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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 564 KB, 1950x1650, start.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2141166 No.2141166 [Reply] [Original]

Post your nsfw, critique work and so on.
Furry is allowed, however do not over indulge on the subject of furries or their culture. Unnecessarily reporting these anons are strongly discouraged. This thread is dedicated to helping anons improve their erotic drawings and paintings.
Do not start flame wars.
Do not reply to funposters.
Stay on topic.

Last thread: >>2136687

Reminder that if you do not want to view this thread, please hide it by pressing the minus button or by right-clicking the thumbnail on the catalog and selecting "hide this thread."
Also, thank you mods and janitors for keeping this thread running well.

Questions about references for drawing porn will be answered.

>> No.2141656
File: 137 KB, 729x751, malaysia_fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2141661
File: 200 KB, 960x1280, 1434898534665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2141700

/pol/ is poising you mikufag, pleas stop.

>> No.2141707

>2 pornthreads

>> No.2141718

blame kyle.

>> No.2141722

Should I put the official Ben Garrison insignia?
I had my posts saged hoping Anons would do the same while the other thread vents I didn't make the other one.

>> No.2141730

huh, you're right, this one was made first. i didn't even notice.
well, can't be helped. too late now, so this one will be the saged one

>> No.2141819

Seek help you demented faggot.

>> No.2144508

Are you Mot on furaffinity?? Because I love you so much!!

>> No.2144512
File: 118 KB, 565x859, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this today..
photo study
trying to get the hang of these paint programs

>> No.2144513
File: 213 KB, 604x403, 55646478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..and this too

>> No.2145053

the picture is but the OP was not.

>> No.2146069
File: 81 KB, 800x800, 7-7-2015 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just trying to keep the thread alive

>> No.2146925
File: 235 KB, 1600x1200, ghost2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2147022 [DELETED] 

Please stop posting here and let this shithole of a thread die. You have the normal thread here >>2141492
This one is a magnet for shitposters. The OP picture was clearly chosen as a bait. It doesn't matter that it's a good picture. The problem is it's content and the volatile nature of 4chan and /ic/.
Are you guys retareded for not figuring this out by yourselves? And please, don't you dare answering this and bumping the thread.

>> No.2147035 [DELETED] 


>> No.2147055 [DELETED] 

you'e not listening anon, are you a summerfag? stop bumping thread

>> No.2147056 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 465x499, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>387 posts
>page 8

Anon what are you smoking

>> No.2147057 [DELETED] 


>> No.2147079 [DELETED] 

>The OP picture was clearly chosen as a bait.
>I don't like the contents of the OP so it must be bait!
>Stop liking what I don't like!

You and I both know it takes quite a bit of creativity to do something like that, if we make another thread under the basis of I don't like whats on the OP we might as well start doing the same thing each and every time someone makes something you don't like this is silly.

I don't want to clutter up /ic/ with three different threads what if the next one we make doesn't seem fitting for you are we going to have this same argument again? Besides nobody cares what's on the OP.

>> No.2147097 [DELETED] 


>> No.2147140 [DELETED] 

Looks like this thread can be used for off topic discussion and shitposting. I'm cool with that if it means less of this shit in the other thread.

It's not that I personally don't like the stuff that nightmareanonchan posts. I find it quite interesting and mesmerizing. The problem is that chosing such a picture for the op is bound to at least partially ruin the thread, because people who can't handle that kind of things will start complaining.
If it's not bait, which I still believe it to be, then it's just bad judgment or something.

>> No.2147154 [DELETED] 

its to keep summerfags away

>> No.2147162 [DELETED] 

Holy shit can you be a bigger faggot than you are?
STOP POSTING if you have no porn art to contribute.

>> No.2147172 [DELETED] 

No no, please, stop hurting my feelings, it burns, it burns!

>> No.2147368
File: 65 KB, 800x800, 7-7-2015 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still lacking in the breast game

>> No.2147451
File: 169 KB, 1500x1027, roo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think there's anything to say other than
>study more anatomy
>study more gesture
but hey.

>> No.2147458

Why is his dick upsidedown?

>> No.2147463

It's not meant to be. I'll go look at some more dicks.

>> No.2147470

I'm sorry, it was a joke. I was referencing roo genitalia. The nuts are above the penis.
Though more looking at refs is never bad.

>> No.2147480

Of course, hehe, I was thinking of moving the balls above the cock, but that was too crazy for now. Have to figure out a way to do that aestheticly pleasing.

>> No.2148086
File: 178 KB, 400x400, 1330174555681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be malaysian
>local tabloid already getting on that dank animu is evil train
>post this to them
>imagine the shitstorm

>> No.2148206
File: 229 KB, 1651x1003, sealab2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone actually know how to paint in PTSai?

I like how it blends but I can never really seem to get it right. I dont know if it's because I can't paint or because I'm used to using photoshop.

I'm not liking how im rendering at all.

>> No.2148314
File: 242 KB, 1280x1010, https%253A%252F%252F40.media.tumblr.com%252Fa32a217afcc9eca73288b0985206b303%252Ftumblr_nradgbSs9t1urvr7ho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not necessarily nsfw but I think it makes it by the skin of its teeth. thoughts?

>> No.2148332

the composition is loose for my taste. I would move the girl more towards the center, so that her hand is superimposed on top of it.
and i guess more revealing or biger boobs or something to fit the thread

>> No.2148368

Why so chicken scratch?

>> No.2148421

i dont know if i can handle this thread

>> No.2148456

I just enjoy how it looks. I like messy lines more than anything.

>> No.2148461

this is a finished product?
noooo don't do it. make it bettter. you can do it.

>> No.2148465

all fair points thank you!

>> No.2148469

I mean it was a sketch request but I think the scratchiness adds to the look. or am I wrong in thinking it gives a little character? every see those scratchy doodling in mangas as an add on? that was what I was going for.

>> No.2148486

I enjoy sketchiness but I prefer more natural chickenscratch than the overdone look this one has.

>> No.2148498

Have an example of "natural chicken scratch"? Because I did this pretty off the cuff as it was so I'd like to see an example of what you mean. if you dont mind.

>> No.2148567
File: 204 KB, 437x1232, 53476be1a91d49b5c516613a51f13e48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that anon, but to anyone whose somewhat skilled can tell the difference between a "searching" line and chicken scratch.

pic related, it's by no means a clean line drawing, but it's apparent that he's trying to work out a design. He has a vision and is finding the best way to articulate it, which makes his line confident.

Your drawing tells me you don't really have a clear idea and you make short, nervous strokes hoping to "arrive" at a good line. It shows me that you are not confident (in your drawing).

And by vision, I don't mean some high concept, but a basic gesture and composition in mind. It seems you're shaky on anatomy as well, which will also hurt your line because you don't know what forms go where.

Hope that helps.

>> No.2148607

Well in your own work, the bucket with the bottle in it is a lot more appealing than the woman. If the whole work kept that look it'd look really nice. Even the duck looks nicer than the woman even if it's leaning towards too scratchy. >>2148567 basically hit what I meant.

>> No.2148611

Basically what I'm getting at is that it looks like you overdid the sketching on the woman intentionally to bring out the messy aesthetic you like. But it's too messy for me personally to enjoy, even though I love sketches. One part of the appeal is that sketches usually look loose and fun. The other anon's description of yours as "nervous" fits as a good counterpart.

>> No.2148690

Thats rather interesting that it comes off that way because out of the whole picture the Girl was the one I was most sure and completed the quickest. Im surprised that that feeling comes off of her and.not everything else around her because that was where my constant editing and re configuring came in. so how would I begin to change that?

Also how can I fix her anatomy more other than fixing the leg that closest to the ground?

>> No.2148695

Guy's gesture is emotionless

>> No.2148913
File: 1.50 MB, 2560x1920, 20150627_214632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic i drew of me and my bestie

>> No.2148923
File: 34 KB, 600x400, Hatsune-Miku-Arai-Yomi-Idolmaster-Hentai-Cosplay.jpg.cf..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2149002
File: 44 KB, 320x446, tumblr_inline_mzopd1iiK81ry2rrw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dam fucking roasted

>> No.2149004

>posting traced pictures
>on 4chan where turbonerds spend all day fapping to those pictures and have perfect photographic memory for them
>thinking they won't get caught
Top kek as always.

>> No.2149041
File: 81 KB, 449x800, 1432291754977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The anon clearly stated they were photo studies. No one got roasted. Learn to read.

>> No.2149045

They don't look like "studies" to me, just traced. (He might be better off if he had just said from the beginning that it was traced and he just wanted to practice line work)

>> No.2149046

this, it just blatant copying.
not a study

>> No.2149055

>it's just blatant copying
>not a study

You can't be this fucking stupid. So /ic/ study threads aren't study threads because they are copying from reference provided by the OP? Kill yourself m8. You're an idiot.

>> No.2149061

hmm this might work

>> No.2149082
File: 315 KB, 1000x1500, Zangya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zangya from DBZ movie 9. I don't like it.

>> No.2149090
File: 1.69 MB, 604x403, tracing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tracing =/= Studies
Tracing = Shit

>> No.2149102

if i model my own 3d figures and trace over that, would people find out im tracing?

>> No.2149104
File: 1.77 MB, 280x156, 1433966081728.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying tracing isn't just one of many learning methods

Studies come in various forms nimrod. How can you be this inept? What matters is if he's paying attention and processing the information gained from the study. It doesn't matter if he's copying or tracing. It's not like the guy was trying to present it as his original work anyway. So you've got nothing and you're reaching. Stop being a faggot, pick up a pencil, and draw something instead.

>> No.2149119

It depends on how you go about it and your skillset. For example if some 12 year old on DA is tracing, you usually get suspicious because everything sucks except for the uncanny perspective and anatomy. You don't need to be quite that bad for some of that to leak through, but at that point it may as well be unnoticable unless you make people suspicious and want to over analyze your art.

>> No.2149124

Haha this is a joke right?

Go do some studies, Tracing does fucking nothing for your skill set, just makes you good at tracing.

>> No.2149126

>implying tracing is a GOOD learning method

my sides

>> No.2149127
File: 193 KB, 1089x1080, 1435679340825..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about u show us ur drawings anon

>> No.2149128


Tracing is easiest to notice from the lineart. The current cunt getting shit from it right now has static and stiff as fuck lines of unvarying thickness outlining everything.

He could've done loads of shit like thined the line on her right buttock as the light hit it or varied its thickness for the cloth folds or delicately handle the hands but he didn't.

Its hard to see what he would even gain from doing something like that. Tracing is good practice for linework because you still need to give a shit and make concious decisions over what lines to use, or for getting the drawing stage quickly out of the way if you want to get to painting a study, but what hes done seems absolutely useless.

People won't notice or will be more willin to accept it if you actually bring nice linework into the equation.

>> No.2149133

If you are shit at drawing, yes. People who know their shit will definitely see through that.
I was sure that image was traced even before anon found the reference picture. His previous picture is so fucking awful, it was obvious the second one was traced.

>> No.2149135

Different anon, a few years ago I would draw bean bags and cylinders over different pictures to get an understanding on how each method worked. Would that be considered tracing?

>> No.2149136

Tracing sucks the life out of the picture. More so, while you do some of the qualities out of the image, you also get the flaws which are more apparent in tracings. In the long run, it is very damaging by making you a slave to whatever reference you use.

>> No.2149141

That's a study imo.

>> No.2149142

>It's not like the guy was trying to present it as his original work anyway
He posted a trace on a critique board without saying it was traced, if that's not to fish for compliments and feel good then i don't know why you would do that.

Also tracing is not a good way to learn anything because you are not making any mistakes, you should copy a reference and then try to recreate it from imagination,
then see what you forgot or did wrong, those things are the things you don't know, you should then again copy from the reference and do it again from imagination, only
when you know how to draw something from imagination you truly know what it is and how to do it.

>> No.2149144

Who the fuck still traces. This aint kindergarden lmao also check em

>> No.2149201


That's still tracing.

Tracing in itself isn't bad. You morons sound as retarded as the people who say using reference is bad because you're "copying". As long as your taking knowledge away from it, no one gives a fuck. If you aren't, than it doesn't matter if your tracing or copying, the exercise is worthless. You have people who can only trace and you have people who can't draw a damn thing without reference in front of them, both methods can be extreme crutches if you don't practice other skills. Why does this shit have to be explained, this is /ic/ right?

>> No.2149207


Get triggered faggots.

I'm positive your anatomy is so trash you wouldn't even be able to do that correctly.

>> No.2149216

cool video, I'mma start tracing more

>> No.2149229

This is drawing muscles upon the reference not tracing, it actually has a meaning as it lets you figure out
if you really remember muscles or not, it has nothing to do with tracing as in the poster above did which was trace over the contour.

>> No.2149232

>literally called anatomy tracing
>says it's not tracing

Stop, you're only making yourself look more like a moron.

>> No.2149239

I explain my reasoning very well as to why i believe the anon's tracing does nothing other than ego stroke and the video you posted is basically
an exercise or a test of knowledge, why are you stuck in the semantics part? you really can't see how different those two things are?

>> No.2149315


>> No.2149327

we're using the dictionary definition of trace, right

>> No.2149336

So it's ok to exercise anatomy memorization, but exercising line work is taboo? Art experimentation and exercises of any sort are never a bad thing. Poster clearly stated his intention and just fyi you sound like some sort of idiot with judgement seeping out your ears.

>> No.2149341

There is bad exercising and bad studying, if you can't believe it go and have a look at people on deviantart who are on the same level for years, on the other hand no he did not
mention tracing anywhere, he said that he did a photo study, and that, even if you stretch and say that he meant that it was a photo study ask anyone and he will never think that
he meant tracing, he posted a completely traced line work on a critique image board, for what purpose? if this is not to just to feel good and fish for compliments then i don't know what is

>> No.2149353

>just a photo study
> omitting the part "trying to get the hang of these paint programs"
I took it as his intention was to practice. I think others would too. Just because he didn't do a sketch underneath and used a photo really means nothing. You're still grasping at nothing.

>> No.2149432

>it's not tracing because I said so

Literally fucking retarded.

Obviously not. It's amazing how fucking retarded people are on /ic/. No wonder this board is terrible and full of people who can't draw for shit.

>> No.2149485

>it's not tracing because I said so
Still warring about that? you posted a video to a response that tracing is not a good way of studying and i said that
that kind of tracing, that being drawing muscles over photos, has nothing to do with tracing a outline over a photo, you try
to make a way of studying seem useful by posting a totally different kind of thing, copying contours is not a good way to learn
anything, even vippu said so even about when copying from the model, you should be reconstructing the muscles and the shapes.

>> No.2149499

>Still warring about that?

Yes, because TRACING itself was the subject matter. The original point was that tracing is just one of the many means of learning. Meaning, what you're explaining and what's demonstrated in that Proko video falls in line with the original statement that people were stupid enough to blow up about in an attempt to try to feel good about their shit art. Tracing, like reference, are learning tools that can become crutches if relied on too heavily. Thus you must practice other skills, like drawing from imagination, while doing those things to broaden your visual library.

Why am I explaining this? Why is /ic/ full of morons?

>> No.2149510

I agree with everything you said but i still don't agree with that kind of trace being useful to anything, i believe that if you
take photographs and draw lines around the contours instead of making mistakes and then trying to figure out why you made those mistakes you are just wasting your time,
even placing your drawing on top of the reference after you finish to see the mistakes would be way more useful to see and learn than that, that was my point.

>> No.2149519

>Can only learn from mistakes
>Can't learn from others documented mistakes

Bravo I supposed you built your own house too if your such a one-man army

>> No.2149590

How fucking autistic do you have to be to attack someone you don't even know this doggedly in A FUCKING PORN THREAD ON 4CHAN

>> No.2149615
File: 247 KB, 1000x908, AngelFinal-smaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I'd like to thank ya'll for my first completely piece with the help of /ic/ Porn Thread

>> No.2149631

>Tracing in itself isn't bad.
If the one that is tracing is a beginner that is trying to learn to draw like this, tracing is fucking bad.

>> No.2149632
File: 929 KB, 673x1200, 002-color-s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My anatomy knowledge is actually my best asset.
Also, tracing by mean of a study is one thing (Proko's example), tracing to copy a picture without really knowing what you are doing is a totally different thing.

>> No.2149651

Nothing you said disproves statement regarding tracing being a valid learning method.

>tracing to copy a picture without really knowing what you are doing is a totally different thing.

They are both fucking tracing. The only difference is whether or not the tracer is bothering to try to retain the info that can be gained from the tracing.

The issue with you people who throw a bitch fit about tracing is you associate all negative connotations with it -automatically- assuming "KEK, CRUTCH!". That's just as retarded as the morons who bitch and moan about people using reference in general. There are negative connotations to both because BOTH can become crutches. To pretend there isn't is being dishonest. That's why you must practice drawing from imagination regardless if you want to be an artist worth a damn. Why is this concept so hard for you to understand?

Tracing is a valid method to learn. End of story. That was the entire point of the original statement. It's a mere stepping stone to the ultimate goal. Use it too much and don't bother to retain the info that can be gained from it and it will be a crutch that hinders you, much like reliance on reference.

>> No.2149652
File: 249 KB, 280x300, 1422080982754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tracing is a valid method to learn. End of story.

Stop posting.

>> No.2149658

Only when you finally kill yourself, m8.

>> No.2149662
File: 11 KB, 236x315, b655b21cbe02babfa3006ee82a6cdcc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only difference is whether or not the tracer is bothering to try to retain the info that can be gained from the tracing.
That's what I was trying to say. If you use tracing for study reasons it's totally ok. If you use it to copy stuff it has no value.

Not really sure what did I do to trigger this response.

>> No.2149668

>If you use tracing for study reasons it's totally ok.

Tracing even if it's for studying nullifies all thought and problem solving that is involved. You are not learning anything when you trace you are instead thinking about a flat surface that you are going over lines instead of a three dimensional form in space.

If you truly believes that there is a form of a benefit in tracing you might as well take a picture, go over it a couple of times and call it your painting.

>> No.2149672

>Not really sure what did I do to trigger this response.

The rest of that wasn't directed at you. It was a general statement directed at dumb faggots like >>2149652 and >>2149668.

>> No.2149674

Its detrimental to understanding the fundamentals of drawing. When your drawing you have to understand that your drawing a 3d object with mass, volume, energy, geometry, ect. When you tracing just just following a line thats already there, you wont understand why its there why it looks the way it is, your removing the learning and understanding out of it. At the end of it when you back because you had tunnel vision from looking to were your suppose to draw a line, sure it looks like what ever you traced but you wont even know your own drawing capability and mistakes you could have made that you could have fixed and learned from.

>> No.2149675

Show me your work, and what you've learned through tracing but without actually tracing something. If that tracing of the 3dpig Miku is yours you still messed up you didn't even get the abductor magnus right.

>> No.2149699
File: 122 KB, 925x1280, 1422929562.skittleslam_orcundies3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't drawn porn in a while, but I wanted to get back into it and maybe make some fun money. Is my work acceptable enough for commissions?

Mostly looking to draw bara stuff.

>> No.2149720

I'd say yes but I wouldn't know the prices.

>> No.2149741

this is one of your weakest works, bbc chan.

>> No.2149761

You will never make it.

>> No.2149763

Yes. Your stuff is def. appealing.

>> No.2149770


If you're thinking while you're tracing it's certainly helpful.

If you switch off your brain and just trace over something, sure, you won't learn much.

>> No.2149774

I remember you from my last thread

Yes i think you are ready.

>> No.2149777
File: 114 KB, 750x974, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guide my hips

>> No.2149782

Give it a rest, faggot. You don't have a point to stand on.

And no, I'm not the anon who traced. I don't even trace myself. Thing is, I'm not a faggot who's going to try to demonize the people who DO use it as a learning method just because it's tracing in a poor attempt to feel better about myself.

>> No.2149783
File: 392 KB, 1024x768, s1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to make this scene with more interesting pov.

>> No.2149785
File: 353 KB, 1024x768, s1,2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would this work better?

>> No.2149838

How do you do commissions without people finding out your real name?

>> No.2149853

What's the point of anthro pone? I never understood that.

>> No.2149857
File: 354 KB, 1100x1332, chroma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2149858 [DELETED] 

Not hum but come on, man. They're horses with tits, objectively superior to both human and pone. You just have a muzzle instead of a shitty human nose and cute af pointy ears instead of ugly ass retrograde monkey ears.

>> No.2149860

Any kind of cryptocurrency is the easy answer, given that your commissioners are not completely technologically illiterate, which is very likely.
Maybe make a tutorial about how they can create a bitshekel wallet and pay you or something, the downside is many will just move to the next artist
that uses paypal because of convenience.

>> No.2149861

Not him but come on, man. They're horses with tits, objectively superior to both human and pone. You just have a muzzle instead of a shitty human nose and cute af pointy ears instead of ugly ass retrograde monkey ears. It's kind of a "why not both" situation though, I can bust it to either no problem.

>> No.2149862

Same as any other anthro fur?

>> No.2149908
File: 255 KB, 761x1500, gift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banter aside, anything before I go and send these as a gift? Good night

>> No.2149941

why is it always a squid you got bored of miku ?

>> No.2149981

I agree. Being sick while working takes its toll. I had to keep in mind certain guidelines and neglected spontaneity and gesture. Can't multitask in this condition.

>> No.2149982

All you say would be relevant if the anon that traced really used it as a learning method, but to me is obvious he didn't. And b4 we learn with every illustration we do. Sure.

>> No.2150050
File: 279 KB, 2000x1727, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this over the weekend. Thoughts?

>> No.2150058

make the lips a bit more appealing/plump/rounder
her tentacles look like flat ribbons, maybe give the front 2 a bit more volume

>> No.2150071

Why do you draw hetero porn if you can't draw appealing women?

>> No.2150073

Scratch that. I've just seen that sideboob on the right. The correct question is: "why do you draw hetero porn if you can't draw?"

>> No.2150076

Because I'm straight..? And suck at drawing, apparently

I was going for a 'pressed against the dudes side' look for the boob. Guess I failed at that too.

>> No.2150088

lol faggot do you think people are born being able to draw appealing women?

>> No.2150091
File: 82 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the best of both worlds dude.

>> No.2150093
File: 61 KB, 480x671, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expression is the key to feeling it

Pic belongs to Ryuko Azuma

>> No.2150094

Besides the "best of both" that a lot of people see, it's also for people who can't fap to pure pone because muh zoophilia.
I mean humanized is an adulteration to me, not like pone lacks boobs. But everyone's different.

>> No.2150095
File: 102 KB, 600x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2150096

You're definitively ready for commishes, go for it! You're way better then me and when I did them, I always filled up my slots slots fast (reasonable prices, but not "cheap"), so you'll have no problems getting people to pay for your stuff!

Just remember to write a straight forward TOS that all clients must read, containing your conditions, what you will and will-not draw, expected time, what will be additional costs and potential refund rules. Good luck!

>> No.2150097

Not the artist... but no, that would not work better, pose is awkward.

>> No.2150099

You can just use PayPal and instead of people directly sending you money, you send invoices to them, that they pay. I think that hides your identity (as long as you have an e-mail address under an alias and make sure your settings hides your real name, can be done on f.ex. Gmail)

>> No.2150103

You really need to fix that side-boob. There's a lot of other anatomical issues too, but that's the most glaring one. Also, color the eye of the girl and her lips, and ad shine to eye and peen, it just looks odd and dry. Color/blush, lusty eyes and shine/wetness are some of the most important things in terms of hotness in a drawing (except for good anatomy and poses, so work on the fundamentals, blah, blah)

>> No.2150111
File: 516 KB, 1024x768, s123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually draw both of those, I'm thinking of doing this now, its supposed to be guy sitting on a couch and woman giving him a blowjob while kneeling on the floor

>> No.2150115

Thanks for the advice. This was mostly a for fun thing, but I'll keep it in mind next time

>> No.2150117
File: 55 KB, 800x800, korjkasdkajsdas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I gonnna make it guys?

>> No.2150128 [DELETED] 

Maybe some geniuses or savants, but no, I don't think normal people are born with the necessary knowledge or skill. That's why you have to learn how to draw in order to be able to draw appealing women and porn in general. If not to become a good (porn) artist, at least for not getting ridiculed while showcasing such shit. Do you undestand now, faggot?

>> No.2150131

Maybe some geniuses or savants, but no, I don't think normal people are born with the necessary knowledge or skill. That's why you have to learn how to draw in order to be able to draw appealing women and porn in general. If not to become a good (porn) artist, at least for not getting ridiculed while showcasing such shit. Do you understand now, retard?

>> No.2150133

The poses looks a bit more natural here (particularly the head of the girl), so even tho I really like the girls butt in the first one you posted, I'd say this is an improvement.

>> No.2150134

Nope, he doesn't have to fix anything on that image. That image is shit. That image should be placed under glass and kept as a reminder of what it means to draw like shit.
He needs to learn his basics and fundamentals. Right now he is as low tier as a random 10 y old.

>> No.2150136

I think you need a nap.

>> No.2150138

Forget that advice and start following this one asap >>2150134
>He needs to learn his basics and fundamentals.

>> No.2150139

>...and then she farts!

>> No.2150142

You have to draw what you like as often as you do studies, retard. Or you will never become a good illustrator.

>> No.2150149

I tell ya you pron fags must have a lot of fun. I was laughing the whole way while making this doodle.

>> No.2150160
File: 214 KB, 778x1037, 1436120795631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's in retaliation to someone on /pol/ he is trying to spite me and thinks he can do so by drawing hentai of me as squidgirl doing my day job and then getting nailed by Loomis.

He is a lot of fun though I can't wait to make his eyes pop out when he see's this.

The tencacles no problem but the lips are going to be a challenge since I don't want to to look too uncanny I'll experiment

>> No.2150163

Drawing what you like as often as studying to draw doesn't mean anything, asshole. I guess you are one of those low tier shitty artists wannabe that thinks he will get good as long as he will keep drawing what he likes. Aaaawww, you are sooo cute, dumbfuck.

>> No.2150164

I would be laughing too if I'd be drawing like that.

>> No.2150166

The best way to get better at drawing porn is drawing porn.
You do studies to draw better porn, but if you want to be an erotic artist DRAW PORN.

>> No.2150170

Look at any succesful artist of their specific field. The top furry artist primary drew what? That's right, furry. They went from shit furry to 200$ furry.

Studies should be done with purpose. If you never finish a picture, never draw from fantasy, never draw porn untill you "get good" you will burn out, lose focus and lose creativity.

>> No.2150175

No, you do studies to draw better or in anon's case to be able to even draw - period.

>> No.2150178

You have to reach at least a certain degree of skill/knowledge via (self)study if you want to have a shot at being a good artist. Of course it's fine to draw stuff that you like and finish your illustrations and so on, but that is common sense that has nothing to do with learning to draw in the first place.

>> No.2150182

Don't rely too much on reference material. As soon as you step into the stylization uncanny valley your art starts losing appeal. This illustration is a clear example of that.
Using references as a guideline is absolutely okay, but as soon as the reference becomes the basis for your illustration it's game over.

>> No.2150186


Did you do them all through FA, tumblr, or something else? I have to build up a fanbase.

>> No.2150214
File: 7 KB, 197x202, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This actually gave me an idea

Thanks anon

>> No.2150218

FA. I draw mainly furry (much rule 34) so that place was the obvious choice. Huge number of members=more watchers and more people willing to throw money at you. If you are willing to draw anthro characters, I'd definitively go there.

>> No.2150220


Awesome, thanks. I already have a FA account but I need to post more/get more watchers.

>> No.2150231

No probs, brah. Do share when you're done.

>> No.2150256

>posting a traced pic for crit

Get out.

>> No.2150272
File: 68 KB, 720x480, showimage-332663-4787e8fb727a8bed67d459a76eb39586-self.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're never going to make it if you just trace contours.
The only valid type of tracing is tracing a wireframe over an image to feel the forms better.

>> No.2150469
File: 176 KB, 598x1200, 003-s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last one was so tedious I had to do something about it.

>> No.2150482

explain me how the fuck a fuh-chine-yuh work

>> No.2150504

>Taking Vilppu's online Art Mentorship program right now
>It's on break
>see this shit
>Literally an hour ago on live stream Vilppu said tracing AND copying isn't even drawing because you aren't using your brain
How the fuck are you going to learn from it? You are the retard, a retard that cannot into drawing.
I don't even post in these threads because they're just worthless smut but your post is so fucked god damn.

>> No.2150508

Not bad m8

I think Vilppu means in the pursuit of a completed work tracing is bullshit and I agree, however Proko recommends an "anatomy tracing" exercise and I can see that being useful for what it is.

>> No.2150513
File: 270 KB, 1168x948, question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw you guys got any great questions about drawing from imagination? got 5 mins, if not I'm asking my own.

I'll have to watch the archive again but I think he was pretty clear in that because you're not thinking about what you're doing, you won't learn from it which is why he says to never copy the model and to analyze and construct it only using the model as a reference.

>> No.2150587
File: 2.34 MB, 4000x3000, shark week.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't realize people were actually using this thread

>> No.2150620
File: 259 KB, 806x1500, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Changed a couple of things up, hopefully the lips are a bit more convincing this time.

>> No.2150633
File: 219 KB, 748x949, Peachy lewdness uncensored color base.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, can i get critict on this draw ?

if not, i'll just gonna hide it.

>> No.2150659

>microscopic condom
KEK fits your baby carrot

>> No.2150666

>if not, i'll just gonna hide it.
Is this a threat?

>> No.2150670
File: 96 KB, 214x221, 1429407426868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>micro condom

This is perfect I hope he gets that message when he see's it I should make it smaller

>> No.2150737
File: 399 KB, 2501x5079, GirlPoseModelqwe-q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of this sketch? I'm getting back into figure art after a few year hiatus

>> No.2150834

Damn dude.

>> No.2150853
File: 309 KB, 1000x987, amyzee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recent commission work of some titty monster gerblin OC

>> No.2151068
File: 67 KB, 722x685, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worthless smut

Someones a little saltyyy

>> No.2151073

Maybe for the arms you can referance Sycra's spiral technique

>> No.2151075

Its a little stiff but nothing that good ol hesture drawing wont fix

>> No.2151102

Is there an irc channel, forum or community for this sort of work? It's hard enough finding serious artists in any community, let alone nsfw/furry ones who care about their craft.

>> No.2151148 [DELETED] 

and sketch for another one.

I've actually gotten legit critique from the HF forums, but I don't really post there outside of my gallery.

>> No.2151151
File: 267 KB, 901x1000, tittymerida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and sketch for another one.

I've actually gotten decent critique from the HF forums.

>> No.2151210

Nie stuff anon. This sketching conveys spontaneity which makes it pleasant to watch.

>> No.2151302

would a very light watercolory look work counter to a work bein sexually gratifying, is that like a turn off to people? i never really see porn colored in a lighter style like that

>> No.2151314
File: 74 KB, 499x700, watercolor_by_thuyngan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like a very light desaturated washy feel to the colors with areas of high saturation/pigment density? kinna like pic related (tho not drawn in the same style)

>> No.2151474

I hate details on the male, I can bear any hentai genre as long as the males are faceless like in most eroges.

>> No.2151479

Might be useful for catering to grills/bi at the same time.

>> No.2151486
File: 121 KB, 780x850, 1436570122532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love details on males, really can't get off to any hentai with faceless dudes/floating dicks.
then again I'm a grill.
Please don't encourage artists to skip details.

>> No.2151488

Sorry but your opinion dosent realy matter in this case. The commissioners are almost all males and they dont want to see dudes face. If they hetero that is. Of course you love details on males we love details on females.

>> No.2151492
File: 91 KB, 724x1024, 1436716528916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know many people (males) who are opposed to seeing the face of a man as long as the picture isn't male-centric.
There's a fetish for self-inserting but I don't think it's regarded in such a strict way by most males who consume porn.
I take commissions as well and more often than not the look of the male is just as important to the commissioner.

I think you're taking seeing even minute defining features of a male as being homosexual when it's not. Artists should be encouraged to draw the most they can in detail, conveying what is happening accurately.

Yes, there are women who enjoy seeing the face of the male, but that doesn't mean a straight man seeing it would feel the same emotions. It's not like there are female consumers of straight porn who demand the women remain faceless and insist on floating vaginas.

I think you're just insecure, bro.

I'd also like to tag on that there is a very very large population of women who consume/draw porn. Seriously, the last commissioner I had was a female who payed hundreds of dollars so see a guy and a girl fucking. Everyone likes to get off.

>> No.2151506

> Anonymous 07/13/15(Mon)18:10:17 No.2151479 ▶
.>I don't know many people (males) who are opposed to seeing the face of a man as long as the picture isn't male-centric

yes it also means less details to the man.

>There's a fetish for self-inserting but I don't think it's regarded in such a strict way by most males who consume porn.

theres been more and more POV porn so i think they like it. i also dont know anyone of my male friends who likes watching dude .

>I think you're taking seeing even minute defining features of a male as being homosexual when it's not

I dont find it homo I just didnt "came here" to watch dudes face

>Yes, there are women who enjoy seeing the face of the male

Yes, all straight woman.

> but that doesn't mean a straight man seeing it would feel the same emotions

OF COURSE he wouldnt since hes not a homo a girl would blush a guy would just skip his eyes to boobs.

well i didnt have any woman commissioners. It must depend on what and how you draw then.

>> No.2151513
File: 10 KB, 375x388, possible bait.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tread lightly

>> No.2151518

Yeah I understand, couldn't contain my old habit. Even though I'm into bishounen, and I guess anything you wouldn't call "a man". I used to spent a lot of time deleting male faces in Yuu Takase works and then fap to it, so it was worse. Good thing I lost the folder that was consuming too much time.

>> No.2151521 [DELETED] 
File: 303 KB, 958x1935, 4nblHcr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's a guy who makes out with his car. Apparently someone posted some of his pictures from DeviantArt onto Cringe Channel, and he found it on the forums. So he made an account and answered questions from people. The following link supplies his responses.

>> No.2151523 [DELETED] 

believe you might be in the wrong thread

>> No.2151528

Yea I haven't been doing my warm ups and I guess it's noticeable. I took figure drawing for 2 years and have gestures stacked up to the ceiling. I was the best figure artist at my college so I'm sure I'll be putting out some good stuff soon. I'm here to get re-inspired and I'm brand new to the art tablet world so I appreciate any feedback. It was shunned at my school by my old teachers. So far I like that it's making my brain rethink art and design.

I also did these by the way..

I'll be doing some pro level work again soon..

>> No.2151531

Rude but is he right? Do most straight male artists here hate drawing dudes? I do btw, rip vagina boners ;_;

>> No.2151532
File: 750 KB, 495x1641, 1430110436729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay whatever man, I can tell you can't speak English very well, or use this website correctly. I'm pretty sure BBC-chan is a competent enough artist to draw males well and not alienate an entire consumer base.

For some practical advice, you shouldn't ignore the female demographic and non-sexually-insecure males just because you erroneously believe seeing a dude's face in any context is gay.

>> No.2151540

Ive been useing this site since 2009
yes, hes a faggot. great point.
>believe seeing a dude's face in any context is gay

We the straight man just skip to boobs. If you look at a guy and you are straight and enjoy it it means you are a CUCK or a fag in denial. I pander to straight man I know what they want.

>> No.2151545

My favorite drawing here. Bad ass poses, line work, figure, and sexy! Nothing negative to say.

>> No.2151547

>Nothing negative to say.

Then don't say anything at all.

>> No.2151548

just fuck off

>> No.2151556

Get off /ic

>> No.2151558

Are you the guy who normally draws niggers? Because the guy face looks kinda chimp-like.
Good job on the sexiness though.

>> No.2151596

Why are you so opposed to being nice? Are you that salty your art isn't as good and doesn't get compliments?

>> No.2151630
File: 535 KB, 1220x800, fg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I'm straight as fuck.
I just make sure to put a bit of myself in my male subjects in terms of conveying feelings. When I draw porn I want my it to be viewed as an act of love between two subjects that can both convey an erotic aura. Mostly because that's what I think it's the hottest part of sex, and partially I guess it's me being fed up with drawing stereotypical soulless characters and I want to make up for it with the art.

Also, latest panel.

>> No.2151641
File: 45 KB, 286x476, tumblr_inline_nasboaYIy91s6ava3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>consuming straight porn
they wouldn't pay for it if you ask me, all women want is stuff like this. Or you know extremely detailed penis drawings. Which again they wouldn't commission.

>> No.2151689
File: 843 KB, 2150x2352, 96lgUQb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pokefurfaggotry incoming!

>> No.2151694
File: 1.06 MB, 1212x991, debra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played around with a coloring style. I could use some feedback on it.

>> No.2151696

Jesus Christ

>> No.2151706

I'm not really sure if I dig the contrast between the realistic rendering of the body and the more cartoony/flat one you used on the face.
I prefer the soft gradients you usually use, but this style has more power to it. It's more raw and lewd. You can almost feel the heat of her body (even though I guess she's coldblooded lol).

>> No.2151711

too much, I understand you can always put more but for fapping purposes softer&more readable stuff is better imo, also what happen to your tumlr?

>> No.2151712

not really what youre asking for but- her head looks like its coming from nowhere. idk if a reeeally long neck would look good on this sort of body type... j/s
but regardless..
it's v saturated.. which is good for porn. i like it. thumbs up. i like how you draw squishy things.
do you have a blog?

>> No.2151730


yeah trying to render with cartoon heads and stuff never turns out too well and i get that a lot when i try to do it. but mostly I was just asking if it reads well or if its too messy or what. I feel like the colors are good but it just feels like it could be too muddy.

and sunidonuts on tumblr.

>> No.2151763

>her head looks like


>> No.2151766

please kill yourself before you even try starting to shit all over the thread

if you have relevant critique, speak. if not, gtfo.

>> No.2151767

If I had the opportunity to stick my genitals into this, I would do so and melt into its flesh and nurture myself with its delicious milk

>> No.2151769


I don't see it.

>> No.2151818
File: 532 KB, 901x1000, tittymerida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, just got done painting it.

>> No.2151821

Nobody can shit this thread better than you, honey. (Maybe the confused Malaysian boy can, but he's a close 2nd)

>> No.2151840

I don't understand. Why do women get off to written pornography and men get off to visual pornography?

>> No.2151847

I'd tilt the neck to the right a bit to fit the rhythm of the body since the rib cage right below it is going towards the left more. and increase the size of the hips a bit and the mid-section between the rib cage and the hips.

My anatomy's not that great so that's just some immediate thoughts that come to mind

>> No.2151850


fuck faceless men in porn
there is plenty of it already

>> No.2151862

Women can also enjoy visual pornography but even so different things appeal to women than to men. Expression of feelings, emotion, the dinamics between the characters is what important, not the visual of big throbbing genitals.

>> No.2151871

that's so weird to me. that's some interesting insight though

>> No.2151876
File: 1.17 MB, 1298x789, porn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see why. Women and men, no, males and females have different psychology. It would be strange to have different bodies and nothing else different.

Pic related, left attarctive to female, right attractive to male.

>> No.2151880

>so weird

No it isn't.

Men and women aren't the same. Both in body and in mind, they are different. Don't believe that feminist bullshit.

>> No.2151897
File: 150 KB, 600x1217, 44676146_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right is attractive to male
>looks underage
>has a dick

Not this male. Shit's disgusting. Use a better image.

>> No.2151901

I choose that one because both depicts males but for different target audience, obviously most male prefer female.

>> No.2151907

this guy gets it!
>tfw men send out dick pics
No woman wants to see your veiny noodle and wobbly ballsack.
A dick only looks sexy if you see the guy himself too. Upper Body/Face/Arms are the sexyfine parts of a man. Show that around.

But close-ups of your penor are gross.

>> No.2151909

One is directed toward relatively normal females while the other is directed toward degenerate males specifically. Women "generally" prefer fit and slender guys, there is nothing degenerate about that. That's pretty normal. The depiction on the right isn't what normal guys are attracted to.

>> No.2151914

Different brains

Men are all about Visuals: SEXY NEKKID GIRLS DOING SEX!


Same thing as in attracting people. Men are mostly won over by good looks, women by alpha behavior (amongst 1000 other subtle things).

Its evolutionary psychology. In the stone age, the most important thing for the male was just to have a healthy mate to bear healthy offspring. Btw healthy equals beautiful (shiny hair, all teeth in mouth, no deforities, rosy cheeks, youth...).

For a female it was more complicated, since a pregnancy was a long-term disadvantage, and also dangerous. Women who chose their partners more carefully had a better chance to survive and have healthy offspring. (Is he nice to me? Does he care for me? Does he feed me? Is he healthy? How do others treat him? Can he hunt? Does he win fights?...etc)

shit like that sticks

>> No.2151916

>using the word alpha unironicaly
pua called, a faggot is loose

>> No.2151918

It's not rocket science. Men AND women both care more about the physic of the opposite sex than they do the actual sex organ. The tits and ass of a woman aren't sex organs, they're just fun to play with during the sex act. The vagina is the sex organ. And the vagina (like the penis) is ugly as sin generally. There are a few good decent looking ones, but they are generally disgusting in terms of pure aesthetic. 2D porn can remedy that tho.

>> No.2151919

thanks, anon

>> No.2151924

Tits and ass are not sex organts but they are sexual signals. Human breasts evolved to such large shape to trigger the response that the sight of buttocks do.

>> No.2151927

sounds like mark manson

>> No.2151930


Much like the male torso is a sex signal. V shape, Adonis belt, defined pecks and abdominal muscles. The guy doesn't even have to be a super beefcake. He just has to be slender and fit. Much like what's depicted in the left image >>2151876

So what's your point? None of these are sex organs. Sex signals aren't sex organs, so why even bring it up?

>> No.2151932

On the other hand gay men absolutely love to look at cocks and balls. Sex organs. And assholes.

Seems like vaginas for straight men fell out of favor but pictures depicting closeups of vaginas were extremely popular in the early and mid 2000s.

>> No.2151939
File: 250 KB, 704x1920, tut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could some one link me to hentai/porn coloring tutorials? The skin in those pictures looks amazingly soft and warm!

pic. related. but I need more.

>> No.2151942
File: 81 KB, 585x461, 1338715159525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't see it.
He has typical negroid/chimp features like the protruding jaw/lower half of the face.

>> No.2151943


>> No.2151947


People still believe this myth? Also, /pol/ go and stay go. You faggots are just stormfags 2.0.

>> No.2151951
File: 46 KB, 800x532, ethiopian woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depending where they live people have different features ethiopians have similar ones to whites

>> No.2151952


"White" isn't a race dumbass. Fuck off back to stormfront you stupid puppet.

>> No.2151955

>People still believe this myth?
People tend to trust evidence over "muh negro pride" feelings.

>> No.2151956
File: 46 KB, 449x600, much caucasian lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

caucasians and caucasian mixes, who the fuck you calling stormfaggot

its clear egyptians where not "white" or caucasian

>> No.2151957
File: 32 KB, 604x402, 1338715230793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so mad he doesn't even realize he's insulting people who are arguing against /pol/ ideas
Top kek.

>> No.2151958


You don't have any evidence. You're an idiot believing in a fucking myth.

>caucasian mixes

Those aren't "white", they are whatever other they are mixed with because caucasian features are easily bred out and dominated by the features of other people.

>> No.2151959

egypt's in africa so

>> No.2151960
File: 278 KB, 433x390, 1338715196622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't have any evidence. You're an idiot believing in a fucking myth.
Keep turning a blind eye, I'm sure you'll always be right that way.

>> No.2151962

>>2151960 see >>2151956

When are you going to quit with the denial?

>> No.2151963

If anything, they were arabs. Not whites, not caucasians.

>> No.2151965

>overwhelming evidence of the contrary
>one image points in a different direction
>proven wrong
Flawless logic there.

>> No.2151966

>if I lie hard enough it will come true

You must live a sad life.

>> No.2151967


tumblr education right there.
You belong in a gas chamber.

>> No.2151968

>tumblr education

All you have to do is read a fucking book to know the myth is full of shit. That gas chamber is for inept faggots like you who can't read.

>> No.2151969

I'm seriously starting to question whether your eyes are working properly.

>> No.2151970

Somali don't have the typical negroid features either.

If anything egyptians were like arabs.

>> No.2151971

Sculptures have more validity than caveman drawings. You're an idiot.

>> No.2151972

>somehow a book (secondary or tertiary source) is a more authoritative source than the actual archeological evidence (primary source)
Wow, you really are ignorant.

>> No.2151974

Sure, is it Schlomo Sheckelstein: What bullshit whites need to belive in ?

>> No.2151976

>caveman drawings
Will you stop embarrassing yourself? Also
>Sculptures have more validity

>> No.2151977

Whites need to believe in a lot so they don't commit suicide en masse. Specially, when they are poor.

>> No.2151979

Epic, simply epic.

So much cancer on /ic/, 4chan, media, west.

>> No.2151980

I tried to warn people not to allow tumblr threads and the likes back in the day. Nobody listened. Now we pay the price.

>> No.2151982


Your genetics is easily washed out by other races so you live in paranoia forever, trying to delay the inevitable, for literally no reason other than being fearful faggots. Go back to stormfront m8s. No one worth a damn gives a shit about your plight.

>> No.2151983

>d/ic/ks linking their tumblrs somehow results in tumblrites coming to /ic/

Uh uh. Yea absolutely.

>> No.2151984

That's precisely what happened, tumblerites coming here saw the tumblr threads as a signal of acceptance and now we've got people who got offended because someone called them a faggot or a nigger. Not even kidding, I saw this happen quite a few times, and only on /ic/.

>> No.2151985

Nah schlomotransniggerstein.

We will survive. In small numbers. Quality not quantity. Only smart and strong will survive. The degenerates and white traitors gonna die out of hiv and other shit. We will survive and strike back and once again get this world in harmony. The west is going to fall but east is going to survive.

>> No.2151986

That's a solid argument that totally proves the ethnicity of the egyptians.

>> No.2151988
File: 389 KB, 1284x980, 20394855472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We will survive.
Thanks for the laugh m8. I am proud that you haven't committed suicide yet though. Job well done.

>> No.2151990
File: 85 KB, 500x350, some somalian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying egyptians dont look like the somali

If they were probably some north african arab mix.

>> No.2151991

jew ;^)

>> No.2151992

Lips are completely different. Those are clearly negro lips, every egyptian depiction shows caucasian lips.

>> No.2151994

>if I lie hard enough it will come true.

>> No.2151995
File: 51 KB, 448x540, this guy tho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She >2151951 also have thin lips.
So do many other, look up how north africans look.

>> No.2151996

>If I take big enought didlo up my ass I might get acepted in my degenerate society.

>> No.2151997

>Women can also enjoy (put thing guys enjoy here)
When will women stop being cunts I wonder

>> No.2151998

At least pick a relevant example, like >>2151995 .
That's a bona fide negro with negro lips.

>> No.2151999

Are you autistic?

>> No.2152000

Are you a cunt ?

>> No.2152001

What's it like being on the spectrum?
Did you even understand that post? Or were you just rejected by a "cute gamer girl" and letting off some steam?

>> No.2152002

no but I assume you're a cunt, something men don't enjoy being/being around, maybe you should stop being one then just like you enjoy visual pornography of 50shades erotic fanfiction

>> No.2152003

Also let me rephrase it:
Women enjoy visual porn.
You have to tailor porn to induvidual tastes.

Men not enjoying 50 shades of grey don1t mean men don't nejoy erotic fiction. Literotica is full of male writers.

>> No.2152004

I'm sorry your crush doesn't like you but don't take it on on everyone. Nobody is stopping you from fapping to Miku's spread out asshole drawings.

>> No.2152005

its ok anon someday you'll be worth more than your vagina, probably when you stop acting like one.

>> No.2152006
File: 120 KB, 800x450, literally you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh secrit 4chanz club

Just because some dumbcunts are getting into a clusterfuck over race doesn't mean tumblrites are invading /ic/.

Any artist coming onto /ic./ for the first time with a poltical agenda wouldn't need a fucking tumblr thread to know if they're accepted or not. They'd stay regardless because thats how sjws work. Your reasoning is absurd.

If you even had a tumblr you'd realize its entirely what you make it. If you follow only other artists its pretty tight, like /ic/ minus shitfests.

>> No.2152007

Why are you this mad at the fact that girls like erotic drawings?

I don't understand it.
It is almost like,
some reason,
you are...

>> No.2152008

some, but too little to take it seriously.

>> No.2152009

>Women can also enjoy (put thing guys enjoy here)
its not about girls liking erotic drawings, I'm sure some of them do since there are billions of women who enjoy different things. It's really simple when you think about it.

>> No.2152011

You are not forced to date women. You are not forced to look at erotica made for women.
You can live a life ignoring dating and women altogether.

If you get mad at people for no reason or such bullshit reason that they dare to draw nekkid cute guys, you have more in common with feminsits than with anyone else.

>> No.2152013

Why you take erotica as a default guy interest? It is not a guy interest. It is a human interest.
I just responded to that guy mistakenly believeing women are not liking erotic art.

Yes some women even like male targetet porn that would be girls liking a guy interest.

>> No.2152014

>Just because some dumbcunts are getting into a clusterfuck over race doesn't mean tumblrites are invading /ic/.
They already invaded and settled down a long time ago.

>> No.2152015

Not at all. I just say whats more profitable if you have straight man audience. Peace.

>> No.2152018

>Why you take erotica as a default guy interest?

you realize you're on a thread of people drawing dicks and getting commissioned by dudes almost everyday right? Now most of these artists primary goal is getting better at their drawings&getting more commissions from generally male audience that you were sorta making fun of fapping to mikus spread out asshole

And then you literally wrote this
>we the women like visual porn but
> Expression of feelings, emotion, the dinamics between the characters is what important, not the visual of big throbbing genitals.
>not the visual of big throbbing genitals.

I mean you really are being a cunt here, and I'm sure most people here are ok with women doing whatever.

>> No.2152019

But what if the trait that alienates some straight male attracts a lot of bisexual male?

Checkmate atheists.

>> No.2152021

Sorry if I sounded like I was mocking Miku's asshole.

And then you literally wrote this
>we the women like visual porn but
> Expression of feelings, emotion, the dinamics between the characters is what important, not the visual of big throbbing genitals.
>not the visual of big throbbing genitals.

I talked about pornographic art in that post but which focuses on different things than exaggeration of genitals/breasts. You will find normal looking, and subtle genitals in this.

>> No.2152022

>and I'm sure most people here are ok with women doing whatever.
I'd rather them not be able to vote.

>> No.2152024

Well, you will never know what trait and who they realy are. You would need some study on it. logically You draw certian things that you like and they must attract simmillar minded people right ? of course there will be people who follow you but wants something diffrent from you. You can always branch out and make like one furry picture or one trap. Its up to you. You can also draw everything but for eg. I would not enjoy drawing homo stuff at all. So I guess its the best to be bi as porn artsit.

>> No.2152029

I actually understand your concern, but then most males are as "uninformed" as modern female if you get me.
yes and most artists won't make any money with that kind of stuff, if you don't get iat again people here want to make money with a drawing that males can ejaculate over, like mikus asshole. Usually the weirder/harcorerer the drawing the less your drawing skills matter. But hey at least you got some attention from anons.

>> No.2152044
File: 30 KB, 636x358, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking to see what the guy has

>> No.2152045
File: 129 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck does a person draw appealing doggystyle?

>> No.2152053
File: 310 KB, 860x1000, Daily_NSFW009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The female bottom is one of the most useful weapons when it comes to appeal in porn. Use that wisely and you can't fail.
Pic related.

>> No.2152054

Butt up, spine down. Make it curve, ain't nobody want a plank.

>> No.2152058

*dog walks in*

>> No.2152065


You should also choose to shitpost with a different artist or better yet take up a trip so i can filter you.

>> No.2152080

Why do /pol/tards always ruin the porn threads.

>> No.2152103

nah its the tumblr subhumans.

>> No.2152108
File: 432 KB, 942x754, face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Two Autists have an argument about race
>Somehow /pol/ is behind this
>muh storm weenies!

/pol/ has nothing to do with these threads they're more interested talking about Goldburg's wild ride and the decline of the west.

>> No.2152109

>le negroid features
>muh degeneracy
>you're a jew ;^)
>tumblr 'invasion'

It's always the /pol/tards and it's always in the fucking porn threads.

>> No.2152113

Maybe if someone wouldnt spew this tumblr propaganda about egypt out of nowhere there wouldnt be any problem.

>> No.2152117

These threads die from either race or loli arguments. It happens at least every month.

>> No.2152129 [DELETED] 

he's right though. only the nubian dynasty was actually black, but that doesn't mean the other dynasties were white. excepting of course the period when egypt was ruled by greeks.

>> No.2152130
File: 81 KB, 435x331, Egyptian_races.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's right though. only the nubian dynasty was actually black, but that doesn't mean the other dynasties were white. excepting of course the period when egypt was ruled by greeks.

pic related, egyptian on far right.

>> No.2152131

The fun fact is that the guy in the critiqued pic really had a kinda disproportionate jaw, but the image that went along with the critique triggered people hard.

>> No.2152141

>hes right

no, he isnt. One black ruler dosent mean that they all were black for thousends of years of egypt. Cleopatra was white as fuck for eg. Thats the tumblr argument "egyptians were all black", "it was a black empire" no they werent, only the slaves. Theres even that one hieroglyph thing when they were mowning down niggers.

>> No.2152147

werent the slavs slaves?

>> No.2152148

>One black ruler dosent mean that they all were black for thousends of years of egypt
did you even read my post? I said only the nubian dynasty was black.
>Cleopatra was white as fuck for eg
which is why I said the greek rulers were white.

slow the fuck down and read bro.

>> No.2152183

Nightmare op image, we're at bump limit and retards shitting up the thread for no reason.

New thread when?

>> No.2152196

New Thread:


>> No.2152380

>take up a trip so i can filter you.
I'll pass. Stay mad, kek.

>> No.2152390

>left attarctive to female, right attractive to male
Speak for yourself. I want to touch those glistening muscles, no homo.

>> No.2152397
File: 83 KB, 300x600, 1436570458825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I am a woman who draws straight porn"
"I have had female commissioners pay out the ass for straight porn"

>I still don't believe you and I will make up shit as to what I believe women find attractive.

It's like what previous anons have said. Women get off to the idea of fucking and the visual or written portrayal of a situation. Women like to feel love, eroticism, and romance and shit. They get off to the TWO people getting off, not just looking at a ballsack or a man's asshole.

Women will commissions pictures of specific characters in a sexual situation that they have vested interest in. Or commission a certain portrayal of a situation. This is why yaoi and pairings are so popular among females. They are emotionally invested in the characters.

Regardless of the medium, the feeling of immersion and connection MUST be present for a woman to enjoy it.

The woman and the man in girl-porn must be mostly equally portrayed with both of their emotions readable. Faceless porn does not work for women, even if the female is faceless.

This is just the general standard and what I enjoy, and what most of the women I interact with enjoy. Of course there are some women who masturbate to men's assholes but if you want to appeal to the majority, keep this in mind.

>> No.2152459

Thank you bbc-chan
I wont fail this time

Aye. I see watcha mean.

>ghost walks in