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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 178 KB, 1200x1014, 8def8d18cd2562a892a89e03753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2101541 No.2101541 [Reply] [Original]

Why and how did craig Mullins get so good? How much did he draw? What books etc.

>> No.2101550

Because he wanted to

by studying alot

>how much
He's still drawing

>what books
the books in the sticky

You make it sound like Craig Mullins did something unique, he just did what every other artist did but better. Everybody knows how to get to Mullins level but it just takes alot of time. However Mullins has been drawing since he was young and is probably able to learn things easier and study for longer than most people. The average person may not be able to get to his level in the same amount of time.

>> No.2101553
File: 2.05 MB, 1920x1080, 1426603439540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon, I know it's a bold claim but, I personally think Craig Mullins is the best artist there is. The guys a savant.
( except for maybe Ruan Jia)

>> No.2101557

he's been doing it pretty much all day for nearly 40 years.
you get what you put in

>> No.2101561


I idolize Ruanjia as much as the next guy. And he is absolutely incredibly. But Craig Mullins is, imho, still SO far ahead of him.

>> No.2101580

>did something unique
This guy literally was the one who made digital art

>> No.2101588
File: 4 KB, 302x167, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's all fantasy and video game illustrations.

>> No.2101599
File: 439 KB, 935x466, tumblr_lxn1r6vBL41r4xd5go1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig does a ton of traditional fine art stuff. He has 3 galleries for oils, drawings and watercolors on his site, you silly goose.

>> No.2101600

>thinking the subject matter matters


>> No.2101601

To me Mullins always bring a certain dignity and poise to the subject matter he paints, even if it is of crass video game tropes. Good taste is hard to teach and I feel it is one of those rare things that set him apart.

>> No.2101602

agreed. he's lame.

>> No.2101603

well i like to be entertained when I'm looking at art. I'm not really looking for poise dignity and good taste. I'd rather see a joke about eating pussy

>> No.2101605

You should start calling the major art museums then, I hear they have tons of stuff depicting deities, other mythological subjects, and scenes of places that never existed on their walls.

>> No.2101607

Craig Mullins isn't a savant. He would have displayed artistic skill from the beginning if he was, and this doesn't make sense as Craig Mullins was a fairly mediocre/below average art student in the beginning.

Quote from Mullins: "Most of you guys have a big head start on me. I did a little, little bit in High
School, but it never was much good, like "you should be an artist." The teachers
hated it. I didn't take it back up till I was 23. "

That hardly matters in the big picture. Even he has admitted his traditional stuff is garbage in comparison to his digital in his comments from the past. This is probably a fairly similar sentiment as he hasn't stopped working in the industry since then.

>> No.2101612

>That hardly matters in the big picture

Huh? You said all he does is fantasy and video game art. I corrected you because that is a wrong statement. The quality of his traditional work doesn't matter one bit in that discussion. Obviously his digital work is better, it's his bread and butter. He's still far better at traditional art than any of the sad tradfags on /ic/.

>> No.2101620

It doesn't matter, the point is, he's a phenomenal artist. His traditional work; while not as as good as his digital, is still excellant.
I don't see why you're so bent on downing him. Name a better artist.

>> No.2101621

i am a different anon. I'm just educating some peeps on the mullins.

>> No.2101622

Me, i'm a better artist.

>> No.2101626

Why does it matter that you are a different anon you fucking retard? You were butting in on the discussion, quoted my post and posted "that hardly matters in the big picture". I just told you why it does matter, you dumb fuck.

>> No.2101628

The point I'm trying to make, is that if we look at time invested, Mullins is an industry concept artist and illustrator. He doesn't really do that much traditional, he hasn't had the time do it. I guess i worded "That hardly matters" in a poor way. It does matter that he does traditional and has done traditional a lot in the past.

>> No.2101632

It matters because I'm not trying to down him like the other guy. Second of all, I'm sorry for wording it like that. My bad, I should have thought more about it.

>> No.2101648
File: 532 KB, 1500x870, camp3_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all good, I guess not everyone on /ic/ is trying to ruse others, it's hard to tell on a north korean image board.

>> No.2101666

How long does he work on his most detailed paintings?

I think Ruan Jia mentioned something about a week or a month on his most elaborate works.

>> No.2101675

Mullins said the Indian king elephant painting took a full week. The matte paintings he used to do would take longer depending on complexity.

>> No.2101685

Klimt, Mucha, W.Blake, Michael Angelo, Durher, Friedrich, Kahlo, Dali and Bosh are all top painters of their times that were doing fantasy.

>> No.2101688

also, there were even fucking whole art periods strongly dedicated to fantasy like symbolism (Bocklin is fuckin god), secession or young poland

>> No.2101689


But they're old masters so that's completely different

>> No.2101707

he got Jaime Jones' brushes

>> No.2101708

no. no its not.

>> No.2101784

>Klimt, Mucha, W.Blake, Michael Angelo, Durher, Friedrich, Kahlo, Dali and Bosh are all top painters of their times that were doing fantasy.

>Miachel Angelo
It's Michelangelo and Dürer

Also Kahlo is trash tier

>Old masters
>Klimt, Mucha, Kahlo, Dali and Bosh

Do you even know anything mate?

>> No.2101949

>is wearing an n7 hoodie.
>let me educate you on art friend.

>> No.2102773
File: 1.43 MB, 1400x753, mullibash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2102776
File: 1.05 MB, 1500x869, mullibash2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2102781

>Lol It's Michelangelo and Dürer
its not like most of artists names are diffrent depending on lenguage you learn about them

>> No.2102792

Damn, where'd you get these and what is the original painting?

>> No.2102796
File: 275 KB, 1536x1216, епцуккец.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made it today, found this while looking for some art

>> No.2102798

You don't actually think this detracts from his work do you? Did you make these as a sort of homage to his technique, or as a way to say "LOOK CHEATER!!"

>> No.2102803


I don't think anyone in their right mind would call him a cheater for that. He's not just plopping that image into photoshop then pressing a button and putting out finished pieces. They're being integrated very subtley and are painted over entirely. I assume that anon just noticed it the use of that image and decided to show the comparison. It probably isn't meant as an attack on Mullins.

Source: I'm the guy who made all the Jaime comparison images.

>> No.2102816

you right, i don't care about hating. I did it because i can

>> No.2103102

meh i've seen better but if u rly want 2 get 2 his lvl u shouldnt post on 4chan

>> No.2103116


for the past 20 years hes been putting in 5 hours bare minimum a day, I'll let you do that math.

>> No.2104523


Reading through his Sijun posts I found his daily schedule, its in the last few pages when he was answering questions after his gnomon masterclass dvd was released.

Goes something like this:

12pm-Wake up, house and yard work and family
9pm-work on art


>> No.2104531

In his demo in china I think he said at the end that he did on average a minimum of 12 hours of art every day (including weekends), up until he had kids, then he was forced to reduce a bit to take care of his family.

>> No.2104532


That is so awesome.

>> No.2105896


Also reading through his Sijun posts he state a lot that he eventually after moving to Hawaii where his golfing habit took up a lot of time and he had to let it go, along with the TV.

>> No.2105920

Yeah he mentioned he played so much golf he got very good at it and if he hadn't reduced his time for art he could have gone pro. Also I think he still plays golf, he mentioned it during his demo in Toronto recently.

>> No.2105949


Is there a video of his demo or where you there?

>> No.2105955

I was there :) I'd have to go through my notes to find the exact quote, but the comment was basically about how if he wasn't doing a demo he'd take a break by hitting some golf balls to let his brain solve the problems in the painting for when he came back to it. Something like that. He joked about golf being part of the creative process and how it would be funny to get clients to pay you for playing golf.

>> No.2106021

He must have studied Scott Robertson that's the only way to get good.

>> No.2106109

Tfw i used to draw a little in high school and havent taken it back up until now (im 23). Is he me? Im gonna make it bros

>> No.2106111

>a north korean imageboard

Its a fucking american imageboard. Plus north korea has no internet connection.

>being this stupid

>> No.2106345

> being this stupid and not noticing his sarcasm

>> No.2106347

a-are you being sarcastic?

>> No.2106357

Jaime used to do that all the time too. Nothing wrong with it really. I mean, he basically just used it as a palette and painted over almost everything but a tiny cliff in the background. Jaime did some far more shameless stuff. That's not photobashing either by the way. A photobash relies on the photo structure itself, this is just using a photo as underpainting to have something on the canvas. Pretty common technique in fact.

>> No.2106546
File: 78 KB, 1000x409, after_SR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw he actually did study Scott

>> No.2106552

>study scott
>doesn't look stiff as fuck

>> No.2106554

Fun fact, Mullins was taught life drawing in school by Steve Huston years and years ago. Apparently back then Huston's work was stiff as fuck, and only recently did he overcome.

>> No.2106578

>that lanklet

>> No.2106589

any chance of you typing up your notes for us or uploading them somewhere? i'd love to read them

>> No.2106613

I've already typed up all my notes for the entire weekend there. I'm hesitant to share them though in case it sort of undermines what Schoolism is doing. Like I would be giving away for free all the stuff that people pay for when attending these events. Some of this stuff too is like stuff that these people teach in paid classes. Feels a bit wrong to give out publicly then, especially since Schoolism never released the demos from that weekend as far as I know.

>> No.2106620

i mean anyone here would've loved to go to the actual demo if they lived close enough to it, but a lot of us, like me, live in places where we never have the opportunity to go to these kind of events. getting to read notes like this is the closest thing most of us will ever have

>> No.2106630

Id say one of the reasons Mullins is so good is that he tends to experiment more than the other artists, also in terms of digital painting he has done it more than 99% of any other human being on earth.
Also many artists stop improving once they reach a certain point because: they are happy with their current skill, they dont take initiative and have always studied from pictures/other paintings, they treat art like a job, doing the same workflow, with the same brushes.

>> No.2106641

understandable. considering its mullins I'm sure someone recorded and will upload it anyways

>> No.2106654

Yeah that's true and between your point and the fact that I believe in shared free information, I am tempted to post them. But comments like >>2106641 where people begin to assume that the information will pop up later I think displays an attitude of expectations and leads to fewer people attending these events in person and actually supporting other artists and efforts to teach. So I would be playing into that even more.

>> No.2106666

it sucks that you're discouraged from helping out people who would geniunely appreciate it by the fact that there's some people who are lazy and don't really care

if that was the case it would have happened long ago

>> No.2106676

Yeah, well I am turned off by a lot of the attitudes of people who simply expect things to be given to them for free, like it is their right. It's especially bad on /ic/ where people want free art books, free torrents of classes, free everything. I mean, I believe in free education, but I don't think the expectation of everything is a good attitude, and I think especially when you can easily pay a small price to buy something and support someone then why would you "steal" it from them by torrenting or whatever. Some of the videos and things people make take quite a large investment of time and energy, and so I think it is fair for them to be compensated somewhat for it. I make an effort to buy books rather than download pdfs of them.

Anyways, maybe I will share the notes I took. I dunno. I've shared the Mullins Sijun files before, but that was after much hesitation on my part. Initially I didn't due his request, but since then I've decided they are such an invaluable resource that they need to be shared.

>> No.2106679

Think of who's more valuable to you: the creators or the entitled anons.

Would the notes be put to good use or be saved for 'someday'?

>> No.2106688

sure, i do the same thing. i've spent hundreds of dollars on videos from massive black, laafa, gumroad, etc. some things are just out of my reach

>> No.2106689

>but since then I've decided they are such an invaluable resource that they need to be shared.

Lol. They are a bunch of out of context ramblings. I have read those notes years ago when they were first posted on ca.org and there is absolutely nothing to learn that any intermediate artist hasn't heard a thousand times already.

Mullins himself said he didn't want the notes to be published because they are basically crap. Go read a real art book instead of this glorified fanboy shit.

>> No.2106692

the value you see in them highly depends on your own development as an artist. the more you progress, the more you will learn from them each time. of course mullins now thinks that they're not so great, because he's kept growing and feels like it's outdated. it's still a priceless insight into his own thoughts at that time, when he was the biggest pioneer in digital art and already widely recognized as a master

>> No.2106693
File: 166 KB, 1100x825, AOEportuguese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright fair enough. I've already shared it with a few close friends who I know couldn't attend, I might as well share it with others.


Meh, some of it is out of context, and a lot of it discusses images that are not there, and yes, a lot of it too is somewhat common/basic things he is saying. You need to realize though that there's 400+ pages of it, and within that there is also a lot of great info. Even when he is saying common knowledge but repeating it over and over I find it hammers in the importance of it quite well. I've read through it several times and realyl enjoy seeing his point of view on things and how he approaches stuff. Also worth noting that a lot of the things he said there was posted like over a decade ago, so that knowledge wasn't widespread back then. And the reason he didn't want it published was due to potentially wanting to publish the notes (and possibly some things his opinions have shifted on).

>> No.2106697

awesome, thanks so much man

>> No.2106700

No problem. If it can help you improve your art then I'm happy.

>> No.2106704

you are a proper ledge mate

>> No.2106768
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>> No.2106814
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thanks mate

>> No.2106942


interview just popd out. Probably all our questions will be solved in it

>> No.2107223

Can't understand how all of schoolism has shitty audio equipment. This looks unprofessional as fuck and obviously hinders understanding.

>> No.2107697

Just don't like how he and Scott are so ugly. Is it too much to ask for some beauty?

>> No.2107754
File: 38 KB, 500x333, 013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're going into an extremely crowded market
>It's not enough to learn how to draw and paint, a lot of people can do that already
>Find your own voice to get money
>He mentions work being given overseas and also general rates getting worse
>It's happening
>Mentions we are competing against everyone in the whole world.

Fucking shoot me already and end my misery. I thought /ic/ was just talking shit but even Craig Mullins says the future looks bleak.

>> No.2107756

Your skill is shit anyway, better improve before thinking about anything else.

>> No.2107760

You don't even know who I am. I'm doing freelance work for game studios so I can't be that bad, which is why I'm thinking about this stuff.

>> No.2107761

post your art

>> No.2107763

And? Like in any other industry most people are shit or mediocre.

>> No.2107764

Craig photobashed and stole ideas/poses/colors/etc. it's not like he's a prodigy that invented every image straight from his head.

>> No.2107765
File: 313 KB, 500x706, postyourartfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you.

>> No.2107766


>> No.2107767

> it's not like he's a prodigy that invented every image straight from his head.

No one does that you silly little rookie. If your favorite artist is any good, then he too stole from those he admired that came before him.

>> No.2107799
File: 34 KB, 800x519, !B60+Y3wBWk~$(KGrHqQOKjQEyUdL!RQdBMyein(l8g~~-1_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Mentions we are competing against everyone in the whole world.

Bring it on

>> No.2107801

Holy shit, you haven't posted here in ages dude! Glad to see you are still around, even if you aren't posting art.

>> No.2107809

Never give up like Naruto, am i right weeb?

>> No.2107814

and those he borrowed from borrowed from others? so who invented first? God?

>> No.2107818

I feel like established professionals lost something along the way. I just can't get inspired by their ways.

>> No.2107819

Don't hate the artists. Hate the industry, that dictates how artists have to work.

>> No.2107824

Finally someone with enough balls to actually post their art.

>> No.2107827

Concept art industry is truly the worst.

>> No.2107838

The original merc_wip was posted for the same reason

>> No.2107851

That meme died pretty quickly.

>> No.2107853
File: 20 KB, 320x240, 1429743453862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's so oldschool, i love it.
do you have a da/tumblr?

>> No.2107864

Those who didn't have anyone to borrow from were pretty shit. That's why art evolved over the centuries from caveman paintings to masterpaintings. Artists learnt, borrowed and stole from each other and art as a whole got better and better as a result.

>> No.2107872

It doesn't take balls. It's completely pointless to post your work for the sole purpose of winning an anonymous stranger on the internet. It's just fucking childish.

>> No.2107877

Fuck off, if more guys posted their art we wouldn't have so much trouble with advice guys.

>> No.2107881

You're incredibly naive if you think /ic/ is capable of becoming a good community built around art & critique.

>> No.2107883

What the fuck are you playing at?

>> No.2107891

>I'm a huge cynic, please rape my face.

>> No.2108748

Mullins is overrated as fuck. Look at this fucking manchild

>> No.2108776

Just watched the interview with bobby chiu. I don't know why but bobby's face is just really annoying to look at.

>> No.2108777

As is Mullin's grandpa face.

>> No.2108781

Thanks, man

Sorry for not uploading jack shit recently. I'm busy freelancing

>> No.2109038


Your stuff is really good, if you weren't getting work that'd be really depressing.

>> No.2109776

>posting a slightly referenced warm up by craig mullins in an attempt to shit on him

Keep grasping.

>> No.2109859

You're naive if you think Mullins is a great painter. Instead of photobashing he just bashes paintings of other artists together. What a fucking hack

>> No.2109862
File: 3 KB, 126x123, 1296832784540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2109910

He uses paintings of other artists as palettes to start out. He's done that for a very long time. The original painting has nothing to do with the subject of his painting in the end, it just becomes an underpainting to give him some texture and color harmony to start out on. Jaime Jones does the same thing and so do plenty of other great artists. You are a noob, my friend, your ignorance and lack of knowledge is not a virtue.

>> No.2110032
File: 58 KB, 533x401, 1271511322485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2113070

I'll gladly shoot you, will make more space for my success.

>> No.2113108



10/10 post.

>> No.2113382


>> No.2113403
File: 10 KB, 243x267, 1315505880028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.2113492

they are not different you iliterate american inbred fuck, just because youre too stupid to spell them doesnt mean its correct

>> No.2113584

>Thinking that dude is American

>> No.2114127


I know you, you have a lot of work in my art ref folder, you're the guy who did the Heavy and the Medic back before CA was shut down. It's nice to see how far your art has gone.

>> No.2114132

>It's nice to see how far your art has gone.

Looks exactly the same to me as those older pieces I know of him. Not trying to diss Dot, I kind of like some of his paintings, but if I had never seen any of his work and you showed me that TF2 fanart you talked about next to any of his newer work, I couldn't tell a difference.

>> No.2114135


>click link
>go to page
>read top
>click art station

If you're telling me that TF2 looks like this


then I quit art, good luck to you all.