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File: 149 KB, 938x852, gs2_by_tiger1313-d49psg6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2165918 No.2165918 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good tutorials on this stuff? Things like stroke economy, which things to paint first and the order of layers to get the finished result, what brushes are best for depicting common types of surfaces like metal or denim, etc.

Feel free to post image tutorials you have to help me and other anons out too.

>> No.2165921

Most of it is stuff you just learn by doing.

I've never seen shit in terms of good advice for this to be honest.

>> No.2165932

Ditto this, most of what these guys do is intuition based, stuff they have learned from thousands of hours of hard work. They'd never be able to give you a play by play that you could follow and understand. There isn't anything special going on in that pick, some hard round and what looks like a blurred out photo background. Most of what you're seeing is knowledge about anatomy, form, lighting, color, texture, etc built up over years into their work process.

Your best bet is to just keep practicing, get a bunch of people brushes and try to emulate what you see in their paintings through trial and error.

>> No.2165934


fuck around with the software A LOT.

mess around with brushes, mess around with brush settings, mess around with brush tips, with combinations of tools, with combinations of tools and brushtips, etc etc.

i spend around 2-3 hours a day just doodling random shit without putting much thought into the result but only into the 'how'. then i end up up with some new interesting brush presets or ideas on how to work pigment on the canvas daily. there's a ton of things i've learned this way that i don't think many people are aware of. at the same time just telling somebody wouldn't help him because it's things you only appreciate if you discover them on your own, and have them subconsciously sneak into your working methods.

it's very personal. similar to how downloading some pros brushes doesn't really do jack shit because he uses them in specific ways which you cannot possibly access. obviously.

>> No.2165950
File: 154 KB, 666x458, how_to_paint_gold_tutorial_by_conceptcookie-d5eshvk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking around with the software is the best way to learn, but there are a scattering of useful brush resources out there from what other people have learned from fucking around.

but yeah, >>2165934 nailed it. brush sets will never be a shortcut to getting good, and if you try to use them like that, you're gonna make some shitty art. what they are are useful shortcuts for saving time on the stuff you already know how to do.

this set is a good example. if you know how to properly render metal, it'll save you the polishing time. if you don't, it's not going to make your attempts any better.

downloads here: https://cgcookie.com/resource/the-gold-resource/

>> No.2165954
File: 236 KB, 965x1283, 1435836442173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another tutorial that can save you hella time but won't magically make you a good colorist. again, layer settings are mostly learn-from-fucking-around.

>> No.2165957

>layer settings are mostly learn-from-fucking-around.

this is so true

>> No.2166190

I downloaded a brushset(think it's Jia's) today and saw a massive improvement, because those brushes are what I needed, I couldn't wrap my head around how those awesome digital pictures are made with the shitty hard round and some airbrush without any shape settings like pen tilt.

I felt so happy to use those because I could not make brushes like that myself, and I don't know what brushes are good per se.

I don't want to sound delusional for saying this, but those brushes have really kind of shown me a light at the end of the tunnel, which I know is just a step of a Neverending journey, but it feels good knowing I can train now without having to worry about my brushes

>> No.2166197

could you show some work anon?
im not expecting 10/10 kinda shit

>> No.2166206


definitely delusional. the brushes phase is somewhat of a milestone though.

>> No.2166256

This pretty much.

Welcome, Beginner-san. you will go far.

>> No.2166524
File: 347 KB, 1346x888, 1437941254540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any pictures handy, forgot to swap my MicroSD back, you can take a look at my deviantart or tumblr, whatever.
I am not out on the hunt for your 2 views so don't think that.

I sketched a lot yesterday, but I don't upload those usually.
Pls don't be harsh: tileoo.deviantart.com

Pic related is a paint over I did for an anon with the new brushes (mainly 1)

>> No.2166580
File: 1.42 MB, 2384x1400, sketch2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I want to try some different brushes but I still find painting in small details really time consuming, which is why I'd like to know if there are some good tutorials on painting faces, hands etc qucikly and accurately. I've tried different brushes in the past and a lot of them gives kind of muddy results. Do you need a really big canvas for certain brushes or something?

>> No.2166603



Which brushes does Jia use? I downloaded two livepaints but the brushes are hidden.

>> No.2166613

I mean you still haven't explained WHAT the brushes did for you, or what they have shown you. Like honestly you need a fucking cake before you can put the cherry on top and guess what brushes do and don't do. Beyond getting a good mixture of dry/wet and soft/hard brushes that's all you really need, everything else is bonus.

>> No.2166614

clarify: i have his brush pack, want to know which of them he uses mainly.

>> No.2166647

It's mainly the edge use and how I am able to make use of the soft gradients now.
It's just really fun to use them, satisfying really, I don't know what you want to hear.

If you have the set just use what you feel good with, why do you want to completely copy his work flow, you won't get better by that, or maybe you will a little, but experiencing stuff yourself is worth way more than every tutorial

>> No.2166650

To add to it, I can now get my anatomic knowledge out better and see how the brushes affect it by improving, because I can define the stuff better, you know what I mean?

>> No.2166704

Troll thread in line with "Are photo bashers good artists?" or "How do I git gud?'


>brushes made me draw/paint better.
What you're talking about is polishing a turd.

>> No.2166722


>> No.2166741


tbh there aren't really any shortcuts, speed and accuracy comes with understanding and experience. Looking at your work it is obvious that you can't see form yet, forget about working in colour until you have a solid understanding of form/values, drawing from sculptures, cast drawings these will help you learn to see form. At the same time you also really want to learn human anatomy. Personally I think Vilppu is an excellent instructor and his anatomy series is worth watching, might want to also check out scott eatons anatomy for artists. Unless you've got mad paper you're just going to have to pirate this stuff, good luck.

>> No.2166751


Just to add to that, You can do so much with just the default hard round brush, the only settings you need to change are the brush size, flow, opacity and hardness that will get you 90% of the way there. For example if you want to do a subtle gradient with a sharp edge then just mask off the area you are working in, reduce the hardness of the brush and try that, if it's too strong try reducing the flow, keep playing with those settings until you understand what effect they will have on your brush strokes. Using selections/ masks can be key to achieving certain effects too.

>> No.2166829


Don't listen to this guy >>2166741 you can clearly understand forms but you just have to practice more and work more on the details.

>> No.2166830

>it is obvious that you can't see form yet

Wrong, I can clearly see plane changes and depth, it just looks really rough/unfinished, like you never got past the blocking in phase.