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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 389 KB, 1158x950, 2081121420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2130503 No.2130503 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a more god tier porn artist than reiq?

Hint: no

>> No.2130508
File: 211 KB, 1400x985, previewd9c9878ba3482ec89e7793c5f9cfb58c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's the Jaime Jones of hentai

>> No.2130509

His faces are unappealing and half of the porn thread can do better than that.

>> No.2130512


>half of the porn thread can do better than that.

Didn't lurk pt that much, so Im gonna need proof

>> No.2130513
File: 3 KB, 160x160, u wat m80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>censored porn, >>>/leave/
>20$ a month to look at porn, >>>>>>/fukin leave/

>> No.2130515

>and half of the porn thread can do better than that.

Ahahahahaha. With the exception of incase (who is still way worse than Reiq) the average skill level of the porn thread is below even the beginner thread.

>> No.2130517


>> No.2130519

Porn threads on /ic/ are literally the shitposting general
I wouldn't post art there unless I was baiting

>> No.2130520


>20$ a month to look at porn, >>>>>>/fukin leave/

Eh, who said anything about paying, the image is from google, ya spergie.

>> No.2130529

Everything about Reiq is just generic. His style is a generic cross between anime and whatever the hell you call Sakimichan's style. The faces he draws have little emotion, personality or individuality. The anatomy is all the same with big tits and drumstick thighs. His skill is just about dead average, with plenty of flaws, shortcuts and that one type of crude coloring. Look at the odd, lumpy feet and hands, the weird angle on the faces and the slit pussy. Look at the hair, which is devoid of any kind of line quality or flow.
He's only popular because he draws the most basic kind of porn with popular characters.

>> No.2130531

His website has a subscription.

>> No.2130532

>not knowing reiq traces every image
Seriously, where have you been?

>> No.2130538

I doubt he traces. It would look better if he did.

>> No.2130544
File: 125 KB, 800x582, ReiqTrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind. I shouldn't have doubted you.

>> No.2130551

Ayyy fug

Shit man, I obviously have much to learn about cartoon porn, his drawings still give me boners tho.

>> No.2130553

how is this tracing

>> No.2130562

It's not really tracing, but it's far too close to the original picture.
Yet he's so incompetent that he actually removed some of the nuaces that would have made his picture far more appealing.

>> No.2130565


>> No.2130567
File: 103 KB, 1024x724, reiq5647389.jpg-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2130573

At first I was gonna say this wasn't traced, just a ref, but...
>drew a character known for being tall and slender
>copied the proportions of regular stumpy model
Come on, Reiq.

>> No.2130579

The funny thing is that he actually made her much chubbier than the reference.
But yeah, he mostly draws the same proportions, with the only variance being breast size.

>> No.2130585

I find his non porn stuff to be pretty appealing. I think he just does not give a shit with his porn work.

>> No.2130588

His porn is fapable.

>> No.2130595

Fapable, yes. But it's clear he doesn't put as much effort into it. And there are some works he has done that have Slugbox levels of fucked anatomy. Look for his picture of Sona to see what I mean.

>> No.2130599
File: 145 KB, 540x764, reiq29848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean this?

>> No.2130604

>He's only popular because he draws the most basic kind of porn with popular characters.

That applies to a lot of popular smut artists. Pandering is the name of the game, anon.

>> No.2130608

Yes, but it's possible to pander and still be a competent artist.

>> No.2130609


His none porn work is much better than his porn work. He knows the kind of degenerates that pollute porn consumers. What's the point of working hard for them?

>> No.2130612

>competent artist.

But he IS competent because he gets business. He's just not spectacular because he doesn't need to be considering the taste of the people who consume that shit...much like a LOT of popular porn artists. They are literally the same.

>> No.2130636

That's the one. Dat torso and stiff fucking pose.

>> No.2130639

>But he IS competent because he gets business.

This board isn't dedicated to marketing, but art, so that's what we're discussing here.

>> No.2130641

>the kind of degenerates that pollute porn consumers
You mean literally the same kind as all other consumers?

>you know what kind of people play videogames, why work hard for them?

>> No.2130644

his work seems pretty boring and same-y

>> No.2130646

Reiq still does porn? I thought he shyed away from it, ever since he started to take his art more seriously.

>> No.2130651

>porn is art

kek, lowbrow shit.

>> No.2130653

1. It's fappable to a wide audience
2. He's established a quick style, he can complete a piece relatively quickly
3. Actually successful in keeping his artwork off image boards and stopping "piracy"
4. Makes extremely good money

So yes. He's god-tier when it comes to profiteering and capitalizing on art.

>> No.2130654

oh I see.

it's not really tracing but it explains why his images tend to be so dull.

>> No.2130658

It's certainly "art" more than concept art, and you know what he meant.

>> No.2130659

>Makes extremely good money
[citation needed[

>> No.2130666

I'm talking about the craft, not the bullshit ethereal concept of art.

>> No.2130672

He's certainly successful. Not sure about extremely good, but he's certainly got sheckles to travel abroad and study. I give him credit the guy is always drawing.

>> No.2130675

If he's always drawing, why doesn't he improve?

>> No.2130678

People who draw the same thing all the time without experimenting never progress, thats why /ic/ hates anime style artists, they never leave their comfort zone.

>> No.2130679

Art natty limit. A-amirite, /fit/, ha haa..a

>> No.2130680

Have you seen the cringe progress images?

Just drawing won't make you draw better.

>> No.2130688
File: 499 KB, 1392x1163, 8YearProgress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Style has little bearing on progress, and the vast majority of artists, almost regardless of skill level, create most of their artwork in the same style.

I think you're right.

>> No.2130695

>not liking big tits and nice thighs

>> No.2130696


And probably several more. But then again I honestly prefer more creativity besides "Now the subject is being lewded. Now she's being lewded AND THERE'S FLUIDS EVERYWHERE #WOW #WHOA pls share me I need attention ;.;"

>> No.2130700

Also what >>2130529 said.

>> No.2130704

This actually looks super doable.

>> No.2130707

>Style has little bearing on progress
You're wrong. If you're not pushing yourself (you're in your comfort zone, only doing things the same way, only sticking to what you know how to do) you will stagnate, and your shit stays the same forever. It's common sense.

Why do you think /ic/ is so adamant about not "finding your style" until you actually know how to draw. So you don't become a one trick pony and justify everything with muh style.

>> No.2130709

Good for you, I'm a noob and I feel as if I will never reach that level

>> No.2130715

You're talking out of your ass. A person's style has no bearing on whether or not he tries something new, unless the style is so simplistic and cartoony that things like form and anatomy have no bearing (aka tumblr art). You can try new things, while still focusing on your style.

>Why do you think /ic/ is so adamant about not "finding your style" until you actually know how to draw.

Yet there are exceedingly few artists who actually do this. Most artists start drawing because they think drawing something in particular is fun. Yes, working on the fundamentals is important, but this doesn't mean you should do this to the exclusion of everything else. You should do both.

>> No.2130716

>Style has little bearing on progress
You learn a lot from drawing nearly realistically and spotting those small differences between what you believe you are seeing and what is actually there. Through that process you're able to get your observation game up, which is how I got to the point where I began to visualize things. People who stylize all the time have a tendency to idealize their problems away and ignore the glaring flaws in their understanding of visual information.

TL:DR : If you want to improve your stylization beyond a certain level you need to learn to draw realistically as well.

>> No.2130725

If you're always drawing in muh style, you're not drawing things differently, not sure how that is confusing you.

>Yet there are exceedingly few artists who actually do this
And the vast, vast majority of artist are not good. What a strange coincidence.

>> No.2130726


>> No.2130738

>style doesn't matter
>except if it's a kind of style that does

>> No.2130739

Again, you're full of shit.
It's actually something I've seen a lot. There are plenty of artists who focus on copying reality to an almost obsessive degree and become quite competent at it... but the moment you take away their reference, they draw like a blind chimp.
Studies help, but it sure as hell shouldn't be the only focus without drawing your own stuff, as they're two different, although overlapping skillsets. It's also going to utterly kill the motivation of anyone but the most stalwart of autists.

>> No.2130740
File: 88 KB, 960x586, tumblr_mnl2j1wenV1r317y8o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joel Jurion

>> No.2130743

Are you actually so stupid you can't tell the difference between a style that focuses on form, and one that relies on abstract, flat forms with no depth?

>> No.2130757

Read again. I'm saying that you have to learn to construct realistcally from imagination in order to understand what you're doing when you stylize faces.

>> No.2130766
File: 114 KB, 590x619, 1392926551870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or anything else for that matter. You have to understand the form of an object in oder to be able to create believable variations of it.

>> No.2130775

Yeah, people keep repeating that shit.
/ic/ loves to take its guidelines and common teaching methods and represent them as some universal truth with no exceptions.
Fact is that a very large amount of artists take completely different paths on their way to becoming great artists.
I'm not saying that life drawing, construction and anatomy aren't useful activities to practise. I would recommend them to everyone. I'm saying that your almsot autistic level of pedantic reasoning is full of shit.
It is possible to get good while primarily drawing stylized art and rarely doing any classical training, as quite a few artists have done it. It's also perfectly possible to reference real art and study anatomy, while still drawing stylized. For fuck's sake, Reiq seems to use reference for absolutely everything he draws, but he's still stagnated drastically.

>> No.2130780

Are you so stupid you can't understand both are styles? You weren't talking about "styles that focus on form", you were talking about styles, period.

Realism has nothing to do with references, you can draw an non-existing being realistically from imagination.

>> No.2130784

>unless the style is so simplistic and cartoony that things like form and anatomy have no bearing
So like anime style? Your the one talking out of your ass.
>8 years
I literally see no improvement

>> No.2130791

>here are plenty of artists who focus on copying reality to an almost obsessive degree and become quite competent at it... but the moment you take away their reference, they draw like a blind chimp.
Wait... you're telling me they don't leave their comfort zone, drawing things the same way over and over, and they can't draw anything else? It's like I heard this already somewhere...

>> No.2130795

Nice, if only ">>2130739" would stop posting.

>> No.2130799
File: 53 KB, 335x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2130802


>> No.2130803

They cant venture into the

>> No.2130804

Yes, clearly there can be no difference between styles. Clearly drawing Peanuts and Vagabond develop the exact same set of skills.

>So like anime style?
If you think anime inherently lacks form, you're retarded on a level I can't even comprehend. Even the shitty Reiq at least has a basic grasp of form.

>I literally see no improvement
That was the point, dumbfuck.

>> No.2130808

>Clearly drawing Peanuts and Vagabond develop the exact same set of skills.
>Style has little bearing on progress
Are you hearing yourself?

>> No.2130815
File: 71 KB, 300x300, Middle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shit sherlock, when you post "Style has little bearing on progress" and then post
>>2130688 pic related, all your doing is contradicting yourself. if 8 years of drawing in the same style and your still at the exact same skill level, then that DOESNT prove using a style is good.

>> No.2130819

Yes, my little retard. The world only deals in absolutes.

>> No.2130823

this thread became real violent real quick

>> No.2130824

Welcome to /ic/
enjoy your stay

>> No.2130827
File: 194 KB, 680x681, 8de.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are literally furfag artist that are better than him.

>> No.2130830

We are the most negative, angry, pessimistic art community ever made. It makes sense why this board is so slow. We are the /v/ of the art community. Pissed off and pretentious.

>> No.2130839

I used to post on /v/, then took a break for a little over a month. Going back made this place feel like bible camp.

>> No.2130844

>pissed off and pretentious
Now there's a hook.
captcha, i don't know what your idea of a salad is

>> No.2130850

jjfrenchie at hentai foundry. Have fun.

>> No.2130854

There are far worse boards on 4chan, if think this is bad go visit /pol/ /v/ or /r9k/
porn threads seem to bring out the worst in /ic/ for some reason, every porn general has had massive amounts of shitposting.

>> No.2130867

Oh, I've been to those boards. Yeah, they're far worse. I'm saying in terms of art communities, we are pretty shit. Not deviantart/tumblr levels of shit. But shit nonetheless.

>> No.2130882

I kinda wish the mods would do their job and delete all the shitty arguments that tend to clutter up these threads, at least in the threads dedicated to art critique. I'll admit I have a tendency to get involved in some of these, and once they get rolling, you don't want to back down. It would be far easier if the mods simply deleted the offending posts, and in case of repeated bullshit, simply banned people for a day or two.
Too much freedom always brings out the worst in people, myself included.

>> No.2130924

>I'll admit I have a tendency to get involved in some of these

That's what everyone who shits up these threads say. The truth is that everyone contributes to making them shit a little bit at a time.

You want it to stop? Stop taking the bait. No, don't respond to it by calling it bait, don't offer an ironic counter argument. Just, don't.

Mods aren't around to babysit these threads. They shouldn't have to either, the purpose of these generals is to post art and receive critique. Nothing more, nothing less. So if some asshole is trying to derail the thread with whatever flavor of bait, it's the community's responsibility to collectively say "no, I won't respond to it" and let it be.

>> No.2130931


The 4chan model is outright terrible for a serious art community outside of dumping reference images. That's just how it is.

>> No.2130935

Still more than fap-worthy though.

>> No.2130948

White Datura (>>2130508) and Tarakanovich

>> No.2130954
File: 347 KB, 705x500, 1412644101225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His art is not impressive but it has traits that non-artists and beginner artists see as professional.
>clean lines
>bright and shiny coloring
>popular characters

that's all you really need to be admired, hell, even seen as "the best".

But in actuality he severely lacks perspective, anatomy, appealing composition, or any original ideas for that matter.

Most artists worth their salt aren't impressed by his drawings at all, and you baiting here on /ic/ just proves you're low-tier and retarded for even saying this obviously embellished bullshit.

>> No.2130988


I feel he's got a good grasp on all those things metioned. Like an anon mentioned earlier, he seems to put a lot more effort into his non porn work. I suggest you loom at his latest sketchbook video to see what I mean.

>> No.2130997

I assume from the OP we were discussing his porno art specifically.

He's not a bad artist. Most of the points I said against him aren't a complete knock.
He is definitely more skilled in those aspects than most artists. But to say he's the best? That's just downright untrue and you know it, man.

>> No.2131014
File: 1.24 MB, 1400x767, 285145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I assume from the OP we were discussing his porno art specifically.

I thought we were discussing his skills as a whole. My mistake. But you're right, I don't think he's the best porn artist. I think >>2130740 is much better personally.

>> No.2131023

its porn. what original ideas do you want?
>oh its just more porn of human weretoilets

>> No.2131129
File: 692 KB, 905x1175, tumblr_nmak26ixmc1servzzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah nigga. Tara's work is sexy as fuck

>> No.2131144

Shugarsketch has some good porn art. Check it out.


>> No.2131146

Don't you people forget RupertEverton!

>> No.2131148

I used to do some back and forth critiques with her last year. She's pretty receptive and willing to practice. But I stopped talking to her after a while. She went complete crazy sjw feminazi.

Glad to see she got back to drawing though.

>> No.2131153

Do you idiots actually wank it to this shit?

And I thought my life was sad.

>> No.2131165

>And I thought my life was sad.
It is. Even a midget can look at the floor.

>> No.2131174
File: 616 KB, 685x511, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? fucking really?
Fuck you sugarsketch you infinitesimally disgusting and untalented whore.
Your art is below-average and no one cares that you're a ugly fucking gook.

Showing your ass online isn't getting you any substantial amount of patreon money. But maybe your fat lonely perma-virgin idol will wank off to you and donate 5 bucks to your patreon.

Is it worth being a disgusting slag?

>> No.2131176

woah, woah, calm the fuck down, nigger. I'm not trying to promote the bitch. I just mentioned I used to critique with her a while back.

>> No.2131179

Another gold gem


>> No.2131182

She's an attention whore and her art is literal garbage.

It's almost poetic that she's so ugly and not nearly talented enough to ever carry herself financially.

That's what you get, you fucking whore. Taking the easy way out. Instead of improving your terrible art you post your ugly face and ass online, begging for your fans to throw peanuts at you.

Well I guess no one thinks your fucking pretty. Your terrible looks can't carry your miserable and failed attempt at drawing "porn".
Better sign up for facial abuse, you worthless waste.

>> No.2131193

Why are you telling me all this? Go bitch to her about it. She's some camwhore bitch on tumblr. Is she really worth all this anger to you?

Granted we just devoted an entire thread to doing the same thing to some Venezuelan fuck. So bitch on I guess.

>> No.2131228

calm your tits wow.

though I do agree, girls using his sexuality to get more views for their subpar art is really annoying. But only annoying to me because i'm mad jelly no one wants to look at my gross bitch tits.

I'm not saying shes subpar, her stuff is pretty decent. But it is annoying.

>> No.2131246

>attention whore

Don't blame her for running game. Blame the beta fuckers giving her play and thinking she actually gives a shit about them.

>> No.2131268

why didn't he add details to the penis?

>> No.2131355
File: 487 KB, 1500x1147, 40908953_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2131361

Lots of doujinshi artists

>> No.2131389

> girls using his sexuality to get more views for their subpar art is really annoying
I've actually never seen this happen outside of like porn artists and porn artists whether male or female are dumb cunts a priori and should not even be taken into account

>> No.2131390

God this looks so damn bland.

>> No.2131398

those tits are so fucking lopsided. He can render and his color choices are actually pretty decent but his knowledge of form is so fucking shit, like look at there the leg meets the pelvis

>> No.2131407

> >>2130824
We are the most negative, angry, pessimistic art community ever made.

Tbh I like that about ic. People like that, besides calling you a fag all the time, will also give you a good, honest critique, tell you that you suck and where you suck. Don't you prefer that over DA comments on Sanic drawings that are like "you are amazing honeycake, dont let anyone tell you you cant live your dream blah blah", even tho they suck ass.

>> No.2131411

Wow chill. You know the people that posted that link aren't even her right? Get some anger management classes.

>> No.2131453

Kon-Kit is my personal favorite.

>> No.2131469

Honestly sometimes they are better.
After you're not complete shit anymore staying and relying on /ic/ becomes detrimental to you because it's filled with a bunch of know it all amatuers.

>> No.2131473

is that onta/doxy? he looks like an ok guy

>> No.2131478

No. /ic/ is objectively the worst board on 4chan.

We have:
>dedicated threads for self-promotion and advertizing, selling out and furry porn
>a higher saturation of general threads than /tg/
>people using fucking smilies in their posts, and getting offended over nothing
>rampant namefaggotry
>tumblr bullshit
>people demanding eachothers identity to verify that they know what they are talking about
>delusional cucks who actually believe that they are going to 'make it' just because they're trying hard

>> No.2131490

quit the wine

>> No.2131492

>eople demanding eachothers identity to verify that they know what they are talking about
Not identity, a show of skills. And you know very well there's a reason for it. Hell, I catch myself giving "advice" about things I have no real knowledge or experience about, and I actually draw. Half the shit people here tell you is just half-understood things they heard from someone else.

The other half is baseless self-reassurance, serving only to postpone facing your only failings, like the "discussion" itt. "You don't do things because they're good, things are good because you do them" is the name of the game.

>> No.2131494

You are looking for problems now there are plenty of good threads out there but all you do is complain on big threads instead of contributing to smaller ones.

>> No.2131503

we're not demanding people drop their tumblr and personal info or anything.
but on a critiquing board where you're supposed to help people solve their issues, asking for proof you know what you're talking about when you sound like an idiot isn't a bad thing.
If you just redlined the thing the entire issue would be fixed. Unlike boards like /g/ you can't just tell people what's wrong and expect them to know what's fucked or even if its important or that what you're trying to tell them to do is better than what they're currently doing.
Why would I listen to some freshman art student who's done nothing but colorwheels and cubes in perspective?

>> No.2131521
File: 3.00 MB, 400x400, 1428986128583.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you may find yourself at home on /b/ and /v/.
Fuck off.

>> No.2131523

You complete fucking retards really should leave. Not only is this considered an insanely childish way of arguing in any community, but your idiocy is further reinforced by the fact that you're on a fucking anonymous board, where people specifically go so that their comments aren't going to be tied to their person/art.
In regular art communities, you have to watch what you say, and it's difficult to be honest because people hate critics. People who disagree with you will also attack your art, not based on the quality of the art itself, but because they dislike you as a person.

Grow the fuck up, and just stop using this idiotic argument.

>> No.2131525

> flesh looks like plastic
> expressions are lifeless

Even shadmans work is more sensual than this. It looks like two static baloon animals, not like something you can/want to actually touch.
Also pussy looks like he never seen one irl before.

Joel Jurion is the only one who is god tier.

>> No.2131540

okay let me take this from another thread
>anime art is shit! anyone could easily do that in 10 minutes
if you're going to say this you should prove you can draw similar quality art in 10 minutes. that is not critique.
>tie to yourself
do you really think the majority of people who cry out about "hurr that arm isn't perfectly anatomically correct" are actually professional artists? the large majority of /ic/ are college age art students who think they know their shit because they took their intro to design 101 course.
>people hate critics
there are other websites with forums with boards specifically for critiquing and they have accounts with names attached. its not like we're the only board out there that lets people critic others, but I would say we're one of the worst. Even deviantart has some nice groups when it come to pure critiquing.

>> No.2131548

>Professional porn artist
>Still draws vagainas like flesh wounds.

>> No.2131553

>being this mad just because you gave up
git gud

also, this board has some of the highest saturation of original content and actual discussion, so fuck off.

>> No.2131554

>all these buttmad replies
>noone even bothers adressing anything but point 6
You clearly have no counterpoints to make, so just admit that I'm right already.

I don't usually participate in threads like this, but the point that I'm trying to make is something that I've been thinking about for a while, and I felt like this was a good time and place to bring it up.

If you're trying to use 4chan to build a community, a fanbase, or something along those lines, you really need to wake up and realize that that kind of thing just isn't going to happen on an anonymous imageboard with an active population of maybe 4000 (?) or so people. If you want to advertize and promote yourself, then what are you doing here of all places? Why not use social networking or create a blog? If you want to post under a username, why don't you participate in a forum?
You have to understand that 4chan isn't about -you-. Anonymous discussion removes the factors of identity and social pressure and allows people to speak honestly with eachother without taking risks. That's what makes it interesting.

I prefer /lit/ and /s4s/.

>> No.2131556

>don't use 4chan to build a community
I'm assuming you quoted the wrong person here or you just can't read, because I fail to see how people being told to back up their "critiques" (see shit talking) is trying to build a fanbase.

>> No.2131560

Yep, I meant to reply to >>2131494 .

>> No.2131561
File: 319 KB, 1459x1047, 263771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want plastic and lifeless, ONI is your best bet

>> No.2131563

> /s4s/ lol'd
Fair enough, I still don't agree with all your points, but that's your opinion. /ic/ despite its flaws, has helped me improve than any other art site on the internet.

If anything, the resources you can get here is valuable, while the anonymous can give more honest feedback without hug boxing everything.

>> No.2131568

"No. /ic/ is objectively the worst board on 4chan."
>because I fail to see how people being told to back up their "critiques" (see shit talking) is trying to build a fanbase.
okay thanks bubbah but you gotta step bakc tto relaity

>> No.2131569

is this some type of troll where you pretend to be a complete and utter idiots but you still somehow find it hilarious that people are laughing at you?

>> No.2131571
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>> No.2131572
File: 129 KB, 625x625, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happens all too often

>> No.2131580

Here I bothered replying

>self-promotion, advertising, and selling out is bad
I agree.

>furry porn
The only furries I've seen posting here are people that just want to improve.

>general threads
With actual discussion especially compared to /v/ where even the non general threads are almost all reposts.

>people using smilies and getting offended
Who cares.

>rampant namefaggotry
I haven't seen much outside the advertising threads.

>tumblr bullshit is bad
I agree.

>people demanding eachothers identity
I haven't seen that happen personally.

>delusional cucks thinking they'll make it
This part triggered me more than anything else.

>> No.2131588
File: 25 KB, 465x499, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>delusional cucks who actually believe that they are going to 'make it' just because they're trying hard

Someones fuckin saltyyyy

>> No.2131589

>>delusional cucks thinking they'll make it
>This part triggered me more than anything else.

working as intended.

>> No.2131673

Kon-Kit is fucking based.

>> No.2131819

God damn you are mad as fuck.

Did she decline to go out on a date with you or something?

>> No.2131853

doing this cronzprint thing again......

>> No.2131884
File: 35 KB, 306x306, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2132028

Kinda bad but would fap

>> No.2133229


>> No.2133232 [DELETED] 
File: 1001 KB, 1314x1700, Dante Devil_May_Cry sakimichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why everybody is forgetting that the most popular and successful nowadays porn artist is sakimichan? is because she's a girl?

>> No.2133237


(no I'm not better than Sakimi but that picture just made me laugh)

Sakimi's popular because of her super clean, refined style and her fandom pandering.

>> No.2133255

Why do people hate Sakimichan?

>> No.2133278

Because she makes their years worth of salary in 2 weeks.

>> No.2133279

>only draws fanart
>same pose, sameface
>bad proportions and questionable anatomy
>makes more money in a year than most artists will make in a decade