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2160180 No.2160180 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good art softwares I could get?

I have gimp and Krita, and they're pretty noice, but I still wistfully dream of photoshop.

>> No.2160183

Just... Get it... man... no one is gonna care...

When you get good and can sell 30$ worth of stuff online, buy CC per month sub...

Believe me when I say Adobe doesn't give a shit about bottom dwellers making shitty anime art that no one is going to look at.. so have at it..

>> No.2160187
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Yeah, well I suck at making it work. You end up with a key generator, and then it doesn't work.

I need something for retards. Torrenting and installing da shoop is too hard for me. Half of them don't work at all, have viruses or have messed up key generators.

>> No.2160188

......May god have mercy on your soul.


>> No.2160205

: (

>> No.2160207

when is the last time you tried to do it? Every torrent I've ever seen comes with a DLL file (as well as instructions). You install as a trial and copy the DLL file to the program directory. It's easier to do than it is to actually use the program.

>> No.2160209

you dont use a key generator silly. Download the amtlib.dll crack and put it in the root folder

>> No.2160214

... You're looking in the wrong places. Get those ones that has a lot of seeders.

>> No.2160224
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To be fair the last time I tried it was a few years ago. I was a bit jaded by that experience because one had a virus, another didn't work at all and the others had keygens that didn't work.

Ah! Ok

Yeah, I might just give it another go. Still, in the meantime I'm open to any suggestions for free software

>> No.2160232

I'm amazed you're even able to breathe

>> No.2160234

I forget to breathe sometimes actually.

>> No.2160238

How hard is it to torrent fucking photoshop? I literally went to some shitty public tracker torrent site. Searched for photoshop cs6. Looked at the comments. Downloaded that shit. Followed instructions and it works flawlessly.

>> No.2160240

But it's illegal to publish work that was made using pirated software.

>> No.2160241

$10/month for photoshop and lightroom come on thats like 2 cups of starbucks coffee.

>> No.2160243


>publish work to make money on pirated software
>make money
>able to afford adobe's shit

Adobe is happy and you're happy and they know this.

>> No.2160506

men just.... no one cares

>> No.2160519

Yeah I'm pretty sure they rely on amateurs learning on pirated software. Adobe then sells the software for crazy dollars to companies which hire those people who learned on the pirated stuff. They know that ordinary people don't pay full price. Well, now with CC it's a bit different I suppose. But that was how they ran their business.

>> No.2160541

>being moral with an international company that makes 1 gorillon times the money you'll earn in your entire life in just a month
nah, man, just, nah

>> No.2160575
File: 47 KB, 248x862, allahbepraised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha holy shit even my fucking 9 year old niece can do it correctly. You're just looking at the wrong place; you need to go to Persia. Also pic related, my collection so far :^)
Also, if you get a virus warning, it's likely a false positive, since some antivirus software consider keygen as viruses. Seriously, if you can't fucking read the instruction, it's your fault.

>> No.2160587

>I can throw morality out whenever I feel like it

Nice morals friend :^)

>> No.2160646

You're a pretty big pirate huh....

>> No.2160651

PS cs2 you ding dong

I'm sure there are plugins to make it as $100 functional as modern photoshops

>> No.2160964


Just checked out Krita. Looks better than Painter.

>> No.2160975

>wistfully dream of photoshop
pirate an older version nigga

>> No.2161634

If you're doing digital painting you should just stick to Krita, it's pretty capable as is and they seem to be cranking out major updates for it every six months with lots of new features.

Next update is going to include a huge performance boost for high-resolutions and animation support.

>> No.2161721

Literally everything you need for digital painting that Photoshop can do, krita has. You can import phtotoshop brushes and it has all phtotoshop layer modes and more. I say down with overpriced companies like adobe and wacom, let's support the cheaper and better alternatives.

>> No.2161755
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>> No.2162879

Paint Tool SAI

>> No.2163669


Nope, pirating Photoshop is piss-easy, so quit making excuses and get it done.

>> No.2163682

what he's trying to say is that your morals are unreasonable and shitty. Who the fuck has "morals" for fucking tools? SOFTWARE at that.
messed up, do you love adobe more than your mom?

>> No.2163686

yeah! fuck them for overpricing fucking great products! us poorfags want at it too!

>> No.2163738

Technically since the poorfags could never have afforded it in the first place they're not losing sales.

Piracy is only a problem when a studio like 1pxbursh shrugs its shoulders and says welp,

>> No.2165472

Here, OP. Since you're too fucking lazy to jump the simple hoops of getting PS to work, here's a simple extract-and-run copy of Paint Tool Sai. It's pretty decent. Good for sketching.

Here's PS CS6 if you actually want to try. Read the comments, and follow directions. Simplest way is to install as trial and copy the cracked .dll to the folder you installed it to.


>> No.2165939

dude, ive gotten every photoshop from cs4-cc to workk flawlessly. go on google and find a hosting site,downloads come with fool proof instalation instrucions.