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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2149660 No.2149660 [Reply] [Original]

Who's your favorite artist on youtube? I love Will Terrell. Opposed to teaching stuff he mostly just talks about what it's like to be an artist, learning, and buildong a career. Would recommend for beginners or people who need motivation and guidence.

>> No.2149661

What kind of comics does he make? Looks interesting.

>> No.2149667
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He's done comics before but on his channel he mostly does caricature sketches (watch all of his "people sketching videos" theyre fantastic). Right now he's working at Warner Bros as a concept artist or character designer I believe. Pic related.

>> No.2149671

Oh fuck that pic had me laughing

Good shit anon

>> No.2149677

I think it's pretty good

>> No.2149680

Oh I do too, I'm just saying the style and dialog is comical, in a good way

>> No.2149691
File: 497 KB, 500x262, ahahahahahahahahahahahaha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>idolizing fat and unhealthy people.

>> No.2149692

nice b8 m8

>> No.2149702

A lot of his caricatures are like that. I hate most caricatures, but I love how he handles them.

He's one of my favs, good stuff to listen to while drawing, and he talks about the mental/personal side of art, which I really appreciate. I feel like being an artist just means you have a hobby/skill that coincides with your journey as a person. The same stuff you struggle with while your drawing are gonna be the same things you struggle with irl.

I wish I could listen to more artists talk about that side of things, but it's so personal, I understand why few do it. Stephen Silver is another good one, less personal but very motivational.

>> No.2149722

I sort of taught me what caricatures were supposed to be. To me it just seemed like they were drawings of people given big heads. He showed me how you can capture the essence of a person in a drawing. It also made me notice how interesting other people look.

>> No.2149724

Jeff Watts. His Friday Night Live videos are really amazing and help me draw.
Plan on joining the online program soon.

>> No.2149725

*he sort of taught me

>> No.2149728
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I really like Alphonso Dunn, the guy is humble as fuck, I like the way he explain the things, would handshake and say thank you.


>> No.2149729
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And Proko, too. That nigga saved me just when I was about to quit art all together.
Pic related, Stan and Jeff.

>> No.2149732

lel at Proko hover-handing JW

>> No.2149769

Look carefully, he isn't even trying to put his arm around him.
Proko is too afraid that Putin will think he has the gays.

>> No.2149771

Sycra. I've learned the most from him so far and he seems like a cool guy.

>> No.2149784

Ucan Draw.

>> No.2149786

I love Sycra but his voice sounds like he's trying not to cry.

>> No.2149787


>> No.2149803

That faggot is so insecure it's hilarious.
He used a voice changer once because of that.

>> No.2149816

Istebrak and Sycra.

>> No.2149823
File: 17 KB, 256x352, 1408677646235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that hair. fucking kek

>> No.2149843

Aaron Blaise

>> No.2149848

Oh my god please link me that video

>> No.2149852

mark crilley

>> No.2149876


>> No.2149879

He changed it after people called him a retard for doing it.
It's the first pointy chins one.
The video is still the same just without the filter so he still makes explains the voice.

>> No.2149889

i like Feng Zhu and all those who are successful in the industry, like Pete Mohrbacher too.

the type that i dont like are those who are shit but thinks they are good because they are so shitty they cant recognize their own incompetence, like Sinix and Sycra and bobmeatbag. omg the ones who knows the least will talk the most.

like sycra, hes been drawing for like what, 15 years. and he is still shit. look at anthony jones and dave rapoza, they are younger than sycra and is really in the industry. dont watch sycra's videos, you keep watching his video you gonna end up like him. like he is still drawing high school work. and is kind of a coward too, always too scared to draw environments and giving the excuse of 'oh i just dont like it'. sinix is shit too, always doodle but never draws anything finished. sometimes i wonder if they love art or not, if they really love art, they'd be really good already.

>> No.2149896

yes, anon, artists on youtube come to 4chan's art and critique board to blatantly advertise their channels and get views from the thousands upon thousands of people that frequent it. kill yourself.

>> No.2149900
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CUBEBRUSH definitely.


>> No.2149901


Why are all cartoonists fat?

>> No.2149902

Bobmeatbag sucks.

>> No.2149904


>> No.2149907

Marc Brunet precisely.

>> No.2149938


lol that's actually true.

>> No.2149945

can't even get the focus right on a photo

>> No.2149947

I really enjoy Apollyphelions rubes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQslS46p-Ds

>> No.2149956
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>> No.2149972

I know someone who looks almost exactly like that old guy hunch and everything.

>> No.2149976

Go back to fit.
Fatties are hated unfairly because their over-indulging can be seen from the outside.

I bet you consume porn like a fat fuck consumes cake.

>> No.2149978


>fatty triggered

>> No.2149990
File: 80 KB, 553x567, 1419815113777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw i'm pornfree and skinny

>> No.2149993

>fatso detected

Just count calories m8. It's not that hard.

>> No.2150002

Yeah lemme just deprive myself of things I enjoy. You don't see me telling you to stop drawing am I?

Lemme stay fat while you stay a jerk, jerk.

>> No.2150005
File: 10 KB, 240x240, Shoo Rayner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoo Rayner
>teaches you how to draw a spooky eyeball
>teaches you to draw a pretty flower for mother's day
10/10 tutorial channel


>> No.2150008


Still no gf or bf

>> No.2150010
File: 25 KB, 380x354, 1428843882923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

may b 1 day

>> No.2150012

Scott Robertson, Ryan Kingslein, Ahmed Aldoori.
webang111 is fine to just look at her painting process.

>> No.2150013

Yeah man, go ahead over indulge in things to the point where you become unhealthy just because it feels good.
Might as well start shooting heroin all day, because 'hurr durr I enjoy it'.

The lack of will power and discipline is absolutely disheartening.

>> No.2150036


Love it when sensitive faggots like you get triggered at the mere mention of a fatty.

You and the HAES tumblrinas need to go jerk each other off already. It's sad lol

>> No.2150148

Well, they have a rather stationary job and some work from home and long hours (take-away)... could have something to do with it for some peeps.

>> No.2150192

Stephen Silver

Aaron Blaise

Feng Zhu

Marc Brunet (a bit)

>> No.2150198

That's a bogus excuse. My job couldn't be any more sedentary and I have a completely average physique. People get fat either because they're ignorant or because they're hedonists that basically get high off of eating food and they cannot bear the sensation of feeling hunger like normal people due to other psychological reasons. You can't help but feel pity for them, it's the information age so they really should know better. There's no reason to go through life barely being able to move. That said the dude in op looks like a nice guy and isn't nearly as bad as a lot of people I know personally. Leave the poor guy alone for fug's sake ;_;

>> No.2150213

I didn't really mean it as an excuse, but for people that already have a slightly unhealthy diet, a sedentary life style and poor motivation, a stationary job and long workdays probably doesn't help.

And agreed, the guy in the OP is skilled and sharing his experiences, so enough derailing.

>> No.2150216

Fat guy pls.

Yeah man, I'm totally buttbamboozled to the max. At least I don't look disgusting.
I really don't care, you can ruin your body all you want.
It's just sad seeing fatsos justify their shitty habits and lack of willpower.

>> No.2150238

Enjoy your heart attack, fatass.

>> No.2150243


>> No.2150258


Probably samefaggin it, but I'll tell you this. You think you're on some fat VS everyone else tirade and youre not. You're probably fatter than me. The difference is you faggots get triggered and you think you speak for everyone. No one other than you and the HAES people give a shit.

Everyone hates niggers, but you ever notice that the loudest, most obnoxious nigger haters are always the most inbred fucks that you'd never want to associate with? Thats you, but for fat asses.

>> No.2150261

>how can you master anatomy if you have not first conquered your own

>> No.2150267

not sinix thats for sure

>> No.2150295

I dunno, whenever Sinix decides to actually get off his lazy ass and make a 'serious' video, it's usually pretty insightful for me. I also like the fact that he doesn't seem to give a damn.

>> No.2150299

jeff miracola shared his oil-painting technique, but he's mediocre at best
maxim verehin

>> No.2150302


please shut the fuck up both of you.

>> No.2150316

god he is auwful

>> No.2150319

only one of those posts is me. So unless fagonon number 2 is bitching at himself, we got ourselves an old fashioned soup kitchen up in herre.

>> No.2150333
File: 337 KB, 615x563, 1432813121903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"if you can draw a straight line from one point to another, you can draw"
>doesn't even draw a straight line

>> No.2150335


Shut the fuck up ALL of you

>> No.2150344

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.2150349

I will never stop fatshaming obese manlets.

>> No.2150351



>> No.2150362


nO U

>> No.2150369

best art channel Ive seen tbh


>> No.2150388

Peter draws
He has such a soothing voice

>> No.2150441

i love how the fatties dont have any arguments worth considering (examples being "shut up" and projecting), but the fat shamers execute them in such a searing hot manner its burning my calories

>> No.2150455
File: 8 KB, 180x180, 1425954228485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop projecting your emotional investment into comments on an Taiwanese Child Slavery Ring onto me.
I see a comment about fat people being fat while browsing , I'm gonna react to that and move on with my life. I'm not on any kind of tirade.

>then why ar u responding hurr durr

>> No.2150480
File: 281 KB, 1600x1226, 49534_1251087275_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are these threads so easily derailed? Will Terrell doesn't need defending from some literal no name on an image board. They probably can't even draw and just hang around to start shit.

If it hasn't been said already, Bobby Chiu's channel is pretty good. Mix of tutorial and general advice.

>> No.2150860

I remember the first time I found his channel It took me a while to understand if the guy was joking or being serious. Man, honestly I still wonder.

>> No.2150869

>>how can you master anatomy if you have not first conquered your own


>> No.2150927

I really don't like him. he's like Jazza, he thinks because real anatomy is too hard that his "style" is simple western comic shit. it's fucking puke-worthy. his cringiest video is the one where he went to the watts atelier and came back with a bunch of sketches he made where it was clear he has no idea what balance or gesture are and a demo sketch by jeff himself that was by far the best thing he would ever lay his greasy fingers on and he made sure to make it the thumbnail so that all of his foreign fans think it's his

>> No.2151008

There's something off about Marc Brunet, his voice is weak, he should work on that. The quality of his speech varies to much, he has some really good early videos, and a lot of others very poor on the speech. I don't think he's ready to take the teaching/tutorial role he pretends to pull off.

The ultimate proof that he's not ready, was the series of "critiques" where he "fixed" the winning pictures on the contest from his site. Most of the pictures that he tried to "fix" turned out WORSE than before. It was too evident, so he had to stop doing that.

He's not a bad guy, but as many others, it seems that more and more guys jump into "master mode" to early and still green. They don't know what they're doing.

Fengh Zhu on the contrary it's doing the right thing, the guy is not a boy, it's quite old already and when he talks he does it with a well thought speech and confident voice. He knows exactly what he is saying.
You can do that if you know your shit, or you can choose to do interviews like Morbacher and a couple more guys does. But to talk shit outta your ass being an still inexperienced guy in the business can put you on a corner. Noah Bradley saw that coming to him, and he tried a couple of interviews and then made a step back into the shadows, he knows his limits.

>> No.2151044

Sinix is tolerable, Sycra talks out of his ass though.

>> No.2151050

>>2150008 #
His videos are for kids so I don't see the problem.

>> No.2151052

Wrong anon.>>2150860

>> No.2151060

There are a lot of cool artists on twitch..
Youtube is kinda overrated..

>> No.2151063

I like this guy a lot. (Draw Mix Paint) is the name of his channel. only for traditional painters but still helpful in many ways.

one of his tutorials:

>> No.2153188


>> No.2153230

no one mentioned kienan lafferty,ex-splash artist for riot?https://www.youtube.com/user/KienanLafferty

>> No.2153328

How about linking some, anon?

>> No.2155463


>> No.2155675


>> No.2155736
File: 125 KB, 721x1106, nancy_portrait_by_sycra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2155761
File: 196 KB, 1024x1562, majin_vegeta_by_sycra-d71gy04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top fukin kek m8

>> No.2155800

Sycra's a pretty likable person.

But how does one go from this -


Regardless, I hope he finds the "style" he's looking for.

>> No.2155807

Ok, so. Fatass here. (Trying to get fit so y'all can just eat a dick right now if you're thinking you want to get on my case, yeah?)

What you're response SHOULD have been was
>He may be a fatass but his videos are still cool and he can draw like a motherfucker so who gives a toss what he fuckin' looks like you

>> No.2155849

>>2155736 is called a study

>> No.2155853


It's almost as if none of it translated into his actual work.

>> No.2155860

wasn't that just him changing it from upping the speed?
I mean he did plenty of voice over before that so I don't see why he would use a voice changer.