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2168438 No.2168438 [Reply] [Original]

I lost the ability to draw well overnight. Went from alright to shit. Give me some calming motivation or something. Life is hell.

>> No.2168440

try again tomorrow

>> No.2168444

It's been like this for like 2 weeks.

>> No.2168452

How does someone lose his ability to draw "well"? Maybe you just realized that all your drawings are pleb tier and you should step the fuck up. Just draw and go for it faggot.

>> No.2168455

maybe he woke up and someone chopped off his dominant hand.

>> No.2168456

maybe you're focusing on one subject too much.Try mixing it up.

>> No.2168457

do some tendonitis stretches, maybe you're cramped

practice some basics, maybe you being good was a fluke

>> No.2168460

They were moderately good. I have a sensitive head so looking down to my piece of paper is already a chore. But nigga you're right l'll draw more.

>> No.2168465

I've been drawing everyday for the past year and a half. I know it's not impressive but it was sure as hell no fluke

>> No.2168471

Litterly drawing human figure and objects all the time. What do you suggest?

>> No.2168476


I lost the ability to draw two years ago.

Been doing digital art for 6 years, then two years ago bam lost that ability overnight.

I now just work as a bank clark.

I went to the doctors, but they didn't help. My doctor thinks it might have been a mini stroke or mental block. He mention this is more common in writers where they suddenly can't write anymore.

>> No.2168487

I might have writersblock thing. Drawing was making me sick at one point. But i've been calm for 2weeks

>> No.2168489

I know this feel. It'll come back.

>> No.2168490

Also hope u doing well. Maybe you should retry?

>> No.2168491

Eh we aint here to suck your dick.

>> No.2168497

You think?

>> No.2168500
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>you could lose all your drawing ability just because of some random brain fart

holy shit are my years spent trying to git gud in danger?

>> No.2168503


That happens to most people at some point. The permanently plateau You've probably reached your talent limit. Try developing a style to compensate, it's not so bad.

>> No.2168504

Come on. It's just as likely as losing your legs as an athlete.

>> No.2168507


Or loosing your eyesight for an artist. I'd literally commit suicide zero hesitation

>> No.2168508

Nah, you'll be fine. This shit doesn't happen in real life. Forget about those other anons, they basic AF.

>> No.2168514

no chances are their work was shit
not to insult anyone
but I would like to see their work
and would guarantee that they arent anywhere near an acceptable level of fundamentals

>> No.2168515

This. OP, post a before and after so we can see how full of shit and/or bad at art you are.

>> No.2168517

You're right my fundamentals aren't that good but drawing worked pretty well if I had something to draw. I think I'm just worn out though anons are right. I also have psycholigical issues so. What are fundamentals to u anyway?

>> No.2168521

I will tomorrow it's late here. Am on cellphone

>> No.2168541

That's my biggest fear as an artist
Any time someone shines a laser near my eyes I freak out
Or if it's dusty or something I'll want some eye protection
I feel like I have to protect my eyes at all costs

>> No.2168561

I hear that eyes regenerate almost Terminator-style, so whenever a small rock or a dust speck scratches your eyeball it just bam fixes itself. just to help you sleep

>> No.2168583

tendonitis stretches, practice drawing lines, practice drawing basic shapes, practice whatever you want. Look at your hand. Draw things from life, simple things, then work your way up back to your comfort level

>> No.2168597

What about eye spores? That shit can do permanent damage.

>> No.2168635

Your brain needs rest. You will find a leap of improvement soon after.

>> No.2168673

Draw penises, creativity will come after that.

>> No.2168674

There a way I could see some of your previous work, OP?

>> No.2168691

post your work from a time you thought you were good and now

we'll make sure you know that you couldn't draw before, either.

>> No.2168694

Your body adapts. Though expect drawing well again to be hard as hell.

>> No.2168803

No physical therapy?

I once had an art teacher that was going blind in her 30's. Life just ain't right.

>> No.2168843

No Frank Frazetta story?

I'll do it then. Frazetta had a few strokes later in his career and started losing the motor skills on his dominant hand. Like he'd paint and the entire arm would suddenly shake and fuck up his work. It was irreversible nerve damage.

So he re-learned how to draw and paint using his left hand. And he continued his work like that until he had a stroke that finally killed his ass.

>> No.2168847

You wrote that tragic but somewhat inspirational biographical anecdote in a way that made me laugh out loud, or "lol" as it were. Thank you.

>> No.2168896

try animals or landscape.Both are good for learning new textures and animals are pretty fun to draw.

>> No.2168924
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>> No.2168948

Learn to chill is the lesson here? Got it

>> No.2169999
File: 136 KB, 728x1044, 1412973518304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So get an upright easel and draw horizontally.

Have you tried seeing a therapist, I know this sounds stupid but mental blocks are usually stress or fear related.
As a writer I tend to have a lot of trouble writing when I'm anxious, went almost 4 months without being able to write. Saw a doctor, punched my dad in the mouth every time he told me I was going bald and am happily writing again.

>> No.2170010

quads confirmd

>> No.2170026

Try the other hand.

>> No.2171436

slow down, this happens to me when i get cocky and try to rush

>> No.2171473

This happens to me all the time.

Like an athlete, you're supposed to do warm ups. Or drink coffee.

>> No.2171487

>I lost the ability to draw well overnight. Went from alright to shit.
what the fuck are you talking about?
are you sure you aren't just talking about reaching a high and not being able to reach it again? because that isn't unusual.

>> No.2172190
File: 281 KB, 623x288, Screen Shot 2015-05-19 at 22.15.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mental blocks....

Seriously you fuckers are retarded, I have never once in my 44 years of being alive on this planet ever once had a mental block creating a piece of Art.

On top of that I never get bored.

I wonder why some people draw or write when they say these retarded things, you're obviously ot an artist and were never meant to be if you go around having Mental Blocks. In fact you must just have a mental disease or be gay or some shit, it's fucking pathetic, do you think fucking DaVinci had mental blocks or michaelangelo painting the chapel, fuck outta here kid.

>> No.2172206

I lost the ability to ride a bike overnight, so I understand how you feel.

Maybe see a doctor and make sure you don't have a brain tumor.

>> No.2172231

im gonna go ahead and assume you were always shit.

>> No.2172251

Most likely the case, went to bed thinking their work was hot shit and woke up the next day with a fresh set of eyes and saw how bad the stuff really was.

>> No.2172281

quads confirm

get an upright easel if you haven't already fagets

>> No.2172315
File: 1.37 MB, 650x3260, bearstory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's one thing that always keeps me calm and motivated.
I'll never be Andrew Dobson.
I will always listen to critique and improve my work, no matter what.

>> No.2172319

I dunno what happened to OP but it's happened to me pretty regularly. I've been dealing with some shit lately and I didn't draw for probably 4-5 days straight and when I picked it up again it was almost like I had never drawn anything. After a few days of just grinding out some stuff and doing at least one quick study I seem to be pretty much back, but it was rough for those few days. If you don't practice this shit man, you definitely get rusty.

>> No.2172327

nah, wait a 3 or 4 decades, we'll have to technology to give eyesight back to the blind, it'll probably cost an arm and a leg to have the operation but blindness won't have to be terminal anymore

>> No.2172330


>> No.2172332

I remember a good number of years ago, Stevie Wonder had an operation that was able to give him enough sight to be able to drive a car around some cones they set up in a parking lot, so yeah they'll probably be pretty far along with that soonish.

>> No.2172362

>it'll probably cost an arm and a leg

Not the drawing arm, I hope, or what would be the point?

>> No.2172374
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, 273456615_9a255d57572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The shitposters are out in force this evening.

>> No.2172770

Not shit posting, real artists dont have blocks it's a weak and pathetic excuse for being lazy

>> No.2173094

That was a pretty colossal shit post, you should probably go see a doctor.

>> No.2173103

grow small balls and draw faggot, why is it so hard? Seriously explain it to me.

Literally put a blank piece of paaper in front of me and I can off and draw anyone of my millions ideas I have spewing out of my imagination, it's not hard.

>> No.2174196

post work fag

>> No.2174201


Let's see then.

>> No.2174222
File: 3 KB, 28x28, reallife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of human being is 44 years old posting meme images on 4chan, yelling at young adults? Could they even be considered a human at this point?

>> No.2174416

>equates his shit scribbles to art

Stick a camera in front of a nigger and they can rant for hours, that doesn't make anything they say insightful.