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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 547 KB, 1280x720, hereComesTheBOOM.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2143908 No.2143908 [Reply] [Original]

Previously On >>2135129

Bring us your roughs, your storyboards, your pencil tests etc. Talk about industry, schools, the hopelessness of it all, how we all gonna make it etc.

If you're gonna post animation that isn't yours give source or state that it isn't yours.

Don't feed the trolls unless you find that sort of thing entertaining.

>Stuff you may find useful, books basic program tutorials etc


>Reference stuff you can find with a simple google search


>chrome plug in that lets you playback youtube animations frame by frame

Lastly if you got some good animation resources contribute!

>> No.2143921 [DELETED] 


>> No.2143923 [DELETED] 


>> No.2144209

seems animators are rare these days

>> No.2144227
File: 25 KB, 350x350, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll try bud. here's a question- how does one get started as an animator, in terms of networking and visibility?? I've been putting things online for a while with varying amounts of success but so far getting consistent views seems impossible. Sites like newgrounds appear to be past their prime so I don't know where else there is to go from here

>> No.2144235

Make Racist Mario

>> No.2144268

Another animation thread? Bless

>> No.2144312

This is supposed to be an animation general. Of course there's going to be multiple threads.

>> No.2144315

Let's do some epic meme animation together

>> No.2144334

Kill yourself.

>> No.2144432


i constantly hear about how this is seriously the only solution on visibility online. it's a head scratcher but i know people have made it other ways. what communities actually exist for animation?? i've considered channel frederator, but how do you meet animators without going to school for it

>> No.2144436


>> No.2144492

Or you can just make a kickass short, go on a festival run and hope for the best. Most studios look for good story telling.

>> No.2144505


Create animated short films around 10 mins long, and enter contests, you'll most likely get invited as a vip and mingle without other film creators. And hey, there's even the possibility of winning money if you're good enough, but that's more of a bonus.

This is one good way of making contacts, it's how everything works. You promote one person they promote you back, same as youtube, all youtubers know each other and are constantly referencing or having them on as guests.

Long as you're not a robot autist of course.

>> No.2144510

>Create animated short films around 10 mins long
and by the time you have 5 of them that don't look like absolute garbage you are 60 years old

>> No.2144525
File: 16 KB, 480x270, giphy-facebook_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the state of indie animation. No animator on YouTube even has a spec of talent except Harry.

>> No.2144526

>Create animated short films around 10 mins long,
Nigga, are you fucking high?

>> No.2144533

Does the animation thread feel like this list


is a decent progression of exercises to practice while I try to learn some basic shit about animation, or do you have different recommendations

>> No.2144544

plenty of great student films being made every year

>> No.2144550

This faggot tried real hard to seem ironic but he obviously hoped that it would go as viral as other parodies.

>> No.2144553

Sexual Lobster is an unfunny lolsorandum retard with an annoying fucking voice, and yeah, now he's a hypocrite too.

Harry Patridge really is a fantastic animator. I don't think he's very funny 100% of the time but he's probably the most consistent quality-wise that I know of.

>the Starbarian's Die

can't help but smile just reading that

>> No.2144585

What does it take to be the next egoraptor ic? I really want the fame and money. Will it be in total vain to just publish something onto YouTube being completely unknown?

>> No.2144586

I don't think egoraptor is rich and from what I've heard he doesn't animate anymore because of youtube's policies.

>> No.2144687

ya know, a few months ago we didnt have animation generals
but i have never seen so many animation related threads on ic before.

>> No.2144694


A 10 minute hand-drawn animation by 1 person would probably take like 6 months.

It's good and all, but nobody in this thread has worked their work yet.

I don't really care to see someone else's stuff. I want to know who are the animators on /ic/ are.

>> No.2144701

i just finished a run jump test, but ended up making my character look as if he trips a bit before he jumps. Accidentally taught myself how to make characters trip. I'll post it once I learn how to gif toonboom animations

>> No.2144720

You do understand you can send it to multiple contests right?

Jesus fucking christ /ic/

>> No.2144861
File: 548 KB, 720x405, Ocelote.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread, huh?

>> No.2144863
File: 308 KB, 720x405, Ocelote Rough.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2144872
File: 1.88 MB, 300x137, 4j7m8L2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably going to get shit for this but I don't think Harry is that good. Even though he takes the time to do a lot of inbetweens his keys are weak. He also has that wacky youtube style that I hate.

>> No.2144874

Looks cool but you have some volume issues. His chest grows in the last few frames and his head shrinks throughout the animation. But still funny and made me chuckle.

Keep at it!

>> No.2144875

It's amazing how you still don't understand that you are the retarded one.
Making a single 10 minute animated short on your own that doesn't look like ass takes a retarded amount of time already and your advice is to create more than one to possibly get some exposure.
You are fucking insane.

>> No.2144878

Hey man, it's cool. Not everybody likes the same stuff.

>> No.2144881

Is he saying to make more than one? I thought his advice was to make one 10 minute short and then send that to multiple contests.

>> No.2144882

If it takes 6 months it takes 6 months. In the end you're getting you're name out there, showing a range of skills and showing dedication. You could also get folks to help you out. The internet if full of people who want to animate. You're bound to be able to find someone who'll want to do things like inbetweening for you (and a bit of pay).

Ultimately it depends on what you want to do. Put out work that shows your skills in the area you want to work. If you want to work in animated features then short films are way better than simple walk cycles or bouncing balls which are better suited for your show reels.
For game animation then cycles and loops are fine since that's how they tend to work.

Showreels for job applications, short films (anywhere form 2 to 10 minutes depending on the nature of the screening) for getting your name out there and building up a reputation.

It's why on animation courses you're generally asked to make both.

As shit as it can be, get a blog and get on twitter. Put your work up on the blog, share it on twitter and follow anyone in the industry you can think of. Follow studios, individual practitioners, independent animators and whoever else you can think of. Most will follow you back if they see you're also an animator even if you're a relative beginner. It's an easy way to get your work to a wide audience of the people who matter.

>> No.2144887


>Create animated short films around 10 mins long
>short films

I don't know, is he?

>> No.2144889

No shit, make one every few years, when you're done with one enter it in as many film fests as you can.

And they don't need to be godly animated, enter film contests that match your fucking level.

I've entered three college film festivals so far with my amateur shorts and met lots of cool people, and won some money as well.

>> No.2144890

If you have problems taking a long time then get out of animation.

>> No.2144891

I know I might start a giant shit show with this but I gotta say it:
Quick note on everyone saying that a 10 minute animation that doesn't look like crap will take forever.... CalArts character animation track requires a fully animated short from it's students every year. Usually they end up between 2-5minutes in length for the first two years and longer than 5 mins after that. Some of them actually turn ok or even good. Some of them even go over the 5 minute mark, a few even get close to 10.

If a student with a full course load can pull this off in under a year it seems totally possible that it could be done faster and potentially better by someone who is not in school fulltime and can devote all their time to creating such a short.

Basically: If your entire argument against trying to make something to submit to a contest is "it takes too fucking long" perhaps animation isn't for you. Animation takes a long time, get used to it, or go find another part of the art world to take part in.

Also it can't be stated enough: If you are in this to make money, you are doing it wrong. You should be doing fan art for the biggest fandom you can find and stand drawing for and try to build a following and make money that way with drawings, not animations. Making money in animation is very difficult if you are doing it on your own (but not impossible). More difficult than just about any other niche in the art world outside of muh performance art.

>> No.2144893

Oh yeah that's what I meant, make twenty films and enter them all at once.

>> No.2144896

Also, even competitions that are fairly big time don't always focus purely on super high quality animation. Choppy animation that suits the rest of the material tends to beat fluid animation that doesn't gel with the rest of the work.

The Brothers McLeod are pretty well respected but the animation is super rough. It has lots of personality though which carries it.

>> No.2144917

How many animation job offers did you get? How many people were willing to invest money in your future projects?

That's not the point. If you already have a job and you want to make an animated short that shows solid skills and is 10 minutes long it will take more than 6 months.
It's a waste of time and energy.
Do animation tests instead and 2 minute videos if you want to establish yourself as an animator.
You can get away with really shitty animation and 10 minute shorts if you're trying to be a director or writer though.

Again, length istelf isn't the problem.
If you want to quit whatever you are doing and work full time on animation as fast as possible, starting with 10 minute shorts just to get some exposure is ludicrous.
Make a demo reel, send it to studios, ask for an internship, get a taste of a professional enviroment (shit parts of the job included). All that is a much safer way to get started as an animator than working on 10 minute shorts without any guidance.

Stop being sarcastic. Two is already absolute overkill and you wrote it like it's not a big deal.

>> No.2144922
File: 40 KB, 500x750, Obligatory+_0c3eab94da1ff494c04b85a2a35f1b71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>owning a home in your early 20's
>not rich

>> No.2144926

To be fair, his wealth has nothing to do with animation. If he's rich, it's because of Game Grumps.

>> No.2144933

>Make a demo reel, send it to studios, ask for an internship, get a taste of a professional enviroment (shit parts of the job included). All that is a much safer way to get started as an animator than working on 10 minute shorts without any guidance.

And I agree with what I just greentexted 100%. My intention was not to claim that this is the way to go about making it. My intention was to explain to all the naysayers that such a thing is in fact possible. I apologize if it seemed like I was saying this is THE way to go about getting good or recognized in animation. I was simply trying to make the point that it is totally possible to do such a thing.

>> No.2144938

Which is really fucking sad.
You can think of Let's Play's what you want but he had some comedic talent and a distinct animation style and he gave up working on it for the easy money.

>> No.2144954

if your standard is what's produced by calarts students good luck getting no where. Also a lot of those films have multiple people working on them

>> No.2144957
File: 119 KB, 384x313, I dont know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except all his popularity stems from his animations. It literally has all to do with his wealth.

>> No.2144959

It is sad. I would understand doing Game Grumps as a side thing to keep himself from being homeless, but since starting it he's only made two animations that weren't Starbomb videos, and those came out over two years ago.

>> No.2144964

>That's not the point. If you already have a job and you want to make an animated short that shows solid skills and is 10 minutes long it will take more than 6 months.
>It's a waste of time and energy.
>Do animation tests instead and 2 minute videos if you want to establish yourself as an animator.
>You can get away with really shitty animation and 10 minute shorts if you're trying to be a director or writer though.

The guy was asking about exposure and networking though, not applying to jobs which is what you're suggestion would be suited for.
Having a good showreel is vital, yes but that's not going to get you noticed as a stand alone video on the internet. A short piece, be it 2 or 10 minutes, is more of an eye grabber.

You want both these things in your arsenal. You send out showreels and do basically what you suggest but if you can also have short films and passion projects sitting out there, doing the rounds on twitter and such then that's a great way to spread word of mouth.

Pen Ward hired a number of people based on works of theirs he liked that he found while cruising blogs. They could then send him their showreels. A number of younger creators are finding talent this way. Hell, the big time studios have people who are paid to sift through blogs to spot up and coming talent.

>> No.2144965

>multiple people working on them
Yeah sure, for sound and music. The animations are done by a single student. Trust me, I know.

>> No.2144969

True, but even if his animations are what made Game Grumps popular, they aren't what he gets paid most of his money for. His wealth is from his let's play channel, so it's not really fair to point to him as an example of how animation can make you rich.

>> No.2144981
File: 121 KB, 175x275, jump-fall sketch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally an animation thread, maybe someone can help.

I've been working on the jump-fall-land cycle for a game I'm doing, and I'm not quite satisfied with how the arms are moving when she falls. Keep in mind this cant be too crazy, since the player will be seeing this cycle every time they jump.

in any case throw some suggestions at me

>> No.2145007
File: 9 KB, 550x400, 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moon gravity. You need to make it slow in and out at the top of the jump more, and give it more speed just after she pushes off and before landing.

>> No.2145022

Aesthetically, I prefer the bunny animation.

>> No.2145024
File: 268 KB, 792x354, Untitled1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The animation speed/gravity is a bit tricky to describe, because that's mostly going to be tweaked in-game. For example, it's not actually going to be this slow in-game since the jumping is variable. I see what you mean though.

Webm-related is the jump physics in-game

No tips for the arm movement? that's mostly my main concern

>> No.2145027

too many fucking frames

>> No.2145030

I always thought his style was the opposite of "wacky youtube style" I'd go for the sleepycabin dudes for an example of that. I think Harry's animation is more reminiscent of older american action cartoons, but with just smoother movemen.t

>> No.2145033

man you have been working really long on this I think. good for you.

>> No.2145039
File: 296 KB, 500x281, gavin-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you should be an animator just for the cash, it's hard and takes up a long time. I just like animation and want to be a part of it.

Also i made a spooky scary skeleton.

>> No.2145059
File: 53 KB, 135x221, jump.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like a lot because I combined 3 different cycles into one. In-game, you'll more than likely see something like this

>you have been working really long on this I think
you were in this thread the last time I posted? damn that was like a year ago lol. and more or less I've been taking a bunch of breaks, so actual work-time hasn't been that much

>I don't think you should be an animator just for the cash
unless you're insanely good, the cash will be pretty bad. definitely need passion and love to do this

nice skelly, looks like something i'd see on adventure time

>> No.2145060

>you were in this thread the last time I posted?
We're all her forever.

>> No.2145065

>It seems like a lot because I combined 3 different cycles into one. In-game, you'll more than likely see something like this
naa i think youre putting too much effort into that, but i guess youre learning

>> No.2145084

too much effort into the jump animation? possibly. it takes me about 5 hours or so to do 1 cycle, so it's not that bad. I just think it'd be weird to have one really fluid run/walk animation, but then have choppy 6 frame jumps/other animations in the character.

coming up with good keyframes is probably the biggest time sink for me. I think i spent a week deciding on how the character would jump

>> No.2145088

it's too floaty. there is no energy there. rather than her jumping with her own legs, it looks a bit like she is floating up and retracting her legs.
a sense of her kicking the ground with her legs, a feeling of "she's jumping" seems to be missing

if you can't change it anymore, then remember this for next time.

>> No.2145108

yeah i understand but take note of the amount of frames, as this guy states the problems u can come across

>> No.2145313

A fluid jump is fine but it just takes too long, bro. You can cut probably half those frames and still have a quick, fluid looking jump, If you need the jumps to be longer for game mechanic purposes then have the high point frame hold or add more of her in the air at the same point (maybe just have her arms moving slightly) so you can stretch it out as the jump input requires.

It also lacks clear anticipation. She just seems to go straight up with no crouch leading in.

>> No.2145366
File: 90 KB, 640x480, gou miyagi animation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not sure what this is worth, its from a video (not rotoscoped or traced tho, just video used as reference)
its one of the first real animations i did. it was for class so it's just a rough thing, i never bothered to smooth it out

>> No.2145399

Maybe I have gone too far down the weeb rabbit hole. Every American animation looks too wacky and annoying to me now. Shame.

>> No.2145406

if you want to be an animator doing that quantity of animation is not the best solution. because you look even at calarts films the vast majority of them have rough/unfinished animation in many parts. this goes for pretty much every school.

if you want to be a story artist, writer, director, on the other hand -- then it shows off those skills

>> No.2145456

>if you want to be a story artist, writer, director

I assume that's the end goal for you guys right? To make your own animated series or movie of some sort?

>> No.2145462

Not for me.
My goal is to be a lead animator

>> No.2145466

nah, I want to be an animator.

and do other stuff in my free time once I'm professional

so for my goals it's the quality of the character animation that matters the most.

>> No.2145489

Weird how viewing habits change your view on things.
I find most anime character animation rather unappealing.

>> No.2145496

Yo, why the fuck is TVPaint sending me here:


Did OP just give me a virus?

>> No.2145510

I've been using it for 2-3 weeks with 0 issues. Are you opening the install file or the portable?

The file in the OP is the installer, it will open the program after installing. The program itself should be stored in your portable folder (on windows, no idea for mac). You should be opening the portable.

It sends you to the site after you do an install to create a small kickback for the crackers. If you keep installing it every time you want to use it (which will also launch the program after installing) it will keep sending you to a website.

>> No.2145519

Got it, thanks.

>> No.2146474

bump for my animation bros and sistas.

>> No.2146655

Has anyone here tried Pencil2D? Is it any good?

>> No.2146657

i used pencil 2d around 2011-2012. it had a lot of bugs, but i heard its dead, so idk how it is as of now

>> No.2146659

If it's the program I think it is then I have tried it and it's beyond shit. You can't save your animation as anything other than exported individual frames without making use of your master's degree in computer science. Ayyy.

>> No.2146661

I need a cure for hitting a mental wall. I still animate a lot but in the back of my mind I just think of these damn unskilled immigrants who do puppet animation and get more praise than people who hand draw it. Every person i've seen do puppet animation has no understanding of the laws and it drives me up the wall. I'm starting to think I should go back to 3d....

>> No.2146664

3D is the future (and the 'now' for the most part), for better or worse. It would actually be a wise decision on your part.

>> No.2146667

Well I already strive in 3d and usually when I get an assignment, after the blocking phase I get bored. 2d gives me more of a challenge and a better feeling when its completed... and im aware that 2d only is good for freelance and tv nowadays.

>> No.2146728

What exactly are the video plugins on TV Paint for?

>> No.2146807

I agree 3D has solidified itself as the major method of animation in the world, but an important step of 3D animation is still 2D work. It's advised that 3D animators still learn and practice 2D animation, so it should still just not be ignored.

>> No.2146867

used to make animations 24:7 with flipnote on DSi

shit broke and my insurance didnt look into it so they just gave me a brand new one

lost my best flips and the many drafts i had been working on

thanks BestBuy, you crushed a depressed 13 year olds dream to animate

>> No.2147075

That sucks man. Did you ever post them on Hatena?

>> No.2147082

I agree, if I recall really good 2d animators are often called upon to act in a supervisory capacity to 3D guys, and if you can draw and animate in 2D you can help plan for animation better than a pure 3Dfag can. If you can you should try learning both, but if you're a pure 2D fag (like me), there's no need to give up hope.

>> No.2147095

Wasn't much of a dream if just scrapping old work crushed it. At 13 you were under no pressure to get your work out anytime soon (like: "shit I just lost my entire portfolio and will not be able to get employed in the next months while I rebuild it"-kind of pressure), and if you never uploaded it anywhere what did you even do with it? Watched it instead of practicing? Sounds like you lost nothing and found an excuse to quit.

>> No.2147204

animation is the art for manchildren

>> No.2147208
File: 139 KB, 692x787, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2147432

2D Animation is the epitome of all art. They are the definitive master.

>> No.2147440

I agree.

these threads do not have enough people posting their stuff though

>> No.2147457
File: 384 KB, 496x377, yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly masterful

>> No.2147469

>taking a still frame from an exaggerated animation to make a point

gonna have to try harder

animation literally brings art to life
go paint a boring picture on a wall or something

>> No.2147551
File: 80 KB, 800x594, tumblr_mlo81o1dnQ1r3n1tpo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know there's some people that didn't know about this over on the alt style thread a few days ago and I don't think it deserves its own thread so figured I'd mention it here.
little witch academy 2 came out little over a week ago and I loved the animation on the first one. what'd yall think of the 2nd one?

>> No.2147554

I think the fusion of 3D and 2D has the most potential tbh


>> No.2147558
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Little Witch Academia The Enchanted Parade - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_46.05_[2015.07.10_01.12.43].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Yoshinari was actually allowed to work properly on LWA2, the film ended up being quite literally 50 minutes of "Yoshinari Yoh: The animation". I have no clue how much Key animation he personally did for it but it must have been a lot, plus as the animation director he seemed to have quite a heavy hand on the style. He seems to be quite the perfectionist, he said that he will keep on polishing it until the the Japanese release.

He is my favorite animator/artist, so for me that was just one huge plus.

>> No.2147561

Fix it, post your stuff. I haven't posted anything because I'm still working on it, animation takes a long time compared to most of the other stuff that gets put up on this board. It's only natural that the thread is gonna be mostly people talking. There's been good stuff in every thread so far, so I ain't complaining.

That said I suppose more storyboards or roughs would be cool. But maybe people are like me and don't want to show stuff til they are ready.

>> No.2147573

I can't find a link to watch it, where did you use?

>> No.2147575

You can find the 720p release on Nyaa

>> No.2147580
File: 562 KB, 640x360, Re_layered_timed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A wip that's taking too long as per the usual

>> No.2147581

personally I thought it was a bit of a shame the animation took a hit from the first one, but I guess that's the cost of extending it to 50 minutes. regardless its nice seeing animation done right for a change in japan.

>> No.2147585

i think the faces could be a bit simpler. this doesn't look like an animation style at all.

>> No.2147586

>an animation style

a wot

>> No.2147595

like you know, something that is simple and easy to animate.

>> No.2147603

cheers m8 I found it.

>> No.2147672

I loved it, top notch animation and very Yoshinari. My favourite animation of 2015 so far tbh.

>> No.2147726

Anyone know the answer?

>> No.2147755

Don't know what you mean? I've never come across anything called that.

>> No.2147759

When I was downloading TV Paint, there was an option to install video plugins. I don't know what they do.

>> No.2147933

that does not mean that it can not be animated. It will just be a lot of work. But those who enter animation without the will to do a lot of work, shouldn't animate in the first place.

>> No.2148055

But those who make work pointlessly hard in the learning stage will never make it either.

>> No.2148090


>> No.2148095
File: 46 KB, 236x241, 1389615082379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell do Japanese studios churn out 20 mins of animated episodes each week is beyond me.

I can't even begin to imagine the years spent animating Akira, GitS and EoE.

>> No.2148101

>How the hell do Japanese studios churn out 20 mins of animated episodes each week

Most of them spend a year doing the animation before-hand, then when the time comes, they just air the episodes. They aren't literally working on episodes as their anime airs.

However for the few that DO try to animate them each week, I guess they just have huge teams. If a scene is taking too long to finish, then they probably scrap the scene for something more easy to animate.

>> No.2148123

why do these threads always turn into japanese animation stuff and talking about other peoples work, I know I'm doing the same thing by not contributing but I always lurk these threads

different teams for each episode, you can see the credits for each episode, different animation directors and key animators. Episodes are done a couple of months in advance or probably just depends on each different project schedule

>> No.2148128

>why do these threads always turn into japanese animation stuff and talking about other peoples work

either people are too afraid to post their stuff or they are just enthusiasts(not animators). the latter makes sense, especially if all they watch is anime.

>> No.2148129

this site's literally based on anime.

>> No.2148135

not a excuse to derail thread

>> No.2148137

It's not derailing, anon. It's very much on topic.

>> No.2148146

I'd say in part because
1. disney doesn't release stuff that often so there's not much to talk about there.
2. cartoons in general have worse animation quality than anime
so it goes to japanese anime because we can appreciate the animation.
There's also that making even a short video a few seconds long is a huge pain in the ass and takes quite awhile. There's no point in posting them every thread when you haven't actually gotten that much done. I usually post 1 right before I start to pretty it up to fix any big errors, and 1 after for end critiques. anything more feels just like treating /ic/ as your blog and will probably result in shitposting if you don't correct every single critique that was given the first time you posted even if it was debatable advice.

>> No.2148153

>There's no point in posting them every thread when you haven't actually gotten that much done
These threads usually last 1~4 weeks though, and it's not just specific to this thread. It's like this every thread.

> treating /ic/ as your blog
There's nothing wrong with that. It encourages other people to post and makes the thread active. It's not like the thread is full of people posting their works. The floor is yours by default.

>result in shitposting if you don't correct every single critique that was given the first time you posted even if it was debatable advice.
You don't have to post a fixed version every time someone mentions something they dont like. If you posted once then you're already good in my books.

>> No.2148161
File: 345 KB, 790x325, archer2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some in betweens taking it a little further. the bow's rotation from horizontal to vertical kinda gets lost, it's more clear in the earlier roughs (see the right). how to fix this? any ideas?

>> No.2148200

I dont see anything wrong with the bow

my only suggestion is really make him stretch his bow out(even if its exaggerated), but thats really minor. i say keep working on it

>> No.2148223

just some minor suggestions. 1)bow looks fine but will look better when colored as its getting lost in everything. 2)possibly add an overshoot so he stretches the bow a little to far, or make an ease in during the last moments of the stretch to sell the force. 3)some weight/movement in the legs would be nice as they are stationary but it doesn't bother me.
looking good though, keep it up!

>> No.2149234
File: 757 KB, 703x874, this was hard to make into a gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was actually such a struggle turning this into a gif

>> No.2149293

Where can a beginner with zero experience start?

>> No.2149305

animators survival kit by richard williams

>> No.2149313

To quote something from a past thread.
Read this http://www.amazon.com/The-Animators-Survival-Richard-Williams/dp/0571202284
Download this http://www.flat2d.com/easytoon/Downloading.aspx
Worship these http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/12_basic_principles_of_animation
Do these http://www.animatorisland.com/51-great-animation-exercises-to-master/
Read this. http://www.amazon.com/Understanding-Comics-The-Invisible-Art/dp/006097625X
Download this. http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop.html
Worship these. http://www.projectarticulate.org/principles.php
Do these. http://www.carolmarine.com/

>> No.2149314
File: 1.24 MB, 3583x1500, Richard Williams - the Animator's Survival Kit - 'Time to Draw'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2149316


>> No.2149374

you need to work on your fundamentals first,
and then you need to understand the principles of animation

>> No.2149387

I hate to sound like I'm ignoring advice, but these are just uncleaned keys so I wouldn't think all the principles would be in motion yet. 100% agree on fundamentals though, I'm literally still working on loomis

>> No.2149648

>They aren't literally working on episodes as their anime airs.

Except for when they are. Gainax did that with NGE after a while and SHAFT did is as standard practice, often handing in episodes not fully finished for some series.

They don't scrap scenes that they fail to finish, they just hand it in incomplete and fix it for home release. They try and get the actual animation done and it's shit like background art that is left to the last minute.

This is all the DVD fixes for Madoka: https://wiki.puella-magi.net/Episode_revisions
That's a lot of revisions and Madoka was the series they generally did pretty well on. Bakemonogatari was a car wreck.

>> No.2149664
File: 1.31 MB, 960x540, barber.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently working on this. I want it to be a motion conic with panels and all.

>> No.2149694

Study phenomes anon. They are the shapes the mouth makes to utter certain sounds that make up human speech. Just having his mouth cycle seemingly at random is weird, to me at least.

>> No.2149701

dude, are you gonzossm, the way that you do movement and the facial expressions are almost the same.

>> No.2149719

Quit promoting your shitty channel.

>> No.2149753

I don't tgink he's going for the full animation of that sentence but you are right, it doesn't work as it is.

Try leaving the mouth open with a single frame and olnly pseudo animate it like the rest or animate the whole sentence.

>> No.2149834 [DELETED] 
File: 1.46 MB, 960x540, bar1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other anon is right I don't want to spend too much time on the verbal but the next cut will have more lip work in it. But thanks for the feedback man.
that's how I originally had it to be honest but I was afraid I'd get another comment stating it shouldn't be in the animation thread like I did the last time i posted something like that.

Not much of an update but I wanted to bump with something. I really wish I had a surface pro 3. This screen is so small

>> No.2149855 [DELETED] 
File: 1.46 MB, 960x540, bar1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2149694 #
The other anon is right I don't want to spend too much time on the verbal but the next cut will have more lip work in it. But thanks for the feedback man.
>>2149753 #
that's how I originally had it to be honest but I was afraid I'd get another comment stating it shouldn't be in the animation thread like I did the last time i posted something like that.

Not much of an update but I wanted to bump with something. I really wish I had a surface pro 3. This screen is so small

>> No.2149859 [DELETED] 
File: 3.60 MB, 915x515, GM_20150711_215212.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2149694 #
The other anon is right I don't want to spend too much time on the verbal but the next cut will have more lip work in it. But thanks for the feedback man.
>>2149753 #
that's how I originally had it to be honest but I was afraid I'd get another comment stating it shouldn't be in the animation thread like I did the last time i posted something like that.

Not much of an update but I wanted to bump with something. I really wish I had a surface pro 3. This screen is so small

>> No.2149944

Unrelated but how is it called when the lines are flickering like that when the character or background are not moving and how is it done? I always see it used in sketch-like animation but don't know how is it done, unless it's just drawn twice or three times which sounds a bit of a waste of time.

>> No.2149964

Not sure what it's called but it's effectively a cheap and easy way to make an otherwise unnanimated scene look less like a slide show. At least that's how I use it anyway.
It's pretty easy too. Make like two or three drawings of whatever it is and (depending on whatever software you are using) loop it continuously on one layer. Then on another layer animate whatever else needs animating like arms, eyes, backrounds etc. concurrently.

Obviously the more layers of these animated on one another the more finished the scene. My favorite use of this was in ed edd n eddy but in most cases the animators literally animated every frame for that effect without using this cheap workaround.

Hope that helped but if not ask and I'll try to clear it up some more.

>> No.2149979

I've heard it being referred to as 'boiling the frames' before

>> No.2149983 [DELETED] 
File: 3.99 MB, 595x334, GM_20150712_52121.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update. Again the real thing will have a comic book layout instead of sequential as it is here. But I can't edit to that degree on my phone. Just got back from watching inside out again. Pixar is on top of their game as usual.
what the other anon said. Im not going to animate all the lip work but I plan on tweaking it so it's more natural at least. Thanks for the feedback.
Haha that's actually what I had at first but the last time I posted something like that on here I got a lot of shit for it understandably since it's not technically animation.

>> No.2149987
File: 2.27 MB, 390x219, GM_20150712_53810.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2149664 (You) #
Update. Again the real thing will have a comic book layout instead of sequential as it is here. But I can't edit to that degree on my phone. Just got back from watching inside out again. Pixar is on top of their game as usual.
>>2149694 #
what the other anon said. Im not going to animate all the lip work but I plan on tweaking it so it's more natural at least. Thanks for the feedback.
>>2149753 #
Haha that's actually what I had at first but the last time I posted something like that on here I got a lot of shit for it understandably since it's not technically animation.
ahh that's what it's called. Thanks mane.

>> No.2150465

Finally finished this shit


>> No.2150467

you guys ever do 11secondclub?

>> No.2150544
File: 581 KB, 540x331, tumblr_nrdrb1jRnA1u4uke0o1_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joel Jurion posted this on his tumblr. it looks like its on 2's, someone correct me if im wrong.

>> No.2150557

it's animated on 1's at 10 frame rate. which is roughly between 2's and 3's at 24 frame rate. each frame is 0.1 seconds, with only a couple being 0.2

>> No.2150830

yea i posted the ones i finished which were my first 3, a draft run cycle, a bad sound clip mash up, and a draft fight scene. i was protective about others ripping off my unfinished ideas so i stopped posting them even if i got low stars

I only worked at them every break because alot was going on at the time. I was really into all types of animation so i had about 18-26 unfinished animations ONLY saved to my dsi.

so no copies

sucks i was almost done with stop animation one

>> No.2150852

look up Flipnote hatena (dsi)
it was easy to use but not as "free" of a software

ur right about the pressure but i had plans on becoming someone noticeable the community

i put my heart into those when i could it crushed me when i lost all those nearly completed drafts/ideas that i had planned to post. it wouldn't have been so had everything not gone down the way it did while my life overall was becoming way less depressing.

i was a pussy for letting that get to me on a way deep emotional level, but anyone hurt on a kinda deep emotional level knows how it feels.

>> No.2150868

oh my god

i didn't know he was such a deviant

>> No.2150875

huh? thats what hes known for. he even did some bestiality stuff

>> No.2151106

and even little kids

a true pioneer

>> No.2151288
File: 735 KB, 248x234, output_GJRKuh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only animation I made that's not porn.

>> No.2151290

>draw traps
Perfectly fine
>animate traps

>> No.2151313

That's a futa, not a trap.

>> No.2151642

i didnt know he drew futa, my exposure to his art has been purely from facebook and it's all been sfw

>> No.2151655

You obviously don't know much about joel. I don't think he has ever even drawn a futa. And if he has it must be a drop in the bucket compared to all the traps and crossdressers.

You are in denial.

>> No.2152155

What? The person in the animation that was posted has breasts, anon. I don't know anything about Joel, but he seems like a pretty cool guy.

>> No.2153841


>> No.2153842

Post you work.

>> No.2154795

Why does it do it in the first place? Kind of off-putting.

>> No.2155154

Should I learn to draw before I learn to animate? If so, how well do I need to be able to draw.

>> No.2155175

If you want to animate well you'll need to know how to draw good as fuck. Even if you want to animate pretty poorly at least some modicum of drawing experience is required.

>> No.2155179

I think I read something in the animators survival book that says something along the lines that drawing should come second hand while you're animating so you worry only about the movement and the animation rather than how to draw something. So yeh you need to know how to draw

>> No.2155487

Exporting as individual frames is a great way to keep the actual content of the frames separate from the program they're currently being used with, and allows you to make put it into other forms of video that might be better than Pencil's implementation.

That being said, I agree it'd be nice to have multi-frame compression for issues of hard drive space/loading times.

>> No.2155511

I started on my ability to draw while doing some animation tests on the side, and I'll tel, you what, the characters I animate have gotten a lot easier to understand and draw

>> No.2155847
File: 973 KB, 550x400, spin-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very wip animation, the end frame is just there to show how it'll end i'm gonna be filling the frames before that.

>> No.2155850

Solid work, friend.

>> No.2155863
File: 17 KB, 550x400, spin0002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry about the transparency

thanks man

>> No.2155917
File: 545 KB, 480x270, odb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about the watermark and the gravity defying penis. Just playing around with the program before trying to do something more disciplined.

Anyone do any work with 3D or stop motion?

>> No.2155918

But it looks like the most perverted thing ever.

>> No.2156189

Is she figure skating? If so, doesn't the speed increase if you put your arms in closer and decrease when the arms are out?

>> No.2156195

Looks like a ballerina twirling.

>> No.2156218

thats whats gonna be happening near the end where she'll have her hands out and end on that pose and repeat again.

>> No.2156261

>Not a single good amination in this thread

You sure love to talk about it though

>> No.2156262

teach me how to make gifs with toonboom, and I'll start contribooting

>> No.2156306

Fuck you man, I worked hard on >>2150465

>> No.2156339

here's your reply.
( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

>> No.2156410

Export > Export GPU Frames > Photoshop >Import as image sequence > Done

>> No.2156412
File: 56 KB, 335x454, penichu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2156537

Do you realize where you are? It's a critique board for amateur artists, btw. Are you just retarded?

>> No.2156539

and yet every single one of them is better than you

>> No.2156959

He didn't even made them himself, he contracted a studio to animate that stuff...

>> No.2156979

Sorry, my english goes full retard sometimes

>> No.2157048
File: 23 KB, 480x480, 1436072868601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>egoraptor gave up his lol so random video game animations that he stated he only did to get by to play video games which makes him and his friends each at least 20k a month at the rate his channel brings in views and make videos compared to the chumpchange bullshit 200$ maximum per animation youtube animators make now.
>his endgoal was never to even be an animator as much as it was to be a voice actor. which doing a continuous stream of commentary would make his voice more recognizable to a vast audience ergo being the better move for his potential dream career.

yes very sad. how pathetic. it's like I'm really on /co/ or /v/

>> No.2157053

>$200 maximum per animation

What? [citation needed]. Somebody should tell Tom Fulp he might actually have a ch-...oh who am I kidding.

>> No.2157057

it's an exaggeration. but my point still stands.

>> No.2157058
File: 99 KB, 640x480, CokeUnf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I just torrent flash?

>> No.2157060

What's to stop you? Guilt? Adobe probably makes a decent assload anywho, they won't miss your dosh too hard.

>> No.2157062

I don't know how hard adobe cracks down on people I never really torrented

>> No.2157067

I imagine a chingliu release would contain an .nfo file or two, open with notepad or some sort of text editor for detailed instructions. It's easy-peasy to apply cracks and whatnot. You'll figure it out, mate.

>> No.2157137

gavin is my name

>> No.2157142

anything that doesn't require photopok

>> No.2157143

New Animation Academy tutorial


>> No.2157237

Don't say I never gave you guys anything.

>> No.2159197


>> No.2159254

>gave anyone anything
you linked a website

>> No.2159920

I'm going to assume this question has probably been asked to death, but I have no idea where to ask it.

Long story short, I want to be an animator for years. I have the skills and the tools to do so but I don't know how to utilize them.

I don't know where to start, what program to use and how to use them. Could someone kindly guide me?

>> No.2159947

it depends on your goals. you want to just do 2d stuff for yourself? or do you want to be a pro studio animator? then you should learn 3d. if you can clarify that I can give you bette advice

>> No.2159949

I'm currently learning 3D animation via studies, but I want to do 2D animation as well. I don't know where to start.

>> No.2159951

How would you respond if he had said solo 2D?

>> No.2159984


>> No.2159992

I think I'm retarded but I have a shit time at keeping volume consistent. Not even guidelines keep me in check. How do you guys do it?

>> No.2160007


assuming you want to do hand-drawn:

if you're already doing 3D animation (maya?) then you have the fundamental animation skills necessary. what you need to do is develop your drawing (especially form/volume) to a high level so that you can apply those skills you already know. Really stress the understanding of characters as shapes. as far as software goes, toonboom and tvpaint are fully fledged animation programs that both work well. but you don't need professional programs like that to do decent stuff. even flash (as much hate as it gets) works fine. so does photoshop. if you do some quick googling you'll find that technique/software wise it's a lot easier than 3D animation. It's the drawing and animating that is the hard part, you shouldn't have any trouble picking up software.

2D animation is usually done in a way that's relatable to worked in stepped keys, working carefully on keys and then breaking them down towards full animation. But it's possible to do a layered approach as well, there's no one single way to do it.

Generally people work in three stages: rough, tie down, then cleanup. Rough is very loose and gestural, tie down you define the forms and details and make it on model, and clean-up (although not necessary for animation to be "good"), is when you clarify the line quality, all the details, and correct off-model errors. basically making it ready for color.

If you want to do puppet stuff it's not too foreign from 3D since you're working with a predefined rig. Aftereffects is a good option for that stuff.

>> No.2160013


if you're starting from scratch unlike the other guy, the most important thing first is to be able to draw at a pretty competent level, otherwise it'll keep holding you back, even if in your head your animation knowledge is growing.

the animator's survival kit is a decent book but IMO it's over recommended. richard williams isn't honestly the best animator (look at some of the examples in the book), and he makes a lot of biased suggestions (ones is always better than twos, random ranting against rough animators and art schools).
To be honest, this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haa7n3UGyDc will give you a better and faster overview of the basic principles of animation.

from there, the BEST way to learn in my opinion is to actually study animation you think is good, whether it's from anime or disney or whatever. download it and go through the stuff frame by frame, break down what the animators are doing and try to understand why. that's how you'll grasp some of the nuances. and look at real life too.

and start from fundamentals. ball bounces, flour sack, character with legs but no arms. stuff like that. don't be like some guys in these threads who are clearly biting off stuff beyond their skill level.

beyond that, remember the goal of animation: to bring stuff to life. it's more than an application of the rules, you need to create something believable, something honest. don't be lazy and resort to cliched acting.

>> No.2160034

I'm very appreciative of your detailed and helpful reply, anon. For the sake of clarifying stuff I'm currently developing my fundies and whatnot, but animation piqued my interest.

>> No.2160044

>Most of them spend a year doing the animation before-hand, then when the time comes, they just air the episodes. They aren't literally working on episodes as their anime airs.
No, they don't. The episodes are done roughly three or so or more weeks, but definitely not a year. They can't afford to have that much time to wait because of cost in schedule and the amount of other shows they have to get out.

>> No.2160047

*three or so or more weeks before the episode airs.

>> No.2160055

I've found Nuke to be an interesting alternative to AE for puppet animation. Once you have an idea of Node system it allows for some really quick and easy animation.

>> No.2160059

I composite my cg in nuke but I've never thought of it in that way. how does that work?

>> No.2160061
File: 209 KB, 1012x750, 1428538750425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was animating quite a bit last year and around July I started doing figure studies and learning fundamentals to get better with my anatomy (because I was really shit). A year later and now I'm not animating at all. Last animation I did was in January this year and every single time I try to do something I stop because I fuck up everything. I feel lost every time I start to do something, I tried even today.

I still draw and paint but it's like I got art block specifically for animation.

If anyone might know what I can do I'll really appreciate the advice.

>> No.2160070
File: 53 KB, 696x345, Screen Shot 2015-07-21 at 14.12.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easiest way would be to show you a very basic node tree.

This is a super basic character build. Make each of these in their own group, and then a group for all the characters and Merge that group with a background.

Lip syncing = all your mouth shapes + switch node

I'm honestly just starting to use Nuke and this has just been fucking around so I may start to hit problems as I try more ambitious stuff and I might be making other things more complex than they need to be (I could probably skip some merge nodes) but so far it works quite nicely.

>> No.2160077

interesting... makes sense. personally I'd never animate in nuke since I feel the way the timeline is handled is less intuitive than maya or aftereffects. but I can see how that works.

maybe try doing something really simple that you know you won't feel lost doing. a basic exercise like a ball bounce.

>> No.2160082

I'm just doing it right now to see if I can cut Adobe out of my workflow. No real reason other than curiosity, I love After Effects but I'm curious to see what els eI can do with Nuke. I have to say that I prefer this way of lip syncing but I can't specify why.

>> No.2160083

Stop posting this image

>> No.2160084

Oh, and it turns out those premult nodes are totally pointless for what I'm doing right now as you can get the same effect in the read node by checking a box I hadn't noticed before.

I love learning new software by just poking around with it...

>> No.2160090

Watch this: https://vimeo.com/83155234
The animation is pretty basic but fun (at times it's insultingly basic but he probably had a very busy day that day?)

Try doing something similar but obviously for a shorter time frame. Grab some sounds, bust open whatever software you want and see what happens.

>> No.2160099


This could help. Thanks a lot man, you're awesome!

>> No.2160603

just started reading this, it's quite amazing.

>> No.2160658
File: 367 KB, 500x364, pooh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A classic.

>> No.2162072

There's nothing classic about this.

>> No.2162078

Yup. I gave the link of a coveted website to all of you. Your welcome bitch.

>> No.2162080

>2 days later
You sure showed him.

>> No.2162087

Thanks. Had to let him no that I ain't no bitch.

>> No.2162364

Dude chill. You should care more about Ross than about a shitposter on 4chan.

>> No.2162740
File: 385 KB, 1920x1080, PlotMGS1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2162767

You made that? Not bad but the lip sync was very off.

>> No.2162823

this looks like egoraptor

>> No.2162868
File: 245 KB, 256x192, OA2C4C_0E9D525803204_002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what an active thread...
Here is some of my current work

>> No.2162874

This is amazing, but what the fuck is the guy doing?

>> No.2162884

you've got some nice overlapping action, but the hands are super static. I'm assuming they are still roughs and you're going to inbetween them with more action later? either way promising start.

>> No.2162896

Its part of a little personal project, he is picking a bead from necklace or something like that
and yes, its a rough

>> No.2162978
File: 303 KB, 1920x1080, gemsona1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trash gemsona,
will probably never finish this

>> No.2162979

For a lot of starting (and current) animators is when they make a frame and a stream of frames a lot of time theres problems with consistancy. I know its a massive problem and its annoying, but instead of not fixing it, go to another scene, or whatever and then go back and fix it. Don't just settle for good enough go for great.

>> No.2163096

cool. works overall. the antic where he/she pulls out the weapons is especially good.

a few things tho

on the landing the way the right knee/foot makes contact looks painful since it's straight to the knee basically. I think you need more extension before contact, and then drop to the knee afterwards.

head rotation is jerky and will show in final, especially at the end when it rotates back up it's linear and far too fast. slow that down and get more natural arc into it.

left foot is slowly rotating throughout the animation. on solid ground, unless it's ice or something, friction makes foot shifts much quicker and more jerky.

work on the hand arcs and spacing at some parts. especially when he/she lands for instnace, the right hand jerks to a stop without more overlap, and the left hand jumps quickly and very linear.

>> No.2163604
File: 70 KB, 400x300, fyughu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello, anon
this is my another poorly animated work


I know it's shit

>> No.2163609

oh, spoiler don't work here
I'm sorry

>> No.2163623

I like it it's not bad. Are you drawing with a mouse? cause it looks like you are. It lacks finer details, everything is very blocky.

>> No.2163690
File: 345 KB, 1137x671, 0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you drawing with a mouse?
yes, I'm using Retas Studio
I'm not really like using drawing tablet
I draw either on paper or with a mouse

>> No.2163834

I also voiced pooh


>> No.2163844


>> No.2163926


>> No.2164029

shouldn't he be black?

>> No.2165065

I see what you mean on all that
However about the foot rotating thing, it isn't moving? The camera is whats moving, But I suppose that won't be very clear until I add more details.

>> No.2165128

you are retarded.

>> No.2165268

your rough is much better, he doesn't seem to shrink as much. also, work on the cut animation. the black is in there too long and distracts the scene.

>> No.2165276

It kind of looks like the "animation" in TWEWY for the nintendo DS... very static, but charming.

>> No.2165293

Did anyone saw the promo for the next animator expo?
Dem nips.


>> No.2165347

Why the fuck can't I get the video to load?

>> No.2165448

Is this the same video?


>> No.2165450


>> No.2165453

oh god do people really think this happens?
they dont do shit, just torrent it

>> No.2165454

Cool, thanks.

>> No.2165461

It's true. There's nothing they can really do. If they were smart they would hire a third party under-the-table to flood the torrent sites deliberately with fake versions that took a long time to figure out were bogus and upvote the shit out of them under proxy accounts in order to blur the line between real and fake cracks so people would just give up but they aren't savvy enough for that shit and it would take a few full time employees to do it.

I pirated Adobe products for over a decade without incident before I finally bought into CS5. I could continue to pirate if I wanted to but now that I have the money (or had, CS 5 was a while ago after all) I felt I should purchase it.

>> No.2165464


>> No.2165468

If you ever actually made any real, good money by selling something you made with Flash, then you should buy it.

But if you're just a beginner that is trying out some animation, please just pirate it.

>> No.2165656


niggah you aint picky

>> No.2165723

Clip Studio Paint is about to get an animation plugin

where were you when Photoshop (clusterfuck animation UI), Krita (Not implemented yet), TVPaint (expensive as fuck), and literally everything else is about to get blown the fuck out?

>> No.2165737

looks amazing right?

But then you see the actual shorts and they're all awful.

>> No.2166177

>[Citation needed friend :^} ]

>> No.2166433

>TVPaint (expensive as fuck)
Nigga, did you check the OP?

>> No.2166587

this has jewish humor and craftsmanship all over it


>> No.2166719
File: 135 KB, 550x400, slamlookinassdude.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First animation ive done other than some bouncing balls, really enjoyed it

>> No.2166848
File: 108 KB, 640x630, 1437623703376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use photoshop for my animations, the most annoying thing about photoshop is that the keyboard shortcuts are fucking terrible. with flash it's just one button press but with photoshop it forces you to use ctrl+ when making any shortcut.

Does anyone know how I can get by this or am I overlooking something ?

>> No.2166949
File: 1.54 MB, 640x360, greg1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you using a mac ?
i use a mac and with flash i have to press command for any timeline shortcuts and its annoying

>> No.2167007
File: 188 KB, 800x450, GnomeLivestreamofflineedit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


critique? Suggestions?

>> No.2167021

You've got something you can sort of work with but you have a long ways to go. The hair is probably the best thing you have going for it right now. As for the rest-

The rotation is too fast, either add more frames or hold each frame for longer.

You need to work on your shape control, just about everything on the face seems to wobble and change shapes, the eyes, the nose, the mouth, it makes it very difficult to look at.

What's with the tumor on the back of the neck? Is that a gnome thing?

>> No.2167023

Y-y-you can make your own shortcuts in photoshop with custom hotkeys.....

>> No.2167046

this is really cute. do you have a blog?

>> No.2167059
File: 70 KB, 550x400, dddd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2167068

>tumblr nose
It's shit.

>> No.2167146

>Its not a tumor -Arnold Schwarzenegger

Thanks, I'll work on thats stuff. I was having issues slowing down the rotation without making it seem too jittery.


Or Wario? Your input is what's really shit.

>> No.2167149

Started making youtube videos. I am working in paint. Can someone recommend some programme for animation? Want to keep it shity though.

>> No.2167244

>takes time to post, asks a question
>doesn't bother to read the OP or the thread.

The answer to your question
>Can someone recommend some programme for animation
Has already been answered and discussed in this very thread.

>> No.2167250

TVPaint (see the OP), Flash, Photoshop. There are many options you could also just draw a bunch of frames and use a website to compile them into a gif or webm.

Or you know... even though you asked for a program, pencil and paper work great too.

>> No.2167284

Buy a pad of sticky notes, or just some cheap printing paper,

Get a pencil

Draw like a mother fucker, make flip books.

You don't necessarily NEED any program to practice

>> No.2167285

Easytoon. Can't get shitter than that.

>> No.2167299

It's pretty good (if choppy) but I have no idea at all what that last frame even is.

>> No.2167314

>Doesnt mention ToonBoom

I heard the new Harmony can make gifs, but I dont want to pay 200 shekels for an upgrade

>> No.2167408
File: 118 KB, 500x375, hd_stylos_ft_img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retas Studio

>> No.2167421

What's the recommended program use?

>> No.2167436

Flash is the easiest. Photoshop works similarly, and has better brushes obviously, but it takes up a lot of ram,and lacks shortcut keys for animating. TVpaint is pretty standard too, good performance, and lines, but the interface, selection tool and shortcuts are really awkward compared to most other programs.

>> No.2167473
File: 115 KB, 1024x720, 未命名-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drew this in 5 mins
[spoiler]I know it's shit. I just got bored[spoiler]

>> No.2167482

I forgot no spoiler here and even doing it wrong

>> No.2167536
File: 75 KB, 644x898, ad_148704102-e1413287929833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using Windows

That's that I'm trying to say, I can make a cutom hotkey but I have to use say ctrl+j rather than just j.

>> No.2168513

>someone who is not in school fulltime and can devote all their time to creating such a short.
you dumb fuck, they're going to school specifically FOR animation. they're not fucking around on 4chan all day or taking knitting classes, they're doing animation. That IS their fulltime.

>> No.2168540
File: 98 KB, 960x540, work-in-progress.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firs time animating in photoshop. I fucked the timing though...

>> No.2168552

what does this even mean?

>> No.2168582

Yeah, the timing is all over the place but the movement is solid.

Any more news on this? Like an ETA? Functionality?

>> No.2168585

If it's anything like how my course does it's final pieces then students work on multiple pieces and aren't just focused on one single project.

>> No.2168790

So after seeing lots of people recommend The animators survival kit I finally got around to getting a copy. I've looked through the book and I've never seen a book as useful as this one, it literally has all the secrets to 2d animation from a disney master. Now if I can only get off my ass and actually work through this stuff....

>> No.2168849
File: 260 KB, 1536x864, stickmanjump.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made a jump exercise. how did i do?

>> No.2168854

Looks all right so far. It's a little jerky, you need to add some more frames I think. I'd say play with the timing a little as well but I think for now all it really needs is some more frames.

Inbetween the first and second half of the leap and see where that gets you.

>> No.2168938

>It's a little jerky, you need to add some more frames I think
It should be in the sticky that "more frames" is not critique.

>> No.2168954
File: 227 KB, 766x431, inBetween.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh but it is anon. i do suppose previous anon could get ignore it. they did say "exercise" aka roughs. as an exercise anon did a good job. anon inquired how they did, they did pretty good. so good that if they add more a few more frames it'd be even better. See pic related. There are not enough drawings for the jump, the distance the body moves is far to great between frames without some sort of motion blur, even then doesn't look like there are enough frames.

regardless anon will decide for themselves whether to move onto the next exercise or polish this one further, either way i'm convinced they will make the correct decision.

>> No.2168961

"more frames" doesn't mean "change the timing/spacing". It's just "add more inbetweens", so basically, "make it smoother" which is not real critique.
Pointing out a lack of frames is just a tangible detail that doesn't actually relate to the possible core problem in the animation.

It's easy to look at an animation, feel like something is wrong with it, and then say "just add more frames that'll probably fix it and make it look better". But that's not real critique. and it's the thing people always say in these threads. Fuck, there was some dude who posted just a WIP layout for the scene he would be animating, and people replied to him "yeah it needs more frames", when it wasn't even supposed to be properly animated yet.

You can say, "change the timing, he is going too fast", or "the posing at the landing point isn't logical" or "you should optimize your spacing more at this point". That's actual critique. Saying "add more frames" just means that you want it to be smoother, which means jack and shit.

>> No.2168964

i guess i see your point so i'll say this and be done with it

you think the spacing here is ok? cause I don't. hence, add more frames (tighten up the spacing). if the character is gonna travel that much distance it doesn't look realistic as drawn.

do you legitimately think that additional frames are ONLY useful for adding "smoothness" ? or, perhaps, is it difficult if not impossible to properly convey certain motions without a minimum number of frames?

here i'll say it another way- the motions in the rough are too complex for the amount of frames, if you want it to read well with what you have simplify the jump motion, if you want to push this further, draw more frames so it reads better because right now it's a unclear.

side note, i'd love to see a complex animation in 6 frames on twos, it'd be the "For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn" of animation.

i'll leave it at that and refrain from making any other suggestions in this thread.

>> No.2170208 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 540x960, tortwip1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rolling again

>> No.2170216
File: 76 KB, 540x960, tortwip1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rolling again

>> No.2170345

damn guys, amazing work!

here;s something i'm working on, theres also more wips on my channel but nothing is finished.

>> No.2170479

I'm an animator who still does stuff on youtube, but after 2012 youtube murdered content that takes time to create. Basically if you aren't pumping out 10 videos a week that are 10 minutes long or longer, you get placed in the bottom CPM and your videos don't show up in related or anything unless you go viral by luck if some huge site picks up your vid.

Meanwhile letsplayers/livebloggers get top end dollar because advertisers don't care about what the content is, as long as they can target a specific demographic.

The way the system works is watch time, so say a letsplay produces 10 videos a week, 10 minutes long. But lets say that only 20% or less watch their video entirely (most of the time the figure is more like 30-40% or higher if they are a huge letsplayer), so you get 2 minutes of watch time per video, per day.

Now as an animator i can produce 1 minute of footage is weeks if i rush it or a month and a half. So for that entire time frame of production, despite 100% watch time I have a grand total of one minute.

I can't blame google really since it's a business, but it really sucks being able to make a living on youtube animating and then it comes crashing down. At least patreon has been a life saver.

>> No.2170513

Nice start

>> No.2171097

>side note, i'd love to see a complex animation in 6 frames on twos, it'd be the "For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn" of animation.
That's not a lot to work with.

>> No.2171266
File: 1.16 MB, 540x960, tortwip2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2171407

I feel like he should be blinking or panting, otherwise his face looks frozen

>> No.2172020


I like the colors and the cute cartoony look you've given your character, but I wanted to second this poster:

The character is definitely lifting the back of their thighs up and it doesn't look right. I know you may have already sunk hours into that animation, but I really think you should toss it and start over.

The character's whole body should move down towards the ground in anticipation of the jump > then the body moves very very quickly, like 1-2 frame to jump > and then the body should be hanging in the air post-jump.

>> No.2172557

New tred: >>2172555

>> No.2173756

it's pretty standard for 2D to use 3D elements at this point.