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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 487 KB, 573x903, 1433073447893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2105505 No.2105505 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2105545

The girl on the right looks like a monkey and those noses are atrocious
How do you fuck up a redesign so bad?

>> No.2105546

You know what I hate anon? Tumblr fags. And that picture is the reason. Can we have a shitty tumbr art thread?

>> No.2105547
File: 564 KB, 700x790, knl_anime_copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ones been bothering me for a while for obvious reasons

>> No.2105548

They simplified features in a pretty bizarre way but let's not pretend the original is any better.

>> No.2105549

They made the guy black?

>> No.2105550
File: 78 KB, 360x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just googled "shitty tumblr art," and they literally have dozens of blogs dedicated to shitty DA art

>> No.2105553

The original is better. It's good and many people wish they could draw that well.

>> No.2105555

You trying to start another weeb war with your delusions?

>> No.2105558
File: 157 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2105561

No. I'm just insinuating that you saying the original is bad is wrong. You have nothing to back it up besides yelling "weeb shit"

>> No.2105562
File: 544 KB, 1334x738, 2f3b29e6987a20a091ee3465e0b58375-d8os4wd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and also vitiligo, which seems to be a trend for tumblr artists. I have no fucking idea why. Somebody care to explain?

>> No.2105563
File: 236 KB, 640x1049, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is up with these man faces/bodies?

>> No.2105564
File: 161 KB, 640x807, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because of that Romance movie called Beastly back a few years. I remember it being talked about a lot by tumblrinas, I think

>> No.2105565

Because it's inclusive, I suppose.
Tumblr artists try to include *everyone*, because either someone will whine or they'll never get notes.

>> No.2105566

shut the hell up, swine.

>> No.2105567

bruh, now they all look the sam-

oh wait.

>> No.2105568

these faggots make you faggots look like not faggots...

>> No.2105569

How about the flatness and retarded proportions, for starters?

>> No.2105576

They aren't aiming for correct proportions you mong
No one has eyes that big and nobodies nose is that tiny in the first place.
The style they use stays consistent
I bet you'd bitch about Regular shows Rigby not looking like a real raccoon

>> No.2105578
File: 24 KB, 400x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this is a tumblrina whose art we posted

>> No.2105579

Are you fucking retarded? I am talking about the original sailor moon screenshot NOT the redesign
Learn how to read you inept hippo fucker

>> No.2105584

>No one has eyes that big
No shit? I'm criticizing how they used proportions to convey perspective, not your precious anime tropes. Otherwise I would have mentioned anatomy.
>I bet you
And I know you're not gonna make it.

>> No.2105585
File: 413 KB, 500x653, 1416600150818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quit being butthurt, girl. nobody cares about your sjw art

>> No.2105588

Either you're trolling or you just can't read
I am saying that the original screenshot looks good. The original sailor moon artwork. I am not saying the tumblr redesign looks good.

>> No.2105592


>all this backpedaling

Top Kek

>> No.2105595

Read my first post dumbass>>2105553
>the original is better
The original artwork from the God damned show you memelord

>> No.2105602

Oh i feel you. My bad.
I just saw regular show and i hate that show

>> No.2105608

I don't think the original is... "good", but it's certainly not bad and if you're going to animate and draw thousands of frames, it's gotta be very very streamlined.

The drawover is terrible though, no question...

>> No.2105610
File: 75 KB, 500x741, 1416619873289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Either you're trolling
only a faggot tumblrina with lack of bord slang would come to 4chan and YOU PROBABLY TROLL((((

>> No.2105616

When faggots are literally not reading a post yeah you can assume they are trying to agitate you through bait

>> No.2105617
File: 18 KB, 400x300, palpatine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op obviously wants you to hate the shitty artist "redesigning" shitty animation shots.. into shittier animation shots..

He has succeeded.

>> No.2105618
File: 653 KB, 500x750, 1416600025388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>p obviously wants you to hate the shitty artist "redesigning" shitty animation shots
no shit sherlock.
Hoever im not OP but i also have a huge pack of these pics.
It's not hateful - more like ridiculous and laughable because those fagginas drawing everybody as fat or black with vitilingngngo

>> No.2105620


Ugly women drawing ugly women

>> No.2105621
File: 22 KB, 320x337, 1432880523814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tumblrinas are involved in faggotry? Do tell.

>> No.2105632
File: 261 KB, 500x500, 1380203348016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would never even think of saving a single one of these shitty images.

>>2105564 this is the only one that isn't offensively bad in style and even then the noses are unecessarily huge

>> No.2105634
File: 137 KB, 900x452, mlp_gijinka_line_up_by_alekinexelsis-d4jnp9v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i would never even think of saving a single one of these shitty images.
>not having a 4chan/lefanny pics folders for posting on boards
>visiting boards
Well i see because you posted nothing but weaboo crap.
>Tumblrinas are involved in faggotry? Do tell.
i think it's obvious that faggot is not a gay-term.
- tripfag
- nintendofag
- animefag
- tumblrfag/tumblrfaggina
it describes a person who obsessed with something on a ridiculous levels

>> No.2105636

Why'd she gain 30+ pounds?

>> No.2105637

These actually show that Sailor Moon, despite the overly simplistic style and shoddy animation, had pretty good gestures. The redraws may have more detail, but they're ugly as fucking shit, and kill the gesture and personality behind the poses and expressions.

>> No.2105638

What is the appeal of these redraws? To make them look relatively more realistic or something? To showcase the snowflake style of the artist? They look so uglified for no reason. The originals are cute and the redraws are effin ugly, style or whatever aside.

>> No.2105639
File: 671 KB, 768x963, YvzgKzA (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because she is Body Positive
why you asking? are you against Fat Acceptance movement?

>> No.2105641
File: 288 KB, 1280x1024, 1416552751637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the appeal of these redraws? To make them look relatively more realistic or something? To showcase the snowflake style of the artist? They look so uglified for no reason.
If you visit one of those tumblrs - you will see posts where they talk about it.
The thing they trying to do is to destroy the beauty stereotype. In cartoons/anime most of girls are cute and handsome.
While tumblrinas draw them ugly and dirty to make them...well...i dunno ugly and dirty because it's normal blabla

>> No.2105642
File: 118 KB, 705x540, reverendjackcheese_screenshot_11_zps70cfef6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can a tumblr artist itt redraw this frame for me plz ty

>> No.2105643

>tfw hate anime but I hate this tumblr shit even more

>> No.2105644

no because it's not a typical girl-character which means its too much of effort.

>> No.2105645
File: 198 KB, 772x603, fight_me_by_jun_k_tastic-d476njt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>tfw hate anime but I hate this tumblr shit even more

>> No.2105651

Okay, I'm fucking upset now

>> No.2105659

>giving a fuck about pone
the spergies are out in droves today

>> No.2105661
File: 364 KB, 540x671, sUdQjum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2105663

Post your work in the beginner thread if you want critique

>> No.2105668

Oh, its ponies? I thought it was Panty & Stocking.

>> No.2105669
File: 610 KB, 768x1024, G0PT2i1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont wanna

>> No.2105674

How the fuck do fat people manage to be fat, the only way I can gain weight is if I eat so much that it becomes tedious and I haven't been able to bring myself above a size that most would still consider under weight

>> No.2105677

>200,000 thousand


>> No.2105680

A lot of it comes to mental disorder. Depression, anxiety, fucked up events in their lives. I recently heard of a woman that gained tons of weight after she got raped. I guess subconsciously she wanted to get fat so she is not a target for assault.

>> No.2105695

Former fatass here.

Obese people do not have the off buttons that normal people do when eating. They also eat for reasons other than hunger. Sometimes its a coping mechanism, sometimes it's out of boredom. Their gluttonous and lazy behavior becomes a lifestyle, and as such, losing weight and becoming healthy requires a total restructuring of their lives. This terrifies most obese people and as a result, they either accept their fate as miserable mounds of shit, or in the case of the Tumblrette HAES crowd, appeal to society to lower the bar to make them feel attractive.

>> No.2105702


>> No.2105705
File: 9 KB, 200x200, -OODyyZvw2w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Depression, anxiety, fucked up events in their lives.
it's exactly how i get fat. i live alone and work as freelance artists. no friends. all i do is sit and draw. and try to live

>> No.2105708

sounds just like me, wanna share contacts?

>> No.2105710

I love you, fat friends!

>> No.2105712

>They also eat for reasons other than hunger. Sometimes its a coping mechanism, sometimes it's out of boredom.

I'm not obese, but this is true. If given the opportunity, I eat like a pig. Luckily, I've managed to lift weight and do cardio on a semi-regular basis for the last 10+ years, so I'm still in ok shape, with a decent amount of muscle mass. but a bit too much fat. If I didn't work out on a regular basis and do the occasional diet, I'd probably be obese due to the copious amounts of food I've eaten over the years.

>> No.2105727
File: 38 KB, 403x639, SoSuGwS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sounds just like me, wanna share contacts?
i'd want to. but im full of paranoja about being trolled and posted to 4chan. who knows if you an actual friend?

>> No.2105737

my spic radar went of the chart

>> No.2105739


y-you guys too?
>tfw I was always thin as fuck
>starting freelance/ studying and depression
>live alone and only eat shit food
>didn't get fat at all
>fast forward 2years
>suddenly realize I am getting fat for the first time.

getting old sucks.

>> No.2105747
File: 340 KB, 800x711, tumblr_nk1iozunm61rkq0ruo10_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was so handsome when back in university. So carefree and thin and beautiful.
now im depressive and fat. Im also scared as fuck if my neighbours think that im some kind of pervert or a pedophile because im "that weird fat guy who never comes out and nobody visits him"
while im not a bad person, just struggling with getting better and moving to a bigger city and having more money.

>> No.2105754

lol im europeguy. i always forget if its paranoia or paranoja.

>> No.2105756

current fatass here

parents were also fat, didn't try to steer me right. Getting out of it, though

>> No.2105763

Im scared now, Im really skinny and lazy. I dont want to be fat

>> No.2105767 [DELETED] 

am i a manga yet

>> No.2105768
File: 42 KB, 623x934, amine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i manga yet

>> No.2105775

>Im scared now, Im really skinny and lazy. I dont want to be fat
congrats! you are on your way! we will wait for you!

>> No.2105776
File: 610 KB, 524x737, 1416613386512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2105799

So why are all these art styles so much alike?
Red noses/ugly noses
Healthy girls become fat
White characters become black

>> No.2105809
File: 71 KB, 500x500, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's possible to stay skinny if you take care of yourself starting now.
>tfw chick in picture is 29 years old

>> No.2105813

You're making it sound as if not being a landwhale is somehow unusual or difficult to achieve.

>> No.2105817

>this anon does not live in america.

>> No.2105820

Most of the people that got fat that I knew quit caring about their appearance after high school

>> No.2105833
File: 48 KB, 501x516, tumblr_n70y5tU9nm1qc1lx2o1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was going to BSU to study art
>Was going to be an animator
>Working at a museum now


For your enjoyment.

>> No.2105838

Asian genes

>> No.2105843

>BSU, Boston State University
>Checks website
>Tuition $47,422
>Total Estimated Expenses $62,956
>For that "art"
>Holy shit

>> No.2105848
File: 2.91 MB, 365x341, 1384567432666.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2105849

Many Asians age pretty fucking bad, actually.

>> No.2105852

>Currently enrolled in an animation diploma course though I can't draw for shit, mostly been taught feminism.
the only explanation for those prices.

>> No.2105853

There are a lot of people that physically look younger than they are, aka round baby face and petite figure

>> No.2105862

im getting fat because the amount of food i have to eat to not feel like im starving is excessive, i have no middle ground and i came to terms with i would rather be fat than forever feeling like im starving.

>> No.2105870
File: 117 KB, 500x333, 2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw butthurt artist is lurking in this thread

>> No.2105881

What? I don't have any work posted here, I was agreeing with anon, I've more or less enrolled to learn animation and drawing , paid 34k [17k a year] and it's mostly tumblr in class about feminism, culture appropriation, barely any drawing session, learned most of my knowledge off my peers. I think I'm heading towards a casual day job at this rate.

>> No.2105901

>Even the terrible redesign looks better than big-eyes no-nose jap anime

>> No.2105904

Go back to tumblr, you blind cunt.

>> No.2105918

>whiteknighting for magical girls

>> No.2105921
File: 380 KB, 822x870, 1416553578541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not a weaboo but even chinese cartoons are acceptable because they have their own style
while tumblr is just an autism art

>> No.2105929

Chinese cartoons are often stylistically all over the place.
Redoing character designs for fun is autistic?

>> No.2105932

Only if they look stupid.

>> No.2105933
File: 538 KB, 768x1024, V22utH6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. But being a shitty pretencious autist with fetish around black people is.
Also why you don't go back to tumblr?

>> No.2105936

These look more human than muh Japanese animes. Even if they are weird genderbends.

>> No.2105941
File: 386 KB, 900x1839, no_comment_by_curtsibling-d818s7f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the artist even point out that she FEELS BAD for liking the movie as much as she did. because now when she's all about tumblr autism she knows that the movie is racist and mysoginistic because of lack of black people of women.
So she got mad and made an entire cast of black people...that all look just like white people but with brown skin.
How is that not autistic?

>> No.2105943

They're not great, but they are nothing like what was posted earlier in this thread. Do darkies trigger you that much?

>> No.2105944
File: 413 KB, 800x597, tom_preston_fan_art_part_2__inflatable_boogaloo_by_viewinflation-d6px2fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These look more human than muh Japanese animes.
Drawing cartoons is not about making everything look like human you dumbass.

>> No.2105945

>non white aryans

>> No.2105951

>drawing black people as elves fetishizes them
>implying your entire existence doesn't revolve around fetishizing yellow people

>> No.2105956

Isn't this one actually good?

>> No.2105959

>she feels bad
It's called a guilty pleasure. Those movies were shit whether you consider yourself PC or not.
>entire cast
Count again, foreign friend.
Pandering? Yes. Autistic? No. Autists will overreact to things that don't effect them, though. Hmmm.

>> No.2105962

This seems to be some kind of coping mechanism for people who fit into any group outside the norm.
Deaf people actually do the same shit, where they attack fellow deaf people who want to get their hearing back, considering them traitors and claiming they want to destroy "deaf culture".

I think modern society has warped the human mind. We live such comfortable lives and two generations have no been raised to think they can achieve anything they want, and that society owes them something.

>> No.2105963

Only poorly drawn niggers.

>> No.2105967
File: 180 KB, 474x700, 1416601613659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>drawing black people as elves fetishizes them
it's clearly explained WHY its autistic.
its not a drawing of a black person as an elf. there is no problem with that if its just done as a character design of a random character.
here >>2105941 its explains why - it's because she is tumblr.
Also quit being so butthurt over people not sharing same autistic interests with you or get the fuck out of 4chan

>> No.2105969

>Those movies were shit whether you consider yourself PC or not.
What a dumbass.
She don't feel bad for liking it because movies are shit.
She hates it because there are no black elves or panplatonic transgender demisexual wizards.
Why tumblrinas are so castrated in their minds?
>lord of the rings is shit
try more faggot

>> No.2105970

The racism displayed by the political left is beyond extreme. A few days back, Jay Z was promiting his shitty music streaming service here in Norway, and posted a bunch of pictures of the staff. People (mostly niggers and women) went ballistic because the staff was "too white".
On a similar subject, we also have an insane law here in Norway that 40% of the board in public companies must be women. It technically says "at least 40% of either gender", but we all know what it really means.

Racism and sexism hasn't been this rampant in the west since the 50s, but the victims are now exclusively white men.

>> No.2105972

So 'autistic' is just some meaningless buzzword that you're using to legitimize a nonexistent argument, then? Figured. Don't look under your bed, anon. Tumblr might get you.

>> No.2105974

this is kinda sad.
They dont even care about it. They just "well damn. put 2 niggers here and 3 women here or we will be racists".
Personally i never seen a black person in real life (only once when i was in Berlin) so in my art there are not so many black people (only Django fanart, lol) so im afraid if i will be called a racist while im not a racist. I just really don't know them.
It's like a different world to me. Like - i play GTA V and see black quarters and realize that its so weird. People with dark skin. And so many of them!

Also LOTR had none of black people cast naturally because it takes place in medieval-ish cold countries with no niggers. Of course it will have none of them.

>> No.2105975

When in doubt, use buzzwords.

>> No.2105976


>> No.2105978

And? Who gives a shit? I swear, you guys are 1000 times more sensitive than the people you whine about nonstop. It's really transparent.

>> No.2105980

Most coherent thing you've said yet.

>> No.2105982

>see a post with reasons
>see 1 buzzworkd
>Durr hurr le Buzzword xD
samefag with brain damage

>> No.2105983
File: 760 KB, 1000x1504, gghjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even gonna fuck with the backround

>> No.2105985
File: 375 KB, 400x300, 1416360769076.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw tumblr fagginas actually invaded this thread and butthurted all over it

>> No.2105986

I live in a US town where there aren't a ton of blacks, only a handful. Even then, saying "niggers" when no blacks are present is offensive. Here, being racist is worse than actually offending a black guy.

>> No.2105988

Not a samefag, and the reasons were laughable. You're just mad some artist that's better than you draws shit you don't like. Boo hoo, anon.

>> No.2105989

Ah, there are plenty of black people here, or at least enough that I'll see some if I walk through town. However, just like in the US, most of them are either in unemployed or working class people, with a handful of celebrities and athletes. I do know one black guy, who's actually a muslim from Somalia. Actually met him in my engineering class, and he was surprisingly decent at math. Talk about breaking stereotypes.

>> No.2105990
File: 49 KB, 400x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow

>> No.2105992
File: 19 KB, 250x160, blinking_sword_in_the_stone-250x160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some artist that's better than you
fucking lold
this is like Number One insult that butthurt fagginas use.
>durr hurr this aritst insulted me :(
nice self autism. keep the good job!

>> No.2105994

I wish I knew a couple of likeminded people who'd be willing to make parody tumblr accounts, in order to draw gays, women and black people as straight white men. See how those bigoted cunts like it.

>> No.2105996

Post your work, then. Prove you're not some beginner thread weeb. Merc_wip can't save you.

>> No.2105997

Seems more like people who are angry about Tumblr than actual Tumblr people.

>> No.2105998


>> No.2106000
File: 672 KB, 960x540, 1430056504677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post your work, then
>actually using N2 butthurt-driven argument
how can you never actually learn?
how about i cum in your eyehole instead?

>> No.2106002

>I wish I knew a couple of likeminded people who'd be willing to make parody tumblr accounts, in order to draw gays, women and black people as straight white men. See how those bigoted cunts like it.
i'd so join even if im gay
But i hate tumblr LGBT. they using as (and black people) for their fetish.

>> No.2106006

>claims to be better
>won't substantiate said claim
>maybe this meme image will save me
Try again.

>> No.2106007

I used to have the same.
Cut sugar from your diet (not entirely, just make sure you're not ingesting a whole cake worth of sugar each meal).
Sugar makes you feel unsated for increasingly longer untill you're a whale.

>> No.2106009
File: 184 KB, 1902x962, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit nigga what are you doing

>> No.2106015
File: 86 KB, 800x547, 1_298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tumblrinas have nowhere to run

>> No.2106017

Still waiting, fuqboi~

>> No.2106018

You'll have to wait a while.

>> No.2106020
File: 16 KB, 450x225, 42e1f98618e945b2ba99d2d633ebd398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one tumblrina discovering a 4chan exclusive insult and fails at it
>the other one is sucking her faggina
Try again. I will watch you.

>> No.2106027

>is a complete shitter and knows it, so won't embarrass himself further by posting any work
It's probably for the best
>that's OUR meme, this is MY secret club
Think you're helping yourself with this cringefest?

>> No.2106028

>Post your work.
>how about i cum in your eyeball?

>> No.2106037

They made Sarina look like a chubby pig and Lita look like a man.
Seems to me this take a screenshot and redraw it thing should be an exercise you don't share with others unless you know its in the means of your skill.

>> No.2106038
File: 53 KB, 640x480, Absolute Degeneracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love it. Think about using the meme image I've posted with this topic as well for this tumbler. Should be fitting.

>> No.2106044
File: 155 KB, 475x480, bickering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you may have a point, you have to understand that it's part of a counter-culture. They're upset by the fact that the cast has a huge amount of white men and not much else, you're upset because it has a huge portion of women and non-white people. You're both just two extremes, you understand? The true answer lies somewhere in-between.

>> No.2106048

>They're upset by the fact that the cast has a huge amount of white men and not much else, you're upset because it has a huge portion of women and non-white people.
Im gay. I hate both - men and women. I dont give a shit about white males because most of them want to kill me and protect their little larvaes from my propaganda.
But you don't have to be a supermind to see whats the problem with tumblr autism.
>They're upset by the fact that the cast has a huge amount of white men
>they're upset by the fact that a story of a land filled with white enthnics had more of white enthnics than others
how ridiculous is that? in a LOTR world most of lands and countries never even got discovered yet. Of course black people didn't get to the center of a goddamn antarctica yet.

>> No.2106049
File: 16 KB, 255x352, LaughingElfMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised at how many Tumblrinas stalk /ic/ yet they get butthurt and won't take any advice from the other threads because muh style is 2 edgy 4 u

>> No.2106051
File: 62 KB, 1920x1080, 1432321011972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol irk xD
>laughing elfman

>> No.2106055
File: 452 KB, 320x240, 189298537849.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's better than all this shit? Epic head bobbing guy.

>> No.2106059

kek america
first you all get fat
second you find a reason to accept your fat just not to feel bad
third is you forcing other countries to accept fat

>> No.2106060


>> No.2106061

>third is you forcing other countries to accept fat
as a fat person i don't like it. im trying to get better because the harmony between your spirit AND body is what humans should Strive-For.
personally i didn't even see that many fat people in my country and that Fat Acceptance movement look ridiculous here.

>> No.2106062

Why would anyone take advice from someone at your level again?

>> No.2106069

That one's not that bad.

>> No.2106071
File: 311 KB, 483x470, 103948743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>its the same person

>> No.2106076

>third is you forcing other countries to accept fat
The UK has their own brand of fat asses so we don't take responsibility for them. Canada is Canada they'll be fine. Elsewhere it is still gross to be a lard ass and no amount of Hollywood influence will change that.

>> No.2106080

Have you even seen my art? No, because I'm not posting it, because I'm shit and I know I'm shit. Only thing is that I realize it and I am working on improving rather than using the ol' "Oh it's my art style it's supposed to look that way" excuse.

tldr; Loomis

>> No.2106089

You have to shame ponies and furries when ever they appear outside their designated areas, it was the only way they learned their place and not annoy the fuck out of everyone.
If people stopped now, things would go back to how they were and it seems very few remember why they're hated on in the first place.
This would be fine if not for the goddamn tumblr noses, I like the expressive faces of cartoons over the simplified faces used when they're supposed to be emphasizing emotion that anime retardedly does.
Special snow flake design right here, different for the sake of being different, thinking that merely more unconventional=good.
Are they supposed to be transgendered? Or is the artist that terrible that they can't draw anything else other than yaoi?
Mad weeb alert, go back to /a/ fag.
Not that guy, but it's an unhealthy unnecessarily critical look at yourself when there is nothing wrong there to begin with, viewing the world in such a narrow skewed lens is only going to bring negative perceptions of your experiences.
Also people need to stop taking what's said on 4chan so seriously, the perception that 4chan is an internet hate machine is a little overblown, you can think something is stupid and call it out without getting angry, but in jest and hyperbole.
Also people need to learn to recognize and ignore shitposting, one easy tip is the excessive posting of memes.

>> No.2106096

How do you know?

>> No.2106113
File: 102 KB, 800x1000, 13538328046.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

psst, you can check it obviously. Tumblrina's know nothing

>> No.2106123


>> No.2106155

o cool! I always wanted to know.

>> No.2106172
File: 70 KB, 960x479, 1430421802786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humans have survived without diets
That's because people actually had to move previously.

>> No.2106190

It is an old animation meant for laughs. What did you expect.

>> No.2106193

You can also say that about latino chicks, even white chicks, fucking every woman.

>> No.2106196

it wasnt a samefag you dumbass

>> No.2106198

I think this one looks fine honestly.

>> No.2106200


Yea Sailor Mars looks qt

>> No.2106208

Are you autistic or something? Because your inability to read emotion even in cartoons, is astonishing.
Even in a shitty, low budget show like Sailor Moon, the expressions are infinitely more expressive than the retarded tumblrshit that it's been replaced with.

>> No.2106213

If you can't draw knees, just draw balls instead.

No one will notice!

>> No.2106215

>delusional sjw's in charge of understanding stylization
Yeah no, not even going to bother

>> No.2106216

Something about this artstyle screams tumblr even without being told it's from tumblr.

>> No.2106238
File: 40 KB, 300x400, 1368479970143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally just turns the monkey slider to 90%

>> No.2106239
File: 161 KB, 1280x457, wegg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2106261


ew... what the fuck..

there's a difference between "diversification" and not being able to tell the fucking gender of what the character is supposed to be anymore.

>> No.2106264

Gender is but a social construct, you fucking shitlord.

>> No.2106268



>> No.2106270
File: 144 KB, 351x339, 12893752.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My tumblr fag senses are tingling

>> No.2106271
File: 314 KB, 768x1024, qvMlyDe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2106274

Oh shit, see? That's what happens when you get fat. You lose your leg to diabeetus

>> No.2106275

Nah, she probably ate it.

>> No.2106277
File: 629 KB, 781x518, XfoYr2s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2106278

You know exactly what I'm talking about anon, don't pretend.
When a character is supposed to have a freak out what does anime usually do?
Simplifies the face and enlarges head, adds sweat drops, vein popping, very large mouth with a very simple shape jagged teeth if they are aggravated, sometimes even hiding the eyes, extra lines around the eyes, etc.
An expression involves the whole face and body language, anime as a whole can be incredibly terrible at that, but stay mad weeb.

>> No.2106279
File: 34 KB, 427x245, EIDP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha pencil legs, gets me every time its posted

>> No.2106295
File: 219 KB, 500x418, 58kgrVsZ41svqttlo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, whatever you say.

>> No.2106300

That depends on the type of show, the budget and whether it's done for comedic effect.

>An expression involves the whole face and body language, anime as a whole can be incredibly terrible at that, but stay mad weeb.

That would be most western shows, which do the anime equivalent of superdeformation all the time. Western shows rely entirely on over-emoting, which is why it has a reputation for being cartoony and for children. They exaggerate all emotions in a very blatant manner, primarily so that very young children are able to grasp the emotions being displayed. This tumblr shit is an even worse version of this, as it's neither well drawn, aesthstically pleasing nor shows any kind of merit on any level.

Older anime was actually fairly good at showing expressions and emotion, ranging from serious situation to more comedic ones. But once again, it depends on the show.

> but stay mad weeb.
I can't really fathom how empty of a person you have to be to actually regurgitate memes like that. I also haven't watched anime in a decade.

>> No.2106308

No, you are not forgiven.

>> No.2106312

>Gender is but a social construct, you fucking shitlord.
I don't get it. Do people actually believe this? Because obviously gender is a physical trait and not something you decide for yourself (unless you surgically change it I guess). I mean sure, someone might view themselves to be outside social gender norms, but that doesn't change the meaning of the word or give the word a negative connotation. Gender still just refers to what genitals are on your body.

I think people who get worked up about this shit don't really understand how language works, and that just because there isn't a specific word for whatever it is they view themselves as, that doesn't mean society is trying to oppress them.

>> No.2106315
File: 691 KB, 1370x934, 13924121137090987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2106317

>When a character is supposed to have a freak out what does anime usually do?
>Simplifies the face and enlarges head, adds sweat drops
well i wasnt expecting tumbl fagginas actually knowing the subject of what they critisizing.

>> No.2106322

Ew, what's up with the anorexic chicks on the left?

>> No.2106324
File: 245 KB, 640x960, OLYUYQe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um...you being sarcastic and le-fanny...right?
because how is being natural Non-Fat person makes you an anorexic?
im from europe and most women are like this. some of them are fat (but they are 30-40 when most of people are sort of fat)
Well memed my friend - if you was trying to be funny.
Fuckoff tumblrina - if you was actually serious.

Choose one.

>> No.2106326
File: 74 KB, 637x627, 1401478112720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2106330
File: 590 KB, 550x1140, 1428352814790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2106331

If you look at the wikipedia article, it's more often used now to mean male/female identity than penis/vagina.

>> No.2106335

There are many other differences between men and women than just the genitals.

Thus, I stand by the opinion that if you're born a man, you're a man forever. You can mutilate your genitals, take estrogen and call yourself a female, but I will always refer to you as a deluded man.

The only way a man can truly become a woman in my eyes is if he can fool me.

>> No.2106342

>There are many other differences between men and women than just the genitals.

Yeah, obviously, but my point was that the word "gender" itself doesn't apply to that. That's the social norms built around gender. I was just saying I think its dumb that people get all riled up when they see the word, because what it actually refers to is literally just "penis or vagina". Pretty sure no one is debating that most people have one of those, and yet people still sperg out about it.

>> No.2106353

The problem is that the whole fucking thing is mired in political bullshit and ideology, rather than science. There are two genders, biologically speaking. However, there are people who don't fall into either category, because they have genetic defects, such as an XXY chromosome or other things that fuck with normal sexual development. There are also people who are born male or female, but have hormone imbalances or brain structures that are more common for the opposite gender.

However, the problem once against boils down to ideology. Rather than taking a rational, scientific approach to this, and simply admitting that these people have a biological defect, people try to turn it into gender politics or gender identity, pretending that it's normal, that people are born into the body of the opposite gender, or that there's a third gender. There isn't. The people who make these claim are the ones making up social constructs.

However, admitting that people are born with fucked up genetics, isn't the same as saying that these people are less worth than other people, but this is something a feminist og LGBTWTF person will never understand. They can only think in a linear fashion, and that is celebrating and bragging over being different, playing the victim card, while making "normal" people out to be the enemy. They're trying to force their extremely narrow and naive view onto society, and they have unfortunately succeeded to a large extent.

If these assholes took a more rational approach, and could simply understand that a person's worth isn't based solely on their weight, gender or shortcomings, they'd be much happier, but they'd rather play the victim, blame perfectly innocent people for their own massive inferiority complexes and just turn the world into a much shittier place.

>> No.2106361

The bottom one reminds me of cromartie high school

>> No.2106381

Gender and sex in scientific terms are two different things. Under normal conditions (barring XXY, abnormalities with the SRY gene, etc) there are two sexes, male and female depending on if you are XY or XX. Barring any abonormalities like inersex conditions, sex refers to your sex chromosomes and in turn what kind of genitals you have.

Gender is a little more complicated, because it includes social norms, environmental factors, and even other abnormalities. Masculinity and femininity within a given society pertains to gender. Gender has more to do with your brain than what's in your pants. Here is where things also get interesting/complicated, as you can have someone with a male sex but they identify with the female gender. There exist sexually dimorphic brain regions where people who would seek sexual reassignment surgery+therapy have some (not all) sexually dimorphic brain structures closer matching the target sex than the birth sex from the get go.

Basically Gender Identity Disorder is most effectively treated by sex reassignment, and there are observed brain differences that contributes to the phenomenon.

>> No.2106398

I'm aware, but most of the theories surrounding gender aren't based in science and often outright deny it. The concept of being a woman trapped in a man's body, or vice versa is quite literally impossible in someone with normal genetics. Yes, the brain can be sexually dimorphic up to a point, but this doesn't mean that the brain is entirely of the opposite gender, as the very presence of a supposedly female brain in a male body, would give it certain masculine traits.

Now, there's certainly something going on with these people, but I just can't stand the terminology and absolutes that the left-wing crusaders use. They've turned it into a culture and political issue with a very specific agenda, and use aggressive shaming tactics, bullying, sexism, racism and mob mentality to try to achieve their goals.

>> No.2106401
File: 34 KB, 320x340, hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did this whole tumblr nose thing even started?

>> No.2106413

Women are consensus driven creatures. They feed on approval and are entirely dependent on fitting into some group. Ironically this is the primary reason for the problems that they face and usually blame on men.
And no, I'm not just making this shit up. It's been studied quite extensively.

>> No.2106427
File: 176 KB, 980x1040, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tumblrites complain constantly about privilege, cultural appropriation, etc
>Somehow redrawing Japanese art in their own Western style and making it conform to their biases (i.e. make characters fat disgusting unkempt slobs) is perfectly acceptable

>> No.2106435

I always found the cultural appropriation thing absolutely bizarre, particularly when minorities whine about it. Their cultures have literally copied almost every aspect of western culture, and then they whine like little bitches because we eat their food or make music inspired by their culture.

>> No.2106458

things happen in the face and reddens your cheeks and nose if compared to the rest of your face. light bounces out from the skin, you become redder because there is more blood there. As the nose sticks out it also gathers more light than other areas, that's why the nose can be highlighted. It can also become more red because of subsurface scattering. It's been known for a long time, but with new digital art it became much more popular to exaggerate it, and tumblr abused it quite a lot despite not knowing shit about shit, and being generally shit at noses. Then someone got pissy as fuck and started complaining, so it caught on and people made macros.

>> No.2106460

Not the Anon you were replying to.

I agree with you, but
>Their cultures have literally copied almost every aspect of western culture
Example of one? From my perspective, it seems that everybody copies from everybody else, no matter what culture they have.

>> No.2106469

Well, everything. I can't make a list, because it would more or less include everything. The western model of government, law, entertainment, science and industry is more or less the norm around the world, with some variations.

>> No.2106483


You do understand a lot of that was a result of European colonialism right?

Also, the problem is that white people lambaste other people for doing things and then when they do it it's ground breaking. Take for example, rap. When it came out, especially gangsta' rap, white people are, and still are, very critical of it calling it trash, not real music, and etc. Then when white people do it, see Eminem (even though he's really good), Iggy Azelea, and etc. THEN it's amazing, great, and they get tons of awards.

Another example is rock and roll and how it became a 'whites only' thing when it never started out like that. Or when you see 'Navajo' or 'Aztec' designs being sold. These same things that white Americans killed and try to pry from Amerindians are now being sold and celebrated by white people, because they are the ones doing it. Yes, cultural appropriation it does tend to be a problem.

>> No.2106486

>See how those bigoted cunts like it.

The irony.

>> No.2106489

Well yes, that was the point of the entire fucking post.

>> No.2106491

America is the bully everyone can't help but admire

>> No.2106492

>I'm insane
Left-wing racism is always hilariously depressing.

>> No.2106493

tumblr pls go away. People who dislike rap (like myself) don't dislike it because black people are the ones making it and they certainly don't think Eminem is amazing and great. Most people aren't as shallow and racist as SJWs like you are. When someone hates rap, it's because they dislike that type of music in general, they don't change their opinion about it based on the skin color of the person who made it.

Also, when you have conquered a culture, you have every right to steal from them. That's how humanity has advanced in the first place. Imagine where our western society would be today if the Romans would have refused to steal from the Greek out of political correctness?

>> No.2106551

This twat is still making comics?
My god...

>> No.2106710

But anon, thats wrong, were better than that.

I like how people think that modern man is somehow better than his whole history. Stuff breaks, people die. There will always be conflict and violence, thats what irks me about libs. They live in this fairyland were no one is ever attacked or hurt. Therefore, who needs guns, right?

>> No.2106715

Let me try from the mindset of a tumblrina:
Rainbow Dash is clearly lesbian because she likes to run
Applejack is obviously going to be dirty, ugly and muscular because she sounds southern
And Pinkie Pie is obviously going to be fat because she's SO happy and loves sweets! ^o^

>> No.2106720 [DELETED] 

>mostly been taught feminism
That doesn't make any fucking sense whatsoever

>> No.2106758

the internet ruined art

>> No.2106761


>> No.2106769


how old did you guys start to get fat?

I'm 22 and still have the same thin body proportion despite eating unhealthily and I know this won't last forever. i just dont know when

>> No.2106773

Fuck off back to >>>/mlp/

>> No.2106777
File: 2.00 MB, 278x166, Abandon_e0bc68_143909.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2106782

Yes, these are huge problems, aren't they?

Paramilitaries using rape as a terror weapon in the Sudan, the prevalence of female genital mutilation in Uganda, HIV/AIDS rape gangs in Somalia, pedophile prostitution tourism in South East Asia and ISIL destroying world heritage sites all pale into insignificance next to some wigger winning a rap award or some soccer mom selling Aztec-inspired jewellery.

Get the fuck out of here with your revisionist history.

>> No.2106783

Count your calories bro. Calculate your TDEE and go from there. Or better yet, go to /fit/ mang

>> No.2106784

for me it started around 24-25. before that i was the same as you, just ate fast food and chips and shit every day and never gained a pound. but now it seems to all come back.

>> No.2106847

you start struggling with weight at 23, be prepared, at least that was for me, now im still very thin but I have all kinds of intestine/colitis issues.

>> No.2106867

top kek

>> No.2106871

When has that argument EVER created anything good? Asking someone to prove they're better by showing off never comes off as nothing more than spiteful and naive. People try this over and over here and they never learn that it leads nowhere.

>> No.2106880

>obesity crisis is funded by diet companies
>my sides

Take a stroll through any American city and compare it to literally anywhere else on earth and you'd know how much more fats America has

Literally rejecting years of statistics/census research just to justify their laziness

>> No.2106884

>eat food

With the amount of fat an obese person has they could survive for days/weeks longer than a normal sized person without eating a single thing.

That's literally why we generate fat

>> No.2106886
File: 18 KB, 375x358, 109247109234491074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>things happen in the face and reddens your cheeks and nose if compared to the rest of your face

yes but not up to the point where it's distracting and it becomes the focal point of the whole image

>> No.2106944

dat vitiligo

>> No.2106968
File: 502 KB, 729x455, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thing is though, the character isn't even dark skinned, a little bit tan, yes, but not dark skinned.

>> No.2106990

It's to call them out on their posturing bullshit, obviously.

>> No.2106999
File: 104 KB, 960x639, tumblr_no781oTwEJ1qgsmduo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT shitlords.

>> No.2107002

to be fair applejack is a apple farmer who has the highest physical specs of the ponies in the town and the entire show I think. so its not that weird for her to be a big muscular farmer.
but then again the fact I know that means I should probably go commit sudoku.

>> No.2107005
File: 57 KB, 490x337, 754374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modern man is somehow better than his whole history.
People said that there would forever be peace after the slaughter of The Great War. Look how that ended up.

>> No.2107012

No, it's an argument that's usually used by kids, that's so retarded that it's turned into a meme. But some people are so insanely stupid that they actually use the argument seriously.

>> No.2107013
File: 99 KB, 561x581, 1431339621955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asian eyes and vitaligo?
They're not even trying.

>> No.2107015

Why shouldn't people (read:you) be expected to back up their arguments?

>> No.2107028


/mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/ you cunts

>> No.2107038

what is report button what is report button what is report button what is report button what is report button what is report button what is report button what is report button you faggot.

>> No.2107050

A button that serves no purpose, unless something explicity illegal is posted.

>> No.2107053

i already reported them fuccboi

>> No.2107063

They came for the cute EuroDisney yaoi. They left with that stinking red nose.

>> No.2107074

I lived with a GF from 23 to 25 and gained 24 pounds.
I have gone back to health but still have a belly. Only good thing was I was able to turn most of that weight into muscle so now I'm bearmode instead of skinnyfat.

>> No.2107079
File: 265 KB, 1280x1816, 1429313552610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. It doesn't mean that you should just spam in this thread.
2. Lurk more, /ic/ have janitors that sometimes delete posts that break rules.
3. Those posts were on a topic and were a great examples of shitty redraws.

>> No.2107088

I'm actually being sarcastic. I hate mlp shit.

>> No.2107110

while there's plenty wrong with that pic, I don't think its that bad of a redraw overall.
of course its nothing spectacular, but it looks like something an amateur artist might of done for fun real quickly.

>> No.2107114


>> No.2107115
File: 539 KB, 1024x435, equestria_girls__diversity_by_rannva-d65ea8q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rainbow Dash is clearly lesbian because she likes to run
>Applejack is obviously going to be dirty, ugly and muscular because she sounds southern
>And Pinkie Pie is obviously going to be fat because she's SO happy and loves sweets! ^o^
not a MLP fag but i agree at your sarcasm.
They don't even use common sense.
That pinkyPony is obviously "that" type of person - who is super energetic and can eat everything and dont get fat because of her lifestyle - she always moving jumping like a toy filled with batteries. Such people can eat gallons of shit and don't get fat.

Even if applejack is a farmer she DONT suppose to have a fucking muscles and abs like some kind of powerlifter. Working on farm just gives you an average non-skinny look.
There is no person who was working on farm and thats somehow gave him/her huge fucking biceps. Even people who actually lift have problems with that.
And the thing this - it's a girl. Which means it will be even harder to gain a muscle mass.

RaibowDash. Well that's just wrong. Do they even know they using a STEREOTYPE?
>durr hurr she acts like a jerk sometimes and shes a girl and she can run fast SHE MUST BE A LESBIAN XDDD

what the actual fuck - they even go against their own logic

>> No.2107151

source fag

>> No.2107161

your butthurt.

>> No.2107174

>I got nuffin

>> No.2107177

>I lived with a GF
There's your problem. GFs just want to go out and eat all the time. And whenver she doesn't finish her playe (all the time) she gives it to you.
There's a reason all /fit/izens either have no Gfs, or are homo with other muscular, healthy men

>> No.2107179

2tru. Fun fact: women carry guns in their purses to coerce you into eating their scraps.

>> No.2107198

>tfw my ex would throw away food in the house because I started weighing more than 140 pounds
bitches are fucking crazy I swear.

>> No.2107212
File: 1.44 MB, 1538x902, 68686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or are homo with other muscular, healthy men
dubs wont lie
im a homo who likes muscle men. i also feel happy by being an artist and drawing and knowing that men/my sexual interests like the same thing as me
it's like having your best bro on your side and you both having fun and develop your life together
being gay is what you should try

>> No.2107215
File: 227 KB, 800x533, BananaNutMiffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I got nuffin
I ate muffin

sorry had to say that.

>> No.2107216

i really hope you're a manlet, for your sake.

>> No.2107218

that's the gayest thing i've read all day. congrats.

>> No.2107219
File: 78 KB, 604x604, DdIa3nCQBcw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are very welcome. now stretch your ass and open it for all those possibilities

>> No.2107220

i take shits out of there. and you're dick is disgusting. and so is mine. so how about we both just agree to talk to each other at a distance and not make any physical contact.

>> No.2107222
File: 4 KB, 351x152, IC survial guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods Delete Cancer thread plz

The art posted here is garbage, it's poorly composed garbage. and all its doing is attracting wave after wave of shitposting. and since tumblr is visiting and wants to bitch and moan this shitposting will never leave front page

Mods Delete Cancer thread plz

>> No.2107241

I'm asian and 5'8 which is probably averagish, but I live in an area where everyone around me is >6'2 so I can't be certain.

>> No.2107250

>how about we both just agree to talk to each other at a distance and not make any physical contact.
>talk to each other at a distance and not make any physical contact
>mfw delusional cuntfucker actually afraid of me raping him
but anon 0/10 is not even close to my taste

>> No.2107255

not just a fag but a mean fag. i bet your life is 100% more fun than mine lol. you probably grab your friend's boobs and then call them whores to their face. the gays are so fun.

>> No.2107257

If you had a terminal illness you'd get sassy too, anon.

>> No.2107258
File: 467 KB, 1024x745, ronald_mcdonald_sonic_style_by_cherubfeet-d7tq7aw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so happy that this text requires so much effort just to be read. I won't bother.

>> No.2107266
File: 74 KB, 406x500, 0_37fe2_f89879c1_XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not just a fag but a mean fag
whoa no shit dude
funny right? fags actually can make you butthurt just like cuntfuckers?
maan i thought they all some kind of pussies kiddos who wear pink and sing madonna songs
> the gays are so fun
No shit sherlock.
>you probably grab your friend's boobs and then call them whores to their face
well if i was pretending like i can be turned on by the pair of milk bags...may be.
for a hetero you have a weird urge to lick his ass as i see

>> No.2107268

Can you two guys go get a room or something?

>> No.2107269
File: 84 KB, 515x520, 0_37fe7_95b011ba_XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you two guys go get a room or something?
Sorry. Dont wanna fuck a person who puts his mouth against vagina.

>> No.2107274

>for a hetero
Normal people eat ass too, silly.

>> No.2107275

>Normal people eat ass too, silly
>normal people eat other men ass too
how delusional are you? did pussy juice fucked up your brain?

>> No.2107282
File: 2.93 MB, 3100x1855, 1433054395138-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2107283

>what is f on m salad tossing
Were you born stupid or did the AIDs take a toll on yours?

>> No.2107284
File: 96 KB, 581x443, 1425425873632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did pussy juice fucked up your brain?
wow so hardcore, so edgy

That's something I'd expect to read from an angry homosexual teenager on fucking Tumblr.

>> No.2107289
File: 38 KB, 407x502, 14270237432500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuntfucker joking about faggots
>lel so funny xDD
>gay joking about cuntfuckery
>wow so hardcore, so edgy
might be checking your mental illnes. for a hetero you seem confused
aint you two supposed to buy flowers to your gf or draw a weaboo loli, instead of visiting 4chan?

>> No.2107290
File: 429 KB, 270x270, 1393760661587.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lel so funny xDD
Except I don't think that's funny either, nor am I a "cuntfucker" myself.

Quit embarrassing yourself, man.

>> No.2107292
File: 56 KB, 584x596, 1433164270942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except I don't think that's funny either, nor am I a "cuntfucker" myself.
nice projecting.
>gays don't allow to troll on 4chan and be mean like any other 4channer-cuntfuckers otherwise it looks weird and out of their stereotype
fuck you

>> No.2107294

Learn English before you try to countertroll, Liberace. Proper context is a thing.

>> No.2107295
File: 67 KB, 584x622, 1433165318221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Learn English before you try to countertroll, Liberace. Proper context is a thing.
im in a process. which means i know your language than you know my language anyways and at the end i know more languages than you!

>> No.2107298
File: 57 KB, 496x600, 1396817361744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nice projecting.
You don't know what "projecting" means.
>gays don't allow to troll on 4chan and be mean like any other 4channer-cuntfuckers otherwise it looks weird and out of their stereotype
No, I think they're edgy tryhards too and you're just as retarded as them.

Again, quit embarrassing yourself.

>> No.2107300

Nobody cares about learning oogabooganese. Just stop, for your own good.

>> No.2107303
File: 61 KB, 480x353, 1433158862268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, I think they're edgy tryhards too and you're just as retarded as them.
well at least you treat us equally :D

>> No.2107305

Yes, now stop it. If you think they're stupid, you're just being as stupid.

Something that idiot Tumblr uses don't realize, either.

>> No.2107312
File: 6 KB, 250x233, 14291345236650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, now stop it. If you think they're stupid, you're just being as stupid.
but anon you actually take EVERYTHING i say seriously?
like that pussy juice crap and cuntfuckery?
How naive and delusional are you? the cuntfucker just started gay jokes and i teached him a lesson. that's all
Next time that pussysucker will think twise when attacking gay in the internet. And im certainly not a person who will miss a chance to ridicule people like that in a goddamn 4chan - a place that was made for having fun.
Quit being butthurt over nothing.
>Something that idiot Tumblr uses don't realize, either.
i dont even have tumblr (Ok i have but i dont visit it and dont have any demisexual panplatonic friends also i dont draw red noses)

>> No.2107314

okay that was actually funny

>> No.2107315

All of you are dangerously close to delving into a very controversial topic with disturbing historical contexts.

You are portraying the exact same behavior of someone that is homophobic; insulting someone based on their sexual preferences will not make the person you are insulting want to support you if you're... insulting them.


Now let's move on to you two.

Keep in mind that some of the research papers that your image used as source material were written in the same decade that brought is this fine piece of humanity:


>They'd go "cliff-jumping" and push gays over the edge. "Ah! Help, help!" he mocks one victim. "Heaps funny. Used to love how they scream, eh?"

>"It's a sport in Redfern ... it's a f...in' hobby, mate. 'What are you doin' tonight, boys? Oh, just goin' fag-bashin.' "

Also throw this in for good measure.


Stop insulting straight people in this thread and that goes for the same for the people that are doing it to the gay people.

Regardless of your sexual orientation, act like fucking human beings.

This is the art and critique board.

>> No.2107327

Yes missus teacher ma'am. Please don't tell my mom.

>> No.2107328
File: 54 KB, 485x700, 11351243_820113534744617_1874633836397786000_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are portraying the exact same behavior of someone that is homophobic
i just treat them like they treat me.
you are being homophobic too. Because you refuse to believe that gays are human beings who are allowed to be mean to other people just like heterosexuals.
In your speeshul world gays should SIT QUIET and shut up while some cunftaggot insulting them.
Not anymore. It's 2015. A lot of us are a lot more brave and chill than we were back in 90s when gays were trying to be cute and funny to make them accepted by society because ANY different behaviour would portrait us like scary pedophiles or something.

By bitching about gay trolling somebody because somebody is a cuntfucker and that's weird you acting like a homophobe.
You shouldn't talk about it this way.

You should talk to gay like he is any other troll from 4chan who trolling for the sake of trolling.
But no. You bawwing about gays being mean.

I saw enough hobophobic bullshit and see it every day.
I will make fun of pussysuckers any time i want it to do.

>> No.2107331

>Yes missus teacher ma'am. Please don't tell my mom.
lol agree
when reading it i was portraiting either a teacher ot "that" girl from school who is kinda fat and wears glasses and always gets best ratings and tries to act smart when "two silly boys are fighting"

>> No.2107335

>Quit being butthurt over nothing.
See, now that's projection.

I'm sure your mom thinks you're badass too for making fun of those big Internet meanies that hurt your little feelings. ;^)

>> No.2107339

Except the only thing you did was sound like an absolute moron, which just harmed the gay community more. It's like all faggots can do right is my hair.

>> No.2107340

>I'm sure your mom thinks you're badass too for making fun of those big Internet meanies that hurt your little feelings. ;^)
ebin :^))

>> No.2107345

>Except the only thing you did was sound like an absolute moron, which just harmed the gay community more.
I see you completely dumb ass who refuses to see the point.
>harmed the community
>acting like any other heterofag
>harming the community because gays should not act bad or any different from stereotype
you know. i think a cuntfaggot like you will never get it. it's not like you wasn't delusional at first place
or if im talking the same tumbrlina...well then it's a completely different story of unbreakable stonefied brain

>> No.2107349

>>2107315(this is me)

You know i'm actually a gay guy right?

No one will take anything you say into account if you call them "pussysuckers".

Just because people insult you doesn't mean the solution is to imitate their behavior.

>> No.2107350

Cuntfucker? Are fags really this bad at insulting people?
>Hey, look at this money having, handsome faced cuntfucker.

>> No.2107353

>Are fags really this bad at insulting people?
wait you mean fucking cunt is not bad?
well i guess not everybody has non-lower standarts

>> No.2107357

>I see you completely dumb ass who refuses to see the point.
You're completely missing the point too, buddy.

But after all, you're no different than the Tumblrcunts who insult white people, males, heterosexuals(!!), etc and thinks it'll actually do anything positive.

Ever hear the phrase "don't fight fire with fire?" If not, you should familiarize with it instead of being so bitchy. Like somebody had said, you're only making the gay community look retarded (and making yourself look like a tryhard moron.)

>> No.2107359

Your incoherence makes this more funny than it should be. Anyway, yes, because normal people already see you as subhuman, reinforcing their beliefs prevents the status quo from changing.

>> No.2107361

>You know i'm actually a gay guy right?
was expecting something like that
there is always -that- kind of gay who is like that nerd that says "P-please anon-kun...d-don't do it...just s-sit down" when the other ned tries to attack bullies at school.
don't worry. soon gay community will develop further an don't need people like you
but i understand that we at early stage and "durr hurr we should portrait us like cute and nice people" while this is not true. Heterosexuals will keep treating us like dirt untill we act normal just like any human beings who act the same way when other people being attacked or hurt.

>> No.2107363

>political correctness
>tumblr art
>racial tension
>trigger warnings
>lgbt rights

holy fuck what is going on

>> No.2107365
File: 65 KB, 575x383, Women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cunt are great. Well, some of them. Occasionally.

>> No.2107372

I'd say the greatest problems facing gays today are caused by the gay community itself. The way they promote themselves, focus on the weirdos and then claim that gays act just like normal people. The extremely hostile and aggressive way they try to deal with people they've labeled bigots also doesn't help.
This natually makes it tempting to mock gay people on 4chan, because the anonymity makes it one of the few places where you can actually talk back, without being socially ostracized.

>> No.2107373
File: 109 KB, 282x296, anon-kun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"P-please anon-kun...d-don't do it...just s-sit down"

>> No.2107374
File: 39 KB, 724x1023, 1429308837169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

teach me about insults then. i want to create a universal insult to make fun of heterosexuals but didn't come with better than cuntfucker and pussysucker. I think it sounds quite insulting.
At least when you say it and mean it it makes them upstet - like "what the hell. that faggot thinks its bad and hes INSULTING me the way ONLY ME shall allowed to insult them"

however i do understand that it can sound rather funny than insulting in some situations...

>> No.2107375

yeah your picrelated is what such stereotype made us look like in the eyes of those people.
i also hate it when its time for a gay character its always some kind of unnatural cute person from the other planet...

>> No.2107377
File: 515 KB, 695x900, 1423272330859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop derailing this thread you faggots.

Pic related, redrawing that went well.

>> No.2107379

>"P-please anon-kun...d-don't do it...just s-sit down"
No, it's more like 'quit being a joke of yourself and stop making [other homosexuals] look bad.'

>> No.2107383

Pretty much. Plus, who passes up milking a lolcow? Not me.

>> No.2107386

>No, it's more like 'quit being a joke of yourself and stop making [other homosexuals] look bad.'
you missing the point again, dumb faggot.
When heterosexual acting bad he do not make ALL OTHER heterosexuals look bad.
What the actual fuck.

>> No.2107387
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 12453252241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt want the thread to be derailed
>posts sakimichan

That torso to hip width ratio though.

>> No.2107388

>he do not make ALL OTHER heterosexuals look bad.
Yes... he does?

>> No.2107393
File: 40 KB, 600x452, 1429579270344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This natually makes it tempting to mock gay people on 4chan
Just don't whine when you will be mocked by gays.
However the amount of heteosexual butthurts in this thread is hilarious which shows how good this thing can work against you.
So you like to mock me but you quicklu turn into a Victim Mode and start whining about gays being agressive towards you?

What a faggot.
Even if im gay you sure nothing but just a faggot.

>> No.2107394

Will a tumblrina redraw epic head bobbing guy in tumblr art style, please


>> No.2107397

Post your art.

>> No.2107398

>Yes... he does?
Well you actually do think that 1 person in 1 tiny situation that probably will be forgotten tomorrow will instantly portrait thousands of people the same way?

seek help. there is something wrong with you

>> No.2107399
File: 156 KB, 1400x1400, 1432491561413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all dicklick faggots, the lot of you.

>> No.2107401

You could stop being a hostile dick. I joke about fags, but I don't hold any genuine hostility towards gay people. That being said, certain aspects of the culture is terrible, and I don't like the political bullshit. If I was gay, but was otherwise the same person I am now, I'd feel embarrassed for how gay people choose to present themselves, and try to distance myself from the culture.
That being said, I don't actually know how the average gay people are, or how common the lisping faggots are, so my statement mostly applies to what is shown in the public by the gay community and the media.

With that out of the way, I feel most groups that portray themselves as victims, fail to understand that joking about something doesn't mean you universally hate it. There are plenty of stereotypes about straight people (dumb, can't dress, has a beer gut and is obsessed with sports or video games). There are also stereotypes and jokes about every culture and group on Earth. You think the Germans like being called nazis every time their country is brought up? You think the people calling them nazis genuinely believe that they're nazis today? It's a joke.

All the victim groups need to understand that if you want to integrate into society as equals, you can't demand special treatment. We have to be able to joke about gays, black, jews and women in the same way we joke about every other group (which usually boils down to something white and male). In fact, this was common back in the 70s. Watch Johnny Carson, Don Rickles or Dean Martin's roasts. Just a bunch of Italians, Irish, blacks, jews and gays having fun and throwing jabs at each other.

>> No.2107402

quit trying to pretend that this thread can be saved

>> No.2107404

>So you like to mock me
I haven't mocked you, and you've kept insulting me for no reason.
>and start whining about gays being agressive towards you?
No, more like what you're doing does nothing and if anything makes people want to insult you and the gay community even more.

Which is kind of hypocritical given that you hate Tumblr and all, yet are doing the same thing as them.

>> No.2107405
File: 83 KB, 724x1023, 1429308204476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I joke about fags
well i want to joke about heterofags.
Because certain aspects of the culture is terrible.

So tell me how can i make a proper insult tower those pussy-driven people.

>> No.2107406

I don't really see any butthurt. Most people just seem to think you're making an ass of yourself.

>> No.2107408
File: 529 KB, 3464x2309, 1433159225883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I haven't mocked you, and you've kept insulting me for no reason.
you said its tempting to mock gays.
i told you than if its tempting to mock them then you shouldn't be so overprotective and super sensitive when they mock you too.
Not me for example but any other gay in future when you say a word Fag or do any other stupid shit that you find funny.

>> No.2107409

>I don't really see any butthurt.
keep saying that

>> No.2107410

If you think your broken gibberish has done anything but make people feel thankful they're not you, I've got some bad news...

>> No.2107411

>you said its tempting to mock gays.
No I didn't. I just said it makes people tempted to make fun of gays. Not me. Improve your reading skills.

Quit being retarded. You're just making the situation worse.

>> No.2107412

>make people feel thankful

>> No.2107414

You might want to take note of the fact that people are insulting you as a person, and not your sexuality. Isn't that what you want?

>> No.2107415

>it makes people tempted to make fun of gays. Not me.
>not me
and how what i said don't fit to other people?
Holy shit y

>> No.2107418

>holy shit you actually started to act like a victim
>n-not me...i didn't do anythign gay-kun

>> No.2107425

English; learn it.

>> No.2107428
File: 136 KB, 316x440, head bobbing dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I died a little inside

>> No.2107429

>any slight criticism of any artist requires the posting of the critic's art to validate their statement.

Dude. Look at her torso width, and look at her hip width. Shit is fucked, I'm not saying shes a bad artist by any means, much better than me, its just something I've noticed when I see that particular piece posted all the time.

Stop posting.

>> No.2107430
File: 31 KB, 578x268, 1429743512387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw heterosexuals unite agains gay-menace

>> No.2107432

As another homosexual, please don't think we're all like this fucking idiot here.

>> No.2107435

Explain youself. Otherwise you sound just as retarded as any other confused person here.
I didn't see anybody actually trying to explain themseves. All you do is whine or freak out.

>> No.2107440

>Explain youself.
I don't agree with what he's doing and he's just making us look oversensitive.

What the fuck do you want me to even say?

>> No.2107446

>I don't agree with what he's doing
you don't agree that heterosexuals should not insult gays. and when they insult gays they sould not act like victims?
well that's some special self-hating gay here.

>> No.2107450

Insulting people in retaliation and being butthurt about it is not doing anyone a favour.

I'm not self-hating, I'm just not a child. You're just making us look stupid and irrational.

>> No.2107459
File: 22 KB, 429x410, 14328058168070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Insulting people in retaliation and being butthurt about it is not doing anyone a favour.
well that's like the shittiest way to describe things.
It's like

1) if heterosexual insult us its OKAY in "not okay bit it always was like that-way"
2) if gay answer- ITS NOT OKAY because it's baad ;_;

okay. got it.
I will be insulting them first epyт. so when they answer me - by your logic they just being butthurts which is perfectly fine and portraits them - not me as a bad person.
>You're just making us look stupid and irrational.
another dumb faggot who actually missing the point
When heterosexuals insult anybody they dont make ALL OF THEM look stupid and irrational
Neither are gays.

Quit being homophobe. You are just being brainwashed by society.

>> No.2107464

He has the point thought. It reminds me of high school - when that fat kid being insulted - everybody laugh. When fat kid insulting back - they call his parents. Gay is a fat kid. Bullies - society. But this faggot is tryhard.

>> No.2107468
File: 190 KB, 500x637, tumblr_static_83vxuiio0944wwksskwowkcgk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2107492

You think we can't tell it's you, you illiterate moron? You're the only one in this thread who writes like that, and who uses a dash sign when writing.

>> No.2107494

Whatever makes you comfortable.

>> No.2107551

I keep seeing this everywhere, who is the artist?

>> No.2107561

>tfw this is Kill la Kill

>> No.2107610

They look like JoJo characters now. What the fuck

>> No.2107722

>redrawing a character that is a man around 35-45
>of course by tumblr standarts hes now a funny cute dude boi of young age

>> No.2108074

What happened in this thread?

>> No.2108091
File: 343 KB, 1097x590, fan edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean, it screams 2010s art style? because that's what 2010s art looks like. it's our art deco. dont be that guy

>> No.2108097

But it looks terrible and lazy.

>> No.2108139

What's wrong with you faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace?

>> No.2108146

function show_alert value="Show User" eval("x=10; y=20;document.write(x*y)");

>> No.2108197

That's the tumblr way!