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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 599 KB, 1459x787, hazmat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2151128 No.2151128 [Reply] [Original]

help, they all look so generic.

>> No.2151168
File: 498 KB, 800x1100, draw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a random NPC genorator, and try to come up with personalities or "looks" for the characters based on the description.

It's a lot of fun, and maybe it'll help you out of your rut.


>> No.2151207

clean them up

>> No.2152231
File: 89 KB, 1544x858, messy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2152236

While we're on this subject, does anyone know some good character design lessons that are either on torrent our just free?

>> No.2152270
File: 21 KB, 408x777, 11741687_734584579983682_876435406_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no idea but i cant imagine its something really to be taught, its just understanding weight and silhouette

i think making number 1 shorter makes it look less generic, but i have another friend that feels strongly toward number 2

>> No.2152292

Character design has fundamentals just like everything else. It can be taught

>> No.2152296

>everything can be taught
Is this what people with no creativity tell themselves?

>> No.2152300

I'm not saying inspiration or taste can be taught but taking those things and representing them in an appealing way can. Things like shape language and gesture are very fundamental.

>> No.2152349

Why didn't I ever think of that, thanks!

>> No.2152357

It's true. There are entire courses and books about character design.

>> No.2152383

Depends, whats it going to be used for?

>> No.2152430

Funny! On that note, creativity isn't something you either have or you don't, anyone can develop it over time through their experiences.

>> No.2152523

a video game! hazmat here is going to be the protagonist

>> No.2152576

so where are your references? what hazmat suits are you trying to imitate? They look really generic, like they're all different designs but its the same suit everytime. Right now I would say 4 is more appealing to me

>> No.2152584

didnt have a ref. just looking at any hazmat suit.

>> No.2152893

Look at dozens of hazmat suits, make a set of characters with a mix and match of what looks appealing. Further mix and match the best of those into 3 good chars.

>> No.2153539

is his/her lack of personality or individuality the point

>> No.2153557

the lack of face and looking more or less like it could be a girl or a guy is the point, but i still want him to have a kind of charisma.

>> No.2153620
File: 109 KB, 712x268, suit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play with their shapes, make lines, push lines around. just like you've been doing.
and when everything fails, look at refs to get inspiration.

some thing that i found easy to play with in this case:
>shape of the visor
>customizing the backpack
>playing with the shape of the neck an that cover thingy
and i personally like to add small things like emblems or embroidery or small aseccoires, but that probably doesn't fit here.

not trying to redline or anything, just throwing ideas out there. the shape of the visor is probably the most characteristic thing, so try out more different shapes

>> No.2153686
File: 91 KB, 373x639, hazmat model ref 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the current one im playing with in blender, and i had ideas for backpacks but i have to do those later. i'll post more sketches in a bit.

>> No.2153713

also it should be stated that this is going to have to be a low poly kinda silly model, im basing the look and feel of the game off of early-to-mid-200s internet and adult swim shows. like the "4chan party van" map and space ghost coast 2 coast.

>> No.2153869
File: 98 KB, 359x477, New fire-proteciton-overall of the Royal Air Force, Photograph, March 2nd 1936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice. what type of charisma are you going for? silly, or scary, or? what type of game is it?

i would do something different with the blank face, it's not got much individuality to it. for example iron man's face is covered, but he still has eye holes so you know where to look. same with the power armour from fallout. they have that similar to human face layout. so i would look at different types of masks(though not gas masks)

>> No.2153997

hes going to be static and deadpan, dry humor. i keep thinking of moltar and tanzit from space ghost, but thats not exactly what im going for.

>> No.2154431

grommit from wallace and grommit, maybe?

>> No.2154464

Good thing God made you gifted, right anon?

>> No.2154465
File: 1.71 MB, 2893x4092, Yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2154493

thank you this is cute

>> No.2154781
File: 102 KB, 831x756, 1437072686347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i posted this in /3/, but this is my first model. its kinda growing on me, but i think it could be a lot better. i think i should fix the shoes, make the front head a little less round, and change the visor to be a little more like this >>2153620

opinions? he will also have a backpack

>> No.2154926

i get a total 90's Lucas Arts Point and Click vibe from these designs.

>> No.2154935
File: 92 KB, 903x822, hazmat test 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>90's Lucas Arts
youre gettin it!

>> No.2156072
File: 249 KB, 1024x1280, Sketch175185112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not feeling his design.
He's supposed to be wearing light armor on top of thick clothes for protection. He's supposed to be a light-armored soldier, and his fighting style makes him move a lot.
There's something wrong with how he looks but can't put it into words.

>> No.2156075

well, try lighter armor then.
right now it's more like you used heavy armor except you left out some parts.

try to actually use less armor. as in, armor that covers less area.

>> No.2156079

Does he really look that armored?
Chest plate, spoulders and bracers, is that too much? I know his boots look armored but I fucked up there, they are normal boots.
Any other piece of advice?

>> No.2156087
File: 68 KB, 496x500, 0176[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of reminds me of the hazmat from the evolution game for GBA :P

>> No.2156091

>Any other piece of advice?
if you want to give the impression that he moves a lot, you should make him less bulky. also you shouldn't let the armor cover too many places that are moving a lot. like the shoulders, joints, or in this case especially the neck.
his neck is very well covered with armor, and it feels restrictive.

i suggest you start out without armor and focus more on the clothes, after that you can add a little bit of armor.

>> No.2156106

Maybe I should draw him again from scratch.
Thank you, anon.

>> No.2156424

use a different purple

put a highlight or something on the face mask

>> No.2156708
File: 88 KB, 1338x784, 1437190715416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres hazmat atm
ill help you in a bit, frog anon.

>> No.2156711
File: 86 KB, 821x972, chara_prout_by_zedig-d7ikf95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not on the computer i casn draw on right now, but frogs have long legs, right? so give him something a little like this. hes lookin a little to much like that gmod-looking frog game

>> No.2156750

uh, that is honestly a little long. it looks like a giant dick leading to his mouth.
especially when you look the right one, it looks like the thing could fall/roll off his shoulders. doesn't look too practical.

>> No.2156766
File: 340 KB, 618x946, froggy man .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried doing it, sorry for it looking so rushed. i think the feet should show and maybe the little diamonds i made could be pink flowers instead, like on lilypads.

>> No.2156768

a little long? but ot has to be connected to the backpack. i dont get what you mean.

>> No.2156773
File: 9 KB, 206x330, sieg-rend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To tell the truth I think I didn't explain the character very well.
He's is supposed to have some bulk since he has lots of stamina, but he spins and twirls a lot while fighting (he waits for opponents to get close, almost never runs towards them) think of Nightmare/Siegfreid from Soul Calibur and Soul Edge, that character is a huge inspiration for this character.
I went with that kind of armor because I wanted him to feel free to move his arms and legs but covered enough to take a hit and wistand damage.

> He's a frog
Kinda, looks more like a toad, that's why I kept him big. Long legs would mean he's a good jumpe, but that would come later for him and he's not naturally agile.

Sorry for the confusion.

>> No.2156794
File: 2.74 MB, 1516x3264, color-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks pretty good. But I feel animal characters with light human clothing is so overdone and generic.
I'm trying a more anthropomorphic approach, making them feel they are almost human but animal enough to have some of animal traits in themselves.
Here's another character I drew a while ago.

Inb4 furry and all that jazz

>> No.2156806

still, it looks kinda bothersome. who wants to carry around a hose that is longer than your own arm?
normally they would be shorter, and maybe thinner. you could also just get rid of it.

>> No.2156815
File: 202 KB, 566x829, froggy man 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a breathing tube, look at the other sketches here of hazmat suits. i could make it plug into the top, though.
i really think you should take advantage of the fact hes a toad. it offers a better silhouette, a more interesting character, and i definitely think furriers are more overdone and generic than a human-sized toad is.

>> No.2156824

I've seen so many soldier/knight frogs wearing a few pieces of armor and no boots do many times it's not funny, man.
Furriws might be overdone, but anthro characters are scarce, specially respectable ones.
This kind frog/toad wearing armor I've seen it so, that's why I went with a more humanized approach, I want my character to express emotion and such. Being an animal wearing clothes doesn't fully allowed to do that. There's already many stories, books and tales with those.

>> No.2156832
File: 71 KB, 336x336, starfox1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itll end up like this or a ninja turtle.

>> No.2156837

Star fox is a huge inspiration, actually.
That's what I am aiming at.

>> No.2156842
File: 214 KB, 654x949, froggy man 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought maybe you just didnt like the style, so here.
too tall?

>> No.2156844

Ahh that looks more In line to what I want. The legs look pretty cool.
The beads and the amor shape makes me think you have some Amano/Early Final Fantasy inspiration going on.

>> No.2156845
File: 1.12 MB, 1554x1659, img143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen to anon; if you're going for an anthro approach then just make them human. Take advantage and make a cool toad dude who is bulky and strong.

>> No.2156853
File: 1.91 MB, 2448x3264, CAM00732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love anthro characters way too much bro. I hate the furry community with a passion.
I appreciate what you're doing, but I already have plans for this dude. And being a soldier frog that defends the weak is one of those plans.

>> No.2156857
File: 213 KB, 616x921, froggy man 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one i guess, cuz theyre starting to get wonky

>> No.2156859

oooo this one is my fav

>> No.2156862

The previous one looked more like something I would use. Thanks a lot, man.
I will try to give him longer legs but I really wanna keep him as broad and big as I can. He needs to feel like he can wistand a long fight.

>> No.2156875

welcome brah.

>> No.2156881

Gonna try to post results tomorrow if the thread is still up.
Thanks again.

>> No.2156882
File: 291 KB, 959x780, frogs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by the way, this is what i meant when i said focus on the clothes and just add a little armor.

>> No.2156935
File: 37 KB, 250x351, tumblr_lzltgtZBno1r4pf0so2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont suppose one of you two can help with my hazmat man?
i think i might want a more whimsical design, as well.

>> No.2157056

Frog knight dude here.
That looks incredible. I can use something like that for his back story before my character becomes a knight. As a soldier he can use scarce armor like that, and as a knight wear heavier armor for status and shit.
Gonna go with a that design if you don't mind?

>> No.2157088 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 716x960, 10568875_736956939746446_8278891985524458731_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does this one look?

>> No.2157089
File: 49 KB, 716x960, 11705203_736959556412851_2198304804523074742_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does this one look?

>> No.2157218

so, frogman, are you working on a game aswell? maybe we can help one another out.

>> No.2157240

To be honest, man, this whole artist/drawing thing is just a hobby to me. I started drawing because I had this original story stuck in my head that I really want to illustrate, that's why I'm drawing right now, bro.
I've always thought that my character could work in a sort of moba environment or a 3D action game a la DMC, but I've never actually thought of working on a game. Mostly because I'm not a good artist.

>> No.2157264

This one looks pretty good. It has the potential to be expressive.

>> No.2157271
File: 52 KB, 2592x1444, Frog Knight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frog knight shitty version

>> No.2157649
File: 317 KB, 1024x1280, Sketch19075616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frog fag reporting.
I think I'm gonna go with this as his final design, whilr taking some ideas from this anon >>2156882
for his background story before being a knight.
I know I didn't made many positive changes, but I think his upper body is alright, and I think the problem is what to add to his lower body. Boots are a given, and no armor down there is preferable, but I still gotta make some research on what would look good.

>> No.2157753

looks like the vacuum cleaner from the teletubbies

>> No.2157760


>> No.2157781

is this chrono trigger

>> No.2157804

What are you guys designing for?
What is the story behind your character?
What is the functionallity behind his equipment and anatomy?
What is the point of doing a Hazmat character in a standard hazmat suite, That's not design.
Why not merge it with the functionality of smokedivers and regular diving suites and set it to the 1800s. Make up a little story in your head about Tesla having a good time in his lab with some radiation and shit.

And what is mr frog bro doing?
Is he a musketeer or a knight? Archer or pikeman? Whats the purpose of his armor? Maybe he's just using it for show and he is just a quartermaster. Maybe in that universe frogs don't lose their internal gills and he is part of a guerillia fighting team that can go underwater and flank enemies in combat? Then that metal armor isn't so practical anymore but a light leather armor would be ideal.

>> No.2157821

The frog with the Xbox huge eyebrows has a mission, way grander than his desire to protect others in the kingdom he lives in.
As part of the military legion of his kingdom, he can't balance the fighting against enemies and protect people that need it and that brings him great conflict. Living a life serving a kingdom you start to wonder where your desires start and where the desires of the majority must be complied. That internal conflict later will make him struggle big when the true story kicks in and his friends get involved into this mess.

He's a knight, btw. He wields a two-handed sword (a pretty big and heavy one) and fights up close and personal with it (until the real story kicks in).
His armor is purely thematic to make him look like a soldier or part of a legion.
His kingdom is a mix of German and European medieval times. That kingdom is in an alternate universe but in a planet called Earth (yeah super original).

>> No.2157824
File: 1.14 MB, 2294x3200, Shaman Purpz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2157833
File: 43 KB, 205x300, BrveJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see how there is a huge issue that I got NOTHING of that from your design right?
Design isn't about drawing a frog.
It's about communicating that story right there.
You can draw it, paint it, write it, 3d model it it's all the same but right now, you don't know how to express your designs and that's going to hold you back.

>> No.2157836

im making a game, and i kinda want the hazmat suit to look like an astronaut suit and a diving suit aswell. also i want the tube to kinda look like an elephant.

i want the character to look cool, and the world a little trippy and uncanny. im going for lisa frank colors on the hazmat man.

>> No.2157843
File: 334 KB, 1736x1090, Bugs-Bunny-military.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck with that then.

>> No.2157850

Dude, forget the armor. I just wanted a frog with am armor. I wanted to make him look like he's a tank in combat, and you generally give an armor to those kinds of characters.
Later in the story it won't matter because the guy will acquire Water controlling powers and will no longer fight up close (well, not personal level of up close but whatever). He's gonna be doing all sorts of magical, water based stuff and his armor will be just for characterization purpose and to make him easily recognizable.
Granted, my story is still very green and design wise still looks very barren, but remember what this is a hobby for me, I'm not gonna make money out of this story. And it's not that I don't care for people's input, it's just that I feel that the character design is critically important and for a Shonen anime - tier of a story I have, the simpler the design, the better.

Sorry if this dissapoints you, bro.

>> No.2157860

>"It's not so critically important"

Sorry, had to fix it.

>> No.2157879

Hey man, It's your character.
People mainly post because they want to improve and become as good as possible.
I tried to give you some of that help most people complains about this board not having enough off.

I am sorry to see you get so rustled because of me trying to help you that you try to project your insecurity onto me.
Best of luck to you with whatever you want to accomplish.

>> No.2157882

Thank you for your help anyway, bro.
I should have talked a bit more about him before asking for directions.

>> No.2157953
File: 180 KB, 774x1032, the_wandering_connoisseur_by_alexkonstad-d75hii7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, ill dump some stuff you ya

>> No.2157954
File: 125 KB, 756x1056, astronaut_wizard_by_alexkonstad-d6u4ttb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2157957
File: 134 KB, 1066x749, cygnar_stormguard_by_alexkonstad-d6sfudv[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2157959
File: 150 KB, 546x800, owl_by_prospass-d78vte2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2157965
File: 431 KB, 1400x508, the_lich_prince_by_mr__jack-d919q23[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, froggy, im rested today and i think i can help you more, while im doing my own thing.

>> No.2157974

Is this what passes as "good design" these days? It's probably the most boring/generic thing I've ever seen, then they just put an animal head on it because "muh redwall fantasy" and "zedig did it so it's zany and hip". Plus it's a poor simplification of an own. And they couldn't even make the pauldrons symmetrical...

>> No.2157984

The design is indeed shit, but you yourself come off as an incredibly dumb amateur from your post.

>"muh redwall fantasy" and "zedig did it so it's zany and hip"

You don't even understand why that is shit tier shape design and a boring drawing as a whole, all you can come up with is "oh it's an owl, I saw Zedig draw an owl, so that's why this must be shit"

>> No.2158004

posted it as an armor reference, brethren

>> No.2158013
File: 299 KB, 800x500, tumblr_niapb8jo161qft2nco9_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm aiming at something as simple as this own dude >>2157959
No complex armor details, no drapes or hanging anything, easy to draw and wear practical armor, good leather clothes that seem protective.
I like this design. I like simple and effective designs. I know these are the most boring and don't have much going on, but I love them because they are easy to remember.
I'm not going for technical character design, I don't need the theory or the rules. I just want something that looks cool and effective.

I feel that I'm offending a good deal pf people here by saying this. I know a lot of you are good artists, and hearing this might be jarring for a lot of you. Sorry in advance. I'm just an aficionado with a story stuck in his head.

Pic kinda related.

>> No.2158038

What? I said they did that on top of the boring design. Like that was the only thing they could think of to try to break free of the most generic possible design, rather than change the armor. It's pretty obvious to anyone that the breastplate and pauldrons are generic shapes 101. Same with the weapon and everything else, never mind the plastic rendering that immediately destroys any sense of materials or weight to the armor.

>> No.2158056
File: 253 KB, 1280x707, tumblr_nrqg63Cdr61tzf27to2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just love these simple, plate armor with clothes underneath.

>> No.2158096

This thread is garbage

>> No.2158105
File: 31 KB, 381x430, ducreux1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the god of character design ascended upon us!
may he share his limitless design knowledge with us!
let us witness his great sense for design!

>> No.2158160
File: 3.26 MB, 2808x2220, img138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2158175

made some more crappy designs, this is frustrating. plz help

>> No.2158176
File: 1.88 MB, 1393x601, hazmat 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.2158184

i like the first one.
but how did you get the shadow of your fingers on every one of them, what are you even doing.

>> No.2158192

power went out a second ago, storms a lot around here

>> No.2158219


I love you baby

>> No.2158222
File: 265 KB, 402x650, arming17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All armour has clothes underneath. A lot of 14th century stuff nicely fills the "simple" part, though.

>> No.2158275
File: 78 KB, 704x960, jjdjd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for how crappy it looks, im trying to make it square for when i need a reference for modeling.

opinions? i still cant like it, ugh

>> No.2158276

Haha no but good enough to make /ic/ go turbofag mode on me due to not being an amature but definently not Jamie Jones tier.

I tried to help frog bro but he wasn't looking for help. These belong in the beginner thread.

>> No.2158283

Meant for you ofcourse.

The trunk look isn't working out, Try basing the helmet off a wasp or ant.

>> No.2158286

the owl needs a bigger head. owls have fat heads.

>> No.2158305

so you're >>2157804 >>2157833 ?

are your feelings hurt from people not listening to you or something? jesus christ.

>> No.2158306
File: 233 KB, 844x903, hazmat .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it might be best to just make it connect to the back again.

>> No.2158307
File: 124 KB, 462x843, hazmat 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2158327
File: 128 KB, 678x692, hazmat 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i like the one on the right the most

>> No.2158450
File: 652 KB, 1410x2576, 20150719_211027-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im trying to design a muslim superheroine. Her hijab is also a cape but after that im kind of stumped ? I dont want to do robes or other flowy things cause it would take away from the cape. Any ideas

>> No.2158454

A bomb vest is pretty unique for Heroines to be wearing.

>> No.2158483

>asking for it

>> No.2158485

for a board that's focus on something that requires creativity, the most you could give is some boring very obvious joke.

>> No.2158486

muslim men dont wear hajabs?

>> No.2158491

I was trying to make her somewhat muscular. But not that i look at it the angularness of it does come across as masculine

>> No.2158492

she has a man's silhouette. thats not how you draw women. besides, tumblr has done the idea to death.
this thread sucks

>> No.2158504

Everyone has done everything a million times, that doesnt mean someone cant do it better or differently. But tell me, whats your super fresh idea

>> No.2158573

Ofcourse not!
Have a fantastic day

>> No.2159475

I didn't make the joke.

Maybe you should design a superhero vehicle, like the batmobile, for her to drive arou..

oh nvm

>> No.2159865
File: 16 KB, 292x257, 1433300173041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2159967
File: 49 KB, 960x704, 10408718_738107426298064_6572100108075677876_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which cap should i go with? if im going ot use?
the elephant/ant-eater cap then im going to want to make him shorter...

>> No.2160282
File: 173 KB, 500x736, adha_2k14_by_oxboxer-d7zl74k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that looks really old fashioned, like a plague doctor. intentional?

its been done, there's was a cgi cartoon show a few years back about a muslim woman who used headdress as a superhero disguise.

women get thicker waists as they get athletic yes, but those are literally dude with beefy pecs proportions you've drawn.

if your whole idea for her is 'she's a superhero in a hijab' then she's already dead in the water. if she would still be a fully rounded character with no mention of religion, you're good. there has to be something more than 'she's a muslim and has the generic superhero schtick too??' for this to be a decent design or character.

what are her character traits and how are you incorporating them into her design?

>> No.2160290
File: 120 KB, 561x650, thejanissary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2160301
File: 145 KB, 540x440, tumblr_nqrjhd0EJj1rl5132o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as i've said earlier in this thread, i was going for a hazmat suit. however im willing to stray from that to robots or other suits. the face is supposed to look like an elephant or anteater. something odd and animal-like.

i dont know if i should keep them "mario short" or a little taller.

>> No.2160389

> muslim woman
> character traits

i don't think that's allowed brah

Srsly though, if you want to make her less masculine, make sure her hips are wider than her shoulders, perhaps give her some indication of breasts, and maybe make those arms just a little less muscley. You could also reduce the size of her mouth and push her eyebrows a little higher. Lastly, you need to add more head or lower the face, because her brain pan is too small ( i know bitches are stupid, but you don't have to go that far ) usually the eyes are halfway up the head.

>> No.2160420
File: 738 KB, 610x615, couple more.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more designs... maybe i should just color them all and see how they look.

>> No.2160427
File: 91 KB, 850x1280, DSC_4150_IKKWJGGCJQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, looking at some buff women now, the shoulders really are wider. You'll pretty much just need to work on the face and give her some tittays.

God, musclepeople are a disgusting waste of resources... this was the least disturbing thing I could find.

>> No.2160617
File: 291 KB, 1313x950, hazmat 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

out of these three?

>> No.2160629

They won't work any better in color.
You should study someone elses design's rather than trying to make stuff up from your imagination. Your imagination is currently a weak source of design and you need to feed it from a strong source.

>> No.2160648

any suggestions?

>> No.2160695

Honestly i hadnt gotten that far. i was mostly riding the wave of a sudden inspiration that was a hijab cape thing. Also i wanted her to be a shadowy character, mostly doing her business at night.

Like i said i havent gone to far if anywhere with this yet

>> No.2160818


>> No.2160825
File: 168 KB, 666x900, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one

>> No.2160846
File: 17 KB, 410x376, 1359953443052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's hot anon

>> No.2160849
File: 1.37 MB, 365x467, 4a0ta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well then

>> No.2160858
File: 1.20 MB, 1344x1984, img145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it

>> No.2160962

Ofcourse you do, you are the least gifted artist to ever post on this board.

>> No.2161341

may i use this design? i think ill make two models and see how i like them. maybe one is his casual outfit and one is his suit.

>> No.2161460
File: 213 KB, 540x515, survival ball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get refs, study the function of what you're looking at.
>Figure out a focal point or any kind of hierarchy.
>Iterate a lot with the former in mind. If you don't know what the hell you're doing, four iterations probably won't be enough.
>Go further afield than you have. Everything so far is so similar.
>Pick one to five best results and do variations on those themes.
>Get frustrated, throw it all away, and steal the survival ball's look instead.

>> No.2162189
File: 56 KB, 563x515, ye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all have probably seen this a million times
>i want a original character
I try to make an original character, what i'm aiming for is a goblin type character who is a jack-of-all-trades, typically dressed like a Rogue/Thief
>some people would say Styx- The Master of Shadow
Yes, that is what i'm basing my character off of because I wouldn't know what to make him look like, i'm tired of making my characters look close to something that already exists. Pls /ic/ help me.
>pic related is sort of Styx, sort of my own goblin I guess?

>> No.2162195

No...that's pretty much 100% Styx.

>> No.2162196

Yea I know, I just can't figure out a way to make it my own style. Pretty much why i'm asking for help/ideas lmao.

>> No.2162200

You do realise if we give you ideas its still not your own? Go outside and experience the world, that's were inspiration comes from.

>> No.2162212

try narrower chin and experiment with ears

>> No.2162214

dress him up in asian rogue dress instead AKA ninja.

>> No.2162348

Could be fat, thin, short, lanky. Could have a broken nose, "roman" nose, long nose, no-nose/nostril slits. Ears could be longer, shorter, broader, narrower, merely mishapen, one bitten off. Honestly there's no reason not to try a receding chin instead of a long one, or an exaggerated underbite.

Doesn't have to be D&D rogue with incorrect soft leather. What kind of rogue? Con man? Scary asshole in the woods with a writ of outlawry against him? Pirate? Robin Hood? Figure out the details of his story and depict those in his outfit somehow.

Think about your story and iterate. Don't just jump to copying the first similar thing. That's boring.

>> No.2162359

Think about the main physical traits which define goblins in popculture. Big, pointy ears, green skin, chiseled, angular face and a big hook nose. Get rid of too many of those traits and your character won't be recognizable as goblin anymore but if you keep them all, it will be very hard to draw something that doesn't look like a stereotypical goblin.

Finding the right balance is up to you and depends entirely on the project itself, the tone of the story, personality of the character etc.

>> No.2162409
File: 448 KB, 670x670, Saturday-1st-Ms-Marvel-Kamala-Khan-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neither her powerset(mr fantastic style manipulation of arms) or costume are specifically muslim but she's really popular

>> No.2162411
File: 103 KB, 880x559, different-body-types-olympic-athletes-howard-schatz-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking at bodybuilders instead of real athletes
well there's your problem

first one looks like moomin. it's really cute but not exactly 'sarcastic' or whatever it was you were working towards

>> No.2162716
File: 289 KB, 1435x866, hazmat 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im so caught between the two faces

>> No.2162776

And this character is supposed to be male?

It seems incredibly femanine

>> No.2162813

its male, i guess its too hourglass? how do i fix that?

>> No.2162814
File: 150 KB, 724x866, hazmat body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2162822
File: 35 KB, 630x479, the-raccoons-wallpaper-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2162837


ha ha bravo absolutely nailed it, 9/11

>> No.2163015

but it leads to the same conclusion: strong women have wider shoulders than hips.

>> No.2163044
File: 328 KB, 1448x866, manup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something more like this?

I think that it would make sense for the character to have some kind of device to monitor oxygen/whatever it's breathing so I added a little thingy on his belt. You also said you want it to be an anteater creature so I added a mask where his anteater face could sort of fit.

I'm a beginner so feel free to tear my crit apart

>> No.2163201

original hazmatt man here
i really like the one on the right, i think it fits what i was intintionally going for, but since i made this thread the character seems to have...changed to something more whimsical and on-its-own than the 90-2000's i was going for. ill keep it in mind.

the left one just looks weird and unnatural though.

>> No.2164869

maybe post the 90-200s references you're working towards?

>> No.2164940
File: 104 KB, 886x733, astroandjarhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2165032

The third one is the best, looks cute and scifi all at once. The breathing tube looks kind of elephant like, I like that.

>> No.2165038

on the right

>> No.2167999

i love you, i always do "bagbosse" studies when i'm doing character design in projects

can we touch b-holes sometime

>> No.2168796
File: 111 KB, 305x614, ac front4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think this is the final design. thoughts?

>> No.2168859

Mass effect tali much?

>> No.2168898

I've never seen that character before just now.

Ugh, I think I don't like it still. Not "cool" enough like what I was originally going for. I think it got too cute and it's going to end up being like the pyro.

>> No.2168919


>> No.2168928

Is this your review of the thread or something

>> No.2168956

I feel it's a bit to bold and brash.

>> No.2168982

Eff you I had a friend tell me people would say he's squidward but I didn't belive them

>> No.2169038

This has got to be the worst character design thread ever to be on /ic/. 99% of everything in this thread is complete garbage. What the fuck are you all doing still trying to make this shit tier hazmat suit work? Nigga, did you even look at references? Did you think about the silhouette? Do you understand proportions? Can you even draw? Don't try to design a character until you understand basic shapes and forms.

>Why this isn't in the beginner thread I'll never know

>> No.2169308

I made this thread for help, man. If you know about character design then please help.

Believe it or not, I'm not even a beginner, I'm just self-taught.

>> No.2169329
File: 1.05 MB, 800x817, Horror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How're these lookin

>> No.2169453

People tried to help in the thread but there were mainly style based excuses or "I wasn't even looking for help"
This guy is right, this thread is shit.

>> No.2169462

i mean, plenty of people helped with the design, but no one gave me a written critique about what was wrong with it. i would love to be spoon fed over here.

i think my problem is working with a bulky character. most characters i've made have at least a few skinny or small parts, like the waste or hands or something, but this one cant have those.

>> No.2169480


I remember these from time ago, I've got a problem with the bottom right though, a woman should be able to dress how she wants and fuck as many guys as she wants without being labelled a slut!...

I'm just joshing, she looks like a right whore

>> No.2169501

before you call it shit, see if you can do it any better.
that should a rule here. otherwise it's just annoying.

>> No.2169503

Posting personal work to justify me calling this art shit? Do I need to post my own cooking to prove to you that this food is burnt. Retard.

>> No.2169509

no, but anyone can say what you said.

> did you even look at references? Did you think about the silhouette? Do you understand proportions?
like i said, do it better. if you understood what you said, you should be able to.

>> No.2169513

im the hazmat anon again and im just asking for a written critique, please. i really need help here, i know its kind of crap.

>> No.2169519

out of the thread i think i like >>2160617 the most, but the legs dont work in a 3d plane.

>> No.2169523

I already gave feedback in this thread several times.

Hazmat guy then said this:

Happy now?

>> No.2169528

im not froggyman, im the hazmat guy. could you please give me a critique?

>> No.2169539

as i thought.
see >>2158305

OP is a beginner, so really, you can't expect him to learn all this just by reading a thread.
if anything, you should blame your own inability to teach things instead of throwing a shitfit while talking shit about the entire thread.
if you're going to do it at least show that you can do it yourself.

>> No.2169547

You're fucking weird

>> No.2169672
File: 1.38 MB, 2400x3156, forhazmatfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Don't care what you think :)
Sure hazmat friend, I threw this together while my food was cooking.
I added design notes for you.
It's mainly about looking at ref when it's a real life subject and implementing it.
Since it's design we are talking about the next step is for the client to pick his favorite or mix and match the pieces he likes. Then clean and render that up when you are spending more than 60 min on it.

I genuinely think you would benefit more from improving your drawing skills then trying to design that character again and again but.

Focus on giving them a story, a job, a tool.
The top right guy in >pic related
has a very tiny tool and is wearing a raincoat and a regular gasmask because he won't be called out to deal with heavy duty spills.

The middle one has a bag, a antenna on his mask and a hard hat because he is more of a administrator during catastrophe, Official looking and all. With minor adjustments like adding red crosses he could be a hazzard medic.

Green friend on the left is there to flush away containment after spills.

The big one is a hazardous smoke diver, Pull survivors out before they ingest too much gas etc. That's why he got the duck tape on the bottom of his extremeties. I'm not entierly sure if the zipper would hold gas out but it was a different clothing detail to throw in last minute.

Just shoot me any questions here and I'll reply.

>> No.2169674
File: 232 KB, 1000x1315, filteype2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to read edition.

>> No.2169694

>I Don't care what you think :)
well but you did it anyway. nice job, though i feel like you missed OPs mark.

>> No.2169697

I did it because Hazmat guy wanted help.
My designs in my Design style.
I don't know if OP designed his Hazmat people because he wanted them like that or because he was limited by his drawing / painting abillity.
Glad you like them, I get your point.

>> No.2169705
File: 185 KB, 753x907, ac front6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont want to post anything because i dont feel like its really relevant to this thread, but trust me im not a cruddy artist. i just have been very careless when posting them here because i was just spitting out basic looks that i had drawn.
i really want to keep the snout and im not ready to make the bag yet, but what do you think of these? i did one like the green hazmat man and one like the older one, a little like te grey one.

>> No.2169713
File: 126 KB, 698x895, hazmat ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The snout is a design problem because it has no function. It is just a limp dick hanging from the middle of his mask.

You need to make it into the cable that goes to a oxygen tank, Your boots are quite frankly fabulous. They look like the boots from that adventure time episode with the city of thieves.
You give him straps which is a nice design touch but they aren't strapping anything to the Hazmat guy.

Functionallity is king when you do a character design and adding that Poxdoctor nose doesn't add any functionality to this suite.

Try drawing an entire character from this reference in your own style.
Please do post some of your other work if you feel like it will give context to your skill level, You don't have to prove anything to me though.
Keep on trying!

>> No.2169718
File: 517 KB, 838x511, tapir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the snout is just a little rendition of the tube, i thought it would be cool originally for him to be an elephant under his mask but now i want him to look like a tapir just because they look weirder. does that change anything?

its going to be strapped to a backpack that i just didnt draw, because i didnt have a design yet.

>> No.2169722

Ofcourse it makes a huge diference.
The one in the bottom left is quite good.
I just don't think it works wit the outside of a Hazmat suite.

It's pretty important to finish the main designs that goes with the story of your character before you ask for feedback because if your design isn't clear it will confuse the message other people see.
Throw him back in here when you have the backpack up and running.

>> No.2169727
File: 104 KB, 397x803, ac front7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2169729

Not bad, Why the fabulous pose though?
Do you feel like that reflects the attitude of a hazmat professional?

>> No.2169730

well alright, ill do that. i didnt think what he was really mattered as long as he looked good, you can kind of see through the progression of this thread that i was letting ymsef drift from it JUST being a hazmat suit, because the game is going to have tons of just bizarre little characters like that.

i think ill be removing the eyes though, i want him to look blank instead of dumb or innocent.

>> No.2169731

i just thought it looked like a cute pose and it was more fun to sketch, my guy.

>> No.2169789
File: 333 KB, 1080x1920, q8V7zSC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2169976
File: 88 KB, 366x418, thisdude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a chef who travels in search of ingredients. i dont really know

>> No.2170766


>> No.2170796

Why heels? My main issue with most of your designs are the feet. The first had curly elf shoes and these ones all have heels. It really makes things feel femmy.

>> No.2170898

Would hire as militia.

>> No.2170969
File: 110 KB, 975x1218, 56818_15924-kids-rambler-boot_large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usually boots have heels, even mens boots. theyre really fun to draw that what definitely factored into it, but i can make the front more round if you think that would help.

>> No.2170993

Does he have time to cook?

>> No.2171013
File: 132 KB, 626x837, precious_metal_by_rikkitikki-d5nkq5i[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 cute but i guess tintin was too
give him the stupid chef hat and make him a little older

>> No.2171024

awful. go back to tumblr 14 y/o

>> No.2171026
File: 60 KB, 263x350, 0a070e13e680ca19f7dac9aa2e8a549e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do what makes you happy. I'm just saying, its a really feminine feature and goes against the "imposing" feel you're aiming for. In your OP the 3rd example is straight up Beyonce in a hazmat suit. The other iterations the legs look like this "Super cute anime pose"

You're playing up feminine features when you should be playing up the masculine ones.

>> No.2171029

its just a habit, i draw females often. its probably ruining the silhouette, so its something to work on. i think i want him to have a little bit of a hunch.

>> No.2171053
File: 693 KB, 800x1259, HEEEEEELS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I mean about the heels. Typically they are an unimportant feature in male characters designs and don't deserve the visual real estate you're giving them unless they serve some purpose.

The pointed toe in the most recent design is also feminine. Google "pointed boot" in image search and see how many men show up.

I think hunching might help, maybe study some orc's and mold your dude into a cool anteater/orc spaceman? I think it's important as you typically draw women to really study what makes men manly.

>> No.2171060
File: 232 KB, 970x745, ac front8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont reslly know how to make it look like its hunching, but the one on the right is supposed to be.
now, everything in interchangeable, like i could make the hood on the right work with the mask on the left and the hunching be on the one of the left and whatever.
im still thinking about getting rid of the snout entirely and going back to the mask with a breathing tube.

>> No.2171062

oh sorry, ignore the snowman hes someone else

>> No.2171086
File: 698 KB, 2000x2000, hunch it up yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hunch it to the limit. Push it to the max. YOUR HUNCH SHOULD PIERCE THE HEAVENS

>> No.2171129
File: 247 KB, 436x745, ac front10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how these colors and textures

>> No.2171144
File: 246 KB, 436x745, ac front10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2171212

stop posting.
delete the thread.
lurk more.
come back in a year and ask again.

your fundies are weak, stop doing these god awful designs and get GOOD, man. this shit won't do ANYTHING for you right now.

there are 200 replies in this thread and your designs STILL LOOK AWFUL. i'm sorry man, but fuck damn this thread is stinking up the board.

>> No.2171228

whoa, take it easy man. my fundamentals really aren't weak, ive posted my art a few times before when i was doing realism and they weren't bad. im having a problem with this particular design, i cant figure out how to make it work. thats why ive been asking. imo >>2169705 is a super improvement from the OP.

>> No.2171234

not even him, but does a pic like this >>2169727 really suggest someones fundamentals are bad? i mean, theyre willing to take criticism and change the design a TON, so whats your problem faggot?

>> No.2171252
File: 184 KB, 800x772, ac front11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

between these two?

>> No.2171254

if you think you're good, that's on you. that's your problem. you're going to have to fix that.

i typed more but i realized that you won't understand you're wasting your time until you realize it for yourself. this entire thread is shitposting, including my posts.

i've been saging if you haven't noticed.

>> No.2171260

please just critique me, man. thats how i'll get better. ill post the crud ive posted before but i really dont want to since its unrelated, so please just look at the one i've just posted and tell me exactly what it looks like im lacking.

>> No.2171278

>anon begs you to give them a critique
>"i typed more but i realized that you won't understand you're wasting your time until you realize it for yourself."


>> No.2171415

The one on the right. It's beautiful. I think you can consider this complete.

>> No.2171527

Inb4 Post your work, Help him with Critiques.
Don't just write horrible comments.

No man, Your fundamentals are REALLY WEAK
I genuinely think you would benefit more from improving your drawing skills then trying to design that character again and again but.

I can't say this enough but you aren't even past the beginning stages of learning how to draw.
Please do post something you feel like accurately represents your skill level.

Like this Anon says >>2171212
There are 200 replies in this thread yet you haven't interanlized or applied more than 2%
Well done on giving the nozzle a function, That took a week or so to get you to try because you were in love with your own design.

Here is the truth about designing things.
You will have shit ideas, Ideas you love might be horrible, Learn to throw them ALL away if someone tells you they are bad.
Unless a person is functionally retarded design wise you should listen to them and that nose is horrible.

It's not bait, Hazmat guy really has very little reading comprehension. He reads it and rejects it.

Sorry Hazmat bro, I really want to help you and you need some though love but get your shit together.

>> No.2172087

youre a real odd duck, anon. you know that? you follow me into 3 threads and then after redirecting me to those threads you redirect people to this one.

i think there may have been a misunderstanding here. see, all pictures in this thread were done fast because im only trying to find a basic shape. thats something that other people seem to have understood, as they have not tried to critique the anatomy or anything.

>well done giving the nozzle a function
im confused, did you not read the thread? that design was my first choice >>2156708 maybe 3 days after i made the thread. i dont have any details on the design, so of course it looks plain. like i said, ive been trying to find a shape that looks nice.

my fundamentals are not bad, if anything they are simply "ok" because i've been drawing all of my life and they arent so bad that when i post other pictures no body has ever really said anything other than a few small things being out of perspective. so they certainly aren't so bad that it distracts THAT MUCH from the cruddy little design. in fact, you must have seen in other threads that people have defended ,too. i mean, this is 4chan. you'd think if it was really that horrible more people would just on me but its just you.

i didnt reject your ideas btw. i was trying someone else's advice.

>> No.2172093

i really messed this post up, but you get the idea.

i'm just really confused as to why everyone else thinks its fine and then you hate it so much that you follow me into 3 threads. it cannot be that bad.
if it helps comfort you any, i AM adding details to the design and if its out of perspective to you it doesnt matter, because its going to be a 3D model.

>> No.2172343

Breh, you are delusional. You need to be objective when looking at your own work. The truth is that you are extremely lacking in fundamentals and should not be rushing in to "designing" your own characters yet.

Shape exploration is fine and dandy, but the way you are going about it, is far from shape exploration. You seem to know a few buzzwords and are using those to convince yourself that you know what youre talking about. Sadly, you have no idea what design is.

Based on what I see in this thread, I'd say you need to go back to basic drawing of cubes and studies of real world things before you can even think about designing a character.

Sorry man, that's the truth, and I know you will probably get pretty defensive when you read this. It's all part of your ego man. Just drop your ego and realize that you are shit. That is the only time when you can actually start to improve. If you can't see it, then you won't make it man.

>> No.2172346
File: 29 KB, 399x582, jenneh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never followed you to other threads.
This is the only thread I've post in for a good and long time.
You don't have to comfort me Hazmat guy.
I have not been stalking you, your fundamentals are good enough for you so thats alright by me. Just do whatever makes you happy.

Mfw when you think I care enough about you to chase you around /ic/
Leaving the the thread now to do some client work. Best of luck everyone

>> No.2172348

its really not ego because i know im not great by any means, its just that i cant see that its horrible as its not anything i spent time on. i dont know, could you redline it please? then maybe it'll be better.

i really dont want this thread to get off topic so if you could post the redline in the beginner's thread that would be great. thank you for being so persistent, i suppose.

maybe we can exchange skypes or divantarts and you can continue helping me

>> No.2172350

kek i guess it was another guy then, because he kind of outed himself in the other thread.

>> No.2172351

No problem man and you will never get my DeviantArt / contact info until you do some growing as an artist.

>> No.2172377

as in, like, taking critisim? because i can, i just sincerely didnt understand what you meant by "poor fundamentals" when it just was frankly... irrelevant to a design thread. i get that its a bad design, that i should fix it, but that particular advice was irrelevant. i could use it on other pictures, though! which is why i'd like help instead of making threads on here.

im also a newfag on this board and i figured since it was a slow board it was ok to just post sketches, but i guess i should have made them one huge post.

>> No.2173091

I think you're confusing/combining anons.

I usually have the beginner thread up and auto updating, as I am a beginner and like to see the advice others get.

Your post in the beginner thread was literally "what's wrong with this" and you offered no other info on the character at all. So in an attempt to save everyone time I linked them back here so they could see what's already been said rather than starting another huge thread.

Might want to give some more information about the character and vision with your first post and it will be a less frustrating experience for everyone involved.

>> No.2173233
File: 10 KB, 182x277, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should totally swap the virgin and the slut designs around
also this deconstruction has been done since the 90s.

you're trying to make this thing 'cool' but you gave it a cute little moomin face? what is this character even supposed to convey?

>> No.2173238
File: 222 KB, 1280x1051, tumblr_mm16symQol1rfiet9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to really study what makes men manly.

>> No.2173283

doesnt really matter man. As long as it looks neat. A character both this stylized and so faceless doesnt need a clear sex. Androginy will generate discussion online if anything.

>> No.2173888
File: 186 KB, 1704x1285, character_shapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shapes are the best way to think about

>> No.2174441 [DELETED] 
File: 628 KB, 1488x866, jjll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im still in really early stages so i keep flip-flopping between a cool design or a weird design. just as long as it doesnt look too cute.

think im going with the square headed one and the far right one's patchwork

>> No.2174456
File: 628 KB, 1488x866, jjll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deleted old post because i messed it up

im in really early stages and im flip flopping between cool and uncanny/weird. i thought the snout and empty eyes were a little weird but now i think they were too cute/phallic so i dont think im going to use it, unless you guys think otherwise?

i think im going with the first one's head, second one's body, and the last one's patchwork.

>> No.2174586
File: 222 KB, 554x906, 235b248bbf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a Muslim hero-girl would be dressed more baggily and covered up like a rogue or ninja. Maybe like old middle eastern fairytale inspired clothing, with gold or silver jewellery, Also could some Arabian bird of pray of some sort for a super mascot.
I tried sketching it pls forgive the shittiness.

>> No.2174608

Wait a sec... I recognize that buldge!

>> No.2175760
File: 146 KB, 641x772, hazkun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squished is more cute!

>> No.2175765


>> No.2175810
File: 341 KB, 932x842, uncandyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry I misread your intent as more cute. I still think more squishing is needed somewhere. Maybe if you make the design distort the proportions like make the head part of the body like some mecha do? You could also try some more asymmetry like Samus suit
The downside though is that it looks less human-shaped which might go against your intent.


>> No.2175892
File: 70 KB, 635x624, hazm2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried the hazmat suit again. changing the posture helped a bit but honestly, hazmat suits are kind of boring.

also don't forget to think about colors OP. we are just using lines itt because we're lazy.
here, have some muted colors.

mechas are so much more exciting

>> No.2176205
File: 405 KB, 600x800, Female assassin 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally enjoy arab-esque, loose clothed character designs; just seems so much more comfortable and convenient.
I'm trying to mix up some cultural national dresses with this one, probably gonna add some more things (Oman dagger, Emirates gold, etc) but just a quick brainstorm.

The colour palette is gonna be a challenge because they tend to be extremely vibrant but at the same time pretty elegant looking, but I'll deal with that later.

>> No.2176221
File: 288 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_0725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember doing this for something, he was supposed to be a villian

>> No.2176235

What about moeshit where all the characters are girls/have similar shapes?
How do they go about designing characters?

>> No.2176242

hair, eyes, clothes, tones.
moeshit isn't super good with that stuff though. but it's enough to be able to tell characters apart.

>> No.2176613

i really love these but i cant imagine how well they would move, they seem really bulky. on the other hand i cant have it too tall and too lean either.

i dont have anything to post as i've been sick but if i get well before this thread 404s then ill post a couple more designs and the colors im going for.

>> No.2176792
File: 270 KB, 500x528, nargyle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have different shaped eyes instead. it's a cultural thing.

>> No.2176823

Those are all designed by a western artists interpretation. The truth is they all design base models for all their characters depending on the studio and maybe a little on the source material. In most cases you will tell what studio that anime came from just going on the type of eyes and base of the characters seen alone. It's how they save on production costs/time.

The only exception being madhouse and feature films.

>> No.2179221
File: 476 KB, 1158x1282, mmll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think im just going with this design, anything too complicated will clutter the screen. as much as i really like the designs.
i dont think i like either of the colors here, though.

>> No.2179860

Ouh shit.


>> No.2180057

she's cute, although the backpack does look a bit odd being attached to the suit.

>> No.2180089

i have to say, these aren't the colour i traditionally associate with hazmat suits

how serious is your game again

>> No.2180115
File: 331 KB, 830x769, Screen Shot 2015-08-08 at 3.23.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also this deconstruction has been done since the 90s.
thats the point I'm going for

Hero emotions

>> No.2180124
File: 269 KB, 1036x697, Screen Shot 2015-08-08 at 3.28.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the killer

>> No.2180145

I read this in a minnesotan accent, was that intended?

>> No.2180218

It is now

>> No.2180566

Why are you depicting the only female character as a slut? Is it because you lack creativity and can only think of the most absolute cliche of characters?

>> No.2180575

>completely ignores the female virgin character

Go be fat somewhere else pls. Also maybe the other characters are female and just have a non-traditional gender-expression. Bet you didn't think of that did you shitlord bigot!

>> No.2180576


spoiler alert!!

>> No.2180581

the uptight prig and the angry slut are still fucking dumb as far as female characterization goes
add an ugly guy in a fursuit and you've got a parody of scooby doo that's about as original as a vidya webcomic

>> No.2180582

I'd post the firez 'umad' image right now but I'm on my phone. Please do your best to imagine it, if you would be so kind.

>> No.2180586

Dude the male characters are a jock and a black guy jesus christ why are you so paranoid.

>> No.2180663

>the 2 female characters are only about their sexual availabilty


I'm basically saying this for you, not constructing your female characters on their sexual availabilty will only make them more original (and more consistent)

>> No.2180666
File: 281 KB, 1050x825, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2180910

not serious at all

>> No.2180922

I think the only killer here is comic sans.

>> No.2180924
File: 1.75 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2181076


Isn't it obvious that they're all supposed to be typical highschool slasher movie stereotypes you fucking mong. You don't seem to have a problem with the black guy being represented only by his skin colour...

>> No.2181948
File: 64 KB, 960x838, 10410707_744291522346321_4441248942593594122_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these colors as ugly as i feel like they are?

>> No.2181965

it has too much shit on the head, and too little on the rest. I feel that at least the patch or the scarf thing need to go. also don't use the gloves and boots colors on the scarf thing

>> No.2181978

also the hard and big black-white contrast ruins the rest of the slight color contrasts

>> No.2181990

is that still a problem here?>>2179221

>> No.2182157

It's better

As I said the big black-white contrast at the top, and the helmet doing a big contrast with the rest of the body, ruins all your slight contrasts through the bodysuit. What I'd do is put more of the color in the patch and/or helmet like you did in those, or remove stuff

>> No.2182159
File: 182 KB, 700x525, Nova Tela.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am i even doing

>> No.2182239

>You don't seem to have a problem with the black guy being represented only by his skin colour...
Isn't the problem with this already obvious?

>Isn't it obvious that they're all supposed to be typical highschool slasher movie stereotypes
Well what's the point of copying this instead of going further?

>you fucking mong.
I need to understand why people always get so agressive for no reason. Anonymity is here to enable free-speech, not free-insulting.