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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 239 KB, 890x1448, start.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2128192 No.2128192 [Reply] [Original]

Post your nsfw, critique work and so on.
Furry is allowed, however do not over indulge on the subject of furries or their culture. Unnecessarily reporting these anons are strongly discouraged. This thread is dedicated to helping anons improve their erotic drawings and paintings.
Do not start flame wars.
Do not reply to funposters.
Stay on topic.

Last thread: >>2123072

Reminder that if you do not want to view this thread, please hide it by pressing the minus button or by right-clicking the thumbnail on the catalog and selecting "hide this thread."
Also, thank you mods and janitors for keeping this thread running well.

Questions about references for drawing porn will be answered.

>> No.2128204
File: 961 KB, 2500x3800, 1434778700344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2128207

how u nigs get such nice lines?

>> No.2128209

So where do you guys get your inspiration from?
Like im decent at drawing and all (around op level) but i just cant come up with ideas like that.

>> No.2128212

>So where do you guys get your inspiration from?

Your dick.

>> No.2128220
File: 184 KB, 663x900, fg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all about practice and/or talent. There's really no secret trick to suddenly improve your technique.

sketchy panel is sketchy

>> No.2128238 [DELETED] 

there are a lot of tricks to improve lines you faggot cuck beta niggerlover.

>> No.2128248
File: 243 KB, 562x755, af7e2d79903e4a673ced3a7caa07d80e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo /ic/
Been doing art off and on for awhile, getting back into it after about three months of no productivity. Can anyone give me some input on these mannequin sketches before I start putting detail onto them? I'm thinking about making the girl's spine curve more drastic to give it more appeal.

>> No.2128249
File: 113 KB, 635x725, Nyokan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting for critique.

>> No.2128252 [DELETED] 

You just wanted to call him a faggot cuck beta niggerlover, didn't you? You really know it's all about practice.

>> No.2128254

it's sorta boring in general.

>> No.2128269

I need line art tips
How do I make my line art look sexy and fluid?

>> No.2128270
File: 180 KB, 694x1100, HotPants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2128280

Pose isn't dynamic enough and it lacks effects. Also, too sketchy. Not fappable for now.

>> No.2128288
File: 272 KB, 604x874, Happy New Year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of my shit is terrible but this isn't as terrible as my other stuff.

>> No.2128311

that nipple...
her torso is way too thin for those meaty arms and shoulders and the face is really off

>> No.2128348

Having amazing sex with my boyfriend.

>> No.2128351


>> No.2128353

get back to work, keppok

>> No.2128355
File: 68 KB, 635x725, Nyokan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two days later but hurrah! Thank you!

Tried to widen the torso a bit, how's this?
I'm not really certain about her face though, aside from it being proportionally stylized.

>> No.2128365
File: 153 KB, 765x990, and then she farts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

File name is accurate. Not sure what else I'm missing.

>> No.2128366 [DELETED] 

greetings redneck monkey

sure, there are tricks to improve one's skills and techniwu, and all involve practice lol

>> No.2128373 [DELETED] 

greetings redneck monkey

sure, there are tricks to improve one's skills and technique, and all involve practice lol

>> No.2128375
File: 214 KB, 1500x1500, 6-21-2015 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2128383

where are her legs

>> No.2128401

Well, one eye is really tiny compared to the other and she has no eyebrows or eyelids. Worth mentioning that "stylized" doesn't mean omitting things because you don't know how to draw them.

One buttcheek's also larger. Breasts are looking pretty flat, not reflecting how they are placed onto the torso.

>> No.2128419
File: 68 KB, 635x725, Nyokan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course! I didn't mean to come across that I was making excuses, but you wern't all that specific about the face and I wasn't certain what looked off about it. As for her butt, I think that's more one is further compressed, as her weight is more on her right, if that makes sense, but thank you! So I've resize her eye and generally shifted her facial features a smidgin, and redone her breasts slightly.

>> No.2128490
File: 219 KB, 1100x900, Rider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2128519

nice thighs. I'd take a bite out of them

>> No.2128524 [DELETED] 

big beta cuck chan.

>> No.2128528

Foreshortening, or so I thought when I drew it.

>> No.2128533
File: 126 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure dick fuel.
Stop fapping

>> No.2128537

>being racist
>realize it's not 1815

all my sides

>> No.2128540 [DELETED] 

keep on useing jew words drone.

>> No.2128553
File: 467 KB, 707x1000, fg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which is the jew word? racist?
what else should I call someone that gets triggered like an idiot by cuckold porn? autistic?

here, let me trigger you some more

>> No.2128560 [DELETED] 

Its a normal reaction by someone who isnt a total faggot like you. Jokes on you cuck faggot I will take it and use it for reference. The problem here is YOU being a faggot not in a picture.

>> No.2128565 [DELETED] 

I don't care about the subjects I draw as long as it's not something that I am uncomfortable doing (child porn for example). I am an open minded person. If that makes me a fag, even though I am hetero, then let me ba as much a faggot as possible. Bring me all the faggotry of the world. I'll embrace it.

>> No.2128569 [DELETED] 

Top cuck

>> No.2128572 [DELETED] 

>open minded
>bring me all the faggotry of the world

I knew you was from Europe now I know you must be from sweden.

>> No.2128575 [DELETED] 

nah, I am not into cuckold fantasies. I'm not THAT openminded.

>> No.2128578 [DELETED] 

To be fair, that mentality is far more common in the US. As far as rabid left-wing ideology goes, most of that shit starts in the US, then drifts over to Europe a year or two later.
The only exception would be Sweden, but Sweden is still nothing compared to Cali.

>> No.2128579

Is dat iggy azalea

>> No.2128580 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 256x192, 0213482747723.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a normal reaction
>my autism is normal

All the keks. If you weren't such an insecure faggot, it wouldn't trigger you because the woman isn't even real. It's a fucking cartoon. But I get it, you have no sex life to speak of, so you're frustrated and autistic.

>> No.2128581 [DELETED] 

It's okay if you're into cuckolding, even Nickelodeon has a subtle cuckolding show for kids called Bella and the Bulldogs written by our greatest ally.

Moot was a cuck as well

>> No.2128584 [DELETED] 

What's wrong with being open minded and not hating someone just because they are "different"?
It's not like being a cuck or gay is something wrong. Even if I don't understand their urges, it doesn't mean I am going to hate them. As long as they don't hurt other people, I can totally respect them.

>> No.2128588 [DELETED] 


The same people who get triggered by IR (which they will only ever call cuckold) are the same faggots who are perfectly fine with loli and/or shota. No point in even trying to reason with them. They are idiots.

>> No.2128589 [DELETED] 

What's wrong with being open minded and not hating someone just because they are "different"?
It's not like being a cuck or gay is something wrong. Even if I don't understand their urges, it doesn't mean I am going to hate them. As long as they don't hurt other people, I can respect anyone.

>> No.2128590 [DELETED] 

You're a cuck, just admit it and this argument would be over before Goldburg can rub his hands in glee at your good goy points.

>> No.2128592
File: 163 KB, 722x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Line weight

>> No.2128594 [DELETED] 

You claim to be open minded, but you can't see why someone would dislike or disrespect a person who gets off on letting other people fuck his girlfriend or wife?

Gays have little to do with this discussion at all, but most people who dislike gays, dislike the sick community that many of them participate in, not the person's sexuality. A lot of people who have a problem with a lisping, attention whoring faggot, will probably not have a problem with Ian McKellen.

>> No.2128597

That foot is fucked and you left the other one out for no good reason

>> No.2128598
File: 1.46 MB, 1094x989, 1416369374873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd honestly would feel more comfortable drawing scat, gore, pedo, and vore than BMWF cuckolding.

BBC-chan is someone paying you for these comics? Seriously, you draw a lot of this and I can't see it being not for money.

>It's not like being a cuck ... is something wrong
Whoa there buddy

>> No.2128599
File: 41 KB, 424x476, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop feeding them

>> No.2128600 [DELETED] 

>You claim to be open minded, but you can't see why someone would dislike or disrespect

Of course I can see it. I simply don't agree with them. It's not me who is going around insulting people out of the blue, because they think their being offended is more important than somebody's life choice.

>> No.2128601 [DELETED] 


Being a pedo is worse than being a cuck. Easy. If you honestly think otherwise, you are mentally ill.

>> No.2128602 [DELETED] 

Because nowdays being "open minded" is forced on you by multiculturalism. It dosent work you can be different in your country and sometimes visit my as a turist but get the fuck out with your hordes.
>Its not like being cuck or gay is something wrong
Its totaly wrong . Gays spread hiv and being a cuck is not being a man and a society needs man.

Its ok to be gay and cuck as long as its not embraced by society as a norm. You should be shunned for this. Its good for you. Why do you think bullying is for in schools ? To make the faggots a man.

>> No.2128604

bigger nipple and add areola

❤ bbc, keep drawing what you draw even if just to piss off retards

>> No.2128605
File: 304 KB, 919x656, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BBC-chan is someone paying you for these comics? Seriously, you draw a lot of this and I can't see it being not for money.

He says it every thread.
Yes he does get paid for it.

>> No.2128606

Of course I get paid for it. I said I am not into this stuff. I wouldn't draw something I don't find hot if it wasn't for a profit.

>Whoa there buddy
If there is no cheating or hurting someone's feelings involved I don't see why cuckold would be considered wrong. There are different kinds of cucks. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.

>> No.2128608 [DELETED] 

>I'd rather get off at having someone else fuck my wife rather than be normal and attracted to my fertile, young and pure woman who is physically capable of producing at a healthy age.

We've lost, the west is done we've been demoralized to bumfuck egypt and back. Islamic communism when?

>> No.2128610 [DELETED] 

Yeah, you are right. My bad.

>> No.2128611 [DELETED] 

>caring about 3DPD and the real world.

>> No.2128619 [DELETED] 

>Gays spread hiv and being a cuck is not being a man and a society needs man.

8 billion humans anon,
Its too much

>> No.2128621 [DELETED] 

>deals with consenting adults
>consenting adults
>deals with prepubescent kids
>prepubescent kids

You couldn't kill yourself fast enough.

>> No.2128622


>> No.2128624

though, you won't find anything related to these comics there

>> No.2128627
File: 37 KB, 525x481, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2128632 [DELETED] 

Its not. Theres not much of whites on earth and they are getting lower and lower in numbers. This shit is forced on whites not on anyone else for a reason. To destroy them.

>> No.2128643 [DELETED] 

>Theres not much of whites on earth and they are getting lower and lower in numbers

Literally not important.

>> No.2128648 [DELETED] 
File: 246 KB, 750x750, le triumph of le will face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if you're not white or a pathetic low test cuck, lol

'If by the instrument of governmental power a race is lead to its destruction then rebellion is not only the right of every member of such a people it is his duty'

>> No.2128650 [DELETED] 

>Maybe if you're not white or a pathetic low test cuck, lol

It's not important, period. There are no if ands or buts about it. You are literally retarded.

>> No.2128653 [DELETED] 

I am so fucking sorry for having triggered these retards, guys.
I promise I will never ever post any of these comics again.
It's really not worth it.

>> No.2128654 [DELETED] 

It breaks my heart knowing this fact and seeing sheep like >>2128643 utterly helpless. How did we become to be so brainwashed?

>> No.2128657 [DELETED] 


Right, that is it this is the one phrase that distinguishes Tumbrites I am now convinced that these special snowflakes have a dialect that is unique as if it is straight from a cult that promotes leftist bullshit.

>> No.2128659 [DELETED] 


Nature decided "white" genetics are less dominant and easily whipped. Cry me a river.

>> No.2128661 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 692x787, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2128664 [DELETED] 

Take your fucking politics out of here, you primitive monkeys.

>> No.2128665 [DELETED] 

>easily whipped.
The irony. There's a reason niggers call white people crackers.

>> No.2128668 [DELETED] 

I guess you don't understand what I am talking about.
It's not like I'm offended or mad at these retards lol. I just don't want to be the cause of this thread being constantly full of shitposting.

>> No.2128675 [DELETED] 


You aren't the cause. Their fear and paranoia is. That's the nature of being an insecure faggot.

>> No.2128679

That's when you post more. Self-regulating your posting to avoid triggering others will just let them take root.

Just ramming into an unrelated topic and shouting "CUCK CUCK CUCK" isn't the kind of thing that someone with all their mental faculties would do.

>> No.2128680
File: 45 KB, 1000x600, 1363809226785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Popping in for a question: How do you guys receive payment for lewd art without the client knowing your real name? or are you just okay with them knowing your name?

Asking for a friend.

>> No.2128688

>someone with all their mental faculties would do.

tumblr and 4chan are littered with people who DON'T have all their mental faculties. They are two sides of the same coin of retarded.

>> No.2128689

You can set up a paypal account strictly "for business" in which your paying commissioner won't be able to see your full name unless you specify it.
Be careful though because there are a lot of options already marked on sending invoices to include your name/address.

But I'd be wary of paypal in general. I don't really know any other mainstream options for online payment, so...

>> No.2128690
File: 25 KB, 604x438, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving a shit

>> No.2128691


invoice it nigga. He will only see the email you registered to paypal. Setting a buissnes account requires you to have an ACCTUAL buissnes a legit one registered in your local jewverment.

>> No.2128693
File: 817 KB, 1111x1468, tumblr_nq9l39OXd51uyeh12o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newest piece

im su garbage sorry

>> No.2128699

fix the face to something not retarded and I might whip a dick.

>> No.2128703

💏 thanks m80s 👌

>> No.2128720

Any tips in regard to line weight?

>> No.2128765
File: 114 KB, 763x639, 1411696325248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Setting a buissnes account requires you to have an ACCTUAL buissnes a legit one registered in your local jewverment.
Nah, it doesn't.
Paypal doesn't care and you can pretty much upgrade your account anytime for no good reason.

I've had one bit of trouble with them and honestly they almost never ask questions. I had a 200$ limit on my account (that's transations from my paypal directly into my checking)
They didn't ask for any proof they were implying on their website and the limit was lifted with no questions with just one request.

If there is a way for them to make sure you're using their service as much as possible, they don't care.

>> No.2128767
File: 34 KB, 500x500, 1407148452661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the face looks all sorts of (literally) retarded.
I see you're trying to mix "on model" SU and "realism" but that shit ain't sexy, and I don't think you can pull it off at your skill level. Honestly most people can't.

Make something sexy and appealing. I'm guessing you're a girl because you're drawing SU in the first place, and the coloring style is really girly. If you're aiming your product at men you have to understand what they want and what gets their rocks off.
A cute face is the most important part.

so here's some problems

>head is at an unnatural angle. Her head should not be turned that much towards the viewer, it actually looks scary.
>she has the hairline of a balding middle-aged man.
>the hair is not in perspective. I know you want to make it look like it's flowing, but it just looks like it's in another plane of existence
>just the lips, eyes, nose... eugh....not cute.

>> No.2128845

They don't force you to pay taxes if you keep them in paypal and spend them from there right?
i have zero income and it makes me enable for neetbucks so i can't make enough to be considered an income.

>> No.2128847

I have no idea.

>> No.2128848

Where do you live, and how much do you get?

>> No.2128962
File: 379 KB, 2076x2286, VOID.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello porn thread
i enjoy drawing gay-ass shit but i struggle with creating interesting/appealing poses (pic sadly related). my porn blog is http://tinynsfw.tumblr.com/ if you feel like offering specific advice.
i would reference things i personally find appealing, except i'm extraordinarily picky with my porn, so i have very little to look at...

>> No.2128989

ask http://justmegabenewell.tumblr.com/archive

he likes Dota too

>> No.2128991

i... really don't like his stuff at all tho. i find it repulsive.

>> No.2128995


I really don't get what >>2128989
is trying to say, other than its dota porn. His perspective might be worth taking a peek at though, disregarding his stylization.

>> No.2129103

Fuck yea I love him, but I forgot the artists name

>> No.2129109
File: 466 KB, 900x5400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thick lines for shadow.
Thin lines for light.

You just gotta play with it

>> No.2129110

those are the longest torsos known to man, and whoever made this has no goddamned clue how boobs work

>> No.2129111

>i would reference things i personally find appealing, except i'm extraordinarily picky with my porn, so i have very little to look at...

Go on.

>> No.2129114
File: 604 KB, 1128x1682, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this

>> No.2129115

Nvm boobs are shite.
I was just trying to gl through 10k photos and find a good line thing

>> No.2129116

uhh i don't actually masturbate to pictures so i just like to collect erotic art i appreciate. this means i'm really picky with style and execution--if the art's shit i'll disregard it completely even if i like other things about it.
i also struggle to find porn that meets my standards of dudes/monsters that are neither bara nor yaoi twigs.

>> No.2129122

It's not so much about the poses but how you illustrate them. Learn the art fundamentals you haven't studied. Perspective, composition, etc. Each one adds a layer of depth to your work. Combining and applying all of them with the finite number of poses that exist is how you get an infinite variety of interesting pictures. Looking at your tumblr, all your pictures are characters in the same perspective just sitting there.

>> No.2129123

ok, thank you

>> No.2129136

Kim jung shitstain!
How are you? I see you're as temperamental as ever. And now you're bitching in TWO boards?!? Those fat fingers of yours must not know sensible moderation. But you were never good at moderation to begin with.

>> No.2129144
File: 341 KB, 900x854, cammy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have problems drawing her braids idk a good placement without making it wanky as shit

and ofc it's a wip but critic already would be great

>> No.2129151
File: 99 KB, 1107x1347, you goofed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the beret is drawn at the wrong angle, the ear is too small, the arm is too long, the ass+thighs are disproportionately huge even if style is taken into consideration, and the feet are pretty fucked
the placement of the lower body is also messed up, this is what she'd look like from the side (follow the curvature of the spine in your drawing)

>> No.2129174
File: 71 KB, 635x725, Nyokan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp. Iunno what I'm doing.

>> No.2129223
File: 373 KB, 900x854, cammy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tested out some adjustments focusing on the parts you said.

>> No.2129271

Do you feel that you are reaching your maximum potential for drawing porn even though you dont fap to images?
Have you been studying those you admire?

>> No.2129275
File: 25 KB, 416x449, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2129277

to make cute and lewd things you have to be yourself cute and lewd and live a cute and lewd life. this kind of things made by ugly fattasses reek of tryhard and desperation, while made by true cute n' lewd people they come across as natural and right.
fix your life first, you fucking blob of shit.

>> No.2129285
File: 61 KB, 551x697, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ that nose

>> No.2129291
File: 11 KB, 228x245, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2129293

all i see here are thick titsluts and muscleman cocks, is it okay to post loli drawings here?

>> No.2129297
File: 151 KB, 449x442, 1433917230864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2129303

You're having some proportion issues. Try drawing the silhouette first to fix shape problems.

>> No.2129305


>> No.2129307

explicit loli is banned but no one enforces it

>> No.2129315

shitty loli animu drawings are banned? really? what is this, tumblr? HF?

>> No.2129318

No one i repeat NO ONE likes pedophiles.

>> No.2129321

What about the american limits where some states 18 is the limit, some states 16 is? Also, why 16 and not 15?

>> No.2129324

dont worry the kawaii animu lolis are 1000 years old.

>> No.2129328

Pedophilia means 12 and under, you're thinking of ephebophilia.

>> No.2129349

I dont think it means that.

>> No.2129357

Got a site? Assuming same person?

>> No.2129361

>Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children, generally age 11 years or younger.


>> No.2129365

>primary or exclusive sexual attraction

You don't have to be a pedophile to like lolicon content, most people also enjoy adult characters.

>> No.2129367

in america if you like anyone under the legal age of consent in your state you're a pedophile. Don't know what kind of outdated definition you're copy pasting from

>> No.2129371

im pretty sure liking drawings doesnt relate to any of that.

>> No.2129373

>Pedophilia is not a legal term,[8] and having a sexual attraction to children is not illegal in itself.[5]
what you think something means =/= what something actually means
Educate yourself.

>> No.2129377

I don't know about america but you are not, you are someone who broke your countries consent law and a sex offender, a 17 years old can't be considered a child by any means.
It's just people misusing scarry terms to their liking.

In another matter, this conversations always snowballs hard doesn't it? how did it already came to 3DPD when we were talking about drawings 3 posts ago?

>> No.2129378

Definitions change. Some sjw on wikipedia tries to define what a term really means, but it's just another strike against wikipedia itself. If you're a man and you like someone under the age of consent, you're a pedo. End of story. Stop defending.

>> No.2129384

Nope. Having sex with a child does not make you a pedo. In fact, people diagnosed with pedophilia get lighter sentences for sex with a minor than people who aren't. Pedophilia is a specific mental disorder, whether you had sex with a child has little to do with it. This was always so.
Educate yourself.

>sjws changing definition to the benefit of supposed pedos
full retard

>> No.2129388

No you aren't, if you were the term ephebophilia would not exist, its a pretty well defined term at least in my country and it doesn't matter what your local grocer believes.

>> No.2129392

>Pedophilia is a specific mental disorder
Stopped reading here. I bet you believe in santa and the easter bunny still, too.

>> No.2129394

There is no point in trying to reason or citing your sources to a sjw, it is a waste of time as their conjectures are all based souly on feelings. What the sjw will probably do now is revert to name calling and labeling you something.

If you honestly believe that a young woman is not sexually active and is not capable of reproducing before the age of consent and that all of the sudden a second after the age of consent they magically are sexually active and able to reproduce you are in the same level of delusion as a trans that identifies itself as a transmission.

>> No.2129400

>how did it already came to 3DPD when we were talking about drawings 3 posts ago?
there are people, even within artistic communities who still cannot grasp the concept that drawings are not real people

>> No.2129402

It doesn't matter what I think, you stupid fuck, that's the point.

If the entire psychiatric body agrees on what a psychiatry term means, then that's what it means. This isn't a debate.

Fucking americlaps.

>> No.2129404

i'm not sure... probably not? i do try to incorporate things i see my favorite artists doing when i can, but i think i just need to bone up on my perspective for a while...

>> No.2129406


Science dictates what pedophilia is. We're talking about SEXUAL attraction toward children. Human's who's bodies have not matured enough to be able to propagate the species.

It's a disorder. It's not natural.

>> No.2129413

>It's a disorder. It's not natural.
That's actually the least important thing about it, it's just not socially acceptable on a big level, we do unnatural things every day and no one bats an eye, i can't find real people attractive for example
and i only like drawings, when someone learns about it they either just laughs it away or ignores it and it's even more unnatural than pedophilia, it's all about how social acceptable it is.

>> No.2129414

but what does any of that have to do with drawings?

>> No.2129431


All "unnatural things" aren't created equal. Some do more harm than others. So you can GTFO in even trying to ignore the context of what society shuns and why. Because most of the shit it shuns SHOULD be shunned and shamed.

>> No.2129437
File: 29 KB, 300x300, tp555f9df2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of the shit it shuns SHOULD be shunned and shamed

>> No.2129443

I never knew it was this easy to trigger /ic/

>> No.2129450

>most of the shit it shuns SHOULD be shunned and shamed.
Actually, if you judge by history and even very recent history this is not even close to the truth.

>> No.2129452


If you want to upset the people in this thread. Post interracial porn or loli porn. You're rustle feathers with both.

>> No.2129456

>ignoring the impact science has on societal norms.

>> No.2129460

>post interracial loli porn
>/ic/ self combusts

>> No.2129466
File: 151 KB, 463x537, paywall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this?

>> No.2129468


>> No.2129473
File: 2.36 MB, 558x317, 1426304638536.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2129476

Agreed. Society has no love for betas and nothing is more beta than lusting after children.

>> No.2129482
File: 240 KB, 1120x514, 1424549326508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli femdom is probably as beta as it gets.

>> No.2129488
File: 185 KB, 554x750, b4074e0b8d7e2cc05d046276d29f3816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its just the self righteous dickholes who like to come to the asshole of the internet to get triggered by 4chan's lack of political correctness. Ironically enough, most of them seem to come from /pol/.

>> No.2129490

There's like one autist who goes into spergmode at the sight of even slightly young body types.

>> No.2129493

I think some people prefer to fantasize about nonexistent scenarios like that one because there's no rejection involved.

>> No.2129495
File: 206 KB, 1200x1697, Claudette_B03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and multiple autists who sperg at the sight of a black dick in a white female.

>> No.2129498

>that nipple placement
good lord

>> No.2129499
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, 1434656531137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-what's happening to me BONER STOP

>> No.2129502

you're now gay, obviously

>> No.2129505

Liking feminine dick is not gay. This is not a difficult concept.

>> No.2129507

>liking dick is not gay
Let's troll more subtly next time.

>> No.2129508

You see that figure? Tell me that isn't feminine there's nothing gay about that only a faggot goes for the grisly hairy fat and not at all pleasant to look at masculine men that in itself is the essence for gay and faggotry.

>> No.2129515

Have you even met homosexuals? Protip: the fairy fruitcake gay stereotype didn't come into being because their manly.

>> No.2129516

Preference for unconventional or less common body types isn't a magical get-out-of-gay-free card. Sorry.

>> No.2129517

They're manly and faggots who think they can pass as being feminine when they're clearly not that is what makes them insufferable faggots.

>> No.2129518

>>liking dick is not gay
Its not.

>> No.2129525

>denying your sexuality

>> No.2129529

>obvious apologist
>admits actual sex therapists have no idea how to interpret attraction towards shemales
Nice try, faggot

>> No.2129531

>feminine dick
>masculine faggotry

Pick one and only one gay faggot.

>> No.2129532

>I like femboy but I'm not gay even though I know they are boys

The fag denial is heavy.

>> No.2129533

liking a man is gay, what is so hard understand? i sorta like traps while i like women, that means i'm bisexual

>> No.2129536

>Implying that's not a girl with penis

>> No.2129538

>this heavy in denial

You're a sad human being.

>> No.2129539

>implying that's even a thing
Ted Haggard plz go

>> No.2129544

There are females with enlarged clitoris, probably not at the size of an erect penis but you may exaggerate this appeal with erotic art as seen in what is portrayed in OP.

>> No.2129547

A clitoris is not a penis, despite their similarities. Denial gays aren't looking up 'girls with large clits.' They yearn for 'feminine dick,' as seen above.

>> No.2129550

feminine dick and enlarged clitorises that symbolize a penis are one in the same. You probably think a strap on or a dildo is gay too.

>> No.2129551

Clits don't ejaculate. That's a rather significant difference. Sex toys depend more on context.

>> No.2129552

How about this: if it looks like a dick, its a dicks.

tiny dicks are chodes, clits are even smaller, this makes them clits and not chodes or dicks.

A really really large clit, to the point of looking exactly like a dick, would be.. a dick.

This is if we ARE talking about artistic visualization here, in the sense of real world biology it wouldn't be considered a dick.

>> No.2129554

Then Id advise you fo a still life study and draw it from at least 3 different angles

>> No.2129556

>implying females can't ejaculate.

>> No.2129560

>"Clits don't ejaculate" somehow means women can't ejaculate
I wasn't implying that at all, retard.

>> No.2129561

The first time I fingerd my gf she asked me to fist her.
Trying to make a fist with a virgins pussy is difficult so I went for the knuckles and after fiddling around the walls she came

Long story short, females are weird

>> No.2129564

How is that any more weird than prostate stimulation?

>> No.2129569

>clits don't ejaculate
>girls cum when you touch their vagina
I'm having trouble following this conversation.

>> No.2129592

gotta ask, how does one even draw cum or squirting? I mean, i have no idea how to draw super exploding cum like Sparrow or Diesel-brain

>> No.2129596

I second this, are there any tutorials on drawing(not coloring) liquid, wet surfaces, juices etc?

Would love to learn more.

>> No.2129597
File: 419 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I'm starting to get more involved with the porn side of art, I've done some rule 34 of toad here, I need some advice on the type of art style I'm going for, I need some help making the eyes look a bit more anime like, also need some advice on drawing dicks. But if you guys have any other advice for these images please say!

>> No.2129605

doxy has a good tutorial here

>> No.2129639

Arent they asking for a drawing tutorial. Not a coloring tutorial.

>> No.2129643

You can try finding it yourself y'know

>> No.2129645

Why? Im not the one asking for help. Nor am i really willing to help them. So whats the point?

>> No.2129647

Then why say anything in the first place?

>> No.2129652

Cause why the fuck not? It just took me 5 seconds to check if thats what theyre looking for. It wasnt.

>> No.2129685

cum anon here, while not really what I asked for, doxy's tuts are always valuable in some ways to me, so I appreciate the effort

>> No.2129688


I reply to one guy and a shit storm starts.

>> No.2129690

sauce required

>> No.2129692
File: 107 KB, 487x900, Mionhotsweat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> inb4 hand hiding

I wanted to try this pose for the arms.

>> No.2129697

Its a cute girl jerking off a cute guy straight up straight

>> No.2129702

Hey i saw you in the /a/ draw thread!


>> No.2129735
File: 51 KB, 378x303, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its okay.
Theres no need to be afraid

>> No.2129741

What is that image is supposed to convey?

>> No.2129747
File: 257 KB, 546x900, Mionhotsweat_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well, ended up coloring it.


>> No.2129809
File: 29 KB, 501x413, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh shit this niggas right

>> No.2129811

please go look at some real boobs before you continue this drawing, the lines are good but the anatomy is really weird

>> No.2129934
File: 1.76 MB, 3000x3000, May's ass day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2129936

wew lad you really need to work on your anatomy, the chick's everything is broken (legs being most glaringly obvious) and the dude's penis is either like two feet long or just disconnected from his body entirely

>> No.2129937

Terrible choice for girl.

>> No.2129960

Chill anon, it doesn't look that bad, and the legs are believably intact. The shoulders and arms are a bit wonky, though.

>> No.2129991

you've kind of got a tangent going where her leg, hips, and the cum/drips are. i would break up that area a little so those lines don't blend together and get confusing.

>> No.2130050
File: 50 KB, 350x350, blush love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually loved that, his dick looks so cute.

>> No.2130054

thank you

>> No.2130061

Also I found a tumblr full of Dota nsfw art, so you might be interested on it, specially the monsterboys.

>> No.2130063

lol we've been steam friends for years and we share porn WIPs all the time
thanks anyway

>> No.2130142
File: 32 KB, 328x369, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I give a heck

>> No.2130339
File: 225 KB, 1500x2112, Hentai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2130340
File: 319 KB, 1403x2000, Hentai2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2130342


>> No.2130379

Im not really feeling it.
Feels pretty flat

>> No.2130384


get in planet(cuz thats where the bitches are)

require fap material, get in d/ic/k munchers

>> No.2130385


body gave me a boner. face sucks

>> No.2130386

You've met the most vocal form of homos. Most are pretty subtle and don't flaunt their sexuality around like a fucking medal. Trust me, most of us gay men cannot stand flamboyant fags.

>> No.2130390

just feels like you're copying straight from an h-manga

>> No.2130394

/ic/ porn threads, if its not "go back to basics" its a bunch of vague complaints with no suggestions.

You faggots are useless, sure as fuck I didn't learn how to draw only to come here and appease idiots.

>> No.2130396

Why are you so afraid of using vibrant colors?

>> No.2130402

post your work

>> No.2130403

You misunderstood me, I don't know how to draw and I glad I don't because people who critique it are probably among the least talented people out there anyway.

Instead I write, granted its a common skill, but I don't have to deal with "back to basics" faggotry.

>> No.2130409

What are some good porn artists?

>> No.2130422

After a point it becomes a matter of taste, but i want to be something like niku ringo and radiohead combined so i look up to them i guess.
I also really admire white datura but mostly for technical reasons, his oil style painted lolis are beautiful but it's a bit boring to me.

>> No.2130432

well i can draw a bit and stuff like "feels flat" is all i need. It tells me im failing at describing the volume.

>> No.2130435

i can only tell you about the artists I admire and strive to be like

Thomas, Karei, Sparrow, Dieselbrain, Aeolus, r_ex, hopelessbohemian, Kumi-Pumi, and Kinku

>> No.2130441
File: 88 KB, 850x565, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote "it feels flat" because thats what I thought it was.
A suggestion would somewhere be along the lines of studying vilppu and look at his figure drawing videos

>> No.2130465

Thats exactly what i do
these are hentai studies that i make
you wouldnt understand shit if you dont copy them first.

Those effects, postures, expressions. you gotta try it first to understand how it works so you can make your own material

>> No.2130469
File: 41 KB, 1243x317, 1434981345751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That won't do you any good, you could copy hundreds of those and when you try to invent your own drawings they will be complete shit,
you have to first make a shit drawing from imagination and then compare it to a similar one to see why your is shit and why the other one is good, that is where you learn.
Mindlessly copying things you find fun is the easy way to think that you are doing something while you are just procrastinating, not that it doesn't heal at all but it has very little compared
to problem solving studying.

>> No.2130473
File: 504 KB, 840x1091, nonips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, thread! I apologise if my English is a little rusty.

Is this style too angular-looking for a woman? I mean, does it even look attractive?

Also, when drawing the nipple, what looks best in traditional pencil- drawing the circle form 100%, or making the ends not meet/not drawing a full circle?

>> No.2130491

>you're copying straight from an h-manga
>these are hentai studies that i make


pick one

>> No.2130496

you guys talking shit?
Lemme see some work assholes

>> No.2130502
File: 24 KB, 306x306, 1429029457943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is an advice talking shit? no one is going to take your hand and make you an artist, if you think the advice is bad you are free to not take it.

>> No.2130568

>talking shit

He's not wrong. Reference is only for fact checking after you get shit wrong. You only learn through failure. So you HAVE to fail first if you want to get better. Otherwise, you won't grow. Copying directly from reference is the training wheels step.

>> No.2130618
File: 269 KB, 1969x999, 1405884785183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's my perspective?

>> No.2130624

You could at least change the filename if you're going to troll, dumbfuck.

>> No.2130656

Manga artists do actually learn by copying, being unable to duplicate someone elses work with symbol drawing would mean never getting hired in the industry.

>> No.2130671

Not really.
And you seem to have no clue what symbol drawing is.

>> No.2130699

Yes really, literally every mangaka who talks about his apprentice ship days in any interview explains having to copy his masters style perfectly without ever learning to really deaw.
Like most things japanese it's heavily ritualised.

Kubos reaction to gene simmons son allegedly tracing bleach to produce his own comic pretty much defines the industry.

>> No.2130728

>If you're a man and you like someone under the age of consent, you're a pedo
>If you're a man

>> No.2130730

I don't know how to reply to this bullshit. It's just factually wrong.
You're even fucking ignoring the fact that to get an apprenticeship, you already have to have a basic grasp on drawing. Furthermore, apprentices aren't hired to draw the main characters, but to ink, draw backgrounds and apply screentones.

>> No.2130732

>Kubos reaction to gene simmons son allegedly tracing bleach to produce his own comic pretty much defines the industry.
Wait what? What happened?

>> No.2130753
File: 30 KB, 636x358, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you're in america fuck boy.
Traditions like that are shunned

>> No.2130772

You're thinking of assistants, all of those things are job titles in their ownnright like colorists are with western comics and apprentices usually do take over the drawing.

Gene simmons son wrote a comic, got caught tracing and tried to claim he had never heard of anime or manga despite having anime listed in his favourites on his facebook/ tumblr.
Kubos reaction was surprise that gene simmons son drew manga.

>> No.2130774

>implying all western mainstream comics dont look alike

>> No.2130778

Gotham Academy and Secret Wars don't look alike.

>> No.2130782

As followup the mangaka or master will still take credit for the apprentices work, as westerners do in journalism, comics and most business deals.

>> No.2130789

>You're thinking of assistants,
That's quite literally the same shit.

>apprentices usually do take over the drawing.
This virtually never happens. Assistant have specific tasks, and it's never related to drawing the main characters. At most, they get to ink the sketches of the main characters, but even this is relatively rare.

>> No.2130793

It's not the same thing as I explained in the previous comment, those are individual jobs who have their own training systems.

It happens far more often than you seem to think, falling on your sword for a higher ranking team mate is pretty engrained into japanese culture.

>> No.2130811

>What do you mean I won't get gud by eyeballing muh precious animu?!

>> No.2130812

>It's not the same thing as I explained in the previous comment, those are individual jobs who have their own training systems.

No they don't. Do you just make shit up? Assistants generally have specific jobs to simplify the process of actually creating the manga, so they may indirectly develope specialties, but no, there's no training program.

There are only a handful of exceptions where assistants fail to start their own career, and become permanent assistants. But the vast majority of assistants are simply "apprentices" and aspiring manga artists.
Some manga artists have actually established rules for how long assistants can work for them, because they get too attached and prevent the assistants from pursuing their own careers. It's a vastly different system from the US.

>> No.2130816

Yes they do, you literally have no idea what you're talking about.

How do you know so little though?

>> No.2130817

No, they don't, you fucking idiot. It's extremely difficult to emulate a person's style to the point where it looks identical and it becomes unnoticable. By that point, the artist would have his own career anyway, as he would have far surpassed his mentor, if he could emulate his style to such an insane degree, in addition to having his own style.

>> No.2130821

please, believe me that I am more experienced than you and that copying references isn't equal to doing actual studies.
it's okay to use photo references for doing your studies, but you have to do actual studies. at your current level you should focus on anatomy and perspective, not on making full hentai pages with panels and everything.
What you've shown here aren't studies. This is plain copying without understanding the fundamentals behind your drawings. Focus on classic studies instead of copying hentai references. May hentai artists simplify their illustrations so much, that the anatomy many times isn't important to them. By copying this kind of stylization, you will pick up stuff you are not supposed to.

>> No.2130847

Look, retard. Look this up anywhere. Google it. Read interviews with actual assistants. Watch documentaries. This is common knowledge, and it's clear you've done absolutely no research on the subject.

>> No.2130853

Spent almost all day drawing.

My wrist really hurts, I need to learn how to use my entire arm to draw.

>> No.2130857
File: 125 KB, 635x725, Nyokan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is where I don't know what I'm doing.

>> No.2130864

more liek that pussy placement

>> No.2130947

Fuck you dude I would've commissioned something from you too if you actually drew that.

>> No.2130956

Common knowledge says otherwise, the year I spent in japan living with an assistant also says otherwise.

Maybe you're just stupid.

I hate being that guy but you really do need basic anatomy, use a reference if you have too.
If you did use a reference then use an attractive woman as a reference because your cat girl looks like a frumpy white girl who grows up to be a librarian or music teacher.

>> No.2130960


What better way to prove you don't know what the fuck you're talking about than to say "look this up anywhere" and not provide a source at all. Not even the most basic one. Who are you trying to fool?

>> No.2130961

The vagina runs along the bottom of the crotch alongside the asshole

>> No.2130963

Because every fucking source on the internet says the same thing. You're not going to find a single place that says anything else, you stupid fucking faggot.

>> No.2130980
File: 255 KB, 637x1200, Daily-NSFW-018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it really matter if apprentices of great masters take up their style to draw their stuff?
Every good artist must have a good background and knowledge of the basics. It's not like the apprentices you are talking about started working under these masters without being good artists first.

Also, pink series again. I really dig this color. Don't really know why.

>> No.2130981
File: 266 KB, 563x835, 49d67d4ea188e4d785f2d90ec6077b55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I tried to draw a more anatomically correct girl trying to follow your original sillouette (my versiondoesn't look that great)
I guess the point I'm trying to get across is where to put the creases and how to shape the flesh when it folds in on itself. Like the butt area and where her leg is lifted.

Girls are squishy and round, especially when you can see her skin being folded and depressed. They look more erotic when they're squishy.

I would redline more but the main focus is the girl. As for the stuff I didn't draw over, the dude also suffers from looking too flat. His abs look a bit deflated. Try rounding them out. Also his serratus muscles aren't in the right spot. Move them more around towards his underarm.
Try to imagine everything as rounded and bulging. There are very few details of the body that are concave.

>> No.2130983

This discussion doesn't actually have anything to do with the validity of mangaka as artists but more to do with one anon not wanting to look stupid on the internet after he complained about copying.
Even though that's how most manga artists got good in the first place.

>> No.2130985
File: 223 KB, 825x867, 48671eec35049766816926a5fe2f63c9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me again, finished up the sketch. Anything you guys see that's wrong before I start cleaning up the linework? (Aside from the atrocious handwriting)

>> No.2130989
File: 79 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nlew3dt5vm1rkuhmio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe this will help as well.

>tfw most good male reference comes from homo porn

>> No.2130990


You aren't fooling anyone that you aren't a dumb fuck anon, give it up.

>> No.2131000

>comes from homo porn
Not really, unless you consider pictures like that (solo male) "homo porn". Which is dumb.

>> No.2131003

I think that picture is part of a soft core set.

He's right though, homos don't settle for 5/10 slam pigs caked in face paint like hets do.

>> No.2131009
File: 984 KB, 1200x691, tumblr_npokjh2SHd1u3g338o3_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>featureless visor helmets

good, this is a good thing. Makes everyone sexier.

Well I meant in general. Dudes in homo porn are almost always muscly with little body fat. Good for muscle reference. More often than not they get in weird suggestive poses you don't normally see in straight porn or gravure.

...I'm not gonna post my homo porn folder though, I know your tricks.

>> No.2131016
File: 268 KB, 600x800, uggghgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to help too but I just made it worse and just reiterated what you said. Also I discovered a lot of fundamental weaknesses in my own abilities. I need to study the pelvic bone a little more and see how it shapes the ass. Also I need to stare at more uncut dicks.

>> No.2131018

>stare at more uncut dicks.
The shape of a dick is pretty simple and you don't really even need to study it extensively to know how to draw it from different angles

>> No.2131021

No, let him stare at more uncut dicks.

>> No.2131025

I know but the way i usually draw uncut guys is I draw a cut dick and then draw a line across the head and i don't think that's how it usually works.

>> No.2131028

>drawing cut dicks
What's wrong with you?

>> No.2131030

How do I body in perspective? I have a few fetishes that are enhanced by viewing the figure from below. Any tips? I kind of tried with >>2128365, but it didn't turn out too good.

>> No.2131032

Well, all I've ever seen in person are cut dicks so naturally I draw them like that because I guess I used to think that was the norm.

>> No.2131034

Well that's understandable but cut dicks seriously ruin smut, you shouldn't draw them. Do more research on uncut dicks please.

>> No.2131043

Hm. Don't really know what to say else than try to break the body into fundamental shapes and then put them in perspective.
Also, Doxy showed a cool architectural trick in a video not long ago. Check it out:

>> No.2131045

>Well that's understandable but cut dicks seriously ruin smut

For tumblrites who get triggered over dumb shit maybe. Half the time the dick is in something regardless.

>> No.2131055

No they don't, they might make up their style by copying various authors sure, but actual knowledge can't come from mindlessly copying other stylized drawings,
if you think this guy's perspective and anatomy knowledge came from copying you are simply delusional.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqqj07WnQqs https://youtu.be/7_cWLxtcsNU?t=8m34s
Copy all you want but it will amount to nothing without actual studying to buck it up.

>> No.2131058
File: 46 KB, 500x581, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2131087
File: 198 KB, 600x1000, Terror Mission in Vegas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halo 5 sketch anon here. Just tossed this up in a drawthread in about 10 minutes. What do I need to work on?

>> No.2131092

The two skill sets aren't mutually exclusive, you're grasping at straws because you dun goofed.
Just let it go.

>> No.2131095

Actually foreskin triggers tumblr fags and feminists the hardest.
It's almost bizarre.

>> No.2131104

a DICK triggers feminists and the tumblr fags of that ilk. Cut or not.

>> No.2131105

What skills? you posted your shit drawings that were copied on top of that and people told you to study but you said that you don't need to since this is how manga artist learn how to draw,
you just don't want to study or you think that copying will magically let you be able to learn, it wont, you wont even be able to produce a styles symbols correctly since your argument is copying styles,
since you wont know why and how those symbols are created.

>> No.2131108

what are some good guides for exaggerated expressions? people always say "look in the mirror!" or "loombis!" but those dont really teach you how to convert normal expressions to more stylized forms.

>> No.2131115

Stylization is something YOU make once you understand how things work. If you want an exaggerated smile, you need to know what features of the face are involved, then push them them further as much as you need, THEN make a conscious choice about how you want to stylize them. No guide is going to help you if you want to keep drawing flat, symbol anime faces.

>> No.2131118

this, some more of this, and only this.

>> No.2131124


>> No.2131136

all "style" is, is how much you choose to exaggerate or not from reality

so yes "loombis" is adequate enough you use loomis and decide from there how much you do or don't want to follow the form provided by him

>> No.2131137

got any more like this?

>> No.2131173

Man, that guy really sounds based. Is he based?

>> No.2131186

lord, and I thought I sounded autistic when I spoke. I mean he's not Chris Chan levels of spergy, but...

>> No.2131196
File: 1.44 MB, 1200x682, tumblr_npokjh2SHd1u3g338o2_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2131201

the clacking noise from all the Ctrl+Z-ing started getting on my nerves. Doesnt bother me when i do it, but listening to him press those buttons after every line he made just annoyed me. CLACKCLACK...CLACKCLACK

>> No.2131205

Great toot.

>> No.2131214
File: 731 KB, 962x1564, 16a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, I got the OP pic. Neat.

Thanks for the anons that helped with the sketch proportions. Here's the finished thing.

>> No.2131217

Love your art man, keep up the good work.

>> No.2131218

stop it.

>> No.2131229

Not that Anon but what do you guys do to help stimulate your creative/imaginative mind when making poses?

>> No.2131236

yo dick
first, thats an actual paneling and gesture study
Second, i only been drawing for 2 months,
3rd, i made that last week, i know what i did wrong
4th, it only took me an hour and a half to make those thus explaining the low quality
5th, i dont trace. i copy the gestures and apply it on paper.
6th, show your fucking work before you shitpost

>> No.2131287

Thank you, wish you two had been around the past three days I was trying to get responses, this is really helpful!
Also helpful. Thank you all.

>> No.2131317


Studies. Particularly figure drawing studies. Paying attention how the body can move and bend.

The point is copying from reference is only bad when you aren't actively thinking about the "how"s and "why"s (aka fundamentals) with each step of the way so that you can ultimately do without and apply to whatever you want.

>> No.2131336
File: 71 KB, 635x725, Nyokan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, thank you very much, even if it does step me back a bit, this much better?

>> No.2131353

I love this a lot! I wish I was the blonde girl!

>> No.2131359

that's mine -> >>2130980 not that it has anything to do with my argumentation.
I wasn't shitposting, and gave you the best advice possible.

also. why do I have the feeling I'm feeding somebody that didn't even do those "studies".

>> No.2131364 [DELETED] 

Awesome shit man. The only thing that bothers me is the right hand+upper arm of the "librarian" being too big, or maybe it's her torso that it's a tad too small. It's nothing that really ruins the image, anyway.

>> No.2131376

Awesome shit man. The only thing that bothers me is the right hand+upper arm of the "librarian" being too big, or maybe it's her torso that it's a tad too small. Anyway, it's nothing that ruins the image.

>> No.2131391

stop shitposting and claiming other peoples work
reply with an image of your own work next time if you want to be taken seriously fuckface

>> No.2131401

yeah, I guess I was feeding a troll.

>> No.2131403

Dude, stfu. The picture is flat, plain and simple. It looks like he's copying straight from a manga page or some shit, learning how to draw.

Don't get uppity because you're a dumbass that doesn't understand what that means.

>> No.2131424

There was a nigger who posted some gwen stacey rape in a porn thread a while ago, I have no idea who he is but he's one of my favorite artists.

>> No.2131431

Make up a story, always make a story, until i realised this even if i had a basic idea i just stood there wondering how to
not make the pose awkward, you always draw a situation, think about this situation and little story of the moment and make
the character interact with what is happening, i don't think i am explaining it very well but it helped me a lot at least, never think of your
characters as soulless bodys on a white canvas.

>> No.2131527
File: 295 KB, 1500x1500, 6-24-2015 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make nipples more attractive?

>> No.2131543

By not drawing children. Just kidding, anon, you do whatever you want.

But at your skill level, there are many things that are going to look odd and unattractive no matter what you do. It's the harsh reality of things.

It's been thrown around time and time again on /ic/, so I am going to sound like a broken record here- but you need to study /shapes/. Circles, squares, anything. Study the value of the shape/ how lighting hits an object.

What are those black lines on her legs? Secondly, why have you made such blocky darker colours for shading? What angle is the light coming from in your picture? These are important things to keep in mind. Study how darker values tend to wrap themselves around an object- shading them in as squares will look bad, no doubt.

This wasn't a direct answer to your question, but as you learn how shapes work, this will come naturally to you. Simplified, the areola and the nipple are two circles. As your understanding of forms increases, you will make them look more natural, therefore more attractive than what you have drawn now.
I hope this helped, good luck anon!

>> No.2131562

go fuck yourself asshole
and fuck /ic/ in general
motherfucking uppity niggers that think they have talent
all of you shits fucking suck at art how the fuck does it take 3 years to learn anatomy and perspective fuck
my crippled granma can make a better art with her teeth

fuck you all fuckers. come to the drawthread on /pol/ if you think youre brave enough to shitpost there and post your work

>> No.2131565
File: 119 KB, 617x932, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2131567
File: 65 KB, 916x341, shittybadartist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But at your skill level, there are many things that are going to look odd and unattractive no matter what you do. It's the harsh reality of things.

speaking of nipples and such, I was gonna ask how to get them right as well, but reading your post made realize why I cant get the subtle bumps and depth I want with my nipples

I always admire Karei and others who do really nice nipples.

>> No.2131581
File: 274 KB, 877x1918, sketch3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2131582
File: 266 KB, 619x1481, 1434336338278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoot meant to post reference not the drawing.

>> No.2131585

These things will come in time as long as you don't stop studying. It's hard to stay motivated when you realise that art is a constant learning process.
Keeping photos of what art(ists) inspires you is a great way to stay on track (even if they're hentai drawings). I personally love saving images of people's drafts or wips, because one day I know that I will too have created doodle-tier drawings that have far better quality than your average 'artist'. It also helps put me in a creative mood watching how their drawings unfold.
My point is, find what triggers your will to draw! I wish someone had told me this when I first started. I feel like I would've made more progress.

>> No.2131591
File: 826 KB, 1500x1500, 6-24-2015 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey anon, was this what you wanted? I just want to draw hentai nipples.

>> No.2131598

anon, in karei's photo, look at where the light is coming from, he/she uses a line for the contrast between breast and areola

>> No.2131612

I though I was feeding a troll, but it looks like you are just stupid.

>> No.2131621
File: 3.06 MB, 3264x2448, 20150624_181442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this great enough or do I need Loomis?

>> No.2131623

Sure, now keep studying and practicing.

Also recommend not doing color until you study that.

>> No.2131682

true, but im also talking about the very subtle bump from the breast to the plump areola

>> No.2131946

New Thread:


>> No.2132859
File: 1.81 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_5599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn dude, teach me your ways.

>> No.2133427

Not the Anon you were replying to, but I think you really need to appreciate some space for the chin. Your drawings will definitely look better.
Think of it this way, if your mouth is twice the size of your chin, that wouldn't look very good, now would it?