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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.53 MB, 2000x1330, Ryanhanscomp13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2180540 No.2180540 [Reply] [Original]

This is a painting in progress and I could use a critique. I'm unsure about the background. It has to be a photo of the prairie/plains but I don't know if this photo looks good with the composition and figures. The figures will be fully colored when it's done. Any advice/criticism is appreciated

>> No.2180541
File: 2.07 MB, 2000x1330, comp13wshadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original sketches had a shadow like this to isolate the figures.

>> No.2180549
File: 1.96 MB, 2000x1330, comp13background2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe this background

>> No.2180691

ayy lmao

>> No.2180701

this version is the best.

you have a tumblr or something.
i kinda like the aesthetic of some of the figures

>> No.2180715

is that messi

>> No.2180960

I didn't learn anything from the first ones. It's obvious that there's no connection between characters and background. Even if that's the idea, try a different approach because it's seriously bad.

>> No.2180965

>It's obvious that there's no connection between characters and background. Even if that's the idea, try a different approach because it's seriously bad.
this. the two don't mesh at all, the composition is shit, and the photos aren't even interesting. drawing ability seems ok though, just don't know what you're thinking with this experimental stuff.

>> No.2180994


The work comes from an authentic place and that's why I believe in it despite a lot of negative reactions. I'm not making these because I'm trying to be experimental. It's not bad, it's misunderstood. I think that if people could come to it on it's own terms they would appreciate and even identify with it.

It's basically an insiders view of someone who grew up extremely embedded in the internet. My closest friends growing up were people I'd never met face to face, I spent almost all my time outside of school fucking around in virtual environments and doing content creation from the time I was 12 to 20, and I was a gamer since early childhood. That's enough to very dramatically shape you're cultural identity. So it's the here and there, the online community I identify with and the regional community I identify with.

>> No.2181008


Thanks but their not my designs. Their user created avatars other people created, I'm merely documenting them and hopefully celebrating them

>> No.2181011



>> No.2181015

>It's not bad
that's for the viewer to decide

>It's basically an insiders view of someone who grew up extremely embedded in the internet
so it's like those deviantart guys who photoshop their fursona or a cartoon pony beside them on the couch?

>> No.2181016


>so it's like those deviantart guys who photoshop their fursona or a cartoon pony beside them on the couch?


>> No.2181027
File: 824 KB, 1000x746, may-18-2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as someone who grew up the same way that's the wrong things to extrapolate from playing video games. You should try being more literal.

What is the relationship between painting and video games/using the internet? The screen. You are looking through a screen at something that isn't there. What associations can you make based on that? Perhaps using a canvas as a screen?

Why not try blocking out what's behind a canvas WITH the canvas. Make the canvas your screen into you're personal memories. Paint what you remember was there. Make painting a video game in and of itself.

This is just a poor use of time. What I've described is what you should've discovered on your own about the relationships between art, memory, and video games/tv/computers but honestly I'm getting tired of waiting for people to figure this shit out for themselves.

>> No.2181030

blind leading the blind

>> No.2181032
File: 430 KB, 747x1000, august-7-2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your work?

here ill post mine

>> No.2181039

always a dick-measuring contest with you, brian.
doesn't that big ego get heavy?

>> No.2181043
File: 53 KB, 450x253, 09-5-fabric-workshop_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you really want to express that concept you need to completely re-program your life and start making work like this..


>> No.2181044


I don't want to do that, it wouldn't be real to me. I love digital art. Also screens don't have much to do with it, I tried that a couple years ago before this idea and it didn't work. You can look on my deviantart.

In 10-20 years I think we're going to be interacting with the internet in a completely different way than screens. Their like the equivalent of the radio and a new technology will be like the TV. Far more immersive. Another words, screens are temporary and will become obsolete, the internet culture is going to be a huge part of life for the foreseeable future.

>> No.2181062

my real dick's about 5 1/2 inches. my art dick is a solid 6.

>> No.2181067

you've never done anything like i've described. if you're referring to the painting where you are looking at a computer screen that's not what i'm referring to. I'm talking about blocking out what is behind the canvas and filling in what goes there from what you remember. Like a puzzle of your memories.

"It wouldn't be real to me" is a weird thing to say and makes me think you aren't grasping what I'm describing. This would be the most personal form of art you could make because it would be based solely on your own personal memories. If I did the same painting in the same spot I would remember different things than you do. My preferences for shapes and colors would be different.

And no, screens will always be a part of our lives. Look at the oculus rift. It uses screens to simulate virtual reality. Even if we get some shit implanted in our eyes that lets us see interfaces we will still have to navigate screens even if it is mentally.

This way of painting is what you are looking for and I advise you try it. Don't be so proud. You don't have to reinvent the wheel, I'm giving you a wheel for free.

>> No.2181073

the situation is not that OP does not understand your concept, but that your concept is YOUR concept.

You automatically assume that OP's work is a weaker version of your own, that you have come to some objective conclusion that OP -should- have discovered for himself.

This thread is no longer about OP's vision for his work, but your vision for your own work, which you are preaching to OP and hoping he will adopt.

It takes a good deal of self-importance to assume you know what others are looking for, much less to call them "proud" when they say that your vision is not their vision.

>> No.2181097

>It takes a good deal of self-importance to assume you know what others are looking for

>> No.2181098

OP's problem is this fixation on this idea. Let me make this really simple, because you clearly didn't understand my last post >>2180960

Ditch this concept, do a different approach on same topic. It doesn't work. Ok? Don't fall in love with the concept, do a better one.

>> No.2181108

100% agreed.

>Don't be so proud. You don't have to reinvent the wheel, I'm giving you a wheel for free.
Just shut up. "Giving you a wheel for free" my ass. Did it occur to you your wheel has YOUR shit on it and he doesn't want to touch it?
Don't preach about pride when you make posts like this:
>im so fucking good give it a rest. at this rate ill stop posting on /ic/ within a year cause nobody will be able to crit me

You're one of those people who think they see through everything and are an exception to every rule. Thinking that you are running circles around people mentally and artistically and look at these little people getting mad at my antics lol. Just get a name or trip already so we can filter you. Do us all a favor.

>> No.2181125

>Did it occur to you your wheel has YOUR shit on it and he doesn't want to touch it?
you have a way with words

>> No.2181528

ITT: Autism: The Canvas

>> No.2181546

holy narcissism

>> No.2181550


So wait, you just took shit you didn't even draw and photoshopped it over a fucking photograph of a field?

>> No.2181551


No I drew the avatars and it's my composition The original avatars I used as reference are user created 3D models that I took pictures of in virtual sandboxes.

>> No.2181552


I've had similar conversations with him several times now. Always the same thing.

>> No.2181554

>>2181552 meant for >>2181546

>> No.2181565

I'm a little concerned that I'm over rendering. I'm always unsure about whether or not traditional rendering is still relevant.

>> No.2181581
File: 32 KB, 600x338, Zero-Cool-aka-Crash-Override-–-Hackers-e1396568511287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People tend to use similar patterns of speech online, response times and other personal identifiers in their posting.

I wonder if I could write a classifier to de-anonimize ic with a high degree of probability.

I mean I can tell when sperglord Johnson is repling to posts and bait accordingly without consciously trying, why not formalize it?

>> No.2181585


>posts and bait accordingly without consciously trying

Meh I'm usually trying. But I'm also not spewing bs either.

>> No.2181600

or instead you could spend your time not making shit artwork?

>> No.2181604

>Ghost in the Shell