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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 262 KB, 800x963, 1277741084.ovopack_100602_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2104343 No.2104343 [Reply] [Original]

How to design god-tier armors and outfits? WHat are the most important factors for achieving a strong design sense?

I know building a visual library is one of the most important things but do I have to learn the name, purpose/function, associated period, evolution, cultural significance and etymology behind every detail on an article of clothing? Or is it acceptable to do a reasonable level of research and just come up with whatever looks 'cool'?

I am asking because a lot of times that I come up with a character design I feel like it's missing something or seemingly doesn't work somehow.

Also feel free to post your favourite examples or artists

>> No.2104344
File: 295 KB, 1280x816, tumblr_nnu3hdSpkR1qcsc7lo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2104346
File: 370 KB, 1280x902, tumblr_nin2dmWRAz1qcsc7lo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2104347
File: 480 KB, 992x700, 94955bb03c2f17f7601617d956a4b9c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2104349
File: 661 KB, 1200x848, tumblr_nnqcsdLEq81qcsc7lo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2104350
File: 800 KB, 819x1300, tumblr_nmpll454RI1qcsc7lo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2104351

OK so let's look at >>2104347 for an example.

What kind of coat is that, and what culture or time period did it originate specifically?
What is that thing called he wears around the waist?
What is that middle flap of cloth attached to?
What kind of wristguard is that?
How much of it is based on real clothing design and how much is made up?

Why does the design just work? And what's the best way to learn about this stuff aside from wikipedia?

>> No.2104374

fuck. love the top super-fast sketches i wish i could do that ;_;

>> No.2104385

I believe you can... have you try to do sometoday?

>> No.2104843

Symmetry and flow is key. Detail too, but not too much of it.

>> No.2105229

I assume youre op. Honestly the best way to understand outfits is just to study history and clothing. I legtimately find clothing fascinating, so collect plates of period clothes where ever I can get them. I play wargames so I have intimate knowledge of uniforms over many periods of war.

>> No.2105597

Nice, do you have any reference folder or site where you can get reference for this kind of stuff?

>> No.2105607

not him, but I saved thsi from /ic/ http://armstreet.com/

About the thread topic, most of you are confused about ilustration and concept art, aka, character design


>> No.2105609

Quoting: "Concept art galleries, concept art leaks and press releases include polished promotional illustrations, 3D renders, reworked former concept art and fake concept art. The bulk of concept work done to actually come up with designs often gets omitted or only published after the game launched, in order to avoid promoting unrepresentative key visuals and to sell audiences an attractive narrative about super-artists working on the next big thing."

>> No.2105627

>I am asking because a lot of times that I come up with a character design I feel like it's missing something or seemingly doesn't work somehow.
Post your work if you want specifics on where you can improve and how.

>> No.2105671



>> No.2105699
File: 245 KB, 800x963, redone6653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retouched ops image the right hand was bothering me seemed too muddy/collapsed on body
also played with the colour

>> No.2105728
File: 222 KB, 1240x786, 1426354739687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whitish yellow outline around the hand for no reason


>> No.2105800

ssoo tthatt the hhand isntt lostt in thee toorssa.

>> No.2105803

notice the original had the white out line on the left hand, why isn't it repeated on the right??

>> No.2105806

Next time post the two images side-by-side so we can actually compare the two. Posting it isolated is meaningless.

>> No.2105807

I dont have internet at my house right now, I just have my phone. If you give me your email I can zip up all my plates and refs and upload em. Ill get em to you as soon as I can.

>> No.2105811
File: 428 KB, 1623x967, backing uptheargument against trolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2105816
File: 206 KB, 529x800, 1424793487022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why isn't it repeated on the right??

>> No.2105832

just open them in 2 tabs and switch between them

>> No.2105939

please back your argument up

>> No.2106026

>why isn't it repeated on the right??
because is rim light you nignog

>> No.2106294

but the arm is lost
and doesn't pop tho
i dont think a white line to separate the planes is wrong
however value could be used to solve the same problem

thanks for your input

>> No.2106296

Why stop at retouching, why not show us how it's done and do it better anon?

Reptilian warrior, GO show us the way anon!

>> No.2106301
File: 672 KB, 960x540, 1431600336236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do it better
>post ur art

the #1 go to rebuttal for someone talking out of their ass

>> No.2106304

using lines flattens your image and oversimplifies it you dont see that shit in real save a few circumstances. darken the torso or change the saturation/value if you want to do that you're already aware of an infinitely better solution but instead you chose to alter the image with shitty rimlighting i dont get it whats wrong with you

>> No.2106307


There are two types of anons on /ic/

>> No.2106309

is it an aesthetic thing? i personally think its better,
when looking at an object the blur you get when you focus on the forward object compared to the value of the object behind it, i think its a simpler way to show that depth,
not saying every one else is wrong i its coming done to a personnel taste when solving this situation?

in b4 merc wip
havent painted to much in a month or two
got inspired by ops image open photoshop and tryed to work on something i thought could have been improved upon, no need to justify it by posting my lifes work to validate myself, why? because i dont need your validation. what i need is a discussion on the rim light of the arm and . . . .. .

>> No.2106311


>> No.2106316

no its a realism thing. consider the context of the image: blank background no environment, character is highly rendered. The character is in a static pose. It could be easily taken from a character sheet. Why the fuck would you apply depth of field on his torso. Is it simpler to show depth that way? Who the fuck cares use your brain

consider the fact that the rest of his body is the same distance from the arm as the torso. meaning if you wanted to blur the torso you would be blurring the entire body minus the arm.

you are very not smart anon you need some help with your fundamental understanding

>> No.2106318

>Meet the charismatic performance artist Marina Abramović in this interview on what it means to be an artist, waking up each morning with an urge to be creative.
>Performance artist


>> No.2106351
File: 17 KB, 291x343, 1410289817364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

harsh words,
but i see your point. i dont think you understand exactly what i mean tho, my eyes maybe damaged, but your right if the guy is same distance no need to blur for separation.

ill experiment some more,

>> No.2106360

>being close minded
>not respecting other art forms
>restricting oneself
>shit posting

>> No.2106362

your wrong, bounce light?!

>> No.2106373


Maybe once I get good enough I'll look to other artforms for inspiration. Until then, fuckya.

>> No.2106422

Being open minded is about giving new ideas and experiences a chance. It's not about automatically accepting them.

>> No.2106462

I wonder if he would make more money if he drew dicks on them...
I bet he would.

>> No.2106621

Good job derailing the thread asshole.

>> No.2106664

er, I don't think anon mentioned applying depth of field on his torso. As I understood it, he saw the rim light on the left side of the character and decided to apply the same rim light to the right side (dragon's left arm).

don't be sad anon. People tend to jump on you if you revise the pic like that because it implies you think you are better than the artist, such is ic. What you applied looks more like a white outline, which is nowhere else in the picture, if you examine it carefully. If you painted a good rim light instead of an outline, I think it might look more like you intended.

>> No.2106672

>depth of field
ok ok, I get where you got that. I read that part again, even though anon didn't mention it, he was going for a simplification of that effect.

>> No.2106757
File: 113 KB, 1023x774, 1432410571235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we please go back to the thread topic? There are countless other threads for general art theory

>> No.2106870
File: 72 KB, 736x462, 66cdcf967af1073eca73aff39bc33608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread relates to some questions I have. I want to build a world, a story, anything. I can't get past a naked, semi-naked or "wrapped" figure floating around. Hell when I attempt a grounded figure, it's barely clothed. I'm may later provide an example of where I'm struggling with an example of a drawing I made.

>my questions
How do good artists come up with the designs? Even the backgrounds?
What is their thought process?
Do they just use reference?
And Similar to OPs question "purpose/function, associated period, evolution, cultural significance and etymology behind every detail on an article of clothing?"
The technical "skill" of line drawing. How do they draw and paint patterns and textures so interestingly? Whenever I see a nice scale mail, I'm not even super into fantasy art, but even I get really jealous.
Are they just painting it? Did they spend hours drawing?

There are so many wonderful artists out there. Preface, I use reference wherever possible! I'm not convinced it's 100% using reference because most of the reference aficionado's, as wonderful as they can be, get a little too copy happy with their source. I've been drawing an embarrassingly long time, since I have little to show for it.

When I see stuff like this:
>>2106757 >>2105816 >>2104346 >>2104344 >>2104343
I'm impressed, easily or not, it's something I wish I could do. There was an image floating around on tumblr in response to frequently asked questions on how the artist designed old clothing. And the vague reply was that image, "just draw corsets." It was interesting, but I don't think it helped me so much.

Forgive me, I am struggling to make this question clear. I keep falling into this "trap" of aimless drawing. I'm happy to move my pencil, but unhappy with the results. Zedig, he's popular, I know, but look at how he just churns these out. I want to do this, with people and with backgrounds. I went to ask him on his stream, but had no luck.

>> No.2106904

Design is a mixture of problem solving, visual library/reference, and interesting shapes. Then you need to tie it all together, and everything needs to say something (could be as simple as saying "princess" or "warrior").

Think about what the character you want to portray is...what do you want them to be? a buff warrior? a thin fencer? a pretty maid? this initial idea will drive the design, and it is your job to show that clearly and in an interesting way. Figure out what genre it fits in--fantasy, sci fi, 15th century gothic germany? Figure out what shapes and types of materials are used in that time period. Do various iterations of designs with different things in each. Maybe in one they have a vest, in one it is a full coat. Which one says what you want to say? Good design is mroe than just putting clothes on someone, it is figuring out what clothes best represent that character. Same with other parts. You want a buff warrior...maybe look at Schwarzennegars face instead of someone like Toby Mgguire.

>> No.2106930

How do good artists come up with the designs?
Just look at Link, everything he's wearing has a purpose or it's useful, and what is not it looks like it belongs to a culture that someone would actually wear. You just want to grab that link ass and smell it.

Instead look at our pic, they're just wearing random things I'll forget as soon as I look away and I bet they smell like shit. Just kidding.

>> No.2109051

>calling this god-tier

>> No.2109763

why wouldn't you just desaturate the leg behind the arm to make it stand out instead of making a very obvious white outline?

>> No.2109778

Link is a shitty design. He's mostly popular because he's been around for a long time. Same with Mario.
Their designs are based on being simplistic, like cartoons, because they had to be rendered with very low-poly graphics, and were mostly aimed at kids.

>> No.2112217
File: 1.45 MB, 1200x1800, my_lady_applejewel_by_assasinmonkey-d767hrk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need so much help with this. I've been drawing my characters nood and with casual clothes since I started drawing.
And to be quite honest, most of the art I look at is the same so my visual library is nonexistent.

>> No.2112382

Lol...its Sol Badguy as a dragon with a gunblade XD

>> No.2115219

Me too

>> No.2115440

Yes? It looks badass.

>> No.2116504

Just go with the flow man