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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 445 KB, 1200x975, start.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2108491 No.2108491 [Reply] [Original]

Post your nsfw, critique work and so on.
Furry is allowed, however do not over indulge on the subject of furries or their culture. Unnecessarily reporting these anons are strongly discouraged. This thread is dedicated to helping anons improve their erotic drawings and paintings.
Do not start flame wars.
Do not reply to Australians.
Stay on topic.

Last thread: >>2102625

Reminder that if you do not want to view this thread, please hide it by pressing the minus button or by right-clicking the thumbnail on the catalog and selecting "hide this thread."
Also, thank you mods and janitors for keeping this thread running well.

Questions about referances for drawing porn will be answered.

>> No.2108497

>tfw you can jack off to your own work by flipping the image

Demon pussy ahoy.

>> No.2108502
File: 82 KB, 1086x821, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you can jack off to your own work without flipping it

>> No.2108505

Quit getting distracted by your own drawings and get back to work faggots.

>> No.2108560
File: 535 KB, 1477x1000, Daily-NSFW-014a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2108565
File: 65 KB, 299x396, 1413734990493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Lord

>> No.2108571
File: 537 KB, 1477x1000, Daily-NSFW-014b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some coloring.

>> No.2108624


>> No.2108625


What the fuck is wrong with the guy's right leg?

Besides that, pretty good.

>> No.2108634

That's not physically possible. The guy's legs need to be further up. Right now they're phasing through her legs.

>> No.2108637

Lol. Thanks for using one of my works op

>> No.2108666
File: 631 KB, 1365x815, TQwpO8G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also was wondering if I could some advice on the coloring? Or links to any good tutorials, not really liking my current color style

>> No.2108674

the face and ass is repulsive 0/10

>> No.2108682

Oh boy are you guys retarded. Would you like some peanut butter and toast to go with your jelly?

>> No.2108691
File: 959 KB, 1414x1000, Daily-NSFW-015-Pam_Stealing_Nimfs_Milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stealing some milk

>> No.2108694

True. I'll fix it if I'll ever finish it.

>> No.2108722

But anon, >>2108565 I liked it!

>> No.2108736

The only one you rightly called out was the last one. I know there are some haters around but seriously, don't start acting like every comment on something is made in spite.

>> No.2108766

noob here.

Why did you do the initial drawing in that color?

>> No.2108778

Also noob here, but I'm guessing it's mostly just a matter of preference. A different colour can make the lines pop out more when you're used to seeing black lines. Also, that pink colour is reminiscent of other lewd things like blushing. It fits thematically with the content.

>> No.2108780


What the fuck are you idiots even talking about?
The image is flawless. No the legs are not "phasing" into one another. Humans have this stuff called fat. It squishes up when a force is applied to it. Not that you hungry skeletons would know.

>mfw everyone on /ic/ is critiquing the one good artist who gets everything right

>> No.2108796

Yet the artist himself acknowledged it was an issue?

>> No.2108806
File: 421 KB, 1420x1050, mika sketch 2015-06-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The poses are good and yes there should be interaction with fat, but the current angle of the dude's right leg puts it too far into the chick's upper thigh (unless you're into that sorta thing). Technical things like that are pretty objective even when taking style into account, and OP admitted to the error as well

Anyhoo, trying to keep my usual chicken scratching during construction to a minimum in undersketches like this.

>> No.2108809

still better than legoman :^)

>> No.2108826

I am insanely jealous of your skill.
Pls tell me you have been drawing for a long time. I just need reassurance that I will gitgud one day ;_;

>> No.2108841

Started taking drawing seriously a few years ago, but just know that there's always gonna be someone who gets something right faster/earlier than you, or developed a more appealing style, and don't stress it. What's more important is deconstructing the choices an artist is making and seeing where they succeed and fail, and putting in the time to cross-reference real life (or porn, in this case) with their techniques.

Someone linked Michael Hampton's Design and Invention book in the previous thread, I just wanna say that shit is amazing on the topics of construction and simplifying muscle groups.

>> No.2108866

stop ripping off legoman

>> No.2108932

stop not having a clue what you are talking about

>> No.2108939

>tfw yer dick is too small to do shit like this

>> No.2108945

I know that feel anon.

>> No.2108947

if we combine our dicks whe can have one big dick.

>> No.2108959

knowing my luck it will just be a fat one :^)

>> No.2108981

bbc-c here. you nailed it I_Ib

>> No.2108984

It is true I wanted to go for what you are saying (squished ass cheek and thighs pressed against each other), but I simply exaggerated. I should either put her right leg more into perspective so that it is barely visible, or bend the guy's right leg slightly towards his body. Right now it looks really off. These kind of errors happen to me all the time, especially when I'm tired and flipping the image doesn't do the trick anymore.
Anyway, thanks for your support anon. <3

>> No.2109026

I like this but it looks as if her breasts are resting on some flat surface. I assume you're trying to portray how her shirt is applying pressure to the bottom of her breasts, but it's just not quite there.

One of those difficult when dealing with stupid ass anime clothing designs. I think you're going to have a hard time finding a believable balance between the fact the breasts would be pressed flat toward her chest and inward against one another. Maybe if we could see more of how the fabric were interacting and straining against the breasts.

The guy's head is floating, as if it were on a pillow,

Linework is lovely, overall very polished work your average person will give 0 fucks about the details. Keep going, I believe in you!

Also, why is everyone in these threads so fucking caustic?

>> No.2109056


Her torso isn't reading like it's connected to her hip, at all. Outside of that, pretty legit.

>> No.2109068

>Also, why is everyone in these threads so fucking caustic?
Its the nature of 4chan. I wish it wasnt so, but thats what it is

>> No.2109116

>Also, why is everyone in these threads so fucking caustic?

4chan just isn't a hugbox, feel free to fuck off back to reddit or tumblr if you don't enjoy this kind of environment.

>> No.2109118

Yep. That's what anonymity does.
Anonymity brings out the true shitty nature of people.

>> No.2109133

The problem isn't that 4chan isn't a hugbox. It shouldn't be. The thing is that it becomes a problem when people act overly aggressive for literally no reason. You seem to be part of the new influx of retards who misunderstand how this place works, or at least how it used to work. People who behave like idiots or say dumb shit get nailed back in place.
The particular problem that this board has is that people lose their shit when certain people post. Anyone with even a slight degree of not sucking becomes polarizing, with whiteknights sucking them off and blackknights shitting on them. the hugbox argument is particularly retarded because the people covering their ass with it act like if you're not shitting on someone then it's a hugbox, and they use that shit argument to justify some pretty shitty "critiques".

>> No.2109145

>You seem to be part of the new influx of retards who misunderstand how this place works

Literally been here since year two, even got banned from /l/ for shitposting midgets.
Try again.

>and they use that shit argument to justify some pretty shitty "critiques".
Entirely unrelated strawman rant.

tl;dr: You're a salted fuckwit.

>> No.2109156

>>2108841 Tango here, this was me (should i start using secure tripcodes? seems overkill). Just a heads-up, none of the people posting about LM are me. I'm just here for crits, though I will take it as a sign that I should explore different shapes and posing choices.

You're right about the breast and guy's head. I was messing around with composition adjustments, originally had the beasts resting on top of the dude's hips and the dude was laying on top of a bed. Changed the bed to a broken table (cuz wrestling ring... makes sense, right?) and changed his position to fix a scaling mistake, but got lazy and forgot to fix the breasts and head.
Excellent critique, will fix later

I could see the forms connecting in my head, but if it's giving that illusion then that's no good :X
Thanks for the catch

>whiteknights and blackknights
I really wanna play some Dark Souls now lol

>> No.2109160

>had the beasts resting
I really need a word processor with a "dumb english" check.

>> No.2109220

>beasts resting
Sounds like an album cover

>> No.2109226

>album cover

>> No.2109229

Something you would read on the cover of an album of music put together by a musician

>> No.2109300


Mind sharing what you're using for these lines? The lineart tool in SAI is giving me all sorts of troubles.

>> No.2109317

I'm not even that guy but there's a difference between being blunt- Or even sardonic- WITH content, and being a dipshit without.

More than half the 'critiques' in this thread don't have anything even remotely substantial- It just reads as some asspained neanderthals just spitting whatever random ass criticisms they can use to justify shitposting regardless of whether or not it's relevant.

>> No.2109358
File: 145 KB, 816x1593, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really porn but nsfw

>> No.2109391
File: 42 KB, 650x475, 14567-feels-bad-man--sad-frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, a question, I suck at making poses on my mind.

at which point is acceptable to use poses of someone´s else drawings to make your art?

i´m not talking about tracing, but really just the pose of the figure, do you guys think giving credits is needed? or no credits should be given since no one can own a pose?

I know I might be a faggot for asking this, but it´s because it has been some time since I drawn anything, and I can´t think of good pinup poses on my own.

>> No.2109396


It's always acceptable as long as you make it your own by making the necessary adjustments.

Also using real photos as reference and push/exaggerate/stylize it. That's the preferred because you learn more that way. Pin-up poses are hella generic and a dime a dozen anyway so it doesn't really matter since so many poses have been done thousands of times already.

>> No.2109403

> Pin-up poses are hella generic and a dime a dozen anyway so it doesn't really matter since so many poses have been done thousands of times already.

I see.

>> No.2109408

...and then she farts!

>> No.2109411

I would ref porn, and not other people's drawings. By copying work you're bypassing steps one would ordinarily take to compose an image.

>> No.2109437

Hey guys could you help me out with a little advice?
Someone wants to commission me to color a lineart commission I drew for someone else and they want to know how much it'll cost. Should I just charge the price difference directly or less or more? It's a 5 person picture, so it would be 35, in color 75, so I could charge $40. But my prices were higher back when it was commissioned, plus it's actually an orgy so even though there are 5 main people, I still have to color 5 other bodies so should I charge something based on that, even though I charged the original commissioner only for the 5 main people?
Dunno what to do here.

>> No.2109452

Depends on how detailed/how much of them is showing/how you'll go about coloring them. I charge around 25% of a single character price per certain extra items such as toys, floating dicks, massive amounts of cum, furniture, simple backgrounds.

You make it sound like you could get away with making the nonmains just dark flats, both for simplicity and composition's sake. If I did that I'd just charge it as a simple background.

>> No.2109474

I've never charged separately for a background before, usually it's built into the initial price. The difference between lineart and color character is $20 initial, and a difference of $5 for each add, so maybe I can go $5 for the initial and $1 for each add. That'd be $9 so I could just tack on a fee of $10 for the coloring the non main characters and some environmental coloring.

>> No.2109483

So noones gonna critique this?

>> No.2109485

It's mad gay, bro. Do people really get off to that shit?

>> No.2109487

I dont wanna know uf its gay or not, I want some damn criticism

>> No.2109488

bigger than mine/10

>> No.2109500
File: 216 KB, 846x804, 4aad46617b5855328f5510c9ff89f0ae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2109527

>Mind sharing what you're using for these lines?

Skills, bitch

>> No.2109530

Welcome to /ic/ lol

>> No.2109534

clean it up

just the finished image please kep

>> No.2109537

I like it, tumblr?

>> No.2109538

She'd look better with a skull.

>> No.2109541
File: 53 KB, 392x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a ref and start drawing booty

>> No.2109542

It's steven universe tier and has a dick

not interested

if you have to ask for critiques it means it wasn't worth it to begin with

>> No.2109547

I love it.

I like her sketches tho

>> No.2109551
File: 189 KB, 1024x808, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's steven universe tier and has a dick
The best kind

>> No.2109553

>finished image
Never ever!
Thank you.
I'm trying to draw more like brek, still.

>> No.2109557

>I'm trying to draw more like brek, still.

Why not just work toward drawing more like his senpai? It will lead you both to the same place.

>> No.2109558
File: 68 KB, 708x838, 1430597207444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still learn from a lot of other artists but his is the style I want to emulate the most.

>> No.2109560


The legs get lost. Even in a dress, with legs that big we should be able to tell where they are.

>> No.2109568
File: 92 KB, 320x272, 1427145324357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is that why you're letting him pork you?

>> No.2109571
File: 1.92 MB, 450x205, kitty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm not taking it by force

>> No.2109588
File: 174 KB, 850x1064, sample_b97d0d2fc7472ae053a9b59b07dad83c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone think SMT smut can be marketable? Specifically smut of the demon girls from the various mainline games.

Not that Persona shit, though. I hate Persona.

>> No.2109590

alright thanks

>> No.2109633
File: 25 KB, 243x251, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2109634
File: 89 KB, 750x712, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2109646
File: 199 KB, 850x1090, sample_19f2bcbd4a7f312df3efd6c5bc5c33bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shin Megami Tensei

I'm a fan of Kazuma Kaneko's work and designs. So I want to draw smut of his demon gurlz.

>> No.2109668

That image you used is from personal 4 you ducking idiot.

>> No.2109683
File: 428 KB, 1517x1017, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shin Megami Tensei
The one with this guy?

>> No.2109688

Only hipster /v/fags like SMT, it wont sell for anything.

>> No.2109691
File: 143 KB, 816x1593, tits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scrapped the other one, this any better?

>> No.2109692
File: 1.55 MB, 3620x2716, Uzume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says image is from Persona 4
>calling other an idiot

That particular depiction of her is originally from Nocturne. It was recycled and used in Persona 4. Stop being such a Persona baby.

>> No.2109706


Are you saying hipsters don't like porn?

>> No.2109708

they wouldnt be able to afford it
plus theyre a very small group

>> No.2109710

Hot damn, a normal looking woman.

Looks good anatomy wise. Your lines are rough but they work quite well, not an eye sore like other rougher sketches.

>> No.2109742
File: 41 KB, 520x1054, Lilim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ultimately this is all self-serving since I like Kaneko's design works anyway. Just wondering if making money or getting attention off it was viable in the process. If not, ah well. I'm still going to do it.

>> No.2109759

>Hot damn, a normal looking woman.

Oh look, an American feminist.

>> No.2109770


Git gud and people will like it regardless. Smut is smut and what you're doing is essentially monster girl/furry smut. So have at it.

>> No.2109786

>a normal looking woman
ayy lmao fattie

that's a fat woman. It might be normal because it's average in murica, but it definitely ain't hot

>> No.2109795

If you think that's fat then I'm not sure what you'd call your average hambeast. Have you seen the monstrosities people fap over? At worst she's a few pounds overweight.

>> No.2109807

this is normal now? guess i've been fucking high level chicks then

>> No.2109811

Jesus Christ I can already feel the drama coming.

Sorry for implying "normal" generally means flawed but passable, whether than means above weight or a more homely face.

I guess what I should have said was
>oh neat, a female with less than ideal attributes.

>> No.2109817

>a more homely face

Holy fuck please stop.

>> No.2109822

That's not even overweight, it's obese.
Where the fuck do you live?

>> No.2109826

Photoshop with LazyNezumi stabilizer plugin, it works wonders

>> No.2109828
File: 56 KB, 532x477, actual fatty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is obese, which is an actual definition.Its gross, she's killing herself and can hardly move. She breaks stuff by sitting on it.

So you're really an idiot if you think the character drawn is obese. She can see her own feet and at most I see ONE fucking roll of fat. She's thinner than the women that come up with you search for overweight ones.

Christ, well what the fuck is between hot and not attractive? You niggers are the biggest whiners.

>> No.2109836

>Christ, well what the fuck is between hot and not attractive?
Average weight and face? Normal doesn't mean fat or ugly. It means normal.

>This is obese,
No, obese has a medical definition, which is a BMI above 30. The BMI scale is fairly accurate for women, because women have a much smaller variation in muscle mass than men do.

There are several classifications for obesity. The picture that started all this shows a clearly obese woman. Your picture shows someone who's classifed as super obese. Below that there's morbidly obese and severely obese.

>> No.2109843

>Normal doesn't mean fat or ugly. It means normal.
Completely unhelpful.

>No, obese has a medical definition
>This is obese, which is an actual definition
Did you not even read my post? Actually don't answer that, I don't care. Said character looks to be around 30ish pounds over so at best she's borderline.

I'll once again reiterate it was mistake to refer to her a 'normal' but I also don't seem to have a term that doesn't set off the counter-tumblr faggots. If body positive wasn't used to justify grossly unhealthy and unattractive people that'd be a start. But nope, I get this whole outraged song and dance from a bunch of virgins

>> No.2109858
File: 31 KB, 580x258, BMI-female.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Completely unhelpful.

How is that unhelpful. Normal is normal. You're the one trying to force your warped ideology and beauty standards down people's throats.

>Said character looks to be around 30ish pounds over so at best she's borderline.

I wonder what the fuck kind of standards you have.
Hell, just compare it to this scale. She's clearly on the obese spectrum.

>> No.2109867

>trying to force your warped ideology and beauty standards
I literally never once even implied people should change their minds you fucking crybaby faggot. I even said my bad for implying overweight was 'normal'.

You are tumblr in fucking reverse, there is nothing you can't get offended about. This entire argument has you being upset that I found something attractive that you don't.

>Normal is normal
>How is that unhelpful.
Are you asking how a truism is unhelpful? Or are you still unaware I was trying to say "less than ideal" without setting off faggots like you off?

>I wonder what the fuck kind of standards you have.
Me liking chicks 30 pounds overweight means I can tolerate curves, not that I'll fap over any disgusting pile of fat. Feel free to feel massively superior for demanding the same kind of body in all art ever.

>> No.2109871

>/ic/, BMI edition
Wasn't this a porn thread? Where's the porn?

>> No.2109872

I killed it by liking something someone else didn't like.

>> No.2109887

Lmao you're on a roll, ruse master.

>> No.2109908

WAY better

except from the hips down

gotta work on legs and posing/standing a bit better

is she just standing or on tippy toes?

>> No.2109916
File: 222 KB, 877x1011, bb4c0beaa12f6b0595c2326c34ce1787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for real though, stop derailing porn threads for fucks sake

>> No.2109920

Go get'em JMGN!

>> No.2109950

for fucks sake would drawing some normal porn kill you ?

>> No.2109970
File: 72 KB, 1034x1478, Screen Shot 2015-06-04 at 3.44.03 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some furry shit for you to tear apart.

>> No.2109975


>> No.2109979

sorry, I don't post my stuff anywhere. I might make something new to keep track of the deluge of furry porn I've been making for request threads though.

>> No.2109980

>white on white
>light blue lines
It fucking sucks.

>> No.2109981

post it here once you made one.

>> No.2109984

okay, so an F on composition, I wasn't really thinking about about the background. Do have any suggestions for other colors that would work/look better?

>> No.2109987

Lots of ways to fix this. Change the lines to a darker color blue or fill the back to a darker grey or anything off white or change the bunny man to off white. Or all three. Anything but this because I'm going blind looking at it as is.

>> No.2109995

Thanks! I'll give that a try. I've been staring at this thing too long to pick that kind of stuff up. Explains the headache though.

>> No.2110025
File: 136 KB, 640x1136, thing for anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2110026

you are weird. Straight yourself up. Its not too late. Draw boobs and vaginas.

>> No.2110028

You should research obesity, I was surprised myself at how 'little' is considered obese clinically.

>> No.2110034

she looks obese

>> No.2110051
File: 196 KB, 736x1000, Daily-NSFW-016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2110069
File: 42 KB, 600x600, muhcrit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh content
saying that something is shit still IS content, and i'm not even joking here.
it's the most basic thing, but it's still feedback.

>> No.2110103

what's that on his cock?

>> No.2110107
File: 26 KB, 310x232, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her ribcage and hips are united as one.
Careful BBC chan.

>> No.2110112
File: 326 KB, 668x1000, Daily-NSFW-017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noted <3
I know I have a problem with making torsos too short. Don't know if it's because of big boobs, ar something else.

also daily 2

>> No.2110119
File: 153 KB, 428x399, jake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to end masturbation and all forms of porn.

>> No.2110137

I thought you said that because of the lack of dick anon, idk why it spawned so much discussion... thanks though
Yeah, I have a problem with legs, thanks
Arms look wonky, one leg looks bigger than the other in the non-mirror version

>> No.2110158

Do you think that in a far future where android sex dolls are so affordable everyone can get their own harem of robot sex dolls, would porn and art porn have any reason to exist?

>> No.2110167

They'll be outlawed or restricted by the nanny state.

>> No.2110169
File: 186 KB, 668x1000, Daily-NSFW-017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean by wonky arms?

>> No.2110174

the mirror ones left arm looks a bit long

>> No.2110177

Do you not post any of this? I think I'm following you on tumblr...

>> No.2110205

I posted it on my tumblr blog too.

>> No.2110242
File: 114 KB, 348x426, sket000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2110244

>>2110242if you are baiting, at least learn to draw first

>> No.2110246

I'm not baiting. An anon told me to post artwork here more.
Isn't everyone on /ic/ learning to draw?

>> No.2110261

How is that bait?

>> No.2110297

>/ic/, BMI edition
>Wasn't this a porn thread? Where's the porn?
tumblr is here to tell us what not to draw.

>> No.2110309


>> No.2110359
File: 539 KB, 587x943, aratitties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like learning to draw porn would help immensely with my composition and poses, as well as understanding of anatomy and exaggeration, but have no idea how to even start with this shit.

Do I just draw the tiddy till I git gud or is there something I should keep in mind?

>> No.2110375

The most important part about making good porn actually depth of field and perspective.
If you've read any hentai manga or looked at any porn you'll notice that the camera angles are always very extreme, (example; down-shot of character giving blowjob, up close pussy shot of creampie etc, Huge cocks pointing at the camera..)
The key to getting good at porn is mainly anatomy, depth of field, and perspective.
Pornographic drawings, no matter how lewd or strange all have one purpose, tricking the viewer, the more "believable" the image, the more erotic it is. This doesnt mean you have to draw "realistically", what it means is drawing the character in a way that gives a accurate sense of depth, angle, proportion etc as it conveys that the object applies to reality's laws and stuff and when it does, it becomes subconsciously more attractive to the viewer. So as far a porn goes so practice really really hard on that stuff.

>> No.2110376

You get good doing exactly the same thing as you would when drawing any other subject, studying and practicing.

>> No.2110378

There's an easy solution to this... Reference actual porn photo's and films (screenshots), not other people's art.

>> No.2110382

Yeah, and that's mostly why I want to try and learn this shit. Perspective and dof are the things I'm probably the worst at, and I feel like trying to learn this shit would help me elsewhere. I just don't even know how to START with those subjects. Porn seems like the medium where it's the most important, and puts the most emphasis on it. That's primarily where my interest in learning this shit comes from, since most porn artists I see have a really damn good grasp on this stuff.

>> No.2110390

>Porn seems like the medium where it's the most important, and puts the most emphasis on it. That's primarily where my interest in learning this shit comes from
Porn is a good way to enjoy it.

You could spend hours drawing characters standing, sitting, stretching etc in different angles, but its more FUN drawing porn, when it accomplishes the same thing of practicing poses and angles. It makes practice more enjoyable in my opinion.

>I just don't even know how to START
practice a lot. theres lots of books and tutorials. You see how things look in reality? ask yourself why your thing doesnt look like that, and then try to improve upon what you draw to make it more like what you want.

>> No.2110398

>The most important part about making good porn actually depth of field and perspective.
>this is what pornfags actually believe

That's the most important part of making good ANYTHING. You're an moron if you honestly think that only applies to porn somehow.

>> No.2110401

lmao no.

>> No.2110403

when did i ever say that? of course it applies to everything. dumb-dumb

>> No.2110410


Yes. Porn just consists of character illustrations and sequential art. A good sense of composition, depth of field, perspective and anatomy is needed across the board to make your shit worthwhile.

>> No.2110460
File: 392 KB, 2285x1634, he blows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2110463

ahaha whoa.
Somehow, I like it.

>> No.2110466


>> No.2110474
File: 223 KB, 800x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its fine BBC chan. Just find those parts inbetween

>> No.2110475
File: 68 KB, 670x503, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats so meta, but so true

>> No.2110500

That pose isn't very flattering.

>> No.2110503

who do you think is going to design all those waifu?

Imagine, in 20 years every othe /ic/ thread will be about breaking into sex doll concept design.

>> No.2110510

is there any other purpose for a mirror-table other than having people squat naked on it?

would you really want to eat food on a mirror? you'd be eating and suddenly look over and see your ugly mug chewing or something, any other time and you'd just be staring at your ceiling.

>> No.2110516

They will be based on real women.

>yfw tumblrtards getting mad as fuck because fat sex bots cost so much more

>> No.2110521

>tumblrbeasts get their anthro-wolfman-with-dolphin-cock sexbot, but protest when someone makes loli sex bots

>> No.2110628
File: 923 KB, 1280x1106, 1432964772.justmegabenewell_excella.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might want to look past /ic/ threads before you open your big mouth and look even more retarded

>> No.2110633

screen cap yourself for future /ic/ generations

>> No.2110640


I don't see a vagina in that image. Also stop riding gabe's dick like a faggot.

>> No.2110645
File: 542 KB, 614x815, 1430881349216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You said "Boobs and Vaginas"

boobs were presented

>t-that doesn't count f-faggot

>> No.2110651

>still riding dick

Why do fans always get more offended than the creators? I'll never understand this.

>> No.2110652

i still want your blog though

>> No.2110661

real women already exist, why wouldn't you want 8ft amazon to dominate, use your imagination!

>> No.2110670

Bbc chan on tumblr

>> No.2110685

No no. That's Tangobat

Is bbc-chan

>> No.2110686

I don't care about your opinion you hate jmgn, okay fine but I'm just pointing out how fucking retarded you are

>"Draw boobs and vaginas"

He has multiple times, you're entitled to your opinion and i'm entitled to show how dumb you look by pointing out how ignorant and lazy you are.

why do so many shitposters and contrarians get so defensive when you expose them? I'll never understand this

>> No.2110698

make the cum more transparent, the belly button is way too low, sketch the body w/o the boobs first that might help, theres not really a strong enough light source to make the gold shine like that, not that it would anyway

>> No.2110728

i need to draw more dicks

really crazy dicks

>> No.2110739

Do you host your works somewhere?

>> No.2110747

Anybody here have experience streaming on Picarto using XSplit? I'm trying to get set up and I could use some technical help.

>> No.2110763

you can find him here:


>> No.2110806

Nevermind, got it worked out.

>> No.2110808
File: 953 KB, 900x1096, cyclopsssssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i get some help with this? i keep reworking the tits and cunt but they still look really wonky and out of place for me
any other tips would be appreciated.

>> No.2110823

The pussy seems fine to me right now. Her tits however need to droop lower. Draw a flat "board" that follows her rib-cage, and draw some guides that show the pull of gravity for her breasts. There are half a dozen guides that show this. They need to be lower overall.

>> No.2110849
File: 18 KB, 175x235, 1433364157519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2110851

Unless the boobs are fake as fuck, they should be tapering more into the center of her chest.

>> No.2110853
File: 144 KB, 808x715, whatistheoppositeofabreastlift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this any better?

>> No.2110854

looks good so far.

>> No.2110856


Yeah, that looks way better.

>> No.2110859


>> No.2110862

uSe OBS. you can setup what exe you want to stream.

>> No.2110868

Tried it, didn't work, got Xsplit to work though so it's all good.

>> No.2110869
File: 419 KB, 612x792, HappyBDayShingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, might have gone too far but so far I don't see anything out of place.

>> No.2110871


That's so odd perspective you have there.

Also, is everyone old / really tired?

>> No.2110874

I am bad at bedroom eyes apparently. Any tips on that? Middle figure is meant to be middle-aged/MILF but the other two a tad-younger.

Also, I think I know how to fix the perspective.

>> No.2110875

is that a... shoelace coming out of her dick?
also i think you should avoid soft brushes.

>> No.2110916

work on anatomy no other way around it breh

>> No.2110936
File: 733 KB, 1280x960, dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, aspiring fetish artist here looking for a (not too harsh) critique on my attempted furry art.

Also looking for tips about perspective-- I can never seem to envision it properly. Do you draw lines, or play a lot of spacial-learning games? Just observe objects in relation to space and draw what you see kind of thing? Anything about it would be great.

>> No.2110960
File: 728 KB, 1280x960, 1433491348659a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, looking good so far. The simple shapes and smooth lines are pleasant and your anatomy is decent.

I'd say the weakest parts are her left hand and right foot. The hand lacks definition and the way the foot is pointing doesn't quite line up with the heel. I'm a fan of the big tail, but it seems a tad flat at the base. Maybe try overlapping the fin a bit to create some depth?

Other than that, don't be afraid to push your poses. It's not bad, but it could be more interesting.

Good luck, anon!

>> No.2110966

Ahh yeah, the hand could use more detail. I didn't even notice the heel/foot angle complication either, good eye. :3 Also now that you pointed it out the tail did look kind of flat; your simplification of the tail fins looks way better, it's more fitting with the from-behind perspective as well.

Thanks much for the advice anon. Also about the posing, I think I avoid messing with them mostly out of fear of figuring out the perspective, like a highly-angled shot from over her tail or something. But I'll try and practice with it.

>> No.2110974

>you fucking crybaby faggo
>there is nothing you can't get offended about.

Are you serious? I pointed out that you were wrong, then you go insane and claim I'm the one overreacting? You're the offended party here, and you're acting like a stereotypical tumblrcunt.

>Or are you still unaware I was trying to say "less than ideal" without setting off faggots like you off?
And this is flat out false.
Less than ideal is normal, not the bottom scum of society This is the reason people hate tumblr-communism. The bottom thid of society is not the norm. The middle is the norm. Trying to promote the worst aspects of society as something normal in order to make yourself feel better, is why people think you're idiots. Have some standards.

> I can tolerate curves
A curve is a long, flowing, uninterrupted line. Marilyn Monroe is the classic example. Lumps of fat are not curves.

Just admit you're a chubby chaser, and stop pretending your fetish is representative of the norm.

>not that I'll fap over any disgusting pile of fat.
That's exactly what you're doing.

>> No.2111002
File: 468 KB, 900x900, titfuck sketch lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This took around 2 hours and it's just a sketch. Should I be concerned?

>> No.2111009

>so far I don't see anything out of place
strange, all I see is out of place

>> No.2111012


>> No.2111021
File: 243 KB, 771x872, 40c59d199ec1550b54f34c18cb8d6797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2111030

yeah exept this image is made by a literal faggot.

>> No.2111031

why do people liek you u just make bunch of scribbles fuck u lol u dum.

>> No.2111033
File: 135 KB, 611x871, 37b63c3860c5f03c799abe02bb331238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2111036


>> No.2111038

you need stop screaming jelly whenever anyone who isn't complete shit gets criticized. it's fucking annoying

>> No.2111046

That should take you no more than 5 mins, 15 to shade.

>> No.2111056
File: 201 KB, 1033x1033, booty_training1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm trying to draw booty but it kinda lacks "eros". Any ideas how to make it more erotic?

>> No.2111060

stay jelly

>> No.2111062

Literally no ass. Reference more bent over booty

>> No.2111077

That looks like you've referenced anime ass?

Ero ass isn't something you can learn in one day. Just keep practising and remember that while sweat may be the poor mans crutch, it's an oprah compared to bill gates kinda poor.

>> No.2111086

How do I draw faster?

>> No.2111088

you know just practice

>> No.2111090

I didn't reference from anime but I used a tutorial from doxy regarding inking and coloration.

Watch and draw more booty, got it.

>> No.2111091

My porn isn't very appealing - as in, it's not smooth or quirky really, it tends to be more "tasteful" looking (to me). But I'm doing it for the sake of gaining popularity and money, so how do I get a ~quirkier~ style? Just work on stylizing more? Work with softer colours?

>> No.2111102

Gee, it's so easy judging your work when you sure haven't posted it, by golly

>> No.2111129
File: 446 KB, 800x1097, smallern u wa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, here's a thing. It just doesn't seem as fun looking as other people's porn idk

>> No.2111131

ew gross I namefagged for a second there

>> No.2111135

>How do I draw faster

By drawing more frequently. Draw a lot m8. With mileage, comes speed and confidence. Always focus on quality.

>> No.2111138

Man you need to life draw more. It's not that your anatomy is that bad, it's just if you spent time looking at figures and finding what's appealing about different shapes and forms...

You need to inject some more finesse into your work, make every line or shape accurate. And use a lot of reference, try to be exact.

Do like 10 of those a day and in a couple weeks if you keep this shit in mind you will see an improvement.

>> No.2111139

First of all you should work much more on the 'anatomy in perspective' part of your pieces. Some aspects of it in this illustration are simply awful.
After you'll learn this, move on to the second most important (or maybe even first) aspect of good porn, which is appealing POVs. The piece you've shown here is too sterile mainly because the POV is so boring. It's like looking at a brochure about sex positions.
Lastly (maybe this one is a personal opinion and take it with a grain of salt), the expressions on the subjects faces should be believable when it comes to their enjoyment of the moment. Your babe here has a pretty appealing face, but she's not selling me enough of her enjoyment.

Another smaller concern here is your lack of confidence in your lines (in the coloring too, but that one is better). This is something you get with enough practice, so keep doing your daily routine.

Hope this helps, and keep it up. I think you are going in the right direction.

>> No.2111142


Thanks a lot guys these are some amazing responses - I'll keep on learning!

>> No.2111158


Long story short, look at more porn reference. As in real porn photos and videos and not already drawn shit. Keep an eye out for the perspective and compositions used in those photos and videos. Apply it to your work. What you've got isn't bad at all. Just applying the perspective and compositions used in porn will help a lot.

>> No.2111160
File: 107 KB, 674x960, ChinesePepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I avoid boners when drawing?

>> No.2111164

Sometimes it happens. Let it happen. Then go fap. But look for good reference material when you go look up a porno to fap to. just let it happen anon.

>> No.2111199

This is either a troll or autism incarnate. I'm leaning heavily towards the latter.

>> No.2111213

If you don't get horny while drawing porn you aren't doing it right.

>> No.2111226

dat face

>> No.2111268

It's like you drew one side and mirrored it. It lacks... how do I put it. It's like you have never seen a piece of ass. Just hop on over to /s/ and look up some reference!

>> No.2111279

It lacks symmetry, there is a reason why one of your balls is smaller than the other one or one of your breasts is bigger than the other one, same thing for butt cheeks one of them is bigger than the other.

>> No.2111281

>how do I put it. It's like you have never seen a piece of ass.

Looks more like he didn't break down the ass to it's simple and basic shapes. Who hasn't SEEN an ass before? Seeing and studying are two different things.

>> No.2111285

>there is a reason why one of your balls is smaller than the other one or one of your breasts is bigger than the other one, same thing for butt cheeks one of them is bigger than the other.

This is irrelevant in fictional drawings. The moment you do this it looks like an error.

>> No.2111309

If you get horny while drawing you arent working hard enough.
When you spend a lot of time focusing on the drawing you get used to its "sexiness"

Nothing I draw arouses me, and ive never fapped to any of my own drawings. Because its a drawing and i see it as my artwork rather than fap material, when i look at it i see its construction, or my mistakes, i think about what to improve on, what to do next etc, none of which gives me an erection.

>> No.2111311

Maybe you are shit and can't draw something fappable yet.

>> No.2111321

>If you get horny while drawing you arent working hard enough.
>When you spend a lot of time focusing on the drawing you get used to its "sexiness"

True words.

I can't fap to my work, too busy analyzing what works and what doesn't while drawing.

>> No.2111322


Maybe you're as autistic as Chris-Chan to be able to fap to your own drawings.

>> No.2111330

Words of wisdom, anon. Props.

>> No.2111353
File: 392 KB, 943x768, lewd1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this any good? should I try to finish it or just do some more studies?

>> No.2111354


Are you saying that isn't a study?

>> No.2111362

Wow you guys sure sound like fun.
When I'm drawing sfw, I draw like that. When I draw nsfw, I get into it. Frankly I think a lot of my nsfw drawings are better, and probably because of that energy I'm feeling. I get off on my own stuff pretty regularly even while I'm working hard and I enjoy that. But good for you guys, being all hardcore academic and emotionless with your art.

>> No.2111369

>not being autistic enough to fap to your own drawings means you're emotionless

Fuck off Chris-Chan.

>> No.2111371

Well, I'm not trying to match it exactly, but I guess it is a study

>> No.2111375

You know that this is the same argument with people saying that they can't masturbat to drawings because they
are not real right? if you are good enough you will masturbate to them, you just can't produce something that you enjoy yet,
or you have forgotten what you actually like, i had that before, i was trying to draw things that people might like instead of things
that i like, in both terms of style and subject.

>> No.2111382

>You know that this is the same argument with people saying that they can't masturbat to drawings because they are not real right?

No, it's not. Not being able to fap to your own work has nothing to do with it not being fappable. It has everything to do with the way you view it. It's a product of you and your grind at being a better artist. Even when the subject matter deals with things you like, that doesn't change. There is a lot more to it than "Oh gawd this is so hawt" because you're the one who went through the process to make it. Are you the type who would fap to his own daughter if you saw her in a bathing suit? You sound like you are.

>> No.2111383

Either way I hate trudging through drawing something that doesn't either interest or arouse me. If I get too caught up on analysis and perfectionism, the picture comes out stiff and boring, and I usually overwork it and mess something up, and often if I get in that mode of thought I lose some of the happy accidents and exaggeration that can make a drawing look energetic and appealing. It just doesn't sound like a very fun or sustainable work flow. It's one thing if you work for some studio and you have to draw a bunch of shit you don't care for, but if I'm drawing porn at home I'm gonna have all the fun I can.

>> No.2111384


>> No.2111397

>that doesn't either interest or arouse me.
of course it should interest you.

They didnt say they were drawing subjects which dont arouse them, they were saying the drawing itself didnt arouse them because they were too busy working on it to care about the novelty of its eroticism.

>> No.2111413

>too busy working on it to care about the novelty of its eroticism
I feel like this misses the point of drawing anything. My mentor always told me about the mentality he and other artists he knows use. If you want to make something look impressive, try to impress yourself. If you want something to look hot, strive to turn yourself on. He always goes for full immersion, that way all the time and attention and detail he puts into it comes from his desire rather than some formula he's trying to adhere to to make it "right". If you can draw something to where it makes you feel what you want the viewer to feel, I think that's truly an accomplishment. I don't feel accomplished if I draw something that doesn't make me say wow, or tear up, or horny or whatever. If all I'm looking at are mistakes, it means I wasn't into it enough to let my experience and intuition take over. Maybe that's only true for me but either way, I'll still enjoy my own porn, drawing it and revisiting it.

>> No.2111434


You can care about the novelty of the eroticism in your art without having the urge to rub one off yourself. Kinda like how one can draw an attractive model nude in various poses without having the want to rub one off. Nothing about the art process makes me horny and it has nothing to do with me no enjoying the process, because I do enjoy the process. It's just I'm not looking to masturbate when I'm in art mode, I'm looking to make good looking art. I'll fap either before or after but it's never to my own stuff because when I see my own stuff I'm only ever thinking about the art process. What worked, what didn't work, and what to do next time to improve it. None of that means not having fun either. Not sure where some people are getting that idea.

>> No.2111443

I just don't get how you don't feel like masturbating to your own ideas, if your art is comparable to the art you usually fap to and
your ideas are something that you wanted to exist but does not exist, how come you don't want to masturbate to it, i mean it's your perfect fantasy,
i understand getting bored of the idea in the end, but i find myself masturbating at least one time to my sketches.

>> No.2111448


At that point you aren't masturbating to your drawing as much as you are to the idea. Hence, why people who aren't good at drawing can masturbate to their own shit even though it looks terrible.

>> No.2111455

>I just don't get how you don't feel like masturbating to your own ideas
The ideas and subject material is erotic, but when you put a lot of effort in it, the novelty wears off and it doesnt seem that erotic. If you are digitally painting some porn and you have to look at the same vagina for an hour and a half, you would stop seeing it as something you'd want to fap to, at that point you are more focused on the technical aspect of working hard to make it what you envisioned it to be.

>> No.2111460

I would have to disagree but i guess different people work differently, i can only speak for myself in this but as i said at the time
where i wasn't able to masturbate to my drawings was because i was drawing what i thought people will like, as soon as i said fuck that
and started drawing exactly what i wanted in the exact style that i wanted, i was very able to masturbate to my things. I know that i am
kind of repeating things but that was a huge realisation for me and i think a lot of people fall in the same trap of trying to draw not for themselves
but for others.

>> No.2111465

Maybe you guys are just spending too much time on it or something. For me I just don't want to get so involved in the technical aspect of the drawing that I lose sight of the feeling I wanted to invoke in myself and my audience, because like I said when I go to draw something, it's because it's an image I want to see realized. I save super focused drawing time for doing studies and practicing techniques, but when I go to draw erotic shit, I find it only works if I let loose and not worry about the technical stuff, I just try to let the practice take over and know that once the major work is done I can go back and fix things here and there. I guess it's because I end up not spending too much time with it that I can still go back and see it as sexy. But yeah, to each his own.

>> No.2111468


So are you drawing to git gud or to get yourself off? Because with that mindset I don't see you actually getting better with your craft. It's not about what others want, it's about what you want and if you don't want to get better at art, if you just want to bust nuts, you are going to stagnate. The technical aspect should always be the main focus because that is what separates you from the deviant-art tier trash.

>> No.2111472

>So are you drawing to git gud or to get yourself off?
I study when i study and i create when i create, you should not struggle so much when you create, if you do you should stop, see what it is that you can't do and study it,
if you can't comfortably construct a figure without struggling all the time then of course you will not enjoy it afterwords.

>> No.2111476

No one said anything about struggling or not enjoying the process or end result. Being mindful of technique is not synonymous with struggling. You're projecting again.

see >>2111382

>> No.2111477

>It has everything to do with the way you view it.
As i said, it's a personal problem then, of course i can't masturbate to every single drawing i make, some turn out to touch things that i need more practice at,
but the ideas that fall right under my knowledge are very easy to produce and i can easily masturbate to them afterwards.

>> No.2111481

>personal problem

Still projecting, kek. Alright Chris-Chan.

>> No.2111484

oh boi its the talking part of thread.

>> No.2111487

oh, yeah. I'm reinybaby on tumblr
I should be finishing up that one and another one today or tomorrow!! hopefully.

>> No.2111490

>being all hardcore academic and emotionless with your art.
Welcome to autism

>> No.2111493
File: 138 KB, 750x873, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you the type who would fap to his own daughter if you saw her in a bathing suit? You sound like you are.

The fuck

>> No.2111498
File: 11 KB, 181x210, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a load of bullshit

>> No.2111499

Not being able to enjoy something that you spend years trying be able to create does sound like a problem to me.

>> No.2111503
File: 49 KB, 480x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I sit still for about 2 to 3 weeks, everything is going to be fine

>> No.2111504

>if I'm not fapping to it, I'm not enjoying it

You sound pretty sex deprived, anon. That seems to be the problem.

>> No.2111506
File: 129 KB, 1280x695, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so fucking mindblowing holy shit.
Im gonna blow my mind and blow my load to something I make that is fucking awesome

>> No.2111508

You actually like 3DPD? no wonder you can't really like art.

>> No.2111509

That picture would be perfect for the "jesus christ how horrifying" meme.

>> No.2111512
File: 43 KB, 455x334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sex deprived

Where the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.2111516
File: 1.14 MB, 1414x1000, Riven+Zac-Sketch01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of my art born out of my emotionless process XD.

I think it's pretty hot, but I just can't fap to it.

>> No.2111519

Please go away.

>> No.2111521


I'd rather him stay. His art is actually decent, unlike most of the people constantly shitting up this thread.

>> No.2111522
File: 63 KB, 500x500, Untitled-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhmmmm hows this

>> No.2111524

>I think it's pretty hot, but I just can't fap to it.
Ah well, that sucks for you.
It's well drawn but personally I'm not turned on by it, but I like /d/ shit.
I wonder if this is how chefs feel? They spend all day preparing a special meal but then when they sit down to eat with everyone it just tastes like cardboard to them because they know all the intricacies of preparing it? Or do they not even bother to eat what they cooked because their own cooking is just too familiar to excite them anymore so they just order a pizza and watch everyone else eat. Hmm.

>> No.2111525

Im in love with those trees

>> No.2111527

what exactly is your problem?
are emoticons frowned upon here, or something?

>> No.2111528

>popping a boner that goes away in a few minutes
>getting wet (including panties) and then having to dry yourself
>being a grill and having it worse
Pick 2

>> No.2111529

a lot of good artists use XD as an emoticon, fucktard

>> No.2111530

Chefs cook the dishes that they love.
They are very emotional about their dishes and how its prepared. However when they go out to eat, they can identify everything in the meal that they are eating.
Does it kill the fun?
They just think about how they can make it better

Art isnt subjective as food. You put it in your mouth and you say yay or nay. Its done, thats it.
Art is well, this post is too long anyway

>> No.2111531

yeah you guys are totally right! i /should/ flip the cavanas more! thanks so much!

>> No.2111533
File: 6 KB, 88x123, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emoticons are frowned upon, they would rather use reaction faces

>> No.2111535
File: 25 KB, 416x449, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>popping a boner that goes away in a few minutes

Kep, your bf might have erictile disfunction. Nothing worse than a boner and precum just pulsing out the urethra of the tip of my cock. It throbs and thrusts for at least 10 min before slowly dying

>> No.2111537
File: 46 KB, 500x519, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem Obama

>> No.2111538

What you said would be the equivalent of critiquing someone else's art to see what you would do better, not the same as being able to enjoy your own final product. Also I disagree that art isn't as subjective as food, I think it's more subjective honestly, but at least about the same. People on here often talk about how one type of art is "objectively" better than another but when it comes to appealing to people, it's shown in practice that not everyone likes the same things.

>> No.2111542

Oh, I see. Noted, thx.

>> No.2111547

Stay uncircumcised, pleb.

>> No.2111584
File: 602 KB, 1280x720, 1429731413846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice try Chaim.

>> No.2111588

This is the first time a text post on 4chan has ever made me horny.
I just keep re-reading it...fuck.

>> No.2111593


>> No.2111594


>> No.2111597
File: 72 KB, 571x444, Ha idiots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2111599


>> No.2111602
File: 137 KB, 2000x1000, peachyjob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any crits?

>> No.2111605

its not straight if you're mtf, fellas

>> No.2111606
File: 133 KB, 506x543, 1429463039114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still gay and a faggot.

>> No.2111608

Not trans either. Sorry this rustles you so much.

>> No.2111609
File: 53 KB, 661x443, NahUrAlright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I don't know about the anon who posted after me but I'm a woman you nerds. Not a trans anything, an actual vag-toting, double X chromosome carrying, period-having woman. I know we say "no girls on the internet" but don't be nerd enough to buy it.

>> No.2111612

are you the tumblrwhale that was complaining about the definition of obese and calling >>2110242 bait?

>> No.2111613
File: 49 KB, 795x543, Star4-1wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any major issues before i move on to clean lines?

>> No.2111614

No, I didn't comment on any of that shit.
Well actually I did leave one comment on that guy who freaked out that the one dude used "normal" in a way he didn't agree with so he sperged out about it.

>> No.2111622

the one on the far left and far right seem tilted
the two in the middle are alright.
sketch out the hands more before you decide to work on line art or else you'll be doing your line art on the hands blind.
on the poses of the far left character, keep in mind the center of gravity, needs to be a straight line to accurately show the distribution of weight. If a character is leaning to the left, then the characters leg would be more straight and more to the left to better show that the character is using it to support her weight while she leans. The two figures in the middle are just fine though.

>> No.2111623

No 1 (maybe it's just that you wanted a dynamic pose, dunno) and 4 are falling a tad too much to the left. I'd fix that. For the rest, really nice job anon.

>> No.2111626

there's a lot more than one woman on this board.

I'd wager a lot of us are in this thread, actually.

>> No.2111627
File: 125 KB, 640x844, 1431184012643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having a feminine dick

>> No.2111629

ladies love to draw dicks after all

>> No.2111630


Thanks guys!
I actually just mirrored it and all the poses are leaning weird, i probably would have never noticed. Thanks.

>> No.2111633

yeah, mirroring your work is waay helpful.
I often forget to do it though.

>> No.2111635

Yeah I know, I just have to settle for drawing them.

>> No.2111660

>tfw was mistaken for a girl before when I was younger

I don't miss it. I blame it on being a manlet.

>> No.2111692

Reading erotica is like my hobby lol

>> No.2111693

Same here, I've been neck deep in fuckin slash fiction lately. Guilty pleasure.

>> No.2111696
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>> No.2111699
File: 7 KB, 197x202, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slash fiction
I thought you were talking about the guitarist until I googled it.

But real talk, those are the fucking best. Even though im a guy

>> No.2111705
File: 68 KB, 1136x758, the-couch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scanner isn't working had to settle on phone camera. Super new to this so bear with me., sorry about the dicks.

Does the anatomy check out? Used a reference but had to buff them up from twinks

I was going to ink it but I pressed too hard with the 2h in important places and dented the paper pretty bad. Judging by this thread tablets are the way to go. I have an intuos but haven't figured ou the best brush pack yet.

>> No.2111720

Haha, no not the guitarist. And yeah it's great because there's a lot more actually well-written stuff now.
I like where you're going but this looks a bit like you've been reading too much CLAMP. The figures are really elongated in a way that I'm not sure works here. It doesn't look much like a style choice. I wouldn't advise you to noodle this picture trying to get it right, but I would say read up on construction and proportions and do some studies until you get proficient at drawing the human form, then that kind of stylizing will make more sense to you and you'll be able to pull it off.

>> No.2111729

New Thread:


>> No.2111781
File: 241 KB, 1038x640, booty_training2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I flipped the image a lot.

Guess I should have started with reference first - for some reason I was constructing from a rectangular shape (stupid, I see that now). So here are some more doodles which should be showing my problem. I'm aiming for something less plain and more "bubbly" or "bursting" but I fail in exaggerations. So how can I make them more juicy in this angle? What is it that makes something not just sexy but kinda perverted without showing the genitals in plain view?

>> No.2113045
File: 35 KB, 1284x1746, escanear0082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2113048
File: 18 KB, 1012x1482, escanear0083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]