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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 275 KB, 800x750, rXaAPBK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2108928 No.2108928 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have that screencap of the guy who got gud in a short time? He said something about drawing something original every day rather than trying to follow books and manuals. Pic unrelated.

>> No.2108931

I know OP said that pic was unrelated but that arm looks so painful. How do you not fix that after 2 years?

>> No.2108935

He just has more talent. The method is irrelevant.

>> No.2108988


does the samefagging self promo start again?

>> No.2108992


Self promotion from professional artists doesn't exist on /ic/. There is literally nothing this board has to offer in terms of self promotion. Go back to /v/ with your retarded viral paranoia.

>> No.2108993
File: 41 KB, 1243x317, tehmeh2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you're talking about the progression chart I'm sure somebody else will post it.

>> No.2109002


that's not true.


theeere we go!

>> No.2109005

That's the one, thanks.

>> No.2109007

>that's not true.

List one positive thing a professional can gain by self promoting himself on /ic/.

>> No.2109012 [DELETED] 

Can someone tell me the IRC?

>> No.2109013

Whats the IRC?

>> No.2109018

Nobody can git gud in a short amount of time without studying any information
Information has been studied and perfected over thousands of years to make it easier for the next generation to cope.
Without studying anatomy from books making it easy for you or figuring out how colours work without just reading about it it would take you hundreds of years to achieve what someone could do in 5 years. And even then without anyway to check if what you've learned is correct you could end up learning incorrect information and causing yourself to spend another couple hundred years to relearn it

Stop trying to reinvent the wheel

>> No.2109021


attention, facebook likes, followers, his name gets around, stays 'important' etc etc. obviously nobody will browse /ic/, see his samefag-selfpromo and hire him, but to play the freelancer game you have to stay relevant. stay popular. claim to be making mad freelance bucks etc etc.

you can tell it's samefagging by the fact that catbib (arguable the best poster of this board) rarely ever gets mentioned, nor do his posts get saved and posted over and over and over and over. why not? because people don't do that. and thus if catbib doesn't do it himself, it doesn't happen. that's how you know tehmeh is samefagging.

>> No.2109029

I think it really comes back to balance. And the correct balance is going to be a little different for everyone.

>> No.2109030

Well, time to delete the thread.


>> No.2109032

Perfected symbol drawing is actually a perfectly viable way to git gud fast despite what /ic/ tries to tell you.

>> No.2109041

Or it's because Catbib never actually drops any wisdom on us. He posts his WIPS in the draw thread and that's that. If Catbib made a post explaining some of his process and stuff like that I for one would definitely save it.

Also, how the fuck do you get facebook likes and followers by posting on /ic/? There are maybe a hundred unique posters here every day and almost everyone of us already knows who Tehmeh is. He's advertizing himself to a handful of people at a place where everyone knows him already? That's just stupid.

>> No.2109043

You don't seem to know what symbol drawing is. Please stop using words whose meaning you don't understand.

>> No.2109047


Chillout ollie it's alright. We understand.

>> No.2109067

Yeah, that's always the response retards like you have when they run out of an argument.

>> No.2109070


There needs to be a "what it actually means, what idiots think it means" image as a fast and easy way to clear up all the bullshit that gets spouted here.

>> No.2109075

you cannot be 'gud' if you are symbol drawing
symbol drawing is incorrect and polishing it up to look better does not make it anymore correct

>> No.2109076

And it would be wrong on both counts.

>> No.2109491

is there a before and after of tehmeh?

>> No.2109492
File: 345 KB, 1280x1365, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2109497


its said, don't study for 12 hours a day youre giving yourself too much to remember.
study for like an hour, 10 minutes at a time then have a break to process what you've learnt.

but then the other argument is its muscle memory. and you need to put in thousands of hours to get gud.

>> No.2109727

holy shit what the fuck.. how do people get gains like that.. god damn it Im doing like 6-8h and Im getting gains like crazy but nothing even close to this what teh fuck 1year????????????

>> No.2109729

I've never heard that term used in reference to art, only lifting. That's what makes it hilarious.

>> No.2109743
File: 605 KB, 1280x669, shitworkfromalongtimeago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Im the only person who uses it like that................

But it's gains isn't it? you're lifting (doing studies) and gettin gud. i.e gains...

>> No.2109746
File: 38 KB, 800x540, aHarpSeal_1226-800x540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not him, I just came across this thread.

I just wanted to say I like the word "gains" as a way of describing art improvement, it's cute

>> No.2109754 [DELETED] 

you really need to work on your portraits dude

>> No.2109771

>10 minutes at a time
What the fuck are you studying

>> No.2109780
File: 52 KB, 640x480, 1389473898514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>That moment when you where there when he posted that tablet picture
>that feel when you still suck

>> No.2110010

this happens all across 4chan. The site's way more popular than you think.

I'm sure there's intense shilling on reddit as well. Nothing wrong with it though. I'd do the same thing.

>> No.2110049

Lol so obvious olly

>> No.2110056

wtf? that picture of a table is definitely older than a year, i remember seeing it on some blog years ago

>> No.2110059

Its 6 years old actually, if you do the maths:
That's 6 years ago

>> No.2110061

ive studied a lot of things actually, I meant more studying in general.
okay yea a drawing will take longer than that, but reading about it and studying information.

like don't try learn every muscle in the human body in a day cos you wont remember them, but leaning one muscle like a neck muscle, then implementing into your drawings would give you a greater improvement.

I think that's what hes saying.

>> No.2110064

I'm not familiar with this guy's work. but is there a reason the top 2 pics and bottom 2 pics in 2010 are such different skill levels? They look like they are by 2 different artists. I think there's been a huge jump in progression at least.

>> No.2110068


Oh olly

>> No.2110104

thank jibbers, for a second I thought I should quit art. 1 year to mega double pro from mega double shit? Fuck that.

>> No.2110127

then what does 2010 stands for

>> No.2110310

nvm im fucking retarded

>> No.2110325

Don't say that, you're perfect.

>> No.2110362

and now I am too..
1 year ?;/ gghhuuhuhuhggfhdfd I can go back to killing myself.

>> No.2111166

2010 was the year 5 years ago.

>> No.2111169

Friendly reminder that despite tehmeh's progress is still very impressive that picture is cherry picked to the max.

>> No.2111192

>cherry picked
its not even cherry picked, its a flat out lie. I mean yes its impressive, but those dates are false and imply a quicker rate of progression than is true.

>> No.2111240

every time tehmeh's progress has been posted since he left, it's more and more fantasized
>it must be cherry picked, because i can't get good that fast
>it must be impossible! he's lied! because i can't get good that fast

back then before everyone good left this was the norm

>> No.2111262

no, we say its bullshit because the actual dates of the 2009 ones weren't from 2009.

>> No.2111265

how do you know that? were you aroud back then?

>> No.2111278

The older sketch was at least done in his own style without the line tool ;_;

>> No.2111280

he learned how light works + how to use the paint program

you can do this too

>> No.2111297
File: 20 KB, 225x237, feel_itdotjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it must be cherry picked, because i can't get good that fast

No, it must be cherrypicked because literally no one can make that kind of improvement, not even old masters who were under the personal guidance of other masters.
People like to cling onto this bullshit progression pic because it somehow instills a false hope that they can git gud fast, and that they can become a pro in a couple of months.

Going from deviant art tier scrub to that in a year is literally impossible.

>> No.2111305

>feel it meme
>getting that good is impossible
>projecting your art failures onto others
You are everything wrong with /ic/ these days.
Look back on conceptart.org and you will see his progress, among plenty who improved faster.. hell even catbib did and hes from here

But then maybe you're tehmeh, desperate to seperate himself from this place by making yourself look bad

>> No.2111314

tehmeh is a photobasher