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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 341 KB, 1200x877, Ivan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2104801 No.2104801 [Reply] [Original]

>you will never paint something this masterful

Why even live? None of us will ever get this close.

Are some barriers really just impossible to break unless you have massive talent?

>> No.2104804
File: 487 KB, 1350x566, Alla Prima - Richard Schmid pg. 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all gonna make it, bruh. We have to believe that... to the bitter end.

>> No.2104805
File: 52 KB, 360x286, 1411155522986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>None of us
Eat a dick

>> No.2104806


good read

>> No.2104823

>Are some barriers really just impossible to break unless you have massive talent?

If you believe you can't do it, you won't. If you believe you can, you can. You are the only thing holding yourself back.

Also, people need to stop making this fucking thread.

>> No.2104824

it has such impact because of the strong emotion. maybe you can try implementing this in your next painting

>> No.2104826
File: 662 KB, 900x1200, monalisa3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i painted something better than it though... check the draw thread.

or ill post it here.

really draw anything with a good joke and it's better than that overly serious crap.

ITT we post our paintings that are better/more clever than that painting!

>> No.2104829

Post the high res version to prove thats actually yours and that youre not just impersonating some poor anon so he gets shat on.

>> No.2104830
File: 133 KB, 468x640, may 28 2015 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a WIP. bring on the "muh concept art/anime/old masters" people! I can't wait!

>> No.2104832



I didn't think it'd be possible for someone to actually be this arrogant.

>> No.2104833

Better? You just copied a painting from another artist. That needs no/little amount of knowlege.

>> No.2104835

well that painting deserved the joke, not OP's pic. I thought of the joke, I got to pick what painting to change. Feel free to make one of OP's pic if you really want to.
im sure you've got something on par with what I posted. There's probably plenty of people on this board with stuff more entertaining than OP's pic.

>> No.2104836

>this guy again


Pls donut reply.

>> No.2104838
File: 48 KB, 400x462, 1420834954844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2104839

oh come on, have some fun. it ain't that serious. just post your illustration work. I will prefer any even slightly clever drawing you did over what OP posted.

I mean the thread is about some random painting of a dead guy being better than your stuff. It is most definitely not. So post something.

>> No.2104842

post your work. OP is saying you suck. If you suck you suck, but I bet you don't suck.

>> No.2104877

>Why even live? None of us will ever get this close.
Only you, anon. There's your problem.

>> No.2104975

It's not like /ic/ tries. Most just do anime, illustration or the likes; and almost all the ones working with traditional don't really strive for the same end as any of the old masters.

Also that painting is overrated.

>> No.2105022

that picture is the painting equivalent of the 'touching tribute' to paul walker at the end of the latest fast and furious.

>> No.2105913

This place is depressing as fuck.

>> No.2107225
File: 67 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dat blood

Looks like he smeared a tomato and candle wax on him or somethin.

>> No.2107242

serious blood is thicker than hurty knees :^( blood

if you weren't a pussy and actually hit someone on the head for reference purposes you'd know

>> No.2107636

>There's probably plenty of people on this board with stuff more entertaining than OP's pic.
OP's pic is about as "entertaining" as paintings get

>> No.2107647
File: 1.88 MB, 2550x3300, 1409256106383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll never do anything worthwhile in your entire life
You're just gonna die and nobody will care

>> No.2107654

Who cares though? Once you're dead, you're dead. Repin left his mark on the art world and will be remembered for at least another 200 years, but he's still dead and nothing of this will ever matter to him. Live your life the way it makes you happy, that's the best you can do. Being a depressed faggot like you who obsesses over what he will never achieve just means you will waste your life and die as a bitter old man.

>> No.2107663

I'll commend you for taking standard edgelord fare and giving it a positive spin. At the same time though: fuck hedonism. It's not that the philosophy itself is empty (it has some merit); it's just that most of its proponents are wholly vapid in its execution.

>> No.2109580

You sound like you swallow dicks whole and metabolize them instantly
And that's when you get your brain to come up with pure gold like >>2107663
I'll die but at least I grew past your level of maturity in the process, seriously give it a few more years before you post here again

>> No.2109593
File: 148 KB, 1000x743, Ryan Johnson, The Parents,oil,2014,30x40%22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this when I was 18. I'm 20 now. I bet that if I kept going down the academic painting route I would be there by the time I'm 24 or 25. But doing classical realism is pretty boring this day in age, and I'm not interested pursuing that for my whole career. I got bored with plain realism in oil a year ago anyway. I'm not so sure that you can do a masterpiece in the classical way anymore because it really doesn't have anything to do with our modern society.

>> No.2109611

Were you copying something or creating the scene purely from imagination?

Also the OP image isn't about photorealism exactly, the whole painting has very strong emotion and the artist who created it has a mastery over the fundamentals and the medium. More than enough realistic works are still done, but most of it is boring and weightless in comparison to a lot of the depth/feeling that master paintings have. Old masters could do that because they have an absolute understanding over what they are creating, most people just noodle around until it 'looks right'.

>> No.2109614

Realism isn't really a talent anyway or at least not in the sense that you think. Basically, the people that are really skilled at painting realistically are the ones that have a natural obsession that makes them draw constantly from a young age. The ones that are naturally the most infatuated with art, and spend the most time doing it are the ones that can draw realistically very well.

Talent does play a big role in how good an artist is though. A person's natural personality, ideas, creativity, intelligence, drive, etc. is what actually makes them a great artist. That's what makes up the great geniuses. They usually happened to be very skilled at realism also, but that's mostly because their other traits made them practice all the time.
I'd argue that realistic painting skill really doesn't matter today anyway.

>> No.2109627

That's obviously referenced. What is it with people on /ic/ asking this same stupid question over and over.

>> No.2109629

Are you joking? Of course I was using reference, no human being can paint something very realistically without reference.
Also what you're talking about is drama. That was really important to classical painters who did genre scenes. I wasn't aiming at that in my painting, I was trying to create the mood of a couple that had lost a child, or had a destroyed marriage. There's something that's beautiful about a dramatic tragedy which I wasn't interested in. I wanted to basically capture a mood that's subtle, yet so terrible that the subject is catatonic, basically dead while living.

>> No.2109639

It's a shame you stopped painting anon but from the things you seem to prioritize about art and painting it was a doomed relationship from the get go. Realism and photorealism are two drastically different things. I suggest you try working from life and see how challenging and full of possibilities that is compared to the work you've done in the past from photo. Honestly you just sound burned out man.

>> No.2109647
File: 51 KB, 740x370, gatekeeper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I'm just learning enough to make concept art for my 3D art. I don't care about traditional paining.

>> No.2109648

I'm not burned out, quite the opposite I'm doing things that are more interesting to me now. I'm still painting, just not in the classical way. It has nothing to do with painting from photos though, I can paint basically photo-realistically from life without very much effort. I vastly prefer painting from life when I paint realistically, you can actually do better paintings from a live model than from a photo, and on top of that it's a lot funner. In some cases it's not practical though, like on that painting because I was doing it during a studio class so obviously I couldn't bet at the location I shot the photo, and also I didn't want to pay my models to sit that long. I still go through about one sketchbook a month. Art obviously doesn't have to be classical and realistic to be fulfilling. I think it's freeing not to actually because you open yourself up to a lot of possibilities that are available to artists today that weren't there when the classical masters were working.

>> No.2109656

Mind posting something more recent of yours or a blog or somewhere I can check out your work?

>> No.2109673
File: 2.10 MB, 2048x1707, figdrawavatarsupload.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a piece I did a few months ago. I got some weird reactions from it, not everybody likes it.

>> No.2109674
File: 2.11 MB, 2048x1226, composition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one from the same body of work

>> No.2109685

yeesh. can you post some life drawing?

>> No.2109694
File: 221 KB, 1000x1215, figure5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2109695
File: 72 KB, 1000x565, figure7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2109697
File: 118 KB, 1000x808, johnson_ryan_FigureStudyFromLife_Conte_36x48_2013_YeWang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2109755

That is literally my favorite painting.

But it is essentially a very glorified study, he didn't create the figures, he had models who probably sat for him for hours and hours a day, and the same with the room.

It is a very technically masterful painting, but I don't think it is unattainable.

>> No.2109760


Lol johnson ryan in filename. Nice try buddy, these are notyours

>> No.2109772

Well that is my name. Ryan Johnson. Didn't mean to do that, hopefully people don't send me a mail bomb or something haha

>> No.2109793

Thanks for shitposting.
Yes it's obvious but I was asking to see what he was going to say, if it was a direct copy, multiple refs, a photo study, whatever.
I should have just asked what percentage was imaginative, if any.

Drama is part of it but wasn't the only thing I was referring to.
Now that you say the purpose behind your painting I can see what you were going for.

>> No.2109919

If you are good enough to paint like that I sincerely hope that you choose to do some actually interesting art instead of 'realistic painting full of symbolism' nr: 8928

Also, stop using the word "talent". It's insulting to any artist who has ever practiced anything to get better at their craft.

>> No.2109931

I don't understand what "plain realism" has to do with OP's message.

I also don't think art having to do with the age is necessary for good art, as if to say something which captures the inherently unstable present would be better than something distant to it.

>I'm not so sure that you can do a masterpiece in the classical way anymore because it really doesn't have anything to do with our modern society
You can, it's just that people have a flawed idea of what "classical" means in the context of painting. Some think it's just copying (hence all the "classical portrait" painters). Some think it's making copies of old masters or some kind of parody. Some think it's any art before modernism.

>> No.2110852

>sent ;)

>> No.2110858

> http://fireonhigh82.deviantart.com

> All those furry commissions

>> No.2110999
File: 228 KB, 1293x812, JWW_Ophelia_1889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plain realism is boring
Of course it's boring when you're not creating anything you fuckhead, you just copied a photo, big achievement.

The real art is to take some reference and use it to create something that has not even existed or happened a long time ago, so your vision will be the catalyst for generations to come.

That is at least what I want to do, mythological and historical stuff

>> No.2111000

Lol, you completely missed your goal then buddy.

They look like fucking retards with their arms dangling, nobody looks like this when they're sad or depressed, The guy looks like a retard and the woman looks as if she is trying to mimic his monkey-ish pose

Get real

>> No.2111187

>The real art is to take some reference and use it to create something that has not even existed or happened a long time ago
People don't care about paintings of wars from hundreds of years ago. And you shouldn't either. Unless you are going to paint images of the Iraq War, which I doubt, I'd try to find a new mission in art.

And why create something that has not existed? So much shit already exists. Just use that stuff. You're going to make the alien future soldier to end all alien future soldiers? I doubt it.

>> No.2111224


haha alright buddy

>> No.2111234

nice copy bro.

>> No.2111243

Ah, I remember when I too had beginner art ability
Even anime could look visually impressive, lmao.

Good works like that one are a product of sketching, brush competence, and a lot of time, no superhuman abilities required

>> No.2111255

I could imagine feeling some emotion looking at this realistic depiction of a murder scene in the 19th century, but these days its just a nice piece of brushwork and little else, not really from a lack of emotion in myself or the artist, but more as result of imagery saturation these days

>> No.2111260

What evidence do you have that time exists, besides what others have told you?

Besides, you're ticking down your true biological clock even faster with all this obsessing over how much you have left, not an ideal lifestyle.

>> No.2111271

>no human being can paint something very realistically without reference.

Except when that something is something you've studied numerous times and you eventually can?

Sketching/animating from my imagination has been my goal since I began doodling as a toddler, as much as you can learn sketching from life or an image, your imagination is truly the final frontier, and the most enjoyable thing you could sketch. It obviously won't be nearly as good as what you can draw from observation without practice, but is a worthy skill that can certainly be developed to the point of realism.

>> No.2111667

Yeah that's a concept artist or illustrators dream. Bob Ross pretty much did that. It's good that you have a goal, but I wish I could make you understand that it's a waste of time. There are certain things that are actually really good to memorize how to draw. If you memorize how to draw anatomy then you will be able to draw figures from observation a lot better. Memorizing how to draw faces and skulls will allow you to paint faces from observation better. But don't waste your time trying to do paintings completely from imagination for no reason. Even if Michaelangelo was behind the pencil, the work would look comparatively shitty

>> No.2111670


What do you mean copy? Do you mean that you think I copied it from someone else's painting? Or that I was painting from a photo? I don't get it

>> No.2114216

>People don't care about paintings of wars from hundreds of years ago.
American detected

>> No.2114223

You did kill them? They sit unnaturally, similarly to the corpses.

>> No.2114271

>People don't care about paintings of wars from hundreds of years ago
as if everything that e'er happened before are just wars from hundreds of years ago. the person you quoted never mentioned anything about war.

besides, many great artists painted wars hundreds of years before their time. but they didn't paint it as it was, but as it ought to have been, showing more clarity in paint than any war would have, using the subject as a particular of an idea.

>> No.2114275

Your dad's head is small as fuck and his torso is like 5 heads tall as a result. Realism my ass you made him look like a Goomba from the super mario brothers movie. Also as anon said this portrait is just devoid of any personality at all and your parents look dead, man. The good thing about realism though is that as you painted this you learned something about the texture of marble, stone and lacquered wood that you can apply to a good painting in the future.


>> No.2114276

>American detected
There might be a hint of truth to this. Here in Europe, there are quite a few artists outside the handful of masters that everyone knows about who are quite popular. For Scandinavian examples, look up the Skagen painters and the Norwegian romantic nationalism painters.

>> No.2115571

I want to be at this level

>> No.2116541

I can try