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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 247 KB, 900x883, start.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2173268 No.2173268 [Reply] [Original]

Post your nsfw, critique work and so on.
Furry is allowed, however do not over indulge on the subject of furries or their culture. Unnecessarily reporting these anons are strongly discouraged. This thread is dedicated to helping anons improve their erotic drawings and paintings.
Do not start flame wars.
Do not reply to funposters.
Stay on topic.

Last thread: >>2170059

Reminder that if you do not want to view this thread, please hide it by pressing the minus button or by right-clicking the thumbnail on the catalog and selecting "hide this thread."
Also, thank you mods and janitors for keeping this thread running well.

Questions about references for drawing porn will be answered.

>> No.2173285


>> No.2173391
File: 799 KB, 790x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate and berate.

>> No.2173393


>> No.2173404

ebin critique.

>> No.2173414
File: 838 KB, 1332x400, Πρεωιες.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(herp derp, didnt see the new thread)


This is a preview of a hot to draw penises tutorial that I am making right now. I'm not exactly sure if there is a tutorials thread that this can go to, so im being safe and posting it here instead.

I'll post the finished version as soon as its finished.

>> No.2173415

you need a lot more work on anatomy, gesture and perspective. That being said, I like the concept.

>> No.2173420
File: 50 KB, 1024x707, CWAPFCKh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back again. Ive managed to get flats outta the way, but well see. Criticisms?

>> No.2173452

The catgirl's colors blend in too much with the background, I would suggest upping the contrast a bit more.
Other than that this is super hot, can't wait to see you finish it!

>> No.2173472

Add in a hue/saturation adjustment layer over it. Make it go grayscale, and check the contrasting values.

>> No.2173474
File: 91 KB, 762x1048, i_can_spread_myself__by_yellowmatsumoto-d8w4fe6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do my drawings always look super light when viewing from the thumbnail?
Will drawing them with thicker, darker lines help any?

>> No.2173477

Why is the figure so distorted? It makes me think you don't have a good drawing surface to work on.

The values look light because you use very light values, the pink of her skin is almost white. Establiahing a background color helps figuring out values.

>> No.2173483

Don't even bother with color until you at least know anatomy and have decent lines.

>> No.2173485
File: 1.41 MB, 2560x1920, 20150802_003417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really dont. My tablet is hilariously tiny. Here, I put it next to my Gameboy to scale.

>> No.2173486
File: 5 KB, 164x152, 1427834235685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been posting this for the past two months now.

>> No.2173487
File: 8 KB, 250x140, 1436212909211s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your point being?

>> No.2173489

You draw by holding it in your hand?

>> No.2173490

Show me your work anon.

>> No.2173492

>Don't even bother with color until you at least know anatomy and have decent lines.

Disagree. Art is not a step to step process.
It is recommended however, to learn rendering in monochrome before moving on to learn about colors. But that is for more advanced drawing. Since he is using flat colors, it is fine to start out with colors.

>> No.2173493

No no no, I draw by using the surface of my computer desk. But its really not that much space regardless.
Anyways, that isnt any excuse for why my coloring is awful. Or why the left breast (from her perspective) is much smaller than the right.

>> No.2173494

Just because you're still butthurt about someone on DA reporting you for it being a drawing of a minor doesn't mean you should spam it everywhere on /ic/ we get it you drew a fan art of a video game great now move on and do something else.

>> No.2173495

That thing will be solved by learning about form, and having a solid under drawing before moving on to details. Don't work on this one more, put it away and redraw after some studying.

>> No.2173496

I only posted it 3 times. Calm down.

>> No.2173508

2 times too many.

>> No.2173514

It wouldn't be a big deal if she had just followed the advice from before and attempted to make changes and reposted but she hasn't done anything not one thing she didn't even bother changing the tittle.

>> No.2173521
File: 22 KB, 449x400, e66e9566ba17455a8074b50d0661be10.jpg.cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry...I promise ill improve before posting again. I didnt mean to make anyone mad.

>> No.2173522

I don't have to show my work to validate my statement. Go meme somewhere else.

>> No.2173525

I respect your opinion, but I think until you have top notch linework, no matter how good your rendering is, your drawing will still look bad.

>> No.2173529

So I saw something people do a lot on lineart and since I don't color often it really appeals to me but I don't want to just wing it, I feel that there's more technique than what it seems.

That is, when you make a blush over various parts (like labia, shoulders, elbows, lips) and then erase dots to make highlights.

Can anyone tell me if this has a name and where can I learn more or maybe just explain anything I'm not getting about it? Like maybe is there a specific color that's better to use?

>> No.2173531


It's pure shit. Show it to your mama, i bet that she would be proud of your lack of knowledge in anatomy and fucking perspective

>> No.2173532

Yeah, until your lines are good your work will not look professional. Good linework takes tons of work to learn, you don't just move from mastering linework to mastering everything else.
I mean you can work on your lines and on forms the same time.

>> No.2173533

That's extremely simple, lol you just airbrush some pink blush on your lineart, and add the highlights with a hard round white brush.

>> No.2173536

Looks like I knew it already haha, I just thought maybe there was something more because in my experience when something in art is "simple"... it rarely is

>> No.2173537

Art is also full of neat little tricks that give good results very easily.

>> No.2173542


these are pretty good, got a how to draw vaginas?

>> No.2173551

What happened to the "stilized" animu threads?

>> No.2173554
File: 120 KB, 584x1312, sketch4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know drawing from imagination can be this difficult.

There's one up right now but I didn't make it.

>> No.2173560

Ew. The way you mix a stylised head with distorted but realistic body parts is realy weird.

>> No.2173565

Those calves are far too thin in comparison with the thighs.

>> No.2173569

They are still around and these threads are actually more cancerous.

>> No.2173573

>reposting image
>no changes

Fix the fucking face, nothing makes me more mad than people just slapping:
on characters just to make it lewd.

Why is one breast lifted? The post is way too static, and there's no sense of any sort of movement, so it should be more or less aligned with the other one.
Axe wound pussy, and it's way too detailed, and it looks like that thin chick from Steven Universe is between the labia. You give no sense of her pelvis being twisted towards towards the camera.
Her eyes are also skewed.

3/10 you tried, but you don't understand anything. Learn to draw first.

>> No.2173640
File: 791 KB, 800x1106, 1849eff57e2fa5940b07bbd2cb39f379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's time you started looking into style on the side as well, you kind of starting to get the basic right shapes down
but you can now start thinking about how to make them more appealing, you seem to like for example to show some bones here
and there, but you can start searching how to show them in a better way, instead of those CD like tits for example you could
try giving her some cute loli breasts if you are not going for complete flat.
I still think you make heads a bit too big and i really don't like your eyes, but as i said, a matter of taste and style.

>> No.2173651
File: 316 KB, 1883x923, e8e8c804cc13257cbd5041bb11facdf0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2173689

you prob get asked this alot, but how much per day do you make via drawing these specimens?
oh plz based anon, tell.

>> No.2173704
File: 566 KB, 1738x1004, 7e672c2f512aca27e054d5f608379329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well its not like I get paid to draw random porny doodles. But when I'm working on commissions it usually boils down to around 23 an hour

>> No.2173710

Cool, do you have a tumblr or similar?

>> No.2173736
File: 373 KB, 724x664, yaoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody should have mentioned that to this guy.

>> No.2173769

eew but good

>> No.2173770

he has both FA and tumblr


>> No.2173851

I'm very surprised to hear that, I guess next time I'll try to show bony landmarks with tone instead of popping them out with line.

>> No.2173913

Something is missing. But I dont know where exactly.

>> No.2173930
File: 144 KB, 759x1075, milmcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this, didn't use any references so anatomy is probably off but that's why we're here I guess. Also do you guys work on one thing at a time or draw few stuff and try to improve bit by bit?

>> No.2174046

OK; I really fucking tried to find out more about that image. Its by asanagi but I have no idea what its specifically for.

Sauce plz

>> No.2174054

>Posted in the porn thread several times
>Posted in the beginner thread several times
>Made own topic

m8, this isn't exactly a big community here. It's easy to spot the samefag. People have critique your work, fix it.

>> No.2174058

the head seems a bit big, i think.

>> No.2174061

Maybe you're just jealous.

>> No.2174078


>> No.2174082

Well, that's enough /ic/ for today.

>> No.2174084

mein sides

>> No.2174091


this is the stupidest shit posted on this site and I have no idea why morons keep spouting it
if you want to better at something you have to practice it, end of story

>> No.2174117
File: 44 KB, 480x480, 1427033247226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do they have to jealous of, exactly? Im not even that great of an artist yet. I welcome all valid criticizms. Even ones like this.

>> No.2174119

For fucks sake this, I see people who can render like crazy, but can't even into anatomy.

Sure you musn't neglect fundamentals but you can start working with colors when ever you feel comfortable.

>> No.2174122

therefore your statement is invalid; lurk more kid

>> No.2174125 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 1864x1196, Screen Shot 2015-07-18 at 1.16.28 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't imagine I'm the first to try this, but I hadn't seen it done before

>> No.2174136

you almost got me

>> No.2174158
File: 264 KB, 855x766, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know something is wrong but I can't figure out what.

>> No.2174161

face needs to be cuter or sexier

>> No.2174164

Give heart pupils and widen her grin.

>> No.2174166

That furry girls aren't real so I can't put my dick in them is what's wrong

>> No.2174172

Her expression was requested by the commissioner, but any tips on making a cheetah face cuter?

the suffering is real

>> No.2174175

I'm no expert, but I'd work on softening the brow and feminizing the eyes bit if you could
Maybe make the cheekbones less sharp?

>> No.2174177
File: 671 KB, 1250x901, 1422051656093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was his request for face?
She looks older (30+ in human I think?), a bit angry and intimidatign now, and I thought she was a lioness. Cheetahs have a round face and tiny noses, compared to the lioneses more defined, bulkier face, bigger nose.

I have this cute cheetah girl at hand.

>> No.2174178

Maybe neck could be more thin as well

>> No.2174187

He requested the licking the lips and the kind of angry brows.

thanks, I'll work on that

>> No.2174192

I did my job

>> No.2174199
File: 974 KB, 864x1200, sketch001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commission sketch. Do you see any anomalies?

>> No.2174210

her stomach seems a bit swollen/pregnant (unless that's what you were going for in which case, ya nailed it)

>> No.2174211

Not really liking the tribal paint, but I guess it's just a placeholder of sorts.
Nice work otherwise.

>> No.2174214

Sperm inflation.
It's the OC's design.

Also, now I see the cock is too blocky and unnatural. Gotta fix that sucker.

>> No.2174223
File: 57 KB, 836x757, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K now she looks less like that evil lioness from Lion King 2 and more of a qt.

Maybe it is just me, but the way the serratus are drawn makes him look like his rib cage is almost concave.

>> No.2174232

Thats actually pretty nice.
I would give the satyr druid thingie a top lip, if just a little edge.
It bothers me when I glanse at it.
Give that dick a slight bulge in the middle to enhance the action of something shooting out.
Right now it looks like a tube.
Welp, Porn isn't my thing so I'm out.

>> No.2174248

you should practice dicks more, also it might be just crappy wip export, but the pixelation is fucked up and blured

>> No.2174318
File: 319 KB, 900x888, Bunny Squid Help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my picture is OP
Here's the finished version!

>> No.2174323

Futa ruins everything

>> No.2174324
File: 545 KB, 1977x1528, Face hugging rape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, help! I need some pointers here.

>> No.2174331
File: 412 KB, 1111x1097, Bunny Squid girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, anon!

>> No.2174333

I hate you so much Miku

>> No.2174334

Sweet, nice pic

>> No.2174335
File: 438 KB, 1111x1097, Bunny Squid girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell. I hate to 'spam' but I edited it wrong without the shine.

>> No.2174359

Please stop posting this garbage.

>> No.2174366

Stay mad. Stay jelly.

>> No.2174372

Lol. I think I'm not the only one here thinking this keppok ripoff is a pile of crap.
OP needs a big pair of glasses.

>> No.2174374

Post your work.

>> No.2174378
File: 5 KB, 161x161, 1438550186412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they all rotten in /d/, but they're everywhere.

>> No.2174385
File: 938 KB, 1900x950, Bedside Marlene .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this for today.

>> No.2174419

hello /x/

>> No.2174434

The man's calcaneus sticks out too far in my opinion, actually that area below his right knee is a bit weird, and his lower left hoof seems a bit too wide even if it's the closest part to the viewer. Ace work though.

>> No.2174444

I don't need to post my work to call his what it is. Garbage.
Just take a look at that complete lack of anatomy and perspective knowledge.

Yes, I am so fucking jelly lel.

>> No.2174454

Nice quads, also you're right. Since my perspective is wonky, I try not to post work of it and stick to the basics. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to know what's right and wrong.
Food taste testers aren't master chefs. They just know what's good.
Thanks for the encouragement and critique!

>> No.2174466


I have nothing of value to add in my critique other than that I think you are extremely talented.

>> No.2174488
File: 183 KB, 1750x1500, bullman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(nsfw because dickslip)
I'm too shit to finish this but I want to know if the colors look ok.

>> No.2174491

The colors should be the least of your worries with that crap anatomy, honestly.

>> No.2174494

Obviously I have to improve on all my fundamental skills, so I don't spend too much time on these drawings, just curious about color.

>> No.2174544


The only anomaly here is that you're not drawing for a slave trainer game

>> No.2174563

bunch-a lil' bitches

>> No.2174564

I don't know the context but it looks like he's staring into space and not looking at the girl. I don't know if it was intentional or not. Just a heads up.

>> No.2174589

I bet you couldn't even hold a fucking pencil you loser


>> No.2174597
File: 56 KB, 750x750, keppok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keppok ripoff
Why would anyone do that?

>> No.2174631

You will need a bigger bait lol.

>> No.2174633 [DELETED] 

Her characters and style is appealing to many people.

>> No.2174642

Her characters and style are appealing to a lot of people.

>> No.2174643

Deleting a post 26 mins late just to change a few words makes no sense.

>> No.2174646

its autism anon, it might not make sense to other autists like you tho.

>> No.2174667

posting about it makes a lot more sense, yeah

>> No.2174690
File: 528 KB, 700x948, squid1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any quirks I should clean up before I clean it up further?

>> No.2174709
File: 919 KB, 1405x690, 4dif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


4 different variations, does one stand out as any better than the other?

Also, I guess I'll have to down size the penis a little..

>> No.2174729

Fix the gut-lower back region. Right now it looks like a compact ball. Probably because of the hoodie that covers her lower back and blends with the background..

>> No.2174734

Thank you for replying! Do you mean her buttocks/upper thigh?

>> No.2174740

Sorry i missed your post, it's a sample of his upcoming doujinshi. http://www.doujinshi.org/book/827524/VictimGirls19-JEZEBEL-AMAZONES/
If you need to find something about eromanga again search on doujinshi.org, it's really good.

>> No.2174777
File: 866 KB, 1405x690, redlinefafasfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick redline.
It's faster if I draw instead of talk.

>> No.2174784

Thank you so much for taking the time to red line and improve the over all anatomy and perspective! As for now, I tried to make the hoodie a little "poofed up" and stylized, but I'll experiment with a more closely fitted one as well, as I'm starting to think your version might look better.

>> No.2174789

What's the purpose of the straight red lines? Beginner here.

>> No.2174796

He's considering the perspective of the sketch. Parallel lines converge at the horizon. The original drawing had some problems with that.

>> No.2174813

This. The feet are to flat on the ground. It looks like the horizon is just a tad above ground level. At the same time the shoulders look like the horizon is at her eye level.
I simply chose to go for the eye level horizon and fixed the legs and head accordingly. I could have put the horizon lower, but then I would have had a lot more corrections to make instead of just doing small alterations.

>> No.2174815

How did you figure where the horizon should be? Same with the vanishing point. In theory it could have been anywhere.

I have a giantess fetish so learning how this stuff works will help out a lot. Any resources you can recommend?


>> No.2174869
File: 1.20 MB, 4163x4992, suspended.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby's first completely no reference sketch, hows it looking so far?

I'll post my referenced work as a comparison in my next post.

>> No.2174875
File: 501 KB, 1755x1268, saeko_busujima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ref'd from Melina of hegre-art

>> No.2174876

>no reference
Reference is not something you graduate from.

>> No.2174877

looks good, just two things I immediately notice:

Unless she's in space, her breasts should drape over her torso. Even full, perky tits will drape in that position.

Second, while you had forms in mind drawing the girl, you didn't while drawing the tentacles. Think of them as linked rectangles.

>> No.2174893

It is a skill on its own, whether you want to practice it or not is your own choice but if you want to do something that requires a lot of output in a small amount of time like animation or comics/manga you will probably need it.

>> No.2174894

>Reference is not something you graduate from.
Oh, yes it is.

>> No.2174897

You approach the whole thing the wrong way.

>> No.2174898

I picked it so that the redline would match the ref as much as possible.
The horizont is something you pick before you start drawing.

>> No.2174900

I just don't want to be reliant on them forever, doesn't mean I'll stop using them time to time but I have to take off the training wheels eventually

thanks this is very helpful

>> No.2174901

yes it is

>> No.2174903

I'm surprised a porn thread is allowed on a "non adult" classified board.
But I'm glad they appear here.

>> No.2174904

Why? I used a lot of references while I was in the process of studying anatomy for the sake of my comics and commissions in general. After a certain time I started feeling that reference was more of an obstacle to me, because it was affecting my style and expressiveness of my gesture. So when I was confident enough, I dropped it all together, and I'm not sorry for this decision. Now I only use anatomy front-side-back sheets and have no need for exact pose references, because I can construct 3d space and characters in my mind, thanks to the visual library I've built in the past.
I'm at a point where I only want to improve my style. That's why I don't want to replicate stuff from reference. It simply affects it too much.

>> No.2174909

It depends on what you are creating, if you are creating stylized comic/animation art you are expected to know how to produce a figure from imagination correctly,
you can't really call yourself a professional artist without being able to memorise basic proportions and understand perspective, most in this fields don't use reference heavily
depending on their artstyle of course some of them do, go to fc2 and watch, i am watching streams all day every day on my second monitor of popular doujin artist and
professionals creating manga almost none of them ever uses reference and they build the figures from gestures and basic shapes on the go. If you are talking about illustration then yes, most people are not expected
to memorise realistic textures and facial characteristics so they use models and reference to get that realistic touch, if you are talking reference as in taking bits and pieces to
build things like armors, historical clothing, buildings etc then yes most do this forever, but saying that you can't draw stylized drawings without reference is like saying that it's impossible
to memorise basic proportions, learn about perspective and construction.

>> No.2174914

> "non adult" classified board
where does it say that? /ic/ is18+

>> No.2174920


All of 4chan is 18+

>> No.2174921

/ic/ is red board, meaning that 18+ material is allowed.

>> No.2174924 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 685x964, squid1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The lines for the girl are almost done!

>> No.2174926

while this is true it should be clarified that /ic/ was always a red board because of nudity, not because of porn.

in short, this means pornfags should stay in the pornthread if possible.

>> No.2174928
File: 174 KB, 685x964, squid1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The lines for the girl are almost done!

>> No.2174929


Aah.. that makes sense. Still, I'm happy this thread it here, but I can see that it could be offensive to some.

>> No.2174971

Nah bro, don't listen to that guy, he's just trying to hurt your feelings.
I saved your squiddies because I think they're really cute.

>> No.2175036

No one's brought up the legs it seems. The calves look atrophied, like a flap of skin between the thighs and heel.
Also cloven hooves means two separated toes, so you need to bring the line up all the way to the top of the hoof at the least.
She's missing her far jaw and her tongue is coming out at a weird angle. it looks like it's coming straight out the mouth then curving like a snake to lick her lip.
Her feet are scary. Is she digitigrade? Then her thighs/calves need to be shorter to account for the long feet adding to her height. Is she plantigrade? Her feet look too long, like I'd expect for a rabbit or kangaroo character. Also her toes seem too long. You should look up pictures of cat paws and the skeleton.
Random trivia but cheetahs are the only species that can't retract their claws so you might wanna draw them in. Along with some fluff on the cheeks/neck?
Her tail is also hanging from a slightly unnatural angle but it's not a huge deal. Even though it looks natural from her hanging, it's making an almost 90 degree angle with her spine. So you might want to curve the base more.
Are you into furry or just drawing it for the cash?
You need to fix those calves too. So bendy.

>> No.2175038
File: 229 KB, 2000x1200, wolf wang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a sketch I'm working on with flat colors added. Any changes in lines or color errors you guys would recommend?

>> No.2175044

stop drawing or actually try

>> No.2175059
File: 432 KB, 802x941, a803cf87a45fa18b40276da1c7b32d53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

workin on thumbs

>> No.2175085

Dude, you've been posting for a while now. You have literally no idea what you're doing. Get off 4chan, and atleast start high-school before you start drawing pee-pees. Please stop posting.

>> No.2175100

How helpful.

I don't know why I waste my time getting made fun of. I guess I expect actual criticism, since this is the Artwork/Criticism board. I also don't why you're wasting your time telling me I suck. If you want a good use of time, try actually helping, or leave with me. I get that I could be better, but if nobody is gonna tell me HOW I can be better, don't fucking bother.

>> No.2175106

you can't crit something that isn't even an actual drawing. Go read the sticky, you're basically drawing flat symbols that are supposed to resemble shapes(and they don't), instead of drawing actual 3dimensional shapes

>> No.2175109
File: 232 KB, 404x343, 1436942132645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read the sticky, it will set you on the right path.

>> No.2175110

Loooove your work! <3

>> No.2175118

you are not completely hopeless, I think you are starting to grasp anatomy but there is still a long way to go, try reading the sticky it will help you improve and make your shit look less flat, study boobs and anatomy in general.

>> No.2175123

Bruh, please listen to the advice to read the sticky before you turn into the next kodythefox. Learn how to draw the human body, try to copy photos. Stick an animal head on top if you need to. You can barely draw your heads in more than profile view. As it is your drawings look worse than mine when I was 12. Because I actually used references and tried to copy them.

>> No.2175139
File: 297 KB, 1000x982, squidlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think all that's left now is to add some fluids tomorrow. If some thing else bothers you, please let me know!

I agree that they might be slightly more bendy than the usual, but I really like it style wise, and with underlying tissue and enough flexing, I think it's almost realistic, just look at a ballerinas legs!

>> No.2175205

I'm checking it out right now, and already learning a lot of helpful things. I'll be back the future, hopefully much better than I was before. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.2175235
File: 59 KB, 989x717, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the crit
She's supposed to be plantigrade, I noticed the giant feet before I went to bed last night.
Her ref sheet doesn't show claws, but I might add them later
>Are you into furry or just drawing it for the cash?
giant furfag actually

>> No.2175241

Good work, but shouldn't the "toes" on the right paw be a little more snugly placed together?

>> No.2175247

Cat toes are pretty mobile, and I thought it looked kind of boring with them all clamped together. Her right foot is supposed to be more 3/4 view than profile like the left.

>> No.2175251

Looks much better than the initial stuff you posted at the start, great job applying the criticism. There's still something off about the calves to me, but that could just be stylistic choice.

Regardless, was fun seeing it progress. Are you gonna give it colour?

>> No.2175265

>bondage rope

What can you study to have a better understanding as how that works?

>> No.2175270


Thank you, it's always fun to hear that there has been some improvements! There are so many great artists on this board, so it's really a privilege to have someone with a keener eye point out my mistakes!

I might try to straighten the calves a bit, but for now I like the curved appearance.

I'll probably give it at least some flats tomorrow.

>> No.2175277


>> No.2175278

No harm in trying stuff out, of course.

I'd do a redline, but It'd have to be with the mouse and it's barely suitable for gaming, let alone drawing. And honestly? Yours'd probably look better regardless.

But anyhow, congrats on the drawing.

>> No.2175279

Miku try to think back when you were better and try to improve from there.
You were amazing once but now all ive seen is you crashing down.
Were very worried about you

>> No.2175280

I appreciate the thought, I'll probably be posting more sketches during the week, so if you see something that looks really wonky, I'd love to see your red lines!

I'm happy to hear you think it turned out that good in the end!

>> No.2175281

>sad panda

>> No.2175285

Is literally everyone on /ic/ new? what's this, the kindergarten board?

>> No.2175286

Thanks, anon!

How are you still seeing a sad panda.

>> No.2175287 [DELETED] 

maybe we don't want to have to install stuff just for the sake of a wank.

>> No.2175288


>> No.2175289

why don't people just post the fucking image on an image board?

>> No.2175292

How about stop being a new fag and google how to get pass the sad panda.

>> No.2175294

You don't need to install shit, lurk before posting.

Maybe because it's not an image.

>> No.2175298

> install stuff
>sad panda

Not only are you new, You don't have a fucking clue

>> No.2175300

Worse, it's the tumblr board.

>> No.2175315

thanks anons
now I can make even better furry porn

>> No.2175332
File: 3.41 MB, 4961x7016, lef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2175334
File: 2.79 MB, 4962x7014, op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2175338

resize for fucks sake

>> No.2175340


>> No.2175350

is she a titan?

>> No.2175352

>...and then she farts!

>> No.2175353

>there are people on 4chan that still can't get past sad panda

>> No.2175401

Many thanks, I try to avoid asking for Sauce until I try to find it for my self so I apprecitate it.

Also, holy shit boner defcon 2

>> No.2175413
File: 734 KB, 848x1200, lineart001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the lineart. Is there anything you think I should fix before moving to coloring?
The satyr's lower extremities are like this because I had a reference sheet I tried to stick to. The anatomy is as it is and I'm not going to change that. What about everything else?

>> No.2175415

I know it's you quit going through the archives and nose around my old posts.

>> No.2175417

>you will never have a cock so big a woman can rut on it

Thanks God you fucking faggot.

>> No.2175437

Please, keep this thread autism free.

>> No.2175445
File: 40 KB, 267x400, troled in you&#039;re gay butwhole LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 2 l8 u alreaddy posteded lmao

>> No.2175465
File: 648 KB, 1024x1024, liolev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2175477
File: 439 KB, 1024x1024, hjjj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2175512
File: 123 KB, 800x563, boipussy badumtshhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any crits on the lines before I start putting down color?

>> No.2175532


>> No.2175543

>mad that his fucking Rembrandt DaVinci bulldyke isn't the OP
>mad that he isn't getting tumblr popular
Lel. Go delete your posts some more you mong.

>> No.2175545
File: 434 KB, 636x1666, 1435453161225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fix the butthole
either erase the line on the prenium or sack

>> No.2175546

Remind me of that obi chick from tsumomogomu or something else I can't spell.

I enjoy your work a great deal bbc, I'd appreciate it if you'd post a linework version where her arms and legs had been cut off though.

That buthole seems off center.

>> No.2175550

Loomis 必要

>> No.2175551
File: 157 KB, 540x687, tumblr_nshqdlWmNR1ub2ax3o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I submitted this to HF and got rejected, which is a nice reality check.
The pelvis is ... wrong, and the cock is kind of floating around where it shouldn't be. Red lines and crits are very appreciated. c: rip me to shreds por favor?

>> No.2175554
File: 1.52 MB, 275x206, 1275816441147.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2175555

no red lines, but Zelda's body is really off

and why is Link part wolf?

>> No.2175560

Thanks for the tips!

>> No.2175564

because furfags
excellent quads m9

>> No.2175567

what is HF?

>> No.2175568

Golly, you're pretty new.

>> No.2175569

It looks like he has only three fingers, Zelda's ass looks like it could belong to her N64 model, and I'd say the biggest problem is that her head is way too fucking big. Also, that is a really, really bad tangent you've got going there with Link's back leg by her shoulder.

>> No.2175570
File: 314 KB, 800x568, boipussy badumtshhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed some stuff mentioned by other anons, laid down the flats, and quickly threw down a first pass at shadows. Still need to add cast shadows & etc though!

>> No.2175571


because twilight princess, UGH

>> No.2175579

Her feet are very sexy

>> No.2175641
File: 992 KB, 400x313, 1427941179583.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really digging the Link (saved)
But the Zelda, holy shit bro.
Looks like E.T. It doesn't help that it's so well-rendered.

>> No.2175657

It's not great, but that's retarded that HF rejected that. There's a lot worse shit on there. Like, deviantart-tier shit.

>> No.2175659

I have no critique that you probably don't already know, just wanted to say I really like your drawing. Carry on.

>> No.2175665

Aw, thank you! I'll be sure to post the finished version when I'm done with it!

>> No.2175706

You'll need a bait at least as big as your autism.

>> No.2175723
File: 297 KB, 958x930, baby_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time drawing baby batter.. How's it coming along?

Also, I'll be adding two more arms to the octopus.

>> No.2175725
File: 649 KB, 1888x949, ad3cdd2af6ab65ce1556c213244f5e5b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going to render my fucking ass off tomorrow
wish me luck

>> No.2175726

I did that redline yesterday.
The way you put the alteration and final lineart in perspective plus the addition of the octopus, are now conflicting with her right leg (the one that I moved higher). Your horizon line is pretty low (If I'd nitpick, I'd say you should fix her head and torso, which should be seen a lot more from below, but I think you can fake it and it still works, so leave it as it is) so you should put the right leg back where it was at the beginning.
Also, nice line work.

>> No.2175727

It's so weird to see you draw a human.
And that spidey style throat fucking is hot as hell.

>> No.2175728


>> No.2175733
File: 347 KB, 989x928, new_tent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added some more tentacles.. Not sure if it looks un-balanced now? Thinking of placing the one gripping her legs a bot lower.

>> No.2175739

I see that it looks a little off now.. I'll play around with the perspective of both her and the octopus, to find some thing I find appealing. Thank you for the input!

>> No.2175758


>> No.2175776

the anatomy is so fucked up its not even funny. It could be a good piece if not for the completly f up anatomy. good expressions color works but the anatomy ffs.

>> No.2175798


>> No.2175799

Goddamnit keppok

>> No.2175807

No shit sherlock.
>Furry is allowed, however do not over indulge on the subject of furries or their culture. Unnecessarily reporting these anons are strongly discouraged. This thread is dedicated to helping anons improve their erotic drawings and paintings.

>> No.2175809

Instead of saying fucked up anatomy why don't you guys point out where the anatomy is fucked?

"this is a bad drawing you did it wrong" doesn't help anyone.

>> No.2175816

Either take the crit or fuck off. If anon wanted an "in-depth" crit s/he would've asked. Stop bitching and get back to studying

>> No.2175844

Proportions are all off
Link's upper body is 4 heads tall, but his lower body is only 2.5 heads. In reality they are equal. He's off balance and about to fall on his ass. Upper arm is too short. Tiny hands and feet. No ass. Mile long thighs but baby calves, these should be more equal.
Zelda's head is too big, she is currently about 3.5 heads tall. Baby hand.

>> No.2175845

That's not a critique, it's fucking nothing.
A critiqe would be less generic and contain actual information that would help anon.

Everyone with bad anatomy can already see it - either point out which part is bad and hoe should be fixed - such as the hip are on that one or don't bother posting.

>> No.2175849

stop with your useless whining. you can't force him to give long critiques, this kind of complaint never leads to anything, end of story.

>> No.2175861

I'm critiquing his critique - either take it or fuck off.

Loomis posters are fucking useless.

>> No.2175869

and i'm criticising your critique, see how stupid this is?
and not everything has to be a critique. can also just give his opinion on how bad he thinks it is, even if you don't want to hear it.

>> No.2175871

Here is that guy's post
>Red lines and crits are very appreciated. c: rip me to shreds por favor?

He knows anatomy is fucked.
He IS asking for a proper critique.

'dude your anatomy is fucked" is a fucking worthless post a fucking shitpost.

>> No.2175872

s/he is just a shitposter, ignore the harlot

>> No.2175883

I'm with this anon. He still has a long way to go but either hentaifoundry got higher standards or the people accepting/rejecting artists don't know what they are doing.

>> No.2175885
File: 47 KB, 800x561, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2175887

Looks unbalanced but it is not awful. I'd say unless it is really important to you, just leave it be and start on something else.

>> No.2175889

cute. gonna finish it?

>> No.2175893

10/10 would keep as pet.

>> No.2175895

>telling people to not finish things
you even told him it's not that bad. don't make people stop just because of minor things.

>> No.2175930

This. It may not be perfect but definitely good enough o be finished.

>> No.2175946
File: 107 KB, 540x687, buh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think anatomy is your primary issue, it is your perceptive.
You have chosen an 3-point perspective and failed to follow the rules, you made everything disproportionate relative to where it is located in space.
I made this shitty cube to demonstrate, its not perfectly placed in 3-point but I hope it illustrates my point. I suggest mastering 2-point before moving on.

>> No.2175995

Zelda's head is way too big and she looks like an alien (and I know you probably meant to give her face a blush, but it's overdone and makes her look sick instead). Her butt is clumpy-looking too. Links waist is way too long and the angle of his right leg/paw is not making sense. Looks like you just smacked it there without thinking about the position the rest of his leg would be in.

But I gotta say there's a lot in this I like too. Your rendering isn't too shabby on Link there and I actually really like how you did the stairs, of all things!

>> No.2175997
File: 538 KB, 1300x1276, futaquiddone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


polished and tweaked it a little more, and think I'm calling it done now. It's not a very important piece, but since I'm already spent more time that I should, I thought I might as well try to wrap it up.

Well, here's the futa-version..

>> No.2175998
File: 530 KB, 1300x1276, girlsquiddone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


.. And here's the girl!

>> No.2176000

coloring doesn't seem like too much work at this stage. why not finish it and post it somewhere?

>> No.2176003

I really dig this! Looks even better with some more tentacles, the one in the lower right really gives more depth to the whole thing. And don't listen to the negative anon, you should definitively finish it, would frame and hang on my wall! (or perhaps just put in my smut folder, either way it will be enjoyed)

>> No.2176005

You are right, it'd probably come together better with some color.. I do like to color, so might get back to it, but for now I just need to work on something else for a while!

>> No.2176008

Aaw, that's such a sweet compliment, thank you! Yeah, I agree that it needs to be finished.. Just maybe not riiiight now. :p

>> No.2176013

Shit. I'm sorry, you should definitely finish it. I was being a dick.

>> No.2176016

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.2176017

stop writing like a faggot

>> No.2176018

What? I'm not being ironic. I legitimately feel bad for telling anon not to finish.

>> No.2176027
File: 151 KB, 449x442, 1433917230864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2176035


I knew it was a bad choice.. I even deleted and re-added it a few times..

>> No.2176038


It's all right, I didn't feel that what you said had any hostility to it. I actually thought it was good advice to not nitpick too much, and rather start creating something new!

>> No.2176046
File: 248 KB, 480x270, 1416048513215.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>double posting twice in a row
holy shit STOP. that's like basic forum etiquette

>> No.2176054

I'll do my best to apply your forum etiquette critique in the future!

>> No.2176077
File: 409 KB, 900x636, alrightalright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm pretty much done with this, unless anybody feels that something needs to be changed?

>> No.2176131

Delete those fingers. They are making me cringe.

>> No.2176145
File: 416 KB, 900x636, alrightalright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2176153

I think the fingers look good, it might just be the lowest line, the one outlining the palm, which looks a little weird when pointed out. Otherwise cute!

>> No.2176167

Yeah, I think it looks weird getting rid of that hand entirely, so I'll just make some adjustments to it instead. And thank you!

>> No.2176174
File: 208 KB, 618x599, 1840a95a1cac66fe6e0b8f7d7bdefbc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes? is this bad?

The Mac/Samus comic is ending really soon so I'm doing this Shantae/Rotty one.

I think that we've learned a lot from the first one we've done together, and brek is not gonna work on his own MegaMan Legends one. And of course we'll be helping eachother along the way.

Also I wanted to make it look in-game style, I'm debating myself whether or not to color it in binary or banding.

>> No.2176178

pretty cool body nicely done

>> No.2176209

pillow shading. not a single hard edge.

>> No.2176211

pillow shading doesnt mean soft shading

>> No.2176213

Pillowshading is when there isn't a definitive lightsource. In that anon's drawing the light is obviously coming from the top-left corner, so it can't be pillowshading.

>> No.2176277
File: 78 KB, 607x860, nun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks fixed that.

Another drawing, supposed to be nun, I wanted thick legs but are they too thick?

>> No.2176282

>pillow being confused with soft
I've noticed anons here seem obsessed with hard square brushes and such. People really hate soft that much here or is it a vocal minority?

>> No.2176286
File: 777 KB, 597x833, one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No reference used. What you think?

>> No.2176290
File: 332 KB, 1000x1150, Sketchy14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse the dumb fetish, see anything that should be fixed?

>> No.2176291

I'm not that into ET fanfic.

>> No.2176293

Where is the anatomy on that?

What you mean?

>> No.2176295


The ball sack could be more 'sacky'. It looks just like two balls below the penis when it should be its own item. Also the woman's eye lashes are freaking me out a bit. Try making them more relaxed/lower lidded to make it look like she's actually looking down at his junk. You'll probably need references, unless you absolutely don't want to use them. But good job.

left hand should have a pinkie visible. I see some erase lines where you adjusted it. If you don't want to pinkie there, just adjust the plump around it to make it as if the hand is more pressed it. And that ass, hng.

>> No.2176304


His body is too little. That or his head and clothes are too big.

>> No.2176309

You can't really anatomy right when you're drawing this fetish
duly noted friendo, thanks

>> No.2176310

Be sure to include some...drops ion the throat-fucking one. Would love to see that on a poster or something.

>> No.2176318
File: 383 KB, 509x479, balls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the critic. I will change the weird eyes lashes. Talking about the balls:
Sometimes, when the cock is hard the balls looks like part of the penis, because most of the skin cover the erection and the scrotal bag gets to short.

>> No.2176321

A fetish about bad drawing, for sure.

>> No.2176324

these are weird
fairly well done
but weird as shit

>> No.2176326

Oh, thanks! I'll keep that in mind for any of my own drawings.

>> No.2176341
File: 559 KB, 1200x892, Face hugging rapee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys. This is a commission I'm doing for someone. If anything looks off, any advice would be helpful!

>> No.2176345
File: 107 KB, 752x923, New Canvaslewd doge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything needing a desperate fix?

My anatomy in general needs work.

>> No.2176363

Nothing realy glares at me as wrong other than that her shoulders look uneven.

>> No.2176364
File: 1.12 MB, 1000x1460, coloring-wip01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Characters mostly done. Now it's time for my worst nightmare. Coloring the environment.

>> No.2176365

i notice that his left hand is awkwardly placed
make him grab his dick maybe

>> No.2176367

Stage left buttock looks swollen, it's way larger than the stage right one. idk if this was your intention tho.

>> No.2176376

Ah, I could try that.
I was thinking of making it the moment he lets go, but maybe it is too soon for that.

>> No.2176379


>> No.2176385

Looks like fucking cement. Awful.

>> No.2176390

I would love to fix the issue, but I don't understand what you mean.

>> No.2176402

That Anon means that consistency of the demon you've drawn looks very thick and unconvincing. I think in this case "more is less" and go a little more opaque and glossy wet. Do away with the sludgey detail lines drawn over it, as well.

>> No.2176404

Maybe anon means the jizz?
I wouldn't listen to such half assed posts tho.

>> No.2176408

I'm pretty sure he was talking about the jizz. It doesn't look very gooey

>> No.2176411

Semen is transparent, you drew it as more of like yogurt. It's not really an issue. It's a completely valid choice if that's what you were going for. The reality is that anon is just desperate to find problems with your picture because your work threatens his little ego.

>> No.2176413

Another thread wasted on pseudo artistes.

Way to go guys.


>> No.2176421

what the fuck r u talking about

>> No.2176424

>It's not really an issue
It is, actually. It looks really, reall, really bad

>> No.2176426

Nice critique. I guess you are right. I always go overkill with the inking. All that is not a sketch results in this overcomplicated stuff that just bloats the artwork. Will try to make some adjustments at the end. Thanks!

Aaaah, I see. No no, I still have to render the sperm part. Right now it looks like nothing.

>> No.2176429

this neanderthal level shitpostery is astounding

>> No.2176461
File: 101 KB, 800x598, legendaryass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crits on this lineart?

>> No.2176491

What's with that thumb? It should lay on her knuckles. Nothing very glaring otherwise I think. Side of the ribcage under the left breast has a weird protrusion. Underside of bewbs should follow the curve of ribcage.

>> No.2176502

Ew, those aren't good?? Does your dick look like that??? Are you 80 years old? Jesus christ I'm vomiting

>> No.2176519
File: 393 KB, 800x601, legendaryass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh yeah that thumb did look really bad, thanks for pointing that out. Also I was trying to go for a bit of pudge with the stomach, I guess it just looked like a weird lump on the ribcage because of the perspective.

Here's my attempt to fix that, along with the beginning of some shading.

>> No.2176541

The perspective is awful. You should redraw from scratch or at least fix the initial sketch.

>> No.2176542

It looks convincing to me, what do you see about it that's awful?

Extreme angles always look kind of odd-

>> No.2176543

I'll rephrase. The anatomy you put together is awful because you don't know how to put it in this perspective.
Flip the canvas. If you still don't see it, I can't really help you, since at the moment I don't have the time to make a redline.

>> No.2176579

I flipped the canvas but I really don't see anything wrong still? I really would appreciate a redline if you have the time for it. Otherwise I'm just going to keep it as it is.
Also, >>2176542 isn't me, just so you know.

>> No.2176582

Ah yeah sorry, I should have picked a name for the post was just so damn curious what he sees is wrong.

>> No.2176615

New Thread:
