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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 374 KB, 1380x1000, 1435721813968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2141492 No.2141492 [Reply] [Original]

Post your nsfw, critique work and so on.
Furry is allowed, however do not over indulge on the subject of furries or their culture. Unnecessarily reporting these anons are strongly discouraged. This thread is dedicated to helping anons improve their erotic drawings and paintings.
Do not start flame wars.
Do not reply to shitposters.
Stay on topic.

Last thread: >>2136687

Reminder that if you do not want to view this thread, please hide it by pressing the minus button or by right-clicking the thumbnail on the catalog and selecting "hide this thread."
Also, thank you mods and janitors for keeping this thread running well.

Questions about references for drawing porn will be answered.

>> No.2141498

Fuck you kyle, bitch.

>> No.2141500

have you preyed to the god of animu render yet ?

>> No.2141525

Who's the artist of >>2136687 ?

>> No.2141527

He will never ever answer your questions, he's the most disgusting person here on /ic/.

>> No.2141529
File: 18 KB, 800x473, 21461843234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly the worst.
the evil king of thundertighs

>fat tighs
fucking disgusting

>> No.2141531

He is you, asking yourself who is also >>2141527
for someone else to name drop yourself.

>> No.2141553

>people still believing that Kyle samefags for exposure
>still believing that anybody would ever samefag on /ic/ for exposure

>inb4 Kyle pls go

>> No.2141557

>mentions his name when I call him out on his shit

Typical bitch. Did you graduate from Sly Marketing University?

>> No.2141559

better than graduating from jelly university.

>> No.2141562
File: 404 KB, 1947x1385, r3t2t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2141567

Girls, girls, you are all pretty.
But give me some link to the artist please. Jeez

>> No.2141576

>he doesn't know about kyle the rustled

>> No.2141583

That looks fookin uncomfortable.

>> No.2141584

you know, it's just like i thought. one doesn't need perfect life drawing abilities in order to draw decently. it was the same with me.
it probably is enough once you understand how to look objectively at an image .

>> No.2141589

>one doesn't need perfect life drawing abilities
Someone that has talent/knowledge/skill will have it no matter what he draws.
Also, what the fuck are perfect drawing abilities?

>> No.2141593
File: 23 KB, 300x400, 54332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kyle never answer questions anymore
>Still posting his art
>meanwhile Catbib shares his brushes and knowledge

>> No.2141596


is there more?

>> No.2141598

I was trying bit thicker linework just now, will post when I'm done

>> No.2141599

>Someone that has talent/knowledge/skill will have it no matter what he draws.
not sure what your point is. "skilled people will be skilled"? t-thanks senpai.
>Also, what the fuck are perfect drawing abilities?
what kind of question is this? also i said "perfect life drawing abilities", you even quoted me on that.
stop confusing me.

i'm pretty sure he always held back with replies. even when people were calling him chickenoppailoli and stuff.

>> No.2141604

Why did you made a new thread? there was already one.

>> No.2141606

is this ... a joke?

>> No.2141607
File: 344 KB, 800x924, spooky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can't handle cute and adorable bunny rabbits

>> No.2141624

Kyle kairuonoburogu tumblr . Com

>> No.2141632

I know that you want every thread to have your drawing kyle but stop shitting up the catalog with
different versions of your general because you didn't like the picture.

>> No.2141634

Kyle, man, why don't you just get the fuck off /ic/? Nobody likes you, piece of shit.

>> No.2141635

Nothing shows up.

>> No.2141640

I correct myself, it did and I don't even know why

>> No.2141645
File: 103 KB, 1024x768, cks6b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2141648

>He will never ever answer your questions

Well maybe you should stop expecting people to give you answers to everything and learn how to problem solve yourself? He shares his work. That's enough. Study it on your own time and break his work down yourself if you like his shit that much. You learn better that way anyway. Too many shit artists want other artists to hold their hands like toddlers.

>> No.2141651
File: 282 KB, 701x649, 1392537666903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still remember when he posted this as his "drawing" in his blog.

>were calling him chickenoppailoli and stuff
I remember him way before even that, he was just posting his sketches in the drawtheads and everyone was shitting on him for drawing animu but
i was supporting him since he was trying, now he just comes to drop a finished drawing and leaves he doesn't expect any kind of critique, >>2133273

>> No.2141652

i don't know who kyle is I just don't know why anyone would post on a thead that says "nightmare fuel"

>> No.2141653

> Making studies is wrong

Fuck off.

>> No.2141655

>I still remember when he posted this as his "drawing" in his blog.
That's still a drawing, mang

>> No.2141657

>using reference is bad
This is why people here on /ic/ don't make much progress.

>> No.2141659

Because it's a general thread and this doesn't matter? should i make another one because i don't like kyle's art? should we have
5 porn threads to choose your favorite opening drawings from?

As i said this was his "drawing" until someone posted the reference, he tagged it like so on his blog as well, search the archive if you came here yesterday.

No tis stealing someone's photograph to slap an anime face on it and sell it as a commision.

>> No.2141662

I stop "supporting" him too but
>he doesn't expect any kind of critique
Who needs critique from non-artists? No proofs = irreverent critique
>refs are bad

>> No.2141663
File: 175 KB, 873x935, 246ef8ae62b4c1babc10f58dad0cb43b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my attempted poju style

>> No.2141664


This person makes money by stealing photographs and adding anime faces on them, you understand this right?
this isn't practising using references or i have an idea but i cant get the hands right so i will use
a reference of my hands, this is i don't know how to draw so i am going to copy a photograph 1:1 and sell it as my drawing.

>> No.2141665

>As i said this was his "drawing" until someone posted the reference, he tagged it like so on his blog as well, search the archive if you came here yesterday.

Is that even a commission like you said ? If anything it looks less good than his other works that are clearly original (like OP), don't be so buttmad, he knows what he's doing.

>> No.2141667

>it looks less good than his other works that are clearly original
Kyle said that the OP image was a direct copy of a reference as well, tho.
And it's a commission.

>> No.2141669


>> No.2141670
File: 229 KB, 504x424, awww-yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reminiscing about about chicken emperor thundertighs-kyle
my god i'm gonna fucking puke.
the only thing i remember about seeing his stuff for the first time is how much it assaulted my tastebuds.
well, he's come a long way since then. at least the chickenoppailoli is somewhat gone. though i bet most people in this thread in particular would like it anyway even if it didn't change.

>> No.2141671

>This person makes money by stealing photographs and adding anime faces on them, you understand this right?
Like everyone? Post your art.

>> No.2141673

OP should rename it to Jelly Thread.

>> No.2141674

Post yours so i can sue you.

>> No.2141675


LOL, you sound like a salty faggot. I bet Kron and Sakimi trigger you too. Quit with the bitch act and do you. Stop worrying about other people like a catty cunt.

>> No.2141681

I am still asking you what did you mean with perfect life drawing abilities?

Kyle's life drawing is above average.

And my point is (and it always will be), that someone who doesn't have his fundamentals sorted out, will never be a good artist (no matter the content of his art), or in the BEST case scenario will lose a lot of time getting good by approaching art the wrong way.

>> No.2141683
File: 599 KB, 1280x1014, Starry Night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said the commission WAS to redo a reference in his style though.
Why are you so butthurt about this?
If someone sits in front of the Notre Dame and draws it, then is it not his drawing? Was Van Gogh a hack when he made pic related for just drawing the view from his window and slapping some personal twists on it?
>inb4 I get called Kyle
I don't even know if this is a meme or not, de nem mivel itt feltételezem senki sem képes bebizonyítani semmilyen vádat, max annyit tudok mondani hogy jétlem ez a Kyle beszél magyarul.

>> No.2141684

I'm shit artist. But looks like you're no_ref_pro artist. So prove it
>using model is ok
>using photo ref is no no

>> No.2141686

You forgot the pink Headline. Next time you try to provoke responses by choosing the least adequate picture for the OP image, at least try to be more diligent lol.

>> No.2141689

>using model is ok
>using photo ref is no no

you're actually right, anon, glad to see you're smart

>> No.2141690

Using a model while pretending you didn't is not ok, that's what he did in that thread.

>> No.2141691

>Kyle's life drawing is above average.
not really. by perfect i mean like russian academy level of perfect.
but i get what you're saying now.

in my post i was just wonering how far do we have to take it (fundamentals) in order to draw the more cartoony and abstract animu stuff?
though it's probably best to take it as far as we can.

>> No.2141693
File: 301 KB, 1132x1600, 130106949944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Model = ref
Ref = shit artist

>> No.2141694

>i was just wonering how far do we have to take it (fundamentals) in order to draw the more cartoony and abstract animu stuff?
I think you never stop learning, but most importantly you should never stop training your fundamental skills.

>> No.2141696

dat full body shot on the right
my sides

>> No.2141697
File: 46 KB, 621x437, 1423399017957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for some advices when it comes to anatomy to get better.

I already have some experience in drawing, and I can manage with references, but that's it, even if I make some good pics it's a bit frustrating to be limited by that when I see others that have no problem in making great poses from imagination.

Yes, I've been already training but it's clearly not enough, I've been drawing for like 3 years and when I think about it I haven't been focusing so much on working my "basics".

I mean, I kinda know what I'm doing. When I'm using references and looking at others drawing I can tell that it's how it works and how it doesn't, it's not like I'm mindlessly copying. But when I doesn't use anything I'm somehow usually lost.

That's why I would like to ask :
- how many times per day are/were you taking to train with anatomy pose ?
- What did/do you use as a ref to train ? Loomis said you need at some point to try without references, but when do we know when that's the case ?

>> No.2141702

Why are you posting examples of shit art? You trying to make a point?

>> No.2141703

it'd be good to show some examples of your art.

generally, you should focus on the more abstract stuff like gesture, contour, flow or composition if you want to draw from imagination. if you really do have your anatomy in check, just try to draw with those things in mind.

>> No.2141709

>it'd be good to show some examples of your art.

Nah. Like I said, I would just like to find a good way to train, I know my level and what I'm lacking.
As for anatomy, it's not so much in "check", I need to get better as well, I kinda suck when it comes to male muscles.

>> No.2141710

>making great poses from imagination.
The great thing about 2d art is that you can push the anatomy/perspective/pose/proportions any way you'd like to make a more interesting picture. It comes down to having an artistic "eye". You can try and train yourself to imagine more interesting poses by studying artists you admire and think about how they're pushing their limits and still look convincingly good.

You can study figure drawing until the cows come home (it's a good foundation) but to make interesting art you have to be imaginative about almost everything. I'm assuming you want to draw good anime porn and that's why you're here.

Sometimes when I'm feeling stuck I'll draw a shape that looks interesting (to me). Push the perspective and pose as much as possible.
A lot of quality gets lost in the refining process, just remember that your initial sketch is probably the best example of everything you want to show. I know I'll start sketching and it looks great, then I'll add detail and it becomes pretty boring. Keep your sketch in your mind at all times.

>> No.2141712
File: 141 KB, 561x800, 1292802110078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit art
Redline pls

>> No.2141717

> I'm assuming you want to draw good anime porn and that's why you're here.

Not so much, I'm pretty recent when it comes to porn actually (6 months at best), but it makes me works way more on anatomy than usual, not for nothing the good porn artists are top tier when it comes to skills.

Otherwise, I see your point, but what should I do to get solid anatomy skills ? I'm also still lacking when it comes to a dynamic pose, I tried looking at some tutorials but I feel like I'm missing something, or maybe I'm just lacking training.

>> No.2141738
File: 160 KB, 1024x768, cks6c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do shades look right? I don't want to(also can't really) make it extremely rendered since it doesn't need to be but I'd like to give it a good shape with light rendering.

Also are lines too thick?

>> No.2141755

It's still a fucking "drawing" even if he used a ref! Jesuschrist, why is so many cunts on /is/ tying to trash talk anyone who is even microscopically successful/skilled? This wasn't a commission, it was just something he drew for him self and then shared, get off your high horse.

>> No.2141759 [DELETED] 

Whoops, mixed up a bit... it was a commission, but he was specifically commissioned to draw from that reference, so it still doesn't matter one bit.

>> No.2141760

the stomach and hip area looks really shitty. look at some references or hell, even look at kyles stuff, just be more clear about the shape.

>> No.2141765

He shared it as his drawing on his tumblr and never answered any questions about reference use until someone posted the reference,
he clearly wants everyone to believe that he constructed it from his imagination while it's literally a 1:1 photo copy/study.
This is not his drawing, there is nothing he's about it, the idea isn't his, the composition isn't his, the gesture isn't his, he just reproduce a photograph.

>> No.2141768
File: 58 KB, 599x617, CIXz6q4WoAAVkSw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2141769

alright, anything about anatomy? I want to make her arms more sexy but idk how if that makes sense.

>> No.2141771


>> No.2141773
File: 73 KB, 527x800, CDMXP6VW0AEMBqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

artists are scum

>> No.2141781

>This is not his drawing, there is nothing he's about it, the idea isn't his, the composition isn't his, the gesture isn't his, he just reproduce a photograph.
Yeah, like the faggot who made >>2141683, right?

>> No.2141782
File: 245 KB, 1058x1600, mona_lisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake artists than can only copy everywhere.

>> No.2141791

Kyle just recreated someone else's work with anime eyes.
If you see van gogh paintings when you look out of the window i am somehow worried.

>> No.2141792

Van Gogh just recreated nature's work as he saw it with a bit different colors and shapes.
If you see anime eyes when you look at people then I am somehow worried.

>> No.2141796

It's about integrity, using other people's compositions/lightings/set ups without giving proper credit. The absence of credit is just as bad as claiming it to be your own. Literally kronprinz supporters.

>> No.2141797

Van Gogh choose the composition, the style to show forms with hue change instead of value, everything is his creation.
Kyle googled a ready made photograph, some photographer had the idea, took the model, choose the composition and gesture and made the photograph,
Kyle took that, copied it with absolutely any change other than some mistakes here and there due to his inability and added a pair of symbol eyes which he probably
copied from somewhere and called it his drawing without even saying anything about the reference, think about why i don't consider Kyle's art his.

>> No.2141800


fuck you give us an actual link you fuckwads

>> No.2141801
File: 446 KB, 1000x740, photorealism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So photorealism isn't art, okay.

>> No.2141807
File: 1.89 MB, 236x224, 1381546091225.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one honestly thinks this "Kyle" guy is comparable to Van Gogh. Once "Kyle" has a painting sell for millions of dollars, you will be right and have a point.

Until then, you sound like the most pathetic juvenile little shit in the world. Seriously, you are fucking upset that some porn artist uses references without crediting the photographer.

THIS is the war you chose to wage.

THIS is the type of life you want to lead.

Fucking silly little man.

>> No.2141811

>without even saying anything about the reference

Some guy asked him, and Kyle said: ''This is a commission. The commissioner sent me a picture and wanted me to copy the pose exactly''.

This just reeks of buttmad jelly, you're just pulling assumptions out of your ass to shit talk him.

>thread about drawing with refs comes up on /ic/
>'Yeah nah brah ref is totally pro artists have been doin that shit forever, most people don't draw 100% from imagination'
>Kyle does it and he's a shit tier hack

>inb4 Kyle pls go hurr durr

No, this is exactly the reason why /ic/ is a shit hole, and why pro's don't come here.
Every shit tier beginner artist on /ic/ goes into full on butt bamboozled mode every time some one half way decent posts here.
How people can get this delusional and jealous is beyond me.

>> No.2141813

>This is not his drawing, there is nothing he's about it, the idea isn't his, the composition isn't his, the gesture isn't his, he just reproduce a photograph.

Yeah man, all those French classical painters that heavily relied on sight size method and using models/refs were fucking hacks man.

>> No.2141814


>> No.2141817

>''This is a commission. The commissioner sent me a picture and wanted me to copy the pose exactly''

That relates to the drawing in the OP, the drawing in question was not a commission, but something Kyle drew on his spare time for him self... so that makes the ref use even more retarded to argue about, really.

>> No.2141841
File: 430 KB, 987x1000, horsefucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /ic/
I could use some help with proportions here.
on the guy mostly but over all would be great.

>> No.2141844

Not really as he uploaded it on his gallery without saying anything about the reference not here as well effectively making it advertisement for his art.

>> No.2141849

Man, y'all need to quit yer bitchin' and post some artwork.

/ic/ Pissing & Moaning

>> No.2141851

I could offer a tentative 'redline', but I'm not without fault either. Interested?

>> No.2141857

i'm always open for as much help I can get ! Go for it friend!

>> No.2141865

That donkey is in dire need of leg muscles.

>> No.2141873

where? the upper thighs or more towards the hooves?

>> No.2141891

it''s not working and it's making me sad

>> No.2141904

he made a typo. it's kairunoburogu

>> No.2141936

You have to draw, draw and draw, and in the meantime possibly think about what and why you are drawing what you are drawing. That's the only way to build a great visual library.

>> No.2141942
File: 166 KB, 500x587, 1425741782398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> and in the meantime possibly think about what and why you are drawing what you are drawing

>> No.2141947

I think I made myself clear enough, even though ut sounds retarded.
I was talking about the fact that you have to understand what you are referencing form nature. Copying stuff will help him build a visual library, but it won't help him understand how things work for when he'll want to draw new stuff from imagination. He will be just able to recreate what he's already seen.

Drawing studies are called like that because you have to study what you are drawing and not simply recreate what you see.

>> No.2141950

Yeah, but I don't think that's enough. I can easily picture and understand what I want from what I learnt, but properly picturing it from "nothing" is different and way harder. Is the problem just coming from training or is there something else ? And what kind of training would help then ?

>> No.2141951

hmm i guess you meant in general, sure
i'll look at more horse anatomy and see where i misplaced the muscles

>> No.2141959

This is like neo-Alternative Art/Stylization General

Where everyones arguing instead of posting art
and people talking about kyle this and kyle that kyle selling a photo-study commission, kyle awful.
Does he need this much attention?

>> No.2141961
File: 12 KB, 250x260, 3629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shhh- let them talk about dicks and argue about pedos. that way we have our peace.
also we'll be safe from the evil king of thundertighs too.

>> No.2141965

Hm. I guess you lack the ability to picture stuff in your mind. If you close your eyes are you able to see a clear image of, let's say, a pose that you want to recreate? It doesn't have to be photographic memory of something you've already seen. Just an approximation of something you've already seen/experienced. Can you do that?

>> No.2141968

I guess I would have to try thinking about this. I always have had a "fuzzy" memory and even when I can "picture" a character I understand i doesn't remember at all about its look when I try to draw it, that may be the same, I think I picture it when I don't really.

How would you train that anyway ?

>> No.2141987


>> No.2141993
File: 481 KB, 2110x2110, IMG_20150612_210039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of my style? Anatomy?

>> No.2142000

do some gestures, draw some muscles for a better understand of form, understand light & how color works, look up artist styles you love/enjoy and see what they do to make theirs appealing, then make your style appealing.

see you in a couple months, hope you improve greatly studying

>> No.2142002

This is why I don't buy commissions from digital stylized-realism artists. You never know whether they just traced the shit and added bigger eyes, or if they actually did it legitimately

>> No.2142011

unfinished not enough to even tell what you're trying to do

WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK?! that head is too big, LOOMIS! even babies have a 2 head size proportion to their torso this thing has one what abomination is this?

looks like you super imposed the head from the previous Dragon's Crown pic onto this one, once again head is way to large (yes even in this perspective)

>> No.2142017

it's too large for adult or young adult proportions but i'm pretty sure he's going for something entirely else. like some beast shota thing.
that being said it is a little too large, it's barely acceptable though

>> No.2142018
File: 1.75 MB, 500x600, 1414903119523.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2142020
File: 307 KB, 1369x1183, 1434744084857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be new here.

>> No.2142023

You must be retarded here

>> No.2142030
File: 529 KB, 1032x585, cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is absolutely nothing wrong with using references.

>> No.2142031

Who is this smug jug cumming bug?

>> No.2142038

Reminder to hide all mikufag threads; both this thread and the stylisation thread, to enhance your browsing experience on this mongolian etch-a-sketch autodidactic board.

>> No.2142041
File: 8 KB, 250x238, 1434645039414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people hate mikufriend? Does anyone have an image recap of stupid stuff he did/does? Is mikufriend a meme I'm not aware of?

>> No.2142042
File: 64 KB, 720x540, tumblr_nnxsp14UmR1rx1zuco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2142068
File: 191 KB, 1024x768, cks6,.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing but this for now

what do you guys think about render style and general feel, I really want to change her eye to something simple but I'm not sure what shape.

changed linework again, her right boob is bigger and lines are bit thinner.

>> No.2142070

>thread about drawing with refs comes up on /ic/
>'Yeah nah brah ref is totally pro artists have been doin that good forever, most people don't draw 100% from imagination'
>Kyle does it and he's a good tier hack
"Only Jaime Jones and Craig Mullins are allowed to use reference, everyone else is a noob who needs to keep drawing cubes with round brush" -by anon, who probably doesn't even read this thread.

>> No.2142073

He's a /pol/ drawfag who uses google photos for his poses and doesn't want to learn the loomis way.

He also uses the beloved Squidgirl as his sole porn actress. He needs to quit putting my waifu in a bad light you piece of fucking shit.

>> No.2142078
File: 357 KB, 1147x816, whatisanatomy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I could use a little help with the over all piece.

I'm having a hard time getting the face just right and the volume and mass of the cock just isnt working out right,

I cant really seem to get the lips to appear like they are wrapped around a huge hog

>> No.2142085

>He also uses the beloved Squidgirl as his sole porn actress. He needs to quit putting my waifu in a bad light you piece of fucking shit.

I'm not the one you should be worried about.



>> No.2142086

He's posted his comics here before. I thought that was you too

>> No.2142087


I'd concur on changing the eyes, but in general I like it.

>> No.2142088
File: 1.72 MB, 500x415, 1431369734246.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is a namefag AND a tripfag
>Is pro 3DPD, making it a normie scum
>Actually thinking jaime Jews and Cragg Milton is good

Opinion disregarded, you belong here >>>/Leddit/

nothing was lost, Squidgirl Was a shite anime anyways.

>> No.2142090
File: 81 KB, 200x200, Max bait.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please take the bait

>> No.2142097

The quotes elude you, friend. Please retake comprehension exam.

>> No.2142147
File: 353 KB, 1197x1018, a9e84b739b2d09d0f21b543838319278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to keep track of six alt versions in one sai file is a shitshow waiting to happen

>> No.2142149
File: 235 KB, 1638x1229, cks622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's her anatomy? she's supposed to be slightly chubby chun-li

>> No.2142164
File: 126 KB, 612x627, 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the low torso is still too short.

>> No.2142170

arms are a little funky, and the bottom part of the pelvis seems to end a little short

>> No.2142179
File: 893 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy has fairly small hands and feet. His arms and legs are spindly too.

How's my tentacle monster-girl?

>> No.2142183
File: 40 KB, 500x668, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's her cooch, maybe you should fix it a bit more. Try to harmonize the whole figure into something well balanced.

>> No.2142192

there's no anatomy there..

>> No.2142198

try doing a side view of this position to get an idea of what you're trying to do, then redo this pose. the issue is foreshortening, i think.

>> No.2142229
File: 286 KB, 637x811, horsefucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I tried adding more muscle to the horse legs and thickening up the limbs of the man

>>How's my tentacle monster-girl?

I'm not much of an expert in art but her breasts look a little off.

>> No.2142232
File: 365 KB, 800x725, Fairie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to work on line weight

>> No.2142237

>copying the body of a 30 year old hag as a reference for a drawing of a child
Why do people do this? It looks fucking weird. The proportions should be adapted.

>> No.2142243

Pedophile detected

>> No.2142246

Are you joking? He posts his references when asked.

>> No.2142253

The hand needs to be bigger

>> No.2142263
File: 51 KB, 800x800, 7-5-2015 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how am I doing on the chub's belly?

>> No.2142268
File: 74 KB, 201x265, 1435480606857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn how the human body works before attempting any porn.

>> No.2142270

Bad. Her bellybutton shouldn't look saggy.

>> No.2142286
File: 424 KB, 1440x2560, IMG_20150705_145853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to get back in the groove.


>> No.2142322

Time to discover that loli is about keeping the body ratio of a child while making it sexy like a woman. If anything there isn't so much difference between legal loli and petite woman in Japan because of the manga style.

>> No.2142337

looks good gabe

>> No.2142434
File: 93 KB, 1305x485, academic research.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for critiques before I start cleaning it up. I know that it doesn't quite match up to their positions in the original, though.

>> No.2142439


>> No.2142444

Maybe the ankles could be a bit thinner.

>> No.2142507
File: 96 KB, 800x800, 7-5-2015 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im having issues on how much fat causes the skin to stretch. I found a method to make the bottom portion of the belly from looking as if its over hanging, but i'm probably wrong

>> No.2142546

Butt position seems off to me, more put it more to the right and have it less at an angle? Might just be me.
As anon said, hand is too small.
Forehead and nonface skull seems a bit small to me personally, depends on style I suppose.
Also that male has a real tiny waist.

>> No.2142553

It looks like a toy with removable limbs, you literally have no mass to move those legs. It's not the anatomy is bad, it's absent.

>> No.2142554
File: 317 KB, 700x500, equine-lateral-superficial-musculature-anatomy[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.2142609


>> No.2142616
File: 340 KB, 1639x1229, ckst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it should be like this, not exactly side but I don't think it looks that odd, first pic don't have the hand bending her arm since I wanted to make her anatomy look ok first.

>> No.2142624

the legs seem a little short and seem to be on different planes

>> No.2142625

>It looks like a toy with removable limbs, you literally have no mass to move those legs. It's not the anatomy is bad, it's absent.

Thanks for the picture, I'll see if I can fix it!

>> No.2142627

on the original or side sketch?

>> No.2142631

the "side" sketch

>> No.2142633
File: 548 KB, 960x640, Kamille_Thumbs_Up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The hand needs to be bigger
Okay noted, I thought it was alittle on the small side.

>Butt position seems off to me, more put it more to the right and have it less at an angle? Might just be me.
>Forehead and nonface skull seems a bit small to me personally, depends on style I suppose.
>Also that male has a real tiny waist.

Okay, yeah I was working off of reference and I couldnt really tell how her butt was so i'll give it a fix
I'll put in those changes on my next pass.

>> No.2142645

ok I can see the right leg is off on the original one

>> No.2142672
File: 396 KB, 1638x1229, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this look any better?

>> No.2142677

now its the right leg and pelvis. starting to look better anon.

>> No.2142725
File: 70 KB, 730x1000, suchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. This is okay.

>> No.2142751
File: 272 KB, 1638x1229, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2142786
File: 163 KB, 846x811, 1388070252452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2142803
File: 320 KB, 1441x1200, zulhz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some rough loli sketches from the past 20 minutes. would love some criticism/suggestions

>inb4 pedo scum

>> No.2142809

Nice hands.

>> No.2142812

i only do hands on sketches i decide to finish and color. which i probably won't do with any of these since i don't really like them.

>> No.2142814

sorry replied to myself >>2142812

>> No.2142836

guys what do i do when i just cant draw anything

>> No.2142863

you give up and die

>> No.2142866

thats harsh

>> No.2142874

Would recommend studying form more, and how to draw heads and hands.

>> No.2142898

Trying to copy a shit artist is not gonna go well.

>> No.2142907
File: 304 KB, 1578x983, andshefarts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left foot is bent strange

>> No.2142919

>but Kyle doesn't help anyone

>> No.2142928
File: 230 KB, 1268x872, 6d0d6f76f510b9ebd166678b640540cb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo level with me. Do I actually have a recognizable style or did you just see the inks during a stream or something. I never feel like I have any sort of recognizable patterns in my smuts.

>> No.2142931
File: 85 KB, 841x1023, yougot5minutes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wip, is there a lot of shortstack artists? I think this is a niche I'd could fill.

not that anon, but it's you linework and meaty figures.

>> No.2142953


Your linework and proportions are recognizable.

>> No.2142957
File: 29 KB, 480x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

READ THE STICKY, Keep grinding, copy as many drawings, try to draw from imagination, boost your visual library, keep practicing, study from others who has the experience,once you finally learned how to draw, do it again, just do it!

>> No.2142962

Start working on landscapes, start with mountain ranges. Study mtg art if you can't find a nice mountain.

If you're a beginner who sucks you should read the damn sticky.

>> No.2142968

And draw them so they look happy.

>> No.2142975

>Midna with cowtits
I think there's a couple mainstream ones, like Incase, but it's not like the market is especially oversaturated.

>> No.2142984
File: 286 KB, 800x1200, Daily-NSFW-020-Sister_Love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what happens when you spend waay too much time on a sketch. Sry about the mirror faces lol.

>> No.2142986

>sister love

From BBC to incest? Christ, man. You're pretty good though I'll give you that.

>> No.2142994

Are your guy characters this feminine on purpose? The women have elongated palms.

>> No.2143006

He or she usually draws black male characters so emphasis on the lips I imagine carries over intentionally or not. They're not really "exaggerated" I'd say but even going out of the way to draw them at all is kind of eye-catching for better or worse and kind of gives off a somewhat feminine appearance.

>> No.2143008

>implying incest isn't the most anti-degenerate relationship which was practiced by Zoroastrians, the followers of the first monotheistic religion on Earth and basically as close as being redpilled as one could be back then
>comparing it to BBC and cuckoldry
Shame on you.

>> No.2143009

Well I like his dick sucking lips on his males it adds a lot of character as if they're some stuck up rich pretty boy from Beverly hills.

>> No.2143020

Is it just me or are those legs horribly broken?

>> No.2143030

Since when are DSL a characteristic of stuck up rich boys?

>> No.2143037

Just you, fagballs.

>> No.2143048

you're the only artist who does muscular men so well on this board... and maybe in the western porn industry. I find your shapes and designs incredibly appealing, even if im not sexually attracted to your characters (being straight is hard)

>> No.2143063
File: 310 KB, 1000x1000, Daily-SFW-021-Diligent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Balls aren't touching

Pretty much nailed it. But it also has to do with me giving all my chars my own features (thick lips). Bad habit I guess. It's the second time now that someone mentions this as being a throw off.

Also. Reall didn't know what to do with the guys hands (not covering those legs and ass, no waay).

>> No.2143069

Man your shit's real good, the lips on the male add something unique to them.

>> No.2143077


>> No.2143085

>you're the only artist who does muscular men so well on this board

That's literally a matter of taste. His muscular men are exaggerated to the point of hilarity. Most of them look like Arnold in his body building prime.

>> No.2143088

>Do I actually have a recognizable style
Look at your art and what you're putting out in your given field. Nobody really draws like you dude.

>> No.2143092

Your linework is pretty unique, yeah. In terms of fluidity and lineweight it reminds me of sunibees, but you have a different visual library I guess.

>> No.2143106

well, to be fair, not like guys with lips are anything special.

>> No.2143109

I think so too. Having lips is pretty common imo.

>> No.2143111

Your drawings looks nothing like I ever saw in the porn industry, your style is easily the most recognizable of the thread.

>> No.2143132

I don't think it's a throw-off really it gives the male character a youthful appearance in contrast to the brutal middle aged warrior-elf-nigga you've posted there.

>> No.2143137

Link to your page pls I lost my bookmarks.

>> No.2143142

I understand that myself, but some people find it feminine or something.

>> No.2143144

>incest is illegal
>cuckoldry isn't
checkmate I guess

>> No.2143150

>black guys with big lips

>> No.2143164


3DPD no matter what happens never stop posting on /ic/, it's one of the reasons I love coming here.

>> No.2143173

There are different ways to draw lips.

>> No.2143178
File: 137 KB, 634x845, article-2692127-1FA4785400000578-386_634x845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously with white guys it's different, the two groups have different standards of masculinity.

It's normal for black people to have big ass bongo lips and it doesn't look feminine at all on them as they have thick complimentary features like wide noses, pronounced eyebrow ridges, protruding jaws and so on. White men whom we see as extremely masculine conversely will have thinner lips and features in general like Jason Statham.

When looking from within the same race an otter-mode 20-something white guy like Justin Bieber with a thin neck, small nose, somewhat pronounced lips and unblemished body will obviously have a soft, youthful and relatively "feminine" appearance in contrast to someone like Mel Gibson with his thin turtle lips, thick frame, blocky profile and potato nose.

>> No.2143192
File: 334 KB, 700x1000, 1435930678419-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is this artist?

>> No.2143197

You know who it is stop acting stupid.

>> No.2143198

reverse search gives nothing

>> No.2143238

wow ur such a faggot.

>> No.2143248

HEY, i'm that anon from a couple days back who gave you all the feedback on having more interaction/intimacy/touching between characters

i think this piece works the way it is, posing wise, cause wile he's not really touching her, he's still actually doin somethin with his hands, like, he's holding them up in that kinna "i feeel the power" which adds to the whole leveling up joke, it works p well, got a decent giggle outta me, keep up da gud work m8

>> No.2143263
File: 380 KB, 1000x1000, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, thanks for the comment.

Also. I decided the pose wasn't powerful/passionate/intimate enough so I redrew the sketch.

>> No.2143266
File: 38 KB, 280x311, 1371407909510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chill you're selve

>> No.2143268

just passing through, might i suggest the male's face points forward or slightly upward to accentuate the action and shape of the character, his jaw stretched widely open as well

>> No.2143269

Y his hair fall off tho

>> No.2143270

These are just rough sketches. Still haven't decided what the guy will look like.

>> No.2143271

>tfw your rough sketches are better than anything I could possibly bring to completion

You should just go to hell and stay there you big gay butt hole!

>> No.2143277


I should probably make a tumblr at some point

>> No.2143279

If it makes you feel better, I think sketching is my best asset.
Also, stop crying, man up and start pissing some blood during your art training, instead of being a sissy.

>> No.2143287

for how long have you been drawing, bbc?

>> No.2143288

Part time 10 years. Full time 5.
Drawing in general since I can remember.

>> No.2143311

lookin nice, but her arm touchin his forearm is really nice but unfortunately it's not possible :c

her forearm can't really bend behind the back like that, a decent rule of thumb is that the forearm can't rotate past being perpendicular to the ribcage, that's why to reach behind the back you have to move the whole upper arm/elbow back with it (or just have the upper arm lifting up so that the forearm is naturally positioned upwards)

for animation you always wanna act out the actual movement of your character to better get an understanding of the timing but it also helps you avoid impossible posing so i also feel it's a good little trick for any type of drawing

>> No.2143322

Thanks for the analysis: i was aware that I was pushing the anatomy to the extreme with that arm, but I thought I could "sell it". I guess I failed.
I'll try a different approach.

>> No.2143325

Maybe she could have her hand on his hand.

>> No.2143351
File: 576 KB, 938x1500, stacked_midna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the greatest, but it's been a while since I've painted.

>> No.2143392


Isn't this that digital fingerpainting

>> No.2143416

that where the fucker learned most his tricks from


>> No.2143418

To an Anon that said the impression of cute is difficult to do in Animu I am sorry I take back what I said about it being easy I mean it's easy but the things that make it work have to be ridiculously exact and accurate you where right all it took was for one line to be off and the whole thing would look bad.

>> No.2143426


>> No.2143428

Autistic celebrity photocopies are never art.

>> No.2143439

>posts an image where the guy literally just took a photo, recorded him smudging and erasing it and then uploaded the recording in backwards onto youtube

Jesus fucking christ the amount of dumbcunts he fools with his shit boggles my mind.

>> No.2143454

I just enjoy seeing you do something besides the nigger comics.

>> No.2143468

>that where the fucker learned most his tricks from
I sense jelly.

>> No.2143487

How do you stop your penis from flooding your pants with pre cum when making lewds

Whenever i draw porn i have to prepare 2 pairs of pants just in case.
Do you guys wear condoms or be completely nude when you draw lewds

>> No.2143505

Nigga just draw fat asses and thighs huge tits donut assholes and ship everything popular show/game, throw in some nezumi/.pen. but don't detail it to much make it lewd n cute.

Anyone can be sunibee

>> No.2143528

Carefully position toilet paper where needed, like a diaper. Much more comfortable than a condom, less awkward than drawing in the nude.

>> No.2143562
File: 621 KB, 1200x1600, Insomnia pet 838 - heavy swelling++++hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Followed the advice of toning the use of texture down, switched off the base texture for the body color.

>> No.2143563
File: 1.22 MB, 267x200, 5124002+_439a747617a4d842dbefe662c3f6f10c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2143565

W-what is that?

>> No.2143570
File: 1.05 MB, 1400x1049, image - 16d302f7a8860edac1d5e2d4f4276a60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks more alive now, i think your problem is that you apply the same amount of texture everywhere, remember texture is shown a lot more on the parts of the skin where light falls most, in the shaded area there
is little to no texture usually. If you want to know more about it download the book color and light by james gurney, there is a part where he talks about this more indepth.

>> No.2143572

>Anyone can be sunibee
Anyone with enough talent and/or training, yes.
Please stop sounding like a train made of jelly.

>> No.2143581

Well, then, Sunibee us Megaman or Tron Bonne from Megaman Legends.
See how well you do.

>> No.2143584

>It's the second time now that someone mentions this as being a throw off.

I considered saying something earlier. It's one thing that everything you draw has big lips, but you keep drawing them as if they're pouting. It kinda limits both the character designs and the range of expressions you draw.
The resting position for lips isn't pouty.

>> No.2143599

Do you think any of my characters is in a situation where their lips would be in a resting position. I just don't see it that way. Anyway, I see what you are saying. Will try to differentiate the expressions more while trying to keep the sexy/lewd appeal.

>> No.2143600

The kind of shit furries get off to.

>> No.2143603

But I am a furry... as in liking furry porn.

2nding on liking the lips on niggerpornanon's males.

>> No.2143607
File: 282 KB, 283x320, aye.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes jelly ur jelly IM JELLY!

>> No.2143608

>Do you think any of my characters is in a situation where their lips would be in a resting position.
Yes. You often seem to replace it with pouting.

>> No.2143633

>Sunibee us Megaman or Tron Bonne from Megaman Legends.

They would looks disgusting in Sunibee's style. The anatomy and proportions would be too bastardized.

>> No.2143635

Yeah, I do that intentionally to convey pleasure, plus it makes faces more appealing (at least with girls). I think drawing lips in a resting position while being excited is a wrong thing to do. I agree on the fact that I use this expression too often.

>> No.2143638

Like that's the point lol. Do you even brain?

>> No.2143639

>Yeah, I do that intentionally to convey pleasure, plus it makes faces more appealing.
Which is probably why it looks so weird, as pouting doesn't convey pleasure.
Regardless, I think we've exhausted this topic, so I'll stop now.

>> No.2143674

>plus it makes faces more appealing (at least with girls)
I find full lips on 2D extremely bad, it's just taste at this point so nothing to really argue about, but i really don't like them,
i prefer simple lines, and especially if they do the stupid lip biting thing i immediately run a gutmann pass on it.

>> No.2143686

Not the guy you're talking to, but I tend to agree. However, it depends. A lot of cartoon/animu artists who draw lips tend to exaggerate them, but they can look good when drawn in a more subtle way. I've been experimenting with this over the past few months, and it's hard to get right, as simplicity and line economy can actually add to the expressive range in certain styles.

>> No.2143699

I think indicating with a bit of color or line the lower lip while leaving the upper lip with a line works fine, having both lips the same size for me is a big turnoff.

>> No.2143703

So I guess we all agree that talking about lips size is not a critique, but simply a matter of personal preference. I can live with that.

>> No.2143706

It's an aesthetic critic if anything, but it doesn't really mean anything on such a small opinion poll.

>> No.2143727

I would call it an opinion about aesthetics and not a critique.

>> No.2143750

Not that guy, but my biggest problem with lips in many styles, is the fact that they seem to be based on lowest common denomiantor sex appeal. You know, the same thing porn stars and vapid whores go for when they pump their lips full of silicone. The same goes for impossibly large tits, or overexaggerated proportions. The aesthetics are tossed out the window in favor of caricatured sexual features.

>> No.2143778

fuck you all
just fuck you all

>> No.2143780

>fucking people on a porn thread

>> No.2143784
File: 117 KB, 800x800, 7-6-2015 1 FIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im having issues with the drawing on the right where the pussy bump and stomach meet. the left drawing's left arm is also an issue

>> No.2143794

Learn your fundamentals. When you've learned them, come back and we'll give you some hepful critique. Right now you look just like a really bad troll.

>> No.2143800

Why don't you ever listen to what people have been saying to you?

>> No.2143858

If I'm understanding what you're asking right, then yes, it is.

>> No.2143911
File: 102 KB, 1024x768, cks6nf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's her body? I've changed the proportions a bit, I want to simplify the eyes but still keep it sexy, idk whats the proccess for anime stuff so still experimenting.

Also inverted nipples yes or no?

>> No.2143930
File: 157 KB, 465x372, gabrielle-drake-gay-ellis-changing-ufo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2143941

mainly two things bother me:
boobs in that pose don't look like that and
the totally generic animu face doesn't fit at all to the that body

>> No.2143948

This is my personal opinion of course, but inverted nipples are hot as fuck. If you want to compromise then have the nipples themselves peeking out, so be visible but don't actually protrude from the areola.
About the eyes, if you want to base it on hentai, just look on sadpanda and "study" the eyes of some popular artists(e.g. Number2, Seura Isago, Yamatogawa, Takeda Hiromitsu, Mochi, ShindoL, Muchiero, Amaterasou, Ed, Katsurai Yoshiaki, Sian, etc.) and some regular anime/manga stuff(Murata, Yakubi, etc.). Also older hentai OVAs and anime like Bible Black and Sexfriend, Kita, etc.

>> No.2144013

>tfw I saw some one with a kirino shirt today

>> No.2144026

I actually have long list of my favourite hentai artists, some of them are shinozaki rei, chirimaya, orutoro, karma tatsurou, jingrock, nishi iori, doi sakazaki, asanagi.
& po-ju, katou jun, shiroo, kishinosato satoshi for some gay stuff

amongst these asanagi, jingrock, doi sakazaki & nishi iori have amazing volume, its almost like they're drawing in 3d, I'd love to get on that level of understanding but it looks like I need to put a lot of time. Also karma tatsurou&shinozaki rei have quite great eyes going on imo. I'll check your suggestions now, I know some of them like seishoujo.

should I make her left boob rounder? can you redline what you mean? I know the face doesn't look that good but I'm trying to make something simple&just werks, tho right now it really look soulless & doesnt fit that well like you said.

>> No.2144138
File: 127 KB, 1024x768, boobehs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my fist time redlining mind you
yes, you should've made the boobs rounder. they'd only look like this if she'd be lying on her back, the weight on the ribcage.
also, the boobs are big and so rather heavy, which enhances the...boob crease
i also drew a face to show how the face could be altered to fit the body type.
more angular face shape, smaller eyes, more space between nose and mouth.
i hope this helps

>> No.2144142

>I actually have long list of my favourite hentai artists, some of them are shinozaki rei, chirimaya, orutoro, karma tatsurou, jingrock, nishi iori, doi sakazaki, asanagi.
>& po-ju, katou jun, shiroo, kishinosato satoshi for some gay stuff
that's quite the list. you need much much better anatomy to get there.

>> No.2144263
File: 324 KB, 856x853, horsefucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've taken more of your critique into account and I've tried to add more mass and muscle to the bodies.

>> No.2144293
File: 102 KB, 1024x768, cks63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think her eyes/face is done, I'm probably going to use these eyes, they're simple&close to what I want. also her boobs look better now I think, I'm going to call it over and start coloring, I didN't want her to have such big boobs but they look better than I expected.

>> No.2144308
File: 276 KB, 1000x889, set_them_free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I posted the WIP of this in a porn thread a while ago. I put inks on it and gave her clothes a while ago. Nothing hardcore. I still have a lot of junk to practice.

>> No.2144313
File: 1.03 MB, 2000x3008, 1412099650643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad but please draw the rest of the breast in even if they're small

I don't think there's enough fat on this frame for there to be a huge horizontal crease like that

also the body is WAY too small where you have the vagina starting should actually be where the bottom of the belly rest

>> No.2144343
File: 7 KB, 255x220, wu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is that like a butt golem or

>> No.2144496

that's so beautiful. if only i could paint that well. and i don't even like semen blasting from asses

>> No.2144612

is she a feminist?

>> No.2144628

Blog/tumblr for the OP artist? I really love the color and shading.

>> No.2144631
File: 347 KB, 1062x1484, caravaggio24a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caravaggio and other masters used reference models for their paintings. Are you saying they're shit, too?

>> No.2144635

supposed to be abusive mother, rounded her eyes a bit for more motherly look but probably wont pust until I'm ok with the coloring.

>> No.2144641
File: 245 KB, 1600x1200, Insomnia bunny 429- anus slug++.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, just a bunny with furless body and an extra butt because he demonic overlord though he didn't have enough booty.

>> No.2144643

Ya me too! Sauce op?

>> No.2144644


That is some Silent Hill tier shit man. Holy fuck.

>> No.2144647

How much do you get paid for that?

>> No.2144660


>> No.2144662


>> No.2144664

Thanks, nigga.

>> No.2144739

shitposted on 4chan

>> No.2144742

Personally I like the contrast between face and body. However, I'd spread her facial features out vertically a bit and widen her mouth slightly

>> No.2144763

For the purpose of masturbating to, definitely.

>> No.2144772

is kantai collection a good thing to draw porn of ?

>> No.2144779
File: 231 KB, 937x838, New Canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I wanna thank ya'll for your help with my previous pictures.

So I was hoping you can help me again.

I'm using reference but I'm having a very hard time getting the torso and such to look decent

and the arm is giving me some trouble.

any help would be great and appreciated

>> No.2144785

I don't know, mang. I masturbated to Bernini's shit a few times.

>> No.2144786
File: 1.51 MB, 1270x1800, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk shit about kantai collection but fapped to this and few other stuff in there for countless times so you figure.

>> No.2144787
File: 216 KB, 745x858, flyhorsefly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd do something about the section of the back where human meets horse. I can see you adapted the neck muscles of the horse to lead into her back, but she's as wide there as she is in the widest part of the horse section, which makes the already small horse body look even smaller. And it's basically a hump on a girl in a porn image. I'd try making it more concave than convex, consider how the spine would go.

Also, I thought you made the horse part small for appeal, so I didn't mention it, but now I notice the man has longer legs than her.
I'm not saying to redo the picture, but as a personal opinion, if I drew this, I'd keep the human-horse proportions realistic and either make him a goliath or something, or go towards comedy and put him on a stool or have him straddling her, with his weight thrown forward and his knees bent forward on her sides, with his butt sticking out as he humps her. Always try making the picture interesting.

And I don't know where a vagina is located on a horse, but his hips seem positioned for anal, not sure if intentional.

I admire your perseverance, this is not an easy thing to construct.

Your front legs now seem to bend in the wrong direction, and they still look like they only start at the bottom of the torso, with a pseudo great trochanter (which horses don't have as far as I know) jutting away from the body. (This might not show without construction lines, but stll) See my shitty picture for visuals. I don't know horse anatomy, this is just the general placement of vague masses.

I'd draw you a redline, but I'm shit, so I won't.

>> No.2144806
File: 1.97 MB, 500x208, tumblr_inline_nqizveWY5F1rzxab9_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay wow, thanks for the advice,

tbh, I've never drawn many centaurs before so I'm really just looking how others have done it so I am half winging it. But I get a lot of requests for my one Centaur OC I drew once for a 30 day monster challenge.

I'm working on other things today, but I wanted to reply to you ASAP to let you know that I read this.

I'm okay with reconstructing the picture as it's really still in it's rough stages!

>> No.2144808

also, no idea what buccy is

>> No.2144845

its like debussy but not really

>> No.2144855
File: 489 KB, 2000x1200, insomnia beast 630 - hairy imp+++++.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing, most things i draw aren't commissions, commissions run around 100$ recently.
Often more because of multiple characters.
But because of the people i live with, i can't draw nightmare-porn whenever i want.

>> No.2144921
File: 7 KB, 160x173, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did it

>> No.2144932

I would love to see you work sometime. You should stream how you do some of this!

Good work. I love bizarre stuff, and yours takes the cake.

>> No.2144951
File: 58 KB, 600x600, 1351741878493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with
Also feel that pain of not being able to draw obscure stuff.

>> No.2144978


>> No.2145015

The horns lack precum.

>> No.2145016
File: 287 KB, 900x636, hilda 3.6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a commission and it's going bleh.
Crit, please!

>> No.2145038
File: 182 KB, 750x529, 35673568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2145066
File: 806 KB, 1559x1610, Head proportions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You make the cranial mass of the head a little to large, and at the same time push the facial features down, giving them a long face.

Push the jaw up, until the bottom of the cranium is close to the opening of the mouth.

Also giving people slightly open mouths makes them look like drooling retards.

>> No.2145074
File: 39 KB, 500x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to rub one out to these

>> No.2145078
File: 1.04 MB, 1440x6480, Insomnia bunny 265 - pubic pet 1-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do stream but very infrequently

i keep the recordings but since i have no place to upload them to, not the upload bandwidth to seriously consider publishing them all, i only have very few processed like this:

>> No.2145080

Aw, shucks. But that tells me nothing about what's wrong with the picture.

>> No.2145141

please stop posting this.

>> No.2145150
File: 323 KB, 900x636, hilda 3.6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me this is getting better and not worse...

>> No.2145165

Yes, go on.

>> No.2145244

Have i missed something ?

BTW, boogies big on the shortstacks.
Meaconscientia.tumblr.com is where he's at.
There's other's but I can't remember off the top of my head.

>> No.2145429

anyone? I mean I know it's bad but, i mean thats why im here

>> No.2145448

buttsmithy. Look it up.

>> No.2145450

does this even bump anymore? or is it time for a new thread?

>> No.2145467
File: 68 KB, 800x600, butt academia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feet are hard

>> No.2145480

There would still be two of the same threads, everyone is too spooked to use the other one. If we make another one there would be three of them.


>> No.2145563

oh cmon
just let that shitpost magnet die

>> No.2145582
File: 364 KB, 1069x1000, 002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some help here. I was going for a manga style (symbols n stuff), but can't seem to nail the guy's appearance. I think the wolf lady looks ok, but the dude is really too westernized. Do you have any advice how to fix this?

>> No.2145585

Also, thanks to the anon who suggested to change the guy's head position.

>> No.2145591

is there any tool to blend colors in manga studio like sai?

>> No.2145604
File: 42 KB, 297x567, ori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Color mixing.

>> No.2145628

well fuck me for not seeing that, thank you very much anon

>> No.2145669
File: 436 KB, 800x600, 1431797801008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit man, you got a tumblr or something? Your shit's real good, keep it up!

>> No.2145677

Make the guy a faceless fat bald man and you have perfect doujin material.

>> No.2145698


He has to be a muscular soldier/grunt.
I am not asking for suggestions about how to change the guy. I want to change the stylization and make the same type of guy look more mangaish.

>> No.2145744
File: 12 KB, 260x200, 1425064481930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good shit man, love your stuff so far.

>> No.2145853

you just cant stop it dont you ?

>> No.2145866
File: 440 KB, 689x1100, omake_09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2145870

Lower his muscle definition, change his hair, smaller jaw, change body hair style.
That's all I can offer based on your sketch.

>> No.2145906

i think you should resurface for a while

>> No.2145909

I have no intention in stopping posting my tumblr if people ask. Care to explain why should I?

and b4 crickets sound

>> No.2145911

Nice. I would never have thought about some of this stuff.

>> No.2145913

It's pretty obvious to me, just look at why the chick and guy look so strikingly different.

>> No.2145914

my nigger

>> No.2145916

Not sure what you are talking about, since the line style is the same. The only mayor difference that I can see is the less symbolized guy (mainly bacause of the extreme angle of his face).
I understand I should tone down the details of the musculature. I was just wondering if you guys have some specific pointers on how to do that.

>> No.2146040
File: 173 KB, 500x533, 1420768630068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try simplifying the masses of his hair where it is thickest. His head hair, beard and chest would be a good start. Make those solid masses rather than individual hairs.

Pic related, kind of what I'm talking about.

>> No.2146214

The progress is definitely at your pace, which is very good, but I'm having a hard time trying to identify what emotion your trying to convey with this.

Is this a woman now tired of the world she's been immersed in for so long and finds sex, boring now? Is this a mother having seconds thoughts about turning her body to the world for everyone to see, unable to cope with society's standard of beauty? Is this a woman regretting growing up a woman, and ponders the life a man lives, and wonders, is it too late to change?

Where are we in this picture? Are we to assume we're standing in the emptiness of her imagination, or is she standing in a lush forest taking in the brisk, morning October air as the leaves on the redwoods rustle several feet above her head?

I applaud your efforts in taking steps to refine this piece, but it's missing something. The picture alone, does not carry enough substance in it to convey a proper emotion.

With all due respect, she looks like she's just standing there, bored, completely fed up with something. But what is she fed up about, if she's even fed up at all?

We often forget to tell a story with our illustrations. We worry so much about how pretty it is, like a child showing off their illustrations to their parents and friends.

A story- even a small one created in our minds, will help set the tone for the drawing, the right emotion captured, the right expression drawn, the right mood apparent and on display.

I know this won't help much, but I hope to some extent, it will help you better capture the essence in your next piece. Good luck.

>> No.2146222

Thanks! Will try to use this reference and what you said.while redrawing the illustration.

>> No.2146229

I'm not sure if you're still looking for advice on your piece, but perhaps leaving the piece with a mix of "western and anime" works well here.

I can sense a form of anger coming from the wolf girl, but maybe she's too angry. She looks like she's thinking, "Fuck this. I gave up a night resting on the cliff overlooking the coast, hoping to catch the yellow-buttered moon crack over the horizon -something so beautiful- for this?"

The male character seems relieved, instead of grossly overpowered and in control. The yank on her tail assures us of some form of dominance, but the look on the wolf girl's face, slightly diminishes what you were, or still are, trying to accomplish with the mood in this piece.

There's no immediate danger present, with all due respect. Referring to your initial question, I don't see there being a problem with this mix of "styles". I find it rather interesting, actually.

The face on the male character expresses closure. The wolf girl's expression however, leaves us wondering what could have been.

I hope this helps in whatever little amount it can.

>> No.2146242

Yes, feet can be at times difficult to draw, but not with the right kind of reference material at your disposal.

Let's examine this more closely. Do you see, how on the character forced down to the ground to our left, her right foot seem thinner?

Do you see how the other forced character to the ground, shares the same correctable mistake?

If we're under the impression he, or she, is wearing boots, do you see how most of your creative efforts were put into making the crotch area look very pleasing on both characters, but you neglected to carry that effort to the feet?

Study your reference picture again. And remember to stay consistent throughout your entire drawing. You can't make some parts of your drawings pretty, and then drop the ball on the rest of the illustration.

Stay consistent. I hope this helps you.

>> No.2146250

Great analysis! I'm correcting stuff at the moment (also, streaming if anybody wants to drop by and comment the corrections live) and will most definitely think about these issues, since I quite agree with what you said.

>> No.2146260

Although the work is still "in progress", please be sure to establish your light source early, and often.

If this scene is happening inside of a hut, away from the peering eyes of the public and perhaps, even the king himself, establish your shadows correctly now, and this will be an amazing mood projected. The look on her face deserves that kind of attention to shadow detail.

You may also want to look at the positioning of the vaginal opening. It seems a little too low, and if it is correctable at this stage in your digital painting, please plan to do so. Her anal opening is located roughly around that area, so perhaps, you were wanting to create an anal scene subconsciously, instead? There's nothing with that, too.

Keep in mind how gravity works with even the smallest of breasts (anything under a full B cup will still have some light gravitational pull downwards). You can also establish a sense of motion, with the drawing standing still.

There are also a few perspective errors like her left leg and her left arm, but it's still too early in the piece to critique. They are however, still early in the piece to fix.

I can't wait to see the look on the king's face when he finds his chevalier daughter like this, the drapes flung open on a hut located across the battlefield, quietly servicing his army in secret, two maybe even three soldiers at a time, tirelessly keeping up morale during the arduous grinding of the gears of war.

I hope this helps. Good luck.

>> No.2146269

With all works in progress, we often leave our imaginations to play in volumes, and that hinders us to study our reference picture.

If you are drawing this from reference, study your reference photo closely. If it's possible, overlap your drawing over the reference photo again. There are correctable perspective mistakes at play here, which is why you find the arms in the drawing, off.

Her mischievous facial expression is warranted no doubt, however, her smile could do without the tongue sticking out. It's just a personal opinion, but I'd take it out. It makes the look on her face, too comical. Again, just my opinion.

Please be sure to take a look at her breasts as well, the tendon lines on her inner thighs, and other correctable points you can still change.

She looks like she's having fun, especially with that enormous dick pushing up inside of her.

Your mood is correct, just change a few things and you'll be all set. Good luck.

>> No.2146270

You're quite welcome. Good luck.

>> No.2146279

Sister and bother at play, while mom and dad are out for the night? He looks shocked, with no where to run, embarrassed but curious.

With due respect, I feel the female character is largely overpowering in this piece, and perhaps, that's what you wanted to convey. There's nothing wrong with that, but he looks SO tiny compared to her; maybe re-adjusting her size a bit would be okay for you to try?

The curling of his toes is brilliant, but she needs to enjoy it, too. Make her tongue more prominent on his genitals, make it push up against his balls, convey force. She's enjoying the power trip, after all.

Again, it's a work in progress. But capture the mood. He's curious as hell to see where this can lead to, and she needs to possess that power in the only part that's connecting them right now - her delicious, defiant tongue.

Capture that, and you're set. So set, it's not even funny. Good luck.

>> No.2146296

Well, let's take a look at this.

A centaur is larger, in proportion to a human, so I'm safe to assume that this is a younger female centaur? Maybe the male trainer, young in mind and body as well, found it alluring to surprise?

The male's body is similar to a doggy style action, so reference material showcasing that exact pose could help you, at least the top half portion of the male body.

The lower half, and again I'm going on the assumption that this is a young female centaur, would have a slight bend at the knees, unless we're dealing with an older male taking advantage of this situation.

Doggy style reference pictures will do wonders for you here referring to your original question. Rear horse reference pictures will help with the female centaur.

Consensual or not, she was definitely caught by surprise. Hope this helps.

>> No.2146300

What could be throwing you off, it sure did for me, is the angle on her butt in relation to the rest of her body.

It looks added on to help make the illusion of her laying down more believable, but maybe a butt off camera could help the illusion as well? I'll leave that to your call.

The lips wrapped around "the hog" are angled correctly, just be sure to add more girth to what's left of what we can see on that said hog. If her suction is just as intense as those gorgeous lips, there should be a <i>slight</i> bend to the dick away from us, indicating some form of tension.

Her upturned nose, not shown on the work in progress but already imagined there, will help aid in that illusion of, "Yeah I'm sucking cock and you're taking of a picture of me, so what? Here's a peace sign for your picture too, you prick. "

Maybe even removing her butt altogether and adding feet pointed upwards behind her, could help aid that illusion, too? There are several things you can do here, just remember not to force something on camera if it doesn't need to be there.

Less is more. Hope this helps.

>> No.2146324

Putting block faces with smiles on your models like that means you don't want to identify with your discovery of adult work yet.

It's a safe wall for you. You don't feel like committing yourself to the world of adult artwork just yet, so, you put happy faces on, like a lifesaver around your waist as you float on down to the deep end or the pool.

Reference material is your best ally right now, and there are several bbw images to choose from out there on the web. Just be sure to look up BBW and moderate your selections. Several model references can help you, but too much of a good thing, is of course, no good for you.

Take whatever drawing program you're using and overlap your drawing layer, over your reference picture. Trace it. Once you're done with that picture, trace another. And another, so on an so forth.

In no time at all, you will have trained your hand and your eyes to transfer over images in your head, by mentally retaining that information for longer periods of time in your short-term memory- like a scanner for your mind.

So remember, <i>reference, reference, reference.</i>

If you just posted this to bait someone, congratulations. But I hope in some small way I've reached out to you, encouraging you, to keep drawing, no matter what.

I think Ms. Happy Face Cube, agrees with me, too. Reference, make friends with it. It will help you <i>tremendously.</i>

Good luck, young one.

>> No.2146376
File: 204 KB, 1000x1000, 003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progress. I think now the guy is much more in tone with the lady. What do you guys think?

Also, still have to reposition the hand holding her head down and her left ear.

>> No.2146426


>> No.2146431

Now the piece screams dominance. Fantastic job.

>> No.2146435
File: 150 KB, 1000x1112, 1boy nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2146436
File: 211 KB, 1000x1000, Shin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that looks really great now, if I really have to nitpick, I would say that his legs looks a little bit short in comparison to the rest of his body, mainly closet shin.

>> No.2146439

Nice correction. It definitely looks more elegant, but it was a personal choice to make his legs shorter.

>> No.2146441

Damn, the more I look at it, the more I prefer your version over mine.

>> No.2146455

Why the rings?

>> No.2146463


>> No.2146500
File: 410 KB, 1239x786, horsefucker1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for taking the time to write all this. I actually have an update picture where I've went back a little more into the stick figure. I've extended her torso abit as well.

I've also taken the liberty of including the reference I'm using.

>> No.2146513
File: 553 KB, 1829x868, temp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The arm as always been throwing me because it's not there in the reference at all.

I thought it would be a nice thing to try to deviate some things from the reference.

I do have some updates from it if you'd care to take a look.

>> No.2146552
File: 200 KB, 1000x1000, boy2nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like jeffr

>> No.2146553
File: 150 KB, 927x533, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat ref

>> No.2146557
File: 54 KB, 287x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovin it

>> No.2146559
File: 100 KB, 705x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2146594

i hate to admit I had to look up "horse sex" on bing to find reference for it.
It's another reason why I'm trying to get better at art so I can construct things better in my head without needing to look for stuff.

>> No.2146614
File: 134 KB, 1000x1000, girl nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm getting somewhere, I shall go on.

>> No.2146627
File: 117 KB, 1000x1000, nice big girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more girls

>> No.2146674

Well, looking at the reference picture, side by side with your skeleton drawing, I can see where you're having problems, and I hope you can too. Your skeleton build, really doesn't make too much sense, and I'll talk you through it as much as I can.

Do you see, how on your skeletal build, you're putting way too many circle points in the horse's front left shoulder? Try to simplify that. Think of it more as a whole piece of meat- the form if you will, rather than circular points.

Try this. Instead of looking at the drawing as a skeleton, squint your eyes and look at your reference picture. Go ahead.

Do you see the negative space around it? If you do, you work better at drawing in negative space than you do in skeletal work. Now, that's not a bad thing by any means, but perhaps you'll feel more comfortable drawing shape, over form.

It's merely a suggestion and by no means is it a disrespect on the kind of work you're trying to accomplish, but I ask that you give it a try.

Your skeletal work will improve over time, and I encourage you to continue. Try drawing the shape, the negative space, if you can.

Kudos for posting your reference material side by side with your work. Most artists won't post their reference material next to their work in fear of being ostracized by the community, but the best way one can get an honest critique of their work, is to post what they're working with.

That way, we can see the reference material and compare, side by side, what your strengths are in using reference, and what your weaknesses are.

Your skeletal work is too complicated, so try to simplify it. Shape and form. Have at it.

>> No.2146676
File: 121 KB, 1000x1000, oh vey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2146684

And believe me, there's nothing wrong with deviating from your reference, but you need to learn the rules before you can break them.

Seeing as how you have mentioned an updated piece, I would be more than happy to look at your work and see the improvements you've made, and perhaps try to help you with any mistakes you can quickly rectify.

Again, and I'm assuming you're the same artist as the Female Centaur, posting reference material side by side with your work does not make you a weak artist. In fact, more artists should follow lead when asking for critiques of their work.

Does that make other artists, who don't post their reference material, any less? Of course not. Some of us have been in the art game for years, and certainly don't need to post such things out of respect to other artists.

But those interested in learning, especially those who don't quite have an idea of what to do, should be encouraged to do what you're doing.

I'll check this thread again when I can, and I would be more than happy to see what you've updated. Thank you.

>> No.2146693

I don't see a reason for you not to continue, your artwork is lovely.

To answer your question however, you say you're getting somewhere. Where do you want to go?

>> No.2146707

thanks bby, I've never sketched like this before I was surprised, I usually spend hours trying to make single lines like this >>2146435
>make single line
>Nah delete it
>make single line
>Nah delete it
>make single line
>it's ok I guess...

But this messy approach helps me imagine the idea better as I draw, It's like:

>> No.2146796
File: 275 KB, 568x772, horsefucker1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you see is me building from previous critques. Please allow me to show you my very first roughs of this picture. I always keep alot of layers just for this reason.

In terms of drawing shape over form, im always worried about contour drawing, so I thought that building the skele-structor from a reference picture would help me better understand said reference and build a visual library. I'm always worried that I'll become too heavily reliant on reference .

I do feel alittle confortable drawing shapes over the inner bones.
But I'll try it your way, and report back to you here or maybe on the next porn thread.

>> No.2146802
File: 1.27 MB, 1200x1200, 001-color.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished. Thanks for all the help guys.

>> No.2146835


>> No.2147028

this is just sexy. Good job.

>> No.2147045

leave horo alone you fuck

>> No.2147058

expression looks like he's in pain, i dunno
rest is great though

>> No.2147059

No matter how much I look at his face, I really can't see pain in his expression.

>> No.2147127

I see exhaustion.

>> No.2147132

I see people unable to read facial expressions.

>> No.2147139

Good luck on getting that job anon

>> No.2147145

Thanks. Are you participating too?

>> No.2147151

The offer is too good to be true and I just couldn't draw Holo like that, so I backed off.

>> No.2147169
File: 115 KB, 371x772, leg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... think you have some weird extra joints in there?

Maybe something like this? Also remember to not bend the front legs too far.

>> No.2147238

Thank you very much for your insight, Anonymous. I'm very happy to see that others are willing to contribute their time (whatever time you have available of course), to helping out a fellow artist in need.

Help one another.

>> No.2147254

Hey guys, bbcc here. Just wanted to share some awesome news. Clip Studio Paint (japanese name for Manga Studio 5) is on sale. Check it out here

I have been using MS for a few years now and the latest 5th version is simply godlike material. I especially love it because of the "feel" of the brush strokes, the high flexibility and customization of the brushes and the great color mixing engine. On top of that CSP is great in terms of resources consumption and stability. Photoshop mental breakdowns are a thing of the past.
If I'd have to do a tl;dr description of CSP/MS5, I'd say it is a mix of Photoshop's variety of options/tools and Paint Tool SAIs fast yet powerful painting engine. The best of both worlds for a ridiculous price.

Do yourself a favor and give a shot to the Trial version if you haven't already. You have 4 more days until the sale ends.

>> No.2147266

I'll point out something you said in your reply. It's something rarely discussed, but equally as important to review.

One can never become too reliant on reference material. As far back as I can remember, my colleagues have always used reference material for all of their sequential artwork, as well as their cover artwork. I've seen the masters around the world study and participate in quite the same manner.

All professional illustrators have a library of reference material at their disposal, be it the internet, or material collected throughout the years. They often refer to this as the, "It's not Junk, it's Reference" syndrome, when years of collected materials, such as newspapers, magazines, comic books and manga begin to accumulate, turning our studios into a giant mess.

I heard one illustrator call it, "Controlled Chaos" during my time as an intern.

As much as we want to venture out on our own and have our imaginations do the work for us, remember that your imagination is vastly different to mine, and our imagination is different to the artist next to us, so on and so forth.

A visual library is, at its core, our imagination. We do a disservice to our imagination by not using reference material on a regular basis.

To become dependent on reference material, is to do the artwork proper justice for everyone, and not just a particular few.

Let us take your centaur drawing, for example.

That particular drawing, on it's own, caters to at least four different types of fans - Female bust appreciators, horse enthusiasts, male enthusiasts, and the rarely spoken Centaur fan base- let alone those in the zoophilia spectrum.

Not using the reference material and relying purely on imagination alone at this particular stage of your development, properly alienates all four of these fan bases.

It's a trade secret and know, you know too. And knowing is...well, you know the rest of that quote.

>> No.2147272

Thank you for this information, fellow Anonymous. I'm sure several of your colleagues will find this information extremely useful.

Continue to help each other in this manner. Share your knowledge. Help one another.

>> No.2147279

But you can be too reliant on reference.
If you have to copy it and unable to use it creatively, such as the need to have the perfect pose from perfect angle.

>> No.2147282

Be proud that you have a backbone.
Horo should never be depicted that way.

>> No.2147332
File: 197 KB, 1024x768, cks6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, she's supposed to be an abusive mother on the verge of a divorce, she's usually looking down on her kid and wants her youth back, it's going to be a vn so there'll be 5-6 expressions at least, I know I'm not that strong on expressions so I just wanted to make a near blank face so I could set the process of painting&lining before putting more thought in to her face, since I need to render it more than few times.

That being said this is the last version, I think her face is completely wrong right now but on line art didn't look this odd. I've made her eyes smaller for more mature look but idk how to render her face just yet so I might make her eyes bigger again.

I'm pretty ok with the body coloring, I know it's not that good but I'm trying to make something like poor mans seishoujo if you will and I don't want to put coloring more time than it needs.

Should I change anything? What'd make this look more professional without making it too complex? I know its asking too much, I could even go for more simple shading but then I'd have to know what I'm doing and couldn't hide my inexperience with blending everything.

>> No.2147353

>I... think you have some weird extra joints in there?

Maybe I do, I am very unfamiliar of horse anatomy so I might of added another one just by looking at some anatomy photos

I understand everything about the need for reference, but i'm going on the basis that i see most artists have a solid enough visual library that at least construct a basic person without reference. Thats what I see, especially for the times you dont have reference for a certain pose or something

>But you can be too reliant on reference.
>If you have to copy it and unable to use it creatively, such as the need to have the perfect pose from perfect angle.

That is what I am worried about happening. Unable to draw basic compositions without reference. I 'm not saying I want to go 100% without reference because that'll be stupid.

>> No.2147376
File: 195 KB, 900x817, Roughs-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I am the centuar guy. I post alot of my wips here because I am juggling at least 4 pictures ATM.
So I hope /ic/ doesnt mind spamming my stuff.

As for the updated version, I apologize ahaha. I didnt see this post for some reason and I just went and continued to work on the piece .

>> No.2147543

i like it

>> No.2147652
File: 345 KB, 400x225, tumblr_no8dxla0vo1s03lrno1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2147845

>she's supposed to be an abusive mother on the verge of a divorce, she's usually looking down on her kid and wants her youth back

So like, are we gonna be playing as her son? Are we gonna fuck our mom?

>> No.2147852

i sure hope so.

>> No.2147887
File: 188 KB, 1024x768, cks6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes and yes, more than once depending on route you chose.

I think this is alright, small eyes looked more mature on lineart but doesn't reflect well with my coloring, I don't think highlights&maybe hair is enough but its useable as it is. So this is final, I'm going to work on expressions& clothes but first I'll sketch backgrounds& most scenes so I expect I'm not going to post about this project for a while.

>> No.2148198

guys how do I make text link in hentai foundry description box. like I want a word tumblr and when you click it it directs you to my tumblr . how do ?

>> No.2148273

Can you post a screenshot of the text editor (the box that you type in)?

Not every place will allow it but if you have seen it before it's probably using html or php tags like [url="link"]text[/url] stuff like that.

>> No.2148289
File: 34 KB, 724x404, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2148316

>Maybe I do, I am very unfamiliar of horse anatomy so I might of added another one just by looking at some anatomy photos
Just remember they have the same amount of joints as humans. The ones near their hoof are the finger joints.

>> No.2148326

Perhaps you misunderstood what I was trying to convey in my reply. You're not incorrect by any means, maybe we can better understand each other if we examine the topic once again.

What I explained, was a method of referencing for those who have an incredibly hard time retaining an image in their head long enough to copy, or even re-imagine, down on paper.

I understand where you are coming from. You want your imagination at one point, to become self-reliant.You want to come up with images, right on the fly. Maybe one day in the future, we will have that kind of short-term or long-term memory resource at our disposal.

We vilify the word "Copy" and frown upon its inclusion in any conversation. We're so conditioned to think that copying is so bad, that we must strive for self reliance in accordance to our own, individual imaginations.

But let us consider this. There is a room of 50 beginning art students, divided in half down the room. One side of the room, must use reference material on their next 100 drawings with no exceptions, and they will be graded on the amount of drawings created. The other half is only tasked with drawing only one, using no piece of reference whatsoever. Those students, will be graded on the originality and quality of their drawing.

So at the end of semester, who do you think will have the better imagination in the end? Food for thought.

>> No.2148345

There is too much technical thought brought up on this one particular drawing alone. My suggestion to you would be to draw a few more drawings and not rely on critique on this piece anymore.

As you have mentioned in your reply, this is the last version of this piece. We must move on to the next drawing now. You have explained to yourself what you believe is wrong with this drawing, and so, now, you have become your best critic.

Look back at your reply and pick out the things you did wrong. If there is anything that needs to be changed, it should be on your next drawing.

I'm not ignoring anything you've said. There's nothing more I can add, to what you, can already see for yourself. Congratulations.