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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2146855 No.2146855 [Reply] [Original]

>Often criticized as mere rendering machines

>> No.2146856
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>> No.2146857
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>> No.2146864
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Art and autism

>> No.2146880

Daily reminder that contemporary art is a Jewish/CIA scam.

>> No.2147576

I blame Frankfurt School.

>> No.2147579

Autistic savants are just copy machines. Ask one of those guys who can draw entire skyscrapers and cities from memory to draw a person or human face.

Go ahead and try.

You'll be lucky if they can even draw more than stick figures.

What does a dumb parody /v/ made have to do with autism? Autists don't even understand parody.

>> No.2147584

>Ask one of those guys who can draw entire skyscrapers and cities from memory to draw a person or human face
>A human face

That's just cruel, anon.

>> No.2147590

Reminder that autism itself is an invention of Jews and bankers to discourage independent thinking and diagnosis 'problematic' individuals who won't conform to the status quo.

>> No.2147591

JIDF please go.


>Jon Tron like you've never seen him before!

>> No.2147593

The amount of detail and sophistication needed to draw the human form isn't that much more than architecture, why would drawing people make them some kind of sadomachist?

>> No.2147598

Autism =/= aspergers or high functioning autism

But they serve the exact same purpose.
Autism = people who won't/cannot work like good wage slaves and contribute to their pockets
Aspergers = problematic free thinkers who will question or criticize them, self-employ or avoid societal responsibilities and suck corporate jewish dick

This way jews can abnormalize both kinds of dissenters, those that cannot work for them and those who refuse to

>> No.2147599

/pol/ pls leave

>> No.2147602


Oh you're a NEET exploiting his parents through emotional blackmail and looking for a way to justify his sloth nm

>> No.2147606

>Child labor laws are so unfair! Why are you denying our precious dear sweet job creators from making kids work? Why don't poor people just work harder, they can make it if they just suck enough dick! CNN is evil, affirmative action is good! Don't think, work, buy, marry, reproduce, conform!

>> No.2147609

>this histrionic, blatantly obvious and retarded attempt at a straw man argument

JIDF please go and stay go

>> No.2147613

Autism itself is the biggest strawman of all. Jews realized that techies would be the next big competitor ever since Bill Gates and couldn't have them jacking their game. So they stigmatized the stereotype and formative essence of tech savvy, bright information inclined people to put them in their place while they're young. That way they can make them sped ed bound outcasts rather than millionairs who get hot pussy.

No different than hyenas picking off Lions when they're young.

>> No.2147621

Also you talking about child labor laws is a laugh and a half my man; you're probably a morbidly obese dude in your mid 20's with huge saucer tits bitching about child labor laws as your honest family struggles to support your literal and figurative dead weight.

Bro-tip: Get a part time job you homo, just enough to support yourself and ease your parents' burden. If your parents are rich or really upper-middle-class though I guess it's okay.

>> No.2147658

If one's parents are rich than they kid gets the natural right to be rich as well by sheer association. That's the easiest way to get rich afterall, be born to people who are rich.

Not like rich people have to work anyway.

>> No.2147668
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there's not enough time on this planet to care about anyone else besides yourself. NEETS are superior beings, nietzschean gods of the 21st century.

>> No.2147669

That's what I'm saying. If you have wealthy parents being a NEET is more than okay. If your parents are struggling though or even middle and lower-middle class it's cruel to not help them by supporting yourself at least. It's one thing to move out and have to pay rent and all that shit but nobody eats for free. Even if you get autism bucks and/or EBT it's usually not as much as you think (personally I need about $600 a month to support myself, about $300 of that is food alone; $10 average a day counting dining out x 31 days)

>> No.2147679

You wish, fatty fatty boom boom. NEETS are nothing but inconsequential obese, self-indulgent degenerates 95%+ of the time. Fat, low-T losers who are only superior in their ability to be selfish, spiteful and exploit their own parents (usually their single mother) to perpetuate their pathetic, shiftless indolence.

>> No.2147685

If your parents are rich you're not a NEET than, you can inherit or start up any business you choose and pay people to do things because you have money and that qualifies as a "Job."

Look at Donald Trump for example. He'd be a classic NEET, not too bright or really talented or anything worthwhile. But he had a rich daddy and that automatically makes him an entrepreneur.

>Even if you get autism bucks and/or EBT it's usually not as much as you think (personally I need about $600 a month to support myself, about $300 of that is food alone; $10 average a day counting dining out x 31 days)
Anon pls
I know we throw around autism as an insult here but no one that severely disabled that they'd get government good-boy bucks and chicken tendies would be savvy enough to end up here and post here.

Yes exactly NEETS are exactly like that cartoon caricature you spelled out for us. But if they're rich they're hard working geniuses who create shitloads of jobs.
(By giving plebs lots of monies and appeasing the normies)

>> No.2147686

I'm going to ignore the stupid /pol/-tier argument for a second.

Are autists actually copying machines like the article says? Or are they able to come up with original and creative things. What does a disorder that impairs social function have to do with art ability anyway?

>> No.2147700

You sound hella jealous dawg.

>> No.2147705

>But if they're rich they're hard working geniuses who create shitloads of jobs.


You fucking corn-syrup addled idiot. If a NEETS parents are rich that means they aren't struggling, so it's not nearly as reprehensible that the NEET is a fat, lazy, decadent piece of shit yourself. It doesn't make a rich NEET "good" by any stretch of the fucking imagination and I didn't imply that it is by saying "I guess it's okay". Why is this so fucking hard to understand you degenerate retard? Jesus.

>> No.2147712

>You fucking corn-syrup addled idiot. If a NEETS parents are rich that means they aren't struggling, so it's not nearly as reprehensible that the NEET is a fat, lazy, decadent piece of shit yourself. It doesn't make a rich NEET "good" by any stretch of the fucking imagination and I didn't imply that it is by saying "I guess it's okay". Why is this so fucking hard to understand you degenerate retard? Jesus.

It's utterly reprehensible. Because NEET children that are rich by the natural god-given right of their birth have an obligation, or atleast a choice of whether or not to invest and expand on that wealth. That's basically what the economy depends on, not niggers or wastebags buying shit but rich fucks taking the money they've inherited and putting somewhere.

I don't have the kind of resources to pay somebody. A rich NEET can created new jobs and businesses all over the world at the flip of their dick while sitting from their couch and scratching their crotch. Lower class NEETs don't have that option. Do you think anyone would hire a retard like Donald Trump if he were middle/lower class? Of course not, he'd be in his daddy's basement for life without a penny to his hair. But because he has money he can throw some at hotels and shit. A rich NEET that's lazy and does nothing with the wealth that will inevitably going to them is leagues worse than any poor NEET whose NEETness will at most affect their parents (Who themselves are responsible for both being poor and choosing to have a goddamn kid, like jesus why would you do that) or even fucking nobody who matters.
Oh you're one of THOSE chucklefucks

>> No.2147720

Do you even know what the fuck NEET means?

>> No.2147729

The kids and teens who aren't super alpha and succeed at everything through charisma and prestige than get lot's of hot pussy for it.
I'm the NEET of my college and all my circle of friends their are NEETs too. I work 30+ hours a week as a part-time Clerk at near minimum wage (10$ an hour) and spend the rest of the time drawing on the side. I don't socialize or party or get the luxury of wasting time in the end.

A rich NEET still has the opportunity to create jobs and contribute to the society even if they are still a loser, like TRUMP. Poor NEETs like me are just that, losers.

>> No.2147734
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I have no clue if you're being sarcastic but it made me chuckle

>> No.2147738


I think you're not serious, but a NEET is

>Not in
>Employment, or
>(vocational) Training
for at least 6 months.

>> No.2147745

>I'm the NEET of my college and all my circle of friends their are NEETs too.
>I work 30+ hours a week as a part-time Clerk at near minimum wage

I see that I was mistaken arguing with you to begin with. You don't even know what a NEET is.

Come on, man. Did you think I meant somebody living with their parents? There's absolutely nothing wrong with that as long as you give something back. I mean people that leech off their parents into their mid to late 20's and have the audacity to mock "wage slaves" online while they abuse their own family.

>> No.2147746

Than regardless of whether that post was serious or not I'm definitely not a NEET.
Although I'm still pretty beta

>> No.2147748

I don't even live with my parents. Well, technically a single figure-head that could be considered a parent, that's the closest to it. I don't really pay Rent but do for most of my other expenses (Schooling, food, bus fare)

I'm not a NEET because I cannot afford to me.
No one is really going to lift me up and pay for what I cannot if I don't, not even said figurehead. (they're too old to work anymore anyway)

>> No.2147750

Maybe if you actually read philosophy you'd actually be able to attribute things as such.

>> No.2147752

Damn, I was NEET for four years. Thank god I turned it around.

>> No.2147826
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I wish I could unleash my inner autist.

I wish I could spend my entire day drawing worthless obscene garbage.

I'm just too critical about my ideas. I only draw what I think other people will find worthy of respect, but I despise those ideas.

>> No.2147833

You know it's a shame all the major autists are only capable of drawing sonic and fandom stuff. I bet if they went on to real painting or art they could make a fortune with their oddity.

Just look at that pic. Cannot you just see it selling for tens of thousands of dollars in a Surrealist art show, minus the sonic characters?

>> No.2147869

I've read everything from Heraclitus to Wittgenstein, faggot. come at me.

>> No.2147870

I was a NEET for 10 years. I thought I had a great life. But I didnt. Sure, one thing is to have rich parents and live an easy life, which I 100% endorse (you work for living, not live for working) but another thing is to be a poor neet that doesnt even have autism bucks enough to upgrade their pc.

Once I got a very easy job I understood that the Ubermenchen were the people that get easy, low responsibility jobs that pay enough. Once you remove a shitty family from the equation, even a shitty salary becomes a titanic one. I go to work only 4 hours a day, and I actually work like 30 minutes tops, the rest I browse 4chan which is what I would be doing at home anyways.

So I exchanged 30 minutes of easy, comfortable daily job for having money the rest of the day and indulging in childish shit like expensive toys and videogames. I have most of my day, money to enjoy that day, and during those 30 minutes I get all the human contact I need to retain my sanity and erections. When I got my first girlfriend I couldnt even get my dick hard after so much porn. Now I have a healthy sex life.

You might think you are the king of the world when you are a 20 years old neet. But trust me, you arent. I dont regret living 10 years as Neet since I enjoyed it, and Im still 95% neet but I can provide great luxury for myself and wont be in trouble once my mom dies. Im really living a life I could only have dreamed 10 years ago.

Just remember not to have kids and always hide from responsibilities. A slightly higher salary is never worth the stress or your time. Get the easiest job possible and never give 100% on it. They dont deserve it.

>> No.2147917
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