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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 72 KB, 640x700, beginner14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2132606 No.2132606 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>2128063

Because we should not have to make new threads or post in draw threads with our fundamental exercises. Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up.

Do not forget to resize and crop your images before uploading them. This increases your chance of getting help and criticism.

Before asking "what should I read/view/study/learn," consult this link:
If your question is related to Loomis perhaps you should consult this link as well.

This thread's exercise will be a value study yet again.
I'm sure you'll give it your best.

Threadly reminder to avoid carpal tunnel:

>> No.2132663

Alright, I guess studying is what I've been doing. But I'll take what you said and try to expand it more

>>>2132318 (You)
>Because comics have the poses you want to draw. You can only draw so many nude chicks bathing in lamp light until you yearn for more. Draw from film, comics, and life.

>Also that DPI is unnecessary

I mean, i guess that makes sense to a certain degree, but drawing from real humans makes more sense to me? But I'll try and do some studies on comic poses as well.

>> No.2132735

Hello /ic/,

This is my first time in this board. I'd like to take up drawing (in paper). I've drawn things in the past, and as a child i was told i was good at it. However, in my recent attempts i found that i always get frustrated (as i want everything to be perfect) and always leave the drawing unfinished.
I'd like to try again for real. Which kind of pencils and paper should i get? Got any tips? I haven't read the links in this post, should i do it now or save it for later?

>> No.2132749
File: 1.29 MB, 4449x2625, gest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some 1 and 2 minute gestures. How is one supposed to do these without drawing contours. You have to draw contours at some point to give all those action lines some connection.

>> No.2132751
File: 226 KB, 2338x1653, Loomis first try.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be sincere I just want to to comic stuff like you can see it in /co/s draw threads.
Is Loomis still the next step after Betty Edwards if you are a total beginner?

Doing the first Loomis excercise. Looks like I have the wrong apporach/don't see an important thing.

>> No.2132793

Don't go into your drawings with expectations. You're garaunteed to be disappointed with what you draw. The mind's eye is more powerful than your pencil and paper. Unless you're Kim Jung Gi, he finds a way to make that shit work.

Anyways, as for materials I'm not your best guy because more often than not I'm content with a #2 pencil on college-ruled paper, but a kneaded eraser, some harder/softer name-brand pencils and a blank sheet of paper ought to do you well. Remember that it's the artist and not the tool, though.

>> No.2132813

What do you after you finish learning perspective? I'm about halfway through Perspective Made easy, but I was wondering if just this will be enough to continue with whatever's next. Also, how can I practice the perspective concepts talked about in Made Easy?

>> No.2132820
File: 20 KB, 225x346, 51N3zmufbCL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noo! Loomis teaches construction and in order to have construction you have to learn perspective, and some shading would be nice. Go back and do this!

>> No.2132827
File: 106 KB, 921x1080, statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did I do?

>> No.2132837

Is there a text aimed at beginners that offers a little coverage of most/all of the key areas? I want a map of the landscape, so to speak - so that I can hone in on each area and learn about perspective, construction etc.

As for the areas to work on first; Am I correct in assuming that Loomis is just an /ic/ meme? Is there something that teaches construction in a less cartoony style?

>> No.2132845

How do I know if I'm at beginner level?

>> No.2132864

You did fine. The white is a bit too bright compared to the photo, i suggest you keep your lightest values (and darkest too) for the focal point. the small brushstrokes make the surface look a bit messy when it should be smooth. But overall it looks nice.

>> No.2132873
File: 184 KB, 560x735, vilppu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to learn how to draw and construct animals like cats and dogs. Can I jump straight into it or would it be wise to get a grasp on human anatomy first?
Grandpa Vilppu makes it seem like the latter would be the best.

>> No.2132881

Whites too whites, greys too dark. Like the entire abdominal area. Keep at man, it'll help if you observe and correct your mistakes.

>> No.2132887

Thanks bros.

>> No.2132888

There is a lot of crossover in anatomy, but knowing human anatomy is not a requirement (it will help though).

Buy Hultgren's book on animal drawing, and see how he does it. Basically he lays out simplified skeletons and then breaks down animal forms in a simple and concise manner then shows how to manipulate it. It should do all you want and more.

>> No.2132892

My anatomy teacher always talks about the human anatomy whenever he's talking about animal anatomy and it's a huge help because you don't have to learn everything all over again. even if you only have a basic understanding of the human bones it will still help you quite a bit. I'm not sure if you HAVE to but it helps.

>> No.2132897

Thanks. I guess I'll try animals for a while and switch over to humans if my lack of experience and knowledge becomes a hindrance.

>> No.2133081
File: 2.14 MB, 1500x2000, v1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there hope for me? Please point out what to fix, what I should focus on to get better... Gonna do the new OP later after I finish the rest of my beginner studies for the day.

>> No.2133082
File: 696 KB, 800x1067, v1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologies... resized appropriately this time.

>> No.2133124

Honestly, you don't NEED to know human anatomy, but it will help.

Think of it like this:
Human anatomy is the introduction to animal anatomy. Once you learn to draw humans, it'll be easier to draw animals.

>> No.2133173

Post your work and most can tell you where you are at.

>> No.2133175

Your values look a little dark

>> No.2133178

Yeah... they are way darker than the ref. I painted this all on a single layer so I may or may not try to fix that. I'm not really good with values at all, so probably going to do a variety of these to try and learn.

>> No.2133180

so the next step I wanna take is drawing from life. Like going into the mall and just drawing people.

Now I know drawing utensils really dont matter for anything more than a sketch. But I was wondering what type of pen you'd suggest for a moleskin sketchbook?

I was just gonna go with an XS or S Micron but I was curious to hear what you guys think.

also... how do you even draw people in life? like if their walking or how fast to do it, and stuff.

>> No.2133182

It's good that you did it on a solo layer it helps when learning. I'm not perfect with values so I am not going to try and make up some advice. Practice makes perfect.

>> No.2133201

>solo layer helps when learning
Yeah, I was told doing everything on a single layer when starting out is good because it makes you redraw over and over again because you can't easily wipe away your mistakes. I also avoided using ctrl z as much as possible but it still got used a few times due to habit.

>> No.2133204
File: 1.62 MB, 2963x3905, muh sketches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /ic/.

I've been doing 1 minute gesture drawings with pose maniac, and I know I'm not doing it right because I naturally revert to contour. Please tear these apart, so I can get better.

I know practice makes perfect, but it doesn't help if you're practicing the wrong way.

>> No.2133208

Single layers make it more like traditional painting as well. I also fall into the habit of using undo too much.

>> No.2133209

Resize your stuff dude. Around 1000x1000 is usually the best resolution to post stuff.

>> No.2133212
File: 144 KB, 758x1000, muh sketches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2133220

>how do you even draw people in life? like if they are walking or how fast to do it and stuff
Well anon, different people approach it different ways. I think being able to make gesture drawings relatively quickly and knowing how to construct a figure given limited information is going to be necessary in order to properly pull of sketching people from life who are doing their own thing (i.e. not posing for you).

But you don't need to know how to do these things in order to start, you can even learn it as you go but I would suggest studying as well as trying to learn as you go.

Basically it goes like this, observe someone, think about how they are moving, what that motion entails, try to hold that motion in your minds eye and draw a quick gesture of their motion/action. Turn it into a sketch if you like how the gesture turned out.

Mostly though drawing people from life requires being able to remember their pose, or the motion of their action and then reconstructing it. This is why drawing people from life is extremely challenging and rewarding, it is much harder than attending a life drawing class because they are always in motion. You have to use logic and your memory and careful observations in order to pull it off well.

Good luck with it!

>> No.2133226

I would start doing some 5-10 minute gestures so you can find some details.

>> No.2133252
File: 939 KB, 2560x1920, CAM00135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts this is something that took me a while to get out of my head, she wasnt supposed to have a kimono, I just saw some lines and started scribbling.

>> No.2133267

Those are some low ass ears.

>> No.2133275

I always seem to mess up on placement if it's not the eyes being to far apart its the ears being to low

>> No.2133308
File: 460 KB, 933x1280, loomiez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand the bottom right picture. How does place the division of the eyes on the ball plane in perspective? If I draw a box I imagine you can just divide it easily but the ball method seems like what he was going for instead. Can anyone shed some insight here?

>> No.2133366
File: 184 KB, 727x785, Screenshot (46).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help me with anatomy and proportion...... and a whole lot more

>> No.2133372


>> No.2133425
File: 346 KB, 1000x1000, 1435277239308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last thread died just after i posted this, opinions?

>> No.2133436

Notice how the pupil of the stage left eye aligns with the tip of the nose.

>> No.2133440
File: 212 KB, 1159x1500, study3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 minute gestures.

>> No.2133512

I'm afraid I don't understand. I just don't get how he got the divisions across the face and accounted for the perspective.

>> No.2133514
File: 2.31 MB, 2048x2048, collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First attempt at constructing properly, with cylinders and stuff, how did i do?

>> No.2133515

Get a hold of the simple round brush instead of some wannabe artsy textured one. You'll learn much better sticking to the simple stuff.

>> No.2133531

Well, i wanted to try one, never used any before. I agree that it takes away clarity. Nothing fancy by the way, basic PS brush.

>> No.2133534
File: 2.30 MB, 2048x2048, bokwok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a good attempt but you're not quite there yet. Get new paper also, even just a ream of printing paper. You're still stuck in a flat 2D mindset, drawing along the side of the visible figure won't help youa s much as actually drawing around the entire 3d form. What I would suggest first is to learn basic perspective, so you understand just how and why these forms are set up in space. Personally I like the CtrlPaint tutorials, the first perspective one more than the second.

Then, check out Proko on youtube for how he simplifies all his shapes. Great channel for beginners. After you watch some of those, find the PDF (search Cgpeers) or buy Michael Hampton's Figure Drawing book. It's fucking gold for beginners and will shoot your progress forward. And at the same site find and watch Peter Han's dynamic sketching. One thing I picked up from him especially was the little warmup exercise. Basically, draw a squiggle of whatever shape, and then wrap concentric lines around it. Do a bunch of these just to get your brain shifted into gear (little red squiggle related)

This stage is absolutely crucial on everything you do from this point forward. It all rests on your ability to create in 3D.
>Looking at the erased lines now you actually did well on the pelvis.

>> No.2133561

Tnx.All im reading is loomis right now. I know about proko too. I dont really wanna pay for tutorials tho, i know he has some premium shit as well...

>> No.2133566

Then you need to go back and study perspective some (more).

>> No.2133573

So I've been doing one minute and 30 second gestures while following the Hampton book, I've gotten fairly good at these, my question is should I transition to trying to make gestures off of my imagination or what??

>> No.2133575

>Also, how can I practice the perspective concepts talked about in Made Easy?
The book literally gives you exercises at the end of each lesson.

>Is there a text aimed at beginners that offers a little coverage of most/all of the key areas?
If only there was such a text in the fucking OP or in the board's sticky

>Is there something that teaches construction in a less cartoony style?
I think Loomis has the least cartoony construction style. Unless you are a retard and think all his books are fun with pencil.

>> No.2133578

I've been drawing almost everyday for a month now, but I seem to find myself getting burnt out of doing it, how to I keep myself going guys?

Should I switch studies or locations to keep things interesting?

>> No.2133614

if you can try switching from digital to traditional
also take small breaks in between learning

>> No.2133629

Luckily for all aspiring artists if there's any sort of instructional information on art and its been out for like over a week or two it IS available on the internet. All things mentioned in that post I currently have on my hard drive. And Loomis is good but can be overwhelming for beginners. Go back to it again and again in the future but try Hampton first.

>> No.2133633

I have studied it extensively, his wording is whats confusing me.
Search for the Fundamentals of figure drawing from life pdf. "FODFL PDF" brings it up almost every time as first result.

>> No.2133698
File: 468 KB, 1632x1224, out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm attempting to Loomis. Here's me trying to do expressions on the same character.

The third one is fucking awful, but I think I'm making progress.

>> No.2133702

what the fuck

>> No.2133708

Yeah I know.

The more I look at the third one the weirder it gets. Like, Jesus H Christ, what the fuck is even happening.

>> No.2133710
File: 413 KB, 1781x1849, New Canvas (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After 4 years of drawing this is my best drawing.
Should I just give up?

>> No.2133729

back to basics

>> No.2133739
File: 134 KB, 1646x1049, We goin westoros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is my robot club coming along?

>> No.2133757
File: 551 KB, 895x811, 2015-06-26 12.43.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mirin?

>> No.2133783

>skipping studies

I never understood this.

>> No.2133788

Instead of writing little notes everywhere about what you don't like about it, fix the mistake. Also you're symbol drawing pretty hard. Go to the part about head construction and then come back to the funny faces.

Did you ever once use a reference? Study and you'll improve dramatically.

There should be more light reflecting off the robots. They're made of metal and they're in a club, after all.

>> No.2133799

What am i supposed to be mirin, brah? Also, how about that Zyzz guy and his memes, huh?

>> No.2133808
File: 51 KB, 518x635, New Canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I've been using references and using a bunch of art books along with drawing for 4-12 hours a day. The only thing thats actually improved is my speed, drawing still look the same as they did in the first year.

>> No.2133809

Draw smart, not hard.
And a "bunch of art books". What are your studies?

Better yet, to determined where you're at, try drawing these 3 things:
- Square
- Cylinder
- Sphere

Give them value, shading, light. Cross hatch and all.

>> No.2133814

I really feel like killing myself.
no future perspectives, no past to grab into
what I'm even trying to do everyday. what's the actual goal since I've already gone past any expectation of success and meaning
why I keep living, anyway. there is no point in all this

>> No.2133829

Thanks for the feed back m8. I will add lighting later on I'm just trying to get the composition and the colors down.

>> No.2133834


You understand shape and landmarks, but not form and perspective.

That's enough Loomis, you need Hampton.

>> No.2133835
File: 84 KB, 4000x4000, 1417951124558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2133929
File: 809 KB, 3264x1224, out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the feedback.

I'm having a depressing amount of trouble drawing my own shit. I think the symbol drawing problem is still there when I copy from the book, but it's a lot less pronounced.

>> No.2133963

To quickly gain some confidence, try Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain or Drawing for the Absolute and Utter Beginner (I personally recommend the latter but they are both basically the same) as they have exercises that focus on breaking symbol drawing and finding shape and form. You'll feel a lot better after just a few chapters.

Also make sure to take a close look at page 12 of FWaP. You need to understand how to turn 2D shapes 3D.

>> No.2134050

I'm the guy doing that polygon practice from last thread. Here's stuff I did yesterday in my sketchbook along with stuff I did last thread: http://the-ult.tumblr.com/post/122550335046/ult-sketch-some-more-things-i-did-sketchbook

>> No.2134060

Honestly, your perspective is very weak.
Notice your cubes, as the lines are parallel. Change them up, even if it doesn't feel right to you. Study more perspective.

As you go along, draw things from life that are of simple shapes. Use the perspective methods you learn.

For now, when you figure draw, just practice "feeling" it while maintaining proportions.

>> No.2134069

I see what you mean, but in case you thought I wasn't, I am using vanishing points. It's just that vanishing points are generally far away from the objects we see unless those objects are really long.

That's how vanishing points work, right?

>> No.2134071

If you have to question that, you'll need to take a step back. What you're currently tackling is a subject way ahead of you. Remember, drawing humans are like shapes. You have a set of shapes, and it's your job to put them together to make them look human. If you're unable to draw said shapes, how do you expect to draw people?

Read up on "perspective made easy" by Ernest R. Norling. After reading that, get Scott Robertson's How to Draw. This will get you on the guide to drawing perspective properly. The more you study it, the more you start to "See" things off perspective.

>> No.2134211
File: 104 KB, 1088x821, oink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why every time I try to do construction it ends up in this shitty mess of shit
and how does one construct organic tube around spline?

>> No.2134212
File: 99 KB, 1000x600, Tahm Kench WIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Beginner Thread!

Ignore the fact that its fan art. does this seem structurally sound for more rendering? any tips on how to increase depth or improvements? as usual, many thanks

>> No.2134237

If you want movement, move his left leg back so that his knee cap is facing forwards.
As if he's bracing to leap forwards.
Tip his hat back so we can see the underside of the brim, it's out of line with his head and seems to be a fixed object he's standing under.

>> No.2134332

looked up a bunch of art books on amazon, prizes range from 15€-60€. The expensive ones seem like more advanced, specific stuff. Ive never read one and dont think im getting any further past my shitty skeches without some directing. So should I just buy the whole sticky package or anything spesific to get me into the whole studying thing? Because I always struggled learning anything from books.

>> No.2134337


I found this in a book thread some time ago

As someone in your position, I found Keys to Drawing to be great fun if you read along while drawing the exercises.

>> No.2134349

Loomis explains perspective too, no?

>> No.2134350

Are there any good youtube channels that are equivalent to loomis in any way, or should I just suck it up and read the books?

>> No.2134354

For free, can't go wrong with that, thank you

>> No.2134402

Sticky says to do loomis before perspective, where that anon is up too comes before loomis touches on perspective though.
That sections pure construction basics.

You're off to the right start, finish the book then pick up one for comics or start studying actual comic pages if it's what you want to do.
/ic/ is purest old master though so they will call you a faggot for drawing stylized art work which isn't caricature.

>> No.2134424
File: 501 KB, 1200x1600, wylany.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be best here in 2 years

>> No.2134448

stuck on gesture drawing because im tired of just drawing boxes and rooms n shit in perspecrive. how do i get my stick figure gestures to not be stick figures and show movement

>> No.2134507

That's the right attitude! Now get less shit

>> No.2134517

You put the construction onto the gesture.

>> No.2134549


I really like the last one

>> No.2134560

haha we'll see that'll be me!

>> No.2134611
File: 219 KB, 2338x1653, Cigar box first try.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I guess I will do both Loomis and Norling, one hour each per day. After finishing them I will leave the path of the sticky.

Norling makes me feel even less talented than Loomis, see right.
But at least there is much room for improvement and I did learn from some mistakes I did.

>> No.2134624
File: 488 KB, 3104x1746, DSC_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this how you put a figure in perspective? How am I doing?

>> No.2134736
File: 2.57 MB, 3120x4208, IMG_20150628_000924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there!

So, i guess i just started drawing ~for real~. I've drawn in the past, trying to copy photos, getting frustrated and then leaving them unfinished. I always start things but never finish them, actually. I'd like to try this seriously this time.
I've started reading Drawing with the right side of the brain. This is the first exercise, drawing a person from memory. I just have put detail on the head as i didn't want to make a mess trying to colour the clothes. I spent less than an hour; i haven't made a big effort as i didn't feel like it today. So yeah, here it is. I know it's really bad but i'm quite happy with it.
Some feedback would be appreciated, but please note that i'm a total beginner. Also it would be great to hear your thoughts about where i should go next when i'm done with this book.

>> No.2134742

for a beginner it's not COMPLETELY terrible but still no good, some parts like the nose suffer from symbol drawing.

Keep going with that book, ignore the pseudo science in it but the rest is good. If you can finish all the exercises in that book properly you're on the right track!

>> No.2134747

like the other anon says, you're suffering from symbol drawing and are drawing what you think eyes, noses and mouths look like and not what they actually do look like (just like all beginners, don't worry!).

Keep doing the exercises and you'll quickly unlearn this habit and start drawing what you actually see. In just a few weeks you'll look back at this one and think "whoa, that's shit, I can do better than this", which should be a huge confidence boost.

>> No.2134758
File: 181 KB, 1400x792, resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi beginner thread!

First time poster here. I've got references, attempted figure drawing, attempted perspective, and am trying to tackle foreground/background. I haven't started to refine anything (especially the guy in the armor in the foreground)... so I welcome as MUCH expertise as I know you've got to offer.

>> No.2134765

Thank you for your responses! I hope i will be able to stick to drawing this time.

>> No.2134768

learning to draw with your shoulder/elbow is annoying and fuck.

>> No.2134782

how do you draw with either of those things

>> No.2134785


>> No.2135077
File: 235 KB, 453x319, 965556565566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this image is clear enough could i get some advice?

also been at this for about 5 years so i would appreciate some advice that isn't "work on your fundamentals".

>> No.2135082

If you're this bad after five years just pursue a different hobby.

>> No.2135094

anyone that talks about drawing for a long period of time and hasn't improved in the slightest probably just scribbles for ten minutes and calls it a day.

>> No.2135097

Thanks for the advice. i'm sure my art will get better now that i know to "just pursue a different hobby."

>> No.2135100

draw from a reference at least once a day. make sure you always learn something new about construction, value, form, etc from each piece you do.

>> No.2135162

>advice that isn't "work on your fundamentals"
nigga that's your whole problem

>> No.2135164

He's right. You're drawing like you're in elementary school, yet you claim to have drawn for 5 years.
I drew better than that before I started.

>> No.2135165

He's right.
Hate to break it to you, but you've been slacking off like a motherfucker.
But seriously. Work on your mother, fucking, fundamentals. Thats what ties everything together magically.

>> No.2135183

focus on one element and try to make it better. the hand for example, don't draw a square but a diamond so that it respects perspective and it'll already be miles better

>> No.2135184

Excuseme, but when you means comics you talking Marvel / DC style?

>> No.2135186


Don't listen to faggots like >>2135082
. There's no 'quality requirement' to pursue a hobby. If you enjoy it, do it.

But I'll be honest. I doubt you've been 'at this' for 5 years. My guess is you're young (under 25) and drawing has been a semi-serious hobby of yours for ~5 years. That's very different then being 'at it'.

People usually count from the time they started doing studies, practicing daily, etc. If you aren't seriously buckling down to improve, you haven't really been 'at it'.

Fundamentals are the big things you should be focusing on at this stage, sorry to say. I know it's frustrating to hear, but it's the truth. It'll help you improve much quicker, and shitty fundamentals are the main reason any drawing looks like crap. Beyond that, I would suggest things like; drawing every day (at least 15 min), drawing from life (pets, people, objects etc), and trying to finish drawings (even if that means drawing something super crappy, you learn a lot!). I think you'd benefit from laying out construction before drawing, as it'd help you improve proportion/etc and help you start seeing forms. Also, challenge yourself by drawing outside of your comfort zone. There's some great youtube channels that could be worth checking out, like Proko.

Good luck anon, it's a long road, and while the journey can be hard, it's worthwhile.

>> No.2135189

I don't see how working on his mother and his fucking would help him get better.

>> No.2135191


Not bad for a first attempt! You should try to focus a bit more on angles. For instance, look at the angle of the bottom of the breasts and the left arm. Mindfulness of angles will help you understand what you're seeing better.

>> No.2135198

>he doesn't know

>> No.2135202
File: 154 KB, 666x999, 1430921273528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys have any particularly favorite books or videos when learning how to use color and blending?

>> No.2135214

>Excuseme, but when you means comics you talking Marvel / DC style?

I want to draw like Bryan Lee O'Malley, Ted Naifeh or Tom Siddells current level of skill. I don't like cape stuff, both the stories and the art are uninteresting to me.

>> No.2135235

nathan fowkes' video course helped me a lot, but i clearly need to dig deeper soon..

>> No.2135336

when learning to draw people. should i focus on loomis's head and hands book first. his figure drawing for all its worth first. or do both?

>> No.2135373

You're just trying to scribble down as much as possible in the time you have, that kinda defeats the purpose.
Use less lines that describe the motion of the figure watch:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74HR59yFZ7Y from 3:08

>> No.2135394
File: 39 KB, 943x1233, Kathleen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so I just started using adobe illustrator, first time in my life doing anything arty. I've pretty much grown up without an imagination, now 25 and just discovered I love doing this, is my stuff as crap as I think it is though?

>> No.2135398
File: 26 KB, 690x833, 1535630_641242979246338_374138637_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason I have this thing where I like to have it not completely finished... Is this semi-normal?

>> No.2135399
File: 20 KB, 707x734, 31898_504501226253848_413233946_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another to verify

>> No.2135405

Also, I saw a video of a guy using a projector onto a canvas then using paint pen, I think that would be cool to do, but I want to know if it's worth it with my current ability?

>> No.2135406

Not trying to sound like a dick, but anyone can trace photos in Illustrator and call it art. Very few are going to be impressed by it. Low barrier to entry with low reward.

>> No.2135410

When figure drawing, do you guys start with a gesture and then layer it with a mannequin?

>> No.2135413

These aren't traced. If they were traced they wouldn't be out of proportion so much lol

>> No.2135419


For example retarded left side of face on >>2135399

eyes and lips on>>2135398

>> No.2135432
File: 313 KB, 1000x867, adult inkling comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if my lighting is helping or hindering. Thoughts?

>> No.2135437

Is it possible to completely start over with arts? Like wait for few years and forget all your habits?

>> No.2135438

No. Just start all over if you want right now.

>> No.2135441

bad habits aren't some shit that is hardwired in your brain. You can always get rid of them at any time as long as you understand what you are doing wrong and how to fix it.

>> No.2135442

that hero/champion would look so much better without the fucking top hat

>> No.2135444


>> No.2135448

I don't know of anyone who actually uses mannequins (unless it's some kind of small sculpture).

What are your current studies in figure drawing?

>> No.2135449

I'm on Proko's Mannequinization.

>> No.2135451
File: 20 KB, 307x702, proko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then yes, start your gesture, and place whatever you've learned over the figure. Make sure the gesture you've created is within proportion. You have room for error with the gesture, but make sure everything looks correct, otherwise the final part of the drawing will looked completely fuck.

>> No.2135456

Can I please get more opinions?
Anything I can fix? Do better etc?

>> No.2135458

Are you using references? If so, post them.

>> No.2135462

its helping

>> No.2135463

Thank you. Guess I just need to practice my gestures more because I feel like they're out of proportion when I start doing the mannequin.

>> No.2135468

Getting proportions correct is very important. Even when making your action figure, if it takes over a minute, then let it take over a minute. You want it to be correct, speed will come with time as long as you practice.

>> No.2135469

finaly some real practise and my right arm got rekt by a car. guess I gota wait for some days till it stops hurting so much.

>> No.2135471

These don't interest me. They look like they would fit perfectly next to a graph or chart and have the same level of artistry. This is not to say they are poor, because they are not. There is a lot of commercial art like this but they tend to be clipart and things of that sort. They are just very ordinary.

Even though they may not be traced, they have the telltale look of traced vectors, such as how the shadows are drawn. There are some illustrative styles like that so it's not something that's universally bad, but since your subjects are realistic, the first impression for many people will be 'it's traced'. And that makes it mediocre looking. Which is fine if you are OK with that.

But if you want to take it further, I think you need to put more of your own touches in it.

>> No.2135474

Cheers for the feedback, I'm not an artsy person, I just did this in spare time when bored, so you're saying it would be more appealing if not so realistic?

I will post references when I finish work (3:04am here night shift sucks)
I just usually grab a photo from their facebook then draw them in a different pose.

>> No.2135476
File: 50 KB, 481x600, blah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


example of >>2135398
Same person different pose/perspective what ever you call it.

>> No.2135483


>> No.2135506
File: 116 KB, 1000x564, WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I even redlined it with STRAIGHT lines from VP and they won't connect!
I know I fucked up somewhere, but how?

>> No.2135510

>so you're saying it would be more appealing if not so realistic?
No, not at all. But just to keep in mind how it might look to other people who are not your facebook friends. So if you drew these for your friends and they are happy, then mission accomplished.

I think for other people (not your friends), then you need something more to catch their interest. You can stay with the realism, but incorporate things like unusual color choices, unique designs, specific compositions, focus on particular areas, etc.

>> No.2135538
File: 456 KB, 1156x1188, hm2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I add more life to my drawings

>> No.2135541

At a glance: your horizontals aren't horizontal.

>> No.2135551

Ahh okay I see your point! Thanks Anon :)

>> No.2135559
File: 101 KB, 717x960, CORRRREY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a thing I did last week and I have no idea what I'm doing

>> No.2135564

But I used shift with line tool, how can they be not horizontal?

>> No.2135576

What's the best way to learn from your mistakes?

Say I draw something and I don't like X and Y aspects of it. Do I erase those parts and fix it (polish a turd)? Do I redraw the same subject again from scratch? Or do I pick a new subject?

I'm curious to hear what you'd recommend.

>> No.2135580

looks really really flat. Work on fundamentals like spheres and toruses plox

>> No.2135591

You redraw it.
Honestly, to ask that, it sounds like you haven't even started your studies. Read the sticky.

>> No.2135595

You just draw the same thing again. If it's still shit you draw it again. Repeat that until it looks good and then move on to something else.

>> No.2135599

nope. You have to go back to basics, fundamentals.

>> No.2135606

knew it was a dumb question, but thanks for the answers. was concerned it would be a waste of time since you're only drawing one subject from a specific point of view. "only drawing sonichu just makes you good at drawing sonichu really fast".

>> No.2135619
File: 536 KB, 976x944, Abaddon Human Version2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a beginner and i drew this bishounen version of abaddon, but my painting skills sucks, how can i improve my skills?

>> No.2135620
File: 2.69 MB, 3120x4208, IMG_20150628_210704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello again, >>2134736 here. How's it going?
So, this is the exercise 3, drawing your left hand. I haven't done the self-portrait yet, i'll get at it tomorrow.
I think i'll keep posting my exercises here as i think it helps me; makes me feel like i'm taking this more seriously.

>> No.2135621

The character looks completely flat. Paper thin.

>> No.2135632

Bumping for expertise.

>> No.2135639


>That line quality
Assuming you're doing digital, may want to go lighter. Don't worry about the background just yet. Gesture in your characters, capture those actions, then start adding on contours/textures. Once that's been establish, start adding in the landscape.

Since the main focus is going to be the two characters going at it, there's no need to add too much detail to the background. Your background will have less detail than the characters.

>focal point

>> No.2135646

I-is that dickblade in her hands?

>> No.2135648

Nice! It's a careful drawing and I can see your attention to details in the shapes of the cuticles and such.
Some crits are the pinky and the thumb look quite flat in the nail areas, and the palm excluding the thumb looks too thin.
But this is just the beginning, and I think it's a great start.
I have a suggestion though, for your future drawings you might want to increase the contrast on your photo/scan.

>> No.2135652

>Not knowing about dick blades and sex stores that sells them

Read the sticky.

>> No.2135662

Thank you for your words! They're really helpful. I'll try to get better lightning on my next photo.

>> No.2135670

Stop signing exercises

>> No.2135675
File: 191 KB, 1000x693, 2ofit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's this?

>> No.2135693

lol no

that's the general shape of the flame coming off of her enhanced blade...

>> No.2135697
File: 36 KB, 435x175, 1435445980710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2135700
File: 265 KB, 1000x698, Poses1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would love some constructive criticism.

>> No.2135702
File: 250 KB, 1000x687, Poses2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2135706
File: 214 KB, 1000x666, Poses3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2135707
File: 220 KB, 1000x685, Poses4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2135711

>Euro-style sword and armor
>le katana fighting stance

>> No.2135717

I absolutely CANNOT into vertical straight lines, they look like shit, which is really strange because even slight degree change is way better to look at. Can I do them with aide of robot or it will be filthy filthy cheat?

>> No.2135721
File: 3.12 MB, 5312x2988, 20150628_164807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant do loomis blooks for shit. how does his look so clean and good and mine is pure 3 year old skill shit

>> No.2135722

just abandon loomis, its shit

>> No.2135727

Ruler robot, freehand, it's all cool. Otherwise architectural drawings would all be cheating. As long as the drawing still has your stamp on it. You can rotate the paper if that makes it easier.

>> No.2135729


>> No.2135733

Consider adding gravity to balls though.

>> No.2135734

It's fantasy! I can do what I want! Armor guy can cast spells too, you know...
Story Related:
http tinyurl o6z459s

>> No.2135737

Problem is I want it all freehand and guess that makes me lag behind, to only construct a simple box it takes me minutes, if more.

>> No.2135747

Ok I have 2 suggestions

First: Use the robot or whatever, but don't let it make the entire line for you. Use it as a guide to put dots in critical areas like the corners and maybe mudpoints. Then try connecting the dots freehand.

Second: use a ruler. hold it where you need to make the line, but move it several millimeters left or right (assuming you want to draw a vertical line). Keep the ruler there, then draw the line freehand, using the ruler as a guide.

If you keep doing the stuff above I think it will train your muscles until eventually you'll be comfortable doing most lines freehand.

>> No.2135756

Can I do Loomis on a graphics tablet or should I start with traditional drawing?

>> No.2135757
File: 70 KB, 944x979, 1433724532903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It doesn't matter.

>> No.2135758

Thanks man I'll try!

>> No.2135761

theres a first. what books would you reccomend then. im trying to do more than basic shapes in perspective. i want to get started on the path i want to be on. drawing sexy women.

>> No.2135771

Thank you.

>> No.2135782

How far into Loomis' fun with a pencil should I be going, I feel like the figure drawing part is a bit weak.

should I explore other books of his as well?

>> No.2135808
File: 205 KB, 764x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, drawing isn't my strong point at all. I just do it when I'm bored but I don't have much to lose. Aha.

>> No.2135845
File: 612 KB, 1496x980, 4234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Changed the scenery. A night club didn't really make sense for the narrative I was going for. Soooo, now it's a western.
I committed to a stiff perspective way too early in this and that makes me regret not making any thumbnails.

>> No.2135874 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 640x478, IMG_2633 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I fix these hands?

>> No.2135877 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 640x478, IMG_2633 (1)2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the upside down image, I tried to fix it.

>> No.2135883

Thanks. I am 19, i always liked to draw, but when i was 14 i thought i was getting serious by drawing a little each day and occasionally trying to draw from references.

the reason i don't like being told to work on my fundamentals is because a few months back i really studied it hard, I watched about 20 videos about perspective and did the lessons on draw a box, i also filled 210 pages of boxes, rectangles and generally 3d shapes freehand. i can draw in 3d, i can make a box. but the second i start putting it into an actual picture everything fuggs hard

>> No.2135893

I see. Then these books are enough. You should read Scott Mccloud too for the comic part.

>> No.2135896
File: 258 KB, 1920x1080, JUSTDOIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then keep at it. Practice is the biggest thing. you you notice something wrong don't just scrap it. FINISH before you even think about moving onto the next. Finishing and not scraping something is really the best advice I can give.

Don't get discouraged and stop that's the only way you can fail when it comes to this sort of thing.

>> No.2135922



>> No.2135931
File: 181 KB, 612x792, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to make a print. When i make pictures I have no idea where to go from here, because I'm shit at shading and colours.

I really want a nice smooth shading style, but my mind doesn't seem to like to think of what colours to use or where the shadows should go.

Any tips and crits of the picture. I pretty much stopped drawing for a few years and i'm trying to get better but I keep finding myself stuck. I really need direction and advice.

Thank you

>> No.2135933

Does anyone have any advice for Paint Tool SAI settings on pencil, pen, etc, for good line-work, good sketching, and good painting?

>> No.2135937

Also don't be a NEET. Go to school for something, for either art or your backup profession/get a job so you don't have to deal wth family bugging you.

>> No.2135942

Art courses at my community college are cheap as fuck. For one, it's already a community college, and they give me an excuse to always draw something from life (not to mention figure drawing every 2 weeks).

It's nice.

>> No.2135971

Your pic reminds me of classic anime like doraemon or Sanrio characters. Strong emphasis on line and shape, simple but effective colors, and cute look. If you look up pictures, you can look at the way his simple design has been updated (mostly in coloring). It's a subtle shading that may work well with your style.

I think flat colors can work too. Hello Kitty was just fine with the flat coloring but when she went 3D it was hit or miss. So consider simplicity too, it can give your work a timeless and iconic look.

>> No.2135990
File: 769 KB, 2174x1516, Chip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going right back to basics with some observational sketches in watercolor... I only had cartridge to work with and the watercolor was drying extremely fast and most of the pigments vibrancy didn't show through. To compensate I used some finer line work to fill in a lot of the broken areas.

TL:DR - It's shit bro.

>> No.2136006


your perspective is pretty good, see you had it laid out proper with the construction lines in the left drawing. Your form and values are pretty damn decent too, to the point where I feel like I could literally reach out and pick up that broken piece of the cup.

Few things are bugging me though. First off the perspective on that ruler(?) doesn't seem like it was laid out as well as the cup/saucer. Looks wrong.
Second, we can still see the construction lines in the finished drawing.
Third and last is that disappearing eraser. Seems like you got bored and erased it to save time.

Pretty good though, seems more intermediate than beginner.

>> No.2136013

I see this is a beginner thread so I'll drop my question real quick. Obviously I'm a newbie but my question is if I practice drawing shapes and 3d shapes will I have an easier time flowing through my drawings ? I ask this because I can't even draw a solid circle with out fucking it up or without my wrist losing its steadiness

>> No.2136015


Yes, always yes. All drawing exercises are essential at the beginner stage.

>> No.2136017

Ok thanks, I have been running myself a muck over this , but I'll work at these steps for a while before I get back to the harder stuff

>> No.2136023


Just a little advice assuming you're still around to see it, although this applies to everyone starting off.

You're going to hit a lot of walls at the start and get pretty frustrated when you don't see the progress you want. Chances are it'll happen every time you try to pick up a new element or even a foreign medium. From time-to-time it's going to feel a little like you've worked backwards rather than having made any progress. The important thing is not to give up and skip ahead to the harder stuff, it'll only hurt in the long run, and don't lose heart. It's kind of an uphill struggle from day one but you learn to get used to it.

>> No.2136057

yes, loomis never did it for me anyway, it was way too formulaic, my drawings felt lifeless. I dont use construction at all. Just do whatever makes you feel best

>> No.2136120

I know, I have hit some walls already and I have been discouraged but I haven't given up yet, I feel it's better to keep trying than just giving up (as a child I used to give up a lot). Thanks for your words, I have one more question regarding the shapes practice,should I use a ruler and a compass or do I work on the shapes free hand ?

>> No.2136142

I suggest Steve houston's videos or Hampton's videos/book. Loomis felt really boring and dull to me...Houston taught me alot and is fun to listen too.

>> No.2136160
File: 401 KB, 1194x1633, sketches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no ref. critique please?

>> No.2136177

look up serratus anterior and external obliques.

>> No.2136245


Try to work free hand as much as possible, but there's nothing wrong with using a ruler to get a straight line

>> No.2136246


Also your heads are disproportionally large

>> No.2136261
File: 335 KB, 600x600, 1425056918568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your form and values are pretty damn decent too, to the point where I feel like I could literally reach out and pick up that broken piece of the cup.

>> No.2136278
File: 489 KB, 1000x563, utter shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I get rid of this mental condition when important things like construction exercises are done inaccurately just to be as fast as possible? Clearly this thing didn't teach me anything.
But on the other hand if I try to carefully measure everything, I draw a fucking bounding box for a hour. This really kills me.

>> No.2136300

It is a mental condition known as "guessing how to do things instead of learning how to do things and then doing them."

You get rid off it by studying and practicing.

>> No.2136302

How can I learn to study and practice?

>> No.2136312

I'll start with a ruler then hopefully I build up my muscle memory so I won't need it anymore

>> No.2136313

>How can I learn to study and practice?
Observe the tragedy that is modern education.

>> No.2136317

I think firstly you should restrict yourself to drawing only one line to represent an edge or curve.

theres really no need to be drawing a line more than once.

>> No.2136321

I think this is by-product of doing them as fast as possible, missing lines and redrawing them over and over trying to catch form.
...I really don't know why am I trying to run when I haven't learned how to walk yet.

>> No.2136322


>> No.2136324

cos its fun and you want to see the end result.
and putting the effort into doing things is hard.

>> No.2136327

Yes exactly. Any ideas on how to slap this lazy faggot and get him to work properly? Because what I'm doing right now is nothing but bullshit which will lead nowhere.

>> No.2136332

I dunno, I know those feels cos that's how I feel.
for me im getting older and if I don't put the effort in im going to be old and have not learnt to draw.
that's some good motivation.
im not a robot tho, I have good days and bad days where i cant be bothered doing anything.

but i think its this that defines whose the artist and who isn't,.
its not that anyone cant learnt to do it.
its that few can sit and do it often with meaning.

>> No.2136349


thank you kind sir. head size, study serratus anterior, external obliques. off i go

>> No.2136390

>everyone posting
>nobody critiquing

>> No.2136396

Are there any guides on how to deal with the massive difference in feeling between drawing on paper vs drawing on a tablet?

I'm a complete beginner with either method but at least with paper I have a certain degree of line control and I don't know how to adapt to using a tablet.

>> No.2136399
File: 632 KB, 1920x1080, asdfffffffff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get this far into drawing and I just can't go any further.
I don't understand ;_;

>> No.2136401

Where can I find a collection of action poses and dynamic reference photos?

>> No.2136403

I dunno, I see plenty of critiquing. Just cause no one saw your post, doesn't mean everyone is being ignored.

>> No.2136407

I didn't make any progress since few years. Help me, please:
>I'm beginner
>Try to learn how to draw, practice for few weeks
>Give up, because I have no direction of learning, guidance
>Books for beginners leave me not understanding basics (I still don't know how to draw basic shapes - balls, cubes, cylinders and perspective, or making things feel like fur, grass, material, wood etc.)
>Stop drawing
>Month later back to start

>> No.2136419

Same situation for me, I feel like I need a beginners guide to the beginners guides in order to be at the level to learn from the beginners guides.

>> No.2136426

Define a light source, block out light and dark areas. Then keep adding details.

That´s how I´d do it.

>> No.2136471
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20150629_115212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drilling Loombis heds in profile; anyone know where a nigga can learn the Rielly method though? I feel like the Loomis model leaves too much to the imagination for me. The Rielly method looks intimidating but it might be exactly what I need tbh ffs smh

>> No.2136479

Is this from reference? If not look up some real life references that can help you with lighting and details

>> No.2136481
File: 230 KB, 2338x1653, Loomis another try.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted my horrible Loomis mistakes some days ago and I was told to start new because I didn't grasp the basics (which was 100% right).
I think I do now, or at least I do better. Learned what I did wrong after doing 2 while 2 and 1 are still horrible the following turned out better (except 8 again because there was a longer pause between 8 and the rest).
Do I still miss something from the start or am I okay to go on with Loomis?

>> No.2136488
File: 26 KB, 474x569, iambecomeedgelord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-well...At least i'm getting better. Heh...

>> No.2136502
File: 120 KB, 866x1200, aagaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need to do much more anatomy stuff. I think I´m slowly getting there. The proportions seem to be ok (I added the heads after drawing to check) but there is still so much to learn. Legs are a crux and I really need to stop chicken scratching.

>> No.2136578

I think it would be easier to tell if you kept the construction lines, but while you still have some ways to go it looks better than the last attempts you posted.

>> No.2136600
File: 11 KB, 309x474, NEET'Os.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 1st msPaint'ing.

What do y'all thynk?

>> No.2136612

Get photoshop.

>> No.2136615


It is pretty decent, I mean for an observational sketch it's well executed. There's nothing to suggest an artist with a weak understanding of his subject or drawing practices.

>> No.2136616

What if I told you--
That iHave no money and hear it's really hard to pyrat?

>> No.2136619

literally $10 a month or 1 or 2 fiverr gigs

step your neet game up, even I can afford it

>> No.2136624

>hard to pirate potatoshop
>while piratebay still exists

>> No.2136628
File: 37 KB, 494x666, edgelord2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Improved version

>> No.2136629

>willingly inserting probes in butt

>> No.2136633

belly button too high.

lower torso too flat. doesn't look like a 3d body.

>> No.2136637

just download peerblock, it's like a buttplug for your e-anus

>> No.2136638

Dude, everyone pripyats it. No one gives a shit. Adobe gets their money from industry, companies that pay millions for licenses every year.

>> No.2136645
File: 164 KB, 1200x816, 342421321321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less lines = better
Shiggy diggy

>> No.2136673

less lines = better? Says who?

>> No.2136685
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20150629_152638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me again.

>> No.2136690


Thanks for the kind words but he's right dude. The values are terrible. If they weren't I wouldn't have needed to compensate.

>> No.2136699
File: 265 KB, 1200x816, 5434342342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I jump at Drawing Manual - Ch.07 - Using Anatomy Part One already? Or I should draw cylindrical shit until death?

>> No.2136700


link whatever you're refering to please / or full name

>> No.2136702

Vilppu. Drawing manual videos

>> No.2136709


thanka yu

>> No.2136721
File: 254 KB, 1200x616, 325443252432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it okay to feel more comfortable with thick brush?

>> No.2136725
File: 578 KB, 1600x1200, 50Heads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proko told me to do one hundred.
I'll do rest tomorrow

>> No.2136730



>> No.2136734

Looking good, anon.

>> No.2136738

Where can you find more pictures of statues like OPs?

>> No.2136764


>> No.2136765
File: 1.73 MB, 887x968, curvedPrims.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying curved objects like spheres and toruses. My gradients are super shit right now and I can't do small ones, either. Top is white paper with HB, bottom is toned with black and white colored pencil. Liking toned paper a lot more.

>> No.2136787
File: 334 KB, 1000x1255, wipkis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this is hard....

>> No.2136801


Try using a regular round brush m8 and keep going

>> No.2136808
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20150629_172305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on dawg do more I'm at 100 in profile, 80 straight on and 11 in 3/4 so far and I'm at work helping customers n' sheeit. You got this shit homie pick that stylus back up son!

>> No.2136820
File: 363 KB, 1000x1322, wipkis2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that would be more useful... gonna abandon this for now, moveing on to another with the good ol' hard round

>> No.2136839

the perspective on these is fucked. waste of time if you don't pay enough attn to do them right.

>> No.2136851

I like some of these characters youve got goin on, but I feel like the wide camera might be too much for the focus of interest, the guy coming in through the door. I would try doing some thumbs of compositions and see which one best frames the action.

>> No.2136868
File: 3.49 MB, 5312x2988, 20150629_181802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i make my blooks look as smooth and good as loomis does? what am i missing?

>> No.2136880


>Finishing and not scraping something is really the best advice I can give.

This. Especially with digital. I can understand if you drastically fuck up a traditional piece you might just scrap it, but there's always ways to fix digital stuff.

I'm still pretty new and I was doing lots of construction, and whenever anything looked a little off I just went "fuck it back to the drawing board" and tried something else. I barely learned shit, and then I started actually working through my mistakes, trying to correct them, and keeping at it until I had a product I was happy with. I learned fucktons more that way.

>> No.2136882

slow down

>> No.2136888 [DELETED] 
File: 2.44 MB, 2146x2141, sketchsketchsketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I need to work on most, besides the obviously absent faces? Are there any glaring issues I'm missing?

My focus the last little while has been basic anatomy and stuff.

>> No.2136890 [DELETED] 
File: 2.44 MB, 2146x2141, sketchsketchsketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deleting and reposting a resized version.

What do I need to work on most? Are there any glaring issues besides the obvious lack of face? I've been focusing on anatomy and proportion.

>> No.2136893
File: 1.34 MB, 1500x1497, sketchsketchsketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deleting and reposting a resized version (again, because I'm a giant retard and posted the same sized image twice).

What do I need to work on most? Are there any glaring issues besides the obvious lack of face? I've been focusing on anatomy and proportion.

>> No.2136896


Also I know my lines look like garbage, I was a bit more zoomed out when I was doing it and still didn't resize it very well.

>> No.2136901

Nothing is really weird to me except for the front one's left arm and boobs. But that could be the reference with the boobs.

>> No.2136905


It´s really chicken scratchy. For the big one: The head looks really off and the neck/shoulder area is a mess.

>> No.2136914
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20150629_191313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the perspective on these is fucked


>waste of time

Have to disagree there; it's been good for my manual dexterity if nothing else. Gotta look on the bright side dawg

>> No.2136922

You're right anon, here another 50. Now I can sleep.

>> No.2136924
File: 282 KB, 1600x1200, That's right anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, forgot pic

>> No.2136933
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20150629_192814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2136939

>>anon kindly tells you what's wrong with your practice
>>try to save face with mindless positivism BS instead of admitting mistake


>> No.2136941
File: 98 KB, 708x589, froggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2136949

Very nice rare pepe

>> No.2136955
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20150629_194827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoah whoah WHOAH g-dawg, I didn't say I disagreed with his actual criticism.

>> No.2136965
File: 163 KB, 705x716, 2015-06-29 20_55_14-Posemaniacs.com » Thirty Second Drawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do I gesture something like this?

>> No.2136986

That is a very flat angle and as such getting a good gesture isn't very possible; if you're looking to study gestures, try and do other figures at other angles. For what you posted, the concept is more volume-heavy.

>> No.2136990

I kind of thought so but wasn't sure. Posemaniacs was just giving me random images and I kept getting ones like this and not knowing how to approach them.

While we're on the topic, how do I practice 'volume'? There doesn't seem to be anything on the wiki about it.

>> No.2136991

posemaniacs is crap. use real photos.

>> No.2136993

Posemaniacs is fine for gestures, just don't do any real anatomy studies from it of course. Real photos are fucking retarded a lot of the time with excessive clothing, hair and props (even when you select for nude models).

>> No.2136997 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 817x900, Bottle - June 2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this thread is focused around anatomy and values, but I didn't want to post my crap in a non-beginner thread again, so would appreciate some more skilled eyes than my pitiful ones, on this.

>> No.2137000

You should erase the excess color it makes it hard to read dawg

>> No.2137002

I was going to do that, not sure why I didn't really. The lid is quite a way off and the metal didn't turn out very well, not really sure how to go about doing metal.

>> No.2137004
File: 42 KB, 408x229, Nathan_Explosion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not really sure how to go about doing metal

>> No.2137008
File: 29 KB, 817x900, Bottle - June 2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realised how ridiculous it looks to sign a digital painting, especially a throwaway one.

>> No.2137020


you say that now but wait until someone stills your work and takes all your fame and money.

your going to wish you had signed it.

>> No.2137028

I heard you needed to lawg in with a valid e-mail to use it? That was a few years ago tho, and maybe that guy just got a shitty krack.

Anywho, can't I just use GIMP?

>> No.2137029

yep, he'd be rolling in the dough if only he'd kept his signature on "that one study of a bottle".
unfortunately after only minutes of him taking away his signature i've already seen duplications (claiming to be original work) of his piece at several art auctions and galleries

>> No.2137078


New thread.

>> No.2137097
File: 43 KB, 727x867, Butt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got my drawing tablet and started to draw. The transition from paper to digital is weird. Does anyone have any pointers for a newcomer or is there a separate thread for that? Is this butt alright?

>> No.2137138



>> No.2137727
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x2560, IMG_20141212_102128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was supposed to be a gift. It got returned to me because he felt self conscious about having a portrait of himself on display in his room. I have not studied art at a tertiary level but was considering going to art school at the start of next year or the year after that at the latest. Critiques welcome.

>> No.2138171 [DELETED] 
File: 819 KB, 1286x685, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just about to ask this and it ends up being the second post. Neat. It's 5 days old and still hasn't been answered. Not so neat.

So, my gesture drawings don't look nearly as good as this fellow's, although granted I did just pick up the Vilppu Drawing Manual yesterday so I hope I'll get the hang of it with enough patience and practice. What I fail to understand though, is how to draw them "without contours" as they say, however looking at these drawings the contours seem very apparent to me. So I'm unsure what to pay attention to. My failed gestures generally fall into two groups; twisty stick figures that often don't well capture the action of the image, or drawings with attention to the contours making them really formless.