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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.48 MB, 1599x2277, muse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2182025 No.2182025 [Reply] [Original]

So what is the problem with /ic/?

We had a thread about making something productif with the art world >>2181967
instead of masturbating eachother pretty digital concept drawings and talking about the same shit over and over and over like anatomy or git gud shit, but the thread was instantely 404'd

Let's do something different for once. Let's have a mature and serious conversation about the idea of a new art movement

>> No.2182031

kill yourself

>> No.2182034
File: 112 KB, 1137x559, z651e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed,but how?

>> No.2182036
File: 75 KB, 777x777, 133234326595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

piss off


>> No.2182041

do you really think this is how new art movements develop?

>> No.2182042
File: 25 KB, 283x403, Ченстоховская_икона_Божией_Матери.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start with religion and unravel from there

neo rapheliete esque christian buddhism
post modern subway sandwhiches
underground hip hop pre raphaelite style
portraits of ants
portraits of famous musicians being massacared
super foods.
taking pictures of food in a mart and painting it
post mart ism
drawing penises
drawing vaginas on the penises
contemporary post modernism
poetry slam inspired sudowoodo art
cancer fires as depicted by orbiting porpoises

>> No.2182046

one and done.
someone call the Museum of Modern Art and tell them we're ready for our retrospective.

>> No.2182055

> I can not Loomis
>therefore I creates "new art movement" where SHITTY standards can be called "art"
> /ic Let me be an artist without knowing how to draw shit, please
lol, get the fuck off, take your pollock RETARDATION outta here please. And don´t come back.

>> No.2182056

>post modern subway sandwiches
I love you so much anon

>> No.2182059

How do you think that art nouveau was created? Also, times have changed and there is no "right way" of developing an art movement apart from comunication between artists and in this case the internet is obviously a great option

>> No.2182068

last two digits equal subject matter of this post


>> No.2182071


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-cooperation_movement is our subject matter

were all drawing ghandi

>> No.2182072

One away from Nazism, fuck

>> No.2182073

and last two digits of this post decide the style


>> No.2182078

art movements are created when several (or many) working artists are responding to the zeitgeist or current state of the art world. this tends to happen naturally- the artist often spent their youth working in other styles that lead to the development of the new movement, art movements don't just spring out of nothingness.

Art Nouveau developed in different places around the same time, and each regional center for the movement had its own name and look. It has roots in the Arts and crafts movement, japanese prints (the influence of which created a style known as japonisme in Europe) as well as the work of several individual artists. It was also related to the nascent Symbolist and Pre-Raphaelite movements.

Or did you think three anons were sitting in a Parisian coffee shop when one pulled out a notepad and said: "HEY GUYZ LETS MAKE A NEW ART MOVEMENT!"

>> No.2182080


last two of this post decides what we will listen to while we make the art


>> No.2182082
File: 691 KB, 1574x2116, old man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the problem with /ic/. Only Loomis wannabes with no actual knowledge in art history and who are only concerned with drawing pretty stuff instead of being creative.

Drawing realistic shit does not mean that you are a good artist. I draw this but still prefer doing something different.

>> No.2182084



is the style

>> No.2182087

what if the zeitgeist demands this kind of attitude?

>> No.2182089

that's part of the problem with /ic/. another problem with /ic/ is faggots like you who pretend to know art history and think they can artificially grow an entire fucking movement on 4chan because you're a creative little snowflake.

>> No.2182093




Blackened death metal – a fusion between death and black metal

Die Brücke is sometimes compared to the Fauves. Both movements shared interests in primitivist art. Both shared an interest in the expressing of extreme emotion through high-keyed color that was very often non-naturalistic. Both movements employed a drawing technique that was crude, and both groups shared an antipathy to complete abstraction. The Die Brücke artists' emotionally agitated paintings of city streets and sexually charged events transpiring in country settings make their French counterparts, the Fauves, seem tame by comparison

Naturism, or nudism, is a cultural and political movement practicing, advocating and defending social nudity, most but not all of which takes place on private property. The term may also refer to a lifestyle based on personal, family and/or social nudism.


>> No.2182095


Everytime someone says this at the end of their sentence I picture a fat chick with pink hair typing away at the keyboard, sawing her teeth in anger. Please stop saying it, I know you're the only one here who uses that word actively.

>> No.2182098

what kind of attitude?

art movements are often only realized in retrospect. artist do their own thing then organize when they realize that their work communicates with the work of other artists, then they decide to form a group and do shows together. If that shit takes off and they strike upon a style or philosophy that other artists begin to adopt, you can call it a movement.

you're appealing to a board on 4chan to help you "create" an art movement with stylistic or philosophical basis, based on nothing other than the desire to make the next big thing.

>> No.2182100


>> No.2182101

Bitch you do as I say.

>> No.2182104


>> No.2182105

the attitude of creating a moviment first and then include our work in it after, but , in a way, i think /ic/ is like one of those place where , for example, the impressionists gathered.

>> No.2182106

Ok you're right to some extend, but why the idea of making a new art movement this way is so ridicule? It might seem as unrealistic and naive to think that this could work, but the thing is that times change and we didn't have the internet before. Now we can discuss about art and comunicate with other artists in a whole new way. there will be no regional center because, thanks to the internet, you can have a discussion with someone who's on the other side of the earth, instantely!
I think it is worth a try. It is the only way to know for sure if it is possible or just another stupid idea.

>> No.2182111
File: 44 KB, 200x300, 0018-0309-1708-1125_violent_people_photo_photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2182112


>> No.2182114

how do you create an art movement without art? when in the history of art has this happened?

>> No.2182116


>> No.2182117

every revolution brings something that had never happens, of course it also get something from past events.

>> No.2182119


>> No.2182122

>why the idea of making a new art movement this way is so ridicule?
because you need to focus on your own work and not starting a club. when you mature as an artist and develop your own style, you'll begin to find other artists with a similar outlook or aesthetic, and then you begin to communicate with them, sharing ideas and organizing shows.

that's how these things develop- naturally, from a group of artist who share common ideas and approaches. you're trying to create an art movement ex nihilo, with no foundation.

do what you want, just letting you know that no movement is going to come into being because of this thread, and your time is better spent discovering your own personal voice.

>> No.2182129

tasteless and talentless faggots tried to do that with modernism (picasso, pollock, warhol), they fail at the end, today that "movement" became an stain in art history that is getting erased and forgotten little by little. They managed to fool a lot of retards and laundry billions of dirty money during the 70/80´s tho...

>> No.2182130

Oh? Is that what this is:

Let me know how that works out.

>> No.2182133

modern art is an era, not a movement, you unbelievably dense motherfucker. pollock was part of the abstract expressionist movement, warhol was part of the pop art movement, and picasso spanned several different movements, including surrealism and cubism (which he helped create).

>> No.2182135
File: 175 KB, 620x413, gd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2182137

those artists all had the art before they had the movement. and they were inspired by art that came before them. take abstract expressionism- pollock was influenced by native american sand paintings, and the group as a whole was influenced by the styles of european art that were arriving in america as artists fled europe. it also relied on the lyrical abstraction that preceded it (kandinsky, gorky, etc.) due to all these influences, we get artists who begin creating work in a similar vein, then we get the abex movement.

>> No.2182142

But what if we can find our own personal voice by doing it this way? Also, the people on this thread are too focussed in the idea of making a new art movement on 4chan intead of talking about their philosophy and what changes they think that the art world needs.

So let's start by explaining what we like and dislike about contemporary art and why, so that we can find things we have in common and discuss our disagreements.

>> No.2182143


an /ic/ manifesto!

what we hate:
what we like:
what we advocate:
what we want on our subway sandwhiches

>> No.2182146

If this were 100 years ago /ic/ would've been a vanguard

>> No.2182150
File: 40 KB, 600x700, behold New art movement RETART pay me millions naw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut it if you don´t know what the fuck are you talking about. Those three fuckers are all part of that "era of art" called "modernism", or "modern art", where talent, hard work, knowledge, and superior technical execution were left behind in favour of this art SHITTERS. "cubism", "surrealism", "pop art", all stupid definitions for retarded faggots to define the same SHIT: "SHIT".

Look I did a materpiece in 58 seconds on pic related, do you like it? There you have a new art movement, adore me you fool, can´t you recognize art when you see it? Look I draw a perfectly beautiful redheaded with a juxtaposition of sensations on her portrayal, I´m trying to express her fears and dreams, and her intelectual capabilities in the geometrical figures above her head . Do you like my art???
PIECES OF SHIT LIKE warhol, picasso, and pollock SHOULD ROT IN HELL! FOREVER!


>> No.2182165
File: 1.99 MB, 1654x2185, Fine art is bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like it aesthetically

>> No.2182168



/mu/ as some example got the painting genre called tonefield and converted to a music one.
The result is the genre tonefield
One label with this kind of music

In the end the sub-genre works is basically like this:
1- The song start with a silent part with 1 second (or more) or with a tone with 1 second or more (tone must have same waveform, frequency and amplitide during its entire lenght)
2-Song ends (if there is only silence parts until now, the song must continue) or continue with with a new silent part with 1 second (or more) or with new a tone a tone with 1 second or more (tone must have same waveform, frequency and amplitide during its entire lenght)
3-Go back to 2.

>> No.2182170

You are nobody. You do not get to decide what others like or are affected by. Neither do I, or anyone. You care too much, way too much about the opinions of others. Get some fresh air.

>> No.2182175

Another idea is to mess around with genres.

Like getting ALL the characteristics of a existing painting genre and revert it, making something with those characteristics and see what you get

>> No.2182176
File: 367 KB, 1772x2398, the-human-condition-1935(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been doing work inspired by magritte's paintings. magritte i discovered after doing paintings like this, but nonetheless are the best way of describing them.

I paint from memory by putting a canvas up on the easel in front of what I'm about to paint so that it blocks out the image behind it. I then paint what I think goes there from my memory.

>> No.2182178
File: 722 KB, 702x1000, june-14-2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can call it "Magrittism" or "Memorism" or "Gameism" since it's kind of based on Magritte, memories, and video games.

here's an example of one I did.

>> No.2182181

Do you have examples of your work?

>> No.2182186

Oh ok, that's actually interesting

>> No.2182187
File: 991 KB, 1260x829, Beach-Fairfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is one of them

this is another

it's very difficult so I don't do it often, but it's usually where I put in the most effort and try to apply what I've learned.

It's hard to know when to go abstract and when to go realistic so you kind of have to be able to do both.

>> No.2182189
File: 732 KB, 1280x1768, dorotheatan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let the butthurt flow through you

>> No.2182191

brian go home, you're drunk
we can call it "second-rate van gogh-ism"

>> No.2182194

What genre we should pick?

>> No.2182200

*wakes up in alleyway*
*/ic/ was all a dream*
*I'm 63*

>> No.2182206

oh boy here we go

>> No.2182208

I'm willing to bet that /ic/ will be on the front lines against 90% of new art movements unless it's a revival movement for classical realism.

>> No.2182211


>> No.2182231

come on give it a try at least once. what's one canvas gonna matter.

yeah give it a shot!

>> No.2182233

still pushing your revolutionary ideas?
don't you get tired of proselytizing?

>> No.2182247

I think that we should figure out what’s bad about the current art world and replace it with a new vision of what our generation is about. The people who have those discussions about what our generation is about are the people who will start the future of art. /ic/ can be part of that.

I think we should find out what’s wrong with the current conceptual contemporary art movement and rebel against that. In the same way, I think we should find what’s wrong with the traditional art tropes i.e. academic realism, concept art, etc. and rebel against those.

We need to stop trying to enforce tradition on other anons. For those who are conceptual, don’t enforce conceptualism. For those who are realists don’t enforce your realism. In fact I think we need to quit with this bickering between those two groups. Classical and modernism aren’t a dichotomy. You can appreciate elements of both, having an argument for one or the other is really trivial.

I think that we should accept things that are relevant and new but haven’t yet been adopted by the larger art world. I think we should accept digital processes, fan art, internet culture, or anything else that is relevant to our generation.

>> No.2182249

>still pushing your revolutionary ideas?
>don't you get tired of proselytizing?

why not try it

>> No.2182255

4chan is the cultural hub of the internet, maybe even the cultural hub of the millennials. Why not make art that fits into that narrative.

>> No.2182264


100% this. If your plan to "create" a new art movement is some sort of forum and discussion your "movement" is destined to be trite bullshit not worth mentioning or noticing.

The sheer narcissism of this idea is appalling and exactly what's wrong with this generation.

But carry on, since I do so enjoy performance art.

>> No.2182265

because I, and everyone else on this board, has their own personal vision, style, and themes that interest them. why not just follow your own goals instead of pushing them on others like it's some fresh vision that everyone needs to follow your lead on?

>> No.2182267

because not everyone paints like me, and i don't do it particularly well, and i'd like to see that kind of painting done in everyones different styles and done better than I can even dream of doing it.

>> No.2182269

and I'd like to see everyone's take on my ideas, and the next anon would love for everybody to investigating themes that are of personal interest to them.

but I realize how egotistical it would be to constantly preach my ideas to others and tell them they need to make what I want them to make, so I don't go around preaching on /ic/.

>> No.2182274


Brian I wish you could realize that you're ideas are not visionary. They are so plain. Quite trying to force them on us, no one gives a shit. Honestly just stop already.

>> No.2182275

>not everyone paints like me
>i'd like to see that kind of painting done in everyone's different styles
>I want to create an art style so people will conform to my ideas and create things that I myself am too cowardly to create through my own hard work and practice


>> No.2182276

someone needs to be the board troll now that illastrat is gone.

>> No.2182279


Not a troll man. Just annoyed

>> No.2182288


You making me tired of this board because it's literally every thread. I have art but I don't throw it in ever ones face. If these are the types of people here maybe I'm better of leaving

>> No.2182293

I'm not Brian, do you really think he'd self-identify as a troll? The guy thinks he's a prophet.
I wasn't calling you a troll, I was referring to the guy you (were attempting) to respond to.

>> No.2182298


Oh sorry man. That's pretty obvious looking at it now.

>> No.2182300


>> No.2182318

this shit is nothing new, you think artist haven't been "rebelling against" conceptual art and academic realism for years now? contemporary artists have been seeking new ground as well as bridging the two for several decades. digital approaches and new media is also doing just fine outside of /ic/, they teach it at art school and it exists in galleries. that leaves what, internet culture?

go ahead and start the me-me movement if you think that's what's going to revolutionize the art world.

>> No.2182337

so you're basically suggesting that people paint your ideas, i.e. work for free.
you want to see it? do it yourself or hire someone to do it. that's how logical people would go about doing it.
or >>>/r/

you're way too high on the smell of your own farts man. it fucking stinks.

>> No.2182361

there's nothing wrong with encouraging your peers and being excited about what they can make.

i know you guys think it's "I've gotta be god tier and the only good artist in the world" but in the real world artists are supportive of each other and have a vested interest in other people's artwork.

>> No.2182379


I'm talking about the dynamics of this board. Did I ever say that I was trying to be revolutionary? The discussion is about how to make /ic/ productive. I'm not talking about my own personal concepts or vision here. I'm talking about things I see that hold us back from being a forward thinking community.

>> No.2182384


This guys actually got a good point

>> No.2182390


Every time you post your work in an ongoing thread it's makes it seem like you're trying to make a sell and show that your's is the great shit. I think the better approach is for people to post their fresh work for critique in its own thread that way it doesn't get thrown in peoples faces. And it doesn't throw off the discussion.

>> No.2182392

encouraging your peers would be listening to their ideas and brainstorming to help them develop their own personal narratives.

brian is "encouraging" people to realize his own vision. that's not "being excited about what they can make", that's being excited about your own concepts, and it reeks of ego.

is that right? and I guess that's all you were doing in this thread too right?:

you barge into threads and draw all attention to yourself, explaining to people how they SHOULD be investigating your concepts and trying your methods, instead of following their own ideas.

>> No.2182398

I can literally smell the self importance of this post. You are seriously coming off as just of big of an asshat by forcing your arbitrary views on art just as much as everyone that you think does the same to you.

>> No.2182400


Assuming you are brian
In light of what youve done and said throughout this thread, your post is hypocritical. You are not interested in others' work , you are interested in transforming them to fit your vision. Do you see the difference? You arenot encouraging others, you are annoying them after theyve clearly communicated to you that they are sick of your shit. Take some social cues. It doesnt matter what pretty words you say if your actions contradict them. Dont try to redeem yourself that way. You already fucked up.

>> No.2182407

hey come on guys it wasn't THAT bad of a thread.
at least better than what we usually come up with.

>> No.2182412


Eh maybe you've got a point to some degree. Maybe I was bringing a little bit of my personal vision into it with
>I think we should accept digital processes, fan art, internet culture, or anything else that is relevant to our generation

But as for the other three fourths of the post those are real problems that are super annoying on this board.

> you barge into threads and draw all attention to yourself, explaining to people how they SHOULD be investigating your concepts and trying your methods instead of following their own ideas.

It's not about wanting other people to conform, it's about trying to find other people who I share common ground with. I'm looking for people who are ALREADY thinking along some of the lines I am. You can't change anyone and why would you want to. Why do you think I came to 4chan to talk about art? I mean look at my work, it's basically tailor made for the culture here. I figured that I might find some other artists in the same frame of mind.

>> No.2182415

>better than what we usually come up with
absolutely nothing productive has come form this thread. it was doomed from the original post.

>> No.2182422

>I mean look at my work, it's basically tailor made for the culture here

nigga what are you smoking?

>> No.2182426

>It's not about wanting other people to conform, it's about trying to find other people who I share common ground with.

since you have the memory of a goldfish, let's hear what you had to say in this thread:

>This is just a poor use of time. What I've described is what you should've discovered on your own about the relationships between art, memory, and video games/tv/computers but honestly I'm getting tired of waiting for people to figure this shit out for themselves.
anon responds: I don't want to do that. You say:
>you aren't grasping what I'm describing.
>Don't be so proud. You don't have to reinvent the wheel, I'm giving you a wheel for free.

You're a giant douche and no amount of back-peddling will change that.

>> No.2182428

>I mean look at my work, it's basically tailor made for the culture here.
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.2182429


omg we need fucking usernames this is getting cray

>> No.2182430


How is making a thread forcing? ignore it and that's all. Don't be such a faggot

>> No.2182432

Do you think I'm Brian?

>> No.2182433

guys it's obvious. this board LOVES try-hard "muh style" paintings that shamelessly emulate van gogh.

apparently that's the spirit of our times, and brian has been gracious enough to share his ground-breaking work with us.

>> No.2182437

fuck it I'm just going to start adding to the choas for the lulz

>> No.2182439

Nonono you guys. Tou're confusing ryan johnson's words with brian's.

Ryan Johnson is the one who said his work is tailor made blah blah

>> No.2182441

who the fuck is ryan johnson and when did he sneak into the conversation?

>> No.2182443

You've been in many threads spouting the same shit

>> No.2182446

Ryan Johnson is the OP of this thread

He's been in this thread for a while

>> No.2182447

I see what happened now. I think it's interesting. First time I've seen how fucked things can get with complete anon

>> No.2182449


Noooo I'm definitely not. I have no interest in a movement.

>> No.2182454

You did this same thread like a couple of months ago and got told why it was fucking shit then. Pull your head out of your ass, it was a terrible thread a few months ago and it's a terrible thread now.

Mods please delete this, I mean holy shit.

>> No.2182459

Yes, and all the other anons have been in other threads too and spouting their own shit too. That's the idea of a board, to say what you think and too hear others opinion if they want to share them with you

>> No.2182460

Oh fuck. I'm sorry i don't know anything anymore. So it wasn't Ryan who said the tailor-made stuff? It's brian again? Wtf?

>> No.2182465

just stop

>> No.2182466

DA FUCK my name is not ryan johnson

Don't post shit if your high dude

>> No.2182467
File: 102 KB, 700x535, 1438294579651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey who wants to help me self destruct this thread?

>> No.2182469

this thread has been self-destructing since it began

>> No.2182470

>a few months ago

I'm a newfag dude

>> No.2182474


>> No.2182475

well newfag, now you know that we've had this retarded thread before, and it was just as misguided and disastrous.

>> No.2182477

I'll probably make something similar to this in the future soo

>> No.2182479
File: 1.47 MB, 500x300, 6cc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

memories, and video games.
Do you have examples of your work?
better than what we usually come up with
this is getting cray
Nonono you guys
last two of this post decides
two digits

>> No.2182481

>ctrl+f pixel art
>0 results

holy shit I can't believe that you guys are so thick

>> No.2182486

No man, i meant that Ryan Johnson is the OP of the thread I linked. Not this one.
Who are you? You post your work here? Are you the one who said your work is tailor made for 4chan?

>> No.2182489


memories, and video games tho man

>> No.2182490

Oh okk, yes i post my work here sometimes, (the pic of this thread for example), but i'm not the anon who said that

>> No.2182496

Aight sorry for confusion.
So it was brian. Should have thought about it a bit more, hes the only one who'd be deluded enough to say that.
Im just gonna assume he's a lobotomy patient now.

>> No.2182498

pixel art already reads as outdated, it's tied more to 90s era gaming than present-day stuff. that's why at least half the indie games with pixel art shoot for the nostalgia factor.

is this a meme or do you really think that videogame nostalgia is the impetus behind the next great art movement?

>> No.2182518


It's the official Brian meme

>can call it "Magrittism" or "Memorism" or "Gameism" since it's kind of based on Magritte, memories, and video games.

>> No.2182527
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can call it "Magrittism" or "Memorism" or "Gameism"

>> No.2182584

Raw Black Metal

>> No.2182719

i think brian has a point, something about old video games makes our experience of the world different from the artists from the past

>> No.2182740

Any ground breaking "new" movement starts always as a direct confrontation to established mainstream cultural elements in that particular time period.

So wich are those established mainstream cultural elements in our society TODAY? Well, that´s easy to list: Hollywood´s domination trough capeshit genre, military corporation propaganda along with the ultra post capitalist new world order. (Something like what Oliver Stone portrayed in "Wall Street" in the 80´s, but much much worse today). Those three elements set the tone in todays western society trough mass media.
Make an opposition statement to that established cultural order is the first step to cause a "cultural stir" around your artistic proposal. But you will catch lots of fire and shit for doing that. Society will insult you to propose something different to capeshit retardation, or something opposed to gun and human massacre porn, or anything that goes against the culture of the 1% who fucks the other 99%.

Making an artistic and cultural statement to cut through the stablished landscape it´s not easy, or gratuitous, you will pay the price, but if your artistic message is true and honest you´ll be rewarded by history eventually.

>> No.2182746

recipe for creating try-hard underclassman political art

>> No.2182774

Nah, I didn´t made the fuck up world of today, neither Picasso in the 30´s, nor Creedence Clearwater Revival in the 70´s.
Any ground breaking art is political because art expresses human behaviour, and human relates trough each other trough politics, wich is a comunication language to work as a comunity and solve mass scale situations.

Every new "movement" originated from something that needed to be said in any given moment of humanity. Like Picasso´s breaking point, which was his "Guernica" depiction of the first populated city being air bombed by the nazis. Nirvana and the grunge movement originated as a protest message to the 90´s towards the mainstream culture machinery that destroyed everything creative. The protest songs from the 60's and 70´s started by Dylan, Crosby, Still and Nash, etc, were also all bursts of rebelion against something that was happening in those years.

The renaissance cultural revolution worked in the same way bringing back the naturalism and science from the ancient world to the ultra conservative catholic regime of the dark ages. Same happened with the french revolution.

Today the world has it´s own particular issues and problems, known by everyone out there.
And in the future people will face new problems and challenges as well.

So here we are at present day, present time waiting for the next political cultural revolution to open new doors and paths, who will be the next John Lennon?, the next Bob Dylan?, The next William Turner?, The next Michelangelo (a gay artist sculpting naked nastiness in the Vatican during the middle ages), the next Martin Luther King?... The world will be always awaiting for people to say or do something to stir the waters around. Otherwise, nothing happens, and that´s just unnatural.

>> No.2182784
File: 189 KB, 1024x1024, dssdsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deconstruction reconstruction

dissolution solution

everybody get stoned and watch the matrix then report back with ideas

protip: fusing all the styles together doesnt work and de stijl can suck it

>> No.2182812

This 100%

>> No.2182912


Usually when I see politics in art it ends up looking impersonal and non-authentic. It usually looks cheesy basically. In the case of Bob Dylan and crosby still & nash, that whole generations identity revolved around an anti Vietnam war stance. The baby boomers are the exception to the rule because in that case artists were summing up the attitude of their whole generation with political art. As for those other movements being about politics, you're definitely rewriting history. Guernica was made in 1937, Picasso and Braque started cubism in 1907 and its subject matter had nothing to do with politics. I don't know of a single important art movement in the 20th century that was fundamentally about politics. They comment on society and what people are personally going through, politics usually doesn't lend itself to painting and sculpture the same was it does to writing and lyrics. The writings, film, and music of the 60s is really the only thing your idea applies to, the main push of the visual art movement in the 60s wasn't political. idk, it's not my taste. I don't think our generations identity is a political one.

>> No.2182918


The cultural revolution is already happening, were not waiting for anything, it doesn't take some person to make it happen. It's takes a shift and then people react and certain ones happen to get famous, nothing special.

>> No.2182927

Yeah, all I can think of when I hear politics and art are grotesque cartoons. Politics don't often show up in /ic/ anyways. But I feel like most people here have some opinion on current art styles.

>> No.2182929



>> No.2182952

Everything can relate to politics specially artistic expression. Everything I wrote about are facts and old known history, you don´t even need to argument about it. Instead I can keep throwing examples, you talk about 20th century? (20th century) this era we´re living in it´s the most political driven age EVER. What do you think the film industry is? It´s a cultural battle ground. What do you think Rambo, Rocky, Captain america, Chuck Norris, cowboys movies, war movies, are? Massive Cultural archetypes like 007 in the 50's, Rambo in the 80´s are political messages, reactions against the Communist Russia in that time. Much of the artistic creations of 20th century relates to reactions against the nazism too, expressions that still echoes to these day, like the Guernica wich I mentioned, tons of films, and literature.

Most of the art movements in recent decades originated with political messages, Rap, Grunge, protest songs in the 60´s, and 70´s, in the 30´s and 40´s films in America protested against social injustice like "The Grapes of Wrath", "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington", "Paths of glory", "Spartacus", and tons of films. I can´t even begin to list every artistic or cultural movement of the 20th centrury related to politics. Hell, right now, in films theres a reinassance of the cold era genre because of Russia´s recovery. Everything is related to politics when human expresses culturally.

To call attention, something established must be put on the spotlight and questioned. No one cares if you question how fat Beyonce is, no one will follow your cause because you question how crazy Lady Gaga is. Important movements are created when important things are questioned. And that always leads to politics. Say something about blacks getting killed, 50years ago Luther King got shot, and today I dare you to build a movement about that same problem. Yeah, I know right? As I said messing around with important things usually makes the earth tremble

>> No.2182963


I guess we can just agree to disagree then. Everyone has their own narrative to justify their work. Also if your talking about black civil right, I hope you're black. Because if you're white kill yourself.

>> No.2182965
File: 305 KB, 625x495, BLACKLIVESMATTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all hail the next great movement in art

>> No.2182999

Hey man, I don´t even live in the States, but as I said there´s TONS of fucked up situations to shake things up if you want to. Talkin politics is always "uncomfortable" in these recent years, and I think that´s why cultural and artistic movements ceased to sprout in western societies. Stuff like The gay movement from the 80´s with the Romantic New Wave from UK with guys on make up and fag hair, Marlon Brando sending an Indian girl to protest at the Oscar Awards ceremony, Lennon protesting against vietnam naked in a bedroom full of reporters, Woodstock, Pink floyd doing world Tours in protest to the German Wall... It´s all over today, because no one want to mess around with all that shit, "movements" stoped... But it is still there, fucked up stuff is there all around us and politic expression too. Anyone can make waves if he wants too.

Did I said blacks? What about the global warming bullshit? You guys know that´s bullshit right? One fucking volcano going nuts in one week can throw more shit to the atmosphere that all the industries in the planet in a year. Global warming because of polution is BULLSHIT. Make an statement around that and ignorant faggots will jump all over you. But that´s a niche situation anyways.
It´s always more effective to mess around with global politics and economy to heat things up more vigorously. See, in america dead blacks means nothing, but if you talk about how fucked up economy is and how fucked up the system is, then everyone start to throw fists around.

If you want to create a "movement" you must reach for things society cares about, and that´s called politics. Sooner or later someone will do it anyways. Like that bitch lady gaga who made a circle jerk of faggots around the world screamin out loud how proud to be gay, free and speshial they were. That was a movement, a shitty movement, but it is a good example of how political statements can shake shit up and put wheels to roll

>> No.2183008

you must have created many movements, you speak with such conviction

but tell me more about the global warming hoax.

>> No.2183009


>> No.2183010


"See, in america dead blacks means nothing"

Fuck off man, I live in the states. When I see someone dead on the news I don't give two fucks it doesn't matter if their white or black. People die all the time, no one cares unless they know them personally. That's the truth.

>If you want to create a "movement" you must reach for things society cares about, and that´s called politics

People really don't like talking about politics that much. It gives everyone a migraine. I usually advocate finding what's great about our generation and celebrating it but I'm a minority, most people I talk to are like you and want to constantly remind everyone that society and the world today is utter shit and their just the innocent minority.

Woodstock was a celebration of a culture much more than it was a political rally. It was a celebration, it wasn't a bunch of butthurts complaining together.

>> No.2183011
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all good until
>climate change is bullshit

>> No.2183013

Hey man CCR is prime.

I'll fucking cut you

>> No.2183014

CCR is overrated. I always preferred The Band.

>> No.2183017

my nigga

CCR is the shit though.

>> No.2183020

I´m 34, so still remember the 80´s. I was a little boy when Pink Floyd did the "The Wall" world tour and it was awesome. The movie was on TV all the time and the whole show too, it was some shocking shit. And I didn´t knew shit about the wall in Germany, I learned about that because of the fucking Pink floyd world tour. Also the movies about the cold war were awesome and that shit was happening back then. That was cool. Lot´s of shit happened, so I talk about that shit with conviction. I remember the first LiveAid, Bowie was awesome and Cindy Lauper, I was shocked, it was some quality shit, and those dumbasses did that because of "poor african starving babies" they didn´t saved no one but the concert was fucking incredible.

Today none of that shit happens anymore. Man everything it´s so fucking dead. I can tell the difference because I went through the 80´s, 90´s, 00´s, and now it´s all over. "Movements" are over, because no one wants the talk about anything anymore. I think the "Greenpeace" crap is one of the last "movements" around. I remember in the 80´s some cool songs inspired by the Greenpeace movement. Today we all know it´s a corporate branch of the same industries wich they supposed to "fight". Everything became a joke, it´s so boring.

About the global warming hoax there´s tons of info around. But it´s kinda boring to look through it. I prefer to read about economy, that´s a hot topic today I must admit. Check that french guy Picketty book.

>> No.2183023

Dude, I wrote the exact same stuff. 1-People don´t care about them, and 2- people don´t like to talk about politics nowadays. That exact same shit man. What are you on about? Calm down.

And Politics don´t have a particular goal or meaning, you can talk politics about any fucking shit, and advocate about any other fucking shit too.
"Politics" (from Greek: πολιτιkός politikos, definition "of, for, or relating to citizens")
Dude talking about politics is normal and common to any civilized and advanced society. We are not animals man. Peace.

>> No.2183024


Shit is definitely happening. Life's changing much more rapidly than it was in the 80 and 90's, there's no question. You think shits over because your generations prime already happened and now you can't relate to the people 10 years younger than you.

Were going through one of the biggest cultural shifts since the renaissance. For sure the most dramatic change since ww2. The internet is creating a new world culture and the millennials are a generation of international cultural immigrants.

If you grew up from 1965-1995 you missed out on the big show, sorry man. Visual art fucking sucked in that time period also.

>> No.2183031

>20 something that has never faced any sort of adversity and has never gone hungry in his life knows about how things really are

>> No.2183034


Not sure how that's relevant

>> No.2183044

omg 34 so wise. tell me stories about the good old days and what you've learned in your long years on this earth.

>> No.2183048

I hope I'm not out of date when I'm 34 but I don't know if I have a choice. Ugh

>> No.2183062

I think you don´t understand what we are talking about here dude...
I´m the first to realize that we are living in the most ground breaking cultural revolution in human history, because I can fucking tell
Dude, I saw this happening, getting build, I don´t know how old are you, (don´t tell) but I think the younger ones around are the ones who missed the most amazing miracle ever wich was to witness this being created.
Dude, When I was a kid 25 years ago we lived in the fucking jurassic world.. can you fucking imagine witnessing all this happening around you? Course you don´t.

Global movements, are over. It´s hard to explain something like this to you but, In example, lets take music in the 80's.. In those years you had global musical movements being created like Iron Maiden, Duran Duran, A-ha, The Cure, Talking Heads, I dunno man shit tons! all mixed with classic groups on their prime, Lennon and his Double Fantasy songs (he died in 1980), Queen, Bowie, Chicago, Yes, Deep Purple Black Sabath, Man I can even... ALL THOSE PEOPLE AT THE SAME TIME!!! Bowie and the cure creates the gothic movement, Maiden creates the hair metal. Talk Talk had some awesome art, like the Yes covers, those were great. Also all that shit started Mtv wich was fucking great in the 80´s and early 90´s. Everything was about political shit, The wall, the communism, the mass produced shit, Depeche mode and People are people. Sinnead o'connor tearing apart a bible and isulting the pope. Madonna having sex with a black jesus and shit. Man everything was fuck up. Drugs galore... Today everything is concealed in this screen. 4chan is edgy, sure, but I can be a fucking gentleman on the bus while posting freaking shit here. It´s not the same. Something irl got broken.
Internet it´s the most revolutionary education tool ever created. But we are in a transition time. Maybe you think this is everything there is, but dude you don´t even know. Im still have my 1.5 MB diskettes around..

>> No.2183068


way more than education man

>> No.2183078
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The Past doesn't matter as much as is emphasized. Fucking learn what you can and breathe. That future shit isn't here yet, watch the projections.

But right now there is some interesting shit. Just notice it and tune to it. Watch the news lightly, follow outrage, notice slight movements and react. Fucking tune to it.


CCR is fucking dead, I'm trying to see the rain but it fell 20 years ago and is fading. But there is snow on the horizon.

>> No.2183079

>Iron Maiden, Duran Duran, A-ha, The Cure, Talking Heads, I dunno man shit tons! all mixed with classic groups on their prime, Lennon and his Double Fantasy songs (he died in 1980), Queen, Bowie, Chicago, Yes, Deep Purple Black Sabath

That's dumb. Rocks dead so of course nothing like that is happening. Now if were talking about hip hop that's a different story.

>> No.2183107

Read with a grain of salt, I need to go to sleep and may ramble

>Something irl got broken.
Thanks to the internet, everybody's on a stage now.

People have always been selfish but it's much more in your face and acceptable now. Everyone has something to say. There is no filter. There is less refinement and exploration of ideas because everything is so quickly done and over with. Short attention spans.

If something is socially unacceptable, it has little value even if it is the thing that rings truest to you. True individuality is harder to find, and nothing much encourages one to search deeply in oneself. (this is why fanart is so popular, because it connects people automatically regardless of quality)

People are made fun of for diverging from accepted norms. Exclusivity is not a "good" thing on the internet, it's all about being as accessible as possible to the greatest number of people. That means quality and sincerity of creative output goes down because it has to make everyone happy, and that's harmless, mindless stuff.

The artists you listed are not that. They were actually quite "edgy". That wouldn't fly today as you know. Who are the cultural giants now? the kardashians, etc. The very nature of what people admire is different. Something that blows your mind is actually not "cool" anymore. It's more about something "safe" that you already know people will like. I think this is why on /ic/ for example we get absurd questions like "How do I copy this artist's style?" Like WUT? Why would you want to doom yourself even before you begin?

Everything today on the internet is about social acceptance. Who is actually truly WEIRD these days? Please educate me.

>> No.2183110

God your so out of touch it hurts man. Go to sleep. Also don't come back, you don't belong here at all. Yuck

>> No.2183127
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Those who realize the technology is affecting them and decide to opt out. When you look around and see the young person reading a book, unpacking an easel, throwing a Frisbee, CONVERSING WHOLEHEARTEDLY WITH ANOTHER HUMAN, the ones who threw their TVs from the buildings claiming brainwashing.

They are the unique, the exception, the individual in a world of mass distraction.

At the turn of the century many realized the erosion of this intimacy with the sheer volume of information. The erosion grew worse with the TV, infinatley worse with Internet prevalence Internet.

Blast this mass distracted society
Blast the iPhone
Blast the intercontinental Jones
Blast the social networked ego
Blast the infinite curiosity of the human mind
Blast the Barcodes of consummerism

Bless the cellular dead zones
Bless this easel
Bless those involved in immediate presence
Bless not knowing
Bless aggresive ignorance
Bless this archaic art
Bless these tired hands

>> No.2183130

Nah man Hip hop is weak as fuck. But let me talk about this for a sec, music that I´ve been following trough the years, all kind of shit, pop, opera, metal, hard rock, hip hop, sinfonic, house, trance, rap, whatever, those groups are getting harder and harder to keep trace of. Magazines die, radio shows dies, radio itself as a medium to listen music dies, the mainstream platform medium that arranged those music movements is dissapearing, and those groups dissapear as well. You can´t keep track of everything.
So any "movement" any "experience" is harder and harder to build and to comunicate. Traditional media was like "hardware" longstanding and perpetual, actual media is like "vaporware" relative, ephemeral, it´s too fucking hard to build a "movement" in a platform that evolves in such a fast rate like the internet. As I said we´re in a transition moment, this platform gets obsolete periodically.. How to build a "movement" in such a medium? There´s no medium yet, no solid ground to develop revolutionary ideas to reach everyone like you would like to.

>> No.2183131

>>2183068 I know dude. Also it´s happening something very freaky and strange, most music today sucks, so lots of people go back to the past to seek for stuff. I do this and I find lots of shit that I didn´t managed to get in the past. 80's songs or videos that I didn´t heard or saw, so right there we´re breaking a new frontier. We´re actually making jumps in time going back and nitpicking stuff form the past and going back to the present. In this platform time and resources are relative, like in that Einstein theory. And this shit is still in the first steps of creation. And I feel kinda sorry for the young people who born with this internet era, because there´s something that ain´t coming back to be as it was before. The movement creation and sharing IRL won´t come back for the time being. We will be staring at these screens for a while now waitin for something. In the meanwhile the supergroups era, the classic film golden age, the art and style movements will have to wait till things settle down. Now the music record publishers are dead, along with all that creativity wich gets no investment. Who will pay the new Lennons and Keith Richards? The internet sure, but not yet, the new copyright law will fuck that up for everyone. So there´s a long road to walk yet. This are boring times indeed. Since 2005 when internet became mostly what it is now I feel like waiting infront of the screen and trapped. I´m glad that I could live the pre internet era when cool stuff happened and was created every day. Now reality feels like rebooting time in a slow as fuck machine. 20 years ago a new Guns'nRoses song on the radio started a movement with a video and a world tour... Today that was replaced with some new rare pepe... ... Oh shit...

>> No.2183133


Hey good luck to you man. Have fun getting left behind and hating your own generation. Go live with the Amish.

>> No.2183134

Don't expect to find new music in genres that are 30 years + past their prime. Your goofy.

> There´s no medium yet

digital. I thought that was obvious

>> No.2183136

Your'e Brian aren't you. ugh

>> No.2183154

>is still posting on 4chan
inb4 nah bro I'm different

>> No.2183155

Uhhhhhh, yeah, I get what you say man. But maybe I´m not talking about such deep and thoughtful stuff.
I´m refering to more simple and basic shit going on right now I think.

What I say is that the way shit worked in the past is over, because of the internet I know, BUT, that structure or system that made shit happen is broken IRL, but it has not been replaced yet.. see?

Everyone is waiting for the nerds to "solve this shit". Everything is on stand by. Big corporations invest big money in inhouse manufacturated artists wich no one cares to pay attention, because no one sees TV anymore. And on the internet you can choose what you want to see. So, like I said everything seems to be on stand by. Everyone waiting for shit to work out somehow. Old as fuck ancient mummies like the Rolling stones, Paul McCartney, AC/DC, Maiden, Madonna, U2 are the ones getting paid big money today to go on tour and keep "coming back"... I mean, what the fuck? Where are all the new talent and creators? Did someone said justin beaver? The fuck is going on?! I know exactly what´s goin on. New artists are not gettin funded anymore by big companies. The talent is there with no money and no marketplace. Like I said it´s waiting time. Internet is like that magic sword in the stone that no one can take out and hold up. We are all waiting. Now this fuckers want to keep our creations for free and make their money again... these are fucked up times man, I´ve never saw this before. But I tellya expectations are high though.... creators need a platform to create again and get paid, that´s the tricky part with the internet, big corps want their big chunk of the pie like they had in traditional media, or they will keep holding up investment for IRL creative workforce.
The new "movements" are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, basically chat rooms, that´s reality atm, this platform evolution is still too fucking young.

>> No.2183158


I honestly don't know how you can keep typing this trash and not realize that the problem is you man. You hate everything new and enforce the old shit on everyone.

>> No.2183160

In stead of beating each other off talking about existential bullshit why not actually create what you want to see more of or are you all just talking out of your ass?

>> No.2183162

I do but this isn't a post your work thread. Brian makes art as well though its indistinguishable from art made in the mid 1870s. I need to quit responding, when I think about why I keep going back and forth I really can't come up with a good reason.

>> No.2183170

hey ok i got it
so make some sick ass impressionism with huge brushstrokes and whatever
and paint tiny realistic figures onto the brushstrokes

>> No.2183172

I'm not saying post your work, I'm saying stop going on about pleb taste in music and your nostalgia boner and actually do something besides wank about it on 4chan.

>> No.2183173

Hey maaan, I´m not enforcing nothin´ okaaay. I´m just offering my point of view on things. Like the 1.5MB diskettes I talket about, I´m running a 4core on 16RAM with a 4TB HD... Maybe a kid who buy a machine like that today don´t give a fuck, but dude.. Me? I´m shocked as fuck to see all this shit happening. Like I dunno, did you see Matrix? The first one, the good one... I feel like kids today are like those people in the matrix sorrounded by a hi tech enviroment who don´t know about this other fuck up reality... I mean, I remember downlading a 3.5MB mp3 song and using 3 TREE! fuckin 1.5MB diskettes to save that one song splited in tree zipped files to take it home!!! Like WAT!!! Omg, dude that was real, that out of this world fucked shit happened just yesterday for me! And now I´m flying on 2 neverending 4 Terabyte worlds of storage, and there´s more and more... Do you think I hate that? I fucking love the way I can appreciate technology knowing what I know. Like in that Matrix movie I can´t conceive the posibility of not knowing certain things about the past and tech evolution. No way man, it´s amazing to remember the 90´s video game revolution, the sega nintendo war on 8bit and 16 bits and the arrival of the Playstation... Like I dunno, imagine that someone ask you if you want to go back in time to see an actual Trex alive! That´s what I´m saying dude. Peace.

>> No.2183277

>Raw Black Metal
If I got it right:

Very Lo-fi
Use of tremolo picking
Satanic or anti religion or european folklore themes
Shireiked Vocals

>> No.2183283

What would be the equivalent of Hard in a painting???
I cant convert most of those
Shireiked Vocals? WTF would this be in a painting?

>> No.2183453


>> No.2183537

I've found this thread pretty interesting. /ic/ needs some threads like this from time to time. Discussion is the key

>> No.2183554

Shrieked vocals are kind of primitive, so finger paintings?
I don't know, I'd play around with it.

>> No.2183758

>What would be the equivalent of Hard in a painting???
Maybe ultra bright colors

>> No.2183768

> Hard
ultra bright colors

>shrieked vocals
finger painting

alot of stuff per area of the image

>Very Lo-fi
save to jpg and use it

>Satanic or anti religion or european folklore themes
Satanic or anti religion or european folklore themes

>Use of tremolo picking
Repeated stuff near another stuff.

So, if I got stuff right
Make a finger painting using bright colors about religions, satanic stuff or european myths. Make sure each area of image have alot of stuff going on and this stuff going on is duplicated on nearby areas.
Then take a picture, and convert to jpg and print it.

Trying to imagine how this would be (but I problably got alot of the black metal characteristics to music wrong and problably didnt included some raw black metal characteristis).

>> No.2183794

omg the next big art movement is here you guys are geniuses

>> No.2183867
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i hope this can contribute

>> No.2183875

somebody make a draw thread god damnit

>> No.2183879


we did it /ic/

we did it.

now someone call MoMA and set up a show. I'll bring the wine and crackers.

>> No.2183883

make sure all this thread is printed, so if the drawing don't work by themselves we hang the conversation next to them and say the the whole show is a conceptual art about the banality of new art movments

>> No.2183940

>here you guys are geniuses
No we arent and that is the point of the original idea here

You just get some genre from other art style and convert to a painting one, by listing down the characteristics that form the genre from the other art style
and then convert those characteristics to painting one using logic skills, painting theory skills and skill on other art type.

NO need for eureka moment
NO need to be genious.
NO need to see something or experience something that make you think about creating a genre (other than seeing the idea of converting stuff or having this idea by yourself, and seeing the seed genre that will be converted to painting one).
No need for creativity.

This idea is so easy that you just need to have enought skills on painting theory and other art field and then do it.
You can create an extreme amount of new genres with it (or at least painting techniques, converting pixel art to music genre create a way or creating music and not a genre since it can lead to different already existing sub-genres)

>> No.2183947

what's the point?

>converting pixel art to music genre
I guess you've never heard of chiptunes.

>> No.2183959
File: 99 KB, 500x666, satan-enhanced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we've uncovered new depths

>> No.2183963

>I guess you've never heard of chiptunes.
Nope is not.

On pixel art, they work with the smallest level of a digital image.

On sample art (how the music one would be called, since sample is the smallest part of a digital song) artist would work with the smallest part of digital song handpicking their values.

A digital song is made of samples. Integer values that can go from -32768 to +32767
How far those values are from 0 means the volume with 0 being total silence.
The amount of time the zero line is crossed (have a value above 0 and after some amount of time a value of 0 or below) will decide the frequency.
PS: If you dont know what frequency is, first keys on piano have lower frequencies and they increase frequencies as you move throught piano keys.
Each one of those samples means on a cd 1/44100 of a second. This is related to samplerate, that is on cd 44100, the samplerate is related to max frequency you can have on song, that is samplerate /2, since humans can listen only up 20000 all audible frequencies are covered.
You have one sample to left and another for righ channel as cd cant be mono (but files on pc can).

It would be a pain in the ass to make music in this way, because they would need to select 44100 samples to each channel to make just one second of music.

This is not a genre, because with this technique you can create harsh noise, glich, lowercase, dark ambient genres, harsh noise wall.......

>> No.2183968

Cool, this is based on this

Try to make brighter.
When converting (wrongly or not) the music characteristic hard to the painting one ultra bright colors, I assumed hard music is "in your face" sounds and so the painting would have "in your face" super ultra bright colors

>> No.2183969

>what's the point?

The point is to quickly create new genres.
And also can be used to get a genre of another art field that you love and see if it would be awsome too.

>> No.2183971
File: 190 KB, 500x666, statntnannt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2183972

pixel art is rooted in the 8bit era, same as chiptunes. they are using very basic digital technology to create images and sounds that push the limits of the hardware while still observably being made of (in pixel art) individual pixels of various colors from a restricted pallete, or (in chiptunes) individual bleeps and boops from a restricted range.

They're analagous.

And this skirts the most important part of my comment, which is: what's the point? do you just post your theories in this thread so you can dream about novel and useless styles that could exist, or is there something to be gained artistically from the "movement in a box, roll to choose the style" bs?

>> No.2183976

>The point is to quickly create new genres.
by randomly slapping together shit pulled from a hat? what value are these hypothetical genres?

>> No.2183987

Ohhhh such a beautiful and profound piece. I can see the anger and the inner search for answers in the artist. The confused sexuality and the fear to love and be loved emanates from the painting. A truly masterpiece of modern art.
I´ll put a tag price for this piece = U$D 3,000,000,000. Yes, that´s right 3 million dollars.
Congratulations dear anon you are a rich and successful artist now!

>> No.2183989

>by randomly slapping together shit pulled from a hat?
Its not pulled from a hat, its literally converted from a existing genres, its far from "lets get X characteristics that a painting can have at random and make something that has all"

One of the point of this method of creating new art genres (the one we are talking about now) is that when you want to create a new genre just for the sake of creating a new genre, the point here, you can EASILY do it.
No need to think.
"urr durr is not easy to create new genres"
"urr durr new genres arent created on spot".

>> No.2183994

the genres of music or whatever else you're "converting" are born from actual experience and investigations of their medium and the culture they were created in.

the art you propose does none of that investigating or analysis, it just seeks to find visual analogs to other art forms, which is nothing new. and what will result is art that is inevitably influenced by visual art that you've seen in the past (expressionism, fauvism, etc.) but lacking in all content, as it seeks to be little more than a filter for a preexisting art.

>to create a new genre just for the sake of creating a new genre
that's a retarded purpose and nothing lasting has ever come from such a lazy motivation.
>you can EASILY do it
I can easily shit and do it every day, it doesn't mean I've produced anything of worth.

>> No.2183998


>> No.2184002

But your idea and art suck. Just because you can draw an almost decent portrait of an old man you think any criticism towards you from more technically inclined people are invalid. You don't know art history. You know little bits of trivia. Yeah, /ic/ sucks because they're mostly beginners like you, but at least very few would try to create a movement just because they wanted to leave a mark in history. It's the artistic equivalent of a dog marking an insignificant territory. Pathetic.

>> No.2184399

I've been playing with the idea of water color pixel art.

>> No.2184419

>to create a new genre just for the sake of creating a new genre
>that's a retarded purpose and nothing lasting has ever come from such a lazy motivation.

This is what this thread is about

>> No.2184479

hmm ok. But, I wasn't trying to say that any criticism towards me from more technically inclined people are invalid because i can make an almost decent drawing of an old man. If you read the comment i was responding to, you would see that my point was that drawing realistically doesn't make you automatically a good artist. Yes my drawing is not very good but still is better than others i've seen on the internet, BUT that does not mean i am a better artist than those who don't draw as "realistically" as I do. I was saying that drawing like Loomis is not the only way to become a good artist.

>> No.2184505


>> No.2184512


>> No.2184514

The point isn't to separate from culture and create a new lifestyle like the Amish. It's to exist in modern society according to your own rules. It's not like a Luddite can't understand how fucking Instagram works or some shit. Just understands it enough to know to keep the fuck away from it.

>> No.2184563

and this thread is retarded.

>> No.2184572

No one actually wants to be like Loomis. It's a placeholder name/meme for study and practice.

>> No.2184583

The point of this thread was not to create new a new genre for the sake of creating a new genre, nor to create a new movement just because I wanted to leave a mark on history. Instead, I was trying to create a discussion about the art world and to let the people to post their opinions on the subject so that we can create art that tries to solve what we think are the problems.

"Creating the new motherfucking art movement" can be translated into "what are the contemporary art world's problems?" I didn't want to impose my opinion of what the problems are, contrary to that, I wanted people to give their opinions and others to discuss it so that we find people who think the way we do and others who may change our minds. Basically, the new art movement was an excuse to make people talk about what their thoughts on the art world subject were in an organized and serious way and by discussing it maybe someone will make the kind of art our society needs right now.

And in fact, it worked to some extend, because this thread has now more than 200 replies and had some positive discussions that made me learn new stuff.

You can say this thread is retarded and call me pathetic, everyone has their own opinion, but I think this thread is way more interesting and useful than another sketchbook thread. But again that's just me.

>> No.2184587

That's not the point. Loomis is a meme for study and practice technical skills. I was saying that you don't need to draw realistically to be a good artist. that's all.

>> No.2184689

next time just be honest about what you're trying to get out of a thread, and avoid a disaster like this.

>> No.2185916

>it just seeks to find visual analogs to other art forms, which is nothing new.
Its new in the ANAL (or as 4chan would say austistic) way he proposed

>> No.2186561
File: 388 KB, 1520x1600, 83598_kris-kuksi-l-m6jpnq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with new methods new visions that the masses are to afraid to see or accept

>> No.2186825

>on 4chan

Dude get the fuck out.

>> No.2186842

I posted in another thread and will repost it here where it's more applicable.

http://pastebin.com/tSaFJvkp (HTTP)

I'm working on a manifesto and need some help.

I want to comment on the overused memes and shortcuts of digital art through garish pantomime. I want to see digital technique and quality recreated in physical media. I woodcuts of poorly drawn moeshit with terrible anatomy and no perspective, I want filters emulated with brush and pigment, I want those inclined to say something about the Ctrl+Z culture.

I want the desires of consumer and creator examined and magnified into caricature. Low art is long since ripe for commentary.

Most of all, I want it done with qualities that can't be done digitally. I want physical depth or other uses of the medium. Diorama, collage, good paint mixing; anything digital can't do.

>> No.2186985

Want it or not, digital medium will do nothing but to grow continuously as the other mediums chage in order to incorporate digital in their process or else they will just dissapear

>> No.2186988

>hyperkinetic darwinism
>memetic algorithm
>brownian synthesis of pigment and the ergodic results precipitated

Am I supposed to take this shit seriously? If writing a manifesto or creating a movement were just about using obtuse 5-dollar words, you'd already be the next Picasso. Unfortunately it also requires ideas that aren't completely juvenile

>guyz lets make art about me-mes and dA-tier digital art bcuz I sit in front of my computer 24 hours a day and literally know nothing of the art world outside of a few internet communities.

>> No.2187747

Start a thread for this, make a repo on github and let's flesh this out.

Going to try working in this weekend

>> No.2187752

I am convinced that you haven't been outside since 2007

>> No.2187753

Meant for >>2186842

But just to reiterate, you're fucking dumb and you need to step away from the internet for a while

>> No.2187772
File: 27 KB, 1200x620, corn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MS Paintism