>> No.2173183

i was made redundant, can i get gud in 3 months before my money dries up?

>> No.2173193


Look at the edge of the bottom. That's fucking paint overlap.

>> No.2173207

Should i keep doing gesture drawings or do more longer figure drawings? How do figure drawings improve my skill?

>> No.2173210

Does anyone have any tips for illustrating in a Ukiyo-e/Japanese style?

>> No.2173218

I'd say do gesture until you're really comfortable with loose anatomy, and then apply those basics to the longer figure drawings. Figure drawings will make you more comfortable with drawing the human form, and give you ideas of where bones and muscles connect.

>> No.2173222
File: 170 KB, 1038x539, Yoshitoshi Samurai 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

specifically this style

>> No.2173231

This is probably a weird question but it's been bugging me. Will I ever reach a point where I don't see any problems in my art? And if so, what do I do about it? I'm worried I stop working to improve at that point and stagnate.

>> No.2173243

Any good artist will always find faults and strive higher

>> No.2173252

So I'm trying to find a particular video (maybe there's even a written version of it?) of warm up and practice exercises for drawing. There's a guy in front of a chalkboard and he shows what he does to warm up and it's a bunch of lines, circles and ellipses. For example he draws two straight lines and tries to keep the circles within the lines and other stuff like that. It seemed like a really good way to build up line strength and stuff but I cannot find it despite my google-fu.

>> No.2173254

I suppose you mean Peter Han?


>> No.2173255

Whats the best way to build up an online fan base?
consistent tumblr posting or is their something else to it?

>> No.2173257

Yes! Thank you based anon!

>> No.2173260
File: 56 KB, 960x403, smeagol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it depends on your artwork. what are you doing? comic, manga, illustration, animation, fine arts,...
but I suppose tumblr is a good way to get around. people will relink your work. but be aware, that tumblr is populated by nasty little SJWs, GOLLUM, GOLLUM

>> No.2173261

From what I've seen doing fanart on tumblr is a fast way to get people to notice you. You could do a few of some popular fanbase I guess.

>> No.2173263

I'm thinking about starting to read drawing the head and hands [loomis] but i was wondering if anyone knew any better/tried and true resources for learning hands. Like really getting them down.

>> No.2173267

Fuck online fanbases, draw what you want to draw and people will come. Yes it will take time but if you keep at it people WILL come. Just show them you have a lot of passion and people will be drawn to that.

>> No.2173276
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>> No.2173366
File: 43 KB, 750x340, My nipples look like milkduds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can I use to figure out the dimensions for the ribcage? Like height, width and more importantly the depth?

So far the only information I find is the classic 2 heads high, and around 3 heads in width but nothing on depth. Is a tilted head the way to go to figure that out?

>> No.2173386

what tools are you supposed to use to do ink like that? it's even possible to do something professional looking digitally?

>> No.2173407

Is the final lineart important for anything? Like do you need to show clients that shit?

>> No.2173419


Since you aren't doing woodprints/printmaking, I think this is fairly close to watercolors. I think this is where you need to get long (chinese maybe?) flowy brushes, that can soak lots of water/ink into them and practise doing copies of that type of japanese works.

That's how I would do it as atleast,

>> No.2173422

How does one go about learning to draw from the shoulder/elbow properly on a small tablet? I use the smallest Intuos and I have like no control that way. Either I rest my hand on the tablet and it wont slide smoothly or I hold it above and it's even worse. I can't keep drawing with my wrist.

>> No.2173434
File: 25 KB, 720x540, Wacom-Cintiq-Companion-Pro-Pen-and-holder-720x540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys hold your pen? Past the buttons? in the middle of the buttons? I do both traditional and digital and it always bugs me how I can't emulate the feel of how I hold my traditional pencil in the middle.(maybe because the intuos pen is thicker?)

I've done more digital stuff than traditional, but sometimes come across the feel that I can't use my full potential sometimes while drawing certain things digitally. In terms of lineart and sketching. Like I can draw hair and eyes better traditionally than digitally.

>> No.2173437

Is it a bad idea to learn to draw using just a drawing tablet? I don't like drawing on paper.

>> No.2173445

Lots of people draw only on tablet. So it's not a bad idea.

Convenient for artists that want to excel in painting.

>> No.2173466

Alright, awesome! Thanks for the advice, anon.

>> No.2173503

How to draw like Klimt?? I am such a fanboy of his draftmanship and I would like a more constructive direction than just "draw more"

>> No.2173509
File: 273 KB, 544x513, Screen Shot 2015-08-02 at 1.00.51 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related. it's from Gustav Klimt: 100 Drawings and i'm already ordering it from Amazon to copy away

>> No.2173541

Are there any good art hosting sites/communities aside from deviantart/pixiv/etc?

>> No.2173544

Is Scott Robertson's How to Draw book helpful?
I'm about 3 chapters in and I'm not entirely sure how to use the techniques it taught me yet. I know I should a further than just three chapters but i'd like to know how everyone else did with it.
Also how to value study? Do I just look at a picture in gray scale and try my best to copy that image with charcoal? Any good books about values?

>> No.2173547

How thin are lines for library supposed to be?

>> No.2173548
File: 12 KB, 388x218, fuck me in the ass with a rusty shovel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do i get rid of the rippling circle effect in Windows 10? tested out solutions from 7 and 8 but they did not work at all. using a Huion btw.

>> No.2173550

>adopted new version of windows within a week of it being available

Bad move anon. I'd help you if I could but the only solutions I can suggest you said you have already tried. Good luck, if you do find a solution could you please come back and post? It will help the other early adopters.

>> No.2173566

Too early to answer. Should have waited at least a month or two before upgrading.

>> No.2173567

i'll never understand the logic of that ui design: when you click with the mouse, windows reproduce a click sound in the speakers, and when you touch the screen it shows a faux ripple effect on it.

>> No.2173596

apparently disabling "Tablet PC compatibility" does the trick, but now every line I draw gets jitterish


>> No.2173601

Of all art related degrees, which ones would be considered the most useful?

Pretty sure a fine arts degree is just as useless as something like a degree in philosophy.

>> No.2173611


>> No.2173620

How should I practise perspective ? Drawing buildings ?

>> No.2173780

ernet norling :')

>> No.2173818

share book pls

>> No.2173868

Is it cheating to only draw half of an object then mirror it to ensure perfect symmetry?

>> No.2173927

This might sound stupid, but can somebody who is horrible at drawing become good if they study and practice everyday ?

And you should always draw with your whole arm + shoulder, correct ?

>> No.2173934

which is the correct way of holding the pencil?

>> No.2173968

How do I get my 19yr old son to find a job instead of playing video games and "drawing"?

>> No.2174001

Tell him youll kick him out if he doesn't

>> No.2174032

>skipping school as an option

>> No.2174037

>buying the college big business myth that everyone needs college
yeah, have a kid with no motivation or direction take out tens of thousands of dollars in student loans just so he plays less videogames.

>> No.2174097

Ok guys
What do you think about 1/2 inch foam core covered with gesso? Im probably going to be painting acrylic ontop of it. Do you think it'll hold well?

I don't like the surface or bounce of stretched canvas and i dont want to invest into something too expensive while making amateur paintings.

>> No.2174130

paint on wood or canvas board. you can find something more durable than foamcore from the hardware store for pretty cheap, just get some MDF

>> No.2174131

there are no shortcuts. you can do this but it'll look like shit, perfect symmetry really only works for design shit and mandalas, if used on faces and objects it tends to look unnatural and lazy.

>> No.2174132

depends on what you want to do for a career.

>> No.2174152
File: 103 KB, 620x421, my sides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2174157
File: 74 KB, 720x480, well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



you better read this fucker..these are the BEST youtube channels for beginner artist besides proko and sycra the first one is for the mental side of you and the second is for your first steps, you better read the damn sticky.
yes and draw with your arm/shoulder and use your wrist for the final smaller details.

>> No.2174162
File: 186 KB, 928x1200, conductor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please help me with my background? I have no clue how to make a fitting one. I keep spoiling everything I draw with shitty backgrounds.

>> No.2174165
File: 150 KB, 900x616, strigi-valmis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To get similar look, use digital for coloring and add texture. Use transparent colors and lot of gradients. Also for the best results, just draw separate 4 or more color layers including key and layer those on top of each other.

>> No.2174169

you want people to come up with ideas for you? take initiative and at least show us an effort on a background, there is nothing to critique right now.

>> No.2174174
File: 161 KB, 443x449, 1438128557214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2174162 're a faggot

not only this. but if you're going to make a character
and if you're going to tell a story
no backgrounds are need it on a basic character concept, make a new drawing, place a horizon line with a basic perspective and add a stupid graveyard, he has a necromancer vibe to him BUT YOU HAVE TO DO IT. get reference from European cemeteries.

>> No.2174185
File: 571 KB, 1200x1200, conductor2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, I should have posted the attempt

>> No.2174189

I meant this as a character concept. I just wanted to accentuate the character with the background somehow.

>> No.2174197

well i think the op from that post had a good point, also European cemeteries are creepy, and watch out with the darks they blend in to much man, dont go to no mans land.

>> No.2174209

Thank you both for advice
I will try it out

>> No.2174276

So after getting used to Manga Studio Pro I decided to give Photoshop a try. I got the new 2015 version, but everything feels weird as fuck and it feels difficult just to do a sketch with a basic brush.

Is there some obvious element of setting it up for use with a tablet that I'm missing? It knows I'm using one and has some pen sensitivity, it just generally feels really unwieldy to use.

>> No.2174283

Let's say concept art. Which degree would likely most help with that area of art?

>> No.2174644

Super noob, just finished Drawing Right Side- should I grab Perspective Made Easy or Robertson's How To Draw next?

>> No.2174679

What happened to alternative/stylization threads?

>> No.2174683

Photoshop is the most advanced program so that's natural.

>> No.2174704

Im no expert, but id say youd have to be pretty good from the get go and work harder than any man has ever worked

>> No.2174765

They are still around, but they have been super slow recently. Also, the OP that used to make them hasn't been doing it, so other anons have been stepping in (I think mikufag used to do it???). The last anon forgot to post the alt/style in the subject

Here is the new one

>> No.2174767

Perspective made easy, and then how2draw (which is much more complex)

>> No.2174800

Not the other anon
But if you can get a bfa in illustration, get that. Bfa in entertainment design, or design in general would work too. Fine arts could work, but you would need to show that you have some sort of design background somewhere.

>> No.2174841


Well, like I said, I don't understand if there's some setup or manga studio does something radically different, but just using brushes feels wonky and stiff. I can hardly do ellipses in photoshop, and that doesn't strike me as "photoshop is just too advanced for you :^)"

>> No.2175092
File: 1.36 MB, 3300x2550, figure_cube1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i draw cubes facing any direction i mean within context of drawing a human from cubes. They face so many different directions in this image. Do i need to use 3 point perspective, you see its hard for me to just free hand draw a cube in whatever direction i desire. Thanks

>> No.2175103

you feel it.

>> No.2175240

if i start doing digital art with sai as a digital art beginner will i be massively hampered when i try to move on to photoshop in the future? or will it happen relatively smoothly?

>> No.2175254

I thought you had some sort of environment, a graveyard or something. a big circle is kinda dull.

>> No.2175255

what this anon said
feel the flow of life

>> No.2175257

I'm gonna be getting a tablet in a couple of months, so I'll be completely green.

I've dabbled in colouring digitally using gimp, but the results were... pretty shite, to be honest. They weren't awful, but it mainly comes down to me just winging it.

But considering I'll be throwing a fair amount of money at a tablet (about £600), I wanna know some stuff first. Mainly what software would be best for a beginner? I was thinking Manga Studio (since that's the direction my art leans) or Paint Tool Sai. Money isn't too much of an issue as I have a stable job right now, so fees aren't a problem (unless they're excessive)

I planned to do some research on my own accord, but some opinions from you lot would be more than welcome.

>> No.2175263

The only program you'll ever need is Photoshop.

>> No.2175274

Honestly, I kinda wanted to avoid photoshop. I understand it's a good bit of kit, but having used it in graphics and media for a good few years I wanna try something else.

It's always a good backup if things go piss poor, but I'd like to experiment a bit.

>> No.2175275

I've complete every lesson on drawabox and i continually practice 5 days a week

Why have i not improved yet?

>> No.2175283

I see what you mean, mang. You can always pirate some programs like Sai or Corel. Try it out a bit.

>> No.2175354

How long have you been drawing non-digitally for? Are you saying you're a beginner to digital drawing, or drawing as a whole?

>> No.2175381


Thanks anon.

>> No.2175654

Sorry, had to sleep.

No, I'm not new to drawing, although recently I have been going back to basics, though I wouldn't say I'm bad.

>> No.2175666

I strongly recommend learning color theory yourself and doing the shading on a normal layer. The layer modes aren't actually what their name directly suggests and using modes like shadow-only make your shading look like a child made it.

>> No.2175729

what happened to cgpeers?

>> No.2175730

take a look at some of the areas where they went over the lines and you can see through them... sure you can dilute gouache to make it translucent instead of opic but there isn't a chance in hell you are going to get that smooth a color throughout the whole area with it, it just ain't happening, just like that hair, there is no way they are paining 2 tones without any overlap to make the pencil underneath visible the whole way though.

short answer is no, long answer is possibly employable.

3 months of dedicated practice of 8+ hours a day with you paying attention to what you are doing, as in no autopilot rendering, could be able to get you a job at something, but you will be lacking many skills that would allow you get get employment form many places.

don't render, just map shadows... that said, gesture for 10-20 minutes to loosen your ass up than figure draw.
if you can draw the figure from imagination, that you can apply what you know to many different things to make the overall result better.

vilppu said it best, he never doesnt see flaws in his art, its just that he is good to the point that most people cant see the flaws... the kind of flaws you make change from the proportions are fucked to that tendon probably wouldn't be so pronounced here, or the light wouldnt hit this area quite as much as it is here and possibly a different shade

YOU WILL hit points where your art skill is better than your ability to pick up on the flaws, but if you continue to try to get better and continue to observe your eyes will bitch slap your ego down a peg or two in time.

pander motherfucker, and throw some originals in as well. >>2173267 yea, no... sadly if you are never noticed people will never come to see you, best to pander at least a bit, and add some original shit in on the side.
look up anatomy texts, medical and ones made for artists.
use cranium instead of full head. it hits more landmarks

>> No.2175735

I love ring bound sketch books but being left handed, they are a bit of a pain in the ass.

Does anyone make a left handed version? Surely they'd sell a few.

>> No.2175741


I'm lefthanded too. I just worked from back to front in ring bounds when I still bought them, sometimes flipping them over altogether. Also there is no point in a specialized lefty ring bound. Where are they going to put the spine other then the middle?

>> No.2175742

brushes, nibs, pressure sensitive tablet. a program that will feather for you... ect ect.

need more than that to answer.

you cant do this effectively on a small tablet, even mediums are a bit small... if you have the money, monoprice makes a large size tablet that should be good for this though and its in the 100-130 range where as wacom would charge 400-600$

thumb in the middle of the buttons so if i do squeeze it a bit i don't press shit, but if i rock my thumb back and forth i do.

yes and no, i explain this far the fuck to much.
>>2144699 should take you to my opinion on it.
tldr digital for color, traditional for everything else.

im sorry but there isn't much i can say good about him with an image search...
going off of this image though, this was a practice for him which looks so much fucking better than his works...

ok... what you want to do is be able to contour draw and for the shading its hatching the image is of such piss poor quality that i cant tell you if he changed medium or if he just used if very lightly...

look up how people who do etching draw what they will etch, this person reminds me of the really good etchers who when they etch or draw are fucking godly, but when they paint its like a retard picks the brush up.

look up artstation.

not grayscale, desaturate. at least from my understanding greyscale does something desaturate does not.

try to limit yourself to 10 values, and go from middle grey to dark and light evenly... i may be wrong on this, but i do know that if you add dark values it makes the middle value lighter by comparison. i suggest you get a piece of paper make it 50% grey so you can block out the surrounding colors... it will be fun to see just how dark some of the light values are... i remember one where the pure white value was really 50% grey and it was an optical illusion that made it look white.

>> No.2175746


depends on what you want to do.

personally, if i'm just using a pen, i love very thin lines and will go out of my way to do hatching when possible.

give us an example and i can probably tell you more.

the click is more so you know you clicked on something, the ripple is to tell you it knows you touched it.

it the clicking tells me i clicked fast enough to do a doubleclick and the folder is opening, if lets say my mouse were broke (click dies on me after about 3-4 years either not clicking or the worst registering 4 clicks at once) i would know damn well some shit happened, or lets say i was to slow, i dont dick around waiting for shit to open when it wont.

touch just lets you know you touch the area and it registered it... you ever see normal people touch a monitor? the ripple happens because they touch it to fucking hard, if the retards dont see that they may actually press to hard and break the screen.

pwn... honestly this was a tech illiterate problem people will have, DO NOT UPGRADE DAY GOD DAMN ONE

contact huion and see if they have windows 10 drivers, i had an issue on my main computer a year or so ago and the way they fixed it was the chinese drivers were more up to date than the english ones...

portfolio... your degree means shit if you don't have a good port... that said, the degree could be an edge if you are equal to someone who doesn't have one.

i would say the ideal is to get good enough at prospective that you don't need to use rules to make 100% sure they work... most things do not require 100% perfect to work...
what i would suggest is try drawing a figure from imagination at weird as fuck angles, and than check of the perspective is correct or at least correct enough to not be noticed.

there is a thread for that.

no rules only tools, you end result will tell you if something works or not.

>> No.2175752

everybody, and i mean fucking everybody is able to become a master level when it comes to technical skill... what separates the skill from everything else is the idea, not everyone will be able to make a concept and follow through with it that everyone will look at in awe... but everyone can gain the technical skill.

no correct way, but overhand forces you to use your shoulder and allows for a more painterly approach which at the very least i find best outside of fine detail.

make the world a better place so they will see a job as a better option than videogames... drawing if you get skill can make a career out of itself though... games... you dont get paid outside of prize pools so you need to be the best of the best to make a living off that. possibly twitch or youtube if the shit has charisma.

invest in a plainer and some clamps so you can make a flat surface out of the shittiest wood and glue pieces together.

fog the ground up to his knees, make sure it feels volumetric, put a tree behind him with what looks like a noose that has been broken due to weight (knots there but there are 2 ends to the rope) add a blood moon, dudes on a hill and there is a cemetery behind him and for bouns points add in a blood moon for contrast. he is on a slight hill.

manga studio is perfect for drawing and painting, photoshop is just industry standard and because you will use psd's if you get a job, its the defacto program...

if you are never going to work for a studio, no need to use photoshop as its not a very good painting program, though it is the best photo manipulation program.

yes and no... you will know how to do shit digitally, and the transition will be more or less easy, you will just spend about 2 weeks or so learning photoshop, not the skills to do the digital work.

manga studio is fantastic when it comes to drawing and painting.

>> No.2175753

use the ring bound book in landscape mode.

>> No.2175755

how do i improve line weight

>> No.2175770

Different anon. I searched around for you bc of similar interest. It's "Rendering in Pen and Ink: The Classic Book On Pen and Ink Techniques for Artists, Illustrators, Architects, and Designers".

>> No.2175784

What is the best, standard photoshop brush to use?

>> No.2175792

Attach weights to the end of your pen.

>> No.2175855

If you use it, gesso the other side or it'll warp. Really good for studies and stuff, not so much for nice finished work.

>> No.2175874

Are there any /ic/ alternatives? I'm trying to find other communities that are better/equal to /ic/. Or should I stay reclusive and draw all day?

>> No.2175879

I ripped the rubber grip and the buttons off. Feels a lot more like a pencil or pen. i wrapped an elastic band around it for extra grip.
I find I only need the tip and the eraser anyway.
Also you can put a sheet of paper down on your tablet and draw over the top of it. That helps with the feel a lot too.

>> No.2175890

How do you draw from an image if you're working digitally?
I have two monitors, but it's so much harder to look over to the side to see the image than to look up and down like with traditional images.
I've tried opening it in PS as a layer, but I think some program where it's always on top and floating would be much easier.
What does everyone else do?

>> No.2175903

Chrome/Firefox probably has some add-ons to make a window stay "Always on top"

Likewise with any image viewer you are using. i know that in IRfanviewer you can go to option > Always on top.

You can also display the image in an ipad or you phone but I'm guessing you considered that.

>> No.2175928

Oh shit thanks I hadn't thought to use irfanview

>> No.2175931
File: 52 KB, 600x400, december__watercolour_artrage_by_alartstudio-d4ixo4y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any software better than ArtRage to simulate true watercolor paints?

pic related was done with AR 3.5

>> No.2175948


>> No.2175968

CGpeers is kill. where are resource now?

>> No.2176057


I'm hoping it'll return soon.

>> No.2176066


The tracker itself is still working, it's just the website.

>> No.2176122

What are some things to keep in mind when transitioning from paper to tablet? What should I know from the get go?

Also, is there any place I can go for decent tutorials on digital drawing? I want to try it, but I've a feeling it's gonna get technical fast.

>> No.2176132

http://www.ctrlpaint.com/ has some of the best tutorials for beginners. as far as transitioning, there's really not much you can do ahead of time. just practice drawing simple shapes a lot. also don't rely heavily on line stabilizers at first, because they can be kind of a crutch that keeps you from learning how to make smooth lines on your own.

>> No.2176133


>> No.2176149

All righty, thanks for the heads up. I'm looking at getting this http://www.amazon.co.uk/Wacom-Cintiq-13HD-Interactive-Display/dp/B00BSVADDY

It's honestly not that expensive, and I'm willing to invest money in my hobby. Beats buying shitty games all the time.

Anyway, any things I should keep in mind concerning that type of tablet? I'd imagine it's easier to get used to than the ones without the screen.

>> No.2176157

Transitioning from paper should be a lot easier since you're going to be using a cintiq.
I've only used them a couple of times for classwork, but my main advice would be to keep your pen calibrated. It may just be the ones we have at school, but I've noticed that the calibration tends to shift a little after a while, which makes it harder to control.

>> No.2176164

I'll calibrate it every other day then.

So things I should keep in mind:

Draw shapes

Draw basic gestures and the like

Read stuff

Don't be a babby and draw lines the hard way


That's honestly not too bad, I was half expecting to have to relearn everything, but I suppose it's just getting used to it. Thanks for the advice, mate.

>> No.2176202

Personally I much prefer using a tablet without a screen. I find it more comfortable to look upwards than down at the tablet.
it's really not that hard to get used to imo.
If possible I'd try them both out.
But really, whatever you decide, just use it a lot and it'll become second nature. It's not like you'll buy a cintiq and find out it's a piece of shit.

>> No.2176238

Does anyone have an example of a study they'd be willing to share? I'm trying to get better all around and "studies" seems to be the buzzword.

I kinda get how to do something like a perspective study, but I'm trying to get into doing anatomical studies.

>> No.2176638

hard round

damn near all art communities turn into dick contests and hug boxes, good ones dont stay around for long.

ic may be shitty but if you can filter the bullshit and get the real crits its the most valuable place you can go.

at the expense of wearing out nibs like a motherfucker.

stack monitors on top of eachother, use one in portrait mode, print the image off and tape it you where its most comfortable.

from what i can tell you can mimic the look of water color, but its not a simulation

try corle painter, that may be better.
there was also a demo recently for a watercolor painter, dont know what it is because the shit would never load for me.

for fuck sake, peers goes down all the fucking time, this isnt new, unless its down for a week stop fucking asking for the new places because its dead, it god damn isnt.

dont have one to share, but study isnt so much a buzzword, as it is something you need to do and everyone needs to to the point is said almost as much as loomis.

for an anatomical study, pick one place, and rough shit out, than draw what the muscle lay out is from what you see, draw what a medical lay out would be, and figure out why you can or cant see the muscle, also look at different positions of the muscle and see how it moves, contracts or stretches.

your goal isnt to make a pretty picture its to learn about what you are looking at and gain info, thats why its called a study. to many people here get way to caught up in making shit look good as an end result of the study that they fuck up the purpose of a study in the first place.

>> No.2176647

Not necessarily related to anatomy specifically, but this video has great tips on how to study in general.

>> No.2176667

So uhh. As a total beginner, do I need art pencils or can I just grab one of the ones in my pencil and pen basket? I bought a bit of sketch paper...

>> No.2176736


Digitalbros, do you hover hand your tablet?

From all the "how to draw digitally" I never noticed this addressed. Jonathan Rector uses a cotton glove for his Cintiq, for example. Today I was training myself to not touch the tablet surface at all with my palm or fingers, only using my elbow and shoulder to get smooth and accurate lines. With light success.

>> No.2176740


Softer pencil leads can give you darker tones, which is great for learning how to vary values. Apart from that there's not a whole lot of reason to jump to anything fancy until your regular pencils are too short to grip.

Do not treat sketch paper as it's for portfolio quality work. Use it to learn new things, and give yourself a chance to fuck up and experiment.

>> No.2176750

Not all the time, I imagine he wore gloves for his cintiq not to smudge the screen, but with a regular old tablet there's hardly a need for that.

Drawing from the shoulder is a good idea of course for gestural stuff

>> No.2176751

>Do not treat sketch paper as it's for portfolio quality work. Use it to learn new things, and give yourself a chance to fuck up and experiment.

This. I remember our art teacher would have us mix up a little black acrylic paint with water and have us just dirty the page with a cloth so it was grey and dirty. Really helped us stop being precious with paper

>> No.2176808

ok, certain pencils are different from each other, the person said the softer the darker, i personally recommend prismacolor ebony, i have a box of 12, and they are easily sharpened to an over hand grip point

also, if you are just starting, i recommend this paper
because its newsprint you have no delusions of making a masterpiece on it, i also recommend 18x24 and a 24x26 inch drawing board just so you can draw big easily. if anything else, it would be like 2000 sheets of normal printer paper worth of space for 15$

there are probably other brands that are a bit cheaper or better, but that's what i personally have and use.

you may also want to get some vine charcoal and compressed charcoal sticks (blick brand from that site) just so you can get jet black black that dont shine, and possibly get use to charcoal... it can be very fun to use if messy.

the glove is either for no smudges, or he has a touch screen and its required so he doesn't get accidental touches.

as for hovering over a tablet, generally they are to small, and because of how they work are inaccurate so you need a bit more stability to get lines good, either through a slight stabilizer or through anchoring your hand and because of how small tablets are useing yout arm to draw in that small a space is kind of a bitch... not undoable but just a pain in the ass unless you have a large form monoprice or intuos if not a monitor. you can kind of do it on mediums, but if you have a small, dont bother.

>> No.2176809

>I imagine he wore gloves for his cintiq not to smudge the screen

That's what InvisibleShield is for.

>> No.2176851

How do I power through perspective? I get bored grinding dozens of cityscapes, cubes in space and buildings. I just want to draw cute waifus but I apparently shouldn't touch anything else until after I master linear perspective.

>> No.2176868

Don't slave away with the fundamentals. That will only lead to you getting bored and hating drawing, then probably giving up.

Obviously don't ignore them, but don't think it means you HAVE to do everything before touching the things you want to draw.

I say for every five pages of fundamental studies, dedicate one to yourself to have fun with. Just make sure you don't give up on the basics all together, as they exist for a reason.

That said, it's a hobby, not work. Don't make it painful.

>> No.2176869

>I apparently shouldn't touch anything else until after I master linear perspective.
No, you just shouldn't ask for critique when you've never studied things at all.

>> No.2176883

Are there any decent ways on learning how to draw hair?

I'd say it's the thing I struggle with most.

>> No.2176895

When i draw gesture i always draw the head and the spine first into the weight-bearing leg. How do i represent the leg?

Ive seen people draw the bone and other people drawing what looks the be the muscle contour.

And if its better to draw the bone, would i need to know exactly where it starts?

Little insecurities like this always bother me >.<

Help me /ic/

>> No.2176921


Thanks. I have a medium.

Asking this because sweaty hands tend to cripple my lines. I tried anchoring myself with the side of a fingertip with more than a little success. So I guess I am looking in to that for those big smooth lines.

I also have cotton wrist supporters which also let me glide but I don't like palming my tablet surface either way.

>> No.2177542

>tfw when I totally give up drawing a lot of times, make a break, and everyone I come back I'm actually better.
Why. What the fuck does that mean about me? Do I even like drawing?

>> No.2177582

How do I study composition and get better at it?

>> No.2177597

I suspect a professional concept artist I've stumbled upon just now may be a man who brutally attacked, raped and killed an elderly woman at random in 1990 and that he is now working out of prison.

Is that possible? I don't know shit about prison protocol.

>> No.2177626

any chance at all to get hired for a senior position if you have zero inhouse experience but a pretty strong portfolio? or is that completely unheard of?


steal it. you'll learn from stealing.


lol what, please share name? this is anon so why hold back

>> No.2177627

How do draw when sick? I got some stuff due by Sunday but I feel like a sack of shit right now. Should I power through it or just rest in case it ends up looking like shit?

>> No.2177630

This happens to me too, cept its just short breaks instead of giving up. I just reason it as coming back with more confidence/having analyzed better what i learned so far.

>> No.2177631


you don't. you scratch the itch by looking through images in your inspiration folder and analyzing them. i've been doing that for years. last thing i do every day is lay in bed with my laptop lying on my chest and i browse through my entire JJ and mullins folder, deconstructing a single specific thing in everyone of their pieces. obviously i fall asleep after 10 minutes but it's a valuable exercise and probably perfect for when feeling sick or something.

>> No.2177632

I haven't drawn in years but I've been thinking about drawing seems constantly for the past year. Is tracing a viable form of practice to try to reinvigorate and even learn basic ideas of drawing certain art styles?

I'd like to begin by tracing,then eventually on to drawing by looking at an image or llife around me, then finally straight from imagination.

I just need a starting point. I've been watching people live stream art and constantly thinking about numerous projects involving crafts of art I've never even tried

>> No.2177639

Alright thanks. I should start doing that myself. I work from a desktop but I'm going to rummage around and see if I can find my old piece of shit HP Pavilion since its the only laptop I've ever owned.

>> No.2177689

Thanks, especially for that paper hint as I get the feeling that I would be susceptible to making each page precious. It's just a doodle book. Something to eventually look back on and see how far you've come.

>> No.2177690

how do I practice making my own style?

>> No.2177692

What are decent ink/coloured ink and/or marker to use? Particularly on masking tape. I like to tape over some desks or endtables and draw on them. Does sharpie make decent enough markers for drawing fine lines and shading?

>> No.2177701

look into cintiq gloves than, they are very breathable and are made for the purpose of keeping your hand from touching shit that has touch capability, it may be just what you are looking for... well... asside from not touching the tablet but thats a bigger pain in the ass than the glove because you need to keep your hand stable and digitally its harder than traditionally to get the same line weight throughout an entire stroke.

got to get those delusions of grandeur out of your head while you practice.

ok, not typing this shit out again

i honestly say stick with fundamentals and keep grinding them till you hit the first plateau for your vision, or your ability to see your own mistakes, if you do personal work before than you are going to look at what you make with disdain and that hurts more than grinding fundies, however perspective in and of it self i never recommend to put that into the grind.

no, you shouldn't ask for critique on personal work, because it makes you to defensive. this idea that you cant ask a critique when you are a beginner is something retarded that artists say because they don't want to rip apart some kids shit in a spiral notebook.

a crit from people who are already better, probably not a full crit but a crit should tell you what you need to work on next or where your biggest problem is. letting people flounder around when they have no fucking idea where to go is cruel.

google z brush and how people sculpt hair, you want to apply what they do to art and seeing it done in front of you will help you better understand what you need to look into than someone telling you what to do.

i honestly look at gesture like an armature that people use to sculpt on top of if that makes sense. the lines you put down are what the drawing will be put on top of.

that said, i put down cranium and spine first, than shoulder to pelvis pelvis to foot.

>> No.2177703


you don't. just make good work. style devlops naturally but that takes a couple of years.

>> No.2177710

not completely unheard of, but unless you were in senior positions in places that matter, unlikely.

if you have potential to be a senior position, you may start off lower just so you get use to it but rise up faster.

but thats hear say.

find something with good composition and figure out what makes it good and learn it.

grab the watts video on peers as he talks a little about it and it makes sense.

depends on the country and if he is part of a work release program. there is a chance they let him work on this and are taking most of his money just because its difficult to let someone like that out on a work release.

will you get better before its due?
is it pro work or school shit?
pro probably doenst give a shit if you are sick, school may, and if you wont get better, budget enough time to do it even while feeling like shit because you have to get shit done.

if its pro, consider contacting them and telling the you are incapacitated and won't get shit done on time.

yes and no... instead of thinking of it as tracing use it as a form of study and always be thinking why this person or that made those choices...

if you are tracing humans trace than add mussels and shit to them and learn some anatomy and try doing it again without tracing.

you can force your ass to have a style or you can let a style develope, just a point, you won't gain a style drawing from reference, you will need to do it from imagination, and if you use a reference, its just for the pose and nothing more.

you will need to give an example of your work space and what you do so we can better answer this...

and sharpies can be fine depending on what you are doing.

>> No.2177724

is this any benefit to drawing a bunch of thumbnails/sketches but never finishing them?

>> No.2177792

yes, thats kind of a way to get better at composition.

>> No.2177806

Great speech. How can that be easier to you than typing it out though? You're weird.

>> No.2177810

because it takes a grand total of 4 minutes for me to say it and save it, now i dont need to retype it again as it comes up every single one of these things, i have had to have typed damn near the exact same thing 10 times by now.

>> No.2177813
File: 238 KB, 575x577, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i achive better fall off effects in photoshop

>> No.2177890
File: 211 KB, 333x598, tumblr_nsl238QZaG1qht3vqo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always wanted to know how to get >picrelated effect of certain parts in the outlines colored. The only way I know how is to duplicate the base color layer and lighten/clipping mask it onto the outlines layer but it sounds so tedious.

Is there an easier way?

>> No.2177901

lock the transparent pixels, then color the lines manually with a brush

>> No.2177904


1. put clipping mask onto drawing/lineart layer
2. ????
3. profit

>> No.2177907


you sound like a whiney ass fedora-wearing faggot

>> No.2177948

Try pausing movie scenes and recreating the layouts in them. The scenes don't have to be establishing shots or anything like that (in fact, I recommend that you avoid them) just so long as the perspective is noticeable and challenging. Start with the horizon line, then the vanishing points, and drop in a grid. After all that, start building up the scene. This is helpful because you also start to learn how to compose shots and build up your visual library with all the set pieces in the shot. Try going for older movies that are well known for their cinematography and sets, like Raiders of the Lost Ark or Wings of Desire.

>> No.2177986

When painting from life, how do I know when to stop mixing colors for a specific onject? Like if there is an apple, how do i know which colors to mix, how intense should it be, how dark is this certain portion?
Should i mix colors on a palette knife, then hold it up to check?

>> No.2177993

When is Cintiq companion 3 and 4 coming out?

>> No.2178000

because 2+3=5

>> No.2178130

I'm not sure if this belongs in /g/ or not but whatever.

Recently I bought a surface pro 3 for drawing and so far it feels good. I have Paint Tool Sai, Gimp and Krita but what I really wanted is to get Manga Studio 5. The problem is that I already own a physical copy and I still have my serial number but I don't see a way to get it on my Surface Pro for without having to pay again. And all the forums don't have anything on the problem either.

>tl;dr do I have to buy Manga Studio 5 again on SP3?

>> No.2178210

how do i paint colour over a greyscale underpainting ?

>> No.2178216

This is a really dumb question, but when you draw from life, you just look at the figure and. Draw it right? Start with basic shapes, then build up on those? Yeah?

>> No.2178218

how do you become a portrait artist? just read loomis and draw skulls and heads until you get gud, or any other suggestions?

>> No.2178230


There's two concurrent installs for MS5. Uninstall it from one of the computers you already have it on and install on Surface.

Or wait for a patch. I've heard the updated versions override the install limit

>> No.2178288

this might be a dumb question, but is there any negative effect on the rechargeable pen from Huion tablets if I charge it before it completely drains?

>> No.2178295
File: 68 KB, 500x281, bt ct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to know what is wrong with this pic before starting to render it, I don't know what is wrong with the colors, I hate it but I don't know why.

>> No.2178298

What the fuck is /i/ for?

>> No.2178299

it's too small but I like it

>> No.2178302

thx, the real resolution is really big

>> No.2178372

I'd assume you picked colors at random.

>> No.2178421

yeah. or start with a gesture. or a thumbnail. really whatever is most comfortable for you is the right way

learn to capture resemblence and character.
look at sargent and al hirschfeld's stuff for examples and practice caricaturing people

3rd girl's silhoutte isn't clear enough
wtf is girl on far left doing?

>> No.2178671

explain that a little... i dont know if you are going for a brush that does something or what... i don't do much digital so the term also doesn't stand out.

if you are talking about brushes where the color you put down isn't infinite and it slowly picks up colors below it or runs out, i would suggest a program other than photoshop. remember photoshop is a photo manipulation program that became so universally used its the standard, but when it comes to just painting there are better programs out there for that purpose, however you want a job in a studio or do freelance work for people, a psd is required so its all photoshop.

in photoshop there should be a way to lock aspects of color, like the other person said transparency,

work on a transparent layer above a colored layer (grey or white, whatever you prefer, though grey is better) than after you get the outline done, alter the color that way... you may even be able to do this through layer mix mode but i don't know what they would be called

for this i would suggest also shrinking the everloving fuck out of the image, when you do this the horizon lines tend to be so far off the paper or outside the project that its almost impossible to find them without paper and strings (in computer cases, making the lines way off the paper, some programs let you do this, others throw a fit if you try/dont have the tools)

>> No.2178674

i never suggest learning colors in the physical world because its a fuck load of trial and error till you get it right and know what to do innately.

there are art programs that will mimic paint really well and give you real world equivalent results.

if you want to do it in real life though... palette knife is your friend for mixing color just because you can spread it think than gather it back up and do it over and over, it will mix fast...
set a side of your pallet away for testing color, spread so white (or the color you are using as white, its usually a slight tint instead of pure white) really thin on it than put your color on top to get the best idea of how it will turn out.

if i had to guess, a bit after the next gen intel cpu comes out.

or pirate, if you have a copy i would feel no guilt in also using a pirate copy.

depends on the look you are going for, but i have never seen a grey scale under look good unless you put serious work into it, and at that point you may as well just use it as a tone guide instead of part of the colored work.

gesture to get the basics down quick than go forward with that. thumbnail like someone else said if you have the luxury of moving around and want to see what the best angle would be.

does the pen ever stop chargeing? i use the battery pen so its a bit different but if the pen itself never stops charging, that could kill battery life on it long term.

chrono trigger correct? if you want to mimic the color exact, chronos hair is wrong, the left blonds hair is to dark, the shades of the costumes are off...

if you haven't moved forward yet, give us a swatch of the colors you are planning to use on each character

>> No.2178677

Question about squashing soft materials.
I read that when you squash something, the form changes but the volume stays the same.
Like when you sit your butt just spreads to the size.
So my question is:
Is there is a way to easily visualize the change or a way to know how to keep a volume constant?

>> No.2178687
File: 479 KB, 984x622, Snip20150807_65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone help me identify pic related?

>> No.2178715

How effective is the sight-sizing method, for laying in a rough drawing, on the computer? Is it harder, easier, neither?

>> No.2178719

well crap I started a thread coz I had a question I should have posted it here. Any of you guys know where to find good info on the Reilly Method of drawing and painting?

>> No.2178735
File: 357 KB, 2438x1649, 1420149591502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watts i believe is the best teacher of that method, look up the video on peers and i believe it has some of the materials they hand out in their atelier included.

i think this is some of it or at least a version of it, its whats on my desktop.

>> No.2178737
File: 170 KB, 1356x1312, 1420699004297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any more than this would take real time to search for and find.

anyone know some free books on it that would also be helpful, but get that watts video.

>> No.2178739

may not be helpful, but look at water balloons, or a condom filled with water (really thin so it will stretch out a bit easier)

>> No.2178745

The book thread also has an ImagineFX issue about anatomy (avoid the anime/manga issue under it like the plague)
It has some elementary Reilly rhythms and constructions.

>> No.2178837
File: 48 KB, 500x577, hogarth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im looking for a chart that compares the different mannequins/construction methods of the human body. Like comparing a mannequin made by Hogarth to Hampton. I know there exists a chat that compares the the different proportion measurements of various artists, so how about one that compares mannequins. And which ever mannequin appeals to me the most, I can choose to check out their book to study.

>> No.2178850
File: 2.83 MB, 5836x2627, 1435065806267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know at what size and res Ruan senpaii works in?
I love how he can get so much detail by just scribbling really small

>> No.2178851


>> No.2178855

I'm new to digital painting, and I find the canvas is giving me a lot of problems.

I've seen people say you should paint on a 50% grey canvas, that seems to desaturate my colours that aren't 100% opaque, and white and dark fuck up my values a ton.
So should I be painting completely opaque to begin with, and taking it down when I'm blending and adding detail or is there a better way?
What I've been doing is putting down blobs of colour in the average colour of what section I'm painting. So like a neutral skintone for a face then adding shading and highlights afterwards

>> No.2178946

I stopped doing any art for like two fucking years because of my cunting fucking job sucked all my fucking time away like a goddamn fucking cancer and now I've forgotten fucking every fucking thing so fucking hard that I cannot even fucking fathom how I ever did any fucking thing to begin with. It's not even that I suck, I physically cannot put a pencil to paper and come up with anything vaguelly resembling fucking anything, I've forgotten goddamn fucking everything and I can't do fucking anything and I can't fucking relearn it because my goddamn cunting job still takes up every fucking second of my goddamn cunting life and i fucking hate it i want to fucking goddamn fucking die god fucking fucking damn it
that's my fucking goddamn fucking question

>> No.2178965

you are going to need to help with this as i don't see it accompanying an image in the book thread or it's buried somewhere... would love to have this.

>> No.2178968

the reason you work on grey is because if you work on white it makes the balance of light and dark fucked up

if you are painting, 100% opaque till you get the rough bullshit down then refine from there.

i think you have the right idea you just needed confirmation you were correct?


quit your fucking cunting job and get something that isnt such a time vampire, or live more modestly so you can take a lower paying job and have time.

remember your free time is the most valuable thing you have and if a job you hate takes it all its not worth it unless you are making well over a 6 figure income and are on the way to retiring early.

>> No.2178975

Why does /ic/ treat the fundamentals as topical as opose to systemic like how professionals and schools do?

When Vilppu says fundamentals he starts off with things like line and tone, shape and form, etc. He makes the fundamentals fit the act of drawing. While /ic/ and a lot of amateurs fit them to topics like anatomy, perspective, gesture drawing, etc.


>> No.2178994
File: 52 KB, 537x392, Maybe drowning is better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell do you draw in Photoshop? I've been trying for like a year now, and it seems like I get discomfort 80% of the time.

>> No.2179002

I assume you aren't using a mouse, right?

What kind of discomfort do you feel?

>> No.2179004

It's like certain things are hard to draw. Sometimes I can draw in photoshop, but most of the time I can't. It's not that I'm not used to the tablet, it's just that something is messing with my full potential.

Which is strange, I've done a ton of digital drawings(or rather, attempts) but when I draw on paper, I don't get the discomfort of drawing in photoshop, the drawings are actually good and done in a shorter amount of time....even though I've drawn digitally more than traditionally.

>> No.2179005


vilppu is at best old and expresses what he means poorly and you only ever understand him when you already know what he is talking about.

after you see that, vilppu, at least any video source i can find, only ever teaches people who are already proficient at art, how you handle the fundamentals changes through skill...

most people here don't have the skill to apply all the fundies to one drawing, so its easier to tackle them one at a time.
unless of course you have someone teaching you and they can guide you... my old highschool teacher was great at doing this for the entire class. he managed to teach perspective without needing to go grind mode on it. something im sure anyone would be thankful for.

i have always wanted to find a video course that will take you from retard to proficient but no one has apparently made this.

dont draw with a mouse like the other anon said, but assuming you aren't that retarded, manga studio or sai, try them... its also possible you just will never get use to drawing on a tablet, 10 years on and i still cant do a fucking base drawing on one, i have to go traditional to digital.

>> No.2179010

So those( /ic/'s) aren't really fundamentals since supposedly you should already have a fundamental understanding of how drawing works.

>> No.2179016

I have a bit of trouble with the rough bullshit, I have a bad habit of drawing over and over with transparent brushes till it looks vaguely correct.
A big part of blocking in the rough stuff seems to be brush economy to me. Just practice I guess, thanks.

Maybe this isn't what you mean, but I've found taping a piece of cartridge paper to my tablet made it feel more like drawing traditionally.

>> No.2179048

why the obsession with girls? everybody just wanna draw girls, boobs, ass, theighs, legs...

im not even gay but im bored of pretty girls now

>> No.2179064

People draw what they like.

>> No.2179069

Draw guys then faggot

>> No.2179123

What do I need to get started TODAY?

What supplies? What book would recommend to someone who's starting from the very bottom?

>> No.2179131

So I'm talking to my friend after recently deciding to buy a Cintiq 13HD

Now my friend has a Surface Pro 3 and, considering they're roughly the same price (the Surface Pro being about £15 more expensive), he says I'd be much better off buying one of those instead.

I just wanna know what the general consensus is on the Surface Pro. I don't really need deets on the Cintiq, but I wanna know mainly what you lot think about it.

The tablets, just for additional info:



>> No.2179157
File: 34 KB, 318x437, 147941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently trying to make up a self-study plan for Loomis' Figure Drawing for All It's Worth. This is, I've never really used a book to study art before.

Not sure if I should just sit down and read through it, chapter by chapter and then work on studies, or Just cherry pick and focus on the parts I want to improve on.

Any tips?

>> No.2179165

The surface pro is not for drawing.
wacom tablets use radiowaves to detect pen location. It's light, accurate, and has so many levels of pressure.
Tablets use the flow of electricity to detect location, and there are aren't any levels of sensitivity.
There are specialized styli for tablets with pressure sensitivity, but they aren't amazing.

If you're serious enough about drawing that you want a cintiq, there's no reason you should buy a surface pro or any other non specialized drawing tablet.

>> No.2179166

Having difficulty drawing lips and hand any recommendation for books i can read up on?

>> No.2179168

All right, thanks for the heads up. I'll let him know that too.

>> No.2179284

Is there some good place to find brushes (or maybe just some reccomendations) for clip studio paint/manga studio? I can't find much through google.

>> No.2179296

The brushes don't make you a better artist only practice does

>> No.2179299

I always see these but technical mastery is half the battle is it not? And with Technical mastery isn't learning how to use your medium properly useful?

>> No.2179304

Technical mastery would be mastering a hard round brush, then making your own brushes for specific instances.
Making your own brushes isn't hard, and it's a good thing to learn.

>> No.2179316

Brushes don't make the artist

>> No.2179319

Again I didn't say that, please read.

>> No.2179334

You're using brushes as an excuse.
That's all you need.

>> No.2179336

>You're using brushes as an excuse.
Are you fucking illiterate, you're again putting words in my mouth

>> No.2179338
File: 81 KB, 540x720, peer pressure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of using a regular notebook for practicing lines and basic shapes since they're cheaper than computer paper or sketchbooks.

Will the fact that the paper is lined mess me up at all? I don't wanna start forming bad habits or anything.

>> No.2179345

I'm a poorfag.

Any tablet recommendations?

>> No.2179347

Dude I never said "hey i want some brushes that will make me amazing", I'm just having a hard time finding stuff for that program compared to sai/photoshop.

>> No.2179354

ignore those faggots, they just want to jerk themselves off over their work ethic and supposed dedication

>> No.2179355

6/10 gave me a giggle

>> No.2179373

Tablets don't make the artist.

>> No.2179381

Nice shitposting faggot.

>> No.2179524

no, its just how you do the fundamentals changes.
you know how everyone tells you to go outside your comfort zone... well the majority of ic does not have a comfort zone, as in something the excel at to the point banging it out is simple.

if you happen to, lets say you were fucking great at drawing... fuck i dont know... a guitar.

now you want to practice perspective, so instead of draing something you know and can bang out well as a base, as in that guitar, you decide to instead do a mechanically perfect car,

and lets say you get good at that too, so the next thing would obviously be practicing line weight and quality, so instead doing a car or the guitar, you decide to go human head, but because you aren't use to it the perspective of it is off and you go back to learning perspective.

while vilppu and other people use their comfort zone to expand what they know.

because if people are going to stare at an image for hours on end, they would rather it be a hot girl apposed to a steroided out man.

that said i would compromise and women who have muscle.

pencil paper.

portability mainly.
personally if i had to pick up a cintiq i may try for the hybrid.
able to run android for on the go sketching and can hook it up to a computer for the cintiq... i believe its 1100$ through appose to 700~$ a 13 inch is.

extra brushes are only there to make some work faster... if you need a brush make your own for your purpose.

for manga studio, there aren't really many brush packs that i have heard of, everyone uses photoshop when they reach a certain level because that's what their jobs demand them use so when they want to market their brush packs as a "paint like me with these images only 50$" they put it out in the program they use.

huion 610
just know what you are getting into with drivers and they are fantastic.

if you are poor, i recommend 18x24 newspring and pencil.

>> No.2179745

Anybody have the random jitter problem in PS where the lines you draw look raw and jittery and to fix it is to click on something that isn't PS then click back?

>> No.2179761

Whyare copics so famous? I noticed it's also very popular in Japan.

>> No.2179790

because they are able to replace watercolors and are easier to use than watercolors...
they are also made in japan so in japan they are also very cheap... relatively speaking.

personally i never had an interest in markers for coloring, o always prefered pencils and crayons as a kid and when i grew up i liked painting far more than makers, there also my preference toward black and white.

honestly, i think most kids love the fuck out of markers and when they grow up they go for the more "adult" markers and drool over them too.

photoshop is a fucking mess when it comes to random problems with next to no explanation.
if it gets real bad and annoying get something like a lazy mouse and put its settings real fucking low so it just averages a few of the numbers it gets

>> No.2179803

Yeah I've tired every thing from wired and wireless, uninstalling drivers and using every driver, and still get random jitter. It's hard to notice when you use a bigger brush.

>> No.2179808

yea, photoshop works and at the same time doesn't work with tablets.

its the most used painting tool, but it is not the best painting tool.

>> No.2179809


>it is not the best painting tool
Except that's wrong.

>> No.2179810

it only has the use it has die to the psd file format and its the only program that will open psd and save them and guarantee anyone who opens it and will see exactly what you saw.

it is the best photo manipulation tool, but its not the best painting, there is a difference.

>> No.2179841

I'm studying anatomy right now (on the torso), and I'm concerned as to whether I should go back and learn how to draw the bones as they are in perspective, or just use my knowledge of boxes and other shapes for those bones (scapula = triangle, ribcage = egg, etc.) Should I just continue learning the muscles of go back to torso bones?

>> No.2179849

Forgot to mention I am learning proportions and landmarks.

>> No.2179851

Just try drawing and if you feel something is off study the muscles again. If you understand what you're seeing and what you want to do it's more than enough

>> No.2180319

I'm currently studying arm muscles with Vilppu. How am I supposed to memorize them?

>> No.2180325

Are there any recommended muscle/skeleton models or figures that I could buy?

>> No.2180327

Toys don't make the artist. Practice.

>> No.2180330

I-I want them so I could practice and memorize muscles. I'm also >>2180319 and in eight minutes I figured out that a toy would help me visualize all that shit in 3D space better.

>> No.2180332

try this.


>> No.2180390

What image settings do you guys usually use? What DPI, color mode, and color profile should I be using?

>> No.2180408

How do i improve my angles when drawing from reference? I work in pen and cant afford to make mistakes unfortunately :/

>> No.2180447


ok, a lot to cover...
do gestures and get the proportions right there, it allows you to burn through shit fast

as for drawing the bones in perspective, you dont need to do that exactly, what you do need to know is where they are and how you see them in the human body once everything is covered.

when it comes to muscles and anatomy, what you need to focus on is the major forms and just know the minor forms. for most people don't even notice the minor forms or even know they exist due to normal people (not fat people just a normal im not cutting every gram of fat out of my body person) have enough fat on them to make minor forms subtle if they are noticeable at all.

a comic book guy said all you need to have correct is the major forms and you can treat the minor as extra details. also in comics, you are able to tell who knows what the minor forms are and who has no clue because of how exaggerated they make them.

unless you are going for 100% realism of a guy who is cut to the point of less than 5% body fat, you likely wont need to be exact with minor forms on people.

the tldr comes to this... learn major forms, gesture for proportions, and as an added thing, if the proportions are wrong never go forward with the drawing as its fucked from the get go.

see above, learn major forms and know the minor forms, once you get the major down, go back for minor

pirate z brush, one of the models in it is a fairly well made skeleton, and if you leanr the program a bit you will figure out how to manipulate it.

dpi is for printing, if you are looking to print its 600 dpi, as in every inch you want to print is 600x600 pixels. also for printing i think you want to go cmyk

fuck up and get better? there is a line confidence tutorial that gets posted in every one of these threads, scroll up and i'm sure you will find it, just do that tutorial with pen instead of marker.

>> No.2180474

nigga its spelled opaque not opic

>> No.2180629


>> No.2180779

Why do people buy Corel Painter? It seems so useless compared to Photoshop.

>> No.2180800

Hover draw over the paper

>> No.2180802

do you know which issue? when you said anime i thought it would be more difficult to find, like that one japanese magazine where the people who made guilty gear xrd went into great detail on how they made it look 2d even though its all 3d, but it was alot easier to find a few years worth of the magazine.

>> No.2180815

Why do girls get mad when you dont reply to their calls and texts?

And also why are the same girls empowered by no strings attached sex?

>> No.2180819

Nice, I didn't think of that. I actually have ZBrush so I'm pretty familiar with it. Thanks.

I'll see about that once Android version comes out, thanks.

>> No.2180822

if i remember right it also comes with all the muscels too depending on the version of you use... i could be wrong that that may be something i added at some point though... honestly cant remember

>> No.2180825
File: 7 KB, 64x75, tessshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I into pixel art

>> No.2180848
File: 383 KB, 650x975, B_xFm64W8AAkrEK.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time i see the ops pic, i can not help but to think of young jeremy clarkson.

>> No.2180859
File: 76 KB, 533x400, totally looks the same.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I manage to draw face i like, but when i try to draw it from other angle it doesn't look like first one at all.

Is there any good technique to draw same face from different angles?

>> No.2180862

photoshop = photomanipulation
painter = painting

people got fucking use to photoshop and stick with it for that reason, it became industry standard and now you are required to use it to do anything professionally. photoshop is HANDS DOWN THE BEST IMAGE MANIPULATION TOOL YOU CAN GET, but it is NOT THE BEST PAINTING TOOL

if you have no interest in art in a professional business setting, than photoshop isnt a program you will ever need to learn though it can help when you finish an image and need to tweak overall settings, as thats what it was made to do, manipulate images.

painter specifically was shit in comparison for a long time, not because it was bad but because of the processing demands it had on computers, even now it probably has some issues with modest modern computers that photoshop for all its bloat may work better on, but painter will be better at art.

*not directed at you but the common responses*

"why are there so many artists who use photoshop instead of *blank* or even when artists demo *blank* they still go back to photoshop"

mother fucker did you not read, "industry standard" these artists make money arting and they work for big business that requires specific uses of psd's. you don't get to make an image, save it, than send it to them and they cant open it and tell them you didn't use the program they use... photoshop won this battle long ago and nothing short of the second coming of jesus in program form will upset that

"why don't people make tutorials/speedpaints/brushes for *blank* if its so good"

for fuck sake do you not know how photoshop became industry standard? people pirated it and learned it when it was light weight and the best art program on the pc, and business adopted it because less to learn, and people picked it up again because "the pros use it" and so on... now it turned into "the pros use it so it has to be the best otherwise it wouldn't be industry standard" and that's just wrong.

>> No.2180874

because they are needy and clingy and want to be the center of the world and not getting immediate responses from the texter upsets.

draw big, down size it, and find out what absolutely needs to be there to represent what you are trying to depict.

may not help but try to draw a comic, something simple, no text just art telling a story... make it a chase scene.

its something productive that you can practice other skills all while also practicing consistency in your art.

if you are very opposed to that, draw a face, center on facing you, than 4 more to the left and right, when you get to them they are looking left and right with varying faces in between that are slightly off, than to the same for up and down and im sure you see where i'm going, than do inbetween ones too. like 2 left 3 up

also, don't draw a face... there is a video on peers from gnomon where a guy draws head anatomy i believe... and he simplifies it to the most basic a face has to look to make your brain go "that's a fuckin face"
draw that face as it will be quicker and you can do this repetitively faster.

>> No.2181298

what does render mean

>> No.2181567
File: 199 KB, 811x811, 2316077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why chromatic abberation is suddenly everywhere in art?
People forgot that drawing are not photos or something?

>> No.2181573


Drawing values, light and shade, color etc. Not the actual composition, proportion, etc. The filling in and details

>> No.2181599

People are looking at way too many pics nowadays thanks to social media, publicity and pretty much any media so it's understandable aesthetics mix through different mediums or at least interact. It has always happened

>> No.2181647
File: 319 KB, 2544x3504, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you gesture a still life with rigid and round surfaces? It's not like the human figure where things are flowy and shit. Is it more just along the lines of proportion and placement rather than movement and flow? Pic related

>> No.2181654

It's trendy, and kr0n draws mostly from photos and tries to replicate that

>> No.2181680

Toaster related question. I heard PS CS6 and more are laggy as fuck due to billion of features you dont know how to use or will never know they exist. Which is the best toaster friendly PS? just CS5?

>> No.2182221
File: 2.39 MB, 1500x1847, Chrono.Trigger.full.1303766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is true that I need to draw from real life every day? Someone said that if I draw only from 2D pictures I will lose the 3D sense forever

pic unrelated

>> No.2182222

nah you won't lose it forever. But yes, you need to draw from life every day if you ever wanna git gud.

>> No.2182228

ok I will try, but I don't have people to pose for me in my house

>> No.2182252

Or putty right? It was helpful, Thank you.

>> No.2182304

draw other stuff, like chairs and plants. Learn to express form and build an illustrative vocabulary. observing from life is one of the most important things.

As far as people, get some social skills and go find some. There's literally 7 billion people, you'll find some that can hold still for 20 minutes. If you have any money and you're in any kind of metropolitan area, you should be able to find a life-drawing session within an hour of you if you google hard enough.

>> No.2182394

I always draw my faces disproportionate, how do i correct this?

>> No.2182419
File: 843 KB, 1200x1300, tumblr_ms6jhwpRJT1qcsc7lo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you get look/texture like this?

>> No.2182420

any good artists on youtube that do good speedpaints or step by steps?

>> No.2182424

What loomis book should I start with?

>> No.2182502


not true

>> No.2182579

Will drawing figures improve my car drawings aswell?

>> No.2182612

Git gud.

>> No.2182974

take a look at 3d when you ask this, look at an un rendered scene and a rendered scene, its the best way to describe what rendering is with visuals to back it up, granted rendering in traditional has a bit of a different meaning but its close enough that it doesn't matter.

the use comes from photography and things it captures, it became used in 3d rendering because it can make something look like it belongs in that scene and not a 3d render the abuse of it happens because people think its a cool effect or they want to hide a lack of detail

in drawing, it is a way to add details without needing to do much of anything thanks to filters.

i personally find its use in 2d to look like absolute shit unless you are trying to do hyper realism or photo realistic.

google gesture still life, i think thats the best you can do... i'm unsure how you would gesture draw it any other way... but i also have a hard time understanding the purpose of a gesture draws still life.

no, they are fucking retarded. >>2182228 no that is also fucking retarded.
drawing from an object right in front of you makes it easier to see form and get a sense of the space, but if you already have that and think in that way, the benefit is more snobbishness or if you do people drawing needing to get details down fast so you learn what's important to get a person on paper quick.

there are teachers that will tell you they can easily tell if you draw from an image and will fail you for it... if you already know what you are doing, no they cant.

depends on if the putty will follow gravity fast, id still recommend balloons/condoms and water over putty just because their form is faster to make and settle down.

construction, force your ass to draw them smaller and never go past the construction phase so you can do repetition faster.

yes and no, it all depends on what you draw, try drawing figures laying down with forshortening

>> No.2182981

Probably not as much as figure drawings would help your mech drawings, but I can't see it being detrimental.

I imagine car stuff requires a greater mastery of perspective as opposed to good anatomy. However, if you mastered anatomy that learning process would probably be transferable to learning car anatomy etc...

>> No.2182982

zoom in, if the texture you are talking about is the dots, thats a noise filter applied after the drawing was done

if you are talking about the left of the feet light green, that was shit applied after he drew it, of if you are talking about the fence post above that, its a mix of him going in later and adding the light green or him going fast and not caring that some still shown through.

over all, i like the way it turned out but i dont like noise filters at all.

what i mean by yes and no is all practice helps you, and if you get good at figures it will help you draw the more subtle details on a car better.

if you want the figure drawn to make you better at cars, try to find beach shots where people take a pic of the feet up or the head down. that would still be a figure drawing but it would force you to use a weirder perspective that would help you with drawing cars more.

>> No.2183168

Is using the black and white adjustment layer in photoshop on a low opacity the same as using dodge/burn?

>> No.2183258
File: 383 KB, 567x426, masterstudy1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never read key to drawing or drawing from the right side of the brain but ive made a lot of progress. would it be worth it to go through them given my skill level? heres a master copy i did a few months ago

>> No.2183291

if you have 7 or under(?) you can download adobe photoshop cs2 free, google it

>> No.2183297
File: 116 KB, 805x1047, degas-scafe concert singer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is motion blur in this drawing? this faggot trying to mimic a camera?

lots of cheap sketchbooks with plain paper, bold pencils(the ones with 2b, 3b on them), sharpener

as for book i hear keys to drawing by bert dodgson is good

>> No.2183307

dont forget about erasers. get a gum, plastic, kneaded and an eraser pen might be a good idea

>> No.2183599

How do I avoid breaking my stupid 3B to 6B pencils, they break when I breathe, I swear. Very hard to sharpen them with a knife also. Is there a difference between these pencils or am I just hulkhand?

>> No.2183609

Is there anything they teach in school that I can't learn on my own?

>> No.2183656

The pencils you're using are in the softer range so you have you probably have to relax a bit when you lay down your strokes to avoid breaking them.

Proko covers how you should sharpen your pencil in this video. If you're not used to it, you'll likely break a few pencils till you get the feel for it.

>> No.2183662

Simply put: No.

>> No.2183666

I find I add too heavy of a line weight too early on. This is unintentional, though. I guess I just have a heavy and relentless hand when I'm drawing... Besides NoFap, is there any remedy for this?

>> No.2183745

pls respond.

>> No.2183800

How to into art?

>> No.2183847

There's a video on a fine motor skill exercise/drill that was most recently posted in a pen/ink thread. It's some asian artist and it's all about circles, ovals, lines, etc. Can someone tell me the artist's name or link the video plox?

AFAIK, no. I can see why you might think that, but dodge/burn changes colors of the original layer based upon the original layer- it also will not just affect saturation but some hue/vibrance stuff. The BW adjustment layer only affects saturation of the final image (leaves original layer alone), and it's based on a layer of black and white gradation (black=100=full saturation, white=0=no saturation. Linear, not curved.)

use newish pencils (so they're still long) and hold them by the very end as you make your early lines. Do this until you can be more gentle naturally.

Not really, but exposure to better and older artists is important. They'll know about techniques and materials you never even knew to look for. They'll also be able to recognize your strengths/intentions and help you to either find/pick your path through art or guide you. School isn't the only place to find this though, you're better off developing competence in the fundamentals, then making friends with a variety of working artists.

probably not. Bridgman or hogarth might be of use, KTD and DFRSOB are below you.

>> No.2183894

If I want to draw "ANIMU" lewds, do I draw using animu refs ( like random pose in doujins ) or do I go with regular females refs and just make it look animu?

Obviously learning real life anatomy though.

>> No.2184263
File: 144 KB, 464x600, por017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about Sheldon Borenstein from NMA? I honestly like him as an artist, but I don't feel that he's a very good teacher. I'm watching his videos on NMA and a lot of the concepts he teaches don't really click with me. Anyone else feel the same way?

>> No.2184359

Does anyone know any good books for fashion illustration?

>> No.2184545

Why are there so many /pol/ idiots on this board

>> No.2184618

you gotta learn how to draw hitler getting fucked by goebbels somewhere

the second, you'll learn more instead of reguritating others stylization

networking. making connections to people in industry and having classmates who work in the same field is basically the point of art school nowadays

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

>> No.2184633

does a bigger canvas improve the line art?

>> No.2185029

>There's a video on a fine motor skill exercise/drill that was most recently posted in a pen/ink thread. It's some asian artist and it's all about circles, ovals, lines, etc. Can someone tell me the artist's name or link the video plox?


>> No.2185450
