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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 18 KB, 250x250, 250px-Sweating-Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2135885 No.2135885 [Reply] [Original]

> Hey anon, is that your sketchbook? Can I see it?

>> No.2135913

"Oh...oh uh. Yeah. Yeah sure. It's uhm, uh, just like studies though. You know, it's uh, not that interesting, but I guess you can look if you want. Because yeah it's like, studies. I uhm. Yeah I'm more of a painter actually. I use shape you know? Values. This whole sketching thing, uhm...yeah, you know, just flip through it. Just uh, studies'n'stuff...."

>> No.2135918

>Wow Anon you sure draw alot of guys.

>> No.2135928

"Do you know these girls"= she wants the d.

>> No.2135930

>"Do you know these girls"
"No, they're from photos I find online, I have over 10k of them on my computer"

>> No.2135932
File: 64 KB, 1000x768, normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bring sketchbook to relatives house
>more relatives come over
>put sketchbook aside, thought I hid it well
>eating dinner with fam
>aunt finds sketchbook
>"hey anon, want to show me your sketchbook?"
>get nervous, can't think of an eloquent excuse out of it
>she is able to feign enthusiasm for the first few pages
>she starts to realize how weird I am
>get nervous as I recall alot of drawings in the sketchbook
>It is dead silent as I watch her turn each page, try to explain some of the drawings but realize I am making it worse when I hear what I am saying
>Just awkwardly waiting for her to Finnish
>she turns the last page and doesn't say anything, just looks at me with a blank expression that perfectly reads "what the fuck are you doing"
>her face when she saw this drawing

>> No.2135946

Kek, are you me

>> No.2135947

>get nervous, can't think of an eloquent excuse out of it
Just say that it's your private journal/diary and most folks won't inquire further.

>> No.2135949

Ha, I like that drawing.

>> No.2135950

I really really love that drawing of yours, no homo.

>> No.2135952


thx guys. Its a gamble when I show my drawings to people. they either really like it or have ran a good ten feet away from me before I can ask for their opinion

>> No.2135953

your aunt is probably screaming loomis inside.

>> No.2135955

I like it as well, easy to look at.

>> No.2135957

Whenever I say something like 'Honestly I'd rather you don't, it's just quick sketches and learning processes- there's nothing there that's meant to be shown.' they think I'm just an idiot trying to be modest so won't seem to stop insisting. But I'd genuinely feel horrified embarrassment at the idea of their flipping through them. Just because they feel so shoddy to me compared to my finished work since my loose doodles and in-process attempts at everything are in there.
Though I understand the miscomprehension, since just about all of the artist friends I've known who keep sketchbooks respond in exactly the same way, but really are just trying to be modest, and very much want to show off their work.

>> No.2135960

That is a really interesting drawing. I like it!

>> No.2135962
File: 35 KB, 600x885, 29e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW my 60 year old retired ex-cop dad flips through my sketchbook and sees all the kawaii animu waifus I draw

>> No.2135965
File: 21 KB, 505x550, 1426931309438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why you do this to me child ?
>why you no better than your brother ?
>what did i ever do to you ?

>> No.2135966


>> No.2135972
File: 459 KB, 384x288, tumblr_lqnk7lGlvt1qg46lw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"oh that?"
"That's old stuff from like 3 months ago, I draw way better now"

>> No.2135975


>> No.2135977

Every fucking time.

>> No.2135982

I know that feel bro

>> No.2135997
File: 499 KB, 500x319, e6d308576410e3043b8b7351bfc298e4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have a good drawing sketchbook and a "real" sketchbook
faggots think I'm good, they have no idea how much shit I waded through for those few drawings.

>> No.2136004


>> No.2136009


>> No.2136010


>> No.2136014


>> No.2136033

>my sketchbook is full of gestures and studies of naked chicks and jojo bizarre adventure art
i h-hope nobody thinks i'm weird

>> No.2136037
File: 464 KB, 526x646, fGQJ9Kr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing but animu niche kink art, animal carcasses and gestural abstract looking bullshit
Y-You too

>> No.2136244

>grill asks to see my sketchbook
>show it to her from start, explaining certain characters
>making jokes over the weirder characters, make her giggle
>she gives me that look, you know the one
>Barbecue my sausages on her all night long

>> No.2136304

I really, really, really like that effect.

>> No.2136316

>gestures, ripped naked man and unfinished sketches
Well duh, muh sketchbook is for practice and doodles, if you wanna see some pretty stuff I'll link you my tumblr.

>> No.2136333

mine is mostly portraits and naked women but ive no problem showing them to people

my friends books are full of anime and superheroes and such and if mine were like his i'd keep them in a locked chest inside a locked chest

>> No.2136365
File: 1.47 MB, 430x208, 1 - Copy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Playing Splatoon demo
>Servers are shitting themselves, stuck waiting for server
>whip out sketchbook, begins doodling sorta lewd inkling boy over a torso drawing I did

>2 weeks later, at grandma's for birthday a

>"Anon, what've you been drawing in your sketchbook?"
>I give it to her without a second thought, I don't really draw weird stuff in my main sketchbook
>She flips through and nods, gets to the last page and closes it, hands it back without saying anything
>2 days later I realized she probably saw the drawing

I tore the page out and threw it in my drawer. I should probably throw it out so it's not found ever again

>> No.2136583

ugh lay off the Ava's demon references.

>> No.2136589
File: 86 KB, 750x958, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This your work, anon?

>> No.2136602


Yes. That would be me.

>> No.2136607

seems like you have a secret fan

but, really, i also think your stuff's great! show more

>> No.2136617
File: 42 KB, 384x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks dude! that's Awesome you like it. Means a lot to me.
I made a tumblr yesterday, I'll regularly post my stuff on it


>> No.2136627
File: 19 KB, 267x267, 1404267803284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW auntie, grandma and cousins all ask to see my drawings
>literally all I draw is hentai

>> No.2136639


This one is jokes, I like it.

>> No.2136640
File: 167 KB, 305x331, stopfeeling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sketchbook filled with edgy grotesque monster dudes and very erotic drawings of naked ladies

People always assume the worst about me when they see that shit.

>> No.2136651
File: 727 KB, 500x281, 1434316233828.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I have entire pages dedicated to man ass.

>> No.2136656
File: 1.39 MB, 750x1000, tumblr_nnlgx0Zvz31ts8jcso9_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have the opposite problem. I draw nothing but women.

>People ask to see my sketchbook.
>wonder where I went wrong with my life

>> No.2136659

you could have been drawing furshit, thats even less presentable

>> No.2136665



>> No.2136668

do you draw jojos, atleast?

>> No.2136669
File: 73 KB, 492x266, 1435516856514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grandma wants to see my sketchbook
>grandpa catches me erasing and changing a koala giving the middle finger into an outstretched fist
>he chuckles but doesn't mention it to anyone

didn't expect that from him

>> No.2136670

>family reunion
>huge crowd
>somebody finds my sketch book while going through my parents car
>group of relatives go through it
>mfw they find my buthole studies
>Literally 30 pages of varying assholes including two pages of pony ass I drew to learn fur art
>now I'm the weird black sheep
>younger cousins no longer looks at me with admiration
>ex black sheep who is actually a brony keeps trying to add me on facebook

Why is it always family reunions?

>> No.2136675

>grandpa catches me erasing and changing a koala giving the middle finger into an outstretched fist

this whole scene makes me kek

>> No.2136682
File: 412 KB, 1188x1016, 61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you suggesting that it would be less gay?

>> No.2136689
File: 955 KB, 300x170, 4428653+_194edcf45762a3226cddc6736e6cb762.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About a month ago my friend came over to my house and she was in my room for a while I wasn't around. I walked in and saw her looking through a sketchbook turning to me and saying "you draw a lot of buts"
"yeah, whatever"

I didn't think much of it at the time but a couple weeks later she told me she saw drawings I made of a girl masturbating. I was extremely embarrassed she had no idea I ... I would make a joke of reciting different porn cite names at irrelevant times and now that doesn't seem so funny. Now I realize I have that kind of shit in all my sketchbooks, if not porn still naked people. Too many naked people from imagination. If people want to look through my sketch book I will let them if its not dirty, obviously I suppose. I have to be more careful, if I get that embarrassed over my best friend I've got an awful lot of embarrassment in store if I keep drawing lewd NSFW. Pic related is how I will guard my sketchbook.

I can't believe that happened to you, I really feel I have nothing to complain now about so thanks.

>> No.2136712

>tfw I have an extra sketchbook for furfaggotry related studies

>tfw it's safely stashed away in my closet below my box of socks

I would die of shame if anybody would find that out.

>> No.2136850

>Me at 13 years old
>TRYING to draw cute naked animu loli's
>Cousin sees it
>Question my sexuality ever since

>> No.2136873

to be honest i never sit here and stare and a drawing for such a while. i like it. Is this really that weird to people? am i not normal lol? i never drew things like thise, maybe it cause i appreciate the lines and shading/detail

>> No.2136897

>visiting parents house for spring break
>accidentally leave sketchbook at home on my bed
>scared as fuck my dad's going to look inside of it and see all my animu
>they call saying they'll send it over, nothing out of the ordinary
>2 weeks later they send it over along with a few other things I left
>all my animus are redlined.
>even my porn got redlined

>> No.2136903

Post pics

>> No.2136910


>> No.2136912

you're aunts a pleb

>> No.2136934
File: 9 KB, 407x395, 1400424052714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The easiest solution to this ancient inconvenience is buying a drawing pad for on the go and archiving your drawings at the end of the day.

>> No.2136943

>work at callcenter for a few months
>nobody cares what you do besides doing the job
>use time to draw stuff
>have a really bad day where work is just pissing me off because nobody even takes the call (I was supposed to meet a quota)
>draw a clown hanging himself with the phone in the background saying "the number you have dialed is currently not available..." That´s what I heard for hours
>supervisor comes around, sees drawing
>Anon are you suicidal? Is everything alright? If you need to talk we can talk if you want.
>Have to explain her 10 minutes that I´m not going to an hero because of a bad day at work

>> No.2136963

what do you mean "redlined"?

>> No.2136971
File: 20 KB, 410x356, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have sketchbook with people fucking pink and other fur shit
>sometimes casually draw other sfw things
>dad says that if he even sees one sign of pone that he would kill me
>is black
>still draw fur shit cause I like doing it
>know the risk

Never has this been so dire dire docks

>> No.2136972
File: 110 KB, 1000x669, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why dont you draw anything but humans anon?

>> No.2136977

You have a lot of nosy cunts in your family.

>> No.2137010


post it here

>> No.2137012

>is black

Oh man, now you KNOW he'll do it.

>> No.2137013
File: 8 KB, 204x204, 1434597174467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I don't fucking care

>> No.2137016

None ya'll niggas posting the sketches.

Ya'll just talkin'. On a imageboard.

>> No.2137018

No way, my dad might see them

>> No.2137034

My friends and family would say pretty much the same thing to me when I was a kid if I drew anything that wasn't some kind of dragon or knockoff Pokemon I came up with. Hell, growing up my parents wouldn't even let me WATCH Pokemon because they were so against "animays"

>> No.2137038

Someone doesn't love their familial relationships

>> No.2137117

>Hell, growing up my parents wouldn't even let me WATCH Pokemon because they were so against "animays

Replace anime with "Demonic"
>cable [CN, Nick, Disney etc]
>legend of zelda
>yu gi oh or whatever
>power rangers [all of them]

How did I make friends during elementsry school?

>> No.2137119
File: 136 KB, 750x995, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2137126


>you will never make Applebutt your butt slut

I'm sad now.

>> No.2137130

Subject matter aside, I respect the fact that you're willing to put that stuff on paper where other people could find it. You're a cool dude.

>> No.2137350
File: 37 KB, 525x481, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2137366

Fucking bookmarked.
I love your stuff.
I wish that one day I can transfer the weird in my head to paper like that.

>> No.2137423


Their drawings were corrected instead of just criticism.

>> No.2137424
File: 13 KB, 640x360, spongebob-elite-daily-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasnt able to watch yugioh (they used the word "summoned") or card captors (they use magic, burn the witch) when they we're on kids WB. Christian household life. Pic related, my 8 year old face after they broke my spirit

>> No.2137444

I really like your lines. Just saying.

>> No.2137459

Did your parents come from Salem or something?

>> No.2137461

>jojo bizarre adventure art
Become my friend

I feel bad for you :c

I only had someone ask to see pictures I've drawn. All I draw is cute little girls and cute little boys (i mean like children swinging together) and characters from shows and games.
But even though I have lots of fun, I am not good so my only embarassment comes from that

>> No.2137462

>haha anon you sure do like to draw women
>anon.. why are they all in the bathroom?
>.... is that me..?

>> No.2137466
File: 195 KB, 868x1024, freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a curious picture indeed.

>> No.2137489

They were the type of people that would've tried to get the harry potter books banned from schools

>> No.2137558
File: 168 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im am trying to improve my portrait drawing, im struggling getting a likeness. Anybody know of some video tutorials or dvds I should look into on the subject??

>> No.2137582

>age 19, being with an old buddy from elementary school at my house
>talking about old fake pokemon we used to draw back when we were like 12-14
>"do you still have these drawings?"
>"haha sure"
>forget about all the shitty yaoi I used to draw in the sketchbooks like the filthy fujoshit I am
>he sees it
>he stares at me intensely and slowly hands me the sketchbook at the exact page
>sweating intensifies
>laugh awkwardly while I rip the page and wish I was dead
5 years have passed and I still cringe.

>> No.2137706

Is that yours?
Revisit the skull a lil bit

>> No.2137710
File: 12 KB, 201x199, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that

>> No.2137832

I like it too.
Fuck em, if they can't understanf by themselves they never will anyway.

>> No.2137848
File: 9 KB, 634x594, y-yaranaika20110724-22047-1lyq2i0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stared at you intensely eh?

>> No.2137854
File: 2.67 MB, 1920x1080, 1428708222474.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for sharing that Anon

>> No.2138338

I exactly have the same feelings toward non artist people

>> No.2138356

I really like, it. Im gonna draw some fan art of it

>> No.2138377 [DELETED] 
File: 602 KB, 785x928, Spacecowtits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Have entire decoy sketchbook for SFW drawings
> Get called a pervert by relatives for this drawing
> They haven't seen my sketchbook dedicated to futa

>> No.2138378 [DELETED] 
File: 602 KB, 785x928, Spacecowtits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have entire decoy sketchbook for SFW drawings
>Get called a pervert by relatives for this drawing
>They haven't seen my sketchbook dedicated to futa and yoai

>> No.2138379 [DELETED] 
File: 602 KB, 785x928, Spacecowtits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have entire decoy sketchbook for SFW drawings
>Get called a pervert by relatives for this drawing
>They haven't seen my sketchbook dedicated to futa/yaoi shit

>> No.2138390

reminds me of Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. Especially the eyeball

>> No.2138450

What's a sketchbook?

>> No.2138499
File: 174 KB, 650x340, 1393822045582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that was the look.

>> No.2138530

>go to the campus starbucks and draw things often
>qt Japanese barista likes taking a look at my stuff every so often and requests a drawing
>exams and deadlines hit, stop going there because it's always full
>come back after quite a long while, she's stopped working there too
>never see her

>> No.2138535
File: 131 KB, 640x640, 988597_790643377715118_747801364290604843_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything will be okay.

>> No.2138562

what is google?

>> No.2138563

did you ask the other employes if they have any contacts, a phone, e-mail, something?

>> No.2138585

Nah, didn't bother.

>> No.2138606

>5th grade
>not that popular in class, kinda awkward, the only thing that makes me fit in is my drawings of the teachers and classmates
>with a friend, we start drawing more, and we're trying to make funny stuff, so we make it more and more offensive
>we draw all the time, through all the classes
>at the end we show the others, they always piss themselves laughing, i become popular and respected
>at this point we're about 6 months in the school year, and i usually stack up drawings under my desk and then put them in my bag after a week or so
>forget to do twice and there's a giant pile of drawings that are all racist, degrading, sexual caricatures of teachers and classmates with their names written next to them
>main teacher finds them accidentally
>the next day i get stopped in the middle of the hallway by the dean
>he takes me to his office and shows me every single sheet of paper with plastic protection
>i shit my pants
>i remember very vividly a drawing of my fat maths teacher getting fucked in the ass by the romanian kid
>he also shows me a drawing i did of him, sucking cocks
>get suspended, hours of punishment work
>they call my parents, and they talk about it at the end of the year, show it to the other parents
>i didn't draw for 3 years after that

still think about this every so often and cringe

>> No.2138751
File: 53 KB, 604x453, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting caught

>> No.2138757

I used a notebook for drawing a comic during math and I always kept it in the open drawer under the desk. The whole school used the same class for math so I wonder how many people saw it.

I also drew a hyper violent comic when I was 13 in school. One faggot just had to ruin it for everyone and told the teacher about it. The teacher got mad but she didn't really give a shit about anything because she was really young. I got yelled at but that's all.

I also had an idea to draw ebin funny dogs fucking and shitting and sell the pictures but my undertaking was stopped when the teacher somehow found out about the countless pictures on small pieces of paper.

>> No.2138759
File: 56 KB, 328x370, 1378512337851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he takes me to his office and shows me every single sheet of paper with plastic protection
>with plastic protection
I knew shit was gonna get serious even if I didn't know what you drew.

>> No.2138793

>plastic protection
Jesus, they didn't do that with the countless exam papers I drew on.

>> No.2138803

I sketch on the train everyday. IPeople look and comment all the time.

Stop being so fucking autistic, /ic/, you're never going to get hired if you act unhireable

>> No.2138822

Did you even read the thread

>> No.2138848

someone doesn't draw animal assholes on a regular basis

>> No.2138956

not bad brah,
Saved, keep it up

>> No.2138965

I drew stupid shit on my high school math graduation exam because thanks to a stupid policy that one year people could pass with just one (1) point.

I also made an anti-semitic joke in the english exam. They had us write a letter from a displeased customer to the company. Ofcourse I had a jew write angrily about how instead of "The Holocaust" book he ordered he received Mein Kampf. I didn't score as high in writing as in other areas so maybe someone didn't appreciate the joke.

Fun times.

>> No.2139643

>in middle school
>carry sketchbook everywhere
>father likes to brag vicariously through me
>doesn't even know what I draw, just that I do.
>go to some street fair event
>dad starts chatting up the first artist he sees
>muh kid draws too you should see she's really amazing, some kinda prodigy, literal god of art, etc
>oh no
>death grip on sketchbook
>Dad tries pulling it out of my hands
>feels resistance
>grabs my arm and rips sketchbook away from me
>dad please stop
>slams it down on the table
>starts briskly flipping through it so artist lady can see
>lolita gore on every page
>this poor woman has to just smile and force a compliment
>stop bringing sketchbooks out in public

>> No.2139652

thats called sketchbook rape

>> No.2139657

I call b.s.

>> No.2139658
File: 103 KB, 1304x1184, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what purpose

>> No.2139659
File: 61 KB, 850x685, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I will

>> No.2139662

Post pics. I know you have it somewhere

>> No.2139663

don't underestimate the power of controlling asshole fathers. He did this all the time, except before it was 'hey Anon, show everyone what you're drawing' and I would.
Since I started drawing gore, that was the first time I didn't.

>> No.2139667

Cool story. Try harder

>> No.2139676
File: 292 KB, 774x1031, terrible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoot dog, that was more than ten years ago. Pulled this from my old da.

I remember one of a girl eating a rabbit, a girl eating eyeballs out of a chocolate box, a snake coming out of a girls eye. Edgy teenager stuff. We all had that phase... right?

Someone on the internet doesn't believe me :C

>> No.2139681

I personally didn't have such a phase so I don't know how to feel about that

but about the father part I can 100% relate, he does the same, without even seeing my sketchbook, he push me into showing it to others, and since I stay at home just enough time to sleep, wash and eat I have to carry my sketchbook with me if I want to git gut

>> No.2139683

My edgy teenager stuff was yaoi bait and naruto chibi drawings... honestly, loli gore is a whole lot less embarrassing.

>> No.2139685
File: 14 KB, 460x495, 6435324534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>May 17, 2006
>5th grade

>> No.2139689

>middle school is 5th grade

>> No.2139704

fuck your aunt this is cool

>> No.2139714

plastic covers = keeping evidence.
if its just individual incidents they usually just talk to you then tell you to stop, but when its a pile of shit then that means trouble, especially if its porn in a middle/elementary school.

basically if you're going to do stupid shit keep it isolated and throw it away immediately. it helps with legal shit because 1 or 2 can just be a weird day, 100 is you're fucking crazy.

>> No.2139740

Huh. Neat.

>> No.2139742
File: 38 KB, 265x265, like seriously.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>carry sketchbook everywhere
>>lolita gore on every page
Do you seriously expect anybody to believe this shit?

>> No.2139752

You know, there is also the possibility the he is just dumb.

>> No.2139782

>death grip on sketchbook
>sketchbook suddenly appears in his hands

>> No.2139790

One cannot part without his sketchbook

>> No.2139835
File: 941 KB, 879x621, awyeh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Become my friend

>> No.2139854

See >>2139676
He is a big dumdum

>> No.2139886
File: 48 KB, 821x461, Old Shit 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, but you won't like my sketchbook.


>> No.2139961
File: 1.75 MB, 3140x2396, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2139988

Uh oh, Seventh Day Adventist?
I feel you, man. Not related to the thread, because my drawing is somehow the only thing they wouldn't give me shit about (except when I started to do fantasy, of course. "but why don't you draw naked ladies instead of all those dragons, Anon?")

>> No.2139995

Simply not drawing NSFW shit when you are in public is a good solution.
When you are at home use a different sketchbook or plow through stacks of printer paper.

>> No.2140084

this is really entertaining, thank you anon

could you link some of your recent work?

>> No.2140102

>draw pic of mom naked
>cum on it
>fold it up to throw away
>forget to
>wake up next morning
>go downstairs drawing is not where i left it
>reference photo i got from the basement is
>check garbage
>its in there
>seemingly un opened because the cum still ripped the paper when i opened it up
>destroy the evidence
>call mom
>doesnt answer
>calls me back
>pretend like im calling about going grocery shopping later
>slip in something about the piece of paper on my desk earlier
>"uh yeah anon i may have thrown out red piece of paper this morning"
>paper wasnt red
>clearly going out of her way to make up false details so it seems less conspicuous
>freak out and tell her not to touch my stuff in a temperament not characteristic of the rest of the convo
>all is lost
>tell my friend it happened a couple days later
>actually pretty freeing for him to know that whatever petty shit he thinks i care about i never did
>make him feel better about himself in the process hopefully

>> No.2140103


That's an impressive piece. Imaginative. Your aunt is a plebeian.

>> No.2140154
File: 41 KB, 640x441, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man. I made a tumblr so if you want to see more of my stuph I'll post it there

>> No.2140158
File: 193 KB, 885x1254, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"can I see that anon"
>I know it's all shit
>"this is great anon"
>slightly boosts my self esteem
>5 minutes later still back to thinking it's shit
>never feel like I'll make it

>> No.2140159
File: 518 KB, 968x1296, june 22 2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8th grade
>catholic school
>teacher finds sketchbook
>sent to principal
>Principal rips out all the drawings in the sketchbook
>Must've realized how retarded that is, staples them back together and hands them back to me
>Hope you learned your lesson, anon

>fast forward to now
>"Can I see you're sketchbook?"
>Thumbs through it
>"Sure, I'll model for you"

Feels good.

pic related isn't a personal friend of mine. I still pay money to draw her. But I do have friends from high school that model for me now so that's nice

>> No.2140160

Oh don't forget the Egyptian God cards. I was allowed to watch it, only if I referred to them simply as" Egyptian cards". However, things got iffy with the "steal your soul" stuff. And then there was the occasional "you are worshiping those cards" when I would build a deck.

>> No.2140162

as an aside, everyone who sees me draw has more or less an understanding that I can draw them and draw them well. It's just usually a matter of them asking. I'm very shy about requesting models, especially nude ones.

>> No.2140195
File: 67 KB, 424x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god you're right

>> No.2140198
File: 22 KB, 396x431, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw pic of mom naked
>cum on it

>> No.2140199
File: 13 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2140200
File: 45 KB, 385x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having the courage to ask for modeling

>> No.2140203
File: 62 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying cards at all
>"They are demonic anon give them to me"
>procceeds to burn them

>> No.2140303

Sounds like my junior high experience. I used to draw little comics, and yeah, they were a little nsfw, but it was just strong language mostly. She took my drawings, sent them to the principal, and old me I needed a physic evaluation. She claims I was crazy, had no friends, and the way I make a social life for myself is that I draw friends and social situations that I could never have. First of all, who the fuck comes up with that shit? Second, I have lots of friends, who loved my comics. When she left, he gave them back to me and said she was the crazy one. Glad someone was cool about it.

>> No.2140342

oh granpa

>> No.2140363
File: 488 KB, 2000x1200, Assboy++.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that would be furry so, no, not gonna post recent work. Its still extreme fetishes, bus using anthros since my humans never got out of uncanny valley.

>> No.2140613

>Depressed, none of my hobbies make me happy.
>Take up YGO and MTG with a friend who's whole family is into games in general
>We get close, make new friends thanks to the card games.
>Meet people, go out, start looking for a job so I can keep up with my hobbies
>Love playing with anyone, my sister, try to introduce one of my shy friends to the game and he opens up, loves it.
>Out of town, pick up a box on the cheap because florida price inflation.
>Turns out my mother snuck into my room, stole my cards and threw them all out because they were "demonic"
>I literally ran an Angel deck.
>MFW my sisters cards never got touched and now she doesn't use them at all because I was the only person she played with.

>> No.2140616

it was specifically a drawing I did, cause I would mostly just draw little characters running around doing stuff to practice poses and other things, of Murderface from Metalocalypse.

And it said in big letters below his stupid head "MURDERFACE"

so teacher must've thought I was on one or looking to murder. I just thought murderface was funny.

>> No.2141100
File: 107 KB, 500x667, aqriaubxvgfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon plz..

>> No.2141115

"I dont have a bound book of drawings, but I have lots of drawings on loose pieces of copy paper."

I only show the best ones. the rest I keep somewhere else. win.

>> No.2141121

dude i am so sorry lol

>> No.2141125
File: 3.88 MB, 344x203, bitchtears.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing NSFW material/studies in your physical sketchbook
>not keeping that shit digital.

You people are fucking retarded.

>> No.2141130

Not everyone draws digitally or have a tablet for that matter

>> No.2141517

at least some girl can ask you to draw her like one of your french girls

>> No.2141520

Poor fags that will never make it dont have tablets you mean.

>> No.2141545

>Showing you art to pleb

don't ever do that, what was the point?

most people don't even appreciate Bach music

>> No.2141547

you're very talented and there's no way you don't know it

do you paint?

>> No.2141555

scan that shit for $30.

>> No.2141830
File: 56 KB, 500x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being able to put your computer in your room in a christian house

>> No.2141831
File: 14 KB, 275x269, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Turns out my mother snuck into my room, stole my [x] and threw them all out because they were "demonic"


>> No.2141832

>not buying a scanner
Git gud

>> No.2141863

x= black candles and jars of virgin blood

>> No.2141872
File: 92 KB, 1083x833, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jars of virgin blood
>not fueling your car with fresh virgin blood

>> No.2141877

>using a car instead of just being summoned
>stay pleb

>> No.2141884

Do you live with him?
Try to escape.

>> No.2141890

Jesus christ, I feel bad for you. My parents were totally cool with all those tcgs, but some native faggot stole my crystal beast deck in 6th grade. I had Rainbow Dragon and everything too. ;_;

>> No.2141899

No friends to crash with
No decent money
No privlege

Woe is me

>> No.2141900

are you a man? bam! privlege.

>> No.2141908

I bet he is ablebodied and neurotypical too
>dat cis scum

>> No.2141910

god im throwing up and shitting myself im so angry. the nerve of this oppressor

>> No.2141924

ikr omg i started a tumblr petition, he should be arrested in ni time,

>> No.2141927


>Having your opinion of your work change positively after someone compliments you on it

How to spot the pleb.

>> No.2141948
File: 10 KB, 417x438, 1387739319666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There, is that so hard?

>> No.2141975

>"omg, u r liek, so mean anon, holy shit, what a faggot"

>> No.2142021

>"What a fag. His art probably sucks too."

>> No.2142034

if i looked like jonah hill i would have a very emotional connection to that movie

is it bad that i can tell you're foreign?

>> No.2142039

if you care about comments like this, you really are a fag.

>> No.2142044

>"listen to this fag, haahahahaa, that thing is SO not coming to my party"

>> No.2142134

thanks brah. I don't really see myself as talented.

I don't really paint but plan to in the future. Pencils give me everything I want. I love having a super sharp pencil, it allows me to get very detailed

>> No.2142224

>Caring about faggot parties with not enough alcohol and stupid bitches

>> No.2142225

STFU you're talented you faggot

>> No.2142289

30 pages? WHY

>> No.2142297

I don't have this problem.
I keep my sketchbook in the bathroom.
It's probably better my parents think I'm masturbating.

>> No.2142301

>having your own bathroom

some have such a luck

>> No.2143205

I geuss Ill just have to take your word for it then haha
does this mean I could someday maybe make some monies with me art?

>> No.2143232
File: 145 KB, 1000x750, photo 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sketchbook you say?

>> No.2143233

it was my first try...

i cant draw nips

>> No.2143264

has she never seen a dali painting? fuuuuck

>> No.2143334

>drawing yellow porn
What a autistic faggot

>> No.2143533

You wouldn't believe how many different kinds of butholes there are anon.
>mfw they definitively saw the post coitus relaxed sphincter studies

You wouldn't believe it, I managed to keep all of the weird shit I was into hidden for years as well.

>> No.2143543

una vela.

>> No.2143567


>> No.2144873

>post coitus relaxed sphincter studies

>> No.2144950

>having a social life and spending time with friends and family and meeting new people
>not using that time to get good at art instead

>> No.2145042

that's actually really funny. There are too many people in the world who are just way to normal and will never be able to understand nor relate to anything that isn't taylor swift or minions from despicable me.

>> No.2146428

The normies outnumber us by like 90 to 10

>> No.2146459

>Use friends and family as a live figure drawing ref
>Go to parties, sit on couch and draw others
>Whenever outing, never order food and always some drink, proceed to sketch friends
>When conversing 30% attention to friend and 70% to art.
Gotta have a lot of charisma or be lucky to pull it off though, also gotta be good multitasker.
Ideally you go outing with 2+ friends so they can keep the convo up.
>tfw it will never happen to me

>> No.2146489

He was trying to be funny

>> No.2146521

>Accidentally leave sketchbook at my mom's house
>It's okay, I'll just get it the next time I go there
>Not even halfway through the drive home, mom calls to tell me I'm a "babe machine"
>T-thanks, mom.

>> No.2146646
File: 53 KB, 195x238, Walden woah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to put in my 8 hours a day and practice like crazy
>It's too hot in my house so I'll suffocate in my tiny swarthy room
>Have to draw in the living room or I know I'm not going to sit straight and draw
>Family constantly coming through while I draw
>I'm too self conscious to continue without fear of someone looking or interrupting
>Everytime someone peaks in the slightest I want to curl up, shut my sketchbook and never draw again
I wish I either had super-autistic concentration or could not be such a pussy and draw as I need to.

>> No.2146648

gitgud anon

>> No.2146653

>in my room
>Drawing gestures from quickposes
>Erotic themed male picture comes
>Entire family with cousins and friends simultaneously open the door
>Everybody walk the dinosaur

>> No.2146660

This so much,im always self-conscious when i draw,i'll always have to find a corner where im alone to draw efficiently.

>> No.2146666

I work at a used video game store and am drawing all the time therein (as much as I can anyway I actually do have to work on occasion, unfortunately). You get people all the time asking what you're doing/drawing and shit. It's so annoying and I can just feel my gains being sucked out of me with every syllable. People suck. Your situation is different though, buddy, you're dealing with your family so what will happen is they will interrupt you as my customers do to me, but the beautiful thing is they'll get bored and piss off and very rarely interrupt you from that point forward.

>> No.2146671
File: 148 KB, 676x428, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"If you want to see countless shitty figures go right ahead"

Thats a cool mom, mine would invite me to church if she saw mine.

>> No.2146673

She was pRobably thinking what a pretentious fucking hack you are trying to be some edgey mc escher, fucking retard

>> No.2146687

wait you found pic of your mom naked in your basement? Im gonna need details

>> No.2146695

>You get people all the time asking what you're doing/drawing and shit. It's so annoying and I can just feel my gains being sucked out of me with every syllable. People suck.
What a bunch of assholes, taking interest in your art like that!

>> No.2146697

Are you okay, anon? Is something wrong?

>> No.2146715

I hope so. If it was just some random stranger I might care less but my parents feel the need to constantly "Encourage" me and give their input everytime. I know it's supposed to be encouraging but from people who don't understand art it's really grating freezes me up to no end. Most of the conversations go like this:
>"Oooh anon why is that girls titty showing?"
>"It's just a figure exercise."
>"But they're not even exercising."
>"It's just practice."
>"Anon why don't you draw people with faces? You draw them all naked and faceless."

>"It's because they're not people. They're gesture drawings/mannequins/ect."
>"What do you mean they're not people. They look like people!"
>"Well they're not people. They're art abstractions"
>"Pretty sure they're people."
>"Okay whatever you say."
>"What's that one called, or this one? Anon why don't you give them names? You've drawn like 50 of those guys why are you so weird?"
>"Because it's a drawing exercise!"
>"I don't get why you don't just draw portraits."
>At which my arms go limp and I retreat my head down in shame.

Drawings a hell of a chore when around obnoxious people who don't understand it. Of course I'm still a faggot for letting it get to me rather than pushing forward to git gud but still.

Look from a self-conscious person there's nothing that takes me out of art more than someone else (By which I mean normie pleb) giving their own shite-tier humor and "critique" of your work and distracting you. It's annoying and breaks my focus, concentration and flow everytime.

>> No.2146721

>>"Oooh anon why is that girls titty showing?"
>>"It's just a figure exercise."
>"But they're not even exercising."

sorry about your situation, anon. they're caring but I would have a hard time dealing with that too

>> No.2146826

Go outside you fuck.

>> No.2146828

>draw nothing but furries for years
>even my 18 year old sister if i still draw "those cute dog guys"

I just enjoy it okay. Humans are boring.

>> No.2146831

I was being a little hyperbolic, I don't actually think that they're bad people or that they "suck" for being curious of course, lol, it's just annoying because I want to draw, not talk to strangers who I'll never see again about what I'm drawing, you know?

>> No.2146836


>> No.2146846

>draw ton of nude girls and muscly guys in my sketchbook
>the drawing I am most concerned about is of two fictional twins kissing

Every time someone goes through my current sketchbook, I'm worried they watch gravity falls and will know I ship Pinecest.

Most people don't ask to see it though.

>> No.2146848

Oh, yeah, I get that. Sorry, sometimes it's hard to tell how literal people are being about things like that online.

>> No.2146897

>left my sketchbook back in the classroom on accident
>afterschool a friend comes up to me
>"your teacher has your drawing of some anime chick in her classroom"
>"I don't know what you're talking about"
>oh god oh shit
>go back to the classroom and see my notebook on the desk, no teacher
>a bunch of girls are hanging out there during a study session
>quietly enter the classroom and approach the desk
>as turn around to leave a girl stops me
>"I colored your drawing for you"
>I open up my notebook and the drawing is covered in highlighter
>exit the room at the speed of spaghetti

>> No.2146949

>not simplifying your fraction

>> No.2146953

hahaha, that's brillant anon!

>> No.2146965

I could make a hentai fantasy story about your greentext involving femdom.
Think about it, you're a small junior and those 3 big busty seniors confront you.

>> No.2146971

do it

>> No.2146982
File: 17 KB, 251x241, peace from rustling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit guys. I grew up in a christian home but my mom wasn't nuts like this. I used to play mortal kombat and watch whatever tf I wanted.

>> No.2146984

Probably. Rich people are all into that kind of weird shit you draw.

>> No.2147069

This is something I never knew I wanted

>> No.2147183

underrated toast

>> No.2147185

Sounds like you weren't raised in America or DR Congo then.

>> No.2147202
File: 90 KB, 518x500, 1436404781991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn dude.

>> No.2147231

hope you will deliver! dont let us down anon

>> No.2147274

No, I'm from america.

>> No.2147922
File: 699 KB, 2560x1440, 20150709_224509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just bought a sketch book for some reason yesterday
>drawing from time to time in my life time

>> No.2148034
File: 410 KB, 221x196, 1419183780917.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon why did you draw their penises? are you gay?? lol

>> No.2148038

next time, you girls should buy the diary with the little padlock on it

>> No.2148042

fuck you I laughed way harder than I should have

>> No.2148047
File: 299 KB, 426x446, 1420684283456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't post any more until you can draw things that don't look like stiff planks of lifeless wood

>> No.2148088

whenever i draw nsfw things i burn them with fire after. if i keep them i rip them out the sketchbook and hide them.
also whenever i show my sketchbook to someone i make sure there are no any small nsfw drawing left there.
you guys are weird.

>> No.2148102
File: 87 KB, 504x323, 132699530076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geez thanks god, only when I thought I was the only one drawing weird shit on my sketchbook and not being able to handle it to nobody anymore.

>> No.2148104
File: 132 KB, 1205x721, 13619240916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd second that, sometimes I destroy the drawing.
I cannot live with the idea that someone could accidentaly find it where I hide it while I'm out.

>> No.2148286

> people want to see your sketchbook
> you tell them it's a book full of studies, literally scribbles and they will get bored instantly
> insist on seeing it anyway
> surprise it's fucking nothing
> have to watch them look bored fortv a lifetime as they wait for something to pop out at them
> hand your shit back and just says ok cool
this kills the artist

>> No.2148584

self esteem =/= opinion of work
I meant that feeling of "hey maybe I can do this"

>> No.2149039

>First year of high school
>Me and my roomate have crush on same girl
>I'm too beta so he takes the girl
>With all the angst, I draw her sucking my cock several times till the semester
>She finds about the sketchbook
>She shows it to roomate
>Surprisingly, he mocks the shit out of me till the end of the first year
>Crush becomes so mad about the fact that he's not even pissed off about the situation, he leaves the school.

>> No.2149044

>first year of highschool

You mean brother. Don't worry, i called my parents my roommates my first year of college.

>> No.2149072

Um no. It's a boarding school.

>> No.2149100

>Why is that girls titty showing?

Every fucking time. And people asking me how I do life drawing without laughing. People need to get a grip

>> No.2149146

fucking LOL

your aunt is dumb, why do you care what others think ? your art is nice

>> No.2149310

good joke kid top kek

>> No.2149376
File: 73 KB, 447x371, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>"Oooh anon why is that girls titty showing?"
>>"It's just a figure exercise."
>>"But they're not even exercising."

>> No.2149377
File: 229 KB, 942x792, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50 pages of women figure drawings
>3 pages of guys with dicks
>"anon are you gay"

>> No.2149380

Well, are you?

>> No.2149382
File: 61 KB, 395x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're in good company

>> No.2149383
File: 44 KB, 640x452, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to belive it

>> No.2149384
File: 85 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expand your visual library

>> No.2149450

Well fuck, you have to do it now

>> No.2149483

For this reason I keep 2 sketchbooks. The bland one and the "drawing from imagination" one. I'm not even a furry and I don't draw a lot of porn stuff. I just don't want people to see the stuff I really want to draw. Even if it is harmless robits, deamons and cultists..

>> No.2149488

I wish I had an ass like that

>> No.2149489


If you did I would finger you

>> No.2149495

Oh now I remember an anecdote of my earliest days, back when 4chan didn't exist.
>start with naked cute underage animu girls
>one morning my sketchbook lies next to my breakfast
>no comments

They sure are nosey. It was so well hidden.

>> No.2149517

This thread makes me really glad that I draw digitally.

>> No.2149569
File: 241 KB, 480x270, 1351097046702.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Oooh anon why is that girls titty showing?"
>"It's just a figure exercise."
>"But they're not even exercising."

>> No.2149625

I have no problem showing my sketchbook to normal people. My problem is showing it to my artist friends, especially the ones who are better than me.



>> No.2150132

i fucking love your art and would pay up to $30 for that drawing if it was in color jussayin

>> No.2150285
File: 25 KB, 500x634, 1369535031900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artist friend is better than me
>anytime I show anything to her she compliments it
>I know it's shit
bums me out but I can't hate the gesture

>> No.2150723


>> No.2150770

I wish I had an artist friend better than me. I wish I had an artist friend period.

>> No.2150797

>have non artist friends
>wife makes me show them my sketch books
>I know I'm shit
>bad feels when you know they are just being nice, or they just don't know you're shit
>more bad feels when they get to animu girls and nudes
>try to change conversation, but now they just ask awkward questions about anime and big boobs
>I wish this house party would just be over and everyone would leave

>> No.2150831

I can already feel myself expanding

>> No.2150843

>can't draw girls because mom thinks I'm thirsty and needs jesus
>can't draw dudes because mom thinks I'm gay and needs jesus

Sketchbook full of plants.

>> No.2150859


>> No.2150874

Draw scenes from the Bible.
Michelangelo got away with it, you can too.

>> No.2150879

>falimy things I'm gay even though I'm not
>always enter my room when I'm doing gestures and there's a naked muscle dude on screen
>countless of naked women stashed in my closet
>family question my sexuality for those 2-3 sheets of naked men

for fuck sake

>> No.2150883

having artist friends who are better than you that you can learn from?

let them see your work and critique it, you privileged cunt.

>> No.2150912

I don't think you get the point of a sketchbook either

>> No.2150926

>point of a sketchbook

Sketchbooks don't have an inherent "point".

>> No.2150929

even with sketchbooks, you can spot certain skills and fundamentals that are lacking, or repeated mistakes he makes, which the artist might not know about.

>> No.2151576

Divorce your wife.

>> No.2151600
File: 74 KB, 900x604, a-koala-bear-phascolarctos-cinereus-nicole-duplaix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no you can't read the harry potter books or watch the movies
>they then leave me at the grandparent's house so they can watch LOTR in the theater

>Harry Potter is SATANIC, but Tolkien was Catholic or something so that makes it ok

>> No.2151615

tolkien was a devout catholic who worked with some basic christian themes (resurrected savior in gandalf, good vs. evil, all that shit).
I'm sure you can find a christian message in harry potter if you look hard enough, but the protagonists all use witchcraft, which is always of the devil.
I grew up in a similar environment, where pokemon and magic 8 balls were "of the devil."

>> No.2151623

You have a wife and you're still drawing anime? are you sure you just didn't mistake some scene from your favorite anime for real life?

>> No.2151643
File: 89 KB, 210x339, 1415670247828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing shitty anatomy studies
>someone creeps up behind you
>what are you drawing anon?
>why don't you want to show me?

>> No.2152859
File: 28 KB, 552x266, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this feel too

>> No.2153280

>People actually get embarrased about life drawings and shit

It's a fucking titty or dick, get over it.

>> No.2153317

Harry Potter started out deeply Christian.
Gryffindor house is the house of Christ. Its people are courageous, good, stand together in times of need, etc. Slytherin house is the house of Satan, deceitfulness, powerlusting, evilspawning, serpentine, etc.
Ravenclaw and hufflepuff have always fallen to the background as just random commoners.

The people in both the books and movies regularly refer to God in their language use, Harry buries Dobby under a cross, the tombstone of Harry's parents has literal biblical verse references on it, the protagonist is a saviour with people who, in the order of the phoenix, either believe in him or not, and they only see the truth when it is already too late. Harry has disciples, whom he rallies around the name of a father figure(dumbledore), whom he meets again during his time being "dead".

The idea of magic is not always satanic in the bible. Jacob applies a form of magic to create spotted lifestock rather than plain, and the magicians of Pharao are only wicked because they apply their arts in the name of false gods.

tl;dr Harry Potter is a deeply christian story.

>> No.2153322

Is the thumbnail supposed to look like something completely different?

I'm seeing a winding pathway, a spooky green lit cliff face/ vault and some kind of magma seem along the left wall.

>> No.2153342


>> No.2153343

I see it too except that there are two people on the bottom too walking towards a big ass koala face

>> No.2153435

Harry Potter is shit anyways.

>> No.2153555

that simbolism is mediocre and you know it anon

>> No.2153575

Mein Kampf if actually very good. Check the Ralph Manheim translation.

>> No.2153577
File: 175 KB, 960x960, 1433777541420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Anon your art is soooo good! can you draw me sometime?

>> No.2153579

>she's really amazing

Post feet, please Goddess.

>> No.2153592

Do it m8, femdom and particularly japanese femdom is all I fap to these days.

>> No.2154617


>"anon, can you draw x?"
>I could if I would study x first
>you see, you can't draw something if you don't have a good knowledge of the proportions, forms etc. of this thing you want to draw
>"so, you're not good enough"

>> No.2156543

I don't want this thread to die.

>> No.2156699

I have the same reason as you for drawing furries, now I just want to draw humans after so many years of animals.

>> No.2156850

Don't Dieeee