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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 70 KB, 599x500, beginner11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2117368 No.2117368 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>2111447

Because we should not have to make new threads or post in draw threads with our fundamental exercises. Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up.

Before asking "what should I read/view/study/learn," consult this link:
If your question is related to Loomis perhaps you should consult this link as well.

This thread's exercise will be a composition study once again. Study this image's composition through thumbnails, color studies, or otherwise. This one should be simpler.
There's a bit of perspective in it, as well. Take note of the depth of field.

Threadly reminder to avoid carpal tunnel:

>> No.2117394
File: 32 KB, 626x546, 1433963885093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I'm gunna post this since it was at the end of the old one. I know this is really sucky and everything but can I get some tips on how to make the features look 'in the correct position' on the face?

I mean the way the eye should sort of "wrap" round the curve of the head. Is there any way to help me see this better?

>> No.2117402
File: 148 KB, 2500x1645, 1431012609361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is loomis bait right?
if not, then Loomis.

>> No.2117407

You have no perspective knowledge. You cannot expect to construct properly with no perspective knowledge.
Not to mention you're heavily symbol drawing. Read the sticky.

>> No.2117410


Well... You are at the point where you should ALWAYS be drawing from reference or copying a method. Like the Loomis method for example. Everyone good has a method to draw faces so you need to find one that works for you. Anything else is kind of a waste of time at your skill level.

>> No.2117411
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1763, My-drawings-so-far.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently going through the vilppu drawing manual and I have no idea what I am doing, any advice other than practice more since that is already a given ? Pic related is some of the practice things I did. Oh and for the anon that wanted to know how I got the lines smooth you can look here, >>2117275

>> No.2117414

Not him, but I started a week ago and have pretty much exclusively being copying things. How long should this go on for? I don't mind because I'm really enjoying it to be honest.

>> No.2117420
File: 13 KB, 384x384, plshalp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I've been reading loomis for a week and I still cant even draw the fucking circles properly.

Alright I'll read the 'right side of the brain' book. Thanks

I was drawing from my head. I used the reilly method to draw this one but some others I've used loomis. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.2117422

Anyone else working through the lessons on artfundamentals on reddit? Honestly amazing resource to learn how to draw better. Pretty much everyone in these threads would gain a lot by working through them.

>> No.2117429

I've literally never read a book that teaches you how to hold your pencil or draw a circle. Please see the first videos in this link to work on your dexterity, nigga


>> No.2117431


Any construction method teaches you at the very least how to put construction lines down, right at the start. He can do a skull like that, but doesn't know how construction lines work? I don't believe it, I'm calling it as bait.

>> No.2117434

Better than the sticky?

Thanks, anon. I'll look for a Photoshop equivalent of smoothing.

>> No.2117439

>I'm currently going through the vilppu drawing manual and I have no idea what I am doing

You're learning how to feel the form anon

>> No.2117445

Construction lines rely on perspective. Unless you thought they were just arbitrary? Maybe you need to read the sticky, too.

>> No.2117446
File: 140 KB, 590x282, b047a9621776cf8de780ccc4791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did draw the construction lines, I just erased them after I drew the features.

Pic related. I can't 'feel' the roundness of them I try to draw the lines as he does and they just don't look right.

>> No.2117461
File: 70 KB, 571x741, sky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest colored picture. Eh.

I can't understand vilppu's anatomy lessons easily. Loomis is easier. I've drawn too many ugly old cartoon men though.

>> No.2117463

My cat donated its hair for that.

>> No.2117467


Are you fucking retarded? I never said they didn't rely on perspective, or that it was arbitrary. Maybe you need to stop posting.


Take a step back from figure drawing and work on still life. Draw cups, fruit, books, etc. You should be doing that way before you get to figure drawing anyways.

>> No.2117470
File: 2.09 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I am a beginner and I am learning gestures at the moment. I made a few gesture stuff please give crits. Picture related is a bit low in quality but but its alright.

>> No.2117473


As someone who's only been drawing for a few months I found that I've gone from strictly copying reference to being confident enough to make little adjustments / combine references. I figure the longer you go and the more familiar you are the more flexible you get.

>> No.2117501
File: 13 KB, 623x600, pooheadgaygay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what style you were going for, if any, or how you visualised the subject in your head, but I always find that this helped me.
Play a little game of spot the difference. Break these two pictures down into small chunks, rather than attempting to tackle mine as a whole. I do when I draw, often don't use construction lines and noses are probably my favourite facial feature to sketch. When learning faces look for online tutorials on certain features specifically. Pick a handful of portrait artists or illustrators and look at how they draw that feature in their multiple works; from different angles, lighting, shapes - they will all follow a style.
Also always remember form > detail, as long as the shape/spacing/placement of the work is on point, you don't have to worry as much about tone/texture, etc.

And take this with a pinch of salt, but when in frustration at a drawing, try looking away from the subject matter, if any. Does it look realistic on its own? Place details that you think should be there. It may look like that specific banana, but take the banana away - does it look like *A* banana? I know many people probably don't have a wrinkle that resembles that funny line by picrelated's eyes, but it looks at home and added to the believability of the drawing. But you should only really utilise this when you're confident of your skill, otherwise you'll grow into bad habits, like kids that draw the sun in the upper-left corner of their doodles.

Specific critique of the drawing? Considering this is a beginner thread:
>Mouth isn't bad at all. Extremely important not to overwork it, especially with lips.
>Inclusion of cheekbone yet exclusion of other wrinkle-like linework in the face is strange. No stress lines, or tired rings or folds around the mouth and nose. Feel you face whilst pulling expressions, look in a mirror. I've left a few from my drawing, but only because some are too light to draw in that style. Look at a skull too.

>> No.2117502

forgot to add, drawn with mouse. That's my excuse for the inevitable 4chan hate

>> No.2117507
File: 54 KB, 759x566, thred 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can do now says thumbnail not full draw

>> No.2117510

2late I already puked

>> No.2117518
File: 110 KB, 743x511, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eyes and nose look ok
>body part is piss

>> No.2117562

kurt cobain?

>> No.2117568
File: 1.33 MB, 2000x1131, iTried2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did i do /ic/
Also big thanks to the anon that linked me to the video last thread. It was really helpful.

>> No.2117587

you are missing some shades on the face to better blend it into the hair and surrounding (assuming you did not leave it completely shadow free on pupose) it appears kinda flat

The rest is quite good I think

>> No.2117597
File: 26 KB, 351x441, anger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this considered chicken scratch?

>> No.2117603

You're doing awwwright just keep plowing at it.

>> No.2117615

A bit, but it looks like you know generally where you're going with the lines

>> No.2117616

Do I actually need to finish the entire keys to drawing book before moving onto the Bargue Drawing Course?

I really just want to start learning construction to draw lewds/ stylized monsters then move onto digital painting but am unsure how to make the most of my time.

>> No.2117620

chicken scratch is when you use more lines than necessary and keep going over your previous lines

there's some hairy lines in the cheek and nose but that's mostly it

>> No.2117630

Chicken scratching is the use of many lines instead of just drawing one complete line on the first try, possibly with a restatement.
The idea is to look at where you're starting your line, where you want the line to end, what shape the line needs to be then just drawing it.

Anything else will increase your chances of RSI and make the entire drawing process take much longer.

>> No.2117639
File: 342 KB, 1024x805, 11181062585_c22174d3bc_b_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to render like this. What I need to study?

>> No.2117644


Depends on how much of a scrub noob you are. Basics nigga.

But if you want to know start with crosshatching and work from there.

>> No.2117669

Look at the tones closely

You can study your own image for easiest results

>> No.2117675
File: 664 KB, 936x1280, Sb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone got guides to gesture?

videos work too

>> No.2117691

Drapery study. Thumbnail probs looks better than the real thing.

Michael Hampton's book and CGMA lecture are both great. Vilppu is, too, and proko explains gesture really well, though I don't like his method that much.

>> No.2117692


As far as I can tell he's using a combination of hatching with tone in certain spots.

It requires really good pencil control and dexterity (be able to turn your pencil on its side in any given moment, turn it back to the point and start hatching again.)

He also fully understands/memorized the planes of the face and construction.

Other then that it's just practice.

>> No.2117693
File: 726 KB, 1824x1204, la foto 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I go and forget about the picture.

>> No.2117707

Hampton did gesture? I didn't even know that.. Thanks anon.

>> No.2117734
File: 113 KB, 704x1018, New Canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't drawn in months. Going back to the gesture drawing site to see how much I've lost and warm-up or something.

...Doesn't seem like I lost much. In fact this is turning out better than I expected.

>> No.2117748

>Chicken scratch
>Bad proportions
>Very stiff gesture

Draw more confident lines.
Measure the model.
Feel the flow of the gesture.

>> No.2117751

It's a nicer looking piece of shit than I thought it would be, yup. I need to let the current take me

>> No.2117917
File: 42 KB, 234x268, hope loomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try the "five-minute burn"
>looks like shit, but it's really enjoyable to do
>do it more on diferent things
>actual improvement

Keys to drawing is so much fun.

>> No.2117919
File: 215 KB, 1041x1006, anat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2117922

>beginer thread
>those skills

you are in the wrong thread my man

>> No.2117949

you people are blind, I swear

>> No.2117956

He really isn't.

>> No.2117964

Those are more the colors I'd see on a decomposing corpse, mango. Work on that.
Work on your rendering, too. I can see every single brush stroke.

>> No.2117972

Everyone is copying stop copying.

>> No.2117984 [DELETED] 

this was a gesture practice anon. you can think of her as dead and half painted, i just wanted feedback on the pose.

>> No.2117991

>gesture practice
>painted and rendered
at least you deleted your post before people realized you have 47 chromosomes instead of 46

>> No.2118009


Apparently anon is pushin this phrase hard.

>> No.2118011

yes, that's where i got it from

>> No.2118015

looks like you guys are about at the same level as i am. I'm currently grinding vilppu anatomy, would recommend the same for you.

>> No.2118028
File: 2.18 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. How do i improve on these "funny" faces?
2. How long should i studie "Fun With A Pencil" before moving on?

>> No.2118029

Why does no one want to ever be blunt with noobs? I never see anyone tell a bad drawer when they suck. They seem to want to avoid admitting that the person's drawings are bad.

I know support is a good thing but some times people aren't so naive as to always be fooled by fake support. And is it really that good for them to tell them that everything they draw looks great, even when it's terrible?

>> No.2118032

Well you just can't tell them "they suck" without telling them something useful aswel.

>> No.2118033

If your gonna do this at least bait a fresh hook anon. This thread is already rolling.

>> No.2118035

It's not really about telling them they suck. It's about not wanting to tell them they aren't that good.

I haven't actually read anything else in the thread. I was just passing through and had this on my mind.

Speaking of trolling, I have drawn a couple things just to troll people like this and try to force them to admit something looks mad and it hasn't worked yet. And I'm not just being humble. It looked terrible.

>> No.2118042

Kek. They look like tumor patient laughing at their fate.

Keep doing it, Anon until you understand the placement of face's feature on the head.

>> No.2118047

there is always reilly method if you cant figure out loomis

>> No.2118054

who the hell is that?

>> No.2118073

Guy on the right clearly experiencing pleasure pain.

>> No.2118099
File: 526 KB, 640x2240, crap just roughed out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to figure out why hads are hard to draw

>> No.2118104
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, 67866468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it normal to have no feel for mannequization/construction of the human body for the first time, or is it just me? I still practice perspective and construction on still life, hoping Ill one day get the feel. I guess i kind of get it with landmarks, but still pretty blind. Ive watched hampton and vilppu so far. I think the hardest part for me is identifying the horizon line in the picture, since the body is tilted.

>> No.2118114

I think you just copied the image instead of trying to learn anything from it.

>> No.2118122

sorry, but i don't know what image i copied.

>> No.2118153
File: 73 KB, 650x1000, dear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, the thread ended after my post last night.
Here is the picture again, going to draw another one now.

>> No.2118169
File: 130 KB, 512x832, garbage to mock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more of my stupid ass here

>> No.2118209
File: 43 KB, 993x661, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you supposed to get lineart of mechanical things to look appealing

the only thing I got out of this was pain

>> No.2118218

This looks like a MLP face on a pre-pubescent body. Not sure if you were going for that or not.

>> No.2118236

Its supose to be a cartoonish looking teen, I didn't tried to make it look like any specific cartoon.

>> No.2118246

well by using vector strokes or curve guides in programs like sketchbook

>> No.2118361
File: 1.53 MB, 1920x1040, Lighting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea about perspective, I'm trying to draw shadows. where do I need to improve other than perspective since I know about that.

>> No.2118370
File: 1.52 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls hit me hard

>> No.2118406


Work on proportion

Be patient with your lines

>> No.2118408

You trying to draw fast, draw slow and relaxed and when you are good with slow try going fast.

>> No.2118416



>> No.2118424
File: 71 KB, 400x1100, moreshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the feet placed right, what about face and the hands? Advice with the rest of the thing would be nice to.

>> No.2118458

You're placing the shadows haphazardly. Curved shadows on flat planes? how does that even work?

Open a book or set up a still life to study from.

>> No.2118481

Nothing is right. Does this answer your question?
Start from the beginning, read the sticky.

>> No.2118496

Oh damm it, screew it I need sleep. But thanks for the honesty.

>> No.2118533


Thank you anon for the advice. It helps a lot. will pick up a book on shading, will check if there is a PDF is the book thread up. I you have any recommendations I would love to hear them.

>> No.2118544 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 676x588, Shading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second this. Any video courses recommendations? Thinking of trying pic. I heard shading is necessary, or helps with construction.

>> No.2118620


might as well try all of them ;__;

>> No.2118653


You need Scott Robertson.

>> No.2118666

looks pretty good, get some confidence pal

>> No.2118679


Do these lessons.


>> No.2118681

no..... never.

>> No.2118683

I'm drawing so many fucking faces, and they all come out "meh"
But at least I'm drawing... R-right?

>> No.2118686

What's the best way to practice basic forms/construction

>> No.2118725
File: 32 KB, 395x576, p16yYMj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't drawn in years, trying to learn to draw in a cute/cartoony style. Going to try to produce one drawing (even if it's a simple bust like this one) every day and develop/refine a style. I'll probably post them in these threads pretty regularly.

Day 1.

>> No.2118727

(His) right arm is way small. Also, balls are sitting weird as fuck against the closer leg. Dick's a bit high. REALLY long neck, and torso is out of proportion so try raising the shoulders. Perspective on head, namely underside of jaw is wrong, and IMO the ear should be further back. Looks like he's tucked his upper lip into his lower one. for hand, look at your own in the same position. Legs are a bit fucked form/perspective ways, but they look like legs - (his) left leg looks twisted at the shin though, bring it to face you more. Feet are just retarded, super stumpy and broken perspective, sorry. Really not bad though. Aim for form > detail. Fully implementing features etc. (tone, texture, linework) basically sets the form in stone, which isn't ideal when your form is shit.

>> No.2118731
File: 61 KB, 623x600, moi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 min sketch on shitty program. Is this head kinda squint? I flipped the image and it looked badly askew.
I realise the lips need perspective work.

>> No.2118734

yeah i noticed these things when i drew it but teh progam i was using doesn't let me edit and i was too lazy to redraw

>> No.2118735

At least you're still alive, Anon.

>> No.2118739

shit mispelled the

>> No.2118986
File: 5 KB, 200x200, 1369074763308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gesture comes with time right? Mine looks like absolute poo but would it be fine moving on?

>> No.2118997

best thing in the universe ever

>> No.2119024
File: 1.99 MB, 4961x7016, New canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd I do with this quick sketch I made, I circled points I thought were off, but can you guys identify any other points that are off (like dramatically off)

>> No.2119050

Any good YT videos on perspective

nothing too advanced

>> No.2119078
File: 1.60 MB, 4930x4911, isanythingwrongheasked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2119091

Anyone know what i could look at or read for backgrounds?

Specifically interesting city scapes. And how to set up a good composition with charactery in a busy city. I wanna draw the fuck out of cities right now.

Also fuck you captcha, hamburgers are not fucking sandwitches.

>> No.2119165

They are actually.

>> No.2119166

Do people actually finish keys to drawing and drawing from the right side of the brain?

>> No.2119171


>> No.2119182

I just watched Scott Robertson's video on perspective, and soon watching Erik Olson's perspective series. Does /ic/ know any video courses that focuses more on the construction aspect of drawing than perspective? Or does erik olson cover both?

>> No.2119192

Aren't they closely related? I mean, you construct things using shapes, and you make shapes using perspective

>> No.2119199
File: 248 KB, 945x1111, Fun With Pencil 8 (Resize).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently learning from Loomis's "Fun With A Pencil" drawing Old Folks. Do you like older man/ woman, Anon? 99 y/o

>> No.2119207

Yeah, I know you need perspective in order to construct, but I want something thatll teach how to simplify anything with specific shapes to use when constructing (cube, cylinder, sphere), as oppose to going through the whole perspective process. Someone that teaches how to simplify random objects like a cup of tea, or a chair, into basic shapes. That probably doesn't make sense, Ill try again.

I want something that focuses more on the construction using shapes, than making shapes with perspective, cause I already have erik olson for that.

>> No.2119228

Vilppu has a VERY brief section on this. Idk, anon, it seems like something you just have to train yourself to see. In my experience, once I started practicing with perspective EXTENSIVELY, I could see the form of things more easily, I could make shapes without having to set up everything, and I understood how to orient them so that I could actually use them to construct whatever I felt like. I still have a ways to go, but you get the gist.

>> No.2119231

I see. You're actually saying that as I currently watch vilppu. Alright, I guess more practicing on still life for me.

>> No.2119261

Ending on a good note gives a you a false sense of confidence, and postpones your practice, thinking that making it is just around the corner. Ending on a bad note inspires you to get back to practicing as soon as possible to correct yourself, and pray that you'll one day make it.

>> No.2119277
File: 46 KB, 560x960, picture from a phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more shit from the shit man

>> No.2119293

Your hands are the wrong way around

>> No.2119298

good job pointing that out I was drawing and just after i finished i noticed that. but since it was pen i couldn't correct it

>> No.2119334

Is it just me or Olson really likes to repeat stuff?

>> No.2119480
File: 40 KB, 700x800, hanging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going back to the basic stuff realy sucks, Its pretty damm hard for me to force myself to just shade geometric forms and copy stuff for hours. I enjoy drawing alot but can't stand practicing. But I guess aslong as I keep drawing and don't get into a comford zone I will git gud eventualy, right?

>> No.2119483

I wish you would stop saving as transparent pngs.. ffs. can barely seem em

>> No.2119486
File: 192 KB, 801x793, e037f0194d918ef9f5f03a0b5ff32794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not used to using a tablet my sketches are quite messy i believe.

How could i make smooth lines?

Does the pose make sense?

And how could i improve?

>> No.2119487


Cheer up, at least your cartoony teens are pretty hot.

>> No.2119488

Learning to finish things, to see them through to the end, is critically important if you ever want to produce completed, polished works...

>> No.2119489

have you tried clicking on the file link?
also sorry for the oversized image, forgot to crop it.
I will try darker lines and white background for any future pics.

>> No.2119490

Shit fuck balls, i havent done jack today.

Fast, what should i improve upon? I suck at pretty much everything so anything probably goes. Except drawing cubes. I like drawing cubes.

>> No.2119492

nah I just image hover like I imagine most people do now the extension allows it.

>> No.2119493

Draw me a cube

>> No.2119495

Guy looks way too casual. I thought he was just leaning on something and chilling. The action has to show more on his upper body.
As for smooth lines, just focus on it, fill a whole page with just lines if you need to. It's normal to take several tries to get that right line. Try making a drawing, turn it into a semi transparent layer and drawing cleaner lines over it on a new layer.

>> No.2119501

Draw circles then cylinders. And then move on to human anatomy with Hampton, if that's in your artistic scope.

>> No.2119516

Glad someone likes it, thats the first week I ever tried drawing naked figures.
I still gota work alot on them to make them look more human.
I try some more tomorow after work.

>> No.2119520
File: 1.23 MB, 2237x2983, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted to get back into drawing after taking an advanced sketching class last summer. Plz judge my kellan lutz

>> No.2119537
File: 1.75 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing these gestures right? Please reply if you know.

>> No.2119543
File: 146 KB, 1000x750, IMG_20150612_215225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There cube

And cylinders at least the best looking ones. Literally the bane of my existance and the only thing that i need to master to start making 10k a week on patreon.

>> No.2119638

Is there a mega folder of figure references I can download? I don't really want to spend time hunting for a good photo everytime I practice.

>> No.2119639

ahem mane
one of your cylinders is not possible,
it's full circle and even if it is transparent it would look like full circle inside full circle
technicel limitashins of perspectiv

>> No.2119688

If I want to learn to draw heads, faces, hair, hands and feet I can just draw them from reference until i understand their underlying forms right?

Also, Baroque plates are worth learning right?

>> No.2119750

Just get an anatomy book and study it. Dont try to copy them.

>> No.2119755

Depends on how you apply your studies. Don't forget that you can use yourself as reference. Pose in front of the mirror and feel the skeletal structure. Look at how everything connects etc.

>> No.2119756
File: 307 KB, 987x698, IMG_0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is the dynamic sketching class by P. Han? Is it good? I'm currently doing drawabox, but I hear it's just a watered down Peter Han class. Could someone explain?

pic related, one of the exercises.

>> No.2119849


>> No.2119918
File: 56 KB, 292x524, dontmindthehands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh. Anatomy.

>> No.2119981
File: 55 KB, 499x367, dobie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah loomis...

>> No.2120006
File: 189 KB, 310x938, hand up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is more from me just want to know why i am bad

>> No.2120008
File: 63 KB, 499x367, senpai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why grown men is the hardest thing to draw. Even kids are easier.

>> No.2120016

I'm a noob myself so I can't give you any advice but I love these

>> No.2120025

Thanks bro! Your words makes me happy.

But this one is not mine >>2120006

>> No.2120030

sorry that was me along with these>>2119277

>> No.2120042
File: 76 KB, 499x367, bone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, no problem.

>> No.2120098
File: 311 KB, 700x845, trying some new things.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's some more shit

>> No.2120104
File: 2.85 MB, 2400x1350, June_12_2015_RESIZED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woke up and painted the first thing that came to mind. Thoughts or suggestions very welcome.

>> No.2120106
File: 582 KB, 1000x563, June_12_2015_RESIZED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re-sized image.

>> No.2120109

Drawabox is precisely a watered down Peter Han. Like, completely. All of these exercises are from Dynamic Drawing.
The other problem is that Drawabox advertises itself as being beginner-friendly while you actually need perspective if you want to get anywhere with forms.

>> No.2120113

And according to this >>/ic/thread/1646366#p1655117, Peter Han is a watered down Rapid Viz.

>> No.2120208

Just checked out rapid viz.
Peter Han is Rapid Viz applied to illustration. Rapid Viz is much more business and design oriented.

>> No.2120236


Damn, you are nearly right, but i see where i fucked up.

1. I did fuck up because i wanted to draw a normal cylinder
2. It is possible if the cylinder is cut under an angle so when put into perspective the elipse would turn into a circle.

But yea, in this case i just fucked up.

>> No.2120243
File: 432 KB, 310x938, color.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got bored so I colored my own drawing

>> No.2120257

anyone got a good video on the basics of perspective?

>> No.2120265
File: 41 KB, 190x870, sideview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats my first ever side view drawing and it fellt very vague drawing it. Made the BG white so it should have a better contrast now.

>> No.2120300
File: 360 KB, 668x809, color blah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just keep posting

>> No.2120317

eric olson lecture series
enjoy your 80 hours of perspective

>> No.2120325
File: 28 KB, 353x672, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you get a realistic gesture in figures from imagination?

>> No.2120328

I feel like I messed up a bit doing this study since I didn't do a gesture first

>> No.2120330
File: 126 KB, 460x1066, 15-6-13 steve hanks study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear I always forget the image

>> No.2120452

Learn from Vilppu

>> No.2120487
File: 549 KB, 1500x900, 567585868678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to paint something from imagination.

>> No.2120507

its decent I guess nothing glaringly wrong but it's pretty boring and generic. I suggest maybe incorporating things from reference

>> No.2120514
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x1080, Breaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a drawing of mine.

>> No.2120515


The leaves on the tree look great! The end of the river is a bit fucked up though.

>> No.2120523
File: 461 KB, 1000x1000, drill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to need a better workflow for hard surfaces. The layers are a mess, and I'm not sure if I want to spend time fixing it.

I really need to take the effort to learn more about masks, and practice making bezier curves.

>> No.2120559
File: 186 KB, 737x582, ball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been doing this once a day for a week. I'm starting to like the results.

>> No.2120564

It looks rather fantastic.

>> No.2120568

Reflected light is in the wrong place. In fact, the core shadow suggest the light is coming from the opposite direction.
So, yeah, pick up a book.

>> No.2120575

I'll get there someday.

>> No.2120608


>> No.2120630


No, what you're doing is contours and unnecessary detailing.

>> No.2120650
File: 41 KB, 600x611, CJ-M73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that reflected light is quite possible and not totally but may need to be adjusted a bit.
The core shadow suggest the light is coming from the left and the specular reflection do somewhat suggest that the light is shining on the left and reflected into the eye.
The one thing I'm not too sure on is the light reflection at the bottom of the sphere

>> No.2120676
File: 75 KB, 443x451, asdfasdfs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use some common sense anon, if the light is coming from there why is your drop shadow there?

>> No.2120704
File: 106 KB, 500x414, ball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not me you're replying to. The Internet's a big place, broski.

Here's a fix. Better? Not quite there?

>> No.2120706

>gonna practice reference-less, bad spheres over and over again
Yes, I'm sure you'll see a lot of progress.

>> No.2120708

I'll find a reference. Thanks.

>> No.2120725

Been reading Vilppu and trying to do gestures(lesson 1) . When he says "start pushing outwards with your lines" what does he mean?

>> No.2120729
File: 133 KB, 885x634, ss+(2015-06-13+at+11.24.54).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't a pass, right?

>> No.2120736

Uh, did you do it upside down? Then you rotated it at the end? Wow i hadn't even considered that anyone would attempt this digitally.

>> No.2120739

>Uh, did you do it upside down?


>Wow i hadn't even considered that anyone would attempt this digitally.

H-how come? First day on /ic/.

>> No.2120762
File: 41 KB, 640x400, grlbrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2120771

Nothing wrong with digital, just checking. Next to the original, your drawing looks extremely accurate like you actually used measuring. And it looks like you were modeling some of the forms instead of thinking in terms of line only. So i'm not sure... But i think you might want to try the exercise again. Try not to look at it as a picture of a man, but just a bunch of lines connected to each other.

>> No.2120773

Cant you see the gesture lines?

>> No.2120833

To add to this, look at the hand area in both pictures. There is a huge distance in your drawing between the hands and the crotch. but in the original picture there isn't that much. So you are supposed to be paying attention to relationships like this but not in terms of things like "hands" and "legs" but as just as lines and curves and their distances, shapes, etc.

This is why working on paper might be handier. You can have more opportunities to measure the distances from the edges of the paper for example. So you want to measure distances, not widths or lengths (not saying you did, but it kinda looks like it). The whole point of this exercise is to think visually (line, curves) not verbally (head, arm), so if you can do that, then you were successful.

>> No.2120837
File: 828 KB, 1899x2155, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

value study
this is hard

>> No.2120839
File: 30 KB, 400x589, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2120870

I think it would help if you did a few more and got better pictures of them. These don't look very much like gestures because gestures are usually very quick and capture only the essence of the pose. So it's not necessary to capture the physical characteristics of the model such as the areas of fat. Try to capture the pose with only a few well placed strokes.

>> No.2120878

Thanks for your input. I guess it wasn't a total failure then at least. I will try again.

Yes, even though I noticed the gap between the crotch and the hands I didn't really realise how large it actually was until I rotated the picture. Same with the head.

Thanks a lot, anon! I'll go at it again. Perhaps I should use another reference this time.

>> No.2120884

why do people keep posting this image?

>> No.2120889

IIRC its 1 of the excerises from the sticky and that draw on the right side book

>> No.2120890

Ok thank you.

>> No.2120897

It's the first exercise mentioned in the sticky. And it's a fairly classic one at that.

>> No.2120975

>So you want to measure distances, not widths or lengths
I understand that the point of the exercise is to draw lines and shapes as they actually are drawn in relation to each other rather than drawing your concept of an arm for example. But what exactly do you mean by this?

>> No.2120988

Like "this bump on the humerus is x way down" vs "here's where this point specific to this reference is on a grid"

>> No.2121006

Wow, I totally get how that could be confusing. Sorry. It's good to measure distances but not the widths or lengths of what you perceive as physical forms. Because then, you are still thinking verbally. It's fine to measure the lengths of the lines and you kinda have to do that, but don't measure the length of his arm for example. I know how that could be considered the same thing, but it's not. For the purposes of this drawing, the lines are the positive space and white paper is the negative space.

Also it's just an exercise to "awaken" that non verbal part of your thinking. You are not going to draw like this forever, and if you already know how to think visually, this exercise is no longer necessary. But once you get back to drawing normally, you will no longer do "symbol drawing" (that's the point at least).

>> No.2121042


Thanks for explaining it to me. I just couldn't get it to align in my mind for some reason.

>> No.2121085

fucking pedophile

>> No.2121087

>oh no he drew a child!!
Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.2121204

>gesture lines
Do you seriously believe that's all there is to a gesture?

>> No.2121266
File: 102 KB, 1024x640, hourglass_by_neropanchi-d8r9fse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished picture. I liked how it turned out.

>> No.2121271

Are you trolling? On the off chance that you aren't, you should read the sticky.

>> No.2121303

Skip the effects and all that shit and learn fundamentals

>> No.2121310
File: 720 KB, 2048x1536, tried loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2121342
File: 14 KB, 358x400, byst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2121402

oh I see thanks

>> No.2121413

I think this is great and you should continue to do that. You don't have to stick rigidly to some idealized trick.

>> No.2121419

hey /ic/ im looking to learn to draw. i cant draw shit yet. but i bought some books and want to get serious into this. ive got one question. can i jump right into digital painting? or do i "have to" learn the fundamentals with pen and paper? money isnt an issue here, looking to buy the 256gb version of the cintiq companion 2.

>> No.2121434

Cintiq won't make you better if you're shit.

>> No.2121436

thats for sure, i know. but i dont like graphic tablets, like im looking at the screen and drawing on that thing. i want to draw on the screen. and the idea of using it like a normal cintiq and while on the go is quite nice. i know it doesnt make me better, but can i just dive into it without going into that much pen and paper? (im obviously not native english, forgive my grammar)

>> No.2121440

I will continue thank you.

>> No.2121443

You can, you will need to learn the fundamentals with the cintiq and that will require watching a tutorial on your painting program of choice.

My advice would be to find the digital painting guide in the sticky and watch it until you know photoshops layout off the back of your hand.

>> No.2121448

Honestly, you can start on a Cintiq, but you'll have to master your tools; digitally, this is a tougher hurdle. Regardless, skills transfer over from traditional to digital and vice versa so it doesn't really matter where you start, in my opinion.

>> No.2121469

I started on traditional and my lines still suck in digital while are nearly perfect in traditional
wat do

>> No.2121474


im pretty familiar with photoshop even thought i never used it to draw and ive bought a gnomon subscription, (i guess that guide on there is updated to the current version) i think ill order the cintiq on monday, until then ill stick to paper and reading a little in the books obviously. thanks! :-)

>> No.2121475

I think you use other senses whilst drawing traditional, feel of the paper, the sound of the pencil scraping on the surface.

you don't have that with digital, its a lot like drawing on glass.
I think that's why.

>> No.2121484

It's a matter of mastering your tools, again. You don't know the best way of doing your lines digitally.
On paper, it's easier to you, because you've spent all of your life using a pen or pencil.
That's really all it boils down to. Mileage.

>> No.2121525

Bump. Would someone mind answering this question?

>> No.2121630

Are there exercises/tips to get rid of fuzzy lines? They're annoying but I can't draw without them.

>> No.2121641
File: 73 KB, 523x1198, B8u9M1tCQAA6oL4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2121699

Fuzzy lines usually come out when you dont plan ahead where the line is supposed to go but you are making tiny decisions as you go. Try making a point, then decide where you want it to end, then make your line (like connect the dots). You can practice doing this many times. Have some dots in place and connect them with the smoothest line you can make.

>> No.2121743

dynamic sketching from peter han really helps with line quality

>> No.2121766

Thanks, I'm doing that connect the dots thing for a while already and will look into that source.

>> No.2122171

How to Draw by Scott Robertson also has a section on this at the beginning.

>> No.2122270

What >>2121699 said, but you should generally place the dots before drawing the line. If you are still unsure, trace the line without drawing it first.

Placing the dots isn't a beginner help either. It is generally necessary.

>> No.2122438

Doesn't look exactly like him, but not bad at all. His face is more spaced out across his head, + I'd line up the nose with the philtrum. Too much work on the lips, less is more with the mouth remember. That aside, although he looks slightly cartoony (ear needs a look, and neck + shoulders have funky anatomy), Really decent picture. You have skill, nothing abominably wrong with it at all.

>> No.2122474

is she flexing and holding that form?

>> No.2122482

>wow he clearly had to draw the nipples and the vagina
End your life you fucking loser.

>> No.2122497
File: 685 KB, 800x938, dicks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice colours, fucked lighting, on knees especially. Have a look at his left arm, try and picture it from another angle. the elbow is bent funny, and it looks like it's attached to his chest. Made a few changes, obviously there's a few other things that need working on; general anatomy as seen in the hand and both feet, quite nice face though. I like your style, get gud.

>> No.2122500

pull the pose yourself, feel what other stuff you'd be doing. That stance looks very robotic, I'm sure a foot would be twisted slightly or one leg would be taking more weight than the other.

>> No.2122501

this is gud

>> No.2122506

What are you doing staring at a child's nipples and vagina from a barely visible angle in a poorly made drawing, you dirty child molester?

>> No.2122523

mouth doesn't fill up face well enough, extremely pointy chin, hair needs a redo (draw the shape oh the entire head first, as if he was bald), also neck is busted bud, retry. Everything else is quite decent.

>> No.2122550
File: 75 KB, 450x1100, weird1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's hope this one won't look to young, Still gota figure out the whole hips and legs thing, and everthing else offcourse.

>> No.2122587

the right breast should be lighter than the left

>> No.2122601
File: 346 KB, 1518x1035, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day I wont chicken scratch. But not today.

>> No.2122615

wondered why that man was marching with an erection... but no. Just my mind playing tricks again.

>> No.2122624

I don't know much about it so take it with a grain of salt, but contrast plays a really big part on something so like dependent. Also work on having different thickness to your lines.

>> No.2122633

thanks but why dod you make him taller and bend is arm?

>> No.2122676
File: 400 KB, 810x592, stut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2122702

Not from this angle. Also take it to the porn thread.

>> No.2122710

>doing study of nudes counts as porn
it's when she has a dick inside, it's porn
but that's just my opinion

>> No.2122713

>take it to the porn thread
>nude figure is porn
Quit art, faggot.

>> No.2122742

What do you guys think of charcoal / white pastel combo. I find it to be a much more fun alternative to erasing charcoal off with a kneaded eraser, anyone else tried this ?

>> No.2122749
File: 167 KB, 1024x683, surprised-goldfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carefully draws construction cube
>nearly perfect hand-drawn straight lines
>goldfish mode
>rest of "sculpt study" is chicken scratch hasty-nasty
How to avoid this shit? Bane of my existence it is.

>> No.2122815

Now I wish that he was having a boner.

>> No.2122817
File: 34 KB, 732x634, fishy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I wish that he was having a boner.

>> No.2122904
File: 565 KB, 600x845, sat down color.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and now I post again

>> No.2122928
File: 38 KB, 245x498, shade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gave it a shot, i have no idea what im doing.

>> No.2122941
File: 45 KB, 404x650, lady chinky eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2122943

Holy proportions batman, why does it take me so long to realize.

>> No.2122961
File: 20 KB, 206x332, lady chinky eyes2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drew it smaller

>> No.2122970

i always find that if i take a picture of my work i can instantly spot a bunch of mistakes i previously had missed, definitely a good way to look at yr work differently

>> No.2122996
File: 563 KB, 600x845, sat down color.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry the the face I drew was bothering me so i did this

>> No.2123060

>she's asian. Therefore it's porn.

>> No.2123073
File: 294 KB, 640x360, DDSHsd.mp4_snapshot_00.35.20_[2015.06.16_01.48.43].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a good method to start drawing anatomy? I'm afraid my people will like pasta or too cartoonish using this method.

>> No.2123075

Also, does it respect anatomy proportions?

>> No.2123079

Is this your work? If so, what are your studies? Interesting method, looks nice.

>> No.2123081

Is this from David Finch?

>> No.2123085
File: 590 KB, 763x1250, e38164ca4e19743ce08f2e39d3456c31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not mine. It's David Finch work. I'm asking about it because I don't understand of anatomy, and if something in his work/anatomy construction looks wrong, I'll drop it immediately. Here's more from him. So people can tell me.


>> No.2123087

Never seen his stuff, but judging from the screen shot you posted, looks good. However, if you really want to understand more about anatomy, you should read over "Anatomy for Sculptors". And keep the book by you, you'll be going back to it for future reference.

>> No.2123122


absolutely disgusting.

>> No.2123135
File: 49 KB, 426x516, aaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critiques, opinions on it? "Fleshing" the character is difficult.

>> No.2123137
File: 121 KB, 648x791, chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgive the chicken scratch in this one, I was drawing in 50% on paint.

>> No.2123142

i have a question, i often read somethin like "wow that looks polished" what does polished mean in that case? (total noob here, be kind )

>> No.2123163

Beside the chicken scratch, hand and feet, you're on the right track. But why use Paint? Isn't it pain in the ass?

>> No.2123175

Thanks man. I plan to practice the feet and hand separately.

>But why use Paint? Isn't it pain in the ass?
It's the way I found to don't get distracted with "magical" brushes&amazing effects and actually focus on fundamentals.

>> No.2123179
File: 629 KB, 750x563, star destroyer assualt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do these rocks and clouds look?

>> No.2123182

there is a very strong dissonance between the cleanly, soft lines painted on his face and the chaotic lines elsewhere. You need to find a way to unify your style more.

>> No.2123187
File: 1.42 MB, 2782x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time doing a landscape, but with lots of imagination added. Experimenting with different strokes representing different things. Like leaves vs bushes and stuff.

>> No.2123188

yeah that might be a good idea

>> No.2123196
File: 162 KB, 410x524, big b0ss pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 m8
Looks messy cause on a shitty group drawing site.

>> No.2123202

If he didn't have the eyepatch he would be unrecognizable.
What you should take away from this is that you've got a way to go.

>> No.2123218
File: 1.87 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.. Done?

>> No.2123283

They look like trees.
But seeing as how you're not rendering anything, you're going to for something more "simple". In that case, if you think you're done, then you are done.

However, I usually do the Peter Han method where you draw the outline of the tree and shade in the shadows.

>> No.2123289

>Peter Han method

Where can I find this video?

>> No.2123433

What should i learn first?

Figure drawing or anatomy?

>> No.2123480
File: 120 KB, 800x1500, ever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another day, another drawing. I was spending more time on that shity mouth than I would like to admit, can't imagine how much harder it will be with actual lips and more complex expressions.

>> No.2123528

you have to be joking

>> No.2123530

You really should improve your line quality and work on some gestures since the pose you've chosen is pretty silly.

Also the torso isn't big/long enough for her legs and arms. I shouldn't have to say anything about the feet, I bet you had some real trouble with them already.

>> No.2123532

>I will draw the same shit every day
>this is bound to make me improve
Go study some fucking fundamentals.

>> No.2123533

Honestly, I found figure drawing easier to get into. You just kinda.. jump in, y'know? However, I would do both at the same time. You should understand your gestures and why they look that way.

>> No.2123536

Nice. Keep doing what you're doing and maybe even do a study of one of the photographs (for 3 hours or something.) You should also consider picking up a softer pencil, it really helps you 'feel' the flow of the pose more.

>> No.2123537

Use reference for clouds, use a bigger brush because your strokes look so.. scratchy.

>> No.2123585

i can do basic perspective and babbys first city drawings all day but i can for shit draw anything along the lines of loomis's blooks. my shit just looks like aids. what the fuck

>> No.2123590
File: 806 KB, 1946x1369, ttttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting in this board is demoralizing as fuck but any advice is good advice.
This one is a bit desaturated and I couldn't get it to work.

>> No.2123593
File: 345 KB, 3839x2657, qqqq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one that I did in a few minutes without actually paying attention, I just kinda started a line and saw where that took me. That explains why the hand looks like shit.

>> No.2123596
File: 1013 KB, 3347x3106, yyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And in this one I'm trying something I saw in a youtube video. Not my zone of comfort.
(Basically all I post today is getting away from my zone of comfort, and that's exactly why I'm posting it, to get advice)

>> No.2123597

First attempt at perspective drawing. 1-point.

>> No.2123598
File: 1.35 MB, 1920x1080, 20150616_173905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to attach.

>> No.2123599
File: 1.68 MB, 3141x2489, Random poses small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are made withing 1 to 2 minutes, and sorry if there are some that are repeated, that's because I make each individually and then I just threw them randomly.
(Gesture practice)
(This was a pain to upload, "File too large" says 4chan, fuck you.

>> No.2123602

EDIT: Looks like I forgot to shade the little cloth that's hanging in front of her legs. No, her legs are not 2 inches wide.

>> No.2123605

I'm no expert so I can't give good advice, but I can freely say that I like it.

>> No.2123655

You're drawing contours, not the gestures.

>> No.2123663

I like the overall composition apart from the guy you placed in the middle. He's kinda just standing there like an idiot. The image might look more interesting if he was, say, covering behind whatever the thing to his left is, peeking out. It's unclear if the creature is walking away after wrecking the place or coming towards a place that's already a dump. I would either wreck the buildings some to show this guy really was here and fucked the place up. The dumpster full of trash suggests the place is already a dump, however.

>> No.2123668
File: 313 KB, 1920x1080, thedivisiongameplay-tom-clancy-s-the-division-what-assassin-s-creed-unity-taught-us..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I was working off of pic attached, and overall followed what was on it. I added the mech in the back for the heck of it. Decided to add the gut because it's like he's going to battle the mech.

I was a little edgy when making this, you may have noticed, but really I was pumped for "the division".

>> No.2123702
File: 103 KB, 598x671, Some Kinda Tribe Guy Maybe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls crit. also ignore the shitty mask I'll deal with that later

>> No.2123717

im using the 30 pxl hard brush. youre saying i should use the 100 pixel? and anything specifically wrong with the clouds?

>> No.2123719

and the canvas is a lot larger i should add, 4000x3000 i think

>> No.2123737
File: 2.77 MB, 6000x3000, 24242424242424242424435435345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long story short, I need sprites for my game. I'm not an artist, and I don't want to draw flawless realistic pictures with perfect shadows e.t.c.
I want to achieve some manga/black and white comicbook effect, what should I read/learn to improve my sprites without spending years (well, I don't think I was productive all these ~2 years, but I was also coding/working with sound/music and shit)

>> No.2123768
File: 981 KB, 859x643, 1424995775928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I into shadows?

I'm trying to draw porn but I'm an absolute retard when it comes to lighting apparently. Is there a general rule of thumb for this sort of things or am I going to have to read 90 pages of Loomis again?

>> No.2123776

It's easy, just figure the light source and you're set.

>> No.2123791

Is gitting gud really worth it?

>> No.2123812

what kind of fuck nigga question is this

>> No.2123814

You need to understand simple 3D forms and how light affects them. Even though arms have all sorts of muscles and shit, on the big scale they can be simplified as cylinders. You start with lighting them as you would a cylinder in relation to the light source. You take the same idea with the whole body (I.E. sphere for the cranium, etc.). THEN you zoom in and start applying it for the details you want to accentuate.

That's basically it. You cannot even get started on lighting if you don't understand form and your drawings are absolutely flat. Then you want proportion and anatomy so you can apply the concepts to the body parts. And of course, color is its own can of worms.

>> No.2123817

If you'll regret not doing it for the rest of your life, yes.

If you can go on living without giving a fuck, no.

>> No.2123857

When doing gesture, how do I get my mind off drawing contours?

Also if I want to start drawing better from imagination what's the best steps to take? I've read some of Loomis' fun with a pencil but that's only helped me with faces

>> No.2123860

I think it would just take a bit much time to refine all the lines, I don't plan turning this stuff into real drawings.
The gesture wasn't realy planed to end up like that, or planed at all. I honestly didnt noticed the how small the torso is before, and yes feet are a nightmare to draw. Thanks for all of that, I will keep that in mind for future pics.

Its not like I draw any of the poses twice.
like I mentioned before, I'm terrible at studying/practising stuff. I know thats a very bad excuse but turning drawing into work would just make me quit it.

>> No.2123879


If you're still drawing contours, lower the time and just think before you draw. think about the gesture before you draw.

Just draw from imagination every day, doesn't have to be good, just do it, the more you do, the easier it becomes.

>> No.2123885
File: 122 KB, 1200x850, ch1pg1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck all this negative space is really intimidating. Not to mention I have no practice drawing a concise background.

You know what, I just don't know what I'm doing. That should be fairly apparent.

>> No.2123969

I'm somewhere in between. It's fucking annoying.

>> No.2123988
File: 1.19 MB, 4724x3425, yoyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is everything so difficult?

>> No.2123990
File: 1.20 MB, 4724x3425, lady chinky eyes full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong one

>> No.2124031

dem res

shit nig

>> No.2124034

i still feel like its too low, i run out of room quick doing 30 sec gestures.

>> No.2124077
