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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 96 KB, 500x707, tumblr_nir0ygV7C51tscf29o1_500-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2171042 No.2171042[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone ever feel disapointed in themselves whenever they draw porn? Like youve lost all respect for yourself from those around you just for this very crude and quite controversal form of art?

Im curious to know /ic's stance on this topic.

>> No.2171049


If art was a human being, porn would be the anus. On a scale of legitimacy there's fine art near the top, illustration, graphic design are respected. Then around the middle there's concept art and comics. Then at the bottom there's weeabo garbage and furry trash. And then wayyy below that is porn. You're the shit of the shit.

>> No.2171050

only after I climax

>> No.2171064

>Does anyone ever feel disapointed in themselves whenever they draw porn?

Only when it doesn't turn out sexy enough.

>> No.2171070
File: 91 KB, 237x239, 1435778552788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I used to draw furry porn for $$$ but I felt so dirty/embarrassed doing it that I stopped. Feels good but yet so bad.

>> No.2171077

Cumming is the greatest virtue the commoner throw onto society. It is lowly because the people are lowly.

>> No.2171078
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>muh respect
Someday you will see vaginas IRL. So scary!

>> No.2171080

I never feel disappointed or ashamed, really. I kind of did at first, but I was drawing it anyway and now that I'm making money off of it I've never looked back on that decision, because honestly I do enjoy drawing what I draw. Nowadays though I feel kind of angry knowing that people would judge me and look down their noses at me, as if they never drew anything dirty, and if they can't draw you know damn well they go looking for smut to jack it to anyway, yet they want to belittle the people who are giving them that form of entertainment. It's pretty hypocritical imo.

>> No.2171091

I don't have shame - I feel it's kind of cool. I have lots of respect for other porn artists.

>> No.2171093


How much were you making? I'm desperate for cash and don't mind Rule 34 but I know the real money's in furry or /d/ level shit.

>> No.2171098

I respect porn artists. If your art is solid enough to give me a boner, props to you. Fuck elitists, where do you expect porn to come from? It's like those people who called Edgar Allen Poe smutty but everyone was reading his shit on the down low.

I have a problem drawing porn, not that I'm ashamed of it (I mean my inner teenager's cool with it) but rather I don't think it ever looks erotic to me.

>> No.2171100

No, but I do care about my reputation, so I avoid it.

>> No.2171102

Is it weird to fap to your own porn? I do that sometimes.

>> No.2171109


If you can do it, more power to you. I bet a bunch of people in the world wish they could do that.

>> No.2171120
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nailed it

>> No.2171152
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It's more of a reputation thing i guess.
But Kim Jung Gi draws people fucking.

>> No.2171155

I've been painting since a young age, so I consider the human form a subject, so I've never produced anything pornographic really. Sure there's probably more money in it. But the arts are a passion and a hobby, not a job to me.

Considering the dirtiest I'd go is handcuffs, maybe I'm just an idiot?

>> No.2171188

Bill Watterson once said that if a joke he thought of didn't make him laugh, he wouldn't use it. So uh, yeah I guess that's kind of the same thing.

>> No.2171200

there is a lot of projecting going on here, but with that said I get why you're butthurt about people being hypocritical. Best way is to just ignore what people think, about everything.

>> No.2171203
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I'm not ashamed of making porn. However I'm disgusted when discussing it with clients.

It is always awkward 100% of the time no matter what.
>No! you must pucker her anus more! Like if it was trying to kiss you!

>> No.2171218


kim dong ill is savage af tbh imo fam no chill

>> No.2171223

this tbh smh

>> No.2171225

you guys slay my entire existence I can't even

>> No.2171227

this is disrespectful af tbh smh (◡‿◡)

>> No.2171262

I don't draw pornography, but I do a lot of art containing nudity. I've closely followed the work of Spazkid and Shadman, and I have utmost respect for them. In real life they are pretty normal people, and who clearly aren't part of le misajiny or anything. I can understand the social stigma, but people also need to remember that like pretty much all art, it's a creative expression that exists outside of the confines of reality. Spazkid has said that his work was basically around him getting very specific for his fans to see really niche shit they can't find anywhere else. He's much more cartoony in style, but Shadman, from an artistic perspective is an amazing artist and a great guy in general.

>> No.2171263

Well I wouldn't say it's projecting when I've already had people do it to me.
I am annoyed about the hypocrisy though because since sex is a pretty major part of life I don't understand why things dealing with it are so frowned upon, even educational material and how some schools try to outright ban any kind of sex ed. When I find things illogical I can't help be bothered by them, even as I just try to go along with doing what I want to do. There are a lot of pros who've drawn smut, after all, and in the worst case scenario, if some employer doesn't want me because I drew that, it's still a pretty viable means of support.

>> No.2171270

Being an artist who draws pornography is a lot like being a person who is in pornography, if you care about your reputation, avoid it unless it's the only type of art you want to do. If you do other art and then start doing pornographic art, you pretty much guarantee that you will forever be known as "that guy" and it will be very hard to break into something new, especially if that's the first thing to pop up if a client or employer looks up you or your art alias

>> No.2171273

'Disappointed' how? Because you thought you were above the subject matter or something? Or because you don't condone the acts you're depicting in real life? I mean, if you're not actually enjoying drawing it, then sure, feel disappointed I guess.

>> No.2171308

If you're ashamed of what you draw, why draw it? I'm pretty sure all porn artists enjoy what they do, guilt free.

>> No.2171411

What about weeaboo/furry porn?

>> No.2171418
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>> No.2171431

Kind of my first thought too.. If you don't like drawing porn just don't. That will run the art

>> No.2171475

lmao so truuuu xDDD

>> No.2171491
File: 1004 KB, 263x258, lol-to-serious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from an artistic perspective
>an amazing artist

Ok he might be a cool guy, but 'arsistic perspective', LOL
He doesn't know fucking fundamentals, theres no anatomy, no perspective, theres no understanding of light and color, etc etc

>> No.2171504

>Then around the middle there's concept art and comics

>> No.2171517

not even in front of your mother you shamless hussy jmgn

>> No.2171524

Nah, I don't mind at all, it's just what I do and since my favourite subject is the human form, I even prefer porn since that's just more or less nonstop anatomy.

I have a different alias for my regular art and my porn and since the regular art is usually paint and the porn digital, good luck linking both. The only problem here is if someone ever goes with it to my boss and can prove that art is mine, yeah, that might get me fired because people are prudes here.

Close friends know and I've shown some of them what I do. Sometimes we laugh about shit that is so far out there (giant furry vore, people being turned to cum or what have you, the shit people come up with man).

>> No.2171537

Not true at all, that's what you would think but what case do you base it off?
How do you explain artists like Joel Jurion? that guy has flooded the internet with shota trap and loli porn and he still works on major animation projects.
Many people like to hid it yes, but that's mainly their personal fears and feelings, i doubt it makes a great difference in the industry if you are actually skilled and
people really want your skills, also look at japan, its actually hard to find an artists that did not at some point draw actual porn. And those last years we also have the internet,
many projects are being made online with people from all over the world, i doubt that anyone who is into those kind of industries will care if you have a porn gallery somewhere.

>> No.2171556

Personally i feel like the shame adds a thrill to it. Also i tend to only draw porn that i can jack off to so it kind of turns me on a bit more actually. I mean i guess i have shame since i would die if anyone were to find that secret sketchbook in my room but hey its not likes it real or anything

>> No.2171562

I'd also add Shiniez aka Nebezial.
When his bosses found out hes doing a fetish erotic side project they liked and fucking published it.

>> No.2171566
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I've set myself up to draw porn and sometimes I think that's all I'm really good at.
Even as a little girl the only thing I was interested in drawing was sexy women, in art classes I would only draw them. I had to go to therapy because of it, but I never felt the urge to stop.

There's nothing that turns me on about a female but I think I've crafted the belief that the female form is the most beautiful thing you can draw, so I'm only interested in it and nothing else.

I'm scared now because I am in my 20s, I have a reputation of being a decently popular porno artist and make a living off of doing it. My boyfriend dreams of going places, and I'm scared I'm holding him back because I'm not as talented or marketable.

I'm not really sure what to do. I've honed my craft in drawing people fucking but anything else seems so foreign. I can draw surreal organic stuff but that isn't anything people would pay for unless I get insanely lucky and get scouted by art hipsters.

The only thing I can do now is keep working harder and become even better at drawing people fucking, along with marketing myself more (which is a whole new issue in itself).

This seemed like the most relevant thread to post this, blog posting over.

>> No.2171568

post work please.

>> No.2171571

>Joel Jurion
but he's good. and he doesn't draw retarded shit. that's the real difference. and from his art you can tell that he studied all things equally and wasn't a faggot obsessed with dicks and vagoos.
sometimes i feel like pornfags are seriously underestimating art in general.
i come across posts where i get the feeling that they are bewitched by the porn aspect of things and praise it because of that, but they don't realize it's just their hormones.
really, sometimes i with pornfags had a little more shame. just a little.

(not the guy you replied to)

>> No.2171572


>> No.2171574

I feel dissapointed when my own drawing can't even get my dick hard.

>> No.2171578


my handle is keppok, you can find my shit on the porn threads usually.

>> No.2171582


>> No.2171588

i always knew that keppok was a fat cat.

and i know that feel. i also don't know where to go with my art visually. at least you know that it's going to be porn.

>> No.2171591
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nope. not even once son

>> No.2171594

But of course, i stressed exactly that in my post,that if you have the skills your employer needs they will not care what perverted shit you drawing
in your spare time, i am not deluded to believe that there will not be someone who if he finds out one of his artists draws porn he will fire him but
i think that those cases are actually few and far between judging by successful professional artists that also do hardcore pronography on the side.

Just draw what you want, you are fucking young i see manga artists that make their first breakthrough in the industry with their first popular works in their 40s,
you have time to learn anything you want to draw as long as you don't end up homeless in the process.

>> No.2171613
File: 455 KB, 1047x1524, 039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, after masturbating to your free works for about 20 minutes, I feel like you should practice more angles. practice drawing people facing the left side. Igumox had this same angle problem with her works but she's okay now

>> No.2171618
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>porn would be the anus

A critically necessary outlet without which poisons would build up in the system, leading to a painful and humiliating death?

>> No.2171628
File: 94 KB, 500x657, 1430086188688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left to the viewer or left from the character's perspective?
I used to only be able to draw them facing left (from my perspective) until I got better and I can draw both fine now. It might be coincidence that I'm just posting a lot from one side.

I think my problem (for the face) is focusing more than I should on them being cute. In the sketching process I can draw faces from a lot of different angles but when I focus in it becomes more stale.
Brek said it was because zooming in limits your ability to see the big picture and I have to constantly check to see if I am following my initial sketch.

It's something I've noticed and working on, but I never noticed that most of my characters face the same way, thanks.

I really want to get better at perspective and dynamic angles, more than anything.

I also want to set myself apart from Brekkist. I admire his art more than anyone's and I really mean it. It means every new technique I learned is borrowed from him, so our art looks too similar.
I gotta find some way to break away but I can't help but see his art and feel like "that's how I want to draw" and go on and do it.

Maybe I will practice coloring more. I like vanillaware's house style of coloring very much, and it might be the deciding factor.

he is amazing at lines, and maybe I can be amazing at color, fingers crossed.

>> No.2171649
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not shameful at all, but rather sexually exhausting. like watching too much porn, the orgasms become weaker. it's like an overload, like I fell stuffed.
anyone experienced that?

>> No.2171653

>orgasms become weaker
You need hormone test

>> No.2171668

No i actually have to make an effort not to masturbate more than two times a day, and i have been drawn porn on a daily basis
for almost 5 years now.

>> No.2171674

>Like youve lost all respect for yourself from those around you just for this very crude and quite controversal form of art?

The trick is to keep it to yourself and let nobody else see it.

>> No.2171675
File: 428 KB, 1200x1698, [Nora Higuma (Higuma-ya)] Onee-chan no Tomodachi ga Totemo Seiteki Datta Otouto-kun no Hanashi [English][2014-04-01]{NecroManCr}.cbz-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant left to the viewer (or your perspective), >I can draw both fine now.
that's great, ha not enough rippers to reveal your work progress I guess

>I think my problem (for the face) is focusing more than I should on them being cute.

I believe it's one of the problem with exclusively emulating the mainstream japanese anime style of drawing, everyone's cute even grandpa and grandma.

and you're lewd 2D women reminds me of Nora Higuma's faces for some reason.

as for being Brekkist's shadow artist, I don't know, how about drawing using your non dominant hand or feet? hah, just practice your perspective and dyn angles you'll stop being his clone. Those new 360 videos or the skater videos on youtube are a good crutch for studying dynamic angles. or taking a video of a posed friend while revolving around (at a fixed distance) said friend is okay too.

just do KGJ's "stop pencilling and go straight fr inking you gaijin shits" ""just imagine boxes everywhere lmao" and "draw everything in all possible angles" tip and you're set to becoming your own artist.

>> No.2171683

>Does anyone ever feel disapointed in themselves whenever they draw porn?
no, because i don't draw porn. beating off and making art are separate activities for me.

>> No.2171705
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I find myself collecting more porn because I like aspects of certain things. Its hard to watch a video and just let go without thinking of 30 different poses to put them in

>> No.2171706
File: 122 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feel dissapointed for doing something you enjoy as an adult

I fucking love what I do, and I wanna make it look awesome

>> No.2171711


>> No.2171715


>KGJ's "stop pencilling and go straight fr inking you gaijin shits"

he's an impressive draftsman but there's nothing special about his concepts, designs or compositions. while it's good to practice directness it's even better to push your boundaries and try different solutions

>> No.2171734

Telling and illustrating stories is bad mkayy. There is literally no thought process or composition required. Ez pz. Now if you learn to photobash and draw concepts, then ur at the top m8.

>> No.2171735

Nothing can stop me, not even myself

>> No.2171761
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Thanks. I think I have a hard time with some concepts.

I've been drawing human anatomy and organic material for so long I think my problem is creating angular shapes. Trying to visualize a 3d grid and boxes for structure might be a good transition, and a fundamental skill.

thanks for the advice.

>> No.2171764

I have no problem with it personally. I don't think people should care about it. The thing is people do care about it, and just knowing they'll look down on you and ridicule you can make it a bit complicated. I mean, my own opinion on drawing porn matters little.

>> No.2171773

To be fair, he tried to go to art school but in Sweden or wherever the fuck they don't take kindly to people drawing porn, let alone non-con and shit that he was drawing, so not only did they kick him out of school when they found it, they made him report himself to the police and charged him a huge fine, and pretty much got shut out of society. By the time he got out of the military and shit he just decided to hell with it, he was gonna do his own thing. tbh if some shit like that happened to me I'd have been done with trusting my learning to other people too, and since he's more successful than all of us with his own stuff, why would he ever question it.

>> No.2171780

>an amazing artist
I don't mind him but his work is trash.

>> No.2171783

>report himself to the police and charged him a huge fine
For what reason?

>> No.2171788


>> No.2171790

How do you manage to feel no shame at all?

>> No.2171800


>> No.2171806

He basically had an online portfolio where he put his work and at one point he started going into as he described "dark places" which were outside reality, but pretty twisted nonetheless. When he applied to the college, he sent the college a link to his portfolio which had both normal art and pretty twisted shit on it, thinking nothing of it, and he was one day called to meet at a building and people from the university basically thought he was dangerous because he was a metalhead and didn't have lots of friends, that sort of thing. The university kicked him out and made him report himself to the police and he became labeled in switzerland as a "menace to society"

>> No.2171812

I find his work impressive as someone completely self taught

>> No.2171821

I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but it's a longshot. If you exclusively draw pornography and then are trying to get work for something else and have to turn in a portfolio there's a greater chance you won't be taken seriously. The experience I speak of is from a friend of mine I knew in high school who does it. I'm not in contact with him anymore but I ran into him one way or another a couple years later when I was going to community college and he told me about his work. He primarily does pornography and he likes what he does but said it sucks that it's about the only way he can make money from art anymore, just because that's what the vast majority of his following is interested in.

>> No.2171824

I actually did not want believe that it was so common to confuse Sweden and Switzerland.

>> No.2171828

except shad is a fucking retard and linked his "dark site" to his fucking professors like an absolute brain-dead idiot.

I fucking hate him, he talks like some fucking hippie but he acts like he was literally born yesterday.
Shallow beliefs and an even shallower understanding of how the world works.
...and shallow understanding of art.

>> No.2171829

Well apparently it is. I only listened to his story once and it was over two months ago, and they keep going back and forth over what country he was in at what time so fuck it, I couldn't remember.

>> No.2171833

He was a fucking teenager and he didn't know everyone around him was going to treat him like the antichrist for drawing weird shit. I know my family wouldn't like me drawing porn if I showed them but I could never predict they would literally kick me out and treat me like a criminal, who in the hell would ever think something like that would happen to them over drawings?
Unless it was pedoshit, then there's a reasonable risk.

>> No.2171838

They joke a lot about where he is from just to fuck with the people that keep asking them about where he is from. I think it was Zack or Mick that brings up that some people thought Shadman was a female from Russia.

We do have some weird moralist trying shit here in Sweden, however our highest court have ruled all drawn porn as a freedom of expression and forbidding it would be against the human rights.

>> No.2171839

So fucking what? He drew pictures of Anne Frank getting raped by nazis and other political gore shit.

He draws nasty dick porn, but he used to draw "shock pieces" more. He knew what he was doing and he wanted to piss people off. In the podcast he says he likes to piss people off.

Except for he's really fucking stupid thinking he could show his school professors and they wouldn't take action, or at least confront him. He probably expected for them to respect him as master edgelord but he just got pussywhipped.

And he underestimated the consequences.
because he's a RETARD.

>> No.2171840

Nope. But I also don't get turned on by porn/have a low libido, so no 'dirty' feelings over it. I draw fucked up furry shit under a different alias over on FA just for the views and follows. I'm not a furry by any means but I'm not disgusted by it either so it doesn't phase me.

its a different style from what I usually do (lineart/cartoony vs rendered illustrations). Furry porn is easier imo and I just post on that account occasionally so that I can do quick porn commissions when the need for emergency money arises.

>> No.2171847

Captain Hindsight, you can fuck right off with your moralist bullshit if can't comprehend the timeline that all of this took place.

Shad started drawing weird unmentioned stuff (which he had to delete) and uploading to his site during his stay at the university, he never showed it to anyone expect kept it on his site.

He didn't start drawing his shit again until after he got out of the army and moved to Canada.

>> No.2171868

Did we listen to the same podcast? he was required to have a personal website for a portfolio which his profs. have access to.
he started uploading his shockpieces, knowing his professors checked his website.

He got called out. It's illegal to draw that stuff in Switzerland (if you are european, you'll know that many countries have real laws involving depictions of the holocaust/WWII, especially Switzerland and Germany.)

He was told to stop or they would take police action, he stopped drawing it and joined the military. Then he moved to America and continued.

>he never showed it to anyone
But he linked it on his site his professors were supposed to check as part of his curriculum.

I am not a moralist but I am not completely retarded either. I honestly don't give two shits that he drew nazi shit and anne frank porn, but to do it and put it on a place you know your professors would check in a country where it is illegal is

I draw fucking ass porn and furry shit all day, but do you think anyone with more than a elementary understanding of human interactions would allow for anyone in their professional lives to see it? IN A COUNTRY WHERE IT'S
Go ahead and show your family/mentors your nazi ass porn, see what fucking happens. Idiot.

god you are a faggot. Shad was stupid and he suffered the concequences.

>> No.2171869
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He should have had the sense to not share that shit.
He's a moron for uploading it and not expecting to be caught.

>> No.2171875

no, who gives a fuck? Respect? Give me a fucking break.

Your post is like an anus.

>> No.2171877

Uploading it on the website he made for his professors to check his art, ordained by his professors for a grade.

You don't have to be a moralist to understand just how completely idiotic that is.

Shad acted like he was invincible, except he just got in an assload of trouble.

>> No.2171879

>weird shit

Trivializing the content of his work to make it sound like he didn't break hate crime laws is pretty sleazy of you.

>> No.2171891

I'm pretty sure that by the time you can enter a university you know that drawing Nazi porn is not something you want to show off to authority figures.

No one is treating him poorly because he draws porn, they're calling him an idiot because he set himself up to get caught by the authorities.

Also I'm pretty sure Anne Frank was underage when he drew her getting raped by Nazis.

He also regularly draws underage, and always has.

>> No.2171896

Hate crime laws are just a more cute version of thought crime, he didn't go around forcing his "hate crime" on targeted minorities, he just posted them on a site for
people who want to view them. If he went on christian forums and posts anti christian art then i would understand, but this? this is bullshit.

>> No.2171903
File: 485 KB, 2560x1600, bog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they dont know.

>> No.2171904
File: 486 KB, 759x635, 6466542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is bullshit.
Are you fucking with us?
The dude uploaded noncon of Anne Frank and uploaded it to his portfolio website, which he had given his university access to.
It doesn't matter who you are and where you live, that shit is not without severe consequences. He is a complete idiot for doing it.

>> No.2171908


what's your point ? The drug laws in my country are bullshit but I don't brazenly do drugs in the street.

>> No.2171909

>people arguing about some shitty artist
>his name is SHADMAN
>taking this shit seriously
>back to drawing

>> No.2171910

While I'm sure it would be absolutely delightful to have an argument about whether the laws are right, you're missing the point.

>he didn't know everyone around him was going to treat him like the antichrist for drawing weird shit

This sentence makes sense if the 'weird shit' is weird shit like Transformers fart porn or pinups of tile patterns. It makes less sense if the 'weird shit' is weird shit like material that is illegal.

>I could never predict they would literally kick me out and treat me like a criminal

Same goes for this sentence. It's incredibly easy to predict that you will be treated like a criminal for breaking the law.

>> No.2171914

He's just an american teenager who wants to go against authority and act like an edgelord with no repercussions.
he doesn't understand that there are laws in europe different from clapistan, especially if he disagrees with them.

>> No.2171915

He was already fucking accepted, listen to what he says. He uploaded the stuff to an extra category (18:30) not thinking about that they would keep a close tab on him.
>It's illegal to draw that stuff in Switzerland
And this is why it is bullshit because it's drawn, these kind of laws are made by the same fucking morons who have no idea that you can actually learn how to draw humans, regardless of age, naked without any "references".
Also, I don't know what it was he drew initially since he was forced to delete that content by law. But you seem to know what it was, so please tell us what is was because you really seem to have time travel powers and know what he drew back then.

>He was told to stop or they would take police action.
He didn't get a choice, they never contacted him telling him to stop or give him any warning. (19:28)

Again, He was already accepted and let his guard down. If you have problem with Shad, take it up with him.

Also I don't give a fuck about what you like to draw and I might not like it or you in particular, but I will defend your right to draw that. Even if you are a massive revisionist shithead with a personal vendetta.

Fuck off until you learn some basic human rights.

>> No.2171920



>> No.2171924

B-but we have to protect the children!

>> No.2171927
File: 166 KB, 500x587, 1436047463523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're giving yourself away now. Nobody can unironically defend his actions like this.

>> No.2171939

>It's illegal to draw that stuff in Switzerland
the fuck are you talking about nigger

>> No.2171946

By the way they said it i am pretty sure he got tricked into pleading guilty as it happens almost in all cases were such things as illegal drawings
cases win, every time they actually go to court without pleading guilty they are deemed unconstitutional, same thing happened in sweden, and even
if it's unconstitutional in america some still got tricked into pleading guilty while fakku publishes lolicon on a monthly basis now.

>> No.2171947

Not the guy who's been going on and on about it here, just the one who made the first couple of posts. I'm not gonna defend the stuff Shad drew, and I do think it was dumb of him to host his drawings on the webspace they gave him, although he made it sound like he had it kind of hidden, it was still risky. My only point was that because of one stupid misjudgement he missed out on a formal education and considering how traumatic it probably was, being a teenager dealing with the police & forced to leave your entire life over something you thought wasn't that serious, I can't blame him for not trying it again and for taking his newfound freedom to draw what he actually wants to draw. That's all I was trying to say with my original posts, nothing about him being great or anything.

>> No.2171955

I draw gay furry porn and fuck my fans in a fursuit at conventions and I enjoy it very much. It's totally fine because I don't push it on people. Do what you love and if you make a living out of that you're a winner.

>> No.2171968

Oh, cry me a fucking river. He acted like a retard and got smacked down. If he was a girl and it had been nude selfies, you'd be jacking off to them right now.

>> No.2171980

First of all no I wouldn't, but secondly I don't think you actually refuted anything I said. If it was a girl whose nude pics had leaked, once again anybody would understand her not taking nude pics again. So he got fucked over trying to go to art school, even though his mistake contributed to it, obviously he's not gonna go down that road again.

>> No.2171982
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How long does he draw already? 6-7 years? You can reach blizzard/riot/applibot level in that time if you actually learn, even if you are self taught. But he doesn't learn, he just stamps same ugly shit with the same mistakes every time.
Just look at picrelated, theres no understanding of proportions, anatomy, perspective, form, nothing.

>> No.2171986

What you said was you feel bad for a ridiculous edgelord who played chicken with the law and lost. You keep trying to characterize him as this poor, innocent child who didn't understand. But he did understand.

>> No.2171988
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>If you have problem with Shad, take it up with him.
I already have a feeling I probably am.

Sorry bro but I think everyone has the right to draw whatever they want to. Not up to me to make the laws of a country I don't even live in.
It's just when you draw illegal shit and put it in a place where your mentors can see it, you're gonna get into some fucking trouble.

>learn basic human rights
You're an idiot. I said I don't care what he draws but in his country it was illegal. It's his fault for fucking up so badly.

Depictions of the Holocaust in any offensive manner. You can understand Germans are very sensitive about the topic, and Switzerland is pretty much Germany 2.0.
He could have gotten in moral trouble for drawing porn, but for drawing holocaust shit he got in legal trouble.

>> No.2171989

most people that do porn suck, don't they?

>> No.2171990

Shad is stubborn and he thinks he is better than everyone else because he's the ultimate edgelord.

He never learns because he already thinks he is the best, and his fans are absolute cock-gobbling idiots, as you've probably seen in this thread already.

>> No.2171993

He's already successful, so he's become complacent and doesn't think that he needs to learn.

>> No.2171996

>and Switzerland is pretty much Germany 2.0.
simply put, you're wrong.

>> No.2171998

Well I gotta agree. Tho there are some diamonds like Calm

>> No.2171999

in that regard, yes. I am seriously not going to argue with you over cultural relativity but the sentiment of being really touchy about the holocaust is very strong in Switzerland.

>> No.2172004

not really, I'm Swiss, I'm in Switzerland right fucking now. It's nowhere the same as in Germany. Also, shadbase was Swedish, right? What's Switzerland to do with anything anyway? It's just retards constantly confusing Sweden with Switzerland.

>> No.2172010
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>Tho there are some diamonds like Calm
>Also, shadbase was Swedish, right?
don't you mean norwegian?

>> No.2172013

>don't you mean norwegian?
I don't know. I read on his site in the comments people mentioning that he's Swedish.

>> No.2172014

Sexuality is a normal and natural part of a person's life. There's no shame in expressing that through the means available to you.

>> No.2172016


>> No.2172018

I never said I felt bad for him, I just said I understand why he never tried to go back to formal learning. Just because I said I'm sure the experience was traumatic for him doesn't mean I'm looking at him as a baby that needs to be coddled, I just know that people's natural instincts are to avoid fire once they've been burned. Yeah most people avoid fire before being burned but some people don't know better and have to learn the hard way. So even if it's your own fault you got burned, you're still not gonna go back and play with it. And at this point since he's made a living out of it, there's really no reason for him to change anything.

>> No.2172022

The thing with people who do porn is that they realize clinical anatomical accuracy isn't very arousing to the masses.
Adding a feeling of "warmth" and "flow" like melted chocolate to a drawing invokes arousal a lot easier.

It is true that many professional porn artists could do other things with some practice but in most cases they have no desire too, because erotic art is a life style.

>> No.2172024

oh I love nora higuma's style. so soft. but say, is nora a woman or just a nickname? in most cultures, nora's a feminine prename.

>> No.2172027

what does that have to do with shad though? LMAO

>> No.2172028

> I understand why he never tried to go back to formal learning
Nope, it's just as >>2171993 said, he already got popular and is fine as is, he can do any ugly shit and fanboys will still eat it regardless how ugly it is.

>And at this point since he's made a living out of it, there's really no reason for him to change anything.
Oh well finally you got it yourself. So are you still going to call him "an amazing artist from an artistic perspective", LOL? An "arsist" whos stuck at the same place without any improvement for years?

>> No.2172029

Don't defend this shit
You can stylize human anatomy to make it look good but not like fucking trash that makes no sense at all.

>> No.2172030

It'sthe point of view that he should be aiming to improve things that don't relate to his intended subject matter.

I may have misquoted one of those posts though, too lazy to check now.

>> No.2172035

>clinical anatomical accuracy isn't very arousing to the masses

There's a difference between exaggerated proportion and drawing inflated butts on shortstacks because you can't into perspective.

>> No.2172041

Learning to draw doesn't relate to drawing, yeah, makes sense

>> No.2172064

You've mistaken me for some other poster. I never said he was an amazing artist in any of my posts and you say I "finally" got the part about him not needing to change, when I said that in my first and second post, so you clearly meant to reply to someone else.

>> No.2172075
File: 1.35 MB, 2560x1920, 20150731_172220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My drawing tablet sucks.

>> No.2172111

The shittiest shit of shitty shit

>> No.2172116

I think that feeling so much shame merely from drawing porn must mean that most of us are still Christianity's bitch. It seems to be a lot more accepted in Japan to be deviant in different ways. I think this is because the concept of "sin" has not been a backbone in their culture.

>> No.2172118

I did erotic drawings since my penis started getting hard, so no.

>> No.2172123
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Implying most of us are American.

English isnt that hard to learn, you know.

>> No.2172129

All of western culture has Christian, or at least Abrahamic roots, I believe most of us are part of that population?

On the other hand, I'm not sure how many from Hindu, Buddhist or other religious cultures we have on the board. Would be very cool to hear if their view on shame and sex is the same..

Then again, securing a rightful heir has always been important, so I guess sex might be taboo in most cultures.. Wonder what went wrong/right in Japan.

>> No.2172130

>It seems to be a lot more accepted in Japan to be deviant in different ways.
>country where drawings of dicks and vaginas are required to be censored

>> No.2172131

And as for English not being that hard to learn, I know, it's the third language I learnt.

>> No.2172135

Mastering anatomy isn't necessary when aiming to create arousal.
Don't be a faggot about this.

Censoring is actually due to mc arthurs wife and her bible study group after the war, japan hates it but can't say anything about it because they'd be viewed as perverts for speaking out.

>> No.2172136

It's fucking crazy. You can draw someone getting their dick chopped off by a another fick that's made of razor blades, but GOD FUCKING HELP YOU IF THAT URETHRA ISN'T COVERED

It's almost as if different cultures' different decency standards aren't necessarily an indicator that one is more or less 'prudish' than another!

>> No.2172138

read >>2172135
It has very little to do with their original culture

>> No.2172140

I've never heard, what are the actual punishments of drawing and publishing/selling uncensored porn in Japan?

>> No.2172142
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That is true, but many porn artist seem to post with their full name there. These could of course just be pseudonyms, most likely are, I guess.

Japan has since WWII been under great western influence, which could have resulted in the ban of porn.

However, if you go a few centuries back, erotic art was a common pass time, also in higher ranks of society.

>> No.2172157

They're self-governing. When, exactly, can the Japanese be held responsible for their retarded choices? Ten years from now? Thirty? Are they going to be children forever, like in my Japanese animes?

>> No.2172163


Of course they should look down at you. You're a fucking faggot who could never cut it drawing non-porn so you took the easy way out and appeal to horny manchildren.

What the fuck is there to respect? Nothing.

>> No.2172168

Are you retarded?

>> No.2172171

This picture looks awful as fk

>> No.2172179

To date I've still made more money drawing non porn than porn, but drawing porn is fun and since I'm making money off both, I'm not giving that shit up. Anyone who'd look down on it is just in denial.

>> No.2172188

I agree. There are so many issues in this world that we really should attend to. People who use all their energy to care about how you arrange a few lies on a sheet of paper really need to get their priorities checked.

>> No.2172198

Are you?

>> No.2172213

Nobody wants to be that one politician who will decensor penises and vulvas.

>> No.2172218

Japan's government doesn't strike me as particularly transparent, so they could probably very quietly change the law, but maybe nobody wants to be the one in the board room who says it first. They should do an anonymous ballot to vote on the business of the day so someone can just put that out there and then have another anonymous ballot to vote yes on it lol.

>> No.2172219

>Nobody wants to be that one politician



>> No.2172232

>boohoo he was twaumatized by meanie academia so he decided never to learn anything ever again.
I don't even know who this shadfag is outside of the laughably bad example of his "work" in this thread, but he sounds like an edgelord pussy that deserves scorn and derision.

>> No.2172239

Again, I'm not whoever you think I am. I didn't post any of my art in this thread, and I'm not necessarily speaking in defense of Shad. It's not my fault you don't know the actual definition of the word trauma so you assume using it to refer to an impactful event that changes someone's life, whether physical or psychological means that the person using the word in its correct definition is also expressing emotion for the recipient of the trauma. And since you keep selectively ignoring parts of what I said, you're either a troll or someone with 2nd grade reading comprehension.

>> No.2172240


You are not the target of my post, the, you idiot. My argument was sound. If someone can only draw porn and cater to people who like porn, he shouldn't expect any respect from people who were able to make it without drawing porn, which is much more difficult.

You call me elitist, but there aren't any holes in my argument.

>> No.2172244

Nobody thinks that you're anybody. We don't care if your thread is or is not in this thread. You ARE necessarily speaking in defense of Shad, because any characterization of him as anything other than useless shit who made his own bed is unwarrantedly favorable.

>> No.2172246

I know the weebs struggle with repressed homosexual urges. It's why they like futa so much. I don't see why not just admit you're gay and be done with it instead of dealing with the shame after masturbating to the stuff.

>> No.2172259

You obviously don't understand how attraction and fetishes work. I like futa because it's futa. Because it's a woman with a dick, not just because there's a dick, it's the whole situation that creates arousal. Just looking at a picture of a man isn't the same.

>> No.2172266

I don't give a fuck whether you sympathize with him or not. I'm just saying he sounds like an incurable dipshit that got exactly what was coming to him.

>> No.2172269

My homosexual urges are not repressed, thank you very much.

>> No.2172275

And I'm not saying he didn't. All I'm saying is, he had a bad experience with art school, so I can see why he didn't try going back. He said on that episode of the podcast that he does still try to improve and learn, he just has to do what he can on his own though because he doesn't want to trust just anyone with the direction of his art since he got screwed over before.

>> No.2172286

It doesn't take an art school to actually direct yourself into improvement. Also, being expelled from school because you put holocaust porn in your portfolio isn't getting "screwed over", it's called a consequence.

>> No.2172287

You keep doing this thing where you rephrase what happened so it sounds like some really vague bad thing he was victimized by, instead of as a deliberate attempt to provoke a bad reaction.

>he got screwed over before

He screwed himself over.

>> No.2172293

For maybe the fourth or fifth time I said I agree with you that he screwed himself over. But like I said, even if you put your own hand on a hot stove and nobody else had anything to do with you burning yourself, you're not going to put your hand on that stove again. He made a mistake and had a bad experience, so he chose to steer clear of the whole thing, and I understand why. It can be said that's a bad choice, I myself have a formal education and wouldn't want any dedicated artist to go without, but for as much as anyone may say he made a bad choice, it worked out for him and he's making his own way. Yelling at him or anons on 4chan about it isn't going to retroactively make it bad for him. All you can do is encourage others not to do the same but getting mad at people for following their own path in life is a waste of energy.

>> No.2172298

I don't, but I also don't share any of the porn I draw(and won't).

>> No.2172299

To be fair, that cartoon is very appealing

>> No.2172304

yeah, he burned his hand on the stove and now he'll never eat use a stove ever again instead of just not putting his hand on the stove. I hope he likes raw shit.

>> No.2172306

what a load of bullshit

>> No.2172308
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oh wait it's Chris Sanders and he worked on Lilo and Stitch and How to Train Your Dragon.

>> No.2172311

Holy mother of God that rubbery boneless body

>> No.2172312

It's pretty straight forward when you think about it. You draw a girl. You put a dick on the girl. And then you get an horny fantasizing about her dick. This is psych 101.

If you're guy, you want a dick but you don't want the status of being gay. The futa fantasy allows you to have gay sex but without you admitting you're gay. "It's okay becuase she's still a girl"

If you're a girl the dick is what allows you to fantasize about having sex with other girls. It keeps you tied to the hetreo traditons while letting you indulge in homosexual acts. "It's okay because the dick makes it possible"