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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2122385 No.2122385 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else use drawing as a means to deal with depression?

>> No.2122394
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>> No.2122400

If you're severely depressed, getting enough motivation to draw is nearly impossible. I don't draw enough because of depression.

>> No.2122401

you don't draw enough because you are a lazy unmotived fuck.

thats whats causing your depression, not the reverse

>> No.2122403

>inb4 bunch of 15 year old self diagnosed dweebs

>> No.2122404

drawing is pretty much the only thing im motivated to do interestingly, mostly because i know when i draw i forget and lose myself in it

>> No.2122442

I paint boats sometimes. Boats are kinda like depression, I think.

>> No.2122455

Yes all of the time.

>> No.2122457

I'm 18 and have actually been diagnosed with clinical depression. I'm medicated but it doesn't make it go away. I've actually gotten success through work I've done because of feeling depressed. It's bitter sweet sort of..

>> No.2122460

Nah, you're just lazy and probably not really that interested in drawing, rather it's a romantic idea for you. If anything putting pencil to paper would help your depression.

>> No.2122470

they put me on citalopram and it only made it worse, never again

>> No.2122473

No. I can't draw if I'm not in a moderately good mood. I can sit down and try, but it simply doesn't work. My skill level is completely gone, I can't come up with anything to draw and it's overall an extremely unpleasant experience. There is just no joy derived from it, nor any satisfaction from finishing it. It's just an extremely difficult, painful chore.

The artists who say that depression fuels their creativity can go fuck themselves.

This guy knows what's up, and the people who've responded to him look like children.

>> No.2122499

man you sound like an ass

>if it doesn't work for me, it doesn't work for anybody.

i mean, ok

>> No.2122525

Yeah. If I'm in a particularly bad patch I won't do anything though. It helps keep depression away mostly.
I'm also schizo to an extent and it helps give a 'positive' outlet when I disconnect from reality or have periods of psychosis.
I have minor episodes that last a few hours to a day every so often. in the past it would span for months of spiraling paranoia, hallucinations, and severe depression without stopping.
Now I just work through it until my mental state changes, drawing keeps me from latching on to 'bad stuff' and I feel better within a few hours to a few days.

Its easier to ignore the shit in your head when you have something to focus on. I don't even need medication anymore because drawing and things like that have helped me cope so well I can function normally and be rather happy 90% of the time. I haven't been seriously suicidal in nearly a year.

>> No.2122555
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>people don't agree with me so i'll call them children

>> No.2122557
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I have been diagnosed with depression
But it has been a rough patch.

Sometimes I don't even draw anything recognizable, just as long as I put pencil to paper I know I'll make it through this.

We all will make it through this.

>> No.2122562


>> No.2122590

Not clinically depressed, but have mood disorder. In low moods I don't touch shit, i just kind of lay around til I'm out of the rut. I can't imagine what actual chronic depression is like

Waoh, psych major over here!

>> No.2122602

Not exactly depression, but I hate myself, am ugly, and drawing is the only thing that I can do, and if I stop drawing, I get shit and have no reason to live.


>> No.2122605

I always here about art being an outlet for emotions or whatever but honestly, I've only ever drawn for fun and never necessarily to "express" myself.

I guess I'm just not gay enough.

>> No.2122610

Good on yah m8, keep on keeping on

>> No.2122613

same, i hate being alive but not suicidal or anything

drawing is the only answer i can give people when they ask me whats going on in my life, and pretty much the sole reason ill get to tomorrow, and the day after that

>> No.2122643

Depression is a perfectly normal reaction for becoming subconsciously aware of reality and it's limitations. I've had multiple year-long episodes where nothing was real anymore, every single day felt like a bad dream for many of my teen years. Nothing in particular triggered it, but of course that is where it all depression stems from, nothing.

I never thought once about "solving" my problem with meds, knowing it would only make it worse.

The way I fixed myself was through simply not caring anymore, maybe it would last forever, I had to accept it then simply ignore it.

It's worked out pretty well since, it definitely was the root of some changes, I accept that nothing is important, but it's also nice to be able to enjoy the simple, repetitive pleasures just because I can. To ask for more out of life is to misunderstand life.

>> No.2122798
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>> No.2122810

are you using the term depression as the mental condition as in diagnosed depression or do you mean the more loosely used emotion depressed? I don't actually suffer from depression but when I'm feeling "depressed" I definitely don't draw because I'm angry and fuck up. You should be calm and focused when you're drawing not angry or depressed or sad because then you won't be clear of thought and focused

>> No.2122811

Drawing gives me depression considering I aknowledge how bad I am at it.

>> No.2123389


>> No.2123479

that means you're learning

being depressed about that means you're an idiot

>> No.2123484

does anyone else find art cathartic for anger?

>> No.2123490
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I think art is cathartic for all emotions- happiness, anger, sadness. Which is why I think it's impossible to make art when you're actually depressed, because you're not feeling anything, there are no emotions to translate into images.

Lots of people think depression and sadness are the same thing, but they're not. Sadness can produce great art, depression produces nothing, that's its nature.

>> No.2123505


you guys are acting like nobody has ever gone to work sad before. How old are you guys

>> No.2123506


>> No.2123521

Most /ic/ regulars are 20-25. Go figure.

>> No.2123527



>> No.2123535

I'm using it to create depression, it works quite well.

>> No.2124299

That's deep, mane

>> No.2124308

Because throwing in a metric fuckton of frustration and self loathing will help with depression.

Art Feelz yo.

>> No.2124391

Some people don't get frustrated over art yknow.
For example me, I know my work is shit, but I still enjoy drawing and painting every single time I do it. Seeing the bits of progress with each painting however small they may be.

>> No.2124401

for real. some people want to make it seem like they hate drawing, and it's such a chore to do it. It's hard for everyone.

Like there's an NAACP for depressed artists, and they deserve special recognition for being sad all the time and still drawing.

Fucking lame. This thread is lame.

>> No.2124411

I honestly don't think I'm depressed, but just always sad/negative all the time. It really hurts what I want to do - I want to be able to put in the effort of drawing fast, active characters or expressive bodies and faces in my style - but it really comes across as difficult when I'm in this funk that limits what I can draw. Sometimes I just resort to comfort zone drawings and never get out of it for awhile, which isn't the type of stuff I want to have as a niche. I don't know man, I'm probably thinking about it too much.

>> No.2124417
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Diagnosed a few years back, and painting helped me pull through. Gave me an excuse to feel quite honestly. Nothing gets me out of funkland a little better then my easel and some air.

And to those fags saying you can't draw while depressed. Try drawing your shoes or whatever you're looking at all empty and mope-like. Your eyes don't magically stop receiving light, you just stop looking.

Look harder faggots.

>> No.2124425

The fact that you think you've figured out some universal truth about depression and the world, speaks volumes about how shallow you really are.

>> No.2124426

I've been clinically diagnosed with depression and severe social anxiety. Sometimes, drawing is hard and I feel like I'm a 3 year old who can't hold a pen. Sometimes I do okay. Painting is a lot of fun tho, to not worry about what's going on and just the brush pick a color and make shapes.

I don't have motivation and I usually have to bribe myself to do anything, but once I get over that little hurdle things are okay. I keep a few files going at one time on my computer and phone so with different moods I can pick something to do. It works okay. You just gotta find something that works for you.

>> No.2124433

I was diagnosed and on pills but now I have real problems. I wish I had the luxury of being depressed. Enjoy it while it lasts bros.

>> No.2124437

The fuck are you on about? This has nothing to do with going to work sad. Working while depressed isn't particularly hard, because you usually do fairly repetitive work.

However, for me, creating art requires a huge amount of mental focus and creative thought. I'm not actually depressed in the regular sense, I'm just numb and jaded. If I can't feel anything for what I'm drawing, enjoy the process of drawing, nor gain any satisfaction from finishing a piece, then I simply can't draw. It's not just that my skill suffers, but working on something you feel nothing for it mindnumbing. I don't see the point, even if the rational part of my brain knows it would be fruitful to actually work on my art.
Furthermore, without the ability to feel something for what I'm drawing, I have absolutely no creativity, and coming up with good ideas is impossible. I can't imagine how genuinely depressed people can draw, considering depression grays out everything that you've ever enjoyed.

The moment I feel moderately good, I turn into an infinitely better artist. My head is full of ideas, almost to the point where I can't draw fast enough to get them all down on paper. My skill also goes through the roof, because the creative process of trying something new and experimenting with new ideas becomes exhilarating. I need some kind of positive feeling to be able to draw. It's the fucking fuel behing everything for me.

>> No.2124438

Go suck a dick, you edgy faggot.

>> No.2124439

You could have the opposite like me. I got diagnosed with something on the schizo spectrum and now everyone expects MORE from me when it comes to art. Like I've got some magic powers or some shit. It's not even "He's talented" now it's "He's crazy"

>> No.2124483

If OP or anybody else here thinks they may be clinically depressed, then go seek treatment. Try to find a therapist specializing in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and be open to taking medication if needed. It can only improve your outlook on life and in turn your productivity.

>> No.2124501

Ugh, like being schizophrenia means you're either psychotic or some type of fucking savant. People can be so ignorant.

>> No.2124502

Nah he's right. Unless you're a schizo or have a real mental problem affecting your comprehension you're just a loser with an inflated ego.

>> No.2124534

Thanks, you too anon.

>> No.2124552

>i'm suffering so much! like, you totally can't understand! depression is like feeling happy to me!

I take you're a big fan of Linkin Park.

>> No.2124635

you're retarded mate.

>> No.2124638

Is that what the lizard people inside your head told you?

>> No.2124666

i don't think that guy understood your post...

>> No.2124705
File: 113 KB, 381x500, thesewooooundstheywillnotheeeeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try satan

not either of those anons, but he understood the post just fine.
>I wish I had the luxury of being depressed, enjoy it while it lasts
is no less ridiculous than
>i'm suffering so much! like, you totally can't understand! depression is like feeling happy to me!

>> No.2124706

this whole thread is the reason why depressed people should just stay off of the internet until they can get over it. The whole thing is a dick measuring contest of depressed assholes who just want to one-up each other even though they all know there's really no point in it in the first place.

>> No.2124710

which means they're probably about as depressed as the girls who cut themselves for attention in 9th grade.

>> No.2124730

Based on what? I don't see a pissing contest, I just see people who say they're depressed, and edgy teens saying they should man up.
Depression mostly just fucks with motivation, and the modern lifestyle probably doesn't help, because it leads to a sedentary lifestyle.
Without the internet, those depressed people would actually have to get out and do shit, but the internet provides entertainment and a pseudo-social environment, which means a person can live their life in front of their computer and get enough stimulation to never do anything else. This again leads to a worsening of symptoms and social anxiety.

>> No.2124743

Fuck, I'll just ask here, since I don't feel this deserves its own thread.

Does anyone think getting an office would help with productivity? As is quite common today, I spent far too much time in front of my computer, as most of my hobbies are computer related. This means I also spend most of my time in the same room.
Personally, I feel this is a huge detriment to my productivity and mental health, because I'm constantly distracted not only by the easy access to entertainment and online socializing, but from everything I need to do around the house. The isolation probably doesn't help either.
I figure that getting an office somewhere else, without an internet connection (I'll use my phone if I need something) would be beneficial, simply because it removes all distractions and puts me in a place where I'm forced to work. It would also make my home feel more like a place I go to relax, rather than constantly thinking about drawing and not getting shit done.
Has anyone tried this out?

>> No.2124780

I had the same problem so I started deleting my games one by one each time they distracted me. Now I don't play vidya, other than MOOs or other text games. If only I could do the same with 4chan boards.

>> No.2124781

I've actually burned out on games as well. I'm incapable of playing strategy games and RPGs, which I used to love, due to the attention they require, so I'm down to playing more simplistic indie games that don't require me to think. But I rarely even bother doing that. I open my steam library at least once every day, but can't find anything I want to play.

I'm thinking the office idea is the only chance I've got, even if it's going to rape my wallet.

>> No.2124809

Picasso's Blue Period reflected his mood after a close friend of his died.

>> No.2124812

Maybe? When I don't draw for a few days I start to feel really shitty. Basically I can't enjoy anything I'm doing or feel relaxed at all. You could maybe call it depression, because it is a pretty horrible feeling, but I think its just the fact that I've been drawing long enough to where I need it to feel fulfillment, so when I stop for too long it fucks with my mental state.

>> No.2124818

No. I only use drawing as a means to deal with constipation. Depression is for lame-os.

>> No.2125088

>deal with depression
No, drawing causes depression, because I suck.

>> No.2125675

No one has an opinion on this?

>> No.2125748

I've actually spent a week in front of my computer now, with photoshop open and preparing myself to draw, but have done virtually nothing.

>> No.2125803

Getting serious with my art got me out of depression, so yeah.

>> No.2125806

Seems inefficient money wise. Go find a cafe or library if you really want to get out, or just clean and reorganize your room.

>> No.2125809

I can't lug around my dual monitor setup and wacom to a cafe or library, and I don't see what reorganizing my room would do for me.
I'll agree that it's money inefficient, but I'm at the end of my rope. After so many year of inefficiency and wasted time, I think it's my only option.

>> No.2125812

You could block the websites you waste time on from your router at set times.

And the whole reorginizing room thing is just a common tip for productivit ive heard around a lot.

>> No.2127698

Yes, but my depression is really interfering with my gains right now.