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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 394 KB, 700x700, 1437695012190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2163854 No.2163854 [Reply] [Original]


Other thread Stopped bumping, weebs flooding

previous thread:>>2158972

Post your current drawing here and give constructive critique to others!

Please make sure your posted image is clear, downsized to around 1000 pixels wide, rotated to the correct orientation, and that any unused space is cropped.
If you want critique on a drawing from the previous thread, you can delete it there and repost in this one.

>dA /ic/ group :

>/ic/ Resources/Reference/Downloads/Links:

>General resources :

>fellowBro's books :

>Figure Drawing Tool:

>Photoshop Brushes

>> No.2163908
File: 621 KB, 1000x1388, img070halfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2163918
File: 2.68 MB, 1109x1778, tg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying with default brushes

>> No.2163923
File: 479 KB, 1000x1750, 1s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2163924
File: 341 KB, 1000x1750, 2s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2163975
File: 955 KB, 1400x1048, yotsuba-rain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished this one yesterday, how is it?

>> No.2163978

Holy shit dude how long did that take you? I remember you posting your wip months ago

>> No.2163980

are you the guy who done that one pepe raining gif?

>> No.2163984




>> No.2163988
File: 232 KB, 1100x1000, batguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i posted my drawing in the previous thread, got no answers i think.

trying again on this one.
i'm nost sure with how i did the cape, and the belt looks too small imo

>> No.2163989
File: 2.40 MB, 4128x2322, 20150724_125643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started trying to draw again after a long time, is there hope be brutally honest

>> No.2163994

wow your surfaces are beautiful but it looks kind of flat for some reason? I think the perspective might be a lil off.

his leg/lower torso area look a lil thin compared to face and arms

>> No.2163995
File: 230 KB, 1000x657, Temple_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2163999

I made him a little thin because I wanted to make him look younger and less bulky.

Are the shadows and the inks good ?

>> No.2164003

make the two larger windows an "U", it will be more interesting

>> No.2164018
File: 52 KB, 213x644, circles2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww, it has very cool parts, but some issues you could perfectly handle, you could make a tinny batman with small rib cage and small chest, also, his right shoulder should be seen, as it has volume even if its back, but meh, he can't handle that arms or neck. If you scan it you could fix proportions with Ph

>> No.2164019

i meant skinny

>> No.2164023

i dig the way you indicate light / shadow

>> No.2164055
File: 106 KB, 1024x576, https%253A%252F%252F40.media.tumblr.com%252Fe4dfdae8c73558008245788df77b79cf%252Ftumblr_nrzbgpYWKF1urvr7ho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sketch of a character Im working on. Im looking for crits. especially on foreshortening and keeping the face accurate at all angles.

>> No.2164060
File: 72 KB, 550x1000, batbro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had already did the shoulder, but if you said that I had to add it, it wa because it was not visible enough.
I tweaked it a little bit and made a right shoulder.

However I don't know if I should color in black the littles "whites stripes" I did at the bottom of the cape, it was supposed to remind of the tissue being curved but it looks like the cape was cut and it made holes in it.

>> No.2164068

well i really like it but i am a beginner

>> No.2164084

hope for what? everyone can be a sucesfull artist just as everyone is capable of becoming a sucesfull bodybuilder, it just takes a fucking ton of effort and perseverance, and that comes with a fucking ton of fails

>> No.2164095
File: 168 KB, 998x562, call.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2164100
File: 348 KB, 641x1475, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This shows the progress. Pic on the top is something I did 8 years ago when I didn't even know about composition, values etc.
2 years ago I got my tablet and started learning the basics.
Anyways, I just wanted to see what I coud do 8 years later

>inb4 lost ability to use colors

>> No.2164140
File: 355 KB, 712x1000, 223450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2164143 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 650x844, Leon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real quick, is this ear in the right spot? I have so much trouble with place ears, dammit.

>> No.2164149

The colors seem nice, maybe a little too saturated in the light parts. The shadow line seems a little too sharp, and the overall structure seems a bit shaky, bretty good though imo.

>> No.2164150
File: 146 KB, 650x844, Leon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real quick, is this ear in the right spot? I have so much trouble with placing ears, dammit.

>> No.2164153


The shadow over the left side of the face seems pretty arbitrary. Putting it that far in relative to the hair and lighting almost makes her look like Ziggy Stardust, like it's an actual marking.

Also, your edges could use some work.

>> No.2164164

The ear is a bit too close to the eye.

Thanks. I'll soften up that edge a bit

>> No.2164168


Not that much really, I had the file there and
mess around with it till yesterday


hehe yeah man, thats me!


Well its going to sound stupid, but I did it that way sort of on purpose, some people were saying that it was photo bashed so I went for a more stylized look

>> No.2164169

I dunno, I just tried moving the ear over some more and it doesn't look right to me, I'm just gonna leave it like that. Thanks anyway, though.

>> No.2164192

Diff anon, I think it might have to do more with the jaw and the drawing/shape of the ear. I think the general position is fine. Maybe this will help. It has a rotating head


>> No.2164201

Sweet, thanks anon.

>> No.2164221
File: 183 KB, 700x700, karhu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fast sketch while waiting. Did too much nature earlier this year, tried human anatomy for a month and finally feels comfy to do nature again.

>> No.2164222
File: 172 KB, 1443x2048, 1960920_10201463372617285_2144213234_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a drawing I made a little while ago. Thoughts?

>> No.2164234

hipster bs with no skill and nothing to say

>> No.2164240

Nothing to say, edgy.

>> No.2164243


I wouldn't go that far, I like his lines and dots.

>> No.2164246
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2164247
File: 239 KB, 900x643, 1436911062987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy, good shit. wheres your gallery? i only saved this one.

>> No.2164251

ha, maybe

>> No.2164265
File: 171 KB, 409x573, refine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha, thanks. I think tumblr has the most.

>> No.2164272

this is what makes IC a shit place. Fuck, does it hurt to say something positive.

>> No.2164273


Nice, shows potential.

But the value range of those mountains at the left is the same as the foreground (the guy and the surface he's standing in), flattening the pic.

To fix that you could slightly lighten up the dark parts of those mountains, and/or increase the contrast of the foreground with some bright yet subtle enough brushstrokes.

>> No.2164282
File: 168 KB, 665x665, karhu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more before sleep. I think I went too far with crosshatching, yet some parts feel decent.

>> No.2164290
File: 471 KB, 1019x696, tumblr_nm1kwjMnj81rcea42o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit, the bears are nice and what not, but screw them, you had something really good going in pic related. i would love to see you do more landscapes like this

>> No.2164292
File: 421 KB, 1200x683, fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

different faces

>> No.2164296

Looking ok, but you are overdoing/redoing things too much which leads to the messy look. focus mor on line economy, in both linework and shading

>> No.2164301


yea going to do a couple of new ones with line economy in mind

>> No.2164313
File: 858 KB, 944x1248, Miss Big Apple - small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miss Big Apple
Acrylic on canvas, 40 x 30 inches

>> No.2164314
File: 234 KB, 900x582, uni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's one thing I'm also heading back, but with a fresh view. I really enjoyed that moment with shitty markers and one 0.2 micron, it pushes the usage of those basic mediums.

I'm about to illustrate one story of mine, that involves mostly landscapes and bears. I'm printing it by hand, so that two-tone style might be the way to go.

>> No.2164317
File: 1.02 MB, 2160x1000, Core of the Planet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Painting I did recently.

>> No.2164334


really impressive

>> No.2164336

what gif?

>> No.2164341

0,2? how big was the drawing?

>> No.2164363
File: 184 KB, 742x850, 33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2164373


>> No.2164390

Got some strong monkey mouth going on

>> No.2164394
File: 333 KB, 614x698, Screen Shot 2015-07-25 at 6.10.33 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

experimenting with color pallets.
any tips?

>> No.2164400

> everyone can be a sucesfull artist
>everyone is capable of becoming a sucesfull bodybuilder
>people actually believe this

>> No.2164402

>>Even if you're a woman.

>> No.2164447
File: 506 KB, 1000x716, july-25-2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

photo is crap but heres this. i drew some fruit

>> No.2164473
File: 52 KB, 602x850, swaglekle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2164481

Everyone is capable of being an artist, not everyone can be a sucessful artist, having the right ideas, the public appeal, knowing how to self promote and being lucky(knowing the right people) goes along the way of being a sucessful artist.

>> No.2164526
File: 1.80 MB, 2475x3300, jyntung final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come at me

>> No.2164605
File: 212 KB, 638x850, fatsamurai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2164608
File: 322 KB, 638x850, samurai1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2164609
File: 268 KB, 712x1000, 1437776220533fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2164610
File: 130 KB, 650x844, 1437776582045fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2164612
File: 186 KB, 931x562, 1437772430015fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The clouds should cause some value variation on the landscape, which you can abuse to strengthen your focal point.

>> No.2164614

It's A3, working on surface that big makes things a lot harder. It feels like doing a graffiti.

>> No.2164616

Shit, now I remember. It wasn't one of those microns, I had one "zebra" marker, that I bought from 100 yen shop. That was more likely bigger, now that I think of it.

>> No.2164625
File: 205 KB, 638x850, onisurfing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an oni surfing

>> No.2164627

of course everyone can, it's genetics, your body or your brain is adaptable, it's just takes the right stimulis for long enought, and this is the challenge, because it involves CHOICES and deliverate ACTIONS. so people depressed or without any intention to take that hard path obviously have no fucking chance

>> No.2164628

everyone can also become a sucesful artist, learning how to design utilities is not harder than learning art, the problem is that most artist don't even care of market value or design, look ic

>> No.2164650
File: 207 KB, 638x850, face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2164686

I like this one

>> No.2164687

Please stop the RGB shifting.

>> No.2164706

dat's top tier for children's books, for real, textures are amazing
crits on it being flat or bad perspective r dumb, the main problem of htat drawing is the yellow plastic dress, that brights with that dark airbrush mess it so much, it should be as ducks or everything else, integrate it and make a bit of texture to it (no need to change the yellow)

>> No.2164774

that sounds more like it because the strokes are quite heavy

>> No.2164814
File: 175 KB, 641x902, render-time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2164820
File: 170 KB, 960x768, 14378352494810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smashed this out today. Still learning to use paint properly, didn't let the background dry enough before starting on the pig

>> No.2164835
File: 708 KB, 1100x1000, 1437768190316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, do you want some response?i could do that.
i hope you don't get mad because i'm doing it for your good.

>> No.2164839
File: 522 KB, 645x966, Screen Shot 2015-07-25 at 6.16.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2164849

that gun is awsome, but it does not fit at all with that chick

>> No.2164864
File: 117 KB, 1050x600, idfklookinassdude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

testing brushes

>> No.2164868

How come? you mean with her "character" or di you mean anatomical?

>> No.2164893

it doesnt blend with the scene
looks like the gun and the girl are taken from 2 seperate scenes and merged together.
work on it again, apply loomis and read the sticky

>> No.2164895

that was exactly what I trough

>> No.2164904
File: 249 KB, 1026x1307, ItsBetterthenItwas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey remember me? I have more shitty things to say to you.

I took a short amount of time and tried to illustrate the problems (Major one being the lightsource inconsistencies)
and Strange cut off point which makes it really hard for you to see the anatomy.

In before shitty anons hugbox you to death again.

Keep at it, its better then before.

>> No.2164909


Awsome, thanks for the advice! il make sure to do that. What do you think the actual problem is though? how would you go about blending the two?

>> No.2164931
File: 288 KB, 1000x748, spriggan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current WIP. Starting to get a bit stuck with it.

>> No.2164962

the proportions and gesture is all wrong
remember to sketch the anatomy first if youre doing illustration.
Now go find fun with a pencil by loomis and dont come back until youve quit drawing symbols.

>> No.2164963

no man, i love you, for real, improved it thx to you guys

that pose is better, more interesting and allows more lectures than just the face, the cut off point made it simpler, will go further next time

you already made the face, using random sketches from imagination for a scene without having that in mind from the begginin won't make it easier for you

taking that haircut

>> No.2164969
File: 721 KB, 644x957, Screen Shot 2015-07-25 at 8.10.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeh, im not proud of it but the gun was a last minute addition. is this any better or am i just not getting it?

>> No.2164971
File: 1.07 MB, 998x1686, opredone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do something like this

>> No.2164974

your paint over sucks bro

>> No.2164978

your comprension of what he did there is not appearing

>> No.2164980

Eyes are a bit dead, otherwise decent

>> No.2164984

>your comprension of what he did there is not appearing
>your comprension
look at that guys paintover again,all parts of the body have different textures and light sources. what part of that critique is even worth keeping in mind?

>> No.2164998

I personally really like it, don't see much wrong with it.
But if I were you I would've made the hand more noticeable.

>> No.2165000

Do you have any reason for telling him not to do something specific or do you have autism

>> No.2165001
File: 123 KB, 430x659, against_muddyness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going for color, testing right now, as I'm shit with color and newb to color grayscales, what to keep in mind, what tricks to use in Ph.. etc and most important, how to color dodge? I want to learn what Ross Tran does

>> No.2165036

Nice textures! Did you use photographs?

>> No.2165039
File: 693 KB, 700x711, tger2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2165040

he already said no

>> No.2165048

haha, whats wrong with her body?

>> No.2165049

Pelvis is missing.

>> No.2165051


Everything probably, I included her in 5 minutes, I wasn't really sure about the composition so I kinda rushed it, I will never again spend 2 weeks rendering a fucking cat only to find out the composition doesn't work.

>> No.2165052
File: 393 KB, 600x785, safafs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2165087

I don't get it

>> No.2165089
File: 85 KB, 600x905, 1437002060996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find this interesting, now clean it up.

>> No.2165091

make a bonefire or put a dragon over bg wall

>> No.2165092

No, don't listen to the guy above. What you need is skeleton knights with torches

>> No.2165126
File: 499 KB, 600x600, Faceguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2165136

Would've looked better if the eyes were completely covered by the shadow

>> No.2165153
File: 906 KB, 1500x2000, 14378515655440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not muh drawing
is it possible for normal person to have a right arm loke this? I pointed this, but guy who drew it keeps defending it

>> No.2165181

>shoulder (is she Bane or something ? )
>ugly hands, I can't stand ugly hands and drapery
>can't get a properly umbrella using simple perspective
The right arm is the least of his issues.

>> No.2165185
File: 379 KB, 3188x4464, christ pantocrator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ Pantocrator

>> No.2165188




>> No.2165201


Only half of what you said is right jesus christ.

>> No.2165205

My taste > dog shit > your taste


>> No.2165208

This is really good.
The composition doesn't quite work though. I say, don't add anything just move it a bit, so there's not so much black in the corner.

>> No.2165209

paint thicker, your colors will flow better. Plus the background is showing through, making it look muddy. If you can, just do wet-on-wet, I always find that easier for beginners (If they know the right techniques of course).
Also Your bad brush strokes (unorganized and unable to describe the planes) worsen the muddy color

>> No.2165216
File: 267 KB, 1200x600, paint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might differ a bit from what you intended, but here's how I'd approach this:

-Pull the camera back so it doesn't look like a wide angle lens really close to the face (mostly caused by the face being large for the head and the current cropping). Pulling back also gave room to include some neck and trapezius, and to give more breathing room up top.

-Angled the head downward a bit. Gives a little more character than a neutral straight-on shot. I also tried to make him a bit more stern looking, but I don't know if that's what you wanted. More personality is almost always better than vacant unless the brief calls for vacant.

-Simplified values and clarified lighting. Primary light is centered and downward onto the head. Secondary light is backlighting. I didn't use any clearly, but you should really find/make refs for that. It will help a lot for color as well. Your current colors are muddy, and when you make your references you should strongly consider the qualities (strength, temperature, etc) of your light sources and your local environment. A ball in a blue room will look different from the same ball under the same lighting but in a red room. The local environment acts as a weak, often colored light source.

-Simplified brush stokes and focusing on major forms and plane changes. I feel like you're getting too gritty with texture brushes when the base isn't fully there yet. I used a basic round oval brush with no texture, pressure size dynamics off, pressure opacity dynamics on. You can use a 'universal' textured brush too, but the point is to not get bogged down with a hair brush for hair, or a pore brush for skin too early in the process. Often times those add too much noise and texture that draws the viewers' eyes away from your focal points. In yours I'm drawn too strongly to the hair, eyebrows and stubble, rather than focusing on the forms of the head, the personality and the design.

>> No.2165221

You spent 2 weeks rendering your one focal point and 5 minutes rushing your other, equally important focal point? That seems like an awfully dumb thing to do for someone of your skill level.

>> No.2165222


killer critique, saved

>> No.2165231


Better screencap this while you can boys. The next helpful critique is months away.

>> No.2165233

pls be my bf

>> No.2165234
File: 437 KB, 700x429, tger2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


True, the lower part of the image served no purpose.

>> No.2165240

We have very little of this. >>2165216

But unscalabe mountains of this. >>2165205 >>2165126

And people wonder why we're unhappy with the current state of /ic/

>> No.2165242

I'm just joking. Don't take everything so seriously.

>> No.2165251

But now the image lacks story/purpose. He's staring out on the image. It's boring. I would change his pose and maybe have him looking at the viewer. Or something.

>> No.2165254

Well I think the other version is definitely better. It tells a story and the composition feels more complete and has a purpose. Like that cat isn't just staring into the emptiness of what lies outside the canvas. Just fix the figure and you're good.

>> No.2165279

>I'm not actually retarded!

>> No.2165281


>> No.2165284
File: 263 KB, 1000x984, tuba3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2165299

You runnin up on BOTH mah bois doin paintovers in this thread? Nigga you crazy, better back the fuck off son.

>> No.2165361

Does anyone have an example of muddy colors vs non-muddy colors?

>> No.2165379

All colors can be muddy, its about color relationships and values.

>> No.2165386
File: 644 KB, 916x722, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oil plein air, its been a while since I've used them. Feels good.

>> No.2165416
File: 536 KB, 968x1296, july 25 2015 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i went to the beach and drew some people and their butts and boobs

>> No.2165452
File: 418 KB, 2562x2500, C_Chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2165458


I-is that you M-Mikufag?!

>> No.2165465
File: 131 KB, 1500x2100, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just starting with the tablet. what do yah think?

>> No.2165469


>> No.2165476


>> No.2165480
File: 1.26 MB, 1296x831, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think i shaded this right, can someone give me some pointers? i was drawing part of my couch under multiple dim lights

>> No.2165498
File: 797 KB, 900x1000, faaace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow, thank you. I did my best to simplify my values and shy away from premature texturing.

Here is the current version with added room. The background is just a test. I need to revamp the chest/shoulder area and make it appear less symmetrical from my duplication and flipping of layers.

>> No.2165503
File: 82 KB, 696x960, russell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caricature but not really because it's not that exaggerated. Any thoughts?

>> No.2165504

i like this a lot

>> No.2165506

haha is this tommy wiseau? love it.

>> No.2165507
File: 90 KB, 720x480, 11140107_1053072684720188_3964134886412524241_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...No. It's Russel Brand.

>> No.2165509
File: 11 KB, 320x320, just look at it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c'mon OP its totally tommy.

>> No.2165516
File: 767 KB, 1308x1600, Yotsubato! v09 - 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are you guys impressed by this? This is street spray painter level illustration. Sure, the paint this guy sprayed on the canvas looks kinda like grass, and with this transparent effect it can look like a realistic pond, but does that make it good? Is it impressive?

The reason to some people it looks kinda good but also kinda bad is because it's an overdone painting job trying hard to mask a half assed drawing. The fundamentals are half assed, and the biggest giveaway of this painting's real quality is the figure of the girl and her umbrella. Her body is smushed like she was sculpted with playdoh, and the umbrella was made with so little effort to even look right that the sketch was left in the final rendering.

The center of our piece is this quickly put together sort of minimalistic rendering of Yotsuba, and our background is a gritty, muddy colored, heavily textured dull grass, road and a pond. It's so badly put together there is a sidewalk in the middle of the road, the edge of the road and the lines of paint are so straight and clean they look like they were made of glass.
It's all so flat it looks like a collage. Every piece of this painting is on a diferent plane, and none of them has volume. Even if it was intentional because muh style, the results are awful.
The only great thing on this are these ducks. They are great. Keep drawing these cute papery motherfuckers.

The water effects are a nice touch, this and the heavy texture may trick people on facebook, but if you want more than that, if you want to git gud I would say stay away from these dull colors, and stop abusing the lasso tool and the gritty textures. I saw your tumblr, you can do better than this. You had some awesome shit in 2014, great studies specially. What happened?
Again, don't halfass your drawings. A simple painting over a well done drawing is always better than an overdone painting job over a turd. Pic Related.

>> No.2165518
File: 139 KB, 611x612, ayy lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique away.

>> No.2165521

basic as fuck?

>> No.2165524

not even color? you want hate or loomis?

>> No.2165533

I wanted some general crits before I start to colour.

>> No.2165538

>flying head#27474
give her a hat add some sun light add some jewelry..c'mon OP you're begging for bait if you just post sketchbook filler.

>> No.2165560
File: 107 KB, 1080x1080, brn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey wtf op dats my drawing. :(
also here's how it came out... not much different in the thumbnail i guess but feedback would be appreciated for future pieces

>> No.2165583

Looks better in the OP brah.

>> No.2165600

is it the img compression?
i probably shouldnt have saved then posted the one that fb fucked up... :/

>> No.2165604

Really sorry for asking here, didn't want to make a new thread, but would anyone know of some sort of site for teaching digital painting? I know ctrl+paint, but that's for Photoshop and I'm using sai (weeb shit, I know, but my computer has this virus that makes using chrome impossible )
All the videos I've found for using Sai are just shitty 10 year old weeaboos making tutorials for deviant art without really explaining anything.

>> No.2165616

Have you even looked through the videos on ctrl+paint besides seeing the word "Photoshop" and giving up? As long as you're not looking at program specific shit (functions and layers and shortcuts) then everything Matt teaches on that site about digital painting (which is separate) are universal ideas/lessons which can easily be translated over to sai. He doesn't even use special brushes or anything on blending practices, it's all hard/soft round.

Come on anon, don't be retarded. Go learn the technical shit and how to use your program, if you can't find anything you should be playing with it to figure it out yourself. Then just fucking get on with it.

>> No.2165627

Shit anon, sorry. Yeah, I should've looked more but I was just worried that sai and Photoshop would be different. Thanks!

>> No.2165662
File: 3.37 MB, 1610x1592, reter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2165667
File: 1.55 MB, 1440x923, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2165686

The eyes are kinda decent, the rest is just bland

>> No.2165714
File: 557 KB, 645x362, Lens Focal Length.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd try to shy away from using duplication and flipping in your process entirely - unless of course you were making a character sheet or something that requires exact symmetry.

The current background has too much visual noise and is distracting, so I'd try to steer away from that direction. I also don't like the near tangent between the horizon and the shoulders - the fact that they're both similar grays doesn't help either. It's very flat at the moment.

I'd add a little more breathing room above the head. Still feels a little cramped. I noticed my paintover had the same height over the head in terms of pixels, so I'd say the absolute size of the head make a big difference. The ratio between the gaps of the top, bottom and sides as well as whether there's content in the background affects this too - so you'd have to go by feel paying closest attention to the thumbnail size of the image.

The two biggest issues are still inconsistencies with lighting direction, and the apparent lens. The cast shadow under the nose for example is extremely long, implying the light is straight overhead. Most of the rest of the face looks like the light is mostly frontal though.

For the apparent lens, it's the features taking up too much space compared to the cranium. Pic related shows comparisons between long lens, normal lens and wide lens. Many of the examples in the middle look similar to how the human eye distorts, but each implies a different distance between the viewer and the subject - more perspective distortion implies that we're closer. Make sure the implied distance matches the how you want the viewer to feel about the character - rather than letting your cropping dictate our proximity. I'm assuming you want your character to read as cool, aloof and distant, so I'd stay away from wide angle lens that put us super close and personal to his face.

>> No.2165715

The good news is that the two problems above are easily solved through taking reference photos. Use your own head to get an approximate idea of the perspective and anatomical landmarks, but change the likeness to your subject. If you also use a desk lamp to stage your lighting, you also now have an accurate reference for mapping your shadow shapes at the very least.

>> No.2165721
File: 46 KB, 138x118, 2015-07-17_09-50-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't put your pencil down and move it side to side. Always hatch using separate lines.

>> No.2165732

Mfw when you didn't even fix half of what their critique pointed out.

>> No.2165752

wheres your face?

>> No.2165759

>mfw I have no face

>> No.2165765

I like the colours

Love the lighting, try to have more hard edges with the shading through. Everything looks marshmallow-y

You need to work more with the construction of the head

>> No.2165767

I really like this one.

>> No.2165770

Like the others have said, fix the girls anatomy/proportions a bit and it'll be amazing!

>> No.2165771

Bretty gudd! Just seems to lack some highlights.

>> No.2165872
File: 247 KB, 900x698, karhu-scape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warm up went bit far, even broke the pen. So all my values are incomplete, maybe I should just leave this.

>> No.2165882


>> No.2165890

Something about the face and it's right leg seems a little off, otherwise it looks really great!

>> No.2165894

stop with chromatic aberration, looks like eyecancer when noobs do it.

the nose looks like a potato, maybe try to get more defined there, the chin isnt even leveled with the rest of the face, unless he has some bad cyst there, then its my mistake.

>> No.2165896
File: 416 KB, 984x1312, gibsonpepe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2165907

Get out of your comfort zone and drow something that you havent drawn million times before.

>> No.2165948
File: 240 KB, 730x564, hayao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, thanks. That's just something I try to practice, because I'm about to illustrate the whole story. Have been working on humans lately, not my strong area. Here's just a sketch I just did.

Interesting notice, I tend to draw really skewed pics, if I lean back and draw on a normal table surface. You can really see it on those eyes.

>> No.2165951
File: 184 KB, 648x900, n1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this. I was working earlier today and got stuck with it. Any critical errors I made? Somehow it's not working, I noticed problems with jaw but I think there's something bigger I'm not seeing.

>> No.2165962

I'll do an overpaint

>> No.2165970
File: 94 KB, 700x1099, peacocklookinassdude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started this one, anything looking awful so far?

>> No.2165972
File: 185 KB, 1000x600, batguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished my Batman drawing I posted 1-2 days ago.

I was told the torso was too long, is this really that problematic or is it okay ?

>> No.2165973

the legs seems to be too short, but I don't know if he's supposed to be human height or shorter

>> No.2165975

yeah the arm, and think about his anatomy for a second, where would his neck be at that angle of the shoulder, youre looking at a very small amount of perspective foreshortening here, which means that the neck would still be visible. Try to paint him without the tree, make a photo of yourself in the mirror at that angle and use it. The face is shitty too, no offense

>> No.2165978

The face is quite literally 2 white spheres, but i get what you're saying, thanks.
Should i rework the neck and torso eventhough he's hunched over? would really appreciate a redline of the neck area if thats the case

>> No.2165991
File: 20 KB, 498x340, hello.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 me

>> No.2165992

The second picture looked so much better and clean. I'm so sorry for the poor judgment on the background colour. Overall i like it but you will always wonder what could've been of this without the ugly background.

>> No.2166024
File: 18 KB, 566x796, ADAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study for painting. Please eviscerate. Thanks

>> No.2166031
File: 739 KB, 950x629, z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brace yourself

>> No.2166035
File: 79 KB, 600x1011, peacocklookinassdudenumberodos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2166036

lots of empty dark space, mix it up a bit. Sharpen up the lit areas and contours, leave the dark contours disappearing into the background

>> No.2166041
File: 65 KB, 1000x1294, nurse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2166042

Thanks man. Lighting is such a pain. I'm translating it to paper so I'll be able to clean it up a bit.

>> No.2166044

Forgot to add. Pose? is it proportional enough? Is something wacky that I can't see? Had a tough time with it. Thanks

>> No.2166070

Your brushwork is sloppy as hell, but that expression is reaction image material.

>> No.2166071
File: 363 KB, 1346x888, knightess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*paint over
Here it is, kinda changed it to a knight with that helmet like thing, she is more masculine now, but I felt like I mainly needed to fix the angles and perspective that was wrong in your picture, the way you shaded the forehead is kind of weird too, you should look up the shapes that make up the head and follow those when you shade, if a shadow is hitting, do it like you did on the upper forehead, lighting is inconsistent and the nose and mouth were really weird, I hope you will profit from it, the ear was wrong and way off too, you shade very nicely, and your values are good, learn anatomy and perspective

>> No.2166073

I love it.

>> No.2166074

Weak anatomy, Weak design.
Pick one. make it strong.

>> No.2166076

make the neck thinner.
same for the torso, it looks like he's fat.

>> No.2166077

dat arm is still way too long

>> No.2166078

You think that I should color in black all whites circles (they are supposed to be stars)

>> No.2166081
File: 204 KB, 604x1000, bull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique me please.

>> No.2166087
File: 1.09 MB, 1456x2592, IMG_20150726_182724988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I color the backgrounf in full black ?
The white circles/points are supposed to be stars.

>> No.2166089

The pose looks limp. The classical style every-muscle-tensed look might not be what you want, but at least do something about the legs. Right now, they look like they're just floating there instead of supporting weight.

>> No.2166094

work on the hands, they look pretty bad.

The littles stripes on the fingers makes them too busy and the hands seems weird.

>> No.2166102

Cool man! Maybe he will tense up with more detail. Will repost when finished.

Thank you!

>> No.2166105
File: 464 KB, 1632x1229, Camera360_2015_7_26_012939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to get the hang of values again since I feel my lines are pretty strong

>> No.2166149


Did you even read what he said?

>thanks for the critique, here's what I addressed


I fail to see how your comment adds any value.

>> No.2166166
File: 66 KB, 851x515, z616d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2166174

The problem was changing the background from white to black in the first place. The interesting parts of batman's silhouette are black, and by adding a black background on top of that you essentially eliminated some of your big shapes.

>different anon btw

>> No.2166193
File: 197 KB, 622x600, f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think the left hand is fucked.

>> No.2166200
File: 365 KB, 1150x750, dontlookb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's something to know to render zombies ? i'm having a hard time here

>> No.2166203

Do you have a better pic? How long have you been working on this?

>> No.2166257
File: 340 KB, 1200x679, ollololo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess the movie

>> No.2166261

Everything is pretty much the same value... so it all looks muddy. Fuck rendering zombies learn to render spheres.

>> No.2166270

the Professional?

>> No.2166283
File: 1.43 MB, 349x225, 1233445870_ae19b02.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


damn you are good

>> No.2166296
File: 340 KB, 750x1000, SH3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2166346
File: 484 KB, 747x1000, july-26-2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i drew some flowers.

if this one don't make your pussy wet you too stuck up. I wouldn't fu k you anyways

>> No.2166347
File: 117 KB, 851x515, z618x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2166349

fuck it you are probably one of the best artists on this board tbh

>> No.2166351
File: 207 KB, 661x728, 3451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


imho the outlines are really hurting the whole.

>> No.2166352

Holy fucking shit nigger. You honestly need to step up your game already. I've remember your shitty sketches from work when you didn't have a tablet and back then you seemed to be improving very quickly but now you're stuck in the comfort zone. Fucking step out it and stop drawin fucking Mikus all day long. Anyway, you've improved but not as much as you could've.

>> No.2166356

miku fag hasnt drawn a reeel girl in a long time. i think mikufag is a weeb who sits inside and is totally engaged in consuming anime without outside stimulation

>> No.2166358

i'll work on that. im trying to do outlines in 8B to set my dark tones in order to make values easier and actually go dark on my drawings. hopefully it becomes more subtle as time goes on but for this one i needed to go overboard just to see if it worked. And i think it does. the values look nice.

also does anyone ever get the "Pick the Street Signs" Captcha right? That shits impossible.

>> No.2166361


Really cool

>> No.2166367

I used to hate your shit, specially because you kept brushing off valid critiques with "muh style" excuses. But I got to admit, you are getting pretty good despite your vices. Loving the pencil renderings.

>> No.2166374
File: 682 KB, 1296x968, photo7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i also used to just sit down and draw shit like this all day 2 years ago and post it here. i was very intent on learning to draw starting with the most basic things like lines and curves and work my way up. If someone gave me a critique that asked me to improve faster and stop wasting my time drawing shapes or rush into construction or render things darker i would shrug it off cause i was going towards all that eventually.

hopefully i don't let /ic/ down. it's always been a great place to post artwork.

>> No.2166452
File: 487 KB, 666x700, GuanyinWIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been so long since I've posted art here, but I haven't done personal work in a few months probably. Low motivation and lots of commercial work with photos and rimlights and dodge. Here's something hopefully a bit different.

>> No.2166471
File: 66 KB, 960x540, doodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on these "Confidence doodles" while I am sort of in a funk from actually DRAWING anything lately. Wanted to go straight for the pen with no outlines, or help. Came out kind of cartoon-y which was fun, although not really my style when I'm doing art to sell.

>> No.2166473
File: 465 KB, 666x700, GuanyinWIP2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit more progress before tomorrow

>> No.2166517
File: 96 KB, 500x500, robot in jacket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

robot in jacket

>> No.2166546

Hey thanks for this. I made some studies and found out, that most of mine was quite rubbish. I did try to build it from the parts, but failed hard in few areas, as you mentioned. Maybe the key issue were those eyes. Way too low and throws instantly everything off.

>> No.2166555
File: 198 KB, 738x1182, Screen Shot 2015-07-26 at 11.16.37 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based off a study
how are you doing the texture thing? is it just photographs and layer modes?

>> No.2166565

Your rendering is on point. Are you the same anon who's been posting black and white studies with tight rendering? Either way, good shit.

>> No.2166570

good stuff. do you have a tumblr or something

>> No.2166617

everything looks too flat considering this is a central character image. push the contrasts also pick a light source.

>> No.2166659
File: 86 KB, 600x1011, givinguplookinassdude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna call it quits

>> No.2166666
File: 224 KB, 1200x700, ogre design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to design some ogres

>> No.2166686

where are the orges?

>> No.2166698
File: 56 KB, 650x364, amy-poehler-thumbs-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's actually pretty nice.
Well done Anon.
Remove the nipples and amaturish pepe comment and that's a good portfolio piece.
Those could easily be ogres in a universe where other things have a simmilar design language. Are you having trouble with it not being a carbon copy of lord of the rings?

>> No.2166712

I did a thumbnail with texture brushes, then put a photo over it all on some layer mode I forget, possibly vivid light or hard light and I think put it around 30 or 40% or something. That created some random noise and small shapes within my main compositional shapes. Then I have been painting on top of all that with different brushes at different opacity. Sometimes I paint with the clone stamp tool to get a variety of hues and values within a single brush stroke. A good deal of the painting has been fairly thin glazing of things or masked adjustment layers to slowly shift values and whatnot. I've been "creeping up" on things rather than painting in bold flat opaque shapes.

>> No.2166714

no srsly. where are the ogres?

>> No.2166736

If you don't understand how those characters are Ogre's you have a very underdeveloped visual library.

>> No.2166737
File: 1.65 MB, 2560x1920, 2015-07-27 14.36.18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just doodling. Beginner, I'm on vacation and only have my phone so I can't read Loomis pdf's but drawing weird faces is fun.

>> No.2166738

If you've got anything to say about it pleas do, tear it to shreds if you want, anything is welcome.

>> No.2166787

If I could hatch like you I would cum

>> No.2166793
File: 24 KB, 851x515, z613b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you

>> No.2166796
File: 8 KB, 261x192, 1625497_10152868411909388_1956592368449957032_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't imagine getting this good ever :(

>> No.2166799
File: 61 KB, 468x720, img_921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it

>> No.2166808
File: 406 KB, 949x1270, chair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2166811

Then stop trying to imagine it and go fucking do it.
Not even a high level of skill.

>> No.2166818


>> No.2166857

420 my nigga

>> No.2166868

that's pretty cool dude, reminds me of that one Craig Mullins video where he starts from a photo.
i don't recall posting in a week but i used to do more of these

>> No.2166880

Looks like shit, you shouldve scrapped it before, it doesn't look as if you put in more than 1 hour anyway

>> No.2166881

useless critique

>> No.2166882

Just learn anatomy, do life drawings, looks like crap

>> No.2166904

they look liek fucking toads, nothing like ogres what so ever.
> a very underdeveloped visual library.

>> No.2166905

think it was 1.30, so yeah you're kinda right.
Really like your critique though, really helpful!

>> No.2166928

You put in almost zero effort, that's a fact, I don't give critique to someone who does not bother to even create a face or a basic anatomy for something he designed. Perspective is all fucked up anyway, as you should know, the colors are muddy And you should paint in gray scale, because you know nothing about color in general

>> No.2166930

Why bother posting?..

I don't give crits to anyone who I don't think deserves it either, but why bother posting?..

>> No.2166939

Your critiquing skills are worse than the painters skills you are critiquing.

>> No.2166942

Got spare time on my hands right now, I think everyone deserves a reply, at least to make him feel bad, this is not a hugbox and it should make him feel bad to even bother asking other people to help him and then just resorting to a minimal effort piece.

Credit where credit is due and he deserved to get called out on his lazy attitude

>> No.2166943

Do one in my place then friend :^)

>> No.2166955
File: 560 KB, 1200x1217, dragon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing this for a request on /b/.

He wanted her to look as menacing as possible.

Any tips before I spend too much time polishing?

>> No.2166973
File: 32 KB, 851x515, z614b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2167006
File: 568 KB, 1587x1218, 5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2167050
File: 382 KB, 1300x720, incendie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should have been a thumbnail kinda thing but it end up with really longer (around 4h :d)
i'm not that proud of it but i really enjoyed doing it, C/c would be awesome !
from the film incendies :

>> No.2167052
File: 1.10 MB, 1366x768, 1438024896-incendies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2167054

Looks really unfinished, sorry to say. I think you can pay more attention to edges. Get some harder edges in places and lose some edges in other places. If you do it correctly you can make it look more finished rather quickly.

Also I think you should take care to vary your brush size at the moment. It looks like oyu used only a couple sizes for hte whole canvas and it flattens things and makes it boring looking and repetitive. Get some variety in there.

>> No.2167070

The fingers look really strange, they're too thin and the second one looks like it's bending in the wrong way
It looks kinda alien

>> No.2167074

thanks for the advice it's what i was looking for there's any tutorial i should looking for the edges ? i'm really weak at that stuff

>> No.2167076

Good work. Go over the smoke and fire with softer brushes, and now carve in and define shapes and silhouettes with blocks of colour, blending when necessary. Then try and capture the surface textures with various detail brushes. Try and capture the subtle hue shifts that happen when light interacts with skin, and along the terminator shadows. Remember that the colors you sample directly from the image will not be as vibrant as it looks, so you have to compensate/exaggerate a little - you basically have to fight the mud. A good mindset to have when copying movie stills; you don't want to capture how a still frame of a movie looks, but how it would look in real life if you were actually standing there and painting the scene.

>> No.2167083


The ground in your study looks really boring.
I would try to make the stone texture less homogenous.
Look at the ground in your ref, the stones are not littered across the ground equally.
Analyze the irregularities, where stones group, and exaggerate that in your study.
When you have parts with more tightly grouped stones of different sizes it will be visually more interesting.

>> No.2167084

damn, thanks a lot man will try to improve it as much as i can :)

>> No.2167088

I don't think you need a tutorial. For now, just look at the ref closely. If it is a soft edge paint it softly, if it is a hard edge paint it hard. But make sure you understand why it is hard or soft.

At the moment I don't see any hard edges in the fire or smoke in the ref. I would try to get some of those softer transitions there.

>> No.2167091

>ook at the ground in your ref, the stones are not littered across the ground equally.
>Analyze the irregularities, where stones group, and exaggerate that in your study.
>When you have parts with more tightly grouped stones of different sizes it will be visually more interesting.

i'm more than satisfied now, ty guys

>> No.2167092
File: 241 KB, 1280x656, gregpro1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I just said no tutorial will help really, but I just remembered this image. It used to get posted a lot back in the day on CA when edge discussions came up.

>> No.2167120
File: 195 KB, 628x468, ow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Face is cool, but my god that hand

>> No.2167134
File: 714 KB, 1591x1545, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck what did I do with the fingers.

>> No.2167136
File: 808 KB, 2099x1217, today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you could help me tear this days work apart, I would greatly appreciate it!

I feel that the composition is quite safe and boring.. Other thoughts or tips?

>> No.2167145

It would look better if you used actual lines, or painted it in a more stylized way like purplekekleon

>> No.2167147


So improve linework, and bolder choices style wise?

>> No.2167148

Her hand looks a bit too small, and her pinky only has 1 joint? You might wanna do this pose in front of a mirror for reference. Nice colors though!

>> No.2167158
File: 1.85 MB, 4608x2592, 20150727_170730[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2167160

fuck why did it rotate

>> No.2167162

Not that anon but yes to the former, but to the latter it depends. Which artists styles inspire you?

>> No.2167177

Just makes it spookier.

>> No.2167182
File: 443 KB, 582x362, 3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2167188


>tfw I started this a few weeks ago

>> No.2167190

As for now, I haven't really found anyone to inspire me recently.

>> No.2167215
File: 90 KB, 640x960, 10565229_606730979446098_2600866707119238962_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The positioning of the arms and shoulders are pretty off and the pose is lacking purpose: he looks more depressed than aggressive.

The overall value range is also limited, giving it a flat look, so you might want to push that a bit further.

>> No.2167222

damn that nigga looks badass.

>> No.2167226
File: 674 KB, 762x916, g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's about all this camera will do. I'd say it's 6 or 8 hours maybe? I'm definitely not quick. Wasn't able to fix the hand, and made a whole bunch of smaller problems a lot bigger.

>> No.2167251

>"post your critiques"

>> No.2167307
File: 31 KB, 851x515, z615h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2167331
File: 812 KB, 1152x2048, 20150727_204531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw a video of a crazy Asian dude drawing with a brush pen on a huge canvas. I think his name was like...hu flung dung or something like that. I don't know. Dude was fucking good and inspired me to do a brush pen pic.

>> No.2167341
File: 635 KB, 1600x739, cigarrilha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2167355

I like how I instantly knew that was Kim Jung Gi.

>> No.2167367

That's who! Love his work. I've seen a few of his videos posted here in the past and I absolutely love how he just goes to town all confident like.

>> No.2167387

Did this stop bumping?

>> No.2167397

I think we need a new draw thread

>> No.2167463
File: 714 KB, 1000x393, Pallet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun fan art for motivation

>> No.2168639

Thanks. I started and finished it in two days....

>> No.2168640
File: 1.23 MB, 939x1250, Wonderful Rain 02 - small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonderful Rain
Acrylic on canvas, 40 x 30 inches
C&C welcome

>> No.2168757
