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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 595 KB, 2428x1786, Strybrd CHP 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2142196 No.2142196 [Reply] [Original]

Share your comics and what you're working on.
Pic related is a storyboard of mine.

>> No.2142235
File: 45 KB, 300x450, close-up-woman-washing-hands-kitchen-sink-18745764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Several references i used to draw my comics

>> No.2142333
File: 1.30 MB, 800x1132, asddas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from a comic book I've already finished, if I find a way to upload the high res pages to a website or something I'll post a link here.

>> No.2142524
File: 269 KB, 1272x1699, 1 page.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre the guy from a couple of days ago!
Nice work man, i love your stuff.
Can you explain your comic making process?
Do you utilize reference sheets when making your comics?

>> No.2142563
File: 894 KB, 1824x4176, Chapter 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2142575


thanks, I usually imagine a story and write all the things that happen in order, then try to play it in my head like a film, make the storyboard setting the camera where I want in order to tell the story, and thinking about the free spaces for the bubbles of text, then just plan the pages adding the shots I drew before where they fit best and once all the compositon is done I do the line art after a small rough sketch and then I ink and then I scan and clean the line and start to color underneath with selections and such

>> No.2142608
File: 1.28 MB, 3216x3378, Stack Chapter 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your comic is made from traditional?
Can i see the rough/pencilled/inked scans pls

>> No.2142714
File: 1.92 MB, 3808x4000, Stack chap 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2142845
File: 410 KB, 1650x752, DMCport-tmbs1-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh cool, the last one of these threads was great, I'mma get in on this.
Here are some rough drafts of some pages I'm working on, I'm going to use them to shop around for jobs so I could really use any feedback on improving them.
1-3 here, 4th in next post.

>> No.2142855
File: 194 KB, 542x748, DMCport-tmbs4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And page 4.
I was thinking in the 3rd panel here I should have Vergil looking more towards the "camera" but I'm not sure, if I could get a second opinion on that it'd be great.
Thanks in advance for any feedback, too.

>> No.2142985

Where's chapter 5?

>> No.2143146

Man where is everyone?

>> No.2143149

Are these actual pages or storyboards
Provide the writing so its easier for people to help

>> No.2143158

nick beats?

>> No.2143189

They're rough drafts of pages so basically I would do line art over these and they'd be the final pages. There's no writing to go along with this, it's a scene I pictured and that one word balloon is the only dialogue. If context helps, it's Dante and Vergil from Devil May Cry.

>> No.2143191

Probably in /co/ or looking at the art in the "Alt Art" and "Porn Threads". Wondering why we're in comics in the first place...

>> No.2143195

gimme a minute to post

my phone camera is absolute and total shit and most of my pages are unfinished/not even inked so they don't show up

my comic is shit though don't hold your breath

>> No.2143200

Go with a thinner, harder, round brush. Right now it's really muddy.

I understand these are all storyboards or rough compositional/placement drafts but it'll be clearer that way.

>> No.2143201

I'm not going to use a thinner brush until I'm doing the final line art because otherwise I get bogged down in details and the drawings lose energy, so I need to know about compositional or storytelling issues while it's still in this stage.

>> No.2143228
File: 2.64 MB, 7680x2560, combo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's that comic I promised.

None of these pages are finalized at all, and the story obviously doesn't end here, it's just that there's nothing to photograph for it

Criticism greatly appreciated before I finalize anything/fuck it up harder than I already have.

Especially helpful would be criticism and tips on dialogue placement, panel placement/flow, dialogue flow, scene setup, quality of penwork, etc.

Again, sorry for potato camera, I'll let the exif explain which shit phone I have.

>> No.2143464

Looks pretty good so far.
The dialogue is clear and its comprehensible.

The oven looks weird, put some details on by studying how ovens look like and how its textured. The monster looks like it came from nowhere, it should come from the oven but theres no panel explaining that and the effect of it breaking through the oven's window is pretty unclear.

I have no comments on the linework since all comics come in different forms, but you might be interested in learning some line weights to make things clearer and make your art looks more dynamic

>> No.2143564


>> No.2143687
File: 3.05 MB, 3508x4961, Page_24_Pencils.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfinished hand-drawn project from before I turned digital.

Not sure if I should complete it.

>> No.2143692

Please tell me she gets raped violently next chapter.

>> No.2143693

No wait, I can guess what will happen next. She will convert him to an upstanding black citizen.

>> No.2143719
File: 1.38 MB, 940x1343, Page-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the most recent page I finished for the comic I'm currently working on. Trying to release one page a week until I have enough of a buffer that I can start uploading twice a week

>> No.2143726
File: 1.76 MB, 2686x3765, COMP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2143737

That's not what happened :(

This chapter had a lot of potential.

>> No.2143954

I'm an idiot, I have an oven in my house and didn't ref it.

I'll try my best to revise it.

>> No.2143963

rescan that shit in greyscale or color and then trace it over digitally if you wish

right now it looks like a 19th generation photocopy that someone didn't set the brightness correctly on

>> No.2143993
File: 973 KB, 1653x2338, Page-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think that was printed out on A3 & inked over. It was then re-scanned (Mustek Bearpaw A3 Scanner) & emailed to a graphic artist who shat some colouring onto it thus killing the art before it had a chance.

Here's the VERY early rough.

>> No.2144053

That shit was inked?
Holy crap ive never seen a shittier inking job in my life.
Im interested to see the final art but i might be severely disappointed with the result

>> No.2144121


Read. The. Filename.

>> No.2144208

That was the final pencil work?

>> No.2144264

Post your work.

>> No.2144271

>being this asshurt
>not taking the advice and getting gud

>> No.2144289



Go back to /b/ little one.

>> No.2144371

You didn't give him any advice all you said was "this is it? haha" there's no advice in that. You have no advice to give because you can't draw at all, hence the reason you have no drawings to share.

>> No.2144597

>not fixing your shit and post them for further critique
>cant even spell talentless troll properly

>you need to be a cook to judge food

>> No.2144621

>get rekt
>b-but you spelled that wrong!

>> No.2144623

Lindo estilo, anon.

>> No.2144624

>you need to be a cook to judge food

If you want to give valid critique you pretty much do.
Unless you're literally being served shit on a platter, but any old pleb understands that's wrong.

>> No.2144653

What the fuck is goin on in this thread.

>> No.2144670

Me convenciste. Cuando lo subas, avisame.

>> No.2144671
File: 374 KB, 1920x2560, IMG_20150705_034032~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm relatively new to the manga/ anime style, but I've been working on a character design to sort of practice my skill in it. I didn't want it to look too cartoon , but I wanted to show my own style. I really want to sharpen this skill so I can work towards making a comic or manga series.

Please let me know what you think, and if I can improve any details.

>> No.2144674

Yeah, you can improve a few things...
Maybe start by reading the sticky?

>> No.2144726


This place might be more suitable for people of your skillset.

Otherwise read the fucking sticky.

>> No.2144737

Not him, but when I just started out, the sticky only confused me. Recommending Loomis for absolute beginners is a retarded move. It took me a while of going through the whole drawabox curriculum(which is a poor man's peter han) to get a good enough grasp on forms to do Loomisian physics.

>> No.2144790

Speaking of comics, I have a script and I'm doing storyboards right now, but I'm absolutely lost at some of the transitions.
How many panels is too much and how many panels is too few so that it hurts the flow of the story.

>> No.2144792

>Recommending Loomis for absolute beginners is a retarded move
I'd recommend preston blair for beginners. I'd recommend loomis for nobody, because he only fucks with your brain with stupid overcomplicated explanations that will give you an anneurism.
Loomis is a total newbie trap.

>> No.2144839
File: 577 KB, 1520x2688, IMAG0523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a really strange dream last night, and so I decided to make a small comic about what I could remember. I've got 3 of the 4 panels sketched out roughly so far. After taking this picture I did notice that the head on the male in panel 3 is kinda wonky and I fixed it. Otherwise, I think I'm doing okay. Rubble is an interesting challenge, as is making a character look female/feminine. I've been brute-forcing years of bad habits out of my system, so I like to think that this isn't a bad attempt at both of my weak points.

Reminds me of Steven Universe for some reason. I like your characters and style.

Also as edgy as they are I'm kinda digging the /pol/ comic, it's making me laugh like a retard.

>> No.2144846

What font do you use? Excellent comic, you should translate it into English.

>> No.2144944
File: 164 KB, 779x790, 782eeced1385140a2eb76c1f2c757fcd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

workin small

>> No.2144952

How do you guys feel about people like Travis Charest, that don't do thumbnails, use lightboxes, or any of that?

He also takes forever apparently.

>> No.2144962


You're 14-15yo, aren't you?


Good for him (I actually love his art) but working like that is mindbending.

I remember a news article on an autistic teenager who drew crooked panoramas of cities from memory that were frighteningly accurate. That's a freak, admirable but a freak.

Us "lesser" beings will have to make do with drawing boards, French curves, photo-reference, Cintiqs & the like.

I'll even steal from other artists if I have to in order to get something finished. I'm that low.

>> No.2145031

>he thinks people who uses memes are underage posters
>he didnt know im well over 25 and have a professional career in illustration

>> No.2145048



A "professional career in illustration" you say? You are a pebble on a beach with no right to criticise as all your efforts are put to blending in.

Please don't tell us you teach part-time too because you're fucking awful.

>> No.2145071

>but I wanted to show my own style
Your main issue is not a lack of style, or an undistinctive style. Your issue is a lack of fundamentals.

Read the sticky, go to the beginner thread, and brush up until you can draw well, then you can choose or develop any style you choose.

>> No.2145072


>> No.2145090

No matter what your age is and what you do, you ACT like you're under aged and obnoxious and that's why no one is taking anything you say seriously. Change your approach to critique to a more mature one and people will actually listen if/when you offer advice (works in real-life too)

>> No.2145107

You realize he's just a troll with no real intention to help or critique, he just wants to annoy people, right? The only winning move is not to reply to him.

>> No.2145119
File: 18 KB, 227x238, i give up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow fucking amazing
Another reason not to come here anymore.

>> No.2145174
File: 119 KB, 235x467, tyorke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, don't go.

You must already know that you have to wade through a lot of shit on ANY of the boards here to get anything of worth.

>> No.2145203


It's always a little sad how many jackasses think that throwaway insults qualify as critique and that constant negativity is supposed to be a good thing.

I think some of them genuinely think they're going for a 'tough love' sort of thing when really they're just being shitheads for no reason.

I saw someone bitch the other day that everything was a hugbox because ONE guy complimented something and the other guy said thanks.

>> No.2145250
File: 148 KB, 584x599, 584px-Conga_Spy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I went to an art school that seemed to think "tough love" was the way to motivate it's students (unless you had breasts, then you could do no wrong). Every day was a fog of misery & it sapped me creatively. I left without graduating & tried to blame myself for a couple of years.

I couldn't keep away from art though because it was the only thing I'm good & I soon started meet other artists who had been treated just as shabbily at other institutions. This was a bitter vindication but enough to make us rise up & keep going.

So, there's a troll here; fuck 'im. I've had too much good critique & constructive advice on this board to let some anime tracer put me off coming back.

A quick check on my former classmates shows that the majority no longer work in the creative field other than a hobby. I work as a concept artist in film & tv, just like I wanted.

>> No.2145259

¿Qué* es este sitio?.
¿Qué* haces ahí?.
Fuera de eso, bien hecho, Anon.

>> No.2145264

Post work pls.

>> No.2145266

seconding request for proasting of work

interesting to see how film and tv is concepted

>> No.2145288
File: 60 KB, 265x400, christian_bale_V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



This is 4chan. I don't mind posting a singular piece of work that I'm having trouble with but anything that can identify me or my clients/employers is out of bounds.

>> No.2148820

pls free this thread of shitposting

>> No.2148831
File: 3.20 MB, 2550x3703, 2- First Kiss Jitters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like absurd stuff.