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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 600 KB, 675x822, start.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2111728 No.2111728 [Reply] [Original]

Post your nsfw, critique work and so on.
Furry is allowed, however do not over indulge on the subject of furries or their culture. Unnecessarily reporting these anons are strongly discouraged. This thread is dedicated to helping anons improve their erotic drawings and paintings.
Do not start flame wars.
Do not reply to Australians.
Stay on topic.

Last thread: >>2108491

Reminder that if you do not want to view this thread, please hide it by pressing the minus button or by right-clicking the thumbnail on the catalog and selecting "hide this thread."
Also, thank you mods and janitors for keeping this thread running well.

Questions about references for drawing porn will be answered.

>> No.2111736

jeez!! why would use you my pic as the op.. it's sort of embarasssing

>> No.2111737

No it's not.

>> No.2111741

How embarrassing, especially since you fixed the breasts, I would just die.
Just teasing, that other anon is right, it's why you draw isn't it? For it to be seen and get attention?

>> No.2111743

dont worry about it, you're a lot better at coloring than I am. be proud you got to be in the OP

>> No.2111760
File: 860 KB, 925x1126, cyclopssssssssssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gosh. thanks for the support you guys. I usually don't post my lewd-stuffs anywhere so it's sort of nice to know people think it's actually worth something.
but... yeah. I'm trying to make the fabric on the shirt look less stiff but it's a little tough for me. Also could i get some tips on drawing pubes?? no idea what i'm doing

>> No.2111778

You're doing a fucking awesome job of it,
I had both open in different tabs so I could switch back and forth quick,
You've got talent, Anon.

>> No.2111780
File: 456 KB, 1800x2400, BalthierViera-wip1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if this is porn, it's sort of erotic I guess, but anyway does anything look majorly off here before I start doing more stuff to it?

>> No.2111798
File: 461 KB, 1560x2240, BalthierViera-wip1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted to do some more with the ears. But yeah, anatomy wise, is it okay?

>> No.2111799
File: 33 KB, 615x346, 6f94913540c4997994a6ec0010c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking that wankers opinion means anything.

as long as its not scat they'll jerk off to anything and therefore call it good , anon .

>> No.2111801
File: 156 KB, 1600x1600, YSO-78728-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2111804
File: 56 KB, 650x661, Delusional-fat-girl_o_120815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2111808


i understand that but it's sort of moot.. like, if at least someone can get off to it, it's getting the job done. That's what's really important with this sort of thing, isn't it?

>> No.2111817

>as long as its not scat

good joke.

>> No.2111820
File: 58 KB, 500x618, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not turned on enough

>> No.2111828

I don't know what else I would do to make it sexy. I wasn't exactly intending to make it porn, maybe a little cakey, but I always get ignored when I ask about things in the regular drawthreads.

>> No.2111833

Wow I just realized how disjointed my thoughts are here.
I'm trying to say I wasn't really setting out to make this sexy but I wanted a second pair of eyes to double check it, and since that never works out for me in the drawthreads I decided to just post it here since he's shirtless.

>> No.2111839

>huge frame and muscles
>pencil dick


>> No.2111849

>muh bulge
virgin detected

>> No.2111853
File: 65 KB, 500x572, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contour his muscles

>> No.2111857

So are you saying define them more or like literally outline them?

>> No.2111867

post more pls

>> No.2111871
File: 38 KB, 187x233, Are_You_Serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hiding fingers in magical blackhole crevice
>bolt on bulb tits
>floating foot
>vagina angled wrong
> flattened improperly rotated thigh
>giant thoracic arch with no sternum or ribs visible
>one long ass finger
>tube neck
>sharp detached clavicles
>over saturated

lmao this image. why even bother rendering.

>> No.2111872


>> No.2111901
File: 570 KB, 1800x2280, BalthierViera-wip2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see some anatomy things that I'll refine, but for now how's my color block in?

>> No.2111913


Why can't you say all of that shit without being a snarky cunt? Aren't artists supposed to support eachother? Implying that you actually are an artist, that is

Last OP was literally just a dumb generic anime broad with huge tits and I didn't hear a peep out of any of you

>> No.2111918

You must be either new to /ic/ or you have not yet learned to filter out the shitposting from that post only mind the areas he points out.

>> No.2111919

>I didn't hear a peep out of any of you
Because nobody was complimenting that picture. There are a couple people on this board who feel the need to shark on any hint of positive feedback, sometimes even if it's no more positive than simply being a critique in less than utterly condescending and aggressive language. Seriously, I've seen people be like "not bad but the arms need work" and someone comes along to say "are you fucking blind it's trash, you're both fucking shit tier if you can't see it" and it's like why did you even need to do this, fuck. It's another form of attentionwhoring imo.

>> No.2111921

u dont gotta whiteknight me babe
these are all valid points, i only wish you had come around sooner before i had put this much time into it
posts like this are why i come to /ic/ in the first place, not so much all the ego stroking "so awesome!!!" because if i wanted that i could just show it to any of my non-artist friends
but on the "why bother rendering" point- i honestly think any opportunity to practice rendering is a good one

>> No.2111925

its stylized, a lot of what you said only really applies to realistic drawing, thats obviously a cartoon. Most of your complaints can be applied to most iconic cartoon characters or any cartoon for that matter.

>> No.2111926



>> No.2111965

Anyone have tips for someone wanting to start drawing porn/r34?

I see so much poor quality r34 on the internet and I want to make sure not to become one of them.

>> No.2111966

Don't use dodge and burn tool to shade, and don't focus on rendering until you really know forms and anatomy and have at least a decent sense of lighting. Even flat color will go far on a well constructed drawing.

>> No.2111985

Scat is my fetish, fuck you.

>> No.2112009
File: 1.35 MB, 1414x1000, Riven+Zac-WIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suck at this.

>> No.2112012

>I suck at this
What are you, fishing?
It still doesn't turn me on but it's well drawn. Stroke your ego to that since you can't stroke it to your drawing then wash your hands and get back to work.

>> No.2112017
File: 2 KB, 30x21, FU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chill, buddy.
I really think my coloring skills are shitty as hell.

>> No.2112020

Chill? I just said it was good. I was just ribbing you about you saying you don't get off on your own drawings.
I don't know if you're planning to add some neutralizing color to this but I do think that creature is probably too bright or saturated a green as it is. You've already started some rendering and detailing so to harmonize the colors and set a mood, you may want to overlay or multiply another color layer on top of all of it once you're done to tie them together. Maybe blue.
Now chop chop!

>> No.2112022


>> No.2112053

I think you coloring has a nice feel to it so far, keep it up :3

>> No.2112065
File: 378 KB, 832x1106, tumblr_nhsrknA2V91t14xmho1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think interesting color comes from interesting lighting.
I'd say try and imagine the light as being tinted.
Stuff like multiple light sources and contrast points with dark spaces also add to the quality.

A lot of artists, when they first start out they choose the main color of the character and then shade with black tones. Try shading with the opposite color of your light source. orange/blue is a commonly used one since it is the best way to sow heat/cold.

this is a good example (in that you can tell what colors are being used for light/shadow). There's orange/yellow light and a blue shadow being cast.

>> No.2112106

Study male bodies you fucking faggot

>> No.2112121

>new followers
>check what they upload
>total cancer
>sjw propaganda
>liberal shit

fucking tumblr.

>> No.2112123
File: 197 KB, 1138x1000, anzulewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Felt like drawing a bit Anzu.

>> No.2112127

Thanks for digging my female bodies. You can start following me on tumblr.

>> No.2112129

I have to study color theory more. Thanks for this great post. <3

>> No.2112134
File: 146 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enviroment plays into porn as much as the figure.

>> No.2112150

holy shit sauce pls

>> No.2112160

google says Olivia Lhopitault

>> No.2112222

I wanna ejaculate inside Anzu

>> No.2112332

Fuckin smurf and your booty...

>> No.2112351


Your figures always come off as hella stiff dude. Might want to invest some time into gesture.

>> No.2112371
File: 526 KB, 1089x900, taigahot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stiff ? I've been told that already some times ago, but felt like that wasn't much an issue anymore here after doing some gesture studying, how is that stiff to you here ?

Anyway, some Taiga.

>> No.2112387

All your characters have awful hands. You should spend some time practicing them.

>> No.2112388


If you actually studied gesture it's not coming through in your work yet. Your poses are generally upright and stiff. No real sense of counterpose in your stuff. You also seem to not know what to have the hands do when at rest, on top of hiding feet alot.

>> No.2112404

What are you examples of ideal/good hands and the main problems of mine ? At the size I was drawing them it felt fine to me, I can at least see they're better than before besides being able to make more diversified poses, "awful" is quite a big word even if I know I can improve them more.

>> No.2112411
File: 46 KB, 556x463, x2scrap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made anzu stand perfectly upright even though you can clearly see one leg carrying the weight, which would change the balance of the pose. A point of gesture is about finding asymmetry in symmetry, so like the other guy said, it clearly isn't showing. I'd say the biggest testament is how her midriff is practically just a vertical straight line.

>> No.2112412

Well. They are awful compared to the rest of your assets. Sorry for being blunt, but they simply ruin every single of your illustrations.

My examples of ideal/good hands are real life hands. Look at them and do some studies.

>> No.2112420

You're not answering my questions. I've been already doing hands studies but it's hardly comparable as I draw them in a way bigger size. I'm talking about idea/good hands done at a little size here. I don't know if you have a hand fetish to say things like "they ruin the whole pic" but as for me I hardly feel like they stand out of the rest in a bad way.

>> No.2112428

But isn't Anzu's pose more way more like the one on the right in your example here ? I didn't really imagine the pose as with the foots on the grounds, yeah, but the overall thing felt dynamic enough to me here, 3/4 position being a good point to begin with. The diaphram is anything but a straight line as well, just compare the positions of the head and of the navel.

>> No.2112432
File: 318 KB, 1000x1500, 45375876_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been already doing hands studies but it's hardly comparable as I draw them in a way bigger size.

The point of a study is to breakdown and understand what the fuck your studying. If your hand studies aren't helping you draw hands at any size, YOU are doing something wrong.

Interesting to see you're still a cunt who still gets triggered when people critique your shit. Lol, pathetic. Pic related is an example of the essence people are saying your work lacks. As you should already fucking know, honestly. No idea why you love playing dumb.

>> No.2112437
File: 493 KB, 1172x1058, sfasfasfasfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, let me show you.

These are some basic anatomy problems that all your hands have. Study these guidelines.

>> No.2112444

> Lol

Well, here the main difference I see in first is from the quality of the lines, which I indeed have still some work to do to get anywhere near guys like houtengeki, but that's pretty much the same for this whole pic of mine here, your " They are awful compared to the rest of your assets" just doesn't make any sense to me.

Anyway, Houtenki is well known artist and one of my main references, I'm still studying and far from his level, that's for sure.

Oh, yeah, that sure looks better, thanks. Tought I knew the basic shape but still have some works to before making it properly in every positions, should use more references when I draw them.

Think I'll rework on this pic, I went lazy with the right hand in the end but that's certainly not a good thing to do, maybe I could improve the lines as well, left hand included.

>> No.2112452

Otherwise, any tip with the lines that could help improve them ? Here I went with full opacity and flow, but the opacity and size are linked to the pressure. Base size isn't really big, between 2 and 5 px, and I used the basic shape. No stabilizer. It didn't look bad at first but when I compare them with well known artist it's obvious something isn't done right.

>> No.2112456
File: 81 KB, 449x800, 1432291754977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>main difference
>quality of lines
>not understanding of gesture
>not understanding of counterpose in rest positions
>not understanding of anatomy
>quality of lines


>> No.2112489


Stop worrying about your line work and focus more on your fundamentals because they are lacking. You don't need finished linework to capture good gesture and anatomy. You can do that with sketches.

>> No.2112519
File: 102 KB, 750x997, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy its ' get ripped to shreds hour'.
Fire it up

>> No.2112520

*grandma walks in*

>> No.2112526
File: 29 KB, 403x312, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grandma poses for you because you're a good boy

>> No.2112825

>clear, simple, small expression on face

>> No.2112862
File: 106 KB, 883x1250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take inspiration from works like this

>> No.2112936
File: 691 KB, 3000x3000, SlaveSuccubus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good?

>> No.2113046
File: 55 KB, 1533x2056, escanear0084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2113049
File: 37 KB, 1344x2031, escanear0081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2113059
File: 489 KB, 2550x3300, this is the literal worst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this last night, didn't put any value in the ball/hair/buttplug cus I got tired and didn't finish

>> No.2113137


I like it

>> No.2113151

Please change your tastes. Refuse the perverts. Like and paint rare androgins, please

>> No.2113187
File: 30 KB, 636x358, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining about porn on a porn thread

>> No.2113189

Never cap the penis

>> No.2113205

so this is where all the mediocre artists run to get some attention

>> No.2113214
File: 98 KB, 400x537, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is.
Whatcha gon do

>> No.2113216


nothing? just making an observation

>> No.2113228

There are quite a few good artist that post here, but yeah, the majority sucks balls. Basically the same as in all other /ic/ threads.

>> No.2113285

>watch hentai and doujins with a straight face
>get all embarrassed when making my own porn
d-does anyone else have this problem?

>> No.2113295

Not really. On paper or numerically ?

>> No.2113297

I mean I can still draw it, but sometimes I stop in the middle because of blush overdose

>> No.2113298

Yeah. I get the same thing. It's mega embarrassing.

>> No.2113299
File: 18 KB, 315x279, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sometimes need to stop because I'm getting too horny and have to fap, but blushing ? What the fuck man.

>> No.2113311

hes a pure animu girl.

>> No.2113315
File: 1.25 MB, 1701x1728, pressed 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this one.

>> No.2113336

>blush overdose

Blushing? I'm happy when I draw smut and it's coming together nicely. Like, genuine happiness. Never get horny or embarrassed.

>> No.2113342
File: 86 KB, 678x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch hentai and doujins with a straight face
>Straight face when making my own porn
>get all embarssed when I draw porn of my friends based off of pics on Social Media

>> No.2113345
File: 21 KB, 513x429, 49201828475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when I draw porn of my "friends"

>> No.2113348

A few things stuck out immediately, her ribs are wider than her shoulders, you might need to add a little more separation between the breasts and the chest, and you have some construction errors with the limbs. particularly the elbows and hands.

Keep going!

>> No.2113376
File: 21 KB, 368x277, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know each other.
Is that good enough for you?

>a real friend wouldnt draw porn of you

>> No.2113387
File: 91 KB, 1301x841, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any crits or errors you guys see before I start painting this?

>> No.2113404
File: 57 KB, 310x311, photo.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga eww

>> No.2113414
File: 192 KB, 541x514, 1378016826586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga eww

>> No.2113415
File: 18 KB, 328x277, 69784928274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing porn of your female "friend"
>not just having sex with her

How much more of a tool can you be?

>> No.2113418

She has a boyfriend lol

>> No.2113423
File: 70 KB, 207x207, 1378233569773.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing porn of your female friend who has a boyfriend

>> No.2113425
File: 389 KB, 1284x980, 9203847128812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this much of a tool.

Holy fucking shit, anon. Quit being such a beta-faggot. Wow.

>> No.2113462
File: 92 KB, 1083x833, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am>>2113342
How the fuck did you even guess that shit goddamn.

>> No.2113465

Whats wrong with it?

No, never.

>> No.2113466

g-guys any tips on how to make c-creepshots ? I need them for reference purpose.

>> No.2113473
File: 32 KB, 324x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get gud

>> No.2113476
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did that help?

>> No.2113518

some avant-garde performance art shit going there.

>> No.2113542

What are some great artists for lewd faces?

>> No.2113567
File: 304 KB, 600x870, 006_15008095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dig Ganto's lewd faces

>> No.2113571


Not really. despite digging his style they're far from organic looking, they all look like porn stars that know exactly how to act to get your rocks off.

>lol fishlips
>lol no braincase
>lol no brow
Just pretend they're an invented humanoid race, if you can watch elves bang just assume you're getting off to Homo Legomanus and not real people.

>> No.2113578

shindol's dick-induced-madness faces do it for me. they're ridiculously exaggerated but hot as heck

>> No.2113619

>great artists
all mi sides
he's not bad, but he's not even close to being a GREAT artist
i think anon was asking for some pro godtier legend, not a damn tumblr commissioner

>> No.2113631


>> No.2113755

I see, my bad.

>> No.2113783
File: 752 KB, 1414x1000, Riven&amp;Zac-Lines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to color it again from scratch.

Also, sketch process

>> No.2113792
File: 376 KB, 1319x1184, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>great artists for lewd faces?

>> No.2113843
File: 168 KB, 850x637, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The artist for this

>> No.2113846
File: 101 KB, 815x995, ss+(2015-06-07+at+10.02.31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perspective looking ok?

>> No.2113847

Charm point

>> No.2113858

I second the ahegao master

>> No.2113861


That was a really good image set. The expressions were top tier material.

>> No.2113873
File: 52 KB, 601x583, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot to be smug

>> No.2113877


Those look like typical crazy animu expressions. Generic as hell and forced as fuck.

>> No.2113916

Senpai, are you going to make a video of the coloring process too?

>> No.2113919
File: 579 KB, 1290x722, 1418740423691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read monobeno and become smug master.

>> No.2113922
File: 1.46 MB, 400x225, #based thankyou god.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jmgn streaming

watching were all the magic happens

>> No.2113923
File: 641 KB, 1110x1600, 28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John K. Pe-ta is pretty good.

>> No.2113927


>> No.2113938

nice vid.

>> No.2113946
File: 158 KB, 707x1000, fg-shower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do

>> No.2114017

so... suppose I wanted to draw /ss/ or /ll/. Where could I post it? Not tumblr it seems?

>> No.2114020

what kind of name is Gage?

>> No.2114023

It's not a common name, but I've already heard it before. Anyway, I do only the pencils, inks and lettering based on scripts I get. I am not the writer.

>> No.2114032

you realize this guy's main shit is reversal rape right?

not plain reverse rape but reversal rape

>> No.2114033


That changes nothing about what I said.

>> No.2114034

except for forced

it isn't forced if it's a nympho slut

>> No.2114040
File: 3.42 MB, 1764x2200, firon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2114043

Pixiv is the completely safe place, otherwise you can also do the cut out the lewd part and link pixiv lolis and shotas to tumblr, not sure how well that works, twitter is fine with it too.

>> No.2114055

>tfw you also draw porn and write fanfic of your friends
>tfw you increase cup sizes everytime you draw porn of a girl you work with

>> No.2114059 [DELETED] 
File: 538 KB, 1632x1224, photo(13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call it Jurassic Jugs. I tried.

>> No.2114060
File: 538 KB, 1632x1224, photo(13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried.

>> No.2114067

legoman is one of the best porn artist in the world if you dont see it then killyourself.

>> No.2114072

I'm pretty sure you have nothing to back your words with, so until then, shut up scrub.

>> No.2114074


>> No.2114075

someone successfully triggered your autism?

>> No.2114076

come at me brah
come at me with all your autism
my body is ready

>> No.2114078

kill yourselves you blind retards.

>> No.2114079

His art is good, but extremely samey. He only ever draws a few different body types, poses, or faces. I've also hardly ever seen him even attempt to color things or draw backgrounds.

I agree with the original comment that he's a good artist to look at for lewd faces though. He does the same few all the time, but they're pretty good.

>> No.2114081
File: 323 KB, 1150x953, legoman (245).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he can he just dosent need to.

>> No.2114082

Oh boy, one point perspective. And he even fails at that.

>His art is good
I wouldn't say good. I mean, he's beyond the amateur stage, but for a "professional", he's really not good at all.

>> No.2114085

>I wouldnt say good

I wouldnt say you have a brain too.

>> No.2114095

I hope this isn't legoman's artwork

>> No.2114099

>I wouldnt say you have a brain too.

Why am I not surprised that the average Legoman fanboy writes like a first year elementary school student?

>> No.2114119

Because it is one?

>> No.2114133

holy shit all this shitfest of blind retarded kids. Stay jelly.

>> No.2114141

Well, I am pretty sure that in many aspects I am better than legoman, so I'm not really jelly of his work.
I simply think, that he's not good enough to be called a master. No one that has work I (or any artist of my level) could correct can be called a master.

>> No.2114144

You cant correct shit from legoman. Theres no mistakes. The "mistakes" you think is style that dosent appeal to you. Its ok man you dont have to learn from the best figure construction guy in porn (hence the name LEGO MAN he sees the anatomy parts as lego parts in 3d)

>> No.2114145
File: 193 KB, 1280x686, tumblr_npgqqfafS11rd8tfco8_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, let's have a master tier legoman sketch showcasing his mastery

>> No.2114148

there are two possible reasons you are posting this nonsense
a) your visual library is so shitty you don't see his mistakes and think they are style choices
b) you are trolling

>> No.2114150

>best figure construction guy in porn
you, dear sir, have just destroyed all my sides

>> No.2114153

It's difficult to tell the difference between a fanboy and a troll in most cases.

>> No.2114154

then show me sketches of someone who have over 1000 sketches, dosent draw from reference, can do them fast and with no trubble.

>hurrr hes not da best !!
>show noone better

>> No.2114157

>legoman sees the anatomy in matrix code

like mental deconstruction of anatomy into basic shapes isn't a skill that ANY artist, that isn't total shit, has

please scrubby fanboy, do the world a favor and go kill yourself

>> No.2114158

Its a good drawing though. I don't understand how you think it proves your point. Keep in mind you're literally posting this in a porn thread.

>> No.2114161

You basically mentioned all artists, that aren't total shit
Seriously man, if you are so bad you can't tell where legoman makes mistakes, just stop posting. The problem here is not me, the problem here is not legoman, the only problem here is you and your lack of artistic criticism.

>> No.2114162

No I told you already to kill yourself why the fuck are you still allowed to type kid ?

>> No.2114164

obviously his work isn't bad
I am simply saying his art isn't something I would use for reference since there are so many better masters/artist out there.

i posted this image simply to prove that legoman has flaws, just like any other mid tier/decent tumblr artist/commissioner.
legoman is not a bad artist, but he's no master either.

>> No.2114165

The problem here is your lack of eyes. If you werent a total retard you would learn from Legoman a thing or two. You will always be shit.

>> No.2114166

the only autistic retard that writes like a kid here is you

>> No.2114168

I am sorry, but legoman can't really teach me anything.
I think I am somewhere at his level or a tad better. Both in anatomy knowledge and line skill.

>> No.2114169

good for you. Are you making as much money as him from making porn then ;^) ?

>> No.2114174

8k monthly
not really sure if that's more than him

>> No.2114175


>> No.2114176

also, this really doesn't have anything to do with his or my skill and doesn't prove anything.

ok, no, it proves that I'm talking with a retarded autistic kid

i'm really going to kill myself

>> No.2114177

whats up with everyone suddenly getting all autistic about legoman? he is better than 90% of everyone on /ic/ if you ask me

>> No.2114179

of course he is, but his autistic fanboy can't understand what we are talking about when we say there are other true masters out there and legoman isn't one of them

>> No.2114181

hes better then 100% of /ic/. mate.

>true musturds

show. better. sketches. in. porn. industry.

>> No.2114182

because this is /ic/ so we need something to bitch about even if that something is nothing

>> No.2114185

show. better. sketches. in. porn. industry
omg, you ARE serious

here, all on a totally different (higher) level than legoman

Kisaragi Gunma
Shiwasu no Okina
The Seiji
Sago Jou
Teri Terio
NiseMIDIdoronokai - Ishikei
Kohaku Saegusa
Kengo Yonekura
Sasagawa Hayashi
Nise Midi Doronokai
Tsukino Jyogi
Yumisuke Kotoyoshi
Royal Koyanagi

>> No.2114188
File: 70 KB, 640x480, 57d4c3dae168cc40082e5aa04c7e5222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok lets see.
Jingrock- nope
Kisaragi Gunma are u serious ? nope
Shiwasu no Okina nope
The Seiji are you fucking serious ? This is one of his work. I aint even looking at the others you fucking moron.

>> No.2114190

I just copy pasted a list I had since 2007. It's possible that there are some artists that aren't that good.
But I'm glad that you can tell all the rest is so much better than legoman. It's a start, fanon. Keep it up!

>> No.2114192


I can see Ishikei. Hes good, one of the top but we are talking about good sketch artist not finnished works. You proved nothing so shut up and kill yourself.

>> No.2114193

Jesus, fuck off already. You're obnoxious.

You are aware you can criticize something without necessarily being better, right?

You are aware that there are better artists out there, right? Why do you think people are somehow immune to criticism once they hit a certain point? Do you think people have nothing to learn or work on?

Why do you have this mindset of "I like x, they can do no wrong?"

Do you have brain problems?

>> No.2114194 [DELETED] 

haha, I checked again all the artists from the list that you mentioned, because it was strange to me, that I knew all of them from memory, which is strange if they're all at least as bad as legoman.
Hahaha, never mind fanon, you really are total garbage at judging art.
Keep your autism, I'm not going to respond you anymore. Cheerio.

>> No.2114196

haha, just a last note

implying that finished works don't prove that these artists can also sketch better than legoman

all my sides

bye, scrub fanon

>> No.2114197

haha, I checked again all the artists from the list that you mentioned, because it was strange to me, that I knew all of them from memory, which is strange if they're all at least as bad as legoman.
Hahaha, never mind fanon, you really are total garbage at judging art.
Keep your autism, I'm not going to respond you anymore. Cheerio.

>> No.2114199

nope. It means they are probably useing heavy reference for their finnished stuff while legoman can produce it fast and knows his shit. You need to stop comparing top tier artists the way you do. Every one of them is better in some aspects. Thats why lego is at top tier because he makes top tier sketches in a top tier way. You did not provide anyone whos way better in sketching. So now you are running away as bitch kid you are.

>> No.2114202

any proof to back all your shit?
regarding both the masters using tons of references (which is totally fine) and legoman using none.

i thought so.

>> No.2114206

Im still waiting for better sketches ;^)
Should be pretty fast response form you since its so OBVIOUS hes not one of the best in sketching ! right ?

just watch lego's streams.

>> No.2114210

I'm still waiting for your autism to get cured.
Sometimes you simply can't get what you want.

As I told you, I doubt I'd learn anything from his streams. Maybe how to draw small feet and hands.

>> No.2114214

>Y-you h-have a-autism ! T.T

Now you are doubting. Now you are maybe-ing. Still no better sketches. Ok anon stop being such a tsundere for lego-senpai I know you love him the way he is.

>> No.2114219

Nah, I don't really dig his art. Too generic of a style and his pieces have no added value. They neither are smart, neither are funny. Just cold poses. If at least his anatomy was really as good as you blabber, then maybe he'd have something for me to look after, but at the level he's now, where I think he's worse than me... Nah...

>> No.2114220


what the shit is this

>> No.2114221

Ok anon it was nice talking to you but its time to end, peace.

>> No.2114228
File: 17 KB, 400x400, peace.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2114233

Ok, now I think I know why everyone's bitching so much about this guy. While he does decent line work, there's usually one or two glaringly massive mistakes that just ruins his pictures.

Here I suppose it could be attributed to artistic license (a bad use of it), but the way the figure is posed it looks like her spine would break. I tried getting into that pose myself, and while it seems doable, it wouldn't be placed on the grid like this.

The way he's drawn that pose has it flattened, and at that angle she is likely in pain.

>> No.2114235

Does it even matter if you're a master draftsmen if you already can pull a loyal fanbase?

Not trying to defend of defame LM, but he draws well enough for their purposes. Are anons offended by the fact that Legoman's art is in demand?

>> No.2114242

Depends. I'm exaggerating to make the following point, but would you want to be mediocre but appealing to a large group of idiots, or great and appealing to a smaller group with higher standards?

>> No.2114246

it's a stupid question because nowadays integrity is worthless.

>> No.2114255

>"mmhm sure onii chan fucked your pussy senseless"
>she doesnt know that oniichan stuck it in every hole
>top kek

>> No.2114262
File: 51 KB, 378x303, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you increase cup sizes everytime you draw porn of a girl you work with
>tfw you cum faster everytime you draw porn of people you know

>> No.2114272

Sorry to answer you're question with a question, but why should I want to appeal to a higher standard? What are my motives? I think there's a bigger context than you're shit or you have "standards".

That's a little dramatic, I could enjoy a piece of legoman art, but that doesn't mean he can waltz onto a AAA game or movie/feature animation.

>> No.2114287

>Are anons offended by the fact that Legoman's art is in demand?
I think people get mad because people think everyone who is in demand is also above criticism and should be copied and studied,
the only reason legoman stands out to some people is because he is inside an industry that is starving for professional all time porn artists since its very
badly established and very little people are willing to take a chance since it's a self publication self advertisement thing and is not well organized as
in japan, if he was a japanese artists he would just be another artist in a monthly ero magazine that most people would either like or ignore but no more than that.

>> No.2114289

>why should I want to appeal to a higher standard?
If this is a difficult concept for you to grasp, I don't think I'm going to be able to explain it to you.

>> No.2114292

>Selective quoting

>"What are my motives? I think there's a bigger context than you're shit or you have "standards".

Am I appealing to these higher standards to impress some anon in a draw thread? Is there a story or idea I want to convey that necessitates a certain standard? Can you make good work that doesn't conform to this standard? Who defines this higher standard, does it change with the nature of the work?

All this is to say a lot of anons on this board have high standards, most of them can't live up to them. So why should someone appeal to these standards?

You think establishing a market would lift the general quality of porn?

>> No.2114293

>would you want to be mediocre but appealing to a large group of idiots, or great and appealing to a smaller group with higher standards?

Are you asking this in a porn thread? Really? You do understand that MOST of these people who spend their time drawing porn are content with being mediocre with a large group of idiots who enjoy their shit. This isn't true for all porn artists, but it's definitely true for most. Which is why so many of them end up stagnated and frustrated. Why do you think pandering to what's popular is so important to them? These niggas don't care for a quality fanbase. They just want numbers. It's always been about quantity and never quality. That's what happens when your gimmick (tits and ass on top of mainstream popular weeb trash) is so easy to sell.

>> No.2114297

>You think establishing a market would lift the general quality of porn?
Of course it will, there are many artist who want to get into porn but don't want to get commissions, selling your own work is nearly impossible without any gimmicks like patron and the like,
most artist in the west right now see porn as a temporary way to get a "real" art job in the future.

>> No.2114301

>So why should someone appeal to these standards?
I honestly don't know what you're trying to get at. This isn't about market research or trying to cut corners. What reasons people have for wanting to improve themselves and reach a higher standard is up to them.

>> No.2114303

Well, that's a mentality that's never, at any point, crossed my mind.

>> No.2114306
File: 76 KB, 968x618, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the matrix mother fucker

>> No.2114307

If you're the same anon, I got the feeling you were alluding to an objective higher standard, which I argue doesn't exist for my reasons above.

>What reasons people have for wanting to improve themselves and reach a higher standard is up to them.

Was my point.

> This isn't about market research or trying to cut corners

Not sure where you got this though.

>> No.2114311

>Not sure where you got this though.
You kept talking about lowering your standards to the point where it was barely acceptable.

>objective higher standard
There's always an objectively higher standard, such as being able to draw better and not cutting corners.

>> No.2114314

Please quote where I said to lower you standards.

>such as being able to draw better and not cutting corners

If I can convey the same information in a contour drawing that I can in a 60 hour rendering, which drawing is objectively better and why?

>> No.2114326
File: 256 KB, 985x931, a14348da8a906fa9072eceecbb2c03ea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this thread still ok

>> No.2114327

If you keep questioning why someone should have standards, then people naturally think you're promoting a mentality that supports mediocrity.

Regardless, you seem to love asking vague, leading questions rather than having any kind of discussion, so I'll just leave it at that.

>> No.2114328

no its fucked.

>> No.2114330

Are people in this thread really implying that you can't improve your art if you draw porn?
You gotta be kidding me lol.

>> No.2114338


No, people are implying that the people IN drawn porn (most artists and their customers) celebrate mediocrity. Hence why pandering to whatever is mainstream or trending in the weeb sphere with TnA is so important. Only a select few don't give a shit.

>> No.2114341


>you seem to love asking vague, leading questions rather than having any kind of discussion

>"If I can convey the same information in a contour drawing that I can in a 60 hour rendering, which drawing is objectively better and why?"

I ask this questioned because it goes to your argument of an objective standard. The same subject handled two conflicting ways (line versus value) achieving the same result. Which is better under an objective standard of art? Clear enough?

>If you keep questioning why someone should have standards

Didn't find the quote huh? Let me clarify, there is a specific context to all work that can't be universally shoehorned into one standard. Drawing for animation is not the same as Painting. And no, not because they are different mediums. Animation relies on simplification and appeal for good drawing, Painting relies on value and edge. While there is overlap (constuction, composition, color etc.) One can't hand in a glen keane drawing an call it a good painting, regardless of how good a draftsmen he is, and vice versa.

So which one is better?

>> No.2114356

>Animation relies on simplification and appeal for good drawing
Animation is just a series of images that move over time. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.2114376

Why is this fucking loli squid so lewd? i don't even play the games but everytime i see her on pixiv i feel like i have to masturbate.

>> No.2114378

Feet too big

>> No.2114388
File: 56 KB, 637x800, missolivecomm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is acting
>What is appeal

I don't think you know what you're talking about, but let's agree to disagree.

continuing this wip, gonna wait for commissioner to sign off on it then take it to finish.

>> No.2114389

>So which one is better?
Not him but i think that it's simply the one that you prefer for the reasons you prefer, i usually like to masturbate to simple things like
manga and cel shaded art, but i wish to be like white datura and paint beautiful sceneries with naked lolis

>> No.2114390

Back from the dead eh?

>> No.2114391

Why not just google image search
>family nudists
At this point?

>> No.2114399

You're asking for objective, simple answers to a loaded question that depends on the individual circumstances. You're not interested in an answer, so you try to trick me into giving you a universal answer to a question that has no universal answers.

Basically, you're being a transparent asshole trying to lead me into a trap, instead of discussing this like a normal person.

What sparked this discussion were standards within a relatively narrow medium and subject, something that really is comparable on a somewhat objective basis.

>> No.2114406

Because you've got pedophile tendencies?

Loli does nothing for me.

>> No.2114407

Its the mask

>> No.2114408

I don't understand you, i like paintings and painting, why would you look at a painting of a knight instead of
googling knight images?

>> No.2114412

I do but its not every loli, this loli is a dangerous semen demon i tell you, trust no one who says otherwise.

>> No.2114416

Real niggas move in silence.

Which is exactly my point. Yes white datura can paint like you read about, and I aspire to their technique (loli is gross to me though), but that's not the only way to make good work.

It's not loaded, I asked for you to define these higher standards, you said good draftsmenship. I gave you a hypothetical where two equally competent drawings are done in contrasting ways and asked you what was objectively better. That you can't answer that isn't a fucking trick, it means you were mistaken.

>Basically, you're being a transparent asshole
Now ad hominem, great.

>What sparked this discussion were standards within a relatively narrow medium and subject, something that really is comparable on a somewhat objective basis.

How can you be "somewhat objective"? Fine, let's get back to Legoman, what does he do? Make porn. What are the objective standards of stylization as applied to pornography?

>> No.2114426

>but that's not the only way to make good work.
Of course not, every style and technique has its place, i observed that i usually like to masturbate to simple things for some reason as i said, like manga and simple shaded drawings or animation,
i absolutely love paintings but i can't really masturbate to them or very rendered drawings, white datura is one of my favorite artists, and i love his lewd art, but i usually just enjoy looking at it not masturbating to it.

>> No.2114434
File: 306 KB, 1000x1749, 37293753_big_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this loli is a dangerous semen demon i tell you

No, she isn't. You just have pedophile tendencies. Semen demons aren't ironing boards.

>> No.2114447

>That you can't answer that isn't a fucking trick, it means you were mistaken.
No, that means you're asking a question that you don't want an answer to, because you think you know the answer.
The problem is that you have no clue what you're talking about, because the circumstances you're presenting me with don't have enough information and is extremely circumstantial, and because you're trying to start an argument about something I never even mentioned.

>Now ad hominem, great.
It may be an ad hominem, but it's not a baseless ad hominem. I specifically told you why you're being a transparent asshole. It's your asinine debate technique. State your opinion, rather than asking vague, leading questions.
By the way, have you stopped beating your mother yet?

>What are the objective standards of stylization as applied to pornography?
Actually, the criticism leveled at him is fairly universal; lack of variety. He draws the same faces, the same expressions, the same bodies, the same sexual situations, and so on. He occasionally struggles with proportions and perspective as well.
You could claim his art style is poor, but that's where we get into the realm between subjectivity and objectivity. Some will claim you can't criticize this, because everyone has a right to draw what they want, and he clearly has some level of popularity. However, this is also a very silly mentality, as it's clear that people frequently criticize things based on non-technical issues. The stereotypical examples would be Justin Bieber and Michael Bay. If you can criticize these people for being shallow and generic, you can also criticize Legoman for the same things. The fact that something is pornographic in nature, doesn't automatically mean all standards fly out the window.

I should also mention that this isn't an argument about Legoman not being allowed to draw what he wants. But if you make some form of commercial entertainment product, you're open for criticism.

>> No.2114475
File: 975 KB, 290x231, 1426995860856.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually, the criticism leveled at him is fairly universal; lack of variety. He draws the same faces, the same expressions, the same bodies, the same sexual situations, and so on. He occasionally struggles with proportions and perspective as well.
>You could claim his art style is poor, but that's where we get into the realm between subjectivity and objectivity. Some will claim you can't criticize this, because everyone has a right to draw what they want, and he clearly has some level of popularity. However, this is also a very silly mentality, as it's clear that people frequently criticize things based on non-technical issues. The stereotypical examples would be Justin Bieber and Michael Bay. If you can criticize these people for being shallow and generic, you can also criticize Legoman for the same things. The fact that something is pornographic in nature, doesn't automatically mean all standards fly out the window.
>I should also mention that this isn't an argument about Legoman not being allowed to draw what he wants. But if you make some form of commercial entertainment product, you're open for criticism.

This guy gets it. Also, explains why so many online based commission artists have terrible business sense on top of unprofessional behavior. Fans coddle them and those fans are their main clientele and the people they work with/for. They don't deal or do business with actual business men/women so they get away with non-sense.

>> No.2114485
File: 287 KB, 1039x931, dce7added4f24d5fbd2253de95417766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going for shota squid and older girl squid.
as you can see I added ink sacs.

>> No.2114487

>Y-you just can't handle a real curby womynz !

It's no pedophile tendencies it's completely healthy and natural to be attracted to a fertile young petite and flowering Woman.

>> No.2114489
File: 485 KB, 1042x1500, c8add987a352e662cf354dcc6b4bab8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying loli are fertile
>implying being sexually attracted to children is natural
>implying if you don't like loli you must only like chub.

I like petite, fit, and chub. Loli is shit and your mentally ill if you're going to call it "natural" to want to bone children.

>> No.2114490

>You just have pedophile tendencies
And you seem to have milf tendencies, i don't get your point, she is still a semen demon.

>> No.2114494

Could we not have this discussion in every thread?

>> No.2114496

Nothing is natural when you are trying to copulate with a drawing, i like everything from toddlecon to ara ara repeating milfs, i don't see why you need to limit yourself.

>> No.2114498


>By the way, have you stopped beating your mother yet?

I think it's goes how often? But I've made my stance

>What reasons people have for wanting to improve themselves and reach a higher standard is up to them.

>Was my point.

but I will say it again: I don't think there is an objective, or even higher standard of art outside of what the individual wants to accomplish. Any attempt to make a universal rule isn't only impossible, it inhibits experimentation and CAUSES stagnation. I challenge you to refute that.

That is my position, do you want my shoe size as well?

>No, that means you're asking a question that you don't want an answer to, because you think you know the answer

see above

I actually agree the criticisms again legoman, he's follows a formula. It may work but it is formula. What my issue was with the idea that there was a objective standard that they fell short of. Which a lot of anons like to tout, even if they can't live up to it.

"You don't need to be a cook etc.

True enough, I'd still take the advice of a cook.

>> No.2114503

The funyer thing is that this board is so small that it's probably the same people arguing every time in the exact same way, i don't see why they can't just agree to disagree.

>> No.2114508

>implying art doesn't imitate life

Just because the kid in the drawing isn't real doesn't change that it's a depiction of a kid. It's just a fictional one. You can find that arousing, but you trying denounce that sexual arousal from the depiction of children isn't natural is hilarious. Like what you like, but be honest with what you are, m8. You remind me of furfags.

>> No.2114512


This was me, i never tried to denounce anything, i just thought it was funny you used the word natural when you were talking about 2D, i don't get mad
at people who don't like loli, it's understandable.

>> No.2114518

>I don't think there is an objective, or even higher standard of art outside of what the individual wants to accomplish.

I wasn't talking about standards of style or some sort of rigid system. I was talking about the technical aspect, which has an objective component to it, and creativity which is harder to judge. Don't settle, aim higher, try new things.

As far as stagnation is concerned, Legoman is a prime example of this, and he seems to have burned out entirely based on his output.

>> No.2114521

I doubt most furfags want to fuck animals, or that bronies want to fuck actual ponies.

>> No.2114535

Alright, then I misread. No hard feelings.

>> No.2114556
File: 135 KB, 651x729, pron - Kopi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make thumbnails kids, to not fuck up as I do and not know where to go with it

>> No.2114574

Some do, the ones who're really off the deep end. But at least when they jack off to buff bodies with animal heads and cow-girls or pics of pony girls they admit they're furries and bronies.

>> No.2114600
File: 8 KB, 184x184, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real niggas move in silence
>real G's move in silence like lasagna

>> No.2114613
File: 81 KB, 1024x576, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why limit yourself


>> No.2114620
File: 61 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You caught me red handed

>> No.2114654


>> No.2114656
File: 671 KB, 1200x1600, attempt1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so I'm pretty new to digital sketching in general, which obviously means that it's time for me to get into doing lewder things. I took a request from a /tg/ drawthread and started working on it but I need some pointers.

>Requesting two tall and busty amazon guards who are being robbed by some short thief. They can't see him because he's hiding below their boobs.

^ original request. Redline or general anatomy pointers to make the plan more appealing are very welcome.

Please be gentle, I'm learning

>> No.2114770
File: 41 KB, 400x400, 1375386876515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just gotta ask, but is it easy making money off of porn commissions and how does one start?

>> No.2114798

>is it easy making money off of porn commissions
depends entirely on your skill level
>how does one start?
post your stuff, gain watchers, put it out there that you take commissions and wait for nibbles

>> No.2114826 [DELETED] 
File: 341 KB, 648x1008, Girl With Boobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this in a draw thread, thought it would look better with some sweater cannons

>> No.2114897

Do what you like.
I do the gay because I like the gay

>> No.2115092
File: 448 KB, 850x667, demon dicks1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time for more shitty mayo level porn

>> No.2115097

anyone have that old drawing cleavage infographic floating around?

>> No.2115319
File: 2.93 MB, 412x395, 1392524070998.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever draw something and you know you're definitely crossing a line, but you're just making yourself way too horny and excited to stop?
>pic actually kinda related

>> No.2115333
File: 13 KB, 191x248, weed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entry level guro

>> No.2115339

Not judging you, but violence and gore just doesn't do it for me. I mean I like it in a nice dark story or whatever, but it doesn't make me horny.

>> No.2115343

It was just accidental cuts and gashes.

>> No.2115347

Eh, if that's all you probably weren't crossing a line. Sounds like you got pretty close though.

>> No.2115349

fat ugly people doing cute girls?

>> No.2115350

Kinda weird but I don't think that crosses a line. Lots of people buy into the terrible guy with hot chick trope.

>> No.2115351

>tfw I've fapped to pinata 'guro'
>it's okay to abuse your pinata, they like it

>> No.2115406

I think this is who most ero artists start, i sometimes go and check very old like a decade ago art
of japanese artists, and it's mostly just sugestive smut and simple things, while then they have gone full
nose hook/armpit hair/scat, i think most people are afraid to suddenly dive so deep.

>> No.2115417
File: 6 KB, 131x125, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entry level guro
>Kate Marsh

Anon, did you fap to her corpse?

>> No.2115441
File: 65 KB, 500x748, 1413580950659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help /ic/ I have the sjw horde on me for drawing porn

>> No.2115449

tumblr board I'm assuming. They're retarded but don't piss them off too much or you'll risk getting deleted.

>> No.2115467
File: 81 KB, 526x567, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you draw the gems or what?

>> No.2115479

Are there any books or online resources that specifically focus on porn content like how to draw different variety of genitalia etc?

>> No.2115504

Indeed you suck. stop drawing and find another hobby

>> No.2115507

haha, just saw your latest msgs on tumblr
some people really are dumbasses

>> No.2115508

well, since I get paid pretty good for it, I can't really call it a hobby.
Thank god I can sell uncolored stuff.

>> No.2115513

Do nothing but reply to their wine with reaction pictures and nonsense if they send it to you. otherwise do nothing

>> No.2115517

The drawing is ok enough but the colors are horrible.

>> No.2115548

It's a wip which I could carry on and make acceptable, but coloring is so tedious to me I just don't have the will to do it.
I have to learn how to color whole scenes, not only characters.

>> No.2115610

You could start off by fixing your value structure.

>> No.2115659

True that. I think I can achieve better results if I use grayscale value "coloring" and then flat color in a layer above , but CSP/MS has really bad layer options in regards. I wish there was a 'color' layer option like photoshop has.

>> No.2115719

deeply disturbing
that leg is awfully long, i don't think it should be that long. also fix the foot on the same leg, it looks really odd

>> No.2115752

try aiming for bluer colors in shade and yellower colors in light.

It's a quick and rough but it'd add a lot to help your color choices in general. You do need to work on value though.

>> No.2115763
File: 287 KB, 1058x749, ss+(2015-06-09+at+12.50.19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really fast pic related.

this more or less hits it on the head.

>> No.2115767

Link pls

Best way to deal with whiny sjws is to drop a huge blog post or even a youtube video (that you totally weren't going to write/ make today) about online bullying over sexual preferences aka "forcing someone to be ashamed of their sexuality". Don't mention anyone by name and just use their conduct as examples.

>> No.2115815


It's not even about being ashamed of your sexuality. It's about censorship. Art is a safe means for people to explore their urges safely, fucked up or vanilla. To try and censor that, even when you don't agree with whatever the urge is, is fucking retarded. Censoring their best means for expression isn't going to make it go away. Why people don't understand this is beyond me.

>> No.2115845

As the previous dude already said, you should tweak the values on that background, especially the sword. Lower the saturation on it a lot.

>> No.2115860

That's not how a pelvis works, legs are very off

>> No.2115874

I didn't draw it dude,all I did was edit the colors.

>> No.2115942

OMG, thanks a lot for this "paintover". Really helpful. <3

>> No.2115960


>> No.2115968

All I want to know is did you draw underaged characters?

>> No.2115977

here we go again.

>> No.2115980

I'm not even trying to start shit, I just want to know what the lightning rod is now. That's what it was before, and if it's still that, then I don't need to worry about me.

>> No.2115983


>> No.2115986

see >>2115980

>> No.2115987

Alright then, i am just tired of it since since some triggered tumblrs completely ruined whole threads out of nowhere about it before, polite sage.

>> No.2115988

I literally do not understand what you're trying to say. Rephrase por favor?

>> No.2115989

I'm just want to know what to avoid drawing so that I don't have these assholes coming after me. Last I heard they were going after people for drawing kids. If that's what set them off on this guy, then I don't need to worry about my shit. But if they're going after people for some other shit now, I'd like to know about it, and I think really most of us should want to know that.

>> No.2115991
File: 356 KB, 972x900, anzuass2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was mainly doing low res sketches recently, but understood it wasn't such a good idea after all and reworked on one made last week.

>> No.2115992
File: 15 KB, 604x438, 1432163223829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Worrying about people on the Internet and letting them intimidate you on what you can and can't do

>> No.2115995

>here we go again

Not that anon, I'll shame people for liking loli all I want. Much like I'll shame chubby chasers. I'm just not going to report them for drawing it because they are free to like what they like regardless if I do. I love how people can't just EXPRESS disapproval of anything these days. Fucking hugbox mentality. Tumblr is stupid because they try to silence, not simply because they hate it.

>> No.2115997

Depending on it is, I would either stand my ground about it or possibly post it on another site, I wouldn't let it stop me. But I don't want to deal with tumblr's bullshit. Besides, I have no inclination whatsoever to draw kids so it's not like I'm not drawing them just to please tumblr. But I would least like to know if a storm is coming rather than get blindsided.

>> No.2116008
File: 91 KB, 900x503, Squid%20from%20kaikoura%20montage%20copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they HATE it when you draw squids.

>> No.2116013

Alright whatever, I'm just gonna assume it was pedo shit and go on about my business.

>> No.2116023


No, they hate pedo shit. Nice deflection though. Shit like this is why you're as annoying as the fuckers whining. You don't just admit to what the fuck you're drawing and be done with it. Call the shit what it is. Pedo trash. You can like it, it's still trash. People only tolerate it because it's fiction and doesn't hurt anyone.

>> No.2116031

Then why is it trash?

>> No.2116034

Can we make a new thread already and stop fighting

>> No.2116044

stop being an annoying ass licking faggot and maybe you'd get a serious response.

>> No.2116045


Because being sexually attracted to the depiction of a child (who can't even procreate by nature) serves no purpose.

You fuckers are too ashamed to even admit to having pedophile tendencies. That's the real problem. So you deflect with shit statements like.
>t-they are squids!!!

Like I said, it's not a real issue as long as it stays in the fantasy realm, but that doesn't change that they are kids in depiction. That is pedophilia.

>> No.2116047
File: 17 KB, 754x490, 1430801447809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If porno triggers your autismo so much you should consider drawing something else.
Maybe you can draw comics about privilege, I heard those are popular on tumblr.

>> No.2116051

The only people getting trigger are you because you're being called pedophiles and you refuse to accept that, kek.

>> No.2116053

There's a big difference between being sexually attracted short cartoon/anime girls and 10y/o kids.
>getting trigger

>> No.2116054


Yeah, one is fictional so it's technically ok since it hurts no one. The other isn't so it's not. Both are still pedophilia.

>> No.2116055
File: 322 KB, 724x720, 1429231595237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think I care if some crybaby on a chinese imageboard calls me a pedophile?
I will draw whatever the hell I want.

>> No.2116056

So thinking that short girls are hot is pedophilia?

>> No.2116059

>Do you think I care if some crybaby on a chinese imageboard calls me a pedophile?

Society sees you as a pedophile. It's not just me, bruh. But have at it. Your free to draw want you want as much as I'm free to call you a defect like the rest of society does for thinking kids are sexy. No one gives a shit if they are fictional. It's still the depiction of a child.

>> No.2116061

>another deflection


>> No.2116064

And you think I am flaunting my porn to people irl? lol.
I don't even like little girls/boys. I draw them sometimes because it's fun.

>> No.2116066

I haven't been saying anything other than there is a difference than anime shit and kids.
But you can't acknowledge the difference because you want to something to bitch about.

>> No.2116077

And there is a difference between 'chibi' and 'loli' and you know damn well the difference is that one character has an adult form or is at least considered to be an adult and the other is understood to be a child. Trying to call it another name is pointless, know what you're doing, know what you are, and if you won't stop, face your label like a fucking adult, that's the least you can do.

>> No.2116079


The subject is that Splatoon garbage. The poster characters in Splatoon are depicted as children. This should be a fucking no brainer because the game itself is marketed TOWARD kids and families just like the majority of Nintendo's garbage. It's literally designed to be babies first shooter.

I'm telling you the difference is one is fiction while the other isn't. Thus, one is ok to explore the fetish in since it's a cartoon and hurts no one while the other isn't fiction and thus would hurt real people.

What you're trying to denounce is that both ARE pedophilia since both deal with children and the universal fact that art imitates life in some form or fashion. All just so you don't have to call yourself a pedophile because your shame is that deep already. That's why I'm laughing at you.

>> No.2116081

a shitposter
never saw that before on /ic/

>> No.2116094
File: 1.00 MB, 350x191, 1413770319285.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people will continue to draw splatoon loli/shota while you sit on your ass and get triggered because no one gives a fuck except you and the tumblrites

>> No.2116099

>I don't even like little girls/boys. I draw them sometimes because it's fun.

So I'm not the only one which that happens to. I wasn't into futa/trap/spanking at all before drawing lewds, then I got requested that and it ended up being fuck as heck to draw.

>> No.2116102
File: 568 KB, 808x560, 1432418978718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All just so you don't have to call yourself a pedophile because your shame is that deep already. That's why I'm laughing at you.
Then I'll keep denying it up and down just to make you butthurt.

>> No.2116105
File: 45 KB, 446x400, 1428965315070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still projecting

The only people getting triggered are the people being called pedophiles. They are free to draw the shit as I stated earlier. It's just funny how much they deflect when being called what they are. Society knows what you are. You're the only people in denial. That's what's comical about all of this.

Tumblrites want to silence your expression. I don't. I'm just content with calling you what you are while you foam at the mouth in denial about it.

>> No.2116107

>You're the only people in denial
This. I know someone who's a therapist for child molestors and although she can't disclose a lot, from what I've heard even the ones who've done it in real life to real children and been convicted of the shit deny it. It's fucking insane.

>> No.2116128 [DELETED] 
File: 279 KB, 842x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck cares shut up

>> No.2116136

>s-stop shaming me

Literally a defect to society.

>> No.2116202
File: 313 KB, 794x1000, bodysuitMio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Mio fanart before going to bed.

>> No.2116206

c-cloud sama?

>> No.2116208

Not really.

>> No.2116211

I used to draw with you waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back on openCanvas 1. Update your site plis?

>> No.2116215

>Update your site plis?

What. I'm not sure I'm the person you think I am.

>> No.2116219

>Kengo Yonekura
>Royal Koyanagi

Those two are some of my favorite artists. So much so I recognized their names immediately.

>> No.2116224

Dr. Cloud?

>> No.2116225
File: 43 KB, 276x268, 00c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the third time, I'm not this guy.

>> No.2116227

Anatomically and in terms of perspective your hands are still all over the place + her right hand should be placed a tad to the right and down so it rests better on her boob.
Bub I love all the rest. Really nice style.

>> No.2116229
File: 314 KB, 748x1000, Tink003b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Tinkerbell sketch commission.

>> No.2116230

sure, if you say so

>> No.2116231

> her right hand should be placed a tad to the right and down so it rests better on her boob.

The right hand wasn't actually to be resting on the boobs, it just occurred me to do that for the left one when I drew it, then I felt too lazy to modify the right hand.
Looking at it again, I totally fucked up the lengh of the left arm, but I don't see anything really wrong with the hands themselves.

>> No.2116239

Then the position of the right hand is simply strange and it looks like it is going inside her torso.

Also, the fact that you don't see anything wrong with the hands, it doesn't mean there isn't. Do you want me to redline it again?

>> No.2116241

Don't bother, I guess it's just the usual "can't see the obvious errors of your drawing" thing, should be more obvious after looking at it again tomorrow. Yeah, I know the right hand placement doesn't make much sense, wanted to make it like it's half "floating" and half touching the body, oh well.

>> No.2116269

>can't see the obvious errors of your drawing thing
Yeah, exactly. I'm sure you already did it, but maybe you'll see it just by flipping the canvas horizontally.
>half "floating" and half touching the body
Try using visual clues like slight shadows under the fingers or bent fingertips.

>> No.2116337

In-case? issat you? Looking good though. Not quite sure about the placement of her vagoo. Perhaps you could force the perspective of her feet and legs more? If that's what you're going for push it.

>> No.2116344

>He doesn't know BBC-chan

>> No.2116355

I really don't, educate me.

>> No.2116373

this is a lot hotter than the first colored one, figure out what style you want and make sure it works well for the emotion you're capturing.

>> No.2116396


>> No.2116477

Nigger you're triggered.

>> No.2116488

New thread when?

>> No.2116530
File: 230 KB, 748x1000, tinkerbell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got carried away and drew her too old, too tall, too lean, too everything.
Made a revision.

>> No.2116545
File: 530 KB, 700x606, g016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that pussy is sticking out way too much

I would recommend watching some of Vilppu's lectures. "you gotta FEEEEEL the form"


H-h-how did i do on this one, /ic/ ?

>> No.2116549
File: 157 KB, 439x558, Screen shot 2015-06-09 at 9.08.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me again.
Crits before i start lining and painting this thing?
gotta fix the right leg.

>> No.2116562
File: 23 KB, 340x385, ayyyy_LMAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>call something what it is
>y-you're triggered

>> No.2116566

Yeah that looks way better. I think that raised foot might be a bit off though, but yeah, nice stuff.

>> No.2116569
File: 240 KB, 618x1000, Tink002a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also process video

>> No.2116626

>Denying being a pedophile means you are a pedophile

Holy shit! Everyone is a pedophile!

>> No.2116628

Head looks too big

>> No.2116633

It's on purpose.

>> No.2116638

>Denying something means you are it.
Even a simple trip to wikipedia will tell you what pedophilia is, it's the primary or exclusive attraction to children, most people can enjoy lolicon content and adult content just fine,
it's like calling a pansexual person gay and you are telling him that he is in denial because he tells you that he's not gay since he also finds everything attractive.

>> No.2116653

Wow, nice false dichotomy there. They were convicted of committing sexual crimes against underaged people and were in therapy because they still had sexual urges towards underaged people, yet they deny they're pedos even though that's pretty much a dictionary definition of a pedophile. What you're doing is stupid, saying that you're not attracted to kids because you only fap to cartoon kids is nonsense. You don't fap to them because they're cartoons, it's because they represent kids, otherwise you'd fap to Wonder Woman or something. If a guy fucks guys he's gay, if he faps to furry he's a furry, if it looks and quacks like a duck it's a duck, and if you fap to kids you're a pedo. Period.

>> No.2116663

Why are you dodging my post? >>2116638 this has nothing to do with why the conversation started, you just assumed that this person is a pedophile because he also likes to draw lolis,
witch is not the case, maybe he is but maybe he isn't, he doesn't do anything wrong either way, but you want to just go ahead and misuse strong words to make a person you don't like feel bad,
that's all you ever wanted to do in this conversation when instead of talking you were saying that he is a pedophile since he said he wasn't. As i said you have to be primary or exclusively attracted to
children to be considered a pedophile,fun fact many child rapist are not actually considered pedophiles since they were just rapists who found children to be the easy target, so stop going around and
pretend to know everything about the sexualily of people on anonymous image boards. Its alright to not like lolicon, and it's alright to not like a group of people no one is forcing you to, but that is just pure hate shitposting and
i get the feeling that it's you every time a thread goes to shit.

>> No.2116680

You have the wrong idea about who I am first of all, because I've only posted the comment about the therapist I know and the second one about the false dichotomy, and usually I never even bother to enter these arguments at all because since I know that therapist, I know you can't easily change these people's minds. I'm not the one who started this shitstorm in this thread or any of the others that it's happened in. All I was saying is that I'm not surprised the people who are saying they're into this shit deny there's anything wrong with it, considering even the ones who cross the line of legality deny it too.
As far as labeling people's sexuality, there's nothing to debate or explain - if anyone faps to a child, in my book they're a pedo, end of story. I don't care about the subtle differences and nuances, I really don't, so don't waste another post trying to "educate" me about it, because this is my last post itt too.

>> No.2116689

>You don't fap to them because they're cartoons, it's because they represent kids
most anime shotas/lolis hardly look child like.
They have wide hips and small waists like women, and probably huge cocks for a child.
The faces hardly matter since all anime faces look the same for the most part.

honestly I would not equate that to being pedo.

>> No.2116692

>I am not posting anymore so i get to have the last word.
> if anyone faps to a child, in my book they're a pedo
As i said you are just misusing terms to your liking, not liking people who enjoy lolicon contend doesn't automatically makes them pedophiles since most people also like adult characters just as much.

>> No.2116837
File: 175 KB, 1166x768, thatkillingmood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm not expecting a response with this before I'm done, but if anyone could give me some quick feedback on these colors, I'd appreciate that. Not sure if the left is too "blue" and I need to down the saturation or if the blue(-est) is a better contrast to the skin.

>> No.2116848

I think that the right looks more correct as in not so exaggerated but the left looks better, we should see all of it together though.

>> No.2116937

I love the asses and the volume of the folds.
Erect /10

>> No.2116996

New Thread:
